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Previous Thread:>>493536087

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts
>9/4 (Wed) After Maint - 9/18 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Ui (Swimsuit) (3* Limited rerun)
Hinata (Swimsuit) (3* Limited rerun)
Iroha (3* rerun)
Miyu (3* rerun)

[Rerun] In Search of a Hidden Heritage ~ Trinity's Extracurricular Activities 9/4 (Wed) After Maint - 9/18 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)

Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Light Armor) - 8/22 (Thu) 11:00 - 9/25 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Total Assault: ShiroKuro (Indoors - Insane & Torment w/Yellow Dmg) - 8/28 (Wed) 11:00 - 9/4 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Joint Firing Drill (Shooting) - 9/4 (Wed) After Maint - 9/11 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Grand Assault: Perorodzilla (Field w/ Purple torment) - 9/11 (Wed) 11:00 - 9/18 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Commissions - 8/28 (Wed) 4:00 - 9/4 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Normals - 9/4 (Wed) 4:00 - 9/11 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)

>9/3 (Tue) After Maint - 9/17 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Akari (New Year) (3*)
Haruna (New Year) (3* - Limited - Rerun)
Fuuka (New Year) (3* - Limited - Rerun)
Junko (New Year) (1* - Welfare)

Patch notes: https://forum.nexon.com/bluearchive-en/board_view?thread=2634213

[Rerun] New Year's Aperitif - 9/3 (Tue) After Maint - 9/17 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)

Joint Firing Drill (Escort) - 9/3 (Tue) After Maint - 9/9 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Grand Assault: Binah (Urban - Torment w/Special Armor) - 9/10 (Tue) 2:00 - 9/16 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Lessons/Scrimmage - 9/2 (Mon) 19:00 - 9/9 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Normals - 9/9 (Mon) 19:00 - 9/16 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Hards/Commissions - 9/16 (Mon) 19:00 - 9/23 (Mon)
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my wife saori
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what is the support tab in the shop and how do i get tickets for those?
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What would you do in this situation?
damn reviewbrah looks like THAT?
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FUCK your students
>reviewbrahfucker spamming again
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Renge love
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Remember when she climbed up a skyscraper without any gear?
How is her Vanilla form a Support and not a Striker?
That anon can be filtered tho
outdoor stealth sex like in my hentai
Tell her to grow her hair
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Rio when?
I don't need this right now Kazusa
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Leadership position, even if she can clobber all of SRT with her bare hands she's doing desk work and directing people most of the time.
do a 360 and walk away
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b-bros... i d-don't wanna be r-raped...
We moved to a different bounty/scrimmage system (from 2 specific tickets per area to 6 global tickets), the support shop was there to convert the tickets. For some reason this wasn't done automatic
This was almost a year ago
I have no idea why it's still there.
How many credits have you farmed to this point /bag/?
I've gotten around 50 million
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vayShould I do it?
1.9 billion
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Would you be able to win against this girl?
Nah, I'd lose
in the carriage
on the platform
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You know you want to Boss
>100 pulls
>Majority blues and gold
>The few pinks I got are duplicates
>Can't talk to waifu 'cause my chatbot proxy is down and Todd is permanently closed
Well...at least it can't get worse
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you guys didn't tell me Tsubaki's valentines was this great
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Keeping the best for last
I can't beat NiyaNiya
thank you anon
>Todd is permanently closed
The fuck happened?
nom nom
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Say it!
i loved her valentine momo
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>it can't get worse
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Let's talk about Peroro merchandise!
We are best friends
You are right!
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Give Kazusa a litter.
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What do you like the most about Hiyori?
Her fat tits and her inverted nipples fat ass
Chise looks like she does any nasty shit you ask her to do in bed while being totally deadpan about it
I miss JaP
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is this a sequel or spinoff to blue archive
Paruru hate
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Chise isn't deadpan
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Please give thanks to pic related for saving your game
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child transport
Jiggling belly
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Yes, very easily
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The fact that she's a mother of my children
It's a prequel, back then when Angel 24 was still an opium cartel
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Her appetite
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Rio love
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Some of these were really boring...
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my (・ω・*) wife Mika
Is there any way to trade for limited collab characters? I really want to get Miku and I'm willing to drop a hundred bucks for her.
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>get Miku
Akari would want to top anyway
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>closed eyes
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>not Karin
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Love this fat fuck so much
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I'm planning on going to Japan for C105, but both my flights to and fro go through the Middle East
How fucked am I if I buy cunny doujin? They're just layovers, I'm not picking up any baggage
Izuna actually being an amazing ninja will never not be funny
Post real Hiyori
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Suzumi alt when
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What >>493564943 said.
>can pinch her cheeks
>can't pinch her belly
this is a crime
you're probably gonna die there when that midori neonazi on twitter an heroes himself so it won't matter
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In the supermarket produce section?
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Vagenes are easily accessible when the girl bends over.
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Missionary kissing impregnation sex with Hinata
If you're staying at the boarding gates the whole time I doubt they'd care to check your baggage
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Imagine the spine crushing leglock.
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Why did nexon have to give her L2D that BGM
Literally unplayable
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Ein's vagina...
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What will I say to the press if they find out I engaged in sexual acts with my students
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>Her orgasm will break your dick
Worth it
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Sensei and Hina will make a happy couple!
Their kids will call me Aunt Ako!
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Are you an oil baron? Can I get some juice, bröther?
This is (You)
My student is pregnant and it's not my fault. I was taken advantage of.
Please be a girl
Need more Ein content
So yeah project kv
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For me, it's Ohr.
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You love Miyako
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>Erm you have to be a responsible adult and make the world less shit
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FOTM status?
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The KV guys are probably not even gonna get their booth so it's fine
Worst case scenario I just stay away from it
It's not a crime to plagiarise yourself
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Most likely they will re-check your baggage but you can ask your airlines about it
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Is that guy legit still not banned lmao
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Ok, tranny
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Hey, that's my favourite pillow
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Reverse ntr is still ntr, even worse
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Good evening I hate 3d whores
Mika should die
Women can't be ntr'd
So /bag/ can be at peace
You first
>BA Rei isn't the blue haired rival of a ginger
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there are starter accounts that have miku and a lot of pyros
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Happy princess and comfy life
Reverse shut up is still fuck off
My penis inside
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have you never seen a picture of Yuuka?
Why are the only people interested in Project KV futaniggers?
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>Blue Archive but built on the Unreal Engine 5
>Probably open world Blue Archive or a shooter blue archive

