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>Download (Android/iOS/EGS/Windows)

>Wuthering Waves Version 1.2 Trailer | In the Turquoise Moonglow

>Resonator Showcase | Xiangli Yao - The ultimate Truth

>Resonator Midnight Podcast



>Convene Tracker

>Official Twitter Account

WHEN IN DOUBT, CHECK: https://wuwatracker.com/timeline
Resonator Banner: Xiangli Yao [Sep 7 - Sep 28]
Weapon Banner: Verity's Handle (Gauntlets) [Sep 7 - Sep 28]
By Moon's Grace [Aug 15 - Sep 28]
[Do Echoids Dream of Electric Sheep?] Tower Defense Event [Sept 05 - Sept 26]

>Timeline and Rewards



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>Wuthering Waves Developer's Message: The Black Shores Preview

Previous: >>493548475
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I was looking at rexlent's zhezhi video and how are these stats even possible
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So what's the f2p weapon for Xiangli Yao?
Her weapon gives like 70 Crit DMG, the rest is just rolls or maybe 44111 i dunno
Is that with food?
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Holy fuck, Xiangli Yao is disgustingly easy to play. Here is my first stab at Scar with him, where I missed Yinlin's bench-sit twice.
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That's a very busty Zhezhi
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wuwa !
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Why are they like this?
how far do i need to be in the story to get free xiangli
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Ayla versus Zhezhi would be like a battle between AI art versus a human professional artist
I'm also glad that Xiangli Yao's big dick E attack inside his Resonance Liberation state doesn't do a cinematic. I'm sick of shit like Jinhsi's E that hijacks the camera.
Is Lingering Tunes really that much better on XLY?
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It depends on your playstyle honestly. Void thunder would be much better suited for quick swap for example since Lingering Tunes forces you to stay on field for 6 seconds before the attack stacks hits max.
>PLEASE play the game, it's not that boring, trust me!
Does he not realize how pathetic that sounds?
Calarts Pixivslop pig vs Artstation MFA twig
Jhejhi realistically starves to death or ends up driving an uber
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I can't judge them. I downloaded wuwa because of this screenshot
Zhezhi gets hired to draw for a popular mobile game and ends up making a living off gacha characters
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Your 5* standard gauntlet bwo?
Why do other gachas get a shit ton of quality fan art but wuwa only gets AI and MMD slop?
This game is becoming boringer and deader with each passing day...
>Jinhsi's E
But it's so cool, fitting for the Magistrate.
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doesn't 4 and 5 give the same drop rate?
what's the point of doing 6?
I spent about 74 wishes on Yao’s weapon. I am bricked beyond repair.
I spent like 71, but I still have 15k asstripes and 17 character convenes. I should be able to guarantee Semenkeeper.
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>walmart Red Hood
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>got my novice convene 5-star in one pull
>got my selector 5-star in one pull
>Harder = fun
For this kind of people. Me
>Look at the time
>the usual shitposters are appearing
Yeah, no. Good night, bwos.
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>what's the point in doing the harder difficulty if the easier one gives the same reward
>3:48 clear
Hold the fuck up, XLY+Calchud is actually based? Is the anon still here to share stats?
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6 took me 30 minutes, real gamers only
They've been posting the same images and keywords every fucking day how do you not have them filtered by now?
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lmao Brutal. He deleted the post
Where are our PvP numbers?
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Ayla absolutely mogs
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>He pvp's in gacha revenue
>Not even minecraft
>Not even concord
Play Wuthering Waves. This game has content and will always have content because it is EoS in the far future for Highly Positive Revenue. This game community is also straight up fantastic
6 is just as easy as 5 if you use baizhi
