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/ggg/: NONE
NA/EMEA weeklies/monthlies: https://x.com/nafgcto

Arc World Tour 2024: https://www.arcsystemworks.jp/awt2024/
Major Balance Patch: Late October/Early November
Dizzy: October 2024
Venom: Early 2025
Unika: Spring 2025
Lucy; Summer 2025

Main wiki with frame Data and information about system mechanics: https://www.dustloop.com/w/GGST
Player Glicko-2 ratings: http://puddle.farm/top/all
Fighting game glossary: https://glossary.infil.net/
Deflect Shield OS tech: https://twitter.com/Precho6055/status/1778514309015826445

>Replay Uploaders

>/ggg/ APPROVED Strive mods
Potato Mod
Frame Data Display
https://github.com/Chitaso/StriveFrameViewer/releases (1.08/Pre Season 4)

>Nintendo Switch Edition Trailer

>Season 4 Teaser Trailer

>Newest DLC: Slayer, May 30th

>Latest Dev Backyard (17th Volume, June 28th)

>Latest Patch 1.38 (July 22nd)

>Current Balance Patch 1.38 (July 22nd)

>Xrd/+R/#R Stuff:

>Guilty Gear Soundtracks

State platform and region when making lobbies for the thread and announce in the thread when you close them. You ft10 anyone you make the lobby. Keep training and keep on rockin'!

SLASHED: >>493061342
bros, I can't make it to spring...
Unika's is a Dizzy clone.
Need that church stage now
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Wish I was Ky bros..
Sex with men
finna strive
You forgot the tourney, retard:

>The Revelator is here! On Saturday September 14th at 2pm EST Anon Arena will be hosting a Rev2 PC tournament! Sign up in the link below as all are welcome!

