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>Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 4: Absolute Doom

>Be a Marvel Hero in Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 5 Season 4: ABSOLUTE DOOM!

>Quests, stats, shop

>LEGO XP AFK Strategy

>Season XP Leveling Pace

>Mission Alerts for StW

>Fortnite BR Chapter 5 Season 4 Competitive Details: Travel the Champion’s Road!

>Karol G Brings the Rhythm to Fortnite Festival!

>Blaze past the Finish Line in Rocket Racing Inferno Island!

>LEGO Fortnite v30.40: Use Bus Stations to Fast Travel!

>Fortnite Returns to iOS in the European Union! Free Skin and items for completing XP Quests on Android and iOS devices in the EU!

>Sign Up for Survey Emails and Receive the Free Sir Beurre Back Bling within 24 Hours

>Fortnite Crew September - Dali

Last Match:

Remember to Thank the Bus Driver!
sexo with jonesy!
me and another guy killed each other while in top 3 so the last guy just won automatically!
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Consensus /fng/?
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cheap and cute
what skins should be
Why are Axo and Bryne bundled together? They’re nothing similar. We should get a female axolotl skin.
Pickaxe is cool. Actual skin is kinda meh
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>no 107sec emote
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Great aesthetic, solid ass but almost no tits, AND its only 800 vbucks. It's a pretty good buy.
Pretty cool that she's only 800 but not really for me. Hope the anon who was waiting for her enjoys his new skin
Will you get her emote?
Why do they always lump random-ass icon emotes in with skin-specific categories
>put up a free Flap Jax emote
>still don't put up Flap Jax

what is their master plan?
>solid ass
>black female with no ass
This is the only black skin I allowed so far in my no blacks allowed collection. Because she got the dumpy. I already have rebirth harley for that color scheme.
>What you want
Good shop
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ain't no way you guys are falling for this
Oops forgot pic
why are blacks the only ones that can have butts now
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not surprised after all the people coping saying gwenpool had a nice ass
She's pretty cute, I like her theming.
She's surprisingly cheap, too.
I thought she was gonna be 1,200-1,500 by herself.
Ass isn't the best but it's better than what we've been getting lately.
This HAS to be LARP. Chapter 5 players are so mindbroken by having flat ass skins for almost a year straight that they're seeing mirage ass where there is none.
Don't care for her but it's not another default reskin so I'm glad they can still make original stuff from time to time
i'd rather just spent $20 on the zero point comic than get that knockoff
Her's is way bigger than gwenpool's though. It's not amazing but it exists. Which is a pretty fucking low bar lmao
She's fuckin hot
Still waiting for her
I hated her at first but I'm still a fan of legs and skin tight suits. Can't help it. Makes me long for what could've been. Maybe that's why mustard left the company
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If you open their models in blender you'll see all hips are pretty much the same size, what makes a nice butt is actually what's around it like her back and thighs. Some months ago I compared Daraku to beach Jules and they had the same absolute butt size butt Daraku has a curved back and thinner thighs that makes her butt pop more
it's width not girth that she has
compare to the average non-black girl skin come on
this dude
Hey I specifically said I didn't get that slop
I still haven't bought a single skin this season and this is yet another hard skip
I want to make Daraku's butt bounce
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Did you guys make any friends today?
Mihoyo collab soon.
I don't want to like black girls
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And funnily enough, both Meowtooth and Briar were designed by Bode (designer of Airie, RTL and Poseidon)
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Thread Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMgKMjZQoW8
if daraku had a cock I'd be bouncin' and moanin' on it
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>September 7th, 2024
>I am utterly forgotten and irrelevant
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left do it right do it
>tfw finally have token black girl in my collection
finally I don't have to worry about this anymore
thanks bot lobbies
We know, Lucien
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I didn't see even one goose :(
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>no scary monster skins ever again thanks to Disney
Faaggot post more Emmaxrtd
>Haven't won in like 20 games
Fuck this season I'm going insane
Why is /fng/ full of homos.
prisons always have gays
So whaddya gotta do to get noticed by Epic so they pick your designs?
I mean besides post on twitter?
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Helsievania is the best biome don't @ me
is that a FORTNITE SKIN?

i'm gonna CUUUUUUUUUM!!!!!!



oh wait there's more

oh shit oh fuck!

