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Human Male Chudadin edition

>The War Within
>Anniversary Event

Old thread >>493556168
Maye won bigly
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I got pwned!
Elves rule, dwarves drool.
nice day to be fishin and craftin. made a new discovery, fish can be fished from open water instead of pools alone. it just seems to be a low drop rate.
that nelf tranny is maye.
I love Dark Iron Dwarfussy...
why does this guy spam so much
we should /hug
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it's UP
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Vol'jin is a priest (and a bit of a hunter).
It has always been like this…
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ETA on Alliance loyalist orcs as an Allied Race?
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>Hmm I want a transmog set from Shadowlands
>Go back to Shadowlands on alt
>Anima acquisition still slow as fuck even after final patch and the only good way to get any is to fly in circles in ZM for literal hours
>time gating for resources and quests and fucking everything you can find
>prices on purchasable rewards are absurd
It will take me months of constant upkeep on my Necrolord sanctum in order to maybe get the Abomination Factory transmog color set alone. What the fuck?
>like blood elf lore
>like how they look in armor
>the male run is stiff and looks like shit
>playing a girl
God dammit I wish I could be cured of my autism
no, there's been recent complaints of being unable to fish out of open water and just getting trash so they resort to pools. so its not always been like this, chud.
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Redpill me on what went wrong with this expansion
it's literally 10.3
>so little content even new players have ran out of shit to do
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she's literally perfect bros
>what went wrong

everything went right
Go back to male and reconsider after an orc gives you a sloppy
they wanted the mog to still feel valuable after sland so you have to suffer like people that actually played slands
Alleria hasn't turned into the primal void queen and Turalyon hasn't stabbed his sword beside her head into the wall then told her he's getting a divorce yet.
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There are better places to ask such question, little anon.
timegating content
what about tirisfal human farmers? are they mentioned in the new forsaken quest chain? are they all dead?
put some shoes on
how many horde themed hero talents are there vs alliance themed ones?

off the top of my head i can think of:

dark ranger

mountaIn king
didn't raynor literally kill his best friend to save kerrigan THOUGH
If you think about it we're all Nerubians since we frequent this City of Threads
>split the community on launch
>no content for 3 week
are the 2 big ones
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Bring the nelf women to me.
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>that feel when the sac drops on your first run of heroic Ara
I can literally hear my sac churning…
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season taking too long to start.
plenty to do ive just been in the crafting hole the last 2 days.
Different game, different themes.
spanking will begin in:

1 day
Bro did you play cata? Last we know (you), a forsaken officer and a blood elf adventurer had to shut down a human farm there which involved bashing their skulls in
no big exciting feature
timegated content by 1 month
early access jewry
feels like just a patch and not an expansion
i dont want to cap valorstones on my alts
but theres nothing to do
>Two releases
>Too long to get sustainable content
these are the only two and they will be dismissed the second season 1 starts.
I mean farmers in tirisfal glades
Are warlocks still able to talk in demonic?
>game is about dungeons and raids
>timegate those by 1 month for who knows what reason
>people just leave and dont return
Oh yeah.
Cataclysm was such a good expansion bros, I wish we had five more expansions like it until the bluecucks finally just quit the game due to being useless losers who can't ever get and world first race to world first raid wins and without their bluepilled lore they would run screaming from the game while covered in our piss still clinging to their faces after blizzcon. Good times.
no, sorry, that was fun and fun is not allowed
reminder to report and ignore avatarfags
how were the themes different between brood war and sc2?
Reminder to be nice and frenly to avatarfrens.
mmmm no.
do the enchanted crest recipes drop below lvl 80?
>best friend
No. His best friend is Matt Horner. Tychus was just an "old friend" who showed up under suspicious circumstances, who ended up trying to double cross him. Pay attention buddy.
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>try blood dk
bruh wtf is this piano shit
anon this is a wow general
That is a shame. Gotta stick to gobussy then
QRD on Sorrowdark's feet?
mmmm no.
/petting will begin in:

right now
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>Blood DK
>inb4 the passfag wakes up and tells you it's not a piano spec just because he's playing it suboptimally
Plim plim plom them in the ass moustache guy
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Race + class/spec for this feel? (pvp)
frost mage against melee
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why are half the dungeons for season 1 recycled content from 15 years ago?
Male vulpera marksman hunter
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I don't know why you're so incessant for this... don't ask me again.
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>wow classes/spec
>piano shit
They took too long to actually start any of the content so buying the game early genuinely felt like a waste of time. On the plus side you get a head start on gearing and getting ready for the content, along with your professions, but it still feels like it's taking way too long for the raid and Mythic+ to come out.

At the very least, it should have started this week, not the upcoming week.
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WoWg community for NA.
For those that wanna play with other anons or goof off and chat, but not be in a whole-on Guild.
No I don't care if you're a degen. Go wild. Dramafags get the boot.

Gnome fury warrior
*lick lick*
>tfw no orc shaman gf for my pianist belf
fuck you violinist pieces of shit
Y'tehki is the hottest character in the expansion by far
Sorrowdark, big fan of you, tell me, which races do you like the most?
idea is that, if the seasonal M+ was ALL the new ones, you would get bored of it for the next Seasons
pack leader
horde themed as they are involved packs of rabid hyenas.
horde themed as it's based on deathbringer saurfang.
rider of the apocalypse
the horde brings war, death and pestilence wherever they go. they are always undergoing famine as it is hard to grow crops in their home country of africa.
keeper of the grove
as some niggorcs are too retarded and poor to build a house, they will instead rabidly defend a pile of leaves and sticks. this has earned them the nickname "keeper of the grove".
it is a long-held belief in darkspear culture that if you wear a silly mask and dance around a fire making retarded noises it will bring a thunderstorm. they employ this on the front lines hoping to counter dwarven mortar fire and siege tanks to no effect.
horde mages are too retarded to understand frost and fire are opposites, their strong belief in alternative science and voodoo spirits manifests itself as this counterintuitive magic.
herald of the sun
as an aside, if you accept sunwalkers as canon I don't want to hear a fucking thing about which races should have which classes.
gnome* frost mage
The kind that leave me alone and talk about WoW :D
if you think that's bad you should try ret
i can't believe what they've done to my boy
Flute bros... we won... we fucking won...
No, Tychus was actually Raynor's best friend, that's part of the tragedy. The missunderstanding is reducing the story down to
>Raynor simped for Kerrigan and shot his best friend
when in reality it was about two friends who had both made their own decisions which led them to an impasse, both knew the stakes and what the other would have to do, and both respected the other's choice enough to take the shot instead of trying to talk their way out of it
but it's not wow so whatever
good one, for real now though, which WoW race you like most sis
Ret is way simpler though
Blood dk has like 16 buttons not counting the cooldowns
blizzard customer service is so bad
all bot replies
and if human they don't try
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>keeper of the grove
>as some niggorcs are too retarded and poor to build a house, they will instead rabidly defend a pile of leaves and sticks. this has earned them the nickname "keeper of the grove".
Night elves, fem humies, blood/void elves, dracthyr, vulpera, worgen
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I prefer pandaren women.
Which race is best for death knights, thematically?
Aponi was a likeable character though
t. human male paladin
any of the 10 that were added before Cataclysm
goblin, worgen, pandaren and allied race DKs are NOT CANON
Good to know, i will come to you as a femboy belf
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how's my low fantasy warrior mog
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are the rumors true?
Troll frost death knights. Hyper specific because it is just drakkari trolls raised in the Zul'drak zone plot. Trolls do have cool animations so it helps
wdym lightforged draenei aren't canon
game not ready
>big shoulder on main hand weapon side
low fantasy ruined.
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I accept, but I'm not looking for anything right now
I gotta get my proffs up more
I like it but I always feel uncomfortable seeing footmen without a tabard. Like I know they're a WoW thing and weren't around in the RTS games but this game just doesn't give chest armor enough bulk to justify not covering it in a piece of cloth.
Sure, good luck and have fun, send more cute pics of your cute nelf
what is this dwarven worker union bullshit
why did they leave the scaling for bfa raids so fucked throughout sl-df? right now the season hasnt even started and im soloing cn mythic without any issue at all
avatar faggot uppity haha
Painted on plate
What happened? did someone left you on read? :(
>16 buttons not counting the cooldowns
BS, MR, DS, DnD, BB for tanking, Grip to pull mobs. Mind freeze to interrupt. Maybe reapers mark every 30 (45) sec. Where 16 did you find buttons?
FF Fourteen won and it's not even close
No lol I just want to play the game at the moment, not erp
It is a fantasy game so they are doing something that americans will never have
won what
I am a Body shape 4 Scalecommander Augmentation Dracthyr
I agree we can't really call them workers, but the blizzard employees did join a union.
bet you have a cute tail