Anji has relationships with women
We don't play that crap here.
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Your lost
lmao seething
how Strive's wall should work to still accomplish it's goal of reducing loopable corner rape while fixing it's issues
>Display wall health visually in the UI, use a broken glass effect over the timer or something that gets more cracked the lower the wall health
>when the wall is fully cracked it won't break during the current combo, but it will stop wall-bouncing and increase gravity to limit corner combo damage
>getting hit in the corner while the wall is broken instantly wallsticks you
>increase wallbreak damage, since it now happens instead of a full combo rather than at the end, getting the wallbreak is a reward for landing your mix rather than a punishment
>average damage per hit is still lower, since you don't eat a super wallbreak from midscreen any more and get to block out the mix and avoid damage
>take a bit more damage if you guess wrong, but also get out of the corner which is more valuable against the best mixup characters you're more likely to guess wrong against
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848650 NA WC
Let's play!!!!!111 :D
>Display wall health visually in the UI, use a broken glass effect over the timer or something that gets more cracked the lower the wall health
Similar to what I was thinking, just over the timer instead of character portraits. Do you suggest changing the wall to be the same health no matter what instead if per-character?
wasn't planning to, I just picked the first UI element you could obscure without being annoying that came to mind and didn't consider needing to show it per character
worth thinking about though, it would make backthrow in the corner kinda stuff much less of a massive momentum swing, since like now while it's character specific you get a full damage corner combo if they guess wrong on the oki, if it isn't then eating a combo into the corner and back throwing them during their pressure gets you a setup into wallbreak which is good but not instantly gamewinning like 200+ damage can be
being baikens cuck and stepdad doesnt count
And sex with men. He is not gay.
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We must get rid of corner rape by getting rid of walls completely
Hope you like HC because he would be played even more with these changes and being able to run away literally forever
+R lobby's still up for those who want to join.
this would nerf sin so I don't want it
I'll join
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first for ABA
I wish death upon every single nigger who wish for Slayer to be in this game. Never a character have been this undeserving for its damage than this fucking faggot literally no brain needed to win against the best player in the world with this fuckign fraud. I hope Nagoriyuki kill this old ass faggot piece of shti Slayer in lore then rape Sharon 50 times with his huge BBC to make all Slayer niggers seethe in rage, I hope he never ever comes back in guilty gear for all the slayer frauds to off themselves in a canyon like the carried faggot they are. I hope Slayer kill this garbage ass game for everyone to discriminate and commit hate crime towards slayer players. I wish Bridget get features in a popular hollywood movie and tell in front of the screen he's trans for millions of trannies to flod this dogshit game and make every slayer player quit in desperation of fighting the same exact MU every match. Fuck all Slayer players, Behead all Slayer players, Abord all slayers player kids, destroy slayer players life.
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>#ButtplugGate protagonist isn't a Strive player
We dodged a bullet there Strivebros
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aw fuck
this would be so awesome for us bridget sisters
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>jack-o and justice
i think i'm an aria main bros..
God instant kills are so fucking fun
this would be an insane buff for zoners and an insane nerf for characters with bad midrange options. I like the idea but there should be SOME way to actually catch characters who can just sit fullscreen and spam projectiles
this is a bad idea masquerading as a good idea like "lower damage"
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coolest looking character ever and we're never going to see it in 3d
>goes back to ky anyway
Good games lobby, it feels like you guys learned my tricks and started exploiting them, that's never happened before so I'm not sure what to do after that haha
Fun games all around, hope to fight you both in more Xrd and +R lobbies in the future
sprites are cooler than models
Shame that Justice's sprite only looks good in ML then
bro i was mash my controller so hard not wanting to be locked in her damn infinite corner string
It does like no damage after a while so my goal is to keep you in the corner until you waste your burst on it- then I'd bait it and get to keep going with a higher damage combo that you wouldn't be able to escape from. But I kept messing up so I never got to do my higher damage combo lol and then I'd end up not being able to tech for some reason so the burst would knock me down and well then I start panicking and everything goes to shit
>my goal is to keep you in the corner until you waste your burst on it
oh that's dirty. lol
All the Rev2 public lobbies are locked...
We don't play that crap here anyway.
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Your loss.
For the niggas jumping between games, how hard is the switch and do you find yourself attempting strive combos in xrd and xrd combos in plus r
I don't jump between them much, but I've never had that problem, but I play different characters in each game which probably helps.
I don't have this problem when I'm playing entirely different characters- A.B.A and Bedman. But I played Strive again recently (I hadn't played it in a while) and found myself trying to do Bedman things as Bedman?. So when the character has similar things going on visually and with some similar moves but entirely different gameplay, my wires get crossed a bit. I imagine the same thing would happen if I played Sol or Ky in every game but since I play different characters, it's like my brain can switch to a different mode.
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Slayer is unironically one of the most intelligent characters in the game because most of his shit are gimmicks everyone already knows the counter to because so many people play it, meaning against anyone who isn't a retard (or suffering from heavy input delay) the slayer player needs to either just play really solid like En, or be a yomi layer 5000 mad genius like Hase.
btw i dodge the mirror
good bait
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poor bait, i want it worded smarter. do better.
Sometimes I end up doing 2k 2d in +R and Xrd because of muscle memory from Strive (and to be fair, muscle memory from Slayer links too) and I've attempted to kara cancel specials as Pot more times than I'd like to admit. But a few games in and I'm back to schmoving
A good thing is that Strive things tend to still work in older games, you can 2K 2D and be fine. But if you try to use gatlings in Strive then you'll just get stuck then wallbroken for it.
>How hard is the switch from Strive to Rev2?
More annoying than difficult. The switch from Rev2 to +R is seamless.

>Do you find yourself attempting Strive combos in Xrd?
All the time, and I always end up standing there like an idiot, dropping stuff because I think I'm playing a different game. Like I'm playing with some form of brain fog, forgetting there are more options I can use than beyond Strive's gatling map. I think the reduced hitstop has something to do with it too. My moves never feel like they have enough "weight" behind them, so it often doesn't feel like they’ve connected. After playing against air recovery for so long, I honestly prefer Strive's Tekken-like juggle system. People popping out of my pokes and IADing back before I have time to recover is hard to play around.

I don't really play +R or use the same characters, so it doesn't affect me there.
I don’t have my plus r main in strive so I don’t get confused really.
>Bedman's air dash has 0 unactionable frames
no wonder I keep losing the air war to this pos

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