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>Latest patch notes

>Season 12 blogpost

>Season 12 trailer

>Season 12 competitive rework

>6v6 blogpost

>Comics, short stories and music

>Aug 20 - Season 12 (Juno, Reaper Mythic, Warcraft Collab, Clash mode with Hanaoka and Throne of Anubis maps, Zarya and Pharah hero mastery, Rank reset)
>Sep 17 to Oct 21 - 6 free skins + 30 Prisms for Gamepass members
>Oct 4 - Overwatch 2 Anniversary (the event will likely start a week or two earlier)
>Oct 15 - Season 13 (Map Reworks incl. Havana, Circuit Royale, Numbani, Dorado)
>Future - New tank (Season 14), 6v6 Test

>Overwatch Wiki

>Overwatch dev tracker

>Overwatch Esports
Earn skins: esports.overwatch.com/en-us/news/owcs-2024-season-na-emea-broadcast-details
Esports wiki: liquipedia.net/overwatch/Main_Page

>Kiriko spam filterlist
>Mercy spam filterlist

Previous thread: >>493391767
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the kiriko brought you donuts
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The playerbase is growing and the game is in a better state than Overwatch 1 was since 2018 and no amount of schizo meltdowns can negate that.
avatarfaggot metashitter worst poster antagonostic faggot etc etc you get the idea kys
The point wasn't that Top 500 is small or large, the point is that saying that Top 500 players have fast queue times is false and claiming that they do is intentionally downplaying the slowly developing queue times issue.
We started to hit 5+ minute quickplay queues a few seasons ago. ~5 minutes was the average time for DPS and support queues for NORMAL AVERAGE players when OW1 started to lose players. That amount of time was enough for players to straight up leave Overwatch. This time around, Blizzard hit the button and has broadened the MMR range for matches to fix it, for now. Queue times are starting to creep up again.
They've already broadened the range a couple times, they can only do it so many times before match quality gets so bad that they start losing players for that instead. It's kind of already that bad, people have been groaning about match quality for a few seasons now. Every time they stretch how far apart players can be to end up in a match together, the worse match quality gets.
If the game removed every tank besides DVA Monkey and Sigma literally nothing would change everyone else are borderline throw picks
Junker queen should be the only tank
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Always a pleasure.
replace sigma with jq
she somehow creeped up to a-tier this patch
she's a really popular pick in top 500 and pro play right now
lmfao kek truth >>493557781 also truth in ow1 till like late 2021 you could get 4300 lobbies where the biggest gap would be 250sr, in ow2 you see champ1 player lobbies with MASSIVE gaps on each team no one is still playing
>in ow2 you see champ1 player lobbies with MASSIVE gaps on each team no one is still playing
Prove it.
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the kiriko dance
im going to be honest bro i cant even read the new rank system im just using my superior intellect to guesstimate LMFAO
Is she? I see her getting used as a hail Mary but I know she pairs well with juno
yeah she's really strong with juno, who is way stronger than everyone originally thought
she counters juno ult, which is unironically maybe the strongest support ult right now
she's also just generally good against dive, which is strong right now as they desperately try to keep unpopular bully tanks (like orisa or mauga) out of the meta
Wouldn't top 500 just run kiri then? Kiri got buffed pretty decently with her kunai didn't she?
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11 minute queue
a lot of people like kiri+juno because juno doesn't have a good emergency cooldown
speed is good to escape but it's not like suzu or field
support players are generally autistic so they're sticking with bap/ana + lucio because it's what they know but the kiri+juno backline is gaining popularity
teams are treating juno like a main support that swaps to brig if necessary
people are kinda playing her as a high output lucio
masters to champion too
Kiri juno sounds like a nightmare for enemy dps lol
Juno's balls do too much damage but of course she's a support so doing 500 AOE damage is just normal even though it would get nerfed to hell in 1 day if it was on a DPS
>captive sun doesn't hinder
why the fuck not? make it do less damage or something
yeah juno makes dives and flanks really fucking hard since she can kite literally anything
kiri just teleports away and they regroup somewhere else like nothing happened
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500 damage in what, like 6 seconds? I don't think you realize how long it takes to lock-on 5 enemies on top of any friendlies that are in the way, or that people can just avoid the missiles super easily
I don't think you realize anything you stupid fuck.
you don't understand
most of /owg/ has the positional awareness of a cognitively disabled bronzed player
people probably just stand out in the open trying to out shoot each other until one team is left standing
>400 gorillion active players
>double digit queue times
>1 sided stomps every game

