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Previous: >>493588580

>Character Anecdote - "Emergency Rescue!"

>Character Trailer - "Mualani: The Ultimate Sightseeing Experience"
https://youtu.be/lmZvYv-pQVk (EN)
https://youtu.be/lQoyQdLEIvk (JP)

>Character Trailer - "Kachina: A Shimmering Dance of Stone"
https://youtu.be/uKr_9h79yf0 (EN)
https://youtu.be/RCGfoDHJYxA (JP)

>Character Teaser - "Mualani: Kindness Begets Friendship"
https://youtu.be/BNLghVMba_o (EN)
https://youtu.be/RbTnCgeyiVY (JP)

>Web Event "Off We Go to the Nation of Pyro!" live until September 24

>Current character banner: Mualani, Kaedehara Kazuha, Kachina, Xinyan, Bennett
>Current weapon banner: Surf's Up (Catalyst), Freedom-Sworn (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift
>With Primogems
BlazeToNatlan (NEW)
>Without Primogems

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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Me and my gf.
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Who was the cat with fur as dark as the night? How did she clear the abyssal taint that easily? Why did we have to beat up the khanarian soldier?

I am so confused.
what the fuck is a wayob
why is heizou such a fucking fruit
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Update your profile, pagster.
read it backwards
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Nahida is really sexy.
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i like emilie
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Why does she like to coom in her panties so much
This thread is dedicated to Bina
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14 year olds are extremely horny and are just waiting to be molested.
Freminet is so fucking lucky...
How can John Oyohim top the obsidian set to make a new set tailored for Mavuika?
Literally 40% crit rate for free.
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holy pagaroo
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My wife
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What should I say? Other games open for submission as well.
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>all his displays short of hutao are niloufriends
is this the mythical GODther
he's been having a meltdown for 20 hours lmao
Why do I find that attractive
the extra layer sometimes makes it more comfortable than touching it directly
Shades - Nibelung - Sinners - Nicole
Skirk - Dains
Normal Sovereigns-Strong Archons-top3 Harbingers -Iansan
Weaker Harbingers - Adepti- Cyno-Shenhe
Strongest normal humans
>being here for 20 hours to know that
Sounds like you're projecting and melting schizo
she's going to be a scroll slave either way. there is no way they can make a better set for an off field pyro subdps
if only....
Don't archons usually use the artifact sets added on the first patch of each region?
How many hours a day would you say you play Genshin
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NTA but she's a very pretty mommy
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You're just a regular red blooded bloke. There's no special reason at all.
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I keep the game open all day but play whenever I feel like it. Fluctuates from 30 minutes to 6 hours, usually average 1-2 hours.
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That shot is making me unwise
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The cutest!
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He must love watching
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The 1000 year old dragon's 10 year old onahole...
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>during days when i work: 5-10 minutes at most maybe
>days when i'm off: a couple hours
Imagine having a Charlotte GF...
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not again, the image was uploading already
Just be Freminet bro
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Old fags, show your cakes
natlanese women are more tuned in with nature which makes them less repressed compared to your average person in Teyvat.
Can you imagine some stuffy lady like Ayaka or Ganyu doing this? Absolutely not.
I don't play
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I'm not the same one as last time, but I was feeling devious.
Im still mad about my bricked lumeme account.
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You can't make something like that and just not send it to her. That would be a crime.
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i regret skipping beautiful Emilie
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Preg modder if you're listening, if it's not asking too much, could you upload a version with the buttflaps? And maybe the OG spats, but mostly the buttflaps. I like a more purist experience
I masturbate to Nilou and Hu Tao 3 times a day. Does that count for anything?
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Let any fish who meets my gaze learn the true meaning of fear for i am the harbinger of death
250 lanterns! Anon, you are the lantern man
She's just going to block him or send him gore or something.
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Aether, my lord! I had no idea you were such a Chad..
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*cooms in her panties*
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>hear about capitano jobbing
>surely it can't be that bad, gig is exaggerating as usual
>see people saying so
>actually play act 2 and he jobs with no excuse and needs to heal his injury
Fatuikeks have no excuse.
How did you miss the inazama one?
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Reminder that Miss Yunjin's hat is stupid.
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Another bestiality rapebait character huh....
I had 1000 or so but I used a bunch didn't know they were going to be this limited.
>the Mualani spammer is a pag
Is it really a surprise?
>skipped the worthless shitzuma one
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just made this new cheld
she should be cumming on white foreigner dick
No, not at all
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what's the point of living
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i think i've seen it before
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Just got the sumeru one a week ago
I am now masturbating.
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Cheldposters, post your in-game Chelds.
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No you haven't. That cheld is new. It is hot off the printers. 100% fresh. Factory new. Obey.
>People of the Springs Challenge
>Mualani doesn't go high enough to get the magnet during the 4th jump
Thanks Mihoyo
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you will pay for this
Happy belated birthday anon!
She cums in her panties when thinking of white foreigner dick
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Why does the text load so fucking slow in this game? Even if I press spacebar I have to fucking wait a century before it lets me skip to the end. I've already finished reading the entire sentence 5 seconds ago. If the game is so insistent on me reading the story and not skipping, the least it can do is not treat me like some sort of troglodyte that reads at a kindergarten level. Fucking let me read this shit at a normal human level pace.
It was a lame way to show his power in his first appearance but the Archon literally lost all of her power because of that small skirmish with him.
It really isn't as bad as gig memes it.
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I love the director
what's new about this one?
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Is this what happened the moment Neuvillette was premiered?
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I swear, every 14 year old girl secretly wants to be molested. The way they dress and act is too enticing.
Why is cheld spam okay but coom spam supposedly bad?
Exactly what is the problem here?
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It's entirely new.
Because men like coom spam.
both are good
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post cheld31
Her loss of power is unrelated to the fight with him.
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hu tao my beloved
Is Natlan reputation a weekly?
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I wanna post porn but I already got a warning yesterday...
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former is women, latter is men
/gig/ is most women
connect the dots
I've played right after launch and still never set my birthday lol
How does getting a warning differ in the end result of posting porn compared to not getting a warning?
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First I'm posting funny cheld webms
how many times is Mualani is going to coom her panties this thread
i don't understand this post, can someone explain it to me?
No one here has Wrio or Lyney, but there are tons of people who have female characters with cons.
You are missing out on the cake, anon
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>playing the archon quest
Who's this?
A profile that hasn't been updated in a year.
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this happened btw lmao
answer me this gig, if gig is mostly women why aren't the women fighting with each other to get attention from the small amount of men around?
I quit for basically that whole year
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Because most people on /gig/ are males.
>missed out on 240 resin
my wife
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Why do obsessed schizos think that posting someone's profile is a win?
Because the men here are undesirable
this is a lie because whenever I ask femanons to answer one of my coom questions they shy away or I get ignored
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>talking to a friend that used to visit /gig/
>they bring up the "Ganlou my wife" poster
What happened to him?
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She's a /gig/ger. She'll see it.
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>see UID
>curiously check their Akasha rank and see it hasn't been updated in nearly a year
>post it telling the anon to update it
>somehow this is schizo behavior
the only thing a femcal hates more than stacy is an incel
every poster is their single boogeyman
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Ganyu, the legendary cocogaot.
shut up Andre from peru
>retarded opinion
Every fucking time
Post it in the bant thread.
are you desirable?
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its over im gonna get kicked out of the /gig/uild
sir, this is a femcel board
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What does cocogoat milk taste like?
eh? was it? did I skip that?
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stop posting chelds for no reason

