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Broken buck edition
1d6chan -https://1d6chan.miraheze.org/wiki/Total_War:_Warhammer/Tactics
Roll Charts -https://imgur.com/a/81snQma

>Total War: Warhammer III
Hotfix 5.2.2: https://community.totalwar.com/wh3-hotfix-522
Patch 5.2 Devblog:https://community.creative-assembly.com/total-war/total-war-warhammer/blogs/29-total-war-warhammer-iii-patch-5-2-dev-blog

>Total War: Pharaoh Dynasties
Pharaoh Hotfix 2.0.1. :https://community.totalwar.com/twp-hotfix-201
Concept Art: https://twitter.com/totalwar/status/1829541017567256915

>Older Titles

previous thread: >>493398831
Be a good person.
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Thanquol soon, friends!
Looks cute but you know he's thinking "hmm how do I fucking end your life?"
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I could take them on.
Just so you know, that bear isn't trying to shake his hand, he's trying to grab him to pull him into his jaw, Polar Bears are one of the only creatures on the planet that class humans as prey as opposed to predator.
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Made some spicy curry bros
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Looks good.
leave some for me
wtf is this real??
No fucking way, that's awesome, makes me want to try it out myself!
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I'm not sure but this is real.
It's still 1.
A Warrior of Chaos undertaking an incursion into Kislev.
forgot my link
wtf is this real?
>I am Karl Franz, and I was born into this world, just like you, a world of unceasing war and endless terrors, but with a nation of men at its heart, a bastion of hope and courage, the Empire.
>class humans as prey instead of predator
doesn't mean they're right
tomb kings update when...
Good evening peasants of ze fair fiefdom of /twg/!
How are (You) feeling and how are you spending your time? Nothing unchivalrous I hope.
You simply cannot find a bad Total War trailer, there isn't one, not fantasy, nor historical, every single piece of marketing that CA makes is kino of the highest calibre.
Currently deciding whether to play Eltharion or Malekith.
someone here told me karl canonically fucked miao but i cant find anything about that...
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Eskimos should have been more fierce towards them.
Can't blame them though. Aint no way you can take one down without some of your buddies dying in the process if you are armed with only spears. No good terrain to trap or ambush them either. Which worked with Mammoths and other big beasts of the last ice age.
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>slow, dramatic remix of pop song
It was just the thing back then, Ubisoft used the exact same song for AC: Unity.
Why did Karl murder Caesar :(?
Histfags are still seething
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It's done. I don't think you guys realize how long this took, it requires insane setup.
Massalia status:
are her eggs dried up by then tho
Yeah it's like 2000's trailers having big dumb text and that one deep voiceover guy
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>How are (You) feeling
Tired m'lord.
Nah, I'm on 12 TPY. I think she's only 33 or so.
Your armor is a disgrace, get out of my sight and get to polishing.
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WHAT I literally spared them their destruction to go deal with grimgor a few turns ago now they're at it again
>Open with dramatic music
>Portray Caesar's assassination as as sudden, tragic betrayal
>Wreathe his killers in shadow, don't show their faces as to avoid humanizing them
>Interweave images of heroic last stands to try and associate them with Caesar
>Have him dramatically stagger away from the senators into the light
>Have him reach out to an imperial eagle as the music swells

What the actual fuck is this, was the artist genuinely pro-fascist?
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it's literally headcanon, just like Miao x Imrik.
Made for _____
Fetching the breastplate stretcher
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It's real though.
>t. knower
Why is he not balls deep in his cousin, this is historically inaccurate

