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Astarion Graveyard Edition

PC trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuCfkgaaa08
PS5 trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wW4Fdh6zFM

Patch 7: https://baldursgate3.game/news/patch-7-now-live_121
Patch 6: https://baldursgate3.game/news/patch-6-now-live_108
Patch 5: https://baldursgate3.game/news/patch-5-now-live_99



>Q: How often should I long rest?
>A: Many companion and romance interactions occur when long resting. Some early lower priority camp scenes can also be missed if higher priority ones are queued. To advance companion quests or romances, make sure to long rest often.
>Q: Can I recruit Minthara without going down the evil path?
>A: If you knock her out in Act 1, yes. You do miss out on the sex scene, but otherwise the romance remains the same.
>Q: Underdark or Mountain Pass?
>A: Either, or both. It's recommended to clear both on higher difficulties for the experience and loot. Both connect to the same Act 2 map.
>Q: Is The Dark Urge essentially "Tav+"?
>A: Yes. You get additional content, BUT there are points where if you've chosen to resist the Urge and/or don't complete quests the "right" way, you'll have to pass additional checks to avoid losing companions.
>Q: Are there any consequences to consuming tadpoles?
>A: No, for the most part. However if you've consumed any tadpoles, there will later be a DC21 Wisdom check to reject the Astral-Touched Tadpole, which affects your appearance if consumed.
>Q: Should I enable Karmic Dice?
>A: Karmic Dice will avoid streaks of very low or very high rolls, both for you and the enemy. It is recommended to disable it if you're specializing.

>Romance: https://strawpoll.com/NMnQ5kJXYn6
>Race: https://strawpoll.com/kjn18WPzeyQ
>Class: https://strawpoll.com/eNg69DKKjnA
>Companions: https://strawpoll.com/bVg8o8l3VnY

OP pasta: https://rentry.org/bggpasta

Previous thread: >>493530291
First for Gortash rape
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Thanks OP!! Missionary over his grave time.
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>artist gf mostly doesn't pay attention while I'm gaming
>meet this guy
>"Oh who's that"
>quit game

>weeks later, she's acting shady, hiding her notebooks when I enter the room
>pretend not to notice but peek at them when she's at work
>pages and pages of Halsin lewds
no no no NO NO NO NO NO
Can't wait for the community maps.
cute and funny

repulsive and unfunny
FINALLY a Astarion thread <3
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Modders, please make dhampir babies with Asty a reality
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Congrats on making the OP Astarionsisters!
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Missionary over his grave!!!!
Is bg3 saved yet?
learn to code and do it yourself
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high elf love
What is the symbolism in having sex over your own grave?
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this thread has convinced me that the west (and sven's belgium) deserve to be ethnically replaced by muslims. at least faggots like the astarion poster will be thrown from rooftops within our lifetimes.
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It feels great
cute anon
Taking back your autonomy after 200 years of being a slave
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I wish I never dropped out of my cs program lmao
How's the scripting?
First thing I'm going to look at if it's possible, is the code for the cub and scratch chasing each other
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No gloom, all love for Gale Dekarios
I don't have anything against Astarion, or Gale. They can be honorary malewives.
will the toolkit be shutdown?
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Boo and Shadowheart.
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On your knees, darlings!
>women enjoying themselves
>loses mind
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>Withers now chases Wyll around camp
im scared to ask why
Whine whine whine
female women or male women?
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It's Astarion's time now bitches
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No particular reason, it just seems like a good jumping in point to muck around with learning scripting, if that's even how it's handled. I have no idea, I'm waiting to update.
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cope and seethe

its delicious
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All coom, no love for Gale Dekarios
Incel chud behavior
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you can learn fucking around
it is not like you are coding the kit itself
Astarion drinking with sisters
Astarion tucks in his shirt like an old man. What is he, 240 or something?
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not thread wrecking trolls btw
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Asty would still love us even if we looked like that. Thank you.
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No he deserves love!!
Astarion won chuddie
If you learn to code (or already know), given you have enough time and, ideally, collaborators, you could make your own based campaign
now is the time to become a modder (right wing quadrant, not the programmer socks kind)
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thread needs more leg thing
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I hold hasbro shares...

What the fuck now?!!?!!?!!?

Quit. Whining.
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Amen sister! This is glorious
I challenge the sisters to post an Astarion image that isn't
A. ridiculing him.
B. sexualizing him.
Something about his more "gentle" nature.
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sneak peak at bg4
People want to talk about the modkit and you are spamming your stock images from a year ago, faggots
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what's this modkit leak stuff i'm hearing about
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Fine he can have some love as long as I can still give him all my coom
nobody is stopping you
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almost have the dialog working
Have sex whiner
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Ridiculed. Not okay.
Sexualized. Not okay.
Nah, they will crack her egg. The main antagonist in BG4 will be Astaria
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It's an Astarion thread, goodbye.
Dont mind me, just making sure everybody knows you are malicious trolls from discord
Go outside whiner
Is the "whiner" in the room with us right now?
That is fucking adorable
Thanks for sticking around, this thread doesnt deserve you.
But do you HAVE TO post Wyll?
Drinking is funny now?
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She sure is
great work
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Second for Gortash rape
There is love posting and cute posting and even shitposting and there is pointless spamming and ruining the thread. The astarion spammer is doing the latter.
Slashing Flourish with ne'er misser tho
You are obsessed. Stalker.
nice! curious to see what you come up with
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Was the general like this the whole time after release?
No, it's just like that when the schizo femcel is throwing a fit.
It's at the very least 2 posters. You have to get the basics right at least if you want to push your narrative.
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How did you add characters, drag and drop isn't working
Seriously though, how fat are you?
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It was way less Astarion and way more cuckspam
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helping out asty
thisobald thorm irl
I thought maybe I would drawfag for a bit while I wait for the game to update but I don't like posting with /vg/etables present. Sadly, many, many such cases
Does anyone have any tips for the toolkit?
You're slipping
I wanna suck on his nasty fingers
stop gaywashing the straightest character in the game
I think you have a fat fetish
I'll start a playthrough tomorrow. Too tired tonight.
>It's at the very least 2 posters.
I don't care about your mental illness.
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Based. He's basically asking for it

