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Early thread to fix a typo.

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

Previous: >>493581613
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Xth for me once more.
Sex with catgirls
First for Femlalas
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Magnai lost
hot steamy sex with catgirls
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What a nice fellow I know he will be a great asset to us
moonies are WHORES (this is a good thing)
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9:30 ET
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post elezen please
thank you
Yea, I like meat
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Veena heeeere
My fiera does not like this :(
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Dead game
I only come to these threads to remind myself I'm not as mentally ill as I think I am. I have no intention of ever getting to know any of you and when I do show up for content meets I keep you in a different chat tab.
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>Oddly enough that tweet catalyst is one
Which tweet catalyst?
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more big girls
Fiddie weekend!
I want to be called out when I post cropped lewds of my femlala.
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my viera looks like this
nobody cares
Shit like this is just funny. Straight up funny.
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I do
Needs more cum
I probably would've gone Highlander if they had brows.
I'm tempted of switching out from my usual getup to one that every class can use since it's armored too.
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Would you guys want to watch 0083 tomorrow?
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I want to frost him, if you know what i mean.
this effy's sex appeal is unmatched
just dont want to, to be completely honest with you anon
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I have reached the point of missing Stormblood
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this is swerious
This mentality is in of itself mental illness.
Builded for my miera.
may i sex (yuri)?
my moonie
>fat pigs with fart clouds
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From this post onwards, no lewding of the Ryne.
I really like thighlanders.
would anynyan like to do some Varis Ex. I would like to get dyeable bard glammies
I just cannot comprehend the mind that makes this and goes "yeah, I'm happy with that"
what did anon mean by this
>hope is the only normal looking person here
eats copious amounts of penis daily
Yes, but look around you.
You missed it.
Every discord server he joins gets dragged into the ground by his rampant fetish posting and attention whoring.
oh okay...
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Stop taunting me with mods I'll never have.
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he has a nice smile :)
If you tell me who this is or /tell me in-game, we can figure out why!
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i need to cum edit a screenshot from yesterday actually but im too lazy
you'll have to convince me if you want me to anon
my moonie does not do this
I hate that you are basically handicapped and punsihed the more games of CC you play. This hidden MMR sucks ass.
can i see ur moonie
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I need to see your cum edits cause I need to start doing those.
meds please.
I don't remember posting this.
nice armpits builded specifically for me
One day I'm going to go to one of these meetups and post you guys and your ugly unmodded selves.
liar all moonies cannot contain their lust for cock
You know it's true.
It's pure, unfiltered mental illness
how would i go about doing that
The world isn't kind so I must be.
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literally me >:3c
That artist I'm pretty sure made that sheepgirl because we're friends and he went "what if your sheepgirl but big tits?"
Post Lalafell!
no my moonie has never seen a penis before
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My moonie got off her ass and picked up her meds
thats up to you to figure out
Boy am I hungry for all that MEAT
Would anyone be interested at a crazy party (impromptu movie meet) at my house later tonight?
The movie? My Neighbor totoTotoro
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CCC 1:30 ET
Hard to say, she's greenopi's Oc IIRC.
Magnolia the shep nun
i really really like thighlanders
i also confess that this anon is based
And why is that?
May my malera come?
impossible since all moonies have seen their mother take a truck load of dicks each month
I've missed SB since late 2019. I regret not joining XIV sooner, but I'm glad I at least got to experience SB from 4.1.
Sorry I spent too many years calling you a whore on the thread to show up even if I want to watch that.
the last moonie i pet made another moonie jealous because of how good my petting was, im not too familiar with moonie jealousy though
Yes, anon. And I was there when he made her. He likes big tits and my sheep could not provide.
what's with CC niggers and not being able to read the thread
there was someone already calling
Why is what?
please don't say such hurtful things about my moonie's sweet mother
My malezen REALLY likes femra
Why is the difference that huge?
Im horny
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Shame that.
Quit crying about party game handicaps before I make you a handicap irl.
People get skipped all the time.
not all moonies care about pets, you'll have to think bigger
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This post is for my haters <3
>later tonight?
How much later in hours?
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>if only you knew how bad things really were
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i would go but it would seem like im only there to try and have sex and my eb would get jealous
there are people with 5k wins that win more often than you do
cope lol
i am
a gay hrothgar
well each moonie is special in their own way, what does this moonie like?
i don't even know who you are
damn bitch, put some clothes on
Oh. Hum. I'd have to say he's just blessed with good genetics.
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mine looks like this
I hate it.
now this is cope lol
There's just something the ARR zones have that no other expansion ever managed to achieve.
The last one was at 9:30. You are mentally unwell.
Nice toilet
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I have barely done them before and have no idea what I'm doing, I keep putting off learning because I'm so lost.
There is barely any pit even visible...
is there a mod for failmale bodytype?
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>go to living memory to farm fates
>get depressed at how dead the zone is after Wuk killed everyone in it for fun before fighting Sphene
make me swoon anon, you can see the moonie if you can do that at the least
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let them go to bed already, LT. it's late
>what's with CC niggers waiting 5 years in between calls and getting uppity when someone assumes they're done
i am not lewd, moonie. even if it costs me seeing a moonie...
Just got my M3S clear
I really hope reclears are not gonna be nearly as bad
hi i just want to say your bunny inspired me to make a vantablack rava alt on balmung
most people cleared week 1 lmao
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Putting Theo's whole three incher in my mouth.
Oh don't worry anon, they're going to be even worse
I've seen his hairy legs..
my femra when balls lol
my femezen
is this you >>493556701
if so I already replied to you, she's cute
sure, sounds fun. when?
good because being a lewd thirster would make me stop replying. surely you can think of something
There's enough to keep me simping
Any angle is a good angle of exposed pit
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I saw a cute highlander earlier, and I would like to share their plate with the both of you.
I am
a femra
who has been running autoduty all day
no i haven't taken pictures of her yet
I mean, he IS a man. Men have hairy legs.
Wait you guys are playing CC for pvp and not just for the instant loss femlala writing herself getting raped after every match?
I unironically miss him the most bros... such a compelling arc that ended with him creating a spiritbomb to enact his own 9/11 against Garleans. What a chad.
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crystal cc 4:38 et
I like this Aether cat
Was considering hosting something impromptu myself tonight. Will hold off if you have plans.
This is what I get for playing with other people
Never again, fuck friends, fuck statics
redoing these quests he really does seem like a nice guy
Anyone else wish they were a woman in real life
Every time I see my cute and attractive female character getting attention and praise from male characters, I wish that I was born a woman too since their lives must be more fun and easier
If you see people throwing the match on your team by feeding and not healing themselves, or using LB you are not obligated to carry them.
I hate all of you so much
I want to plap every single fiddie.
no but i am very tired of you reposting this every day. just start hrt already.
I want to become a XIV tranny that thick cocks stroke to even though I'm a straight grown ass man
i am
the other femra who posts in this style sometimes
how do you like the plogon???
4 inches erect i'll have you know
You should skip the song and dance and kys now.
I really appreciate this battlemaiden arc whoever this is.
skip the hrt and just kill yourself
>getting attention and praise from male character
This is AGP.
backing down from a moonie's challenge is the last that i would do... but figuring it out poses difficult...
I only make CC lewd when my crush is on the other team and I'm imagining him dragging me behind a corner to dick me down and fill my womb with his cum while shoving his fingers in my mouth to keep me quiet.
I jerk off to my elf and these thoughts vanish and go back to being a gymchud
Sorry bud you are on your own
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How do I tell if someone is botting crafting
Can my femraen get a hug?
my femezen too
I'm plapping my EB right now. Been a while. Feels nice.
I have no desire to troon out but living life on easy street as a woman where my hobbies would be quirky and online losers would think my interests were fun instead of cringe.
I am a moonie
watching the UFC
and formed 2 new man crushes
alright to make it easier for you anon I very much enjoy raids and being a perfectionist with jobs
I say melezen instead of malezen.
Most people are if you find someone crafting
If you think being a tranny is life on easy street then you are beyond retarded
I desire for my eb to plap me. Like. A lot. I'm about to shred his pants with my teeth a lot.
they're crafting
Congrats, anon. I wish I was lucky enough.
I logged on but he isn't on right now so I might just log off and do something else...
have we spoken recently
give me a hint if so
I said woman not tranny you fucking retard
is it me
Hey boss what item are those foot and hand wraps?
Adulthood is realizing that Ilberd and Vaulthry are the best actual antagonists in this game because unlike retarded reasons like "I want more power!" or "I want to restore the past!" their motivation is to give their people a better future the best way they know how.
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CCC 6:36 et
He's the one thing I remember the most from ARR besides Uriangerisms, bloody banquet, formation and betrayal of the crystal braves, and some other high-points.
I loved his short conversation with Raubahn. The genuine respect and brotherly love they had for one another...
Women are not either. The ones on easy street are conventionally masculine straight white cisgender men.
nah fuck that bro imagine bleeding from your crotch once a month. being a man is easy mode in everything but social interactions
I have no idea if Queens of the Stone Age are good or not.
My femra REALLY likes malezen. This is the way of the world.
what are you now
Cutest bun ITT
they will probably have us find a way to turn it back on in the patches
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I am going to (unintentionally) terrorize the CC queues, by continuing to practices my support jobs instead of carries.
My dm's consist of 1 person that I speak to daily, then the next 10 people are all between a week and 3 months since the last message, all of which were them not replying to my last message.
Bad feel.
That's quite the cute thighlander. I had a really nice one in a roulette earlier but didn't take a screenshot.
kek this is one of the funniest is it me's I've gotten
This bun isn't ugly but does feel uncanny to look at.
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so youre either a moonie who either enjoys be complimented when she flaunts her achievements, or a moonie that wants someone just as good or someone better
>wide hips
>big tits
>thick bush
>that face
fuck no
I want to smooch this cat
Sex with my beautiful elf consort zuzu
they aren't
how disgusting is their f-list
a disappointment
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male midlanders
dunesfolk femlalas
cute fuckin elves
Get fucked.
That's not adulthood, that's being illiterate. Ilberd literally went to look after more power to restore alamhigo to its past.
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yep every day of my miserable life
i figure at the least
it'd be cool for leveling trusts?
its over
mine looks like this
Pagos Field Dressing
https://www.xivmodarchive.com/modid/24547 For Foot Wraps
this pairing is impossible im sorry anon
It's true, retard. You're not oppressed. In fact you are the one with all the privilege.
definitely the latter, I'm quite an elitist so its rare. I couldn't care less about what others think of me so the former doesnt apply
inquisitor i want you to know i blasted so hard to you wearing the soul cal outfit earlier that my legs shook
no i just really liked your futa bnny is all!!! i have not spoken to you in game, in fact i don't hang out in balmung
bro it is so straight to want to fuck hairy refrigerator bodied women...
it is saturday and saturday is for the boys, what is this despair when i am making jokes about my fat imaginary cock to blend in???

