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Previous: >>493582609

>[Event] THE Great Tea Ceremony Battle: GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku, The Man Who Returned from Hell
2024-09-02 01:00 - 09-22 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku Sen-no-Rikyu Pickup Summon
2024-09-02 01:00 - 09-22 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku Pickup 2 Summon
2024-09-04 21:00 - 09-20 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] Back to School Campaign 2024
2024-08-25 21:00 - 09-08 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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post big titty hags who are insecure about their age
Do I get to be the shogun now?
post your favorite servant
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That Astolfo yume is posting again.
Good OP
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bob sux
Bargh only in the thread now.
Is that her OC? Cute.
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Saturday night…
You have to betray (burn) her first like monkey did
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Here's a picture of Rika instead. Hopefully it scratches the same itch.
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Lip love!
Why is an old man allowed to act this erotic?
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Kama Love!
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Saturday night…
I can make this work
Carmilla is the better liz
Hideyoshi was a Taiko. A shogun is like the samurai king. That's the Tokugawas.
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Oberon therapist be like
>yea you should totally shoot up that school
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Does Oberon work for the FBI?
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I said no such thing
>Its a lie
>Oberon doesnt want you to shoot up a school
Based moth
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I got 4 copies of that CE in quick succession when I started playing. I'm still waiting for the 5th one...
Liss Love...
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Oberon the rapist?
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Rare Carmilla thread!
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Ronnie is literally me
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Same except I got my final copy a couple weeks ago.
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Ronnie is /alter/
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You know what this thread needs?
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fucking hell Oberon, you're under arrest. you have the right to who cares
>1225 SQ (including possible ones converted from fragments)
>No Maou Nobu yet
How many days are you in and how did you have this much? You paying too?
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I'm still waiting for my first copy
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A Kanpaku/Taikou is basically the same exact job as a Shogun. It's just a different name.
can you try this exact prompt with different artists? whatever you feel like
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I'm doing this set up instead
Easier to find a merlin from support than fucking sherlock.
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Yeah, but they're not literally the same job.
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Post sexy fully clothed girls
I don't have Holmes. Besides, Brolmes is always useful because there's that one sis that always uses him for CQs.
>My nephew is gonna be the next kanpaku
>Sure Hideyoshi, great idea
>Actually frame him and kill him
>Why? uh, whatever lmao
>Also kill his family, kill anyone related to him, display his above a river, and bury them all in said river
This is actual schizophrenia, genuinely what was this guy's problem
Yea, sure, but it's semantics. They both are rulers with basically ultimate authority.
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This is the best I could do.
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Gudako CANNOT shake that dumper and not expect me to attack her.
The reason why is because Hidetsugu was adopted by Hideyoshi and not actually blood related. Once Hideyori was born, Hideyoshi wanted his actual son to take over for him instead of Hidetsugu, so he needed to get Hidetsugu out of the way. The option he chose was execution.
Just because someone decide to main him doesn't make him useful.

absolute power rots the mind, many cases like that, very sad
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how the fuck did mitsunari even know about chaldea's and chacha's existence BEFORE (you) rayshifted?
Sure, he hasn't seen much action lately.
Does Abby count as a loli considering her height?
I told them
the beast guy
They watched the prequel.
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Did you forget that Keisuke is there?
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>boneless human
There's no such thing... all humans have bones...
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That's a guy
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>all humans have bones...
Not after Nagayoshi is done with them.
Clae is so cool
Who will be the Grand Berserker?
Yes. And?
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Oni Musashi.
keisuke is a snitch bitch. he's not a "kind guy", he's an incel
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Space Himuro.
Honestly it's not that good MLB. I think the amakusa one is better MLB
>nip grand
Unironically Hideyoshi based on this event.
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Not him, and functionally in his case this is extremely semantics because he was doing the same job, but I feel like someone needs to be say this because Kampakus existed concurrently with Shogun most of it's time. Hell the title Kanpaku lasted all the way to the 20's with Hirohito having it when he was crown prince.

Shogun on paper is an outright military dictator
Kanpaku is supposed to be chief advisor to the emperor
Taira no Kiyomori and Toyotomi Hideyoshi were both for all real purposes Shoguns, but were not granted they top title. I vaguely remember something about Tokugawa being a Minamoto branch family which if you go far enough back traces to the imperial family to justify him getting the Shogun title since the Kamakura and Ashikaga were Minamotos.

