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Previous: >>493341045

>What is this?
Blue Archive with "Katanas" but officially has nothing to do with Blue Archive

>Where can I get it?
Not announced yet.
Comiket 105 might or might not have a VN and art books.


>Official Websites


>namu wiki
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Kaoru's thick massive audible ejaculations
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So like Blue Archive, but Toji no Miko?
Forced meme
Jesus i think that yuri would have been a better start of thread culture than futatranny stuff
oh well this is gonna be an amusing trainwreck to watch
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What did we learn in the previous thread?
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I know it's super early and we only have a fraction of the characters revealed but I really hope KV also has young girls like Kokona and Ibuki, and also some JCs
once was
not now
Sure hope it will have a lot of LGs
Preferably not in npc hell
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>Korea is worthless. They are only good for cloning Japanese things. They are like inferior versions of Japanese people, but still smart enough to succeed if assimilated into Japanese thought and culture.
the phones?

>Verification not required.
Yeah, small and compact and easy to use
Like Ibuki
>No dick
>expected a dick
I’ve been conditioned…
jokes aside, what's an LG?
little girl
So assuming this is another live service game, do u want the player to have a more active role in fights or have the same backline leader type of role?

I personally would like it if we had a backline leader role, but with a lot more moments for (You) to unsheate your katana and go KINO mode
You'll play as a feMC who's only role is providing sexual relief for her students
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Blue Archive but you influence the AI like in Carnage Heart
Why is there a ruler?
Just play the game
We're a dude with an injury keeping us from the frontline. We don't micromanage students, we just train them and give them life advice and stuff like that. The students get cool fights in story instead of lame ass gameplay fights.
When things get really bad we pick up our sword and save the day in key moments but it's ultimately still on the girls (Kohane in particular) to win in the end.
since they call you master i'm hoping for an ex swordsman who can't fight because of injury/lost honor or whatever but has some very rare moments where he picks up the sword
i swear i wasn't samefagging as this dude
great minds think alike i guess
i'm a bananapacker because a gros michel is what i'm packin

all i need is a cut-in of shishou nodding sagely right before your party's ultimate attack animation
Since BA's Sensei is Aizen. Who is Shishou?
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This is what Shishou looks like in my head
>MX2j suffered a mental breakdown. He was being accused of sabotage and laziness at work. He denied the allegations, but it was obvious to everyone, including OP.
>DoReMi seems oblivious to everything. His coworkers asked if he wanted to return to Nexon because he kept retweeting BA fanarts, but he said he has no idea.
>Hwansang is wearing a forced smile, he knows something is going on but is unsure what exactly.
>Nobody is capable of writing proper Japanese sentences.
>Isakusan is also forcing a smile but not because he has to write.
>DoReMi's acquaintance may get a job at the company.
>They're aware of futa memes
> They couldn't even create their homepage on their own
>The work environment was similar to when BA was being developed, but it is better now.
what is this autism?
nice for malding, but seems hell for casual play
it said nexon sees project rx as the sequel of ba
but they removed current developers from the core developers of rx so that's why they left nexon
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The best JJK character of course.
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>Isakusan is also forcing a smile but not because he has to write.
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>Who is Shishou?
is there literally any evidence of hwansang even being part of d1
Bot programming simulator basically. It's pretty funky
All that is from this thread https://x.com/Brolist_kr/status/1832003885948698787 and none of it has been deleted
I'm asking about the deleted tweet
how the fuck should we know what tweet got deleted then
I quoted the people who had seen it before it got deleted.
Don't reply if you don't know anything about it.
go dig through the archives yourself
What are the sources on these
Rumors that RX might have contributed to the exile based on some 5ch posts
The author deleted the xitter thread because despite some elements of plausability it's still less credible than the statements from that one korean app thingy
a guy who printed something that looks like a staff card for dynamis
i am actually all for it
let the world class chevalier be a teacher once more
If youre asking about the contents of it its this >>493546640
As for why its deleted, he mentioned in the deleted tweet that its less credible compared to the one that is still up. He thinks he might have jumped the gun https://x.com/Brolist_kr/status/1832491323452203277
>There's only one programmer working on the project.