enjoy the holiday... get back to wanting boobies tomorrow
I haven' taken anything new
Man, fuck CC and it's shit netcode.
I'm kinda thinking there's a limit to electrope's potential
>Being afraid of a bigger woman
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malera x maliddie
name a more groomer coded duo
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No I am going to pvp like this
You're welcome
I like you too, Anonymouse.
Did you not read the book where a woman tried living a male for one year and ended up committing suicide because being a man was too difficult?
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It's the makeup, isn't it...
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For a second I thought a burglar was trying to break into my house, but then saw flashes coming from outside and realised it was just a sudden thunderstorm.
My lalaboy would pump and impregnate each one of them.
>that's being illiterate
incredible irony considering the sole reason he needed power was to accomplish the goal of freeing his people, he didn't even wield that power, he was just willing to unleash it at any cost.
thats a miera face right there
if electrope has unlimited potential why dont they just resurrect their parents
I had a brief storm run by me too
do we like this?
i will make it reality
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getting groomed from just looking at this image
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i am
an onion knight
Women only see the top 10% of men and think "Men are so privileged!" they don't see the bottom 90% and nor do they care. They want nothing to do with it.
that's what happened to falke before he transferred from eu
Nice armpit!
because there's a limit to electrope's potential
this bun is cute and I will smooch her
not even the ancients figured out proper ressurection
Ugly pedo.
Cool! I won't be home for approximatelyyyy 1 hour. Then I gave to quickly figure out how to do the cytube worker thing soooo... maybe 2 hours, 10pm?
And yes malera can come!
Well well well screw you guys then!
Can you go 2 hours without being horny??
Hmm I wouldn't hold off just for me, I still don't know if I can pull it off
Yeah BBC is a cornerstone of XIV
I've only been playing a short while but I've attempted to screenshot as many high-points of Ilberd as possible. Even prior to knowing of his betrayal, their were signposts that pointed towards something being wrong with the Crystal Braves. And even then, he was so composed and charismatic. You understood why Rabahn liked this man. Respected this man. Treated him like a brother. You can understand why the Ala Mhigans followed him.