This opinion WILL make you mad: BM hunter has too many buttons. They either need fewer buttons, or bestial wrath, call of the wild, mend pet need to be taken off the GCD at least, or the class needs big pruning. Also beast cleave duration is too low.
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whats the best alliance race for Warlock?
Bet you have cute feet
Isn't that just like soviet union..? AIEEE SAVE ME REAGAN
flying ruins the game

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how's this? colour is off but it has a gorget
cant preview two different shoulders at lv1
I made a dark iron dwarf warlock before I quit the game, she's like level 12 or something.
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What did they mean by that?
Gnome. Fuck you
if you play night elf you're a cuck
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why does Faerin (she/her) have the voice of a white womxn?
it looks like there's a literal hole for troll spearchuckers to puncture your ribcage through
And now that I'm paying attention, your cloak is a different color to your pants
Bro I think you forgot to edit the filename
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Galerus and manicas were worn on the arm that held the sword thoughever
no sauce. only shitpost
what's the best zone to mine in
Built for blowing a sticky, thick, hot load of dragon cum all over her face and maw and ears and mane
man theres no good 3d chestpieces in this kusoge its all painted on or the ones that are 3rd have a billion spikes or glowing floating parts
NEED dracthyr cock right now
pack leader has a node that makes kill command extend beast cleave by 1s, which smooths it out some. additionally, on 11.0.5 PTR barbed shot bleed + frenzy duration is changed from 8s untalented to 12s untalented, so frenzy stacking takes a back seat to all their cool new stuff.
Blizzard has 3 voice actors. Ever since the 4th died the tauren female VA has been overworked with doing dragon or big woman entity voices
You ever considered carrying draconic offsprings?
I'm undecided about making a human paladin o dwarf paladin. Human for rp reasons or dwarf for favourite race reasons.
As a handicap, mate.
The Murmillo is literally unbeatable if he just has a sword and a shield without a helmet preventing him from fucking seeing and heavy shit on his arms and legs
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can blizzard fix the 20 years worth of bloat this game has without doing a reboot/WoW 2?
Why is there an option to join the Horde as a newly hatched Earthen? Why would they ever join the faction that has no one that even remotely looks like them?
Manari Dranei
fuck you i'm hungry.
Yeah, I know. It sucks. Just eat the wowpill and cover it with a tabard.
>imagined sorrowdark in the blue bikini from trading post
Hey look the bad guy faction needs more members too okay?!
Has the pandaren model ever been updated
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>hotdog with no condiments
>cheese pizza
actual shit taste holy FUCK
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Because they're free to be whoever they want to be.
The question you should be asking is why can't every race join any faction by this point.
>Alliance goblins
>Horde kul tirans
we got hammer of light now and that's it
No and I hope they never will
They're already perfect and blizzard will monkeypaw that shit
After seeing the T2 updates I hope they NEVER touch pandaren EVER
After the expansion ends they are going to start killing each other for faction reasons.
Because Harronir in Horde and alliance having a third dwarf race would unironically lead into some forum neet committing immolation at blizz hq for alliance shafting
okay but what connection do Earthen even have with Horde? I'm confused did we even see any horde characters show up in the Earthen main story quests/side-quests?
alliance do have a third dwarf race because earthen also join alliance
read the dialogue nerd
the earthen don't join the horde OR the alliance
they're just exploring azeroth and visiting the nations and settlements of whatever faction you select
they are NOT members of the horde or alliance despite what gameplay might tell you
So does that make them the oldest model I guess no wonder they're based
nice slop
Yes but if we are talking faction locked. They will do the same to harronir but if it wasn't the case it would be a fucking headache of whining
thrall was there, at the first couple quests.
Samwise Didier liked dwarves. Earthen are like dwarves. Samwise Didier liked Horde. So the Earthen can be a dwarf race in the Horde.
There's your connection.
okay well when I do the cata quests to kill dwarves near tauren setllements, will the game have enough reactivity to remark on the irony of a horde-aligned earthen doing this?
I thought not.
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redemption arc incoming
we just cant stay mad at her
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I wanna play Dracthyr Warrior NOW!
I'm in a BG right now but I can meet right after
Honest thoughts on Sorrowdark's feets?
dalaran is technically a neutral city even though 90% of the characters we see are alliance races and thrall was there to help and called in horde reinforcements to assist and train the earthen to fight the nerubians
your attempts to doom
Sure.. Type 'wow' in Stormwind general chat and I'll whisper you
gnome for the memes
its atleast funny everything else is just unfitting
If you're doing horde cata quests in 2024 then you are deliberately playing cataclysm in order to be a factionalist hordefag, so your choice of race is irrelevant.
lmao @ u for expecting reactivity out of wow
>kicked for having low dmg in normal lvling dungeon
its over..
Human warlock is underrated and has original cred
Leaving me blue...
Missing you true...
Only few memories after you...
are follower dungos worth doing leveling from 70-80 or should i just do quests while waiting for normal dungeon pops
prove it
>50 minutes
>37 images
It's over. Dead game, dead general.
Can we just take a moment and think about that a grown man made this? Imagine dedicating time out of your life to make this image. You need to kill yourself.
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the paid shills are working extra hard on /v/
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have seen people get kicked for
>not knowing the skip
>low dmg
>low healing
>slow tanking
>wrong specc
>wrong race (was a based furry kicker)
>if someone leaves the dungeon or gets kicked you can leave without penality
Sure we're stomping, shouldn't take long, what race are you?
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wow retail player here
you are right sir
made obsolete by human death knight, unfortunately
even Anduin didn't remember Medivh when he listed off alliance bad guys
Earthen belong to Dwarf-aligned factions. If I awaken from centuries of being iced in my fallout shelter, I would want to wake up to people who look like me and who know my history better than smelly hunchback zugs. Meaning Horde shouldn't get any, they barely played a role in their awakening.
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Futa chads we are eating.
there's something about this worg... i like her..
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I'm embarassed for you and I suspect you're a nelffag trying to start shit.
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So even the grandson of the Speaker of Azeroth doesn't know what a world soul is, or that Azeroth has one? Did our characters just not tell anyone what happened at the end of Legion?
this is just earthen wandering off to explore the territory of the other factions and learn more about them
some of them want to learn more about the people with a culture just like theirs
others wants to learn more about these weird smelly savage zugs who came to their aid
that simple
Just ignore n report. You're giving him what he wants
I need to target something first.
why do chuds call transgirls futa?
>skirt that short
>still cant see anything
the vienna sausage of futa
Trans is digusting wickedness and vile
Futa is based and hot
This is giving me whiplash.
as far as anyone knows argus was just a new titan raised by sargeras in the depths of argus
flying should be disabled
This is the feet and futa expansion. Everyone knows it too.
I can't believe Ma*e fucking won. By doing nothing.
why aren't you doing normal dungeons with followers?
Just finished, you still want me to use /1?
Or do you want to meet somewhere ingame?
Our characters canonically didn't pay attention to any of the quest text or dialogue.
No they should do more with flying like they did with that rook mission
Nah. Raynor and Tychus' relationship is a lot more complicated than your simplified retarded view of it. Their entire relationship can be described as Tychus taking advantage of Jim's naivete for his own gain.
Even his "altruistic sacrifice" only happened because he lied to Jim for his own gain and felt like he had to atone when caught. Even then, his little speech reads more like an "I'm tired of living like this, get out while you can." than "I must do this for my best friend!"
The ending of WoL is not tragic because Jim shot his "Best Friend," It's tragic because Jim has to accept his "friend" never really thought of him as a "friend."
She's an Ethereal, her cock is invisible until it slaps against your face.
less xp
nah, danuser went for the prime world soul shit too, the jailer was harvesting azeroth because the energy of the prime world soul was the only way of powering up the sepulcher for a full factory reset of the universe with him in the driving seat
That is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to his cringe.
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>underwater delve
>lesser classes need to get air from bubble
>i can just breathe underwater
finally i see the immense power the legion granted me
it will corrupt me
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Faerin could have been much better
if "she" was White, yes.
Not canon. Also in this case not on topic.
i had a tank get mad at a dps for pulling and threatening to leave so the dps said "do it" and the tank stayed kek. he tried to kick the dps later but everyone rejected that shit. god i hate prima donna tanks so much
you brought it up nigga
I accept your concession tho
>"Oh man WoW fucking sucks it's not good anymore. Blizzard is trash, they are long since dead.
>Play WoW anyway

