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Previous: >>493573653

>Version 2.5 "Flying Aureus Shot to Lupine Rue" Special Program
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFu-eSscT10 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbjtlsurHkE (JP)

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.5 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240830version-2zj3e2/index.html

>Version 2.5 Trailer — "Flying Aureus Shot to Lupine Rue"
>Jiaoqiu Trailer -- "Pneumanull Rice"
>Myriad Celestia Trailer: The Arrow that Seeks the Stars
>Animated Short: "Taking It Easy"

>Current Character Banners: (Jiaoqiu, Sparkle + Hook, Guinaifen, Arlan) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32306326
>Current Light Cone Banners: Those Many Springs (Nihility), Earthly Escapade (Harmony) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32306419

>New Drip Marketing:
>Rappa (5* Imaginary Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32521040

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
This one
>on time thread
This is the one
Hello is this the thread?
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what's the point of a new thread during dead hours
The party must go on
>there are females who post here
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bitcoin-chan is tanking
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I don't care about Aventurine's past or bad deeds. I would let him fuck my brains out. But only once. I have SOME dignity.
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Firefly won.
maybe twice
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Yomi love
>muh cuckoldry
Don't care, still rolled for Yunli, still cleared forgotten hall with her, still came to her IN-GAME feet dozens of times now and will continue to do so
Every time Clara visits the express I bring Yunli out and holy FUCK I love them both so much
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>sigga mentioned
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Yeah, me.
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>only once.
post good white air acheron art pls
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Gros, I hecking WON.
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now we're talking
I mean, it's really all headcanon at the end of the day. It's just that the fanbase is really aggressive with it because they're women and cucks.
One pump can make twins you know
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>full star MoC with Herta
>full star PF with Herta
now if i can just clear AS with her...
How is the SU difficulty curve for new players? Is it noticable as you move up the worlds? Some people said its all piss easy until higher levels. Tht would be disappointing.
>tingyun thread followed by herta thread followed by tingyun thread
so which is the TRUE march swordmaster ending?
you can use the 'I love males' sparkle thread for free
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Yaoqing rabu
Yunli is an IQ test, Low IQ get tricked by like one ingame CG (that ends up meaning nothing because Yanqing is just talking about Jingliu the whole time) and JingYuan and ship her with Yanqing, high IQ actually observes the ingame interactions with her and understand she's for (you).
Not sure why hoyoverse would put an IQ test like that in game when most of the playerbase would fail, guess it's for the same reason they hid the Acheron farewell CG.
Hertaschizo is working overtime
>That one comic where Stelle gets rated after losing the battle because Acheron wasn't there to save her.
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Damn rating pistol, stop rating Stelle and leave her alone!
>Dan is the most popular Limited male.
Is Rappa's EN voice going to be Karen Calanni?
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how solvless. Need global stats for 2.4
>high IQ actually observes the ingame interactions with her and understand she's for (you).
oh he's lost it
Rating is love rating is life.
Uh oh Shipcucks melty
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Yes I rolled Jiaoqiu, how did you know?
You're not out of the woods yet bud there's still the second half of the patch and they could easily drop shipbait if they wanted to
I like this one because Fofotranny is at the bottom
how are all those starter accounts not getting banned? did anyone get his account bonked? or did hoyo just stopped giving a shit? i remember they used to be more aggressive with that in the past. even the slightest suspicious change in devices/IP's would fuck you up.
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Yeah bro. All girls are for Caelus anyway
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bvvvmmmmmm mmmmmfffmmmmmmmmm
People change their phones so often and are moving around more now that they would be stupid to be a harsh as they were in the past. Especially with what's going on in China.
>males at the top, women at the bottom
No, it just shows that global can't lose support soon enough
>how are all those starter accounts not getting banned?
Why would they get banned?
>did anyone get his account bonked?
I use a starter accounts since day one and it's still not banned.
>or did hoyo just stopped giving a shit?
I don't think they ever did.
>i remember they used to be more aggressive with that in the past. even the slightest suspicious change in devices/IP's would fuck you up.
I don't know about HI3 times but when GI was released no such thing happened.
Gacha devs usually doesn't give a shit about the secondary market.
You only really get fucked if you fooled around with the gacha currency.
Boys help me make the right choice here. Kafka is the reason I downloaded this game to begin with and now I have to choose between getting her, Swan, Robin (who would arguably help me account the most.My only decent team is the Firefly/Ruan mei Break team, but I have a Ratio/Fu Xuan and no other 5 star Supports/healers. Do I listen to my dick and get Kafka and attempt to get Swan because she's hot and necessary to make Kafka any good, or would you recommend I get Kafka and Robin?
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Don't care, Fofotranny at the bottom.
Always roll for love, not meta.
Ruan Mei is still the most beautiful girl in the game
When are we getting preload?
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How did they manage to get *5 Herta's kit information before Sunday and Tingyun? Isn't new Herta supposed to be way later?
Are they purposely withholding information?
Kafka + Robin + Fu + Sampo/Guinaifen
Firefly + Ruan Mei for other team
There will be another DoT DPS to join Kafka team in the future, don't need Swan
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Tingyun love
They are just making shit up as it goes
Just realized I need to spam divergent to get enough points to get the rewards. I also have to do the march event still. It's fucking over.
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Get Kafka and swan.
Don't listen to the dude shilling robin? for some reason. Kafka without swan is pretty bricked in the current meta. She is where all the damage comes from
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Leftover files, SAM Files could be found in 1.2 back in August and while most of that kit was scrapped, some of it was kept (mainly the "super state")
As for withholding information, yes, they didn't mention or leak anything about Rappa until her drip was a few days away, there's different theories as to why they dripfeed, but it can easily be chalked up to: they want attention and releasing ALL the info at once it's a good way to not have a constant stream of attention.
>Just realized I need to spam divergent to get enough points to get the rewards
no it's just updating, you won't lose your progression
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Why is this guy considered to be such a chad?
DU doesn't reset, it will just get a higher cap for rewards.
Just do the March event, it's a couple hours at most.
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anyone have the image of TB waving at the screen saying hi mom and it zooming out to show kafka watching
These are leftover files
Reminder that Feixiao kit that they leaked in the same way had her as a DoT unit with an enhanced state and that her ult did 0 damage.
Believing these leaks is just a path to regret
don't listen to whoever tells you not to roll Black Swan. she is the reason Kafka can keep up with current meta DPS, and Robin or any other harmony who are not dedicated DoT supports (Robin works best in teams that attack a lot like FUA), will never be able to compare to an actual insane dot dealer that has the best synergy with Kafka, like Black Swan. It's the reason why Kafka and BS are put together in the same tier list, because they just work that good together. and afaik we're not getting a DoT unit for a while
I don't know or care who the fuck that is, go ask /hi3g/.
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Just a couple years until I see my wife again
only matched by Herta
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I got you bro
If you roll Kafka then BS > Robin
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re-roll for kafka and try to get black swan later.
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This is SAM Preliminary kit from the 1.2 files, published circa 2.1 (but the source was a leftover file from 1.2, you used to be able to find the file in GitHub but the archive has been DMCA'd so you'll have to believe me).
You can see that some elements were kept such as the skill consuming SAMs HP while others were changed (or streamlined) like how SAM used to recovery energy if it hit a broken enemy or if it's HP fluctuated, both were simply changed to "+60% Energy when using skill, lol"
You can also see that the damage mitigation trace and ultimate work pretty much the same way they do in the final product.

