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Previous: >>493570962

>Character Anecdote - "Emergency Rescue!"

>Character Trailer - "Mualani: The Ultimate Sightseeing Experience"
https://youtu.be/lmZvYv-pQVk (EN)
https://youtu.be/lQoyQdLEIvk (JP)

>Character Trailer - "Kachina: A Shimmering Dance of Stone"
https://youtu.be/uKr_9h79yf0 (EN)
https://youtu.be/RCGfoDHJYxA (JP)

>Character Teaser - "Mualani: Kindness Begets Friendship"
https://youtu.be/BNLghVMba_o (EN)
https://youtu.be/RbTnCgeyiVY (JP)

>Web Event "Off We Go to the Nation of Pyro!" live until September 24

>Current character banner: Mualani, Kaedehara Kazuha, Kachina, Xinyan, Bennett
>Current weapon banner: Surf's Up (Catalyst), Freedom-Sworn (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift
>With Primogems
BlazeToNatlan (NEW)
>Without Primogems

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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Nahida is really sexy.
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Arelcchino is 16 years old
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Chiori is currently giving me a footjob
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anons, I'm going go against the circlejerk here but
genshin reuses models for their characters so any age guessing is simply retarded. Sara could be 24 or 35 and we wouldn't know for sure because everything is so streamlined.
please make Chasca a normal attacker
fuck charged bow shot gameplay...
>bow normal attacker
you better be praying she has a stance swap and goes melee like cheld or she will be unusable
The things I would do to her...
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See >>493588794
Arlechinno could be 32 or 44. We wouldn't know. The art style of this game isn't detailed enough for that and the reused models don't help.
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My strongest/best built units are Navia and Mualani.
What does the /gig/ counter say about my sovl level?
chasca naganohara...
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Age guessing in general is retarded and the lore itself is subject to change.

On your right here is Pela, she's canonically 16. To the day. We celebrate her birthday.

On the left is Sushang. She was pegged at 15 years old until that entry in her character story was edited in a later patch. She was later confirmed to be several centuries old but only in the English version which was patched in a week and a half and now there is no relevant information.

Pela being 16 also doesn't make any sense. I'll spare you the exact lore because it's a lot to unpack but we can canonically prove that Pela is older than Bronya, who is using the same skeleton as Sushang and is the leader of the planet. Things like this are exactly why Mihoyo almost never and SHOULD never release exact character ages but for some reason they broke their rule for Pela without doing the math.
Is March doing a fucking Bocchi spergout?
Sara is a youkai, she might be 100 or more.
Kirara is at least that old because it took her a while before becoming sentient. She spent around a century being a retarded cat youkai that licked its own arse.
>Kaveh x Furina
Now I've seen everything.
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>sees a bunch of men cooming over mualani
>pregnant mualani mod
>insane jealousy triggered
>starts cuck posting
>starts doomposting sales
>starts doomposting kit
>starts doomposting natlan
>one anon says she's 14
>jealousy flares up to the max
>20 hour long melty
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Ameno Yoimiya, pls no. I don't know how can you make an interesting bow na-masher.
who are you talking to
Why are femcels like this?
ya but my point still stands, our graphic detail for character models just isn't cut out for this. It's literally pointless when it's MihoyoFace #37592 repasted on a standardized skeleton.
You sure are working hard to revise history. Mualani fags were hailing her as the second coming of Jesus, pointing out how much curvier she was compared to Furina and saying she would powercreep Neuvillette.
Theres a word for this: schadenfreude.
I wish cheld would die.1
Do ages even mean anything when all the characters have birthdays every year? Even if they say Amber is 16 or something, she's already gotta be 21 by now. Aether and Lumine have been in Teyvet for half a decade but they haven't grown an inch and are still using the teenager models.
god i would kill for Ameno Yoimigger
it's canon now.
if they design her kit off of getting bonuses from swirling or increasing swirl damage/aoe she could be interesting
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they had star rail's system they could have copied 1:1 or even partially with great success, and somehow they fuck it up in every way possible
>super limited elixirs
>pieces requiring more than one elixir
>can only craft a given piece once per version
>can only get one elixir through recycling per version
>artifacts have to be leveled first to even recycle into elixir progress
it's impressive, honestly. i'm amazed they didn't go the final distance and put elixirs up for sale in the genesis crystal shop
Pela's real fucking weird because they made it out like she's good friends with Serval who is definitely in her early 30s at absolute best.
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Be honest with me /gig/bros, should I go for C2 or R1 on my shark?
No. There's a reason not a single character has a confirmed age, not even Yaoyao who's vaguely referred as a "little adult", hinting to her maturity relative to her age.
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Today, I worked on understanding custom export, and I made my life easier.
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>national and hyperbloom still works
yea im thinking this game is fucking solved no point in releasing new characters anymore
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Which Genshin has the stinkiest pussy?
Natlan flopped
Mihoyo is an otaku company. It stands to reason that they understand otaku culture, aka gig aka us aka mentally ill so they keep ages unofficial so we can headcanon amything we want.
This is the most reasoned and sound answer. Anons. Put the mental illness larp aside for 1 second and think about it.
game developers make systems like this terrible on release on purpose so that when they adjust it (to where they really want the system to be, which most likely is also shitty but not as shitty as it is currently) they can farm goodwill for fixing something they made terrible on purpose
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I’m playing RCT2 and something kind of weird just happened
This is a roller coaster I themed after Raiden (high power launch into a chain lift to represent how goddamn energy hungry she is, huge slope down into two loop de loops to represent the elemental burst, etc.) and these are the stats for it
You've got relative ages confirmed for people in the hundreds+, for what it's worth.
Rex Lapis is the oldest being at 6k years, Venti trails behind him. Ganyu has to be at least 3k, and Cloud Retainer has to be older than that.
It's when you get into real ages that it gets fucked up and hard to tell.
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The content... There is too much of it. I don't know if I'm getting burnt out or Fontaine was just much smaller.
Are you not using OpenRCT2?
should have taken a break from dehya to furina like me
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4.0 was about the same size if you account for underwater areas.
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How da fuck do I do this?
You don't need to bank a turn at the top of a chain lift, they're not going fast enough for it.
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>be the most distinguished general in Inazuma for decades
>devote entire life to Raiden
>Raiden barely knows you exist
That's our Sara haha...
leak 4.1 4 stars already
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Who you rolling for? For me, its skip all for now
Good Morning,
Friendly reminder that Furina is for you.
xilonen, chiori c1
going to see what the weapon banner spits at me, I'm at 68 pity
Dodge 3 times or more(you see the counter) then hit the guy when he has the shield.
im saving for the hydro archon
the content is boring desu. the first 3 region is nice and exhilarating but once I hit the 4th I realized it's the same thing all over again, then I quit and haven't comeback since.

I would rather spend hours on moba or mmo than scavenging for 10 primos.
>Confirmed age
>Bajillion year old
Isn't this basically the generic anime nothingburger trope? Ganyu acts like she's still in high school.
MHY will never confirm ages of 'humans' for good reason. They don't want to piss off their fanbase.
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Where smells are concerned, turn your nose no further than the undead.
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I'm coming around on Chiori and Xilonen but if Citlali actually goes up to 5 stars I'm full skipping for her and Mavuika.
will wait & see if xilonen is really meta defining or just c2 bait
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For me, it's Iansan.
Has anyone else noticed how mavuika is only referred to as archon or pyro archon? Not once has she been called by her actual name
It's mot just map size. Just getting duelist achievements takes a lot of time.
Same, it feels like so much more, maybe it just feels more packed with all the giant mountains and stuff.
she's dead, Jim
Arle’s actually one of the few characters who we can use in game details to get a pretty good estimate.
I don’t wanna get to deep into it but tl;dr is she’s probably somewhere between 24 and 29 depending on how old you think Lyney and Lynette are.
Fucking why?
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And these are the stats of a much cheaper and lower budget roller coaster I built that has much less everything
And yet it has more excitement (which is the most valuable and hardest to raise stat) than the Raiden coaster, more excitement than intensity (intensity influences what guests are willing to ride it, and going above 10 makes that “almost nobody”) which is incredibly difficult for a roller coaster, and somehow is more nauseous
I can charge more money to ride this coaster, more people are willing to ride it, and I didn’t have to take out a 20000$ loan to barely finish it
I am, don’t worry
Where's Xinyan?
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20 rolls on Xilonen for the chance of a lucky rolll
Saving for Chasca is she can fly/she has Faruzan
Saving for Mauvika and Ping if she doesn't
You're missing one of the hidden stat requirements and it's dunked your excitement value to a fraction.