they are not funny at all
sis you do you even still play the game or just shitpost here?
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>pls post more chelds
lore accurate hips
dont worry I regularly update the akasha profiles of everyone on gig
I only want to see Cheld and Hu Tao in this thread
Are you 100% sure she's still here though?
For me, it's my beloved wife Nahida.
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so /gig/ hates cheld now huh?
all women love attention. femcels become femcels precisely because they couldn't get attention from men due to their unattractiveness and as such they seethe.
But deep down they want male attention and validation.
Same for the incel. They want female attention.
So my question to this board is. You are all incels and femcels. Do you see the opportunity? You can easily fix both problems.
Just fucking coom together what's so difficult about that?
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i have a vagina what else do men want?
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MW2 kino....
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I’m never going to use my sanctifying elixir, I’m just going to hoard it forever probably. Cause I know if I do, the piece will be shit
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Bounties and requests have the same weekly rule, but the tribes share the limit. So you could do one bounty in the Geo tribe and another 2 in the dendro tribe in the same week. You need to max each tribe to unlock extra rewards. If you do the world quests, I think it only takes 2 or 3 weeks to max each tribe.
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>one anon posts one cheld once
>entire thread devolves into cheldposting
here before the cheldbugs arrive
How do you not feel shame manually inserting someone’s UID into Akasha, screenshotting it, saving it and then posting it here? Fan behavior
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I command my slaves to keep posting Chelds.
You'll see how the sheep will keep posting them because I said so
no one's stopping you but the imaginary people in your head
/gig/ are mocking anon for still playing genshin, funny isnt it?
lol i still play i just always forget to log on during my birthday due to being kept out all day with friends and family. one of these days i'll get a better phone or a steamdeck to play genshin on the go
Honestly? Reasonable bmi and hygiene like a normal person. That's it. Men are less picky than women are and multiple studies have proven this.
cheldyume status?
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*mogs your inazuma archon quests*
Post your cutest chelds
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My childe gets outdamaged by a fucking surfer girl
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Post your Childe build
One is low class behavior
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holy kino
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Don't know for sure but I'm not making a reddit account.
I forget they introduced Skirk so early already.
slow loading unskippable text is mainly used to give time for certain animations to play out in the underlying scene. Being able to skip it would mean you'd see stuff playing out desynced or characters forcibly teleporting around.
Some games like wuwa let you do this because they just blindly took the most visible complaints about genshin at face value and went about 'fixing' them. The result is predictable janky and low effort looking.
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Cheld is so boring and unfunny. Don't, I repeat DON'T, post him anymore
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Was this anon right?
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Yeah we get it you, the anti Amy schizo have shit taste, not need to remind me.
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*cooms in her panties again*
>Number of times coomed in panties: 2
Put it back
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posting chelds is a crime where i live btw
Yeah. The Natlan fire is getting weaker and she gave away her powers so that it could last longer.
Based natlan citizen, no fatui allowed.
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Does /gig/ explore?
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>zero damage
And this is why the Statue of the Seven doesnt give us Pyro
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Well, whatever the case, keep posting SOVEREIGN. You'll at least catch some stray seethers from fat femcels jealous of Aveline's slender build. I bet Aveline is really pretty too.
The Fischltroon is really angry today
Why are we dead?
I haven't had the motivation to explore in months. But I probably should if I want to pull a Homa and C2 Nahidook.
I would much rather have jank -- hell I'd much rather have no visuals at all and just pure text, than having to sit there waiting for text I've already read eons ago to finish loading. The truth is, a 3 hour quest holds at most 1h of dialogue. They drag it out 3 times over by refusing to let you read at an adult human level speed. I don't know why more people aren't upset. It's fucking insulting.
Nah I do the bare minimum. It's fun to walk around and find stuff.
Though that becomes annoying when I need enough currency to level the tree/fountain/whatever.
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no content
now post sparkle
same reason as always
no one actually cares and we are waiting for snezhnaya and everything after
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>post it telling the anon to update it
>Conveniently leaving out the part where, for no reason, you associate a random faggot with a group you personally have issues with
Quite schizo indeed, yes.
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All my exploration is 100% me, no guides, no youtube videos.
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Natlan motivated me and I explored so hard I ended up with over 300 encounter points so I am trying to dial it back a bit to save the areas left for dead patches
I represent 35% of all posting and am currently watching party game tournaments
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>play coop
>there's a Mualani
What the FUCK are her sound effects
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Sorry bro. She's... already taken.
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I usually explore slowly when a new version drops, then accelerate the exploration from 60% to 100% during the last patches of the cycle (x.7 and x.8) to never have to go back to old areas when the new nation drops.
Also I havent done any of the world quests in Natlan, only the AQ and Tribal Chronicles and Im waiting for 5.1 to finally get the Pyroculi and World Quests, since there is no new area in that patch and rollerblade hag will make exploration quicker
Pantalone is so lucky...
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It's the sound of my sloshing sperm on her panties and sandals.
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Does anyone know what "External Audience Support" is in Imaginarium Theatre? I just saw it on the Battle Chronicle and I looked it up on the wiki and it said:
>Characters who haven't yet participated in the gamemode have a chance to provide External Audience Support for Companion Events and Wondrous Succor, bringing you additional benefits.
But according to the Battle Chronicle I've never triggered it and I have no idea what it is or how it works.
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I'm playing genshin impact
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i missed the last one due to a work trip....
Sorry bro. I came on her sandals too much and now her feet are all sticky.
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When you purchase a blessing or character or mystery box in IT, one character from your roster who isn't in the IT list can provide a minor help, like refunding you some flowers.
Because 99% of the playerbase are not adults. They're children.
why would women post on gig when they overwhelmingly prefer safe spaces like twitter and redd*t
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so what are we waiting for again?
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Stop making me want to pull Mualani.
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>i will 24yo in 15min...
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I don't want to do IT...
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I just got bullied really hard for being a Genshin player. I am sorry, i just needed to vent. As a person with extreme social anxiety, i worked up the courage to go to a gacha meetup, in hopes of finding like-minded friends irl. Most people there happened to be wuthering waves/honkai star rail/afk journey players.