The closest thing I can think of in the Western World to this type of title denial is when the Hapsburg Emepror made the Prussians use King IN Prussia on their official title.
would be kino
>he's an incel
He literally has a girlfriend thoughbeit.
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Mai Kadowakis birthday is today
that's not his girlfriend. it's a geisha that he has to pay money for just to talk with her
literally who
I can buy a sidehoe /alter/bro for one big pack, doesn't make me not an incel
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One thing to note also is that supposedly the imperial court wanted Hideyoshi to take the title of Shogun, but he refused for whatever reason. It's speculated that he did so because he was born as a peasant, and thus couldn't take the role despite being the most powerful man in the country, but Hideyoshi was adopted into the Fujiwara clan so he should've had the pedigree to become Shogun, so who the fuck knows why he refused the title.
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Best I can do...I can't remember which of my pics were rare
When do we get to use Rengoku Alter anyway
Kiara CE is better for quick fights like that video example where the 60% charge allows immediate NP, Amakuso CE is better for somewhat longer fights.
>has sex
>non celibate
>that means he is involuntarily celibate
Keikenchi has already decided that Hideyoshi is a saber. Although he's also capable of being summoned as a rider.
Supposed to have some nice tits according to our Shamhat's reveal...but oh well
>kind guy
Actually he is. It's a skill which makes mountain kids get along with him. His only skill with any function.
I mean MLB, kiara CE is still 50% charge as non-MLB and only goes to 60% as MLB so my point was mostly that the jump doesn't really matter. Unlike the amkusa one, which gets a way better effect from the MLB
SSR Gang lateletbro here.
Just a reminder, I only have one copy of Black Grail, which I only got for free through the anniversary. And I have no Kaleidoscope or other meta CE's. I have all the ones from Summer 7.
Seriously, how were you guys able to level your CE's all the way to 100?
I've done it anons.
I've cracked the extella 3 cast.
It'll probably be about 37 of these, but still.
The 2 empty spots are Archimedes and Karl, respectively.
those are nice tits, nice flat tits
his weiner must be very small
Flat is best.
Shamhat's body according to Enkidu, 100% woman.
>Gilles gone
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>Gilles gone
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I only rolled on rateups that doesn't have event CEs in it to increase my chances of getting kaleido/BG until I can MLB them
Pretty sure it's the kikosomething wolf guy who told Ishida, since he's the one who specifically mentioned that he wants to deal with the event from the previous guda guda. Rikyuu would not know the value of holding the geisha hostage otherwise because Yamanami himself has no need to talk about chaldea since in the end, he is team Shinsengumi.
I would take Hans out and put Gilles back in
Maybe make room for Mordred or Brad
But yeah this is about it
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>play MGS1
>Miller calls Hoover a well known racist
i wouldn't have sex with any japanese women from the 1800s (besides okita female)
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smartest altera poster
Back in year 1, there weren't a lot of SSR CEs in the pool.
Why Cagliostro?
Just because Edmond?
Or because you need a suspicious guy?
Who is this artist I swear it looks like my friends art
Link friend's site/works
This guy.
GudaGuda vs Servantverse DLC incoming
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So I looked up the overcharge CEs and found 2 things
>they re did the rin/shirou/sakura ones, but they made shirou arts and rin buster
>medb has one called the one-inch princess
I thought it was funny
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>>play MGS1
awww yeah...
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I guess /alter/ isn't the only one inch princess anymore
That's Ebora.
After the abomination of the story that is Extella Link. I don't want a third.
>me when I meet my bros
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Hijikata needs a gunblade so badly
I can't tell if it's a copycat, or if he actually has a second account for horse porn art.
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Im back from touching grass, what did i miss?
me when I meet my bros
It doesn't count unless you pissed on the grass
do it again
He does have another account for that stuff which he doesn't link with his main one.
>me when a bro says "sent, kiara in all"
Ebora is a hack
but i do that daily, how else are my enemies and dogs gonna known they are stepping into my territory?
I thought is was ardent knight from the line work of the Illya in the water I guess, not him I guess.
When I see someone using CS
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But has he ever mention it's him, or is like an open secret that everyone knows?
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>So few mana prisms that Jeanne Alter's costume was more affordable than Saber Alter's
This sucks
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>mfw JP now gives 3 CS per day
get rekt, nerd
I don't think it's really a secret, he just wants to keep the degenerate stuff away from his main art as it's more of a niche thing that would probably turn people away.
She turned 12, she's officially hebe
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Uhhh, if he's your friend why don't you just ask him?
Hebe isn't really an anime term.
it's a fucking normalnigger term, use lolis JS JC JKs like a normal human bean
Looking forward to that

I wonder what the supposed crazy changes Nasu has in store for the future that he mentioned are
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Ah, thanks for articulating what I couldn't.
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can AIbro get cracking on some Altera x Jannu steamy sex
I see, I won't go deeper than that then. Funnily, I went to check him on booru and they have all of his art, horse included, in one tag.
So Ordeal Call is complete nonsense since they released it for extra classes too, right? The whole thing makes zero sense?
What are you talking about? They only release them for extra classes.
FGO is complete nonsense when you think about it
>when you think
I never do that.
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>and then I replied to his post and said, "Extra classes? don't mind if I do!"
>when you think about it
I don't think.
But then you realize it's all fake
I thought he handled the Bob vs smelly horse balls debate very well.
Look at his account, he uploaded Castoria feet with all 10 toes. He's a hack.
>t. eb*ra
I've never heard hebe anywhere other than anime discussions on 4chan
I've been dreading this decision but I think you can behead /alter/ now, and all of their families too or whatever.
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Nope, the whole thing was about the normal classes to begin with. "Something something your adventure ends here because you used too many Extra Classes you are hereby rejected by Gaia: GAME OVER"
Because according to their stats players were "overusing" extra classes so they wanted the original classes to get boosted so you go on an adventure to buff the original classes.