Fucking cucks
Just type 'wowg' in general chat and I'll whisper..
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A concern exclusive to lesser races
Where can I farm Luredrop?
Retard, long hair is disadvantageous in battle.
north section of ringing deeps
It's not that the expansion is bad, it's that it has to fix way more bad than it was capable of. It basically feels like a large patch with all the constraints it's under.
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Northern ringing deeps
okay, but as I tried to illustrate prior.
They will run into quests where they will have to fight against dwarves, who share far more ancestry with them than cows or green rape machines.
What I'm saying is when this happens, and if there's no reactivity, it makes all the immersion that TWW built-up over the expansion with the Earthen pointless. It shatters what makes them unique if I have to come up with yet more mental gymnastics to justify horde war crimes.
best zone to mine in?
I concede nothing. If you accept goldenslop characterisation for starcraft characters you also have to accept goldenslop characterisation for Arthas.
Some would say that's too much. I say it's not enough
i'll need proof
Just did
>be exalted with kalu'ak from wotlk
>equip their fishing pole in your fishing equipment slot
>now have perma water breathing 24/7 everywhere in the game even instanced dungeons/delves/raids
I'm so scared this shit is going to get nerfed one day and i'm going to have to re-learn these underwater delves since right now i'm not even engaging with the main mechanic.
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EUbros join <Nerub Silkweaving Forum> open to any thread user on EU Argent Dawn Alliance. Whisper Cawaen or any member on EU Argent Dawn Alliance. Horde players can join but you have to join the community called Nerub Silkweaving Forum, add me on battlenet (Castriot#2261) or just type in /wowg/ in the community finder, I only use the community to add cross faction players otherwise just apply to the guild first or add Castriot#2261 on battlenet. Play or shoot the shit with wowg anons!
The Templar bug is so fucking funny, you can just spam your hammer as a spender with no CD and deal damage like you are in the next expansion
Okay. I do accept that. It's official canonized material. What's your next cope gonna be?
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That you have shit taste and everyone ITT can laugh at you.
ban this man for exploiting
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The underwater delve takes me back.
I will never forgive blizzard for taking her away from us
all of these earthen are not canonically going back in time with chromie's aid and doing these campaigns
they're just exploring peaceful horde and alliance lands in the current year
Deathlords are so lucky...
So you'lre admitting I'm actually right and conceding? Thanks. If you reply to me again you're admitting I'm right and you're wrong.
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Are you all prepared for Tuesday? Servers are going to take a beating.
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I thought you doomsissies told me this game was a DEI-infested, girlpower narrative. Wtf?
Magni's entire arc is about being a good grandfather and letting bloodfeuds die for the sake of the next generation. Wtf?
Yeah I saw it
anons from wowg are the most handsome btw.
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why the fuck am i seeing an astonia 3 map in wowg dont touch me this place SUCKED
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>tried my darnest to level enchanting
>its fucking impossible to get dust from green items since everything is a blue item
>dust from disenchanting leveling greens wasnt enough
>check ah prices
>lol out loud
>drop enchanting
>get skinning
>go to a wq that has beasts
>skin the mobs the adhd zoomers keep aoeing
>made 10k in half an hour
fuck enchanting i swear it must be bugged or some shit
i stab animals now
>You have entered too many instances recently
what do
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Look at the mirror, handsome anon.
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Even me???
go outside and touch grass
DKs won you lost
Is there anything more manly than being supportive for your daughter after she runs off and comes home with a fatherless child?
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this made me hungry but since i'm not american i will not be ordering a burger but a chicken parmigiana instead
>10k half an hour
bloodfeuds are based
the part in the campaign where the spider bitch gets turned by xalatath and voss REFUSES to refer to they/them as her got on my nerves a bit too
magnis grandson is a dwarf femboy without a beard
they're in denial
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Which flavor?
what does piano even mean in /wowg/ context

t. i only browse this general for a month every two years when i play until i eventually cancel my sub again
Just kite the crab n00b.
where's a warlock when you need them
Did you notice his grandson is black?
Well this thread has asmongold viewers that think 2 button rotations are "bloated" so use that as a baseline
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it means having to rapidly make inputs to do your rotation or burst phase but a lot of the time people just use it to mean "its hard" regardless of the context
Does upgrading gear raise the vendor price
>buy early access
>open all the world pvp boxes that drop down every 15 minutes while leveling
>sell each pattern for 800,000-2,000,000 gold
>Also sell the blood gems for 30k a pop
>Have enough gold to last the next 5 expansions
Keep up the hard work goy
it means you have to do a humiliation ritual pressing pressing ten trillion buttons before actually playing the game
Can anyone explain disc priest to me

So if we are talking pvp, what is better?
>cast penance to heal
>cast penance to dmg if atonement is up
the earthen you play as are newly printed and not bound by edicts. you're told to go explore, and come back to archive all you experience. one of their racials is "wide-eyed wonder"

if you want to canonise your earthen's partaking in the AvH conflict... effectively the horde took in a newborn dwarf just exploring the world, taking in the sights, offered them shelter and brotherhood and purpose with the horde, then offered them money and prestige to turn their sword against the alliance

yes this is evil, it's also kinda fucked up for the ironforge dwarves to reel them into the fray under the pretense of comradeship, but we already had this with MoP
funnily enough I never died in lab 4, but it was super stressful
I did however die without any saves in lab 3 and lose my gear so I had to re-gear before reattempting
Do you know how black people hair works at all? You are all so stupid
she really the best and didnt deserve to go like that
my favorite hero in HotS too

both are VERY cute
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i think these boots are under rated
Yeah a very tiny amount, like half a percentage point of the original price per level or something.
i leveled mine with the enchanting bag one time quest on 20 characters
now im selling radiant power enchants for 30k a pop
i think your character gave me eye cancer
Put weaverline enchant on my pole. Get no weaverline while fishing open water. Start fishing pools only. Get 2 weaverlines total.
Fishin bros... I may have to start going to the super market.
bruh look at this dood
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Ever felt like more of a third wheel in the game than in this moment?
You look like you want to be in Kingdom Hearts.
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CBT for all kobolds
>factions of orcs joining the alliance
>factions of humans joining the horde

Would unironically like to see this happen desu
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what this looks great
literal clown shoes on nightborne. they arent nearly as goofy looking on a human or even a night elf
>not disowning your daughter and genociding the dark irons
not very based of him desu
wow players will see this and say art team carrying lmao
No, I am the Champion of Azeroth. Anduin and I have been bosom companion for many a campaign and even Thrall and Jaina have come to rely upon my wisdom more often than not.
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hot take: transmogrification is bad for player experience

it kills the sense of accomplishment from actually having a good looking set on your character and debases the overall attractiveness of armor sets by oversaturation

remember how good it felt in pre-heirloom, pre-transmog wow when you got your first shoulderpads? how much like a soldier your character looked? this game is missing just that
why can earthen be dwarves but not drag'thyr
Yes, during the same storyline when Faerin re-ignites the lighthouse and holds hands with Anduin.

