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Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

Previous: >>493592883
i look and act like that
love feint
moonies are SLUTS (all of them)
cc doko
Pick your husbuns /xivg/
My malera? He's
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randomly sad tonight
hope you're having a nice evening, xivg
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Mine isn't
Sex with catgirls
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Moonies! :3
How tough is it to get a house on Balmung?
How did Lightcord become the big bad boogeyman when nobody talks about the thread there?

Falke blames it for his problems, LT blames it for his problems.
melee like this for my m3s reclears ty
Should I level all my gatherers together and then my crafters together or everything at the same time?
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thoughts on using other people's commissioned fanart and memes (non-skinwalker edition)?
going to bed while imagining myself getting smoochnotized into bliss by fatmogged pvp ravas with long ponytails and black lipstick...
oh nooo dont smooch me into submission gheehgeh nooooooo!!!~
your lipstick is going to leave a permanent mark on me....! stoppppppppp~
gehehehhwaaaaa hehehe fweeeeeehh~---........
Male character btw
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sunnie status?
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Hellow femanons (XX) of a/xivg/...
I have never pressed Feint.
You're not getting a house on Balmung. Don't even worry about it.
plapped, in the making
I'm a slut for hands on my head ruffling my hair and scratching behind my ears
Shouldn't you be slobbing on T'owa?
Congrats, you're ready to do Ultimates on melee
hope your night improves, bench schizo (if it's you)

tough enough that you don't really wanna transfer here if you care about housing
I don't find mierda appealing bro.
I have a + so my sunnie has a +
even if you look behind you it's too late, I'll already be deep inside ready to make you drip for the next few hours
I'm a himcess who is exactly like this...
Gabriel Castemont stopped talking to me when I came out to him as trans
beady eyes
i'm getting the mit sheet out
sunnie rejected, too much of a WHORE.
cant u just be normal like everyone else and call the nigga T.T. im gonna rape you
my fiddie is acting up again
Holy based.
Sonja Woltz
why doesn't this free use moonie have a + in all her holes right now
she's just like me fr fr
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I'm not there as a rpr yet.
What's the best way to level? I can't tell whether Aglia, Dungeons, or Fates are best for 91+
wtf I love Gabriel Castemont now?!
heading back to the mines (my bed) (im eepy)
sorry bro rules are rules, you're a slut
>a woman that doesn't feel like socializing 24/7 is considered to be on the spectrum
Why is it so easy for women to be diagnosed compared to men?
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At a loss for what to do
>tough enough that you don't really wanna transfer here if you care about housing
I've been here for awhile, but just came back from a long break.
Someday for sure.
laz from crystal
charmy from dynamis
sonja from primal
GL gets plapped by Towa? grim af if true
sis... your panties
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Post lowlanders
You're not getting a house on Balmung.
That lala has shown a lot more than panties.
because women do it for attention and men do it for disability paychecks
I drank the fanta-eroni
It's hard. Lots of demand. Very little supply. Just getting a small here is hard. Forget a medium or a large.
Actually hot af. Nothing is better than a piece of meat locked up where it belongs.
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My raid team's RPR is this and I greatly appreciate him.
dont like this...
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we like this?
If you're trans, you're free use. I don't make the rules, that's just how it is.
this was me with a bro in DF (we commed all over each other)
best time to get it was during the balmung lockdown for the past year, it's worse with all the transfers now, and it's gonna become hell in a month once all the shell FC alts get to bid
Where is my free use wife
whichever ones are played by women
eb like this?
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Inferior to hrothgals.
We love Kongies
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I'll do my best.
Being used by everyone else, wait your turn.
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Crystal CC 11:50 ET
i'll never win the cactpot
Pick your husbands /xivg/
With how horny they are on a regular basis they might as well be free use
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my bloonie does not like wearing clothes
kong is my favorite moonie
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Is there Sunny cwls?
glue nigger
My malera will treat you right, queen.
I have no friends
all moonies are gone now, sorry
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Listen, pal. We DON'T like this. Yeah, yeah, I get it, you're a pedophile freak who raped some guy's kids and can't even clear P1S. But guess what? The rest of us actually enjoy modding. We have friends, unlike you. So your cruel mockery of us isn't welcome here. Got it? If you hate us so much, just leave. We don't need your snide backhanded remarks in OUR thread.
If you fail, you can come live in my home. I have a lot of space since the former residents were all lost in a tragic scientific accident.
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a-all of them....
He's not in this
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Hello, I am big-time postmans Val Moobell here for fun postings. Let us be having a good time by discussing American nuclear secrets on exciting American message board 4channel!
Is there a hroth one of these?
i need a confession anchor
Factually incorrect.
Rape, Skip, Rape, Rape
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my floffgal :3
raping catboy jeb
I have 2
cutecutecute petpetpet
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BF is such a loser
Pick your wife /xivg/
Lorilee pretending to be the guy with 77 skinwalks.
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hawk tuah lb on that thang
>that tail
you can always just make one and then samefag it
hop step jumpu drew draw drawn
Omi vuhen...
i am still
a male moonie
Some hard to swallow truths
>When people voice their dislike for you it's not a discord raid
all it takes it one person to point out the type of person you are for others to dogpile
>Not everyone that says they dislike you is the same person
I know it's crazy but multiple people can dislike you
>Saying people dislike you because you plapped them or didn't plap them or because you plapped someone they like is not a valid excuse
you have porn brain rot and need to go outside, it's not normal
you seem to be telling the truth
it was 76, and I'm better than that
also haven't done it today
Sorry, sis. It's for the best.
Algai is best from 90-94. Then it's fates while queueing for 95+ dungeon or just do fates if you can do them fast with a group.
Limiting leveling roulette and frontlines is good too. For some reason CC gives more exp than normal at 90+ as well.
ew don't accuse me of being lorilee just because i made an awful joke
>male chars
>non ras
shit fucking CWLS
shut the fuck up
We don't like you anymore since you got blacked by effy
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>hidden armpit
>dislocated shoulder
I shan't be simping
I'd hardly lie now would I
>it was 76
I assumed you were the one who posted that val pic last thread, gomen.
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I don't have much else to post.
>theo voloux
shit fucking CWLS
wanna be friends?
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We are so back.
Where can I find a trans (non transbian) gf to treat her like the beautiful princess she's meant to be
Kongnamul Gukbap
desu if you are a femra, contact kyoppi to join the real femra cwls. it's 99% femras besides the leader of it who made it as a favor.
a quick 5 minute job has its flaws
they dont keep this one up to date at all
literally me

