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Previous: >>493548795

>Version 2.5 "Flying Aureus Shot to Lupine Rue" Special Program
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFu-eSscT10 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbjtlsurHkE (JP)

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.5 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240830version-2zj3e2/index.html

>Version 2.5 Trailer — "Flying Aureus Shot to Lupine Rue"
>Jiaoqiu Trailer -- "Pneumanull Rice"
>Myriad Celestia Trailer: The Arrow that Seeks the Stars
>Animated Short: "Taking It Easy"

>Current Character Banners: (Jiaoqiu, Sparkle + Hook, Guinaifen, Arlan) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32306326
>Current Light Cone Banners: Those Many Springs (Nihility), Earthly Escapade (Harmony) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32306419

>New Drip Marketing:
>Rappa (5* Imaginary Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32521040

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
Why does a doll have sweat glands?
This one
It was going to be a hertaschizo thread anyways
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I never denied liking cock, but don’t act like you’re not the same, fofofaggot
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>Herta thread
It's been way too long, ty for bake.
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Recapping OUR HEROES

Has never killed anyone (on screen or implied)
Has helped IPC colonize multiple planets, whether that was for the best or not
Called the "kindest" of the IPC by Himeko, Aventurine and Boothill
Assisted Aventurine in reclaiming Penacony despite not caring about it
Treats her workers OK
Withheld her success rate (80%) information from Bronya
Says she might not have become friends with the AE if Bronya didn't intervene

Has killed people as a slave and as a pre-Stoneheart IPC
Gladly consented to reclaiming Penacony with the added bonus of getting to finally kill himself there
Has few workers because he does most of his stunts alone + Sigonian racism
Manipulated TB and co into this 5d chessgame that amounted to nothing but a small means of getting the IPC into Penacony
Makes up for it with tons of bribery and flattery

Helped Aventurine shoot & likely kill a grunt in his character story
Literally takes advantage of the average person's greed with zero remorse
Made an exchange that destroyed an entire planet and made it into jewelry
Has frequent meetings with Opal and Obsidian about whether a planet should be destroyed or taken by the IPC
Actively groomed "children" like Aventurine and Topaz to be as soulless as she is
Assisted Aventurine and Topaz in reclaiming Penacony
Threatened to go full jew on Oti if he did not stand down
Treats her workers like shit
Gives back to a underfunded loli orphanage (LOL)
the illusion of choice
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Blade is my fuarking hero
>Actually based Sporkole poster for once
wow, what a rarity
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Jade is no hero of mine, swap her for Skott.
what is /hsrg/'s favorite ost?
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>sigga mentioned
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what are your 2.5 rolling plans?
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Based. Put flopflopfags in their place.
Spacewalk of course
>he made two threads again
Why is he like this?
She's either unaware of what's going on in the Luofu, is incompetent, or she's in on it.

It's hilarious in hindsight how much the first Luofu visit emphasized the HCQ, instead of Dan Feng separately when that group is by and large irrelevant to the Luofu story.
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Firefly love!
E2 Feixiao and then roll for Topaz's LC for the insane meme Feixiao/Acheron team
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>even outerplane got elysia before us
Feixiao E0S1
Maybe Robin if Rappa turns out to look like shit.
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>Sigger mentioned
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I can't wait for Herta (real)
I haven’t played this game since jade’s banner and I don’t plan on playing it again desu
>Fontaine rain when he cry
>Save Navia out of nowhere
>Freeze the water that turn Fontaine people to water
>Live in Fontaine 500 YEARS but doesn't know Furina isn't the real Focalor(Archon)
>On save Fontaine when Archon get beheaded because muh dragon power
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>The American Sparkle poster is a FAGGOT
>xhe visits a general of a game xhe doesn't play anymore
Does anybody have E6S5 Black Swan?
Hat not big enough. Will actually skip Herta if they insult me with such tiny hat.
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sporkles sexo
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Firefly love!
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where is kafka?
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Bigger then mine
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Every time I see this image getting posted it's some stupid shit
Saved Belobog, saved Penacony. Soon the IPC general Feixiao will save Luofu.
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Congrats on being able to read, anon! I’m so proud of you!
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SPD boots with good substats please I'm begging you Mr Dawei I'm on my KNEES it's been MONTHS
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>Ice dragon is a girl
Please be a white haired hebe god I need more, even better if barefoot. Just never stop printing Claras, but make them all for me
Just Robin
I need to huff Herta. I need to puff Herta. I need to huff and puff, and puff and huff. I need to. I need to. I need
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the fuck is that translation
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dangerously based
The part where she goes
>watch this!
hits much harder than the JP equivalent, and I only ever play in JP.
I've prefarmed robins matts and traces but i'm not sure if i'll actualy pull her, i just want someone to build
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Would give Stuckle my 6.8 inch bwc
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Me on the right.
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Time traveler here
Sundays ultimate will have him summoning The Great Septimus and he will use it similar to the boss fight
k, keep me posted
I want Feixiao, Robin, and Lingsha so I might have to use THAT
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I'm a hebeGOD. For me, it's about posting my daughterwives and sisterwives that I love so much. Imagine being a disgusting hagpedo. What do they even post, their "mother"? Disgusting.
>Dr.Ratio left the chat
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Check it out, I'm in the house like carpet
Go to sleep mori
this sounds like it would fit right into a house mix
>watch this is better than kurae
your jp dub permissions have been revoked
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>Hertaschizo makes thread
>Posts (you) baiting post to drive engagement into the thread
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>post two tiddies monsters
What do you mean by this false god?
DU for now
Uh oh, gojocuck melty inbound
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We know what Acheron and sigga's answer is, but what about you guys, do you prefer Hell or Nihility?
And if there's too many heads in my blunt I won't spark it.
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>more people have JQ than some units that have had reruns
It was a funny experience vibing to this in the latest MoC as Aventurine absolutely wrecked my Acheron team and forced me to pull out Yunli.
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We love our heroes here
>i see it
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This game doesn't have a single character that comes even close to being describeable as a titty monster
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more copies of worrisome blissful
>Susan and Gui
Kek you sound like someone that's too afraid to talk to an adult woman so you cope with teenagers.
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Seiryuu, byakko, Miruku tea saikyou!
I fucking love this one and I'm so sad it's only for an event
>posts two adults
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Why are we being spammed with porn?
This part flows much better in JP, but the final "Kurae!" is a bit weak compared to "Watch this!".
Firefly porn poster always posts porn then disappears for awhile.
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Actually unreal how hard Argenti theme goes for despite it not being an actual real fight every single time you fight him.
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
why is everyone posting random shit and not Wildfire?
my tongue belong inside her ears
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>quit at Sparkle
>returned for the worst rerun patch imaginable
>the meta is completely unpended and the only thing reasonable to roll for is Robin (so not immediately helpful)
At least I got the Mitsuki-chan
Skip all banners and Rappa's banner. See if Sunday and/or Tingyun alter are good. Then see what 3.0+ holds
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Everyone in these threads likes cock. It does not need to be stated.
Where is this from? Asking for a friend
In case you didn't catch it during the event, she's just making shit up to sound cool or like a hero.
The world isn't ready for Argentina (Serioso)
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>Azure Dragon is Daniel
>White Tiger is ????
I only like feminine cocks that are up to average length, but much thinner and gentler.
>feminine cocks
bought another 30 days of the pass thanks to that samsung coupon
it was only a 30% off but better than nothing
I miss visiting Herta... I used to let the game just run in that room for the music, I liked seeing character idles there, it's a very nice track
Here >>493576392
Cute and small = feminine
Stop being weird.
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In the time of chimpanzees, I was a monkey
Butane in my veins, and I'm out to cut the junkie
With the plastic eyeballs, spray paint the vegetables
Dog food skulls with the beefcake pantyhose

Kill the headlights and put it in neutral
Stock car flaming with the loser in the cruise control
Baby's in Reno with the vitamin D
Got a couple of couches, sleep on the loveseat

Someone came, saying I'm insane to complain
About a shotgun wedding and a stain on my shirt
Don't believe everything that you breathe
You get a parking violation and a maggot on your sleeve

So shave your face with some mace in the dark
Saving all your food stamps and burning down the trailer park
Yo - cut it