I can't wait to meet Vaulthry.
i now know who you are
running autoduty on one window and psearch stalking my crush in another
final fantasy xiv
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Honestly it wasn't that bad. They only had one custom entry and it was to list stuff under "Usual no's." Outside of the custom, everything else was pretty reasonable as well. Top of their page was brief and only had pic related. Gallery was 7 pictures of their character disrobed, with either a hint or a full display of +.
i prefer moonies with the latter trait, alas i havent had the time nor opportunity to have many achievements, i dont doubt the possibility though
i want to be my femlala irl!
But she SAID there was no limit? is she a liar?
they could have found out how to if not for hermes and his retarded bird
I have finally been burned enough times and I will no longer be using this game to goon.
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>Then I gave to quickly figure out
>the bench
how goes it with the toxic guy you keep going back to?
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man what the fuck are they doing with so many of these dye channels
That's not the bench.
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CCC 10:10 ET
still reeling from the death of my favorite game
lay off the ice cream fatty
my femra is builded for nyotaimori
How we feeling tonight zivgee?
Hell no. Weiner gang for life.
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the two phase trials with unskippable transition screens that last like two minutes sucks
I am a thighlander
I will never accept LB14
i didn't know this had a name
Women can have wieners too.
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yeah sure fuck it why not, enjoy your moonie
everything about this is based except the proportions. what is up with the arms race to have the biggest hips and thighs of all the ul'dah street whores?
my femezen is literally megumin but 45 and with big boobs
proof please
she looks like she's built for a rotisserie
How about LB15? Goblet 14?
Sex with my lala
Annoyed with a friend caught up in schizo-drama, and they are becoming uncommonly paranoid and seems to have caught the disease.
>doesn't know how to skip
as expected of a crystal native
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I skipped two weeks of reclears
I know that feel, anon. Sorry that happened to you.
You suck.
i am doing alright i just got drk to 90 i am probably going to do pld and war next either that or working on crafters
Glad you understand why 90/180 cooldowns aren't a thing anymore. Anyways see you at Byakko unreal, enjoy the exact 120s long freefall sequence.
Button up your shorts you trollop.
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I've skipped every job questline except PLD, WAR, DRK, SCH, AST, SGE, NIN, RPR, VPR, BLM, RDM, PCT, BLU, and FSH
SCH's the best one btw
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I knew you were a fan of them but try not take on a gang of them!
I don't care, I didn't say anything about LB14, I said that is not the bench because it's not the bench.
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im glad i made as much of an effort as i did, this is a REALLY good moonie...
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>Nice armpit
This one's for you, Anon.
Too easy.
Sex always wins
Stoooop I'm phone swiping!
Better, not great
I'm gonna eat some more tonight because of you
dye it your skin-color.
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I am a femraen who is too lazy to do roulettes... and looks like this...
smooching this moonie
potential is only materialized once someone knows how to achieve it.
there's no proof it's not possible, but they haven't figured it out.
i hope it upsets your tummy
I tried a raid with hotspot to see if I could make raid tomorrow during my outage and it was fine but now my femlala has to logoff so I dont waste any more data... sigh....
>phone posting
Thats a shame. I lost a multi year friend on XIV due to them becoming super paranoid and suspecting me of things.
anyone else had to be away from their pet for a year+? makes me sad just thinking about it cuz I have to do it
>Ilberd lovers hour
the fact you replied as much as you did convinced me more than anything not gonna lie to you. maybe a few more and you'll get another
>samefagging mexican is here
Im out
yes they will recognize you and go crazy when they see you again if youre able to
On the left we see a king. On the right we see a schizo tranny.
Need to be carried and have your feet massaged, my queen?
>laz is on levi now
Literal whos
big things in the works...
Yeah its going on over 2 years now and counting that I've been away from my pet and its unbearable. I mean he died from cancer 2 years ago but still
why would i stop replying? i enjoy moonies, seeing moonies, and petting moonies. its the attitude that will lead someone to getting what they want (most of the time)
Do not mock the m'lady.
that coinflip was real
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i have the skip plugin thingy but we were in a group of normies who probably dont mod at all
under certain circumstances.
at least the boss hitboxes arent the size of the arena
the button doesnt work..
I'm gonna offer you healer/tank queues if you post a pf but no funny business.
Time for another failed EB.
cute thighlander cute thighlander cute thighlander thank you for sharing
>akemi woke up early
leviathan bros run this shit
Is Akemi "Sanchez" Sanzo the Taylor Swift of /xivg/? She's just so famous, it's like being at the Grammy's...
straight into the ground
I will tank/heal for you but only if there's funny business
these were made by people who've never seen a woman so it makes sense
Meetups Doko? There used to be consistent events what happened, xivg?
>at least the boss hitboxes arent the size of the arena
True! but I'm not looking foward stormblood ureals at all, all of them have mandated exact 90 or 120 downtime that they loved using to sync 180s cooldowns back in the day.
i was on this team! and we won!
Crop out the faggot on the right that can't play for shit and needs carries.
>Quest Accepted: Flirt with Alphinaud
boutta go from Famfrit, Primal to Leviathan, Primal desu
My right or your right
If I had a nickle for every time he moved to Primal to EB a fiddie, I'd have two nickels which isn't a lot but it's weird that it's happened twice.
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CC 1:00 et
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I think it's called Muse
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>LS with seven kills in two minutes
what in the world
nice job
today I got into barbariccia and aglaia through roulettes. and I realized that the feeta mods for barb and azeyma aren't compatible with dawntrail. I am very unhappy....
he's a biopole, fuck off
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>run up to moonie
>trade eb ring
>"water drops pierce stone, rope saws cut wood"
it's just that easy
if I wanted it to look like my skin I would just walk around nyaked
the what
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We're all too busy playing the game. Have you, uh, cleared the tier yet? Got every job to 100? Finished Eureka and Bozja? Got your Necromancer title? Exactly. The rest of us are all playing the game. Oh, and if you think this game is "dead", just look at the state of retail. LOL!
muse is more of a twink bodytype
enjoying moonies is always a good thing, in particular whats your favourtie bit
No thanks, I respect you as a person and would never ask for such a thing.
>I would just walk around nyaked
You don't even nude mod.
moonie eyes, followed by fangs.
my zoomer brethren
you need to stop getting into prison gay relationships
I thought this was just a millennial thing but you've proved me wrong
I am very disappointed
Thank you <3
When will the alphinaud head mod be updated
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>be boomer straight male in mid 20s working a boring office job
>get home from work
>kick off the loafers, throw on the thigh highs, and say hi to the girls when I sign in
Why does FFXIV make us like this?
They've unironically intentionally segregated balmung.
Are you having a laugh
licking the inside of this boy's ears later
Sex with Temmies avatar.
>left behind second potato cc queue