Actually gay prison rape is an American culture thing. In most countries they don't just allow prisoners to rape each other
I'm talking about a girls cock thoughbeit
it's not called that
remember when we had fog and cool weather effects
you know what most countries don't have that american prisons are filled with?
Skull Scout clears Briar easily.
fortnite or goonnite
futa isnt gay
why do I want to have sex with vinderanon?
it's not gay if it's girlcock
black girl magic
skull scout a cute
Trannies are homo shit too. You should kill yourselves.
holy shit
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how come there's an unbreakable brick podium with a Stop Axe in it
futa and trannies arent the same thing
one is fictional and the other isnt
At least you're normal.
They are literally the same thing in every other way. Futanari may as well just be the anime name for tranny. You should just stop coping
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i want to fuck Jonesy's tight hole
not gay since i'm topping
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Shut the fuck up!
Based braindead porn addicts
sunken in cheeks
She appears to be made for a fellow of a particular genetic origin
she's made for me
I love the black queen!
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White Queen is more than just a fancy title you know
find me someone with a uterus, ovaries, a penis, a vagina and testicles
>he doesn't know what futa is
/fng/ - faggot nigger general
emma please ruin me...
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Futa is tranny shit.
You should all kill yourselves.
She is. Best Black girl skin I have.
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Blacked troons get roped
Like NTR is just a cope word for cuckolding, futanari is the same for tranny
>Says the princess lexa poster
does he know?
Lexa would be better with a knee length futa cock
could not care less about that shit. emma is a mean bitch in the comics and I want her to treat me horribly and ruin my life. dont ever respond to me about your secret interracial fetish ever again
Yeah but brair is ew where as Meowtooth is giga chad thunder cock
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one song
lexa is a fucking p o t a t o

futafags are trany chasers

emma is a white nationalist
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I second this
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Is she coming back soon?
I think there's some sort of projection going on when I replied to people who made it very clear they are into that
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what the heck is happening here
she's working with doom and he's black in this game
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>futafags are trany chasers
Based! I'm sick of unironic homos shoving cocks in every cute girl character.
Tranny culture needs to fucking die.
70 IQ thread
>lexa is a fucking p o t a t o
Yeah, but a cute potato.
drinking emmas peeeee
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he's in a really fucking weird spot because he was only seen in a trailer and his skin isn't the files, however he got a bean form (which is how we know his name's recon raptor) despite that. I don't know what they're doing with him but I'm inclined to believe the theory that they're saving him as the next LEGO starter pack skin
hey cig we were just talking about trannies such as yourself
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Oh no no no.
CIG needs to neck himself
wait wtf there's bikes? i havent seen any
>Picks the most tranny coded character to use as an avatar for his tranny derangment syndrome posting
least staged fortnite gameplay
it shows up in your game if you're using a cracked version of Fortnite
Isn't he romanian or something? And also I work with black people too, that doesn't mean I want to fuggle wuggle with their weiners
You couldn't be more wrong.
You would get railed in the ass by a tranny who passes and you know it, we all know it. Now stop replying to me in a desperate attempt to convince yourself I'm wrong
They really added the non-stop spam forced dance as an emote.
still dark skinned, just look under his mask
Hes italian
>fuggle wuggle with their weiners
My sides hurt
actually I just want to get pegged.
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He is not black
This is what Eminem wishes he looked like
i dont give a fuck i just want to watch emma get fucked by someone else
naw he's romani, I just said black because it's easier for 4channers to understand that
either way my point is how can emma frost be a white supremacist if she's WORKING under a dark skinned romani person? seems kind of cuckolded and weak to me.......
>solid ass
until you turn her profile

