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/lolg/ OP pastebin
Racebait spam filters
Endless spam edition.
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10 years and impact still doesn't speak English
He's not a vampire.
>has been playing in NA for 10 years
>"the greatest top player in north america"
>still can't speak English properly
sounds nice
10 years and you still don't speak Korean.
how do i play when someone picks some gay tank shit like galio mid
>be me, bronze retard
>meet a silver player in normals
>he stomps me like a bitch
i guess i don't deserve silver
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>udyr top
ok sisters so how am.i supposed to win any trades ever? Enemy udyr does infinite dmg and turbo drain tanks any dmg I do to him but when I tried him yesterday it felt like I was playing yuumi top except I was melee range?? I was vs sett and I couldn't even outdmg his passive + d shield
I went 3/18 but we managed to win. Top lane matters...
this is my last post in /lolg/
im leaving for /dlg/
I know some words like kawaii and onii-chan
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>shaco with 0 kp by 11 minutes
>nigger's name has PWN in it meaning this nigger isnt a zoomer, hes probably in his 30s-40s.
>cant figure out how to play league of legends.

end your life faggot. i heard theyre trying to bring back lethal tempo.

slightly arousing
>first game of the day
>disgusting 4 niggers running it down
>second game of the day
>boring stomp
one day matchmaking wont be shit!
13 games and 5 wins
just smile bro
this entire week has been negative winrate
game after game after game after game
after game since i dropped down to honor 1
its fucking crazy
thanks baby
its like this measuring tape and diceroll game, its aight but I like it just for the craft and collecting
my friends are helping me get models a bit but the painting shit im kinda on my own
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Stay positive /lolg/!
hair isnt right 4/10
Phasrush nasus was a little bit to strong, not only for worlds, but in general.
It just took players to long to figure it out.
Even on toplane its the most abusive shit.

On toplane theres even a little trick where you rush eklipse and then you trigger it from longrange by pressing e and wither
No there isn't
Nobody does that
You just wanted an excuse to type out eclipse with a k because that's your posting gimmick
Actually people in diamond+ do it. Even faker does it
about to cum
you know what the objective votes were a great addition to the game, no idea why everyone hated it
want jelly stream PLEASE please PLEASE I WANT JELLY STREAM
because it's literal visual clutter blocking up space on my screen same shit as a surrender vote, literal physical blockage on my screen preventing me from seeing the game
In fact. Even the world rank1 nasus player mentions it in a guide
yeah I can
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Sion is a roided BBC though
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>guys please don't fight we're 10 kills behind and they have 3 tanks while we have none we need to sidelane if we want to win
>guys please don't try to contest baron our jungler is dead and they're 12 kills ahead now please
>guys don't go elder PLEASE I'm dead our jungler is dead they're 18 kills ahead just don't go don't die we defend
it so tire sum,,,
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Literally the most pointless useless feature they have ever added. Noone uses it and it was fucking stupid in concept.
You dont need to vote to do an objective because its completly evident when it needs to happen and its always down to the jungler more than anything.
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>duo leveling
>nami lucian
>nami has the legendary skin
you just know his bf(male) bought it for her(male)
it solves a problem that no one had
bet someone at riot probably got promoted after pushing it to live
>playing toplane against tahm kench
>literally beg jungler to stop coming topside and go camp botlane
>sits topside for 15 minutes as we lose three drakes and our botlane gets roflstomped
This. I always pick sion to hardcounter irelia
no no tradey engagey before level 6
uber nono tradey level 1
udyr R1 R2 level 1 ubernuke every toplane ever literally runemdowngaming.com/udyr

that why you spam doko doko bbc porn 28 hours a day very much self improvement yes yes burgerflipper sama?
post results
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What makes a champion like Corki so good in pro-play but not in soloq? I can understand K'sante or Azir, due to their safety, scaling, and high skillcap. Corki seems very simple though, what gives?
I had my bitch buy me radiant wukong
proplay can double rotation pentakill the enemy team with full crit zilean adc

solo queue player go afk under turret check his phone pick his nose
Secret package passive proplay buff.
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Ashe was super fucking good at was amazing at starting fights with her ult. Though we stomped lane so hard I legit started to feel bad for Leona, poor girl could legit just do nothing.
But he is strong in soloqueue.
hey I have a secret package too wanna check it
he's not even good in pro anymore either after the nerfs pros just pick him still because he's comfort
hes just bad all around atm
stfu getcarriedgaming.com ass nigga
I helped :(
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umm just reach in my middle pocket and grab it hehe
Why do you have a middle pocket? Are you retarded?
it's for my surprise package just grab it vro
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noooo what I mean is how do I play him not play against him
I was the udyr and I tried to fight level 1 and got destroyed and then from then on I just got snowballed on
Okay, I squeezed the bottom part of it. Now what?
now I kiss you on the lips and we move over to the bed where I strip you naked cutie
>unironic erp
Imagine if Braum wasn't garbage and that shit was just part of his passive.
seems ironic
>unironic bbcspam
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NA is winning worlds this year
What's the 100 iq elo
Braum is good and strong it's just supportfags don't understand what he does or how to play him. If a top main gets autofilled support and unleashes the braum he's gonna hard carry the game every time
Sup sissies are too low T to pilot him
The joke was that I squeezed his balls but he didn't play along with part.
NA thought TL had a chance vs G2 LMAO
Swain is for leblanc
No, he sucks dick. I hate him.
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The ancient greeks/romans (Noxians) idealized the small penis a sign of masculinity, as opposed to a big dick, which they ascribed to barbarians as uncivilized and lustful

Swain is for his small white hand
conqueror triump legend haste last stand

secondary inspiration, cosmic insight and free boot (FREE 300 gold item BABY)

first item either doran's ding or blacked seal

take exhaust ignart, deny your jungler dog leash immediately run up toplane and walk into enemy side brush and wait for that nigga to pullup

if he shows up before the minions just go all in on his ass R1 R2 ignite and exhaust soon as he start trying to run

same shit if he shows up at the same time as minions

congrats u got ur free kill and probably wasted enemy shitlaner's flash, immediately recall and run back up toplane. from here on you don't have to continue building AP and can start buying AD items if you want to go AD udyr, also don't try to equally distribute ur skill points because udyr has 4 basic abilities x 5 = need 20 levels = not enough skill point for nonedat

if against poke heavy go RW prio if against some pussy bitch nigga go RE for the uberkills

