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Stick 'em up edition

Previous Robbery: >>493499767

Spoilers ahead, proceed at your own Frisk.


-The Old Game
-The Old Game's Demo

-The New Game

-The New Game's Progress


-Undertale Artbook

-Legends of Localization - Undertale

-Extra Content

-Undertale/Deltarune Text Dumps & Screenshots

-Undertale Image Collections

-Booru (newly resurrected, please help tag)


>Current: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZaYVvltQ_Rmf-ggszf1bwmYDW2NUcfpTYU7JzfyMhVE
>Old: https://writebin.surge.sh



-Wanna change the font?

-Thread Template
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If you have been exposed to Undertale, and have been diagnosed with Favesothelioma, you may be entitled to favenancial compensation.
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more on-topic than thread personality shitshows thoughever
kiddo... you know it takes fewer muscles to smile... than to frown... the innocent muscles kiddo...
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so just what the fuck is his problem?
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anon... what the hell is up with your circle of friends?
>starts bouncing off the walls going coo coo for Chara cuddles
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The literal W.H.O: recommends to abstain from Kraut and related product during pregnancy or those who plan to impreggor.

Legal thresholds are
dose for grown adults (17+) is 3mg/Kg
dose for children 6-16 is 1,5mg/Kg
Lethal threshholds are doubled.

overconsumption symptoms may include:
>manic episodes and mood swings (serotonin disruption)
>unorthodox speech patterns and erratic thinking
>headaches (vessel constriction)
>rashes (hypodermic tissue decay)
>eye irritation
>sleeplessness and lethargy
>gut inflammation and decay
kwautsie is so funny
kwautsei deserves plap correction
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First off, you're a secondary, it's murderBOY! Secondly, who the fuck knows if Toby was intending it to be a reference to Chara or of the player since you both are related to the genotags (basement nerd should know the term of "murderhobo" and what's the most likely demographic for his game post Homestuck, the underage of the male variety?). Thirdly...
>pic related
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goodness what a horrible image
"don't fix what isn't broken"
I’m just using 4chan as my basis desu
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>irrationally angry people are irrationally angry at several things for several years until they break
the next pill will fix it.
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Can the hyper ass slutty femboy trend just die already? I hate how it's corrupted every single cute male character. I don't even mind the milder curvy guy stuff (mettaton images frequently manage to be tasteful about it somehow) but so many artists go overboard with it. How'd this sort of thing get normie attention anyways? I feel like a casual once-a-month weed smoker witnessing the law-abiding citizens in my area gradually devolve into crack zombies shortly after weed becomes legalized in my state.
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anon. black people like like that.
don't be racist.
that's like me saying faggotry is a fad.
I'd tell you if there was literally anything to go off of.
why are you femboyphobic?
Why are you racist kraut?
Were you mugged/jumped by an immigrant or something?
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haven't you gotten away with much worse?
What’s the fandom science as to why some characters become femboy icons but others don’t
Like last time I checked, Kirby isn’t a femboy icon despite being cutesy and pink
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>the next pill will fix it
what kind of pill?
a PILLar one
how much goon content it has
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The opposite actually, but I have standards. I want more elegant prettyboys and less sluts.
Kirby is too fat.
You can't be fat and a femboy .
Gonna post the updates to this comic!
Sex with Temmie.
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>gotten away
i fail to see how i can be punished.
i am not, but i love stable societies with coherent ethnic backgrounds.
you can hate the darkener but you should direct your hate towards the people that enabled their arrival in the light world to tip the balance between light and dark, anon. you prioritize to execute a traitor before you kill the enemy.