its shit, no ass no buy
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Cameo > Chic
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yeah looks romani to me, he's definately not ethnically white european huh? point still stands here >>493601364
If you're that bored maybe ypu can do something productive like learn a new language
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>trannies trannies TRANNIES
hmm, i wonder who's behind those posts
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they just don't make 'em like they used to
Hoopty shoopty baba looly eating the doritos boopy goony guadalupe found myself some cheetos
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I wanna sex Slone, Imani, Leelah, Dara, Antonia, Clara and Briar
I guess the Helsie don't fall far from the tree
Getting cucked out of my last milestones hard because fills pick no songs and only play on easy
LOL I literally linked the wrong post my point was >>493601403
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Have nothing against normal Helsiefags, but be serious
>fills keep scrolling and picking different songs because there's 200 to pick from
Did your boots stop workin'?
Did your boots break down? (boots break down)
Did you burn through boots ?
Did your boots find out? (boots find out)
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>new meowscles skin in the shop
>suddenly all girls are trannies according to /fng/
Kinda sus
>Put the emote in the Axo & Bryne section
>Don't even use either of them to advertise the emote
Pink Antonia is such a good skin. Nice W!
Things that never happened award
>conveniently ignores all the futa/tranny posting
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Lexa is incest coded you fuckwit
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>No cute rat girl skin
Maybe we aren't gonna make it...
How is that calling all girl skins trannies, that's stating what a fetish really is
Why does her haircut look like a penis?
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Zenless is the superior game because it has ass.
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Festival manager, if you're here, i only have 1 request
You do not play it
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Good evening, my friends.
ZZZ is a game?!
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Looks more like a jelly fish to me
The chinese do not fear the booty, pretty based ngl
>fag can't go two seconds without thinking of dicks
Just an hero already.
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adding it now :)
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Can you let them know to add subterfuge and the device as the free reward track jam tracks
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Mihoyo and Wukong are proving how based Chinks are. I hope they're able to take more control of the gaming industry in the future, desu.
*jam tracks for the free reward track in Snoops pass
forgot that part
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>Hope the anon who was waiting for her enjoys his new skin
You know I will
>Female version of What You Want keeps their torso completely still for the crouching part
They really just make emotes look completely stupid on practically half of the skins in the game because they're terrified of anything that might be even remotely sexualized on women huh.
>cute rat girl skin
Cheesed to meet you
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>We did it, we defeated Doom! Thank you.
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babymetal when?
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Ah, how unfortunate.
Bro that was Mysterio.
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Festival manager here. I hereby deny your request.

This would be in it's stead instead.
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thank you, I figured antonia left a bad taste in some canon's mouths due to certain specimens but it's good to see that isn't the case
>immediately thinks of sweaty gay sex when someone mentions the word penis
Stop being gay
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She won't be topped
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>Ah, how unfortunate.
camille is cute... CUTE
I'd rather have these
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Some skins are sexo no matter how dull the emote is desu
>due to certain specimens
OG2 may be great, but I'm not excited for him to come back for it as he promised
Yeah, two brothers who didnt wanna be gay so one transitioned
>due to certain specimens
antoniafag rolling in his grave right now, the person whose cock he slobbered all over just called him a specimen
Let's be honest, she's a girl that turns into a rat. She's not a rat girl.
>>493603817 (Me)
*anons, autocorrect sucks
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biggest concentration of karol g's ever documented
but consider this, a rat girl that turns into a girl rat
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Quite an endangered species
Darakufag when the fuck are we playing
>Epic scared of asses
>literally has a song called Qlona you can buy
you found the only two people in the world with the skin
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I'd rather take these
Post a non collab br skin and I will think up their StW class, perk, and possible storyline
Booby shake bad!
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I saw one in BR the other day and it almost gave me a heart attack.
It was like seeing a unicorn.
>Float on
Oof, haven't heard that song in over a decade
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>Hope seemingly loses
>Doom's about to blast her with a beam as she feels defeated and can't bring herself to move
>Jones blocks the beam with Cap's shield and he gives her some motivational speech
>Doom powers up the beam and it overpowers Jonesy with his body disappearing and the only thing left being a broken shield
>Hope sees this and then she awakens some random power and fights Doom again with her newfound confidence
>She wins but she feels extremely guilty about what happened to Jones so she uses the power of Pandora's Box to travel to a point where she could save joins (this being Chapter 2)
>She sees Jones during The Device and is able to reunite, however this Jones obviously has no memories of anything that's happened
>The plot for next season is Hope trying to find a way to bring back Jones' memories
>AMIE returns and she reveals she could potentially help in restoring his memories
Based bitch!
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Dashboard is a good song
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I hope she and the rest of The Seven returns in general
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I play almost every night but my connection is very iffy today, I took that screenshot with them frozen in place before I got kicked back to lobby
I was mainly encompassing the 2000s with float on being a staple back then with guitar hero/rockband and dashboard as it's one of their more energetic songs. Interstate 8 for their late 90s tracks and we are between because it's from their recent album
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If it's possible, would like to add you or at least be able to meet up some way
>"encompassing" the 2000s
>not this
I'm talking modest mouse not MCR, you dunce.
>Fortnite still refusing to add white people music.

