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Welcome to the Sonic the Hedgehog General. Here we discuss ALL things Sonic!

/sthg/ #7307 - Ouch Edition

>Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Official Trailer

>SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS confirmed release date is October 25, 2024

>Shadow's new Doom powers trailer

>Sonic x Shadow Generations: Dark Beginnings will be arriving this fall

>Sonic Rumble - Announce Trailer

>Sonic the Hedgehog 3 has been announced for December 20, 2024:
https://x.com/SonicMo vie/status/1729878742775001179

>A manga series themed on "Sonic x Shadow Generations" will begin in the October issue of CoroCoro Comic

>IDW Release Dates:
Sonic the Hedgehog #73 - 18 September 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2024 - 09 October 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog #74 - 23 October 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog: Knuckles' 30th Anniversary Special - 30 October 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog #75 - 13 November 2024

>General link compilation:
>Milestone pastebin:
>Sonic Game/Mod Recommendation Spreadsheet:
>Perfect System Collection:
>Sonic comic scans:

/sthg/ booru:
/sthg/ OC info:
/sthg/ cytube:
/sthg/ Pixel World:

Previous thread: >>493489630
What will Shadow's bossfight with Silver in Gens be like? Will we get to kick him in the back of the head in a QTE?
Predictions for why Gerald is alive in the Sonic 3 movie?
Hey gamers
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Oh nice, is this the "Abusing Silver" thread?
Lemme just finish up this drawing. I think you'll like it.
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time travel there's no fucking way an old guy will survive for 50 years.
>drawing a picture of Silver being abused
BTW, were you the one who liked this Eggman eating burger pic I asked?
What rivalry, conflicts and differences does Sonic and Silver have?
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Thank god Silver was just testing him
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How much time travel could there be? Could Maria reappear?
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No Maria is fucking dead, an i bet there will one time travel instance in the entire movie while the next time travel is reserved in the end for the next movie.
Tikal literally appears all the time despite being a dead character, fucktard.
>still gets Channel art
>still gets mobileshit
>still gets animated appearances
The last thing she was in was Frontiers Divergence and that was just 2 years ago. Stop being intentionally stupid.

Why the fuck did /sthg/ get this idea that a character needs to appear as much as the core 4 or else their canonicity comes into question? It's autistic.
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Yes, I even proposed to draw a request for FWA for that magnificent work, but he ghosted me as all my friends do.
i would hang him from his underwear
>Maria is fucking dead

*Shadow sadly puts his time travel coupon away*
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Ok. Well, good luck, fellow scientist enjoyer.
>beause I'm the wind
Nah, because you're a dick and more trouble than you're worth.

I have no room to talk on this btw, just calling it like it is.
And didn’t Marine literally just appear in some new game/merch? And she was in IDW not too long ago. That anon’s retarded.
kys faggot, she appeared either as an orb on time in frontiers or in non canon bullshit, learn to differentiate between intelligence and your fucking brain telling you you're right and using baby anger and crying as energy for your fatass to form a coherent sentence without swearing like a orphan tard.
A mouthless hobo told silver that sonic is responsible for climate change
Everyone is afaid of The Bench.
>she appeared either as an orb
She was in a flashback you nigger. You’re arguing that character aren’t canon anymore because they don’t appear in every game. You’re the retard.
Tails has a sore throat this afternoon
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It's time travel. We've known about it since the storyboard leak
The comic that anon is talking about is asking if they're still canon to themselves because they don't appear a lot like others, some joke that's understandable if you have gone outside for 2 seconds in one month, and stop answering to yourself schizo fag.
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You are jealous
When the fuck did any of us argued if they're not canon schizo? do tell us were, you're fucking retarded and it's a shame you're the only one who doesn't know that.
In the early 2000s Nintendo, Sega, and Namco teamed up in a partnership known as as the Triforce, the deal would see the three of them work together on games for console and arcade.
The first of these projects were F-Zero GX and F-Zero AX, Sega would lead development of the game while Namco would handle the parts needed for the Arcade version, and Nintendo would oversee.
If thing went well the idea was to expand to larger brands like Zelda or Kirby, but obviously things didn’t go well. Sega AV was relatively open about wanted to start with Metroid instead which Nintendo wasn’t interested in as Prime was already happening and AV had no record of making anything close to that.
F-Zero GX launched to lukewarm sales which scared Nintendo off from working with Sega more on the series, the Arcade version didn’t light the world up either which further hurt the deal. In the end Sega was slowly pushed out and Nintendo and Namco would continue with the Mario Kart Arcade GP series and grow their partnership without Sega’s involvement.
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I can be a dick AND the wind.
The same way Sonic is a hedgehog, a dick, and the wind.
What about that?
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Alex Kidd
Silver is a proactive hero whose desire for justice drives him to constantly be searching for people to save and villains to destroy, often acting without thinking due to just how much he cares.
Sonic is a reactive wanderer, and despite his love for the world and his friends he'd rather just run about and enjoy himself, only stepping up to play hero when he either runs into something he isn't happy with, or if he absolutely needs to. This also results in Sonic being a lot more calm and carfree than Silver, not letting his emotions control him, and being able to just sit around and relax.
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If Silver is proactive why didnt he teleport behind Eggman and twist his nuts
i would respect this retards rage if it was not all fucking wrong, hey dumbass, the artist wanted them to talk on how it sucks for them to be less apparent then everyone else and asking themselves if they're still canon, not confirming that they're not canon. it's not they're fault that you don't know how friends talk to each other.
Because Silver needs Eggman Nega to exist to enable time travel in the first place or some existential bullshit.
After maria died, gerald was able to formulate a way to communicate with his grandson from 50 years in the past, he either gives shadow instructions on how to create the time travel for ivo to go back temporarily for his grandfather to deliver a secret message only to his lineage for further instructions on "world domination" but might actually be a way to destroy the world in order to enact revenge on marias death.
But who knows maybe maria isnt dead and shadow will be having sex with 62 year old maria.
Anybody gonna make an AMV with the new Linkin Park song?
Same reason why just didn't create a fucking gun and shots him immediately.
Eggman's nuts are powerful enough to endure exploding in a robot or burning up while reentering the atmosphere. He can handle a bit of twisting.
The same reason Shadow doesn't simply teleport behind Eggman and snap his neck; plot contrivance.
Can hedgehogs have head lice?
That’s not even me you retard.
>the artist wanted them to talk on how it sucks for them to be less apparent then everyone else and asking themselves if they're still canon
That's retarded though, Tikal appears more than most characters.
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arf arf awooo wooo *whimpers*
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It’s often believed that the failure of F-Zero is what led to the people behind it having that No Nintendo stance on Yakuza up until Sega stepped in on it as they were really keen on making Metroid someday.
In terms of Zelda it wasn’t known if anything even started but it was heavily believed to be Four Sword Arcade
Linkin Park has 2 songs that matter and that number will never change
It's either you being schizophrenic or you being a leach to this tard, you chose
no, headlice are a human only parasite
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there there
F-Zero during that era was a megaflop wasn’t it?
Two GBA games tied to an anime, with the latter of the two games selling 5000 copies minimum.
Yes...in 1998, and she's been gone canonically for then on. does your chewed gum of grey matter understand now?
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I think I got Sonic Battle R operational.
Let me know when you guys are playing.
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I want to sacrifice my life to save Tangle's life. I want her to hold me in her arms as I slip away, her crying and begging me to stay with her. And yet, I die content, knowing she's safe.
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Shadow looks like he's powering some sort of machine at this point of the movie trailer

*pat* *pat* good doog
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post your groove
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Grown ass women needs to constantly be reigned in, coach by, and supported by child.
I want to cum inside Tangle but you do you
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source, please?
>Yes...in 1998
No...she appears in tons of official art and other official media constantly, so there's no reason for her to wonder if she's canon. Are you retarded?
I feel like the band should rename at this point.
So Sonic Speed Simulator has an official instrumental of Aquatic Mine now, does anyone know how to extract it from the game?
I don't get why Tails hasn't mauled Cream or Vanilla. He's a fox and they eat rabbits
doesn't lynard skynard still exist even though all of the original guys are dead
Based male fantasy of sacrificing yourself for the one you love.
It was due to how successful it was during the SNES and N64 that made Nintendo think it could be a big franchise but it turned out not to be true.
Vitei Studios (the people behind Steeldiver) pitched a new one recently, according to them it was 60fps 1080p with realistic physics for crashes and 60 player online but Nintendo said no.
misshiirin on inkbunny
that's a shame. i liked f zero
4pm EST

