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#6215 - Worlds Edition

Previous: >>493509531

>Recommended Simulators
●EDOPro (PC/Android): https://projectignis.github.io/download.html
●Master Duel (Multi-platform): https://store.steampowered.com/app/1449850/YuGiOh_Master_Duel
●Duelingbook (online): https://www.duelingbook.com
Hosts, use the tag “/dng/” and the password “vidya”; on EDOPro, specify the server.

>Useful Links
Rulebook: https://img.yugioh-card.com/en/downloads/rulebook/SD_RuleBook_EN_10.pdf
Wiki: https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Yugipedia
Probability Calculator: https://yugioh.party
Stock Market: https://yugiohprices.com
Database: https://www.db.yugioh-card.com
Misc Info: https://www.formatlibrary.com/formats/

TCG: https://www.yugioh-card.com/en/limited/list_2024-09-02/ (Sep 2/Next Banlist: SOME MONTHS FROM NOW)
OCG: https://www.yugioh-card.com/hk/event/rules_guides/forbidden_cardlist.php?list=202407&lang=en (Jul 1st/Next Banlist: Oct 1st)

OCG: https://roadoftheking.com https://tonamel.com/competitions?game=yugioh_ocg
TCG: https://ygoprodeck.com/category/decks/tournament-meta-decks
https://yugiohtopdecks.com (ONLY GOOD FOR OLD FORMATS)

JP: https://yugioh-starlight.com
EN: https://ygorganization.com

>Upcoming Releases
●Structure Deck: Advent of Blue Eyes (Sep 7)
●World Premiere Pack (Sep 28)
●Supreme Darkness (Oct 26)
●Terminal World 2 (Nov 23)

●25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Mirrors (Sep 19)
●Rage of the Abyss (Oct 11)
●Quarter Century Bonanza (Nov 7)
●Crossover Breakers (Dec 6)

>●AMC Cup 10 (Sep 15, 1930 UTC):
Banlist: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1VL_NLd-Sh2hVgvIzf11PzsZO-kq9ZNkp

2018 was the last good WC
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If I have no hand traps going second do I just forfeit? Save everyone some time.
What is Chia's record so far?
If you're a sequencinglet and can't break boards in-engine yes.
snakeshit is just pend again
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I started playing VS and holy shit this deck is fun, feels really skill intensive too since its 100% interaction with no negates.
>activate mooyan curry
>reads it for 10 minutes
Horse posting until we get ocg rarities
Toon support doko
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I miss old Ygo bros

The chunnism
The ridiculous summon sequences
the underdog protagonist using ridiculous monsters against their dragon spamming rivals
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have you seen this man?
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Troon post
I look like this and do this.
>it's been almost a decade since dsod
bruhs... I'm getting old. I was in my first year of college when this dropped. WTF
just give me more cool slop at a reasonable price and i will buy and play this dog shit, thats all i want, i wanna buy 3 copies of this nostalgia slop blue eyes deck, i wanna buy every new hero, i wanna make a retarded cool mech deck, i wanna make yugis shinning sarcophagus shit, just lemma actually not want to kill myself buying it
This game would be funner if you could fucking use most cards and not wind up on the same goddamn end boards full of negates and the same fucking cards day in and day out!!!!
If you really felt this way, you'd go find away to live that experience.
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Manliest YGO player of all time.
This duel was the only good part of this movie.
It's amazing how shit everything else about it was
Keep in mind that DSoD was the same year when Donald Trump became President.
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>If I have no hand traps going second do I just forfeit? Save everyone some time.
You're going to have nuEyes structure deck sloppa sometime soon but I hope you're ready to paypig for Magia.
Sorta, yeah.
You topdeck Droplet and OTK your opponent like a man.
>master duel decklists all got leaked
How can this happen?
I remember when everybody was expecting a DM Super since DSoD was so well received while Arc-V was flopping. I feel like we should have gotten one but this is as good a ending as any to the canon of the ygo manga.
once again i am asking for guidance
>only magia in my country on cardmarket is 999.99
lmao yh i think i'll just be playing 3 structure decks fun when i get bored or wanna change things up
scrap it and start over this is dogshit
It will be a reasonably competent x3 structure deck build, for what it's worth.
>Geargia in 2024
It’s not happening, anon.
Now this is soulful Ryzeal
yh plus it's always nice to add hand traps to the collection for a pretty cheap price and worse case if i ever wanna run magia and i'll just buy a proxy and ask if the person im playing against is cool with it and if not just take it out (obviously not in a tournament)
i don't want to play traptrix..... is all i have.... (and fire kings without an extra deck)
If X-5 was a decklist
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cards in grave?
how many cards left in your deck?
hmm maybe I can win by deckout??
how many backrow?
can I see your grave?
woah is that a prismatic rare? nice
>views own grave 6 times, reading every single card twice
cards in extra deck?
what's your LP at?
what's my LP at?
are you under any locks right now?
am I under any locks right now?
is that HOPT?
wow broken
lemme check my extra
>shuffles 2 card hand 4 times
wait do you have THAT in your grave?
>checks your grave twice
oh good you don't.
is this game 2?
oh wow it's game 3, really?
>checks the 1 set card 7 times
did you imperm this turn?
ok, think
what attribute is that?
>checks extra deck twice
anything in face-up banish?
anything in face-down banish?
how many spells in grave?
did I normal summon yet?
did I set yet?
did I special summon yet?
oh, how many times did I special?
who did I special?
did I activate it's effect yet?
>picks up card to read it again
what's that guy's DEF?
what turn is this?
I tried playing the new indigo eyes.
It's "ok" i guess the main issue with it is it takes an ED slot. Like sure I'd sometimes like having it in my extra going second, but i also like playing multiples of the link 1 who is more valuable.
I'm back from the wedding, how's worlds going?
Are ya winning son?
>I miss old Ygo bros
I do too.
Extra decks are crazy tight these days considering how main decks have such a ridiculous amount of free space available
I like how almost everything on the left is what I actually play with these days.
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This isn't what time stalling looks like. Way too risky and depends on judge rng.
Proper timestalling is just taking your sweet ass time doing the most long winded combo your deck can manage.
Every single time you have to search from your deck pretend you struggle to find the card you want so go through it 3 times, take a short breaks where your stare at the board state like you're analyzing what link monster to go into.
Check your own ED several times like you're trying to figure out what's optimal to make, make sure to burn for 800 at some point. and, yes, sure, every now and then you may ask for your opponent to show you their gy as a little treat.
Remember to save Konami we need to purge the diaper buyfags
Whats wrong with women
They cheat all the time in anime.
Literally all protagonist cheated.
just tuned in, has every match went to time even with the timesaving features at worlds like the shuffled/not shuffled card?
>No coomer twins
>No I:P or S:P
>Didn't even include Raye
low quality bait 2/10, see me after class.
You can make that into a mechanic
>Mostly unplayable packfiller
>Mostly playable cards
I hate how tight the ED got in Blue-eyes. I had to totally drop Xyz because Synchros and Fusions were more important but I want to keep Indigo-Eyes for the Yubel match up or when I need to out Avramax summoned from Masquerena.
Giga Plant FUARKING RAN this shit
Mobius had more meta relevance then the entirety of the right by himself.
Giga plant too, they solo the right side
I played the Buster Blader version, imagine how bad i have it (5 ed slots for buster blader so i can only 10 bewd ones when she has 6 gorrilion)
there are world champions in the left
Sort of funny that you can legitimately see when most of the playerbase became sexually active or at least sexually mature. Weird side effect of essentially having the same initial playerbase I guess.
Manipulates the position of cards in his deck with magic
>Yusei, Yuya
Transform cards in their deck/hand
Transform cards
Adds cards to deck mid-duel
Adds cards to deck mid-duel and also transforms cards mid-duel
Technically not his fault but had illegal interference