Where's Modest Mouse? Where's Interpol? Where's The Black Keys? Where's Minus The Bear? Where's MCR? Where's At The Drive-In? Where's Dillinger's Escape Plan? Where's Death Cab for Cutie? Where's Kanye West?
MCR represents the 2000s better you dunce
the only problem is that this is too much fanservice, they dont know how to have restraint and tease for it. it gets boring fast.
Charlie Wen, hire this man.
buddy holly and paramore is there lol
There's just as much white people music as others. You're just not used to equal representation
Doom you fuckin dumbass meowscles is on your side
the weeknd has like 20 tracks
Is there a video that can explain the general storyline of Fortnite through Chapter 4 as a Chapter 5 newfag that's not megagay or ultra nerdy?
Yea these types of gacha games are a burn fast and burn bright.
No the problem with these games is that they're 100% presentation but the gameplay is D-D-D-DOOOOGSHIIIT
Holy fuck you're dense, I was referring to times of release to their albums not what band represents the time better.
Did him before but will cover a bit more
>Class: outlander
>Perk: "Give em the slip", anti matter charge refunds its energy cost when it hits an enemy, commander version makes him leave behind damaging banana peels
>Story, Ted created him as a friend for Socks and the commander has to fix that mistake

She really doesn't have much going on with her design to build a whole character out of. Rough idea is "sporty girl with a stamina based perk" or something where she replaces the soldier grenade toss with with a basketball ball bomb

>Gains bonus resources from opening the fragment things across the map
>He steals cursed gold from Blakebeard and gains his powers

>Got two different ideas, a y labs BASE that gives you a chance that shots don't cost bullets or the wave motion cannon turret that could in theory one shot a msk crystal
>Thinking a Toy Story styled quest for with Jilly playing the Woody to her delusional Buzz
>that's not megagay or ultra nerdy
Yeah, rezztro has good vids on all the of the chapters stories so far
>party member stays for 3 songs
>Cairo comes on
>instantly leaves

Fear the culo
hop on fort
Ruby is a latina fuckmachine who's tirelessly obsessed with sex.
So hows it going tonight?
can’t win at all this season every time I come 2nd someone with a jet pack and doom gauntlets always kills me
I wanted to ask something about festival but then everybody started making very strange posts so I think I'll try to ask in the next thread instead.
Been jelqing between rounds of fortnite, got my ass plugged with progressively larger plugs so I can update my gay onlyfans with a nice gape pic. WBU
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why no winter soldier skin?
This guy looks trannyish
because he's with you to the end of the line
you look trannyish
Please take that back
and that's level 6 on the rocket league season right after buying crew
fuck dropshot
sure, if you're the helsie or tsuki I already know your igns but I can send mine if not
You guys handled that like adults, i'm proud of you.
Again his mask is welded onto his face.
they think that one dead rapper invented Dr Doom
evens yes
odds no
evens yes
odds yes
you know it's sad but true
post above me is a tranny
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>tfw have a surplus of bux and thinking about buying dumb shit.
Anyone bought the festival pass for her?
Thinking about it, he's about the biggest marvel character left to add which is weird when you think about it

