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Previous: >>493582609

>[Event] THE Great Tea Ceremony Battle: GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku, The Man Who Returned from Hell
2024-09-02 01:00 - 09-22 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku Sen-no-Rikyu Pickup Summon
2024-09-02 01:00 - 09-22 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku Pickup 2 Summon
2024-09-04 21:00 - 09-20 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] Back to School Campaign 2024
2024-08-25 21:00 - 09-08 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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post big titty hags who are insecure about their age
Do I get to be the shogun now?
post your favorite servant
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That Astolfo yume is posting again.
Good OP
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bob sux
Bargh only in the thread now.
Is that her OC? Cute.
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Saturday night…
You have to betray (burn) her first like monkey did
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Here's a picture of Rika instead. Hopefully it scratches the same itch.
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Lip love!
Why is an old man allowed to act this erotic?
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Kama Love!
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Saturday night…
I can make this work
Carmilla is the better liz
Hideyoshi was a Taiko. A shogun is like the samurai king. That's the Tokugawas.
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Oberon therapist be like
>yea you should totally shoot up that school
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Does Oberon work for the FBI?
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I said no such thing
>Its a lie
>Oberon doesnt want you to shoot up a school
Based moth
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I got 4 copies of that CE in quick succession when I started playing. I'm still waiting for the 5th one...
Liss Love...
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Oberon the rapist?
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Rare Carmilla thread!
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Ronnie is literally me
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Same except I got my final copy a couple weeks ago.
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Ronnie is /alter/
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You know what this thread needs?
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fucking hell Oberon, you're under arrest. you have the right to who cares
>1225 SQ (including possible ones converted from fragments)
>No Maou Nobu yet
How many days are you in and how did you have this much? You paying too?
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I'm still waiting for my first copy
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A Kanpaku/Taikou is basically the same exact job as a Shogun. It's just a different name.
can you try this exact prompt with different artists? whatever you feel like
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I'm doing this set up instead
Easier to find a merlin from support than fucking sherlock.
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Yeah, but they're not literally the same job.
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Post sexy fully clothed girls
I don't have Holmes. Besides, Brolmes is always useful because there's that one sis that always uses him for CQs.
>My nephew is gonna be the next kanpaku
>Sure Hideyoshi, great idea
>Actually frame him and kill him
>Why? uh, whatever lmao
>Also kill his family, kill anyone related to him, display his above a river, and bury them all in said river
This is actual schizophrenia, genuinely what was this guy's problem
Yea, sure, but it's semantics. They both are rulers with basically ultimate authority.
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This is the best I could do.
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Gudako CANNOT shake that dumper and not expect me to attack her.
The reason why is because Hidetsugu was adopted by Hideyoshi and not actually blood related. Once Hideyori was born, Hideyoshi wanted his actual son to take over for him instead of Hidetsugu, so he needed to get Hidetsugu out of the way. The option he chose was execution.
Just because someone decide to main him doesn't make him useful.

absolute power rots the mind, many cases like that, very sad
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how the fuck did mitsunari even know about chaldea's and chacha's existence BEFORE (you) rayshifted?
Sure, he hasn't seen much action lately.
Does Abby count as a loli considering her height?
I told them
the beast guy
They watched the prequel.
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Did you forget that Keisuke is there?
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>boneless human
There's no such thing... all humans have bones...
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That's a guy
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>all humans have bones...
Not after Nagayoshi is done with them.
Clae is so cool
Who will be the Grand Berserker?
Yes. And?
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Oni Musashi.
keisuke is a snitch bitch. he's not a "kind guy", he's an incel
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Space Himuro.
Honestly it's not that good MLB. I think the amakusa one is better MLB
>nip grand
Unironically Hideyoshi based on this event.
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Not him, and functionally in his case this is extremely semantics because he was doing the same job, but I feel like someone needs to be say this because Kampakus existed concurrently with Shogun most of it's time. Hell the title Kanpaku lasted all the way to the 20's with Hirohito having it when he was crown prince.

Shogun on paper is an outright military dictator
Kanpaku is supposed to be chief advisor to the emperor
Taira no Kiyomori and Toyotomi Hideyoshi were both for all real purposes Shoguns, but were not granted they top title. I vaguely remember something about Tokugawa being a Minamoto branch family which if you go far enough back traces to the imperial family to justify him getting the Shogun title since the Kamakura and Ashikaga were Minamotos.

