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Farm animal edition

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>that edition
fucking kek
"HUMBLED"? this zoomer has been E X P O S E D

somebody get him his engine
Hans career is over
Is Hans about to cry lmao
Give us one last choke, Hans
how will he ever recover from this
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>won't even go for a handshake
buck broken
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The only thing Hans can do at this point is to allow this beating he was given to serve as harsh discipline he missed out on as a child. Allow it to humble him so he can make a public statement along the lines of:

>This was a great learning experience. I received something that I never did growing up: consequences for my actions. I was humiliated, deservedly so, and I apologize for mischaracterizing arrogance for confidence. I’m now driven harder to defeat these people who assassinated my character, starting with me and what I did to tarnish my name. Once that foundation is established, which will be an ongoing process for my lifetime, I will build upon it a new legacy. Not to defeat this chess mafia with pride, but in superior tactics. Over the last few days the chess did indeed speak for itself and I’ve heard that loud and clear. I will be back.
21-9 final score. Fucking brutal. I feel bad for him.
He'll blame the mouse
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>I prefer not even to beat him, I just would like him to not even have the chance to compete against me. My reign is going to be so long that he's going to be at the age where he can't even walk anymore and I'm still going to be winning.
>no hans handshake or anything
yeah of course lmao, that's no surprise. gotta be le villain at all times
Still better than gukesh
>>I prefer not even to beat him,
Monkey's paw really fingered Hans right here
did you notice how dejected and sad he looked immediately after the match ended? maybe he'll commit suicide lol
Normally I'd be cringing a little but after all the shit he talked and how he stalled Magnus and the arbiters with bullshit last night, Hikaru slowly tearing him to shreds feels like the perfect ending to this saga.
alright, back to hating hikaru now
hansbros..... why did it have to end like this
Not yet, I want to see if Hikaru goes for a Hikaru Nakamura Sportsmanship Award in the interview
there's still two hours of the day left in france, he gets his regular lashings then
Hans lost x2
>fact is 3 of the 4 players here are on a certain level and one isn't
yeah he's gonna do it kek
>laughs at the commentators trying to praise Hans
fucking kek I love Nakamura sometimes
he can shit talk with the best of them
holy fuck kek
i hate hikaru so much
Hey Hans, don't you have a hotel room to destroy?
for what? he's giving back what's been given to him
I don't shit talk people normally but if people do so to me I'll do it back
he runs a chess mafia
As requested
>Levy's opponents in New York knew how to play these positions better than Hans did
absolute top kek
IMs won
>Maybe you'd have done better if you played Hans every round.
Absolutely killed him.
>Interviewer: Hey this guy is shitting on you
Which option do you take
>"h-he has a point"
>insult him back
>"Who cares"
holy fuck did he actually say that I stopped watching
Genuinely hope so
Hikki even tears up about how much he loves himself at the end lmfao
Yup. Said it right after the other remark.
Hans got his ass handed bros...
absolute Cleveland Steamer of a match
What/who raped Hans' ass the worst?
The buttplug, Magnus or Hikaru?
>and here's the interview with the one person capable of tard wrangling this guy
>that lack of eye contact
>that broken voice
Hans might start crying live any second
No, it was about the fact he was hated by fans through much of his career and now is a somewhat beloved figure in the chess community.
He's gotten emotional on stream about that before
Hikaru by far, you could literally see Hans collapse vs Nakamura
They look like they're afraid to kiss each other
holy kek niemann plus danya is like oil and water
oh I think we found a second person capable of tard wrangling him, he's got pretty quiet now
someone tell Danya to ask Hans about all that shit he said in the interview before the match
he's reddit incarnate. he has very little charm about him to offset his narcissism.
