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Previous Thread: >>492547409
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Will Joe and Lily be a thing in COTW?
Wasn't it primarily the blockstring setups that made MOTW a kuso? Just Defend if anything TRIED to alleviate that.
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4M copies sold
It's over, bros...
Capcom has more at stake since their fighting games are now one major under-performance away from shitcanning their fighting game division.
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Just defend is just a band-aid to Garou's Kusoness to be honest.
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I don't remember her being this thicc.
Imagine if Pushblock and red parry still fails to reign in the classic SNK blockstring
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Andy is niggay
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It's ok bro.
Take a duck.
SvC tournament
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Best friends!
No wonder. This art looks gross.
The era of safehorny
Waiting now for Vice and Mature to come out as lesbians and for Shion, Ash and Preecha to come out as trannies at this rate
How would you react If SNK followed GG and Daisuke's decision with Bridget and made Ash a tranny
I'm a newfag. But gameplay was what makes Fatal Fury different than KoF as a fighting game
They already introduced a canon FTM in Shion and a canon MTF in Preecha. I would not be surprised if they pulled the "woman at heart" shit with Ash
No they didnt.. Shions gender switch was just in the design process. Literally just
>draw a female call it a male
There's no lore or story to it..

And there's nothing that says preecha is trans
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No matter how slim the odds are, there is always hope.
You're just setting yourself up for disappointment.
Shion was originally a girl, originally one of Ron's daughters, but made male because "wouldn't that be funny?" despite still having birthing hips and a pussy intact. Preecha has tranny colors in her hair, manface, a male name, implants and a backstory stating she "left her family due to misunderstandings and disagreements".
In the old ones, what made it different were the lanes and the "invul defensive" attacks that (usually) also forced the opponent to go into the other lane.
Preecha isn't confirmed to be trans yet.
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Stop being disingenuous.
And what about Chris or Meitenkun?
I would bail the fuck out of any SNK related games, because what's happening to Guilty Gear is fucking tragic.
Is there some running gag that Nakoruru is a terrible cook?
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>Shion was originally a girl, originally one of Ron's daughters, but made male because "wouldn't that be funny?" despite still having birthing hips and a pussy intact.
Uh no? They're labeled biologically male, he has a dick. It's a fighting game so they're not gonna whip out what ever is there
>Preecha has tranny colors in her hair, manface, a male name, implants and a backstory stating she "left her family due to misunderstandings and disagreements".
Her bio doesn't mention any of this
>a backstory stating [Preecha] "left her family due to misunderstandings and disagreements".
Absolutely false. Not one iota of official material mentions this.
go back to picking cotton
If I'm not mistaken, SNK stocks are owned by Saudi Arabian investors, and not American ones, so it should be safe.
Idk, but if she's anything like Asirpa from Golden Kamui she probably tried to feed them citatap.
It is based on a CD drama from Neo Geo DJ Station where she cooks a dish called "Nabe", only Kyo likes it, Iori and Mai just want to puke after eating it like pic related.

Fun fact: She only tries to cook once for Galford in one of the SSVI endings
See >>493596021
>and a backstory stating she "left her family due to misunderstandings and disagreements".
Safe-horny, you mean. See: Mai's new costume
They are just shota
Do you have any proof otherwise?
The fact you call Shion a "they" means there is nothing biologically male about them
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>"wouldn't that be funny?"
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>There is zero proof Preecha is trans.
>There is zero proof Preecha is NOT trans, too. I'm the one making the outrageous statement; YOU are the ones who have to prove me wrong.
Eat this st.B.
What you showed was only a blurb
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That's sad, buriki one has some neat characters
>Hotaru doesn't orgasm during her orgasm super
>zero jiggle physics
>Mai's classic look locked behind a super, devs have zero plans to release it as an alt
>canon tranny in Preecha
>Do you have any proof otherwise?
It's been stated that she's a girl and that they didn't know that Preecha is a male name. Wouldn't happen if it was a performative activism.
Not to mention, while based, I really fucking doubt that they would call a character by what would be considered a so called "dead name". It literally wouldn't make any sense. It's like saying "Now you'll have someone to identify as, Jeremy. Buy now and we'll think about including the balding spot skin, so that it would be like looking in a mirror.".
As a side proof, it's not reflected by her voice casting either.
Many male characters are voiced by female voice actors
So, by your logic. Everyone is trans, unless stated otherwise.
>and that they didn't know that Preecha is a male name
why do they keep making this mistake
this is the information age
the age of internet
there is a vast array of places to look and research
how are they still in the 1980s
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Indeed, this is not the first time a character was given a name associated to the opposite gender.

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