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Visual Novel General #6500

This general is for the discussion of English-translated Japanese visual novels.
All posting of untranslated visual novels belongs on >>>/jp/
E-celeb shitposting is not allowed.
Kindly use spoiler tags appropriately when discussing plot spoilers to facilitate smooth discussion.

>Having trouble with your VN? Try the following before you ask for tech support:
1. Be in Japanese locale
2. Read the Readme
3. Check https://rentry.org/4chan-vn-help
4. Copy error messages with CTRL+C and paste them with CTRL+V into DeepL
5. Google it

>FAQs, Recommendations, and Other Useful Things:

>Need a novel with a specific element?

>Download Links:

Previous thread: >>493461027
mary's feet...
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this isn't the kinda pillow talk I asked for....
Bros... I'm thinking........ I can't trust the plan anymore...............
Jokes on you.
I'm a footfag buhii
Recent VN releases:
>goHELLgo Tsukiotoshiteko
>Hyakusen no Jou ni Kawatareshi Toki
>Kyokkou no Marriage
>Kira Kano
>Setsuna ni Kakeru Koi Hanabi SS Nadeshiko/Komari to One Room
>Kenzen! Hentai Rinjin no Sadame

Upcoming VN releases:
>Yuukoku no Femme Fatale (9/27)
>Souten † Koihime -Shigen no Ou- (9/27)
>Tsumugi no Hanayome (9/27)
>Mizuchi no Miko (9/27)
>Senpai ga Watashi no Mousou ni Doujin Suru?! ~Body Touch ni Goyoujin~ (9/27)
>Enjou Gakuen 2 ~Shitenshi-tachi no Hanazono~ (9/27)
>Natsu e no Hakobune II (9/27)
>Putrika 1st.cut (10/7)
>Harukanaru Nirai Kanai (10/25)
>Otome Sekai no Arukikata (10/25)
>MOON GHOST (10/25)
>Renai Jakusha na Osananajimi Shoujo to Renai Kyousha na Kanojo (10/25)
>Kimagure Temptation 2 Yuuyami Kaikitan (11/29)
>LIP monster (11/29)
>Toshiue Kanojo (11/29)
>Dra Con Cafe (11/29)
>Mugen no Tir na nog (12/20)
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our umineko thread...
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is she retarded? would you even run out of supermarket stuff in the middle of a fucking winter full of snowstorms?
it's not like the rural areas would be so impacted by an earthquake that the food production would stop, either. This isn't the end of the world lmao
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So, how is it going, yuzubutas?
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I regret not letting her get raped
Would have something "happy" to think about, dumb bitch.
>thread 6500
>Mary victory
>moebuta total loss
blessed digits
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take your fucking meds
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>didn't even realize it was despair
do women really
The undefeated...
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that's kind of pathetic detbro...
also >google lens
lol lmao
>h-haha okay, lets stop talking about all the other men you fucked now...
>no it's okay I don't mind, I'll continue :^)
why are women like this?
Kino OP
My fucking sides
I fucking love this trope.
Does Baldr Sky live up to its reputation?
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yes it's pure unadulterated kino
It's pretty good in the first game then dogshit in the second. Balances out to mediocre.
Is technology good?
>slave into cuck
nice TL lmao
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Being kino? Yes.
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This guy's such a chad
kill yourself
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mfw there never was a plan
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I should edit it into a "No" at the end so we can reach the peak we were denied
accordions are so kino
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tourist here, whats this? feet, where I can see more of her feet
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>guilt trips him about it at the end despite him cumming 2-3 times earlier
holy fuck what a dumb whore
This samefagging by 65 friends is pathetic... :(
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Yep. It's kino
What is the best Nakige?
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>nigga doesn't even wait 24 hours to repost the same post and replies
nice translation takajun
You are supposed to have only three VNs rated 10 according to vndb...
Shades... ON
proof doko
uhh, try one
not only that but also shamefully copying the posts with a different wording
it's just like what rewrite did fate...
What will we do at 6565?
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So it is confirmed that there are more muramasaGODs than 65schizos?
We already had that thread
The anon who made the OP fucked up, because it was supposed to be 6600
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I break rules. Danger is my y middle name.
Considering no one discuss umineko here, it was expected.
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lol thats so out of the blue
wasn't setoguchi supposed to be a better writer
You mean a single german yurifag obsessed with race
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The most powerful vns here are henpri, muramasa, rance and senren banka
Rance is not all that powerful here, because /haniho/ keeps rancefags there
It's two JOPs, only being NTRanon and the other a qruppofag
I also spam it though.
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>retcons the supernatural shit in the other games to just be glitches in the simulation
Your response?
one being MOEanon*
It is concerning to me that actual VN discussion has begun being deleted in Janny's war against this one specific set of ge
You forgot fate, but good list
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Uuuuuum...is it big spoiler?
Post characters that did nothing wrong
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One of the most powerful vn series is the Oppai Academy series.
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is Atri worth reading or watching
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>kills SciADV
What was Chiyomaru thinking?
Neither, it's keyshit, and the retarded "robot girl dies, feel sad" trope at that
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kill yourself
chuunibros and moechads have to overcome differences and realize who the real enemy is
Muramasaschizo is a known reportfag, and janny probably just doesn't know any better than to listen to one of the thread schizos if he's the only one reporting posts.
I'd like to hear his explanation for deleting on-topic posts with spoilertags though.
>no pantyhose fanservice in VN
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>5 wives
chad dad
Like most VNs, try reading abit first.