these differences that you chalk up to superficialities are more than just superficial and humans have killed one another for less than that and in physics all movement and difference creates friction, heat, fire and then finally death.
>ye who saves calcutta shall become calcutta.
Look out Temmie he's right behind you!
isn’t that just steven universe in a nutshell
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will she lactate soi milk during pregnancy?
Kirby is a pink sphere. He's more of a cute mascot than a cute male. You'd have to gijinka him to to make him a cute male.
kraut… that’s a vore image…
its a very graphic depiction of lactovoring aka lactophagueing.
She will when she helps make Cell Jrs.
Given how much people make Kingy Wingy jokes I’m actually not surprised that /dbs/ and /utg/ have vorefag intersectionality
Temmie is into vore she used to have a vore image favorited on her deviantart page.
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come on, that was a real... what is it?
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romanticizing cannibalism or being cannibalized is really fucking weird.
That's all for now!
so is romanticizing lolis but we're not ready for that conversation, are we?
could you stop trying to force shitty derivatives of dbs memes?
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she's such a nasty cunt then
This isnt a meme I just like vore
Yeah it was an image of tails with a big belly I think having vored sonic.
is it actually cannibalism though?
Vore has always felt more abstract than that to me.
Calling it cannibalism feels a bit reductive.
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>muffet microwave pov
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Its not cannibism if its not the same species eating another.
So now I'll have to deal with that disgusting looking hapa being spammed in the general too
I'm beginning to think that ya'll are just baiting me to be mad at you at this point
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what? you don't like women?
what are you? a fag?
it's ADULT women he's repulsed by
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I only like hecatia and I just want real game discussion here, not horny posting.
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that would be funny if it weren't both infuriating and sad.
Taking more than 10 years to release an extremely simple rpg: Not Recommended.
hornyposting (for game characters, not the developers) is more on-topic than most of the thread
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im not into kids.
>extremely simple rpg
Anon, it's not just a simple rpg
It's an RPGmaker game
so you're like tasquefag? wanting to get groomed by adults as a minor?
if something like this is canon then it'd make Papyrus's apperance in Deltarune much more worth the buildup. It also improves Gaster's character (or utter lack thereof) by quite a lot.
I guess but I still dont like it
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that person gives me nightmares.
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why don't you shut up about it? you're just like kingfag when you don't shut up about shit you don't like
here's some game discussion for you hummy which UT/DR character do you think you're most like?
it's a gamemaker game you retard.
This is so cursed to listen to. Fallen down might be one of the worst things i've ever heard.
Are are the same
probably kris, we are both lonely and rejected my everyone else.
because he’s literally a male version of kingfag
>obsessed with sharing personal details about themselves
>thin to the point of being able to see their ribcage through their skin
>ankle biters
see the real answer is Jerry.
you failed the test.
esl or underage?
AND social rejects
fuck off im not jerry.
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I'm pretty sure neither of them are pedos, anon
You're So Sorry.
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I'm on TOP of the WORLD!!! Kris! THANK you for ALLOWING me to EAT this BOUNTIFUL SLICE of PIZZA!!! HUUUUHHH?!?! This PIZZA has PEPPERONI on it?!? OR should I say, KEKKERONI??!?! NOW I GET it, TIEN, YOU want to KEK me, RIGHT?!? You wanna JIZZ ALL over Noelle's FACE while I WATCH and EAT my MEASLY RATION?!?! WHHHAAAA---?!?! You REALLY mean that?!?! Instead of EXPLODING in her PIZZA BOX, you want to ADD COPIOUS amounts of ALFREDO SAUCE on my 'ZA SLICE?!?!?! And then, you will both GUFFAW as you WATCH me WINE and DINE on SUCH a RICH and OH-SO-DELIGHTFUL DISH?!?! I will be LAUGHED at as you BOTH HUMILIATE and INSULT ME?!?! EEHHHHH?!? This ALSO has MUSHROOMS ON IT?!?! I SEE WHAT you are GETTING at!!! YOU want ME to CUM in a SOCK and LEAVE it in a WARM, yet MOIST PLACE, until the SEMEN SOCK starts to grow FUNGUS on it, and THEN you will FORCE me to eat this RARE and DISGUSTING MUSHROOM on a PIZZA PIE?!?! EEEHHHHHH?!?!? SINCE this MUSHROOM will have SPROUTED from MY semen, it will * GULP* TECHNICALLY BE my OWN CHILD!?!? You're gonna BEAT me and FORCE me to INGEST MY OWN CHILD while I JACK OFF INTO MORE SOCKS?!?! AND this EXPERIENCE will TRAUMATISE ME, but DUE to the VERY NATURE of the ACT, I will get MORE aroused than EVER BEFORE!?!? I'll be ABLE to PRODUCE this FUNGUS on an INDUSTRIAL SCALE and SELL this GROTESQUE ABOMINATION to PIZZA PARLORS ALL OVER THE COUNTRY?!?!? The ENTIRE WORLD will be FEASTING ON MY CHILDREN as I am LOCKED and TRAPPED in a SMALL CLOSET, while YOU and my WIFE SPEND ALL my HARD EARNED CASH on APHRODISIACS?!?! KEKING me even FURTHER and CAUSING me to EXPAND my PRODUCTION???!! You two will be FUCKING LONG after I am REDUCED to a SKELETON in the CLOSET?!??! And I WILL NOT have DIED from natural causes, but rather EXTREME LONELINESS from being LOCKED and CAGED in a 5 SQUARE FOOT WARDROBE?!?! YABBA DABBA DOO LET'S GET COOKING!!!
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he's californian?
I dunno, ban evasion after everyone tries to ditch him is a pretty Jerry move. =)
Classic Jerry...
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we kindly request you please switch to using this image when avatarfagging from now on.
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She likes it in there. Her pussy is wet and ready to be impregnated to produce Cell Jrs.
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at least one of them is
I dont run a cult so im not so sorry.
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that was a joke I made on discord back in 2022 to be edgy.
im not balding
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Do you think you're a good person, /utg/?
people like you are probably some of the most freaky to me, like making the most disgusting retarded shit possible on purpose and thinking it's funny or something. it's like people taking photos of their own shit in the toilet and posting in front of a bunch of people, you literally have to be some kind of soulless filth demon to spend even the most minimal amount of time or effort on this
I'm not even sure what being a good person means.
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>im not balding
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>hummytard going bald before he's 18
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>back in 2022
That was two years ago, anon
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I don't think it's funny I think its hot. I just think it'a funny to piss people off on this god forsaken website. Also I support more r34 of Temmie she's way too hot to not deserve more.
It was a metaphor to show how stressed I was at that moment. Your clear lack of understanding shows that you just took things out of context.
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Helping others, helping people grow, being a compassionate person.
Doing the right thing by people not because you think they deserve it or to get something out of it, but because it's the right thing to do. To a good person, that should be enough.
you know he's mad when he uses proper capitalization
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surely I'm not the only one seeing it, right?
My favorite characters are 17 trunks and vegeta.
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Yeah, probably.
Seeing what? A cock?
Are we even the most insane thread on /vg/
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worse, cockvore
I thought that was /funkg/
I thought about that too. It gives me an idea...

