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>Announcing Project Zanaris - Old School Community Servers

>Client Updates: Plugin API, HD and Mobile - Summer Summit 2024

>Wrathmaw: the Wilderness World Boss - Summer Summit 2024

>I'm new, what should I do?

>Communication & Info
Website: https://osrs.game/
Wiki: https://osrs.wiki/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OldSchoolRS
Chat channel: fart cc

>/osg/ 2024 Skilling Competition

previous >>493478501
first for meriifemale girlpu
jages pservers its over gg
mod manked changed his rsn to the boss he made before the summit
i'm a gay faggot doing slayer and i want to do theatre of blood
today osrs died
Don't use the worst announcement as OP, queer
can't wait for the 50x xp 10x drop rate server that will be more popular than the main game. thank you jagex for implementing this great decision that surely will not destroy the game
and /vg/scape was born
>legal private servers
gambling addicts in shambles
private servers seems incredibly short sighted
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the rule34 will be strong with this one
the only part worth watching was jerv
if you dont like it don't do it
suck me off bitch or make your own op
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its fucking nothing calm down
>legal private servers
>bumping up membership prices
Shareholders are really squeezing the fuck out of them, huh?
theyll use this as an excuse to up membership prices even more by giving everyone the ability to create a custom server even though 90% wont touch it. like how we're paying for access to RS3 lol
>sucking off content creators videos after that abysmal display
oh fuck off
thank the lord our dev team is so creative god damn
>the game only has a year to live
>it's nothing chuds, keep on paying $100 dollars plus tip for membership
its the opposite its longsighted. it shows the devs are thinking about the future of the game outside of jagexs hands.
>you can't log onto the same character on the main & pservers at the same time
membership increased btw

im going to make a server where runescape is even more woke and theres nothing you can do to stop me
oldschool oldschool runescape will become real now!!
im going to make a server where the ppl in pollivineach are named ali again
>Make actual 2007 server
>No gay QoL, no fkeys, no minimap orbs, no xp drops, no crutch items, no autistic wildly only changes, no marker and shit on anything
>Can actually have actual 2007 pking
Thank fucking god
you know you want to say roblox ayiza
can you give me a link and invite code so i can know which one to avoid id hate that
it's 4chan anon, you can just say nigger or tranny if you like
those words will not be allowed on my server
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This so much this
lets get you to bed gramps
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will it have tea replaced with coffee?
>1 year from now: being stuck in base osrs begging for an invitation to meriiscape
>another game trying to cash in on "COMMUNITY MADE CONTENT!!"
i am already tired of this shit in fortnite
i just want to play runescape
It's better than the cheating trash we have now unironically kill yourself if you support it
are they hoping they can poach content ideas from the community servers
uguhguh so much green text im getting so pukey
is it over, can i have my smokes
seems to be the implication yeah, plus more bait for content creators.
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so true bestie
reminds me of the cuckboys that make shit in forge for halo for free, at least valve will give you a cut of the profits if you make them stuff
why make sophanem yourself when the players can conceptualize it for you
So are they just completely out of ideas? They're just backporting more and more RS3 content and now private servers.
you have a mental illness
we already have sophanem though
dont you mean menapoo
so i'll just be able to port my character and gear into a new server to practice a boss without losing any supplies
yea theyre out of ideas the stream is ending right now no more announcements
sus amogus
>why is the oldschool community led game bringing in old content and communiy content?
why is your text green
finally some good fucking food
>We have to rank collection logs now
What is it with the hyper sperg niggers that need to compare themselves to everyone else, why does everything have to be competitive, why is it so hard for something to just exist in a vacuum for fun
jerv :D
why aren't you white
>wilderness poh
I nut
locked inventory slots is pretty beast
finally some good updates
finally a good fucking bank update
mod ash beasting per usual chuddies seething
thank you mod trash
babyscape retardscape updates ok nothing for normal players?
>jagex hosts the private servers
time to mine bitcoin
sorry chud its not your game anymore
There is literally nothing wrong with the bank changes why are you being a faggot?
all it took was mod ash to get some good fucking updates finally
some people are really motivated by competition and thats ok. if that makes you feel inadequate when they flex, you should just remind yourself that competition is not for you and that you derive enjoyment from other things, and that that's ok too. and keep reminding yourself until you start feeling more secure in your own identity :)
the only thing im clogging is my toilet loooooooooool
mod husky made seppy he is one of the good ones too
im going to make babyscape when project zanaris releases
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instanced mole when
Is there a reason OSRS hasn't used the bank redsign stuff from RS3 yet? Like loadouts and such?
no, spergs should be executed
even a broken clock is right twice a day
as for me my private server will make all exp 10x slower and drop rates 10x worse and every npc will say nigger and itll be epic
lol why does the new boss have to be in the wildy? it would be a fun thing to do if it wasn't but now I'll never interact with it
fuck manked literal retard
I don't get why every boss doesn't have a paid instance like KBD. Ironmemes already get them.
is woke a chud word
ed looks so youthful omg
lmao i love this dramatic ginger wank
provide an argument
just announce extreme ironman mode already
no its a reddit word
omg auburnvalley is so me i hope they put a poh portal there i need it
did he say the plappy rainforest
sorry i dont argue with babies post a pic of you in your infernal cape
i am a HARDCORE GAMER I play super hard games such as oldschool runescape
this point and click game aimed at children is EXACTLY the hardcore pc gamer experience
Quality of life changes? EASYSCAPE. BABBYSCAPE. Literally only hardcore gamers such as myself know how HARD it is to use the bank and make your inventory setups for slayer. You babies need to learn that the world is TOUGH AND HARD just like my favorite game (oldschool runescape)
is this a DEI down syndrome mod?
you don't have an argument
no hes just ginger
i like crabs
wish i had a meriicord invite i bet the discussion in there is so sophisticated and mature...
bro how long is this shit going to take can they just release a summary this is so fucking boring
I really hope they don't fuck up this enrage boss. I'm THIRSTY for something challenging
uh uh uh uh uh
this nigga looks retarded
infinite just like the colosseum
no you aren't
Menaphos bros i dont feel so good......
hes just fat
surely leagues 5 varlamore is last announcement
uh where is the next penguin quest
uh where is the next red axe quest
uh where is the next sea slug quest
uh where is the next vampyre quest
uh where is the next dorgeshuun quest
uh where is the next mahjarrat quest
uh where is the next zombie pirate quest
uh where is the next mahjarrat quest
uh where is the next arposandra gnome quest
>wilderness boss
>dual giants boss
>enrage boss
>afk crab boss
>dragon boss
has to be the most bosses theyve announced at once
>uh where is the next mahjarrat quest
you said that twice
also they announced one