Now pay $30 for a recolored base skin with a hat/wig to support the devs hard work
She's literally being played in pro korea matches
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yeah i'm >>493558818 >>493559216 >>493559632
that doesn't change how retarded you are
>you don't understand I completely make shit up to prove a point based entirely on my made up scenario that I just made up based on literally nothing
Very good post anon
You can't even keep track of who you're talking to so you assume anyone unfortunate enough to make the mistake of giving you attention is the same person.
bet you're the same guy who said pharah is meta because she was played a few times in owcs
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ok, faggot, here are queue times from his yesterday's vod while he was playing solo:
8 min, 2 min, 1 min, 6 min, 9 min, 4 min, 19 fucking seconds, 4 min, 9 min, 8 min, 3 min, 6 min, 8 min
that's about five and a half minutes average
why do you guys always say the exact same things every time you start to lose an argument or get mixed up
you refuted my point about how torpedos are probably stronger when everyone stands out in the open by saying that pros are playing juno
so i showed you how i know that pros are playing juno by explaining that i was the person who just explained that pros are playing juno and why
you're grasping at straws man
i don't think you even understand the point you're trying to make with this reply
dis nigga probably dies to mercy on widow
You die to mercy on junkerqueen
you die to mercy on hog
You're just saying something that happened to you.
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yes but I was the mercy
opinion discarded
damn, I knew learning to play every toon would bite me in the ass some day
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what kind of changes are they cooking for midseason patch? need to know if i should pause comp for now or get as many games in as possible
I'm gonna be honest, I really fucking hate gen-z/gen-alpha 4chan. You can't talk about SHIT. Half of you morons can barely read so you just repeat the same tired bits until people give up. If people don't just accept your oneliners you panic and freak out because you genuinely can't even comprehend the points people make. Everything is a culture war. You can't talk about ANYTHING without someone freaking out about trannys or minorities. Everyone's brain is so saturated by propaganda that it's impossible to have a single conversation without you retards losing focus and bringing up /pol/ topics. On top of that, we never actually discuss anything. You retards can't post in any thread without totally derailing it and leaving it to burn until the avatar posters and meme bit posters crawl in like lichen after a volcanic eruption. The damage that influencers and content creators have done to the mental capacity of the average teenager should be treated as a crime.
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sex with fareeha
unc fluent in yapanese
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>I'm gonna be honest, I really fucking hate gen-z/gen-alpha 4chan. You can't talk about SHIT. Half of you morons can barely read so you just repeat the same tired bits until people give up. If people don't just accept your oneliners you panic and freak out because you genuinely can't even comprehend the points people make. Everything is a culture war. You can't talk about ANYTHING without someone freaking out about trannys or minorities. Everyone's brain is so saturated by propaganda that it's impossible to have a single conversation without you retards losing focus and bringing up /pol/ topics. On top of that, we never actually discuss anything. You retards can't post in any thread without totally derailing it and leaving it to burn until the avatar posters and meme bit posters crawl in like lichen after a volcanic eruption. The damage that influencers and content creators have done to the mental capacity of the average teenager should be treated as a crime.
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The most important Overwatch question ever

Pharmercy or Gency
>lesbian vs race mixing
uhm, neither?
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You're ok, lol
Are the voice actors still hanging out with each other?
what did they do to the matchmaking
every game is either a complete stop end in 3 minutes or youre stomping end in 5 minutes
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They let a DnD GM completely rewrite the matchmaking script for his bizarre social experiment and then gave him a management position so no one can tell him to stop.
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Stupid teleporting whore
understandable crash out
i'd freak out if i had go through the motions over the same tired arguments to the same people every day too
>literally the only person in this thread mentioning /pol/
Man stfu already lol
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Why are there no young white male characters in the game
shitty imitator
There's tracer
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bruh this thread would 404 without blizz shills image bot spam the game is dead, lemme explain it in millenial my nigga, i used to see you old heads post this alot in 2013
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You can remove one nerf from any hero in the game. Which hero and what nerf?

