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Previous thread: >>493559042

Version 1.1 "Undercover R&B" Special Program
Agent Record | Caesar King
Agent Record | Burnice White

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Current Signal Search
Jane Doe - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59 (server time)
Sharpened Stinger - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59 (server time)

>Current Events
"All New Program" - Receive Encrypted Master Tapes - Ends 09/24 03:59 (server time)
"Camellia Golden Week" - 08/21 10:00 (server time) - 09/23 03:59 (server time)
"Daily Life of a PubSec Officer" - 08/30 03:59 (server time) - Ends 09/09 03:59 (server time)
"Immersive Tactical Drill" - Starts 09/06 03:59 (server time)

>Upcoming Events for 1.1
"Scene One, Take One!" - Starts 09/13 03:59 (server time)
Full 1.1 Event Details: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125244

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links

Bros... our game is overanimated...
im bored of jane doe when is the next character
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Listening to post hardcore with my emo shark girlfriend.
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first for incest SUCKS and wisepags can get lost lmao
straightbros, how do we deal with the 29s billy homo menace?
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Burnice bros....
Been testing using Pen Ratio% in disk 5 for all my stunners and it works really well, much better than Ele DMG% in almost every scenario like later nodes in Shiyu Defense, high level Hollow Zero and Bosses.
This is especially true if your stunner is not Lv60. I recommend trying it. Also Anomaly Mastery is much better than ER% on Nicole. The more testing I do on my own, the less I'm starting to trust guides...
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ACAB (All Cops Are Breedable)
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Also no clue why the last bread got nuked, super weird
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Attention all piperGODs
Dont use energy regen its a brick
Just equip an atk disk and use Lucy ult
Saved 20 seconds off my clear
yeah you just use Lucy ult once
My piper is also C4 so that's a lot of extra energy too
Nigga I'm running Jane burnice and caesar.
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you can trick her into sex
The T-Pose cartel got to us.
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>he is unaware
Explain like I'm retarded what "29s" means? That a stat?
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What released limited character is least likely to get a rerun banner?
>pic possibly related
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Where are the 50 second Jane clears without her weapon then
No anon can post a single one
I literally only want one
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Does anyone actually play this game?
congrats bro
I never understood why you kept recommending energy either
29 seconds, referring to a video of a billybwo speed blasting through Shiyu 17 Team 1 in 29 seconds
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I do, but every time I see Nicole I'm compelled to jerk off, so not really
that billyhomo rolled for 4 s ranks on qingyis banner
straightGODs won massively
I really don't see the appeal in pulling for characters that aren't on-field much. If there is a character that only does one small thing and then fucks off I won't pull for them
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It felt like the best option before I had core skill E or C4
Probably should've experimented after getting those two yeah
>Something which could literally be one post on 4chan got blown over to a 24-minute video

Nu-Youtube is so worthless it's insane
massive fail
The overanimation calms down a lot after the initial few chapters. Its really only limited to the Cunning hares after that. The housekeeping faction have pretty solid animations. Then Jane in R&B has a ton of animation work done but its all done in deliberate ways rather than doing goofy movements.
Anybody have the ape thiren concept art?
Wise, what are you doing to the Rat?!?

Burnice is unironically better with piper if you assume M6 Lucy, at least before dolphin Jane at which point you're better off playing hypercarry with Seth
the lost of personal damage is made up for via piper's teamwide damage buff and M6 Lucy procs
Anby doesn't know sex is
Can you post your piper stats
Why are they havng sex in that one WoW player's room?
easier to trick her...
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Lucy is only C2 too, if I had C6 I'd be clearing at 40 seconds no cappuccino
ew why is she so skinny.. she looks like some kind of weird creature..
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do you want to piss money into the air? then yeah
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How to get an anby gf?
Damn, that's a lot of proficiency. I have 312.
How come you're using a 4set of freedom instead of a 4set of fanged?
I never saw "doing the worm" as a sex move before
zzzased, great gets on those AP rolls. cant wait to M6 Piper(in 5 fucking weeks fuck)
Imagine holding hands in public with Anby haha
In most cases the one small thing they do is a buff that results in 30% more damage
Which ones of the BP W-Engines are good? Heard the Lip Gloss one is pretty good, how about the rest?
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honest thoughts and feelings?
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they're not real...
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Legit only cause all my fanged discs roll like garbage
unironically I'd lose like 40 prof and 300 attack.
I want to run fang
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Corinbros... i can't get under 1 minute in SD17 by a few seconds.
I'm counting on you to prove her worth...
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im trying to imagine soloing with Caesar. I might get a better idea once she drops in VR
Seething Poopertroon
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Just wait for Caesar
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>*deletes females from your game*
heh nothing personnel kid
>70 master tapes and a double coinflip is worth 10 seconds off your shiyu clear
beep beep beep
da wei shill detected!
beep beep beep
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I dont remember this at all
Ah, I see
I want to trick Anby into casual sex to the point where she'll suck me off whenever and wherever
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Best Caesar team not including Jane?
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The wait will be worth it anon
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clearing out my recordings for a reinstall, shameless repost
those blues rolled great
I have a well-built Corin, but I'm running her and Qingyi without a support, so the clear times suffer greatly.
I have to build Soukaku.
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Is my Jane supposed to only do 150-200k assaults?
Billygod whaled on the lolicop banner you stupid homotranny.