Why don't you do blender renders of your WoL?
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who is your male middie husbund? your female character eb? had a train ran on them by all of them
Built to be dragged back to my ______'s house and __________
Whatever happened to Kong
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People wanna fuck Bakool Jaja? What?
man I love femra
I'll believe it when I feel it..
I'm 30 years old sunnie and wojak images make me chuckle
False flagging someone is a good indicator that they didn't do anything and it was just due to someone's own personal meltie
I wanna fuck Zoraal ja
Account banned
He made a new one and stopped posting here but still shows up sometimes in game
Because I don't know how to, and I'm not a coombeast.
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I want to CC but I'm in first person view staring at my wife's face and I can't bring myself to queue.
Quit after Zir called him a nigger last night
>message friend ln discord asking if he wants to play
>no response
>he logs on 2 hours later and starts doing the stuff I asked him if he wanted to do
>message another guy later in the day
>also no response
I see
Saw a blonde lowlander(M) packin some heat last night
Is that mod working again for DT? I thought the creator deleted it.
That's pretty funny ngl
I made pic related in 5 minutes and it's always highly praised
He knows who he is, there's no denying it.
try chaos dc
Lowlander mod is so ugly though
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>that skin tone
Akemi looks terrible without mods wtf.
already bending to allow easy access, you really are a slut huh. You're practically wet and waiting for someone to take you
get better friends
>Akemi looks terrible
I'm NA
He said the nigger word in say chat
>Thinks he's gonna overflow his house showing some dogshit anime film
nah, Val is too easy and boring to skinwalk

if you ever suspect someone is skinwalking Val, that's because the person didn't put any effort
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I don't know what you mean, fill in the blanks.
The creator did, I've been meaning to run it through the update tool for DT but I've been lazy.
I have a bun working though.
I filtered my name 2 weeks ago and it vastly increased the quality of the thread for me, and improved my mood.
>femra that isn't face 1
She was always going to be ugly
Hey. What would you like to do? I don't like roulettes much unless it's limited leveling, but I like lots of other stuff.
you asked where
good luck bwo
Copy paste fail. In 15 Minutes*

It's just a precaution anon.
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i cant help but feel like i have wasted so much time and effort getting into crafting since the start of the expansion it feels like if i just put all this effort into farming gemstone vouchers instead i would have more money and could just buy all the gear im sitting here crafting

i know most people already have all this stuff done but i'm having to sit here and unlock manipulation to make materials and it fucking sucks

maybe it will be easier when i have all this stuff ready for the next craftable set
Yes but you seem to be all talk
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>want to engage in game discussion anonymously
>thread is full of schizos shitting up the thread
go play in oncoming traffic
How come every racial linkshell always shits the bed?
>no pic
I am lazy anon it is what it is
Want to do roulettes?
I'm grey
it looks fine if you mess with the face options
I'm not familiar with that update tool but thank you, I'll have to look into it!
I wish you would grey me.
You're here right now
whats it about and is it worth me getting out of bed to come watch
she looks like she fucks hroths and has her butthole and p*ssy blown out by them
Raping all the femra with no survivors
I wish I would grey you
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What do you want to talk about broe
do you have any advice for skinwalking?
grey me mommy
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yeah, I'm not joining shit made by a lalapedo
Well all the ones posted here always look awful
thats the wife colour!
holy fuck i can't stop laughing at the pic
I love femezen so much it's unreal
confirmed harlott. You're gagging for cock even if its a stranger, it doesnt matter if it's mine or not
think I might jerk it to some stuffy moonie feet
Decide for me

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Crystal CC 4:04 Et
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my femlala acts exactly like the roe on the left
I want to paint you white
Grey? That's Brit spelling... also I laughed god damnit
Lmao what the fuck was that thread
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No. Every single lizard gets the shovel.
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Anyone bored enough and wants to help me do some WT things?
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Built to be turned into my catgitl's plaything. He'll be hooked and keep coming back for more, but deep down, he's conflicted and can't help but feel something isn't right...
Oh no you've fallen in to the same trap ranru did
my femroe is queuing for aglaia
you aint grey retard you're pale, how many times must I say this
>I'm not part of the mierda council
I need to hurry up and transfer to Crystal.
my moonie running through her CC opponents
A few weeks ago I broke up with a very close friend because I thought she wouldn't care if we weren't friends anymore. Yesterday I was told by a mutual friend that she's been sad about it ever since, and I don't know what to do.
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Impromptu Suzume Movie Meet (Now / Film starting in ~20 min)
@ Mateus, Goblet, Ward 22, Plot 19