>zen: remove discord CD
McCree's power would increase tenfold if he could go back to his old name instead of the sissy new one he's forced to use
Cassidy Fan of Hammer, I don't think it'd be that disruptive anymore
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make brig stun again
ow players deserve it
Every generation in history has thought the one after it were a bunch of fuck ups.
remove brig stun and flash add the worst ui youve ever seen call it a sequel lmao
And they were all correct, rare outlier autismos innovating philosophy and medicine/technology inventions for the rest of the mouthbreathers carried humanity through history hard
there is literally nothing gay about wanting to suck a blue penis
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Looks like shit, the original looks like a semen fairy.
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>falling for the blizzard shill propoganda of making 5v5 a culture war thing to hide the fact its an internet wide lolcow now
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Finally diamond again
I'll never reach GM again
didn't everyones rank get inflated this season? i remember hearing/reading about it in one of the dev posts
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>internet wide
Yes anon you’re the architect and definitely not in a small box on the internet
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It sucks being retarded but I still manage to have fun, there's hope for us all.
cant find it but there was a tweet after 6v6 announcement that had like 100k likes and it was "so theyre just remaking ow1"
100 likes on the most botted website on the internet means nothing. Might as well say a facebook post got a bunch of likes.
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my wife
google has a 360million dollar deal with actvi-blizz and is surely suppressing negative content in the youtube algorithm, its why you only see jay3 and fats when you search overwatch on youtube i can play this game too champ!
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It's crazy how I always have the bad doomfist on my team
yes im sure the 300k negative steam reviews are also in said small box?
Maybe the real crazy thing is that you're not enabling him properly.
I need heals
not even Adderall makes this game fun anymore.
How do I enable the guy who can fly across the map 8x faster than me while the same guy on the enemy team is killing me?
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Pick something mobile so you can evade and move to support.
lemme guess, you insta lock immobile supports despite the rest of your team already comitting to dive? Every game is a curbstoimp one way or another because blizzard has boosted every support shitter and allows them to play without actually learning the game because they spend the most on skins.
that was season 3-7, current/last seasons compressed every gold-plat and inflated gm's from those seasons into diamond which is why diamond is such a hell to climb out of right now. current master also feels atrocious because it'll either give you gm lobbies or diamonds (which sucks because of the aforementioned reason)
Pretty funny this general has unironic doom one tricks but it makes sense why there's so many retarded and schizo posts.
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not even a doom main or have that many hours on tank, its just kind of common sense in general not standing like a statue against mobile characters counters them. its kind of crazy how many shills/apologists/ragebaiters just have 0 game sense
>an internet wide lolcow now
this might surprise a hatemonger such as yourself but most people dont waste their time obsessing over something they dont like
300k negative steam reviews says otherwise , most if not all of them with like 0.0 hours played
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The bulk of those were chinese mad about blizzard games being shut down there, the rest was just "I was here" dank meme shit
So true, that's why Palworld is the biggest game in the world.
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objectively OW/blizzards reputation is in the gutter with the entire internet loving to dunk on them at any chance, they should consider themselves lucky they are getting a break with many recent games made for the modern auidence flopping in an unprecedented fashion. At this point, just drop the OW2 branding and actually support the 6v6 playtests in the near future
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>the entire internet
Yeah man, my meemaw spends all her time in between looking up casserole recipes and animal memes reviewbombing video games she doesn't play.
so is that not an lolcow? an internet laughing stock? almost like thats my point, I also see 300k negative reviews in full english
that review went so viral in particular I wouldnt even be suprised if my boomer parents saw it on facebook with quality loss with the amount of reposts it had
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My beloved blo woman
Maybe you should talk to your parents more often
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>posts a generic white woman
really nigga
do her eyes actually have homophobia in her fixed skins?
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This is the best blue woman skin
Widow is homophobic in all her skins yes
what the fuck I love Amelie now
dogshit taste
great taste
shame the weapons on the lena skin look so bad
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We all love her
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Yeah but Lena tummy sexo activates the hell out of my neurons. That's why the k-pop skin and the edgy one are her best ones
Juno's walk cycle is a greatest piece of animation ever made.
Maximum velocity :)
>me when I pick Widow
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perfect sized tits
Light speeeeed :D
perfect everything
gonna cum finish me
love size queens
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>team has one (1) kill over the course of an entire hybrid round
good matchmaking blizzard this was well worth the 12 minute wait
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Say something nice about the last Mercy you played with!
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why is this faggot posting this faggy shit during goon hours
what does being nano'd feel like
please finish me
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wouldnt the 95% of old players whove dropped the game be more useful for your match quality and fun than playing with a bunch of indians and poor people. instead you argue semantics and waste your life typing retarded rebuttles. your life must be more empty than the people mad about their video game being patched out
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she was a cute slut
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did you pop
still trying hard to
D.Va is so perfect
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I miss when Mercy and Ana were the only 'main' healers
I love hana so fucking much
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So never?
are you gay or something
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I do want to cum anon but I don't think you can post that here
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now this is based
>white mfs don't realize most asian girls keep it hairy
this is how i know you guys are virgins
hello widowmaker supremacists
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pop yet?
-ly hot
That looked like a reasonable amount of hair, as long as grooming still occurs and it's not a jungle
I did
or just live in a place with barely any asian chicks
they're trimmed, not unkempt
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Depends on how whitewashed they are.
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is this a reference to that one egirl at an OWL match
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big tongue hana? she was cute
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I wish Hana was real and my wife
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REMINDER: If you play Ball or Doom you need to kys immediately
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Oh shit is that a motherfuck wojak???
Overwatch classic would have youtubers dickriding it for two weeks while the playerbase realizes the release Overwatch was garbage.
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omiwa shindeiru
what's the best way to get a healslut duo?
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16 min solo dps queue only to get into a masters 1 to champ 4 game and your tank to dodge it, but the game is thriving
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Pat your lifeweaver on the ass after a good pull.
overwatch was game of the year until role queue, even bap brig and moira are fine just remove inspire dont let bap aoe heal no goats,orisa never got fortify headshot removed shield while reloading never got added game remains infinitely replayable with 30 sec ques
i want a mercy healslut
this shit is why i only play on my diamond smurf. queue times above masters are completely insane for the match quality you get.