It's Frontwing.
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Frontwing's response to keyshit*
my bad
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>Muramasaschizo is a known reportfag
I love autistic sword girl heroines
nothing wrong with report spamming/flooding
KYS filthy slut
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me too bro
It would have been more forgiveable if the VN was a 10/10 instead of a 6.5/10.
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so close
Is this a good Liarsoft-ge? Inganock was super disappointing with all the text repeat during the fights and the non-sexually involved main heroine what were they thinking?
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is she just spewing bullshit to confuse people lol
this voice line is almost a minute long lol
It's really really good. It has the same writer so there are still some repeats.
The OP is kino>>493571982
I'm waiting for Kusarihime to start to reading liar soft VNs.
the repetition was kino tho
>a full minute
Here, you can have the voice this time.
jesus fucking christ setoguchi take your meds
It's 2022 all over again.
who is the dies irae qt at the bottom
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>waiting Kusarihime
They are holding the translation hostage that they can sell it just like Eustia translators
We need a hero.
It's great.
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Beatrice (female)
What's the most kino beverage to drink while you read?
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>We need a hero.
It was announced on 2014 and was rewritten and delayed multiple times. It was dead on arrival imo
Green tea.
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whats up with nips and nostradamus's "great king of terror" anyway? Is there some kinda relation between setoguchi and sca-ji considering they're brushing the same topics? do they only study the same philosophers in there?
Green Tea (loose leaf)
Liquid water
Orange juice or cheap coffee
Gaseous water
People like gamecreater16 make life worth it.
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anon where are you

give me the translation
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the great wall of terror...
Green tea with lemon
He's in prison, he gave us an update 2 threads ago.
even more for him re-posting the same shitposts
at least make funny shitposts or post cunny attached to them
The... Hentai Prison?
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>see Hello Lady on backlog
>two best heroine designs are FD only
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>text repeat during the fights
this happened every fights in gahktun still it's kino
No the one where normal pedos go
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>January 31
it's my birthday
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the fuck is this plot
No that can't be a prison because they want to be there
White women killed nekonyan....
fd is translated though
Lot of asians in this thread I see
It wasn't the loli, it was the zako incest that killed Yuzuge on steam.
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Isn't this fun?
Isn't this what life's all about?
Isn't this a dream come true?
Isn't this a nightmare, too?
I whiter than late-stage Michael Jackson
yeah but it just means I'll spend the whole main game desiring them
better than an untl'd fd certainly though
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>please fuck my daughter
Kino starts right after.
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Visual novels are...
Heroines that are initially racist against mc?
Could be, they did ban that Auntge too because of that, wasn't it?
a waste of time
maybe on planet retard
Huh? We have tons of incest games on steam. They don't even hide it.
Yeah bro my eyes are bad and I don't stare at the font, I must be a zoomer huh
kill yourself, immediately.
you were supposed to zoom retard kek
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I dunno about that.
You WILL be screaming kino and you will apologize.
You never zoom?
>anime shading
No, I'm not reading your anime bro.
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the kinoest part so far was her admitting she'd marry even a dog or a horse
Who wouldn't?
W-white woman......?
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>text makes a point of him not putting his broken leg in the water
>meanwhile CG
He can't even bend that leg, btw.
To begin with I dont think it was really possible to get into the bath with a leg like that but whatever.

