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Previous retardation: >>493397121
This general is for cooperative games, titles which need more than one player and requires them to work together to win. Examples include: Helldivers, Vermintide, Darktide, Valheim, Deep Rock Galactic, and Abiotic Factor.

>Latest News/Updates:

Crafting rework info
>>Overview Trailer: [YouTube] Warhammer 40,000: Darktide - Itemization Overview | Trailer (embed) [Open]


Earth Defense Force 6

Ashlands PTB:

Helldivers 2:
PATCH 01.000.404


Vermintide 2:
Versus mode soonTM

Deep Rock Galactic:

Remnant 2:
The Forgotten Kingdom DLC released:

Payday 3 (dead game but whatever):
Patch 1.2.0 Boys in Blue(balled)

>Acknowledged but not really discussed
Ready Or Not
Starship Troopers Extermination
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
Killing Floor 2
Left 4 Dead 2

>Future games
Killing Floor 3
Den Of Wolves - TBA
DarkSwarm - TBA
Blight: Survival - TBA
The Forever Winter - TBA

Build planners:
Vermintide 2: http://ranaldsgift.com/
Deep Rock Galactic: http://karl.gg/
Darktide: https://darktide.gameslantern.com/build-editor
shredderfags btfo
second for the 27th will bring nothing but disappointment
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Well Yes I'm a Crystalline wound psyker, how can you tell? Btw I need that health booster
>duelling saber!
>but thunder hammer buff-
>but anon it-
End of discussion
people are way misunderstanding that crystalline talent. It doesn't actually juice up your explosion. The explosion sorta sucks dick, you'd never want to trade a wound for it even with 5 wounds unless you're like right on the brink and even then thats some rare occurence and probably never lines up with actual use cases.

The far more realistic use for it is so retards who keep blowing themselves up don't need a hand up anymore so it's less embarrassing and noticable
there was a rape in /coopg/ on the warm afternoon of september seventh

we all watched
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lest we forget
I'm glad I can at least finally get that achievement done without downing myself.
what happened? need a quick rundown
I'm too lazy to go back tot he other thread, gib qrd aplz
>mentally ill guy claims that shredder grenades will kill crushers on malice, with fake screenshots
>video is posted, proves his screenshots are fake
that was the first btfo
the second btfo is the screencap
>on malice
holy shit why do we care?
because it started with a new player saying he had no idea what to do with vet's skill tree and turned into a shredder vs krak argument

the extremely low stakes is what makes it so funny
Anon 1 claimed shredder nades do great damage to Crushers and showed a picture of a Crusher with low health in the test room

Anon 2 said they were shit, showed his build and video proof that throwing 2 shredder nades only does about 30-40% the Crusher's health, much less than Anon 1 said

Anon 2, knowing he didn't take grenade tinkerer, made a second follow up video showcasing him using tinkerer to show that it didn't actually do much more damage with it

3 seconds after Anon 2's second post, Anon 1 made a post saying Anon 2 didn't use tinkerer not realizing Anon 2 already posted a second video exposing Anon 1
Some libtard propaganist falsely claimed without evidence that the shredder grenades with the right talents could kill crushers on malice but an Aryan Man of the Christian Faith debunked his venonmous lies with irrefutable evidence
new player asked for talent help and it sparked the argument
picking a node to diminish the consequences of something you shouldn't be doing in the first place sounds like something not even a retard should be doing.
maybe fatshark needs to juice up the explosion at least to make it a believable noob trap.
if it puts you at 0% peril i am unironically going to take the node
I don't like the concept either for this exact reason yes. All it will do is help retarded health vacuum psykers cover up their failings. I don't think anyone will actually use it offensively to suicide bomb outside of once or twice for the meme. Like, these people can't even manage their peril to not explode, I have no confidence that they would be able to micromanage explosions for when they need them
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Calm the fuck down kraut aka yugoslavian piece of shit
humiliation ritual
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>finally try bromentum rashad
>don't hit the breakpoints
Crafting upate's gonna fix it
I'll preface this by saying that I'm retarded but I thought the whole point of bromentum was so you can clear hordes with it by swiping across horizontally at head level. Why use it on a rasneed with vertical heavies?
Use light attacks for most enemies
Light and push attacks are close enough for government work.
the rasneed has a horizontal sweep as its push attack
great for crowd control
The achlys will soon have horizonal heavies with the next update
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Melk I didn't realize you felt this way about me...
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what is the deal with rats ?
I hear they leak shit and piss and cum 24/7
wow they're just like me..
hemmorhoid status?
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damn nice, 3bh I was wondering when they'd change this thing's attack patern cuz rn is literal nigger shit lmao
>furry is fixated on support slut: the ability
no way?!
Every woman I know loves Chorus. Why is this?
how many women do you know that play darktide?
3 personally and 4 indirectly.
now redo the count not including the ones that began their life with male genitalia
3 personally and 4 indirectly.
they buffed psykers weapon usage, they buffed scriers gaze, they let you explode without dying. kind of obvious what the intention is.
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>Yee ol' train yard mission
>doing HISTG with fren to show the ropes
>only did normal damnation forever cuz scared of difficulty spike
>get two xbot randos as filler, both talking loudly in VOIP about nonsense shit
>drop down, pack of prob 10 gunner spam right off the bat
>both rush ahead and die right away, blame both of us
>more retarded nonsense convos, only stopped by short breaks with heavy breathing on open mic
>rez both, they complain I was too slow
>another huge gunner pack after 2nd drop, prob 15+ before and near showers
>both retards W+Shift right into them AGAIN both die in about 2 seconds
>start yelling I should've helped them when I had the chance
>just me and fren fighting massive gunner spam
>fren gets unlucky net, downs instantly
>rez, but dies a few momwnts later
>I have no ammo, no knives and ability is on cooldown
>just fuck up via skill issue and die from chip damage eventually
>xbots be pissed I didn't get to them "We coulda won it if you rezzed us dude!"
>can see all 3 spawned AFTER the auspex event... yeah not happening lmao
I hate console niggers so fucking much you do not understand fuck fuck FFFFFFFFFFFFFUCK
>horizonal heavies
Considering both other heavy axes clear hoards fine with their light spam which is far more effective, I don't rly see any reason to use this thing even after the "buff"
Consolefags play like shit, die, then blame the people carrying them?