(40 minutes)
Same reason Nick Wilde didn't sink his teeth on Judy Hopps's throat the first chance he got. They're animals, just not uncivilized ones.
Gotcha, thanks.
Until Mario Kart starts to slow down they don’t want to make one. Their whole argument against F-Zero has been that Mario Kart exists
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> Oh poor Tikal! She's barely in anything! Let's ignore all this shit that she's in!
make mario cart nintendo cart
Core 4 + Shadow and a Chao
If a character doesn’t appear for two seconds it means they’re in the vault for eternity.
You're probably a 12 yr ol fag who likes to use the word retard huh? let me explain and you better open your fucking eyes, she's a canon, the argument is never about her not being canon, your tard rage has depleted your fucking brain cells and caused you to think of a different argument all together, she just never appeared alongside the cast nor interacted with canonically since 1998, story wise retard, story wise, that fucking mobile shit and tranny underwear does not count as canon appearance. enter a fucking subject knowing what the fuck it's about next time dipshit, or else they're no difference between you and a barking bitch.
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When is the last time she interacted with anyone?
Hell yeah
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Sonic should be written like Jojo!
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I want to get the shit beaten out of me for the Sol Empire and Blaze to metaphorically twist my arm into to allowing her to literally lick my wounds.
>more animated appearances than Silver and Blaze
I don’t think they will entirely due to them not wanting to drop the name due to sales reasons.
They’ll likely keep having guests like Link or whatever.
People like Sonic and Pacman will likely not even return as costumes again this time though.
Unironically is this a jojo reference
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nigga we want her to talk to someone
You seen upset, anon.
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>some dude just posted more leaked footage of the new Crazy Taxi
>2027 for Xbox Series, PS5, Switch 2, PC
How the fuck is it still so far away
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>non canon bullshit once per 2 years
Anon please stfu
Canceling Hyenas put SEGA in the mud.
>still no animated appearances
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duh, retards that think themselves are right,are the biggest danger to society
Divergence is canon, Sonic Channel stories are canon according to Toyoda.
He's not Gerald, he's Nega
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Is it just me or was Knuckles stronger than usual in Divergence? Can he normally do stuff like this?
Honey the Cat!
Blaze the Cat!
Divergence in canon true, but she appeared as an orb for like 1second? i mean i want her to talk, to warn him to show her body something more then that!, plus Toyota is a boring car doesn't count.
Whisper and Tangle have the same problem as Silver and Blaze. These character were all better on their own instead of being forced as a duo.
Silver does fit the low-key homoeroticism vibes of Jojo pretty well
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they're so fucking emotional next to each other it's pathetic, and emotion in this generation is all fucking wrong since nobody goes outside anymore and fags have mental illnesses.
Yeah he's weirdly fucking shaped...
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Sparky-kun's ideal Sonic is Wind Mickey Mouse
My ideal Sonic is Joseph Joestar
We are not the same.
>the plot revolves around a powerful Jewel
Nah SA2 revolved around Shadow avenging Maria. The Chaos Emeralds were a means to an end for him.
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What's wrong with Sonic being a fart eggbro?
Best ship coming through.
Sega title leaked footage
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What the fuck is going on here
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If Sonic is the fart, then I am the shit.
I think you have no real argument against Sonic being the wind and you just hate the intellectual concept of symbolism
How’s it feel knowing Superstars almost was hand drawn
It's been a couple years since I last played, did they make Blaze's model shittier?
The last founding member, Gary Rossington, died last year.
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Make way best ship coming thru
>Sonic but Cupheads
It could've been kino.
Is this another "outsourcing dead Sega IPs to a western company" episode?
or is it made in house?
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Knuckles is officially as strong as Sonic is fast.
It would have still been Classic, but it would have at least looked nice.
I do not like this at all.
Knuckles and Rouge are latino
Sorry, it was closest thing I had in my folders.
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L bozo
You are forgiven.
Also lol,
this game has Blaze, Cream, Espio, but no Tails.
Good. Tails is nothing but a tech resource. Cream does the role of Tails immensely better in every way. She should just replace him and tails can just be left in a warehouse to twittle with his toys.
Knuckles is a nigger
>Gary Stus
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These two have more chemistry and they never interacted.
>Gary Stu
this shit again? Literally how?
I've watched Jojo's first three parts. But more importantly, my friend Energy is actually a massive Jojo fan. So in a roundabout way, my ideal Sonic is Wind Mickey Mouse AND Jojo! I'm not sure if it'd be Josepth, specifically, though, based on which one Energy may like the most... But I'd say he's more like Joseph.
It's the same model. Also give me like 30 minutes to host.
>So in a roundabout way,
This was not intentional.
The Knuckles Clan is mesoamerican. Knuckles is a spic.
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I should draw more Honey.
No one knows, everything from the project are set to be revealed next year for the Switch 2 but also not launching until 2027
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>I'm not sure if it'd be Josepth, specifically, though,
Actually, thinking it through a bit more, no, "Sonic" would not be any specific "Jojo" at all. Why? Simple.

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is a legacy story. Every new story has a new person who is called "Jojo". From Jonathon to Josepth to Jotaro and beyond... "Jojo" is not a single person. It's this bloodline. It's an "idea". An idea, a symbol... that transcends any specific individual.

So basically, "Jojo" is Sonic. Which Jojo? EVERY Jojo.
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I made a whole block of text about it a few days ago. Go look it up in the archive.
No Sparky-kun, you are not taking possession of Jojo, you son of a bitch!
I CAME UP WITH IT FIRST! ME! You can stay with your Windey Mouse Clubhouse.
>no Sonic title leaked for a Switch 2 launch
Knuckles is absolutely black

Rouge is hispanic and also will pay you if you let her suck your dick

Sonic is caucasian, hence why he's so popular with literally everyone and why he's such a fuckboy.

Whisper is actually canonically black.

Lanolin is Welsh (lol)

Shadow is a russian guy who really, really fucking hates everyone.

Team Chaotix sans Vector is all asian, with Vector being a hot Chilean chad.

Tails is an Indian cripple that almost got honor killed for being a freak of nature.
sally windfag will obliterate eggfag
nothing will ever top sonic x
I ride Bad Dragon toys and whenever I take a knot I think of the Werehog buttfucking me
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Knuckles is mexican
Rouge is mexican
Sonic is mexican
Whisper is mexican
Lanolin is mexican
Shadow is mexican
Vector is black
Espio is mexican
Charmy is mexican
Tails is mexican
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They're just so great.
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Young Joseph Joestar is my favorite JoJo
What if Eggman had a crazy sister?
Knuckles is from a Mesoamerican tribe. Stop being retarded.
>oops, all mexico
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>No Sparky-kun, you are not taking possession of Jojo, you son of a bitch!
My friend literally named his dog, which is a husky because he loves wolves because Sonic Unleashed, "Josuke". So, sorry, but the connection has already been there in the back of my mind.
We know a fair amount about what’s there at launch and Sonic is almost entirely skipping
But thanks to one launch period title we know that games are getting updates for Switch 2 since Xenoblade X is getting a Switch port with a Switch 2 upgrade after.
One of you dumb fucks posted a webm of some anime guy talking to a dog and explaining to the dog that he didn't save the day out of the goodness of his own heart. Then you claimed that was Sonic.
There is no Sonic game where Sonic acts like that at all. There is no point in the entire Sonic franchise qeew Sonic goes out of his way to bury the idea that he is a hero.
This is canon.
What is Tangle, then? A mildly retarded, inbred pakistani?
Did anyone play the Sonic X leapfrog game?
Watch parts 4 and 7. They're really good.
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That dog cannot be allowed to live.
Funny I was about to make the same comment.
Part 5 was good also, it had amazing production value, great music, and higher budget than part four. It felt a lot like an action movie at times. I feel stylistically it is better than part four in some regards, but it was more style over substance. The anime adaptation was just really good, while the part four one was decent, and of course part 6 adaptation was messed up.
Black hispanics exist you know.
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>Jojo discussion
>Jojo Part 2 discussion
>Sonic Jojo Part 2
I watched for the memes, I stayed for the cunning spur of the moments plannings in the middle of the fights, obscure but faulty knowledge and rocking music.
Sonic's white af. The only problem is that he runs really fast which goes against the white experience.
"Neuro immuno deficiency syndrome"
doesn't that mean she was literally retarded?
This reminds me, when I was a very young child and would get dirty, my mother would yell at me to take a bath or people will think I'm mexican.
No? It just means her immune system is compromised.
...a-are you retarded?
Play Freedom Planet
Free Playdom Planet
I do from time to time. It's fun.
god that story is autistic.
It's sonic 3d: flickies' island. not the localized name of 3d blast
Bro you can't tell me that all the gassing for Frontiers 2 wasn't all a bluff. 2027 will mean that they had 4 years to cook to put Sonic on the map for the next console generation and they're fumbling the bag and letting Crazy Taxi launch instead.
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Ay, Shadow just opened his mouth
and I'm about to put my dick in it right now
then I put it in his ass, now he runnin' butt naked all over my house
I'm about to make him gay tonight, backshots with both of my hands in his mouth
I know that he want it for real, good sex with polo socks on momma's couch
Meh, part 5 just didn't draw me in like the other parts did.