Maybe setoguchi got bored and he let someone else write the rest, idk, this is slop.
Mana true end
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>this is slop
*filters his trip*
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>Where did she do that again? I can't remember
I must've romanticized it in my mind, she doesn't actually use the term "love". It's more of a confession of fondness (pic related).
It's still more credit than she's ever given anyone else afaik, but not enough that I'd base my argument around it; her flirtatious behavior around Yukito clouded my memory...
>filtered by kinoguchi
You're unironically too stupid to get it.
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>having a normal convo just having fun about right being mad
>while her bf has disappeared several days ago
>and the disabled girl the left cried about is gone too

They feel too happy.

yeah right im too dumb to understand a generic moeshit bath scene with 60 throwaway lines of literal fucking meaningless filler
The game did a 180 tone flip with this arc, either Setoguchi stopped caring, was forced to write this slop, or he's no longer the writer here.
kill yourself
Oh, yeah I didn't remember it since it seemed the same as the talk about being friends. Which day did that happen on?
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Inject more moe.
>boo hoo MOE! WAAAA!
>he still doesn't get it
What a retard.
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>this is slop
*filters his trip*
Kill yourself Karenschizo
It's time for your afternoon nap, unc.
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hey so can i break up with this chick yet, or do i have to get back with her
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>the End Sky differs for anyone who is observing it
So the disciples actually perceive the tsui no sora, huh.
I still don't understand why Yasuko was unable to see it though, given that she's the only other human besides Takuji who can communicate with Riruru-chan.

>Which day did that happen on?
July 15th, same day as Takuji's classroom rant.
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I don't really buy everyone suddenly becoming willing to kill over some minor scuffles when they couldnt decide to kill fucking criminals that actually raped and dissected women to the point of throwing all their guts out. Now it's also torturing prisoners. lol
friendlyfire karenschizo...
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I was pretty sure that she admitted she saw it, I guess you'll be able to check since its about to come up again - that scene.
Find a better elf
Anon she's drunk and depressed about being forced to live in a post-apocalyptic world. In just a few days they have already tried to kill and rape her at least twice. Cut her some slack.
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I only recognize half of these silhouettes, pretty sure that the guy second from the left is that red-haired virgin thug from Subahibi.
Might run a check once I'm finished with this.
Pretty sure that she claimed to not see anything, and we didn't get a view of the red sky in her route either.
that's normal in India
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Okay, this is a retarded thing to ask in a room filled with coom brained moege pigs but anyone have any recommendations for friendship vn's? Not hardcore sex with the girls, but just platonic relationships. Preferably with more docile and shy characters.
Live yourself Karenschizo
End your stupid existence, schizo.
HoshiOri, the girls you don't pick end up becoming good friends with you and each other
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>But we know it's there and we suspect the general process, right? - brain doing stuff
Consciousness is impossible to explain at the moment and nobody has the slightest clue on how to even begin.
No matter how hard you hammer on the equations that govern the movement of particles in the brain, they will never give you the subjective experience of color. There's a massive gap in understanding there.
The brain already does most, if not all of the work unconsciously. There's a network inside the brain that interprets actions after they happen. Your brain moves an arm and the interpreter justifies that movement with some more or less plausible explanation, for example you moved your hand to your zako because someone posted massive boobs on /vn/ but in reality the arm already moved before you were aware of it.
There are some interesting experiments with split brain patients where that interpreter bugged out and made up complete bullshit because the brain halfs couldn't communicate.
actually worthless. friendship should be between bros, men and women can't be friends
The religious society is the dumbest part of the visual novel, but the all the schizo bullshit was kino.
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I think Yuka Sasaki from SWAN SONG™ is a great character.
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>dread/action music
I guess as far as the bath scene went the MC's autism could have been considered "kino" but it was ruined and he was more like an actual donkan protag ("hurrdurr why is she hiding her privates while blushing, oh she said shes not embarrassed so thats not it") than the smart autist he used to be till then

schizo as in?

The game isn't really telling the time, but it's been a while since the rape attempt. Alcohol or not, she's still retarded because she thought about this while sober.

ye im more or less aware it's a total
>we just dont know
situation. Interesting to hear about the brain halves experiment.
Its the same with pain and reacting to movement though, I think it just has to do with processing - it's all unconscious because consciously processing everything you see at all times would be ridiculous. Its like a filter.
I.e your explanation isn't necessarily wrong but I think the wording makes it sound more mysterious than it actually is.
Steins Gate
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>actually goes first
Kimika-chama, I apologize.
Still sad that we didn't see her deflowering though.
yea I checked, she admits she doesnt see it in her thoughts
The soul is real, and anything made by AI has none.
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The barrier to friendships irl is that 3d women are too vain or vapid to believe that there are people who just aren't into them. 2d women however have worms in their brain that halts certain female urges and allows them to be ditzy enough to not consider you wanting sex off them 24/7. No 2d goddess would ever start a conversation with a male friend by dropping that they have a boyfriend or are engaged, they just want to have a fun platonic chat. Except pinks, pinks know that they're pure sex.
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>united at the very end
Yuka won.
[--]-kun won.
Why does this chad mog everyone's (besides Tadokoro's) height?

