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SP Arena rearrangement this week

>Game Download - Android/iOS/PC

>General Info/FAQ for New Players

>Additional Links


>Update on August 22

>Developer's Note: July 2024

>Current Events
Evangelion Collab: YOU CAN (NOT) EVADE - August 22 ~ September 19
Full Burst Day - Weekends August 24 ~ September 16
Sim Room Overclock: Season 1 - August 27 - November 19
Co-op: Gatekeeper - August 30 ~ September 1, September 6 ~ September 8, September 13 ~ September 15
Solo Raid: Massive Object - September 5 ~ September 12

>Current Special Recruit
Asuka Shikinami Langley - August 22 ~ September 19
Rei Ayanami - August 29 ~ September 19
Mari Makinami Illustrious - September 5 ~ September 19
Misato Katsuragi [Free SR] - August 22 ~ September 19

>Current Costume Passes
Asuka, Rei, Mari: Pilot in Summer [Event Pass] - August 22 ~ September 19
Asuka: Test Plugsuit [Costume Gacha] - August 22 ~ September 19
Leona: Zoo Keeper [Mission Pass] - September 1 ~ September 30


Previous: >>493567276
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I love my wife Rapi.
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I love my wife Rapi.
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This is getting out of hand, now there are two of them
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Stop fucking toasters.
holy noirs
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Can someone explain to me why my shotgun team doesn't work? I mean why does it work for others but not for me?
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I love Anis
I concur
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3/5 on this NA room still

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shut up
Skill level and overloads on Tove and Leona
I want to glaze Noise's entire body with my cum.
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new player here, for this coordinated operation shit

Is it common for people to be UNABLE to do the QTE at the end? like how hard is to ONLY shoot the orange targets?
Believer, you look thirsty.
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Oh shit, someone posted this academy stuff and I just noticed I never finished it at all
>Investing in shitgun
interesting, so that pathetic excuse of a team still needs heavy investment? I pass.
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polifrens are hosting a matis-themed NA coop room, get in here guys!

snowanon! Thanks for helping
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why is it yellow??
>he doesn't know
>he didn't figure it out
>he didn't do the math
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You get max reward in like the first 15 seconds, people throw so the match can be finished sooner.
It's not my fault anon, I swear. I stopped playing this game like 3 months it was released and came back just when the collab started
Thanks, babe. I could use an energy drink.
oh, i thought you would get something for completing it. Once I hit 9 im done? works for me i guess
you only get ranking rewards beyond that which are barely any different for each tier and no one expects to rank with randoms
it's apple juice
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mmmmmmmm nyuus?
Well Yulha, looks like you're going be in the Synchro for a few days.
shotgun teams are literally paypig territory, don't attempt to use them if you don't have all 5 invested
It's common courtesy to spam the noah emote once you hit 9 to signal to others that you want to stop.
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I hope you are having a wonderful day!!!
I'm late to the thread :(
Where the FUCK are the MATIS UNITS AT!
so much for skypag being useful
Sex with foreheads
can nikkes ovulate?
wtf nikg told me you only need to gear up soda
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late but not forgotten
The shotgun team is a meme. You are not supposed to use only one gun.
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Love and cheer!
can nikkes _______?
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Same to you Snow frien.
>laplace and maxwell get cool transforming superguns
>drake just has a normal piece of shit shotgun
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>not using DORAKU
they leak oil
co-op is a very silly mode which exists to give us resources for doing nothing
if you hit phase 9 (impossible not to), you get what you came for
and those who want to pointlessly tryhard for the highest score can make private lobbies together

...i feel like the eva newcutes are way more interested in the gameplay than the nier newcutes. whats up with that
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Matis is a 3 Nikke Squad
Nikkes? They can't get pregnant
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they're multiplying
Real villains never cheat by using fake weapons!
Real villains only use realistic firearms with a little bit of decorative plastic!
Laplap doesn't like the taste of cum.
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I'll probably do my coop hits later because too lazy to log in right now, but I dedicate this shitpost to you heroposter, keep on trucking.