I read the manga after watching the anime up to Part 3. From what little I saw of Part 6 anime, yeah it looked like shit. I will probably watch the part 7 anime thoughm
I played it a couple years back and honestly, it was really boring. Charming characters though, I hope they improvedthe gameplay in the 2nd game because it had potential
I will.
On next Steam sale.
make OCs
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Play Spark 2 as well. It is like MGRR except you play as some Metal Sonic equivalent to Spark, there's platforming with momentum, okay level design, a really good sound track, and an awesome story. LakeFepard should've kept the swears in, too. I'll get FP2 one day, I missed this sale, maybe once I finish up with the first.
I actually stopped liking Sonic for 30 years because my sibling convinced me that Sonic was mexican.
I had no fucking idea what a mexican was, but by the way my sibling was describing it, clearly it was no good
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I have twice as many hours on it than I do Frontiers so take that as you will.
I'm going to walk to a gas station and grab a soda, you bitches aren't going to start the Sonic Battle R right now are you?
Marie Granette is the children's story author who created the character of "Sonic the Hedgehog" by telling bedtime stories about him to her daughter, Shelly. These stories are actually based on Marie's husband, an Air Force test pilot nicknamed "Hedgehog" because of how his hair spikes up under his helmet.

In 1947, The test pilot exceeds the speed of sound before Chuck Yeager, but his plane exploded and killed him before he could ever touch the ground again. Ever since, the image of Sonic painted on his flight jacket would be remembered as the supersonic speed legend among all the men who dream of touching the sky.

In 198X, a freelance photographer named Meg, granddaughter of Marie Granette, would buy the flight jacket with Sonic on the back from an antique store. But when Meg was nearly caught in a fatal accident at an Air Show when planes flew out of control, Sonic suddenly appears and whisks her away to safety. When she awakens in the hospital, she finds that a photo she took with her camera has a glimpse of Sonic's sneaker and the emblem on the flight jacket is imperceptible.

In June 23rd, 1991... "Sonic the Hedgehog" releases on the Sega Genesis/Megadrive, developed by Sonic Team at SEGA, which was led by Yuji Naka, Naoto Ohshima and Hirokazu Yasuhara. Naoto Oshima is the artist who designed Sonic, as well as Eggman.

But, the story suggests that the game Sonic Team developed is based on the stories by Marie Granette. So, if that's the case, then how did Naoto Ohshima become the character designer of Sonic? Where did he get the idea of Sonic, in this scenario? Well, he did visit Central Park in NYC for Sonic research... So what if... Naoto Ohshima met Meg, the freelance photographer and granddaughter of Marie Granette? What if she introduced the legend of Sonic to him?

What if Sonic brought them together?
I hear they improved the story in the second one.
What kind of OCs?
cute or cool ones
I feel seen.
90s were fucking crazy.
I think that's what made us autistic was growing up in that decade and Sonic was merely the thing people latch on to for coping.
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i might give it a shot once it's on sale then, maybe give the first one another try as well. I just never bothered with the 2nd game because I didn't enjoy ithe 1st much. It was kinda shocking to me considering they're classic sonic inspired games and I have hundreds of hours on Mania, 3&k, CD and Sonic 2 combined but I just didnt vibe with it for whatever reason

also lmao frontiers, unrelated but by the time I had another 5 hours on frontiers, I clocked in another 100 on generations (with mods)
It's a reason why this whole Marie Granette backstory has been ignored and forgotten by Sega themselves
I decided to replay Sonic Mania instead. Encore mode was tougher than I remember.
When will they fuck?
Is Freedom Planet hard on its easiest difficulty?
Honestly... I highly doubt that.
For me it's the fact the open world is a slog the second time you try playing and the cyberspace stages aren't given enough love.
The first game had casual mode which has regening health and half damage, so unless you fall off a bottomless cliff you're not going to die. The second game doesn't have difficulty select but you can equip items to make it harder and get a better score.
They should beat each other up and then fall asleep on top of each other, exhausted
I agree.
I only make lame or gross OCs.
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Do you guys think giving Saleta the down left and Down right markings from Doom's Eye would be too much?
I'm very big on boost Sonic and frontiers makes a mockery of boost sonic, just like forces. I'd be hard pressed to call it a boost game normally since it's more of a run button in the open world but the cyberspace levels are advertised as true boost stages and they are godawful imo. I believe boost sonic has a lot of nuance in gens and unleashed especially and I've clocked dozens of hours speedrunning stages from those games but in frontiers it's turned into a complete joke so I hardly ever boot it up.
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Play Sonic games
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I'd rather have his mom back instead
I think make them subtler or just don't have them
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It would look nice, but I wouldn't want to make her look to much like rougette
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IIRC Forces/Frontiers is built off of the Lost World engine (or something like that) so that might explain why it feels "off".
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I really should've checked my grammar before I submitted those lines.
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Cute OC, you say?
It would be a bit too much. The red fur design listed there is good enough.
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Did Penders fail to understand the appeal of Scourge or what he was intended to represent?
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Ultimate Life Form
I agree with >>493568842>>493568971>>493569246
I think Shadow's arm and leg stripe are enough. her base design is already a dark sally.
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Why is she naked?
>Did Penders fail to understand
Still mad they abonden 2D art covers for mainline games after SA2, the games would sell more
Sonic is very slow, and a lot of control is taken away from the player compared to gens/unleashed like taking away his airboost in forces and replacing it with that shitty boost glide. They already slowed him down in generations though he still felt good there, but in frontiers its just a total slog with cheaper level design and less moves to manouver with. Unleashed stages especially heavily reward you for super precise timings on airboosts and stomps, but none of that is in frontiers lol
I like how aggressive looking the Wolf Guy is but then he wears all pink
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Sonic Battle R Server is up now:
Shadamy is cringe
Shadouge is cringe
Shadow shipping is cringe
Shadow is not supposed to love or have attachments to anyone
I assume they are inspired by the late great Archie Sonic comics which often had female characters like that
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Scribb just gave her messier hair and darker fur than Sally, with little eclipse pupils.
If sonic girls had visible navels it'd be so over
Ex assassin turned wilderness survivalist, currently on the run from people that want her dead, and having no time or reason to care about appearances.
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fuck that child
I remember people speculating that the whole Chao in Space bit was a teaser of some sort and now I find myself wishing it wasn't
That would be rad asf
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Because he is STRONK?
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Let me have my fun. It's cracky, but it ain't cringe.
honey's wings
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The Ultimate Wifeform
Still lewd, but I do like women that are nonchalant about being naked. Post more pls.
Maria's helpmeat
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I'm thinking she should have her turn embarrassing Carol!
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Ultimate Waifu?
I didn't make her, I just like cool OCs with neat lore.
Iblis the Trigger
Why not Iblis the Drake? The Demon? The Devil? The Dragon? Why a mere, simple Lizard?
So you're saying, that's the only pic you have of that particular feline?
Saletta the Black Creature
>furfags can't handle having creatures that's not le animal
>Saletta the Black Creature
No wonder some of us want to see her get dirty with Silver the White Hedgehog.
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I wasn't even that original anon, but there aren't many pictures of her. Her name is Woe.
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How different is Rougette's anatomy compared to the average Blobian in her normal non-worm form due to her Black Arms DNA? Scribbles Amy did mention that whoever made Shadow didn't take into account what would happen if he reproduced.