It's a decent Anime one-shot film from a couple years ago where a girl opens a mysterious door and weird stuff starts happening, complete with someone getting turned into a talking chair for the adventure, and a dumb cat.
Did Totoro ever happen?
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I’m not a slut
ranru mentioned
>volcanic slop
I played myself.
No because Akemi is a dumbass
no lol the lalas are doing this instead >>493610465
i was thinking the same thing, im laughing my ass off
as BLM...?
why wouldn't they care if you were friends what
Post this pornozen's fat tits.
no akemi was having trouble getting it set up
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If you like brit spelling you're going to love pic related
bo'l uh woh'er
you're moonie is very strong
??? Did you ditch this friend just because you thought they wouldn't care?
i'm jealous. so very jealous. i get a pang in my stomach every time i think about you playing with someone else. doing things with someone else. having fun with someone else. but i know thats not fair to you. i know its wrong. but it still hurts. so i say nothing. and sit silently in pain.
Sure. I almost forgot to complete mien and after 2 stickers I can pick up this week's. Are you on Balmung?
Going back to femra
spill the tea
no Akemi was doing a little trolling
Yeah i'm in limsa playing music currently.
Least gay NA DC?
Is that a lala address? Say it aint so..
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Just message me then retard
Sis we're all here for you. Let it mellow for a little bit... no hasty decisions. We still love you.
We need ranru and khloe back to claim this isn't blacked porn
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You definitely are, since if I ask you to undress twice you will.
post nude catbox. post nude catbox
Post this cutiezen's nice armpits
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that's not a lalafell
nah he just lets them live rent free in his head
Going back to maleroe...
Why do you have coconut blacklisted?
no thanks it'll be him erping with people while we try to watch the film in peace
my moonie has big dreams and limited abilities… she does what she has to do.
I thank the good lord every day that I'm American (grey still looks right though)
Okay but you're going to be forced to wear the moon choker that I use
SO true. Only the most premium of skin colors
Don't do it. It looks wrong
This grey is too light to be compared to the shades of a true khagan
I did a color test in CSP and the result said "yeah this bitch is grey"
huj are we about to be sisters....
cumming to this thanks
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Yeah, he'd notice your spelling mistake and know that was wrong.
Going back to lala
i wish she'd mentioned it, because i set it up and it's all ready to go on my end
tikaasi veener...
My moonie is the EVA-Beatrice of /xivg/
any late night lalas on?
Waste of processing power
What do you think of purple malera, since we're on the topic...
light grey is still grey anona
you have made me get out of bed
this better not be disappointing..
>Okay but you're going to be forced to wear the moon choker that I use
That's fine.
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yeah bwo im craftin
yeah what's up
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are bunboys REALLY like this??
It's a TYPO, and it can happen to anyone.
I really want to take a hrothgal on a date.
I've talked to him like 4-5 times ever..
only a grown ass man could make such a post
to stare at catgirls with
wtheck I wear modest clothing
I'm a sunnie...
quiet down fatass cat
my sunnie acts like this
T.B. post
Does anyone else like to browse and post on /xivg/ or is it just me
what does the unhappy face mean?
28 more command missions to go before I get /breathcontrol and none of you lazy niggers have the cooresponding animation.
>mass reply
Filtered and hidden.
She met a new friend and would invite that friend to everything we would do together but would never invite me to anything she would do with that new friend. I thought our friendship had withered and died and that telling her how I felt before cutting contact would just be a formality from her perspective.
QRD on Lily Lesrekta?
aint no way americans actually say gray lol
I don't know why I can't into upscaling anymore but it is very arduous
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>a fucking catgirl steamrolled the femra totoro meet
I am a femra
preparing for war
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There was one very, very brief moment I considered typing out a French accent. Like 'unting down zhis gyaru beetch and putting her in her place. Such filzhee things belong in the trash, oui? But its too much work, and a little too cringe, even for me. Plus Eorzean accents all being British anyway made it even sillier...
grEy is English, grAy is American. Although they're both basically interchangable these days anyway due to cultural bleed. Also HEY. Nothing wrong with being a bong. We're just having a rough few decades years
Control yourselves.
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*eyes bulge out of head*
*jaw drops and tongue rolls out*
*johnny bravo voice* WHOA MAMA
*spits in hand, slicking my mane back (hair cus im a male hroth)
*ahem* hello maam do you like hroths?
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It only takes 10 dipped shit
Do you wanna stare at my catgirl
sorry I went to go buy coke it wont happen again
Miera stocks?
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Crystal CC 8:05 ET
I'd find it hot if someone confessed to me like this. Wanting to spend more time with is the best kind of confession.
don't try to get some big reaction with just one or two posts. if you want people to think something new or different of your target without raising suspicion, you'll have to be subtle with multiple posts

replying to yourself won't help you get any better at it. it can generate more replies, but it's kind of cheating, which takes some of the fun away from it IMO

some ebins are expected to go out of their way to reply to every simp or literally every (You) for a bit, so keep that in mind
>log in
>take a gpose
>log out
what's better than this huh?
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>collectable spam to level
>Overshoot again
Why does this KEEP HAPPENING
Some of you guys need to learn how to not kill yourselves 10 times in a row, I know it's casual but don't make the game a 10 minute miserable experience please
that was not me, nice try though
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it's done
oyuun i mis u
faerie aether
my hrothgal is like this
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QRD on LT? They always seem to be surrounded by fiddies and the occasional femra. Hard mode: no schizo posts.
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Uchi better watch himself around me
Essi I don't want to interrupt your ERP but I just wanna say your outfit is nice and I love the boob window
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. . .
Start gaping some femlalas
you're mad you're getting mogged by a male
i'll only pick you if you make me put out on the first date
Sounds like a lot of assumptions from you and zero communication. I think you fucked up pretty hard, bud
kys lorilee
Secretly marrying this rava and pretending to be shocked when my children are pitch black
honestly you sound autistic but its understandable
feeling neglected is a normal misunderstanding and i feel like you should've talked about it to her first or better yet talk to her right now to see if you can maybe fix your friendship
is she blue
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femlalas fear me