Pretty hyped honestly bros. Nexon has stuff like Maplestory, Mabinogi and DFO so they can definitely turn Blue Archive into its own long running franchise since they have the expertise and budget to do so.
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Good evening. That's perfectly understandable.
It could be better if you used
>"Erm you have to be a responsible adult"
>*Leaves the company*
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I hope their artists draw our girls too
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Post cute ferrets
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"I love Reisa"
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She's right tho
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off model archive
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is this sfw
Ripping other shit is Korean culture.
They did it in the 70s with Taekwon V and with pic related in the 80s.
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I love this gif a lot, what is she so exited about
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>Weekend thread is a complete dumpsterfire
I just wanted to relax
They are not, turns out it was part of Nexon's plan in response for their employees betraying them
You're not a she
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Female dicks I guess
they are trying to claim kv as their turf
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Jumby my beloved...
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Could be way worse.
use the image blurrer bud
I think the mikaspammer is trying to give him an aneurysm for the 1000th time
He's not gonna stop
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cock sensei's
Space Gundam V crawled so Blue Archive could drunkenly stumble
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I saw concernposting, please send all your concerns to Seia
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Wakamo Love!!
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They did Natsu dirty
Understood, sending all my cum to Seia
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>I think
You clearly don't
you want to talk about mika too? chu
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Yeah because when we get akoschizo, all akoposting is trying to giving akoschizo aneurysm
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He even confessed in the past though
Sex with sensei
what the fuck get out of my house
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I do not think
Therefore, I do not am.
I am concerned that you are not posting enough fat bitches. Please remedy that, immediately.
Which Millennium student would be the best for bearing my children
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>English School
>Latin School
>German School
Why is there no French or Italian school?
It's pretty obvious, he uses the same pictures over and over with no text
Akoposters use her as reaction pics
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You can't say that
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get fatted /bag/
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I am totally concerned, can you give me qrd?
Those are the ones that give a voice to your students
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hag archive
Her boots are stupid.
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looks like dogshit
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Who is your favorite va?
I want to bite her nipples so fucking much
More like this?
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Hug your students
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Not fat enough
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I need to go to bed but before Kanna's birthday ends I've gotta show these white women how to REALLY fuck a dog!
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Liam O'Brien
but I don't want to get struggled
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Now that Isakusan is gone, How will they handle Trinity?
Most of it was written by him, with the exception of maybe 2 clubs and some events
How will they handle popular releases like Seia or Mika alt?
I hope the upcoming Trinity's festival event delivers. Trinity has always been the best school when it come to events and story content
>scatschizo misread Kohane for Koharu and almost had a melty about mika in the KV thread
Reminder that everything will blow over after the next stream when they announce something cool
East Asians are the most easily-pleased people on the planet and as long as they get what they want they'll remain docile
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Is Hiyori your favorite member of the Arius Squad?
/bag/ did any of you have that one hoshino cunnilingus video. The one that got hoshino's halo flickering and lost consciousness.
I can't find it since the artist x account got suspended
Scatschizo posts scat now, not that
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what's the fucking plan
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Will save this thread for later tonight
>gook ui
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How do we fix the mc for season 2?
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>get fat /bag/
Fuck that. Never again.
you can just search hoshino cunnilingus on boorus it's not like it's gonna be difficult to find
Nuke Yostar's studio
>for later tonight
Nah please mika hours are about to stop, do it now and get it over with
breasts implants
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I might lose the battle but I will win the war...
We need another /trash/ thread
Save for a rope so you can neck yourself fatnigger
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I'm not sure at this point and I think it's not worth to think about but well I hope whoever replaces him can deliver later
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There are trash threads?
It's that easy
No we don't people in /dft/ already talk about ba way too much i miss 2hu so goddamn much
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When do "concernnigger purity-spiraling the thread into not posting any students at all" hours end?
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Why do inflation artists charge so much for commisions?
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I'm gonna install Windows 11 on Chihiro's computer
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I've tried danbooru but can't find it under hoshino and cunnilingus tag. it seems that i need gold account or some shit
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The anime was shit
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____ ______ ____?
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>/dft/ - Discord Fappy Talky
Jesus fucking Christ how can you people live with yourselves
this one?
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Thoughts on S. Azusa's L2D?
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Needs bigger tits
>fappy talky
sounds like /bag/
I think someone should edit it as bazoos
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nvm /bag/ i've found it in my old hosh folder