Jk I wouldn't post that online even I have standards. As hot as it sounds.
That's where you draw the line?
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/omori/ is pretty high there on the tierlist
we still aren't at the "sharing nudes with eachother phas-*remembers kingfag episode*
I mean yeah even cockvore is pretty fucked up. Im saying this as someone who shopped her sucking my real dick.
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you did what?
>Im saying this as someone who shopped her sucking my real dick.
You can't say something like that and not post the picture.
why does /utg/ keep attracting new and more deranged subhumans every month even when there's no content to speak of
I think it's less messed up then the nude deepfake or what you just admitted to doing.
why do you keep asking this same exact question
are we in a timeloop
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we just have the best posters of the board so new people just naturally flock here
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Whos at the top of tier list of it's not us??
/utg/ is a cruel place.
so what is it?
Im not posting my dick nor would I want someone harassing her with those images because even for me thats too far, but I have 2 images of her edited to be sucking on my real penis. If I could sell my soul to Satan in exchange for having sex with her I would. She's the hottest woman I've ever seen.
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the erping generals more likely
have another shot, anon
it's on the house
please keep talking about your dirty little secrets to us
>She's the hottest woman I've ever seen.
this has to be a bit.
she's not ugly but she's not so beautiful that she would warrant this reaction.
Ok I spent years searching for her feet pics and it turns me on when I know other people get turned on when they see her wikifeet page too. I wish she had as much r34 as jaiden does. Life isn't fair a woman that attractive exists so fuck most morals.
Think way too much to lean, assume I'm the worst while aiming to be the best of me I can.
She is to me. I love asian women especially half asian women. I not attracted to most white black and latina women. I have hardcore yellow fever.
this is a vore ERP general
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>jungle fever
And there it is
Your shitting up the threads so badly right now, I can smell you all the from here, go to the bathroom.
What if Fave was yellow-carded.
Fave is a White Undergroundian fighting the Communist devils who killed the Dreemurr Royal Family https://youtu.be/cS-pvG9F_XY
>yellow fever
Keep confusing which is which
why does frisk have jaundice and the red soul. shouldn't clover be the one with jaundice?
not jaundice just built for this anon >>493599998
no because clovers name isn't Juan Dice.
I'm tired of talking about anon's sex life
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We don't know if Susie will play for /vg/ in their last off-season friendly tomorrow, but the /utg/ team does have friendlies in about 3 weeks. Thank you for your definitely real and sincere concern.
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I love chara so much bros
>image does not contain a pizza slice
>forgot to remove "tien" from the copypasta
Weak. Feeble. Your shitposts must become stronger.
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So I gave up again on the Snowgrave Spamton fight... Anyway, it's nighttime, and all I did was play TF2 after it. I guess not having a job is cool if you can play TF2 as much as I did.
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did you have fun tho?
that's the most important part
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Also have this!
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Oh don't worry, they'll uhh probably get bored and leave when the game releases. Yeah. When that happens. Probably this year!
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You tried your best. BUT IN A [1 for 1] BATTLE, NEO NEVER LOSES!!!
The Spamton fight? It's fun but hard, and as for TF2, it was also pretty fun. There was also some pretty good Blaze porn on the wall
it took a shockingly long time for someone to do this. Either hardly anyone is actually watching this show or hardly anyone seriously cares much about this game anymore.
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>pretty good Blaze porn
I don't know who that is but good for you!
Snowgrave spamton is easier than Jevil.
You can do it, I believe in you.
yeah me too