Imagine being a paladin or priest in that cutscene seeing your character stand in the background going "damn that's crazy if only you had more holy light".
based scoopbro
both at the same time
normal humans or Vrykul?
I am a bear and my druid friend is gonna heal me in m+

druid power!!!!! :3
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I have 80'd

what should I level next?
I tangibly agree because I feel like the TBC clownsuit gets a bad rep. It was a necessary baptism which served to enhance the sanctification the player felt as they began to piece together their dungeon/kara/t4 set
go back to classic
why is the dialogue written like such touchy feeley garbage? nobody talks like this. no one. I'd unironically expect Anduin to just openly say "my trauma must be healed..." at this point. What the fuck is this?
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post them so that i may goon
Unholy DK
it depends
>questing in the war in my ass
>get an shoulder upgrade
>character model didnt change
>did i forget to equip it
>nope it just has the exact same model
axxing transmog would only work if they made more models again
Lightbound Orcs join the Alliance in Midnight.
Vykul join the Horde in TLT
Trust the plan. Trust in Metzen.
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>Relief cart
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I suppose everyone talks like Tolkien characters where you're from?
>touchy feely garbage
The only Garbage in this expansion is Alleria's world tour with her band.
it's too late to complain about that or flying
they tried everything with flying, nothing worked.
timegating isnt working. pathfinder isnt working.
so their solution was to try to make flying more fun/involved , 2-3x faster and have gameplay around it like races or some raid/dungeon mechanics
i always get a laugh when i read posts like "remove flying" like bro every time they tried something the community had a complete chimpout
You are 100% correct but sadly like many things in this game such as flying, it's bottled lightning that has already been opened and we cannot put it back. We cannot recapture that magic again.
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yes bears rule the world
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Yeah man, like a soldier...
what is she thinking right now?
it's not that simple, sometimes it's better to use it to spot heal sometimes it's better to heal through atonement
if you have dark side proc with a giant pws up on your teammate you can yeet a schism+extra radiance bolts for dps steroid to heal and burst at the sametime, it's up to the circumstances
in pvp you are banking on pws, rapture & psup spam
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with one key exception lmao
>>491734050 https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/491728659/#491734050
>>484951161 https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/484951067/#484951161
hideously ugly freak but he just keeps posting like a dumb little retard as if we all dont know EXACTLY what he looks like
She's thinking about her worgen husband
>god I wish he would be sucking on my toes right now
>zone of underground arathi humans
>yes of course we are cool with an orc shaman questing for us
shouldnt they hate me
Old bears teaching young cubs how to be bears.
Just like my Boyscout hikes.
So why did the default forsaken eyes change from yellow to red??
Schizo post
>my mind is that of an eldritch, timeless being of the void...
>but my body... my body is that of an elf and as an elf I CRAVE THE BIG HUMAN COCK
>I suppose everyone talks like Tolkien characters where you're from?
what a retarded nonsensical thing to write fucking kill yourself
>xfw you get hard looking at her feet
I actually think he is kind of cute
So 11.1 Undermine, Goblins and Harronir then 11.2 is K'aresh with players trying to stop Xal'atath using the Dark Heart to awaken/empower Dimensius, and we lose thus leading to Midnight?
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no. i like collecting appearances but i still feel like something's off about it. might just be that the general graphic design of the game has been horribly unimmersive and inconsistent for so long
she's leaking void juices in my mouth
no, thats a shit take.
tier sets NEVER had good stats for your class and you always had to choose between looking cool and actually being built well.
Set bonuses sometimes made up for it but usually not and it was NEVER the correct play to wear your whole set.

Your nostalgia goggles have cut blood flow to your brain.
Aesthetics and Stat balance should not be competing you should be able to look cool and be properly geared at the same time without compromising either. the idea that proper gear build means you look like a clown is dumb.

and having half you gear slots empty till level 40+ felt like shit. Like the entire vanilla wow struggling to kill single mobs feel was because you literally just didnt have stats in half your slots. Not saying you should be full slotted at level 5 but stuggling to fight world mobs simply for lack of stam and armor to survive their auto attacks sucked ass.

You are just newbad oldgooding
They don't know shit about orcs. If you were a forest troll, maybe they would care but most likely not. As for shaman, it's a bit weird that they're Light worshippers at all considering Strom were also elementalists back in the old days and the Church of the Light started primarily in Lordaeron.
I'll accept the delay if the ladehs are as tall as the biggest player race and if lightbound orcs get no hunch
makes me laugh that he was begging for attention on his nelf hunter but always censored his name, the moment he got catfished and name-dropped a random chud paladin he stopped posting so much lmao
how long before he pays for a name change or swaps to a new alt
They don't give a shit about faction in story anymore, saves on dev cost and quest design

Your Zandalari Troll death knight that died at the battle of Dazar'alor will amicably collaborate with Jaina and you will like it
That's a lot of words to type just to say you're wrong. Everyone already agreed with him he's right.
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I'm not actually angry I just find it really funny overall.
but you shills told me dragonfly was the greatest expansion ever and it fixed everything?
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I'm playing the game
>APM over 20?
>More than 5 buttons, INCLUDING cds and in combat utility?
Anyone saying "Piano" and that being "le bad" can be assumed to be a grey parsing shitter classicuck suffer from a skill issue meltdown.
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Give it to me straight, is marksman hunter any good in this expansion for PvP?
well it was a retarded move. remove flying but don't change the pace of the game, keep avianas feather in, have a FUNCTIONAL FLYING MOUNT in the engineers workshop which you just have to tp back to garrison for after 2 uses, still have flight paths and ports every 2 steps, still deleting reagents and 90% of jc/enchants and hunter ammo to keep the pace of the game going

when they announced it I thought it was "we don't like how much we've sped up the game" and I thought. hm. bold move let's see where this goes. but it was more like "noooo you can't fly over that gentle slope or you won't see the quest I placed here"
It did.
Dragonflight was good.
TWW is good.
I'd let Jaina murder me and then become her slave after being raised into undeath
desu if he got in shape and shaved that pitiful beard he'd look a LOT better. The onions smirk is simply brutal though
If we're going back to Northrend in The Last Titan, what is the capitol city going to be? Dalaran is gone.
t. 1 of 5 horde
your not wrong but at this point the ship has sailed
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cute. CUTE!
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hey stop torturing yourselves and wrangling with retards
wow is just not that game anymore
its not an rpg
its not a journey
levels might as well not exist
transmogs are here
flying is here
retard lore is here
any race can be any class
its over
Get in a guild ith close friends and ignore everyone else
Or quit
That's all there is
you're objectively right about how transmogs flying solo content lfg lfr forgettable loot has all ruined the game. But the audience that is left does not care. God knows why they play. But its over
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Iunno anon, it might be because the expansion is named the War Within?
We made her fatherless anon. That was literally on Magni's orders. He killed the son. This trope doesn't work if the father is absent because he was violently stabbed to death by us.
>bloodfeuds are based
Yugoslav wars, Ukraine war, most of the Balkans. It makes for great storytelling but tell that to the babushka with shellshock after losing her sons and having her daughters raped.
You don't know what the word femboy means anon.
technically grayscaled.
Yes and throw logistics into disarray at a crucial moment. Surely this will help against the Horde at the Alliance's doorstep.
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kek I see it
r/asmongold has the funniest stalkers.
azjol nerub because we're allying with bugs.
Dragonflight was good and did fix a ton. That's how fucked WoW is. We're two fix it expansions in. We have two more fix it expansions planned and they still might not manage it. The design philosophy of the game has warped wildly in the last few years as they try to patch up the many mistakes they made.
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>buttonbloat good, actually
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>Finally pokes my head out of my hole to play with friends
>First few days are neat we have fun
>We join a guild to clear heroic this tier
>Notice that they no longer DM me to do content
>They're always 5/5 in the VC dedicated to dungeons
And just like that I am reminded of why I play video games including MMOs alone
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who gives a shit about that loser