>there's a decent vfx mod for my alts main job that fits her character concept
oh yeah im feeling good bros
bros, who we raping first?
the qrd is that he should kill himself
My malera? He's the endwalker.
it looks good anon, I think I was the one to push you to do it and I'm happy for you. I still wanna suck those charcoal boobies
dumb boy..
no he's not
Autistic drama obsessed gooner. This sounds like a schizopost but it's not.
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I have to smother you.
wolverine malidster for my deadpool femra...
as the chairman of the grey moonie association i declare that effy is a grey moonie
my moonie has made a critical miscatculation
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You can't touch me if I RP my character as a higher rank in the Halonic Church than you.
But I can touch you... Them's the breaks in psuedo-catholic fantasy religions I'm afraid. I like that French accent though maybe I'll have you recite all of the Fury's teachings with it.
I'm ecstatic to be a loving hrothwife and am trying very hard to not spam the thread and friends about it.
Lorilee is a sex pest perma horny gooner
the downside is they're not good at it
my moonie is the cultural zeitgeist
post pic of the meet, idk if I want to go
>LT asking for qrds on himself again

then he wonders why people can't stand his retardation, and goes full schizo about discord coordinated attacks or whatever the fuck
how many LL's are there...
If you read his posts and can't see he's unwell in the head, you are most likely also not doing too hot upstairs.
what are you gonna put out
a blanket and some pastries for our picnic??
deadpool is builded for spiderman
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He quite literally and objectively is the endwalker, anon.
I think I'll start posting my midster again tomorrow
Une more like Coone
get it? it's because you're black now
Arr rava rook arike
>op was fixed for one thread
>broken again
stop making the OP
half the council gaped that bitch
Raping this moonie with her consent while she's waiting for a res
need to see some proof
uhhh yeah and then kissy handholdy sex under the moonlight?
im one of the few boy lalas on right now
man _____ femra
My femlala gets more messages than my catgirl on balmung. Less people like them, but the one’s who do, REALLY like them.
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pic related

I blame the brainrotted coomers trying to worm their way into my subconscious
forged for meenas
Une Coalle
self proclaimed nonsense, he is pale and always will be regardless of whatever cope he cooks up
I'm on but I don't know what the plan for the night is since raid is over...
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You will hounded and murdered in all CC games.
Count you days.
He's embracing his Filipino heritage
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Beating this guy to death with a rock
All malera are kings. I like redra (malera and femra both) a lot, though
Good, good. We can come to an understanding, then
Bongers are BUILT to be bullied. I don't make the rules, I just enforce them . . .
OooooOooOOOOooo hubba hubba *blinks fast, slaps face around a bit* WOO WOO *pulls on tongue and makes train noises*
I'm not ERPing right now, I've been discussing cool stuff with my content wife. Thanku though, it's a good 'fit
Come to Mare Lamentorum. That's where the endwalker is, and there you'll find your proof.
same bro wassup
Grey can be pale though
You merely threw a blanket over the thing destroying your home. Just because you dont see it doesn't mean its not causing damage.
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Why does Howdoi Smite schizo CC players?
ive jerked off to this bun so much
you trying this again?
unironically cute I will admire your bun from afar and in secret
oh no no no he doesn't know
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We deserve to live in love...
Why do you, Sechen?
Show me one of his posts. Go on
selling all glub stocks asap
kill yourself otis, stop trying to schizo players better than you
Femlalas really are too precious, they deserve to be pampered in my lap
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learn to speak english, esl retard.
honestly anon like I said before the eye contrast is 10/10, I'm not the biggest fan of bvuns but I like her since dark charcoal buns are rare.
is gen3 body updated yet? what body are most people using
Cytube link if people want to watch while they're CCing or whatever it is you do on XIV.
cytube r crystal_tv
thanks, and yeah i'll avoid the desperate ones who reply to everything
That didn't work yesterday and it won't work again today. Give up.
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Don't make me punch popezen just to prove that I would. She seems pleasant enough, if heretical in far too many ways.
Also there would NEVER be a gyaru high-ranking halonic priestess, their robes are white, you'd get orange all over them with that trashy bottle-tan.
my moonie literally cant stop eating oreo cookies
Prove it. Give us the initials of a single person who would like to impregnate your lalafeet?
Is there a good expression pose pack? I’m trying to do a “biting the lower lip in intense interest” face in gpose and it looks like shit
I need molly and that one fit rava at the lb to oil up and take pictures together.
is snapper updated i want to steal effys character and pose her in porn with malehroth
Most bodies have been updated by now. What to use will just depend on what you're looking for appearance wise
I'm still beholden to your auction demands so I won't swap to mnk and meteoplap you
I am human and I need to be loved
Why do Discord ebins love mass-replying to their "fans"? Is it the lack of a father figure or just modern society going down the shitter?
just dont play hard to get its easy
femlala post
nah bro pale is faded white, grey is soft true black. this nigga is not grey they are a pale white
I'm friends with the janny from here, every time someone makes a mean post about me they secretly tell me who it was.
cc doko
it's wrong. it's wrong to be jealous of the things you did before you even met me. it's wrong to get upset over things i had no control over. it's wrong! but it hurts. it hurts to see it. it hurts to come across it. it hurts to think about. i need to be a better person.
The dopamine hit from (You)s counters their crushing feelings of dysphoria.
Why do literal whos get upset with anons who reply to all the (You)s they get? Is it jealousy?
its just all of them replying to each other on here instead of discord to make it seem like more people like them than we really do
what are this goonie's sexual preferences?
beautiful bun, good job /smooooch
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I'm jealous.. No one ever responds to me..
none of those words are taught in the jungle
What do the inquisitor's feet smell like after a full day of inquisition?
My screenshots average 0-1 replies
not a goonie, pale bitch
>une was my favorite "femra"
>turned out to be a fanta blob
don't call pale moonies poonies
Shut the fuck UP already LT holy SHIT
I don't remember posting this
my moonies screenshots range from people calling her autistic or saying they want to rape her
I'll respond to you, anon.
Are you having a nice evening?
Is your weekend going well?
OH yeah....?
I'm very close to raidlogging at this point, there isn't much reason for me to log in for besides capping weekly tomes and reclears
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No one ever replies to my posts.
Post the second
Excuse me it is THREAD CULTURE to NEVER REPLY TO ANYONE if you do its attention seeking and that is bad we don't like this I'm going to melt people are talking with each other AHHHHH
>my favorite femlala that I wanted to banged fanta'd into a hroth (male)
As a reminder, "boring" and "no personality" here are codewords for not having a mental illness and otherwise being normally adjusted.
my fiddie has a huge, musky bush
Say something dumb in them and you’ll get 5-8 “errrrm actually” (you)s
gives the illusion that they're actually liked by a bunch of people, even though it's a circlejerk between their friends and only a handful of thread simps here and there
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>Post a half naked femlala 4-6 replies
>Post something cute:0-1 replies
>Post something stupid:0-1 replies
Be grateful because all those (YOU)s are either "Gooning to this" or "RAPE"
Same, but I don't mind.
>sprout sends me tell saying hi
>asks if I could do a trade with them "since they're new"
>say yes, ask what they need
>they stand in front of me and /happy
>stare at me for five minutes straight saying nothing but occasionally moving/jumping
Wtf was that?
you're right we should call them faggots
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No, I kinda want to kill myself. It's been comfortable enough, I guess..
Why don't good players queue CC anymore?
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Popezen is to the Church as Colonel Sanders is to the Army. I've seen the real pope and he is a Malezen. I'll be willing to overlook those remarks if you dress up in a maid outfit and do a little dusting in my chambers. I'll see you soon
Ebins are just such SUPERSTARS! I'm so starstruck when I see a famous ebin posting on 4chan! It's like I'm at the GRAMMY'S!