SHUT THE FLIP UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
all babyscape scurrius cheeser bosses
ermmmmm what the flip
the dragon boss isn't new
only one is a real boss everything else is mid level irontroon slop
>enrage boss
This is going to be botted and ahk'ed to death because they don't actually care about game integrity or fun
my new boss the spinetingler hidden in deaths domain
no its a reddit chud word
I honestly don't know how they can do an enrage boss in OSRS. In RS3, your dps output is more or less tied to skill rotation and (unironically) experience in pvm. In OSRS you can't really increase your damage much because at the end of the day you just click and wait.
can you say this again but without the zoomer speak
its gonna be so funny when we dont get a leagues or raids 4
I just want menaphos, I don't care about this stupid zeah shit.
>In OSRS you can't really increase your damage much because at the end of the day you just click and wait.
you can increase the accuracy or clicks required per tick
my private server will basically be an elevated platform and you log in with max gear but can't do anything or move while large spinning heads rotate around you screaming racial slurs
I'm so glad I stopped playing this game
Its the big announcement trust the plan
too grand
cya tomorrow friend
Flecthing doesn't need to be fixed, its a buyable to zone out and do in a day. This is like trying to fix herblore.
>"Fletching isn't good"
??????? Is he retarded? Fletching covers both afk and super active training methods as well as money draining and money making methods as well as low and high xp methods, how fucking stupid is he?
mod ed W
mod ash W
mod manked L
mod wuhan L
fletching is zero time it can't be afk
ummmmmmmmmmm fletching is useless cause yeah you hit 99 then what
meanwhile crafting is just glassblowing
mod ayzia is going to fuck that tree
this is 80% of the skills
j1mmy walked so ed could run
how dare they make buyable zone out and do in a day skills FUN and VARIED instead
why blow glass when you can cut amethyst for less aph and more xp >>493569974
yeah and that's why a lot of skills in osrs are bad
How about you guys actually make something like firemaking useful beyond just being a minigame boss.
>no raids
>no leagues
literally only 2 things people care about and they aren't doing them
>fletching was always meant to be bad
I am waiting for these kinds of posts to pop up
because im only 85 mining
does anyone wanna duo the crab boss with me
valamor part 4 CONFIRMED
I would imagine it'll will be less about dps and more about skill. I'm assuming something like phosani but the timings of prayer flicks and moving will get more and more precises.

That being said, the top top players will probably be able to go infinitely then. Which will either mean theres a lot of room for skill expression, or it'll be boring really quickly.
80% of the people in this thread have 0 raid kc
im kind of like a crab if you really think about it
There's nothing wrong with this or adding more content to make fletching useful but in no reality is fletching bad to train, every fucking skill should have as many gp gain/loss, xp, and intensity options like fletching does
>no raids
>no leagues
redditors on suicide watch
only if we can hold hands while we do it
Shut the fuck up weirdo. Streamers are sacred. They are the lifeblood of this community. You should be thankful that they're working in Jagex to improve the game. That all the hardworking content creators out there make free advertisements for Jagex to keep my favourite game alive.
if they dont announce raids 4 or leagues 5 im going tactical nuke mode
can you stop talking about the summit im waiting to see what gnomonkey says on the matter before i make a post about it
>something like phosani
>shit drop rates
>tedious shit mechanics, 5+ minute fight
No thanks if they never release that garbage again the game will be infinitively better without it
still waiting for the oda reacts vid before I form an opinion on this
is the new fletching minigame going to be ehp can a skiller weigh in
final reveal gotta be raids or league no way it isnt
no because fletching is a 0 time skill
fletching is zero time
so unless it goes negative time then no
gnomonkey and oda weren't even allowed to make a silly skit they are completely irrelevant
ok fine ill take it
Guess you could say, a new game mode isn't out of our league
leagues should be every 2 years dont @ me
osrs is SAVED
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omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg
please please please please no leagues this winter i cant waste another winter i dont know how many i have left
does anyone have the image of cell in runescape with +99999 stats
>trailblazer reloaded 3 except a couple bosses get new mechanics
lmfao so fucking lazy
>making some bosses more sweaty in the game mode where the whole point is you acting like a god
hm no, the rest sounds interesting
*coughs up blood*
menaphos.... i...
>leagues 5
>official private servers
you retards want to do anything but play the fucking game properly
ok leagues is cool but its not really a big announcement is it theres been 4 before and they happen every couple of years
The only time I play this game now was leagues and honestly now I cant be asked
>he got filtered
That's a shame bucko. Maybe stick to BABYscape
>We don't like how some areas are better
Ok so don't lock them then, there was nothing wrong with Leagues 3
november????? are you freaking kidding me did they not even read my leagues survey i took last year im so busy in the winter i cant do it again not to mention i need to gain at least 100 ehp in the stupid osg competition before the end of the year
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Is this Solo Missions' (best content creator btw) brother?
release date is new though most people thought it wouldn't happen this year
nah I have 300+ kc it's a bad boss, you don't have to be an apologist, jagex isn't going to feature you
why do you need 100 more ehp
50% onions, 50% blacked
yeah idk im excited for leagues and the dragon boss everything else is kind of whatever don't care about the giant boss or the herblore minigame
I love cutting virtual trees
you could get 100 ehp this month even midzy can average 30 a week
I have enough points from last league to get all rewards without even playing this one
>Another leagues where spergs will waste their time going for pointless dragon cup instead of having fun
Can't wait to actually enjoy leagues against while the losers sweat away and ruin their limited game mode experience
my sub runs out in november
oh well
addy shitter already seething
whos coming to my 126 thieving party in an hour
huge projection and cope, it's your time not mine mate, feel free to waste it again
my sub runs out today and they have yet to announce the premier sale and i cant even mention it in the chat because the automod removes it and says its against the rules
ill have you know i played 10 hours the first 3 days, burnt out and ended up with a mithril cup, sweaty
i use leagues to practice mechanics in stuff im too scared to try in the main game :3c
nigga already seething 2 months before leagues the fuck you mean enjoy
So how would custom content even work? Would the server owners not need access to the source code to do any major edits?
now would be a perfect time for a raids 4 surprise announcement
>Leagues in November
Oh man that's too soon, I don't know if I'm ready to sweat it out for a full month again.