The closest thing I can think of in the Western World to this type of title denial is when the Hapsburg Emepror made the Prussians use King IN Prussia on their official title.
would be kino
>he's an incel
He literally has a girlfriend thoughbeit.
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Mai Kadowakis birthday is today
that's not his girlfriend. it's a geisha that he has to pay money for just to talk with her
literally who
I can buy a sidehoe /alter/bro for one big pack, doesn't make me not an incel
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One thing to note also is that supposedly the imperial court wanted Hideyoshi to take the title of Shogun, but he refused for whatever reason. It's speculated that he did so because he was born as a peasant, and thus couldn't take the role despite being the most powerful man in the country, but Hideyoshi was adopted into the Fujiwara clan so he should've had the pedigree to become Shogun, so who the fuck knows why he refused the title.
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Best I can do...I can't remember which of my pics were rare
When do we get to use Rengoku Alter anyway
Kiara CE is better for quick fights like that video example where the 60% charge allows immediate NP, Amakuso CE is better for somewhat longer fights.
>has sex
>non celibate
>that means he is involuntarily celibate
Keikenchi has already decided that Hideyoshi is a saber. Although he's also capable of being summoned as a rider.
Supposed to have some nice tits according to our Shamhat's reveal...but oh well
>kind guy
Actually he is. It's a skill which makes mountain kids get along with him. His only skill with any function.
I mean MLB, kiara CE is still 50% charge as non-MLB and only goes to 60% as MLB so my point was mostly that the jump doesn't really matter. Unlike the amkusa one, which gets a way better effect from the MLB
SSR Gang lateletbro here.
Just a reminder, I only have one copy of Black Grail, which I only got for free through the anniversary. And I have no Kaleidoscope or other meta CE's. I have all the ones from Summer 7.
Seriously, how were you guys able to level your CE's all the way to 100?
I've done it anons.
I've cracked the extella 3 cast.
It'll probably be about 37 of these, but still.
The 2 empty spots are Archimedes and Karl, respectively.
those are nice tits, nice flat tits
his weiner must be very small
Flat is best.
Shamhat's body according to Enkidu, 100% woman.
>Gilles gone
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>Gilles gone
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I only rolled on rateups that doesn't have event CEs in it to increase my chances of getting kaleido/BG until I can MLB them
Pretty sure it's the kikosomething wolf guy who told Ishida, since he's the one who specifically mentioned that he wants to deal with the event from the previous guda guda. Rikyuu would not know the value of holding the geisha hostage otherwise because Yamanami himself has no need to talk about chaldea since in the end, he is team Shinsengumi.
I would take Hans out and put Gilles back in
Maybe make room for Mordred or Brad
But yeah this is about it
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>play MGS1
>Miller calls Hoover a well known racist
i wouldn't have sex with any japanese women from the 1800s (besides okita female)
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smartest altera poster
Back in year 1, there weren't a lot of SSR CEs in the pool.
Why Cagliostro?
Just because Edmond?
Or because you need a suspicious guy?
Who is this artist I swear it looks like my friends art
Link friend's site/works
This guy.
GudaGuda vs Servantverse DLC incoming
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So I looked up the overcharge CEs and found 2 things
>they re did the rin/shirou/sakura ones, but they made shirou arts and rin buster
>medb has one called the one-inch princess
I thought it was funny
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>>play MGS1
awww yeah...
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I guess /alter/ isn't the only one inch princess anymore
That's Ebora.
After the abomination of the story that is Extella Link. I don't want a third.
>me when I meet my bros
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Hijikata needs a gunblade so badly
I can't tell if it's a copycat, or if he actually has a second account for horse porn art.
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Im back from touching grass, what did i miss?
me when I meet my bros
It doesn't count unless you pissed on the grass
do it again
He does have another account for that stuff which he doesn't link with his main one.
>me when a bro says "sent, kiara in all"
Ebora is a hack
but i do that daily, how else are my enemies and dogs gonna known they are stepping into my territory?
I thought is was ardent knight from the line work of the Illya in the water I guess, not him I guess.
When I see someone using CS
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But has he ever mention it's him, or is like an open secret that everyone knows?
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>So few mana prisms that Jeanne Alter's costume was more affordable than Saber Alter's
This sucks
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>mfw JP now gives 3 CS per day
get rekt, nerd
I don't think it's really a secret, he just wants to keep the degenerate stuff away from his main art as it's more of a niche thing that would probably turn people away.
She turned 12, she's officially hebe
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Uhhh, if he's your friend why don't you just ask him?
Hebe isn't really an anime term.
it's a fucking normalnigger term, use lolis JS JC JKs like a normal human bean
Looking forward to that