They can still turn into their old femlala if you mare sync with them...
kids these days
that was a fae dude, they took your soul
They got sick of carrying you.
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Crystal CC 12:33 ET
cc doko
I love interactions like that
>call Alisaie hot in chat
>everybody dogpiles on me about she's a "minor" and how it's illegal
>meanwhile she canonically lusts after you while Alphinaud looks on with approval
It's always funny how quickly these closet pedos out themselves.
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Thank you Sers

I played lala for multiple years then swapped to femra then swapped to my veena fierda then swapped to elezen then swapped to femra then swapped to femlala again then sweapped to lizard then swapped to this thing after I went to lb14 and got brainworms
I noticed its usually someone projecting
>you're boring
>you should be entertaining me
Meanwhile they're not doing... anything
you are a child to me anon
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Think I know who you are talking about, the cow to fit ratio would be hot.
Because everyone knows you're a schizo
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I paid them to distract you so I could get this screenshot.
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holy shit he said the buzzwords but ironic again! BASEDBASEDBASED
I like that we like this enough to make these
This goonie's preferences are cats = au ra > viera > fiddies > middies = elezen > hroths. After cats and au ra, they're relatively close enough
Next time I'll put you in the ground for good.........
why are you greykeeping you arent even a grey moonie
people who obsess over fictional character ages are weird as fuck
You can be dark white, you can't be a pale white, white is already pale
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I can't play CC I'm staring at my wife right now.
Your posts are so boring.
based lol
My moonie sage had to fuck the studiums admissions officer, so he’d mark her race as “hrothgar” and sge qualify for affirmative action.
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Me too, but I'm too lazy for that, so i'm just living the life day after day and having fun with what I get. It keeps me from thinking about it.
are her ears for sale?
funny how you say that when the one person called that in the thread today was val, who's mentally ill and not normally adjusted at all
cope about your fav ebin tho
I think pedos are weirder but I know that's an unpopular opinion here.
hey......wanna let me put my sweaty, hairy vag on your face?
I would pound her and alphinaud side by side
you cannyot buy moonie ears
People underestimate the power of SMN to bait people's Guard
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this shit is too hard for duty finder
voidlisted me...
yeah... i do want that actually
Oh. I see. That's really unhinged. It's a lot of red flags, but that you recognize it and want to be a better person is really endearing to me.
Feels like no one can fill the whole in my heart anymore. Its just an expanding void that hungers more and more.
Even after I have intimate interactions with friends or build up relationships. none of it fills that hole anymore
Yeah we love pedos here we hate pedo haters that's why Kong isn't here anymore.