Onions un perdedor
I'm a loser, baby
So why don't you kill me?
Onions un perdedor
I'm a loser, baby
So why don't you kill me?
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My man, definitely comfiest theme in the game.
From this shipfag porn guy on xeet, I'll see if I find him
Feixiao if you really want to stretch it, it's kind of weird this game doesn't do a classic 4 heavenly kings kind of thing, would they just reserve that for the biggest wanks possible?
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Well damn, I'm not a pencil dick so I guess I'm out.
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Jing Yuan
Here's the guy
skip until rappa then decide between rappa or tingyun
Kys retarded faggot.
Blow the house down?
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My little sister (14) gifted me some bootleg Luocha-labeled perfume because it was affordable but still kind of pricey on her part-time job money, and she wanted to make me happy... I ordered her a Bailu plushie, because she's her favorite character. She hasn't played the cat cakes missions yet, but once she does if she likes them I'll get her a plushie of that too. For now, I handed her a bunch of hsr merch with the characters she likes (Bailu, Fofo, Clara and Dan2) from zines and artists that I accumulated and just kept in a folder. We are 8 years apart and hsr became a convenient topic for us to connect with in the past couple of months, since she started playing the game but can't figure out character building or a lot of the story (she skips it) herself. Honkai star rail brings families together.
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Stop copy pasting shit from other sites it's gross
Which reddit is this from
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Four heavenly gods (Suzaku etc.) are usually used by the Japanese pop culture and I rarely see the chinks go for it (this is probably in large part due to onmyodo influences) and I wanna go um akshully here because four heavenly gods (buddhistic) are actually a different thing from this.
This game is too hard I quit.
You should have sex with her!
My lil sis play Twisted Wonderland.
>Topaz that low
>Jade that low
Fag's here kept insisting that they were popular.
that's fair cya
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Cute and wholesome what the heck? I hope this is real Luochayumesis and not some copypasta kek
Every single Jade puller knew she was sent out to die. Stop being a disingenuous faggot
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I'm the actual person who baked that long Fofo bread. Howdy. I didn't even bump the thread once, to my surprise, there are quite a lot of fofo posters who kept it alive. I was as surprised as everyone when I went to sleep and woke up to the thread still being there. In any case, it was fun seeing people actively avoiding it. I was going to bake Xueyi bread instead of Fofo, but the thought of pushing a huohuo star rail thread was funny. That 14+ thread melty the general had was also pretty amusing to see. I should bake more often desu, but with less posted girls like Sushang, Gui, Asta or Henya
Does any lore god know if any of the chinkships is closely related to a space Japan like Edo Star or Izumo?
These are the best posts itt
It's not what she says in japanese
No reddit spacing, i assume either a xitter or hoyolab copypaste, either way cute and wholesome, 4chins could never
I need to lick and suck on those perfect Huohuo toes
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He will be busted.
Nobody asked
grooming your sister with a gambling game is smart you should start gifting her passes too
i was one of the anons who kept it alive, i woke up Friday morning and saw it was gone.
They had to bake 13 threads just for it to be wiped off the catalog lol
That's cute bro
He's a lion not a tiger.
I like Sushie quite a bit for a chink side slut, she's just a fun retard, it's fundamentally good character writing.
Every time you see dragon and tiger mentioned in HSR, 99% of the times it's for Dan & Jing Yuan.
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>Googled it
>Not a single result
Oh fuck
It's real
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A tiger, huh
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I love her.
Not like that.
I'm the only joseimuke player in the family, one sister plays rhythm games and the one I posted about only played genshin before. She doesn't play games otherwise.
I want to believe that I am real...
It happened today...
No, Xianzhou is too busy being autistic about the hunt to cross paths with anything Japanese-coded
>openly admitting to being a huge faggot
Good for you i guess
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Had a dream about Amphoreus
>Planet is split in three factions
>Greeks are the majority and follow the Rememberance
>Romans are trying to seize control and follow the Enigmata
>The third faction (egyptians) is following the finality and they are the weakest faction but gain power thanks to a Stellaron
>the three leaders are Leonidas/Caesar/Cleopatra, and the faction that rules the planet needs to have control of the great temple of omphalos
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based. I once posted a thread on a random board and it was kept alive for 6 months
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Is Stelle talking to (you), here?
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I started posting in it and mocking the other threadgoers because their melty was too funny not to. Of course I also laughed at them for ultimately ending up in a Elysia thread kek
Keep your dreams to yourself in the future
This has to be an actual Otaku or some incel playing it off, nobody calls them Joseimuke outside extremely niche spheres, twitter and Reddit are normie central and would never use those terms.
I'm surprised you're "22", I'd expect someone from the old guard, not a zoomie.
>Using Dickless Dan
Doesnt count
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Thanks friend
>there's sparklexaventurine but also wandererxnilou
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My little sister asked me how to figure out how to install hsr on her ipad but she pissed me off so bad how shed yell that i play genshin impact even though ive never played it and shew as annoying about me playing hsr before too so i wont tell her how to play it

she drew me an elden ring character for my birthday though.
but she sent me like 1000 photos of the herta twirl once and it pissed me off because it crashed my phone
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Anal gang?.... Also pretty telling how constance is the only one still getting art
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If I can be real, she's a brick against aventurine
she is a hag tho
I'm guessing you dont have an internal monologue, do you?
Not just Sparkle x Aventurine but Sparkle x Boss Aventurine... HOLY
God I hope she isn't a hag because I just can't get into their faces unless it's Kafka without makeup
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Fat fuck
Tell her /twst/ is always accepting new faces!
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They weren't in that dream but they're still in my heart
the image manipulation on this one though good lord
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nyo, i dont want more newfags in my general. dont say that sis
>That game has a general
I wonder what the population chart looks like, 80% gay men, 20% women?
it's an asian woman
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What's wrong with it? Isn't this just her saying 2 of the 4 Chinese Beasts with the Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermilion Bird, and the Black Tortoise?
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Is kate your fave boy? Who's you're favorite star railer?
EN is the canon dub
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That fucking face
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you should flip it and it will be accurate. its 80% women and 20% gay men who sometimes seethe about the yumes and women in the gen
nyox2. its not kate, and my favourite railer is march
youre that one adeuce sis though arent you. if so i've talked to you before in here
Hmmnyo she doesn't even use 4leaf. Also no one asked but her favorite is blue hair guy.
More like fake fuck
Hidari no Seiryuu, Migi no Byakko Mirukuti wa yappari saiko!
It's pretty close, also the original is CN, not JP anyways.
EN is only missing the direction (left/right) but I'm assuming those were cut so it "rhymed" better.
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No I don't like adeuce that much. Riddle is my favorite but I like the eels too. I mostly just lurk I don't have that much to say over there.
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Brick Juan is a lion not a tiger, even in the video you posted
which blue hair guy, theres a lot of them...
How many animations to do they need to pay for for one character? They are really pushing wind fox.
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A riddle sis... I see, I always liked him he's very cute.
I remember there being a very specific adeuce sis who always would post about them here in this gen. So I just assumed it was you, seems there are multiple twsties here
I have E2S1 Robin now, so im planning to get her to E6. If i get lucky on her banner i may grab 1 copy of Feixiao or Lingsha as well.
If you think that's pushing you would've fucking DIED of an aneurism during Firefly cycle, the amount of special events and trailers she got stand above every other unit.
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Can we go back to talking about anal worms?
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Literal otome reddit uses it all the time, don't ask me how I know. There's a thread on vmg... /blog/ too. But otome vns are kind of a niche in a niche, so I guess?
Be nice to her and help her install the game.
She would've said "I'm" otherwise.
>What's wrong with it?
She's workshopping her superhero oneliner, it's supposed to be funny
The way it's delivered in CN it rhymes (moreso in the short version) and JP picked up on this changing the second half so it rhymes better, but EN completely fumbled the bag by simply giving it a direct translation and a low energy delivery.
no way fag
No she's just a schizo and she hears voices because of the Stellaron aids
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I'm using Yunli/Sparkle/Tingyun/FX now (I don't have Fofo)

Would swapping Tingyun for Robin improve my team significantly or I shouldn't bother?
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Idk, roll for who you like!
Direct translation or else you get a ton of idiots crying about localization, there's no winning hand here.
And you can't really strife away too much from the original message anyways.
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This one. She bought picrel on her birthday.
What is your UID Luochasis
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I have TY and Robin and Sparkle and topaz and I genuinely can't tell the difference
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I like both Robin and Rappa, I'm trying to decide who to roll.
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holy based...tell her she has good taste. hes a nice guy
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Ownership isn’t the same as character popularity, Chink vote from before FF.
Roll both gweilo
There are several PVs a character can get, the minimum every 5* gets is:
>Keeping up with Star Rail
Explaining their kit with Owlber and some guest that is related in some way to the character being showcased.
>Character Trailer
This trailer is often dropped one day before the character banner and its rendered in-engine, usually just depicts the character beating up some enemies and using a special music track composed for the character.
>Animated Sig LC + VO
Its just a L2D render of the Signature LC with some voice on top, usually posted on Twitter/Tiktok.