> I guess not having a job is cool if you can play TF2 as much as I did.
it sure is buddy, it sure is
it aint coming out this year pal.
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>berdlyfag thinks this is social media
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Bitch I'm DA BEST!
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>Timepoop theory
NTA, but I think they're around the same level of difficulty.
There are no truly good people. There are only people who are, though possibly having good intentions, are ultimately naïve and unaware of how they effect others.
>I DEEPLY despise you.
>For what? We were both born idiots.
>Sure, but I didn't stay on-
>*You* have powers I can't imagine on your side.
>Even then, I've seen how you act around Smiles.
>Well, yeah, the guy's a creep!
>An effective one. Sheesh, he probably hears us right now.
>Tell me about it. I wish I knew how to move like him.
>Alright, enough toe-sucking, let's get-
>No, now I'M pausing YOU.
>What kind of GROSS metaphor is that?
>It's what my dad says.
>What is that bucket of bolts DOING to him?
>I can only imagine, and trust me when I say I don't want to.
Because Toby doing the newsletters routinely gets them to remember about the game and come back here after leaving.
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what a funny retort. I'm laughing so much. wow. how original. how witty! you really add something of value to this place huh. your life sure does have a positive impact on the world doesn't it? I'm so glad you were born. I'm so glad you chose to obsessively post here. Would you like a (you)? How about a few more? Does that satiate you? Do you get something out of that? It must be nice, being entertained by something so trivial. Actively enjoying being unpleasant and tiresome for others. Do you have any friends in real life I wonder? Does anyone willingly spend time with you? Do your parents love you? Are they usually absent? You seem to be desperate for attention, as if you lack some sort of necessary attention in your personal life. You seem to not understand how to have normal conversations with people. The basic conventions of human interaction seem to be absent from your mind. It's no wonder that everyone assumes you to be a child.
Gedagedigedageda oh
cute bird.
he's just showing off that he has a social life to piss off the anons that don't.
You think Berdly would have a knife play fetish and to indulge in it he watches all the fighting scenes in Rick and Morty over and over again while playing with his cloaca/cock?
>recognizes that he's desperate for attention
>still gives him a seething rant
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>You think Berdly would have a knife play fetish
I aint reading all that bro.
Fair, it was a bit of a reach when I typed it out. If anything that'd be an Undyne thing.
How's your relationship with your parents?