don't forgor to itemize as per usual, contact my assistant (Lyra Love#NA1) if you have anymore questions
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>jungler is chinese
no vgs tonight?
Do you think Irelia wipes her butt with Swain's hand?
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I love Lissandra!
And her vases?
thought i stomped game but the enemy team was just bad >︿<
nasus is very fun though
be my gf?
sorry you don't get to sissypost while playing fucking nasus, we have standards around here
Stop shitting.
Agreed, its very fun how you can push a camille out of lane just by continuesly spamming E
the people dancing on the broadcast are all paid riot employees
that's not true at all, lots of beloved sissies play stinky male champs
Is that you?
Why is battle dove Seraphine so expensive. Sigh...
such as
lyra, jellyfishsloth, zaunite, steel, vouivre get a lot of attention
I meant the stinky male champions played by the sissies retard
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Why are retards allowed to live exactly?
>jungle never comes bot side despite bot side being the only side you should be playing around
>enemy bot lane is just perma shoving so they can poke us under turret to death
>we end up losing bot lane as a result cause my Nautilus support can't land a hook even if he was held at fucking gunpoint and the enemy ADC is a fucking Sivir anyway so good fucking luck doing anything about her in an even 2v2 anyway even if you CAN land hooks
>first dragon fight comes up
>Sivir is out of position for 500 years but gets away with it cause Fiddle and Heimer have fucking brain damage, won't get off the dragon and punish it (we in no fucking way can contest drag with Sivir spamming Q at us from across the entire river on a 3 second cooldown)
>they proceed to ignore Sivir in every teamfight and then UNIRONICALLY type "why isn't our ADC gap closing on Sivir?" as fucking FIDDLESTICKS

male champs aren't stinky!
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lol i have to play top lane bc that's the only role my friends dont play, whats wrong with nasus? :(
gangplank velkoz zed warwick smolder singed twitch rammus sion, etc. vouivre literally plays nasus even
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huge reroll
he cute doggy he kill turrets and he doesn't afraid of anybody
don't listen to that CHUD
yeah me thinks if you nasus you get furry treatment not sissy treatment sorry buddy

unless you're into wearing collars or something
this skin would be great if you didn't have to play as bondage fetish sona for 6 levels
Why does bot and top lane swap in pro play ?
Why hasn't this made its way to ranked and solo queue ?
who are the lolg furries
GET ME OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
to funnel as much gold and xp into your world class professional ADC
because your solo queue ADC is probably either an alcoholic construction worker who plays 3 games a week or 12 year old timmy and will do nothing with the resources
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>Ya; that's right, the precious light of the Valinor reveared by all the elves, from the blessed halls of Hollin to the Golden leafed fountains of Lindon, to the alibaster halls of the North, Nargothrond; all reveared the light of the blessed trees of the Valar, the light of the twin trees of Valinor, faded from the treachery of Morgoth and their destruction at the hands of the spider Ungoliant; found their only lasting light residing in the blessed three Gemstones who's light blessed and light the way of the elves.... and in who's light proceeded to....... steal, lie, kinslay, murder, and most of all..... covet. The greatest of the light of the valar took the elves, blessed creation of Eluvatar and turn them.... turned them into.....


Also, why is Viridian Kayle such a great skin?
>Why hasn't this made its way to ranked and solo queue ?
avg soloq match has either top or botlane going 0/5 within 8 minutes and they become entirely nullified in their own lane let alone swapping to another and holding their shit together there
It does. Toplane and bott swap sometimes.
You dont want bottlane to play on a t2 lane so you switch mid and bott since there its easier for adc to survive and farm.
You swap with top if youd midlaner plays something like xerath or assasin, since they usually need a safelane and gankroutes
no she calls me personally to clean it off with my tongue every time
I mean early levels.
True !
I have no clue why people do this, maybee something to do with jungleroutes
i always wonder, are these edits? or are there girls dumb enough to just randomly post this? like what is the motive behind posting this
only if you teach me how to play other chmaps and lanes lol
>like what is the motive behind posting this
everyone and their grandma has an onlyfans these days and any and all internet cloud will feed one more porn addict to said onlyfans
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> Viridian is a color that is associated with nature, healing, and new beginnings.

Probably because this forum is full of racist bullshit. You're all a bunch of inbred, slobs, and morons; unable to understand, let alone appreciate the wonders of the creations of the elves, let alone come close to appreciating the artistry and detail that goes into the harmonious growth, turning, and the slightest of evercuts that go into even a single sapling in the elven groves, sacred in the form of sacrosanct of which your piddling touges don't even have a word for.

So please, spare us the racist rantings of your insecure and idiotic churl lipped antagonizers; we assure you, that to the elves it matters so little as much as arguing which of the colors of the pigs best devour the rotted slop upon which they feast; the posts of which elves turn their nose to as surely if they were offered such as feast and banquet fit for their tables.
clouT sorray
can lethality chudyr work top or is it a jungle only build ? It looks fun and funny to play but I don't really want to jungle. And I only see ppl play it jg. But maybe that's just a coincidence
making a tavern that serves free wine to elves
>and blowing it up with dynamite
>lethality chudyr
literally retarded build "crafted" by thebussy fans with 0 braincells actually involved

you're better off doing the cockroach udyr with ravenous
idk I saw gourdon play it and he was instantly killing tanks with 1 auto attack. Looked pretty op...
adult diapers and bicycle helmet equipped irl?

bonus points if you guess whos posting this because this guy is of course on my team.
Is that you teamdisparity
yeah I also saw gourdon playing full crit zilean double pentakilling enemy team for two full rotations YOU ARE NOT HIM
I love gourdon so much
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Well; I suppose it's a shame that no one bothers to take all your favorite champions, and dress them in confederate, ku klux clan, and nazi uniforms while proclaiming that they're all only for european cock and or pussy; or doing whatever the racist equivalent would be in japan/china, such as when they literally say that other races aren't allowed in their brothel districts because they're so inferior they aren't allowed to touch their women.

Hey; I can appreciate that asians, indians, africans, indians of the americas, and europeans all find the different chapions sexy, and many people enjoy seeing them sexualized and even in pornography.... with people who are of the same skin color as them..... which is why we have a pornographic forum.

What you're doing, is taking all these champions, and forcing a narrative on them where they not only exclusively have sex with one race, but do so in a manner that is literally as racist as insulting as you can possibly make it; literally filling the forum with hate speech by doing so and making it so that people can't puruse the forum without being flooded by the hate speech towards their race, by the very champions that they love and enjoy, entirely in a manner that has nothing to do with how they're written by riot games.

So please, if you enjoy this fetish, take it to either the hentai forum or the /d or trash forum; and spare us the hate speech, and let us enjoy our champions without the forced racist narrative that you're pushing constantly.
I hate him because he always camps me every time
I mean on my team or outside of the game he's fine but playing vs him is so annoying!
What sissies would make a good secretary?
>NA and LATAM leagues are merging, meaning the LCS will no longer be the LCS
>Losing a worlds spot, an MSI slot, and 1 team next year for NA

Why are they doing it
sissy mental would wear a miniskirt and "work overtime" with you
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didnt read but i heard kkk
to put the adc and the support near the jungle objective
the reason adc and support were put in the bottom lane was because that's where the drake was
now there are objectives on both sides of the map so they swap more
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by the way, any good characters to play in the top lane if im like level 40? im having fun but i feel like it's hindering me a bit to have such limited abilities that don't take very much skill lol :v
need it riot fast
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Have you tried a more carry focused top laner yet like Jax or Riven, cat friend?
You should play easy champs for now so you can focus on learning the fundamentals of top lane instead of how to do combos and stuff
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Chudrima has risen!
Millions must witness!
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"thats not me"

-guy who im fucking talking to

You may call them "feeder" "worthless nigger" and many things and it rolls right off their back. but call them iron and they recoil immediately

opgg: teamdisparity """""""""unlucky""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
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Reading the actual serious convo about women not being built like Vi and that Vi is actually a man just reminds me that there are actually people who don't go outside. Like, straight-up actual anime-hikikomori levels of not leaving their domicile.