Weird thing to say about the second most campy man in Baldur's Gate
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Aww <3
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the cuckspammers have been awfully quiet..
I’m gonna vomit. Gortashsisters need help
>It was way less Astarion and way more cuckspam
It's the same femcel.
The intellectual silence that arises during these hours is deafening, wow.
>the cuckspammers have been awfully quiet..
yeah, they're posting aidstarion rn
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You all wished you looked this good. You all wished you were this sensitive.
Shhhh anons he’s sleeping
not me
Mind flayer lives matter
you can drag and drop from the lower panel where it says root templates
No total mind flayer death
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I am obsessed with him
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Me neither
I just want to underline the fact that the whiner occasionally tries to sow discord by suggesting that all this is the work of a single spammer, when the projection of his insecurity and parasitic nature has been plaguing these generals for months.

I know this is obvious to most people but keeping quiet about the infamy is something I refuse to do.
Obsessed stalker
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this thread
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wake up
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it's all over for you, lawbreakers
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>Reddit: Everyone is an annoying faggot
>4chan: Everyone is an autistic maniac
It's tiring
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looks like they were working on a way to recruit astarion on the nautiloid but they scrapped it
Astarion is a character who for centuries suffered the negative influence of a bully master, who constantly abused him, and who perverted his nature. When Astarion distances himself from Cazador's clutches, he demonstrates and understands that, while remaining faithful to his narcissistic and opportunistic nature, it is also possible not to be completely society's waste, maintaining his human aspect of him.
Thou walkest alone
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whine whine whine
I hid that
Thank you very much wise anon
interesting find
>maintaining his human aspect
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Same. I'm gonna be sick if I can't have him. Lord please send me a Gort angel to debase
Woah. My baby <3
40 IQ post
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Astarion has feelings
prove it
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post frog now. (yes that is a threat)
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It's the Asty sisters time now
Why is that mini boss from act1 holding a pregnancy test?
I don't mean that in the sense that he's a relatable flawed major character, nor the humanoid similarity.
I mean that in both cases, a human or an elf can maintain their humanity, trying to bring the best they are able to be in their respective roles.
It's apparent as a result and also from the material we've seen released with the game.
It's a simple enough comparison, no wonder you didn't understand it.
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play the game lol
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never. you cant make me.
I wanna see a green eyed Asty picture <3
Astarion specifically also talks about how he feels alive again, how the colors of the city bring back ancient memories: we don't know his specific actions, but we can intuit from these dialogues a more "gentle" nature.
*sniff* *sniff* olive oil, mozzarella and... a hint of Garlic
MARCELLO, I can smell him all over this thread
Cazador should've been a woman
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Reveal yourself, swine
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In shadows deep, where moonlight weeps,
Astarion walks, his secrets keep.
Unascended, yet his heart does yearn,
For light and love, his soul to turn.

The Durge, once dark, now seeks the dawn,
Redeemed by choices, battles won.
Together they tread a path anew,
In twilight’s glow, their bond is true.

No longer bound by blood’s cruel chain,
They find in each other, solace from pain.
Astarion’s eyes, once cold and stark,
Now gleam with hope, a guiding spark.

The Durge, with courage, faces the night,
With Astarion’s hand, they find the light.
In love’s embrace, they heal and grow,
Two souls entwined, in twilight’s glow.
Even evil people have homes. This proves nothing.
Yes. Imagine the dominatrix sessions they had.
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Always glad to
The braindead astarionsistas are kinda cute desu. Knowing that they are +30 childless millennials with pot-bellies is not cute, but their pitiful attempts to grasp, explain, and understand a silly 2D character makes me smile
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I disagree, elves should be completely inhuman
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Astarion's first magistrate portrait <3
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Thisobald Thorm is cute. I don't know why drinking with him is ridiculing.
Can't wait to reach act 2 and kill that gay elf.
there are at least two confirmed black female astarion fujos on /bgg/, one of them is very fat
reminder that laezel is smarter than all the sisters in this thread put together
Went to Chipotle with the boys, the food was dummy good but I spent 2 hours in the bathroom taking a monster John Corcoran
What was she talking about?
Your John Corcoran has more content than patch 7
I can't really fault the Astarionsisters. I can imagine how popular he would have been if he were female.
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giving pookie a bath
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what the fuck is this?
i thought I was getting a reward or something
also did the emperor actually fuck this dragon?
Would female Wyll have been popular if she weren't black?
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hear me out
BG3 in the Creation engine
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You are too fast for me to keep up with, hope you make a youtube tutorial or something once you are done fucking around
is there like, anywhere else, where folks are discussing the modkit and working on stuff in it?