at least in diamond i get fast queue times and i can fuck around playing with retards
>feel like ive gotten worse
>open kovakks and do a random challenge
>somehow place even lower than i was a few months ago
the only reason i even use this shit is to tell when im playing bad vs the game fucking me over with matchmaking
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>my ass just playing Unranked and Mystery Heroes
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>I know the value of a lot of money
>Well...I know the value of bopping you on the head
it hit 11 mins on his requeue and he quit kek
100 gorillion players btw
>diamond smurf
I hate you people with a passion
What the hell is this
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thats just a problem of getting too high ranked tho and it plagues every team game. masters makes up like 3 percent of the entire ranked player base so the only solution is to throw them into lower ranked games and fuck up the match quality even more, or let them suffer. its why i gave up on actually climbing past diamond.
if you ever climb out of niggalow you'll understand. queuing in gm takes 20 minutes just to get into a game where there is a cheater on one team or some child has a meltie and starts jumping off the map because his mother doesnt give him enough attention (he says the reason is because our tank is on his intlist)

it's completely unplayable.
kvks is weird like that, i went hard at it for a while and couldn't beat my highscores for weeks and scores were getting lower and lower. stopped playing it for a few months without even playing any game and when i came back i was setting PBs on all scenarios. i wouldn't worry about it.
care to explain why the match maker worked so well in 2016/17/18/19
it didnt. the game has always been stomp or be stomped.
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sometimes i just play it when i dont have the energy for anything beyond pointing and clicking
yeah 100 octillion bronze, silver and gold players he's literally in the 0.1% and the system is desperately trying to find an even match for him it will obviously take a while
i started in gold in 2017 and worked my way up to gm and almost never had that issue i think youre very prone to gaslighting and propaganda sorry dude
Those reasons, and smurfs.. I stopped playing ranked a long time ago because it wasn't worth the frustration with teammates. Diamond was the highest I ever got and I have no idea what it takes to be masters besides tardwrangling
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>official figures are made with PVC
You're a big boy now anon. Masters+ is probably less than 2% of the playerbase given that GM5 is top 500. At some point you're going to have to become the smurf in order to rank up any further.
high diamond to low masters is top 500 on all roles in all regions
Yes, that's by design. It's lonely at the top. If you can't deal with that, then playing a game with randoms isn't for you. Go play in tournaments if you need stimulating gameplay.
it makes me so sad when people pretend like open queue didnt work, even with brig completely over tuned s tier the game was infinitely more playable than it is now. have a team with 1 support and 1 tank go another main heal to help out your solo tank or go sombra to hack health packs if you have a mobile tank or dps, or go off tank to help your tank. have 5dps who refuse to swap? get on mercy duty, got off work and just wanna play a few ranked matches of dps but you have 6dps? is it a defensible map like anubis you can go widow or hanzo or torb, otherwise your options or very mobile or flank heavy heros like tracer genji,doom,sombra or even junkrat post 2 mines buff.theres infinite amounts of ways to play around your team and playstyles in 6v6 open queue and 1 way to play around your team in rolequeue/5v5
How life changing has it been to buy the formal wear mercy skin? I need to justify it.
not as life-changing as the k-pop skins was
How come no one told me playing Mercy is just Tracer Dueling Simulator?
>have doom block mapped to mouse button
>go to punch
>for some reason block will come out despite me not touching the button and cancel my punch getting me killed
i literally have no idea what this is. i thought it was because i deathgrip my mouse when im tense and that was somehow pressing it, but i have other abilities on other characters mapped to the same buttons and it doesnt happen like this.
I'd rather play Tracer Dating Simulator
That's every support past plat
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tank doom might be the buggiest hero in the game, i have alot of keyboard issues on overwatch like my keys just stop registering but everything works fine on other games
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>go to prosettings
>copy the lowest DPI + sensitivity combo
>still cant hit shit
Early season. Top 500 has risen to around GM5 by the end of the season for the past two seasons.
well of course not that shit is geared to the player
Add it to the list nigga.