What did Judai do?
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>Destructon and King of the Beasts on the left when they're from 5Ds
The Lost Millenium was where Classic YGO died. GX started Nugioh
I can't believe yugioh became so much better...
It's because you can access them through the replays in untapped
>What did Judai do?
Get the most cards / has someone at Konami who wants his cards/decks to be playable unlike the others in 2024
then you also have to take out gigaplant, il blud, flame emperor, ananta, voltanis and ultimate insect lv7
Killed people
how is kotton and the other MD players doing?
we need a Yarimono except for Yugioh
I was going to say "had an infinite fusion deck_, but when did the maximum size to extra deck get implemented?
I miss when this was one of the most terrifying boss monsters you could drop on someone
Fuck this guy
I’m pretty sure it was a thing before GX but the anime has never had a size limit on either main or extra deck
For the full 1 card Buster Lock combo you need
>Dragon Destroyer
>Buster Dragon
Which is only 3 slots Buster Blader and 1 slot Blue-eyes. Unless you're paranoid of them outing the lock you don't need to run 2 copies of Dragon Destroyer or Buster Dragon since you can win on T3 with the setup. That's 11 slots free.
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i'm pretty sure deck size limits were introduced on 5Ds so yes he could've had infinite fusions on his ED
Raye is up there.
Cyberse is all part of now.
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>but the anime has never had a size limit on either main or extra deck
That depends on the season as well, Battle City and some filler arcs like the Virtual World arc had a specified decksize to be used.
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It was when Synchros were added but the size limit being canon in the anime is questionable.
Ok hear me out.
A new separate deck type called the destiny draw deck
Deck size: 10-20 cards.
Can draw from it instead of your normal draw, can't interact with it beyond that.
Naturally the going second player gets to draw from it first, it's meant to tilt the scales in their favor to mitigate overwhelming advantage of going first, but you can also put starters and shit in there if that's more your style.
Also it adds some of that anime appeal the game lost where you go declare a destiny draw and actually get the card that saves you
Yusei manifested cards. Anytime he made something new it was on a blank card.
he looks cool at least unlike modern boss monsters
>whore on a bear
>whore on a horse
>whore on a bike
>pretend ninja
>open TCG stream
>see six people playing MD
oops all circulars
>Deck size locked at 40
How did the disk not DQ Joey when Weevil slipped him the parasite for 41?
The age of magician rabbit will be upon us soon.
>fill main deck with handtraps and a minimal amount of engine/archetype pieces
>put all searchers on destiny draw edck
then eat shit because i lose to 1 ash so nevermind
it's actually a pretty cool idea
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whats a good invoked list nowadays?
why did he have to make such shitty ridiculously situational cards tho?
>if you have less than 500 LP and have 5 synchro dragons in your grave and have less than 5 cards in your deck, while your opponent has 3 or more cards in hand and 10 in the grave then you can...
literally this is the type of shit he would play and then people dare to say he's "skilled" instead of having the biggest plot armor
Use the side deck for this so there's actual thought involved in deck building and siding
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Duel Disk wasn't very good at detecting cheating, it couldn't detect the Rare Hunter's fake cards or the fake Egyptian God Cards and then it followed inconsistent rulings like Egyptian Gods couldn't be destroyed by S/Ts except when they could like Blast Held by a Tribute would be able to kill Obelisk but Obelisk punched thru a Mirror Force earlier.
Okay, sure, but put it in the middle of the table for both players to draw from and make it generic staples only, then let's also throw in another anon's idea of adding a turn 0 with a time limit for people to solitaire combo their brains out before starting the game and having to interact with what they got. Go full e-Sports with it.
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don't forget you can't search or do anything to it beyond destiny drawing.
if you put all 12 of your good ryzeals in there that means you have alot less ryzeals to work with in main + you're not going first so you may want something useful like a DRNM instead of a card that will get negated/popped/bounced etc.
there is some consideration you're gonna need to apply for every archetype.
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>gets a suite of CaC support
>everyone loves it even though meta
gimmick puppet
>gets a suite of CaC support
>everyone hates it
To me, the dumbest thing is Blast held by a Tribute and Shattered Axe being able to work on Obelisk. Why was he immune to Mirror Force but affected by the other traps?
Starting deck size was probably exactly 40, but you could go higher as it went along since you'd add the Ante'd cards you won to your deck, and they'd automatically get DQ'd after losing an ante duel since they didn't have at least 40 cards anymore (and they'd lose their locator chips typically).
>everyone loves it
never liked GP's art or playstyle
Yubel.dek takes skill to play and you can play around it with boardbreakers. Gimmick Puppets are a disgusting FTK with their own CaC field spell which makes them immune to monster handtraps during it
you know the answer.
no one likes a consistent FTK deck, let alone a consistent FTK deck that dodges handtraps
imagine if mirror force actually worked there and kaiba jobbed to the two literally who clowns.
Fuck it, just throw in an Armored Xyz engine and pray.
plays with its old gimmick, has entertaining and cool effects
>gimmick puppet
nigger FTK no interaction deck (also looks lame as shit and would have an extremely boring playstyle even without the nigger FTK shit)
>3 DRNM, 3 droplet, 3 superpoly, 1 sphere mode
>if i ever go second im guaranteed a bonken board breaker
i like it
It's just the community's aversion to literal FTK decks. Decks that do effective FTKs (basically putting up more interruption than the opponent has plays) have been accepted as good.
>some dude leaked all the master duel decklists on his website
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Takahashi wasn't really the best at duel writing, some of those plot holes including the random "divine hierarchy popping up out of NOWHERE simply to add drama to the Marik duel even though it contradicts some other duels" were covered by the anime duel writers coming up with something you "could" make PSCT around.
>Decks that do effective FTKs (basically putting up more interruption than the opponent has plays) have been accepted as good.
This game has boardbreakers out of the ass. Complaing about T1 boards is literally skill issue
you now remember everyone using magic cards on the opponent's turn
the rules weren't the same as the irl cardgame in the kanto anime
What happened to Konami's animation studio?
Kaiba had to always win unless the plot demanded he job.
machines are supposed to unaffected by spells because they're magic
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konami really thought over everything with the new gimmick support
>can't target
>unaffected by monster effects
>can't be responded to
more decks going forward should have this design so they don't fold to handtraps and safely play their gameplan
i hope tewart bans ash to sell mulcharmies
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i can't wait for her to go from 70 dollars to 60 dollars on november !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
unironically a good idea but it needs what this anon said >>493579362
make it so every card you put into the destiny draw deck takes away from your total side deck maximum. so if you run 10 destiny draw cards you only get 5 side cards
working on video games.
They're doing this I guess
can't wait for them to ban her after i spent my hard earned 60 dollars
I wouldn't really say there's a good "invoked" list, there's probably a lot of "____" lists that run invoked
doesn't that make yugioh super boring tho
I cant believe this mongoloid faglord esteban is at worlds