Her nipples must look just as alien and weird when he's topless.
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I made her on picrew. There were no clothing options. But yeah what >>493570468 said too.
Dark chocolate frosting combo
I think the entire idea is that she's as fucked up as Shadow is perfect because Sally is on the opposite end of the power spectrum from Shadow. Scribbles whole thing is that Shadow and Sally was not a good combo.
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Don't be weird bro.
If anything Mephiles and Iblis should be birds since Solaris is an eagle
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I was thinking of implementing Null into the lore of one of mine; the Nullings are a menace that sporadically attack islands and can wipe them clean in a single night before returning to the ocean depths were no one can reach them. It became such a problem that Blaze even had to create a special guard force comprised of fire benders to defend the isles.
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>I wasn't even that original anon
Sorry, I just assumed...
>black colored character with a black background
Why? Why not gritty grey or bloody red?
>There were no clothing options
>Don't be weird bro
NTA, but weirdness is to be expected here.
I can see that. Iblis could be a desert or tropical bird and Mephiles could be a raven or crow.
Cool. What's your OC?
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This made me realize how badly we need bara-girl blobians.
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Battle of The Bands! Silver vs Knuckles

Music Event: Playthrough Silver and Knuckles' story to decide who has better taste in music!
Get in here gamers
Good lord that's magnificent. Excellent job on this!
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DJ Knux
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Jounetsu, but you can call him Joe.
He was part of said guard and had aspirations to be royalty someday via meritocracy, but when it became obvious how rigged the system was against him, he left and became a sellsword, refusing to serve the crown anymore.
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I agree.
>I know pic doesn't relate, but she's the only woman who is on the pudgy side as a blobian
I wanna fuck that Iblis.
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he needs to draw more rotor 27
They better give Silver a bunch of techno music.
Oh, I remember him. Cool cat.
>Knuckles is absolutely black
He's Red
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Achieve perfect balance drawfren
We also have the female security guard from the IDW Riders arc but she doesn't even have a face.
>Blobpaws with two lines
What's his deal?
archie lore makes me happy
God I want a blobjob from Mina...
I really wouldn't count that.
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Like Saleta, he's the last of his kind. He doesn't get much focus other than having super strength.
I'm liking the idea of Silver actually being the one to inspire the galactic freedom fighters the way sonic inspires people in the modern day.
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How long until Sega backports Amy into Mania like they did with Origins?
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What's the opinion on Surge's current arc?
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Is that (you)?
She eats both.
Evan REALLY pussified Surge's character.
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oh no anons people are realising that sonic the hedgehog 2006 is actually not peak at all it's actually quite terribly designed and you have to mentally prepare yourself to play it by anticipating bullshit that most competent game devs would not do.
Imagine Sonic if he was written to be a crying wuss like Archie wanted him sometimes. Kit really is carrying that team up.
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Thanks, I kinda based it on this.
Satam Robotnik launched a space station that has a robot night club for the bots on board.
There no world where Sonic Frontiers 2 launches in a few months for Switch 2
Hell there’s no way Frontiers 2 is even a thing since they’re likely waiting to see if Shadow Generations scores better to determine the direction.
Character regression like Tails in Forces or Silver in general
I also had an idea how Rougette could be SGW-ied into being her own thing and not a fankid, it involved a black arm larvea eating a ricky and adapting it's DNA into it's own form.
It's like watching Evan fall down the stairs and instead of grabbing onto the railing she just keeps rolling down faster and faster.
we need a silver vs sterling fancomic one day. full-on shonenshit.
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What happened to the other 26 Rotors?
>or Silver
he didnt even have a great start, there's been no regression
Ok that screenshot looked like shit.
Please have this Rougette not grasp how clothes work until someone (likely Sally or Rouge) has to explain it to her.
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And people claim he wasn't just a little silly.
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AIDS. All of them. Every single one.
He's gone into the negatives
I thought SatAM was just serious, grimdark and comic relief was Sonic and Sally arguing and Antoine being a coward?
Sonic and Sally don't even argue in satam. They banter with each other.
I swear there's this perception that they were like Ash and Misty when really they're more like Goki and Krillin if they made out.
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Yeah people shit on Ian but he said we need villains and seems the start of the arc was him. It was when Evan took over as lead writer the crybaby/victim surge started.
Yeah honestly, so sad too. She really never felt like a victim or villain just a brat that constantly got fucked over rightfully so. Surge would go from "HAHAHA I'M THE END OF YOU ALL" to "p...p..please j..just l..leave me alone"

Kit carries but also surge existence keeps him from ever being able to be his own character and do interesting stuff. always feel the purple eye thing is just a motif and will never be anything cool like a quasi evil tails.
I feel that's why 9's reception was so strong. We just want Tails to do something. I feel surge isn't even that, as she's too new really she works best in sonurge/sonic v surge art as a jobber/bullied bottom

She really lives off her design and base concept of a punk villainess.Still crazy how she let sonic punk her
I genuinely expect Surge's arc to end like Mikoto's arc and that's not good.
The paralells are becoming way too strong.
>A brain bot huh? we hate brain bots here.
I hope we get more of the GFF with Silver.
She's becoming too easy to break, it's not even funny.
Kek. Despite this being the inspiration, the vibes yours give me is quite different.
Spooky and freaky. Like it cus it reminds me of The Thing/Aliens, but I am also really onboard the crackship that started her.
Idk why, but I see this with Surge Kek, she's the comical jobber.
I knew it! I remember watching OPM and watching Carnage Kabuto with a manic grin on my face for how much he reminded me of the General. I also enjoyed Choze as well for similar reasons.
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Like this, one can really appreciate the difference from Sally to Rougette and Saleta.
Don't forget Robotnik turned into a pansy whenever Naugus was around. This carried on into Archie, too. Even after the reboot.
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She'd never survive a ribbing from Archie Sonic. I find it so insane how far she's fallen. I remember being part of the original Surge Jobber meme after the trip and getting beaten in 50, but seeing how true they've become is just sad. Even letting Clutch bully her honestly think if she becomes a hero surge will go down as the most pathetic villain in sonic history(at least one meant to be taken seriously)
She really is now.
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Full shonenshit, you say?
>Silver: "Grr Why isn't my strongest technique working?"
>Sterling: "Fufufu, Silver-kun. I'm an artificially modified being, remember? And I've augmented my body to counter your testicular torsion technique! I HAVE NO BALLS!"
>Sonic: "B-Bakana! (Imposible!) He has no balls?!"
>Tails: "B-But then how will Silver beat him?"
>Shadow: "(Internal monologue) Hmm, the lack of balls nullifies Silver's greatest strength, giving Sterling a clear advantage"
>Blaze: "I believe in you, Silver-kuuun"
>Silver wipes blood off his face and stands up. "Hmph, I guess it's time to get serious". He takes off his bracelets, and they fall to the ground, cracking it like they were weighing 10 tons
What about This?
She's just rape meat now.
Eggman hates wizards.
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Could Moss fix Surge?
this guy would fuck tiger elise
>I swear there's this perception that they were like Ash and Misty when really they're more like Goki and Krillin if they made out.
Archie influenced perception I guess? Did they argue a lot in Archie?
It's... ART!
Don't like her trajectory. She's on her way to becoming one of Sonic's friends just like most of everyone else and she would lose some of her value
Archie Sally is as disagreeable to Sonic as Primedow
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The question is whether or not she'll be as low tier as Jet. I doubt it unless Sega shows super heavy favoritism cause "Fuck American dog character".

At least her win/loss ratio isn't as bad as Shadow's.
Rotor 27 is actually the 27th GENERATION of Rotor super soldier clones. The previous 26 were all euthanized. He escaped.
Probably. Werehog Sonic was filled with legit evil. Surge just needs someone to tell her she looks pretty twice a day.
>Surge just needs someone to tell her she looks pretty twice a day
Man, it's disappointing how this punk bitch is turning into an easy pickme.
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I love the rare trope of a far future character that's an established character with a number attached to their name like a sequel.
I just made that up right now but I think it's cool
Can you imagine how them meeting would turn out
All you'd have to do is say that she was right about Sonic and that he needs to have the shit kicked out of him and taught a lesson. That and you'd also need to be nice to Kit.
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>Surge just needs someone to tell her she looks pretty twice a day.
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I just read their issues. It's really weird that they actually just outright call it a genocide. Sonic shit wouldn't dare do that.
And they get REVENGE on the race that genocided them by genociding them back?
Also Bunni mentions that Tailon was the first time she'd ever seen a fully grown Fox. That's kind of depressing.
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I think if Amy is gonna use her cards to fight, she should still have her hammer. Just like Gambit uses his staff. Hopefully Sega does it the next time they make her playable.
I got a conversation about chronciles going 2 days ago literally by bringing it up. if you can't talk about what you want to talk about that's a skill issue.
It is legitimately so easy to get people here talking about Frontiers or SatbK or shth that I can't even take these posts seriously anymore.
So fuck you i'm going to start talking about Sally.
I haven't read Archie at all but I know she's naked. We need more naked girls, starting with Rouge.
Is calling out attack names too Japanese a concept? Is that why we don't every see characters like Surge having attack names?
So it's true surge really is made for abuse.
Literally genetically made punching bag
She really already has. does she even have any value or true impressive moments or feats? Like even this arc she just been bitched by clutch and acting fake tough as always sadly.
Oh hey this is my old drawing man I used to be so into surge

Well I mean jet is a game character and sega's been obvious about not 100% supporting the idw canon. So really they'll be as relevant as they are in the comics. I.e if she becomes a hero she'll definitely get depowered/a down grade since she'll be on the dykemond cutter squad and can't outshine tangle or whisper too much.

