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Rush Duel General #31

Previous Thread: >>491600619

A general to discuss everything Yu-Gi-Oh! Rush Duel, playable on EDOPro and Duel Links, plus the Go Rush anime.

>Recommended simulators
●EDOPro (PC/Android):https://projectignis.github.io/download.html
●Duelingbook (online). Visit:https://www.duelingbook.com
Hosts, use the tag “rdg” and the password “vidya”; on EDOPro, specify the server.

>Useful links
How to:https://www.konami.com/yugioh/rushduel/howto/
Probability calculator:http://yugioh.party



>Duel Links stuff
Late September Asana coming to the Gate
Massive Update coming
Boy, Worlds was messy, but I'm glad they're on track to finish things up for today soon
Hopefully either afterwards or tomorrow we get an update on what's coming to Duel Links next
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6 Minutes till TOP 4 starts with possible Rush TCG and Rush Duel Links announcements

Can someone clip the announcements if/when they happen?
Announcements (for all games) likely won't be until tomorrow before or after finals
Let's go, Quantum!!
>inb4, he's lost already
God damnit
So far he's up 2 games vs Goirfil's 1. One more win and Quantum is in GF
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Is anyone playing Dragias in the tournament? I'm not really paying attention .
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And they arent covering it? They're just showing Speed duel semis.
He's already had his last match for today in getting to Grand Finals
Tomorrow will be his next duel
Oh, okay then.
New Celeb Rose support in the anime. Contact Fusion of Witch and Magician. Send monsters from your field to the graveyard to decrease enemy monster's attack until turn end, not limited to once per turn, at least the anime version.
It's that easy, see ya in the finals tomorrow
>not limited to once per turn, at least the anime version.
Pretty sure all Rush cards are soft once per turn unless otherwise stated.
Congrats, dude. Good luck tomorrow.
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You're a real one for getting this far. Best of luck taking home the championship tomorrow!
I've seen Machines, Spellcasters, Wryms, Psychics and Fiends. No dragons
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Congrats, I'll be rooting for you.
good luck dude
Seeing the Wyrm Maximum be summoned was very cool at least. I love its design.
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The first ever English Rush Card. Enjoy it cause is the first and last one you'll see
Best of luck! We're all rooting for you!
I look forward to seeing you holding this >>493598662
They didn't even bother putting the entirety of CONTINUOUS EFFECT. I can't even with the inconsistency.
What's the biggest event for physical Rush? I don't think i've seen anything like that for them.
That is one tall bed. Holy.
He is a Plebittor
And a 4chinner too.
Isn't Reddit just 4chan for younger people?
The KING of /rdg/
Nah, plebbit lacks the anonymity this place goes with and its moderation is somehow even more shittier than ours
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By the time i wake up the news will be up. I'll be praying to Yuudias
King of duels
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