then again maybe he perfectly represents 99.99% of the people in there, just play the most braindead metashit currently available and youll get to the top even if youre a literal subhuman mongoloid with negative IQ and your definition of impressive "gameplay" is lightning storm raigeki raigeki sangen summoning

watch this turd crumble with only 1 summoning
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Traptrix would have won worlds.
It's because machines were made out of a special anti-magic alloy that magic couldn't touch.
Stuff like Bandit Keith's machines and Jinzo were made out of the alloy.
This is what I love the most about Yubel.
>everybody complained that she was hard to summon due to being a level 10 and her effects were too weak
>her evolved forms were also mocked since only Ultimate Nightmare had the anime effect of burning by crashing into monsters
>the new support is all about abusing her floating effects since she's from the time of HOPTs being a myth and Nightmare Pain gave her back her anime effects

Instead of turning her into a Garnet you begrudgingly run just to make the deck work like with Dark Magician/Blue-eyes, they made use out of all of her strengths and made a really powerful deck out of it.
I thought they would at least do a Konami IP considering that they plan to go back into videogames.
He's on fiendsmith yubel
When will Yu-Gi-Oh use chess clocks? I fucking hate this shit.
It's fun when Yugioh has one player pours all their resources into one giant nigga with a ton of protection and slowly punches his opponent who tries to figure out a way to out him.
There are other ways for the game to be fun but that's one of them.
I don't feel like even having this in the background.
It's just the same boring format the TCG has had since INFO and that's just unwatchable.
Only so many times I can watch the same fucking lines with a built in time wincon.
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At that point it's just a wishboard and they could just print searchers that grab stuff out of the side instead of making a whole other deck.
Not for Spike. Spike is all about optimizing the fun out of a game in order to achieve maximum efficiency. Yugioh is a game that is made primarily for Spike, that tries to trick Timmy and Johnny into helping fund it.
That's exactly why these sorts of decks have been accepted in the community. You can actually interact with it and attempt to play through the end result of their plays unlike with a true FTK deck.
yugioh is the literal most timmy game there is
The field spell is also a reference to the anime field spell Quattro used to trap those two fodder characters into using Xyz monsters so he could OTK them with Giant Grinder.

Gimmick Puppets by all means fold to Neo Galaxy-Eyes which is exactly how Kaito beat them in the anime.
>waifutroon has shit taste
more news at 11
could you imagine if yugioh became a game with only TOWERS monsters and whoever summons the biggest TOWER wins
Competitive anything is always orientated for Spike.
The format is boring all around with the OCG breaking out just recently with Ryzeal, this Worlds edition was doomed from the start. How can they shit out such a boring format is beyond me, I should praise them because it's gotta be difficult making something so damn uninteresting people watch through sheer hatred in hopes of something even remotely off the grid winning.
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>He's on fiendsmith yubel
seems like he finally moved to 1st grade from preschool
>open stream
>Fiendsmith X vs Fiendsmith Y
>close stream
>open stream an hour later
>Fiendsmith X vs Fiendsmith Z
>close stream
>open stream another hour later
>Fiendsmith Z vs Fiendsmith A
>close stream
yeah that's enough of this kusoge worlds format for me
What does Gimmick Puppet do for Plan B when its FTK is foiled
why are you even watching? I'm playing games on my switch
I'm suprised they never updated this card for Modern Field Spell Design
>Search a Level 1 Light Tuner on activation
>your board is immune to handtraps
>the mill is a cost for the targeting
Plan B?
the main set tie in support...
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How can you brick on Fiendsmith?
I checked in once an hour to see if anything interesting was happening while I was doing other things.
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yeah i think i'm ready for AMC.
Imagine showing this monster to someone in 2008 and saying, "Actually nobody runs it, it's a complete noob trap and is really shit."
If you don't open an autowin hand then you "bricked" according to pro players.
Because the Crimson Dragon used its power to help out his very weird situations.
they'll still job on "autowin" hands and say they bricked anyway
bad deckbuilding
>tell someone from 2008 a ritual is bad
don't see what's so wild about that
No, Yugioh only pretends to be a Timmy game on the surface. Most of the designated "Timmy" cards are very in-your-face bad-on-purpose and are designed like the entire reward for using them is lining up all the planets to play them at all.
>Konami's animation studio is just for commercials, gachas, and gacha commercials
Did anyone really expect otherwise?
They squat on the trap and make one of their xyz immune to destruction effects with condolence.
Plus hand traps, they have the space since field is (was? I dunno if its 1 card FTK after the hits in either format) a 1 card FTK.
In 2008, the Blue-eyes support didn't exist and Demise got ARA limited. Chaos MAX would be too slow compared to Glad Beasts and DaD decks from back them.
>he looks cool
BLS is Dark Magician's bottom
I prefer to play boardbreakers over handtraps. Consistent FTK means I have to try to cram in 9-12 handtraps. That's not fun
Yes, Forbidden Memories is indeed a fun time.
More like "pro" players.
Opening too many fiendsmith cards.
You only really need 1 for full combo. Any extras are just cards that could have been hand traps
>>everyone loves it
Says fucking where you faggot
>Consistent FTK means I have to try to cram in 9-12 handtraps. That's not fun
You have to run like 15 handtraps to play this game now
>Dkayed killed MD worlds
I kneel.
This card literally dies to d.d. warrior lady, a card from 2005
while the support for it is modern mausoleum itself is pretty old.
>You have to run like 15 handtraps to play this game now
which is why the game is dying
>>your board is immune to handtraps
Gay as fuck pandering. They should never do this again
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>dogmatika libromancer vendread centurion
MtG terms from a famous article,
I wish they would do erratas on older cards to modernize them.
these are popular descriptions for the different player types for card games
They're names given to stereotypical game player personalities that turbo nerds and marketers use.
reveal week should make it quite interesting this time, i wonder if we're going to see another wave of powercreep like maliss
It took 9 years but she finally has a use case over Melody since Prayers is the Ash chokepoint of the deck now. She can be the Ash Bait to let you search Alternative and the Vanilla so you can use Prayers for the real combo.
Duel Links anime soon, just like Gunpla have Build Fighters.
What gacha out side of yugioh and baseball do they have?
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Would heavy poly work to use muddy as a substitute while it's in the extra like when it's in the GY?
No, Branded Fusion forced them to fix the ruling on fusion subs so that doesn't work
Did Traptrix or Jack.dek ever get main set support to tie in with their SDs? I don't think Blue-eyes fits the vibe of a set called "Supreme Darkness"
Traptrix had Trap Track. I don't recall Jack.dek getting anything else, maybe it did.
Wasn't there a new trap hole released shortly after the trix structure?
Well, that sucks. They're really good at making cards seem like they may have some application, only for it to do nothing . Thanks though
Rekt again (has to keep the token lmao)
Jack got something in AGOV but it was also in part support for the Synchron wave from DUNE.
He is already dead
Jack got Earthbound Prisoner Stone Sweeper which is effectively 3 more RotAs and conditionally an extra non-tuner when going second along with Red Lotus King Flame Crime. He also got some random packfiller in AGOV as well.
Nib is flying around like a cheap bitch
Crimson Dragon is such busted Synchro support that I guarantee it's getting banned one day. Calamity was just the first of its victims
It really shouldn't have been generic.
I know nothing about Synchros decks, are you supposed to summon a generic level 12 Synchro, summong Crimson Dragon, and then cheat out a level 12 Synchro with stupid summoning conditions?
should’ve required a non-tuner dragon synchro monster as material
Reminder that a Dark Magician deck is suppose to fuck your opponent over by spamming variious spell cards when Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl are out