what bizarre psychology hans has. he cheats, then wants to prove that he is better than magnus without cheating, while claiming all along he didnt cheat, yet knowing internally he cheated, and then being chudlike throughout all the games even complaining about magnus. you'd think he would have just embraced the show like a WWE affair and made some money and streaming off it.
he's just really stupid
the anon who said Hans literally refuses to take responsibility for anything is so spot on, he's so full of excuses for how badly he just got smoked
You would think with how much you have to lose to get good at chess Hans would be coping better.
>blaming the temperature
I'm not sure "let the chess speak for itself" is what you wanna say right now boy
It's worth noting that there were a lot of cheaters and cheater-apologists in the tournaments here. Wouldn't be remotely surprised if it's a lot of the same people trying to defend Sans "Choke" Machine.
Hans wasn't loved from his parents
because he got adopted and niggamura just took belt straight to ass
>hans actually finally goes "let's put this behind us" in a proper speech
>"anyways, about all that shit you talked"
he never cheated OTB cope seethe and dilate
Maybe he had a bad vibe as a child idk
They're literally estranged rn
>"I'm probably the least likely to accuse someone of cheating"
>audience laughing at his answers in the background
What the FUCK is he talking about
lmao based danya forcing hans to turn against kramnik
When he was initially lying about only cheating "once or twice" in the St. Louis interviews in the immediate aftermath of Magnus leaving, he claimed he was driven to it because he was living on his own as a teenager and desperate for money. So he wanted to raise his streamer profile by cheating to be strong enough to play big names like Hikaru. In reality he's a trust fund kid who comes from money and his parents didn't appreciate him acting like he was struggling. They haven't spoken since.
It is a little weird that Kramnik and Hans teamed up, when Hans is an admitted online cheater. And Kramnik's main concern seems to be cheating in online blitz chess, not OTB
>captcha VAXV2
Do you have any kind of source for this or is it just a schizo theory?
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>Danya has Kramnik shitting on him
>first get Hans to disagree with Kramnik on specific grounds
>second get Hans to praise Kramnik on specific grounds
>ask Hans whether the praiseworthy elements should be what Kramnik actually highlights
>conclusion: Hans indirectly asks Kramnik to shut the fuck up about Danya
It's like he's a chess grandmaster or something
>Kramnik's main concern seems to be cheating in online blitz chess
because his main concern is not cheating, but his personal feud against chess.com and Hikaru
hansbros... I'm literally shaking right now
bro what is he talking about saying he can match Alireza, he just got fucking assraped by Nakamura and Alireza just smashed Nakamura and this nigger still talks like he belongs with these 3
It's real, but I can't give you a single neat source because it's just stuff I've just been following for the past couple years lol. I think they might mention some of it in the NYMag article about him.
He's delulu
His brain is on survival mode
Another great interview from Hans Goatman, what a legend
What's with this one faggot trying to force farm animal
>one day the chess will speak
yeah it's already spoken KEKW
I'm not OP and I unironically liked it
so it's a trust me bro and the famous article that made up shit about Magnus
nice schizo theory
Rensch thinking about the money he can make from Hans
kek chess told Hans "get fucked" twice in a row
Oh God I wasted my time replying to an actual retard. Yeah sure, "think" what you want
kill yourself nigger retard
trust me bro I saw if from the vibes is not a source
Here is the timeline of events that nobody in the world would struggle with but you.
1. Hans comes from money. He is a trust fund kid. That's how he affords all this travel etc.
2. After being allowed by his parents to move out, he starts cheating in online chess.
3. He claims years later that he was only cheating to be able to support himself, acting like he's struggling.
4. From that point on he and his family is estranged.
These are all facts. What you're calling a "schizo theory" is just common sense deduction. I'm sure I'm still wasting my time laying this out for you and won't be responding again. But please know you are genuinely, unironically retarded and the only person here who should literally kill himself, being as toxic as you are retarded and therefore worse than worthless.
Do you have a SOURCE on that?