I wonder what the supposed crazy changes Nasu has in store for the future that he mentioned are
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Ah, thanks for articulating what I couldn't.
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can AIbro get cracking on some Altera x Jannu steamy sex
I see, I won't go deeper than that then. Funnily, I went to check him on booru and they have all of his art, horse included, in one tag.
So Ordeal Call is complete nonsense since they released it for extra classes too, right? The whole thing makes zero sense?
What are you talking about? They only release them for extra classes.
FGO is complete nonsense when you think about it
>when you think
I never do that.
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>and then I replied to his post and said, "Extra classes? don't mind if I do!"
>when you think about it
I don't think.
But then you realize it's all fake
I thought he handled the Bob vs smelly horse balls debate very well.
Look at his account, he uploaded Castoria feet with all 10 toes. He's a hack.
>t. eb*ra
I've never heard hebe anywhere other than anime discussions on 4chan
I've been dreading this decision but I think you can behead /alter/ now, and all of their families too or whatever.
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Nope, the whole thing was about the normal classes to begin with. "Something something your adventure ends here because you used too many Extra Classes you are hereby rejected by Gaia: GAME OVER"
Because according to their stats players were "overusing" extra classes so they wanted the original classes to get boosted so you go on an adventure to buff the original classes.

But I guess that's unfair to the Extra class people so then the other part of Ordeal Call is buffing the extra classes...making the point of this...nothing, there was no point for this.
Please, spare my bros!
>people enjoy some white nigga from the states tracing over ai sloppa
My lord, no!! /alter/ hasn't committed any crimes!
We've never seen which toes she is missing
how do you farm the upcoming 90++ node?
FGO was all just a dream.
OK? A true artist isn't afraid of creative liberty to pick which toes are missing. At least one should be a big toe.
Must be nice having an artist this dedicated to their servant.
So, is Takeuchi also a hack for keeping them all in her summer version?
Shusha will always be a girl in my heart
That's only LB6 Castoria though
sorrry it took a while
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You feetfags are really fucking weird
>is Takeuchi also a hack
I really hope that isn't news to you.
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This is what you need for the original 7

Then it's like 30%-50% for the Extra Class nodes too, I'll make a pic for them if nobody else does
seems cucksucker is awake
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Yes, I am glad ReDrop basically treat Kama as if she was their child. This year was great for Kama...it only could have been better if they have her costumes as well.
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fucking kek, thanks bro
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Enjoying THE Great Tea Ceremony Battle: GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku, The Man Who Returned from Hell
Don't give it any attention, don't acknowledge its existence. Same rule as old asian superstitions about sensing something off when you're out in the streets at night.
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seems lucksucker (my favorite eceleb) is awake. I'm gonna cry in pillow and announce it in /alter/ giving him attention instead of just ignore it...
Also other stuff needed
>80 total ascensions, i.e. 20 max ascended servants
>300 total skill ups
>2000 total levels

For original 7 classes to complete the node tree you need
>170 bond for that class
>85 for the Extra Class grouping later
Toki was a cup?
Me too.
I see. Well, just accuse /alter/ for racism outside of /b/ or something. I'm sure you can handle it.
what does a Rikyu boogie-woogie look like?
Time for the final chapter of the event

Go go go
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do Miyamoto Musashi in third style. Who is artist btw
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Reminder voidsucker kneels to American Musashi superiority.
Yeah, but he was filled with radiation instead of magical energy.
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Extra Classes are in two groups
>EXTRA 1 for Shielder, Rulers, Avengers, Moon Cancers and EXTRA 2 for Alter Egos, Foreigners, Pretenders, Beast