Yet the deck does neither of those things irl. Also, please be gentle with me for using a dub clip and please no plapping correction

If they can make shitty ass Neos and Yubel worth a damn they should of been able to do so for Yugi's cards yet they don't and still don't
I wouldn't be suprised if we see a new level 1 LIGHT Tuner which somehow works with normal monsters or a new Light Synchro Dragon sometime soon. They aren't very subtle with their Extra support for a deck.
I think just a non-tuner synchro would've been just fine
that’s what people were doing, yes
this esteban bitch is such a faggot
nah, dragons
gotta have some reference to the signer dragons, however small
Unironically pendulum. Make one of the spells work as
>a normal Dark Magician gains this effects whenever a spell activates
Centurion did that for the Calamity lock and Blue-eyes does that for Sifr/Blazar since Spirit Dragon can cheat out Crimson Dragon and Spirit Ultimate Dragon.

this deck really does live rent free in some peoples heads huh?
Fiendsmith X vs Fiendsmith Y,
>a fucking plushie

this company is a joke
Nice mic lol
consider suicide
please print the fairy rota.... my deck doesn't have a normal summon and is forogtten.... diviner is all i have..
The more modern cute girl cards aren't even well designed or memorable; the card art is too small to even see most of the details. The classic girls like Dark Magician Girl stood out because they weren't lost in entire archetypes of over-designed animu crap
>let people search the heralds
Give me the spellcaster RotA first
After the Fish ROTA/GGX.
ok level 3 or lower fairy tuner searcher, like this guy but fairy. whatever.
You just got Eva back, quit your bitching.
Dark Magician Girl stood out because she contrasts how dark and edgy Yugi's deck was up to that point while still having her own "edge".

She has a cute design but she was originally depicted with very serious expressions akin to Dark Magician himself.
>same problem because it has Exodia
It's quite something huh?
At least Spellcaster RotA can be made to not be able to search normal monsters Exodia.
how is this master duel drama even a thing
one guy got access to all the decklists and the rest can't? what?
is this just yugituber shilling?
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How does he not have phantom to answer nib?
I gotta
I just have to-
*foaming at the mouth*
>The writers barely disguised fetish
Duel Links is literally a history lesson of how powercreep destroyed Yugioh. This game went from Vanilla beat down to combo spam.
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Reminder, the person she's based on as well as her counterpart are 13 years old
13 year olds with tits this big are begging for it
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what did I miss?
dkayed published the master duel decklists
what did HE do?
Dkayed leaked all the decklists now everyone is mad because it's open info instead of a privat discord leaking info to a single team
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That's not exactly a secret
Imagine if the OCG/TCG had the My Mom Said tier skills.
Marik after HRT on the right.
HIMgods.. are we... the villains...?
still would
dgayed leaked it all
Perverts like you guys are the reason things like this keep being made!
something that pisses me off about Dogmatika is that it's very clearly missing a 3rd ritual spell
White relic
White Night
Alba Zoa
>that leg lock
Yep, she's got experience and knows what she's doing.
Card games with competitive scenes all use open decklists for Worlds because. What makes Yugioh so special that it thinks it needs to be different?
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No. HE is the HERO.
And that's a good thing
Attempt #9999999 of the TCG ecelebs going to war with Dgayed
Surely this time will end differently
dka*ed will get away with everything after single handedly keeping duel links relevant in the west for years
why is she third wheeling that gay couple
no idea, he made yugishills seethe so in my books dkayed did nothing wrong
The least she could do is summon copies of herself so I can fuck her and play better with my mind clear of distractions
>The /v/ Master Duel general worships Dkayed like a god at all times
Based or cringe?
I don't think this artist has a single bad DMG doujin or any bad YGO doujin
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If your “skillful deckbuilding” is just “lemme catch my opponent off-guard by running stupid tech shit” then it’s not very skillful, you just need the element of surprise to win. Other card games are played with open lists outright made available to the players BY the TOs.
Who's the /dng/ most beloved yugitoober e-celeb? DPYGO? Mkhol40?
for me it’s rata but I doubt the thread shares that sentiment
We don't have one
I'd say go to /mdg/ but their love of ecelebs killed them
You can approve or support the individual action of an e-celeb, but you shouldn't suck their dick.
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He is literally Hitler and Drumpf mixed with the Satan
All e-celeb worship is cringe. Same with the parasocial anons here that stalk fan artists and treat them like their friends.
if he makes mbt and yataloked seethe he's based i my book
how about i scrub my fist up your ass faggot
Dark Magician Girl and her support feels like even more Garnets to the deck rather than actual support.
>flags and pfps

of course
I'll give some points to Little Kuriboh because of how much Yugioh Abridged just existing makes some people here rage.
hey guys, rata here

Somehow he has revealed every players decks on his website.

Not sure if via data mine or what, but it includes all unseen cards. For MD worlds this is particularly important as each team is only allowed to share 3 cards, meaning every player has unique decks and as such matchups are very strategic and often different openings/end boards are optimal against other players.