If the image doesn't look right because 4chin, here's the Imgur mirror https://imgur.com/kHqel5k
My uncle was a ratist. He forcefully rated people.
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Femcels and Incels should just date each other desu
Firefly love!
Roll for the 3 of them, a single top up plus the monthly can get you the 3 of them easily. Fofo is the best sustain for them but she can be replaced for any other sustain. If you still enjoy playing that team you can get their cones next time, I personally have kafka E2S1 and the other 2 at E0S0 and can clear most content just fine, with mediocre artifacts,
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I like to dream
Yes, yes, right between the sound machine
On a cloud of sound, I drift in the night
Any place it goes is right
Goes far, flies near to the stars away from here

Well, you don't know what we can find
Why don't you come with me, little girl
On a magic carpet ride?
You don't know what we can see
Why don't you tell your dreams to me?
Fantasy will set you free

Close your eyes, girl
Look inside, girl
Let the sound take you away!
can't wait for a harmony debuffer the perfect bis for ackeron
I remember the 1.0 Sam leak that he wasn't a break nigga, the kit was pretty mediocre too.
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Found the GitHub link: https://github.com/Dimbreath/StarRailData/blob/master/Config/ConfigAbility/WhiteBox/Avatar/WAvatar_Sam_00_Ability.json
It's from August '23 aka 1.2
Ultimately these preliminary kits are just one in a dozen that Mihoyo experiments with before landing on a definitive kit, at most they give you a vague idea of how the unit will work but sometimes the entire kit is scrapped.
That kit came from BETA files and yeah, back then he was just a Fire Blade.
Funnily enough, that kit also had a "Super Red" state and DMG reduction based on SAM's HP, I guess the Devs simply liked the concept (or the animation for the super state was already being worked on) so they never really changed those things, same for the Skill consuming HP and healing while on the "Super Red" state.
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so playable sunday is going to be a Jesus stand in?
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>Ip counters
The more things change the more they stay the same
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I don't want to finish grinding divergent universe bwos
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Nobody cares about this dead game anymore, come play ZZZ
Does it have Robin?
>a single top up plus monthly can get you all three
no it can't unless you win every 50/50 lmfao. The patch is gonna give you 100 pulls max on first half with login + bp.. $100 top up is only one coin flip.
100$ top up is 50 wishes without the first time double bonus btw
Does ZZZ add auto yet? No auto = no play.
>or the animation for the super state was already being worked on
This is probably the reason.
I remember King Hassan's VA talked about recording his lines even before the game is out.
It's a common practice to plan ahead in months even for gacha games.
Janes slow ass banner killed the game
Yes I know, it's not enough to get three characters unless you're whaling harder or a luck shitter.
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This kills the hotaru
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「HSR」2.6 is coming soon