They got a moderate success I say retire with grace
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Post cosplays /bag/
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Suou owes me an armpitjob for getting sidelined like that

I was not satisfied I need her enrolled in SCHALE right now
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I like the music, I wish more L2Ds used it instead midsummer cat or dog or whatever
>Noa's daughter is older so she got impregnated first
Sensei would never fap to his students
it's on gelbooru
that's usually where you find "loli" porn
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I was there
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It's edited, the children are Yuuka's
Weird. I don't remember her being so angry
>that yuri
The good days before they baited him back
honestly surprised when I saw that, wouldn't expect it to get past the trannylators
although apparently the older team was different? I'm a newfag so I only know of this in whispers
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Cute, but her EX animation is even cuter
Man I missed this
At least I didn't miss those insane threads where all the doomposting got Seia'd to death
Yeah that one. How the fuck i can't find it with the artist tag in gelbooru and danbooru
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No but I like her a lot.
Lame, also I could fucking swear the younger twin tail kid had darker hair when I first looked at the picture but now it's white, I'm going insane
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One also can't forget thread #SEIA (#5314)
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she's my third favourite member of Arius squad but as a "club" Arius might be my favourite. They're all very good.
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There are three versions
The kisaki exclusive thread reached image limit
If you missed the sex thread, you're not a baggot
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Am I being gaslit here, oh well, this version is fine too
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Hiroy is not fat
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something is wrong with this picture...
we can fix that
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>That lone FGOturd picture
Ruined so hard, fucking clout chasing niggas
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Explain this
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Seia is too popular and because of that she will never be released.
But at least we get more memes I guess.
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How would you handle this situation?
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Don't be mean to our superiors
Wish this doujin had more Nonomi
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Kill yourself
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We have plenty of refugees but does that make them our superiors?
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How do child labor laws work in Kivitos?
Could the robots get sued for abuse?
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Call Ayane for help.
No. The little one's the granddaughter.
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No elves allowed
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Sensei Fornication Task Force
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Is it a blessing or is it a curse?
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Sex with Ui.
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please add Brazilian nozomi i don't like how her mouth turned out =(
Do I just go run 3-2 hardmode if I want more of these broken disks? I want to level up her drones because she's my favorite but gathering the artifacts from missions seem so inefficient.
The fleshbag females larp with their monopoly kingdoms while the robots do the actual work
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I will paint Karin with my cum
Just use photoshop at this point
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Hoshino should die
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You're not fooling anyone scatty
>starts concernfagging, pushes is usual "two mikafags!" narrative, gets called out
>absolute melty, again "muh two mikafags!!"
>scatty outright admits he's doing this because "they are spamming her!!!"
Save this somewhere because I'm tired of repeating myself for newfags who wouldn't know this and assume it's some legit anon
aren't you given selector boxes (There it says choice tickets)
When did we become a low quality porn sharing thread?
That's a man
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close enough
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https://cytu dot be/r/agleague
/coomindoom/ pointless match as both teams are already through
All me btw
What the fuck are the girls? Where the fuck did they came from also. And why are they the only "human looking" like? I need answers.
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Wait, you told me that Hifumi wasn't sexy...
She clearly isn't erotic
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Don't think too hard about it
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This is my world and you're just living in it.
Everyone who isn't Alice or Toki? Don't think about it.
He was shitting on Reisa yesterday because some based Reisafag stole his last slot image and that was enough to make him seethe for hours.
The same happened with Seia a few days ago, and I wouldn't be surprised if he starts to complain about Gookakos after what happened in the last thread
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No, but she should unironically do this.
unironically the only way to increase birth rate