His haircut is too long and his armor is too rusted. Also, the average line soldiers wouldn't have access to coffee until well after the columbian exchange. This is due to scale. They needed to build up the mass production with extensive slave plantations.
cheers anon, couldn't find the full thing, just the two panels seperately but I couldn't be bothered to merge them myself.
Also Miao can't be for both, she's either for Imperials or Elves, which way, feverman?
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>His haircut is too long and his armor is too rusted.
That's a Bretonnian anon, that's high quality for their infantry standards.
That guy is a fucking genius.
Nagash is the final dlc milking, can't blow that load early
nobody in the game is for elves not even the elves themselves

miao is for BIC
I don't care about fantaslop. I care about historical accuracy.
Well that's a fantasloppa character. There is no columbian exchange or slave plantations in Bretbongland unless you consider serfdom slavery
I thought it was canon that Gelt was gay-married and bottoming for Zhao and Miao was mindbroken and impregnated by Slaaneshi cultists?
Would you believe me if I told you that the Romans were being added to Warhammer 3 in 2025?
Tileans aren't Romans.
Agreed, Romans are far cooler.
Skaven are Romans
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He exposed CA like nobody else before, or since.
What does 'ado have to do with total war I'm out of the loop.
Ah, fuck me, I saw the Fleur-de-lis and assumed it was referencing the Bourbons. I figured the only thing in warhammer with it was sisters of battle.

Caesar was a tyrant who nearly overthrew the republic under the pretense of "reform" and "getting rid of corrupt officials". The artist in that trailer seems to have a very different take on who Caesar was. I admit, I shouldn't have assumed they were pro-fascist but many fascists are fond of Rome in general and Caesar in specific, due to his militarism, his desire for absolute power, and the nature of his coup.
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Out of my way you pretentious horse lovers! I am on a holy mission from Sigmar himself. Point me towards the woods where the vile elfs reside, valiant Kruber is in urgent need of rescue!
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It's too late for Krubah now!
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suicide is badass
AAAAAHHHhhh to (not) die in battle...
it would be funnier if it wasn't autoresolve
>You simply cannot find a bad Total War trailer
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWqXJ8U1blU (the individuals ones are even worst.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDiskn8XwCE (very cringer)
They are Remans
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That's a long story.
Caesar's killers wanted a return to the Tribune of the Plebs being murdered every time they wanted to enact change and a return to only families of prestige having any say in government, they were not good guys. Muh fascist Caesar retards continue to prove themselves midwits.
>Remaining: 3
>hating on Ogre song
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so many ESL anons itt...
(I'm ESL I just use it as well whenever someone makes grammar errors)
Kaneko Lumi my-
Well she's not my beloved I'm watching Limes, but she's alright
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>Excuse me sir, do you have a moment to talk about Ursun?
I don't get it.
He ate the CA bigwigs responsible for Hyenas, thus saving our franchise. Without him, there'd be no Dynasties, there'd be no SoC 2.0, Hyenas cancellation, and ToD would suck. Much is owed to him, pay your respects to the glory of his wide stature.
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Bring it on, you stupid stuntlings!
My plan is to seduce their only artillery unit, and hang back.
Caesar’s promises of reform were a pretense to take power. He was worried that the senate would take away his governorship of the land he took in Gaul. He was supposed to step down and give up his armies but he didn’t vacate the position because he was beefing with Pompey and wanted power. That was it.
Now that I think about it..squireshit would have been good if it was a Drvchii instead of a cringe treenigger or cucking Khorne by taking the jobber.
The Bret getting taken in a slave raid by a pent up Drvchii and whipped into being an obedient toy that proves useful to his mistress. Then, she grows attracted to her pet and leads into something more instead of just being a mere pleasure slave but a lover, but without the hecking wholesome handholding cringe and instead maintaining DRVCHII superiority. Showing a degree affection while being a propper dominant bitch.
But alas the Bretfags have no taste.
just watched some bestiality to celebrate winning my 500 turn beastmen campaign
Slaanesh end is a what if lewd scenario
Just wait for TWW 2 - "il Duce" Launch Trailer!
What are the chuds of /gsg/ doing here!
Not using the reply function, that's what.
My post calling him a genius is because it just came out that he's been skinny again for 7 months and every single video was made all together and then staggered for the last 2 years, the guy has made millions off of becoming a whale while also becoming skinny irl.
>500 turn
and you haven't cleared the map?
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Yes, and he was also dangerous to the Optimates because he promised citizenship to long suffering peoples who had been under Roman rule for ages and was in favor of the land reform that got the Gracchi killed. There is no muh fascism component to Caesar's death, both sides sought power while ostensible promising good things, the return to solid republican traditions for the Optimates and relief of the poor and Roman allies in the case of Caesar. Go back to whatever shitty site you crawled out of, probably reddit or resetera.
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Yes, so I can end him
Have you swapped everyone's starting position or something?
wdym, those bretonian fucks are in the darklands
Bohemond's faction starts nearby chorfs iirc, just that it usually gets wiped out.
hes probably playin with that mixu legendary lords mod. Bohemond starts in darklands
I resurrected them as N'kari recently so I just assumed they start in west Bretonnia where I made landfall
ah its a mod thing? yeah think im usin mixu's
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These Stuntlings are stylin' now~
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Poor guy and I don't have Recruit Legendary Lords now so Karl won't save him.
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What kind of mad cunt army is that
I'm sorry if their attempt to recreate the Tattered Sails Shanty hip worked on you.
Are you sure you aren't playing Tzeentch? Because that warband is schizophrenic.
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Ratbros... is this winnable?
The line "with tattered sails and incredible tales!" is more soi than anything in the ogre trailer
Looks like it is winnable to me.
WoC undivided, probably Be'lakor with the mammoth coming from a vassal and the dawi coming from a enemy army using seduction
What is in the other part of your army that we can't see?
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/twg/ are you ready for Stars Wars?
>game one dlc races get extra dlc, reworks and free shit
>game 2 dlc races get jack shit, even the preorder races are getting more love at this point
>all the kangs lost their starting monsters because ???
4x units of 18 skavenslaves
2x units of 14 skavenslave slingers
5x units of 16 clanrats
Where's the units from the cool new sequels?
Kruber?! I must break this vile spell! Sigmar, please pray for the soul of this brave warrior and guide my righteous hand and make it strong, Sigmar, so that the elf might learn a witch's place. For Sigmar and the Empire!
>proceeds to lay down a beatdown worthy of The Testaments of Sigmar.
Weesa bombad slingas!
Kossars are an adequate ranged unit that can hold the line for about a minute.
Kossars are very good.
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Fuck your planet
Your fun facts aren't quite as compelling tonight anon
Income buildings provide money
Money is important
I love the droids so yes. I wish we got a real modern game with them already.
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fucking elf-fags
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>/twg/ are you ready for Stars Wars?
I'm team Senator Amidala.
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Don't know, could be DLC.
Warhammer series, Rogue Trader or Space Marine 2? Which is the best Warhammer game?
Total War
Income buildings cost money.
Create more armies instead.
>Rogue Trader is forgotten
>Space Marine 2 is being shit on because of the EULA and data collection
Total War Wins, Flawless Victory, Quitality.
dawn of war soulstorm with unification mod is literally 40k total war lite, and has a ton of content
but I suggest starting from dawn of war 1 and going game by game with the singleplayer campaigns