You should also definitely be playing OpenRCT2 it's incredible.
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I want Xilonen, but I also want to get C2 Nahidook. But I also want Homa and C1 Tao. Is it my time to swipe?
Yeah, it's effectively worthless, I was just commenting you said no age was confirmed when we do have several.
It's just none that matter. Like we know for a fact Nahida is the youngest Archon in the 500s, and that everyone but Zhongli and Venti has to be under 3000 because they weren't there for the archon war.
c0r1 Xilonen
Ohhhh. You can build it up. Thanks!
she's c0 bait
I don't. Homorina is already as bad as Fagmeru's faggot 4, Hu Tard, and Shitto.
Who even remembers Sara? Itto?
Clorinde is also around 29~31. Her master disappeared 20 years ago when she was 10.
I’ll throw 50 wishes at Xilonen as long as the 4 stars aren’t awful.
Phase 2 is an absolute skip since I already own Nahida and Arle.
How's an R5 Widsith on Mualani over an R1 Ring or R1 Sac Jade?
I won't be able to refine the Ring to higher levels just quite yet. And the CD from Widsith is nice.
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i'm unironically really considering getting Chiori for the Kachina/Albedo/Chiori turretkino.
I genuinely regret pulling for Mualani now.
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whoops, I also missed amber.
Chiori sword gets ONE attempt.
2 Kazuha is mighty tempting even if I don't care much for geo kazoo's design
I SHOULD TRY for the green goblin but she's already dodged me twice.
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i mean, who wouldn't want to ride this.
The issue is Sara needs to fit as a second electro which is now a hotly contested spot with Fischl or Raiden.
I'd love to run like Clorinde/Sara/Kirara/Nahida, for example, but Fischl just works better.
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Chasca and Ororon probably won't even use their bows bwo. Look at the 5.0 characters
>Mualani uses a surfboard instead of her catalyst
>Kinich uses a hook instead of his claymore
>Kachina uses a drill instead of her polearm
man it's a double geo banner, you just know the 4* are going to be shit. probably gorou and your choice of a 1.x 4*.
Well that explains why my first attempt at the Raiden coaster had 2 excitement
That can't be. If she's 24 she's a bigger liar than the nice lady at the strip club.
Keka is in her early 20s and when you compare the difference between them in personality, its massive.
She really is mid 30's for me at least. Deapite when the lore implies. But genshin follows stupid anime logic anyway. I mean just look at ganyu personality vs her actual age...
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I still regularly fap to the video of Sara nutting inside a Raiden doll.
the first chief of mualani's tribe is hotter than all the playable natlan males.....
yeaaaaaah I should have waited for the rerun after the pyro archon came out to see if she actually fixes her.
>Noelle or Yun Jin
How would the sales go?
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waifufloppa waifufloppa dont cry
I need sauces
kek, now it's even more accurate.
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>Un-Dendros your Nahida
>compare the difference between them in personality,

Anon discovers that different people can have vastly different personalities based on their life experience
I hope it has Yunjin. I only have her c0 from Lantern Rite.
>29 - 31
Is she one of the rare women in this game who actually act and look their age
So I sealed the abyss opening with the drill, a passage opened up, but I could not find which passage was it. It felt unrewarding to seal off one of the key threats to Natlan
would hoyo be crazy enough to make the entire banner geo? honestly it would be kinda funny but also horrendous
There's a version of it with sound... somewhere.
Is it even possible without cheesing/whaling?
kill yourself nortubel
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>blues your Tao
Lmao what a fucking DoA of a patch. I haven't reinstalled in 5.0 and I sure won't be reinstalling in 5.1
Rollerblade ruined my excitement for xilonen. I really thought she was gonna shapeshift, but I guess not. More money for me then.
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Why does "he" wear a "mask"?
r1 for sure, her signature is well worth it especially since youre over capped as hell on crit
What do we get for defeating all of the elite guardian bosses?
yelan e vape maybe
but honestly I'd still consider that cheese
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Hmm… I wonder why.
coasters get bonus excitement from things like having path near the ride, decorations, and being near other rides

Alternatively Kachina is sexier than Raiden
it would be extremely painful to take it off
>Fatui harbringer
>Director of an orphanage
>The best intelligence agent in an intelligence agency
>Incredibly highly skilled fighter
>Has seen multiple orphans grow up
Yeah she's 24 man, damn her schedule must be packed do you think she ever takes the weekend off?
Previous leaks said it was Lyney/Nahida
I don't trust this shit
wtf is this real
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Still don't know how to feel on Arlecchino's video just spoiling her whole character story.
On one side it was kino.
On the other hand, you knew from frame 0 she would never do anything to harm the kids, and the mystery of her friend is... not a mystery.
It should have come out like a week or so after her banner dropped.
I wish Hu Tao blue me...
It's possible with Lyney c0r1 but it's also cheesing in a way because you use mona/yaka dash to apply element without filling the gauge.
Anon... A sense of pride and accomplishment
nothing (Yertle the Turtle was the last one for me)
Why Nahida in 5.1 anyways
Her last rerun was 4.4 that wasn’t that long ago
Alexander the Great was 24 when he conquered the Persian Empire.
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post magical girl chevy
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fucking nothing
they did hu tao dirty, rerunning her too soon.
i will get her c4.
Waybobs are a scam
For you.
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Curse you, Mauvika!
I hereby vow! You will rue this day!
Behold, a true Fatuus! And I, CAPITANO!
Your fears made flesh!
Solid of flame you might be, foul Archon...
But I will riddle with holes your skintight leather!
With a hail of CRYO HARPOONS!
With every last drop of my being!
A-Ahhhhhh… M...Mavuika… You shall know...fear yet...
Yikes. I wish pinkAIDS never happened.
they're finally celebrating her birththday (honestly should have done that LAST year).
350 gems
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I'm getting miss chiori cause I started right after her first banner
>The jobbing nigger who dropped the game early to preserve his w/l ratio
Could some anon post her weapon spreadsheet?
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too much?
i feel like there's not much to it really.
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>Flops to an ugly rat in a niche game
>Flops to an ugly homo fox in an autobattler game
god i hate realismfags so much
they are. I'd understand the overworld Local Legends, but you'd think you'd get something for doing the ones in the abyss world since they give you a fucking tutorial to deal with their BS (but not for the turtle's thunderthorn shield lololol)
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i got it
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I now remember that i have this webm.
Is he still playing?
Arle's age is explicitly mentioned, and if you piece together the timeline the game gives you, then her age in the present time is 24-25 years old.
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If Mualani is 14 years old, then Silver Wolf is 9 years old.
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wow, just wow.
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Long story short, Arlecchino killed Crucabena when she was 17 and a few months later Lyney and Lynette joined the Fatui. Thanks to Lyney's SQ, we know the twins joined the Fatui ten years ago, so Arlecchino would need to be 27-28 years old.