they're gods
It's a simulation
Their parents are in "the real world", the same place Sensei/(You) came from
Makes sense
He started spamming as soon as a Momoi OP was made yesterday because she makes him seethe too
Is there any art of Kanna where she looks like a sexy beautiful woman and not an ugly whore with a man face
>a literal cop
What's the chance if Kaya being a prison bitch as of right now?
It's Seiover...
crusade to take gehenna
It's basically Angel Beats
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the pointless match... over
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Nobody Kannassed for your opinion
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Good job for brushing your teeth Yukari
Yeah, plenty, just look for the drawings instead of cosplayers
Is there any hint of this?
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has she photoshopped her left eye on?
A) Post apocalyptic world, the students are actual Gods or some sort of Human-Magic hybrids. The parents are probably ancient humans
B) Matrix/simulation theory
C) Purgatory
D) Just don't think about it
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>BA scat on danbooru
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You could start by not looking at the tranny cosplayer pictures
No. And it's bullshit. Nonomi mentions her parents which would make little sense with that anons fanwank.
I looked through my inventory and I dont see any.
Done. Maybe try coloring nipples next time? Unless you like the aesthetics like this of course.
why don't you have tags like that blacklisted already?
I do, but I always check the post count for filtered tags
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loud hardcore sex
What if her memories of her parents are fake?
Arius and Trinity students are all natives of Kivitos
Atsuko's mom was mentioned as a President but she died
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Please wait until marriage to do sexual activities with your midomo.
We are so back
Not much:
>BA using static error effects sometimes
>When a student wakes up, the halo appears like a hologram
>Sensei appearing in Kivotos is similar to a "log in"
>Simulation allows for time travel and multiverse shenanigans
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Brat dab
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naturally I always believed
What if she's really Batman?
The girls all seem to think they were once children who have grown into their teenaged selves, and there's a history to the setting like Abydos used to be a thriving, major district. But obviously, no parents to be seen, and only three sets of siblings. There's obviously fuckery afoot, but who knows what.
You can also wait for a event to come...I would suggest against farming nodes unless we are having x2 or x3 drops
FGO and Priccone did it so BA will do it too
>THE kanna cosplayer is a single mother man faced roastie
I wouldn't wish that to my worst enemy not even hoshinofags
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Maybe it's like Saint Seiya where all the students have one dad(early 2000s Sensei) who is also your dad as well.
It's so over...
so over...
What if the girls are failed gods that are thrown away in kivotos?
EoS (Ejaculate on Students)
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who's the Chen of Buruaka
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You are the father of all the students. (You) are actually a multiversal being.
Project RX will be a prequel to BA with the mothers of all students in gacha (It will have H-scenes)
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>Unless you like the aesthetics like this of course.
i don't know how to color nipples, somebody else can color the nipples if they want to
Doctor Doom
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Insert fat Ryan Gossling picture here
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What's Utaha the God of?
Why arona didn't protected sensei from saori shot. Plot hole?
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Where Ogogee banner
I don't know what's over, but it's probably Seia's fault again
Does she ride on the back of a moped ready to rob pedestrians?
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Never because she’s rotting in prison
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Probably handjob god
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we are so back
Corr she's tiny
imagine a strapping lad like me throwing her about
The shittim chest isn't actually that broken
It got damaged during The Eden Treaty attack
Arona reaction speed to dangerous situations isn't the best either
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Happy students
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I only played wuwa for like a week out of idle curiosity, but from what I understand the MC is an eternally reincarnating god that pops up from time to time whenever troubles afoot, that's basically the plot to the Zelda series, too. Sensei is, was, and will continue to be Sensei
When is that revealed? I don't recall them addressing it.
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Don't listen to SRT haters, she will be released soon. Trust the plan
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Your thoughts about this?
I love Mina but is she anny good gameplay wise?
Arona used too much energy protecting Sensei from the ICBM
Sensei is Jesus Christ
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why rabbit so mad?
So Mari is my mom?
Arona protects (You) from the missile and uses way too much energy to protect you from Saori
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I need to sleep, but remember, EOS never.
Believe in the happy end.