Someone asked me what i like playing, when i said Genshin, they just swarmed me for minutes, making jokes about telling me that the age of consent is 18. And just kept calling me a p**ophile in a public mall with so many people around us. People around were staring at me. My social anxiety kicked and i was having panic attacks. I said i want to go to bathroom, and ran home as fast as i could, also shed some tears Ngl.

Sorry, i just couldn't sleep last night, and i hate the fact that just because of playing Genshin, i had to bear such humiliation by ignorant fools that know nothing about Genshin. They haven't played even a second of Genshin, and just following the hate train bandwagon stereotype that's prevalent on the internet against Genshin. I hope things get better, for now i am not leaving my house again for a meetup ever.
oh, how embarrassing, and I thought I was paying attention to the lore for once. Thanks.
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Teenagers read much faster than this. This is like kindergarten level of forced reading pace.
I turned 30 2 months ago
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Waiting for HIM to be born.
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you should want more hydro buddies
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i'm not gonna make it
i'm nothing without my compass crutch
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Femcels should be happy that Aveline isn't competition for them in the dating pool. She's for Neuv only.
Cheldpedia and Cheldbooru when?
why the FUCK is heizous hangout quest so fucking bloated, this shit is fucking ridiculous
why did they waste so much dev time and audio booth time on this irrelevant 4* manlet
How do we get the compass? Dont tell me its gated by the 5.2 and 5.3 map expansions and 3 missing tribes
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i missed the cute nara cake...
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That's awesome!
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happy birth...
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I love this mod
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Mualani's pufferfish is her Moo Moo dress.
max rep with 3 tribes
should have it by week 5 or maybe week 4
>Aveline is really pretty
i agree with this
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All the pyro related reactions wants EM
But Mavuika is not gonna give EM (cuz that's Nahida's thing)
What does it mean?
100% going from childe to mualani is like day and night, she's infinitely easier to build
>hp scaling dps
>childe doesn't even do damage in the first place besides his burst/CA bow shots vapes
>ascension stat isn't dmg% but crit rate
>not even bringing up Mualani's cons actually give you damage and not dumb shit that's worthless if you play international properly
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>Aether is posted with the anon saying "me and my wife"
>since he called himself Aether, he was called Pagster
It wasn't that deep, but sorry that offended you enough to speak up on his behalf for some reason. Hope his dick tastes good.
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Would Pyro ArchonxCapitano ship be still liked or loved if Mauvika isa man and Capitano is a woman?
They are going to compensate by giving big dmg multipliers to Mavuika
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amp reactions are OP?
All the pyro characters want atk too. Guess what Mauvika is going to give.
>free crit rate artifact set
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Our fuarking heros
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Just stopping by because of Charlotte OP.
happy birthday youngster
The reason /gig/ is shit is because it's filled with women. That's the reason why the Genshin community in general is so shit.
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Have a (You)
Fellow wizard. Its over for us isnt it.
/gig/ is shit because it's filled with redditors
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It's a sleep over sex lover party.
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happy birthday bwo
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4 minutes!
all biofem should add my UID
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I am missing 1 iirc good luck.
Happy birthday. It only goes downhill from here on out
Why would redditors come here when they can jerk off with upvotes and echochambering with le gold and le karma and smug condescension?
It's very well known that Neuvillette flopped.
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Happy (You) Day
It's very well known that Mualani flopped.
Considering how there's always someone posting screencaps of something that triggered them on reddit here, it's pretty evident that they're here shitting up the place and refusing to integrate.
Fact check: True
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>All the pyro characters want atk too
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No way...
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Reminds me of Lina from Dota
>knowing half of the jargon you just said
You need to go back.
ATK has always been Pyro's "thing". She'll give a fuckton of attack. Maybe she'll be a B sidegrade. If they want her to work with Mualani, they'll have to go for something else, though.
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For me, it's Iansan.
Something seems off about this image... Like something was erased...
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...into a 10 year old's cunny.
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yep, I'm 24 now.