It couldn't be that you have to believe in it in order to perceive the End Sky, since Yukito was able to see it just fine.
The Yuzusoft sub heroine idea is terrible and I hate that they keep doing it.
>The game isn't really telling the time, but it's been a while since the rape attempt.
Anon she wakes up every morning in a ruined world. Being chased by some guys who mutilated women and being kidnapped by a rapist isn't something you forget easily.
What's wrong with it? It's nice!
>I.e your explanation isn't necessarily wrong but I think the wording makes it sound more mysterious than it actually is.
In the split brain experiments they told the right brain to do something. The left brain saw that action and came up with a (completely wrong) explanation on the spot and the patients didn't realize that it was complete nonsense, or so they said (only the left brain can talk).
Now if your brain isn't split, the information gets shared between the halfs, but the interpreter still only interprets and thinks it did something when it actually didn't. You don't think your thoughts, your brain just churns them out like a machine.
Gott ist tot.
>You don't think, you just think
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it sucks compared to proper routes but it's definitely better than them being routelets, it could be worse
>schizo as in?
The wall of text.

If you don't want to see characters acting retarded, Swan Song isn't for you. It's part of the appeal and fits the themes. The part you're reading is infamous for being the weakest part of the vn alongside the true ending.
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>hears a distant voice as Yasuko jumps
>feels overcome with a sense of nostalgia
Wasn't that Kimika? My poor kokoro...
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>hostage exchange fakeout and they have guns in their front-tied hands
yeah ok but if they have fucking guns then what is the point
just walk up to the school and shoot everyone

this is so fucking dumb

bad writing is part of the appeal? right... If you mean themes as in people making stupid decisions in the moment or succumbing to emotions etc its not the same. Im complaining because the writing around these parts is sloppy - i.e I know people can do dumb shit but this is rushed, only the nerd is handled well, which doesnt explain everyone else in the shelter who shouldnt be as eager as he is.

too bad this is the only time its mentioned and she also gets over it then and there because he pointed out its despair :)
Its not even a big deal to her, its just idle'ish talk, the writer really wanted to say all this about "muh bad hopeless world" to maybe make the player realize the people leaving for the cult are in the right, but it doesnt really mean much at all, feels throwaway.

>but the interpreter still only interprets and thinks it did something when it actually didn't. You don't think your thoughts, your brain just churns them out like a machine.
Thats confusing again. You mean the brain does something and I assign logic to what it did. I.e i see movement I look at it automatically and then think "I saw something". its not really something outlandish or complicated.
>split halves
I'd need an example of what was done and what they thought of it to really grasp it I guess
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it was. One of the biggst plot reveals in the game I think, if not THE biggest
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>ice was booby trapped and blown away with some controller
yeah ok just show up with rifles and grenades next scene. At least make a fucking bow or start using nail grenades already if you're going to pull this shit,
retarded slop.
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Is there any winning against Fate?

THE biggest plot reveal was the existence of Cthulhu and Nyarlathotep imo.
Though I certainly wouldn't mind hearing more of Kimika.
>VN is more soulless than the adaptation
never thought i'd see the day
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Why Salisbury steak....
>I'd need an example of what was done and what they thought of it to really grasp it I guess
>As the experiments continued, Gazzaniga and colleagues made another discovery. After the patient drew the picture he “saw” on the left half of the screen, let’s say a glass of water, he was asked why he drew a glass of water, the patient made an explanation such as “I must be thirsty”, which is not true! The only reason he drew the picture of a glass of water was because his right hemisphere “saw” the picture on the screen. However, since he could not name it, he consciously did not acknowledge that he saw it. Even so, his brain found a quite logical explanation for his behavior, and it was “the interpreter”.
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>the nerd admits to gangraping the women they take hostage
I have no fucking words bro he fucking saw the rape victims and he talked to one for so long and now this
retarded fucking writer, even prisoners in for murder don't like rapists
how far am I from the ending?
Dies Irae
Pretty big claim for someone who hasn't read it.
>n-oooo not rape!
>Gaza Nigga
kino name
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It's treason, then.
>even prisoners in for murder don't like rapists
Yes we do?
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>literally proclaiming Yuki's philosophy while Tomosane's theme plays
Otomestacies NEED to read Tsui no Sora Remake.

These two's bromance should've been explored more; while their relationship is kind of 'predetermined', like many things in this world are, there was as good as no follow-up to Yasuko's claim that the Savior was looking for Yukito.
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really lame how he ended up.