After that you get the tier 2 package which includes
>Myriad Celestia
This is a simple animated video showcasing the character story/lore background.
>A moment amongst the stars
Similar to the above but usually short in nature, ~30 seconds or so, only a few charactres have gotten this so its not guarantee that everyone gets one.

And after that you get the tier 3 package which is the FULL shill mode
>Animated Short
A full animation short done by Mihoyo themselves to showcase the character story or just the character personality in full detail.

Only Acheron so far has managed to get ALL of the PV material, followed closely by Firefly which got everything except for "A moment amongst the stars" trailer though she got it covered by having an entire Phone call event with 3 different messages, a POV Date video and several other PVs like the Tatalov or SGF ones dedicated JUST to her, she's by far the character with the most PVs.

Animated Short: https://youtu.be/e5xueJq4Lwc / https://youtu.be/pdiwGOicQVs
Myriad Celestia: https://youtu.be/Z3aWHMg92_U / https://youtu.be/qsBBZRNoP8s
Character Trailer: https://youtu.be/IQQPDPAvxTg / https://youtu.be/eFXQqY3ia6k
A moment amongst the stars: https://youtu.be/rvMxhJds3Ow / https://youtu.be/gsGHRwJNmDU / https://youtu.be/8AaPHNlrwFU
Keeping up with Star Rail: https://youtu.be/Y9vz34wximk / https://youtu.be/1Jct7Gt_-MA
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Idia is cool! I want a uchiyama chara in hsr too.
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602737497 second one in the pasterbin somehow, don't know if anyone even uses it anymore.
>twst talk
Wtf jumpscare, I left the general. Leave!
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>Hook and Herta that high on the 4* votes
Oh there's at least some hope for CN lolifags despite the dismal amount of Clara votes...
The pastebin has been deprecated for a while, nowadays this is whats "used" https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZNW2zGVWO66phNXUYSN6l1YrLIJmu4HWjqeIkkY-OY4/htmlview
Though I don't think is widely used, not a lot of people have put their UID in there.
Technically, if you count Jade's myriad celestia as Aventurine's, because it was more about him than her, he got every trailer too
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>Our fuarking heroes got all three trailers
I kneel before Acheron, Aventurine and Firefly, they RUN this general.
Yeah, I added a few people from the spreadsheet, but never bothered to add myself.
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wtf I hate Sigga now. Where was all this for my waifu? Penashills ruined this game
Go borrow a Robin for your dailies. Make sure it has at least 4k atk.
Baby topaz got everything she could back in the day except for the anime trailer. Those only became more common in peniscunny
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With a solo counter-attacker there's too many variables to determine the value of that extra energy from TY but probably it'd be more damage sure. But you should pull Harmonies to open up more team comps, e.g. swap Sparkle for Robin, TY for March 8 if to counter both PHYS and IMG if they pop up on the same floor.
Aventurine didn't get an animated short tho
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He is the reason she wasn't completely forgotten after Belobog, he gave her a job. Show some respect.
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Another anon already brought it up but it's a thing I'm surprise that this general keep getting wrong. A lot of people don't pull just because the character itself, the game play is a huge factor whether a player, even a casual play would pull for them or not. It would make sense that Topaz toolkit filter a lot of people from pulling her.
Yes he did. Sure it was short but he did.
Ten Stonehearts doko?
In the garbage big where they belong.
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He didn't, he got two "A moment among the stars" which are just short ones. He didn't get an animation on the level of Acheron or Firefly's
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Kafka mama doko
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My heroes
Oh I guess if you wanna get technical. I consider anime to be anime regardless of length.
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wtf I hate peniscunny now

She barely did anything Peniscunny and the only thing it led to was more shipshit art and shitposting so once again, the consequences of Aventurine have been catastrophic to Topaz and especially this game.

>Paid skin: March 7th Festival outfit, 1680 Oneiric Shards
>Free skin: Natasha swimsuit (1 piece, supposedly censored)
Source: Uncle 黑鬼 on Weibo (semi-reliable)
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My fuarking heroes
replacing sparkle with robin should technically result in somewhat better output but it's probably not going to save you any cycles
Aventurine is carrying your whore's personality so you should be thankful for him
>blud thinks Natasha is getting a swimsuit
Topazfags are really the guys I pity the most in this game, such an unfortunate fate for their waifu
still better than SW
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why fight?
kys spadefag
if only NU hoyo would have the fucking balls to release a swimsuit skin for a 4* hag like Natasha that no one uses anymore
Optimal partner for the newest DPS is an unfortunate fate? Seele wishes she could be that unfortunate.
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That artist and the other you posted are avenpazfags btw
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This your hero?
Arent most women avenpazfags?
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The consequences of Aventurine have been CATASTROPHIC to Topaz and especially this game. FUA meta? He's there. Story writing? He's there. He destroyed trillions.

Thankfully she is back to appearing alone in random bullshit like this chink tournament.
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What? She got more (you) pandering and art now than ever. Unless you mean for metafag purposes which don't matter at all because I still 3-cycle with her
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yes i am talking about gameplay not art
I aspire to be like that.
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So cute~
So canon~
Literally me
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my FUARKING chinese heroes
I don't mean for meta obviously, you can always use your favourites just fine
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I'm not surprised, art is art thoughbeit.
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I'm about to boot the PS and try to clear Hoolay's MoC with:
Luochud E0S0 Luocha (Perfect Timing)
Blade E1S1
Bronya E1S1
Jiaoqiu E2S1
Bets on how many cycles it'll take good ol' Bladie to clear?
>Took 4 years for Genshin to reach its lowest point
>Took 1 year and a few months for HSR to drop to genshin's level
>Not even a year yet and ZZZ is below Genshin
Went from a cultural phenomenon to generic gacha slop. MHY has fallen.
What's a "pag" ?
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Since when? There's a reason why topaz bwos post proof they got her the first time around and even moreso post proof they're sovl and skipped ratio because hetero game
you sound cool
5 cycles and a dream he's got this
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his girlfriend btw
YOU are a PAG!
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I remember an anon said earlier that there's barely any avenpaz porn for some reason and today I opened twitter and saw some lel
That's what happens when you try to become the Disney of mobages
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What could've been...
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Braids meganefly jumpscare
Finally, Fu xuan is free from the shiplooneys, WE HECKING WON.
Literally me during the 2020 lockdown.
Mid Yuan is just like me, fr fr.
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It's unhealthy to be obsessed with niggers so
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*blocks your path*
Kakavasha NO!!!!!!!!!!!! DON'T LOOK!!
I'm not sharing porn with a lil sigga I don't want FBI at my door
Stop appropriating Chinese culture
She has been for a while now, I barely see any art of her that isn't solo or with QQ
What does "pag" mean though for real?
3.0 herta mogs firefly btw
boomer ass gif
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>went from muh accurate representation to turning every character into a nigger
Whats wrong with americans...
I fucking flopped...
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Who still needs to roll? Surely you didn't skip twice?
I laugh everytime I see this
it's just a vomit gif, bro
to show my disgust
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I hope so, some competition is very much appreciated
it's missing the reference to milk tea, are you playing dumb or what?
3.x is going to be even more disappointing than 2.x.
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stp[ [ittomg [agbom onyp ebrth6nj
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>Fu xuan is free from the shiplooneys, WE HECKING WON
Are you sure about that?
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I want to have sex with Mori Calliope from Hololive EN
Honkai Star Rail
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It's basically just seanigger, and has been forced as the alternative in the past year or so.
More skips for the collab
Milk tea line is not in CN, weeb