This is particularly shitty for players who chose to run rogue decks. Such as Emre who is maining Floow. This wouldnt typically be on anyone's radar as a deck to setup against. However now every opponent will be going into hard counters like Apollousa vs opening boards that are more diverse and universally good against the meta.

Also SuperHeavy Sams, Runick builds, Spright builds, Vanquished Soul, Exosister and others.

This HUGELY takes away some of the surprise and fun that is watching worlds.
I miss him.
LK buckbroke 4kids and made YGO more digestible to the normies back in his prime. It's just sad Shadyvox went apeshit and tried to ruin his life but when he started hanging out with Kirbopher that was to be expected one of these days.
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The guy is more of a Edward Snowden, but twitter people aren't educated enough to remember who that is.
If you can only win due to surprise factor, your deck isn’t good and you came unprepared for the tournament.
Logically speaking dkayed is right
>troon calling anyone out
Doesn't help the case much either
the only yugituber who remembered that the card game was meant to be fun and cool
Hi Rata, I expect the Fishborg video next week.
he started coder's downfall, that can't be bad
His Dark Magician replays and Drill Warrior.dek replays were peak kino. That Shaddoll duel was some anime shit and I wish Dark Magician kept that direction instead of being stunshit
>caring about mickey mouse games
if you play master duel instead of on edopro or other free simulators you're a fucking retard
almost case buying tier retardation
Hey rata!
Ultrakill part 2 when?
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>but when he started hanging out with Kirbopher that was to be expected one of these days
I mean, it was pre-TOME Kirbopher. That was LONG before that shit hit the fan.
Hey guys, gato here
Hero video when?
Performapal video when?
Do you really believe that at a huge event like worlds that if someone had the chance to get an unfair advantage and would get away with it they wouldn't? Heck it's been known forever that a friend will check deck of your opponent during a ycs and tell you what their playing and maybe some techs they observed. This is nothing new so stop being so gullible to believe everyone is playing fair and honest.
I care about kingdom hearts…
dgayedbros it's over
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Kirbopher was always infamous for being a jerk though. Even in one of his YGOTAS video he makes a joke about how people hate that Kirbopher was voicing Noah since he's actually an asshole.

It shouldn't have taken the sex abuse cases for people to finally open their eyes when people were warning about him for years.
Yes there is one
If Konami cared about the decklists they would have fixed the exploit, this already happened last year.
kh died with kh2
I actually liked 3 though
>copy/pasting tweets
i can't fix you
Neo Kaiser Vorse Raider
TenpaiGODS we titty fucked lara
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>worlds level player doesn't know how to phantom safety net yourself against nib.
How do people take this seriously when they can't even perform the basics? That's shit you learn like 5 minutes into playing yubel(fiendsmith or otherwise).
It was old internet. Those were lawless times. Hell, we had one of the biggest yutubers doing blackface and no one gave a shit.

By time we entered a time when Kirbopher could have been canceled, he had already learned to his a lot of his shit and the majority of people forgot his sins or just never knew about them.
The vast majority of Yugioh Abridged is legitimately unwatchable, it's really fucking apparent how Team4star easily eclipsed it in popularity, as both people that actually gave a shit about the source material and could make jokes outside of bad pop culture references/ripping off adult swim. Also LK did the gay weepy "I'M SO SORRY I COULD HAVE EVER BEEN PERCEIVED AS FUNNY IN 2008" basedllennial shit.
remember when tenpai were first revealed and you all said they were shit?
I'll give it credit all the way to BBS. As much as I liked DDD, the time travel stuff at the end killed it for me.
how do i get yugioh bf to top me??
>tfw I was the only one here who said they had potential
>they become meta
>tfw I was the only one here who said Raizeol looks pretty alright
>they become meta
I guess I'm not as dumb as /dng/, thank God.
DDD legitimately killed the franchise
also ruined my favourite villain by completely undermining his motivations and character
yeah i can see BBS being a good ending point too
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>NOTE - This video may contain transphobic, homophobic, sexist, or other types of humor or dialogue that no longer represent how I, the creator of this video, wish to present my works. At the time I thought of it as "harmless jokes" but it is clear the damage that has been done by such dismissive and toxic writing on my part. I apologize for it, as there is no real excuse for using it.
When your whole strategy is protos or bust and you lose because you got sneezed on then nib isn't the problem
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(He's literally sponsored by the client that grabs in-game decklists)
I agree. The old stuff has not aged well . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egEZ38BoxK0 (Don't ask why I have this link saved)

I'll say SOME of his newer stuff is worth going back to. I think he was at this best in season 4 when the show's plot gave him the most to work with.
It's still really funny how it's not on the Ebonics one
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I tuned in late and every game I saw was determined by Nib.
Apollousa isn't even banned yet in this format. Imagine the tournament streams next format.
I recall just a short time ago /dng/ saying nib was worthless because fiendsmith just makes caesar?
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Konami STILL can't get rid of these tins lmao. New bundle posted by a reddit user which seems official instead of a repack similar to the costco one released before. It has 6 RELEVANT Yu-Gi-Oh boosters and a tin for just 25 pounds ($33 USD) in Northern Ireland
That's all KH is.
>defeat villain
>finish game
>next game
>"I'm the new villain and you beating the last villain along with everything since the start of the first game was all part of my master plan"
I just want LK to finally finish the series so he can go down in history as the only abridged series to go the distance since TFS gave up on DBZA. He's halfway through KC grand prix and all he has left is Millenium World.
They make these fucking things worse every year.
>(He's literally sponsored by the client that grabs in-game decklists)
Kek really? That would be too funny
>so he can go down in history as the only abridged series to go the distance
There are others. I would say we should take this somewhere else, but I don't think there's a single board outside of /b/ that would allow the discussion of this topic.
If the game is bad with open deck lists the game is bad.
how good is blue-eyes now?
All that's in that tin is karma cannon, druiswurm and fenrir, the rest is garbo.
Which is odd since that tin wasn't even that bad. Bystials, kashtira, adventurer, lab
There's playable things in that tin.
But I guess its mostly all in the secret slots.
>Don't reprints any cards that people need
>Powercreep all the decks in the tin
Gee I wonder why they don't sell
it’s an engine now
Better than DM and Red-eyes.
what "holiday" is this "gift box" supposed to be for?
>>Don't reprints any cards that people need
But anon, they did reprint cards people wanted at the time like Fenrir or Lubellion. They just had the oh so great idea of making them all Secrets and also padding the Secret pool with rarity bumps for stuff like Amazoness and Blackwings.
The adventuer stuff you can buy for pennies now. The lab pieces in the tin(no big welcomes or butler) are also dirt cheap($1 to $2). So it really is just the druiswurm fenrir and to a lesser extent karma cannon that are worth getting which are locked behind secret slot.
huh so pure still sucks.
Based if true.
Open decksheet stream your suicide for everyone to see.
it sucks significantly less than before, but yeah
Hot take: the tins shouldn't be necessary. Cards shouldn't be so inaccessible on the first printing. No other game has to reprint cards so soon.
last video I remembered watching LK, was where you saw him sitting on a couch, he was super fat and had an even fatter girlfriend/fiancee/wife and he was talking about his mental health issues or something
LK could have had this shit finished from 2016 and then dubbed DSoD so he can finally cut all of his ties with YGO.