4 doesn't have memetic tuning, you should do 5 at minimum for the multiplier bonuses.
>AI artist
What was the deleted post?
>XLY+Calchud is actually based?
Yeah, Calcharo does pretty good damage if you are a quick swap CHAD. It compensates the lack of buffs
dont make the seething so obvious just because of your lack of mammaries, jeji
I need her VA voicing a wuwa.
Please, Solon-sama.
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I mean, yes? It was always TC'd that they'd do well together. You just need functioning hands.
You get a collectible for beating diff 6
>he fell for the homo scheme
oh nyo
Is Camellya really coming on 1.4? any info about this being true?
But also keep in mind it's the Electro buff tower.
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Here's the stats
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Oh I see it now. "is considered as skill damage" and her Liberation is one chunk of damage less than her skill and is really only there to buff it. I see the Liberation doesn't have a cost either and I guess is only limited by the 25 second cooldown?
Standard Gauntlets seem to be the way until we get a better limited 5* one that buffs skill damage with some form of crit. I wouldn't be surprised if Yao's gauntlets are technically better, but I don't see it being 15%+ better than standard gauntlets.
I think we got 1.3 drip marketing like two weeks before 1.2 dropped? So In a week or two we’ll probably have an answer to this
wtf those stats aren't even that good electro gods I kneel
I'm going to Cummy in her tummy.
Changli seems like a really fun character but I hate her design so I didn't roll
Hope cummy is fun to play and strong too
Based modest chest CHAD
If you already have Xiangli Yao's gauntlets, you still use it on Youhu. You don't need to go for the standard gauntlets.
>t. used Jinhsi's broadblade on Calchud to good effect
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Is Xiangli Yao stronger than Jinshi?
This, but in reverse. I'm saying i'm not going to pull for his gauntlets since the difference is going to be minimal.
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Let's not fool ourselves shall we
XYL is the strongest resonator.
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>anyone ever surpassing Jinzhou's Magistrate Jinhsi
You wish.
Rover's wife is so cute.
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which resonators are not for (you)?
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Is it good to run mixed sets with XYL? Or is a pure Electro/Lingering set still better?
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Hear me out. Male gauntlet wielding magistrate that looks like pic related and with the gameplay of striker from bdo
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Something about Youhu's S6 doesn't seem right.
>When casting Resonance Skill Antique Appraisal, gain 1 stack of Sky Blue, stackable up to 4 times, lasting for 7s. Each stack increases Youhu's Crit. DMG by 15%.
The problem is that her skill has a 15 second cooldown, so what are we supposed to do? God roll that 20% cd skip chance 3 times in a row?
Mixes sets isn't better on anyone.
The ones that currently have 0 interactions with (you). So... hmm... Danjin and Fedoraman i think.
Assuming it's used for stamina efficiency because you can farm both at the same time?
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Her stacks are from the antique rolling part of her kit and not the resonance skill itself. Her resonance skill, intro skill, heavy attack, resonance liberation and dodge counter all proc antique rolls.
...after Jinhsi
So Xiangling Yao husbandocreeped Jiyan?
Will Scar beat him, maybe?
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>Haven't pre-farm for the homo so now i have to no resources
>Ran out of everything
>Shorekeeper is coming
She's pretty underwhelming against bosses. Good at quickly clearing forges and mobs though. She really lacks a good support.
Ok but who's stronger than (you)?
What >>493608228 said. Everything is centered around her skill and its gimmick.
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This is a pretty crazy room.
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>Have to farms seeds to stuff in Youwho
Who's your favorite then shit taste lord?
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Alright so does Big Sis say anything new or interesting in the latest Difficulty?
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>Three weeks until coastguard and Youhu