>Thing is like other good thing so it's bad
I will never understand this.
Go back to talking about otome games please
I find her and QQ to be way too straight for it to be a modern Yuri pairing, they're like, konata and kagami for me, and they both regularly talk about being boyfriendless
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Idk bwos I rweally liked 2.0
I will be playing 9 RIP instead of 2.6...
Those are just 2 of the chinese myth of 4 cardinal guardians, black tortoise, white tiger, red phoenix and azure dragon.
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Meta-relevant femboy when?
excellent post but
>Only Acheron so far has managed to get ALL of the PV material
She didn't get one
Are you being dense on purpose? The "animated short" videos are called animated short, not A moment among the stars, and they're in full 3d, not just animated slides
2.0 had kino setup and had a strong ending with SuD boss fight into SAM boss fight with Acheron cliffhanger followed by the Aventurine and Robin cliffhanger, that shit is was great
Too bad they shat the bed with the pacing of 2.1 and then made none of the previous important storybeats matter in 2.2 so it kind of just fell flat, atleast the Septimus fight was cool
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Holy badonkas
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I agree, anon's cat
>She didn't get one
an "A moment amongst the stars" video I mean, sorry
I'm a newfag so I don't have her
I thought about rolling her but I don't have enough jades
it reads "stop putting pagbin into everything"
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>They're gonna waste precious time that could've gone into showing more of the setting on collab trash with fucking fate of all things
I hate this
Move aside Topiggies, GOATzeLORDS run this thread now
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A term that /gig/ troons coined to make fun of poor SEAgoblins.
Which would be funny by itself, if it wasn't spammed every single time that somebody dared to show some semblance of heterosexuality ITT.
These mentally ill individuals have some Indog living rent-free in their heads, and it shows.
>All setup with no payoff
It became shit retroactively unfortunately
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My FUARKING heroes
Real talk though, I think out of all the characters in this game the only one that has been truly powercrept is Silver Wolf. You can buff all the other characters later with artifact sets or new characters but SW's gimmick has been given to Break characters without any RNG, she can't recover from that unless she gets straight up buffed.
Finally good writing, I mean, they are hiring Nasu right? Right?
It was being used in /wowg/ before genshin even came out, so I doubt your story
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Unironically the only thing that stopped me from rolling this bitch was the fact that her eyes have the lame contacts instead of actually showing her pretty irises
And now I'll never roll her, at least not until she gets some sort of alt maybe
lmao, even
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I love March
Caelus X Silver Wolf OTP
Nasu is hard at work writting the end of part 2 just like George is hard at work writing the ending of asoif :)
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Clara...... At least SW does have a place in a full quantum team even if it is a meme
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Nasu barely writes for his own game you think he's gonna write for HSR?
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I'm gonna mess you up, buttercup.
>implement elio's model for the longest time
>do nothing with it
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nah bronya has been crept pretty hard along with Jingliu. Any non 5* support has been crept pretty hard as well. That said, if you rolled 2 limited harmonies and eidelons you can make almost any team work now. Hunt 7th is insane with invested robin
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Leave the Ambrosial Arbor to me
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Uhh I'll take it.
At least it's almost one planar 2pc enabler.
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Robin if Hoyo actually cared about representing Jazz culture that Penacony was based on
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Sorry, but you're getting saved from slop, you have no choice in this
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I only like futa cocks so i'm still straight, QQposter.
Feixiao E1 or S1?
Guys he's been prolific lately, if he's just pumping out subpar shit compared to his big stuff, I'm sure he'll at least have some input on the Collab plot right? I mean I do fully expect that it will be set in zhuming and be a swordsmithing thing too, so even the QQ fag can't complain about in game lore screen time being lost
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Listen here, just because you praised me last night doesn't mean I'm gonna let you pee in my butt.
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yes, because only blacks play jazz, no one else is allowed to
you stupid shit
>Good writing
>My attack that cannot miss because that is its ability missed
>Highschool boy with a few weeks of experience can defeat the King of Heros
This is HSR level of writing.
>Enemy has the power of an Aeon and can drop meteors and blow up stars but a guy with a bat wins.
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Just be thankful that it's UBW and not FGO.
Imagine if they introduced picrel into the game. The anti self-insert schizos would have a melty for months, probably outliving Firefly's.
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S1 for sure
Going from E0 to E2 is over double the upgrade of S1, but just E1 is really not that impressive
>if you roll eidolons for your units they'll be strong!
I lost all my divegrass screenshots of Archer btfoing the sigga...
I'm using March in my Feixiao fua team
He writes a lot if it's for the main story.
Important story chapters are written personally and he supervises chapters written by other writers, sometimes he write the prologue and epilogue of those chapters too.
Yeah the biggest difference is that there's no guarantee that the people voting on the polls even play the game.
They could make SW’s implant weakness work past a type of break guard, so in theory a new mechanism rather than direct buff.
My wife... Don't actually drag her into this please I'm very happy living at peace with her
Sexy and cute Feixiao
She's for aurora thoughever
>a lot
Last thing he wrote was LB7 two years ago, currently writing OC3 which is the worst slop he's written in a while.
>>My attack that cannot miss because that is its ability missed
He does a lot of hyperbole, that is nothing
>>Highschool boy with a few weeks of experience can defeat the King of Heros
That's the whole point of Gil though.
If he's serious, he's undefeatable for most non top tier servants, but he's too conceited to ever get serious against weaklings.
HSR at least has the excuse of being self-aware metafiction.
Reminder that Robin is a virgin
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drew jiaoqiu and feixiao
cute saved
In all honesty neither she nor Ratio needed to show up on Penacony as neither of them were necessary there. And in many ways the story would have been better if they weren't there. And even if she wasn't at Penaciny she'd still show up in 2.5 so she didn't need the screentime in Penacony.
That's pretty reductive but the fight shit in FSN works well narratively and serves a bigger purpose besides just powerlevel fagging. HSR can't even do fight scenes too so I don't get the appeal behind powerlevel fagging with lore either, it's such geek encyclopedia shit it means nothing.
That's nice, thanks for sharing bro
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thank you anon
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holy cute!
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Don't care, they were.
It’s much more likely the ownership rate is derived entirely from chink metafags who logged their full clear data with the site/app.
You don't have to believe me.
Pick any of /gig/'s latest threads and do a control+F with the word "pag".
Now do the same for any other gacha general in /vg/.
There's clearly an specific group of people obsessed with street shitters, and it's certainly not us.
Penacony suffered a huge cast mishandling. The entire IPC section could've been handled by Jade and Aventurine, they're the only ones who had relevant roles.
>Sonic kino
Or Abby, or Gogh, or Dechi . . .
Fuck, I'd kill for any of FGO's loli to be in HSR
The only real annoying part of her kit is that she can reapply the element she already implanted. If that wasn't the case she would be fine. During this MoC I had SW apply fire every time I used her skill even though the enemy currently had fire weakness implanted.
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Good morning bwos. It's 605.
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Too bad we can't get a Fate/Extella collab so we can get ArCHADmedes in here
Yup, it's fucking ass I hate it. I pretty much have to pray for a 1/3 chance of her implanting imaginary element in any other MoC. Well actually it's usually just 1/2 since they're likely to already either be fire weak or quantum weak at least, but they really should've made her ignore other implants too instead of overlapping
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7:05 AM in the Philippines!
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>Can your year-long savings keep up?
I'm skipping all the fateslop characters
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thank you, love you all!!! I should stop making the gifs so big
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It's midnight
nasu can't write for shit you people are delusional
>Penacony suffered a huge cast mishandling. The entire IPC section could've been handled by Jade and Aventurine, they're the only ones who had relevant roles.
The funny thing is that all is that unecessary characters didn't debut from Penacony so they didn't be there and they are all associated with Aventurine's plot. There was a simpler way of doing Aventurine's plot without making it convoluted.
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>Highschool boy with a few weeks of experience can defeat the King of Heroes
Shirou's based though.
There's a very long explanation about how he got his magic powers in F/SN, but it seems that reading is not your forte.
HSR has yet to reach a level of KINO that rivals this or any other of the fights in UBW and HF.
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I'm skipping lingsha/rappa/sunday/tingyun/all of 3.x (except maybe Screwllum and Herta)
It makes the wait for Feixiao all the more agonizing because it'll be the last time I pull in a WHILE
It being popular in gig doesn't mean it originated there though.
I'll start saving after 2.5, and will only roll for hebes.
this is why I'm skipping feixiao. she's glued to the nastiest worm in the game
How do you know you're skipping all of 3.x? We know of 2 units
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>someone drew this
Yeah, someone based.
Fate kiddie melty.
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Good evening bwo
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(You) owe Feixiao a 10 roll
would be super funny if we didn't get any playable fate characters at all
Just say that his adopted dad put Avalon inside of him. The only reason why he's not any better at magecraft is because his adopted father taught him it incorrectly.
It's weird because the fight scenes aren't even the best part about FSN, I thought the emotional strength and nuanced outlook of its characters to be way more engaging. They do constitute for more than just Hype value though, they're pretty good narrative pay offs and build ups in of themselves
Gilgamesh is the only Fate character worth getting
she's not entitled to 1600 of my jades
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what light cone should I use on Sparkle if I dont want to get her own cone? The only other 5 star Harmony I have is Bronya cone should I just stick with that one?
I only want a Gilgamesh skin for my sigga
bronya cone is pretty good, yes
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I'll do a 10-roll if based Hoolay kills the worm that orbits her
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>Gives me 1000 jades
>Asks for 1600
This doesn't seem fair.
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I just have a pretty big gut feeling it's not gonna be that interesting, I would even skip Ratio and I have 0 doubt no one from that setting is gonna be as good as him
The ONLY way I could see another non-skip situation is if new Stonehearts or Galaxy Rangers get involved