#HomDGCat #HSR

Due to 2.5 live coming 1 day earlier, 2.6 beta will also start 1 day earlier, in less than 24 hours.
What to expect:
>Possible Yunli boss
>Penacony new area
>Penacony new monsters
>Apocalyptic Shadow Sunday
>Simulated Universe DLC
>Possible Hoolay (Complete)

2.5 Preload is also happening tonight in around 3 hours.
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Need a webm of that aventurine video where the auramatron stuns 3 people in a row and convinced people that he is a brick during beta.
I'm sure all 3 people rolling will be very excited to see her kit
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Nah, they just rewrote the story to make Yunli and Yanqing's relationship into an average Shounen character rivalry, but were too lazy to make new CGs for them, even so nothing changed, Yunli still orbits to Yanqing and most of her interactions in the story are with him.
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Funnily enough I'm friends with the guy who made that video lol, he was a bit sad he painted Aventurine in such a bad light but he only really wanted one take.
2.6 will compete with 1.5 to be the worst patch in the game
Literally me
I love Robin so much bros.
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Do I have a soul?
They're not going to do it if we look at the current state of their interaction.
Any shipbait will be in the future when we see them both together again, but that's a tall order.
By the time 3.0 is out, their shipping fanart and discussion will almost disappear.
>E1 Sparkle

sovless clear
>fofo on the aven side
>aven on the kafka side
For what reason?
Describe robins personality
Forgot to add I'm autistic
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Do I have a soul?
kind to a fault. fool hardy. has gone to warzones to play as a bard.
More soul than others here.
Crazy bitch who wants to make terminally ill feel pain and take experimental meds and has also thought about fucking her brother. A lot.
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Sheltered idol girl that just wants the world to be a better place!
Not exactly novel but its unique amongst the cast.
Usually the trope is given to princesses of wealthy nations but I guess this is sci-fi
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Anon doesnt want Aventurine to fight himself.
Why China wants to make me fuck foxes like her and Akagi?
>open image
>see B
>close image
She's an odd mix of being naive and idealistic but also very straightforward. I actually like her and her voice in jp.
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I'm not cut out to be Aventurine.
can someone explain how the action value works in AS?
is it better if certain characters are slower since there's no cycles?
This curio is rigged
To reach max stack on the bonus, Sparkle doesn't attacks so used Aven to help since he easily can do 3 FUAs in one turn thanks to the wolf attacks, and my builds suck so I needed max bonus
I was the the one who shot Robin's throat, with my load.
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>can someone explain how the action value works in AS?
AV is really fucking complicated