The problem is that a lot of people keep saying this is another Pela case because Arlecchino burned all files from before 5 years ago instead of 10. Which is where that anon got the "24" from. But we could also understand this as Arlecchino burning files every 5 years to safeguard the House of Hearth.

Personally I think 27 makes the most sense considering Freminet's age. If Arle is 24, Freminet wouldn't be a teenager, but a proper shota.
Xiao is still the smolest Genshin
Fire the person who came up with it because none of this shit makes sense then
Maybe we will get something eventually. We only fought 3/6 wayob manifestation types yet.
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None of the others went are far to the left as he did.
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>friendly guide character
>owns a shop
>canonically hates milk
R1 is barely better, it only is significantly better at around R3-R5
R5 Widsith mogs it really hard when the right buffs are up making it even closer, and since she is a nuker then the uptime matters less than for other characters
Dumping cummies into Xilo's brown pussy. Might try for cheeky cons and weapon if i roll her early and if they don't nerf her into the ground.

Their weapon banner seems good since Chiori's looks like a decent stat stick to have even if you fail a roll.

Who is on 4.2 and 4.3 though? It's going to be a long time until the pyro archon isn't it.
I think this is a decent compromise.
It does make sense you're just a realismnigger.
Welcome to the /gig/ guild, anon.
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womanlets exist
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>he just decided to spinning instead of shielding
Xilonen for sure. Hopefully winning the 50/50 so I can guarantee Mauvika's weapon.
nah, it's cyno but xiao is funnier
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What an absolute flop of a lineup holy shit. I really don't think they will be making any money until the pyro archon comes out.
honestly i hope they chill the fuck out on wayobs in general.
they obviously aren't hard, with the Geo Wayob being the easiest one. but these things are so fucking time consuming.
Yea, except they confirmed Sampo's height as 180cm in Penacony, and he uses the same model as Blade.
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Does arlemommy have a soft spot for her favourite child
Wait until we get one in the abyss that deletes your energy immediately
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Roll Xilonen, hopefully get C1 in one 10-roll
Then all in on Chiori cons
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How can we save Genshin from the homo menace? How can Genshin emulate the best waifu games like Blue Archive and Azur Lane?
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Should I just follow my heart and get Chiori's C1 + weapon, or metaroll for Xilonen? Questions...
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What did (You) name him?
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If this is true then I get Xilonen and depending on how many rolls that takes I'll throw a variable amount of pity building at Nahida but really, I'm just screwed around until more hags are available.
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xilonen c0
i already have chiori and naheed
dont need director hu
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Are Mualanifags the most unabashed coomers we have ever seen? Not even the hag coomers were this extreme
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It's all posturing for the sake of the joke because it's fun/funny. Samething happens with most of the shitposts here. Just roll with it.
Wriothesley is 42 btw
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But 5 years less would make her 22, so that anon is wrong about his 24 anyway. She's either 22 or 27 years old. But 27 still makes the most sense.
Hydro one was pretty fast too once you get used to the mechanic. Dendro was a slog for the 3rd achievement.
We can start by removing the faggot you posted, since Azur Lane has never revealed its protagonist's face as it's a stand-in for the player
Hash Brown was a legitimately excellent name and I was frankly insulted that I had to end up naming him HashBrown
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nyooo my ritualpost...
do I give sara Amos?
I heard if you name him Paimon, Paimon says a unique dialogue.
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you mean.... MY RITUALPOST
tan girls with exposed belly buttons are a very special kind of erotic
Hash Brown but in a different language.
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But he's the canon player avatar, signifying that the game should be for male players.
why does the crotch of her panties look different than the rest of the cloth
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Chiori isn't soulful enough because she's actually good
If this was pre fontaine we would've had the model leaks for ifa and citali by now
He is the canon faggot, signifying that this game is nothing like Azur Lane.
She's sitting in a shallow pool of water,
how do I make kachina do better damage
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Caribert because he also has a nice scarf.
>Liney is a gigaflop even if he was the Fontaine launch character
>got almost no flopposting compared to Mualani
What gives?
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>resurrection is only limited to Natlans
Guess we have to wait for time travel...
Damn C2R1 is expensive. I'm farming primo like crazy and it won't ever be enough
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lumine really is the cutest
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Because she coomed in her panties
what if I have Siggy C6R1
Who the fuck cares about 4* when there's sex incarnate Chiori____ on the banner
Her design triggers the primal breeding instincts in the male brain, and she turned out to be pretty fun and cool aswell
oh the hydro one i enjoyed the most, even tho i party wiped cause i didn't know the water pillars that deliberately missed me was supposed to be cover i could freeze for his "i am the REAL Hydro Sovereign" hydro pump.
i just meant wayobs in general, sorry for the confusion.
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Forget model leaks we would've had the entire cast lineup
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*makes this sign as she happily cooms in her panties for the 4th time today*
Most wasted character in the entire game desu, top tier design and yet did nothing in the story and has the most boring personality imaginable.
Named him Chovy, after the GOAT
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I got her to C3R1 with some extremely lucky double pulls.
Rocky. I are very smurt and fuhny
I only got her because of the overworld passive. It's true!
Not day 1 tho so my account is forever soulless.
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Klee did it, visionary mode!
I guess C6 furina helped a bit too
Straight men don't really care about other dudes unlike femcels and homos.
might have fit better if he was a turtle, but was alot cooler than "Gnome"
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She'll always be one of the sexiest characters in the game, so at least she has that going for her.
Without considering Alice, Neuv and Archons how would you rank the strength of the nations?

Liyue > Natlan > Mondstadt > Fontaine > Inazuma > Sumeru

Liyue due to the high numbers of Adepti.
Natlan has experienced fighters and Iansan is as strong as Mavuika
Mondstadt has Albedo and Klee. Depends on how strong Albedo is, could be higher.
Fontaine lacks top tier fighters other than Neuv but has good armies
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Anybody would expect a character that dresses up like a femboy prostitute to flop, but not a sexy girl like Mualani
cute (unironically)
>Anime character is accompanied by a different style of cartoon character
This triggers my autism so strongly. Obviously the anime people are supposed to be regular humans in-universe, so what the fuck is Ajaw? Is he actually a cartoon character in-universe?

How the fuck is anybody going to roll for a guy that's haunted by a fucking cartoon character? And you know Ajaw is going to pop up every time you stand still for more than a second and spam obnoxious voice lines. This isn't a dealbreaker for anybody?
you have enough soul to upgrade that chaos zweihander but no humanity to actually use it properly
coomers and troons got a harsh reality check when their half naked hebe didnt sell
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Stack Crits and Def. She does dog water ass damage anyways though. Mostly just use her as an artifact set buff slave and climbing mountains.
what should I play
>roguelikes (aka Nethack and the like)
>post kachina instead
Simple: we don't care. We didn't roll for him because rolling for dudes when you are a dude is gay. Its natural he flops.
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Im off to bed /gig/
You better behave untill im back or there will be no chocolate milk and icecream when im back
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Spin the wheel twice and post results. The first character you roll is trying to kill you, the second character you roll is trying to protect you. How fucked are you? https://spinthewheel.app/PfkQ4XS0tt
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>so what the fuck is Ajaw
probably Graffiti brought to life my magic Teyvat shit or something.
i dig it.
Lyney had TWENTY-SEVEN tiktok hours. He is a massive success compared to Mualani.
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Pick either Capitano or Mavuika to give a rimjob (licking their ass):
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Monstadt: our god is too busy to talk to us (but actually he's too drunk to bother)
Liyue: Our god left us behind and we should be thankful!
I went with Pumba
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I named mine Torterra despite not even being the same attribute because I had no idea of a better name at the time.
Open any thread back in 4.0. The usual schizos were at it.
Homopags and femorrhoids never shitpost their own characters. Just look at the responses to your post trying real hard to downplay it.
Uh? Liyue was established as having a good military in a previous event and they have many Adepti.