This thread is... yeah.
Only retards would fuck a talking corpse, especially when it's a vampire.
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astarion would never choose you
you need to be pretty, thin and have a nice body
he wouldn't even notice a fat goblin like you
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nonconsensual sex with cazador but he is the one being raped!
cute frog

something...is different about this frog
Do you have...to talk...like a massive faggot?
that's me! so you're saying astarion would love me??
You cannot figure it out on your own but it's everyone else's fault.
*installs bishonen face pack from nexus*
>thin, and have a nice body
*installs unique tav to have a twink body type 2 with no body hair*
>he wouldn't even notice...you
*goes durge*
hopefully someone remakes the whole game using forward rendering so we dont have to deal with the blurry mess that is deferred rendering
They're talking about fat women cosplaying as Laezel, sucking Swen's cock and crying about Wyll, you LIAR.
she reminds me of genghis khan, not sure why
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I offer this fresh homosexual to the Astarionsisters
>200 posts in an hour
I can't keep up with you kids. See you in a few.
You have a fetish
Stop. Bi. Erasure.
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What do we think about Wyll?
Why do gay men prefer Gale over Astarion or Halsin?
How the fuck does a Githyanki durge work, anyway? Do you get all those Baldurian lines instead, or does it just make absolutely no sense?
You were born from Bhaal's anal cavity, so it doesn't matter
my gay friend bought bg3 just for halsin
You are not a normal Bhaalspawn, you are THE Bhaalspawn. An actual spawn of Bhaal so you can be anything. You only know bits and pieces about Gith, You didn't live there. Just like when you pick a Drow, you never been tot he Underdark which you confess to Minthara.
Halsin is an old bear and Astarion is a crypto-woman. No thanks
I do not believe you are a homosexual man
Can you romance Astarion, get him to turn you and then murder him in an Absolute ending?
>this poster is not a fag
what happened to 4chinz??
Yes, you can force him to kneel then snap his neck
cool guy. love warlocks
Why is he faking being a fag?
You’re already immortal if you seize power in the end, why the fuck would you even considering corrupting your body with Astarion’s fecal matter/vampiric poz?
Whining is not a contribution to the thread.
Stalker alert
Halsin is for furries and cucks
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Is there ANY Evil ending where any of the companions stay with you or do you always betray them and kill them?
>Is there ANY Evil ending where you are NOT Evil?
>wyll ceo
I would never abandon my pets.
Evil doesn't mean you can't leave your gf in a sentient state of being
I imagine that position has pretty high turnover
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I don't approve of the Mod tool being hacked, China just going to create china dolls and flood the mod site with them.

just look at what they did to Skyrim.
I'm a straight dude and romancing him as origin lae'zel and basically I'm getting to live out my fantasy of a hot alien princess being wooed by my cooking, nerdiness and cunning linguistics because I can self identify with gale a bit. no homo
I did a mod for oblivion where I removed human races and replaced them with elves. Can't wait to do the same here.
more like
>Good means you won't leave your gf in a sentient state of being
>I'm a straight dude
>I'm getting to live out my fantasy of a hot alien princess
why are you gay, why are you running
You're gay and trans which makes you the average companion origin enjoyer
you know you can self insert as gale if you choose his origin
But you can still brainwash them into joining you?
Downloaded the unlocked toolkit
Now it doesn't matter if nexus removes it :)
sisters does your period blood smell earthy sometimes?
I just wanna know what it smells like
No, I don't wanna play as some gay wizard
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guys I think Minthara might be a racist
Whineston Churchill...
I'm a skatman
I already did lae'zel though as tav and wanted to do one male romance fully.
>I romanced gale to self insert as him haha
Gayer than Astarion
How long until we start seeing smaller questlines like the mummylord/aunty ethel like quality added into the game?
The greatest poster ever. The entire /bgg/ owes its survival to this woman.
Respec to cleric of mystra
>like the mummylord/aunty ethel like quality
You're getting quests like the haunted house
She offers to be your duchess
Not before 2030
I'd personally fix some issues in Act 3 before adding new stuff.
Starting with the Fireworks quest, but that's just me.
Add Gort romance please
Duchess Minthara Ravengard?
what does sex would Mizora feel like? I hope it isn't sadism like sex with devils cause that would suck ass.
Mystic Carrion quest is alright on its own, it's just that it is technically linked to the Free the Artist quest, which is terrible.
Auntie Ethel is fine too but it needs more companion reactivity, Tav / Durge has more to say than any companions.
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Imagine letting Bhaal make you end the world when you can reject him, and then use the world as your personal toy because you are still a cunt even without Bhaal
It's normal sex on drugs and she pees on you at the end. Not joking.
He looks like his name is Timmy
Quite the lil rat you made
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i don't really care about the content itself, i want to play with the unlocked toolkit
also the modder who uploaded the unlocker is asking for help to unlock everything because it seems there are still inaccesible files left
How long before we get custom campaigns or remakes of BG1 and BG2 in BG3?
About the same time Skyblivion releases
You're getting pregnant Gortash mods, not new campaigns
Skywind seems more likely
can a drow be blacked?
Assuming returning players
About 2 years
Probably not BG1 and 2 tho
Oak Father forgive us...
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we're wining we're winning we're winning we're winning
Files still locked, fucking rip.
How many years did it take for BG reloaded to come out?
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How are the cracked mod tools?
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Heh, you're a queer fellow
Why is blud pretending that bg3 fans care about the previous games? Especially since bg3 takes a shit on the OG characters?
There are still locked files with the cracked toolkit. Good luck getting the mods you want
modkit chads, post things. How's it going?
I'm wondering how animations are going to work. God I wish I understand all that stuff. I installed blender once.
Custom lines are going to be weird. Even if you can voice them with a person or even AI, you'd have to have the animations to fit it or it'll look weird.
That will be a big challenge I think for custom modules with custom characters.
One approach could even be going backwards, back to the old crpg method, static portrait and text. But BG3 fans wouldn't like that.