Fuck off back to /gig/ and stop shitting up a good man's name.
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>trick Anby into casual sex
Like pic related?
Not level 60 + your attack and proficiency stats are low.
keked yesterday keked again
someone posted an under 1:10 SD17 Corin run... 3 days ago-ish. no fucking way im finding that
You're about 60 off a solid anomaly stat and 1600 is really low for attack.
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When will Hoyo stop being a coward and give us a female furry agent?
probably never because female furries aren't safe horny
probably before the idols unfortunately
Aim for 360-420 Anomaly and like 2000+ Attack.
if I start now will i have enough to guarantee jane by doing all the content?

didn't they already show a furry female?
Fortunately we have one coming soon with the Sons of Calydon
So what are some non Jane teams that you can use Seth in?
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Around thirens sound the sirens
>if I start now will i have enough to guarantee jane by doing all the content?
Yeah, all the story content gives you a lot of rolls.
Is atk% better for disc 6 than anomaly mastery?
Seth gives 90 so that puts him at 430 which is over cap for passion passive

Work on ATK. You want 2300+
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So what the fuck is the difference between anomaly mastery and proficiency again? Piper only wants proficiency?
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Is 4P Freedom really better than 4p fanged?
420 is the cap if you have all core talents unlocked which he doesn’t because he’s level 50. He needs like 480 to hit the crit cap.
His Anomaly Proficiency buff is useful for any Anomaly character.

Nah, go with Anomaly Mastery.

>Seth gives 90 so that puts him at 430 which is over cap for passion passive
Yeah, but even after 420 AP, more AP increases Jane's damage more than Attack %.
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A playable furry agent has not yet been shown, but the leaks indicate that we will soon have a playable one in the future.
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Give it time, she's coming
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Define safe horny, I've only ever heard pedophiles use it to describe "looks over 12 years old"
More furries and less males.
Mastery affects anomaly buildup, i.e. how fast you proc the anomaly.
Proficiency affects how much damage your anomalies do.
All anomalies want both.
>SEA wakes up
>furshit increases
I’m nooticing
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Holy sex!
I've tried him out with Lycaon/Rina and it works surprisingly well if Lycaon is kitted out for damage instead of Stun. I imagine Seth should pair well with pretty much any character who can hit with consistent elemental damage
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anby is real
>two new male full thierans and a female full thieran
LMAO the anti-furry niggers were wrong as hell
Safe horny = it's acceptable to be openly attracted to it on reddit and twitter (aka femcels and troons don't have a problem with it)
When it comes to furries, only male ones are safe horny because you know what goes on between white women and dogs, female furries on the other hand make them feel threatened
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>got Jane in 20 rolls on launch
>decide to do a few rolls to at least get Seth's engine
>get Jane's engine in 20 rolls
but I didn't get Seth's engine, kek
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Bro, I have good news for you, Pulchra will probably become playable in 1.5 or 1.6
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My Piper currently has Proficiency on disc 4 and Mastery on 6, that's what she wants right? Ignore crit substats and stack as much proficiency as you can?
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Who's the hottest zzz character and why is it Koleda?
Saving all my poly
>Corinposters wake up
>Rape incidents increase
Correct. For disk 5 you want Physical damage % and, if you don't have that, Attack %.
>Seth gives 90 so that puts him at 430 which is over cap for passion passive
420 is the cap for bonuses from Jane's abilities but dont forget that anomaly proficiency is just extremely good as a stat regardless for anomaly characters.
what she wants is (me)
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the more you know... thanks anon(NTA btw)
These are just enemy NPCs, not playable characters.
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>edited by vlilacc
so these AI artists are fine with stealing the artwork but want credit for their own tiny changes?
OK so it does just mean not pedoshit
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Don't worry it's just yogurt.
do you want to know the best thing about jane?
she smells bad, really bad and thats hot as fuck.
Yeah, all mine.
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we call them, "eventful occurrences" bro
Should I use an anomaly mastery or atk% disc 6 for an m2 jane with her signature wengine?
Loli is pretty much the most unsafe horny thing that exist because it makes roastoids and troons such as yourself seethe, yes, but it's not the only thing
Well, a reliable leak said that at least it will be playable.
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im about to spend money to max refresh daily to btfo the billyfag with jane
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Yeah, I thought I had all the right main stats. People are still figuring out proper meta so there's always that concern something changed, I don't want to go back to disc hunting until I absolutely have to.
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Piper doesn't actually need mastery
Her powerstacks give her so much at C1 you can equip an ATK disc instead and prosper
I think they're comparable, fanged gets the edge in solo and blues gets the edge in disorder but they're close enough for it to not really matter
Just go whatever rolls more prof
And all three will get shadow versions just like Jane.
I’ve seen a lot western CCs get icky when lolis get sexualised too
there's no way they would make playable male furries and then show off a female without making her a playable one. thats retarded. it'd be understandable if they didn't leak one so the player could assume only male furries are anomorphic, but with this it proves females are possible.