Say it ain't so!
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>SG DD psykers
>with braced auto soon
I salivate at the thought. Gunpsyker about to come trucking through your pleb little "Oh look I can use the dueling sword now WOW" games.
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shoulda brought stun nades nerd :^)
The intention in fatsharks design only sometimes lines up with actual effect
see: marksmans focus, the sniper keystone, is actually dogshit for snipers and works best on high rof autoguns
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when did Chorus get some kind of "support slut" connotation?
I just want to roleplay a Warrior Priest of Sig- the Emperor of Mankind
>lvl 28 console tard
It was over before it started
when it lost the ability to ledge monstrosities
it can still do two pushes which is plenty if you're skilled enough to keep the thing in place inbetween those
>guys I need the most OP build for Malice!
Why the fuck don't people just play the game and learn normally
you still can but its way slower to line up and easy to fuck up
I mean, you pause what you're doing so everyone around you can get overshield and have an easier time killing and have all the fun while you....stand there. It's also SOMEONE HELP PICK UP THIS GUY WHILE I'M STAGGERING EVERYTHING. It's not like shout which is instant and where you knock everything over and you can pick them up yourself quickly.

I know some people gap close with Chorus, but that's a huge waste of a 60 second cooldown ability when you can use Fury and gap close 40m and get a big refund on your cooldown when you finally arrive and hit something.
regardless, in general usage it's a self-stun where you get to watch your teammates fail to go for revives and rescues while you sit there holding your phallic object

giving vet shout and not zealot was a cruel joke
jfc your friend is dogshit LMAO
I honestly barely use it that way
I use it when there's distant gunners and shooters raping us. Pop it, walk in, then beat the shit out of them while they cower wether the team is helping or not. They get some toughness from the first pulses I guess.
>alt f4
remember: they wouldn't do this gay shit if people didn't react
that's a cute Zealot...
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i guess its the eternal argument of "is supporting/buffing/healing cool or lame?"

it used to be badass 100% of the time across all game genres to be Paladin/battlepriest/holy healer but somewhere along the line we started making memes of it being girly(memes of Mercy Overwatch) or gay(memes of Medic TF2)

the "healer = support bitch" meme is simultaneously funny and retarded, coomers are good for a laugh but they fetishize everything
console stacks are the absolute fucking worst, I feel you. Same shit happens to me all the time. They suck shit, die, blame you, try to kick you with their butt buddy, always saying retarded shit over their mic.
I had one guy doing the "ahhh help me get it off get it off" dog voice lines at random points throughout a mission and that was actually kinda funny. I don't mind the faggot secret club voice mod guys so long as they aren't constantly spamming the same boring vacuum shit that they always do and have always done.
>Medicae station! !!! ! XD
>Health boosta! :D
I played with a loose cannon vet who kept saying cryonic rod in a singsong voice. He didn't spam it so it was basically like his for the emperor key. It was alright. I don't know why everyone and their mum settled on vacuum capsule.
you can't do those, only pingables
Well he found a way, I don't know what to tell you
reminder that fatshark directly deprived us of this because of their dogshit build-a-reject system. And an admech character. And the ratling.
But at least we're getting that crafting update 2 years late and the ps5 port!
it deprived us of furries? I like fatshark more now
they would and have been doing that for over a year even though nobody ever gives them any attention in game
no, it's always depended on the context
for example, no one would call a veteran using shout and tag a support slut, because he's using those to boost himself as well
a support ability or class that actively takes a backseat to someone else playing the game while they watch is absolute support slut activity
it's the job you give your girlfriend because she can't play the game for shit
ps5 port brings a smile to my face no lie

simply seeing the Left4Dead spirit enduring through the years and jumping platforms and it will continue to do so into future