That will be a tough one, probably the biggest challenge, more than making levels and even scripting events.
Thats where the upper city is located anon
Exactly because of that.
In order to make what BG3 could have been.
Or at least reconstruct the original story before all the rewriting.
Would be hilarious if true.
>at least reconstruct the original story before all the rewriting.
It'd be nice to see what could've been with Daisy. I also heard the Shadowcursed Lands were different. With Moonrise Towers originally consisting of two separate towers on opposite sides of the level. That and of course, the Upper City.
>can a BLCK nigerian be blacked by some lighskinned afro-american
drow is the one doing the blacking, anon.
He's a wizard and a huge fucking nerd
i dont get it
>modkit chads, post things. How's it going?
I've been completely filtered I'm just lazy
So I'll go back to learning Godot for my hit crpg
Stay tuned
Shadowheart will finally get her real parents???
>everytime shart opens her mouth
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Can someone help me please?

I decided i will finally go for honor mode run.

I looked at the guides and now i want to try sword of the college of the bard this class seems strong, the guide says i can do bard 10 and paladin 2 which gives me double smites
or i can do bard 10 and wizard 1 and fighter 1 but i really dont understand what that gives me? action surge is level 2 so why fighter only 1 and wizard 1? can someone explain?

i also read on the guide that draconicbloodlines 12 sorcerer is strong without multiclass so i will make one of my party into this class

and i will do one cleric so it says light cleric, life cleric and tempest cleric are all good, i dont know which i should choose though?

i want to also use the gloomstalker assassin, so one should go there
can someone tell me what multclass this? 6/6?

and i want a druid to 12 because i like the animal playstyle

anything else i should add?
i know the monk is strong with rogue thief but not sure if i need that, i may respec that in act 3 because the items there for monk are very strong but for act 1 and act 2 i think i can skip the monk

i will keep laezel as fighter though, is 12 fighter good?
Minthara is ___
I will play your crpg
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Soon to be pregnant (with my child)
Where has everyone gone?
Viconia having a shitty ending is basically tradition, and it certainly doesn't shit on Jaheira or Minsc.
Sarevok did get fucked over though. The implication that he was revived from a good protagonist and turned out like that pretty much ignores everything you talk to him about in ToB
To sleep
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I'm still here pookie
I will play it too.
This is what I see when I close my eyes to go to bed
Thanks anons, see you in 2030, really appreciate the support
voxel anon?
I miss you. When you told me about your YT channel a channel run by a little black boy came up.
just have fun
No, I'm just a random anon you probably don't know from anywhere
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godspeed on ur sea rrr pee g
do you post in /agdg/? 2030, hm? no demo I'm assuming
if you are the anon who just turned me on to Volodymyr Bystryakov then I think the universe is saying we must work together
>do you post in /agdg/? 2030, hm? no demo I'm assuming
I've started learning Godot 3 days ago, I am just jesting with the release date no actual game exists at this point
I was just saying I'm not going to pick up the modkit and dive into it in depth, too much of a hassle learning too much stuff at once
the first /bgg/ marriage proposal and it was a failure. tragic.
Do you want to get married anon
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opened a save and like the entire map of act 1 opened with it. kinda annoying
Wonder what crazy things the modders will come up with
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>Difficulty Easy
Oh no, it's retarded
now find me
its a debug mod save you brainlet
cosplay as astarion you have the pick of the /bgg/ litter
tab closed
Godot is nice, I once made the beginnings of a text-adventure with some UI elements.
I was too dumb to effectively know how to deal with rooms and entities and state... so I got discouraged. If I was going to make something I'd use godot and I'd make a crpg though, so hopefully will see your progress some day.

Good luck!
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>dice roll
>have to wait ~20 secs just to fail again
bros im tired..
play your role you little shit
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>Gay Nerd
Choose Gale
>Sassy Gay
Choose Astarion
>Gay Bear
Choose Halsin
>Gay in general
Do pic related
Some people actually choose to play R.P.G.'s this way:

lmao your life
Why are gith men so hideous
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i cant i will miss shit and my ocd will kick in
Its the nose.
You miss stuff no matter what by making certain choices or having a certain race/class.
Anyhow it's funny to think of this game as some kind of cognitohazard for autists. Have fun! :)
I fear I would be instakilled by Lae'zel on the nautiloid if I were Tav since I would simply not be able to hide my instant intense disgust when I saw her ugly scrunched up frog face. The nausea would disarm me and I would perish.
If only studios would learn the Disco Elysium lesson, where "failure" isn't just simply missing out on content. It can be just as interesting or funny or useful as "succeeding". Simply two alternative paths, basically removing the reasons to savescum.
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>You miss stuff no matter what by making certain choices or having a certain race/class
i know but i can't skip that fucking random chest that needs a 20 roll etc
>as some kind of cognitohazard for autists
lmao exactly. i savescum like a nigger in games like this and the 20s load times are driving me insane
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don't know if you're still here but you can see this. when you go to camp all possible scripted events are visible. a lot of the magenta you see is the pathing for scratch and the owlbear chasing each other. the file is on the right
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we could have had this
fucking disgusting
specify please
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>The nausea would disarm me and I would perish.
Do you promise?
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time for the gauntlet
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Quite the amount of content that was lost for Zevlor.
Speaking of did anyone else ever get the painting orin leaves you if you leave him in the pod?
good work anon
Oh interesting. So likely they're just following the same path and not really "chasing" at all. What's the code like for scripting I wonder? Python-like I'd imagine?
It SHOULD NOT be as rewarding.
It blunts the incentive to actually trying to overcome challenges.
It SHOULD be as interesting and engaging.
That's what he gets for not opening the bloody gate