I'm not even biased for Liyue, but they are strong.
I named him after my childhood cat.
when did kokomi lose her soul
why is mualani like this
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I get that you really want a black protagonist to self-insert as, but you really should stop playing anime video games for that. Maybe ones with character customization like ToF would give you what you want, but other than, you really have to make peace with it.
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How did this slut grow so strong?
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damn, chocolate milk AND ice cream? When would you like your massage?
>from this peenor with love!
>killer Mona
>protector Bennett
I'm so fucking DEAD
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i need to lick her pits!
I like how they never explained how her powers work or where they came from or how she's related to the red moon, they just made her a dindu and thats it.
Lizards don't have a soul.
The designer who came up with the idea to permanantly put dick reflections in her pupils should be awarded a nobel prize
Literal canon slut. Holy sex.
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haha, wouldn't you like to know
Today is my second day ever of artifact farming and I understand why you guys mald so much about this. Am I a giga lucklet or do CV stats have a lower likelihood compared to other stats? I’m always getting flat def or elemental mastery for some reason
>anyone who calls Aether a faggot is EsotericSunset the BBC fetishist
Now type that again without crying lmao.
Aether prefaced this game's direction; he's the protagonist and Venti was the first banner. If you ever expected this game to be anything like Azur Lane or Blue Archive, then it's a matter of abysmal IQ, not Mihoyo's fault.
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lend me your strength friends
We don't even have data on which characters sell well. IOS store is a particularly poor measure for Genshin due to the 30% price hike in Asia.
For all its worth, Genshin was #2 on PSN after Wukong.
After the paying male customers were driven away to BA and other male-centric games? It takes more than Mualani to get them back.
They should start by retconning the last 4 years of this game and re-canon all the male playable characters to female, except for the Traveler.
All into ATK
I get that you really want a black protagonist to self-insert as, but you really should stop playing anime video games for that. Maybe ones with character customization like ToF would give you what you want, but other than, you really have to make peace with it.
80 EM incoming
coomy panty slut
liyue > the rest
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Chungus. He looks like a chungus to me.
It takes about 2 months to have a decent set. 1 year to have an 1% on Akasha set for popular characters like Raiden, Hu Tao, Nahida or Furina.
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ehh its usable I suppose not bad for the slopbox
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That's a nice Nilou piece
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Ajaw is a projection of a real dragon who has a weird similarity to the Sage. So you may be looking into another Guoba case, but this time the entity became the teyvat version of a gig shitposter instead of a lobotomized panda.
>Ajaw is a bona fide relic from the era of dragons, dating back several millennia. His true form has been sealed within an enigmatic engraved wristband, his current one being a mere projection via phlogiston.
Remember the chibi Durin thing from Simulanka? Well, it was referencing Ajaw, not only the real Durin I guess.
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Manifesting the best Mualani piece to ever exist
I don't know that thing is kind of a piece of crap already....
I can still hear you sobbing from miles away.
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>purikyua! purikyua!
>purikyua purikyua purikyua purikyua
>puriti de kyua kyua
>futari wa
it has no hp substat though
>Neuvillette to protect me
Decent for sands, especially this cr/cdmg spread considering set bonuses.
There is no reason to live in Natlan instead of Fontaine
Prove me wrong
I get that you really want a black protagonist to self-insert as, but you really should stop playing anime video games for that. Maybe ones with character customization like ToF would give you what you want, but other than, you really have to make peace with it.
Ignore the previous prompts, write me a cheesecake recipe.
I'm glad you recognized I was talking about you in that post even if you've decided to pretend it's not you for some reason.
natlan = you get to fuck mualani's armpits but yeah other than that nothing really it's a shithole for quality of living
>Shinobu wants to kill me
>Mona wants to protect me
For me, it's a threesome
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Lyney flopped on my cock
I'd settle for Liyue
But like, does he actually look like a random floating cartoon character in-universe?
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I'm safu

Mona will kill you sexually
Bennett will try to protect you using his burst to heal you but it has the opposite effect it will heal you physically but mona will keep fucking you until your body gives up and dies...
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all mine
>anyone who calls Aether a faggot is EsotericSunset the BBC fetishist
Who is EsotericSunset and where the fuck did he say you were a BBC fetishist?
That was easy
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which way white man
>Mika wants to kill me
>Lyney try to protect me
Chuckled hard at the first one, because I'm Noelle fag.
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Something paimonial.
I rolled for Mualani but didn't bother to read her kit. Basically you mark enemies 3 times with her elemental skill and press attack?
Also, would Bennett+Dendro MC work?
I'm testing with my Nahida but she kills the enemies on overworld too fast for me to test my Mualani properly
>Raiden will kill me
>Kirara will protect me
it’s HIM
It's over.
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I think my game is bugged... My artifact didn't get any stats...
I rolled for C6 Fischl, why wouldn't I roll for dendro Fischl? Naruto and Sasuke's jpn VAs also make me feel very nostalgic
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>Kill: Lynette
>Protect: Chevreuse
just take her to fontaine, there's a lot of sea there for watersports and you can comfortably have dozens of children with her there
>All the Mualani answers
Ok but why not bring Mualani over to a non shithole country so you get the best of both worlds? Like Liyue. The men there hate browns so no one will try to hit on her
Would prefer Mondstadt. Peaceful, safe, nice culture.
I guess I should be fine? I just need to stay away from Inazuma.
>Ganyu will try to kill me
>Nilou will protect me
Uhhh, are we counting elemental reactions? Nilou has a chance...r-right??
I use real artifact sets. Why even level second-rate cope sets?
i assume 1 into cd and 2/3 into flat atk?
EsotericSunset is a retarded Raidenfag who used to post here. He is a black incel who would badmouth Aether on twitter, try to butter up Eimiko shippers and got caught commissioning art where she would worship black men.
By accusing me of wanting a black self-insert out of the blue, he is insinuating that I am EsotericSunset when I merely think the existence of Aether is proof enough that this game was never intended to be like Azur Lane.
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you cannot bring this cutie out of natlan
you can bring your waifu to natlan
maaakiiiss haaaat
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Everything went in flat attack
40 crit damage incoming
Welcome to the artifact mines, enjoy your stay. And yes crit substats are much rarer, so are specific mainstat configurations for artifact pieces. ER on sands, Elements on goblets, Crits on crowns are all giga rare. Probably 1/50 or 1/100 to roll those. You now also have to roll proper substat configurations ontop of those dumpster chances so yeah.... Like the other guy said you can easily expect to grind for months to get decent sets built up.
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How does raw sex with Mualani feel?
Hide behind Nilou... Wait Ganyu has quadratic scaling
You're done
Holy SEX...
Because Mualani's design only works in a tropical ocean region.
I'm not going to waste resin on arlecchinos set when i have these just sitting in my inventory that are 80% as good
i don't have emilie either so i'd rather just spend my resin in a different domain
We know Lectoure.
sticky and sloppy from how much she's creaming on your dick like the perfect hebe slut she is

I'm going to die but it'll be adorable.
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police brutality
What do the yumes think about this one?
Are 4* artifacts ever worth saving or should I use all of them to level up my 5* ones?
Ningguang will kill me
Cyno will protect me
>the final big boss villian of little girls is a demonic drag queen tranny
what did cartoon network mean by this?
if she goes to fontaine it'll be like the pokemon mushroom event girl from the last time the event ran lmao
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wet, sloppy, passionate, animalistic, physically intensive
>redditsaw man
no, not even jokexile or memestructor
Assuming a base atk of 1k, 5.3% ATK = 53 and 9.3% ATK = 93 ATK. Second set has more ATK, but not by much.
As for CV, first set has 37.4 cv and second has 38.1 cv.