for action games space marine 1/2 are great yeah, check out boltgun if u like oldschool fps, that game is awesome
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Fucking elf-hags
I always go red when I have enough money to have more armies available.
Neither. I am still waiting for a warhammer fantasy RPG game
Winds of Magic cost reduction use the base spell cost as the principal.
This shit is gonna be so fun, I bet the Death Star is gonna be like a black ark that you have to disable and then land troops on to destroy.
Fuck you SW fans don't sully my series w ur disgusting slop
>Baldur's Gate 3 but everything is replaced by its Warhammer equivalent
>even the bear sex and cuckoldry
Would you?
What? WH orcs don't have dicks
Armour is useful for mitigating enemy base weapon strength.
Physical resistance can reduce enemy base and armour-piercing weapon strength.
Ward save can reduce enemy base and armour-piercing weapon strength, even when the attack is magical.
Was I supposed to be outraged at the bear sex or something? What is it, the 90s?
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Would you rather have 100 armour or 20% physical resistance?
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Probably, yeah. I'll leave the bearfucking to Keksleave and cuck shit is for chaosfags and negro elfs
Huh, I'm sure I remember testing these once and GS won
Getting relations past 150 offers a huge boon to confederation desire.
Trade agreements are more desirable when you produce surplus trade goods.
The greatest way to overcome aversion and make new friends is to join their wars and inflict heavy damage upon your mutual enemies.
100 armour because WH3 shits infinite amounts of magical attack enemies.
I did that test just after CoC and IE but before Chorfs, maybe something has changed since then.
How about you cry about it, historyfags were saying the same thing about Warhammer.
FUCK STAR WARSSSSSS it's soulless uninspired slop in every manner even the original trilogy was 7/10 at best
No, I just wanted to see if there were any /v/ermin /here/ who would seethe about it.
I'd play a Saurus and then kill every NPC I come across and then blame le plan.
People keep saying that, and I'm not sure what they mean~
I autistically like having a different unit in every slot in my army. I like well rounded armies, where every unit has a different role. It might mean I'm playing sub-optimally, but I accept that.