Announcing and releasing a PV so early in development was a huge mistake. They should have waited a few months to avoid making their audience and Nexon feel that those leaving Blue Archive weren’t fully dedicated to it in the last month and were instead secretly working on the Project KV.
There's 1 programmer in D1 but the game is being made by Studio Alaya
The 1 programmer is probably making the comiket VN
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>20 artists, directors etc.
>1 programmer
>for a vidya company
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>launch a fork project with a bunch of artists and writers
>zero technical skill
>can't even make a useable website
I saw this coming. Maybe you could pull this off in the US where everyone and their mother has some programming skill, but Korea is almost as bad as Japan when it comes to technical illiteracy.
renpy here we go!
Being Hanaoka Yuzu is suffering.
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early kv gameplay leak
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at least with the gdd only half the club is useless
This is just like SE announcing FF7R back in 2015
>Announce game is in the works
>Takes forever to release it
what's the point of this general when there's little to no information about the project?
>announce Nioh in 2004
>releases in 2017
>it's kino
I will enjoy KV in 2040 and I hope you guys are still alive to enjoy it with me.
anon you must understand this is just a containment thread to keep the retards out of /bag/
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>They haven't posted anything since September 4th.

Is it over? How likely is it that Nexon will make them cancel the Project KV?
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don't worry anon, they're restructuring their promotional material to meet the fan demand of futas
How do you think Mx2J and the other artists are reacting to the fact that most of the latest fanart is futa-related?
They are jerking off ofc
They're friends with artists that draw ryona and rape in their spare time. I think they should be fine.
Just use ChatGPT to program your game.
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>Project RX is being developed in unreal 5
>With nexon's massive budget
So project futadicks is really the PGR to hoyo's HI3? While Kurogames was working on PGR, hoyo already had Genshin ready to go.
>Studio Alaya
What is this anyway? An existing studio that D1 partnered up with? Assuming they have no relation to BA?
"killer" games have NEVER EVER succeeded in history

every time some retard goes "oh I can do better!" it just ends terribly because turns out that no they couldn't do better and only end up making a vastly inferior product
Technically Blue Archive was a Princess Connect killer, if you can consider PriConne alive
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The only studio their budget could afford

a random deleted post from dcinside with no proof
BA never marketed itself as a "picon killer" though. It copied a lot of mechanics but they were done before in other games so it's unfair to say priconne invented them when older games like Tagatame or Valkyrie Connect had those elements before them.

Project Futa is actually marketing themselves as the Blue Archive killer, aggressively copying everything they can out of spite and the entire reason they're getting traction is because of all the drama surrounding them. But killer projects never ever succeed because everyone that is so full of themselves to believe they can kill another game are always completely clueless on how the game industry works and end up with either a vastly inferior product or an early eos.
BA literally copied their equipment shit, dupes, normal/hard giving shards and maybe some other stuff I forgot
Just fapped to futanari Kohane, AMA
please redeem the futa dicks sir
Studio Alaya is D1 itself
>this general is the designated shitting general of /bag/
the singaporean said he's never leaving /bag/ even BA itself EoSes
This is a fucking drama general to discuss the ongoing drama of a game that isn't even out. Were you expecting any sort of quality?
Is this the Duke Nukem Forever of gacha?
Has the potential for it
Where are the official news bros
Running away from the drama like this is way worse than pushing on with reveals, unless they're in the process of hiring a localizer.
Right here
But the scatschizo is not here though wdym ?
>hiring a localizer
they have no investors and nobody in their studio even knows japanese, much less english.
If KV gets slammed legally by nexon then their lives are basically over since they got no cash
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>RX is not a direct sequel and only a spiritual successor to BA
>RX and BA were supposed to coexist
>BA heads decide to leave BA and Nexon behind and make their own "spiritual successor", later described by Nexon as "too similar" to RX(?)
Please tell me this is not real, they can't be this retarded. What could possibly have been the reason for them to spit on the project they supposedly loved so much and its fans, and be so fucking full of themselves to all-in without any devs and competent management? WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T YOU JUST CONTINUE WORKING ON BLUE ARCHIVE
Nexon would never have allowed them to make the game lewd if they stayed
They're based for leaving and making their dream game
The thought of "I can do it better!"