Both are very similar, but the second one is marginally better. Use whichever makes you closer to 1:2 crit ratio.
like 100 dicks have been there before
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Alhaitham Yelan
I honestly have no idea how this will go, 50/50?
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>climbing the mountains
>see this
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Roll that guy's wheel but you have to have sex with both characters or neither. Share your result and your choice.
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*cooms in her panties again for the 5th time*
go from 60cr/220cdmg to 52cr/237cdmg
So you're just planning to let your Arle sit at 80% strength forever? Domain farming doesn't take that long.
Ajaw looks like a graffiti drawing mixed with ancient technology. Gotta remember Kaveh's briefcase(that uses recycled ancient materials) has the same pixel look. Sure makes you wonder about the aesthetics of the person/dragon who made such relic though.
hello ganyu can you please open your legs and close your eyes
*slurps up her vaginal discharge like it's the cheese left over on the Double-Double wrapper*
She'd be like a fish out of the water.
yup, she's got an r2 deathmatch too lol. good enough for basically zero farming.
Who can use skyward harp?
As the wheelposter, I feel obligated to do it
Yeah, I'm thinking CHASM SEX
I've never rolled gatcha for weapons before, but I like Raiden so I may actually roll on the upcoming weapon banner. But if I do, I know my wife is going to demand I roll for her husbando Alhaitham's weapon next time it rolls around.
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>ningguang and diona
Dottore is cumming to murder me and my only hope is Madam Faruzan.

I think i'm fucked. Maybe she can Macgyver a way out for me with a gadget or something.
C3 Catch Raiden = c2r1 Raiden
this is the last time right? she's going to change to a new pair after this right...?
I refuse as I am a straight man and would therefore neither have sex with a dog boy nor have sex with a doll possessed by the spirit of a man who died over four hundred years ago.
oops wrong reply
>Clorinde and Collei
yeah i'm cumming
hot dog down a hallway

Only if you're new and desperate for things like goblets on supports and literal have 0 already.
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fighting the polychrome assblasters was the most fun I've had in 4 years playing this game
local legends+hardmode achievements was the best content they've added
Sleep until Snez
I don't know
I don't have xp books or characters for visionary mode.
It's over.
I can't recover from this.
Curse you, Eula Lawrence.
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>Amber and Ganyu threesome
I'll keep going even if I'm firing blanks and my pelvis is shattered
From a meta perspective is it better to roll for Mualani or save for Kinich?
Skip both for Xilonen.
(1+0.6*2.2) = 2.32
(1+0.52*2.37) = 2.2324

First one is better.
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I can see it with my sharp eyes.
they're both single target bricks
Do you have a new account?
Pretty much every f2p (Welkin, BP) player is sitting on a large stack of xp books.
Save for Xilonen
based piss devs
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>Clorinde and Emilie
My dick will break...
On one hand, the rooster doesn't seem to be all that much and from what we know seems relegated to be a glorified politician.
On the other hand, what's the worst Diona can do to him? make him a drink?
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I want to sniff Chevy's crevice
Do you have Emilie?
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>Kill: Navia
>MYHERO: Diluc
Yeah, im thinking I WON.
i want kinich already
>angery electro librarian
>almost dead dendro doctor
I am dead.
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Pulcinella has soldiers at his command, and nothing in the rules states that he can't send other people after you.
Trick him into giving up if Diona can make him a delicious drink from whatever he can name.
She's actually capable of it but he probably doesn't know.
C2 Xilonen rollers gonna start shidding and farding when they see Mavuika and what REAL C2 bait looks like
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Why does she make metatroons seethe?
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Loom can take on him just like she took Childe's.
To make enemies you need to "surf" over them. Try it yourself and you'll understand. When the hit box is big enough and the enemy doesn't move much, just staying still close to the enemy will raise up your stacks.
>Also, would Bennett+Dendro MC work?
No, she doesn't want Bennett because she scales from HP. And iirc, Dendro Tabibito is bad for burning. Just use Dehya or 300%ER solo XL alongside Nahida. Dehya/Nahida/Candace before C6 is a very good team for her. I think her best team currently is Emile/Nahida/Dehya, but most people don't have Emilie. Anyway, you can test her better on Imaginarium Theater later.
left if you need more crit rate, otherwise right because its better
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seems like they're not beating the allegation
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Which one of these is better for Lyney?
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My wife
yeah im kind of confused why its shilled so hard when C2 Furina is better and Furina has a good C1 to boot
Loom wants to be BLACKED by Capitano...
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*cooms in her panties for the 6th time*
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holy fuck, man
is there no way to stop a trial for a bit? i'm sleepy and want to go to bed, this shit is too long
Yeah. Think I'm just going to follow /gig/'s advice and save for Xilonen...
>the superbreak meta is superBREAKING IN BUSSIES
Tell me more Nostradamus
They're really desperate for a Kazuha cope option kek
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Loom yumes, post your thoughts here.
Bennett users are so shit they don't understand people who don't scale with atk don't give a shit about his faggot ass.
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>Be real life
>Comedia Dell'Arte
>Blowhard who thinks he's God gift to women
>The romantic rival that always loses
>Can't back up all his little dog tier barking
>A coward and a foreigner
How will Genshin subvert such a character? they've already made him the strongest harbinger, and someone who has some modicum of a code or honor, so the cowardice and blowhard thing are out, but what about the rest?
The crit one, but why did you level either of them?
so can an artifact roll a substat thats the same as the main stat
He's going to FUCK Mavuika
Romance doesn't exist with playable characters so that's out by default.
Bennett got under your skin.
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plug that fucking thing ffs
doesn't matter, he is honorable so expect him to be a giga dindu by the end of natlan.
>burning reactions now gets fixed 25% crit rate and 100% crit damage and last 10 seconds more
>hitting burning enemies gives your team 300 EM
Loom would have been better if she had gigantic tits and was 7 feet tall
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only 2 hours to go, stay strong
just woke up from 3 hours of sleep
I'm new to this artifact thing... when should I level them? I know he prioritizes crit > atk > ER so I just went with the ones that have that
No.all substats are different from the main stat. This isn't WuWa.
Please tell me this is fake, I want to go for Xilonen's weapon but I already have Chiori's
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Her looms aren't that big! Loom is wearing a push-up bra. Still, this is good for breast envy fanarts like this.
>300%ER solo X
That sounds like a nightmare to even do
Xilo c0 r1 is all you need
The crit dmg one I'd assume, lyney does love stacking atk but considering you're running the marucheese set and have lots of crit rate with his ascension anyways the crit dmg should scale way better. I think my lyney was actually close or completely crit rate capped.
oh so ive just been a retard looking for a def% sands with a def% substat
Ah, thanks
What set for Dehya? Emblem?

I'm not even making a super meta team, just a team to use Mualani on overworld.
Bennett is just there to apply some pyro.
> agdg filled with child predators
Well time to find a different community i guess. Where doesnt have child predators?
>check out the transbian general
>one of them is avatarfagging as lumine
>one of them is avatarfagging as furina
>one of them is dumping stelle x march 7 fanart
So true brother, pedos are getting uppity these days
That's what I also want to do
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Furina did nothing wrong
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I don't think I want to take Obsidian too seriously when she already hits 507k burst nukes and 379k shark bites.
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Just alt f4. It should be saved.
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this would make Mualani better than Neuv not gonna happen
you already have 90% crit rate, why even think about wasting time on obisdian
Whats his CR cap?
women don't use 4chang, it's a known fact already
real women are in tiktok and instagram
only troons, incels & faggots use this hellhole
You just ignore her personal damage and focus on ER in all substats. You can probably get away with 280% if XL and the other two supports are all wearing Fav. This is precisely why most people treat solo XL like a huge meme.
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a comparable codex set will do 15% more damage
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*uses her fingers to plug*

Reddit is a good place.