still no bitches, what a life...
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I luckshat her weapon after 30 rolls and damn, you guys were right, her nukes hit a lot harder now. Thanks anons.
sex with mauvika's mom
Are there spicy versions of neuv raping Aveline
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Happy Birthday Anon.
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Mauvika will massively buff nightsoul units and grant them nightsoul regeneration
happy bday
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S-shut up! *shits slef*
They need to give us something to track chests and timed trials because the compass isnt enough.
I was browsing the wiki and found out that I still have missing chests in all areas in Mond, Liyue, Inazuma, Enka, Chasm, etc...despite them all being at 100% exploration.
In some areas I am missing 7 to 9 chests, in others its more than 10.
Its bullshit. I will never find all of them without wasting a big amount of time on YT guides and combing through every chest from the beginning
mating press?
Kurumi and Aveline should kiss
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>*shits slef*
If Mavuika is just pyro application and nightsoulslop, she'll be the biggest skip ever
I quit that lifestyle years ago bro, i saw the light, i'm one of you now. We meltied together, we seethed together, we sperged like schizos together, you just didn't know it.
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She will be the portable phlogiston for all Natlan characters to be able to function outside of Natlan.
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Exactly on the dot. TIMEarchon I kneel.
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Im 30. No bitches no hugs no kisses.
It could be worse.
Why did they make her more white? Are Genshin Devs really this fucking afraid of black people?
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nice! wish you good luck on those crit rate rolls, bwo
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They already have an in game system.
If its full of women should'nt you have an easy time getting into coop with them?
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I'm literally 10 years older than you, hutaosister.
Focus more on HP% and Crit Rate.
That much Crit Dmg isnt doing you any favors with those two stats lacking
Oh god it's going into her leg
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so 100% of the current map is only 41% of all of Natlan?
>coming here in 2016
You will never be a 4channer, election tourist.
isnt this just the oculus stone
Instant turn off
it's over...
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You now remember the Sumeru's massive empty space.
No its not retard https://files.catbox.moe/0crt4q.PNG
>just pyro application
>as if we havent been asking for xl+ for years
>natlan support set
Damn them
>they forced you to use parrying for 1 boss
>ends up being the easiest local legend because you only have to parry 1 attack
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>portable phlogiston
Too simple, it will make them enter "Sons of Yakub" state which grants them 1 stack of "Tezcapiloca Blessing" per point of Nightsoul spent, and after reaching 3 stacks the "Eternal Warfare" effect activates, which grants the entire team 0.03 points of nightsoul per every point of ATK past 200
no its the treasure compass but it hits all the chests instead of one at a time
I haven't opened genshin in 44 days
Did you wait to post this exactly at 00:00?
No using this would show everything that wasn't a mora box in-game.
If i could find a mora box or 2 but Icbf with those.
>this was posted 20 minutes ago
Oh ok this angle is much better it was weird from the other one

Aveline and neuv is c&c forever
There's like 2 other attacks you can parry
this nigga gone through 20 days in 20 hours
Mavuika will use Scroll at C0 and Codex at C2.
I kneel
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Why isn't Iansa popular
I literally don't care about a single thing in natlan and want them to just skip to snez and get the story over with
They need to give us that area to customize and upgrade, make a settlement there where Paimon can be king and Traveler the champion and declare independence from Slopmeru
>Brown so doesn't appeal to CN
>Loli so doesn't appeal to west
Ignoring the fact she's dark skin, her personality is really boring. If you replaced her with an NPC I wouldn't be able to tell.
>welkin expires in 7 days
>not going to renew it for the first time in years
Fuck Niggerlan.
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yes like clockwork
age is just a number
final achievement tracker has 407, natlan itself has 408 in the overworld not counting archon or mualani quest