The KC grand prix can be compressed into a single movie since nothing happens in it and Millenium World is full of filler which means he can shorten it to 5 episodes out of the original 20 and then it's the Ceremonial Duel which needs its own episode since it's the end of the anime.

I know he's been sick but he's really wasted a lot of time on this series.
Why would he want to quickly end one of his main revenue sources
Hotter takes: Even if the cards are accessible (which they wouldn't no matter what we do because of a predatory secondary market), the tins should exist to further screw over investards.
On stream they're talking about mirror matches being the highest level of gameplay but I don't really think mirror matches are any different in Yugioh from any other match up. Like there're good mirrors and shitty mirrors, but it's pretty rare that being a mirror fundamentally changes how people approach the game that much. You're still trying to hit the same chokes any other deck would be trying to hit and some decks have such lopsided strengths and weaknesses that one player is very likely to gain a massive advantage in the mirror on the opening hand.
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>DL gets delayed because of a Turk incel ddosing Konami servers and demanding them to pay him $35
>MD sees an omega chimpout because of MDM posting all of the tournament decklists
What will happen for the TCG/OCG?
I will personally jump onto the stage mid game and shit all over the board live on camera
so he can move onto something else and get a fresh start, it'd be mentally freeing
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I think I'm finally getting somewhere with this. I'm hitting this end board more consistently than I thought I would.
>breakthrough skill
>galaxy cyclone
This is the Worlds event Konami deserves.
Since I'm heavily dependent on milling, I thought that cards with GY effects would prove to be the most useful.
what is it an engine for now?
Puking Horse's ghost will show up and make someone puke mid match
It is a poweful engine of destruction
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other way around
you must be a pridefull power bottom.
World Legacy has a bittersweet ending compared to Branded
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>What will happen for the TCG/OCG?
True OG's remember the guy who won a YCS and cut off the Number 101 (it was a prize card back then) in front of a recorded crowd of 20 niggas just to flex, watch as the champion does that with the match winner and says ''fix your game, konami."
Branded doesn’t have an ending
World Legacy is actually properly completed. Though Branded at least wraps up its story arc even if it leaves loose ends and hooks, fucking Visas just kind of abruptly ends without resolving anything.

Man I can't fucking wait until enough time has passed that they decide to do nostalgia support for World Legacy archetypes.
No one has the balls to do that neither will any of these bootlickers call them out.
Dark Law has got to be one of the most common favorite cards ever that isn't one of the eternal nostalgia baits
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>troon flag
>anime girl pfp
>bonus: comparison to Trump and Hitler
Every time.
All I know is that World Legacy ended with a Tierra clone trying to reset everything but Avramax somehow busted the Matrix and met some scientist lady and never came back meanwhile Ib is all alone with her brother and best friend gone and all that's left is the dragon.

Branded had a shitload of characters dying or being turned into dragons/demons and somehow it all gets wrapped up with Eccelsia and Albaz flying off into the sunset.
>hat isn't one of the eternal nostalgia baits
It's a fucking Hero card, retard.
>fucking Visas just kind of abruptly ends without resolving anything.
I suspect R&D got told by corporate "finish the cards in development, then stop this series" after how dominant Tear and Kash were.
how do you double sleeve /dng/?
that big pendulum who’s name I forget was definitely meant to get a big final villain archetype
>literally the World Championship
>prizing sucks ass
Surely Konami can afford to fly the winner out to design their own card (or even archetype or something) and have that be one of the grand prizes?
You buy a sleeve, and then buy a bigger sleeve.
Other way around
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Melodious Status?
Seething Abyssfag
Grab some clear ones for like $2 and then use w/e main sleeve you want. For now i'm just using some old maven sleeve but i should get something better.
sorry buddy but xenoblade is shit and your rip-off is no better
>Labyrinth mansion storyline
dead with the no resolution
>Centrion storyline
ead with no resolution
>Sky Striker storyline
dead with no resolution
>Witchcrafter storyline
dead with no resolution

Why can't konami finish things? They saw World legacy and Alberz through yet none of these other popular stories get a resolutions

Did they really think anyone gives the slightest of fucks about the Magister storyline especially with how after Sky Striker ended and we got a follow up card immediately undercutting the canon-isty of that story, the manga striker story ended with Raye and Roze going off on their honeymoon, the card game storyline ended in the middle of Ray and Roze by an unseen enemy with Raye using Roze's Sword and Roze using one of Hayate's blades to defend themselves against the onslaught as they're still too hurt to transform.

What idiots, the card game itself is a sham the only thing people bought these cards for was because they were interested in the pot and they pissed all that away by revealing that the manga stories legit do not matter anymore than Structures stories.

Konami confuses me more than Nintendo, if you're gonna pander to the autistic you better be ready to go all in because half assed efforts don't cut it, the Zelda fandom is up Nintendo's ass right now because of what they did with the breath series and the quickest way to get /sthg/ into a massive war is to bring up canon. Do they think they'll eventually get buck broken like the pokemon fanbase who have been tamed to accept everything and nothing is canon?
They should just have a yugi cosplayer walk out and shit on their decks. That's how little I care about what these people get for winning.
I say what I mean
Why can't konami finish things?
so they can make more cards?
fucking retarded communist
>Centrion storyline
>ead with no resolution
It never really had a storyline, it was just more like a backstory for the cards in it.
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>Labyrinth mansion storyline
>Centrion storyline
>Sky Striker storyline
>Witchcrafter storyline
All I know is that Ib remained pure virgin while Ecclesia rode the black dragon cock carousel.
>Centrion storyline
What the fuck they were in a story?
>Labyrinth mansion storyline
What storyline? We're just missing one maid afaik.
OCG Stories exists so Yoshida and Miyoshi can have work since there are no more Master Rules anime to make an alt universe manga. That's all there it to it.
Most of these decks don't need a resolution. Lab is a narrative about a Knight who conquers a demon princess' castle, Centurion is a Gurren Lagan reference, Strikers have their manga and Witchcrafter is more Endymion slop
>It's just sad Shadyvox went apeshit and tried to ruin his life
What caused him to go apeshit.
I really am glad that 3 killed the series, terrible game with terrible characters and gameplay, kinda like Kingdom Hearts 3, the only people who claim to like xenoblade now are just coomers and people who want an easy culture war thread
Lore turbo shilling was a mistake.
I wear this shirt.
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Ecclesia prefers dragoncock while Ib takes Knightmare (goblino/dog/horse cock)
He overdosed on the Redpill
there’s no anime to shill so this was the only option left
Most of these archetypes don't actually have a storyline to begin with, when we get their lore through one of those Japanese guides, it becomes clear that they're just given backstory for some context and never had a plot to follow. Sky Strikers is the exception among those four, but the easier assumption for why that's the case is that they just threw stuff onto it after the fact because it got popular and supported it about as much as they thought they could.