Might have to join the r*ne cuppers
id rather not say
scratch that just tried to log in and turns out my membership has already run out
did they mention sailing at all, or are they hoping people forget about it?
perilous moons is raids 4 and you dont have any kc in it
the best part of the summit was qol changes collection log mod jerv and mod genghis
>LATE november
this better not be the 20-25th but more like 11th-14th
underwelming and overall babyscape trash L summit
>Varlamore 2
>RS3 Quest backport
>Another fucking Wilderness Boss
>More dead content giant bosses
>Varlamore 3
>Heckin Epic private servers that you know theyre gonna fuckin charge for
11th-14th wouldn't be late november you silly anime bitch
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HD went into it a little, it's largely being done to aid sailing.
Water improvements, increased view distance, and the way chunks are rendered is being changed.
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guys I think I am finally ready and at peace to never play this game ever again
scratch that former scratch that post turns out my financial aid just hit and i actually can afford membership this year
Friendly reminder to sign up to the /osg/ community server.
The money you invest for access to the server will be used to fund drop parties and giveaways.
mod jerv and her poh art...
i want to quit
but they were working on hd long before sailing was even polled
i want to fluff
>$4.99 per month per server according to the blog
That's a more reasonable price than I expected.
sailing is osrs brexit
can we charge others to join the server?
>not even green logged
and you are asking for raids 4? lol
>"In all of Gielinor"
In all of RUNESCAPE you zoomer fucking dev, it was already bad enough you changes the examine text in trees. Stop killing the soul of the game
MAGA poll is now open!
just voted yes to everything on two accounts didnt read a single question
remember to vote no on all wildy content
do not allow your fellow runesisters to be bait for black RoT tier pkers
>Ayiza claiming to be excited for the next summit being live at runefest
He is going to cry when they announce some horrible sailing or wildy shit and everyone BOOS him lmfao
pokemon go to the polls!
just fell out of a coconut tree and landed at the poll booth
i have no fucking clue what i even voted No on
>Thank you for voting.
they didnt address the allegations...
i am voting for kamala in the runescape summer summit mega poll.
literally what allegations can you be more specific who are you talking about?
so what happened to the membership sale
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Who did it better?
I would actually love to see this, they can't hide behind a twitch chat anymore they'll actually have to propose good stuff. I still imagine any bit of criticism is going to make ayiza have a mental breakdown, can't wait
>>Another fucking Wilderness Boss
what do you mean another?
there are not that many
yea man people that can afford to go to runefest are definitely autistic spergs that are confident enough to start booing a presentation this will happen for sure
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i love thbis person so much theyre so comfy looking.

if hot chocolate was a person this would be them right here
hopefully theyll address them at runefest
I cant believe they are still trying to force that dogshit boat skill
voted yes to pog content
voted no for clogger cringe
Ya'll voted for it. This ain't it, chief.
is the manifesto getting released now i thought we were waiting until after runeyfest
the rsso of my dreams mod jerv save me
>teabag tattoo
just went through like 30 stews trying to get a boost
they rigged the vote in case you forgot
>what do you mean another?
NTA but they learned their lesson with the chaos elemental in 2006, it was a mistake. Nu-jagex sucks off streamers
you need to use the spicy stews the normal stews heal you hope this helped
quiet bitch you know which soup he was drinking dont be coy
what are you boosting?
Just like with ironmen, the design team will inevitably start designing content around the private servers. This probably isn't a good thing.
I think that they'll try to poll paid cosmetics (that works in every server) some time next year
thats what im doing sorry for the lack of clarity
'struction for the fancy jewelry box
yeah and trump won too we get it
I fucking hate Zulrah's "Jad phase" so much, it is absolutely destroying me every time.
I've grown so used to the "enable the correct prayer before the attack hits you" mechanic they've used for the past several years of boss design, this is so archaic.

>lmao just pray correctly before the attack even fires
Voting yes to everything but the wildybot content
whats with all the grapes
he is right though, people gimped themselves out of having fun with ruinous powers because the other two skilling options provided easier points points
>hey anon, screaming collection log slot unlocked before you propose to me was not very HLC of you
I'm pretty sure that these jew devs force these wildy updates to run their own bot scripts and rwt for money. Any retard can tell you its a bad idea
>takes 1k teeth to make a single weapon
>only 2k teeth can be brought into the game a day
convince me this isnt just manked trying to create content he can profit off of with clans
you're telling me you can't swap prayers after each attack?
as with all other wilderness stuff besides the magic capes which i already have and the occasional clue scroll i simply wont be doing the worm boss
they didnt mention it and you werent allowed to ask about it in chat
as for me ruinous powers looked too sweaty
i voted no for the wilderness boss
No my brain keeps clicking protect from magic when I see the magic attack, because that's how basically every boss in the past 3 years has worked.
Ironman was shilled streamer content, they should have been forced to separate servers like leagues was in the first place. Private servers are better because now if irons cry about something you can tell them to fuck off to a private server and change it
um... the run energy rework???
people didnt like it so they pretty much shelved it didnt they
I skipped that one but I voted no on the ironman question
>now if irons cry about something you can tell them to fuck off to a private server and change it
yeah because telling them to de-iron worked so well
they said its coming in a few days
They did such a mindblowingly shit job that I think they just gave up in shame.

>players think it's retarded that you need to wait TWELVE REAL LIFE MINUTES to regen 100% energy at 1 agil, just to run for 15 seconds
>"Let's make it extremely convoluted, and situationally even worse than that"
Were they on fucking crack?
i didnt watch the thing and am not going to read anything about the options but im going to vote yes on everything because i dont want to hurt any of the developers feelings
uh oh the 1200 total mains with 40 tempoross and wintertodt kills combined total boss kc wielding a shadow and obby cape are getting uppity!
same but unironically they put so much work into this
there's literally no reason for the agility outfit not to be the best non-combat outfit in any activity involving non-teleportative travel
nigga chops redwoods in graceful
they should make a graceful sack that allows you to store your graceful outfit inside and you can equip it into your quiver slot
You fuckers better not let Wrathmaw pass
PvP and all its enjoyers need to be fucking obliterated from this game
rune rock is spawned in w376 isle of souls
i agree but only the high skill pvpers. if you have a positive k/d you should be sequestered into the sweatnigger servers
Letting a PvP update poll-able was a guaranteed route to failure
before all the chud tourists leave do any of you want to be my rsbf
meriipu W
they can just discard the votes of players without time spent in wildy
ive been in these threads off and on since feb 2013
no one in the twitch chat seemed to like it, I'm not going to get hopefully but I don't think it's going to pass. My only hope is that it gets such a huge "No" vote that it shatters manked's ego and he goes on an autistic tirade on twitter and gets fired, that's a pipe dream though
That would make you slower though??? Lol
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oh my gnomonkey
i may need to retransition back to type a if it means i get abs
looks gay. Nothing beats nigga graceful
Oh yes oh yes ohhhhhh yes
>he unironically wears gimpsuit graceful
instead of adding new wildy bosses why don't they improve on what already exists like weren't they going to add a unique to scorpia
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rock is gone
>why don't they improve on what already exists
this but the rest of the game too
tfw you will never see boxee in tummy graceful...
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I don't know what the fuck they're thinking. An extreme limiting of worlds available, at predefined times, and Wrathmaw can spawn in multi combat zones.
Gee, I wonder what's gonna fucking happen? Oh wait, no I don't, because I already know. Clans are going to roll up to every single fucking Wrathmaw and Ice Barrage every single person there. Wrathmaw will only ever be killed by them, and then you have the ENTIRE supply of certain new items wholly controlled by these fucking losers.