lets talk about:
>how shitty of a wedding ring is
>how you can have a shotgun wedding and divorce someone every two minutes
>how we still cant get married in wowa
this is like one of those playerbase-contrarian, blizzard-bootlicking posts that defend LFR
>Ugly man (Checkmark)
>Ugly characters (Checkmark)
>Ugly transmog (Checkmark)
>Ugly personality (Checkmark)
>Ugly fetishes (Checkmark)
>Bad at the game (Checkmark)
>Sex-crazed incel (Checkmark)
>Pushes all friends away (Checkmark)
>So hungry for attention he shits up every thread with spam (Checkmark)
The fact he hasn't killed himself is frankly appalling. At this point it'd be a service to everyone around him.
BB, DnD, The funny Axe whose name eludes me now, HeartS, DeathS, Bonemarrow, Reaper's mark
Abom limb+raise ghoul, DRW, Bonestorm, Tombstone
>Defensives with incredibly low CD you should spam and are also DPS for cuck'layn
Vamp blood
>Defensive CD
Ice bound, Lichborne
Grip, Brain Freeze, Raise Ally
Death's caress

16-18 buttons nigga. Insane self report as a seething tranilla junkie thobeit.
>>Pushes all friends away (Checkmark)
so fucking grim that tina returned for a day upon release and saw him posting itt and stopped posting here
god i wish i were my dracthyr
>Entire thread seething at one nelf hunter
Dang, reminds me of pro-Horde threads during Vanilla lol
looking back cata really did do irreparable damage to the game
what the fuck were they thinking
1) EVERY slot except trinkets should have sockets.
2) Every slot should be enchantable with something
3) alchemy should be split into separate transmutation and brewing professions.
It's just a shit ring, the effect isn't even good. This isn't even going to be a primary embellishment for most people.
This cringe discussion around it being "omg like wow i can like pretend to be married now omg this is like so cute and cool" is gay and annoying.
Tina is a clout-chasing social climber. She can't compete with Maye in that regard, so she left. That's why she is on OG and /xivg/ all the time, she feasts upon the attention given.
What. The. Fuck. Do I choose as a Balance Druid, are any of these even good? I haven't seen a single Balance Druid on my main since playing TWW
you would be happier with a wife
>Yugoslav wars, Ukraine war, most of the Balkans. It makes for great storytelling but tell that to the babushka with shellshock after losing her sons and having her daughters raped.
yeah bro wow definitely captures the grim realities of human existence and isn't a cartoonish caricature of a story with grotesquely inaccurate portrayals of every theme it tries to engage with. Tolstoy himself would marvel at the sheer depth of these characters and how believably they are portrayed. A fanfiction author certainly couldn't have made something better.
LFR was the final declaration that Ion has ZERO interest in making the pugging scene more intuitive and accessible. The guy has been playing with the game fucking guild for like 30+ years across multiple mmos and has no fucking idea what the average players experience is like anymore.
How am I only now learning that tank specs don't get dazed?
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When will we have actually cute undeads in this game?
Looks like an NPC in a dungeon, something like "Lordaeron Knight" or similar.
Has a frontal cone charge, shield slam nuke and melee range interrupt.
dont the trees just taunt everything and die instantly? i guess choose the specc with non suicidal trees lol
I think Elune's better overall but who knows at this point. Give a week
A part of Ulduar, probably.
To be fair it's a notorious avatarfag. He just happens to be playing a night elf hunter currently. He'll reroll again soon like he has the past dozen times.
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Maybe the developers should realize that artificially adding limiting systems and a lack of flying are blatant design decisions that are made to keep people playing and subbed longer. Of course removing flying and timegating both don't work, because anyone with a fucking functional brain sees it for what it is: anti-fun.
I'm here to fucking play video games man, quit removing a thing literally everybody likes to appease the 3 undead rogue players.
Quit making shit take longer than it has to, that's fucking lame and gay.
Neither, reroll tardie
Elunes chosen ofc
are you dumb
For me?
Body type 1 (vagina) augvoker.
either you suck or they're all fawning over a "girl" and will have a falling out soon
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When faction barriers are finally dissolved.
Femsaken belong to human men.
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>/wowg/ defends flying, the token and transmog
I'm right here...
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kotg for st and elune for mt/cleave
pic related is me, I'm a boomkin main
Playing a holy priest for the first time based on a recommendation earlier. I'm only 23 doing dungeons only, but so far it's pretty straight forward.

I cannot tell you the last time I healed, do you guys use any addons? Cause so far I've just bumped up the party frame's size and that helps.
god i wish you were your dracthyr
Reminder that if you class can be a dracthyr you'll have to be or you'll be auto decline to ever maze+ group
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>fem undead shoulder still not fixxed
>since wod
never bro
Imagine if they didn't have to be hunchbacks
>I wish the horde were here
>Alleria should've been a belf
>I miss Aszhara and her tentacles
I like my mogs to look like NPCs or dung bosses.
Yup, sissy melty in progress.
Needing APM to be under 60 and rotational buttons being under 6 is basically a self report about how much a tranilla addicted junkie you are.
Go back to era, junkie.
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good thing i form my own groups lmao, get raped scaliefag
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Blizzard should just make the game f2p so that you retards run out of arguments to accuse every meaningful or immersive design choice as being some 50 IQ move to make you play the game longer than you want to.
Make it f2p with ESO+ style subscription
also dont invite worgens
they are usually awful
Anon, we're already embracing crossfaction because queue timers are upwards of ~6-10m like some other posters have attested to. Bloodfeuds stopped being important since BfA. Since WPVP became something you opt into in retail. While I would enjoy a treatise written by Tolstoy or Dostoyevsky about how MMO mechanics and populations facilitate story archetypes, I doubt any author could continue using the throughline of "war" and animosity in retail now. Not like in Classic or true Vanilla.
Someone please respond
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I forgot to add, "and that's based".
I do the same. Look at this shit, 5man dungeon boss or mid questline named enemy.
Lore question. When Zovaal died / powered down it looked out he was just a titan marionette.
Are the other covenant leaders the same as Zovaal? Just weird puppets underneath? Or was he different?
Was the threat Zovaal spoke about Xal'atath?
Nu-wow lore is gay but I didn't into Shadowlands and am just curious
>Alleria is about to be overcome with void corruption
>Suddenly Sylvanas appears to save her
It's gonna happen and you will clap when it does.
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I have never played a ranged DPS
Should I play some typa mage or demolock?
>mid questline named enemy.
Patrician tier
i.. err.. for transmog i uhm
made all my mag'har orcs look like generic WoD clansmen
>u-u-u are having a melty!
>*proceeds to schizobabble while having a super melty*
Take your pills
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i main an assassination rogue and my (basic ui, both horizontal bars hotkeyed) actionbars are almost full. i can manage it and i kind of like it, but when i logged on my frost mage and noticed i have TWO different variations of fucking frost nova along with like 4 nuke CD's and a dozen avoidance CD's i got mildly annoyed

challenging rotations are a good thing but buttonbloat is still definitely a bad thing. especially for an old player who's coming back after some years, i want to do endgame content but i don't have the time for raiding so i want to PvP but having to learn what other classes can do all over again by getting my ass kicked by them is a massive learning curve, but i guess that's a git gud issue for me
No, Shadowlands is under the carpet and will stay there.
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>People were race changing to goblin because once every two minutes they can negate a knock back
just found about that you can now enter old scarlet dungeons in retail
yeah. easily top 5 zones. music is S tier too
Honestly I thought the fat fuzzy trolls in Azj-Kahet were going to be the next Alliance race.