But no one from Space Greece, no
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Nihility? Loses to EA, GG
I will only roll if she is for TB. If it's another jingloo situation where they literally don't interact then idc.
Gilgamesh is literally wormed btw he has a boyfriend
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Bologna's cone is pretty close to her signature in terms of power and utility. But DDD and Past and Future should make for a good replacement.
I mean you at least did have a debate with her in this version bwo, she acknowledged that you're cool and all, that's much more than Jingloo did
But I don't think it's gonna go much further than that, no
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>non connected planet to the IPC system
There's definitely going to be one of those niggas trying to benefit from whatever happens there
His boyfriend is clay and doesn't have a gender. Enkidu also copied a female prostitute as the body. Real life gil is a faggot yes.
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Give me Pearl or give me death
I also expect lots of flops, but there's a high chance for interesting filler patches
>Su patch with screwllum
>Galaxy ranger / ipc oswaldo
>Galaxy ranger / genius society dr. Primative
>Ruan mei forma de eon
>Jobber gang
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I've pulled at least 1 toon every patch of 2.X
i regret not pulling yunli
2.4 was my exception
Wait same actually huh. 2.5 will be the first time I don't
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I didn't roll anyone in 2.1
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my fuarking hero
This hits too close to home it's depressing
I'm interested in Herta that's about it for now
Me too, I didn't really expect to end up rolling on every patch since 2.0.

Why did you regret it and why didn't you pull her?
>Experienced warrior with an arsenal of special weapons, has immense knowledge, and has taken down strong opponents before so his reaction time, speed, strength, etc are shown to be superhuman
>HS boy
>No experience against servants and super beings
>In the span of a few weeks he can gain the knowledge and ability to defeat someone who can handle servants that disappear when they move and can level buildings casually
>No one else, none of the people who can level buildings and disappear when they move, was ever able to do what Shirou did
Doesn't matter if it's explained, it's stupid. And HSR has reached this level of stupidity already. It's how TB can beat everyone no matter what Aeon backs them
I want the supposed loli and am vaguely interested in the pink fairy if she's related to March. But all leaks could be bullshit and hoyo designs almost always look worse in practice than in my head
The Fofo Argenti patch is the only one I've skipped so far
>JLoo, BRICKpaz
>Nguyen May
>Black Swan
And I'm planning to get:
>Feixiao, Lingchud
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deader than dead
Feixiao not having a tail will tank her sales by 40%
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same except for 2.0 which I skipped and exchanged by pulling for both Acheron and sigga in 2.1
ship paggery will tank another 40%
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Similar to mine

truth. Fate is dogshit created for retarded teenage self-inserters. Fuck Shitrou and this collab
my son..
Reminder that the only Stoneheart to not run in a Filler patch is Jade.
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*buys you food*
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And she'll still outperform Fireflop, how crazy is that
would rape
Nah I bet it's a grower and becomes a respectable 5.5 inches when erect
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Let's not get carried away now.
I don't remember sharing that
How is she going to do that when no one plays this game anymore?
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flopxiao will have to clear flopflop first
NTA but I think it's clever in its thematic appropriateness, I could never understand or relate to this complaint because the whole novel understands how ridiculous it is and makes a point to highlight it because it's a relevant tool and consequence of it's underlying themes. I guess you can call it stupid in a mechanical sense either way if it but I just can't relate to that at all
>No one else, none of the people who can level buildings and disappear when they move, was ever able to do what Shirou did
That's on Gil for being a cocky jackass that refused to take the fight seriously till said highschooler chopped his arm off.
And it's like not Shirou killed him, he ran out of gas and STILL lost in the end. The only reason why he managed to survive was due to Archer's intervention, not because he "bested" Gil in battle.
Saleswise no.
MOC clear rates probably
>anniversary patch
t. not even a secondary or tertiary
2.1 was filler you could remove it and nothing would change.
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Your sigga???
gil had to be nerfed for the story, gil is like one of the most powerful in the nasu verse. He could probably take out arcueid or least give her a rough time.
You don't like it doesnt mean it's filler, sis.
It's the anniversary patch whatever you like it or not.
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The second half of 2.3 was one of the emptiest patches we've ever gotten since they needed to shill zzz
Nobody would have got to dreamflux reef without the fight with aventurine and ack. also aventurine got an in to penacony to the ipc
>b-b-b-but they could have done that differently!!!
Yet that's how it happened.
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TOPAZ THIGHZURI (imagine those are my hands instead)
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loreletGOD... I kneel...
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Aventurine mindbroke that anon so much he is denying the Raiden Mei Bosenmori patch
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Will she show up in 2.4?
Your art is consistently cute and full of soul, thanks for sharing
>mole on the left thigh

nice little detail.
Yeah, Fate has always been silly. And that's fine, I don't mind it at all. But it does feel a bit dumb when fanboys pretend like it's high literature or something.
The most based characters will always be cursed to remain NPCs...
No one cares.
Didn't matter.

Doesn't mean that it can't be filler.

>Nobody would have got to dreamflux reef without the fight with aventurine and ack.
That is false. We got to the Dreamflux reef because of Firefly, not the Sigga. Everyone else got there because of Sleepie and Gallagher. In fact, we would have gotten there back in 2.0 if not for the Sigga. So in reality he didn't matter, he just held the story back.
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How do damage bonuses actually work in this game?
If I have +30% from Yunli's sphere, +10% from Robin's penacony set and +40% from her skill, is it just +80% total or is there some multiplicative shit going on?
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Damage bonus % is always additive
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I can't wait for their reruns
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Gil being retarded isn't exclusive to FSN. He loses in Zero because he's a cocky retard, he loses in FSN because he's a cocky retard, he almost loses in CCC because he's a cocky retard, he almost loses in SF because he's a cocky retard...