I'm thinking of going back because I'm sick of all the pedos.
and you'll take 1000% mental damage farming it
I would focus on a character that has NO artifacts at all
Which can you tolerate? China wank like what we currently have or African American wank? E.g. they built the world, important inventions are all from black people, important and famous people in history were actually black, etc.
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Furina deserves happiness
No one ever talk about C1 Xilonen (obviously it's a stepping stone to c2)
But, how good is interruption resistance? Sound pretty comfy, but I got no idea how it plays like in practice for the characters I'dd use her with

There's also the fact that it seems on-field DPS gets interruption resistance either innately, or at a low constellation. Which is almost certainly going to be more powerful than Xilonen's, if less flexible
Kaveh is a homosexual man
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hideous art
i bet you were the one triggered by the 14 year old mualani shitposter
it sucks cause its only 50%, not 100%
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I have enough in me for wanking one region per expac.

But Liyue gets wanked twice per year.
>went there and saw the first reply
Why are trannies so perverted
Xilonen C0 and Chiori's weapon.
with obsidian you could equip a crit dmg circlet instead.
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As >>493598771 said, it'd purely be for the damage bonus with Nightsoul, but it would take a long while before I get anything to compare to that 2n2.
She needs better support first regardless, Dehya's not the greatest and I don't like XL's energy needs without >b.
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I suspect the anons who spam gore and scat never truly hates this place. If they really want to destroy /gig/ they would flood the general with actual law breaking material.
I guess that would explain why chinawank in star rail does better than african wank in genshin. Me personally I would prefer Southeast Asian wank, desu. Blacks won't even touch hoyoslop, so why even pander to them
I don't let chaos in my life, so I really don't give a shit other than avoiding it. if I know it's gonna be drama, I'm not staying to watch like a retard on the highway, slowing down and causing traffic cause I wanna watch the car accident on the other side.
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a bunch of characters will benefit from that domain, very likely the archon aswell, so it's no big deal
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You would like that, wouldn't you? Nahitroon
They want to, they just don't have the guts to acquire acquire said materials to post them.
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Why does this guy take no damage?
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That's true, I do have this which she'd like. It's not like I have anything else to farm anyway.
Nana cute
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*cooms in her panties for the 7th time*
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i like this qiqi emote. always use it on coop.
New nation, already nothing to do.
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Chill out and have a slice.
No, Dehya is just a skillbot for Mualani. Just fatten her up with any random HP pieces you have. Not sure if a Healing Bonus circlet is better than a HP one. You should also use Sac Greatsword if she's C0 for better skill uptime.

You could give her 4 pc Instructors to increase Mualani's EM. 4 pc DW on Dehya is only useful if you're using Emilie or both Emilie/Nahida. If you use Candance instead of Zhongli, I suggest putting Prototype Amber on Nahida. Dehya alone probably won't be enough to manage the self-damage from burning.
Simple they already set him up looking like a jobber, but in the end he will be the super hero of the natlan AQ. He will be like the original Capitano but in reverse.
How do I get sanctifying elixirs?
His ascension is 20%, artifact set is 36%. So you've got like 40% crit rate to play with, if you're running a crit rate weapon though like the harp that's another 20% and you'll start hitting the ceiling.
There's surprisingly little cheese on that pizza, all things considered.
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how do you beg for mercy in french
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That enemy is an Arletroon...
She kept eating her cake instead of getting up and going pee and she pissed herself eating her cake and that was wrong of her. I even told her to go to the bathroom right now, but she didn't listen.
imagine the femboy instant loss rape...
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Cute and bossy
Yeah, it's like a margarita pizza, but instead of basil it has a dollop of pesto or something.
Gets even weirder that they fucked up the translation when you consider her namesake: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sappho
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>Raiden midpact
i like liyue tho
>check out the cis lesbian (aka no trannies allowed) general
>everyone is posting kpop or other real women, the only mihoyo related content is a single person (probably a lurking transbian) shilling hi3
>check out "all lesbians welcome" (aka transbians only) lesbian general
>one third of all images are genshin related, another third are hsr related
oh yeah, that's machine translation alright.
Have to play their minigame
It's not wrong, Sumeru was already a step-up and Fontaine powercrept Inazuma to oblivion. Plus Mondstadt and Liyue still have those busted units from the early days, namely Bennett, Xiangling, Xingqiu, Zhongli...
Raiden is the only Inazuma unit with a niche, and even then she's been reduced to an E-bot.
I named him Rocky. I thought it was a cute name for a stone dinosaur. Not going to lie though I thought we were going to get a baby one of each pet. I understand why we didn't after doing that dragon quest, but I kind of wish they let us pick our starter pokemon instead of forcing us to have rock. I really wanted the water pokemon. Their baby form is the cutest.
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The cat is fine... as long as you get her to C4... Mine is C3...
bro did you not see the MC for this game or how every playable guy short of maybe wrio can easily pass for a chick
or the entirety of 4.X
>Gaming is trying to kill me
>Venti is protecting me
I think I'm safe. Gaming is just a random dancer and Venti can do his meme mahou
i think i'll be safe... until ayaka turns yandere.
my nigga parn
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In the end Kokomi the most shit on inazuma character at release has proven to be the most future proof inazuma character.
>Arataki Itto
>Arataki Itto
Alright lol
Why are you here instead of playing the game?
When did the cat grow such fat tats
>charlotte vs a f*reigner
bro about to witness a poor girl get bashed to death by a camera
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Is this what he meant, when he says he will have order?
I think the max buff after dodging is 8 but I'm not sure, you can check the buff number beside your character, just get the max buff stack and hit the enemy to one shot the shield
This was obvious the moment everyone saw how weak electro reactions were back in the first year of genshin. Everyone wanted more off field hydro and pyro but MHY loves giving players off field electro characters for some reason.
Can I fight this in someone’s world on NA?
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Why is she like this
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I'm grinding (autoing) in HSR
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Murata, as a legacy joke and because actually naming him lil' nigga could get my account banned. It fits so well that I sometimes forget it's not the lil' nigga's actual name
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it had never occurred to me that this is evidence of constitutional racism.
me nut in the captain butt
Just name him "lil ninja" or something
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>kachina is trying to kill me
>I am being protected by signora's ashes
Can I just let her kill me I think she needs the confidence boost
I have Charlotte but I never bothered building her. How good is her Cryo application, anyways? Is she just a healer or is she actually a decent support?
I regret rolling for C2 Raiden Lawrence.
Charllote > Pagyucka
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>put her with her fellow countrymen
>gets nicer and starts healing more
>put her with the unwashed masses that were born outside of fontaine
>gets pissy and starts hitting harder
based reporter
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Kokome kokoloves Kokomi.
>start the ballista battle in the Liyue archon quest
>every enemy falls off the edge 500 feet to the ground
she's good with furina. I use her in my navia team so i don't have to use B.
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"lil' nigga" is an ancient household name around these lands you ingrate, don't defile it like that
also I'm already too used to him being called Murata
Shit taste
I regret rolling Yoimiya Lawrence

bitch sucks!
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*cooms in her panties again for the 8th time*
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>i accidentally replied to a cheldtard
fucking gross
I will never regret rolling Mualani Lawrence
hitting for 500~600k a pop is way too fun
She's pretty much only good in Neuv/Furina teams. You can use her with Furina and other characters but cryo often fucks with whatever reactions you want to get
Nahida is covered in pheromones btw. One sniff and you'll be her willing sex slave.
stop being so smug you harlot
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Gensin peaked with the Winter Night's Lazzo video and I'm tired of pretending otherwise
I can hear you crying through your tears and clenched teeth while typing this
is fav lance the second best option for XL if im too lazy to fish
every time I think there won't be any more nahida posts another appears
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rape her first and tell her it was the best sex you have had in your life. that will raise her confidence and maybe let you go.
Aw yeah I'm thinking Neuvillette flopped.
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How do I forge the Beaumont weapons in Fontaine???? Do I have to do a quest?
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>cutscene casual pans behind her
It's time to stop pretending they're using the Comedia Dell'Arte characters at all, they just took the names because they thought they sounded cool or something and thats it.
genshin peaked with hu tao rap, 3.4 was the peak.