I'm playing as Sigvald, but you're right everywhere else. I recruited a lot of units from my vassals and allies, I love doing it all the time.
Give me Kreia for true hag kino.
Vermintide and Dawn of War. Total War Warhammer is objectively, factually shit and carried HARD only by the setting. In Vermintide and Dawn of War choice of a setting is just an addition, they would be amazing even if they weren't Warhammers.
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Mixed army means having
>x amount of melee infantry
>x amount of missile infantry
>x amount of cavalry
>x amount of monsters/war machines
It doesn't mean 1 of everything, there isn't anything wrong with your army, if anything I prefer it to doomstacks, I was just laughing because it is exactly how the AI built WoC armies before 5.2.
Saurus Warriors used to be a tier 1 unit.
Irondrakes used to be a tier 4 unit.
Grave Guard used to be a tier 2 unit (required secondary building)
I really triggered him by saying this huh
Autists are silly little guys
Regeneration was once capped at 4 health per second but is now 0.1% of health per second. This is a huge buff so long as your base health is above 4000.
fuck you faggot I like his fun facts.
I never said I don't
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How does Clan Moulder compare to Clan Skyre? I wanna play something with high casualty rates but I just finished a Tomb Kings campaign and I played Skyre before
Units accrue some tremendous buffs as they rank up. These include:
Higher leadership
More melee attack
Greater melee defence
Improved accuracy
Faster reloading
Increased stamina
Wolf Rats are a sick early game unit you just have to make sure they only hit units that are weak archer shit or occupied so you're hitting them from behind
Anything running away gets absolutely deleted by them (dog units attack very fast)
Building a hero recruitment structure will actually change the hero capacity from 0 to 1. You don't even need the building tier that provides +1 hero capacity (only works for the first hero).
Tell me of fatigue
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Instead of spamming guns, you spam monstrous units.
Don't be fooled though. A juiced Clanrat unit can match or even beat most non-ooga booga frontlines.
A juiced Clanrat unit can beat any peer level frontline outside of Ogres, Greenskins and Chaos.
>playing belegar
>on my way to 8 peaks I dip down to help out thorek
>he's having trouble with skarbrand
>heh this'll be easy, I'll just use my ghosts as frontline tanks like always
>the ghosts get raped by all the demons and skarbrand lowers belegar's height by an extra foot
that'll teach me I guess
Vampire Counts and Dark Elves can replenish in foreign territory with their channelling stance.
Greenskins can utilise their encamp stance even when at 0 campaign movement.
Khorne heals in foreign territory no matter their stance.
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It is very terrible when your units get exhausted.
Losing 30% melee attack and 25% armour is like going down an entire 2 tiers.
The other Anon was also correct that I've been playing heavily Undivided despite being Siggy. This instance that I screenshotted was one of the few times I bothered to Seduce a unit, and I felt that seduction made a significant difference in the battle.
I like the Undivided gifts a lot~
Horrifying Presence and Dark Portal are so good, bros~
Presented without comment.
Firing lines can be quite finicky. Why not pick up some Sisters of Avelorn, Darkshards or even Celestial Dragon Crossbows?
Greater demon losing to halberdiers is canon.
It should be displayed in their card really, like how a magic debuff makes their numbers go down
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Firing lines is the fake high IQ
The real megamind is avoiding killing your own shit with poison wind globadiers
Why not?
You have to check Pharaoh - Dynasties. That is the expansion that they recently released.
You misunderstood my question.
Why do 101 people play origina?
I keep getting to 100 turns with armies full of max xp basic units like Dwarf Warriors and Quarrelers, then getting my ass kicked because I need high tier units. How can I learn to actually upgrade my armies over time?
I hate how close together everything is in Total War Warhammer 3 playing Louen and incursions from bloody Albion and Lothern shouldnt be taking a single turn to get near me it should take at least 3+
>maraud with your starting army
>meanwhile, recruit better armies at home
>when your starting army gets destroyed, send out a newer army to replace it
Well, it's a common complaint and they have tech to fix it now.
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>game no one asked
>no one playing it
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how does he do it
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>game no one asked