yao is so strong wtf
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The buffed the unknown rooms super hard because they used to be traps (1 key only and -80% hp lmao). Unknown is now a good room to choose (probably only behind dreaming)

Now you get the 3xlvl 3, 4 keys or 800 frags and I think the last one is really good as well.

On that note is the mysterious merchant still in IR? The one that sells everything 50% off?
>Give out a limited unit for free
>He also OP
Solon fucking hate money
Oh that makes much more sense. I can sort of see the potential with Youhu if she gets her RC2 which boosts to her triplet effect to a 350% bonus. A 1125.25% nuke is actually huge for someone who's likely to end up filling the healer role.
Jiyan sales probably convinced them people don't roll males
>On that note is the mysterious merchant still in IR?
NTA but no, I did not find him yet myself. I did spot a stray white cat just chilling outside of breakable rocks, in some random corner behind the bushes though.
Solon is cooking.

Jiyan is powerful and cool yet nobody rolled for him because of Genshin brainrot. Now people see that the male characters aren't gay faggots and are fun to use. Plus this onboards Yumes for free who make our fanart.
is shorekeeper like verina as in you don't need to level her much and she works anyway?
Nice pic
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I think its safe to say wuwon again
If you don't care for the 10% energy regen from her 2nd passive or to deal any damage via her enhanced intro, she can be left at an even lower level compared to verina to be used purely as a buff bot. You would still need to meet the 200% energy regen requirement with that said.
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Oh fuck off. I thought I could just claim him and uninstall. Fuck Kuro. I hope this game actually flops and goes EOS.
No leeches.
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Oh dear...
>"free" five star
>actually have to grind for 10+ days
rumao kurochimps in shambles
This. The males in this game are cool bros with fun gameplay, so I don't get why people still dislike them so much?
Do non "homo" pullers also get upset when they have to play someone badass like the master chief or Dantes?
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eat shit
>Want to play Yao
>All C3 Echo rolls are garbage
I'm so tired of this.
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you splet lmao wrong you silly goose
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Nothing of value was lost. Enjoy eating shit yourselves.
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>get why people still dislike them so much
It's PTSD genshin battered wives.
Look at it this way: have you seen a PGR poster complaining about any of their males? There's a reason for that you know it i know it you get the idea.
Are you putting Yao anywhere in the same plane as Master Chief or Dantes?
kuro has the most buckbroken community out there
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we use homo as a term of endearment. I love Jiyan he's my favorite homo in the game. Most non homo pullers simply would just rather pulls for women. It is a heterosexual game after all.
What's the poorfag weapon for xiangling yaoi? All my gacha gauntlets are ER or DEF ;_;
Weak bait. Try harder next time.
When they shipped Bianca and Watanabe on an official art contest and that entry got scrubbed by Kuro themselves due to the fanbase riots.
Of course this happened in the CN fanbase and they're rabid as fuck over anything, see: BA mahjong souls collab.
Uh oh someone is melty after getting called out lel
Sig>BP wep > Hollow Mirage > Gauntlets of night
I 100% the map, I can finally stop putting off Natlan.
um actually it's Loong Loong Man2ps2g
hollow mirage probably. If you literally have nothing else then r5 gauntlets of night
You're trying too hard.
Worst part is it' obvious you're trying to make other game look bad YOU THINK YOU're "helping the cause" but your brand of falseflag is unnecessary and cringe.
Truth is no one cares and this shit yoou're doing is just boring at this point. Sorry someone had to daddy up and give you a spanking.
>see: BA mahjong souls collab
>singlehandedly dumpstered the game in CN
I have no idea what they were thinking. There really is no way to say they didn't see it coming.
Are they seriously going to make mass murderers like Scar and Phrolova playable?
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Yoohoo will be great with XLY's gauntlets right?
*tips fedora*
>CN fanbase
Call me copemaster but they don't count their mental illness makes tumblr and xitter look tame.
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He’s so handsome sisters. I cannot wait for his ASMR video. We’re eating good
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>hit 60
>90 my chicken wife
>out of shells because I decided to level xly
>pretending CN had an active fanbase
that shit only exposed chinks as cuckold shitposters
isakusan leaving killed BA.