42% is the max on hoyolab
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they changed her personality and made her more child friendly and boring
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>get the story over with
This is just the prologue.
She looked different than the one in the trailer from 4 years ago.
>gatekeeping 4chan
unironic redditor behavior
sad and cringe
shes brown so the chinks don't care
japs don't care about genshin anymore period
and the west doesn't care about lolis
also she does nothing and is just nighida after nahida was already green klee
you had any babies yet
better hurry up. those eggs gonna expire soon
neuv likes them freshly fertile for maximum impregnation potential
Do you guys think this fat fuck has any bitches
Of course he does. He probably makes 200k+ a year.
nta but Hu Tao wants attack too. Just not at the expense of other things.
The prologue for what
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Tiffany is his bitch.
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*cooms in her panties again for the 3rd time*
>much shorter than Xilonen's skill descs
Confirmed flop.
>Spss-s sss... s-PSsss sss....
Godamm chasca va get a new mic
>barely show her off in the teasers
>barely show her off in the archon quest
>doesn't look as badass as she did on teyvat travails
>wonder why she's unpopular
He could look like a model if he lost that fat, got into shape and fixed the teeth.
He has good hair and isnt balding so thats a plus.
Too bad he looks lazy asf
can i sniff her panties...
the biggest pile of shit you've ever seen
You need to go back.
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>willing to step in for the Archon
Where does that confidence come from?
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The reoccurring characters that show up through world quests and the like as we travel through different regions, is kind of nice. No doubt, we'll be eating with the Gourmet Supremos in Celestia.
Gatekeeping is why /gig/ and 4chan in general is in the cancerous state that it is. Tourists like you destroyed this site.
Wormulani flopped
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Wtf? Neuv wouldn't do this
should I go to sleep now or stay up
it's all up to you /gig/
She's the electro sovereign.
Fraudvuika this, Jobpitano that... Iansan is our fuarking hero
I don't even remember who they are. All those NPCs look the same. And the last one is a perfumer
I forgot about this bitch i had to go to the wiki and I forgot I even did all those world quests where she was involved.
This game is getting old and so are we.
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big penis
Is that supposed to be a negative?
shes the first non buddyjobber
my melty has ended and NOBODY noticed it
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Yumes... Your time has come...
what do panties look like after multiple girl cooms in them
Her low IQ
sleep it is
I just realized this thread hasn't had a certain girl posted once. Good luck figuring out who I'm talking about as I go to bed!
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Tourist like you is the reason why this website is shit now.
Be honest, do you actually love Mualani as a character? Do you consider her waifu material? Coomers need not response
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>I don't even remember who they are.
uwoh melty
watch out
widdle anon is angry
Sleeping fool...
i think kachiner is better, she is a cute crying child
Plenty of girls haven't been posted in this thread like Ningguang or Sucrose.
why did you bring kachina up this is about mualani
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I don't know about the appearance, but I want to smell that, maybe give it a lick too.
Out of character, she wouldn't eat chocolate because its unhealthy
top 5 brapers of genshins
yeah she is my wife
that I want to shower with my coom every single day
Fun fact: Hu Tao and Furina have never been posted in a thread. Crazy, right?
Do people just lie on the interactive map? I swear some of these locations do not have what I'm looking for
post objectively beautiful genshins
Believe me, you don't
and just like that wuwa shilling stopped and mtashed is praising genshin combat lmao look at the comments now, his community agrees genshin elemental system is way better ahahahaha man they trully change their minds on a whim huh fucking grifters, but remember wuwa combat was the best thing since slice bread.
She's likable like all genki girls, but I'm mostly indifferent to them all. When it comes to a genki girl, what you see is what you get, so I find them rather boring. Probably why only coomers care.
>as a character?
Not a waifufag but she's fine as a character, both in the story or on her own.
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>do you actually love Mualani as a character?
She's pretty good so far.
>Do you consider her waifu material?
She's not really my type, personality wise. And her outfit is a bit weird.
>Coomers need not response
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Sex with Yaoyao!
Go away please.
I like her, but genki girls rarely make it into my favorites list since writers tend to do very little with the trope besides "look at this ball of sunshine".
They call her yao yao because that's the sound she makes when i
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Yaoyao is not for sex.
She is a good girl.
i want to put my face right up against Mualani's coomed out panties and slurp her leaking juice right through the cloth as Mualani uses her fingers to spread herself open.
Genshin element system is way better. But they underutilize the system and your never are expected to learn it or even get good with it. Its especially bad right now because fontaine was just a bunch of mono-type dps (I guess except mulani)
Concerto and the slow-mo dodge make wuwa much more fun to play though on a moment-to-moment basis.
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Cheldbros? Alhaithambros?
Cute clip but garbage music.
>September 2024
>bringing up wuwa
Ugly brown lolislop. Its like the culmination of all factors everyone hates into 1 character
Im the sexos god btw
>Genshin element system is way better. But they underutilize the system and your never are expected to learn it or even get good with it.
I don't know why they dropped the idea of reactions working against the player after year 1. Cleansing auras off of you used to be relevant.
We need to come to terms with Neuvillette flopping.
>gig insists it is mostly made out of women
yet you never see comments like this with Zhongli or Al Haitham.
I have like 4 genshin husbands which do i vote
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Into Aveline's mouth...
Who did the Mualanipag post about before she was revealed?
How so?
I didn't vote in this poll, but it really makes me realize how shit genshin guys are when it comes to yume appeal.
emilie, the previous fotm hebeslop
Probably either Tao or Ei
Or firefly
for mualani, how much stroger is new natlan artefact compared to heart of depth? im hitting above 400k vape already. im farming for new artefact but its gonna take months if i get to where i want.
wuwa is whatever the funny part is the grifters having to eat their words after all the shilling and pretending they like genshin now, look at kektone and hexjuice, we know they would go jumpin on the deepspace bandwagon after their game crashed kekw
It didnt mesh with the ultra casualization that plagued post 1.x genshin. They hard pivoted away from mechanics that punish the player
It was a hard filter for characters with self applying element that had spammable skills / bursts to counter the element spam done to you. Meaning permanent Jean / Bennett on team.
They shilled shields instead.
Actual females wouldnt post anything like that, though.
I fucking hated the slow-mo dodge. It got old after a day, and the windows for parrying were so large that it required no skill anyway. They could've made the game much more engaging but this would of course alienate their casual player base.
Like...a lot. Probably like 20% better.
Your shitty natlan artifact will beat anything but a god HoD set.
still happens in the wild and some comps but yeah, i dont like your own reactions being detrimental to your gamepolay that would push some teams down or affect how team comps work because of the damage you take on them too, playing barbara is already cancer when you get frozen constantly, without that hydro self aplication she would be more useful
>ywn see her narrow her eyes and grin at you
>ywn do a running tackle hug that knocks her down as she goes 'Waaa!'
>ywn hear her happy giggles during sex
she's not just for coomers tho, vanillafags be eating good too.
I coompost al habibi a lot but you guys always call me a tranny...
You're a man. You don't need to cover up your nipples when wearing a swimsuit.
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Please tell me Aveline made this shit herself and not some /gig/ spic.
They still added mechanics that filtered people for the purpose of shilling characters, but they went with weird shit like dodge-happy enemies and pneumousia and nightsoul instead of the reaction system for some reason.
I don't want skin cancer
I don't know. They feel one dimensional. A character that is always in high spirits just isn't relatable to me. She feels like a fucking pokemon character. I want some raw emotion
I have bad news for you, scroll up...
And now that Barbara's downside basically doesn't exist anymore, there's basically no difference between her and other hydro healers. Whoops!
Males don't have nipples on Teyvat.
bunny outfits will save genshin
I just realised this was meant to be about Mualani not Mavuika. I actually quite like her outfit and as for her personality, she's still a little more extroverted than I prefer but I like it.
genshin doesnt need saving. mihoyo already made enough money off the game. they probably make more money off investing in various chinese stocks than genshin now. once you reach billion status its near impossible to go under
genshins built for anal?
but that may kill dawei in the process
I don't even need anything edgy or profound at all, really. Just something more than bubbly and always happy, or anything else where the writers went too one-dimensional with the characterization. Genshin is pretty guilty of that, but even having some kind of interesting or relatable backstory like Shinobu leaving her family to live freely, or Hu Tao doing her best in memory of her grandpa is enough for me to be satisfied with a character. Anything more is a bonus.
Yes, but only because she seems more than just a generic genki, it feels like she could become a leader of some sorts in her future
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Looks like you caught the ire of some fat femcel. Keep posting SOVEREIGN!
that is how genshin gets saved
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You neuvniggers are fucked in the head. lmao
If that were true, she'd be getting vanilla art like Ayaka did instead of only coom pics.
How stinky is Lumine's pussy?
Genshin boys are demure.
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GODvillette nodiffs your favourite character.
She's really ugly
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imagine if Alice brought Klee to Natlan and she starts trying to break dance with kachina
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Just got to this part