Bronze Age is underated
what the fuck is the diff between normal goblins n hobgoblins?
He actually has the highest ai cheats modifier in Total War: Warhammer.
Hobgoblins just kill orc niggers who try to bully them
age of mythology remaster just dropped, so many games to buy between it, space marine 2, wukong and black ops 6 (don't judge me for the last one), for a poorfag like me rough
Normal goblins don't hob
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fuck sake I needed one more fucking turn to recruit this, bretonian motherfucker
If you're ever in a situation where you can recruit a higher tier unit but your army is full, just disband as many lower tier ones as your recruitment capacity will allow you to recruit higher tier ones. Even if it's just 3 units, It adds up over time
Hobbers don't take the systemic discrimination afforded to them by the green man.
wtf is bastonne doing there???
im using mixu's and he starts in the desert west of the coven chorfs
conclave* not coven rather i think
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>army already wounded when he attacked
>garrison half dead
>map is the 2 lanes over a chasm map that heavily favors their defensive units and makes it harder for mine to flank
>still beat their asses
I love N'kari
Maybe all 101 of those players really hate family trees and think they suck for some reason
120 to 1 is hardly fair
His soul drink mechanic is so satisfying
How did they do it? And why did whatever they chose to do not become common imperial tactics?
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alright killed the fucker this savegame

the centaur guys are fuckin value
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he starts here
where is this guy usually
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>80% peasants
Uuh, how was this a significant battle?
it was always winnable but last time he lived and after I beat him instantly some lady materialized with another fullstack and 4 cav units, didn't have enough units to fend em all off then
TIER 1 anti-large unit btw xD
Won't High Elf spears do the same?
They don't go le kyslylsiyv and turn unbreakable.
What would a /twg/ teamspeak/ventrillo/discord call look like?
Oh right xD
No. They'd get terror routed before they could. By our Blood passive is fucking OP.
People laughing at everyone playing below legendary.
remember that they used to be even stronger
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God I just want to bust a ratty nut into some of that tight elven pussy...
bloody dwarfs
Kill yourself ratnigger. Skaven find non-skaven to be disgusting filth, and would murder and eat them before ever fucking them.
At least be loreful for your disgusting shit.
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>space marine 2

>The Codex Astartes doesn't support this action
>the chapter has fallen

Love this artist
My friends, even we at /twg/ have some standards.
Let us converse about our current campaigns. I am playing Kostaltyn and have begun an incursion into Norsca.
bro she's like twice his age do you really want to fuck brown hags that badly?
I have just began a Katarin campaign. Maybe I will post some pictures later.
And how it actually works in gameplay.
Weirdly enough those pansy Elves lost, actually.