A source. I need a source.

Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.

No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.

You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.

Do you have a degree in that field?

A college degree? In that field?

Then your arguments are invalid.

No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.

Correlation does not equal causation.


You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.

Nope, still haven't.

cope & seethe
nice jumps in your factual and objective schizo theory
yeah this really doesn't need to go further I agree
don't let all the toxicity from this awful awful place get to you or if it does all the overmoderated hugboxes are rightthere for you
So Hans agains the World is done with right
no. he's going to start naming the jew
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> Oh, I analyzed and studied your writing style from previous posts and went over 300+ old chess threads, and figures, I'm debating a Hans supporter. A moron.
He hasn't played against me yet
Himself? He really is the next Fischer wow
I doubt it. As long as whoever is funding the prize money for those is still interested I imagine it will continue.
Hans Gapedmann
Reza>Chudnus btw. Total Iranian victory.
That ended with Bacrot afaik. But in a spiritual sense it ended today. He beat everyone except Magnus and Hikaru ie the opponents who really mattered. He got obliterated by those two in fact. I guess he still has the good old Fabi cope of it was just blitz but it will be curious to see how he comes back from this.
Hans Niemann was raped in the sweltering summer of '24 by a couple of Kingambits kek what a bitch
The only reason the Fabi cope works for caruana is that he was actually Carlsen’s equal in classical for a short time, you can’t use this cope if you’re just thoroughly outclassed full stop
Now that hans will commit sudoku I might become a fabibro
Don't forget that Fabi doesn't really use the Fabi cope anyway lol, he accepted that he sucked at speed chess and went on to improve in that area.
This is a Reza/Nodirbek general now. Perhaps your best course would be to tread lightly.
I was wrong about Firouzja. He's him.
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The Kramnik+Hans friendship is so funny. Of course Kramnik accused Hans at first but then they met up somehow, Hans flattered him and from then on the guy was no longer suspicious. Hans rambling in interviews and videos exactly like Big Vlad is just the cherry on top.
Everyone stop mocking this 21 year old child. He hasn't even begun to peak
>Hans flattered him and from then on the guy was no longer suspicious
The flattery resulted in Kramnik agreeing to train with Hans for a short period. I think Kramnik changed his opinion of Hans during that training.
One thing is for sure, chuds got thoroughly humbled today.
does gucci have a chance against magnus?
I'm pretty sure Magnus still thinks Gucci is the future of chess even though everyone else is hyping Nodirbek and the young Ranjeets.
Yes, he'll win
Nothing better than throwing cold water on someone who comes out blasting moves like he's hot shit, calmly and emotionlessly outclassing him until he simply leaves the game.
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Remembered this idea from the Firouzja Hikaru game yesterday when one of them got their knight trapped. I baited him into taking h7, then after Nxg3 his knight is be trapped. Game continued Kd2, f6, Bxc6 (hurr durr free pawn!), Kf7, errrr Be4??, Nxe4. Bye!
>is be
Ah good, ignore that pls.
I'm watching his Levy interview. Is he playing a character? If not, he's very mentally unwell and chess.com are knowingly exploiting him
nothing better than doing the same thing except being in opposite roles
it's great watching opponents be positionally crushed and their timer says 2 minutes while mine says 6
Good board vision
Thanks. I was really happy that I saw it and nailed it. If I hadn't played Nxg3 first for instance, but immediately f6, he would have had g4 and then g5, saving his knight with a slight advantage.
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>Is he playing a character?
I get that impression. He has a history of this. I don't know exactly what flavor or disorder Hans has but it does appear to involve difficulties with social interaction. Re; autism, I'm not sure that is what Hans has. There are some other non-autism behaviors that make me think it's something else like schizoid type thing. In any I think he does create artificial personalities in a similar way to Hikaru. Multiple, which he shifts through over time. At the very beginning of the Hans controversy there was talk about him using some kind of fake pseudo european accent in his interviews. You can hear that in some of the videos before and during Sinquefield cup, before people started calling attention to it.
Tomorrow. Starts same time as Hikaru/Hans match started today. It will be on youtube chess com channel.
he's a chuuni
That's a simpler way to put it, sure.
The guy talks completely unhinged, he thinks everyone's out to get him. It's so outrageous that I thought it was an act. He has what Kramnik and Fischer have, I'm not sure what the diagnosis is called
Fischer was nowhere near as much of a loser as Hans. Just listen to the way Hans talks, with the autistically put on accent and cringe overacting. Fischer was a genuine star with effortless charm and ladies on his arms. And when he went insane, he was genuinely insane, not leaning into le villain arc. He went so genuinely insane that he had to die in Iceland. Hans a pathetic imitation and cringe larper.
*Also, when Fischer talked shit, it was because he was the best in the world and could back it up.
>entire thread forgot carlsen was looking at the fucking eval during the game
I left levi a troll comment yesterday and not only did he reply to it but he quoted it today in his video. I am a God troll and I am a Hans chud and I'm not sorry
when you think everyone's out to get you, things like that are why

I adamantly agree with this. Now, I suppose I don’t mind Hans that much, but despite him trying to portray himself as the bad boy of chess, he is not a perennial super star like Fischer.

Fischer was a prodigy first, and actually let his chess speak for itself before he became cocky and charismatic while being interviewed.