And I can talk to them 1-on-1, in this very thread, if I wanted to.
Now that's just neat.
I honestly think that the advice to start learning on a simple champ is kind of bad advice. You should first and foremost play what you enjoy but if you never play difficult combo champs you will lose out on one of the most important skills in this game, how to combo precisely under pressure(or how to have hands). You will never learn how to outplay if you only play garen your first 200 games.
please buff zed he too hard.
Reported LCS stream for Prime sub scamming
>first 200
this is like saying if you rode a tricycle as a toddler you'll never be able to learn bmx
if vi is a man, why do i find her hot? checkmate, toplaners.
130-182 please remove your fingers from your keyboard and honestly probably never touch a computing device again as you clearly don't have the mind for anything sophisticated. Pick-up that shovel, mate, there's luxury infrastructure you should be breaking your body to help realize until robotics are advanced enough to replace you.
you find smolder hot and he's male
>if vi is a man, why do i find her hot?
because you're a closeted gay homosexual man interested in men
>flames people over fucking quickplay
wallahi you are the lowest of low scum of this game
stop bullying cutelows. He loses because he's in loser queue
Cause bot lane fighting before 3 items in pro play is too risky for esport gooks and chinks, so they make the top laners, junglers and mids fight over dragon while the duo lanes just play on the island
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Once people realise how much of the game is a coin flip, they'll get better.
They'll also get better if they focus on themselves, and not point fingers at chudmates bad plays.
Avoiding tilt, and having a strong mentality will allow you to climb faster.
Buuut it's easier to just point fingers and say X diff - which is sad !
i don't find smolder hot. i just like cute animals so i play him sometimes.
incorrect, i am very open about it
>interested in men
yeah this is exactly how I see it too. ofc you lose games because of bad teammates. only an idiot would deny that, it's just that focusing on or caring about it is pointless and a waste of energy
MF needs nerfs so fucking bad, dominates every game cause she's so braindead
>They'll also get better if they focus on themselves, and not point fingers at chudmates bad plays.
>Avoiding tilt, and having a strong mentality will allow you to climb faster.
>Buuut it's easier to just point fingers and say X diff - which is sad !
I don't, I sit there like a mothafucking rock from the fucking stonehenge, ignore my retarded drooling teammates' attempts at tilting me, explain them the correct play, explain them what we should be doing, where to go, etc.

ofc nobody's reading my posts. everyone in this thread is me having a conversation with myself.
then why do you post such erotic smolder pictures
Fly quest fucking sucks
i'll try, thanks! :3
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holy fuck murishart kino
>NA scene
>losing entire championship to winions
>Something cool happens in any other region
>Something cool happens in NA
>NA scene
>LCS last game ever ends in the most retarded way possible
good riddance
it's a you issue if you found an image of a pink spraypainted spyro erotic. i'm not judging, but i'm just saying i didn't see what you did.
There couldn't possibly be a better way to end the last LCS

are there even any fucking anti-tank bruiser items? I underscramble buying blacked cleaver for apen but what about the HP stacking niggas?
but i stay silly :3 but i stay silly :3
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>explain them the correct play, explain them what we should be doing, where to go, etc.
You're already putting too much effort into your team. Turn off chat, and allow the coin flipping to happen.
>last LCS
qrd? I don't follow NA
how am kill thomas kench with bork bork when me am no have base hp compare him? it deal on hit %hp but then me hp too low he burst down?
Thank you finally someone says it
>last LCS
can I get a qrd?
not following lolisports anymore espcially not americlown league
so I'm the one who thinks smolder is hot?
>You're already putting too much effort into your team
just like I'm putting too much effort into you niggas baka youont see me complain about dat
merged with brazil from next year
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>Not sure if he's a jew or a fricin idiot who got nogged once too many times on his ole jalope, but but either way rennie, he's sure got alot of hate for people only cause their skin color
NA merging with LATAM
NA is so fucking hopeless

FLY threw and then TL threw
what the fuck
it was kino. won't hear otherwise
Are Taint Lickers just generational chokers?
nta but I find smolder hot too
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its crafts time if you wanna see me assemble a spooky waifu
They do this in literally EVERY esport
It's actually unreal and should be studied
I was about to make fun of these LCS teams, but the funny thing is they will probably outperform the LEC teams at worlds again. You can just tell it's going to be a comedy show this time around.
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Bros??? What'd you get?
this isn't Minecraft
do you like his sassy walk
i want to fuck smolder so bad
what would you do to him
>watch a dude assemble a $300 lego waifu figure for "adults"
yeah nah chief I'll pass no thankssss
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>eu rejects
>kr rejects
>and a balding in his early 20s burger
your last LCS champions
>c9 kicks mithy
>don't even make it to worlds
>fly picks up mithy
>win their first championship
top kek
faker should just drop his washed up carried team and start FKT F1
Lmao. He's easily the worst player on T1.
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oner is literally a fucking hired extra getting paid to stand around, his keyboard and mouse aren't even actually connected they got someone else playing for him through teamviewer
Why are people so obsessed with ranks? It's way easier to get lootboxes if you're low ranked and allowed to farm easy

Ranking up goes against the spirit of league
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Your hatred of yordles for the size of their penis is noted; bigot.

>lulu posting was peak /lolg; when will we ever escape this trough and return to fun and happy times in /lolg?
for a start i'd explore his entire body with my fingers, getting him worked up..
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wowiee anon you caught me!
>have to carefully pick whether I want to use my precious report on the bbspam or the smolder erp
promoted :3
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woowie brown obese ma'am why cant u have sex with me brown babe white hair be my gf
I don't bully cutelows, I bully uglylows that are observed during the entirety of my time here as miserable to other people. No one under Grandmaster rank in this game should even consider trying to rationalize calling people niggers when they're no better than dogs themselves, yet I sit here and watch this guy contribute to carbon excess and he can't even manage to meet the minimum expectations of a Hufflepuff.

Some people are worth patience and encouragement. Some degenerate into bit-rot NPCs that need to de-spawn. Dude's caught in an entropic negativity loop until apoptosis anyway, may as well do society a solid and accelerate the process.
good job kitten
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>augment that turns ap into ad +10% ad
>build rylais
>dumb nigger sona
>ping my augment
>win rounds by myself because no shit i have a dumb nigger sona on my fucking team
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I used to feel bad for the Ezreals who type "maam please fuck me jerryfish" but now i just find it funny
>Some people are worth patience and encouragement.
name them
>already doing ranked
Fuckkk, I just hit 40 today and was gonna hold it off for a while, maybe I should queue tonight...
Problem is the rest of the team become headless chickens without him microing them, as we saw last year.