>Killed hundreds, if not, thousands
>Helped Luna do just that
>Both playable
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The fuck are you talking about. I thought I could claim him like Ratio in HSR. I couldn't so game got uninstalled. I don't give a shit about your rivalry with other games you fucking loser.
It would do fine if they called the players “sensei”
But no lol
When Cammy comes I will ensure that I kill billions for her, if you catch my drift
did you get the 400k from the illusive realm shop today
yeah don't have hollow mirage and probably won't buy the BP just for this. Guess it's the 3*s for cubeman
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BDC is hard to beat, and skins might be a gamechanger
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We already have some playable characters with questionable backgrounds
I sure hope they don't give a fuck, genshin's requirement for every playable character to be a dindu is horrible
that said I assume gacha companies have no balls until proven otherwise
>oh fuck off, I thought I could just do an extra step before uninstalling, now I can only uninstall
>Kuro doesn't respect my time
Thank god people actually get filtered by a few minutes of UI clicking
Who is the next dragongod character after Jiyan and Jinhsi?
So is the weapon worth getting? Does it only work on the homo or will it also work with any gauntlet character?
The charts are not looking so good
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Desu senpai, only requiring 2 built DPS and 1 janny for floors 1-3 is not feasibly true. You should have ideally 3 or 4. If one of the bosses resist the the element of your built DPS, you're fucked.
Scar almost filtered me because my most built DPS were Jinhsi and Havoc Rover, and he resists Spectro + Havoc. Had to build Calchud to beat him.
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There are like 6 chinese magistrates right? So whenever they decide to release them in between regions
>fuck this game i uninstalled
>30 mins later
Kek someone is desperate for attentions
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His weapon is very good, or maybe the Abyss surges just really suck. One thing that's for sure his weapon dupes are pretty powerful
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Oh shut up, homo. I play male characters when it's an MMO or singleplayer non-gacha, and I still wouldn't pull for a male in gacha. It's just as simple as a lack of resources to pull the females if I pull the males. I don't play gachas purely for gameplay, because that's retarded.
play the game nigga
what happen brow why is king mtashed saying genshin combat is better now, didnt he say wuwa combat was more fun?
It will just be a stat stick for other characters, unless they're liberation damage heavy
Oh he's hot
I'd like a fire dragon lady please
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It's not going to be a universally good gauntlet, since its effect gigabuffs Resonance Liberation damage, after you cast a Resonance Liberation only. Without being able to take advantage of that, you can basically assume that it's as strong as the standard 5* gauntlet. Which isn't the end of the world, thougheverbeit.
I'm not pretending anything, bro. By every metric available to us they cratered directly following.
That happened a month ago. The collab announcement was nearly have a year ago.
Yeah. It's an edgier game so there's no real problem with it. Might be a long time before it happens though.
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I want to make Baizhi and Sanhua smile...
dude is farming, calm down
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Ignore that's futa
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He is generic looking
Crit rate substat though. The standard gauntlets are shit because they are atk subs
Where is Shorekeeper's marketing?
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He just said it?. He likes it because how braindead it is. He doesn't like to actually play gacha games anymore after he toke a break He is just there because it is his work. Do you actually watch him?
Lol fuck you cunt
One of these days I'll reinstall Koikatsu + mods.
You get 15+ boss echos a week. They are by far the easiest piece to farm in a build.
*took. I am an ankobwo, pls understand
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Do girls like nerds?
They do in video games, not in real life. They always give video game nerds hot voices too
>Do you actually watch him?
it's funny that you think any doomposter do research into anything they post
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Only 20% of Wuwa players are female btw
The rest is stinky male (50% Mrover/ 50% Frover)
Say that to me still not having a double crit, crit dmg rider
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I don't play this game anymore but I grabbed Zhezhi just before her banner ended
I wish XiangliYao was a cute girl, preferably with the Encore/Verina model.