>Solider easy
>Big of a rough one to design a perk for. Quick idea is that he gives goin commando splash damage. Commander version turns the gun is an energy lobbing cannon
>As for story I got two ideas. Either he's a Beyond the Stellar Horizon villain turned real or the generic grunt of a Homebase that isn't a group of lovable goofballs that get into life threatening hijinks
I think she looks cute. I plan on buying her right before the season ends.
no I bought the pass for Afrojack, Ava Max, Avicii, and all the shit that will literally never come back like auras and instruments
I thought we were doing loading screens
nothing else matters
Who's the bigger bitch? Captain America or Black Panther?
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I will never buy another skin ever again (unless Hybrid comes back)
He is just too perfect and cute...
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Me in squad fills desperately hoping the person that owns the song I picked doesn't leave
I'd fuck off too if Doom beat my ass into the ground.
all of those songs are in rotation right now
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>Pig Gwen holo back bling
Super based.
do it
COMWS is in the rotation? Thank you now I can do it in solos
THank you for not giving me the song I asked for I didn't realize it was like 1/6 vocals
What song did you want?
Better Off Alone
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>buying songs for difficulty and not because of the song itself
just buy it brokie
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I don't think everyone go the memo.

We should start with the very first loading screen and go one by one until all 741 screens have been used. It'll be neat to see Fortnite over the years through some of the cool loading screen art
this desu, they're the same price as icon emotes and 9 times out of 10 icon emotes now are just a 2 second pitch shifted loop of a song over some crappy dance
I got banned for offering to buy people stuff.
Using the rule:
>Advertising (all forms) is not welcome—this includes any type of referral linking, "offers", soliciting, begging, stream threads, etc.
Well I just thought you were Bruni so thank you for withholding me a gift for once cause I thought Better Off Alone would be intense vocals but it isn't
I have Numb from Linkin Park for example and it's so boring on any instrument, Drums are okay but still kinda boring

Next Winterfest.
>I thought Better Off Alone would be intense vocals
(repeat until the song is over)
The fucks at Epic HQ need to stop being pussies and add real white people MVSIC
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I'll drop a shield, If you drop one for me
I am Bruni
>tfw heard this for the first time ever last year
absolute cinema
Ohs, well then yes thank you for not giving it to me because it's not intense and I thought it was
>que solo zb
>beat 3 sweats, take their medals, get the win
got my skin diff worth
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you know it's gonna happen in December
based based based
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Not before the Tea emote I've been waiting on for months now.
Do we get Briar bwos? She is pretty cute but I'm not entirely sold on her outfit. Seeing she drops petals while running is neat however, and shes only 800.
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No, even bands I like I'd rather pirate their music, I cannot afford to pay $5 for 6 minutes of sound
No bro, we all skipped that skin.
v-bucks aren't 100 = $1 and you regularly pay that same amount for 12 seconds of looping sound
If you like her enough, go for it.
Being super cheap also helps.
>jam stage doing dailies
>multiple sessions where people made really funny or good loops
>still cant justify buying a single jam track, even after having founders and nearly every skin/emote id want
dear mr epic employee who lurks here, please try to convince your bosses to make more bundles or offer discounts on older jam tracks, please and thank you.
what’s the best wraps for the resident evil skins? I know someone the other day said some wrap looked like the RE HUD but I can’t remember what wrap
*buys 8 second tiktok slop emote for 500 vbucks*
I want Malico to treat me like garbage after sucking up to him.
>Still haven't seen Doom's island.
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No, we're not.
it might also help if Jam Tracks had more fucking control over how to mix them instead of having to sit there playing only one instrument at a time with a single minute long loop
So uhh what did fng have for dinner today?
What are you thoughts on the "What you want" emote?
I've had 3 cans of miller 32 oz and cheez its today