It's part of this character.
>No one cares.
>Didn't matter.
IX's influence is growing stronger around here
Ratio is never getting reran
He is gonna be memed like Kaveh
awormdturdurine and floptor gayshio flopped
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On my cock.
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>be me
>a 30 year-old man, with some experience in martial arts
>get mugged by a 12 year-old kid with a gun
>he's clearly scared, shaking because it's his first crime
>I start to belittle him saying that he can't do shit to me
>get shot
>"What the fuck? I'm clearly stronger than him, how could I ever lose to this kid? SHIT WRITING, FUCK YOU, GOD!"
It makes perfect sense, you're just assmad because your blonde boyfriend didn't take the battle seriously and got his ass kicked (rightfully so)

Honkai Star Rail™
>Yet that's how it happened.
That's not now it happened though, you were in the Reverie and Firefly got Sleepie to send us to the Dreamflux Reef lorelet.
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The game is in such a shit state.
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Showing Herta my big diamond!
Compared to the run of the mill anime/manga/LN/VN stories, it might as well be one.
It's not a masterpiece or perfect, but it sure as hell much better than most literature in that market.
Cute. Except swap Ratio and Feixiao for team comps.
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Funnily enough 2.1 was the most nihilistic patch yet, very meta
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I like them, IPC dynamic as a trio never clicked for me but these guys just work
>IX's influence is growing stronger around here
Just telling the truth the Sigga's actions didn't effect anything.
2.1 was anti nihility as we know it but pro true nihility in that we have to make the best of our lives despite it seeing scary or pointless
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This, powerlevelfags are retarded as always.
>but he would win if he was acting logically all the time and used his strongest attack from the start!!!
Guess what, it's never gonna happen unless he's fighting Enkidu.
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Men can not (and do not) get pregnant
<Siggafags are all lorelets who didn't play the story
3:00min in
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I need to do all of the 2.4 story and the march event in a day cuz I waited too long...
You have no proof avgin men can't get pregnant.
or ritsuka or some kid that just wants to see Ea lmao.
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Nothing that can't be fixed.
>So in reality he didn't matter, he just held the story back.
You could say that about any antagonist who isn't connected to the main one though?
Besides, his main purpose behind getting fucked by Acheron was to have the IPC get a foothold on Penacony, so if it wasn't for him, most of 2.3 wouldn't have happened
It is stupid because everything now bends over backwards to make the MC win. If you don't want people pointing out its stupidity then don't have the story build up the character to be someone powerful, show how powerful he is, then turn him into a retard just for the MC. The theme can work without building up Gil to be some all powerful character.
>Shirou gets close
>Gil isn't serious
>Shirou in range to attack Gil
>Gil isn't serious
>Shirou starts slashing
>The KING OF HEROES can't defend himself because he isn't serious
Did Gil think nothing can affect him or something? Gil, with all his battle experience, didn't think anything when the HS boy continuously closed the distance? The king of heroes couldn't adapt to the battle? You don't need to be a genius to notice that the HS boy is closing the distance.
Exhibit A: Aventurine was raped by his slave master
Exhibit B: Aventurine was raped by Jade
Exhibit C: Aventurine has no children, much less ones he gave birth ot
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>no proof
>no proof
>even if A and B happened he could have just aborted that thang
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>3:00min in
He aborted every single one, between all HSR characters Aventurine had the most abortions
When did Gil fight ritsuka
Holy kek
But the Sigga wasn't the antagonist though, nor was he a hero. He was just the detour to the story that served no purpose.
>b-but the IPC plot
Was a C plot at best and the meeting was one that was already scheduled, and his "sacrifice" didn't even help, it was Robin that gained them a foothold. It's even lampshaded in both 2.3 and Myriad Celestia.
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But then it's less C&C.

Only really because Ratio and Topaz haven't been given a chance to truly meet on screen. I imagine they'd be friendly enough with each other.
but that's a woman
What relic set does alt Herta want?
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Fujos are such freaks
His whole character is about someone being so conceited and arrogant he'll let all of that happen.
It's not something that happened in just FSN, it happened in all other media he appears in.

Gil isn't even wearing is armor against Shirou.
He only gets serious against Enkidu or someone he deems worthy.
If he doesn't pull out Enkidu/Chains of Heaven or at least Ea, that means he isn't serious yet and can easily be blindsided.
Isn't this just guro? Stop being a baby.
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Aint no way that got 10k likes
They are having fun
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>fujotroons even get off to organ donation now
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He was absolutely the antagonist of 2.1, we literally fought him
And there's absolutely no way his sacrifice didn't help, otherwise the Stonehearts wouldn't have spent countless resources from multiple planets to give him his stone back, they would've fired him (and killed him) on the spot, without even a chance to vote on it
more like ritsuka earning the privilege of seeing ea in action unlike Tokiomi.
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>these are the mfs always talking shit about le fanbase straggots being weird
What are you, a pussy?
>Did Gil think nothing can affect him or something? Gil, with all his battle experience, didn't think anything when the HS boy continuously closed the distance?
Yes, Archer Gilgamesh is a retard that thinks the only person worth taking seriously is Enkidu.
He believes he's god among men and nothing can hurt him. Which makes him take stupid decisions with zero regards about his safety as shown in >>493592550
There's a reason why people like his Caster, more mature version of her him, over his Archer self.
I can't even begin to describe how stupid you are for posting this and calling it freak material when you're in /hsrg/ of all places
>(and killed him)
This is headcanon. Obsidian is the only one who thought he should've died for it btw.

Heterosexuality is sinful anon
Gays keeping each other's ballsacks in a jar? Wholesome and pure
Anon it's time to stop replying. This schizo has been mindbroken by 2.1 and he won't concede on anything because of autism.
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You guys know there's plenty of het with this fetish too, right? Why is it only noteworthy when fujos do it?
no, these get called weirdos by them too, fujo is a slur to them
Pretty sure the worst we have is someone like QQposter who's just a fag.
Because those bitches are hypocrites when it comes to non homoshit pairs.
It's a permanent event, as long as you okay with diminished rewards.
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>fujos malding
Yup, the easiest (you)s of my life

>there's plenty of het with this fetish too
Prove it troon
So, tldr, gilgamesh is giga retard but fate fanboys will always defend his retardation
because they pretend like they're better lol
>This is headcanon.
It's not, the only reason he's alive is because of Jade's deal to have him work for the IPC for the rest of his life
the QQ poster is worse
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Someone is having a melty
I've seen that thread. It wasn't about getting off on organ harvesting just a prompt for angst
What were you waiting for?
>It wasn't about getting off on organ harvesting just a prompt for angst
Yeah sure lmao
So you admit that 2.1 was filler because his little stint didn't matter to the main story, and the IPC plot was a C plot at best that was resolved by somebody else and not his own actions.
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Perhaps you're right bro
For me to feel like doing it
You took the screenshot, you can literally read it all.
Of course you did fujoid
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It's really not that deep.

Where would you want to see results from? Sadpanda?
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Is March chud coded?
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Yeah because it's fun
Why would a doll be sweating or blushing when it lacks blood?
>You took the screenshot
Nigga I didn't do shit, I'm just discussing what's posted. Why are defensive about some twitter troon.
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So what's the best 4* cone for Gepard? Im building him now that im out of things to do
Pretty much, yeah.
Which is why nobody takes Gilfags seriously outside of their echo chambers.
They're literally made fun of with memes like ">lol EA gg" and they're certainly the laughingstock in places like /alter/ and /fgog/
This is the looney seething at you because you only want to date an anime girl.
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>Makes himself look like a pussy
>"Heh, gottem."
Excusing everything by saying its his character doesn't work because if that is his character then how did he survive for this long with that reputation or title? He has never been challenged by a random no name before? Shirou was the first to ever do that? It's not possible to dominate other servants and people who have all sorts of BS abilities but be so dumb he couldn't adapt when a HS boy slowly approaches him.
If you only think about the story from a pov where the MC is the special one then sure it's fine. But when you take one step back and actually think about everything the story has told then it doesn't make sense at all.
>the only reason he's alive is because of Jade's deal to have him work for the IPC for the rest of his life
Again, this is headcanon.
The IPC nor Jade are not judges that put Aventurine on trial or anything. Especially for some rando NPC slave master unaffiliated with the IPC. He was being interrogated by Jade and he specifically scammed the IPC to get the opportunity to talk to Diamond, so he could make the proposition to become Stoneheart. There was never any death sentence by the IPC, or they'd have brought that up in his actual trial in the PV. This is headcanon.
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>It's really not that deep
then why are you crying about a bit of shit talk
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Concede to what? 2.1 was filler, and every excuse to claim it was debunked.

>b-but dream flux reef
Play the game it was Firefly and Sleepie that lead us to the reef. His fight with Acheron did nothing but blasted us to the Reviere.