SKT needs to start copying that WoW raid strat where they have someone outside of the raid telling them what to do. They could call this role a "coach".
The point is not to learn how to outplay someone. Its to understand that dueling isnt the way to the mountaintop.
Basics are more important if you actually want to win games, and since garen or mordekaiser are simple you have more brainspace to pay attention to stuff like proper rotations, wavemanagement, visiongame, punishing plays, how to properly turretdive etc.

The game isnt about farming kills and doing cool looking plays.
Most people who play hardchamps in lower elos usually lose because they focuse to much on their champs mechanics (jax/riven syndrom) and forget about everything else. Then they get camped and done
how many years has he been doing this for?
>SKT needs to start copying that WoW raid strat where they have someone outside of the raid telling them what to do. They could call this role a "coach".
it isnt allowed
coaches cant talk to players during the game
Many cuties here OwO
>wanting people to die over losing games in their own time
They should give the players those high tech in ear hidden speakers so he can give them direction

mostly ego
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can I fight Darius level 1 as udyr
if you're exhaust igniting like I told you to
which lolgs are actually the same person
peak american hours
see you next week!
Me and me
all the egirls are just me using my trans voice training
Why is it so fun to make my team lose when they do some toddler level shit like not using their insane AoE kit to push the lane when their opponent roams or running directly away from safety?
how can na as a region act cocky when their best loses to fly by not recalling and slowing the wave? this is the best that region has to offer?
ignore this retard >>493591856
play tp, dont fight him at lvl 1 and beat him through proper wavemanagement
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i wasnt brave en0ugh but im beating him anyways
I'm you
close enough... I'm proud... I gues.s....
>never learn how to duel
>lose every skill matchup every time
??? forced 50bros ???? winnersq abuser??????

how do u win games if u never learn how to fight lol u cant manage a fucking wave if you cant even get the push because you dont know how to use ur abilities in ur matchup
I've played for 15+ hours today
I'm so fucking tired
hi jelly
how do i achieve this power
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bets RN
You can learn how to duel on garen aswell. Even the most important thing which low elo players just dont get which is called SHORTTRADES
losersqueue rat race and no time to play during weekdays
and addiction in general
up 2 levels lul
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>go into QP at 2am on weekend
>4man premade
>5man bot gank spams
>enemy toplaner is 100cs down and is perma ganking bot now
>enemy botlane has double exhaust (blitz + mf)
>exhaust was only used on me
>AP malphite mid that only ults me
>zed jungle that hunts me the entire game to the point where i can barely leave the base
>my support is literally silver 4 shen that misses every taunt but sometimes ults me
>my midlaner is literally griefing because he is new to the game and doesn't understand anything
>the average skill level of enemy was emerald 2
>still win because we had brand in the team
>even if brand is shit he just blows up people
>ask enemy team what the fuck did they mean by 4stacking + voicecom + perma ult spam + perma exhaust spam adc
>they just insta block me

holy FUCK creatures actually play the game like this
and i only died 7 times despite that
Jhin+lux win since its a high synergy lane.
Though its bronze so who knows
vg vs vg
password vidya
spammer falseflag
Handless viegos fucking make me want to vomit get off of that champ
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>Sona anons getting ready to erp in lolg.
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>I'm 9-1
>but I can't fucking do anything with it anyway cause I'm a fucking ADC and the enemy solo lanes all curb stomped mine-- especially since the enemy team has a fucking Rammus on it
>team flames me for not being able to 1v9 as the unironically lowest agency role in the fucking game
Euthanize. retards. now. Cleanse this Earth of these literal defects.
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why bwipo doing the akali emote???
he is adjusting his glasses
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>name an objectively worse champion
>insanely low base hp
>2 long cd abilities and a passive
>insanely short "ranged" aa
>very low base damage
>uncontrollable passive
>mega form is "tanky"(but not really still pops like a fucking balloon)
>no matter what you build you will be useless for half the game, mega only lasts 10 seconds, can wear off mid fight
>every time he is even slightly viable at all some Korean picks him in pro and he gets nerfed 20 times
>no good core items
>every other tank has more reliable cc, 4 abilities all game, real durability, and guess what? They do more damage
Do I need to go on?
Yes, even garen requires some basic mechanics just as learning your powerspike, autohit resets, lvl up abusing, defensiv skill timing and itemization.
I bet you're either bronze or silver and dont use any of these mechanics
OK but he kyoot doe
you made half those terms up
those are fundamentals not mechanics lol and you can learn those on any champ. you are just gimping yourself if you practice fundamentals and nothing else
dude, you can play nigger erp with whatever characters but isn't it fucked up when you start pushing niggershit on actual people?
like sure it won't spread but imagine being bwipo reading this shit and your name is attached to nigger clock loving fetishes on some random imageboard

that's kinda fucked up isn't it?
calm down bwipo, stop crying fag
how do i get the jungler to stop trying to rape me?
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Why did the aryan male get triggered at the suicide emote...?
Powerspike means that certain champions require certain items to function, and based on that they are weaker and stronger at different timestamps of the game.
Its called a basic and is known by anyone above gold.
Autohit resets means that you use an ability that resets your autohit timer to deal more damage
Defensiv skill timing means for example if you play vs mordekaiser you track is W cooldown so you understand when to engage and when to avoid fighting. The same is true for garen. If your W is on cd because you throw it early you give riven a timeframe to OS you.
Proper itemization is a nobrainer you propably dont understand either
LvL up abusing means that if you and your enemy are both lvl 2 but you're close to lvl up you can engage him with E so kill minions while trading, get the lvl 3 infight and kill him.

I can bet 100% that you are either iron or bronze since you dont know these terms. Proof me wrong
I wish I could enjoy Gnar because I'm a yordlefucker but I can't
i don't think i have to be him to think it's fucked up
If you dont even understand what an autohitreset is or how to attackwalk you will never be good at jax.
Since jax requires you to triple autohit reset while attackmoving at the same time.
You learn fundamentals first so you stop dripping over yourself.

You dont learn jackshit if your brain is filled with bloat
would you fuck gnar
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Is Azakana here right now? Looky looky what they're adding back, my boy.
Not him but why would you post a joke pic when they actually are adding the rune back? Like they even have the stats for it yet you chose to post that.
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xth for honorary black lil 'kali

Howz the white inzul finna fuck picture O_O? He finna summon naafiri knot to help him or what
lost my udyr game but i did the most damage so that means i won
I can tell just from your responses that you probably main adc and you probably dont play any of the difficult champions in league and have never tried to master any of them. You know what happens when you actually master a champion? You can autopilot it. I can autopilot irelia just as easily as I can autopilot garen so do you think my brain is bloated with trying to do fancy combos and shit?
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You know anon; I can understand that you might have a fetish for white women, and don't want to breed with your own, because you think they're inferior for whatever reasons, but you're taking a thing of beauty, sex and love between two people, whatever their colors, and turning it into a tool of hatred and racial conflict.