But it seems they were written out of the story by Metzen. There's no reason to have that dancing-twerking troll bitch take up like 50% of the first trailer and her faction be 0.5% of the The War Within
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>she says i will never serve anyone
>but my sister
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>Make my own groups as tank
>Have to live with the crippling insecurity over whether or not they think I'm pulling too fast/slow
still not playing your zoophilic race.
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>this made me hungry but since i'm not american
mexico, and they legit have better food than america
Melty status:
Speaking V O L U M E S.
dalaran was already gone in WCIII. it will be back
you can buy it on AH
old scholo too
I found out people get mad at Garrosh cosplayers, so I do it exclusively and call them stupid when they don't appreciate such an epic for the win mog.
i simply do not use transmog besides hidden helm and cloak
I have a question on the dark ranger hero spec tree for hunter.
Black arrow doesn't mention needing. A ranged weapon equipped at all
But it does
Did blizzard just not even test this stuff
This, it might even beat out Grizzly Hills.
Yes, every death god was actually just a robot.
>Was the threat Zovaal spoke about Xal'atath?
No, don't even think about it. The writers didn't. It was not alluding to anything specific, it was just a dumb generic vague warning gesturing towards anything they could feel like making up later on. It was danuser meaningless trash like "THE FRACTALS! THE SECRETS!" It didn't mean anything.
if they made sweeping strikes an ogcd arms would be so much better
I am an old player and I had zero (0) issues picking up prot warrior.
Have you tried not being bad?
spider people*
>Ability called Black ARROW
>wtf i need a ranged weapon
just start out slow, if they tell you to pull more or if they're running ahead, you can pick up the pace
>Yes, every death god was actually just a robot.
That seems silly
why cant i customize the look of my spells? or why cant every race play every class? instead we get shitty passive talents and troghast 2.0 but its even worse
what a shitty game you're a massive nigger if you're still playing this btw
The sigils....
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30 minutes of herbing across the ringing deeps with green tools and phial of truesight
>it wasn't Ogrim and Lothar in this scene
NuTooltips don't tell you their weapon requirement unless you don't have the weapon equipped usually
I cried...
You from NA anonie?
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Is Brewmaster really supposed to be that spazzy to play or am I getting old?
the Blackrock transmog set is unironically like 85th percentile for armor looks
straight up ask them whats up and whats going on
sisters... does the world feel emptier than usual? did everyone already quit? why didnt ion rip the M0 ripcord?
post them
Welcome to the club.
Bought about 500k worth of augment runes at 1k-1.2k each
They're at 1900g now. Debating if I just want to guarantee the profit now or maybe get lucky and see if they go way higher during the first raid week
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some speccs are just like that
>mfw looking at nuret
for dk i wouldn't call it piano it's just a lot of trash upkeep that feels like nothing. it's not even bloat anymore it's just shit in tons of specs that in a moba would be recognized as flat and unfun. only here it's way worse where you've got 5+ layers of damage to build up and more layers of partially redundant defensives with not a lot of skillshots. instead of 5-8 really good things you have at dozen where you care about a few and the rest could be set to autopilot.

defending this game of constant stimulation where everything is turned into a proc slot machine is a lot more reflective of you.
It's a spluttering untuned paper tank with a talent tree that's been begging for a decent rework for years.
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>Don't know route
>Rogue/Hunter is running ahead and misdirecting pulls to me
fuck that's a lot harder than buying the key
I don't like the ugly black woman with no arm and eye
I think she is gross desu
No need to be insecure, you're in charge. They all answer to you now.
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NA /wowg/ guild
has been baked and is
Remember to tick all filters if you don't find it (if you still don't find it then you're horde, keep reading for that)
We'll prolly do the usual, m+, raids and maybe some RBG if people are interested.

Community group for horde people to join and get invited: same name "GLOBO FOMO"
You can find both by looking for the name in community finder and guild finder, duh.

>Alliance but Cross faction and Cross realm
Base realm: NA Moonguard

Allowed but nothing in guild chat.
>Standard Roleplay

Answer the call, /wowg/ anons.
I should get sick more often
>woke up with a 38.8C fever
>called in sick
>fired up wow
>become lucid again 12 hours later
>autopiloted alt to 80
you just pull it up as hard as you can keep selling and learn the market's response. it's not about luck it's about knowledge and control
Unless you're selling directly to echo/limit ain't nobody gonna give a fuck about augment runes
Not an argument.
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I'll make a Male Human Paladin! And I'll name him..
>two days later
>still looking at this screen
Why are goblin noses so big?
You can use plenty of ranged hunter shit without a ranged weapon
>ability called Black ARROW
>works with a gun
schizo guild ran by discord clique
The nose is where they keep the power of the star of david.
This. In fact I wish there was an UI option to hide player names and just display them as Mage/Rogue/Hunter/etc instead. Sort of like what League has.
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Thinking about priest next. Will make money gathering.

I didnt include warrior here hes not goonable anyway
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I don't know, man, it looks pretty dead to me.
what is a bullet but a zoomer arrow
gooning to this blood knight rn
>Are the other covenant leaders the same as Zovaal?
Yes one of the bosses in Sepulcher are the proto pantheon which show the covenant leaders are all just protoforms 3d printed from a machine.
>Was the threat Zovaal spoke about Xal'atath?
Generic line they will retroactively apply to whatever they want.
They evolved large noses to serve as a counterweight when they lift their head after picking up copper coins
I skipped all cutscenes, can anyone give me a QRD?
I'm sorry to say but unless all your characters are a harem for your male belf, this is the worst character list I've ever seen in my life
I didn't understand anything from this. Is it over for me
Xal'atath wants to merge Azeroth and K'aresh so she can revive her dead old god friends.
>APM is over 20 and he has to do more than spam frostbolt
>*Crybooms* DISNEY BLOAT!!!!
Where you get the pieces?
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why are retoilets like this?
I'm sorry bro I closed my game...
>Turrent tanking while healers and hunters pull to you
Kino, kino, kino.
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You good nigga.
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The free-use Ren'dorei, Night Elf, white trash hunter and Dracthyr all are for me btw
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is there any reason why:

you can't fly between zones in sl yourself
you can't fly from zone to zone without stopping in oribos first
Shadowlands takes place in hell. It isn't supposed to be enjoyable to explore.
>Decided to level an alliance character.
>Every time I use my dalaran hearthstone I instinctively go the horde section to port to org.
I'm cooked aren't I?
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>finished all quests in that spider place whose name i don't remember
>got absolutely no clue what the FUCK is going on, wtf is the spider city and who are the weaver and the general and the ayatollah or whatever the fuck
i hate this deep high fantasy world saving bullshit in questing, just give me some defias bandits to dab on and pirates to murder
pws big? damage penance
pws small & no cooldowns? heal penance
you have now won the arena
Oh that's because SL is fucking awful. Yeah it's just a steaming pile of rancid shit. That's the reason genuinely.
Same, brother
>it's SUPPOSED to be shit you fucking pleb
Because every single facet of that expansion was a total disaster and horrifically designed/implemented.
They need to do an old world revamp with westfall, elwyn, and darkshire all being used for a defias storyline.
time is convoluted
cryboom brain can't handle more than 1 mechanic and 3 buttons, iconic melty.
Reminder whenever you see someone crying about le bloat piano is this faggot.
the only schizo is you
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It's time to apologise to Danuser.
>Resto druids are no longer the best healers in arena and they're absolutely losing their god damn minds
Ah gotcha, must be real tough for them.
>EU hours
>Thread becomes too stupid to comprehend metanarratives
danuser must die
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>anduin becomes athiest
>gets an autistic black christian tomboy gf
just got haste off cheap shot
Even if they do it'll be cosmic shit
>oh fuck the defias are siphoning the energy from the void/realms of death to bring back Edwin van Cleef you have to stop them before the end of the world
dragon breath aoe purge absolutely rapes resto druids in arenas so yeah its complete aids to play rdruid when they are meta at all. Priest mass purge has triple the cooldown and is way harder to get off
i think some of danuser's stuff was good, mostly the kalecgos questline and also the malygos questline in df. i think if he had a tardwrangler stopping the stupid nonsense shit he allowed writers under him to create and the sylvanus simping (i actually liked nathanos, he was a very good heel character which is a very fun character dynamic)
Why do so many of the new paladin talents feel like they were designed with pvp in mind?
>Divine Shield heals you for up to 30% of max health!
Uhh when the fuck are you not max health by the end of Divine Shield outside of very niche pvp encounters?
say what you will but no matter who tina sucks off now, maye hit it first
that's based imo
i had a tank (DK?) earlier that made an absolutely ridiculous pull on one of the Azj-Kahet dungeons
extremely fun to fight through but we all got a little bit sweaty from it lol
Yeah that's what I plan on doing, I only just realized
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>dragon breath aoe purge
They still have that broken bullshit? Resto shaman should get a talent that makes all their nature damage cast free purges on enemies too if draggots are somehow considered balanced
there's a difference between not understanding something and thinking it's retarded
if a dev makes their game shit to play on purpose to make a gay as point about how hell is... LE BAD? I am simply going to play something else
Okay I got the full honor pvp gear. What else do I need to do to prepare for the start of the season?