Ive been enjoying wow but still dont get what they're thinking with that.
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>upset when people don't play
>upset when people play
What is your endgame?
I would host a meet up but my sub runs out in 5days.
>>I would just walk around nyaked
>You don't even nude mod.
are you serious
I wish someone would tell me to kiss their ass
I am doing my best to potty train
bold of you to imply they're capable of thinking
Jokes on you I avoid romantic relationships because they cause me physical pain
Magnai didn't want her
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My favorite side-quest is still this:
>Glad you understand why 90/180 cooldowns aren't a thing anymore
parseniggers really killed this game lol
No one wants my swingers meetup to happen
what's the difference
they have no point anon, they only shitpost
anyone with sense just leaves a game if they think it's shit and don't think they'll enjoy it in the future
he just lurks around doing this for years
It doesn't have to be real... it can just be because it's cute...
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>Then I gave to quickly figure out how to do the cytube worker thing soooo... maybe 2 hours, 10pm?
sis... i can just put it on my drive if you don't want to learn all that stuff while people wait
early queuers need to stop
buddy are you actually retarded
See >>493595795 and >>493595952. What do you have against us enjoying the game? Meetups are for when the game is dead, and it's clearly not dead. We're just playing, unlike (You).
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Temme is bee-owned sorry
Focusing this cat in CC! Passing laws against cats! Revoking cat rights!
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Uchiki Slutego
Simonne Boobier
Serrit Cocks
Molly Womb
Gotham Clitty
Charmont Fuckswesfv

Akemi Sandwich
Is there anyone who needs shb gwibs still?
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fangs you say, maybe I should get an open mouth pic
Anyone go actively farm the Magitek Predator Mount from ala mhigo know its drop chance?
>Have you, uh, cleared the tier yet?
>Got every job to 100?
working on it
>Finished Eureka and Bozja?
got all Bozja weapons but only 1 from eureka
>Got your Necromancer title?
I have a lot of things to do but most of it is uber completionist stuff that won't appeal to most
only if it's a futa
I've been either writing teases or outright ERPing for close to 10 hours straight now.
i miss simonne's fiera
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Not a parse thing, more of a balancement thing. The only way they found they could force jobs to do similar damage outputs as they wanted was to force sync 180s cds with important dps check moments
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>and it's clearly not dead
My femlala is crafting 1000 Magitek Repair Kits by herself on her FC's yard.
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im a meena
we know, thread bike
I want to RP more and I want to PVP more but every time I am at the computer with free time I play EverQuest instead.
Sub Baron-chan...

sis I was the drk..
I love my not-yet-EB so much, it's unreal
T-thank you... someone has to do it...
If it must be me, then it shall...
That's fine. I just hate 2 minutes and if the game deleted them all it would be much, much better
cute flower... and yes, fangs. the sun cats that have them just simply dont compare because its fake.
Will they repair her heart?
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But I hardly do anything with anyone from the thread or in game, even! I can't possibly be a thread bike!
I like being able to go for walks at night without worrying about being raped, and I like having people who want to be around me without some sexual ulterior motive.
That's about it though, everything else sucks.
same haha
except she's already EB'd
but still!!!!!!!!!!!!
excuse me i mean who we were against
i did actually comm you!!! thank you for the coverage

and another correction, *we* creamed them
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can I be your not-yet-EB