>knife-play fetish

Not a Chara thing?
shuddup cunnywho
never knew berdlyfag could be this based, I like him now.
im not a pedo.
So, you admit that you and hunnywho are the same person. Do understand that this is going in the dossier.
Nope, now charafags on the other hand are another story...
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I'm just playing into the bit.
The bit? Like comedy? Who's your audience?
He's actively told us no body cares about him irl and that's why he desperately seeks attention here.
I thought it was just part of his troll act but given everything that's come out it seems that it's just his sincere motivation.
It almost makes you pity him until he makes another post that reminds you how annoying and retarded he is.
Huh? Who? Huh?
you all are the audience. This is all just a show to me honestly
>There is no audience.
does dissociating from the world like this really make you any happier or is it just the only way you can cope with your reality?
Then explain why you aren't funny.
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Despite everything.
I still think Kwautsie's a total weirdo.
Normally I would defend their interest in knives as simply being a need for....well, power, for once, and the ability to take their own worthless life if need be. But...if they were a masochist, I could see it.
>I know that you are not the most mechanically gifted, so I've drawn a path for you.
>Dotted lines are to be cut thinly, solids require a tad more pressure.
>I...don't really want to cut you, Chara.
>Your compassion is misplaced. Please do not give into emotion like your father.
>...Chara, I don't like that face!
>Chara, please! Let's stop and get you some-
>No, I need this to happen.
>I need this pain.
>I do not understand its source.
>I need this bleeding to free me, in an manner almost spiritual.
>I don't want you to die!
>Coward! Always...a coward.
god I can just since the seethe in this post.
it dose make me happier.
He's posting less and less and I'm happy about that at least.
Do better.
I find him more tolerable than a surprising amount of posters here. I don't know, I think he's kind of funny sometimes.
because your taking /utg/ to seriously.
Come on now. Surely you're old enough to have this figured out. Act your age.
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>yeah me too
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you have diarrhea of the mouth.... Faucet
I know. I might need a mouth plunger.
Come on, that's not even a pun. Sans wouldn't say that! This act STINKS! Throw this guy out!
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>If I act like an annoying retard people will call me one
>therefore I win somehow
funny how evergreen this comic truly is
Stop replying to Jerrywho the balding pedophile.
PLEASE just call me sansfag.
i like how he always uses a touhou character to prove he's not a pedofork
like dude she looks like a kiddo in zun's official art
Sonic character Purplish cat/fox kind of a tomboy
hummywummy needs his stimmies because his mommy and daddy don't like him! make sure to donate plenty of (Yousie woozies)!
nice chara
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hecatia looks 22. your just mad because I dont like shota asriel and want me to be a pedo gooner just like you.
It's also weird how awful he is at the old "le scheming puppetmaster manipulator troll" routine when it's clearly about making himself, his confused gimmick and his humiliation fetish the center of attention. But I guess when you're a lolicon you're long past normal morality.
>I'M not a pedo! YOUR a pedo!
>runs away crying and pissing and shidding
angry sans face with "i'm not a lolicon" incoming
I was gonna post something cool but I saw this thread and it's so fucking terrible I changed my mind
He's successfully dethroned kingfag as the resident lolcow, i'll give him that much. {spoiler]not that anyone should ever have that as a goal.[/spoiler]
i'm not a lolicon.
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bitch you got nothing and you never will
vamos sucio matahermanos
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who will use this as a weapon in chapter 3
ya'll call me a chara loving creep then post this shit 60 seconds later.
why does utg have an a-log
That's not me. Cool that I have impersonators though.
we were always gonna have one. i was saying it months ago. it's the natural progression.
dude, im the original.
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I'm too tired to read through the past threads
snrk mimimimimi
or our you?
Me when I use it to shoot off Temmies shoes and socks.
why are there people pretending to be me now? grim.
Azzy... Azzy!
You've got a BIG surprise coming to you!
You're not going anywhere...
Go check out Asgore and the human SOULs and you'll see what I mean! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...
Go check it out! HAHAHAHA! GO CHECK IT OUT!!!
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im afraid this general isnt big enough for the two of us. get your own gimmick.
these skinwalkers are pissing me off...
i'm the original sanspedo.
I think you two should get your own gimmick.
I guess there are 3 of me now, sweet!
now all you faggots need is your own discord server and some CSAM convictions
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im glad theres 3 of me now. sansywho spreads.
I honestly think me spamming temmie feet is better than this.
then get to it soldier.
aww, cute!
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Looks like Berdshit is impersonating random anons again.
I need more chara pics. My folder only contains 20 SFW pics.
I honestly think it's a bit creepy.
berdbased doing gods work once again.
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Do you think Temmie secretly draws lewds of herself having sex with ffxiv characters?
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probably. id like to see them.