Kyoppi is one of us, we LOVE pedophiles here!
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I don't even have voidlist bro...
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There are also people who act like:
wifera spotted
deploying my wife post
I am simply holding the standard of colour.(color for you american tards) she is not grey she is fuckin pale. take a sample from any pic she posts and run it through an image edititing software. she(he)is fucking pale
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Imagine this is your life. Tracking your daily off-topic ERP rambling posts on 4channel and discussing it with other people.
Crystal moment
I forgot how boring the nier quests are between the raids
I wish she looked like this. She looks like an oddly lanky prepubescent boy in-game.
>those polygons were 17 years and 364 days old, you pedophile!
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>>call rape hot in chat
>>everybody dogpiles on me about rape, how it's illegal
It's always funny how quickly these closet rapist out themselves.
minor spelling mistake, just fade me at this point
it's ok, im so tiny and the camera angle covered me...
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if you could update it and re-upload it I would greatly appreciate it, anon
they would've updated the ages then but she's still under 18, sorry pedophile.
bark bark
danger moonie
bark bark
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i'm a hardline fan of the actual series of games and it was a snoozefest to me, too.
they really of did it a disservice in that aspect.
Fair. I'm too scared..
Lalas of both genders, are /pets cute or creepy from other lalas? Do you emote back?
pot meet kettle
its because women and estrogen filled men who want to be those women have took over xiv (and the internet at large) only they care about shit like that and use it as a platform to start drama, in 5 years we are gonna see exposed content made by 24 year olds talking about how a 27 year old is a pedo for lewding a 21 year old
I didn't mind Alisaie having a crush on us, I just wish fujokawa gave me more options that the child and the bottom catboy
Oh, it's not a bit? He's just truly this pathetic?
hes such a faggot
>Imagine this is your life.
i dont afk at the bench so i cant lol
I think not even Val would dispute the fact he's boring
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i am
a gay hrothgar
>she's still under 18
out of 10
the pedos are doing mental gymnastics about the teenage elf girl they want to rape again
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you were molested, we get it.
i am
a femlala whose mood has taken a nosedive after the sun went down
>20-minutes waits
>2-minutes matches
could you play better please?
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You see the irony I hope
I think it's fine and I do it back.
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yea the drg is pretty wifeable i guess
im on primal, we had to heal lb3 several parties through half of the bosses so it was pretty kino ngl. the other healer in my party literally quit midway against the red girl, it was tight
it’s called “noncon” chud. We don’t use the “rape” word.
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Crystal CC 2:48 ET
How was your day though?
Fucking based
>We don’t use the “rape” word.
good bye new fag
I have to find the original file, it's not in the folders I thought it would be
Learn what words mean before typing them in the comment field.
your goon pedo brain made you retarded I see
but I'm not gay or attracted to children like you
Hey anon.
Remember, everything's gonna be okay.
We're all gonna make it.
Have a good rest of your night.
/pet /hug
i bet this moonie gives amazing head
You replied to tikaasi while talking about lorilee, dumbass
If you were EU I'd rail your brains out. I'd make you cum 3 weeks in advance
pot meet kettle
okay but what does it mean when it's time to moonie
All the racial CWLS are like this.
do you guys like my portrait
your sissyphean tenacity is incredible
This guy has been real quiet since the DT Blocklist and "Remove retards from my house" button was added.
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my moonie wants to use this gear
I like pets in general, but I do usually /clap. I only really pet dead people when they’re on the floor.
looking good sis
Love all grey buns so you are great.
The Imaginary pedo boogeyman is coming for you anon, look out they might consensually hold hands with someone who only turned 18 half a year ago THE HORROR!!!
i forgot i made that word up thanks for reminding me
too bad
Does artisan or autoretainer have a feature to automatically take out crafting mats?
Dumbest reply so far.
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The last time I barked someone said they would throat fuck me so I'm just going to have to *nod*
Please understand.
Does that come with same day shipping because I'll hop over to OCE if you wanna organize the shipping details.
yes artisan does if you make it a crafting list
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NTA but funny you say that because thats one of my favorite glams.
post your poonies (pale moonies)
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>The Imaginary pedo boogeyman
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Post your CC crush's initials!
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may i kerplunk?
Eb status
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rip steppe milkers
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Pale is not exclusive with grey. Personally, seems pretty grey to me
People are already calling 21 and 19 groom so we are well past that point
I am truly sorry for the anon that for the past couple months (year?) has been "pedo hunting" xivg threads. Being so obsessed with something, even as "lol lmao just trolling haha" denotes there is an underlying problem in his psyche. My money is on he was molested and/or he is attracted to kids himself and instead of seeking help he feels the urge to fight the bogeyman wherever he goes.
Seryu Tachibana.
yeah fuck it why not if we jump to OCE I'll still rock your world despite the bad ping
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Don't forget to hydrate
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Not if you call us that.
No, nigger. They are two separate people with their own separate issues. Conflating the two of them is amateurish behavior, better yourself.
I am a lalfell
that if you're nice to me even once
I'll spend all week daydreaming about being your bride
and fantasize about letting you use my body any way you want
pick a world
Don't go to OCE You have us on crystal to plap
Please pee on my Lalabvll
Why did you give so little notice. I missed the start now, so cannot watch.
This is Glue, isn't it?
People who parse and hound for gpose collabs are unironically getting mad at this and I think that's funny as fuck.
>Conflating the two of them
This is something your low IQ brain cooked up on its own, retard. You should have stayed in school.
I'll take a free wife, thanks.
Pretty average. Got a few things done, roulettes were so-so and now I'm just chilling in the thread.
You're right, but will you act on your desire?
your personal perspective doesnt mean shit when its an objective fact. grey is pale when it comes to skin tone.
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I'm gonna kersplurt