Going in time with Lalaish atm
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Magnai's treatment in the game nowadays sucks. He's a very interesting character but he's been reduced to boring "man can't get a gf" jokes, and probably won't ever leave that prison.
Umm... no probably not... ;-;
But the excess gil can fill the void in her heart, right?
Please say yes, lie to me if you have to...
>what's the difference
failmales have softer bodies, and boobs from feminization.
Free use femlalas
Grats on your rat
>I've been either writing teases or outright ERPing for close to 10 hours straight now.
ummm, nigger?
A fat man is worth way more than some fat chick.
But both have 0 value when all their time is wasted because computer addiction.
Must have been a different game since I didn't get a com..
>someone playing a strong job but they're bad at it
>forced into queuing the same job as them so i don't get them on my team with someone who actually knows how to abuse the job on the enemy team
Nice. That will last you quite a while.
Wow he's just like me fr fr
what does this mean
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Grape C@ is very happy.
lovey dovey procreation sex
Point and laugh at the simp.
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I just wanted to have two sub FCs going...
kek, I have much better motives than just for an EB (GAM x GAM)
should i make a femboy alt
Neat. Wanna play Mechwarrior together?
What job should I play in CC when I get home?
>they no longer make GC weapons for the new classes
its so fucking joever
if you were m.m. i thought i did, tried to, maybe you slipped before i could send it. if that's the case, sadface emote
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we won
Little Sun will never escape Sadu's shadow
I just want someone to be lovey dovey with but my awkwardness is making it impossible.
Congrats!! Now call me dork
Thanks bro, I need as much as I can so this should be good for a while.
>4 eared lala
retarded looking.
femboy (female character model) or femboy (male character model)? if it's the first one, don't bother. they're boring
What are you planning on them being?
It means if i was into ERP i'd plop right down on it.
akemi already downloaded this
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I cleared m4s and my reward is hopping a time machine and reprogging p8s.
there are now a few conservative states in the US where porn sites can be sued by parents who find their children browsing them, leading to many sites like pornhub requiring ID.
if this becomes more widespread, since FFXIV is a T-rated game, and because anybody can create a Mare account without an ID, it's possible that someone could go after the Mare devs if they find their teenage child gooning in the 'mung. I can see this being the issue that causes Square Enix to finally crack down on modding.
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CC 5:15 ET
You should find someone else, anon. It's not healthy to lust after another man's wife
Only if you're KT@Goblin
Whatever happened to the big blue futa femra
>log into Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail
>4chan said its the best MMO of all time
>go to where everyone in the thread hangs out in Lavender Beds
>see a tranny jerking off at a bench in front of everyone
Really? Is this what you really like?
>He's a very interesting character but he's been reduced to boring "man can't get a gf" jokes
magnai isn't an interesting character he has literally always been retarded fuckboy who can't get laid
he literally kidnaps you in SB because he think he might be able to fuck you or get a way to fuck someone out of it
Simply being a man who looks and acts and dresses like an average man gives you so much unearned privilege.
The toilet's retarded and doesn't understand what it's for.
I'm gonna kick you're ass
unadulterated post
Will ARR/HW content ever get an overhaul to be as good as Stormblood+ or will it just be forever forgotten? No more rank ups for grand company, no more stories there, etc. etc.
>cant romance the admiral
Why live
We like that.
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just for you anon, this'll be the last unless you really convince me
oh so like forced fem stuff with light TF
fair that is pretty based
I ghostwrote this
i don't know i didnt think this far ahead
No she belongs to everyone.
Proof you have no idea what "an average man" looks like.
Please be nice to them
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The best MMO. Better than WoW.
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Is it really as fun if you're beggin me to do it, dork?
must have left too fast then, gg and thanks for following through
nta but HNNNNNG
Lala on the left?
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watching this cat drink my cum from a glass after she gives me a handjob at an outdoor S9 cafe
Congrats fruit
You don't have to be a gigachad to benefit from the privilege of being a traditional male. As long as you look and act like a regular white straight guy, you get so many doors opened to you.
How often do you guys rp?
Good job Vjera.
It's completely over... I'm never going to be EB'd..
i'd probably take a tranny jerking off in my face irl then go through most of DT msq again and I'm not even joking
at least the tranny jerking off would last a few minutes and not like 20 hours or something
its just a futranny with extra steps
seek jesus
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Permission to leave the station
my moonie just woke up from her nap
Rabbit hands wrote this post
no one ever actually follows up on these, especially when you say you're a male char
truly a path of suffering
FF ERPers have hentai brain so if that's you're brand a smut, it def is the better MMO.

WoW has priestesses and nothing is better than a holy woman wife-slave that exists to suck your balls, heal your wounds, and have your babies.