PLEASE there's no time
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Fuck you
Don't use the n-word here. It's not acceptable.
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there is also a Zevlor mindflayer model
Modded noses on frogs are disgusting, I agree.
Taste is in short supply these days.
Nastarion. Because he's nasty. Get it?
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when will China mod in these type of girls to the game?
If you don't multiclass Cleric does the most damage in the game
>off-topic image
>irrelevant, time-wasting question
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I agree aswell
wet, smelly, noisy, stinky, sweaty sex with the GORT
I feel so much hate. Pure hate, for everything around me.
Yall should go to head doctors.
Let them look around inside your noggin and figure out whats wrong yk?
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already made
You're not quite at the slopswine's level yet, but you're trying.
Socialize with others pls
>mods that literally change the companions' faces
>not at the slopfag's level
I think you're just playing favorites.
It's just slopping it its own corner. It's not a thread personality yet.
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Thank god we don't need more of those
I’d play a big budget chinaman CRPG.
What is it about beauty that scares you so much?
I'm gay myself, and that's basically because I see Astarion as a girl and Halsin(and Minsc too) disgust me physically

Gale has a handsome face, a hot beard, a nice just enough muscular body, he's masculine, kind and intelligent, literally my dream bf
Don't worry, I'm not him.
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jump for me, froggy
I wish we could become Absolute in BOOOOAL'S NAME
Gale is a man. Astarion is a woman. Simple as
Gonna replay as my first tav when mods update
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Female Astarion? I don't know, fellas.
The whole deal with Cazador works better when he's a little spawn.
I mean, I know there are elements, but the aspect of being a servant has a completely different dynamic between man-man and woman-man.
Why are the Thieflings so entitled?
Stalker's back
just found out im lesbian
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Daddy Halsin
How’s the patch stability and bug-wise?
How do you feel about Aylin?
she can step on me
Cool but I thought Aasimar could only summon their wings for 10 mins per day?
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Lmfao Shadowheart is so pathetic
She's literally a 40yo teenager
Gas like masculine men (facial/body hair). Women like smooth pretty boys like Astarion
>Still no playable Goblins
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works on my machine
There’s a mod
Where is the mod manager pulling mods from and why isn't ApperanceEdit showing up?
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>Why do gay men prefer Gale
I assume because by and large when it comes to m/m romance options. They always get the short end of the stick. Leaving them with the only option being characters like Astarion. Sassy, flamboyant, roguish. It's been overdone. Hardly do you get anything outside of those archetypes. Gale is a breath of fresh air compared to Astarion. I believe had this game not have every companion as bisexual. Gale would have been relegated to be catered only to females. Thankfully that's not the case.
>No good playable Goblins
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Aylin's kinda special case, because Aasimar are basically the divine counterpart to tieflings with their divine lineage being much more diluted.
She should probably be labeled Deva but for some reason they labelled her as an Aasimar.
Maybe they felt like that Aasimar sounds cooler than Deva but seems odd that WotC seemingly insists on something like the no beard rule for elves but gave this one a pass.

Incidentally, she's also considered humanoid rather than Celestial in the game.
Aasimar should have been playable
Eh, honestly better than Karlach's
>Fuck you
or Lae'zel really being "glad" that it was Durge's blade that finished her.
Are you that nerd who pauses the movie to check if Gandalf was high-level enough to cast that spell?
That's just being a woman.
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>I like ugly women, but as a coping mechanism I will pretend that it's a patrician choice, oh and I totally look like a roman statue IRL.
reminder that you only needed to increase lae'zels nose size by like 20% and have the other gith call her "big nose" and she would be on a similar level to shart in the romance %
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>oh and I totally look like a roman statue IRL
I do, I also have the same birthday as Augustus and I am probably his reincarnation
>i like women who dream about sex with other men
durge is a school shooter incel and shart is a femcel murderess, look it up
My waifu could beat yours up
that line is pretty kino
It's replying to itself again.
it's pretty fucking cringe
I'm pretty sure she wouldn't beat herself up.
no its not
Where does Halsin factor into that
You also like Ethel?
>the literal, actual anti-Christ
>b-b-but I thought I could s-save you!