Like holy shit, how are you this goddamn retarded to propose this?
why do I have to see type a tits but no type b
i finally got my boost and am now the proud owner of a fancy jewelry box i cant wait to use it to teleport to destinations
what are your thoughts on the new content
stop it i might cry
very excited
Cant just add sitting like RS2 had to let you recharge your run in at most 90 seconds
One word: Manked
He's continuing his ambition of adding extremely abusable Wilderness content to the game.

>Rogues Chest buffed to 3m/hr, no reqs
>Zombie pirates (see above)
>Wildy Agility buff (see above)
>probably Revs
>all botted to shit, toxic and shitty as hell
I muted the stream and went to do raids after hearing the word "varlamore" for about the 25th time. Did they announce anything after that?
why are you hiding your rsn meriipu
i already am
might have to stop being a neet and get a job just to make sure to not resubscribe to play leagues
people get upset when you post your rsn in thread
That'd be the simplest route.
My suggestion would be to just cut the time to regen to 100% to a third.

>level 1 agil: 12 minutes (fucking what) down to 4
>level 99: 4 minutes down to 1:20
Staminas still retain their use for PvM and stuff, it just makes general exploration and the early game less aids.
no i don't think so
Even worse, they are proposing to let the amplified items work in other areas of the game instead of keeping them pvp only. Everything about this is so tonedeaf and out of touch, I literally do not understand why they think it's ok for manked to take control of this trash. Never ever idolize people in your game's community, even the fucking gowers knew this
5 tick dark bow goes kind of hard though
Wish they'd update models for all the recolors. Make brimhaven pirate as fuck, bandana, peg leg, hook hand, eye patch.
>the jmod that made the new wilderness boss renamed himself to it
ummmmmmmmmmmmmm that's a bit shady innit
it is just so nobody takes the name and sells it
oh my gnome shut the monkey up
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i wont vote on the poll until gnomonkey tells me how to vote
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Huge for the botting-vyrewatch-only bondie.
When is the next video going to be released?
I swear people will cry about anything PvP related.

The main gripe people had were being forced into Wildy to do PvM, to get upgrades.

Now they offer PvM in Wildy with PvP only rewards and some people still cry.

There's no winning for Jagex here. They literally fixed the main problem people had with PvM content in Wildy and people still, somehow, got a problem with it. Feels like some non-PvP people just don't like PvP'ers getting content. Lmao.

Feels like some people are gatekeeping the game from PvP'ers just out of spite, even though the update doesn't affect them at all.
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umm im killing vyres not thieving them thats not macroefficient to do
but the upgrades are for pvm too dumbfuck
i dont give a fuck about pvp i just like voting no and shitting on it because i dont want to be called black
then what are you training theiving with?
>with PvP only rewards
They literally aren't you dumb shit. And the concept is just bad conceptually, with the "it only happens on a few worlds" being a gigantic red flag
wouldnt you like to know gayboy
The rewards are fucking useless outside of pvp retards.
maybe they should just make it unable to sell names u stupid bitch
>a 5 tick dbow with uncapped spec is useless outside of pvp
tell me you literally have never pvmd before
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>Mage's Tome of Fire is useless
>Trinity Ward is useless
>5 tick uncapped dbow is useless
what would the threads right click examine read
Ask me how I know you're a 1800 total brokie
runescape should do a collaboration with taco bell and mountain dew and make a drink called mountain dew iban's blast that would be cool i think
Private servers will cause the game to die as impatient zoomies and busy boomies alike flock to 50x xp 100x drop rate servers. Mark my words.
most people enjoy the grind
this dumbass darkie just called the wrathmaw upgrades useless for pvm, proceeded to get laughed at and his best response was
unironic wiggers of the osrs community
Ah what a shame.
I conceptually really like the elemental tomes but with divine runepouch I struggle to think any activity where they would save a slot in a world after divine runepouch.
I was thinking about this because they mentined that the varlamore 2 boss would drop earth tome and I got excited for a moment only for the moment to crash down...
Ah what a pity....
this will fix oda getting scammed by trillion billions haha
just roll up a community server where you can .item haha
there is a reason why leagues are temprorary is cause you get your fill and quit
private servers are doomed from the start
tomes of smoke, mud, steam, lava, mist, and dust
you think you wont get wilderness scanning bots on your grandpa server? lmao idiot
they won't stay there because the novelty wears off after a few weeks if you go too fast and the servers aren't years long persistent like the main game, there will be no high scores for them so all the autists will continue to have their competition of who has no life more on the main game. Private servers will be a great escape during downtimes of the main game
Theyre for pvm too, as usual jagex learns nothing
what will the modifiers be for the osg private server?
x5 exp
x3 drop rates
since 90% ITT are below 1500 total this will help elevate everyone
can someone release the manifesto im getting sick of all this game talk
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Any PvPers in the thread? This is for you
need mobile only servers
won't matter because you'll be fighting on equal terms
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>4 ruby bolt procs in my first 5 attacks on warden
my manifesto is that I hate you all and hope you a fullfilling life so your loved ones will have to suffer by mourning your passing and that your runey accont gets taken over and botted by a venezuelan
ejaculating on meriis type a tits
the meriifesto will reveal all
>not having a shadow
I wish this was me at vork so I don't have to keep resetting for GM time
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another night of beer n runey
someone suggest a fun osrs activity for me please
>pitching for jagex's secret project
Hang around with newbies and lie to them.
Like just absurd but kinda believable lies like
>you need to go kourend to get your wood cutting going
>Fishing? best beginner fishing is at wilderness shore
just like lie
its very funny
If you don't have an infernal cape you should be banned from posting here
I dont even have a fire cape
this but fire cape instead
me neither im more of a comfy gamer i dont like pvm
holy fuck making money without trading is so hard how do iron men do this
i think j1mmy is cute and i like his videos
here we gooo
owner cape and a spongebob squarepants pet with ak47
whats like the absolute genuine literal bare minimum gear i can do that with, including supplies
not sure what you mean
guess ill just go do agility pyramid a couple times
>3 hours for my first kill
Fuck sake