A hero of steel towers high in the doooome
It's the super nikker, Laplacer Zetoooooo
Her supreme power exists to protect uuuuuuuus
Install a heart of justice, NIMPH ON
Break a window with her fist, NIKKER PUNCHIIIIII

Lapla Go! Lapla Go! LAPLACER ZEEEET!!!
You're all Bros of Victory...
Yet she still swallows, like a true hero!
>gets fucked in Summer
>no news of pregnancy
post the matis comic where maxwell is feeding a dead skk
You need to put lot into Soda, Privaty and Tove to even think about using it
lol it looks like a toy. I think is part of the villain joke.
>one day, i was leaping along, fighting some nikkes
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I want it straight from the tap
I finished Sakura's bond after sSakura's, and honeslty, Sakura's was cuter
sSakura being too thirsty made it boring
Not to say Sakura wasn't thirsty, but she could at least pretend
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I hope we get more Matis skins or alts soon
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mmmmmmmmm dyev nyotes?
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nyo nyotes dyumb kyot
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nyoo dyev nyotes
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Use Anus like a normal person
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*sucks pacifier villainously*
Not like idiots here know how to make a proper team in the first place.
Do any nikkes besides Eunhwa have chest envy?
segs brutal
Mica and Anne are such cuties.
privaty during the outpost event with noir in the gym
Privaty had an encounter where she gets mogged by Noir, but that's about it.
My big problem with summer is it worked hard to make other nikkes cucks and it's impossible to place within the main story based on what information they gave in it.
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Thanks friends!!
who else got canon seggs?
Actual 2nd anni leaks
W.Mica is such a SOVL design
I wish she wasn't bad so I could use her in my teams
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An A-press is an A-press. You can't say it's only half.
I look like that
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Tove has an AR
you have no fire unit on that team broski
Any leaks or rumors for the upcoming 2nd anniversary?
you only need fire for a skippable qte
red hood nerf
you do 0 damage during that whole ass QTE tho
>I wish she wasn't bad so I could use her in my teams
She isn't, she's the best debuff cleaser, dmg taken down, ATK and max ammo buffer.
New desert region.
Nayuta and the camel.
Raptures built the pyramids.
Sphinx SR.
red hood buff
the SSRs will be Indivilia and Behemoth, Cindy and Grave will be free SRs.
I got a blowie from Cocoa and now my cock looks like a toblerone
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nyuus kots we won!
Tove has my vote.
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why do they post this shit at 10pm i'm trying to sleep
Part of me hopes for a rerun of this skin, like with bunny Rupee, but part of me also likes default Noise's design too much to change it.
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mmmmmmm nyes....
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did she forget the chair?
she's a b1 in a game where she's competing against stuff like liter and doro
Nihilister Azure
Would your favorite nikke do...THAT...if you asked them nicely?
>Feel free to save and use the wallpapers! ;) They are all yours my friend!
Oh hey its a kot that I don't have yet. Saved.
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Thank you, babby Snow White.
I don't think Moran would understand what it is and I'd feel embarrassed trying to explain it
Noise would make some noise while sitting on my face, if you know what I mean
I sometimes use her when an annoying as shit rapture lowers your attack.
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how don't you have that one? shit's ancient
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I used her in my 50 overclock run, was useful
and shit damage

Nikkes in space
I reject the meta and run Pepper my primary B1. She's fully equipped with overloaded gear with decent attack lines on two pieces and elemental on the rest, maxed out skills, and a SR doll. I just need to MLB her.
'Mirror mirror on the wall' is Snow White's bit. She stole it
When are they letting us put in our birthdays so nikkes can tell me happy birthday?
Ummm no Swearty??? Wouldn't want things to get TOO personal.
Erm actually, it's the evil queen's bit. Snow White doesn't talk to the magic mirror.
trannylators. iirc it's something like i'm scared that a hereic of that power if hunting us. something like that
>laplace the situation calls for "THAT"
>sure thing anon
>laplace gives me her credit card
>card declined its already maxed
I don't want to become Gosling.
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good night bros
I switched PCs so if it's ancient shit that's not in the kot pack, I probably don't have it.
get trannylated
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I can't do it, and I'm only 25k below
what should the next minigame be?
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I'm too far gone
The whole world isn't meant to be so colorless...
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Got distracted by the new Scarlet doujin from NR as soon as we finished, whoops. Anyways thanks for the runs. Always a pleasure to run co-op with the poli-bros.
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Our heroes
The kotcord...
cute. would impregnate both at the same time
If you want a serious answer, not really. The strongest theory is that Cinderella will be the Special Recruit, and that's about as far as it goes.
It doesn't exist.
The game overall needs more pandering.
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Off model Eunhwa looks like Tsukihi from Monogatari
how many fucking times must i fight crystal chamber
Guitar Hero followed by a huge nerf when people cant beat easy.
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You love Emilia
I don't even know who she is
AND this song SUCKS
Cute smol Anis and Rapi
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there was an update a month ago when the treasure system came out
in our profile pics lol, i still don't have drake despite owning both her skins And i only got Maxwell recently
my favorite poster! How was your day snowanon?
>someone made a song
>for my dum funposting derrière
This is so cool! Thanks anon! I'm going to save this.
NR's stuff is kino. Thanks for joining!
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I think YOU suck
if you just can't keep up, i'll have to find someone who could
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Y-you guys like schizo rants..right?
It's my lobby theme and I'm NEVER GIVING UP on it
Yes we do. The deeper into the schizo hole, the better.
I want Laplace to drip her fluids all over my floor
We love Dorothy here, yes.
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Noir would probably explode if I asked her to hold hands.
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yes, but it will be up to me whether your rant is properly schizo
tetra. The bad overload lines finally caught up. No Shit Up, I'm not overloading Volume
look closely at the mold anon
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Anne good?
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I-I made the Laplace shitpost song a long time ago...