pokemon has female monster gril baits. why can't hoyo? they think all furries are gay or something and only like males? wtf?
While it's true that max refreshes will reduce the RNG factor of disk farming, they won't necessarily work either. It seems like a huge amount of poly waste to me to blow up a single person.
why all the jane fanarts are made by people who dont even play the game?
Mihomo doesn't like appealing to straight men
Is it really better to run ATK instead of Anomaly Mastery if you have Jane's sig? Seems counter intuitive.
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Glad to see the proxies and their agents take their work very seriously
Leakers do not have a proven track record with this game to be considered reliable. All they do is look at datamines and guess based on what little they have. Until I see a faction, element, and class, I'm not believing any potential character leaks.
artists draw things that they think can get them comissions...or so im told
they don't necessarily play video games unless they need more 3d art sources to examine for drawing
pen is probably better than both to be desu
>start playing today
>immediately pull the gay furry porn S rank character from standard
Please tell me he's broken or something. All these cute girls and I get the thing that looks like he wants to give me his inter-knot
Where am I supposed to get more attack for my Jane if I go Disk 6 anomaly proficiency? Do I keep disc 5 as physical or atk? I have her signature weapon.
She's the type of character who appeals to porn addicted cuckolds who spend 10 hours a day jerking off to NTR, not people who actually play the game
Can I cope with Brimstone if I only have a 1* starlight engine replica for billy?
No it isnt. You can get an anomaly mastery disc with atk% but you cant get an atk% disc with anomaly mastery.
In terms of how anomaly buildup is calculated the engine actually benefits from the anomaly mastery bonus since its not additive.
Look im all for pretending shipping doesnt exist i hate it too
but when Jane and Seth had that cringey banter in front of Razor and Jane did her moe look at him I got pretty pissed, reasonably.
They fed the shipfags with her lets be real
just started this game the other day, whats stuff i need to know?

what are good beginner comps?
is getting that monthly sub worth?
there will be a few people who say hes a brick but hes also the only one currently that can reduce ice resistance, and he can activate corin's core faction passive, both great things. Then you can also bring soukaku and you got a great 3 team that is also flexible.
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sex with a rat
artists don't usually care about shipping
people request x and y character to be doing something in art work and pay 50 - 150 bucks.
you see a lot of shipping because they pay money
>mass replying
>"I got angry at pixels"
No you didnt. You don't even play this game. Go back.
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MeroMero has a good hit record for now, he leaked Caesar and Burnice
>They fed the shipfags with her lets be real
No you're just slightly too far gone and the people who actually saw that as confirmation of a ship are completely far gone and have stopped being able to identify human interactions properly.
Even setting that aside, Seth makes it clear in his trust events he wouldnt even want to be friends with someone who couldn't be honest or "real" with him, which Jane is the furthest thing from, and Jane has some serious issues going on in her day to day, she wouldnt be able to handle a real relationship at all.
>not seth
This isnt going to get a lot of likes
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It's cinema 1 brother
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It has been done Corinbros... Could be a few seconds better but i will give her the rest she deserves.
does it bother you? is baby angy? wahh wahh?
thats the developers fault for using cinema as the name and mindscapes for the token
in arknights we don't call it t6 even though it says "token"
>if I say it, it becomes true
Go back immediately
He's arguably the best standard S-rank. He's the second-best stunner in the game after Qingyi, who is a limited S-rank you can't get until she reruns in 5 months or so.
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reminder that the rat lives like a rat.
why are you so mad?
she's just like me
we were made for each other
seems like I struck a nerve
>whats stuff i need to know?
Don't spend Polychromes on the Standard Banner.
>what are good beginner comps?
Billy/Anby/Nicole, the 3 characters you start with, are fine until you get later in the game. I'd wait until you see which standard S-rank you get from your beginner pulls before building a proper team.
>is getting that monthly sub worth?
Yeah, the $5 monthly sub is by far the best value in all of Mihoyo's games, assuming you log in every day. If you don't log in on a particular day, you don't get those polychromes.
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Like I said, he could have easily pieced together that leak from the available data at the time, as could anyone paying a little bit attention.
True I didn't even notice he was only Lv50.
forgot to quote >>493590353
I didn't like it and I know plenty of people did like it
That's all the matters, saying it's not in the game is just a cope
I did
Sorry you cant deal with the truth, if you saw that cutscene and it wasn't absolutely cringeworthy more power to you
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>See Wolf man
>Immediately start thinking of gay furry porn
Something you wanna tell us anon?
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extremely zzzased run
Cinema is the window. Mindscape is the individual dupe bonuses.