Thats bullshit, actually. It's nothing extraordinary that he attempted to guess why he did it, its like guessing anything else if asked a question you don't know the answer to. "The interpreter" is literally a simple logical thought process lol
Interesting that he didn't register its there yet could draw it, insane.
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There's no way you're reading it like this. It hurts my head just looking at it.
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its about to be explained, bubby.
for me it was pic rel
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AIsir is angry at being called dumb
[old news]
Entrepreneur-kun would buy genuine Polish pączki...
Tenshi shitzou reboot could've funded another 3 moege bros...
>even prisoners in for murder don't like rapists
Nice headcanon
j-just give me a week until my next paycheck...please
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the wide faces make the jokes funnier though
Nekonyan are allergic to picking up moege I want, so I don't care.
>Thats bullshit, actually. It's nothing extraordinary that he attempted to guess why he did it
They don't guess, they come up with a random story instead of saying "I don't know, I guess it was because X". That's the interesting part
nice try shill
You can see the descent into madness
>Maybe setoguchi got bored and he let someone else write the rest, idk, this is slop
>now this retarded fucking writer
What moege do you want?
>shilling a game that's never going to release
>too bad this is the only time its mentioned
>the writer really wanted to say all this about "muh bad hopeless world"
No it's not. That conversation it's actually very important later on. Maybe just stop being a retard for once.
>What moege do you want?
Hentai Prison
you broke AIsir...
Yeah, I knew it would it tick him off because it was true.
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Fun games are fun
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This, but Samenana.
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>Thank you for manifesting me into reality
Reminds me of how she basically disappeared during the last days of ImoI.
Riruru-chan looks genuine enough here, but I'm still not convinced that opening the End Sky is actually beneficial for Takuji as well

I was filtered by that stupid poem in broken english Takuji recited, only got the gist of it, but the two birds obviously enough refer to Takuji and Yukito. Weirdly enough, Ayana referenced that exact same poem in Yukito's route already.
I've found a meaning in life thanks to Yukito-dono.
Takuji missing the entire point of his metaphor here was too kino...
Most prisons have secluded areas for sexual criminals because they keep getting attacked by other prisoners.
moege has NTR now?
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>valentine choco
yeah the world is ending/has ended, he has been hitting on you for months, you're both adults but nah its gonna start with a valentine choco gift after a few months

the ctrl button is looking really appealing, I hope its just friendship choco

I've a friend working at a prison, he deals with cell assignments and a alot of general stuff regarding prisoners and also does guard duty, if they're retarded enough to let it slip they have to be put into separate cells for rapists, else it gets ugly

its still a logical guess though? Its not nonsensical or random, unless there were no bells outside and he made it all up. The weirdest part of it would be that he's sure of it, not like he's guessing at it but like its a fact. Its scary in that way, in the hallucination sense of things.

It may be, but doesn't change the fact it's been put into the game really badly, which is my complaint. Her whole depression thing is out of nowhere'ish and nonsense, especially for someone who was almost raped since by her logic rape would be fine and they should just be happy and enjoy the sex lmao
I want to cum inside her boots and make her wear it.
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>misdiagnosis when it was obvious to everyone that he's not actually getting better
>muh doctors still swamped with work 2 months in and still no power restored to the hospital or stuff brought over

sloppa sloppa
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I wonder if someone has done this
>kiss actorCHAD
unfaithful slut
aisir i recommend you to take some time to read calmly because at this moment you are just angry and you will find everything bad
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A bit better I guess but I still gotta question how would this happen lmao Muh poison filled syringe
>spammer keeps samefagging to flirt with AIsir instead of reading a VN
Many such cases.
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hmmmm yes out of the two heroines, she is the slut
Why the fuck would we read VNs when we've already read all of them?
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Aoi at least is self-aware
That's the best part, he has one nitpick, one scene he doesn't like and now the entire rest of the VN is unsalvagable.
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Guess I can choose which ending to pick right from the start.
Naturally, I'll go with Ayana's crotch first.
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>posts a canonical slut
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>is in 3 threesomes
I love this slutty princess! We need more threesomes in moege.
>The weirdest part of it would be that he's sure of it, not like he's guessing at it but like its a fact. Its scary in that way, in the hallucination sense of things.
Yes, that's what I'm talking about. Of course the interpreter is good at interpreting, but it's still an interpreter and not a controller. Your brain does stuff and then hallucinates that there's a self inside your head that controlled everything but in reality it just shits out thoughts that say "I did that because X"
yeah that's why i'm advising him
that guy at this point is simply throwing shit for the sake of throwing shit
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>interesting looking ge
>Only Virgin Heroines
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>muh nerd is actually evil schizo killer
nice character assassination.
I guess we also forgot about all developments until now aswell. The rape victim he was with? forgotten. autist MC and his piano practice? lmao who cares
I think setoguchi was just mad cause someone told him to cut the game short and this is the result. Shame on you fucking retards defending this, IQ levels trying to seek common ground with pigs.
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cool 'edit'. They're numbered anyways, should follow numbers
threesomes are not moe, they are dark
English release any day now same as Raspberry Cube
I love russian white women so much
Did you miss him losing it over the course of the entire VN?
only if the girls don't kiss
if they kiss it's even darker
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Any day now.
Raspberry Cube is shit, yuzuslopa tier
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Rin is NOT a slut
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this isn't even necessary btw, since they could do whatever they wanted anyway. so fucking retarded