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>5 minute quick play queue on a saturday night
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low sens is a meme and a cope by skilless niggas. only tac shooter niggas abuse it because you only need first bullet accuracy in those games and the perfect gameplay in tacfps is just placing your crosshair and clicking when the enemy walks into it, barely having to move your mouse at all. all the best korean niggas play on high sens.
holy shit look who showed up on aspen's stream

I barely move my mouse dude
I'm on like 7-8 for mobile characters and 4-6 for non mobile
all depends on how much you plan to move your mouse
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wait....josé is basé? nah this changes everything
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>Haven't played ranked since early OW1
>Was Plat
>Mostly played support
>Want to play again
>No idea how whats most important in OW2
I honestly can't tell if I'm supposed to be up my tanks ass with heals or just play like a dps who so happens to heal. Whats the priority if I want to get to masters one day?
>jose simps for lower than mid
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You need to do both
>early ow1 plat
you'll be lucky if you reach gold desu. either way, just pocket your tank and hope he's better than the enemy tank. that's all the game boils down to currently.
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>play competitive open queue
>both games are 2-1-2
>actually have fun
anyone who said double tank was bad for the game is actually coping, but then again maybe its just that this game never should have forced role lock to begin with
or maybe you're just a retard
ummmm sweaty, meme queue meta is 3-2
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how can they do all these ranked resets and change avoid player but still not implement some time where the game ends after like 30 seconds of there being only 2 people on the enemy team?
I wish I could endorse Angela hard
EOMM forced into maximum to psychologically trick people into playing more and theoretically sell more skins
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do you guys want to play cod waw on 360 and que headquarters?
Nu-Blizzard is anti sex appeal
i'm good
echo could have been the sexiest character in the game and they fumbled it
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EOMM is real. You cannot convince me that this Junkrat isn't a shit player selected by the MM system to give the enemy team a free win.
she looked good in the reveal cinematic
Cumming deep inside Mei's puffy pussy.
It's a pretty mediocre skin desu
You died 7 times on mercy and got outhealed by all 3 supports
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i swapped to mercy at the very end cos i couldn't be fucked trying. but sure, i'm the problem. not the 1-11 junkrat you fucking retard
Who did you die 7 times on?
still ignoring junkrat?
Still blaming 1 person when your whole team got diffed hard?
I'm saying it's EOMM. You can't read?
eomm also stats dont matter in ow
NTA but he died less than the rest of his team. Plus the junk was giving the enemy free ult charge. EOMM is terribly obvious in OW
Your stats are shit too retard. Trying to single out which piece of shit in a pile of shit is the worst one when you're a piece of shit too is retarded.
>enemy team is hog, junk, torb, moira and mercy
I can't play Genji or Tracer into this right?
>emotional tangent