As you can see from the picture, the "token" is called a focus. The individual dupe bonuses you activate are called Mindscapes.
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epic fight over wise soon
the vermin are her only friends
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what do you think about this
don't care, I'm used to calling them c# from genshin, they chose cinema for a reason, I'll continue to use c#
Once more Corinbros are proven to be the second most powerful race in /zzz/, second only to wideGODS
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>see gay man with harness around his face
>think of gay men
wow you cracked the code that anon is definitely gay
hahaha le funny deadpool man
Genshin's new characters have mesmerizing dances.
Will ZZZ ever get a character that dances?
Corin has been the most fun for me so far so things are looking up
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I love him...
is farming for investigator logs a bait? 100 energy gets you 16-17 senior logs which is less than a level.
anon can you please stop thinking about gay sex for like ten seconds
its semi-bait
you can get a fair amount of them over time from events and rewards from normal in game stuff, especially the battlepass if you buy it.
denny's by far evaporate probably 10x faster
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Gay nigga.
>lives like a filthy rat
i bet the disgusting bitch has pet rats in a garbage pit of a room
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>especially the battlepass
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Well, yes...
if you don't buy the battlepass then it's a no brainer that you will need to farm all resources from the stages because you are fucked.
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Shadowrun Hong Kong did it better
To some extent, yes.
Buy the BP and use your resources wisely.
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After leveling up her character and engine, what are Jane's priorities? Skills, Basic Skills, Discs, or building up her teammates (Seth).
Its awful, but theres no real way around it for levelling unless you're happy to fully rely on BP and new mission rewards and postpone character levels for a good month or so between 50-60s.
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>Buy the BP
Man I really fucked up by trying to level so many characters. Now I’m broke and can’t possible be able to level Caesar.
>basic skils
i mean core skill
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This game isn't fun when you run out of batteries.
I had 30+ batteries and Jane, seth, and wolfy stole it all.

This is fucking ridiculous.
exactly what I did, feels bad man. I just want to play with everyone dammit
Ignore skills, get core, discs and seth core ability.
I'd say core skill > disk main stats/sets > build Seth > regular skills
Her skill levels don't affect her anomalies, so they don't contribute that much.
uninstall like the majority of people did
What's the best cope engine for Lucy? I don't have Kaboom.
quit the game, its extremely liberating
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Ellen LOVE
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This game truly is shit isn't it.
Craft rainforest.
we all uninstalled and went back to genshin/hsr/wuwa
Whoops, sorry, I was thinking of Piper. For Lucy I use the B-rank that gives ER.
Bros, there's a person uploading a bunch of blue shit on Danbooru. Why won't they stop?
On slot 5, does Jane want physical damage or attack?
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Er... cheesed to meet you?
You can try slice of time, it boosts your decibels passively while generating energy.
Post the first half
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Shut the FUCK up
Oni girls deserve love, too.