>is it better if certain characters are slower since there's no cycles?
No, it just means that "speed breakpoints" are now useless. There is now functional difference between 133, 134, 160 and 170 speed. More speed is now ALWAYS better
sparkle was pointless to the story and wont show up ever again
I fucking hate RNG slop so much
Cycles are just a specific amount of action value. Speed is equally important in as.
Works exactly the same way it works in MoC except now its a continous track of 2000 meters instead of a circuit where each lap is 100 meters (a cycle)
Leftover AV determines part of your score, so no, units can't just go slow since that also reduces the fixed amount of turns you can take, being fast (or having action advance like Robin) will always be useful and good in AS.
skill issue
i only have 2 rolls but thats enough to get both robin and feixiao
.6% is all i need
Could just be me, but "a former war orphan who previously got shot on a tour and is hanging out with corpos" doesn't really strike me as one of these sheltered types...
sparkle was pointless to the story and will show up again
sparkle was extremely impactful to my dick and will show up again
Fuck I love Sparkle so much
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bros, look at my account, do i need Robin or can i skip 2.5 (since it is clear that I do not play fua)?. No, i don't roll for eidolons, E2 Acheron was a stupidly lucky 10 pull.
>12 limited characters, 1 at E2
>do I need Robin
Get robin since she's flexible for any team
If you're clearing (and you definitely are) you don't need to pull her.
Not any.
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To that anon that said they don't get much porn. Well, somebody delivered.
All this Robin shilling is getting to me, don't judge me bro.
I do all the content at 3 stars without problems, but I have the impression that Robin is one of those units that if I don't get I will regret it in the future.
They are adding a new archetype in 3.0 of on-field summons similar to the trashcan event. The meta will shift soon.
If you don't need her then you really don't need her. I got her because i genuinely like her even with the shitposting during her beta. I wouldn't pick her just for meta reasons, especially if you don't even play fua.
Is it even possible to powercreep a character that literally gives you more turns in a turn-based timelimited game? If this happens anytime soon, this game is dead to me because that would mean the Robin killer is absurd
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>Is it even possible to powercreep a character that literally gives you more turns in a turn-based timelimited game?
They powercrept Bronya, so yes.
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I feel like people said this about bronya and now she is rocking 20% usage
I'm at 60 pity with 130 pulls saved atm so I can probably snag two of em if I get lucky. I'm just scared Kafka will take forever to rerun. I don't mind pulling for Kafka and Robin and just work on fleshing out the DoT team over the next 4-6 months if Robin would allow me to actually finish some of these annoying ass end game mode that I don't have Element advantage on. My Firefly team is insanely powerful but my second team (Fu Xuan, Ratio, Welt, Lyxn) isn't getting me very far.
Units that Robin could work with in this box:
She would be good, but, unless you're always clearing with 0 cycles left (i.e always on the edge of being pushed out a cycle) I wouldn't recommend it, 2.5 ~ 2.7 will just be filler patches, you're better off saving for the big hits that are coming with the 3.x cycle, imagine telling someone to roll for Argenti with the knowledge that Acheron would be coming out half a year later (bad example but you get me)
Not to mention that Tingyun/Sunday might benefit your box in a much more direct way, I'd say just hold it unless you're not clearing the endgame, if you're constantly clearing in sub 5 cycles theres no need to pull for meta anymore.
We're also not in a hyper carry meta without any good dps made for her recently. It's more that some supports will come and go as the meta changes depending on new DPS characters and their needs.
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Both Sporkle and Robin are not direct creeps of her, tho.
Bronya still works with Boothill and is useful in certain niche comps with Feixiao where she's more valuable then Sparkle.
Supports are situational, Sparkle has been on a weird spot for a while since Robin kinda stole her spot in some team compositions, so it really just depends what kind of gameplay style is being pushed and the units needs.
what teams?
Never trust /hsg/ after Silver Wolf.
I still use her because I love her, not because she's good. Acheron did NOT unbrick her, despite what they tell ya.
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Replace Herta with Sporkle.
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Sushang? Literally an Abundance sleeper agent that has infiltrated the Cloudknights
>Can create life(chicken) out of nothing
>Immune to Heliobi possession(they couldn't even possess her when she fainted in front of them)
>unusual strength lets her match Yanqing easily even when he's roided up by a Heliobi which canonically strengthen fighting capability
>The xianzhou alliance doesn't even know if the abundance emanator Shuhu is even in the containment box in the shackling prison
>Sushang says it's a bad thing that Xueyi's puppet body can't feel pain and Shuhu was the one who originally killed Xueyi
>Luocha asks if she's even from the xianzhou, this is foreshadowing
>Sushang is a dormant abundance Emanator Shuhu.
I really don't care about 0 cycles (but i respect those who do). I'll follow your advice, maybe I'll throw a 10 pull for Robin and get lucky. Thank you and the rest for answering.
>Herta anywhere but PF
oh nyo nyo nyo
But honestly I am extremely impressed your doing this well with no limited dps.
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this is what happens when you tell newcuties to roll for supports
Its a singleplayer gacha game, if you pull for the sake of meta you will only ever be disappointed.
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The only reason I don't use SW with Acheron is because I run DoThags with her like the lazy ass I am, otherwise I would. Plus, I have the full quantum hebe lineup if they were to release something new to go with that, so eh.
>all these supports
>no DPS
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When will we get the Apocalypse Arc? I wonder if they just wrote void archives into this game only to send him to the background and never mention him again, It feels pointless to even have information on him when he won't be showing up for a long while.
Even weirder was just making Luocha's name also be Apocalypse.
What are they planning?
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The rating gun only hits emanators with the "???" so he's clearly getting an upgraded form at some point. Maybe 4.X or later though but he will come back
How do you explain her mother then?
i cleared MoC and PF earlier but AS feels impossible
maybe need to finish quests to get E6 on Stelle
Sparkle is even worse somehow.. gonna try again with Gui over Herta
I could have sworn to fucking god that Fei Xiao's banner was today.
Around 2 hours until preload, go watch a movie or something.
I miss robinposting
why do you feel the need to lie about that you metapulling slut
They probably play it by the ear, it would be kinda weird to have VA completely unused. One also has to wonder if Luocha knows VA, some of his lines on the Express are kinda weird.
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Will Feixiao join the exclusive club?
>Shuhu showed illusions to victims in Xueyi backstory
Her 'mother'? Brainwashed
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Why are we so slow?
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Will /hsrg/ seethe when it's revealed they're Emanators?
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Yeah, i'm a meta slut with my E1 Ruan Mei, E1 Swan, E2 Firefly, E1 Jingliu, etc. Don't tell me you're triggered because you saw my "homo pink fox" next to my E2 Acheron bro.
How do you explain Jaioqiu? He personally met Sushang when she was a kid and was friends with Suyi, you can't just pull a convenient "brainwash" on everyone.
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Goddamn, used a friend's Firefly for the first time, and she just doesn't stop attacking
Just melted the cavern I'm in a lot quicker than the other character I usually borrow (a Yunli)
Plus she's in a damn mech suit
Any idea when she's coming back?
Ruan Mei is so rough
I'm going to blame Yunli's quest writer/the pela 16 btw writer for fucking up the timeline and you can't stop me
Fofo and Shippo look weird on that pic
If you don't wanna invest in FUA then skip her. You already have Firefly and Acheron, you're set for at least the next year if you don't care about 0 cycling like a normal person
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We're all busy playing ZZZ.
Beddie-bye time
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Have a wood Feixiao
wake up /hsrg/, content...
Literally what I mean when I say he is wormed forever
you fell for the hageron propaganda, its ok anon, admit it.
>real chinks
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What the heck am I supposed to to in ZZZ tho, Shiyu is the week after and motorbike sex is even further away.
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Hsr for this feel?
No one is playing zzz right now.
Please stop making me want to roll for Lingsha
In fact I will admit 2 things, I like to pull for hags and since I had luck with the E2 that encouraged me to roll for her light cone. I really pulled for Jiaoqiu because I liked the character (him being good with Acheron was a welcome bonus).
Maybe I'd like her more if she were blonde. Basically impossible though since she's a chink.
level your sushi for top if you want to keep memeing...but yeah get uh rappa(?) I guess, then you can put march with Clara
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...huh, why did the spic translation wrote it as Yao Qing, I thought it was just "Yaoqing" without capitalizing the Q
Glory to the Xianzhou
Glory to the Cloud Knights
I love Luofu
I love China
I love Xi Jinping the emanator of the Propagation
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>Comparing glorious leader to a bug
10,000 years gulag for you
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Boothill owes me 5 children.
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Sovl art
as an spic myself i can confirm that the spanish translation for this game is wild, simply wild. The only saving grace is that it's not filled with zoomer words and silly memes like Among Us references.
What the fuck is the Ruin Legion. Why did they randomly change their translation?
Anyway where can I find Sparkle gf?
I am supposed to believe this literally who is a hit or something
Antimatter legion, also known as the Ruin author
Because 曜青 is actually two words instead of one
I actually like the spanish translation, it has some weird choices (specially on the names department) but most of the story is enjoyable and it still has some references and memes here and there but its not as full of them as the EN translation.
Its a mockumentary bwo, its just for the keks.
Hoyo spends a ton of money on marketing which includes stunts like these, they do it for laughs mostly.
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it's about the locals, she's a hit on her ship
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Everyone need to sleep sometimes
Educate yourself gweilo.
Good skit