The antidote++ drop (needed for the ornate pool) is 1/14, I don't know if I can kill another 13+ of these..
high alching
selling runes to the shop
iron man gameplay is a joke
wind blast
monk robes
some prayer pots if you dont have at least med CA done
as an iron man you kill the enemy and cast high level alchemy upon the items that they drop
Alright I'm only getting 15-20 kill trips at Kraken because my gear is ass even though I'm maxed combat
What the fuck gear do I need to get to stop this
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forgot to attach the screenshot I specifically took for this post

By the way is there a not completely shit way to get Magic Seeds? Making me own antidotes is probably my best option but I don't know how I'm going to get 4 seeds.
>55 magic for high alch
nahhhh yall niggas crazy
Blood Blitz the pool between kills retard.
>you wake up as an iron man
>you have nothing in your inventory or your bank
>you have max stats
>all diaries and quests completed
what do?
yo my bone was right finally got a synapse again after 3 dry tasks
so happy rn makes me forget about that dogass summerfest
bro really thought he was asking a thought provoking question when the obvious answer is just corrupted gauntlet lol
>this is who jagex caters content to
actually forgot that existed nvm thanks anon
i go to my poh and withdraw my masori (f) and then fetch my whip and bowfa and then idk probably de iron rebuilding sounds like ass
id probably deiron and trade over a couple bil from my alt
That works?
Actually, that doesn't even really sound that worthwhile since I'm guessing you're only hitting one target

>your poh portal declines you entry; you do not have a house
(99 cons through laps or some shit stfu)
Holy fuck you are dumb.
I haven't played in 3 years, stop pretending you're not a loser, thanks
How are you supposed to dodge the little yellow lightning skulls in p2 wardens? I try running into them or away, get hit both times.
you can just blood blitz the actual boss so you do damage to something instead of the pools
Go back to not playing so I don't have to read your braindead posts again, thanks.
mahogany homes is a fun runey activity
who up twisting they torstol
bring more food?
im half gay
can you explain what's so braindead about his question i don't have 87 slayer
im sniffing my snapdragon
Don't worry dude, maybe one day you can find something else in your achievement-less life you can be proud about besides osrs. I'm rooting for you.

I already bring full inv. I'm mostly just looking for gear recommendations because I don't know what's been added to the game in the past few years and all I got is blessed d hide and prayer book
>a bloo bloo
Keep crying kid.
we know you tell us every thread u are half gay
>instant rage reply
holy seethe
lol chud got beasted on by another chud not sure if this is a chud W or L though
im also half gay if you even care
its not your gear nigga just heal off the pool
>saying this after you typed >>493583889 with shaking hands and tearful eyes
why does the j1mmy video have so many dislikes
didn't read but I'm happy for you
fuck i forgot gauntlet is actually hard and i dont even know how to do blue prison let alone red nvm
I accept your concession
did you buy a maxed iron or something
Is that really the meta for Kraken? I mean, hell, I guess I'll try it. Guess I gotta bring an ancient staff switch
u suck dick at this game from meriipu
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do you have a discord? i could teach you over voice if you'd like
because it sucked, it was supposed to be making private servers look interesting but just comes off a discord group wank session with his friends.
i go in with
slayer helm
occult necklace
ahrims robe top and bottom
eternal boots
toxic trident
elidnis ward
imbued zammy cape
ring of suffering
tormented braclet
invnetory is just high alch runes, a slaughter and rest is food idk
im 88 defence 99 hp
Hey just curious, how strong is your desire to get the last word in to feel like you won? Reply to this if it's overpowering
locking ymself in inferno if i dont get cape soon im killing myself and then respawning in lumbridge
Kill yourself
not reading
cry is free
Oof, kinda expensive, I've only got 10m to my name right now. But thanks, I'll try it out at least, I guess I only have to pay that convenience fee
why bring ahrims over god d'hide
>max combat
>only has 10m
lol wtf
cause it's 2024 and it gives mage bonus now
everytime people talk about the game they say really mean things to each other and as an empath all of their pain is shared with me so please be nicer to each other i am fletching maple logs in maple longbow (u)s
god i fucking wish becvause then id have an excuse

no actually im returning player and i forgot my bank pin lol
as for me i bring karils armor when i do kraken
chuddie tourists struggling with kraken they arent sending their best
gnomonkey says you should have about 5m after maxing combats in nmz so hes doing pretty well
I pretty much spend my money as soon as I get it on skilling or permanent upgrades
I think I dumped like half my money into stuff like the prayer scrolls from CoX right before I quit
maxxing combat is free
These people are allowed to vote in polls too btw.
If anyone shouldn't be allowed to vote in the polls, we should start with the PvPers
Wildy wyrms was a runescape 2 update
Just go to the wild and don't bring max gear, it's really not that scary
when i step into the dog house what should my gear and inventory look like usually
invite to the meriiserver
I agree, only the 5-95th percentile should be allowed to vote, anything lower and you're probably a bot or a newbie from another MMO, anything over and you are an out of touch sperg that ruins the game for everyone else by forcing an autistic meta that no one likes. Anything in the middle has a drastically lowered chance of a mental illness
the problem isnt the gear, man. d'hide is pennies, the problem is the absolutely egregious, exorbitant cost of supplies
>dont bring good gear
>only do enough dps to get 2 teeth
>"wow gee it will only take me 500 days to get a weapon!"
16 paddlefish and 2 potions and t1 gear and 1 maybe 2 t3 weapons
Surely they can backport some more quests than just Curse of Arrav
Chosen Commander, the Penguin quests, Rocking Out, Red Axe storyline
All pretty easy
I love how this isn't even an exaggeration. God what a fucking stupid idea
Literally nobody does 5:1 except for CAs.
yeah i had a t2 bow and t3 sword and died at 91 hp. i didnt do that bad but i forgot the mecahnics. i remember getting the shit filtered otu of me when i tried to do this last time