>b- but he's the antagonist to 2.1
That's admitting that 2.1 was a self contained plot and therefore filler.
the increased aggro one
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This art is so cute
Aventurine was put on trial for scamming the intelligentsia guild and the marketing department. he didn't mention being on death row but ratio definitely did in 2.0
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2.1 still the most talked patch, as expected of anniversary
Shirou had the perfect counter to his GoB, thats why he won. He was the first random human to have that. Gil has a counter for pretty much everything except UBW.
I see, so they're just like our adventurine poster
People tend to talk more about things that are bad than things that are good.
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>Try to insert "(You)" answer into the pool
>Someone else immediately gets on it instead
Whoever you are, you're a legend
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Where would you prefer to see Sunday end up faction wise?
>Stellaron Hunters
>Astral Express
>Something new, something something space Greece
It's SH for me
Ratio was lying as per most of that conversation was meant to deceive Sunday who they figured was listening
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Dr Ratio is unironically what revived /hsrg/ in its darkest hour
2.1 was the peak of penacony though
plotfags on suicide watch
Sounds like a you problem to me.
wormday will flop
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Let's talk it out and not fight
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Either of these, if you're playing him with Acheron use Trend
Ratio literally had no reason to lie about aventurine's condition. On the contrary they brought up specific stuff because they knew Sunday was listening and they'd use it against them later to make him feel like he was in control.
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Stellaron Hunters for sure, Elio tends to pick up broken and hollow people who have a wish they think they can't achieve on their own
Sunday fulfills that perfectly now that he's been defeated
>2.1 was the peak of penacony though
Yeah the peak of shit
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IPC, I want him to be tormented by Aventurine for eternity.
Sparkle works too but no way he has a masked fool profile.
March event was really cute.
Still need to finish the actual trailblaze, I dipped for march asap since it was running out soon.
When does preload go up?
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That's human nature anon, bitching about things that are shit.
Almost like it's explained in the story...
cowboy and weeaboo, who's next?
The AE, get them to set him on the straight and narrow. I think the exasperated tsukkomi art would be glorious. Plus it's what Robin would want.
maid or hag?
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Everyone wants him in the stellaron hunters.
Yet people barely talk about 2.3. Curious.
SH easily
Starrailstation is actually one of the reasons why I play this game, it's so good and usefull
Robin sold his ass to the IPC (jade specifically)
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2.6 beta when
hello fellow millennial gamer
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Best team tier list based on CN calculations.
Don't talk if you don't know.
>wanting him to submit to some deus ex machina shota
No fucking way
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As always, when the new version gets released
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And Jade was like - get out there and have fun kid
3 days
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SEAbros are making tier lists now?
2.3 was a good epilogue
None of those are cute and canon.
Making Aventurine seem like some slave with a death sentence if he doesn’t retrieve his stone is perfectly intune with deceiving Sunday. In any case, the death sentence is never confirmed by Aventurine’s flashback himself so either way - fuck Ratio
They did when it came out but it by large didn't have enough going on to warrant a big conversation. It's sole purpose was to wrap up the story so that we could move on in the next patch. The only people who thought that it would be bigger were the IPC who seriously thought that the IPC Plot was bigger and more important than it actually was.
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>gallagher instead of aven for acheron
>Yunli with robin and JQ instead of Sparkle and Ting
hmm nyo...this list is dumb
I don't have acheron and I have s5 landau and day one
Why did Hoyo make Bronya and Seele so bland in HSR when they're mascot characters?
No it wasn't.
Why should I play this game again?
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>gui was one of them the whole time
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>"/gig/gers" is leading the poll
>no activity for a while
>somebody adds "Firepag" and gets a bunch of votes in the span of one minute
I'm noooticing.
giggers are not beating the curry-dick boyfriend allegations.
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This is so fucking funny to me and I don't know why, it's just so stupid
it's not because it's made by CN that it's accurate
quite the contrary even
You shouldn't. Play Azur Lane instead. They're getting a TLR collab.
You shouldn't if you need someone else to convince you.
In the flashback Jade mentions that many people wish for his eyes to be closed forever so yes it was sort of implied.
>firefly good against three target when her implant is singletarget and there is no img weak or fire weak and reinforcements show up so her implant doesn't work
loving every laugh
>brought back the whole cast for some goofy fun
>main heroine sendoff
>Acheron scene
>Stonehearts tease
Yes it was, it's just that Penacony needed another patch before that to make all the characters shine.
do what u feel im mostly doing dailies right now I haven't done the story other than the march event in weeks
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Today was a very Aventurine core day, keep it up /hsrg/
There nothing more soulless than teams with Pela
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gui is funny a filler character so she gets a pass. She is also 1/2 the only good thing about the OG luofu
Retardbro... Trend doesn't work with Jiaoqiu on the team, therefore Gallagher becomes the sustain that gives her the most stacks instead
(Unless you have sigga's LC of course, but I presume this is an E0S0 list, given it's clearly not E2 Acheron)
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what's the difference between these
main mission
less main mission
Galaxy Ranger
Yellow: obligatory main story content.
Orange: also main story but you can do it whenever you want.
trailblaze mission = true story content
anything else = fillerslop
I'm gonna say this, Penacony didn't need another patch every major plot point was dealt with and it's clear that Sunday's fate is not even going to involve Penacony.
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Yeah but gallagher sucks compared to this
>E0S0 list
How the fuck would you be able to tell
main quest (aka planet storyline)
not main quest but plot relevant
Trailblaze Missions are the super main plot
>muh stellaron
Trailblaze Continuances are high quality B plots. Stuff that isn't world ending but still relevant
>ruan mei crazy science
>anything else = fillerslop
Companion missions and trailblaze continuances are good, though there is a ton of slop around it
Trailblaze missions are the main parts of the main story
Trailblaze Continuance is an epilogue for each planet which is technically optional, but later main story missions will assume you played them and reference them as if they already happened so many things will make no sense if you skip them
For example the entire arc where you meet Topaz is technically optional but there's half a dozen scenes in Penacony that assume you played both that and the Aetherium Wars event
just b urself
Recently I realized people here only play the game for the treasure lightward modes by investing hours in spreadsheets
This honestly explains a lot
Of course they do for scamming them, but that doesn’t mean there was anything actually officially put in place. I’m just saying that if they were gonna kill Sigga because of the stone, Obsidian wouldn’t have chimed in that the punishment should be bloodier. The trial would’ve been about his life, and not his job - which was the only thing in jeopardy. There’s nothing in the actual text supporting a death sentence on Aventurine and if it’s still in place even now. In 2.2 when Jade asks him what he thinks is gonna happen to him because of the stone, he’s simply like “I’ll be demoted” and that’s the only trial that happened during the MV.
>jrpg fans be like this spreadsheet gameplay fire
name 3 good reasons to play this game for anything but that
>every major plot point was dealt with
Doesn't mean shit, they crammed too many things in 2.2 for the story to work. Robin needed more screentime, Firefly needed to do something important onscreen instead of offscreen, the dreamaster was introduced and killed in the same patch even though he was the mastermind, Aventurine needed to do something after having 2.1 entirely dedicated to him, Boothill was barely in the story at all...