??? He was growing as a person, when he had the girl to care for he finally got over alot of his issues because he had to be there for her.
All this schizo shit with him being a cold blooded killer started suddenly and him turning on his friend is the peak of nonsense
You're just dumb.
your reading comprehension reps...
>growing as a person
>getting over his issues
>bought oppai academy on steam
>hdd got damaged, need to reinstall
>official h patch got taken down so now not only are my saves gone but I also straight up can't play my copy anymore
Fuck this I'm pirating the rest of the series
I'm laughing pretty hard ngl
What set him off this time?
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You are correct. The correct term whore, specifically one who fucks old men for money
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>5+ dudes with spears
yeah bro yamato damashi time surely you'll win
we chuunige now

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VN releases so far this year, and comparatively every year prior for the last decade.
Why such a sudden decline this year? Are VNs dead?
You mean she does it for money???
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>Yukito wakes up disoriented and surrounded by light at the school gate with no recollection of how he got there
Uh oh...
Anyways, shouldn't it be the day after the day they predicted the world would end? The term always referred to the 20th itself.
Yeah, number 1 is located on her crotch.
zoomer doesn't read
Zoomers didn't just spawn in as soon as 2024 hit.
gaming industry is in decline
Lol, I never thought somebody could get filtered by something as simple as this. I guess you self-inserted as him and wanted some heroic action, that's why you're so mad. You're truly super special.
he set himself off, by completely misunderstanding nerd-kun's character
kys zoomer faggot

>using vndb as reliable source of information
kys again
I read that shit years ago and it's the first time I've seen someone get it so wrong
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I don't think he'd lose to a bunch of literal whos but a "projectile weapon" and 5 dudes with spears is literally impossible. Especially in FUCKING DEEP SNOW.
lmao at least should have had it happen somewhere indoors in a smaller space.
>sword dulls from 5 dudes despite easily cutting off arms
yes its a translation mistake
>replied twice to my post to divert the attention
I'll just return later. No use posting during peak ameritard hours.
vndb is more reliable than any anon ITT thoughever
With two zako reboot steam bans there is no possible way it'll ever get on steam right?
you lost me anon
Third times a charm
Trust the plan
Just filter him like everyone else.
anybody else actually prefer vns on consoles?
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but it is
Feel free to list the VNs missing from vndb here.
>draw cute girls
>can't fuck them
pointless shit for cucks
He lost
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I had fun with Uta 2 and 3, but console VNs never got better than that for me. Probably because usually they're just straight up a lesser release
kill yourself EGS circlejerker
I do but not having h-scene sucks
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>rejects him all game with 0 development between them
>suddenly accepts it now

the wonders of getting your work axed
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Please don't say that with such a cute smug.
After making fun of him all this time, Takuji being right would be the worst ending imaginable.
>Fureraba Vita CGs
>Aokana console CGs
I'm still waiting on you, NekoNyan. I never forgot.
There is too much hate in this thread, we should all have sex with each other.
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She is tsundere fucking retard oh God I can't
heroines you genuinely hate?
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What did she mean by that?
*slams cock on the table*
he is beyond parody at this point
Did you look at the CG? They were swinging their spears at him instead of stabbing and none of them had any clue how to fight. Yes, it could be written better, but a calm experienced person with a good sword absolutely can wipe the floor with 5 incompetent retards.
Again, did you miss their flirting since they first met?
You think that retard knows what flirting is?
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Yes, since you've been doing it all evening Mr Samefag.
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It's true, an orgy would help solve a lot of problems
No one expected kinoguchi blogposting to be so surreal
filter doujin VNs by putting release > producer > type > company and the situation is even more grim
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they were stabbing, he was just parrying and dodging them only getting slight cuts - in the fucking deep snow with barely any mobiliy. lmao
for almost 3 months with 0 relationship progress, in a world end scenario. As young adults. Yeah, sure. You forget this isn't a highschool freshman comedy story, its okay, it happens.
I did
I just opened /vn/ 10 minutes ago.
Gijo Mitsumin'd that
thread saved
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This guy is a genius
I rewrite myself into a red truth that without love cannot be seen
All VNs should be exclusive to the PS2 and PSP
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>a wonderful, endless July 21st, 1999 with Otonashi Ayana
Tempting and frightening alike.
i only got a psp to play amagami SS
Why though?
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wow now that entire drunk conversation is even dumber in retrospect, if she's supposed to not feel anything
You think everyone would just rush straight to fucking and a relationship just because the world has ended? And keep in mind, none of them have any idea about what has happened or what the outside is doing.
Honestly this has been entartaining, Swan Song has really been much better than I remember it to and reading miserable commentary is very fun.
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how far am I to the ending anyway? its unbearably shit, i want to know if I can get there in an hour if I just skim it