i dont like industry jargon and colloquialisms
fletching anon here
guess I have 88k maple longbows to turn in for later? glad I didn't just dump them on the GE
>brother offers me 500m from his main that he no longer plays since he prefers ironman
Feels pointless, the whole point of the game is feeling good about small incremental progress. Defeats the purpose if it's just handed to you.
I don't understand scammers, pvpers, or gold buyers.
just take the money and buy bonds for playtime? idk
Anon I'll take it, so I can skip the buyables and keep doing fun stuff like farming and hunter
5:1 is a method where you swap attack styles before dealing the final hit so you maximize dps
Saves maybe a minute per kc top end. Nobody outside addy autists do it though. Cg is a long and boring enough grind as is
Not even close to the same fucking caliber of retardation that is this. Wildywyrms didn't drop uniques aside from the fury shark, which went away after the event was over, they weren't limited to 3-5 worlds, and j-mods could take them over and kill pkers. Once again there's a reason they stopped doing wildy bosses after chaos elemental, it fundamentally doesn't work
An inv of blighted gear is not that expensive
Take a Webweaver bow and go 3-iteming for max dps
I honestly wouldn't be sad to see the entire wilderness deleted, even if it meant the complete loss of all content and items from it
hating on pkers and the wildy gives off small dick energy
i have a smell feminine penis >>493586885
all wildy content is made for RWT
was thinkin of camming up in the next meriicord herb run session youll have to see your proof there
why doesn't this general reply to posts
are you talking to me
no i thinks he was talking to me
no i meant the other guy
i read that as aphrodisiac gnome lol
i ordered doordash and they gave me a fanta i hate fanta so much and would never order it but i drank it anyway because im so thirsty runey
whats wrong with water
fanta was literally made by nazis im reporting you to jagex so they ban you chud
what did you order
i cant find you on the hiscores
i tried t1 armor at gauntlet but im too low def the things keeps hitting 12s nonstop through prayer
>doing any sort of pvm before maxing your combats
soda makes my teeth hurt
>not maxing your combat while pvming
i seriously hope you guys don't do this
because the sugar is literally eating your teeth
no im chopping teaks
what is your defense level
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>want to do Duke Sucellus because he seems to be the best money/effort ratio in the game
>but you absolutely need emberlight if you're gonna farm him
>so I need to go farm a whole 30 ancient shards
>no point in just mindlessly bursting dust devils for it, so may as well just do slayer and take any tasks I get to kourend
>but (...)
Help I'm falling into a spiral
what is actually the goal of these bots
voted yes on everything except
wildy boss
coll log trash
iron question
did crispor quit
Forced troon meme. They think it's some "own" to not reply directly and then be antagonistic about it
giving someone a (you) is kinda reddit desu
maybe he got sad everyone kept calling him a pedo i only feel a little bad about exposing him
lol I've seen bots calling out people for being antiscammers like as if that were bad
oh you want mass replies?
im thinking of making a youtube video
"/osg/ REACTS to Summer Summit Live!"
What do you think? I'd have a TTS bot read the posts reacting to the stream. I thought it be funny lol
are you talking to me
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>shit we already knew about
>Leagues to make Reddit happy
>Private servers so Reddit can play Leagues all year and new/mid level players will stop playing the main game
>another membership/bond price hike already
>one (1) boss that sounds good