Stuff like World Legacy and Albaz succeeds the old Duel Terminal stuff that was designed around having a world and plot and advertised that way. Even Witchcrafter who exists in the same world as some other archetypes isn't really presented as having any more significance than random ass Amazement or Psyframe shit.
Fake. Ib is saving herself for me.
the only lore i care about is sangan's
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It's time to adapt OCG Structures.
I only care about tits
I appreciate them keeping DT lore as a single narrative from 5Ds to Arc-V but replacing it World Legacy was an objective downgrade. They had all this world building and all these characters thrown away for JRPG shit.
The artist for that archetype was really into, they drew Roze and Raye recovering in her nation's hospital and even a lewd drawing of Raye's manga mommy giving a paizuri, I only got to see it once before they quickly deleted it because it was some kind of request someone paid them to draw
Blame Shueisha. They're the ones that pushed for the Rush anime being the only thing now besides the literal animated commercials.
God I hope not. The best parts about the anime are the new cards and strategies, which is why I've watched all the anime and read all the manga but honestly cannot bring myself to catch up on Structures or any of the lore mangas.
I like seeing the context of effects, the core of what those cards are and why they are there. Seeing someone do a Pendulum Magician combo for 10 minutes would be boring as sin
albaz and ecclesia are siblings.
Structures is genuinely an unpopular in Japan that's only around because it costs next to nothing to actually make.
I'd watch it, just make sure the music and voices are good.
Every single lore series, even the bad ones, has utterly mogged every mainline anime since the synchro arc of Arc V.
I'm kind of disgusted to see this field, none of these are Yuya's cards they're Zarc's
Is there any YGO anime which deserves a continuation? DM had DSoD and it's better to leave it as is with Kaz no longer being with us but GX was crunched because Judai's VA was leaving and 5Ds had production issues so those two could definitely use an OVA
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I think doing an OVA per series would be a nice thing to see. Pop in and see how each character is doing post-series
World Legacy lacks a lot of the flavour that DT had but it's easily the most coherent of all the lore groups, maybe in thanks to being !Bravely Default. DT starts off messy and only gets messier as layers of corruption and purification pile up, tribes replace each other over generations and characters move in and out of archetypes. A lot of the stuff in DT never ends up going anywhere, I'm still not sure how Lavals or Jurrac fit into the world.

World Legacy is all meat no fat except maybe Crusadia only really bridging the timeline.
Zexal 3 time
lol they don't get the ending to these shows.
Making a full sequel series is probably too much of a hassle, but I'm surprised they haven't toyed around with just making sporadic movies or OVAs for the various shows.
I wanted to see at least some sort of follow-up to GX with Manjoume as a pro duelist, maybe have an episode about him and Sho being scheduled to have a match and they catch up on how everyone's doing before they have a duel.
But, y'know, that can't really happen now.
5D's doesn't need it, Tag Force 6 has you covered. No, really, they did a good job.
Yuma is a straight up god with unlimited power
how the fuck are they gonna make a villain?
Why make a new anime if it just gets pirated and they go neg on money?
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Get ready for the return of Legendary Collection Kaiba, this time bringing together Kaiba's ultimate cards, in a 100 card collection, all-foil, ready for any challenge!

Once again, there's plenty of amazing cards to look out! Make your deck unstoppable with many tournament-level cards. You can turn the tide of the game in a new way with Dimension Fusion, seize victory with Triple Tactics Thrust; and even stop your opponent strategies with Ghost Sister & Spooky Dogwood, Artifact Lancea, and more!

Legendary Collection Kaiba 2 includes 16 brand-new cards based on Kaiba's Legacy! Take control of the duel with a new Fusion-monster that calls out any of your Union monsters! XYZ Dragon Cannon has hyper evolved, ready to tag out into battle and banish your enemies!

Blue-Eyes White Dragon has always been Kaiba's loyal servant at any time it needed, and now, it's your time to call forth the legendary dragon! Maiden with the Eyes of Blue has a new incarnation that lights the way into the field and reaches any of your desired cards! In addition, Kaiser Sea Horse is ready to tune into battle and accelerate your strategy! The Saga of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon is not finished, as you can soar through the sky with a new Synchro monster and a new Xyz monster, and even destroy any obstacle with the White Dragon Majesty! Everything is possible with Kaiba Corporation technology, as it evolved into a level that allows Kaiba's famous monsters such as The White Stone of Legend, Lord of D. and many others to Link Summon!
Just give me an expanded version of season 4 GX that shows more slice of life stuff with the cast while also showing Judai traveling the world after the ending
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>I wanted to see at least some sort of follow-up to GX with Manjoume as a pro duelist
Matsuno AI voice for the GX follow up.
I feel like seeing Judai again was the highlight of Bonds Beyond Time
I feel like he was the highlight of the movie period
also he carried the 3v1
I think that in terms of Visas since it follows a solid case of cause and effect in the narrative and only is using four archetypes it's coherent enough, but a lot of the Buddhist stuff is probably a bit confusing to some people. Plus a lot of the archetypal monsters outside of Kitkalos are just kinda there but the same can be said of the other lore archetypes, in the context of how they're used in the Visas storyline as essentially minibosses that add context to their planets and their respective Heart monster it's fine. Plus of course the rushed non-ending with Veda.

Duel Terminal I feel like the whole idea of the story is about the generational story, with the tribes in a world that's getting fucked every which way struggling to claw back a sense of normalcy. DT having a handful of recurring characters like Steelswarm Roach and Gem-Knight Crystal help link together the story's progression.
>xyz from light duelist pack and BE structure mushed together
On one hand, cringe
On the OTHER hand, then earth pack's cards became literally peanuts due to MAMA and the rest of the cards being jammed into mainsets.