Shan't be rolling for PEE Xiao thoughever
good post I liked it
>internet so dogshit you need to preload
why do people say things like this, why do you need to preload immediately >>493618741
>They even wrote a fake cover of Samudratha
Okay thats really fucking funny
Preloading cum is a tradition of /hsrg/
wtf I thought we were so back, but in actuality its so fucking over...?
What makes straight men over the age of 15 ship video game or anime characters? Or are all of these shippers unironic trannies and women?
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it should be illegal for anyone that isn't a teenage girl to ship characters together
localization is always shit anyway
Yeah I don't know why Paglus x Firefly fags won't grow up. They're mentally 15 year old girls who dream about a schoolgirl crush
>puri (pag + yuri)
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doll herta getting fucked
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I want cool leaks
Why does Kafka use the weeb sword?
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The only game with content is genshin and that's just collecting chests in the new map. Zzz and HSR have zero content right now.
Light yet long enough to use in one hand
A rapier is for the Fr*nch
Natlan flopped and lost to Jiaoqiu
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And Sparkle!
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>Mobile revenue
>Apple tax when it's cheaper to top up on PC.
My connection is pretty shit, so the earlier the better.
>Or are all of these shippers unironic trannies and women
nyes, women love shipping.
they are the nignogs of gacha, yes they are, if you don't believe me, take a look at the local yume getting kekposted by their own gender.
herta is a virgin but wants to lose it to ruan mei
Because the Spada da lato and Rapiers arent as cool, plus, you have some retards >>493619604 thinking that the Ropera sword or Spada da lato were French when they were Spanish/Italian, the French simply "innovated" the design.
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They don't have the self-awareness to confront this fact.
>this only counts for genshin and not anything else because... it just does okay
I look like this
>that gap between the sandals and arch