Generally speaking, physical damage %, but I have heard some people claim that if you have her signature, attack % becomes better since her signature gives a lot of physical attack %, but I haven't seen math to back that up.
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n-ice to meet you
Based. God Ellen's c2 looks good, I gotta grab it on rerun
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>instant stacks
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of course I hit a bunch of crit rate% on the one character I don't really need it. Low ATK rolls too
I was looking at the bp weapons and they al suck, not even as stat sticks
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Would you marry a retard knowing your children will be retarded?
Why ZZZ's animation is bad

The lips one is the only viable one.
>Only 5 bullets
Literally a scam.
I'm also retarded so it cancels out
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lips is kind of ok, especially if you refine it
but yeah they're not very good
why do i need to believe what some retard who thinks hes cool on jewtube?
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zhubros do we exist just to be laughed at..?
what's the best faction meta-wise?
Right now it's easily neps right? They're all top tier including Seth
at this point...
probably cop faction due to the recent banners
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I had to re-record it, I didn't have that run's first half saved
the instant stacks are on C1, you can get that quite easily
Currently, N.E.P.S., but next patch Sons of Calydon may give them a run for their money.
Honorable mention to Victoria Housekeeping, seeing as Ellen/Lycaon are a great pair.
>pov shot
>has ringlight reflection on her tits
shit art. Or maybe this is ai
>mogged by pipergods
>mogged by corinbros
zhufags..not like this…
Need to stack the weakness buff to stay relevant huh?
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If your 5* has dupes and or has their sig I don't care, you are a whale and I don't care for your runs.
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>but I have heard some people claim that if you have her signature, attack % becomes better
OOOoooh thats a good point, never occurred to me. going to spin up an atk% disk 5 in VR when I get the chance
to be fair I'd say anything below 2 minutes on a side you're not buffed in is very impressive
I have jane's sig but I'm f2p (one membership). I just only rolled for her and zhu so it was no big deal
It's entirely possible for a f2p to get a limited S-rank's M0U1 if they save or get lucky.
What went wrong with this game?
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I used her on side 2
Pubsec (all members are high tiers or top tier) > Victoria Housekeeping (Two members make up a top Ice team, Rina is good in other teams) > Cunning Hares (Mostly carried by Nicole) > Belobog (only character who isn't totally outclassed in their role is Ben, because he has one competitor who is only a defense unit in name)
Doesn't make any sense to ask this when one faction consists of almost only limited S-ranks while others are standard A-ranks.
side 1 is the litmus test for dps
>roll a 10 on the w engine
>2 A Rank
>”yay 1 Seth engine”
>Lol 2 Anby engines
The curse of anby strikes again
Thanks, both of you. At the moment, I'm using a Reverb II, which is the B-Rank you were talking about, I believe. I'll try out Slice of Time.
The Support Engines I have are:
-1 Weeping Cradle(used by Nicole- does Lucy or Nicole use it better?)
-1 Bashful Demon(used by Soukaku)
-3 Slice of Time
Have plenty of all three Reverbs.
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whats wrong with any game?
they all are wastes of time, just ask my sister.
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I just got Jane after like 30 pulls trying to build pity
(it took all 180 to get Ellen)
>im f2p (im not f2p)
why do faggots do this song and dance every day
If this was Genshin I'd agree since the weapon banner there is dogshit. But in HSR and ZZZ getting cones/engines is pretty easy
also try pen if you've got one. it'll definitely be more valuable if you're using rina as your support, but might still be good without her
Is the brother more emotive if you picked him? Belle is animated like a pixar character but her brother looks and sounds like he's moments away from collapsing into dust.
>they all are wastes of time, just ask my sister.
$5 says she spends her free time watching TV/Youtube/Movies, or doing other frivolous bullshit.
>trying to build pity
What is the purpose of this?
Women spend more time and money shopping then I do playing ZZZ
its a running joke from back at the dawn of time when people were not accepting of monthly cards yet.
the monthly card is the only "good deal" that companies offer while true "free to play" is suffering so it got modified to be free 2 play if you get the monthly card because you steal from the companies if you don't get anything else.
of course later on they introduced battlepasses to tempt people further and clamped down further on resources.
half the people are using genshin lingo the other half are either use cinema 1 or mindscape 1
To satisfy a gambling addiction
first gacha? you only lose f2p status when you buy chromes without the first time bonus
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I want to marry Caesar and pinch her cheeks every time she teases me about her being taller
Nah, they maintain that dynamic regardless of who you pick.
That's not a fair comparison any gacha game would be mogged by women shopping
damn bitch you live like this
How do I make Grace work? Jane/Seth/Grace?
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>my cousin hates video games
>goes to the bar and blows up 150 dollars three times a week
its so fucking annoying that half of the buffs and debuffs in this game are not clearly displayed on enemy status/detailed stats page
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>simping for whores
Belle lost
Zhu yuan lost
Miyabi lost
Corin lost
Alexandrina lost
Soldier 11 lost
Anby lost
Nekomata lost
Caesar lost
Jane WON
Ellen WON
Nicole WON
Yanagi WON
Burnice WON
Lucy WON
piper WON
Qingyi WON
Nope, this is just how Mihoyo makes "serious" male characters. (i.e. stoic and boring.) Women are allowed to be more emotional.
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Which character would be most likely to go on a romantic date with me and hold my hand afterwards?
what's the problem
stun>orb>dump ult and shells>repeat
zhu cant kill the boss in 1 rotation so you end up wasting time to stun him again
if she could kill in 1 rotation then 35-40 second finish is realistic
what do the thumbs up mean at the end of a mission? Most dps?
if your name is wise, ellen or zhu
It's a general "contribution" score. It counts a myriad of things like damage, stun application, buffs, etc.
its "who contributed the most decibels" but people say its probably other little bits
Anton/Grace/Rina or Anby
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I'm not having fun.
Thing is, there's a much wider gulf between pass buyers and actual whales than pass buyers and true f2p.
Spending 5 dollars a month is next to nothing for a working adult, but spending 1000 stings for most.
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>Ellen Flop
>Mid Yuan
>Jane Flop
>Caesar Mid
You're not actually that stupid right? You're saving for the anni Elysia expy banner to C6 her right?
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I kind of want the character but I don't need it so I put in some resources as they come in over time (tapes)
If I don't get her I'm building up to getting the next character I do want faster, if I do get her then I've basically won a mini lottery
Jean team without Seth?, just Grace/Rina?
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jane piper lucy sex team
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I'm not sure how to make it display both my timer and the fact that he died, without full clearing it better than my real record. but sub 1m is doable with zhu
Qingyi and Lucy are also good picks.
the who? what?
what are you talking about
Is anyone running Ellen Lycaon Rina instead of Soukaku?
How does it compare if you're a non-whale?