WoW paladin >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any FF job.
Anyone got good fem hroth sole pics?
So fucking true
why are you like this
Doesn't the current max rank put us only one step below the high commanders and two steps below the marshals?
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Finally time for a dungeon and not just running back and forth in coerthas
so is there a mod for this?
jokes on you, you're the one getting raped
I love moonies they are so cute
Any Light bros that need help? Bored rn and I don't know what to do.
I'm definitely queueing for the next trial if you post it here.
middies are groomers now?
are there things we don't like?
>yet another shitnose moonie
Can't you freaks get a new gimmick?
playing the game
seems you have more fans than just me, moonie. but youre probably right, maybe ill look for this moonie again once im top 100 or pink parsing savage...
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Glad you like her
post your fierda in here sometime, always nice seeing cute characters
Given how shit DT MSQ was, will you be skipping through 7.x MSQ? What about 8.0?
A fuck nigga, that's the shit I don't like
Ummm, anon?
Oh yes, all those doors like doing all the shit jobs of society you don't think of and wouldn't want to touch with a 10 foot pole.
............................................. I see.
Please excuse me for a moment.
where's the swinger meetup
Not quite, we're three ranks below High Commander and six below basic Marshal.
I don't remember how long it is between snowcloak and shiva but I have to get this done first
I wish they'd ask to do things with me. It's always me.
xiv paladin isn't even a paladin it's just a cuck to nanamo
>But it's called KNIGHT in japan
and it's literally always meant paladin
You're almost up to ARR's best trial, though it'll probably be over before the music hits its peak.
been this for years now bro I aint changing for shit
Swingers and Cheaters RP Meetup LB14 Balmung, Crystal in 20 mins
The stup for future stuff was actually really good when you stop and use your brain to notice what they've been doing below the shitty character dialogue of 7.0
It's true, Rob is the only maliddie authority that matters
I'm almost done..
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low effort.
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>futa bunny
Stop trying to make that shit happen. The thread already has constant 5 schizos melting at any given time. Hosting that nonsense will turn this thread into a 24/7 melty for the next month. Why do you want to shit up the place more than it already is?
to my knowledge no
you could probably get away from some tiny tit mods but it depends on if you wanna use a guy as a base or a girl as a base, because I think all the femboy mods are just girls with no tits
you could maybe fag up a male body? give it some small tits but most of that would be clothes and stuff, give them a fat ass, a flat cage, nice hair and collar, etc
pvp nin is actually disgusting goddamn
I'll be waiting for you to hit the big leagues then, I have high hopes for you anon dont make me disappointed
And it was nerfed multiple times
For the funnies
If the writing and quest design continues to be as bad as it was in 7.0, I'm probably out. There are much better games if the only "strength" left is battle content.
no i will still read everything
And it needs more
actually maybe learn your thing as well, it was harder to find a good copy than i thought, and the upload speeds are sloooow today. a backup is coming in case you cant figure it out, but it's gonna be slow.
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>Will ARR/HW content ever get an overhaul to be as good as Stormblood+ or will it just be forever forgotten?
What are you talking about? Most arr content got an overhaul like in 6.1 or so to the point where it shits on stormblood stuff.
New cape westwind, ultima, bread, etc are some of the better things in the game now
Will Grace Welkin be there?
>cuck to nanamo
Paletress/Whitemane >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nanamo
Nyo it doesn't it already feels very gimped
I had it stuck on the trade screen for 30 minutes then owner popped in, emoted at me and teleported to his house
i have won too many times in a row and matchmaking is sandbagging me now
i queue down
i would never disappoint a moonie, november cant come sooner. this moonie may not like pets, but i very much want to pet this moonie.
I have no fucking clue who that is but I'm assuming it's some wow shit so I don't care about it.
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If you play warrior you are not allowed to spam blota on me because I do not consent. That is all.
That's on you
I assume 7.1-7.3 will be a lot about integrating Solution 9 with Tural and teaching the people that slurping down souls is actually bad which doesn't interest me that much. Showing off Sphene's crown has to mean something so I wouldn't mind her pits coming back but the cup with Azem's symbol is what I care about the most so whenever that shows up in the patches I'll pay attention.
You may have a single pet, anymore and I'll be very cross with you
Where do the fat bitches afk on Balmung?
get a fucking job loser or at least a hobby good fucking lord
It's WoW shit, though I think both were priests and not paladins, so I don't know what the fuck he's talking about.
It's a honeyed word from your lips no matter how I get it.
>"T-they're just AFRAID of me... they c-can't HANDLE me!!"
the troon's final cope
Any EU frens still up?
there is more than one doko poster
>being a big, heightbeasted, sweaty, thick thighed, huge breasted, fat tummied rava fiera
>a personality
Sorry, but nope
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its saturday night man cmon
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dude this cat
I'm insanely jealous. Jealous of all the things you did without me, jealous of who you did it with, jealous of the people you target and afk with, jealous of the people you spend time with when I'm gone. Jealous of things that happened before I even met you. I hate how the jealousy consumes me and I hate how it makes me feel.
the goon bench at ul'dah
>Working on a Saturday
No I don't think I will, nigger
>Yelling at someone for playing a video game on a Saturday during the evening.
Anon...are you okay?
am a male midlander
loling hard at Colorado vs Nebraska
ur mom's house
ur mom is fat
Yeah, but I'll probs sleep soon, not really anything going on right now.
i haven't modded before so i don't know how to do all that, i just want something fresh out the box
NIN was GODlike since season 1 but every season afterwards they kept nerfing ninja more and more until like season 7? That's when it stopped getting nerfed.
it's 4am
Gross pedo.
>Cute but ineffective cock
I need an EB like this immediately
xivg is back to lavender beds ward 14
there's probably some pornsick gooners at the bench though
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where da moonies with da feet at
no one here plays a fat bitch
maybe i will, but she really does just look like yours, down to the hairstyle and color choice
i never realized how much i like black ravas
well luckily for you, besides body modding (which is a pain in the fucking ass and I hate it) most other stuff there isn't too bad
nothing I know of offhand though sorry
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Yeah. Bored and doing some casual CC.
Who is this? My biota are rated E for everyone but I can stop for (You)
sumi does
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Crystal Casual CC
10:30 ET