If I can manage to get trickstar/tachyon support as commons in a mainset instead of a shorted ultras in a sideset, I don't care if blue-eyes get shafted.
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Shame about Neos Knight's nerf.
Is the LIGHT LED and Kaiba SD that unsellable?
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You know they can't do those. Female audience wouldn't be able to handle it given what actual ideas yugioh pushes compared to what they believe.
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So Melodious lost Worlds...
wild how sergei wasn’t DQ’d for that
oh shit leaks?
The kaiba structure is actually TOO sellable, they'd rather chop it up to hope people will buy cases of this chasing cards that you know will be shorted.
And the duelist packs are some of the worse selling sets ever, the fire set was atrociously bad, as were wind and water.
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Can we also get some TCG exclusives again like last time?
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Well He just crashed into Yuzu and legit made her LP to zero. He didn't stall time.
It's the opposite. It's actually too good to sell on its own.
Kaiba Structure Deck would sell well, but you know what would be better? Getting people to buy boxes to TRY and pull the Kaiba Structure Deck cards!
Tachyon stuff might be playable? That just sounds like an ace in the hole to make a shit set sell!
are you fucking shitting me
please tell me this isn't real
Here's your Magia reprint bro
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Visas suffers a bit from just being less straight in general. We're introduced to the setting through an amnesiac protagonist who jumps into interstellar geopolitics that they never clearly dive into besides establishing that Kashtira are dicks, for reasons that I'm not actually sure we ever learned.

It's true that lore archetypes do typically have a lot of chaff that isn't important to the storyline but I'd say that Visas is particularly bad about giving them flavour. Like, most of them are literally non-characters in Visas in that the cards in themselves often seem to be replaceable mobs, but if you take Albaz for example, most everyone has an identity even when they contribute LITERALLY NOTHING to the story. There's no possible way anyone cares about Sprigans Rocky or Sprigans in general but every member makes the world a bit more tangible just by being there in art. Even the Tearlaments sisters basically don't interact with the world.
Would a player get DQed for choosing Cucumber Horse as their favorite card?
Cant wait for $80 Seventh Tachyon
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Magia alone cost $800. Imagine short printing Prayers, Maiden, Saga, Spirit Ultimate and Spirit all in one set and making people chase after them instead of them being in an SD and then combine that with the push to make Blue-eyes meta.

We're looking at another Nekroz situation with this deck.
>/rdg/ player actually made it to world finals
how come /dng/ can't get that far?
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>go to worlds stream
>Fiendsmith X vs Fiendsmith Y
>close stream
>go to worlds stream later
>Fiendsmith X vs Fiendsmith X
>close stream
They really thought people would be excited for this? I barely knew Worlds was happening and its all mirror matches of the same engines and strategies
is yugioh dead? Even after that banlist, this game feels like it's the same shit
alright i can't find it anywhere it's probably not real
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cope faggot go play with your celtic guardian on the kitchen table
nevermind you probably don't even play by yourself you fucking failure
You missed seven rounds of "Nib, scoop".
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I want to double lock them.
I can consistently do buster lock + an omni negate without prologue.
so i do the lock with an omni, and then if they DRNM/droplet whatever i flip prologue and do it again.
Worlds banlist is based on the previous TCG list so it doesn't factor in here. That being said, we're looking pretty fucked regardless of that fact. We probably have until the new years to salvage things or we're actually dead.
Because the only person here who plays is the diaperfag and he only plays shitdecks
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So has it really been mostly Fiendsmith and Snake Eyes?
No, brother, you have Ryzeal, Maliss and Blue-Eyes to look forward to, the game's gonna be fine.
>Visas suffers a bit from just being less straight in general
Nothing about VSauce is straight
>nevermind you probably don't even play by yourself
Yeah I play with friends?
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>unbuyable shortprinted DBP shit
>blue-eyes will almost definitively be broken out of its SD so it will also be fucking unbuyable
It hasn't felt this bad since MR4 and before that Wind-up format. Somehow I care even less right now than I did back then.
My brother in christ, you need to open your mind, most people will never understand the true chadness of playing the dogmatika ritual trap and is actually not that bad

Regardless, we do need extra support, I am still coping with custom cards, but I would rather go for an ED monster, xyz would be good, and another non ritual main deck.
I found your problem. Have you tried not doing that?
if you aren't talking about buying them when they come out on TCG then what do you mean by "look forward to" retard? i already played with and against ryzeal, maliss and blue-eyes on edopro prerelease
Dogmatikaturgy. But the other two ritual spells are so good you don't need it.
>Deadnader as a $250 Secret Rare
>all Maliss Queens rarity bumped to $80 each
>Blue-eyes getting everything rarity bumped to $250
2025 is going to be funny.
This is absolutely something jewart would do. 10/10 bait if not a leak.
I really thought Maliss would be a prohibitively expensive deck but thinking about it, Ryzeal will absolutely devour the cost won't it
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>so popular that they can carry their own set twice
Are other rivals even trying?
>what do you mean by "look forward to" retard?
Those decks being adjusted for the TCG and being highly likely to alter the format around them? Meaning you get to build new stuff for new environment?
>decent enough deck
there's no universe on which maliss core isn't at least 400 bucks
I cannot see anything about sponsorship in his pages, where did you get it from?
that's already happening with prerelease??? or what do you want me to wait another [insert however many months until next list] months for another clown banlist so they can sell new thing?
prerelease on edo is unironically the last genuine way to play yugioh everything else is fucking dogshit
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>new environment
>can already play with them in the most up to date banlist on EDO and MDO
The main chase card for Ryzeal is Deadnader but I wouldn't put it past them to rarity bump the core either. Maliss is all waifu slop. They're all chase cards
>the true chadness of playing the dogmatika ritual trap
i've only seen one person trying to use that here
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>Ryuge flopped so hard that they're going to be the Pink Dolphins of the set
Alright, alright, you got me. I was trying to inject a little bit of hope through the "let's see what the remaining TCG paper players do with these new cards" angle.
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>worlds stream is cycling through the dub opening theme instrumentals
>but no DM or Vrains
unironically way too early to make a judgement call.
a decks worth is entirely based on its starters and they released ryu-ge without their normal summon(s)
Orbs will save them
Primals will save them
Mega Baba will save them
Azure Flute will save them
how does /dng/ feel when you're given no sympathy because of the deck you play? I have a right to complain about Bystials and D-Shifter, but then others will retort "you're playing Gimmick Puppet FTK bruh" like I have no right to complain.
Why does it have to be a normal summon, why can't it be a special that starts the combo?
r-ace were unplayable without their e-tele
P.U.N.K were borderline unplayable without deer note.
you have to wait for the final CaC before judging a dbp.
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yeah i know but there's no hope, for the near future at least
Is jewlia no longer head judge? No sign of her at worlds from what I've heard. Any tewart sightings?
>I complain about my opponent stopping me from playing yugioh because I aim to play the most uninteractive game possible when I do play yugioh
What do you think, retard?
Why don't they ever push this hard for Dark Magician or Red-Eyes? Why does Blue-Eyes get everything?
Big oof.

Regardless, it shows that people truly don't understand the concept that all of the info is already public. Yet konami does not get any flak on this.
>uninteractive gameplay for me, but not for thee
ya idk bro must be the world just being unfair to you :/
shifter is complete uninteraction as well

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