Kislevite Warriors > Empire Halberdiers > High Elf Spearmen > Empire Spearmen
Yeah I'm testing the same, that 70 armour on the bloodthirster fucks the elves over I guess
I get that Halberdiers are anti-large but maybe a tier 5 Bloodthirster shouldn't be losing a 1v1 to them.
Underated mean no one is asking about it.
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holy shit this is awesome, and it reminds me of meatwagons from wc3
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I see the balancing at CA is working wonderfully as always. Note the army and the turn counter
Bloodthirsters are not meant to clear infantry blobs and they are also absolute garbage to begin with if you are not playing as Khorne, the worst faction in the game.
they made some of the ogre caravan raider armies a LOT stronger
just pay up
maybe they like the smaller map where you can sit at the edge of the map all campaign I dunno
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The original servants of Chaos face off, and no wonder the gods neglect the Fimir, both are anti-large, Fimir(1300g) did half as much damage to the Dragon Ogres(1500g)
Unfortunately it has been nerfed over and over along with the Iron Daemon, but I suppose it's a small price to pay in return for them leaving the Chorf Blunderbussies alone
It's canon lorewise but like the other anon said, you wouldn't charge a bloodthirster into halberds, you'd send it after the Steamtank/Artillery/Landship and now we see why.
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Next turn I get a Defensive Alliance with Xiao Ming, start building an outpost. The very same turn, Vilitch sieges and occupies it, wiping out the garrison and her army.

Meanwhile, here's what I'm looking at when I decide to help her out and go after Snikch. Did anyone play this campaign recently? Is this CA's revenge for shitting on Shadows of Change (which I didn't buy)?
I would rather play another game or two before I play legendary
You can turn off ai battle cheats and even enable manual saving.
Legendary just makes the campaign a little more challenging.
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Damn his campaign is fun now. Especially on The Old World.
Well as far as i remember they just stab him because he killed their sergeant.
I have become such a meta slave that I don't even get the melee or spell line on my legendary lords until I have finished the red and blue line.
Fun has been sacrificed for efficiency.
Soul traded for results.
melee line is about as boring tbf
grabbing a second spell can be nice early though, like burning head or thunderbolt
I think you are just retarded instead of being efficient.
Yes, I would fuck the daughter of a Pharaoh, 30 years old or not. You would too if you were being honest.
This headcanon gets more emphatic every time its brought up.
They don't find them literally repulsive, they just hold them in the same "I'm superior to you" contempt that everyone has at them.
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Caraven Encounters are pre-recorded (?).
It either that big Oge army or the smalle one (with a Hunter Hero) and two cavalry units.
There is also that one (1) battle against Khorne demon giving you a cool Trait.
Caravans "rework" actually totally missed addressing that issue.
i'm not sure they even added a new ally Hero for the caravans
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ogres live like this?
>youtube spoiled the reveal
Let me guess, it's chaos again?
In the darklands they do but a typical Ogre habitat is more like Everest in summer.
They added Dragon Slayers
No, they don't. They literally despise every other race.
Just kill yourself anyways ratnigger.
Well i got (iirc):
Empire Captain
Elf Noble
Dwarf Slayer
Cathay Alchemist
Cathay Asromancer
Was not sure if the Slayer was an addition from the rework or ToD addition
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u mad???
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Well, tomorrow I am going to beat those 7 armies with my 2 but if Vilitch and his shitstacks wipes out another of Miao's full garrison + army, I'll probably drop the campaign and only CreamAPI DLC from that point onward.


How about fuck you, Greasus, is that okay you fat fuck? Jokes aside, I obviously paid up but there's something very wrong with the scaling of army units. It's not like you have a chance of going the other way, this was the first intersection that branches out to majority of caravan routes