Legit embarrassing
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utter perfection
Yeah it is. She sounds like a kid reading teenage romance novels
What's up with the obsessed tranny that bitches about every little thing with Shadowheart? Just as bad as Slopwhiner
But your romance option can save you
Nobody is talking about Shadowfart retard
The picture is cropped, in the full version shart is pantsless and halsin is eating her out
Are you blind or retarded?
? You save yourself, or you don’t. Your romance partner will follow you to the end regardless of what you choose
It's selunite shart so the assumption is that durge was fighting to become good most of the time and failed by the end
There's an entire scene dedicated to your romance helping you contain your urges
you're talking to a triggered troon anon. expect halsin spam in about five seconds
Now they are. Since you WHined
The intellectual silence that arises during these hours is deafening, wow.
counterpoint: your companions pussies are that powerful
Meaningless. You make the choice to swear to or reject Bhaal
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The good ending
here it goes right on cue
Because you threw a fit tard
option A: lifetime supply of tight emo elf pussy
option B: accepting your cringe absentee father's shitty slayer gift, one time use of power word kill and lash of duty if you fail
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Me cumming? Yeah
>tranny throws a fit
>everyone calls it a tranny
>it throws an even bigger fit
Rejecting Bhaal requires you not giving in to your urges
>astarion spam stops
>halsin cuckspam starts
I'm noticing.
I warned you about the sow, didn't I?
>tranny is still having a meltie
You're annoying Slopwhiner but yeah I admit the resident mentally ill retard that spams these threads is far worse than you
>2 (two) posts with H
>cue 7 (SEVEN) posts of anons metaposting and crying+shitting themselves
lmfao I love this show
Religious erotic exultations ARE NOT SEX.
It does not even fit with the domains of her goddess.
Option A: reject animalistic barbarism and embrace freedom
Option B: embrace animalistic barbarism and live a destructive but highly pleasurable life

Which is your choice. Your companions don’t determine what you do or do not do
option C: Reject your father and wield the netherbrain for your own benefit, taking whatever you want from whoever you want
They're the same guy
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Talk about Raphael
There once was a sow that found an all-you-can-eat buffet...
What about drow orgies with polymorphing druids
Is mizora the nicest you can get when it comes to a patron? Not counting indifferent patrons like a GOO who doesnt acknowledge your existence because i have a hard time believing a GOO would give power to someone they are barely aware of.
His face is ugly but his voice is hot
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Oh yes, most definitely. Would you like to sign a contract?
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Wrong, unless they changed it
My character in my blind run was already a slayer and then Bhaal said "actually I own you", and I just replied "no way fag"

The he fucking smothered me... but I survived, as the plot still needed me
Raphael is a character who for centuries suffered the negative influence of a bully father, who constantly neglected him, and who perverted his nature. When Raphael distances himself from his father's clutches, he demonstrates and understands that, while remaining faithful to his narcissistic and opportunistic nature, it is also possible to be completely society's waste, maintaining his devil aspect of him.
only if my gnome lawyer is present, alive, and in their right state of mind to go over terms
I feel these aspects about him demonstrate his more "gentle" nature
only if everyone "consents"
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>Would you like to sign a contract?
I already did last month. It's good so far.
Some work needs to be done but as I am neet I have a lot of free time. I would recommend it.
white women getting angry about three origin ladies being compelling romance partners to resist durge than retardstarion
There's only so many times you can repeat, twist and distort the same joke until it stops being funny.
The best ranger is 12 Eldritch knight.

The best melee is 9 Monk / 3 Rogue (Thief)

The best caster is 10 Wizard / 1 Sorc / 1 Cleric, and this character is also the one that needs to eat all the worms / get in the chair

Your fourth slot should be a pick-whatever. 10 Bard / 2 Paladin works fine but will be suicidal on anti-radiant fights, a light cleric is fine if you're not good at the game and want a healer, but the above mentioned 3 classes are going to beat every fight before turn 2 finishes so it's obsolete. Make sure to spam special arrows on the EK.
Yeah I've twisted and distorted the joke that is your mom in so many ways but she just isn't fun any more
For a devil? She's not terrible
A great old one varies, but they won't waste time teasing you or making life harder for you for the lolz, they will ask you to do specific stuff for specific reasons you don't understand.
A fey is chill
>and this character is also the one that needs to eat all the worms / get in the chair
Shameless. Dishonorable.
although nothing can be crueler than their pookiebear calling the climax of the storyline "twee"
>A fey is chill
Comparatevely speaking
I have never DMd a fey because none of my players is gay to the point of picking it as a patron
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fey more like gay
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I love my retardstarion
gay'zel with the absolute bangers as usual
You're gay.
An image of Lae'zel facepalming.
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>12 Eldritch knight.
Why? Can someone explain this meme?
None of the Honor Mode builds I see are EK and the class gets praised a lot here. Link me a build and how am I supposed to play this to make it good.
Fey warlock detected, opinion rejected
No inspiration dices for you
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(its gale making those posts)
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>A fey is chill
I think that you did not do your homework on what falls under fey in D&D.
Are you that new player who made a m*le drow?
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Auntie Ethel is a nice chill lady that sells potions and helps you with your brain worms, I don't know what you're talking about
Forgive me
All you need is the band of the mystic scoundrel and arcane acuity gear.
I am the astarion femcel.
Yeah yeah but SOME are chill
Like, if a player picks fey is for stuff like this, if he wanted to be edgy he would have picked great old one
>>Is there ANY Evil ending where you are NOT Evil?
Just finished Gale with Minthara romance. If you pick his unique option, she absolutely loves him for it and he's happy to have her by his side. Funny enough, I checked the 'good' ending too where I just become a god instead of starting a war with the whole pantheon, and Minthara has dumped you and dislikes you immensely at the party afterwards, she even mocks you when you ask to get back together by saying you're too much of a baby god and not good enough for her.
So that.
rare based manthara
>she even mocks you when you ask to get back together by saying you're too much of a baby god and not good enough for her
You can kill her right then and there, I hope?
Common based Minthara
No I am
Sell me on races that aren't wood elf or halfling.
white human male because white human male
Tieflings have the best female face. Drows have the most unique dialogue
Tying up dork urge players to torture with a cattle prod and shit in their face
Right now i am rolling Half-Orc to test how good it goes with assassin.
Drow are beautiful and passionate.
Elves are beautiful and refined.
Half-Elves are cute and half-boring.
Tieflings are cute and controversial.
Githyanki are cute and alien.