he walked by a fountain and randomly fell into it and ripped his pants so he asked the girl to exchange clothes
state of writing somewhere deep below the earth's crust, the entire sequence was pointless crap
gyaru stella
they know the world is over because there's no radio nor any helicopters nor literally anything else.
And yes, relationships develop much much much much much much faster in stressful situations, especially to that point. People cling to each other, especially with all the death around and an unsure tomorrow they'd rather do it now than tsundere for several months. This would be abnormally slow for 20+ people even if nothing had happened mind you lol
Henpri is so good, man. You have no idea. Great girls, great story, great comedy, great everything.
I should reread Henpri. Release it, Shiravune!
many men can tuturu but few men can kongroo
todokanai koiiiiiiiii~
most organic JOP shill
>All this schizo shit with him being a cold blooded killer started suddenly and him turning on his friend is the peak of nonsense
Should've read stephen king's the stand.
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I can't help it, they kidnapped my imouto and told me they'd take her precious first kiss unless I got /vn/ to buy 500 copies of henpri.
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>edges Yukito on to close his eyes and take a step forward to see if the world will still remain afterwards
Peak of writing right there.
It's at least 5.
shota scene doko
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it sure belongs in a westernslop book more, I guess.
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>Haha (you) thought Sana won't have some sort of sex related issue? Too bad.
I feel like this guy has been on the same ayana rooftop scene for like 2 days
>It's not female netorase.
What could have been.
>Goshujin-sama, oppai desu yo!
Which title did this?
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I noticed that there's still a blank field in the ero gallery, but I'd never have guessed that the VN ends on a canonical Otonashi Ayana h-scene.
What the kino?
Luckily, there're multiple Ayana rooftop scenes.
tbqh it's a normal issue to have
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>fed human meat to the dogs
they weren't starved os they wouldn't eat a human corpse, im pretty sure.
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kill yourself
live yourself
Funny how this got tenshin ranman'd due the whims of a non-ownership dystopian platform
Tell John we need release announcement by the end of the year.
The VN is 40% Ayana on the rooftop.
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You now remember Dies Irae was supposed to be on Vita.
he spends 90% shitposting about muramasa and defending his baby's first, so of course
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VN where the extremely smug heroine gets her composure shattered?
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>look overhead as you're about to defile Ayana
>see this
Some kickstarter VNs never even got to release...
You hate oppai that much?
Fair enough, we can switch to oshiri.
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more pointless repetition shit with text walling
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any VNs like this?
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>like 30 lines of exposition on bells and faith
ye ye ok ok
lmb lmb lmb lmb
>Funny how this got tenshin ranman'd due the whims of a non-ownership dystopian platform
Not even a company. One person shut it down completely and now the TL will never release on a whim.
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state of prose
>nooooo the vn is trying to teach me something AIIIEIEEEEE
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plump fairy oshiri and modest fairy oppai
eroge taught me everything i know
I think Romeo's not for you, bro.
You should probably try something else.
>one guy reading a VN
>2+ guys screeching about his impressions
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They say early 2025. So this probably only made the release come sooner.
>>2+ guys
kek, cute.
Name one thing wrong with this prose.
>tfw no fairy daughterwife
It's in English
Why are you having a melty?
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ah yes I talked to you for a bit and I love you now

shes also a completely different character than when she first appeared in town lol

>responding to the IQ pit

if it's meant to put someone to sleep then nothing
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>hag heroine is a dyke
So basically they got lucky with Clover Days
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>early 2025
I'm already laughing because that's not happening.
This vn was made for nukitashi fans.
>the ban was due to not resubmitting games, so she remembered
Are you actually telling me the "plan" all along was to resubmit the game and hope she doesn't notice it's the same game she already rejected?
erm what the spruce
Of course she remembered, did he think he could fool her by just waiting enough time lmao?
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If she's one and everything, of course she'd be a moeblob too.