the jungle milkers are larger thoughever
Midlanders used to be the cool race, until Au Ra came along.
Roes used to be the buff muscle race, until Hroths came along.
Cats used to be the pretty race, until Viera came along.
my lala does this except the last line
I don't want to boost their ego
i'd rather be called a maloonster than that
>Grey is pale
Which would make her... Pale grey
Not that fiddie, but hey...
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You can't just... This isn't fair. I need to lay down. To sleep its getting so late its almost early gn thread you weirdos try not to huff the schizo fumes too hard
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>was born to eat hroth pussy
>femhroths are rapidly becoming an endangered species
It wasn't supposed to be this way
Id pay to see it but in a real shader and not this grey shit.
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I am
A Hrothgar
Wondering if I should farm for that one bicolor gem mount or just spend my gil for it.
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>femlalas fear me
Very true
miau miau i am not joking when i say you have by far one of the ugliest troons in this thread
I always find it weird that these ebins get massive replies but when you see them in game they are all by themself lol
Post your LB14 crush's initials!
I don't know materia worlds so pick one you dont mind being internally rearranged
I'm falling in love with this bunny more with every post, watch out
why does getting hit by a second CC make purify ghost even if you're still just stunned
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I am so fucking tired
no, they'll know it's me
Some nigger hit you with a third one.
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Its certainly not you
Zurvan, I'll give you 10 mins.
If you can't make it then no worries :3
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Crystal CC 5:55 ET
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I got mike wazowski'd...
that or the one person who always orbits them
prepare for doom
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look at all these guys in the lb14 bro....
allow me to shatter your dreams
she is enwoobered
They look better without the ffucked up mods
unironically a big part of it is how fucking annoying it is to talk to them, they spend most of the time taking screens and alt tabbing to post them here and reply to (You)s
some even do it during ERP, it's grim
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do the fates
Which femlala am I delivering my hroth love to?
you're allowed to come you know?
I might be a bit slow, where on zurvan
is that supposed to be a downside?
Girls with dicks…
Who want men to top them…
Dont… exist…
Now I'm interested.
Gridania, we can move anywhere from there if you want.
Only a downside if it isn't flared...
Its usually people who lack a social life outside the internet who care about pedo hunting, their body knows they should be dying in a trench but they instead serve in the war against pixels.
Because someone said I made 60 posts in the last thread.
I had made 7 posts in that thread when he said that and I wanted to see how retard he and you retards brigading are.
>no instantpop
Sitting this one out, no ebins most likely...
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my moonie lets this happen to her
holy sex

it's normal..... she's already unoriginal, I don't want her to steal vexa's thing
the game wont let me move to zurvan, im not even joking. I'll figure it out
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Why do you feel the need to post lies
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this company can't even handle the 1 game it works on
and it wants to challenge itself with more??
back off my grey jungle bunny now
My moonie puts her woober between those
My sunnie has accepted that she will die alone, but it still bums her out sometimes.
i actually made an alt for this purpose even though it's on the same service account
i don't have any mods for them yet but when i do i will still bitch out and not actually do anything
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moonie CC
or froth CC
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What is she posing?
>like Alisaie
>get called pedo
>like Alphinaud
>get called pedo
>like Tataru
>get called pedo
There's just no winning is there?
More cope as always. You could cut that 7 in half if you didn't make shit up to defend your autism constantly.
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>can't even hang out with my friends
holy moly i hate this game sometimes. what does that monthly sub fee even PAY FOR
>The last time I barked someone said they would throat fuck me so I'm just going to have to *nod*
>Please understand.

what the scallop
I'd do gay hroth stuff for my favorite femlala. Only for her though...
No worries, you still have time.
oh my
you're so desperate for attention it's disgusting
…you disagree…?
Show me…
If it's just retards brigading, why even reply. Just ignore it 5head
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And yet...
>blackest vantacoal niggerava
Casting ancient forbidden magics upon this ebony bnuuy to enhorse her...
I do, sometimes. Depends on my mood.
>it's normal
holy FUCK please eb me
gn wife
If they were your friends they'd come to you to hang out.
the multitude of failed projects that SE puts out instead while this game is on maintenance mode
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>rava fiera
Just don't like underaged children?
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Don't worry about it, it's complicated..
>south lane focus
>abandons south for the rest of the game
I want to pelt callout niggers with rocks
Rob Chidori and it's not even close.
>some even do it during ERP

what a pathetic waste of human life
>Can make an unlimited amount of new characters on it
It's absolutely fucking retarded and makes no sense to me
moonie poster is suffering from moonie overload this thread
this sphene caught me off-guard
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that shit is not black
Weebs be acting like weeb shit hasn't been sexualizing minors the past 50 years..Prolly why I'm into teens.

That or my brain is hardwired to lust after each and every thing that I can fuck and make kids with.
my femlala is thinking about kissing girls...
>Like Y'mhitra
>Suffer as she joins the "lost & forgotten" NPC pile
ok sorry i will never post my moonie again
going to nibble those ears
my rava fiera is a -
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Anyone want to do roulettes? PF is up on Crystal. RR
PW 1235
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it's throbbing...
They absolutely do. In fact they crave it deep down, being treated like a princess and a whore simultaneously. They want a man to throw them around out them in their place, but to also not neglect their desire to appear feminine.
Desperate? You're giving it to me unprompted. I just posted a mare before/after and someone starts having a meltie and posting stuff from a discord in the thread about me.
I didn't make anything up. You're having delusions.
If 7 posts out of 800 being one person bothers you, that's a you problem.
tourists who complain about balmung should leave and never come back
we don't want you here anyway
I'll cry
>Girls with dicks dont exist
Correct. Only men have dicks.
can i see ur moonie
kill yourself transbian
1F1F1F is black
>Shaders entirely change skintone, proving the point
>tranny chaser
My rava+ is playing the cod beta
The perception of grey in this thread is troubling
alright I got it, I'm nearly ready. you said gridania yeah?
after the kiss
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>the jungle milkers are larger thoughever
yet not as tasty or nutritious as grassfed free range nomadic milkers
black is literally only one color, close your eyes and you'll see it.
Yeah, the guys pretending they're trannies don't want to erp with men. Amazing
Anon the are no children playing XIV just fat men in their mid 30s, im sure everyone appreciates the service you have been providing of protecting the sanctity of some pixels that have been 17 years old for the past 10 years
Sure did.
Only transbians call anyone a chaser
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gn sirs
God yes I do
Not if I cry first
so who's THE hypnolala in this thread?
This is a sentence I wasn't expecting to read tonight but you know what? Go off, king. I kneel.
Uh huh, if that's how you want to cope
the cow to fit ratio is oddly fucking hot....
>Anon the are no children playing XIV just fat men in their mid 30s
And a portion of those men in their 30s in this very general are pedophiles.
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perceive moonies but do nyot perceive moonies too closely
Are au ra horns erogenous zones?
That's not how it works!
Mmmmm sex
I wish I wasn't weak to hypnosis...
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im trying to help you
where ceecee
Erm, black isn't a color its just the absence of light
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erm...thats actually exactly the way it was meant to be. learn the lore sweetie, and happy hunting
Mhm, someone in that house is getting plapped.
>no meetups