So you need 85 bond collectively for each group to max out their tree
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I guess.
That Demiya looks good. Who did it?
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>This year was great for Kama...
Post Kama...
>Same rule as old asian superstitions about sensing something off when you're out in the streets at night.
So have Oberon or get fucked?
like her fat ass going up and down as she rides My peepee
That's been the case for years. We warned you bro.
>Nnoitora dual-wielding
Hessian is so sick.
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We couldn't protect her smile...
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>Toki posting
His artist Sasaki Shonen, I guess
He's talking about that thing in horror stories where you don't acknowledge the supernatural thing or they will keep haunting/attentionwhoring themselves to you
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The whole Class Score system thing seems to be extremely resource heavy and a total pain in the ass, especially for latelets who are heavily reliant on Pure Prisms.
Like hell, why couldn't they make the damn exchange shop have unlimited stock instead just 100? Stingy bastards.
It's pretty much what it says. Like if you're out at night in some relatively secluded are and say, out of nowhere you smell the fragrance of flowers, or weird stench out of nowhere, or weird sounds, act like you didn't notice it. Calling attention to it means that it's ware you notice it and in some folklore, that establishes contact or indicate to the entity that your spiritual defense is weak which is why you're able to detect those things' presence. This can cause them to want to haunt you.
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Literally me, although it's missing the bulge that shows on my shorts
>Sasaki Shonen
Wow, he's a pretty good artist. Who knew?
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90++ is pretty much an Oberon check. Otherwise you can nat farm it with Iyo.
Yes, that's the whole reason for implementing 90++. Oberon raised the damage ceiling way too high. Just do 5CE if you're oberonlet or something. I'm sure there's some set ups where you can get by with support oberon plus your own castoria or something.
Class score is not for latelets. It's for long time players/ people who grind the lottos too much.
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Snack time
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>So have Oberon or get fucked?
>Yes, that's the whole reason for implementing 90++.
>90++ is pretty much an Oberon check.

Enjoying our new 90++ nodes, FGO players?
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Are you sure you want to admit to being an ottermode twink on a public forum like this anon? I know we're anonymous here but still that's taking it pretty far.
Apparently they do start to hand out more stuff but I don't think it's enough for anyone new from what I heard. Yeah this is supposed to be a long-term timesink if you want to unlock them all and weren't here from day 1 and did literally everything.

And yeah the pure prism shop is the answer, hopefully it gets buffed up
>Saito grew his hair back in just a couple hours
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Liz Rape….
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Bro, he did the tsuki manga. His art is good.

pure prism shop is meant to help latelets, while class score is just for long time players/ autists who have already been leveling almost everything.
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yeah, i also have an above average cock
but i cannot break through the tiny screen to join my waifu...
Such power...dare you imagine what's coming?!
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Would you roll for a Roa servant?
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Nigger what the fuck are you talking about, that's not the point in the slightest
ALAYA wants to see how the Extra Classes are going to help protect the human order, so it's blocking you off until you show it. Meta wise Extra I and II were there from the start and you always were going to unlock them by going through the OCs. Read before you talk about something you don't know about
>the tsuki manga
For some reason I thought that was Eri Takanashi. He should replace the other artists anyway.
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You have to use the Forbidden Spell
He's a Servant, he simply changed his ascension
Literally who
Not as much as a TATARI servant, but yeah.
Aggravain forma de regeneracion serpent
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I want the Forest of Einnashe as a servant.
>it's another Raikou getting fucked by Astolfo
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keep talking nonsense, niiiiggaaa~~

Would instant NP5. I love using him in Melt Blood
>that cloak sweep
His concept/ story is cool too.
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I thought this exact thing just now listening to them explain rayshifting and chaldea in Moonlight Lostroom
Nah, never gave a shit about Roa, might roll for SHIKI though

>Not as much as a TATARI servant
Now that's a must get
>needs 3 CS to beat one tea lady
guda is such a shitter
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You literally picked the only Melty character I wouldn't consider rolling for.
It's one step away from that one gae gil design
>servants drop in to use NPs before you use yours
holy kino
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based and opera pilled
For me it's
>mawase mawase Mawase Mawase MAWASE MAWASE MAWASE MAWASE
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Why doesn't anyone care about them anymore?
I do
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urushihara satoshi
Antagonist of Tsukihime. Dead Apostle (he's a Vampire). Any time you kill him he awakens in another person's body so he's "impossible" to kill.
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The shimousa theme is so much better when used by the guda guda gang
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That's Kama...
She looks crosseyed
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ok I'm hard now
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>Would you roll for a Roa servant?
No, he was fucking lame, forgettable, and a jobber. I never really cared for the villains in Tsukihime
I'm sorry gogh, I found a new spooky crazy gf...
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i still masturbate to mhx
Why would monke be happy
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thanks king
Why do we need him in fgo if he’s from another franchise?
Is this.. the power of whore gfs...
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>Himiko: Can you keep up?
>Iyo: No, can YOU keep up?
Whore gf KINGS stay winning
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I do.
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Little Wifema...
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she is literally the only thing im only looking forward in that dreadful summer....well xu fu too.
Just 5 more pounds on your bench and you will break through...
Kama is the breath in my pubic hair in the morning…
Still need my wrinkly granny servant Lasagna.
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isnt welfare lady LITERALLY a human who knew about this beast and talked about him
didn't she literally tell us and others about it
man this event blows lmao
might as well go with "nuh uh"
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Your words conflict with the official statement so you first lmfao
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>man this event blows lmao