This happens every time on the gaming industry, why are you surprised? Bunch of retards get together and think they can do it better than the current thing then get served an entire humble pie when they learn how the real world works and how its mostly up to luck
It came from an anonymous post with no proofs in a gook forum, not even Blind.
Does anybody seriously want BA to be lewd though? Much of the success of BA in art space can be attributed to the fact how reserved the game is with (most) characters, relative to some other gachas. It opens up the lewding of students up to artists' imagination. ex Nikke is not that interesting to explore for R18 artists because the game is already lewd as is.
Wonder what isakusan is thinking now that he went from hero to zero overnight. Could have made a whole separate game, marketed it using his BA fame and got tons of fans but his spite and futa fetish fucked him harder than his VN of Kohane pegging him.
>one panty shot illustration on xitter=lewd game
>Does anybody seriously want BA to be lewd though?
you'd be surprised with how many porn addled kids think lewd is everything and that any game can be improved with porn

straight up porn is boring and leaves absolutely nothing to the imagination because you're already getting the goods so a game like BA or umas is much better because people there's a lot more room for imagination and fantasies
>Does anybody seriously want BA to be lewd though?
If it's through clothing destruction like as indicatedby the teasers I am, ENF is quite enjoyable to me
I agree that just having absolute sluts everywhere like nikke is boring though
what does isakusan have to do with the futa spam? wasnt that the fault of nexondrones derailing fan discourse?
you're like a kid blaming everything you like on your hero while blaming everything you dont like on your enemy
that was an actual question you retard
This futa shit is some of the most pathetic ways of defaming something I've seen.
>can't find a good criticism for a thing
>create a "problem" (futanari) and force an association with the thing
>blame thing for being associated with the problem you created
Most of the famous futa artists hopped on the project futadick meme and now it has way more futa fanart than blue archive got in 3 years
If fans actually continue to run away with it then it'll be a core thing for the fanbase and the game will be known for futa art
If you've been paying attention this shit is getting flamed for plenty of things other than the "futa" thing
none of which are legitimate
>the first project they came up with after quitting BA is a BA copy
>their website doesn't work on mobile and even ends with ".kr" even though they are aiming for a JP market
>Xitter reposting ecchi fanarts instead of posting news materials
>the whole Comiket fiasco
>the whole Comiket apology fiasco
>and now the "only one programmer in the team" allegation
Then it should be no problem for them to clear the allegations and release the game
yup i'm putting you in the screencap too
If anything they should be clear for Comiket because they're as organized as a doujin circle.
Project futa erection is going to be buried once BA announces their new event and everyone moves on
correct. the game isn't due for years though, they can't just release it tomorrow.
I hate myself for getting excited over this when it's so far away and might not even end up releasing. I want to forget about it and go back to enjoying life again.
looks like you got dicked over
even if the game itself never comes out, I will stay for the fanmade futa content
I can't believe you people are really siding with their gooks and believing their "sources"
tourists and shitposting
so far it's all been imageboard posts and trust me bro
even the more "reputable" guys have anon nexon sources with 0 accountability for what they say
isakusan isn't a futa, you don't have to suck his dick.
>on a drama general
>on a drama general made for a project nobody even knows the name of
Thoughts on this video? https://youtu.be/q2S3ccmaNUk?si=m_viurjmspg8TwUK

Releasing a PV so early in development was a really bad idea. No company is going to back them if they haven't even shown any gameplay. Nexon might try to force the staff of Dynamis One to spend all their money defending against a lawsuit instead of continuing work on Project KV.
>no tourists
>Thoughts on what this youtuber said?
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the entire thread is "tourists" and made for "tourist" drama
If you saw the PV and decided you'd make this project you know absolutely nothing about into your entire life and personality then you're mentally fucking ill and the reason why society has gone to shit as a mindless consoomer
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Blue Archive could never
Neither will KV because it will never release lmao
>no dick
Are just a copycats of dcinside? Can't we do anything else but echo their memes here ad nauseam?...
Where's her dick though? Fake offmodel garbage
Fellas is solo futa gay?
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Now this is the good stuff

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