Granted, ever since I started masking shit in suno I've stopped posting the other stuff.
Reading isn't heroic skill!
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is it worth keeping hit rate lines on ARs?
i rolled a black line on snow white
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maybe, and that's a big maybe, on other ARs but SW does 0 damage outside her burst and doesn't need hit rate at all
I'd keep it just for the power boost
If you can get to the part where the magnet rapture spawns you can try and cheese it. Kill one of the two elites that can attack back, leave the magnet and other elite alive and all the flying shit that doesn't hurt much alive. From there you can cover the team and wait out the clock since they don't move quickly enough to force the next wave to spawn.
good question. if snow white's burst is auto-aimed at core, is it even possible to fail to hit th-
hey why are you rerolling snow white anyway
what are the lines that give the most combat power?
hit rate
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my wife vs some slut
>Did those exercises I've been doing actually work?
What exercises??
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Yes yes Eunhwa : Sexy Dynamite confirmed for Summer 2 we know
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guys my tummy hurts im going to the toilet and take a big "hit rate"
pls post nikkes for this log in the meantime
>turn a commander into a nikke
>she becomes the leader of the Ark's top squad
Why don't we turn more commanders into nikkes? That way you don't need squishy vulnerable humans on the battlefield
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Laplap anon! I'm good thanks for asking, calm day, and you? How was your day?


Noooo anon stop!
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same reason they decided not to give commanders battle suits, it was more cost effective to train more replacements and build more mass produced nikkes iirc
this is the worst minigame ever in nikke
good night chunchun
what is the difference between hit rate and attack speed?
The CG don't actually care about reclaiming the surface
About the same as you and someone with a brain
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Nooo he wouldn't do that!!
Thank goodness that appears after 10k damage is done for the challenge
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Laplace: and I'm walking down the street in the ark with Syuen, saw a little almost rust- well I didn't see the almost nikker I saw a leg
Maxwell: Right
Laplace: sticking out of a doorway, what do we do right; we walked past it and you're not gonna believe this
Drake: Go on
Laplace: Homeless
Drake: Yeah
Laplace: Pilgrim fella
Drake: *snickers*
Laplace: I've never seen one of 'em
Maxwell: pffhaahahah
Laplace: no no I'm not havin a go right, what have you ever see i mean that was a shock
Drake: I really think I don't have, I think she's got me there, I-I hate to say it but I must say I can't remember ever seen a homeless pilgrim nikke
Laplace: weird innit
Laplace: so as I said i was walk walked past and said "syuen did you see that"
Syuen: Saw what?
Laplace: just look back there
Syuen: About what?
Laplace: it's a bums nikker look back there
Syuen: So what?
Laplace: she's pilgrim
Syuen: Yeah good point
Maxwell: She just said that to shut you up
Drake: She didn't wanna get into a conversation with ya!
She's the exception, the game constantly reminds you how incompetent commanders actually are
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How do you know?
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bullets have spread, hit rate tightens that cone. mainly for shotguns, SMGs, and ARs
attack speed is just how fast you fire
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Same, a lil bit boring. Tomorrow's going to be fun, I'm going to a race track!
Took me a second to even realize Neon was there
>atk and ele on lines 1 and 2, with middling numbers
do i temp lock em and hope for a good third line?
does the rock reroll cost go up with two temp locked compared to just one?
The perfect spy
if you lock 2 lines, each roll costs 4 rocks.
2 locked lines makes to reroll cost go up to 3.
Ok firstly perilous siege have been dispatched to your location, girls are now preparing, please wait warmly, your judgement for the crime of suggesting that the CG does not actually intend to reclaim the surface is pending.
Secondly, the vast majority of nikkes do not remember the details of their past loves well enough to continue being commanders.
Considering how much more rocks we get now, fucking might as well
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Would you roll for used goods in a FSN collab
how wash she a man if she could become a nikke then?
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I'd roll Issei, yes
Fucking slut
I try to forget Neon exists all the time, too.
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Hwa was probably still alive when she was retrieved by Elysion after her rikkers fucked up their mission. Most female commanders (most commanders are newbies) just die immediately. Plus the human brain dies like 7 minutes after the heart stops beating.
you also get a ridiculous amount of single use locks
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I would roll for Rin yes
>Plus the human brain dies like 7 minutes after the heart stops beating.
We got a 100+ year old human looking like he's in his 30's. I'm sure there's some science magic in the ARK that can revive dead brains
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No, unless it's Prisma Illya
too small
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Funny. I would insta MLB if we got Melty but Sakura doesn't do anything for me. Would MLB Rin for those fucking thighs and twintails.