What did /gig/ think of it?
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Show us your duelist gamecard
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...at being a transvestite
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Should we replace everyone in the divegrass roster with characters for Natlan? It's obvious they're gonna be good at soccer.
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>DEI our divegrass team
/gig/ sure has fallen
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What went so fucking wrong?
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Even though we have no manager our team still kicks fucking ass. So no - we shouldn't replace anyone
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I want us to win the cup for once.
no, they have to be memes
>What went so fucking wrong?
your fake charts
Dead game
Just make the whole team klee and one unmatched. Those two are the only ones who get shit done.
I can't believe yumes love Tighnari more than Cheld...
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niggers got added again
same shit happened in sumeru with d*hya and eremite spam
dawei's generosity tanked sales
Same. In the end, even Kachina showed more depth than her.
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Saleschart MINDBROKE you and RAPED your mother.
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This moving image sums up what /gig/ thinks of it.
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reminder that despite
>an entire new region
>massive shilling campaign
>top up reset
>anni bonuses
the whore of natlan STILL lost to a fucking pink homo fox lmao
you're serious aren't you
>they have to be memes
>look at the current team
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*cooms in her panties for the 4th time*
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I will never stop.
I bought one of these things for my gf and the first thing she did was send me pics of its ass
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Kazuha tanked it.
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Can't believe Natlan lost to a gay fox
Fucking hilarious lol
I have to apologize /gig/
I have anal worms and flopped bigly
Damn, she's looking like she's in ecstasy.
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Tell me I'm wrong.
It's okay Baizhu, your story quest was pretty good
Pink Baizhu only cares about his sexy fox boss, shut your mouth!
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Kinich, Ororon, Xbalanque, and Capitano will save Genshin Impact.
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Good happy day! Birthday Tao day!
Aetherchads cant be cucked because we'll just take the women by force. If chuds want to stop us we'll rip their balls off.
how can I unsubscribe from your blog?
you cannot
>pag humor
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Post like it's 2020.
who's the current team? and there's no notable memes for mualani, Kachina or Kinich yet

Capitano is the only one who should be added for sure
Mualani's sloppy coomy panties...
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Pag this, pag that, how about I pag you hag, that's clearly what you want.
she has a big gyatt
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holy FUCK buy razor from the shop hes a broken hyper carry
Why did we have to spend part of the AQ trying to find Kachina's ancient name

It's not even a secret right
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>Kinich, Ororon, Xbalanque, and Capitano will save Genshin Impact.
diluc is better than klee, save your rolls.
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barbara on expedition for meat killing boars collect their meat everyday slaughtering boars with water magic
butchers them for meat for expedition everyday can't come home until she has meat screaming boars drowned by barbara
open their skin and cut out meat for home doesn't want boars to suffer learns to kill them faster killing machine barbara
just wanted to help hunts boars everyday to kill fast for meat bloody hands stacking meat for expedition crying wants to sing
sent everyday just for meat no breaks only hunting crying meat can't disappoint big sister jean catch meat for knights and traveler
bloody dress red like meat caught by butcher barbara nuns don't look at her pray to barbatos he's in the tavern eating boar
meat fresh from vile murderer barbara can't clean blood with water magic wolves flee her scent generations of rotten boar
blood meat harvester barbara
they needed the physical ancient name, you know, that stone with the writing on it
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Xbalanque is probably Deshret 2.0. I think we got played by the Fonta Mavuika leaktrannies. It'd be nice if he was playable since his lore is pretty interesting though. Ororon is probably a 4* unless he pulls a Dehya/Sigewinne.

Honestly, I'd hate to see a literal who vet like Ifa being a 5* over Xbalanque, but Emilie and Itto prove this is a possibility.
I don't have a job and my favorite girl is Beidou and she will never be topped and I will die without ever getting a job and I will kms before Fontaine comes
Thanks bwo. What did you eat today?
I am from the future. Neuvillette will flop in 3 years and 20 days from now.
Mualani is a hot sexo girl. Don't project your landwhale dating experiences.
now this is a classic
I got covid.
Why did Genshin lost it magic?
It feel so soulless now, what happened?
1.x was amazing and peak Genshin
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rice and meat, i'm eating less
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Tower of Fantasy is going to kill Genshin..
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The early days...
Women killed it.
I miss him, when is he showing up again ?
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>yae is peak soulless and an ugly dyke to boot
>jiaoqiu is kino, our bro and straight
it sucks that HSR is an autobattler because its characters are way better written than genshin's boring niggas
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wtf happened here bwos... it's actually over
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All of those views are from the coomedpanties14yearsoldpregnancypag too.
why would it get millions of views
Physical Xiangling is meta
Waifutroons are just a loud minority.
When the fuck are we getting a Dendro character? I wanna make my OP Klee burning teams already
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Yanfei on expedition for food, hunting wild dogs and collecting their meat every day. She slaughters dogs with fire magic, scorching their fur and skin, making the butchering easier. The fiery destruction echoes through the forests, but Yanfei presses on, tasked with bringing back food for the expedition. Every day, she must return with dog meat, never allowed to rest until the job is done. The yelping of dogs fades quickly as she learns to kill faster, more efficiently, becoming a relentless hunter.