Hadn't she just protected him from an ICBM?
She has limits. You want back to back protection with no ICD then buy some more pakeji.

Yes, but very niche (greg). She's one of the best at what she does though, and BA's devs have generally been doing a decent job at making niche students shine occasionally.
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Do you guys believe in love at first sight?
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do they do that in Brazil
Why didn't Sensei being shot matter at all to the plot? He was up and at 'em very quickly.
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Don't make this weird sensei
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I'm built different
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Foursome with Hina, Iroha and Professor
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I don't know if that's a girl
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How? Her naked crotch is posted at semi-frequent intervals around here.
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Lick your students
post Marinyan soundposts
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Rimu will eventually draw them all together
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Only Ako can save us now
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Momoka cunnilingus
There's more than one?
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That pajama Chihiro really activates my almonds.
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it's so overrr
I wonder if Ako likes to be spanked
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Gonna lick my students tummies
get it posted then lad
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This but minus ****
Impregnating both Shigure and Nodoka
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Say something nice to her. She has protected us many times.
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According to christian mythology, wouldn't that make mari everyone's mother?
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mari the fat
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Looks like the seiaposting bot glitched out & is now posting random bullshit with no rhyme or reason.
Catholic fanfiction doesn't matter
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>From the god that wrote blue archive story to futanari obsessed traitor in legal hell
isakusan's fall from grace will be one for the history books honestly
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>Professor kidnaps and rapes (You)
>Hina rescues you and gets sex as a reward
>Go back to Schale and and Irohasex is waiting for you
>Doujin ends with the 3 of them surprising sensei the next morning, misunderstands happens and the 3 of them decide to have sex with you at the same time and make a competition of who makes sensei cum the most
>It was all a Seia dream at the end
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>he missed the loss
He likes Futa? Kek, Im pretty sure he also likes cuckshit based on this.
cute momoi
Come on, we know the futashit was by the BA fanbase
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project futadick got more futa fanart in a week than BA got in 3 years because all the famous futa artists hopped on it and all the futafags are rallying under it
thoughts on Kim Yongha getting paid to retweet naked sexy seia pictures during working hours
Good fuck him for constantly shoehorning hoshina wank into the game
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give xitter so I can follow him
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remember to partake in her forehead
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Based as fuck
My hero
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all me
Daily reminder to kill yourself
There isn't a place on her body I would not lick and cum on.
He must looks so stressed currently
Asian work culture and drama are hell
I need proof and also sexy Seia pics please.
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What do we even do with ourselves if they actually release Seia