Probably around 2500 cal
Heartbeat is an ancient reboot wrap that's long gone and never coming back
I got it, bwos. I was second-guessing since I already have Wick's Katana, but I was looking at gameplay and this sword has a really nice contrail and splash effect. Wick's Katana is more generic and fits better with other skins overall, which is why I was hesitating since this black and white sword won't combo well with a lot of skins. I decided to go for it, though, since I got the 600 Festiebux, so it's basically free.
>added "one man band" option that lets you play the song by yourself, effectively acting as an emote
bam youve now convinced me to spend at least 5000 vbucks on jam tracks
What else were you gonna get instead?
Not much, really. I've been sitting on my V-Bucks for a while. I'll waiting for a few skins like Azuki and Medley but that's about it. I just always feel anxious about buying anything since I don't have any return tickets left.
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my parlay hit.
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Did your boots stop working
Did your truck break down
Did you burn through money
Did your ex find out
need skrillex in festival BAD
do i grind out the 200 something storm circles for the ranked stuff?
I did for last season and it was the most boring grind i've ever done in the game.
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Sucks for anyone that doesnt have it
got a dub after drinking the doom juice on loot Island frens! it was rly fun....
>won’t even put stuck back in the shop because a word sounds like a cuss word, but isn’t really
Yeah that’s pussy behavior
those lips would consume my weiner whole like a vacuum cleaner
big bad bussy
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In the abyss of never will be released
>Last good Winterfest was in CH4
How shameful...
The soul is coming back this year, have faith
They should do a premium winterfest pass that you pay veebees for and get an extra skin and stuff
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good choice
what is with jones and brown women
Is there a version of the dealer without the massive coat?
Well summer was definitely better than last year
Also thanks!
>Men shake their tiddies more than women in the new emote
Another W
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I like Snowdancer but she looks so much better here
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Female skins really took an L today, I cannot lie.
>Chapter 5
>any semblance of soul left
>Chapter 6
>made entirely in UEFN so Epic can hire freelance codemonkeys that know UEFN
There will never be a hint of soul left in Fortnite outside StW.
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nice for 800vbs
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>someone picks Better Now
>only instrument nobody's using is drums
>fuck it I'll try it
>blow it and get 3 stars
how the fuck do people keep up with these irregular-ass charts on drums
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hop on festival!!!
hwo can i expect god tgoforgive when i csnt even get mym other in law to forgive me
I'm thinking of festie skins but I can only remember daraku and helsie (jill doesn't count he's a founder)
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i just closed fortnite, i've been playing festival for 2 hours straight
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Post your Briar wins bwos.
Name a skin you’ve never seen in game
Cap is

He bailed before anything went down and told Jonesy to take over. T'Challa at least had the guts to fight Doom and was probably left permanently damaged so he had to retire
Despite everyone seeming to want them I've never seen Travis Scott or Kratos
I don’t like the loading screen thing, I’d rather see stuff relevant to the current season
i saw a travis scott on ZB Ranked this afternoon
Human Bill is the most bro-tier skin
Travis scott I see pretty often in reload and BR, kratos I have not seen once.
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I mean thats partly due to the fact that they haven’t been back in a long time. Unless you mean even back when they came out
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okay NL
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I have him and don't use him
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jesus christ. im supposed to be saving my vbucks for black cat but this is so very tempting...
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I started playing about a month ago and would be winning games consistently, but now my aim and strategies are worsening over time. My usual duo is dogshit and fails to clutch 90% of the time. wtf is happening, how do I recuperate? : (
It's a decent skin, I feel people go crazy over it due to it's rarity. (and not because its nu-GOW)
I just got killed by a Sparkle Specialist, bros. Headhunter's ass is so fucking fat. It was my pleasure.
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I miss the winterfest cabin but I miss the halloween decorations so much more. I'm an absolute SLUT for cheesey halloween stuff and when I started fortnite back in C1S6 it gave me some real nice cosy feelings. It's too bad they completely ditched it last year and frankly, I doubt we'll even have much for this year's fortnitemares aside from the usual unvaults I guess.
Most people would only buy the Concert Murderer or Kratos on a re-run because they've been gone so long and not because they like the skin, desu. Hell even when RE had a re-run to promote RE4R I didn't even see the number of RE skins running around go up, and I barely ever see any now.
Don’t people just like him for his pickaxe? I remember it being in the top 10 used at one point due to sweats.
Didn't read but I wish that was me in the pic.
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>that challenge to ring the doorbell of a house while an enemy player is inside
okay Gruff looks so adorable here
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I first started this game back in season 6. Doing all those challenges to get the spooky train glider felt so good. I'm a simple guy really, if you're doing a halloween event and you don't make it look like that I've stepped into a Spirit Halloween then you're doing it wrong.
I still don't know which anon told me to play last thread
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old halloween events just had more soul
Yep the axe was a sweat item, the skin not so much.
play solos
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