It'll be a BASED collab
I thought nikg were all hagchads
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only if it's this one
Nikke for processing into meat toilet?
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i would dump hundreds of dollars into Chloe
im currently saving up for an aotume doll that looks like chloe
but i would dump that savings for nikke chloe
Yeah man I love hags haha liter is my number 1 hag lol
>Caster VA died
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Really? Nice, have fun there!

Uhmmm, I'm not sure, he just doesn't seem the type, but I wouldn't judge him if it was the case
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What is UP my NIKKERS!!!
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We are
>even nikke placement effects the battle
i mean... what the fuck chatterbox fucks up the center nikke first hard as fuck. slap someone whos disposable or a defender in that slot and overall damage goes way up. i went from phase3 to phase7 with just shuffling them around
Did you roll for Asuka. She’s the archetype for Rin.
or just take cover
Or you can take cover in the first few seconds and not eat the punch
tried that attempt2 and didnt have enough cover for the sweeping beam thing. and yes i only have time to take out one of the red reticles
The OG thigh queen
I’m new. Does class balance actually matter in this game. Does the Defender class have more hp? Do you need a defender class in a line up for tanking damage?
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MLB your Asuka now or be forever bricked
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>Wallpaper Distribution

yes. classes affect stats, attackers get more attack, defenders get more defense and hp. no you don't really NEED tanks generally. in normal stages, the best way is to go full dps and kill everything before anyone gets even hit by an attack
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She died before Summer Medea was ever realized
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way ahead of you
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cute cute cute CUTE
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>trying to do my collab co-ops
>have 3 burst type3s
>people start shuffling
>now we have 4 burst type1s
>i get mad and select redhood
>suddenly 5 redhoods
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too small
Believe me I've spent almost 200 pulls trying.
>she squeezes her vagoo
>penis gets turned to mush
>Do you need a defender class in a line up for tanking damage?