Isn't it though? she literally never won a single fight fairly at least.
I liken it to casting a spell.
SatAM is so actually-cool. I found out about it as a kid online (in the years before Youtube, when downloading even a low-quality video was a formidably sluggish feat for the family computer) but got put off by the Archie comics lore, thinking it was too much to keep up with or care about. I finally watched SatAM last year, and it's every bit as cool as you'd hope it'd be with none of the AIDS of Archie at its worst. It's a really fun and rewarding watch without being too grimdark or self-serious
I don't know which I like more. Surge as the tsundere who hates coming out about her feelings or Surge having no boundaries when she feels love and coming on stronger than Amy.
What's with Sonic and fucked up futures that are almost 100% dead?
>used to
What happened? Evan's writing?
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Funny thought I had threads ago
I don't like her using her cards for combat at all, and would prefer if she just used them exclusively for divination stuff.
Shadow sort of does it, but I think the issue is that naming your own moves and announcing them to your enemies is kind of dickish and full of yourself, so I can't really see Sonic himself doing it.
I could definitely see more prideful characters doing it though, like Surge, Jet, Eggman, or the Zeti.
I think Archie makes Satam look bad storywise, but Satam's artstyle is so ugly. It's one of the few Sonic products where the writing carries a hideous artstyle.
Everyone calls it a generic Disney afternoon clone but Disney afternoon cartoons looked cute and cool. Most of the episodic characters in satam are fucking hideous.
>Evan's writing?
Yep. Now it's Uwurge, the jobbering tenrec in need of comfort but easy to abuse.
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A bit of both; she bottles it up and hides it with her facade of coolness, but when she lets loose, it comes gushing out.
I laughed out loud, good work anon
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Just makes her easier to ship with sonic kek, but honestly yeah she's meant to be punk but is like modern punk. Where it's all performative and for all the idc they break down if one thing goes wrong. Surge is just that, so pathetically needy.
Like image above, literally Archie wouldn't have cared she was abused or experimented on after he gave her one chance she's getting the meanest longest speed blitz combo in history. Imagine your longest combo in Frontier and that's a fraction of what surge would get.

Or he'd just roast her a few times leaving her dumbfound and crying.
Man, I'm fucked up due to lack of sleep! AAAAAHHHH1HH!!!
I love your art. It's cute and funny.
The problem with Sonic's worlds is that when sonic exists, half the population ends up too busy jerking off to him so societly collapses
Kek, nice.
Isn't that how most western cartoons looked like at the time?
>Is calling out attack names too Japanese a concept
Spider-man calls out his attacks but nobody notices this because unlike most Japanese characters it's clear that he's intentionally doing that and not that he needs to say it to activate it or something.
Calling out your attacks happens in both hemispheres but in Japan they have this thing where you can vaguely see it as a means to activate the attack. The character never seems aware that they're calling the attack.
Like it's an impulse or something. It's clearly not meant to be dissected.
When it happens in America it's strictly when the character *is not* serious.
Imagine putting this in a kid's comic
It was all the rage back in the 90's
It was just a joke I think it was meant to be funny. Though it aged badly
This isn't really an archie sonic exclusive thing. The 90s were a weird decade for comics.
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The thing is, I don't really see shouting attack names as prideful, maybe because I'm just used to it from anime and stuff, but it just feels... natural I guess? Like from a wester perspective, I don't see an issue with Superman not shouting "HEAT VISION!" every time he uses it, but I guess the more "anime" I see a series as being it just ends up feeling like saying attack names is a given.
Sonic and the Freedom Fighters look fine. The incidental characters and one-off characters not so much.
I think TMNT was better at making appealing secondary characters than DiC Sonic.
How did you have the exact same headcanon as me?
>Spider-man calls out his attacks
He does?
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>in Japan they have this thing where you can vaguely see it as a means to activate the attack.
This is a really good way to look at it actually. Neat.
I kek'd.
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Well remember that sketch and all my surge arc are from 50-56. So it was heart breaking anon, I was mostly meming at the time and I also shipped sonurge. So I initially liked concept of rival ship and her being the new courage and badass punk girl. Then she slowly devolved into a crying loser, and I think it was the fetal position crying while saying. "t..they ...want to hurt me, w..why won't the leave me alone". Literally went from surge is cool to man surge is a ryona magnet bottom.

>Remember this being my last surge sketch I believe made in the pile like 2 years ago for the end of the surge arc
Yep this, she really did just become the saddest character. Also what's with Evan and crying ocs?
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>Wave flying
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I would read entire comics by you.
one of them looks like a slutted out betty from archie.
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Jet's concept art
Fuckin LMAO
>surge is a ryona magnet bottom
So all the fanart of her beaten by Sonic and Shadow (even Blaze I think) was a sign of the future.
In videogames Spider-man will call his attacks (not the PS4 games though)
In cartoons after the 2000s he will also call out his gadgets.
In the movies he *technically* has to call out his suit activation skills. "ACTIVATE INSTANT KILL!" "WEB WINGS!"
He is also the superhero most known for literally saying the attack he's doing at the time as a quip.
>Also what's with Evan and crying ocs?
It must be a compulsion at this point. More than once, I read Evan's writing and thought to myself "What the hell was she thinking?".
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In this series foxes and hedgehogs can fly but bird can't
Jet was going to be a cat or a fennec before they decided he should be a bird? Kinda interesting.
She's horny when she makes comics. And we all know how that affects our ability to think, anon.
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Nice. I got it from Drawloverlala's Speedy.
This is specifically why I don't like sonurge at all, it feels like it represents everything wrong with surge and I hate it
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>she literally never won a single fight fairly
All's fair in love and war. Let's see:

>Successfully breaking out of Starline's control w/ Kit.
>Taking down Metal Sonic w/ assist from Kit.
>Beating the shit out of Whisper and stealing her wisps.
>Successfully infiltrating the Restoration and not immediately blowing her cover like a retard

>Getting BTFO'd by a Super Badnik
>Losing to Sonic
>Getting humiliated by Tails via bucket
>Burning herself out while trying to kill Sonic

Yeah, her record is better than Jobdow. She also could have killed Eggman when she stole the dynamo cage but I'm not sure if that counts as a W.
remember in the breakfast club where the rough goth chick gets a makeover into a pink girlygirl? and now everyone hates that scene and it is seen as aging poorly?
that is what i think of when i see people talk about surge's "development" and sonurge
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Late response but I'm made sure Carol HATES this >:)
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>She also could have killed Eggman when she stole the dynamo cage but I'm not sure if that counts as a W.
That's an L for the idiot writers, since it manages to make both Surge look retarded, and Eggman look pathetic.
If Sonic characters were to compete in a checkers tournament, who would win?
Not canon
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After reading this this might actually one of the most retarded ideas they ever had.
Who thought putting some zombie angstfest into a comic like this was a good idea?
I don't even mind this franchise having serious stories but this just seems so stupid since it ruins pretty much every character especially eggman.
Who wants stuff like this?
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Yeah, the jobber memes were on point. I mean, we ALL saw it coming.
Nobody asked.
This general needs more Elise rep. Where's my Elisefags at?
I mean yeah, but not really what we were talking about.
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Looks like someone aimed a lazer pointer at a paper shredder. Poor Carol.
This general needs more good characters rep. Where are Marinefags?
Ian said it was an idea he planned to use in Archie.
Right here.
post marine
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Big would win by eating all the pieces
Blaze sweeps easy.
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Thanks for cumming. Will host again soon.
>that blaze
I dislike how small scale IDW feels nowadays, they should've just kept up with the same style as Reboot and Preboot with the long arcs and large scale stories. Along with some shorter ones lower stakes stuff as well. MV wasn't that bad imo but it is a zombie story and zombie stories are hard to write, so I'll cut it some slack.