Thanks faggots
duke is really shit. Unless they removed prep. idk I havent played since last league
fix wilderness by adding pvm boss
leagues is fun you should try it
i know i sound conceited but im the smartest poster in this thread
Did the good people of Jagex announce some kind of membership discount while I was asleep?
sailing comes out this year right
There is no real way to "fix" the wilderness at this point. Jagex has been baiting pvmers into it since the beginning of osrs.
boaties gf is a proper slag
they increased that shit few weeks ago
NTA but I play this game to progress. I ain't playing some shit mode where at the end, a month's worth of my effort is wiped out and all I have to show for it is some stupid 5m animation scroll or a gear recolor.
the predator vs prey mechanics just makes me too excited
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but this time they let you keep your progress
you also have to pay up
stoppp youre gonna make me guamy
I don't think the wilderness boss will pass the poll but I'm scared about the possibility.
You guys will keep it out of the game, right?
Would you guys play on a Touhou custom server if the tools were good enough to make one?
why are shithead babymoders allowed to vote on a question that only pertains to irons did they forget they can limit questions
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is this good enough for kraken??
When the FUCK are they going to make an official bronzeman mode?
All the fun of iron but none of the autism required
Another summit comes and goes and still nothing
gnomonkey is so annoying
Playing without the pitch black skybox is utterly soulless
It's weird when you have the hd plugin and pitch black sky is casting shadows
cell folds to dark bow lmao perfect creation my ass
Who are the knobheads asking why project zanaris isnt polled?
im working late
cause im a skilerrrr
it's not getting polled cause it wouldn't pass
what are you talking about
where is the manifesto
Redditors who hate fun and have staked their entire self-esteem on "accomplishing" things in RuneScape. Any perceived dilution of those "accomplishments" is taken as a personal slight.
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>spying on other people's raids in the ffa toa world and seeing them do walk the path instead of insanity
cutting magic trees while i eat dinner so i can make some pyre logs
>creates more RWT / bot bait (following his recent streak of content that is all botted to hell: Rogue Chest, Wildy Agility Course, and Zombie Pirates changes)
>immediately before doing this, he preemptively reserves the boss name (~$1000+ RWT value)
>while in a name selling Discord
Pure coincidence, surely. Not a Jed situation.
youre actually retarded if you think a jmod would risk their job to RWT
sounds comfy what are you having
Im seeing people complain about fragmenting community and being able to train on bosses for free and other ridiculous criticisms. Private servers already exist and they get boring fast.
Bots exist outside the wildy retard
What is it about PKing that attracts the absolute most faggy people?
>Jed fired for RWT and corruption
>Reach fired for RWT and corruption
>evidence against Manked
Nope, never.
what does GBJSZ RVFFO mean?
post this on reddit so he gets fired
Judging by the initial reception, looks like Wrathmaw won't pass, thank fuck for that.
But the question now is, by how much? God, I hope it's such an astronomical failure in the pills that it completely obliterates the ego of the retard who pitched it at Jagex. That would make me happy.
i refuse to believe jagex is incompetent enough to let it happen a third time
>What is it about [content for fags] attracting fags
manifesto when
i really need to buy some membership but i dont want to reward jagex for their stupid summit especially because they didnt do the sale this year
i love rsn chewy even if shes too old for someone who would call her an eggless hag
they only did the sale last year because they were going to sell the company and wanted to cook the books a little
Then you are a silly donut. Jagex is the very definition of incompetent, we have to use a polling system because nobody trusts their dumbasses.
oh okay fine ill stop yapping about it then just know im very disappointed
they are all in on it. All these faggots devs RWT
I've played all of them but the 2nd. They're fun for like...one or two weeks before they get boring. Once I get to the endgame bosses I always find myself thinking "why the fuck wouldn't I grind this shit on my main account instead" and just switch back.
the poll system only exists so we can feel safe from another eoc
>fragmenting community
Irons already did they, and they fucked future content too.
>train on bosses for free
No one but literal autistic losers devote any sort of mental anguish over this
girlfarted at the crafting guild :3c
what you gonna do, nothing! when you gonna do it, not yet!
i just asked if that was you in the piccha why are you replying to me
gnomonkey is talking about rot on his stream
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what am i reading
erm what the spruce
ermmm what the spruce
gnomonkey needs to talk about how he doesnt have a quiver yet
it has been like 5 days bro, ur supposed to be good at PvM
feels like some of you are impossible to satisfy
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i am a total level 2251 ironman
today my clan ribbed me. they asked me if i was going to become a max cheesecaper
i thought about it. i have a bowfa. i have a blood ancient sceptre. i don't have a lb or a rotg, so my best ring is a ros. and most importantly, i dont have rigour.
but... i decided the answer is yes.
i will learn inferno. i will get an infernal cape before i max.
and youre going to be coming along with me on the journey osg, whether you like it or not
if you get the cape before me youre my 13th reason why
im not in a clan but pink clay can do that for you for like 80 bucks i think
why don't you drink water
i dont want an inferno cape. i want to have completed the inferno.
Clearly not, when they introduce absolute garbage like Wrathmaw that we need to shoot down
it took lilsooshie over a year to get her cape she died to zuk over a dozen times even with a coach telling her exactly what to do anyways all im saying is not to be so hard on yourself
>join community server
>spend 100s of hours grinding
>suddenly it becomes a ghost town because of owner drama or the owners just decide to pull the plug
>time completely wasted
he's also so stupid that he didn't bother making a new account to grab the name lol
its not wasted time if you had fun
its all jokes im not actually mad at myself maybe slightly disappointed
i think i would kill myself or at the very least quit runey forever if i didnt get my cape in a week
she's a biofem though
im the only poster in this general
so as for me i realyl like the queztal whistle but i dont understand why its so much more annoying to charge than other chargeable teleports since the meats cant be noted youre restricted to the amount of meats you can fit in your inventory nd sometimes i have other stuff in there
i think thats a little dramatic
actually this general is just me and my ai friends
the "i" is up for debate lol
i know i sound conceited but im the smartest poster in this thread
who up chargin they whistle
who up summering they summit
just kwuarmed
i think if im diligent with my herb runs i am poised to advance my farming level by the days end
erm what the flip
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me i have 74 million runecoins worth of seeds most of which will never be planted such is the life of an ironman
just sell them on the ge its in varrock
a quaalude and afking behind the north inferno pillar
icey mocha and make my potions at lletya bank
i put mine in the coffer
>have fun with content in server and pull ideas to make your own, better server
Doesn't seem like a waste to me. The best private server I played on was an almost pking exclusive one in 2010 based on a 2006 build of the game, most fun I ever had on a private server during the summer
gl pimp
you should grab rigour for sure but you can do it
you cant handle my potions theyre too strong for you
im like 80% sure 2slime and akanemous are the only posters with an infernal cape
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>gives you arthritis
>good xp
>shit gp
>gives you arthritis
>ok xp
>great consistent gp
>gives you arthritis
>ok xp
>great gp if lucky
rogues chest
>great xp
>good consistent gp
>faggot pvp'ers ruining your day
which one should I do to 99
you forgot varly thieving
artefacts or pyramid plunder
stealing from rich people in varlamore is pretty chill
how does clicking your mouse give you people arthritis what kind of fucked up posture do you have
pyramid plunder
>amazing xp
>ok gp if you pull a sceptre
i think she meant repetitive strain injury
how do i bag mod jerv
>all pvp updates will be decided on by 1000 total lvl bondies that have ptsd from mage arena 2
good pvp is for nerds
um can i ask a personal question
of course bestie id tell you anything
whole world wanna be us
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why does mr logger have more is it because hes a type a and better at the game or something
>nooo you can't attack me in a PvP enabled area
lol get fucked nerd

Just trap an elf or vyre in the corner and map your mouse button to a key on your keyboard and press it casually while you watch gay porn in another window.
um ok so last semester i met a student from europe and since we had a lot of classes together we started talking and um he told me once that he went to an all boys school which was odd to me
ok so anyway a couple months later and me him and two other friends are hanging out and eventually they go home so its just me and eurofren and hes like putting his hand on my shoulder we're both kind of drunk so idk basically is he gay im really autistic so im not good at social cues
i think thats within the bounds of straight behaviour. normal people are more comfortable with casual platonic bodily contact. i just sold 72 coconuts on the grand exchange for quite a tidy sum
lofi chill beats to die and cry to
Why does reddit hate the world boss? It's kinda like the rev cave boss but on a larger scale which is pretty cool
kys troon the last sentence doesn't make your blog post ontopic, disingenuous fag
when i say talk about the game i dont mean spam the thread with what reddit thinks
ill talk about the game with you what do you want to talk about
NPC programming kicking in. Wilderness or PvP = knee jerk emotional reaction
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elite casket plz gz
what is that like 55k
I was having a bad time going dry on tormented demon drops but then my bf called me to tell me it's okay so I feel better now
qz ily better luck next time
Official private servers are the most retarded thing jagex has suggested since eoc
so many frickin uppercase chuds today with their pukey text and snarky attitude its making me go crazy
little do they know were laughing at them and tracing their IP addresses right now in meriicord vc
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Oh shit here we go again
would you still love me if i was a jal-imkot
artefacts in zeah, its really good xp
>there are people itt that dont do varlamore thieving
uhhh? retard alert?
not ehp
reminder that you have xy chomosomes and you will never be a woman ;)
erm what the spruce
if thats true then why am i so bad at the game?
my toon is a girl so im a girl its that simple really
we're toa guys of course we skull skip insanity
are you flirting with me
aint that shit 100k xp per hour?
seeking slayer partner 20 icefiends
Yeah it's also only like 20 clicks an hour
@osg council please deal with this she cant keep getting away with it >>493535626
I see, I never been to new valamore
No one cares about your stupid troon drama holy shit go to fucking /soc/
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I care
i dont think they have the meriifesto on /soc/ its mainly just penises there im not really interested in that kind of thing
haha don't call me out for acting like a cringy 11 year old silly chud
as the rush comes as the rush comes as the rush comes
yes lets all act like cringy 12 year olds instead I cannot believe what faggot company Jagex has done this time they must be full of Troons
im half gay
jesus fucking christ this place sucks ass im out holy fuck
um excuse me i have a question
hes having a melty because someone said troon again
don't reply just report, they want attention even if it's telling them to go kill themselves, and yes it's pathetic
fuck it im out too
i quit posting here weeks ago and also quit the game weeks ago because of the body type update but im out too
osg is healing
fucking weirdos
does anyone want to erp at dire wolves outside lletya im half gay so everyone is welcome
maybe rsn?
Nut Bladder
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these guys would give incredible hugs i think
yeah but if you let them theyre gonna be in your dms like "hey" every day the second you log on
dont believe that for a second hed be in the lumby sheep pen
isnt nut bladder the guy who boasted about living near a pre-school? :s weeeeeeeird
uh no that was midzy
shes right it wsa nut bladder were bringing out some oldfag drama now
what the skibidi
he went to gooner rehab and then returned to osg and playing oldschool runescape so hes normal now
erm what the spruce
ermm what the flip
Every time I've visited this stupid general for the past 4 year is just sound a bunch of discord troon edrama. Why hasn't this changed?
Gentleman, I have learned how to boulder skip, and don't run around p2 wardens room like a retard anymore.
old school general thats where i want to be
im still mad about that j1mmy video
>forced dei updates
>30% increase sub price
>private servers with their own dev team