god damn
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I'm attracted to you.
lots of anons here are teenagers
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Herta doll sex...
Topup is the same for the other games. On PC. Anyone with a brain just knows hsr is the most played on mobile, while touch controls are not good for the other two games.
Its kinda sad seeing wuwakeks use the "b-but PC" excuse and now Genshin has fallen so low that they must use the same excuse.
>Anyone with a brain just knows hsr is the most played on mobile
Genshin, ZZZ and Wuwa are also mostly played on mobile.
Gacha games are all mobile for a reason.
You're gay
>video was 10 minutes of pure chinkino
That was fun
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Yes, but I just wanted to let you know you look good.
>Wuwakek lvl cope
I WILL run Feixiao Moze March AND Topaz quadruple Hunt in the same team and there's NOTHING you can do about it
Fuck Robin
Fuck Kakavasha
Fuck YOU
Remember when Genfags didn't need to rely on cope?
>Fuck YOU
Promise? ;)
bro I don't have access to Twitter...
I'm Brazilian...
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I already busted a nut to the three police ladies, now what
I don't get the hype about Firefly x TB, it's so bland it's not even funny
So you want 3 women to suck Moze's cock instead of Kakavasha's?
The difference is hsr has nowhere else to claim. That everyone is on console? Most dead game of the 3 on PS5 zzz? Top 10. Genshin top 30.
Who's the other one
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*buys you food*
so this is how genkeks cope with their sinking ship of a game huh
No hype, just autism and lonely pags taking any scrap of pandering they can get.
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the undercover rat cop
good luck not dying i guess
Is Worrisome really that good of a LC that you'd want to pull for your 4* Hunt sub-DPS (Moze, March)? Already have one for Topaz but kinda want one extra in case I split the FUA teams
>Not a Feixiao, Jade, Topaz, Ratio team
Stop being a poorfag.
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*buys you food*
Is it really just pandering? I like half the characters in this game but expecting romance in a Hoyo game is lmao tier
>Fuck Kakavasha
I do this everyday
I don't even care about 2.6 leaks
curse hoyoverse for trapping this slut in ZZZ
enjoy her zzzbros
Topaz is so lucky....
Wait, she's not a thief?