Even better, since this is a game styled comic, they could tell large scope stories while keeping the feeling and style a bit more similar to the games except more in depth because the comics are a better medium for stories than games. Scrapnik Island, although it was kind of short and didn't have wide reaching consequences, was kind of this and feels more like a Sonic game style story.
Anyone have that pic where Blaze bursts through a wall, pissed at Lanolin for bullying Silver?
Mexican Amy
Metal Scourge
good raiding party, very balanced.
Cute picture of Sally!
Tails would get to the end but get sidelined by Rouge's tits
Then Sega would mandate that Sonic wins
That's supposed to be Johnny but same difference lol
I liked Bad Guys as well.
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Guys Surge just got an Abortion
The only Johnny I remember from Sonic got fucking merked by Chaos, and was a rabbit so probably not him.
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I just want to see the Neo Diamond Cutters actually do interesting stuff like the game characters. The lack of fun "misadventures" during the Misadventures arc and being relegated to referees in the Riders arc really isn't helping them.
when did you realize that Surge and Kit isn't Sonic and Tails but Amy and Tails.
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She did nothing wrong, and should comeback.
>Rouge stunning tails with her tits and then dragging him into the bathroom to bounce on his twin mutant red rockets
Bold of you to assume Surge isn't infertile
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Freedom for women!
Not him, but only if they make a cartoon anime version of her, not some Final Fantasy mocap.
Guess I'll read the recent comics so I can get caught up in what Surge is up to.
The new arc just looks really lame.
she looks good for traumatizing
she also looks good for traumatizing
Unironically, unless she has some really good internal insulation like electric eels do, her womb is FUCKED.

She'll also probably die of a seizure or MI at 30.
Chris future wife
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NTA, but here.
>Captcha: 0VA2
Man do I wanna suck Kit's dick
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People had high hopes qt the start since the art looked really nice and people love Riders. However it quickly turned into more convoluted Restoration drama and crying, so you know.
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Internally Sega believes the poor Nintendo Switch version of Frontiers affected its reception in the end.
The crossroads is hit with targeting reviews or targeting sales
>more convoluted Restoration drama and crying
Is that all the IDW writers know how to write?
Ok, this actually does make me feel bad for her. Even though she'll never be canonically paired with anyone romantically.
Sadly, yes, she's literally the weakest of the upper echelon fighters. I can't see her beating silver or amy especially knuckles or shadow.
Idk and yeah so weird, like if it was just whisper it'd be fine but it's
whisper tangle and now lanolin and surge. Like she seems to be the most sexist female writer as if her ocs are girls they will cry kek.
True but it allows me to like what's good and headcanon her as just accepting being a jobber and it makes her better. But I do want badass surge and most classic sonurge was badass surge rival hate boner but now she basically a poodle.
Most of these feel like gimme wins but eh at least better than shadow I suppose but still a jobber.

I mean yeah weird she didn't try for all her talk about "muh le sonic bad for sparing eggman" but she literally let him go which led to her getting fucked up.

I mean she kind of won the whisper fight on a technicality of having type advantage to the umph degree. An can whisper even fight?
Not surge losing so bad kek, and she really did get pressed hard by sonic in their only fair real fight.
the comics are like a ride with single good incline at the beginning, then the rest is flat.
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It's a good thing they made so many OCs that aren't under Sega's thumb, now we can see what they would do with the Sonic characters without restraint!
Oh, it's crying and pointless drama. Cool beans.
Not sure about Ian, but Evan? Yes.
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This guy. You raced him in special stages in Sonic Rush Adventure.
>I can't see her beating silver or amy especially knuckles or shadow
Jeez, what about Cream? Can she at least beat this child we like to see has the Sonic replacement once she grows up?
DJ Knux is cool with the Emerald outlines.
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Should sega remake rivals completely since it's not canon and turn good for canon?
>the most sexist female writer as if her ocs are girls they will cry kek
Holy shit, you're right. She's like JJK's writer Gege at this point, even if Maki had a cool personal story.
That's as close as you could get yeah,
that's on me for not recognizing the yellow.
The fact that she has MV regeneration would also probably see any attempt at making a child to be a foreign contaminant and delete it before it even develops. She's probably live a decently long life because of that though.
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>watching a Japanese video about Sonic Frontiers
Why does she look younger?
We could've had Amy's rival.
You just know that if Surge was to fight them in IDW, she would at least draw
They should just remake it as a mobile game so they can finally acknowledge it. The only reason they don't is because it didn't release in Japan.
Silver has time travel powers and a preference
Different art style + human design.
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What if Silver was called Shine instead
Still begins with an S and fits him being the light of hope in a dark world
Shadow and Blaze both have far more experience than her, and fire was said to counter the MV which would give Blaze a definitive advantage.
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That's a good name.
But I hope he stays dead, has more impact.
art style. Actually I think all girls in that style look exactly the same with different hair.
Then he really would be Anti-Shadow
That sounds like Shadow's Moebius counterpart.
Aren't all the characters in their mid to late teens?
Like, even Rouge isn't 18 yet.
This is why that one guy keeps deleting his doodles.
I agree, she does use the hammer, but it can be given more animations next game.
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>tiny Blaze action figure has arrived

Life is good.
>this fag again
If Surge is adapted to the games, how do you think she will be portrayed as more likely?
Sounds more like a girls name. It also only has one syllable, so it sounds off next to Sonic and Shadow.
Reminder that Shadow won in SA2
>Most of these feel like gimme wins
As the saying goes "By hook or by crook". A win is a win.
She is a sniper so close combat isn't her strength. I'm just glad Sega vetoed letting IDW use the Avatar cause you know they'd turn him lame and gay.
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...maybe he's right...
'90s were wild.
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Blaze couldn't even damage Shadow Androids
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>always has been
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Post picture
Shiny then
The things she does for love...
Posting the full color version later, just posting the inks incase my browser closes while I'm out.
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unless the father is Kit, in that case the virus could cancel itself out.

Source: trust me bro, I'm a doctor
Sounds like a sideckick name.
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>Canonically genocided all the robot pirates
I don't think Surge has a chance without Kit backing her up.
Only cause IDW hates him so much. It's REALLY fucking telling that IDW isn't doing a special for the Sonic 3 movie release yet they gave one to Fang.

Now someone draw Silver beating up Surge next.
>Blaze can't destroy a single Shadow android
>Surge loses to a bucket
Why is IDW like this?
uugh now i'm horny
One sec lemme get my hotglue
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The disrespect is astronomical. Damn, we need more Surge loser memes and art.
I say yes and know, Cream is a beast and also idw seems to count her and gemerl like the games did her and chaos.

So yeah no gemerl would rip her to pieces.
Eh wasn't a big fan of manki, she literally is just his way of reviving toji a 2rd time

But yeah so weird but guess sometimes people can't see the forest for the trees.
Actually her v amy would be cool, but now I can't feel her being able to beat amy.
I mean doesn't look good when it's your only real win against a named character

But I mean she literally was beating surge until surge remembered her new hack could eat her power source.
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Save him...
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This comic was actually decently fun, but then the panel these characters showed up in, it started to become immediately lame. It's actually insane.
>Canonically genocided all the robot pirates
They were weak, plus they don't matter anymore since 2005
Look at Shadow Androids, they are more relevant
me on the left
They don't seem to be as big on the rule of cool stuff as much. Especially Evan. She doesn't seem to like that stuff in the comics, and if you think about it, Sonic Adventure 2 had a bunch of stuff like that in the game, moments that were really awesome in the story. Evan makes everything feel so lame by comparison, and Ian is kind of contributing to that too.
can someone... compile a list of every genocide to ever happen in sonic media?
>every genocide that's happened in sonic media

...are we including Kenders?
>doesn't look good
I'll say it again, "by hook or by crook". Every character can't have a solid win record like Silver or be unbeaten like Omega.
Poor tangle deserves better
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Somehow we have three flavors of green eyed reverse Sonic
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Kinda mad the paint on her foot is scuffed. Oh well.

This is the Jakks Pacific one if anyone is wondering.
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>Now someone draw Silver beating up Surge next
Could it be? Is it finally his time to shine?!
*blue eyed
Tails, Cocoa Island, Battle Kukkus.
Shadow, The Black Comet, Black Arms.
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And there's pointless drama already. I like how Sonic and his friends aren't even saying anything, they have a look of, "why are they fighting with each other and starting arguements already?"
They're staying out of it because they don't need pointless drama to fake characterization.
I think you have the wrong general.
I said this before, the Neo Diamond Cutters kept getting shafted when it came to what to do with them. They weren't even allowed to train in the Misadventures arc, they were relegated to referees here, and the only times Lanolin was even remotely interesting to watch was when she made things worse when she was trying to apprehend the Phantom Rider or when she got one-shotted by the fake one. The comic needs better writing, or better writers.