I totally understand being an American chess player and wanting to emulate Fischer, but Niemann is nowhere near that level. He needs to work on his humility to avoid further embarrassing himself.
Telling the truth about a certain group is insane now?
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Unfortunately he totally earned that reputation pre-pandemic, he was the biggest insufferable cunt in chess since the late 00's and no other GM colleague liked the guy. Seems like streaming and money let him chill and be more content on the surface. That's cool to see, but the core rot probably still remains.
it definitely does. he can say some pretty nice things on camera but he can't completely hide how awful his personality is
>when you're an amazing tactician, sometimes that can work against you
ahh, that must be it
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After spending countless hours poring over openings and endgames it has left me with little time to explore the world outside of /chess/. Social life have always taken a backseat to my pursuit of mastery chess yet in the midst of this solitary journey I find solace in the presence of chess ecelebs who embody grace and integrity. They inspire me to strive for excellence not just in my game, but in my character as well. Their dedication reminds me that being a class act on and off the board is just as vital as knowing the perfect gambit, and for that, I am grateful.
top kek
>whatever it takes
It just takes a few batteries.
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This image makes licheats uncontrollably seethe
Show evidence of Fischer being insane.
I know your only familiarity with him is through /pol/ but his paranoia about Jews is not the only thing that made him insane. You can look at his world championship against Spassky for how he was already losing it. He didn't even show up to the second game because "the lights were too bright", "the cameras were clicking" etc., being excessively sensitive. Spassky showed a lot of grace and let him have whatever he wanted because by then it was already known that Fischer was a little "off" and Spassky just wanted to play him. There was a real risk of Bobby just spazzing out and leaving the match.
His mental health continued to deteroriate and he started coming up with conspiracy theories like saying Kasparov and Karpov were playing pre-arranged matches and it was all theatre. There's a lot more but I'd prefer you actually know what you're talking about when you're in the mood to start an argument rather than expect me to write you a personalized book.
>I know your only familiarity with him is through /pol/ but
Stupid redditor. The whole reason i play chess is because of Fischer's game vs Byrne.
I asked for evidence of actual insanity and you give me shit like "well you know haha there was this time he acted a little weird, he asked for no cameras and the like you know... truly crazy". Kasparov vs Karpov being prearranged might be a wild claim but Fischer had experience with soviet collusion before, which was confirmed, so it wasn't an outlandish thing for him to think that at all. None of this is "insanity". You're just an NPC parroting the same shit you're told over and over to be the correct opinion by the public consensus, which of course is gonna be that "Fischer was insane" because Fischer dared to open his mouth on negative opinions about jews while being an extremely respected chess world champion -- what other discrediting tactic would the popular media have against someone so widely perceived by the public as being an actual genius?

There is not an ounce of individual thought in your brain. Everything in your post is either propaganda or straight up made up shit based on a propagandized NPC's personal "opinions". And don't just go around samefagging like that, everyone can see what you're doing and it's incredibly cringeworthy.
>There's a lot more
Like what? Being an autist who doesn't like lights isn't 'insane', you could even argue it was an intentional antic to try to discombobulate spassky. Prearranged games between two Soviet players being an 'insane' accusation, because the Soviet Union was not known to be corrupt whatsover. Frankly I think you're retarded
>not liking cameras clicking while you play chess is....
Based on recent play alireza might even be there favorite
kek does niggamura even look directly at Hans after that refutation?
Nakamura and Carlsen have no respect for Hans at all and it's fucking hilarious. that kind of stuff makes me wish I was 2800
you'll always be 2800 in my eyes :)

You are only showing your ignorance on the matter.

The same chess player that you are trying to use as an example to highlight Fischer’s alleged “insanity” is the same person who said that Fischer was essentially the leader of the chess players’ union. By this, he essentially meant that Fischer was quite outspoken about very poor playing conditions when other players were too afraid to speak out.

For example, the media would often say that Fischer was an unruly teenager because he would complain to event organizers that spectators were walking up to his board blowing smoke directly in his face. Obviously, if you were playing in an OTB tournament today and someone was blowing cigarette smoke in your face, you would find that unacceptable, but Fischer was unfairly labeled as an eccentric when he voiced his concerns about this many years ago.

You come across as very disingenuous, which leads me to ask the following question

Do you have a dog in this fight?

The reason I ask because to a reasonable person, it would seem highly odd for you to have such a vendetta against Bobby Fischer unless you did in fact have a dog in this fight.

I will ask you again, do you have a dog in this fight?
I mean he qualified to be there. They want their slurper butt buddies I guess
kek, calm down Mel
lol thank you anon

his skill is fine. like nobody's disputing he is fucking good at chess. isn't he like top 20 in the world now?
you're right, they want their "slurper butt buddies" because they aren't endless shit talkers like Hans is
meant for >>493615881
Magnus cheated
Yes, he stares him down
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I always thought it was an exaggeration but normies really do think and talk like this. The psychological implications are immense and dare I say overbearing
Yes I'm retarded, not the guy who thinks Fischer intentionally lost a game in a World Championship to "discombobulate" his opponent, and calling people retarded for no reason. The "Frankly I think" is so funny too, like that must have sounded so intellectual to you. "Frankly, after much cogitation," no idiot, you're a fucking dumbass who didn't like the history lesson he got for some reason and lashed out with a non sequitur insult that doesn't even make sense.
You sound mindbroken. You didn't give me a 'history lesson', what you said initially was retarded and then to compound the retardation you supplied retarded evidence that doesn't substantiate your claim. In any case, my elo is much higher than yours

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