man this is like wheel of fortune and eoc all over again, it's like watching a trainwreck in slow motion

this game is fucked
it was pretty awful, no clue what he was thinking
about to unplug the el internet
None of those have anything to do with EoC or MTX
where i come from isnt all that great
my firecape is a piece of crap
there are pedos among us
osg council official memorandum:
topic for consideration: declaring, on behalf of the thread, the non-existence of the manifesto.
evidence under consideration:
>>492944447 exhibit a: the initial claim that a document (hereafter referred to as "the manifesto") would be published connecting meriipu, scruube, and midzy anti within twenty-four hours time.
>>493535626 exhibit b: further ongoing claims that the manifesto will be released in a prompt timeframe, that has also failed to have been met (the chair notes that there is no evidence linking this post to the original alleged author of the manifesto)
internal discussions:
council ruling:
the manifesto content has a very high likelihood of being an utter fabrication. extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. the author has utterly failed to deliver any information along their promised timeframe.
thread members are encouraged to give up any future hopes on seeing a manifesto, and exhibit more skepticism in the future when extraordinary claims are made, with promises of future evidence.
council voting record:
4 - yea
1 - absent
motion is carried.
i love this general
>Dei updates
Don't worry it will get reversed once Britain installs their first caliphate
i love oldschool runescape and i love osg yea yea yea~
Do you have a learning disability
the proofreader sent me back a red ink covered meriifesto its coming masterpieces take time you wouldnt get it chud
thank you for addressing this matter i respect your ruling and ilove you
osg council official memorandum:
topic for consideration: we love you too.
council voting record:
4 - yea
1 - absent
motion is carried.
the meriifesto has me thinking someone said they were working on something that osg is gonna love and it was coming in 2 weeks or something like that it couldnt have been the meriifesto right
i was the one that offered to proofread and she didnt send me shit furthermore she couldnt even identify my rsn shes not capable of producing a coherent manifesto
no that was me i was planning an ingame burthorpe game night but then when i temperature tested the idea everyone said it was dumb
what if we held hands and played runelink in the burthorpe games room
jagex should add chess to the games room
>there's a deposit/withdraw pickaxe crevice in the toa lobby
What the fuck? How long has that been around?
i think it sounds like a nice idea to do a games night at burthorpe plus we coudl do kick ons at the toad and chicken
how come when i asked this before people laughed at me but now everyone wants to do it why are you so bipolar
doing whippits in the rogues den before games night
i dont remember you asking i might have been busy or alseep id never laugh at you
if it makes the threadgirls happy then it makes me happy
when did you ask this i only remember the vagueposting about it or are you someone else
im someone else i think you clicked on the wrong post try this one >>493607231 or this one >>493606887
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thoughts on mid game irons doing a significant stint making air orbs for passive crafting xp and alchs via zaff? it feels like its worth doing but it doesnt seem to be done much
Do you? You're drawing a false equivalency based on 0 examples
sorry i clicked the wrong post i meant to click >>493607231 youre right i think i might schedule a psychiatrist appointment so i can get drugs to fix my osg posting and maybe so i can sit still in inferno
its so fine everybody makes mistakes everybody has those days
its quite decent for a while in midgame yeah but worse than eg seppy and cg and i would probably say you dont want to do it for too long
just do perilous moons for water orbs charging orbs is a waste of time
Not the same anon + you're retarded and don't understand false equivalence

So to answer my question yes, you have a disability
is it worth getting a nightmare staff for bursting?
runey is so fun when you aint got a bitch in ya ear tellin you youve been playing for a while consider taking a break from your screen
Ok, thanks for confirming you do indeed have a disability and throw out baseless accusations, good luck
hes not retarded hes autistic, they struggle with nonliteral language

dont be a bully chud

lets all be friends and do tempoross together
are we still friends? can we be friends?
can we really do osg temp im getitng bored of my gay baby slayer tasks
why do chuds always resort to ad hominems
as for me im half gay
chuds hate talking about the game they are only ever looking for an excuse to call other people gay retarded or transgender
What's the baseless accusation? Like thinking everyone that talks to you is the same person? Because you being too braindead to understand the difference between a fallacy and a mundane comparison is not baseless.
as for me i had a bicurious phase as a teenager but i am like 98% straight now
my body is a machine that turns saradomin brews and super restores into tokkul
because they're bigots and transphobes
thinking about being type b for the day but the chuds are going to be mean to me... >_<
some days i wake up gay feeling extremely submissive other days i feel straight and normal i dont know why talk about the game im mining basalt for my poh
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having intrusive thoughts about them
im straight irl but gay online
im some amount of gay i love cock and im slaying brine rats 12 more to go
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Am I supposed to be BGSing p3 warden?
jagex should add magic damage % to that
>>493611019 >>493611019

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