>Poor tangle deserves better
So does Whisper. Remember when she was introduced as this stoic badass mercenary sniper?
god i wish whisper would shoot me with her wisp rifle
You forgot Chaos and the Echidna. Idk if you want to count that though.
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Uwuver was born to lose
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looks cool, I don't want to bring it down,
but that's a pretty nasty scuff. I'd be pissed.
#64 anniversary is fucking coming
>Surge is weaker than Shadow Androids
You forget, Sonic Team made the Shadow Androids. Amerimutts made Surge so expect the Nippon advantage to happen.

I still say, Kit would be needed for Surge to stand a chance against Blaze.
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I love how when #69 initially released, people were arguing that Lanolin cared about the well-being and safety of Sonic's team when she clearly didn't. Where do you see ANY concern on Lanolin's scowling face here?
Oh yeah, that.
He and Uwurge will cry at eachother for thrity minutes and everyone will lose. Especially the readers.
His whimsy, gone...
Cus Black Arms, fuck you.
Even the fucking springs had to be edgy LMAO
You can see Amy's butt...
an accurate depiction of me before and after 4chan
no seriously what force caused every single spring on earth to rust during the events of shadow the hedgehog?
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Gremlurge bullying Uwuver

Punkver bullying Uwurge

Uwuver and Uwurge crying at each other until their handlers take them away

Punkver and Gremlurge punching each other until they start fucking
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At least Amy is still a little bit Amy...
Describe preboot Archie in one sentence.
He should be called Shine so he's the anti-shadow.

Shadow the bad guy who turned good and Shine the good guy who turned bad
>what force
The force of Grit and Edge.
The same one that caused the moon to, and I quote, "Turn[...] around so we can't see [...]"the giant fucking hole
I'm surprised they resisted the urge to make the rings covered in piss and shit stains
reverse for me.
But now where will Big go with?
Riders Amy is the most Amy she's been in IDW.
Meh, it's already a limited physical manifestation of Blaze's actual beauty anyway.
Drowned by Perfect Chaos.
>Black Arms
Destroyed by Shadow.
>The World(?)
Broken by Eggman in Unleashed. Nobody seemed hurt, though...
>United Federation, GUN, various(?)
Conquered by Eggman offscreen in Sonic Forces. Maybe. We don't know.
Overhyped, Oversexed and Over Eisenhower.
the difference between sparky and eggfag
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Me too, Jet, me too.

Her name is Surj.
Messy but fun.
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I have to say, I'm really enjoying this art, very nice in my opinion.
Not a big fan of the coloring, not a BIG fan, it's still okay but fuck I hate this stupid grit filter they put over the entire comic.
It's fine, but overrated
rank sonic girls by their love of creampies (the snack)
Beast the Dark Trooper

>weaponry: M-16, AKA-47, ace and a lance with England's flag

Beast was born in London and he was in the Second World War. He died for England, but he resurrected. His friends think he is dead and fogot him. When the war ended, he became into a mercenary/terrorist/killer/hero. Now he's working for G.U.N. In the future, people think he was Shadom's family killer, but his killer was Vader. When Shadom arrived to the future, the futurist Beast arrived too. Finally Vader kills Shadom. Beast helped Shadus to kill Vader
If anyone could convince Surge to become an anti-hero that kills bastard villains and makes fun of Sonic instead of trying to kill him, it would be Punkver
The filter is there because it’d look sterile since it’s digital
Amy does not like it bitter, but I'd just use creamer instead of sugar.
Who tf is Shadus
Silver's Win/loss record is actually very good.

>Saved Sonic from Starline's IED in Iraq
>One of the few characters to NOT get infected during the Metal Virus arc
>Succeeded in eradicating the Metal Virus with an assist from Super Sonic
>Saving Jobdow during the Eggperial City with nodding head assist from Blaze

>That shit with Duo and Lanolin until Duo get found out

All things considered, IDW is MUCH nicer to him than Jobdow.
so? what if it was rem*leased in japan?
Although it looks like Amy got a haircut.
This one is better
I personally prefer wave twerking
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He sure took Eggman at face value huh?
Well I guess it's better to get to the point for pacing. Still feels really stupid of him.
IDW can't make up it's mind whether Uwuver is super capable and powerful, or loses to eggpawns and gardening equipment. Either way he's still super freaking lame, and I'd rather him be cool and lose than be lame and win.
That's a good question, I don't fucking know
>fuck I hate this stupid grit filter
yeah, what the fuck is this? it's been since #50 i think and especially during urban warfare arc the art is bad cvz of it
Still he doesn't look nor act like he did these things,all for the sake or making him a twink which in Evan eyes in adorable and in Ian eyes is funny
The fact the three of them didn't just beat the shit out of Eggman right then and there despite this being the same guy that has nearly destroyed the world multiple times, as well as recently doing the fucking Metal Virus, is fucking stupid.
"how many dicks can fit up Sally's vagina"
artist is too lazy to use textured brushes
He can really shart
He's got a lot of poo
He's the fastest shart alive
The fastest shart alive
The fastest shart alive
apparently this
which, I really don't agree with honestly if that is true.
I was skipping past that. Cause you know how if you're arguing against someone and the point is so fucking stupid you just don't bother, yeah it's that.
Chaos. And I love it
That shitty filter mixed with ABT's shitty Evan-styled art makes those issues borderline unreadable.
What you smell is what you get! Just a guy that loves sharting! I'm Shartnic the Sharthog!
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that sluts fat fucking ass hanging out of that bin just begging for it
Why did they give them mouths
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Sain the Hedgehog
Sain is a fast hedgehog, compared to sonic, he is slower than him, and is the second fastest thing alive, but after being sent to A alternate universe, he was forced to be the first, now a Leader of the Heroic Speedsters and skilled snowboarder, he is one of the most extreme hedgehogs out there.
you know,
there are priorities
I mean he needs to vent his anger and surge is made for beating. Also I'd prefer silver beating lanolin
yeah kind of...
You know now I see why her fans were so attached.
So they can suck (you)r dick.
Heh, talk about low budget bathrooms! No diapers or Preparation H? I'm outta here! I like sharting better!
get these irl minors off my porn general
Preboot is number 2 favorite continuity to me but the games as number 1 because they don't have all the bad parts to it dragging it down. But when its good, I think its really amazing. And its also the original where everything else came from.
Silver wouldn't even bother with Lanolin
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Now that Surge is wearing skin tight clothing, she's actually quite fat.
fat lightning they call her.
Toilets? No way!!
Why wouldn't he?
Because Silver is a twink and Lanolin is too obviously female.
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Wha... what's he going to do...?
if STDS existed in the archieverse sally would be a scientific study
Fuck you, dicksucker!
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Lanolin is convinced she's a full-fledged commander despite only having one mission under her belt that she almost got killed in, and needed to be rescued from. She's beneath Silver (and a lot of others).
Can't hold on much longer
(But I will always let it go)
I know it's a one-way brap
(Tell me now how long this'll last)
I'm not gonna think this way
(Nor will I count on toilets)
Close my eyes and feel the burn
(Now I see what I've gotta doodoo)
Open your ass, it's gonna be alright
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The Restoration just fucking hate Silver. They stuck him in that dingy bunker bed and give this five star shit to the random twink he hurt
Lanolin wished she was half as good as Sally
oh my god she knocked up kit
BTW Lanolin's role in the comic is fucked up from the beginning.
Why the hell would LANOLIN lead the DIAMOND CUTTERS, when WHISPER is still here??
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Are you the kind of person who wants to fix Lien-Da, or make her worse?
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Breaker Earthsoul the hedgehog

As a soldier Breaker was physically strong to the limits of any other soldier of the Vita Nova institute he was serious about his job and beleived that anyone could make a change for the world he used to stand in, not one to ever want to give up as a selfless hero. Breaker was very serious and wise when it came to interaction never once wanting to slack off and take it easy, but had a very deep fear of dying and never wanted it to happen to him but in the end he finally came to terms with how fate worked and faithfully gave up his life.

In present day Breaker is reknowned as the "Legendary Warrior" of the Vita Nova islands and has many people that look up to his deeds and adventures, but there are many that could care less and just see him as a simple person that died at war, the Vita Nova institute where he was once high ranked use his training methods such as jogging in rainy climates and scaling rocky walls to train soldiers to gain a simmilar girth to him.
Two reasons. Lanolin is a literal nobody and Silver wouldn't waste his time with her, and the second is that if Silver was properly characterized in IDW him and Lanolin would likely get along due to their similarities as proactive wannabe heroes with troubled pasts. Sadly both Silver and Lanolin have been written like garbage and we're not going to get anything that isn't just more drama.
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Guess what.
Time to crack that anus wide open!! Yeah, let's party!!
so... no magma?
Whisper is to anti-social and quiet.
Sega’s only new game announcement at the Switch 2 event is Kiwami 3
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I can't believe I called she's going to be psyoped into becoming evil.
And all the anons here called me a big ol fag, but I WAS RIGHT, FUCK YOU.
Anyways, Sonic's fucking dead. Surge just hit him with a flying bike going 200, he's fucking mulch.
Damn did notice that now surge is flat and round poor girl. She stress ate after jobbing so hard last arc.
He should, when will we get silver nutting up I miss the OG silver.
Sonic is the wind, Sally is cute, Archie is the worst and shipping is even worse, right?
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I am a dirty cheater who uses infinite lives and all emeralds unlocked cheat codes and I am playing through the Sonic series. I'm skipping SA2 because I've played it dozens of times.