You should pick one of these if you want to be cute/beautiful.
Missed this schizoid dork urge spamming sister like you wouldn't believe
I hate to break it to you, but humans are an inferior race.
Gnome wizards/druids don't ever fail important saving throws
ilithid supremacy
>Githyanki are cute and alien.
Only female gith are cute
Is Half-orc reactivity just grug smash zug zug shit
Cutest character is still, and will always be, a young human female cleric
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>Honor Mode builds
>Link me a build
Basically, yeah. There's also telling kids to man the fuck up and stop crying like a baby. I enjoyed it.
Yes both your lines are grug smash. Both of them.

there should have been this scene for Minsc
>Astarion gets new dialogue again for when you cheat on him with Mizora
>meanwhile everyone still just scratches their ass over Durge commiting sudoku
I hate Larian
>Guex is scared of you
>Lae'zel sucks your dick without the intimidation check
>Gekh is 500 times more racist than usual to you
That's literally all of half-orc's reactivity, you might as well be a cute half-elf girl in every other interaction
Cazador looks like less of a bitch in this early access, what happened?
you get to threaten both lae'zel and shart for interrupting your beauty sleep with their catfight
The sisters won
you simply must start screaming on twitter and calling them racist or whatever for not fulfilling your wants and only then will they finally oblige
Surely this leads to a new unique dialogue and isn't just a text replacement to the "pwease tell me what's going on" every other race gets
Tell that to my fucking warcaster gnome wizard that failed their concentration save with a natural 2
so does everybody have new animations in camp now? astarion plays with a knife, shart and minthara tend to their plants, laezel boxes the mindflayer dummy
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>>Link me a build
just take whatever and do whatever, the game is piss easy
buy an invisibility potion if you're scared
we need only literally like three lines too lol
just even recycling a "NO!" would probably be fine at this point
Who is your patron if you're an archfey warlock?
Do tieflings have any reactivity past act 1?
where did they get all that stuff? we literally just crash landed and don't even know where we are
i hope not
Any fey with enough power.
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>my wife lae'zel watching dj shart threaten me
You get called a refugee when you enter BG.
They don't give you specifics, but basically any powerful fey is fair game for the concept.
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Act 1 is the only act where reactivity matters. You want Baldurians to be surprised by someone with horns?
god ketherics armor is so fuckin ugly.
>remember that cute human cleric you travelled with so long ago
>travel to her village
>discover she has been dead for 80 years, only 1 person remembers her, her great grandson
>he tells you she always told the best stories, one particularly about an elf
>you are that elf, you look the same the day you met her
>know she has been enjoying paradise these past 80 years
>you won’t see her again for another 800

So fvcking zased…
do we also get to rape baldurian citizens due to sexual emergency?
no but you can actually say that refugees are welcome
>1st play through since I beat it at release
>Playing Drow Necromancer
>Still can't bring myself to do over the top edgy shit, some how RPing in my head to justify the kinda nice things I do sometimes
It actually enhances the experience imo
Any other goodie two shoes bros I recommend it
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which one?
I kind of like it with Sarevok's helm. Just embrace the spiky nonsense and skulls
Why is *IT* there?
That depends on your build, no?
Im sorry sir you're going to need to translate your madness into english for me
Who or what is triggering you?
i'm so tired of critical failures holy shit
stop being bad then
That thing. The sex pest. It's not cute, even in child form. In fact, it's even creepier.
Bard dialogue options are more gay than the gayest forest gnome warlock sucking off their fairy archfey patron. Top reason I can't bring myself to play bard.
Karlach isn’t pictured
kill yourself retard
Oh come on. Wyll is one of the main companions. You're just going to have to get used to seeing him a lot, man.
It can't be that bad.
There's a way out, but you have to be a midget
It is. It's not even the endearing halfling type of gay. It's theater kid self-insert gay.
Use karmic dice
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>they added this banter in patch 7
yeah she is, she's the one charging Minsc
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not every merri is a fan it seems
That’s depressing because I love magic in rpgs and play 4 instruments irl. Alas, band kids are strange. Not even fantastical magical bards are safe
yet more evidence he is a (handsome) young man. haters btfo.
She's right. No one cares what a midget thinks or says.
Did the person who modeled his face not understand he’s young and handsome. Or is it some weird propaganda made by Gortash
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i believe it was the line being written before the writer saw the face
he's still my young handsome pookie though
the gortash state is so deep even the narrator is on his payroll
Theater kids get such a bad rep. Some of your favorite actors probably have a background in theater. And roleplaying? It is not something as demanding as going on stage and playing an actor, it should be more natural, even if in such a large game FOMO is around the corner.
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You can put arcane lock on the stairs and she cant run away kek
I don't remember, doesn't it also call Ketheric an elf when he has a beard?
How would you go about getting the netherbrian to like you?
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oh and the "young" part was referring to him being younger than Ketheric