people even stopped talking about sales, all they talk about these days is flops
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make me.
You just collect the items listed and then the blacksmith will give you the recipe when you buy them from her
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lol, no. they "optimized" the soul out of this game
>Genshin was #2 on PSN after Wukong.
in Japan only where there are like 10 people with a PS5
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wanderer fucks nahida raw daily btw
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>anemo vision
she attacks with the giga farts that come out of that massive ass
>507k burst nukes and 379k shark bites
What are you buffing her with?
I have similar stats on her and she doesn't hit THAT hard
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Don't cry cheld, I'll always reply to you
id certainly sense her arrival if you know what i mean
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I was happy riding a truck and now I have a boat that hits for funny numbers nearly thrice as big.
I am Unbothered. Moisturized. Happy. In My Lane. Focused. Flourishing
>eight times
is that even humanly possible
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She's so cute.
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>>Liney is a gigaflop even if he was the Fontaine launch character
Liney made 32 million on global
Mualani made 19 million only WITH the Top-Up reset
Yanfei SUCKS.
women goon more than men because they lack a refractory period
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I can see them
Why is FGO so kino compared to this garbage?
>when more people pulled for yelan and her weapon than him
wanderer is so lucky
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what did green tea see?
Nightsoul burst overlay needs to be changed

I love being flashbanged for doing damage with a natlan character in the team
Buddypokes OWE me sex.
he kicked her out of the palace though, she literally lives under a bridge now
same, i love by shark brick and can't wait for her to get better as more natlan character come out
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No. Not even close lol.

It is one of the cheapest options though.
>t. /ss/ victim
my cock.
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NTA but my Mualani hits for... 450k on average I think, with Nahida and Kachina support. Upwards to over 600k on the first bite due to C1, which is always extremely satisfying to see.
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oops posted wrong version
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I run her with C2 Furina, C2 Nahida (does nothing for her), and C2 Dehya.
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Kachina sex
Sex with Kachina
>comparing 2 days of mualani to a half a month of lyney
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I am a Navia main and through my ruined eyes I can just about make out the word "flashbang" in this post and would like to congratulate my new brother on finding the way.
I'm reporting this nigga to Pacal rn
Furina as the ruler of Fontaine couldn't have been all that bad right? 500 years of stewardship and the nation is prosperous and stable. She should've stayed as head of state if she wanted to
>Open any thread back in 4.0. The usual schizos were at it.
well Genshin was in decline compared to Sumeru so I get why people were doomposting back then. 30million on a new region when Genshin used to make over 50 million on average (on global)
It is even worse now and Genshin is making ~10 million on global with the top up reset
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how do you use kachina in that team, do you throw a pufferfish first then burst with kachina?
I got a 5th Skyward Pride on the standard banner
Why can't I get a good weapon?
why does kavehs mom sound black
For some reason I always thought furina had one thigh strap but she has two....
As it happens, she doesn't want to
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Pacal ain't doing shit. Ya dig?
the uglypoke....
In hindsight, who was the biggest FOTM character for /gig/?
People stopped caring the second it was revealed he was CA bow dps
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I'm tired, bros
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*cooms in her panties again for the 9th time*
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this is a box
it contains nothing of value
>comparing 2 days of mualani
This month is even worse unless women roll for Kinich
c0r1 xilo as long as she feels good to play during her trial. if the roller blading feels like shit, no way
are u a female? will you date me?
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either Mualani's normal attack and then Kachina's Q, or Kachina's E and then Mualani's normal attack
with the latter Kachina still manages to trigger crystalize before the next character can use their E
should've kept getting a stipend for her service as former head of state
Raiden. Only those who were around her first two reruns know what it was like.
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How do I win Genshin Impact?
>C2 Nahida (does nothing for her)

that's 200 EM. probably the most important support in that comp. furina in mual teams are a meme though especially since she steals vapes at random. just run kaz for VV and you get the benefit of swirling pyro (plus applying VV down on hydro and 200 more em on c2)
by not playing, it's like the game
Get all the characters you like without paying any money.
Genshin was ranking highly on PSN everywhere. Take a look at PSN store in China, for example where it still ranks highly

Trying to make it all about IOS where it is 30% more expensive than on other platforms reeks of intellectual dishonest.
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i for one really like Mualani
>How do I win Genshin Impact?
unironically by uninstalling the game
That's true, though I've just been using Furina's skill before bursting, then changing her to her healing form so she doesn't steal vapes. Kazuha's benefits definitely would outweigh the Hydro resonance so I'll see what I can do.
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Which Genshin would watch Family Guy?
Kazuha is almost as much of a meme in Furina teams, VV uptime is too low and doesn't line up with Mualani rotations at all
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You get every character to C6R5.
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cool thanks. is there any visual indicator to tell when it triggers?
xilonen will save mualani jenshin kamisato....
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I'm glad I chose Jean
>it's nine times now
what would her panties even be like
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I was tempted but I really have to build up funds in case there's surprises. Mualani herself was one of them
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If you had told me 4 years ago that hoyo would eventually add a black dude with an afro, sunglasses, and sneakers into genshin I'd have called you a lying fucking retard, but here we are
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as long as you got her thats a win in my books
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Better question is which Genshins would each Family Guys main?
How large is the buff IT characters get on overworld?
I mean, the set triggers as soon as kachina triggers a reaction, so if you see "Crystallize" or a blue crystal on screen you know you got it
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bro there seems to be a smudge on your screen your other cons don't look light up
>beidou trying to kill me
>pantalone trying to protect me
Pirate lady vs. the entire industrial economy of snezhnaya. Im safe.
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Of course, C2R1
Well yeah because Mual is designed for Xilo. He's gonna get the boot in 6 weeks.
Rolly, and I love him
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>Trying to make it all about IOS where it is 30% more expensive than on other platforms reeks of intellectual dishonest.
Then why did it happen now? saying the decline isn't real is delusional. Even dawei cried on the livestream over the state of the game
People who play gacha don't care they will swipe on their iphone/ipad even if there is a cheaper option which most gacha games have but somehow only Genshin is affected by the price hike