Should I play Heroes next?
It's going to be tomorrow~!
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what do mobian gloves smell like haha
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Chipmunk butt...?
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That's a good fuckin' question, actually. I swear that damn sheep keeps finding new ways to be annoying as hell.
tomorrow, how many times we need to say it?
Amazing how these characters jump between such extremes
he just got here, leave him alone.
Froggy! Where are you buddy?
Don't just sit there and waste your precious time. When you want to shart, do it right away. Do it when you can. It's the only way to live a life without regrets.
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Yeah, you're still a faggot for wanting Lanolin to be evil
well, sorry.
And you're a faggot for reading this shitty comic, but you don't see us pointing that out, do you?
She's not FUN
She's fucking BORING.
She should be evil, fill the fucking role.
I will have my way, and she will be evil.
Fuck off and die!
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I find it hard to believe that Mimic's shape-shifting ability can fool a medical examination
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Destruction the Hedgehog
Destruction the Hedgehog is Kataklysm's younger brother. His brother is evil, but Destruction is good (normally neutral.) He likes the Thrash Metal band Destruction
...w-wrong post... I'm sorry...
th-this buttfucker is what I meant.
Whisper is a skilled Sniper. Whisper is not a social person capable of influencing personality types into a cohesive group. Whisper is NOT a leader
Sally would be a good addition for the Olympics. I don't see why Rossalina and Victor get added
Why are they all crying?
Question for windfags:

Does Sonic get sleepy and slow down or does he just say "man I'm tired" and passes out where he's standing?
this but unironically
I find it doubtful they even discussed WHY two of their friends were convinced that the new recruit was a shapeshifting killer in the first place afterwards. These stories are infuriatingly stupid when you actually think about them.
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Sally will NEVER, EVER, EVEEEEEER be in ANY SEGA product EVER again.
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Holy shit. I remember those OC makers
This is the IDW adaption.
I know it's the Olympic Games, but Rosalina is Blaze, Daisy is Cream, Captain Syrup is Rouge, DK is Knuckles, and Yoshi is Vector.
How would Nega-Shadow act?
What the fuck happen to the wiki? I wanted to read some shitty evil oc's but the site is missing 90% of what it used to have
Try not calling us "windfags". We are just fans of the character. Not spinoff versions of him. We are fans of the actual Sonic.
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Who is responsible for Amy acting like Amy this arc? She's not suppose to be a supportive cheerful ditz who will not progress the mission because she's grossed out, she's suppose to be infinitely strong and blank and girl.
that doll is nightmare fuel
He says "man I'm tired" in the most nonchalant way possible, quickly runs to wherever he plans on staying, then immediately flies into bed and falls asleep instantly in the most cartoony way possible.
We'd have to ask Sparky-sama
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Perpetually ill, inferior. Chronically depressed.
Silver literally could annihilate the dykemond cutters and he had to be tested to get into their shitty team. Silvers not even that lame in idw comparative to other runs, why did he not get more pissed.
So weird too as Silver literally was one of the leaders/generals of the restoration in the game. So what happened between them and now
>She's not FUN
She's actively anti-fun. There's being serious and then there's just being a jerk.
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Then he makes cartoon snoring noises like
>Wggghhhh wooooo
>Wogghhhh wooooo
>why did he not get more pissed

>Silver literally was one of the leaders/generals of the restoration in the game. So what happened between them and now
Ian AND Evan.
Amy is one of the few things that Evan can get right
Be that as it may, I need a name to refer to people who have that opinion.

Yeah, I can see it
She's not hard to get right, she's pretty fucking basic.
It's assholes trying to reinvent her to prove how smart they are and breaking the damsel role or whatever to impress their shitty friends.
I Like amy in idw actually better than her being a schizo weirdo sonic simp. But think this rider amy is best design and her best personality to play off the other characters.
Why must they be so bad at writing also honestly realizing it's more and more Evan. Ian isn't even the lead writer anymore and when he was at least the comics had something going on other than bad master plans and crying ocs every five seconds. Since Evan took over it's become the Crying Oc comics featuring sonic
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Noooooo! Silver is a baby rookie next to all these experienced lesbians!
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Disco the HedgeFox (ディスコ・ザ・ヘッジフォックス Disuko za hejjifokkusu?) is a anthropomorphic mobian HedgeFox who was abandoned in a cornfield 3 weeks after he was born and later raise under the care of a farm after he was found by two farmers. After turning 12 years old, he left home to go on adventures along with his friends and stop any threats who intends to threaten the world. Disco is a kindhearted, carefree and a loyal helpful person with a good attitude and willingly be there for his friends and others by spring into action to defeat any threats using his abilities and skills to defend his world from the forces of evil that is around him.
Disco can be naïve and stubborn sometimes despite the situation he is in, but he takes responsibility on what's going on around him by watching his surroundings by being cautious. Disco is always more of a hero type person to his friends, allies and others, but he is basically characterized as honest and brave who is willing to take on any form of challenge he'll come across right in front of him which described him as a dynamic adventurer and continues to on adventures to this day.
That Lanolin looking pretty fine ngl
Nega is suppoesed to mean "negative" or "opposites attract". That being said, I have no idea, although if Shadow is the darker version of Sonic, and Blaze is the Nega Sonic, then the Nega Shadow would be a darker version of Blaze.
She was only ever that in Heroes, and you fags won't let it go, and even then it's WAY over embellished how bad she was.
We established in the thread with all that manga a couple days ago, you austists just don't get teasing!
why is he crying?
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What would Terios's role be if he was canon?
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He lost Blaze
we cant call you sparky, theres only one sparky and he died 2 years ago
Lol which is insane as firstly Lanolin canonlogically started being a "soldier" after the war as we see her getting inspired by sonic in one of the first issues. An she comes from a small peaceful village.

on the other hand Whisper was a soldier in the war and had all her friends die and kept fighting. An even more time tested, Silver lived in a wasteland/dying world constantly struggling to fight monsters/bots and live. He also not only fought in the war but also fought in other earlier battles. So how in the fuck is he a rookie and not a real warrior.
Nooooo poor baby Silver :'(
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I fucking hate crack ships and I hate coolorfag.
No clue. I guess some retarded either had fun deleting shit or the images were taken on shitty screenshot websites.
Shadow's hedgehog DNA donor
>So how in the fuck is he a rookie and not a real warrior.
Evan. Also, I think that guy was kidding.
Who cares about these literally who
>if Shadow is the darker version of Sonic, and Blaze is the Nega Sonic, then the Nega Shadow would be a darker version of Blaze.
No, that would be just alternate Shadow. Nega Shadow would be a better versions of Blaze
He doesn't remember her though?
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man, arc sucks but I really like the art alone.
It's on the level of official renders.
Like damn.
SA2 demonstrated that Shadow is actually the inferior version of Sonic, at that Sonic is the true Ultimate Lifeform. Nega Shadow would be the same way with Blaze.
Background OCs are cool too.
yeah who did the art for this?
Sa2 is non canon
If it was, why the moon is still in one piece?
i hate background ocs. the sonic world is supposed to be populated with humans. they fucked it up to appeal to nostalgic nerds obsessed with satam.
The official explanation is that it turned around by the time of Sthh.

I'm not joking.
That's been a problem since Forces. Current arc at least has nice looking ones and not the overdesigned mongs Evan and ABT put out
Better than the Dragon Ball Z explanation: Someone wished it back off screen.
Don't start another melty fag
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Every time I start to actually to enjoy it with the fun characters, another one of the 50 crying girl ocs, (seriously, it's notable after the first few that they're all girls, what is that?) shows up and it immediately slows.
mmm nah. sorry
Im watching you
Change your OP photo
Guys guys, it's Knuckles.
He means the other race contestants, not the reoccurring OCs
No I know, I don't like em.
I'm sorry.
Knuckles isn't a female cat demon hybrid from the Sol Dimension made in Blaze's iage by coincidence.
I want to make her better
Mario is judging you

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