I already have Soukaku built but she's using Slice of Time because I don't have Bashful Demon, so I am tempted to brick myself and spend my resources on building M0W0 Rina for the full Victoria Housekeeping team
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>Ben Bigger
Formally Nen?
sub 1m is doable but you are not beating sub 50s without c6 zhu
I'll just top up
>G4 Anby
>her kinomas are for electric teams specifically though
it's ogre...
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I think the best way to use grace is as a parry bot.
Never parry with seth, parry with grace as she causes a fuckton of build up during her parry attack.
>G4 Anby
I can accept C or M, but what the fuck is G?
i know it's because jane is unplayable against phys resistance because you get penalized twice on both damage and anomaly buildup
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Stop that. He's a good bear.
Sorry, I meant [4
I thought Jane can still clear in a minute against the physical resistant side
I like rina just because she takes way less time to get her buff out compared to soukaku. Chain attack is much shorter as well.
With no dupes or wep her buff is better then the standard flag buff but worse than with all three flames
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I do not care about the Arcade.
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I ascribe to the elysia expy is pre-corruption Nineveh theory.
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Have you forgiven me yet?
I care about the arcade. It's nice to have small side distractions that give out some poly when I'm waiting on energy to charge.
lol no
Only with her weapon
retard, shes futureproof for at least the next year
c1 + her weapon is mandatory for shiyu speedruns
Yeah, I might just do it and select Rina for C1 after I get to 300 on standard
Pen Ratio disc 5 on Ellen?
Seriously, we get hardly any standard banner pulls
You should call it something else. I also sometimes take calculated risks where I set a threshold and see if anything happens, but only as long as the remaining resources are enough to guarantee me what I really want.
When people hear you're "building pity", they think you mean just rolling in order to raise pity for the next banner, and then bitch when you get the rateup. That's a different situation.
I have not forgiven her for giving me her w-engine yet not her character.
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>start playing eroge
>desire to play gachas reduced massively
maybe I am just a gooner after all
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why do all the females wear chokers
what? i'm sitting on 205 standard rolls
same amount of rolls in shart rail took me almost a year
CN leaker already said the void hunters are playable in 2.x
I'll forgive you if I pull Lycaon or Grace as my next S rank in the standard banner.
ok so im installing again in 2.x
Never understood why they are so stingy with these in their games.
desu I fucking hate Soukaku. shit long rotation that feels awful
Imagine spending all your rolls for "speedruns" when the reward is exactly the same
How the heck do you have 205 rolls without spending polys or signals on standard tapes