it do. he was a full elf at first, and i think theres other things that reference this, but they gave him the beard and liked how it looked so much that they changed his race to half elf
I know just how to make my netherbrian like you
That's the neat thing about half-elves. They are either human or elf, depending on the race that needs to shoulder the blame.
Why did these idiots even bother changing dialogue options if the NPC's response is the same as without it? Christ...
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think they're implying frog was trying to rizz her but this was still pretty rude lol
My big ol pingus probably, just like with anyone else
The Ketheric statues and busts don't have a beard
We live in a society
Literally what about this implies sexual interest? Society was a mistake
...that calls Raphael a devil, even though he's technically a cambion.
We use English on this website.
ahh yeah that. they probably didn't bother changing it cause they figured it could just be played off as him not having a beard when he was younger when the statues were made

alright they probably didn't think about it at all but lets pretend they gave it thought
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I don't get it
Here's the basics: Fire 3 times per turn, 4 with bloodlust elixir (lategame) and 7 with fighter zug. Disadvantage for enemies on spell saves who've been hit by your abilities. Band of mystic scoundrel lets you use your bonus action to cast control spells, which you can cast of any level because of scrolls.

Leave Volo in camp (dont get surgery, ever) and rob him blind. Works same as withers, he doesn't care and just comes back. Always has new scrolls. Sell them if you want to, use the ones mystic scoundrel lets you cast for CC. Titanstring bow with strength elixirs (early game) and later gloves of ogre strength. Dump str/wis/cha, get dex/int and con as filler.
If you want you can also make this funnier with frost by getting the frost ring/gloves that apply affects when hit by frost damage (encrusted/ice circle), enchant your bow using the spear from act 2 with frost damage, then spam arrows of multi target. Literally freeze everyone that doesn't straight up trip over - they've disadvantage on the save to get frozen, and EK can fire enough in a single round to proc frozen on every enemy. You won't need the band of mystic scoundrel that way, but party members like that anyway. You'll need risky ring to make sure you never miss so you don't have 2 slots.
if some guy asked if he could watch you do your hair in the morning you'd think he's gay
Man's clean-shaven when he's a happy family man, grows a beard of grief when he loses his family. It's hardly a stretch. The "Selûnite" Ketheric bust with the spiky armor is pretty impossible to defend, though.
Clearly it means I don't get it either
A lot of people get a bad rep. You don't get it, because nothing in your experience has lead you to understand why some people feel a certain way. Then, when you're faced with the right circumstances, you absolutely get it.
I say this, because your defense absolutely whiffed here. You're failing to connect, because you think shitting on them is unjustified. You've just not been in the right circumstances. What would have been a better defense? They are people like any other, shaped by their limited experiences. They'd change if they were forced to have perspective on themselves.
What are you even on about.
Fucked on the beach?
Depends on the context and the tone. Gender is part of that context, as is the mutual dislike of both characters. This is just a peace offering by Lae’zel
Sure, since you're offering.
when i heard it sounded kinda gay since its kinda uncharacteristic of laezel to care about something so frivolous
Why would Laezel do a peace offering
You can kill everyone you want as god gale at the party. You basically get a finger of death type spell (150-300 damage). Ascended Astarion is a complete joke in comparison to God Gale.
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I hyped myself up too much over patch 7.

anybody made anything cool yet?
You'll learn to stop using that word in your vocabulary.
its been updated twice to work better, make sure you download the latest
>Just finished sacking the grove for the first time
not really cut out for this bad guy shit but I wanna see some different content
With cambions do you even need to kill them in hell for it to be permanent?
I did it exactly once, but finding Lia's letter made me feel awful so I just deleted that save.
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I know its just a video game but I still feel bad
Its why I love these kinda games so much I guess, you get emotionally invested
The atmosphere of the sacking felt really nice and the ambient screams and roaring fire were atmospheric. A shame Minthara was glitched back then, it took me out of the whole experience.
Who's an edgy boy? Who's an edgy boy? You are!
Have you considered that raiding the grove was just fun?
not a very edgy post to use that one on my guy. i think he was just genuinely complimenting the way it was done.
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Here is a screenshot of my Minthara 12 EK who absolutely demolished the whole game. Just keep her fed with special arrows. Shart was a 10 SSB / 2 pala so she was using band of the mystic scoundrel instead.

Diadem for extra damage on helm. Cloak is a free slot if you're not durge, that's the only good one. Medium armor full dex to AC. Encrusted with Frost gloves, Reverbation boots, Bhaal's necklace for bleed, 4.5m frost puddle on frost damage ring, risky ring, Daggers from Orin and Dolor, titanstring bow with 1d4 frost.

The build can vary depending on what's in your party. It's better to change it up for more control spells if you're going solo, but in a 4party build you have others to take care of it.
Unless you play evil or want to make mods it’s eh
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>Wife is also replaying with me for patch 7
>Roughly keeping up with each other in pace because she's sick and can't go to work
Life is comfy sometimes
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And this is Shart who tagged along with her. Frost immunity boots, dex gloves, bhaalist armor, spear of evening, helm of never miss a spell, paralyze neck so minthara can chain crit her arrow of multi target, and the mystic scoundrel band to get hold person / monster for more free minthara crits.
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Bhaalspawn runs are kind of cool. Instead of dealing with bullshit quests you simply kill everyone on the first dialogue option. It's quite comedically evil in Act 1.

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