I came, thanks anon.
Release in Seia
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Don't know about you but I'll be scheduling our wedding.
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furiously masturbate to chibi seia sex
pat pat pat
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Nice cosplay
Is that a man?
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>Tranny spammer THIS desperate to fit in
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Wakamo won
I only listen to Hina tap reminders.
My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined
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Was there really a Kikyou figure announced, I haven't seen it anywhere
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Doombros LIED to me BA is doing FINE
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Don't forget to plap your students, bag
I don't have her pat animation
Thanks for the reminder
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Are rereleases common?
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what are seiaposters going to post about when seia releases?
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Seia's chibi
Her being a special
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Sex with Shun x2
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Why Iori swimsuit is so slutty
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Roll Umika
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Doomposting about her being special rather than striker
Doomposting about her having a tail instead of all of it being her hair
Doomposting about her not being meta enough
Doomposting about the game running out of interesting students to release
Doomposting about her alt being bad potentially
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I'm looking.
thank you Chise
I would glue to her so hard if she does this to me
Seia should doom
Sensei should coom
Remind me, what was I reminded of?
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depends am I on the doompost shift or the hopepost shift?
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I love usawa but HATE reisa
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It doesn't matter what you remember
It matters that you do remember
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I better see some high affection seias when she releases, you have plenty of time.
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>"24000 pyroxxene to buy you for the night, stud?"
"My place or yours?"
>sirens blare
>"You're under arrest! We caught you red-handed, sensei!"
"Aiiiiiiiieee! This is entrapment!"
>"Tell it to the judge! You're gonna need to eat a lot of fox box to get out of this one!"
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my condolences that your mom sucks dog dick for a living
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>another purple gift
Today is a good day.
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doing my best
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I will be missing whatever gift she likes because I just know she will only have one favorite and it's going to be shared with my other favorites
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Expected a cute girl at the end of the thread?
Well too bad, it's Kaya!
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Rate them
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This guy will
I want to
I really want to
But bluefes is a double student feature and I like both
i prefer that bunnygirl mika
It's at the point where it's 100 or bust now.
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coom in doom
good night /bag/
So I got what I wanted?
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Based reference
this image is such pure kino
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>Well too bad, it's Kaya!
Too bad for you because you are THE CUTEST! Kaya!
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Goats are cute though
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Haruna took everything from me…
My single pull tickets… pyro from bonds… story challenge quests…
Chapter 25 hard pyro and clear reward…
The newest guide 10 pull ticket reward…
I even had to grind for pyro from the event challenge stages… which I haven’t 100% cleared yet…