uhh, no? I dont think she's a gooner like the rest of you.
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This Temmie stuff is uhhh… What the kids say, freaky…
you know what i never thought id say this but i'm actually kind of looking forward to chapter 3 /utg/ with the influx of newfags and tourists and lightning fast speeds and all
what we have now is just truly sick, we need to be flushed out, we need cleansing fire, let the Great Deluge fall once more and we can be reborn anew
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she's definitely a gooner, impostorsansy.
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why is bunderdale blue?
At this point it's one of the main reasons I'm looking forward to chapter 3
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what is racist dustdust? I keep hearing people in the undertale community talking about it.
>basedcist dustdust
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then what is your proof?
i bunno
bullshit, i've seen a lot of sangysquish's art that says otherwise
I beg to differ. If someone drew her having sex with this guy in a more romantic way she would probably goon to it.
cum in (real) temmie
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Im a freak and severely mentally ill and cant get medication cus of all the fat niggers taking it with the shortage going around. So until then ill goon to her because she gives me a will to live.
what is your proof?
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this is honestly convincing but it's still weird to goon to her.
Yes I would kill someone to get a footjob from her.
>thread has like 3 people pretending to be cunnywho logatto at once
>fobby flailing his arms and temmiegooner jerking off in the background
aw yeah schizophrenia /utg/ hours are back babeyyy
She drew lewds of her and her ex bf before too. Nothing nude but clearly them doing naughty stuff. Ill have to find it later.
Blow it out your ass.
find it NOW. show me her vore posting NOW. back up your claims NOW!!! NOOOOW!!!
Hey Sanspedo hivemind, what age is your ugly Touhou loliwife again? I'll just take the median of all your answers.
I've got balls of steel.
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she's look 22.
She didnt post vore ever. She favorited a vore image once and that was it. If my twitter wasnt banned I could find it easy but ill have to search it on desktop later.
what is fobby even mad about?
he just suddenly brought up berdfag out of nowhere and went off.
she's thousands of years old but she looks 22.
Oh, twitter likes aren't public anymore. guess there's no way to prove that one :/
are they not all lolis
he thinks impersonating other anons = berdfag
Alright, I admit it: she's seven.
stop saying she's a loli. she's not young and she looks 22.
no ZUN just can't draw
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i wish we were a gachaslop or jarpig mmo general so the jannies would at least glance our way sometimes
ok but Flandre is mentally one right? like she wouldn't pass the harkness test.
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no, she's 22.
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Fuck off.
Alright that's one "7" and one "22" so far. (Disqualifying that one Mettaton guy for clearly being a faker.) Is that all the Sanspedos? I'll have to average these and round down to 14.
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you just said she's thousands of years old. if your gonna pretend to be me at least get her age right.
>filename from a prior thread instead of a screenshot
Disqualified, both of you! Guess she's 14. You sick fucks.
i'd say 27
It was on her deviantart favorites not twitter likes. I dont think it was even saved on her wayback machine page.
shit i forgot refusing to entertain his delusions also means i'm berdfag
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I saved these from another thread. im the real one and the fake one copied them from me. and stop saying she's 14 she looks 22.
i'm just laughing at the amount of sansavatarfag skinwalkers at this point
she's 14, we just proved it, faker
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obveously she's a 45 year old cougar.
To clarify I meant the smut she drew was on her twitter.
What if Fave was super rich and bought a bunch of gold chains that they wore around the house.
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Do you believe that you have a responsibility to uplift your audience, or are they merely pawns to you?
of course there pawns to me. I don't care about them. also that's a creepy asriel.
oh no yuki is locking on
oookay, REAL hummywho here. I heard there was someone here who got confused with me and then started playing along with it for some reason? Anyways I just figured I'd pop in and disspell the misinformation that's going around.
I just see myself as a character and /utg/ is the tv show.
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I hope Temmie has bodyguards cause there are people here who seem like they would actually try to stalk her
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Do you ever feel that you would get more out of the thread if you viewed those posters as valuable friends instead?
And what kind of character are you in this show?
it's one guy who's also been spamming /v/ for the past week
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the comic relief. /utg/ is a comedy and I laugh at all of kingposters antics so I wanna act like them to seem funny to someone like me.
im the villain. that's the only way I can take out my feelings here and its why i troll. if im already gonna be hated, im gonna be as hated as I can be.
So you never gave yourself a chance to be loved? Do you just enter every social situation assuming that you'll be hated by default? That sounds to me like a self-fulfilling prophecy.

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