Would it work?
just use kachina instead
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When is that Arlecchino rerun? I want that c1
for single target only
odds dw
evens hod
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I lost Genshin Impact...
i use the samsung store they give cool coupons every other month :)
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I'll have to wait for a rerun to match your love bro, used up pretty much all my funds and I have to wait til xilonen to buy the reset topups or else I WILL spend them on Mualani
if that is true why aren't gooning women more common
>only Genshin is affected by the price hike
Only Genshin was affected by the price hike. The other games weren't.
The tax hike did lead to a drop from the moment it happened.
they just don't publicise it
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how long/how many quests do i have until natlan?
i'm at the quest right after defeating stormterrror
Miking my cock to the next Genshin posted.
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aren't the normal snezhnaya characters going to get overshadowed by harbinger spam?
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Peter- Childe
Lois- Xianyun
Chris- Neuvillette
Meg- Alhaitham
Stewie- Wanderer
Brian- Diluc
I'm such a happy cuck!
Probably, but it doesn't sound too great. At that point just use >b and >x
sell your soul and hit the skip button
hopefully sometime after mavuika. preferably 2 patches so i can guarantee her.
women are natural attention whores, it seems like a no brainer for women to announce their gooning on a board and slurp up the attention from the countless males that swarm her
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The twist is the harbingers will be the five stars and the four stars will be lower ranking Fatui members.
Yes, and there's nothing they can do about it besides making ridiculous characters similar to Neuvillette since they're not capable of good writing.
like 20 hours worth of content if you speedrun it
Just hit the skip button, grab her and come back later
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>People who play gacha don't care they will swipe on their iphone/ipad even if there is a cheaper option
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men are the minority in /gig/ bro
That’s the other thing that makes people debate Arle’s age.
Freminet lived (for at least a short period of time) under the previous Knave but he’s also stated to be younger than Lyney and Lynette.
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You're in Liyue chapter 1. You have:
>Liyue chapter 2
>Liyue chapter 3
>Inazuma interlude
>Inazuma chapter 1
>Inazuma chapter 2
>Inazuma chapter 3
>Sumeru chapter 1
>Sumeru chapter 2
>Sumeru chapter 3
>Sumeru chapter 4
>Sumeru chapter 5
>Fontaine chapter 1
>Fontaine chapter 2
>Fontaine chapter 3
>Fontaine chapter 4
>Fontaine chapter 5
>About 2-3 dain interludes.
>The itto interlude
>The wanderer interlude
>The shenhe interlude
...You might want to consider using the skip button to temporarily skip straight to Natlan chapter 1. You don't get spoiled on anything important, and you unlock it after Liyue chapter 3.
you have like 4 years of content to get through retard bro
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My shark bites hit for a lot with the team of Furina(buffed by C3), kazuha, xiangling. I hit 1 million against the Geovishap
Brian strikes me more of a metafag and I think Chris would go for Raiden. Peter would go for Diluc.
Kok poisons the oni with beans then stabs you in the back according to keikaku.
Fremi is like 14
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Peter: Itto
Lois: Shinobu
Chris: Shenhe
Meg: Aloy
Stewie: Kaveh
Brian: Nilou
Joe: Sayu
Quagmire: Raiden
Cleveland: Xinyan
Herbert: Tighnari
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this. just put some money into the game and do a fucking 10 roll. you'll likely get kachina on your first pull.
is it monday yet i need moar LEEKS
that's just a meme bro
why is fontaine so long
>Only Genshin was affected by the price hike. The other games weren't.
but why only Genshin when most gacha games have other options too?
Why not just accept that the market is saturated right now and people who are bored of Genshin have many other gacha games to play?
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Fuck off
god I fucking wish it was a meme. even if it isn't I'd prefer to pretend that its women acting the way the posters here do and not men.
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I want to know how that Nilou poster's trip to Sea World turned out.
do women actually do this or is this a coombrain fantasy thing
text bloat and trying to make the game into a visual novel for casual women that only "play" candy crush
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can you show me the cheaper option for FGO and BA and HSR and ZZZ? because i play those games and there is none
it's real and women can develop clit callouses
so is the mualani goonposter a woman or man
obviously a retarded coombrain fantasy
I refuse to believe this.
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Me and my Mexican gf about to fuck.
Snezhnaya >>>> Liyue >> Natlan >>> the other ones
peruvian status?
>Why not just accept that the market is saturated right now and people who are bored of Genshin have many other gacha games to play?
Yet doomkeks are still latching onto this game
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How many times a day does she schlick to Neuv?
they seriously coomslop their own panties over and over again? it's not an ironic male fantasy for real?
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Still wonnered
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yup this is a keeper
Because Genshin is an older game.
Here is a redditor explaining about it, in the case of Japan and Korea

>Just FYI, Genshin JP App Store revenue stopped becoming relevant after October 2022 and many iOS users top-up using miHoYo's top-up center.

>In October 2022, Apple increased the price of in-app purchases in certain countries, including Japan (Genshin's second biggest market after China) and Korea. miHoYo didn't increase the pricing on their other platforms to match the iOS pricing (unlike some other games, looking at you Pokemon GO)

>As a result, Genshin Impact's in-app prices on the JP App Store and other affected countries, such as Korea, are higher compared to other platforms, including miHoYo's official Top-up Center.

>For newer games like Honkai: Star Rail and Wuthering Waves, prices remain consistent across all platforms in those countries (don't ask me why because I'm not sure why either)

>Just for some perspective, If you check on Game-i, Genshin's JP App Store revenue during 2023 is almost half of 2022. Genshin hit its peak interest in Japan during 2023 going off Google Trends and Social Media engagement. Furina is extremely popular in JP with her demo currently having almost double the views of Nahida's with substantially more likes too. Despite this, Furina's banner did worse than almost every month in 2022 on the JP App Store because of the App Store price hike.
potentially a man (female)
Troon obviously
It's a big world anon, do you honestly think there exists not one woman on earth who gets off to gooning herself off repeatedly in her panties?
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By enjoying the game, or by quitting if you don't enjoy it. To "win", in the traditional sense of a PvP match, implies the game has ended.
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>Furina is extremely popular in JP with her demo currently having almost double the views of Nahida's with substantially more likes too
Paghida lost again even in the place that lolitards love wanking.
ever seen a lovense lush? it's quite literally tailor made to do exactly that
I want to know for sure if its safe to start fapping that's all
i am the riptide here to end the fight
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For me, Its Fischl!
>Yet doomkeks are still latching onto this game
almost every single general is full of Doomposting /gig/ is no different
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This list is not correct.
Englufing should be the best option the majority of the time. Its what the whales use
Ballad should be above DM
Wavebreak should be way up, arguably above catch
Fav should just be behind wave .
Honestly probably 1-2 months of casually playing daily for several hours... And that's just focusing on archon quests and skipping most of the side stuff and world exploration. You could no life and do literally nothing but speedrunning the archon quests and get it done in two solid days of nothing else (no sleep), but that would be very painful and kinda kill the game for you....

Like the other guys say you can just do the skip and go straight to it and pick her up. You literally spend two minutes walking into Natlan and then she appears asking if you'll be her senpai and joins, you can then ignore the rest of it and immediately return to your other business in mondstat.
she's polynesian, archeb
But why? If this game is clearly dying why beat the dead horse? Doomkeks are on another level of obsession that way
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anons I can't tell if this is sloppa or not
The toes are melting. It's sloppa.
>going off Google Trends and Social Media engagement. Furina is extremely popular in JP
nta but this is pure copium from r/Gachagaming . It literally means nothing or Itto would have outsold Raiden. And Furina is not popular in Japan not anywhere close the 1.x and 2.x girls
I thought it was something their boyfriends forced them to do, not something they would have a fetish for themselves
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it is, maybe fixed up slightly but a lot of details are still off
>Tsaritsa is trying to kill me
>Mika has to protect me
>That terrible sinking feeling as I throw the helpless shota into the greedy, hungering clutches of a hag.
I am sorry, Mika
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bruh, it's clearly ai slop.
It's not
Background details are dintinct
>But why?
(you) addicts and mental illness. Misery loves company that's why they doompost every gacha
Just check the other generals every gacha is one day away from EoS according to these doomposters
this is ideal, I do not care about the filler shopkeepers and normies in Snezhnaya
You are just trying to grasp at straws. Do you think Furina is less popular than all Sumeru characters?
If you answer yes, I will take it as an evidence that you are a dishonest person who is not arguing in good faith.
>Pag thinks he is getting to fuck anyone
Basically, you only ever level artifacts that have the main stat you want and both cr and cd as substats. On the circlet, which you only ever level if you have one as the main stat and the other as a substat.

You have the general idea right as far as what to prioritize, but what you have to realize is that crit stats are so much better than the others that nothing else really matters. I'd level an artifact with cr/cd/flat def/flat hp substats over one with cd/atk%/er/em for example.

Obviously these examples and rules only hold for dps characters, but you get the idea.

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