Penacony was way too rushed.
Play it so you can be part of the winning team.
as opposed to doing what
I think it's very funny that people debate pull value and who can most efficiently clear content by making massive autistic spreadsheets when you could just skip a few patches and E6 basically anyone and outperform all of those teams on auto while spending the same amount
spreadsheets are fire though? have you ever played a real roguelike?
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I actually play DU nearly every day even though I hate the FF shilling,
I just fucking love SU. SO hyped for the balance update in 2.5
what are (you) winnnig
I'm not the OP you replied to and while the video doesn't imply his life is at stake, if you think about him being on death row before becoming an IPC worker I think it makes sense why people think he may go back to being an inmate if he loses his job. The MDD might especially be looking forward to that to make him pay.
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Well the 3 units who are above her in ST is Hunt characters so everything seem good? Firefly is definitely not better than Boothill when it comes to Single Target and Feixiao is even better in the proper team, Ratio is the only one I'm not too sure but if you told me he's better in ST content I'll probably believe it.
play the story, roll for characters you like and the fuck off until the next patch without worrying if you didn't miss 34 potential damage by not investing 95 rolls into a character you don't care about
> Penacony was way too rushed
This and I don’t understand why when they clearly know how to dripfeed patches like chinkland
Preload and datamine should happen today by the way, usually preload happens around 23:59 Sunday Mountain Time (2 days before the update), last time it went off July 28/29th and the update was on the night of the 30th.
But since this time the update is coming a day early the preload should happen a day early as well, which would be today in like 5 hours, see you there bwos
firefly should be b tier for 3 target (with no img or fire weak and enemies spawn as reinforcements not waves)
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story leaks will be fire
yeah you get it, and these retards are unable to save since they'll roll every single patch to be "meta" for the next reset
I think DU is an upgrade in many respects, but it's a shame all the stuff with paths and dice and so on was stripped out in exchange for a weekly gimmick mode that's always easy. There's really no progression in it besides clearing V6 once, and that just requires having a team + blessings that let you CC the enemies forever so they can't oneshot you
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There are two reasons as to why I still "play" this game.
One being that I'm a massive Excel autist and the other one being that I need context about what's happening in the game, before beating my meat to the girl's doujins/CGs in sadpanda.
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Would Mitsuki slaughter a village of evil orphans to improve her sword technique?
i need story leaks asap so i know whether tingyun and jingliu appear in 2.5 or not
if they don't im skipping
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It's true
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Why is Corrin so fuckable and huohuo is the exact opposite?
Can't wait to finally see Stingyun in one of the CGIs
>animal sidekick
Shit rail could never
Tingyun being a fire superbreak support is the only thing keeping me going at this point.
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This woman has no ethical morals
Your Dickless dragon dan?
there's no point rolling for characters if you're going to only do auto content
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bwo your numby?
Fofo is cute and made for protecting
retard, i roll for characters so I CAN auto all content
bro your Skott?
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I just like fighting the superbuffed enemies with my own superbuffed characters.
A big issue with DU is that half the equations are major bricks (specifically all the ones that don't scale with your own stats)
But they are changing this in two days! I think the meta will be a lot healthier that they are majorly buffing spores/quake/dewdrop/Aftertaste(?) so all those paths become viable.
For protocols 7 and 8 they are getting rid of the 15% res if not broken so FF shouldn't be the objective best choice anymore.
Because Corin is literally Fofo done right.
A rapebait character that's actually sexually attractive.
There's a reason why she gets molested by randoms in the street and FoFo doesn't.
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>fofo reipu!
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Never forget
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I still think it's really fun, especially now it auto-builds unused characters for you so you actually get use out of units you'd never spend resources building (I have cleared V6 with Yanqing)
I just think it would be nice to have some explicit goals to work towards in there
>adding a Paimon to the game
Thank god HSR doesn't do this.
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He walked so Jade could run
This killed HSR.
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KING SHIT (I'm doing the same thing). Who else are you running? I'm thinking Kafka as the 4th
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Coinflip for Feixiao, will then build pity on Kafka for More copies.
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So pre-load today?
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Over/Under if 2.5 will have even more shipbait between them?
We are only entering half 2 of this patch bro...
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I remember the event
And I also remember pic related, but I still don't get why Izumo was brought up in a board encounter with Luocha
Unless he's originally from there, which would make sense, since the other relevant hi3 expy is also from there
no one told you about 2.4 3rd phase?
So, the usual 30GB update?
It's probably a movie reference, "Izumo imersia" = "A Japanese movie"
Figuratively spits on him as a person the entire quest.

>Her own quest has him show up zero times and instead says how interested in your sword.

You can only push the cope so far. In the end they know how worthless it is to even give him much more damage to the game that he's always caused.
I love updates that are basically downloading the whole game again
Herta OWNS you
yes, gladly
I still can't beat SU expacs and DU in +4 and above. I survice but the last boss always take so little damage it's takes 500 turns to kill them so they scale their attack buff to infinity until I can't keep up. Dunno what 4m doing wrong.
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Is the soft pity for a lightcone lower or is it 70 as well?
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Has anyone made art of Herma (forma verdadera)
It's always her doll art
Technically any idea of true Herta is still headcanon but would like to see at least an attempt
Bro your Firefly?
Wow, it's almost a though 2.1 created pacing issues. Again, I can't blame 2.2 and 2.3 for its issues because much of it was caused by 2.1 just doing its own thing.

I'm going to be honest and say that the people who should have sat on the meeting in 2.3 should have been Aventurine and Jade. That would have fixed the issue of him needing more screentime in 2.3 to send him off. Boothill should have been introduced in 2.1, 2.1 should have also game us a portion of Robin and Sunday's backstory which also would have explained the issues behind the Stellaron disasters at Penacony.
FF your aiming for the destruction/preservation equation - Acheron wants useless scholar, silent hunter is OP on every character, I think there is a good elation equation but I can’t remember the name

Anyways it should get easier in 2 days because abundance, preservation and propagation won’t be bricks
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They're teaming up in the PV, that's something.
It doesn't matter - Yunli is going down the same route Topaz did. Shipshit will be her legacy because waifufags simply do not care about her. She has abysmal art with Caelus while Yanqing art just pops up every other day. It's the bitter pill.
Best girls :
1.NANO! Of course. Cute girls always win and she's the cutest
2.Herta, pretty, smart, bratty. I love how invested she is in her little club.
3.Firefly, perfect mix of cute&shy/strong&dertermined. SAM persona is the coolest thing.
Banners are decided at least one year in advance and they will be that way regardless of the story. Unfortunately the banners are what dictates when the patches ends. It was likely predetermined that Penacony would have 4 patches. The problem was the writers not realizing that they didn't have any time to meander.
uh oh shipcuck melty
Be honest will DOT teams have a future or at least better support units or another main dot dps that is not Kafka?
Swap Firefly for Acheron and you've got a good list
you missed Acheron
I'm using HMC/FF/Fu/Gallagher
>jing Yuan bemusedly asks you why
But JingYuan, Yanqing doesn't want Yunli he wants you(r mentor)
Dependent if they feel like making another DoT detonator even if it might piss some Kafkafags off
how important are chain attacks with the bangboos?
what the fuck is that
Switch Gallagher for Asta if you don't have RM
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Morning brosis!
Do aggro buffs (Clara's ult, Yunli's cone, Lynx's skill) stack?
you need robin for bangboos follow up attack anon
Your Tingyun still gonna get hit btw.
cope, ruan mei is more important for more stun break
at this point I'm only going to goon to the characters instead of pulling for them tbqhwyp
>missed a pompom storytime event
fuck might as well uninstall
she died before she was even released >>493598758
sacrificed to the shipcucks, and she never even had a say in it, the game and fanbase forced her into it
Yes, although keep in mind a single source of +taunt already gets you over 70% chance to be hit
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Came to Sparkle again
My balls are so empty it's unreal
Feixiao gives the best blow jobs
And she flopped harder than pink fox. Truly a sad fate
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My Gepard with his cone kept having Tingyun die back in the day because she got focused down every time
That's why she takes so many photos
Uh. I guess Acheron or SW would be 4th.
>the pink haired character for 3.x is pure sex
She drains me dry so good every time
Fuck I love Sparkle
Acheron is a cheap prostie
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Where are the leeks
Wonder what the next thread will be
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i hope nothing happens to nano...
It'll be Tingyun
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>Was sacrificed to the shipcucks
>However her companion quest is all about her confiding in (You)
Why did they do this?
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I don't care about Aventurine's past or bad deeds. I would let him fuck my brains out. But only once. I have SOME dignity.
No one does companion quests so no one cares.
reported for early
How long are the two events? Been playing BG3 so I was too lazy to do them.
It's called damage control but in the weakest form possible because she's not even for (you) in that. Just a trauma dumper
Trash events are easy peasy.
March event is very long.
we're relenting yet the 3 flea schizos in charge of new threads
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I dunno but appealing to someone and then upsetting them isn't really a great long-term strategy
where is the herta thread
One of the Tingyun threads since he alternates his mental illness between the two for some reason.
Just do the march event now, it's a couple hours at most.
You can wait finishing the main story later because there's no additional rewards even if you clear it now anyway.
>Excusing everything by saying its his character doesn't work because if that is his character then how did he survive for this long with that reputation or title?
What do you mean?
Him being the King of Heroes is entirely because how legendary he is, he's the "oldest" known hero.
>He has never been challenged by a random no name before?
Not in FSN specifically.
>Shirou was the first to ever do that?
>It's not possible to dominate other servants and people who have all sorts of BS abilities but be so dumb he couldn't adapt when a HS boy slowly approaches him.
It's possible though, he see some others as a threat since they're servants.
Shirou is a mere human and he just happen to have the perfect counter against Gil.

Gil lost the previous war and while previous 3 doesn't have any info on the servants summoned in them.
Gil also can't do shit with just GoB against Alcides in FSF because he has the perfect counter against GoB; the Nemean Lion Skin.

>If you only think about the story from a pov where the MC is the special one then sure it's fine. But when you take one step back and actually think about everything the story has told then it doesn't make sense at all.
Read the VN or at least watch the anime, everything's explained in it.

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