I'm dropping ZZZ
Was wondering why Acheron was kissing Jingliu...
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My broken-neck morphing insect superbreak fire nihility dot that can crit while off-field deceased wife status?
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>Not excited about the DU expansion
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Fake Herta anon, i'm only excited about SU, not Screwllum and Ratio slop.
thank you for the food
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Honkai for this feel?
I just want to know who is getting rerun, eruditionbricks stay brick
Pandering/shilling is the only thing that bland bitch has over other waifus so yeah. People eat what's given to them.
femboy hand
my nigga Rappa
>girl with a decent plot not reduced to being a poorly done orbiter for someone else
Firefly isn't my favorite either but I get it. It's more "hype" then yunli/yanqing or fei and her boys
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They really need to stop making signature LCs not tailored for their respective characters. Idc if it's just a 4-star cone.
The effects stack so it's unironically good
No? What
Ratio, Acheron, Aventurine.
Dan Heng Imbibitor Lunae
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huge if true I need my ack lc
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Not a genshintranny and I hope it dies out of spite, but ZZZ and Genshin regularly top the PSN charts while HSR is way lower.
/vg/ and /v/ are comprised of turbo bitter and jaded fags that barely play any games but visit those places anyways, just to bitch about how everything sucks. depression is a bitch, and all of them probably deserve it.
holy shit ur retareded
Who's legarm is that? What a disturbing sight. Its like a part of a failed clone.
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*steals your food*
I want to suck on her flesh horns...
But why the qq picture?
Why dan
Thats my left arm...
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Twinkbro, clean your walls...
The preload is right here
Just built break moze
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*sells you food*
How do you fix this btw, i dont think is normal for my arm to have two colors
Go outside without wearing a shirt, that's literally just the sun
>giving your UID to a sexpest
I have 1600 jade and 30 pity
I WILL get Feixiao in my next ten pull
>Why the qq picture
Ohnonononono newcutie hahahahaha
>pag arm
how was the pag pag today?
what the fuck does PAG EVEN MEAN
do you shave or are you naturally not hairy?
PAG is a leading alternative investment firm focused on APAC with three core strategies: Credit & Markets, Private Equity, and Real Assets.
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Star Rail for this feel?
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merch coming
Whats wrong?
I'm not hairy, no.
>The fucking doll on feixiaos desk from the animation is a real plushie
I hate it here
QQposters are freaky and you should stay clear
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is this the chink version of pic?
kafka firefly silverwolf march
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There is nothing wrong with QQ posters.
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Which two HSR girls for this feel?
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My girlfriend is so cute
Say what you want about the QQposters, I would have sex with one of them until they scream my name, any of them (as long as they make an effort to pretend they are really QQ)
besides being fags who are into futa
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baillo my beloved
Our games dont do any classic weeb fun.
So Bailu is just Baiheng?
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fat fucks
How boned am I if I started the March 7th event today
She's essentially Dan Feng and Baiheng's child with Dan Heng being her sibling, since she looks like Baiheng and has Imbibitor Lunae's healing powers and Dan Heng looks like Dan Feng and has Imbibitor Lunae's destructive powers.
It's not timegated
it will be like QQ poster boning you
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Yes, reincarnated as a dragon cunny.
it's the zoomer version of pog
so you know the pag spammer loves firefly
onigiri expert
No, retard.
so.. quick and boring? gotcha
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comfy thread
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>The people of the Yaoqing are starting to straight up worship her
Pela is seething no one cares about her history bullshit
You can finish the whole thing in like 3 hours. It's technically not time gated and you can always get the March eidolons, but you'll be missing out on a ton of jades unless you do it today.
Why does he always do that hand gesture? Like a salesperson seeing their clients
what the fuck nooooooooooooooooooooooo
Roll for all IPC members and their Yaoqing subsidiaries.
Change to a crit body. And use space sealing station/inert sal/firmament instead of vonwacq for your planar set.
More speed, break effect is irrelevant. Err rope instead of break effect. Eagle set. No idea about planar.
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what do you think they taste like? cherries? watermelon?
Hello Mindwipe
User ID: 602038684
97% ehr is enough to guarantee implants, but more will help out a little with the bugs although they aren't too impactful without Acheron. Your SW is lacking Speed and HP. It isn't worth trying to build damage on her without more eidolons. You are correct in BE being your best route for her to contribute to damage, but more often than not it'll be better for her to just deal negative damage instead and generate you some extra SP/break/ults from just acting more often.
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Sparkle doll where
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Always knew Kafka was a shitposter
>YUNLISNACK code gives 3 bottles of milk
what did Yunli mean by this?
Her cocks? Her balls? Her cum?
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my mom would never say this
Kafka teaching sex ed to Stelle...
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Yunli knew exactly what she was doing. Milk.
i can explain
kafka riding futa stelle's fat cock...
why are you like this
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why is it jewish?
he was probably abused as a child
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I like Stelle fanart that feature her as a chibi
You know, it says it's 'steamed puffergoat milk' but I've never seen any puffergoats on the Xianzhou, you don't think Yunli...
Can I get this in proper English?
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This one the it laugh
fofo reipu
the average fofo poster looks like this
preload doko
Is hoyolab down? hoyo.link/309kFHAL
Trying to check out the new Wardance post but can't get to it
PRELOAD??? how am I supposed to get my game preloaded in time?
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Its working for me
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She's a good mother
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forgot my pic
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>Nearly 2000 jade from this event
Now we're talking
god, I wanna be TB so bad...
Only expected since it's the only huge event next patch
It's going to be so dry
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why does it look like that?
did you mean to post this on a different board
this doesn't look like honkai: star rail
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honkai: star rail?
I hereby declare /hsrg/ dead
which honkai star railer is this
Anyone got a cheese strat for divergent universe? Kinda want to rush it today...
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What went wrong...
Jiaoqiu and Sparkle's slow banners are killing /hsrg/
wheres the preload reeeee
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anyone else kind of smile whenever QQ or Bailu appears on screen
Yeah these 2 are cute
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I smile whenever I see Hanya. Dunno why tho.
>one minute she speaks like she's dead inside
>next minute she speaks like a cute and genki girl
wtf is her problem
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I feel nothing when QQ is on screen, everything she complains about is minor and the result of the choices she made in her life.
Meanwhile Bailu did nothing wrong and is still treated like some criminal.
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any asian girl theyre whores for bwc
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I thought that was cute. From kuudere to genki.
no but i do with kafka.
so I guess you haven't smiled in more than a year
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hook too
femcels don't leave their room, incels don't approach women
reminds me of the original ai image gen shit back in like 2019.
incels dont want femcels and femcels dont want incels, they're both naturally incompatible with each other.
Incels want a fantasy cute girl, Femcels want a handsome and gallant man, their own fantasies self destruct them.
cunts can't decide whether to have spain spanish or latin america spanish and just mix shit up
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Everytime Skott shows up, i can only imagine trailblazer just giving him the LTG look
I guess this is the natural result of the game being popular in both areas, they can't do Spain Spanish without angering Latinamerica and cant do the other way around either, so all they do in the end is a weird amalgamation of both languages which just weird to read since its mostly neutral.
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Just out of curiosity, are yandere males popular among yumejos?
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It's fine, the food was bait
This was my real meal
sup frogbwo
post tits
Her JPN voice is like silk on my cock
Bro that's a guy, not a chick.
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Black Swan vs Fox Man for Acheron?
did I stutter?
Are you straight or gay?
>little King and Luka
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The choice is clear...
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Should I get Sparkle before she leaves, and what about Jiaoqiu? I kinda want to pull for Feixiao and Topaz, but I want to know if I am missing out on anything by skipping Sparkle and Jiaoqiu. Also, I think I need to get Robin's cone, I'm currently using Bronya's cone on her. Is that worth it?
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Bro I don't know the answer but im asking myself these questions
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BS, she's more cost-effective for DoT. People usually only recommend JQ for DoT if you get him to E2.