Glad you rike it. We will continue writing events like this one in the future.
Which statement
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>Gudao acting like he's part of the gang
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The statement how the class score came about because they saw how players were using Extra Classes so much
>Woofman tries to release ancestral beast by sacrificing Iyo to beat Yamataikoku
>Despite the fact that it would destroy everything
I get that Kunakoku was retarded, but really?
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Bro I get that you hate Kama but I would never subject anyone to my pubic hair in the morning...
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Fuck this morning.
>Kukochihiko was using Kamo's body the whole time
I wonder if he'll get an ascension dedicated to him if he ever actually gets in.
I'd rather have them as two separate servants
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>want to fart
>afraid to shit myself
>Rikyu just sort of... gives up
Man, it really seems like Keikenchi had no idea how to end this story.
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I mean, if Extella is going to be the dogshit fanservice subseries of the Extraverse, they might as well bring back BB through some stupid fucking asspull and introduce the Mooncancer class proper in Extella 3.

It would be nice to have Suzuka, too, since she's a part of the Extraverse. I have a feeling they're deliberately avoiding that until they know how her relationship with Kazuhito plays out, though. Gawain still recognizes Leo, so I don't think it would be too big of a deal. Hakuno would just become subject to some "don't misunderstand" memes.
Same but with how many gudagudas are in NPC jail I'll take what I can get
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>Kana actually says Kama-mama
Post white haired evil women with big tits who are actually huge dorks
wtf? why is okita alter a tranny now
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Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
There was that red Serizawa, so it'd probably be Normal Serizawa, then the red one, then one in modern clothes.
i drank a cup of milk in the morning and my gaming chair is soaking some full-blown nasty farts
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>I'll take what I can get

Don't worry gaijintard. We will release this NPCs in 4-5 years.
If Kama is popular then why does Kamafag post the same Kama pictures every day?
But anon, now you can have two spooky crazy gf
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Very true...
Kama wife, Kama life...
Doubtful when he's not popular, nor fujobait. We haven't even got Katsuie.
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>modern clothes
I kind of want to see him wearing a tommy bahama shirt and looking like he's on vacation.
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She heard you were gay
>Iyo can clear hands
I can see it in my mind. I could swear there was official art like that.
Gudaguda this year would be perfect with a welfare Woofman, 4* Mitsunari, and a 5* Hideyoshi.
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I want him dressed in standard ojiisan attire
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Would anyone want to summon monke tho
Considering how utterly jacked those recent welfares were that could turn out pretty good. But do people really want Mitsunari?
>Muramasa pov
Yiff in hell furfag
Everyone in Japan loves him. Probably the most of the big three.
I want them.
Drink milk more often so your lactose gut bacteria doesn't die off if you don't want this to happen anymore.
I want mitsunari.
Pako art alone means there's going to be fans
I for one really like him.
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Uh oh someone didn't read the event title properly
>Muramasa pov
Nah, Nobu's probably more popular just because she's a girl. Though people do like Hideyoshi a lot.
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Because we live in a hype society with fotms. Popularity is a fickle woman, like a geisha, that doesn't stay with one person for long. Slowly, steadily, even someone like Morgan is losing her stage. Even Oberon. It's inevitable.
On top of that, people may like specific images. That's why you see this or that more often than others.