He has the brainless but strong gameplay I really want in a character but he's a dude. Guess I can't get away from Homo Impact even with Kurogames.
i did and he praised wuwa combat as the best shit ever, he literally flipflop yet again since he know wuwa wont give him more money lmao again look at kektone already fuckoff from the game and even tried deepspace for clout and hexjuice too, they were never wuwa streamers, they only went there for the new thing but didnt happen
I found him in the in old theme stage once, I think it was the timed multi wave Fractsidus stage. Haven't found him in any of the new theme stage at all though
Every single netcafe around here is uninstall wuwa from the few machines left running it. It's not looking good... theirs likely not going to be any community and no investment into the game very soon.
Yes, but the difference between non-sig 5* and standard 5* is nowhere near the difference between standard 5* and a non-BP 4*. If you look at Jinhsi, Jiyan's broadblade is a negligible amount better than the standard 5* on her. ATK% in this game is pretty good because we don't have buffers that straight up give you an extra 1200 ATK.
They like nerds if they're rich nerds.
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Please play Genshin Impact
Our latest region didn't do so good....
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>is uninstall
>theirs likely
my roommate might do it if I tell him that.

Is it 30 minutes skipping the cutscenes though?
Sanhua should smile when she makes Jinhsi happy
I don't know what would make Baizhi smile though
Yeah i think?
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Rexlent and Maygi or fuck off
>but the vtuber calc wasnt right
Still devoted in making actual wuwa content than whatever faggot you trying to shill here tourist
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>Every single netcafe around here
ok dendy.
Why do you care if your roommate plays the game?
XLY talent priority?

Also what's the gap between ATK and electro% on him?t8wat
But a shit ton of people are playing it? They're just not spending because they're saving for the pyro archon.
Wuwa on the other hand has no players and no one spending.
>Every single netcafe around here
Are you a poor Seanigger?
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Still has to play the game up to a certain point, so probably longer if he has never played, that xitter guy probably just dropped the game during 1.0
what are you talking about bro
everyone in my netcafe are playing wuwa and whaling xly to max 6 dupe
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Liberation > Forte > Skill > Normals = intro
If you use electro set and have his sig then atk% is basically equivalent to electro if not better
If you have his sig and use tunes (because its better) then you absolutely want electro
should I pull for the yao weapon or cope?
oh yeah, he should be good. He didn't fully complete the 1.0 story but he hit act 3
Forte Circuit > Resonance Liberation maybe? But both are equally important IMO. Level them together. Keep everything else at level 1.
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>Every single netcafe around here
Indonesia still has netcafe and they have Intel hd graphics.
why would you even bother doing that, it's just 25gb
unless that's a crusty, disgusting, budget netcafe where every bit of storage counts
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where the fuck do you get more dennies? I have tons of upgrade mats but can't use them cause im cockblocked by the jew currency
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Netcafe usually only for poorfags since they live in a tiny room and can't afford a good PC
I don't understand, just install it on your gaming PC that you have at home that you built for $1500 USD (monitor and other peripherals included in the price)? Even if you can only save $100 per month, you should be able to afford one after 15 months.
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NGL no one in my netcafe has any appetite for Genshin after the Natlan fiasco.
Nothing like some Wuthering echo farming and account selling after a good bite of naan and pag.
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Is sex with cubes ethical? even lab grown?
What are dennies?
they can live for 2 years with that money without working bwo
What else do you have?
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Your illusive realm?
You DID farm money in x2 event right bwo?
>Short have more efforts put in than Changli
Solon it's a free unit....
tanks bwo
I definitely don't have his sig I'm using the 3* lel
Is he one of those characters where one of the dmg% substats is competitive with flat ATK?
It’s shellkels ‘round these parts pardner
What happened to those leaked characters quest for Yapyap and others?
Liberation is probably still better then flat atk but honestly yeah its probably close.
Calcharo's penis is more likely to be bigger than Xiangli Yao's penis because Calcharo is white, whereas Xiangli Yao is asian.
The season pass gaunts
they were fake
>Yapyap: Until No One Listens
too perfect to be real
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It was me
I killed Wuwa
>Broadblade user
Kakarot is literally overcompensating, bro.
>the same subhumans with the same talking points are back
I would like to think they are bots cause it's too miserable imagining someone wasting their sunday on doomposting in a general you don't even play the game
they're actually not too bad if you don't want to spend any astrite
>Spending money on 5 copies of a shitty BP weapon when you can just spend on pulls for guaranteed 5* weapon
nobody buys the BP for the weapon, it's just a little crutch you can use
Ourguy can't even afford to pull for xly's weapon. Why aren't Kuro taking care of their CC's?
dont worry bro
everyone in my netcafe are whales and supporting solon
I see hoyodrones in every wuwa posts on Twitter so it's nothing new lel
>no good weapon for robocop
I don't think i'll bother building him. He prob won't out damage my anko, much less jinhsi or green general
He's another good option if you don't have a good diversity of DPS elemental types, but you already do (Fusion, Spectro, Aero).
11/12, 3/6, 9/12 + waiting for floor 4 until I leveled my xiaolong bao.
I should just aim to 1/3 floor 4 right?
Wait it does? I am farming IV then.
>they were never wuwa streamers
We literally only have one, maybe two. Rexlent and MAYBE Maygi if you count vtubers.
>Liking a good company that puts out good products and fanservice makes people drones
Ah so that's why there aren't any Kurodrones.

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