She's bleeding though.
Why do you have cp to begin with?
Sounds like it was to try and RNG a different reviewer lol
It worked for Clover Days
They did that for Clover Days and it worked.
Picked the fuck up.
Finally, somebody posts something that makes me want to read a sca-ji game.
Sca-ji has said he loves nukitashi and henpri (I think the exact quote was he didn't think it was possible to make games as good as henpri anymore), so yeah.
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text status, still digging
Nekonyan are fucking idiots, more news at 12
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Yep, it's nukitashi
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why would that get the rest of us banned
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>they have rifles but still arent using them to actually win
so smart
im in awe writer-sama
Keep reading.
The laplacian author LOVES hags.
Mary needs correction...
peach the bitch
Except Mary put TS into "review personally" folder and already took countermeasures against their pathetic "plan".
I told you it was dogshit bro you didn't listen
shut up creep
holy based
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used goods was best girl all along huh
Anon, setting aside the fact you just admitted to having CP on a public forum where your IP is traceable and visible to the mods, you realize that plan wouldn't work, right?
First of all, spamming it would only get you banned, so your plan wouldn't work. Second of all, even if you DID successfully get /vn/ banned that would only hurt EOPs, JOPs could just go back to /jp/. You're basically saying you hate JOPs so much you'd kill all EOPs just to mildly annoy them.
>responding to shit bait
>JOPs could just go back to /jp/
>implying the local jops actually want to post about VNs and aren't just attention seekers
Mary-chama, you're my hero. Keep up the good work.
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please don't samson option the one place i can sperg out about galge sprites
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JAST won
Thanks for funding more nitroplusge, moebutachi
>JOPs could just go back to /jp/
To get made fun of again? lol
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Yukito might be kinda autistic, bros..
Of all possibilities, I was the least prepared for a lovey-dovey Otonashi Ayana h-scene in the aftermath of the world's end.
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I love Mary
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zako zakoooo
eat my zako taco
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Imagine living a life with this mindset kek
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Just according to keikaku
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PLease save yuzuge....
confident heroines...
I have that exact same shirt...
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Sorry for filming you without permission...
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how can she sleep in a sleeping bag? those shit get hot real quick
VNs where you form a multi-timeline/route harem of the heroines in a unified route?
women always complain it's too cold
when did this happen? i need answers
Laplacian's been real quiet after Aojashin. Are they dead?
>last thread about it also ended with a 65
kill her before it's too late
Sort of happens in da capo 3
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at least the action's somewhat fun to read
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I guess it was fate for the OP to not make a correct 6600 edition
Ono thought he was on the same level as the best writers in the medium for writing a decent game. After that, he decided that anyone who cared about porn was not fit to enjoy his stories. Nowadays he just keeps squeezing out that one decent game
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This MC is great so far
>7 months for nothing
I would have bought, if NN weren't such faggots.
Now I sail.
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>act 4
no really how fucking long is this game, am I not at the end yet?
kill yourself
they recently released light novel
Do people get their money back if the kickstarter failed to deliver its promises?
malding karenschizo
>Karenbro out of nowhere
way too obvious
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>Let's go
>Where would be good?
>The abyss
>What's wrong?
>We're already in the abyss

The lovey-dovey ero scene turning into a cacophony of light-hearted, unrestrained laughter as Ayana and Yukito shower each other with love was one of scaji's weirder h-scenes, despite its normalcy. I can't quite put it into words, it just felt "off" in just the right way. Definitely a ends on a high note, I'll wait with the second one till tomorrow in case it's not as good..
Ayana being stuck here in the Abyss alonside Yukito would confirm my earlier theory that she truly does love him... unless she is supposed to be a delusion? I doubt it, though. Their h-scene conversation sounded just like two hurt dogs licking each other's wounds, with Ayana commenting on "sex making one forget about the pain and loneliness".
>heroine shilling in the common route
easy way to make me dislike your girl
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god damn, mc-kun has no chill
I liked the other end better.
was this really necessary
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Man, this guy can never catch a break. haha
Plotge always does that but Mirai Radio has a good reason for it.
read that as shitting
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>heroine's mom became a global terrorist and probably indirectly kills billions by turning all the pigeon shaped Wi-fi routers into a neural network dedicated to saving her daughter's life
do women really
>Cthulhu's silhouette phasing in and out of the cloud in the background while the ED plays
You might call it recency bias, but this ending had more of an emotional impact than two out of three of the endings in Subahibi.
Yasuko doomed Kotomi and her Onii-chan by protecting them from Takuji's ritual and jumping off on her own... Bittersweet. It'd be nice if we saw her and the other disciples in the reborn world, but I doubt it.
Good to hear, it'll be hard to top a canonical Otonashi Ayana ending.
It shouldn't be too long. But my memories aren't clear so it's not my fault if you get another meltdown.
Woman will do anything except go to therapy

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