I know about the 'unbreakable' trait, it's nice but lategame your caravan armies are defenceless anyway due to high tier enemy armies on the prowl. I already finished two Cathay campaigns but that was before they added cheevos for Legendary playthrough in IE and I'm wrapping up my few remaining ones
Yes. Your disgusting fetish and you yourself need to be purged.
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Elfcoomers are in a one-sided situationship with ratfriends, posts like >>493573041 are clearly written by an Elf-lover who gets off on race-mixing, they just wrote it in such a way that newfriends would assume it was a ratbro that made the post.
Ratposters are victims of Elven lust and anti-rat propaganda.
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grimgor being buss'd down
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Behead all elfposters.
Impale all ratfags.
Problem solved.
That guy has some of the highest stats of any foot lord in Total War. He isn't even a particularly massive target.
I must try the Chaos Dwarfs at some point.
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they should fuck
>lol you mad at us being animal fuckers bro?
Honest truth, never seen such degeneracy posted by dawi-bros
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See what I mean? An elfposter already falseflagged and the propagandist is already hard at work.
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that's just coping with nobody wanting to fuck a dwarf
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Oh and the Ogre Hunter hero, i forgot about him.
skaven are beloved by
>who hate women
and that's why they like a rat race that reproduces through rape and mostly post about rape
Good luck. Her campaign is cool but quite challenging.
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M-maybe we can spare SOME elfs? I mean, Laurelorn is an ally of the empire...
>Let me guess, it's chaos again?
gee I dunno anon maybe they meant something with all those trailers with rubric marines and tzaangors (with real beaks instead of the recoloured trash warhammer 3 got) in them
everyone on 4chan hates women
Leandros being so butthurt about people lecturing him on how he miss read the Codex that he became the guy who tell people how to interpret the Codex
Firstly, I was being sarcastic.
Secondly, I don't care about space marine 2 enough to watch trailers. Not a big 40k fan.
I just figured they were going to do the same thing as the first game where you spend most of it fighting orks/tyranids only to have chaos come in at the tail end and hijack the plot.
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what tf is this ugly shit I wanted to war the dwarfs zzz
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thats a kinda scary army too
is it just me or is Khalida's campaign incredibly fucked?

>t. Kroqgar just fucking dunked on my entire army and they all crumbled.
Tomb King early game is pitifully weak.
Lizardmen early game is scarily strong.
Doesn't help that Khalida is sub-par on the battlefield.
Makes sense, I'm relying on most of my damage from poison arrows and they're non-ap up against saurus warriors. Not a good look.
Do you think that Tomb Guard could defeat Saurus Warriors?
Khalida is in a rough spot right now. Last time I played her, I had Skarbrand dec on me like turn 10, then around 8 turns later Kroq'nigger decides to dec on me, then after that Queek did.
BTFO'd them though.
skaven weapon teams and arty are no match for vanguard deployed (at the enemy's back ofc) sneaky gits. Also, ZOOLAHOOOOO, I might add!
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I just started a Thorgrim campaign in wh2
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i see ill try the sneaky gitz tactic

the homie olaf rolled up to shit on the rats for me for now
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Why won't they kill him off already wtf
dnd has no aesthetic
purple dwarfs have no sauce
get a grip
they are evil non-chaos worshiping dwarfs and use psionics. perfect for warhammer since its not just divided between chaos and non-chaos factions
that's retarded
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all of these popped at the same time
what in the fuck is the wild hunt? I had that popup once then end like 5 turns after
gee arkhan, how come nagash lets you have two black pyramids
you'll have to kill these guys later to get to all the marble and unique buildings in the settlements that they're occupying
no its not. reddit rats are retarded and necessitates a solution
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Retake the realms!
A reminder that Warhammer 1 and 2 had a Warriors of Chaos endgame event. One where Archaon stood alongside Kholek, Sigvald and even Sarthorael.
you mean the darklands settlements or up north? for the darklands I can take 1-2 kislev settlements and trade

later tho, rn I wanna war some dwarfs in the west after the skaven shits are dealt with, expansion with chorfs is weird, either way ur surrounded by enemies on both west n east
>didnt like ogres
so you pick the lamest race from the most normiecore setting because you don't want to be "reddit"
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>random elf T-posing on dragon head
I remember when I was 18 and finding everything cringe