Do I need enchants, gems etc?
Haven't played wow in a few years
Is there any reason to keep earth encrusted gems if you don't care about transmog
That was his grand design; To kill WoW out of revenge.
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People say frost mage is boring, but it's the only caster spec I play since it doesn't rely on spastic hyperreaction times or managing seventy dots. Is everything too complicated or am I just tired?
Dungeon Journal > Foreman Thundergrimble
Thundergrimble has a terrible reputation among his kin for hoarding treasure. Over the years he has laid claim to thousands of priceless artifacts procured under his watch. What wealth of knowledge lies etched on the ancient titanic tablets which now sit in his living quarters as a conversation piece? No Dwarf he employs would guess while within earshot; perhaps it's his miserable temper, or perhaps it's because he's taken to carrying on his person the only remaining authentic Dark Iron Fulcrumhammer, along with a plethora of priceless and deadly relics which don't belong to him.
isnt devoker pretty straight forward
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every spec is bloated to the max
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>actual final boss of WoW is you, the player
did they eat a pizza?
people have been talking about more down to earth lore settings for expansions for ages and now it would be fucking hilarious if after all this fucking interdimensional god slaying the next main villain would be just some drunk southsea butt pirate who stole a shipment of rum

the bottled lightning in warcraft lore is so catastrophic their next step will have to be just world of warcraft 2 that's set so far in the future (or the past?) that the events of this current warcraft lore are just myths and legends. this cosmic bullshit has extinquished everything, it can't go any more cosmic without just repeating itself
Where is Genn?
>Frost bolt 4 times
ohhhhhh I'm glacial spikinggg!!!!!
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Will she be back this expansion or do we have to wait
Questing through elwynn at level sixty is kinda comfy.
she's in torghast with a knife and no magic freeing all nelf souls in it. she's not coming back
Founding the Lightfangs.
Do I need to have rend, slam, or whirlwind on my bars at all as prot warrior?
busy rebuilding gilneas after we (the horde) saved it for some reason
No, no, and no.
>Rend is automatically applied with Thunder Clap
>Slam is not used at all
>Whirlwind is replaced by Revenge
>slam, or whirlwind
no. thunder clap applies it with talent
Rend will be applied by your other abilities, slam is up to you but I personally like to have whirlwind if everything else is on CD and I'm maxed on rage.
I don't see a universe where she doesn't show up in Midnight. Sylvanas' story began when she failed to save Quel'thalas from the Scourge. Redeeming herself by saving it from the Void is just writing 101.
how can they redeem the hitler of wow
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Tettles isn't impressed, it's over
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People said this for MoP and then what followed was the biggest gameplay downgrade we've ever seen in the history of WoW when WoD came out.
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I want it to be arcane just fucking spamming the SHIT out of arcane blast but that's unlikely.
isn't that what revenge is for?
except WoD had the best class design of any expansion
No, no, no.

You're retarded.
Do not use Slam as prot warr
Frost mage, see >>493594008
where is ivar bloodfang
frost probably
arcane has a pretty involved prio system but once you learn it it's really not a complicated spec
im sick of being a caster. whats a good, fun melee spec?
is Holy Ritual + Steed of Liberty a lock?
fury warrior
ret paladin
feral druid
Orc Warrior.
>Kill spider bitch
>Void energy spews from her corpse and her mother's spirit is holding her
>No queen rules forever my daughter
>End of expansion
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Fury warrior, Ret paladin, Unholy DK. Just make a fucking plate wearer, dude. They're all fun.
He was in darkshore during bfa
>Brawler's Guild
fury warrior. ret paladin is a meme - every button lights up constantly and you have to press them all. Level one up for the 20th anniversary later though because the talents are getting all kinds of fucked around with.
But her mom is still alive
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I hate what women have done to OUR game bros...
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>go to warcarlogs to check out siege of orgrimmar logs
>remember how my shaman still has some rank 1's spots
damn .... also these jews want me to pay to check those old logs lol
Druid players always bitch about everything. NEVER trust them. Same goes for warlocks.
She will fall down some stairs before the expansion ends and they were void enchanted stairs
>anime pic
post hidden
anime website
I never said that during MoP. The concept didn't even cross my mind. And in WoD a small handful of specs were better than they were in MoP.
However right now most specs have bloat for sure.
Can we fast forward to midnight so i can play a naga ret paladin already
got a reaction out of you, i won.
you would be playing high elves and ogres in midnight bro
Your post made me mad but I didn't reply to it. So hah. I won.
faeerin is an ugly character
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Not gonna lie bros, she's got me thinking unwise
i just noticed there is an option for voice chat transcription in WoW. i wonder if anyone has ever used it
I keep thinking this when people post icy veins / wowhead prio lists for supposedly complicated specs. it becomes compressed once it's internalized, half of them fall under "use CDs" or "don't waste x cd without y"
>Boss doesn't drop my item
simple as
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this but unironically
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mfw people post their ugly characters
>avatar tranny
post hidden
M+ next week sisters get f*cking HYPEEE