Now, I am going back to reading GudaGuda.
Kama's Kamas...
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Both cavewomen want canonically you
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cool sword!!!
>lasengle releases hideyoshi
>rikyu falls for him
What would rikyu bros do in this situation?
That'd be a dream line-up for me, along with SSR Chacha for the second rate-up
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Kukochihiko got mud
I meant the historical figures. Obviously in Fate Nobu sits at the top.
Got to admit I never thought we would have a prostitute cheerleader in an event, but here we are and I like it.
actually it started a couple years ago, i drank milk everyday as a kid but since i turned 25-27 i started getting some nasty farts after drinking milk
>Resolve problem
>Still need to wait a day to finish the event for real for some reason
I hate timegates so much
lol did not expect to read rikyu cuckposts today
>wolf dude has a sprite
Servant WHEN????????
Because that's the gag section. Is this your first gudaguda event?
Ieyasubros... how could he be beaten by Panasonic?
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Kama, perfect...
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How strong is it in the end? Stronger than kusanagi maybe?
fucking kek
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Get hyped for years of waiting!
Why does this lolijiji look so shocked
>Nobu and Hideyoshi in the top three
So yeah, I was right. Everyone in Japan loves Hideyoshi.
They'll get right on that.
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What lucksucker says every night to the dog fucking shiki from his corner
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Yep that's a thing for some with age. The answer is still more milk unless you're brown and literally can't adapt.
Good morning, bros.
Elvisbros wwa
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The strongest henchmen.
goon morning bro
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No one like lazy patient conniving people
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So, any Iyobros?
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Today's story node was great. Really hype.
think some guy said he's going to take her to 100 today and then 120 later on
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Cute evening bros! I did my nails tonight!
yeah i do have some mexican admixture from my maternal grandpa, i'm white though (pale/brown hair/hazel eyes)
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>guda event with shit ending
as usual
I'd totally roll for the wolfman dude
The difference is no one wants to roll for either of these fuckers
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Surely it's just a matter of time
>Stronger than kusanagi maybe?
No chance. Have you seen the mats on that? It may even be the stongest sword in Type-Moon.
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Despite bad writing, or at least chaotic, I love GudaGuda banters.
Nightingale chads!
t. wasn't here for KAKAREE kino
It's not really a skin tone thing, it's due to the difference in diet from euro countries and the rest of the world for thousands of years.

Hopefully they actually do something cool with it
That's not a difference. If anything, people want wolfman less.
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I plan to give her 2 grails
I would roll for Kamo
He's a cool sleazy looking guy
SSR Sad Chacha when?
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>big tits
Why do you hate her, split grailer-kun?
Next summer
were BTAbros lying to me?
>hate her
I want her to match Himiko
She got Rengoku'd...
Yeah. Sleazebag characters are my favorite.
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I've seen a lot of art of summer ana, she has big tits. Just a fact.
Kennichi understands what sells characters properly
>chacha's name changes to Yodo-No-Kata
yeah i know
His name is Keikenchi bro
Iyo and Himiko are both pretty unpopular though.
That's from her OFFICIAL artist though
Your trolling will not work.

The Sword of the Beast shall rise again!
I expected Nobu to transform.
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>Haha loool you can't do anything
>Haha loool she jumped into his mouth lmao
The what?
>no lvl100 Schez CE equipped
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me when shit event
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Why tho
They were drunk/retarded that day, that's all.
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i kneel schezbro, good job!
what's yoda's class
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This. Western/Northern Euros developed widespread lactase persistence from sucking on cow teets during famines, Africans have a hard time with it, most other races are somewhere in-between where they can force their gut to adapt but need to "upkeep" it or they become intolerant again. Hence the "milk = white people only" meme but not really.
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High servant
She looks like picrel
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>Sword of Heaven
>Earthen colors
I'dve pinkslipped the bitch who pushed that shit live
The beast's sword
Servants for this feel?
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This scared me for a bit.
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Either Saber or Caster.
Pretty sure he'll be a buster assassin to complete the trio
Based ass grailer
Isn't jade like the super duper powerfuliest color in oriental mythology
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>still cannot unlock Rikyu's 3rd ascension
>Woofman using Serizawa's body
Serizawa + Woofman servant WHEN? We NEED more Shinsengumi servants.
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akiha sex in the morning
why do need more servants from a shitty killer club
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No! We need more Bakumatsu hitokiri servants first.
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Officially they should at least be D cups
Zouken if/when we finally get him. NP6 day 1 or whatever I'll need to max him btw.
It's the national stone of Japan, so they went with jade Kusanagi to imply wealth/power/nationality. That still implies earthly dominion instead of heavenly.
Finally a good post
>Himiko canon came to Chaldea solely so she could date (You)
>now Iyo is going to make it a harem
t. nobbu
t. izo
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me when u like bad event
Those're Bs, coombrain-kun
No. The Jade Emperor rules heaven.
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That's Chinese
Who are the other two?
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>Jobbing to matcha
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>They keep sen no rikyu nameplate even when Koma is in control
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I think matcha SUCKS
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What's an event everyone hates but you like or got a guilty pleasure for it?
For me its...Akibahara explosion
Someone spoiled me on it this morning, that guy is an asshole
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Koma's not in control there tho
Japan's everything is just ripped off from China.
i dunno. i cant remember much anymore.
Rikyu was in control even with Koma's appearance
You talk to real Koma at the end and she's totally different
I love evil women.
Izo is an arts assassin, and I he's talking about Okita for the quick rep
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Is this true?
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Read until the very end

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