Caller apparently died. Press F to pay respects.
I've only ever been "instalossed" once despite what some people say.
good luck my wife
this is my least favorite lb in pvp
unfun to use, and unfun to play against
unfun to use because netcode makes snapshotting with it retarded, unfun to play against because it's hilariously op
is this a crystal moonie...
sumi doesn't post here
>Wuk Latroon
no but they afk in the same spaces sometimes, which was the question wasn't it
hummm that's a good point actually
actually no it is not bitch
There are NPCs in S9 that are unhappy with becoming a vassal state to Tuliyollal and unable to do anything about it because their new king has exclusive administrative control of the military. It will either go nowhere or will end with them getting talk-no-jutsu'd into liking it.
Thank you based CC Caller
??? I'm not even schizoposting her what the fuck, she just has the fattest character here probably.
Nah I'm just memeing, but it's one of the few PVP abilities to make me go "daddy chill" irl when it's spammed on CD lmao.
i get better games with xivg queues
randos are too volatile
nah sorry bro I'm EU
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what the
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I was calling someone a HUE on discord and forgot to cue so I will now go get the popeyes lunch that I never got when I said I was going to get it earlier.
I'll take a peek at 7.1 and if it doesn't look good I'll unsub till 8.0
I'm not gonna sit around while yoshida and daichi shit in my mouth.
You mean you actually have to try when there aren't a bunch of random retards from here queuing your dead circlejerk mode
Thanks for the update see you in 30
ah, the thread bike emerges. LT finally done with you then?
then this /pet will have to do until i post a top 100 screenshot.
no it's more like the chance of getting someone who literally has never played pvp before in their life that does sub 100k healing and damage on either team is lower when im sync queuing
I am a male midlander
with a swollen cheek and a fever
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>The theory
Assassinate, Mug+Hyosho Ranryu, Seiton Tenchu immediately
>The execution (not):
Assassinate, Mug+Hyosho Ranryu, the damage hasn't been applied by your previous attack yet, Seiton Tenchu whiffs but it looks like you used it while he was at <50%, you hit your shadowplay button to go frame by frame over the footage to find out what happened, you seethe uncontrollably, you start drinking, you forget to make dinner
nta but that's such weird behavior. shit talk the thread in discord but spend all your afk time in thread hangouts. schizo behavior
You sat around while they did it the entirety of endwalker and the shitty endwalker post patch slop with zero so yeah, you actually will do that
if you do that I'll visit you somehow, even f I haveb to make an alt to do so
how do i give male bodies tits?
6.0 was great and 6.X was ok
I don't care about whatever insane schizoid babble you're going to spout since I probably won't have to deal with it soon.
Have a swift recovery, anon!
One day I'll find the moonie petter and pet HIM instead!
Yeah, I'm guessing we'll get a speech from Gulool Ja that Wuk Lamat will help him with that'll win over everyone in Solution 9. Maybe whatever is going on with Sphene's crown will help smooth things out but I'm mostly looking forward to the switch to 8.0 storyline.
a deal's a deal, moonie. ill hold you to it.
NTA but I unsubbed like 75% of 6.X.
>shit talk the thread in discord
what the fuck are you doing on about
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this will be my reaction when you hit that top 100 in parses
This poster is very big mad
poor veena
>6.0 was great
oh yeah, the loporitts rocked
le spicy curry for the win!
*asspulls the final boss of the entire crystal saga 3 hours from the end and takes a big greasy shit on your plate*
Get the chicken sandwich. (i actually dont know whats good at popeyes anymore cause the one closest to us is terrible and never gets the order right.)
My character can kick your characters arse
no sex for the remainder of this thread
no lewd
no goon
no porn
post a nude catbox pls miss
Fuck can you get me some?
okay but why did that streamer freakout over a man in a sabotender costume
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is there even a need for shaders anymore? ever since the DT lighting update none of my go-to presets look that good anymore and the base game looks fine generally.
my character can make yours gag
Thank you kind anons.
Prayer magic (dynamis) has been an integral part of the lore since 1.0, not my fault you're a retard.
yeah for high quality screenshots
lighting still looks really bad in a lot of areas
nah you're alright, I have some standards atleast
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Five piece spicy tenders combo with mashed potatoes no dipping sauce because you just use the taters as dip for your tendies.
whatchu want
I think you're confusing me with someone else.
if you don't gpose
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Fighting poses are technically my porn, does that mean I'm not allowed to do that either?
more like sumo lmfao
Yeah I add rtgi and some saturation to my game
Oh yeah I forgot the endsinger was introduced back in ARR my bad must have skipped that one my fault
>but I'm mostly looking forward to the switch to 8.0 storyline.
I'm not. They're going to fucking ruin Meracydia, and it will probably end up being a footnote so that we can do more pointless bullshit with other shards. They're trying to exhaust every possible plot hook as quickly as possible.
Protip when somebody includes an accusation of schizophrenia in their post it's because they are schizophrenic themselves. Just ignore that retard.
This lightslut doesn't actually erp. They just jo in silence to animations.
My femra can crawl up your dick hole.
If it gets any bigger, go to the emergency room. I almost died from a tooth infection because my dentist kept pushing back the date and force feeding me amoxicillin by the handful (the amoxicillin didn't work at all).
where do you get lala mods
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>Oh yeah I forgot the endsinger was introduced back in ARR my bad must have skipped that one my fault
you're close at least, from 1.0 like I said
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do face 4 moonies like face 3 sunnies...
hey... race?
permission to post my catgirl naked
actually, convince me to do so. you have to be very convincing
you've been using the wrong presets then
>but I'm mostly looking forward to the switch to 8.0 storyline.
remember when people were saying they were (fairly) tired of zero and were looking forward to the 7.0 msq
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Crystal Casual CC 3:00 ET
Slightly delayed while I go pour some whiskey.
You can do it but I will kill you.
Choke on it
my face 4 moonie does
with a moonie cheerleader like this, how could i not? gosh, i like this eumoonie way too much..
Could you please post your low-level meteria gathering set?
Denied. Post her in a cute, but not lewd outfit
Not in the game at all, completely asspulled