You have been disregarded.
Yeah because you're not being emotional at all crying about some made up shit.
stop engaging with antagonistic poster(s) looking to argue just for the sake of it
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is it you?
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My second favourite poster is the antogonist poster. But my favourite is Jose.
Imagine coming onto /owg/ just to needlessly argue with people who have very real reasons to complain about this game. The worst type of poster.
me ooga team booga
something something meds something something schizo
am I doing it right?
nextnow your line is to explain to me whiy I'm wrong and I'll say it again anyway
who are you talking about
>retard doesn't understand what EOMM is
Can you explain and show examples?
/axg/ refugee?
post peak niggalow also overwatch classic waiting room also youre low iq for enjoying ow2 get dunked on idiot
How about you explain your understanding of EOMM? Quickly, go google it!
I'm playing the part of "the worst poster"
I bully people for talking about the game and/or post ragebait
then when you don't like my intentionally antagonistic behavior I call you a schizo and post pictures of kiriko holding out pills
theres dozens of us sorry you will not be happy in this general until classic enjoyers are happy
>mercy shitter crying about anyone
You make the game 4v5 and he just made it 3v5
Now you know how everyone that has a mercy on the team feels
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>wahhh mercy is bad wahhh
don't care, i'll play mercy every game. your tears are my enjoyment.
/owg/ niggas see you outdamaging every other support in the lobby and be like nah this dude threw by playing mercy all game lmao
we know, troon
It's not like anyone thinks you could play anything else
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not my problem, because i don't want to play anything else. keep crying for me piggy.
to be fair
a mercy having over 3k damage reveals more about how much the mercy was trolling than it does about his teammates
no it reveals you're a retard who thinks he played mercy all game
6.5/10 bait, pretty decent, but probably won't get a bite. too on the nose.
Nobody would ever think you could play something else.
don't steal my baitrate bit wtf
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you already said that piggy. give me something else.
Midseason patch when
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The responses to this post are so stupid they have to be bait. If 1 & 11 Junk is not the priority problem I mind as well main dps. Im silver btw
odd - ow
even - valo
based me too
it's just one anon who likes to needlessly argue with everyone about everything. if you ignore him he goes away because he thrives off reactions to his antagonism.
File deleted.
how did dva not get nerfed this patch. how.
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because I love her
Moira and Mercy bonding over medicine before coming to an understanding and scissoring vigorously
Incredibly unsanitary and ineffective procreation strategy for both our ages
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Is the bot problem growing? Feels like every other game today is full of leavers, throwers, and teammates straight up working for the other team.

It's making me very sad.
Because every player that is forced to play this shit ass role plays Hana because she’s best girl
gonna do my mercy games wish me luck!
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Melee dps character when
so is everyone in /owg/ a hardstuck plat shitter?
gl queen u got this
I don't even play competitive
when are they nerfing Hana's ass?
when I'm done kissing it, so never
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did you play ow1 or before role queue if so what are your thoughts on it and the new maps curious what the qp warriors perspective on all this cancer is
Never leave my wife alone
My carry is here
>playing comp in a game with 0 balance
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doesn't look great for now sorry to disappoint you...
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Lena SEX
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well now I'm definitely thinking about it
for me :)
They should give Junkrat a Crash Bandicoot skin
havana cr rework better be fucking good if it's taking this long
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Give Orisa a Spyro skin too
Reminder to endorse any Mercy who uses this skin.
I endorse Mercys with girly names
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I only endorse mercy when she rides me all game and goes out of her way to rez me
I want her to ride me all night
hnng god imagine mercy taking a fat shit on your face and then stomping on your head until you die in that outfit
I'll pocket you and only you!
why doesn't the OP in this general have links to the best rule34 sites? that's the reason we're all here, right? don't tell me you actually still play...
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I only endorse people who play along with my voiceline comboing, use emotes with me, or just reacts positively to me doing that.
Both players deserve death
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haven't played in a while is juno meta?
Maybe on like 2 maps but otherwise no
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I assume the warcraft stuff gotta be happening soon
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more wins than loses for now!!
why are they putting dev time into reworking 2 beloved maps obviously something is fundamentally wrong with the game and not the maps if numbani and dorado arent playing well. its like when they added that building to junkertown theyre just wasting blizzard money to pretend like theyre doing something lmfao everyone is getting fired soon
WoW doesn't turn 20 until November
they said event would be this month. I'd assume towards the middle because the anniversary stuff should be starting near the end
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pretty good so far!!
still boosting you
ok which one of you retards wants to play in plat elo rn, i need to rankup an alt
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I literally just came for Mercy though

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