You know what the best part is? The earliest that I can get Haruna is on MONDAY from getting the next two daily pyro rewards
>captcha DPVP48
Kill yourself/10
I bet by that time there will be more Ako fans than Seia fans alive
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>cosplayfag wasted almost 100 slots
It doesn't break any rules tho!!
it'll work eventually
time to buy the $0.99 pyros lol
Yeah, the fruit of your labor will be getting warned for reporting
Did you at least get the other girls along the way? I had to spark Haruna too.
>You know what the best part is? The earliest that I can get Haruna is on MONDAY from getting the next two daily pyro rewards
Not necessarily, if you share your credit card info with Arona!
Did you get Fuuka along the way though?
I think we need to increase the image limit, be allowed to post sound webms and make the image size cap increase.
zoooooooooos the azooooooooooooos
Nah I'd win
(ᓀ(ᓀ‸( ᓀ‸ᓂ)(ᓀ‸ᓂ)(ᓀ‸ᓂ )‸ᓂ)ᓂ)
Hina, wank sensei
Weird spiderzoos
i gotten nyfuuka last year when she came out and skipped on haruna at the time. For the rerun the other girls I got that were new, was regular tsurugi, swimsuit mimori, cheer squad kotori, and swimsuit nonomi
Thanks for confirming that you were spamming cosplayers and slop so we reach the image limit faster scatty, I can always rely on you
( ᓀ‸ᓂ )
( ᓀ ‸ ᓂ )
(ᓀ‸ᓂ ᓀ‸ᓂ)
>5 (You)s
jannies these are obviously spam get on with it
Document the behavior using the archive and present the evidence in IRC
its all good, the rule is that you're now guaranteed your next rateup within the first 10 pull.
Stupid zoos we already did this today
( )( )
Make a new thread already
Let us fester and rot
Okay baggots, time to roll for who you will masturbate to tonight
We may not have images, but we can still discuss blue archive.
(-) (-)
You don't need images to talk about Blue Archive.
Ogogee should marry me
>your student
>your cosplay
Ehhh... sure why not.
ᓀ‸ᓂ Without images we can 'zoospost
⪩ ⪨
θ ω θ
( . ) ( . )
Hell yeah
what killed the hype?
Omg hi Saya
Project BAXKRV
(-) (-)
that's seia
those are rat tits and rat bow
Saya's eyebrows aren't that small.
I have cosplays of Toki, Shiroko, and Miyu
Aoi. Good, Syunichi did a banger doujin of her. I have the finest material to wank.
https://litter.catbox.moe/gfeowv.jpg bro?
she probably has the smallest eyebrows in the game
>your student
>your Blue Archive theory
isn't dhina and nyfuuk kind of broken
Kisaki's life depends on her
Yakushi Saya, save the chink society
Xhe will do anything just to get the last image slot, especially if someone else took the last image slot in the previous thread.
This is xer new strategy, spam images to reach the image limit fast then delete one of them to get the last image slot
that's actually big seia
That's a sexy rat
>say a
god please saya sit on my face
Muri Muri!
Saya's weighty yet perky tits
god please seia sit on my face
⪩ ⪨
θ ω θ
sorry for being sexy seia
>Your favorite fox
>Your favorite cat
would you buy a dakimakura of your student
Project what? I'm busy having sex with Aoi, couldn't care less.
is it over
| \⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒\
\ |⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒|
(◠ڼ◠) - Muh rights!
We're going for another round, Seia.
It’s funny how after scatschizo got butthurt his final pics kept getting deleted he switched back to sfw NTR pics because he is a cuck
I just think how funny it is that you dedicated 99% of your day to shitpost here and somehow a faggot who spams cosplay whores gets more of a reaction than your shock fetish pictures, like I can't seriously think of a more failed shitposter even if I tried
Holy water
They're the same person though
>Check in on BA
>no news
꒰ঌ(๑≧ᗜ≦)໒꒱SE●N●SEI! (◠ڼ◠)
ᓀ‸ᓂ Nyo
Watashi wa kocchi dayo!
Even cherino?
Hiyori is actually thin but she uses a prerecorded footage of herself where she's still fat
this is all zoos' fault
>your student
>is she shaved or smooth
god i wish that were me...
Especially Cherino.
Professor NyanNyan
as bare as the day God created her
/bag/ used to be GOOD
Full jungle
Would Makoto be a good mother?
Clean and cleared
we midori?
rare nmgk
nyo, today is yuzu's day
Donut's donut...
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someone got nuked
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Kill it
I don't have a gun.
Zoos' fault
Just use your mystic.
Not today.
I see...

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