Defenders don't actually tank anything unless their skill set explicitly has a taunt or a share damage skill. What matters the most in your team is how much damage you can output.
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IDIOT! Asuka demands for all worldly possessions!
Can someone give me an idea of how slow things become in the end game. What synchro is considered endgame, synchro 300? At that level how slow is leveling up on average. Is it a day a level?
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Very nice, I like it
She was very easy to mlb
anything under 400 is newfag babu territory
>Is it a day a level
Class affects what stats they get more but doesn't matter in vast majority of cases. It only affects something when you have characters with "affects highest attack teammate" skill and someone could be stealing that buff from your dps. Biggest example of this is Noir. There are also cases like summer Anis who is support but is actually a dps. Tanking isn't really a thing because at sufficient deficit you just get one shot and if you don't get you didn't need a tank anyway.
after 200, if you take into account core boxes from events and around 60dust/hr, you can expect 1 level every 3-5 days
Is Mica a chestlet?
1 level per week after 300 +/-
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She dreams of having some bazookas but she's perfect as she is now
After 200 it's like level a week if we don't count dust box income.
A month. To gain 5 levels. What the fuck did I get myself into.
Mica has rolling, gentle hills but she seems like a flat plains when standing next to Belorta's mountains.
you're lucky, now we have dolls to power up and anomaly made overloads easier. back then it was an absolute slog
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fuck yeah i finally made it to phase6
the defenders give you a defense boost and there are some defenders tankers with taunts that are good enough.
the most generous and f2p-friendly gacha game on the market, please enjoy
I had bulk gems on my bulletin board today as well
Would you rather get slow levels or have skills locked behind dupes and have 0.6% of rolling SSR like other gachas?
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What would you do to her?
are you trying to speedrun this shit or what?
she's just worse Rin
still insane that even though it's slow, it's still unironically one of the friendliest. makes me want to try FGO just to see how much i'll want to kill myself
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turn her into my wife
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>Fan made wallpapers are better than official ones
I would ask her if she prefers Inner Sphere or Clan 'mechs
damn, that's almost one whole belorta!
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>Silver ticketed my Pepper to LMB
>Need one more LMB to get over the wall
Now for 3 months of evenly spread SSR's
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Y/N? help this retard
for whomst've'd
>spending tickets before you had a surefire wall break
RETAAAAARD, did you use the body selector too?
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I love Rapi
Don't forget your limited inventory space so if you get a dupe you don't need right now you have to destroy it, unless you buy more inventory space :^)
kek i forgot, for Alice
keep effects. if you have the stat lock things pray for atk in slot 1 and keep the other two
Nah, that would be either GFL if you still count it or Limbus Company if you don't.
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I regret NOTHING
what? where on the image does it say that
id go with max ammo + charge speed
You're the one with fucked up gamma/brightness settings if that background isn't fully black, retard
Well technically FGO is more friendly in the sense that there is no ladder. If you have Castoria and a select few specific supports to enable your preferred looper. You will never be locked out of any content like you will in Nikke. There will be no effective difference in what a new player vs a day 1 player can accomplish. But a day 1 Nikke player is impossible to catch up to in what they can do vs a new player and it will forever stay that way
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look closely
>not .gif
You had one job
First one and get max ammo on first slot
ahh yes, crystal clear
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Shit's already slowed down a lot around lv120 for me. It's over.
I spent money to effectively break the wall instantly with the Eva units. And now I’m about 30 levels away from 200 but I’m going about a level a day so I figure I’ll hit it in about a month? While I try to farm proper manufacturer T9 gear
I love nikkes with triangle mouths
how easy is it to get the most meta team for a new player in fgo?
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Are we getting spooky alts this year?
And they love you too, skk!
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Yes, Halloween was confirmed by J. SU
Admi: Insatiable Succubus soon
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I demand sexy witches, vampires and demons
10 bucks if you buy a starter account.
summer halloween
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NTA depends on the time of year. If you can get Castoria and either Space Ishtar, Muramasa, Berserker Musashi, or Melusine then you're basically locked and loaded for any and all content.
Privaty needs cock.
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Enjoy your stay
Sexy demon Belorta SSR
This reminds me of ARPGs, grind for better gear so you can grind for better gear faster.
Nikke is an AFK game at heart
This is true. A meta team literally consistent of two units. A support and your preferred damage dealer of which there are many to choose from. Third support is free from friend list and you’re pretty much good to go. Everything else is pretty much flavor and the desire to collect and show off.
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Sounds redundant
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I love /nikg/!
You are all fun!
We love you too anon!!
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Delta SSR will stealth cloak into your outpost and suck your dick again.
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Many Plapi cosplays but, where is the Plapi JAV?
I love Ein's smile, it's silly but cute
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I personally wish I could use Melusine more often but her AoE being Buster coded makes it hard to justify her use. However, whenever there's a single target Archer she's coming out fast. I love my jet fighter.
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Did somebody say jets
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Am I blind or where do you get the other Misato dupe?
Why the fuck does the PC version anti-cheat not let me play run other games at the same time? I've never had a game do this.
Beating last hard mode stage
Doesn't do it for me
I've had pirated and steam games open in other tabs without problems.
stop having cheat engine open while playing that other game. Good thing it didnt ban me after all these time I kept doing that
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I have The first descendant and Nikke open right now, and it never stopped me from opening any other game.
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God, I love Bunny
How recent were the dolls and overload mechanic? What did you guys do without those power spikes? Just.. wait?
How does Asuka have such a nice butt?
Weird. I'll try it with some other games.
overload was always in the game iirc. dolls were like 3 months ago? something like that
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I would love a collab with TFD Bunny's ass is perfect to have it in nikke.
What's inside?
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cute cat
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What the FUCK
1000 rolls
44 rolls for Rei and THREE of those are Pilgrims
Je suis monte
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50 jims and a ticket for 1 free mating press
Friend is asking for help for some NA COOP runs he couldnt get any clears on