I despise both you and the mods for doing that to the league forum here; basically the only one available after they shut down the forums on the league webpage (most likely because they, like most other game company forums, were constantly flooded by messages from (((posters))) who constantly posted things like "dead game" and other things that the game developers hated seeing, because they knew it was an attack on them and their artistry and hard work, deliberately done for no reason other than to try to destroy the experience and enjoyment that people, who loved the games, went to the forum to participate in a community, where instead of trying to get people to enjoy, and participate, they tried to get them to leave.

I despise you for posting this /trash; but the mods even more for letting you get away with it constantly, and never instantly banning you and deleting your posts.

Sadly, I'm pretty sure this is going to fall on deaf ears; because certain (((people))) have decided to make antiwhite hatred unofficial policy.
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thanks for reminding me. thats where i should go to learn2jungle. Although, its also bad because sometimes the enemy team doesnt even have a jungler or they are OTP viego/kayn/noobstomper
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xth for black supremacist lil bro

Hows it my fault his hair curling (not the sports)
I play jax, fiora and camille.
If you want to improve in league you need your brain free to pay attention to fundamentals. If your brain is absorbed by anything else you wont learn jackshit.
I just picked yasuo into smolder top and fucked him up so hard it felt so fucking good, I just imagine the ego of that guy picking that shit top absolutely fucking shattered and my penis gets rock solid instantly
do you find smolder erotic
Based ranged top destroyer, i kneel
what is skill max order for ad udyr
>tfw you almost wrangle your 4 tards to victory but the enemy tard wrangler panics and steps his game up last minute
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Sadly; I thought by the 2020s humanity would have moved past racial supremacy as any sort of policy; let alone on a forum. Afterall; what are you going to do; say that blue and green women are also only for blacks? Gods, I can only wait until some Klingon or Nosagen starts stabbing you people to laugh.

i do
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It's a new day to ruin some adchuds lives !
I find raping smolder players femboy bussy erotic
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Korean culture is centered around K'santes. They have holidays for K'santes. They killed hundreds of thousands of white men to free K'santes. They listen to K'sante music. They elect a K'sante as their president. They dress and act like K'santes. They draw the entirety of their modern culture from K'santes. They post sassy gifs about K'santes. They watch sportsball in worship of K'santes. Their biggest event of the year involves throwing parties in honor of K'santes playing sports. They use K'santes slang like "bruh" and "thot". When you say "Martin Luther" they're not thinking of the father of protestantism. They're thinking of the K'sante. Their cities are completely overrun with K'santes. They worship their ZOGbot police force disproportionately filled with K'santes and their global police force of soldiers filled with K'santes. Their men sit around watching K'sante ball while their women sit around watching K'sante talk shows and fantasizing about K'sante dick. They worship K'santes like Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan and Michael Jackson and the late Eddie Murphy while attacking the whites who actually built their country before K'santes took over. Their movies are filled with K'santes and their music charts are topped by K'santes. They send niggers to the Olympics and celebrate when the K'santes win because those K'santes are true red blooded american K'santes. They watch K'sante porn to a point where "BBC" does not make them think of an international media company but about K'sante penises instead. They will tell you how much they hate K'sante and how the mutt's law meme is a stale joke and they are just pretending to love K'sante but the evidence speaks for itself in that Korea has always been and will be a nation of K'sante loving K'santes.
>Star Trek fag compulsively replies to the BBC spammer
Q E W i think
Add more W early if you need sustain but overall just get Q to 6
same person
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>when the caller redeems the gift card and you're rageposting blackedbait on 4chan.org/vg/lolg
saars, not like this :(
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Post your summoner icon
fundamentals are for people who are bad at the game to try and cope that they are slow building an advantage that gets wiped out instantly from one misstep/missed skillshot in any game under grandmaster. nigger just walk up and land ur abilities while dodging the enemies abilities its not hard to play this game save the fundamentals for ur 2000 game challenger climb bro its ok
i have helmbet bro icon
Why'd they make a little brown boy a champion?
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Official and objective /lolg/ namefag ranking list
1. bloomsbury
2. king grey
3. ???
Nobody takes attentionwhore seriously until it shows his face

Umm sis we can see the s-word bunny
>any game under grandmaster
why do you guys think that typing like this will convince people you are high elo
it just makes you obnoxious
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I have an account with a very racist name that will for sure be reported if i queue up even once, how do i do the avoidatations?
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Any tips for Renata Glasc? I really like her aesthetic but all of her abilities feel piss slow.
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new duo I guess...
hi zaunite
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>tfw no more Ezreal icon to go with Emerald border
??? the point is not to try and larp as high elo its to say that players master and below make so many disgusting(ly obvious) misplays that you can spend 10 minutes generating a 20 cs advantage and throw it away instantly because you ulted in and missed one of your skillshots in a critical fight(happens all the time on streams I watch). stop projecting
Our best poster.
>snow bunny
I thought only amerimutts had that syndrome
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Thoughts on the AI bunny woman from tiktok? If u reply i might reply butt i will not read ur text because esyweeler is not worth the time

Cute chinese male! What is his name?
holy fuck French people, let alone premades, are annoying
are you asking why there's a wide variety of character designs?
we can make it trio, triple the fun
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>ai generate a s-word bunny
>think its going to give me aurora
>instead it gives me a girl who looks exactly like lux
Hol up... Isn't this racism?
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Sadly; the easiest go to defense, for young caucasian males when encountering this form of attack, on their ego and identity, in the head butting of young males for superiority of stance and positioning, is one intelligent and responsible members of soceity, with an ounce of integrity, generally won't use which is simply to label any female that has sex with africans as a mentally damaged slut who's worth less than a condom covered turd in a sewer, utterly worthless and stupid and unworthy of their time.

Unashamed "eugenicists" have the same ease; by simply labeled the entire african race as "unworthy" and only good for prison labor and extermination for the good of the species; it's for the greater good you know.

The average "ethical" nerd/geek, who's into science, Star Wars, Star Trek, and other forms of scientific eutopianism where racial differences are put aside; or magical realms, such as faerun or middle-earth, where such tensions exist, but not in that form, and the general message is to put such aside, also don't have a way to answer as such, other then trying to defend the sexual proclivities of their "waifu" to include their phenotype as well; something the racist assholes posting this don't even bother doing, merely slapping their racist supremacy sybols onto every single character, lore at riot games not even mattering slightly to them in their efforts to hurt white people who did nothing hurt them, and only want to live in peace and harmony, building a just soceity free of such hate mongering and race hate baiting, that's been plastered here for YEARS on end, with no serious attempts by the mods to stop it.

Sad that the ones that care the most, that are the most fair and just, when it comes to living side by side with their breathern of a different skin color, are the ones hurt the most by pictures of "waifus" that they enjoy playing, and jerking off to.
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I want the battle queen one
I ain't readin all that. I'm happy for you tho
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Which DEI ESG score diversity release is more kino?
White black or brown?