HYPEEE hammers up
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Doomsisies lost bigly
How do I have the least buttons possible as furry warrior
>Dracthyr Warrior
Prepare to be CC
Will we be allowed more thank dracthyr per realm or will it be locked like evoker?
I wish wow devs did more goofy shit like they did in pandaland instead of zoomer cringe humor.
poe dead game lmao poe2 dead on arrival
sexual dimorphism between the males and females of the horde races is fucking wild
Monk is so fucking gay I'm just going to be an unarmed rogue and autoattack
Looks like she worships Dracthyr paws thobeit...
going to get nerfed into the core of the planet
Wow that is really good. I regret I don't have that swimsuit unlocked. I use face #9 btw
It's true....
No magic wheelchair? Wtf
>knockup and knock back neither a true stun on a 3 min cd
KT or Tauren is better.
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Dracthyr is a normie race now, you can have more than one of them
>Dracthyr prot warrior
>Pull all the instance
>CC chain it for 20 minutes
>Goblin racial but with no cooldown
There is no way they let this happen
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I'm feeling righteous so I'll join your old-school brigade.
I call this one "The Grand Wizard", I really wanted to capitalize on my high-standing as a Mage.
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Death to all male leaders and supporters, matriarchy starts NOW.
You're next Merrix
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You'd have people furiously pumping (like me) to you but oh well
Cool, I wanted to make a stupid lizard but I didn't really enjoy the evoker playstyle
yeah if only they were stuns to DR with all the other stuns in the game
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All we had to do was press out boots against their skulls...
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It's just a classic boomer RPG thing
I wish the wheelchair would be made a mount so I could RP beg on the streets of Stormwind.
I just want to play a dracthyr because their visage form is cute as heck (with the right options)
I don't want to be called a meta skank
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You think we'll have to fight her when the obvious Arathi Empire is revealed to be a highly racist, anti-Horde, anti-Void, anti-degenerate legion of the Light? When will they launch their extermination campaigns against the non-human races?
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Hallowfall... home...
why is faerin lothar black
Burned by the sacred flame.
With light there is darkness..
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this lady from the movie
nta but i am a bit worried that Evoker will get indirectly nerfed by how Dracthyr performs with other classes
One brings big choco tits, one brings the BWC
Rogue and monk aren't fun. Energy systems are bad game design and homosexual.
Was skin was burned after an airship crash. Read the quest text.
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no bros.... i thought logging out would save my buff.......
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One of her ancestors was the product of Anduin Lothar and Garona hooking up
they made cinematics for the 4 major shadowlands leaders. 1 dies 10 minutes into questing in the second shadowlands zone. another dies in the first raid tier. blizz is retarded
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actually I think fire mage is next, I forget I set her up with full echo purples.
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This was the last time I got to do living flame healing.. I sadly had to replace my set pieces, now my effects to cast free living flames is gone.
You'll be missed, old set.
>Finished story
Anduin is my fucking hero....
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I don't think krysteia or whatever the queen smurf is called appears in the launch trailer
Please respond
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>Everyone enjoys playing the tier sets
>Make them non-functional at level 80
>Refuse to add their effects as a new talent
Why is Blizzard like this
patch content, retard
>Abom limb+raise ghoul, DRW, Bonestorm, Tombstone, Vamp blood, Ice bound, Lichborne
Are you a tranny that can't read or you got blind watching goon furry porn? Can you fucking read the post I replied to? >>493581751
>Blood dk has like 16 buttons not counting the cooldowns
>without cooldowns
read nigga read
maye's feet smell
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Counter question.. why are you lying? The set effect is
>Empower spells cast up to 3 Living Flames at enemies or allies struck at 50% effectiveness
The new talent is.. more or less the same.
Forced to lock in
>M+ soon
Hold on bros we're almost there.
I love Sorrowdark
steed of liberty looking core for pvp. there'll inevitably be edge case uses for freedom cheese in pve.
>1 more week
im actually enjoying it. whats the rush? then a mix of gear grind and anniversary shit
good times
M+ sisters... 10+ more days...
>See dpslet struggling to fight even a single mob, meanwhile im fighting the entire zone at the same time at full hp
feels good to be a tankCHAD
i havent done a single heroic dungeon
Dumb zoomie.
More please
Some ass?
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The dreadlord set is cool. Finally some dark green wings. I always hated having to use the dragon wings. They are way too bright.
Idk how people can play DPSissy classes in the open world
wow that is really nice
Which profession other than enchanting should I do for da moolah but is also fulfilling?
I was thinking alchemy so I could make some potions for my buds for free
No wonder he's so fucking mad at you for turning him down.
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i love sorrowdark's feet
Meant in a general sense for most specs
worst general on 4chan
ill try to
thanks sorrow
alchemy is a good one, also helps with raid consumes
certainly with that attitude
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>Only thing to do rn is AFK in GS
Don't bother with Skinning. It's so tedious having to empty your mailbox of all your sold auctions every single time you log in. Having to sit there for 30 seconds painstakingly collecting thousands of gold from your mailbox every single time is too much.
Stay away.
not as bad as gsg
>on model

>some maye simp keeps samefagging himself over and over because he's not getting any replies
by not being shit at the game? as a 590 ilvl fury warrior nothing can kill me in the open world and ill do 10x a tanks dps
the forward movement effect is surpressed bigly if you're slowed, but it's basically that vs knockbacks.
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We won bros
>one of the very few generals that actually plays their game
>minimum mental illness (compared to the rest of /vg/
>game is at one of the best states ever since last 4 xpacs and it's only going to get better 3 days from now
>worst general

You're just a doomtroon. Tour some more on this board before you speak such dumb shit.
>Schizo hours
Time to close the thread. See YALL tomorrow.
>Instant delusional takes
Iconic, go back to sissy single pulls.
enter Oglaf
Nah i love sorrow, ive got dick in my hand rn and i keep pumping to the nude i generated off her model
>minimum mental illness
You have no actual idea
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Well why didn't you just say so!
Gnome players are either the worst or best players in the game, and I have no idea why.
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I really wish they would stop but what can I do about it
yea avatartroons ruin it
What's preventing Draenei from building another space ship and just dropping tungsten rods on Orgrimmar until it doesn't exist any more?
all their women are off getting TROLL'D in zandalar and all the men are off GOAT'ing elves in silvermoon.
skinning kinda sucks now that the blue quality hide market crashed. i was making bank with sharpen your knife and killing the 6 skinnable level 70 rares on all my level 70s but now it doesnt seem worth it
Anyone on EU up to run a few heroics?
Well I dunno what other classes got but for my dragie, I got half of the set bonus via talents and on my DK, the set bonus was simply 10% less damage and deal 20% more damage. So.. not really a new or fun thing that changes anything.
They can already do it with the spaceship they have, but the writers have to nerf the alliance after they gave them absurdly overpowered stuff so their brains don't work and they just never decide to use any of it
because the orcs will build a new path of glory out of their bones
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whats the most fun spec for casual battlegroundkino?
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sadly can't, unless I tank on my DK
they cant make any new spaceship parts from scratch. they had to salvage parts from the exodar to make the vindicaar back in legion. then they ran out of argunite to use as fuel (probably could have used azerite as fuel)
probably frost mage or demo warlock. just throw down all your big aoes at the starting melee and top charts for 10 minutes.
the lighrforged draenei racial is a vindicaar strike. alliance players can turn orgrimmar into a radioactive wasteland with the vindicaar on command, but they never have. curious.
share for the class?
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I can craft you some stuff if you need, don't have much to do anyway
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bold take
>Azeroth is a 'Prime Worldsoul'
So is she... titan++ level?
Same reason why we can't just carpet bomb Africa with MOAB's until the AIDS virus is a thing of the past.
buy some greens of the auction house for 300g you retarded euronigger
its that one
kill yourself
Unholy horseman only playing in the outdoors
>worgens have a 2 minute cooldown for +40% movespeed
>dracthyr get it for free at all times
Anything melee with an unlimited resource meter because you just unga bunga tunnel into people until the game ends.
Everyone else is cursed with the knowledge of why the game is being lost.
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The darkness approaches...
>every race is inherently good (except when they're corrupted by the burning legion / old gods / void)
>there is no conflict
fuck this shit bring back the dragonmaw clan and gruul's ogres and make let them take care of this drachtyr problem. we'll also get some good old orcs vs. humans kino while we're at it
THE worldsoul
a new First One
he's buddies with him, it's why janny won't delete it
>any dps spec due to stealth and being fast and having fuckton of cc and strong aoe (boomie)
unholy dk (or frost)
>insane aoe all the time, you can fight on a horse
>aoe teleport for lulz, ranged dps, teleports/gates, affli top meters
>if you want to do important stuff like stopping and killing people or checking flags
That's sweet of you but don't need to waste your mats on me.
I'm a little on the very drunk and tired side but I can try tanking if ya want.
Resources are going in to building a new Shattrath on Azeroth for all of the race. Draenei, Penitent, Krokul, Broken and Lost Ones.
kill yourself
When's the .05 patch
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The Duality of Man
And by that I mean Anduin and I get down while Khadgar sits on the side and watches. It's kinda weird but it's what he likes.
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empty city tonight.. wonder where all the people went
kill yourself
No worries, I went on a chitin farm party to pass the time
i mean the first half of legion was basically blasting the surface of Argus with the Vindicaar and dropping teleportation beacons everywhere

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