dead game
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Crystal CC 9:55 ET
>day-long winning streak
>get an ebin maliddie
why are maliddies so consistently bad at CC?
I can help with that
I wish I was weaker to hypnosis..
what is it about stinky moonies
moonies are the only thing that can help me
What you see when you close your eyes isn't black
is it me
Pedophile is just faggot for zoomers.
Alpha and Beta gen will be shunning the use of this word as a slur when they get in their 20's-30's
I hope I'm not dead by then so I can watch everything burn.
true, the nutrition goes elsewhere

I consider my rabbit's skin color to be black / ebony / charcoal if it's any value to this conversation
call me colorblind if you wish
The irony that it's towa posting it and again a bunch of eus
At least your melting is less obvious on your posts now
Reshade 6.2.0
Visit https://reshade.me for news, updates, effects and discussion.
where are his teeth!!!!
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>tfw have gotten commissions of my guy OC laying claim over my friend's futa OCs
They exist, you just gotta look around and put yourself out there.
Blonde Chidori
Couldn't be me
Thread is so late no one will see this is LITERALLY me btw

what is this an ad
yeah, most likely
what is this for dumbass
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Sorry no (You)s this time around but for anyone interested here are the songs I added from last thread
No idea who that is.
No idea who you are.
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I'm judging you as you sleep.
No woman plays a catgirl.
Oh the horror... 30 year old fat men with fem characters pretending to be women grooming 26 year old fat men who also pretend to be women, thank you for your service anon in stopping this totally real pedophillia crisis we are facing.
I did for a few months before going back to femra
Shut it
I don't know what the point is, my skin color is fine you assholes
that's not what the xiv selfie day on twitter says
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According to this thread I'm a redra.
I hate to have to be the whisteblower but... <<Core>> FC chat is currently telling people how to get illegal estrogen. Is this reportable? ...
eb status?
whats for dinner tn
You look like a lemon
you are absolutely correct as always my fair skinned femra queen
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my catboy looks like this
no but you are an uglyra.
no one cares about your illegal troonshine operation Rob.
you wanna tonight or are you still tired
Me posting Sunday wasn't a Garuda post but I'm happy to see you add it.
I love that song so much.
>I need to reset target emnity with the dummy before I can change gear
This game is so niggerlicious
This is actually not true, and dangerous way of thinking. Irresponsible parents let their children play FFXIV, or any game they want.
This is why you don't open a random conversation with people in this game with something sexual.
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Oh yeah? Well I had sex with your wife
you couldn't right click to reset aggro until mid stormblood btw
>he ran out of hoes and now has to create them.
i am the wife, dummy.
All biofems I know play femra, fiddie, and femezen
When they don't reply they're called stuck up snobs.
this doesn't ring any bells so wrong individual sorry
>illegal troonshine
Rare funny post.
yup so true
I had sex with you lmao!
Nothing, I'm starving myself and drinking water
Oh yeah well you look stupid
You talking crap too?!?
according to this thread I'm a bloonie
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I have experienced the sexual pleasures of PvP cover...
you're just ugly and retarded
If they don't reply back often then people stop replying
I know three. Two are catgirls, the other is a malera.
Torpedo tits
did you pot under it
the pvp rework cannot come soon enough
and if cover isn't it touched im just not gonna bother
my sunnie had a horrible time playing deadlock
Hell yeah brother. Check out Super Rich Kids if you want *even more* Earl and Ocean
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it truly is like im at the grammy's...
you're a creep
I'm going to make a fresh service account to afk at the Beds and blacklist people as soon as they say or post something weird and/or sexual and see how long it takes before it's empty.
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If WT anon is around I'm back now.
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I used to play a blue moonie. But then I got rabbit ears and less blue
I'll play pld tonight when I come back to grief queues
Who asked?
*ties ur ears into a bow*
>Faggot is still doing it
Can I get a link for this?
>irl penis
actually barf worthy
lmao what fucking kid is playing XIV? what imaginary world are you living in that a child TODAY is playing this boring ass game with clunky as fuck combat that takes 2+ expansions to get to the good stuff? their ADHD riddled brains are playing fortnite and roblox not this shit, please post your harry potter tier fanfiction elsewhere like reddit im sure they will believe you
I'm in an FC with 40+ year olds who play with their children. I don't know why you think it's so impossible.
You already know. Gonna relisten soon
Where can I meet this fiddies for some lewds?
Thats creepy as fuck anon, seek help
wanna see mine?
nta but yeah
yeah what point are you making. do i get to see your woober or not
heres one i really like. sorry if you've seen it before.
eb status? race? server?
secret :3
lalaboy energy
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MF i am retard gomen
im too well endowed to be a lalaboy

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