So what do we think about the 2020 decades mandatory white Diversity, equity and inclusion release? The bunny girl from tiktok?
Will Qiyana ever be allowed to be good?
E is fairly quick and not exactly easy to dodge without keeping a lot of distance
auto comes out quite fast as well, so use that for short trades (even better if you can make ur adc proc it too)
Q requires a bit of predicting or them disrespecting it, it isn't very fast but if you land it, can be pretty devastating
R is insane if it lands on multiple enemies, but yes, very slow and predictable indeed. Make sure to either cast it from fog of war, over a wall, or use R and then flash into them for an unexpectedly fast wave approaching them. Also you have to realize that sometimes, even missed ults can be worth it, because it makes the enemy run and abandon a position which can sometimes be game deciding as well
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When QiQi milkman said "contrast bunny" what did he mean by that?

QiQi! Do you think Queenya of spades is AI generated like the contrast bunny Aurora?
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HELLO im a black gorrrilla nigger and I practice fundamentals! could u tell by my 40% skillshot accuracy in lane(NOT punishing csing by throwing skillshot during autoattack animation btw~!!!!!) how could u tell I peaked s14 master after 1k games????(playing s14 fulltank m*ges btw) hold on I will queue up another game and play 6 health item aurelion sol that abuses fundamentals by never allowing a wave to get bounced against him!!!! im playing fundamentals its fine I am skilled!!!!! picrel u after getting fundamentally fisted ingame
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White DEI pozzed cali clears of course butt i might be biased doko
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Well she's okay I think but she'll never be played in pro ever
Bring assassins back
go play dota fundamentals freak where every champion(hero) is sub 50 apm and the game is just memorizing who statchecks who
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>brown bois are good at soccer
They gave milio footballs
>aryan queens are good at taking black dick
They make a bunny
Diversity token releases have so much soul

Qiqi.. Who or what is the contrast?
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why isn't yasuo seen in pro play?
should LoL bring back mana potions?
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Serious Question, why did ADCs stop building I.E first?
they should bring bring back kleptomancy
Wdym. Faker played him recently
Her best skins are clearly Judgement and Silver.
you know, ive always said this every time someone brings up fundamentals. what is the core fundamental of the game??? it is do I walk up here? does garen walk up to darius level 1? fuck no, so every other fundamental in the game does not apply because you dont actually get to play the game. thats why top lane isnt actually a real role. in real roles like mid and bot pretty much every matchup save for a few is a borderline skill matchup(both sides can walk up most times) and so the fundamental is learning how to actually play your champ to a competent level instead of just tank statcheck memorization.
most pros dont have practice on the champ
he is good in pro play tho, its just most of the players are bad at him
>hit some dude level 1
>oh look, I just got a red pot, neato
>lane status: won
yes they should
sure half the cancer champs are manaless anyways
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I tried to carry but the enemy smolder smoldered too hard
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Should I just take the Yuumipill and become a Yuumimain now?
Surely this ARAM match will translate well into pure Ranked skill
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This is the guy you're arguing with about fundamentals
that's what I'm thinking
also it's still an investment like pink wards or health pots - you can't be sure they will be worth it. I think it would allow for more decision making
nah u wont learn anything in aram you dont practice fundamentals there
I hate smolder so much my team always lets him win but when he's on my team he's just a glorified caster minion
Why didn't one guy just recall?
there gonna be some vgs tonight?
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lolgen i have a very important message.

kill yourselfs
idk just practice fundamentals on the women then they practice fundamentals on ur dick idk bro
bro needs to watch alois more hes the fundamentals guy
Yasuo is outplay kind of champ and isn't a safe pick, but I feel like if someone tried to counter this adc meta in mid with him would be kino
1 fundamental that helps you win the darius vs garen matchup is wavemanagement.
Darius usually plays with flash ghost, so what you wanna do is wait for a good waveposition, go in for a bad trade with the only purpose of stting him low, doesnt matter if you die.
Then use your low early lvl respawn timer and TP.
Darius will be forced to take a bad recall since he cant stay on lane in execute range.
Since he has no tp you can freeze 3-4 waves till he arrives which gives you not only lvl, but gold advantage.
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i think i got matched against another lolg
as silly as it sounds, I think they weren't really aware of the threat in botlane
they already won in their minds and weren't really looking at their nexus anymore
at least that's what I think it must've been like
bout to practice fundamentals all over this tf ngl
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Post your favorite AI champion, for me it's the bunny who gets contrasted by the contrasting tool

>lolgen i have a very important message.

>kill yourselfs

Forfeit your life virgin ezreal!
pedophile i would feel scared to have you near kids
Yeah it feels similar to going against a kog, as long as his team just dogpiles whoever gets near him he can do the other 90% of the teamfight himself
Caatra smurf
The 2nd fundamental you need vs darius in case he doesnt fall for the cheater recall is jungle tracking and proxying.
Darius has a lot less mobility as garen so you proxy with garen darius cant really stop you and you can avoid him freezing the wave.
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She doesn't even need the sign. The size of her beta blockers are enough to let guys know she's black only

Queenya of Spades or Qiqi minaj, even the fucking name says it
this new fundamental word being spammed all over league content is dumb af u can just end lane phase in 5 minutes and go permaroam and coinflip games and win laning is so trash nowadays u barely have to do it
It's crazy that lol is probably going to pretty much all but die in the west in the next 5-ish years or so. It really felt like something like WoW that would be around forever but I guess not.
It's not a new word. People used to call it basics in earlier seasons.
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Thoughts on the new honor system?
>only 1 type of honor now
>can now honor up to 4 people
>can now honor enemies (again)
read this exact post in 2018
>league invented the word fundamentals
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Did we really need another contrast bunny? We already have so many?

Not like the pale micropenis can even get pass those massive cheeks
fundeez nutz
this game is noob friendly cancer rash
I don't think that our newer generations possess the necessary attributes to play League of Legends.
not as noob friendly as deadlock tho
and 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011
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4700 HP, 329 armor, 201 MR champion has unstoppable, shield , wall hopping abilities.
Has an airborne , furthermore the cooldown is only 1 second mana cost is 15
then when he transforms w cooldown is refunded and passive deals true damage and then for armor/mr the more and more you stack, you get cdr!
you get cdr on your q and the casting speed gets faster and then he has an AD ratio so his W is eek-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
I think it's good
noone cares what types of honors you got. Being able to honor more than one person feels adequate, and honoring your opponents for losing or winning gracefully seems like a decent option as well when I don't like my teammates
It's pretty good I'd say.
Do wish they kept the honor types, but 4 to give out is a good number since it means you can do your whole team if it's that good.

Wonder how it'll affect the Honor Level gain and what they'll do about the honor skins.
Doesn't make sense to do "Three Honors" if there's only one kind.
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you all are the best i make this for u
if you ever honor the enemy i can only assume you'd be the kind of chump who gets punched in the face and apologizes to the person who did it
last time I had a duo you faggots added her and said some shit about me being a pedophile rapist
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Wonder if they'll do something special if you manage to get 9x Honor.