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>nerfed fishing
>Cashes in ticket with Frima
I autobattle everything in solo raid
But how many Rei’s?
mihara es tuhara
>Top rankers are testing out modded apk again to boost their scores by 5% to make it not too obvious
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Rapi + Red Hood = Rapi Hood
Rapi + Carminer =
I was doing the minigame's challenge mode, and I was told to spin vertically... What?! I died because nothing else works anymore...
so this is where that webm of the rikkers comes from
>Violently flips computer
>It dies
>"how did this happen?"
Never trust a worst korean
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Got my first matching manufacturer t9 gear for Asuka. Is it worth pushing this into OL since it’s a chest piece or should I hold out for a headpiece? Is OL itself worth it or should I wait for a headpiece since those give the most damage. I’m new so I don’t have a lot of materials.
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NA bros help me carry his friend, we need 2
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So close to 3b... Now I have to roll attack/charge speed on her helmet somehow...
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got DC'd... post the code when you can so I can get back in.
ooh that's a rare mihara face
OL by itself is a huge power boost so definitely go for it
My wife Ein is perfect
here ya go

i accidentally hit skip FUCK
I was enjoying seeing syuen get her ass beat
I should fap to those ryona voice lines
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My nose in Red Hood's butthole
My tongue in Rapi's butthole
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this dot doesn't mean SHIT
DC'd again... sorry it seems it's not my day, don't worry about me though I had already done my runs somehow, but now the game just kicks me out, good luck with your last run bros.
did the servers die?
fuck off, i want my free rocks
get this ugly ass hoe off my screen bro
here ya go bud

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Poor Admi
Do I need to chuck my nikkes into synchro for the raid or auto-update to 400 gives them the same stats even if they're at 1?
Ok I upgrade it to OL but I only got one substat. How do I get 3? Do I have to upgrade it some more?
They're random. Line 1 is 100% chance to get, line 2 50% and 3 30%.
just get lucky bwo
>dropping the loli right after 3 SSR limited event collab
are they intentionally sabotaging loli banners? They always find a way to fuck them over
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Oh okay. I only had two rocks so I gave it a shot. I wish I got more ammo though.
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DC'd immediately again, this shit happens to me everytime coop is on an event map now, sorry again, hope that Liter helps out though.
no one cares about lolis they will bomb regardless
If I reroll after getting 3 substats. Is it possible to lose row 2 and 3?
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I forgot how ass SBS is to play manually. Shitup please fix.
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>left path: base defense with stunners
>right path: defense battle with stunners and tentacles
haha very funny
Yeah. You can lock skills but it's only worth it for 2 and 3.
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>Random defense stage is harder than stage boss
base defenses are the fucking bane of hard pushing
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I just started and when pushing I noticed that base defense is where I’d start to fail. Why is that? I just auto so I don’t actually know why it’s harder other than having a higher failure rate.
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Because it's a battle against time, you need to kill them ASAP and their numbers are much larger than normal stages
Nikkes for this feel?
The mode also loves to plop down these mega tanks that you can barely tickle.
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Worst player ever.
Sometimes not even RH b13 is enough
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welcome to hell
You'll have to face that exact same stage 3 times in campaign...
holy FUCK why are these bunnies so horny
That's 24-34?
I need to pull Blanc now...
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>when their main guy is not available
yeah and there's 2 of those at the very start
Kill yourself.
Can’t you just use bursts that do screen wipes
you lost
Yeah, I'm SKK.
If you do that, good luck. Not only does it not kill them if you go at higher deficits, for some reason they dump even more brappers for each wave...
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No, you're the one that "mysteriously" couldn't make it.
Brappers are gonna take like 2% damage from that

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