You have Robin and RM. You're good.
If you want QoL for Acheron, pull. If not, skip.
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just be yourself
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doujin where skott wins and makes all the girls his onaholes doko
I'm not totally sure but I don't think jiao is a huge upgrade over e1 BS. Maybe if you don't have her cone you could go for jiao's? You definitely don't need sparkle, though.
Topaz has been powercrept by March and Moze, don't worry about rolling her for Feixiao
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if you want to metafag your acheron team you can get JQ, sparkle isn't used much other than monoquantum with QQ or acheron
bronya's cone is mid on her, just use the s5 event cone
Jamiroquai seems neat but he didn't come home
I just want to fuck sporkle so I don't really care
I love my E0S1 Robin but I doubt the cone is necessary
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How long will it take to do all the story from this patch and then the march event before the limited rewards are gone?
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bronya's cone sucks on robin
100% S1, 88% event cone, 72% bronya cone
and why aren't you using it on bronya, do you have two or something
If I use the Finality thing to get early access to events, do I miss out on prerequisite story content?
Stop being so fucking gay, control yourselves
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how can a men achieve this....
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No, at worse you get spoiled stuff that you learn in that story content
>he doesn't want a cute femboy as a cock slave
The Greeks would be disappointed.
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And none of you told me how to fix my skin you fuckers reee
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Good morning I want to fuck Clara
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You should only get Sparkle if you have Dan HUNG Imbibitor Lunae
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Your skin is fine, you're freaking out over nothing.
>furries escape prison as you get trapped inside
>5 minutes later the prison gets unsealed offscreen
That was silly. What was the point.
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>mfw /hsrg/ is bunch of homo
Doing the Ghost Squad quests now, and I wanted to ask if y'all chose to let the lover ghost go or capture it, but then I remembered that we don't get to romance anyone, so fuck that ghost.
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It's two colours, I don't think that's natural, do I really have to stand in the sun shirtless for it to fix
I think I let it go but who gives a fuck, not even Pascal matters for Clara's quest there's no reason to care about choices
Cirrus will be back, and she will be for (You), trust.
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Good morning!
I let it go. it does come back eventually but the guy dies
Well, considering fucking little boys was more of a Greek thing, my dick will assume that's a girl, and will be aroused.
Hoyoverse have the chance to do something very hot with Space Greece next year
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how is this general even more homo than /gig/
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Mesugaki cirrus was so hot even if she was just a floating eyeball. I asked for a proper mesugaki in the 1.5 surveys, and while we got something close with Hanabi I really want something like cirrus to be playable
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I have BS's cone, but I did hear JQ's is better on her. Its probably not worth to just pull his cone though.
E6 Vs E0 Topaz? How much better are they? Topaz has a fat ass.
I waited until the last 6 hrs of that patch to try and do the story and event all at once and failed, so I don't have the event cone.
I also want to fuck sporkle
I have two, yes
Whose POV is this?
Sparkle is a nice honest person and would never do this.
>painted toenails
Fucking whores
I do wonder if when we go to yunli's ship if they just won't have huaiyan be playable, or have a plotline where he's stepping down and his successor will be playable instead.

Dragonball fans pop off when roshi is playable so it's still funny to me when gacha games go "um actually no one would pull for a badass old men uwu". Even all the old dudes in pokemon are pullable in their gacha.
Charmony dove
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Ssshhh! Jing Yuan is sleeping
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skott was right the whole time
Hoyo games are all regurgitated creatively bankrupt slop targeted towards the lowest common denominator who only rolls for characters who all look the same so you're never having any of that
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Surprise Sparkle (Herta) blast
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All gachas are the same. I've played nearly everything that was once fotm, and they're the same thing at their core, even the ones that brag about storylines and shit still become cashgrabs, be that after a week or a year
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This March event is so repetitive AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH
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Clara looking different today...
Who's the psychotic looking lady in the back?
I need to know for reasons
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White Swan or Black Swan Lily
Bros, should I roll for Feixiao?
I have Robin and Aventurine and I wanna keep my FUACHAD team alive but at the same time I wanna pull for Kafka and BS for DOT teams since I started on Sparkle's first banner
I also wanna cop on Moze Eidolons since I love his overall design and assassins are cool
Knowing I have enough pulls for at least 1 5-star I fear that I might get KING'd or BAILU'd at worst
I might get Topaz as well
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Just do whatever lol
Bros, should I roll for Acheron?
Go for fei first. You forget both kafka and bs want e1 at this point, they're just too old. Best to see what the next big DoT support is and build backwards
Stingyun should be a DPS
rerun soon better make up your mind fast
I love purple little girls so much
well do u want her or not
not a hard question bruv
while kafka and black swan are fun to play, they're outdated as hell, and it doesn't look like they're becoming relevant again anytime soon. I'd say get feixiao first then spend any extra rolls you want to get kafka or something
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Like if you like Feixiao roll for her but if you're only incentive is to keep FuA alive then just keep using Ratio because he's perfectectly fine. If you want the DoThags because you like them roll them instead, you can clear endgame as it is now anyway right?
Aponia from Honkai Impact
i hear the AAAHHHHs
No, she’s outdated now. Even Jiaoqiu can’t save her. Firefly and Feixiao are the only dps worth rolling
If you like her it shouldn't even be a question
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