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American Scav Edition
> Patch notes
Factory Expansion
Marathon Mode
Bipods and gun mounting
Smooth Zoom
Partisan Boss
Karma System
Tripwire Traps
Deagle Brand Deagle
Sound? Changes?

>Where to get the latest Russian sneedware
>Arena website
>Ammo charts
>Gun Builder Website (Overswing calculator included)
>For the newfags
https://pastebin.com/a9eHz03X (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (sneed)
>Written guide for the newfags
>Quest tracker
>All your Tarkov needs website
>Change list
There is no Discord
Disregard all Discordfags
>SPT? More like... Suck Penis Time, heh.

PREV: >>493062787
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>no recoil
>good ammo available on flea
>40 and 50 round mags available
>less than 30k for a kitted version with a red dot and a suppressor at LL1 traders
>style points
Why would I not bring this as a sniper secondary?
Forgot to add
>can't jam
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I saw the 50 rounder today during a zero to hero, that fucking thing is hilariously long.
it's literally the UMP but for 9mm. It's dogshit.
The KEDR slaps.
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>10 Lega medals for a pair of pants
This is nutty
low rpm what makes 9mm "good" is high rpm uzi pro is ok thoguh
MP9 is just a better Uzi and it's cheaper. low RPM and 9mm is not a good combo.
What the heck is a "Lega medal"?
You get them from Arena weeklies.
you get one for doing a weekly task on arena.
There's two versions.
servers are shitting right now
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>it's just usec defender with a black belt and different boots
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>servers are dying
>on a weekend
Well RIP, see you guys on monday.
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>Multiple task items in my inventory
>Got another two tasks that require me to survive and extract
>AI scav literally headshots me with the mounted grenade launcher with lightning quick reflexes
How am I supposed to get the "Missing Informant" quest from Lightkeeper to trigger?
I completed "Information Source" two days ago and the wiki says that it should only take 10 hrs to trigger the next quest yet every time I go to see lightkeeper he says he has no work for me.

>hand in quest item to unlock ref
>it takes the item and the quest disappears but its not actually 'completed'
>dont have ref unlocked
>restart game
>still no ref

wtf do i do now
It's bugged. Simple as. Guess just wait until it shows up one day.
Honestly bros, EFT should reduce inertia. ABI feels much more fun in terms of movement
kill yourself
Servers are back
Your game will die if you don't Nikita
buy a rope
Ah yes, and which Tarkov killer is gonna do it this time?
>on the Walls Have Eyes and Capacity Check quests
well this is terrible
Capacity Check is a dead-end task with unremarkable rewards. If you're not PvE you can comfortably hold off on attempting it until toolsets are down to 30-40k on the flea.
Everything in nuFactory is terrible. The whole map is terrible.
>Submit ticket
>Wait some more
>Pray that they even open your ticket
At the start of the wipe I got an backend error when completing a task. I never got the weapon unlocked with the task and they never handled by ticket about it. I will never get my hands on that weapon, it seems, lol.
im not going to bother with customer support for what seems to be a widespread issue right now
its simple, if i get fucked on the quest and have to re-do everything or miss out on unlocking ref completely (lol) then i will simply uninstall
LVL 20 and I haven't seen a hose yet.
If Tarkov "dying" means all the washed up CoDnigger wannabes are gonna leave, then yeah, I sure hope Tarkov dies.
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>hexloom trying to take aquas retarded ass through marathon
Fuck aqua. I don't care how cutsie his retarded antics are, he is literally incapable of processing information to acquire knowledge.
Yeah but that's why he's so entertaining to watch.
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Scav the western village on Shoreline, anon
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>been ratting since the game wiped
>never ran into Partisan
>only found his body once
>never heard the Karma lowered/raised sound
All of the items I picked up in my Shoreline raid just now disappeared when I got back to the hideout, so if I had found the FiR LEDX I need I would have been totally heartbroken.
bear enjoyer here, first wipe choosing usec and i dont think ill switch from it. the legionnaire outfit is just too good
I loathe the holster color for the pants. Other than that it's pretty good.
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>task fail sound plays in raid
>can't hear shit
>get shot from behind immediately after
>got ags'd by rogues at the fucking beach houses at NIGHT
why did they buff these niggers
why would you ever have your interface volume above like 20%?
I have it lowered but I only ever think about it when it happens and keep forgetting to turn it down more.
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>open fire on streets
>game instantly stutters
Who wants to watch 2 retards fight? (I'm one of the retards)

Prior to rushing in at the start of this clip I was hesitating at the door a bit because I swear I saw two people in there. I had already shot at him so he knew I was outside. Turns out it was just one. My aim is terrible, got so many hits on this guy before he finally went down lol. Luckily his aim is just as bad.
Sitting inside bushes is what really ticks him off, but you can lie down *behind* a bush as much as you want.
Why are you not hacking? The game is much more fun
not a shitter, unlike you
haven't played a raid since finishing punisher 6 4 days ago because essentially all that's left is interchange lighthouse and streets
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>7 tries on delivery from the past
>keep getting cucked by shitheads camping big red
>got the folder once but a scav on the MG in fortress beams me as soon as i start running past
I'm at my fuckin limit bros
do it during the week
weekends are full of cheaters and rat shitters
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In order to keep the illusion that we are rich people, poor people must exist, therefore I propose a pve wipe
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does your hideout resets after a wipe?
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>he thinks PvE stands for Player vs Engine
get iems vro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ar7DqxYR10w
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>spawned near dorms
>got aquarius part 1
>ttv nigger with an mp7 camping under the bridge shoots me while i'm crossing the land bridge towards big red
Yea I'm over it for the weekend. This shit is so ass.
or just crank your audio driver's amplifier to max for free
I love giving myself permanent hearing damage
you already give yourself brain dmg by playing tarkov, what's a little hearing loss?
The number of people who unironically do this in Tarkov actually concerns me
so did they fix the fucking arena eft sync yet? 2 weeks of losing exp and quest progression
thats it im going iem, whats the best triple driver iem hearing bros?
it's nothing to me. i probably already have slight hearing loss from shooting irl though.
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bro its not about turning up the volume its about equalizing the footsteps, so you hear them more pronounced over any other sound
>i probably already have slight hearing loss from shooting irl though
It can always get worse.
I think the game would benefit loads from the flea market removed and the traders being revamped so you can actually get good shit from them

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