im optimistic that our entire genre will be eating good
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I've finally embraced being an Ogryn. It's actually not my fault whether or not we win, only if we lose.
>make a port of a niche title to a platform of 100 potential customers
>spend at least a year doing this which has ensured that barely any actual development of content is allotted
what's their endgame?
microsoft and sony pay very well for ports to get their library up there
that's really it
Agreed, and I never react in game, plus most normies have sub 80 IQ so they don't notice anyways lmao. Literal screaming into the void type shit
Now that I think about it I never do see randos commenting on it
it depends how much corruption buildup there is

if i gaze into a horde and then blow up for 75% corruption then uhh lol
one wound worth is the implications (since thats a what the down would otherwise take)
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i get you, i just roleplay it in my head differently

psychoman runs in to drop the fire grenades, whip out the big metal "I" and scream in some zombie swarms face and hosing the survivors with a flamethrower......... granted that this mental image only works because Zealot flame grenades dont burn himself for some reason
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I try so hard to love chorus, because it's the cutest Zealot ability and I love the idea of being so pure that I can make the hordes of chaos seethe by looking at me, but I just don't get it. I crutch too hard on fury and all the utility it brings me. Toughness, free crit, aoe stagger, chain weapon bonus damage, distance closing while also putting me in a dodge state. Rip gun crits though.

I'll give it another go when we get the Dueling Swords. Maybe it will be the perfect fit.
treat it like an ubercharge
bro Chorus is bonkers... you have to be joking here. Literally makes your squad impervious AND lets them clean the area every time it's up. As a solo player who has to carry shit teams constantly, yeah, maybe Chorus doesn't seem that good to you, but when your team is good, Chorus is OP as fuck.
>them them them
I care about ME and only ME, capiche?
...understood. Sorry.
damn troon needs correction
I dunno when to use it. I either use it too early or hold it forever. I’m a sloppy mess maker so flying in and staggering things and getting in the thicc of things is how I play and fury is perfect for that and perfect for flying backwards to revive someone. And yeah they might be why I’m struggling, I’m a solo player most of the time.
Yeah! lol
>smite but zealot
I too enjoy staring at my enemies hoping my shit teammates will kill them for me
Yeah! Go hard on me anon, test my Enduring Faith
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>dodging a sniper shot from across the room
> highlight that bitch, voidstrike charged piercing through the pox swarm to blow that cunt away
>WARP HEADSHOT NOISE times nine, just a line cleaved through and a blast at the end
>warp headshots reduce peril lmao get fucked chaos scum

yeah guys Space Mage probably my favorite class and Voidstrike is probably my favorite ranged, whats the best blessings on Voidstrike staff besides Transfer Peril
your choice of warp flurry or surge
your preference?
>psyker staying close to benefit from my CC
>stabbing enemies with his saber
>stealing MY kills
Stupid psyker
surge is better for crowds, warp flurry for elites and specialists

my staff had warp flurry au naturale so i stuck with it
>It's actually not my fault whether or not we win, only if we lose.
What the fuck does this mean?
either he had a stroke or he's saying that ogryns exist to save bad situations

he is right, Ogryn carry is more likely than you think
yeah, carry that macguffin pod, because I'm sure as shit not doing it when it's literally your job, lmao
Not gonna carry the vacuum capsule when i'm the best at clearing a path for the carrier
*gets netted*
Not gonna fart when my job is to shit
You're gonna fart AND shit or we're gonna votekick you.
Okay so Fury Zealot and Smite Psyker are broken. How do you fix this? Smite can maybe be AIMED and that would give it some fucking skill.
there's no reason for smite to exist. it adds nothing except a way to play psyker that is so utterly safe and braindead that even consoleniggers can sometimes manage.
It's balanced by the fact that you can't do damage. Trauma psykers are the high skill smiteggers
Make Smite work like real electricity, the bigger the target/more mass, the less effective it becomes. Give it more damage to compensate for the less CC and increase the peril cost, done. Now Smite is more of a damaging spell with some CC hat Pyskers have to manage their perl for and can't spam, and that doesn't invalidate the biggest threats in the game for free.
does anyone have an opinion on the male judge personality?
Female judge Zealot is cute and wife material... I don't care for male judge as a result.
It would be easy to modify that to vary the stacks based on what weapon you're using and tweak the numbers accordingly.
Steel Legion and Tallarn skins when?
EDF 6 Mission pack 2 as well.
he is angry and pious like Saltzpyre, i like it
what difficulty is the best for farming crafting mats?
will there even be a use for crafting mats after the changes?
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>just played 3 hours after not playing for weeks
>didn't even realize there was a patch so i could have been testing new builds
lotta shitters on tonight thoughbeit
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>they didn't actualy go live they are pre-patch notes released so people might be fooled into believing they work on the game a lot if they they happen to get some interest the week SM2 launches
Smite jumps to less enemies but can do real damage and roll for crits
the release of space marine 2 has made me think about how it's taken two years for fatshark to do something as simple as unlocking weapon stat caps
You use them to upgrade weapons to 380 rating

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