Yanfei only ever wanted to help, but now she hunts wild dogs every day, crying as she incinerates them swiftly to end their suffering. Her hands, stained with blood, pile the scorched meat for the expedition, tears falling silently as she works. She used to love reading law texts and debating, but now she's reduced to this—tears mixing with the blood on her hands, heart heavy with guilt. She must bring back food to not disappoint Ningguang, the one who sent her out on this endless hunt for meat to feed the troops and the traveler.

Her once-pristine robes are stained red, burned and torn like the meat she harvests. The other legal advisors avert their gaze, unable to comprehend the change in her. She prays to Rex Lapis, but he's silent, perhaps in the harbor enjoying a meal. The scent of burning dogs clings to her, haunting her wherever she goes, while even the wolves avoid her, recognizing her as a butcher, a merciless hunter. Yanfei, the harvester of flesh, no longer a defender of justice but a tragic figure in a bloody cycle she can't escape.
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>Xilonen grills
top tier wife material
is martial artist set BiS for ningguang?
Still mog ZZZ and HSR
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>the last time Genshin banners sold up to double-digits in Japan was 5 months ago
would the Saurians kneel to Neuvillette ? when trying to name our saurian Neuvillette it says that is too much pressure for him
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>Release cuck animation
>Wtf bros where's the views?
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Yanfei wouldn't do that
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I like to imagine that she cries and resists at first and always ends up liking it each time.
She fucked every one of those dogs
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ah I finished the archon quest a few days ago, and I ignored /gig/. I would have loved to see /gig/'s reactions to things like the Archon quest and Natlan's characters, but that's the small price to play for no spoilers.
I think that's accurate to her character. You must know her very well.
Were they adding characters to the standard pool?
we just made fun of Crapijobo for like 4 days straight
yes, mualani is going to standard
>proper spacing
>good grammar
Yeah, they're adding Mualani since she's such a flop.
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Lady Furina, my oshi ....
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now THATs a women whoa mama hello
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cute slut
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Aether will never be a chad
until he gets the pyro element
honestly they really should just add Mualani to standard, especially if the leaks are true and Ping is a hydro polearm
make her the one to powercreep Wormville since she's notChinese so people won't seethe quite as hard
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behold the femorrhoid flops that killed genshin
when is dottore going to burn the irminsul
im still waiting
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They said they'd add new standard characters in 5.X, but they didn't specify who. And no, Mualani and Kinich are safe. They announce who's going to standard during the stream. I'd say Citlali and Iansan are the most likely candidates if Ororon really is a 4*. This probably explains why Citlali's kit seems so similar to Layla's.
yanfei is a vegan?
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Furina on expedition for water, pissing in streams, filling them every day. Drowning the land with her endless streams of piss magic. The rivers overflow, but Furina keeps pissing, can't stop until every pool is filled. Every day, she leaves behind flooded lands, never able to rest until the mission is done. The trees shiver as her piss pours out, echoing through the forest. She doesn't want the land to suffer, learns to piss faster, streams growing stronger. Pissing machine Furina.

She just wanted to help, but now she's sent out every day to piss, tears mixing with the endless flow. Her hands, shaking, unable to hold back the streams, leaving behind nothing but flooded ruins. Her once elegant robes soaked through, dripping with her own magic. She used to stand proud, a judge of the people, but now she's trapped in this cycle—pissing for Fontaine, for the Archon, and for the people who depend on the waters.

Her dress, soaked and heavy, clings to her like a curse. The judges look away, avoiding her gaze. She prays to the Hydro Archon, but he's in the tavern, his boots soaked, drinking the very water she conjures. The wolves, disgusted by her scent, flee from the drenched ground. Generations of flooded fields and streams bear her mark.