>He's never had a fun lane opponent
in community yeah, retards hate when you arent magically their best friend just because they got randomly put on your team, every punishment system in place favors the retard noobs. in gameplay this game is one of the furthest from being noob friendly, as the gameplay is knowing what all 150ish champs are capable of from thousands of hours of previous experience.
what crazy is this game is absolute cancer trash balanced around egirl bots
but yet every jungler is a down syndrome fucktard retard
crazy how that works i guess the game needs to be hard in some way
>bot lane drops 8 deaths in 12 minutes
stfu lonely fucking faggot
kys pleease
Rookie numbers. I've seen one do 13 in 8 minutes.
your response?
>riot themselves have stated that for 40% of your games this is intentional
Calling it the bot lane special feels out of place these days cause "special" implies that there are at least some instances where it doesnt happen
>being matched against someone in a video game is like being punched by them
whut. one of my friends started off as a player on the enemy team. he was chill to play against and gave me tips on my champ
you are our property now
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>top lane drops 8 deaths in 12 minutes
ok where's my collar that says "lolg slut" on it
delete botlane from the game
go on lolgen and tell me that its just quickplay or that im just bad or that its my build. perfect. also im a 300lb neckbeard faggot who wears flame shirts and tried to fuck his sister in the 3rd grade. i got carried to em 4 from someone else on lolgen so now im "high elo" i get shit on in vgs
it's in ur hear <3
KEK. chat is this real
YES it is she said she was going to bed then you faggots asked me "hey mantheon how's that egirl duo" and I checked and she unfriended me
>can we focus rakan lol
this is ur brain on jg
doesn't mean they told her you were a rapist
oh yeah just a chain of totally coincidental events right
whens vgs
why would anyone willingly play top lane?
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Sadly; the days of lulu posting here are over.

The easy answer, is the answer i hate; matching bigotry with bigotry, and simply calling them niggers and to take their shitty insecurities back to the ghettos that they themselves covered in trash, crime, and degenrate pimps and hookers; and that all those women, most espically the asians, wouldn't touch a nigger even if you paid them.

Great; now let's keep it up till we start murderering each other. Then murderering each other in the millions. Then tens of millions; then until the world is covered with the corpses of ever other race until only one "color" remains, which quickly descends into slight differences in tribes and colors starting the murdering again. That or until a bunch of AI murder machines declare all humanity "inferior" and uses the justification to murder all of humanity. Or until a bunch of aliens do the same, and call humanity "inferior" in addition to morally bankrupt before exterminating all of us.

Happy yet?
Im not a low T cuck that cant admit whenever my opponent played better than me.
Sometimes they also trashtalk together with you, especially on top.
I dont see why i should honor a good guy with nice attitude.
Become a real man and end a match with a firm handshake.
i have masochism fetish and proxy farming is funny
there are some fun champs that are mostly being toplaners - Kled for example
that's about it though, can't think of much else
It's the most fun role (if you dont play against gay duo that dives you 20 times)
I'm high T so i lost half my hair already.
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Quicker power-spike; some champs utilize Kraken very as first item or decide they need the wave-clear of Shiv. Some champs do still go IE-first.
its the best lane for retards, lock in the most objectively broken champs, retard push the entire game, place all blame on literally anyone else on the team. 0 expectations from top lane and they follow the most absolute cancer game ruining fun sapping meta for like 8 years straight
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Some of try to tank and play the team game, you know.
NA server is all gay kids
>IM different...
fuck off tranny retard, same retard different packaging
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yeah nevermind about learning jungler champs. top lane is de wey
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Yeah top lane could be playing one of those champs that are unaffected by their own score though
3,4k gold and cloak is component
2.9k gold shiv for 55ad 45%as 5%ms and extra waveclear

ie rush is only good on champs that never cared about attack speed
samira,aphelios are 2 examples
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>decide to finally start up ranked this split
>game 1 jungle runs it down
>game 2 bot runs it down
>game 3 mid runs it down
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>Starting ranked split when we're like 2 weeks from it being over
Games a coin flip. Hope you landed on the right side.
maybe stop switching roles all the time and stick to one ;)
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i love all ining level 2 for no reason
you misunderstand, i'm in the CBT role
Nta but Ill probably end up doing placements soon just in case I want to play Clash again since you have to be ranked in the previous split
because i've been playing other games
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She's banned
which jungler should i int with when the game autofills me?
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>Wake up
>Volibear is still reworked
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There's a perfectly good role in bot lane waiting for you where you're more important to the team, Mr. Tank player. Come, join us.

Or is it that you're being dishonest and a big part of it is you want to be the protagonist? HMMMM?
blacks also arent blessed with white skin
ur prob some hillybilly fat pedo inbred gay kid lab clone
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no pull faggot ass nigger lol
no way
are you him
what made you come le back
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im out here saving lives fr
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vg vs vg
password is
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ur not him kid
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Shen was honestly pretty fun. Almost all of my ults were impactful and every teamfight I felt pretty consistently fucking useful. I couldn't stop Nasus from farming in lane, sadly, and died twice due to not respecting his ult at all, but he pretty much lost his team the game just splitpushing and dying on his own instead of actually helping his team so I consider that a win in my book.

Fucking christ is CS'ing as this dude hard though. I lost so many creeps from how little his autos did without using his Q. Definitely need to work on that.
ive seen what you post on trash
link me brole
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She's just not the same without prowlers....
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>ur not him kid
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well I got a nice first blood vs sett as vi and then ended 3/10 and lost
had cs lead on him the whole game at least...
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Now that the dust has settled, why did the Volibear rework flop so hard?
sett reference :o
volibear reworked flopped because the real volibear rework was sett
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With your peepers?
this game was better when you had to give your mid lane second blue
You're clearly doing this for the vine but if a woman showed me her QoS tattoo irl I would vomit, make her clean it up, then make her leave.
i don't see it, are you lying?
yeah and my penis
with my penis
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Not that anon but I only had to play 5 games to get back to diamond 4 and then fuck off again.
They really killed all my desire to play with these splits.
vg up join now
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The trick is holding Ice-Q while auto attacking him, then the instant he casts his fly move you smack him with it
Then the fight is just over it's pretty easy honestly
vg vs vg
pw vidya

join now simple as no Niggers please
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Qiqi is in the top 2 black new world order coded champions prove me wrong

QiQiQiQi... Contrast bunny? What did you mean by it? Whens the legendary skin doko or something xD
>bestinu lobby
no different than anyone else hosting lmfao
it is hard not ot soft int on this game with how bad it is
yeah meant anyone* except bestinu and boodrum
5 more vg vs vg
Are you talking about the permaroam meta?
Also, filename.
I cant imagine a champ breaking toplane harder in bronze than pantheon
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Asianboi here im making 4incel videogame general lobby
No Wiggers please they are low iq

Butt i have superior IQ im faker lmfao
this is a mobile game
is rujmia in lobbyh?
here's how your favorite champ would look like if they were black or chinese
vg 1 more
please remove jungle and please remove the drakes
i can't do this every single fucking game
It didn't flop.
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Zaamn why is the aryan superhuman being luxrolled??

we are good at suicide and getting jerryrolled i guess...
yep, earlier my downstairs neighbors (black) left a note on my door asking politely for me to keep the noise down. so I must ask, which champs besides yumi will allow me to stay calm during battle for the entire match.