Do you have almost every agent and level them to 40 or 60?
How could they possibly know that? I've been in some hoyoverse betas and they don't tell you what the upcoming characters are beyond the beta you're testing.
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Got any reccs? I've only played dohna dohna 1/4 of the way and that asanagi rape simulator which wasnt really an eroge
how would you make TVs fun
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>asanagi rape simulator
actual leakers aren't just beta testers, but insiders
and mihoyo does plan and develop their games 1 year in advance minimum
tv is fine
people just overreacted and now we get more combat slop instead
Fuck no i lost ny 50/50 on you bitch. Have fun bench warming.
Because in video games, the face has higher fidelity than the body so they have to wear something on the neck so hide the seam line where the head and body connect
I'll forgive you once you join my team
Yet to get the Kot once.
Just rock whatever you get better substat rolls for. Another 10-20% crit damage will be more impactful then the difference between pen and ice damage disc 5 for ellen
Limit/skip all dialogue and focus on the gameplay. Have an option to skip all tutorials. Make it more obvious what the locations do at a glance.
My main problem with TV gameplay is when it keeps getting interrupted by pointless shit.
I liked the rhythm game in this most recent event. They have some solid ideas, it just needs to be less of a chore.
I C6 to unlock name cards.
Trying to make Neko worthwhile with Jane but even after numerous Assaults before swapping her in, in stun Phase, on C0R1 Neko with back attacks and her buff active, I'm still better off just sticking to Jane and nuking 3 times during stun
What the fuck does it take to make Neko feel good
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We're no longer living in the 90s, there are plenty of characters without obfuscated neck seams nowadays.
The real reason is because chokers are hot.
ZZZ oughta just replace Nekomata with a Jane and apologise for releasing such a useless character.
I don't really mind it because her buff stays active for a long time. It's not even that slow to apply.
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Sure, it's called NejicomiSimulator TMA02 - My Own Dedicated Weak Pussy Cow Vtuber's Confinement and Training! Choke-Clamping Deep-Digging RIP to her Life Masochistic-Orgasm!- (cheeky big boob faphole understood her position)
i want more yuri
The true endgame
I’m playing picrel instead of being a normal vn eroge it’s more like a management sim where you balance your sister’s stats so she’s happy and healthy and horny enough to fuck you
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Because look at how fucking skinny and weird her neck fucking looks.
The choker tries to cover that up a bit.
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Wise is for Zhu
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true, c6 zhu can do sub-50
>not just ignoring her stats and going for the rape
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Facts. There's no beating watching porn together.
post stats
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and here's the start of side 2 with 48 sec missing from the timer, which is probably better than the pause menu right?
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I tried but she woke up and got mad and stopped me. I had no option to continue raping her.
combat slop >>>> tv slop
dang kinda cucked
wish you could just rape her even if it gave you a game over or something after
is this game even legal
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I'm hitting IK 50 tomorrow
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I think I'm learning how to use Jane with Seth and Grace.

Holy shit, Grace sucks so hard though.
But Seth makes her somewhat usable.
Why would it be illegal
This says nothing. Give us numbers and clear speeds
crazy that you are doing 50 seconds with shit stats like these
isn't anby better than grace in that comp
I'm more impressed with the maxed brimstone
>M6 but no sig
>C6R5 Brimstone Zhu
>barely sub 1min
it's thanks to the brimstone, 3200 atk is way more than most built attackers and it shoots up to like 4800 after 4 seconds of dps. it makes up for the critdmg being under 200
at C6 you can do what you want and still S clear
sequel blight is the rpgmaker slop I enjoyed the most
I recommend it
Not everyone is a giga autist like you
Why do people suddenly care about clear times if you can easily S rank it
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>clear speeds mattering in a shiyu defense where buffs are rampant
Ummm stupid bitch???