No build up because they don't fucking care about this game. The hack writers use retcons to draw plot threads where none existed before. They're making it up as they go along, it's very obvious that dawntrail was made as a little throwaway while they decide what the fuck to do next.
It has been like they're trying to go through as much as possible as quickly as they can. I suppose I'm hoping they'll treat Meracydia well with how much people would be looking forward to it but then there's Garlemald.
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is the reshade rtgi worth it after DT graphics update
there is only one person itt who is constantly harrassed for being instaloss
What is a MNK's role in CC, what should they be looking to do?
>waiting for S-ranks to spawn
>can't do anything else or I might miss a spawn
does the xiv trash thread not exist anymore?
aieeeeee its owari da
Murder people
>States an easy fact (prayer magic has always been a part of the wolrd)
>Completely ignores fact and goes off on their own wild tangent
You got your wish though, they just shat on the world with wuk lamat so people are leaving in droves.
glue onto your least favorite person and turn the game into an honest 4v4
r u a moonie
no but /heals/ fulfills pretty much the same purpose at this point
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Yeah, clearly Amano's old art was used as inspiration for Endsinger and not anyone else.
You're the retard for falling for their retcon to justify dynamis asspull by associating everything vague and mysterious about that magic with Dynamis. It's literally midichlorians for FFXIV, and you're too fucking stupid to see it for what it is because you slurp up that bad writing like a good little piggy.

>Hurr durr it existed since 1.0

No it didn't, faggot.
M or F
do a summoner LB to everyone stacked on the crystal every 20 seconds
no since it's very loose on the rules people shitpost it to oblivion with drama and scat/gore/etc so it ends up dying every time
absolutely imo. Still adds better ao
jhazda/tikaasi makes sure any thread where he's allowed to spam gore/tranny porn without being perma'd is completely unusable at all times so it's been dead for quite a while
meteoplapping blms
fair it's just confusing sometimes
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what are you on about?
Soon it will be that time of the night where howdoi smite starts schizoposting the people he loses to in cc.
whats up
Abuse Meteodrive to one shot squishier classes.
Otherwise, tank and chase down kills.

Your actual ability to kill someone from full without Meteodrive is pretty ho-hum unless they are out of MP or have no idea what they're doing, but you're very hard to kill and can follow people basically forever.
press 1 until you get to phantom rush, then dump all your buttons on 1 person to instantly kill them
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What was your first fps?
one of my favorite things to do as MCH is to bite down on my mouthpiece and 1v1 anyone that wants it
Its unfortunate, i used to like you
He does not do that
>>Hurr durr it existed since 1.0
>No it didn't, faggot.
wolfenstein or doom i can't remember...
yeah that's very schizophrenic
At least Quintus's suicide managed to be one of the best moments in 6.0.
Wolfenstein 3D.
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I will be carefully recording the entire script so I can argue with cultists about plot holes.
might have to go dig up the download for it then...
F in game, M IRL.
mhm AND im well rested
SHOGO: mobile armor division
I think I probably played goldeneye as a kid and some cod shit I barely remember in highschool but the first one I actually played was tf2. At least they nuked the bots recently
wanna be frens?
Namedrop me then, anon.


>get jumped by a melee job
>throw down bishop autoturret and plant my feet
Let the duel begin!
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Medal of Honor: Rising Sun for the PS2
Where in the game is the endsinger before endwalker, please please tell me. Please tell me the cutscene or the dialogue line and I'll go watch it right now.

Literally anywhere, one mention.
>I suppose I'm hoping they'll treat Meracydia well with how much people would be looking forward to it
anon do you know how many people were looking forward to the new world?
did you see what they did to it?
There's some weird back-forth on this.
Prayer-Summoning is actually pretty clearly defined as Aether magic, as it requires both a source of Aether and Prayer, which we learn in Shadowbringers is really just Creation magic, but it requires multiple people or a prodigious will because we're too sundered and stupid to do it properly solo now.

Dynamis is sort of ill-defined, but explicitly does not require Aether, and does not result in a Summoning.
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this version of doom
Why do you keep bringing up endsinger when your question was about dynamis?
Can you stop flipflopping your argument for 2 seconds? I mean I know you won't, you don't have a real argument, but at least be consistent.
what presets do you guys use? i have the hundreds that came with my reshade download + all the ones in the gposingway collection and i don't really care for any of them now.

second, what are the best shaders/settings if I were to create my own Preset? (for screenshots only). like ADOF is essential i think, and maybe something to make it more colorful but man there's like 500 options to turn on i don't know which ones to use. like, what are the most commonly used ones?

or is anyone willing to share their presets?
He does it every night.
I'm a completely different person and my original post was about the final boss of the entire saga being asspulled 2/3s of the way through the last expansion in that saga. I'm sorry you're too fucking stupid to follow a thread from the start, probably why you slurp down this game's shitty fucking writing.
Cute... I hope you like being bullied and teased
this is the version I still use
very based thank you so much
Then please, enlighten me anon, who did you want to be the antagonist of EW?
Garlemald again for some reason?
Lavos? God knows there were enough retards here asking for that
from your cat nap? its good that youre well rested, but im not easy to find... its easier to let me find you...
>no you see the writing *had* to be shit because you can't think of anything better
didn't know it was the player base's job to write the game and not the people at squeenix paid six figures to shit this onto your plate
suck my balls you talk shit about everyone else you're all a bunch of faggots who evidently can't take what you dish out
It is a well-known rule that mysteries do NOT have to be solvable before the ending in order to be good. They just have to make sense in retrospect. Which the Endsinger does.


Of course they were just making it up as they went along. Literally EVERY author does unless they're an autist.
yah, sure
Go on anon I'm curious.
I'm legitimately asking you what you would want for an antagonist.
I'm not allowing you to shift the focus of the conversation here you braindead fanboy. I don't know, because I'm not paid six figures to write this slop for retards like you.
For screenshots or gameplay? I've automatically made tweaks to my gameplay one over many iterations and it's pretty simple, just enhances the existing game

My pleasure bro

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