ogres trailer is pure kino, not even cringe-kino, just kino
the random wild hunt event is different than the end game crisis wild hunt even though they care named the same
The normal Wild Hunt (begin) event is just Orion (and the Lords he put in Offices, but i don't know if AI do it?) getting some buff, after few turns you will have the Wild Hunt (end).
Then it will repeat.
warhammer 3 has a mod for that
Wrapping up a thorgrim campaign. Its nice being able to confed Grombrindal after his inevitable cucking by Valkia and Maliketh, his global bonuses are crazy good
Elgi coming out of the woods to eat your children
I thought welves were an order faction
wtf is their problem making an end time
one of the Karaks just north of Uzkulak has marble. But you can live without that if you can secure the Dark Lands. I never even declared on anyone as Astragoth/Drazhoath because I always got attacked by the rats, Orcs and Ogres and then Cathay and the Dwarfs.
You do realize CA put a Dwarf event too ?
a grey dwarf fuck your mom? its no specifically a D&D thing if thats your hangup you dumb annoying nigger. "evil magic using dwarfs" are common in almost every setting and chorfs are already a thing. but since warhammer has three general factions with order, chaos, and destruction, they still fit
I made 3 full deeps and never got a blocked tunnel, is it bugged?
Also the deeps make dorfs late game fucking ridiculous, theyre back to being the #1 paper stacking empire
chaos dwarfs arnt little sun roasted shits with a psychic gimmick
idk, the Chorfs were one of the most hated and neglected races in WH. The recent New World rulesheet which came out after the Chorf DLC slashed their roster down to like 12 units, characters included.
sorry, was choosing duergar at your gaming table too problematic and toxic for you? didnt mean to offend your delicate sensibilities by triggering your internal racism trauma lol you fucking annoying bitch. come over here and ill fucking body slam you
>New World
thats more like a badge of honor. chorfs are well liked in total warhammer and regardless of what other faggots think are bad ass
im going to pick you up and put you on the top of my fridge you little java bean looking cunt
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dumb kangs event marches out against, manlet, the last empire faction, and pantus de mayonnaise
they're dickheads
The Wood Elves are objectively the worst elf race. At least the Delfs have the excuse of being exiles and eternally butthurt over a civil war, the Welves are assholes to everybody because
I used to like the Wood Elves because I like punishing NAP violations with extreme prejudice but they're actually giant hypocrites once I learned more about them. I like trees though. Durthu and Drycha are cool.
What dating a wutelgi does to an umgi.
It would be fine if they had some actual grievance.
Just out of view is the skaven and beastman ambush stacks about to get the drop on them
Hips like those are literally designed for
A dawi cannonball to turn them into dust
the forest spirit side of the faction is very based and they are correct to mistrust and hate the wood elves (just slightly less than they hate everyone else). Ariel in particular is a fucking retard. the forest spirits being effectively demons of the material world is cool and gives them strong sneed energy when fighting chaos factions.
Preferably from point-blank range. Like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blowing_from_a_gun but instead of all 4 of her limbs it's just her legs so the barrel is aimed right up her disgusting knife-ear cunt.
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looks like some of the end game events are going to fight it out between themselves since they were already at war
when is the next chapter of my pig princess coming out?
parting for mangy hips
wonder how well the welf crisis holds up since they kind of only have a few places on the map to really recoup losses and get more armies up
Campaigns I have played the most:
Tyrion (5 times)
Thorek Ironbrow (3 times)
Crone Hellebron (3 times)
Boris Ursus (2 times)
Katarin (2 times)
N'kari (2 times)
Sisters of Twilight (2 times)
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dark elf on dark elf violence
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>psychic dwarfs arent kin-
Works like shit. The AI is fucked. I've seen it twice on latest patch, AI recruits 20 armies with 2-3 units each and then AFKs them in their forest forever. I saw an anon post screenshots a few threads ago of something like 30+ Wood Elf armies AFKing for so long they started attritioning.

The best endgame crisis factions continue to be undead and greenskins.
What makes you want to play Crone so much?
I like duellist lords and Dark Elves are fun in battle.
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He really thought he could win an ambush against my demon prince with Widowmaker.
I had the Vampire crisis pop off and then they just all fucking died to the ordertide around them

Dwarf crisis seems to work out okay since they have good AR so don't instantly just die. Plus you get to kill a lot of the worthless stunted bastards and that's always fun.
It's not his fault, he's just reinforcing. It's the elf slut who dove at Slaaneshi cock like a moth to flame that's at fault

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