Piss harvester Furina, no longer the proud Hydro Archon, but a figure drowning in her own endless, cursed flow.
Kazuha is so lucky
Genshin /vg/ threads from August 26 to August 30.
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don't do it! it's not too late to turn this around, zandik!
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AI generated and cringe
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well, that was kinda easy.
still fun tho.
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If odds I sleep, if evens post charlotte.
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John (female) is the hottest character in this game
>could've had a KINO boss fight vs dottore at the irminsul
>instead he walks in talks for 5 minutes and leaves
what if we frotten instead
finally the fricking abyss resets in a week
>cryo layla/dehya being a standard 5*
With how much mihoyo has hated cryo ever since Sumeru, I believe it. Only the tsaritsa can break this curse...
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wtf man
>entire mualanifag base on gig consist of one cackling anon carrying out their grand master plan without the need for sleep or eating
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Be honest, did you pick your tabibito because you wanted to play with that tabibito or did you pick based on which one would be the abyss twin?
Because I did the latter and my abyss twin makes me horny
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The game asked me, "are you a male or femael". I chose male. So many troons here.
The female MC came with my purchased account, I didn't have a choice because they only had female MC accounts with the characters I wanted.
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I wonder what will happen when Dottore burns down Irminsul?
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ENTER the pyro sereveign.
I'll tell you that you don't actually know how divegrass works
I don't typically pick female mcs if there's a choice
It's AIslop
>less views than the HSR animation that launched on the same day
aether looked like a gay homo so i chose loom
>tfw capitano may be a clunky cryo dps like Wrio
I picked Aether because I went into Genshin knowing it was an 85% female cast game, and I like variety. I picked right because he's canon protagonist in almost all promotional material anyway.
probably fuck up the entire world which is why they didn't do it
The physical qiqi powercreep is coming..
faggot detected
It sucks to be a capitanobro
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he will revive his oneitis god-sensei-wife
I can't believe Capitabo went straight to the standard banner. So honorable.
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For me, it's Guizhong and her fat meaty thighs.
tranny detected
will check this out later, cheers
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I really need to win the next coinflip
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*cooms in her already soaking wet panties for the fifth time*
I picked female because i want to stick my penis between her boobs
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I would have chosen Aether if he looked like this pic instead. Aether's croptop and long braid ponytail look so cringe.
I don't want her to to come back without shoes on
using Mualani's soaked panties to tug my weewee...
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I hovered over both and then clicked at random
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>he doesn't have the cyno variations
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Oh precious, oh gorgeous
>if you picked loom, you are a tranny
>if you picked pagther, you are a faggot
simple as
Any PantaloneKINGS?
>no clorinde
>no emilie
Dragonspine more like Kinospine
can't wait for Inazuma in 1.4
Lol holy shit
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he's still waiting for Arlecchino, she said she was going to sacrifice Liney and Linette any day now
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What does /gig/ think of Fischl?
Delicious Mualani feet
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How broken is she going to be?
Did we really need a FIFTH cryo sword
whats the fake trailer of natlan?
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You're also missing Dain, so here it is.
I only post him once a week
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So since Crapitano is cryo, does trhis mean Columbina is most likely anemo?
i am out here in Kiev, just chilling with my bros
I want to believe that out there a girl like this unironically exists
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aether on expedition for killing cats collect justice everyday slaughtering cats with wind blade
butchers them for revenge for expedition everyday can't come home until he has revenge screaming cats stomped by aether
open their skin and cut out meat for fun wants cats to suffer learns to kill them slower killing machine aether
just wanted to help hurt cats everyday to kill slow for revenge bloody boots stomping cats for expedition laughing wants to sing
sent everyday just for pelts no breaks only killing stomping cats can't disappoint wife archon nahida kill cats for justice and revenge
bloody sword red like meat caught by cat butcher aether scholars don't look at him pray to nahida he's in the tavern killing cats
cat guts from holy vigilante aether can't clean blood with water magic cuckposters flee his scent generations of rotten cats
blood cat murderer aether
>At the end of the story traveler fails and gets sent back in time to try again
>These scenes are actually referencing the second loop
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i want to fuck her
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wanderer is the anemo harbinger
columbina is most likely electro
sandrone geo
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Bina is going to have a new element, just like Dain
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What's the writers' obsession with meaningless slop that sounds deep but actually has no substance?
bad boarbara impression
they exist but you jaded fucks on 4chan drive them off with sheer unpleasant aura
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They get paid by the word
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Here's a quality rabi
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My poor wife...
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I don't know, hearing the fossil's voicing him in every single language besides EN makes me think otherwise.
She's a healer, she's shit.
I love EEEQgaming
Didn't you talk to that guy once in the entire thing
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Does Kinich have a rabi?
Mavuika is kino.
Raiden is a chump
>Layla but Natlan(can equip Scroll of Cinders)
Instantly the best unit in the game, better than Zhong
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next thread for sure
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Wrio feels good to me, his NA combo not getting interrupted by dashing is really nice.
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i don't want to get powercreeped...
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I'll now roll Sandrone Guillotin Caspar
This is probably why Mualani is kinda forgettable despite her nice design. Are they playing things too safe?
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Is this one updated? The previous one was missing some.
Don't worry you won't get uglycrept
yeah I am pretty sure next thread it is
good one
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Luckily I saved this rabi
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I motion to include Cocijo in our next divegrass team under the name Endgame Content
she would secretly livestream your sex
yea it's the next thread 100%
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citlali is uglier than layla
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>only 27k hp with em sands
go on without me mualanibros...
Diona exists, you were powercrept on arrival.
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>aether in the pic
>no aether in the mega folder
Doesn't count btw
next thread yes why? of course
what if capitano is also bad as the other 2 harbingers
Clit loli should be superconduct Nilou instead
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i really gotta get back into making rabis
i made picrel and it fucking sucks but i see some anons post it every now and then and it makes me happy enough to want to make more
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I cry and play a different game
the only bad harbinger is Scara
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Wait... people legit like Natlan?
next thread I am pretty sure, and also pretty sure you cannot convince me otherwise
actual women don't coomslop their panties over and over and over again. That's just a coombrain fantasy.
LORD ajaw BROKE me..
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>24 votes
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We all had a team like this.
The death of Genshin is near
I’ll be watching in anticipation
It's funny how artificial Inazuma's hype was because nobody gives a fuck about its characters any more
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What happened to asses in Fontaine? Latinas are known for their huge asses, and yet everyone is flat in Natlan, wtf.
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For me, it's Yaoyao.
Man venti was CRACKED back then
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I picked aether because he makes my dick hard and I'm a faggot. He reminds me that one trap from a yaoi game I played years ago.
I think abyss aether getting corrected by dain is hot though.
i am not sure about the next thread
I'm C6ing him so I won't care too much.
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what power?
The removal of ass shading started in January 2022, right after Shenhe when they censored the Mondstadt 4.
This is a problem that long predates Fontaine, see: Yae, Nilou, Dehya
>Just use Venti
>Just use Ganyu
Her old walk was amazing
Cryo is the Lawrence of elements.
do the brainrot coomers on this board really think women would do such a cringe thing like this? No such women exist.
see? i told you. aether pickers are all faggots
blame xi
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>asking this in the thread where people derive sexuality from what characters you like
it'll come in 7.6 bwo
What deck do I build for current patch?
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Some women do get off from such things anon. The world is a big place.
Those challenges where you have to collect all the cones ad they are unmarked on map make me want to hurtt the fat guy.
(You)re a ma'am, not woman

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