Anby demands too much field time to be good with Jane.
>still no f2p C0R0 jane clears under 60 seconds
It's the literal only point of comparison
we dont have dps charts
and grace isn't? i'm not trying to shit on her, i just don't know how to make her useful.
Does Ellen's BA3 trigger the Brimstone buff multiple times with its multihit, or just once?
danbooru sucks
should I watch Super Sentai this weekend? This game has kinda inspired me to give it a try
>saw the nikocado got skinny
>all I can think about is the gay porn poster who was spamming his OF
so how the fuck is billy able to do 400k+ per ex special and like 10 trillion damage with his ult in this shiyu rotation? the fucking buff is literally +30% atk which is nothing
sure, just be aware that you're watching something for 7 years old boys and their mom
Any info on when the loli idols may come?
we know
>always has less art
>need a gold account to view certain content and to even search with more than 3 tags
don't repeat tutorial shit every single fucking time
make all tv missions more like either hollow zero or the ballet twins story missions before you got the infrared camera. needing to actually make choices is good. not knowing what's ahead of you and needing to react is good. just mashing forward through a linear path is boring
because we've all s-ranked it now and we have nothing left to do but speedrun it, trying to optimize our characters and skill
people using it to shit on characters are silly, but /vg/ attracts autists and schizophrenics so
I'm already watching children's cartoons so that doesn't really deter me, I'll dive into it
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play a better gacha game like BD2
It's called M1R2 Qingyi + C6R5 Nicole shred
1 year minimum
Now post the gameplay.
Hope you drank the money coffee, get ready for expensive upgrades
pixiv has too much junk and xitter is nonintuitive
Make corruptions faster instead of freezing the game for the thirty seconds and making a big fucking deal of telling you that your coins are now capped at 3333
Yes, Reiwa Sentai has pretty much all been 10/10. Start with Kiramager for more typical Reiwa and if you want the good shit go for Donbrothers. Don't watch Zenkaiger though, that's an anniversary season so you might not get everything.
Stacking ATK is pretty overpowered. I've been trying Ellen-Lucy-Soukaku and she wrecks everything not resistant to ice. Though having all those assist skills makes me whiff every parry.
My lowest clear with M2 Jane Doe is 1m40s. I need to pay someone to teach me how to play..
i want to try it, is it just coomerbait or it has a good gameplay?
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You pretty much have a 10sec window to use her.
You apply Seths debuff on the enemy that makes them take 20% extra build up which lasts 10sec.

Switch to Jane and keep attacking and whenever the enemy attacks parry with Grace, Grace will do her parry counter which does a fuckton of electro build up then do one EX special and that is enough to make the enemy shock.

You should ONLY ever switch to grace with a parry, switching to her normally and you're never going to build enough shock with her ex special.
and you just need to keep reapplying Seths 20% build up on the enemy for maximum efficiency.
And remember, once you apply shock switch out of grace immediately, she's only there to apply it and move on to Jane.
Anon... Definitely something wrong kek, my M2 Jane solos it in 50s
i have both, same buffs and zhu yan does fuck all damage despite literally the same ult% multipliers
You are definitely doing something wrong.
Our children will be tall retards instead of short and retarded like me
We're talking about a physical DPS making use of all those buffs versus a physical weak enemy and physical favoured abyss buffs
it's more like, stacking atk is an equally important part of the damage function, and brimstone gives a ton of it
>I do not like this art that others like, and will proceed to spend a lot of my time to convince others it is bad
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Jane is my first skip... but I think I should be okay unless powercreep goes into overdrive quickly
plugboo or copboo?
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I love this stinky rrat
>Jane/Seth team
>Qingyi/Zhu Yuan team
>Any kind of electric team
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I've been meaning to play this but I keep getting confused because there's apparently two games with similar names, except some sites list them as different releases of the same game and it's a mess, I don't actually know what I'm downloading
Should I neglect building crit rate on zy if I have c6 nicole? I'm at WL47 and only have 125% crit damage.
Billy ult is stronger than other characters and he benefits from elemental weakness.
That's a whore, I'm exclusively into proper women like Zhu
Yeah, 40% is all you need.
Yes, I got that ball from Standard too. It's going to be a truly strong team when Ceasar arrives.
You'll be fine. Phys has plenty of options, piperfags, corinfags and billyfags all have 50 second clears some even without c6
you ran out of pulls impulse cuck
I'm close to pity, which one now?
how much payola
Are we gonna get a starlight knight
I'll be honest I don't find the sea creatures molesting girl in bikini thing that hot
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aaah forgot pic
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How the fuck do I access this? Ive done regular multiple times, dropped 300battery power and nothing unlocks. What is this shit? I'm angry
Alright, any recommendations as to where I should watch it from?
I notice this is something that professional animators and artists do quite a lot, because they approach the art from a really technical perspective. Also this guy works for Extra Credits, so he's by default a fucking retard.
dum dum
events are day locked and lock a small part each day
>I should be fine
You would be fine regardless of who you skipped. This is the last game you have to worry about must rolls and must skips, just because these past hours has been non stop shitflinging from metafags, it doesn't actually change anything
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She's the first banner I've not rolled on at all. Ellen knotted me and I skipped her but it's been smooth sailing anyways so I'm not worried.
Might be able to try for Caesar ball or Piper ball dupes too
Kek that’s perfect.
There are two games:
Imouto Life: Monochrome! came first and is much smaller and shorter, only official release is dlsite.
Living with Sister Monochrome: Fantasy! is newer and released on steam (with uncensored patch available from publisher offsite.) it has a lot more content and you balance being an adventurer and raising your sister.
Check out /ssg/ on /m/, they got some stuff in the OP and if you got any questions just ask em since they'll likely know better than I do atm.
yeah I dont even play the mode at all

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