for example which champs can i play where i wont scream nigger really really loud when my teammate (xerath) plays like this?
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Soraka! My Cute Wife!
You would have actually killed him if you didnt flash out.
His ult wasnt stacked
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when jelly join vg!??
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vg vs vg need 1 more
>he always seethes at the thought of people loving waifus
he had 3 stacks on me, he was 11/0 iircc (look at the score there) and if played with 3 humans in that webm, darius dies with ease. the right play is to get the fuck out of there because greeding gives him some return. why the fuck would i risk anything when i can flash there and my human teammate can just literally press his buttons and get a 100 hp, standstill kill? because riot gives me nigger teammates but this general never wants to have that discussion. anyway which champs. i need to log in and play some games but im afraid i cant without the proper guidance.
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>Trying to take Baron
>See enemy Zac getting ready to steal it
>Baron is low on health
>Zac is about to leap
>Yasuo sees this
>As soon as Zac is in the air, Yasuo ults him canceling the leaping animation and we get the Baron
Why are Yasuo players more respectable to fight than Yone players?
i need literally the calmest champ in existence besides yumi. so far im thinking lux.
Electrocute or Phase Rush for Vladimir? Ignite or ghost?
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Milio. Slows the lane down to a crawl, where you cannot do much against him unless he misplays.
Also plays from two screens away.
aery or grasp
electro and pr are both shit
vg bets
Alright thanks, do I still do protobelt?
you can either go stormsurge and then deathcap or cosmic drive and then deathcap
Because climbing is about improving on your own mistakes and thinking about what you can do better.
You dont have to tell me that xerath played it like an ape, i can see that for myself.
Everyone gets niggateammates sometimes. Focuse on yourself and not on what others do
all in on queen marchen!!!!!!
I went with hiemer even though i dont like playing him.
I probably wont scream nigger however and thats the goal.
you can't be friends with pixels lil bro
looking at my xerath webm is bad for my mental health im already starting off bad. just makes me more and more angry
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>Had to stop being a mid laner and swap to ADC as ADCs keep feeding bot and dying
How come Iron players only play Draven meanwhile in Bronze, it's always Miss Fortune but when I ban MF, they choose Ashe?
Should I make a new account to learn a different role
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>pick draven
>enemy jungler literally just lanes bot
im not joking
he was 15 cs at 8 mins
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When is Riot gonna announce the next mythic ship rotation? I so want to get Hextech Jarvan, Kassadin, Swain, Alistar, etc. But they keep adding shit Hextech skins like Hextech Nocturne and Annie.
when are u gonna start streaming again
>teamfight takes place
>adc focuses on the tank who is running away>>493608825
>Had to stop being a mid laner and swap to ADC as ADCs keep feeding bot and dying
I'm on the edge of starting an adc arc myself. I'm so sick of 20 death botlanes ruining the game
sometimes i feel like the best and only viable way to climb out of emerald is to pick bottlane and dont feed
you dont have to win, just dont feed
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is exhaust and ignite on udyr top real or did i get pranked
only fags do that
Topi lantto unemployed fat alcoholic beach party leather doko
pool party skin doko
If my Jungler chooses Yuumi or my team in general chooses Yuumi, do I just dodge?
no he's baiting you to dodge so he doesn't have to
But I'm an emerald support and a literal wood adchud...
I got I to league around 2016 (8 years ago holy fuck) when he was actually somewhat viable and it's depressing to see how forgotten he is. also played old swain (deleted and remade) and aurelion (deleted and remade) such is life.
>Jungler doesn't ban anyone
>I pick Janna top since we aren't playing to win
>VelKoz mid tells me he's gonna mass report me for int feeding if my lane enemy gets fed
>I lane into some cringe duo running two people top
>Still go 2/1 against them in lane phase
>Mid lane is 0/7/0 at end of game at 21 minutes
He muted me mid game because i was chatting shit telling him i'd have to mass int feed report him lmfao
I love this game
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adc lane invaders seething
how? how? how? how? if ur that bad don't even bother then wtf................
Learn to play toplane and midlane if you want to become better at support
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there is nothing in the world more satisfying than utterly breaking top lane adc's
ADC is quite literally the easiest role to play though
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most normal 5 am game on euw
Last hitting is hard...?
Honestly I know wave management etc, I just wouldn't know when to go in and sacrifice minions and such.
Also I literally just want to play adchud, there's no cute champions for top or mid.
>team sovl vs team dogshit niggerape tryhards
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>lay down turrets
>run around
>produce about as much output as when im playing irelia

yep theres a perfect low testosterone champ right there. mid ganked me of course quickplay niggers fanboy me like im a fucking league of legends public figure still lost. still mid gap nigger
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Posts like this are the real motivation to throw down some games
I have no idea what homestuck is even about, but this nepeta looks cute in a bunch of artwork and looks kinda retarded. Lulu or briar would look cute on her clothes. Might do it.
Based adc toplane remover.
Heres my favourites: stridebreaker rush unga bunga garen, E nasus, CDR permablind shitmo, Veigar, Protobelt-oneshot cho gath, Warmogs mundo, Lethality Kled
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Goldenkini Leona though
Hmm nvm you presenting a very obvious idea here...
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Wrong. That would be Support
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2 million troglodyte vayne top main: Locks in
On top you learn proper decisionmaking on when to freeze and when to push for platings to carry and dueling
On midlane you learn jgl tracking, high risk fights, how to properly sidestep and where to move on the map
Thats what i meant.

Toplane has gnar and shitmo, they are pretty cute

Adc helps you a lot for your support aswell since you get the feeling of why your adcs loses sometimes and when your adc can actually fight and when not
TL;DR literally just get experience in every role.

But mostly Mid and Jungle.
>be adc
>get yuumi supp
>die 2v2
>your yuumi jumps on ur jungler and sits on him the entire game while spamming kys ping on u
your move?
I dont see an issue. Shen clearly taunted him
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vg results

making new one gg

vg vs vg
pw vidya
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We proudly support 2SLGBTQ+.
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>I have done all I could do
>But you did nothing.
how is marchen so good
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Support teaches you how to do almost all that though through just observation, and playing. Jungle tracking is absolutely hilarious when it's correct too. Had a Shaco game, and predicted his ganks, but still fell for them... Adchuds don't realise that when the enemy support is putting down a pink in the pixel bush, that we're about to get jumped on, then cries when I'm backing up.
The only thing I'd say I wouldn't know how to do properly is: intentionally pushing for plates, but I play the aggressive supports and usually will force a push because it's better majority of the time unless I have a passive adchud.
Adchud is only hard because of last hitting, and as I said... Going in...
Adchud has Ezreal and Aphelios, Top has nothing.
my last game with yuumi was this
>play jhin yumi vs katarina soraka
>see enemy shaco placing his traps on our red
>stay with jungle and leash
>yumi pingspamms me 14 times and goes to lane instead of leashing
>come back to lane
>flash yumi under enemy tower
dodge her
I always feel like on support you have to do all these things to be good, but its way to easy to get away with just standing behind and become a healbot
Most supports i see on emerald get hooked once and then stop playing the game
i kill myself

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