But I guess that's unfair to the Extra class people so then the other part of Ordeal Call is buffing the extra classes...making the point of this...nothing, there was no point for this.
Please, spare my bros!
>people enjoy some white nigga from the states tracing over ai sloppa
My lord, no!! /alter/ hasn't committed any crimes!
We've never seen which toes she is missing
how do you farm the upcoming 90++ node?
FGO was all just a dream.
OK? A true artist isn't afraid of creative liberty to pick which toes are missing. At least one should be a big toe.
Must be nice having an artist this dedicated to their servant.
So, is Takeuchi also a hack for keeping them all in her summer version?
Shusha will always be a girl in my heart
That's only LB6 Castoria though
sorrry it took a while
You feetfags are really fucking weird
>is Takeuchi also a hack
I really hope that isn't news to you.
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This is what you need for the original 7

Then it's like 30%-50% for the Extra Class nodes too, I'll make a pic for them if nobody else does
seems cucksucker is awake
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Yes, I am glad ReDrop basically treat Kama as if she was their child. This year was great for Kama...it only could have been better if they have her costumes as well.
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fucking kek, thanks bro
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Enjoying THE Great Tea Ceremony Battle: GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku, The Man Who Returned from Hell
Don't give it any attention, don't acknowledge its existence. Same rule as old asian superstitions about sensing something off when you're out in the streets at night.
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seems lucksucker (my favorite eceleb) is awake. I'm gonna cry in pillow and announce it in /alter/ giving him attention instead of just ignore it...
Also other stuff needed
>80 total ascensions, i.e. 20 max ascended servants
>300 total skill ups
>2000 total levels

For original 7 classes to complete the node tree you need
>170 bond for that class
>85 for the Extra Class grouping later
Toki was a cup?
Me too.
I see. Well, just accuse /alter/ for racism outside of /b/ or something. I'm sure you can handle it.
what does a Rikyu boogie-woogie look like?
Time for the final chapter of the event

Go go go
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do Miyamoto Musashi in third style. Who is artist btw
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Reminder voidsucker kneels to American Musashi superiority.
Yeah, but he was filled with radiation instead of magical energy.
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Extra Classes are in two groups
>EXTRA 1 for Shielder, Rulers, Avengers, Moon Cancers and EXTRA 2 for Alter Egos, Foreigners, Pretenders, Beast

So you need 85 bond collectively for each group to max out their tree
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I guess.
That Demiya looks good. Who did it?
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>This year was great for Kama...
Post Kama...
>Same rule as old asian superstitions about sensing something off when you're out in the streets at night.
So have Oberon or get fucked?
like her fat ass going up and down as she rides My peepee
That's been the case for years. We warned you bro.
>Nnoitora dual-wielding
Hessian is so sick.
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We couldn't protect her smile...
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>Toki posting
His artist Sasaki Shonen, I guess
He's talking about that thing in horror stories where you don't acknowledge the supernatural thing or they will keep haunting/attentionwhoring themselves to you
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The whole Class Score system thing seems to be extremely resource heavy and a total pain in the ass, especially for latelets who are heavily reliant on Pure Prisms.
Like hell, why couldn't they make the damn exchange shop have unlimited stock instead just 100? Stingy bastards.
It's pretty much what it says. Like if you're out at night in some relatively secluded are and say, out of nowhere you smell the fragrance of flowers, or weird stench out of nowhere, or weird sounds, act like you didn't notice it. Calling attention to it means that it's ware you notice it and in some folklore, that establishes contact or indicate to the entity that your spiritual defense is weak which is why you're able to detect those things' presence. This can cause them to want to haunt you.
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Literally me, although it's missing the bulge that shows on my shorts
>Sasaki Shonen
Wow, he's a pretty good artist. Who knew?
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90++ is pretty much an Oberon check. Otherwise you can nat farm it with Iyo.
Yes, that's the whole reason for implementing 90++. Oberon raised the damage ceiling way too high. Just do 5CE if you're oberonlet or something. I'm sure there's some set ups where you can get by with support oberon plus your own castoria or something.
Class score is not for latelets. It's for long time players/ people who grind the lottos too much.
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Snack time
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>So have Oberon or get fucked?
>Yes, that's the whole reason for implementing 90++.
>90++ is pretty much an Oberon check.

Enjoying our new 90++ nodes, FGO players?
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Are you sure you want to admit to being an ottermode twink on a public forum like this anon? I know we're anonymous here but still that's taking it pretty far.
Apparently they do start to hand out more stuff but I don't think it's enough for anyone new from what I heard. Yeah this is supposed to be a long-term timesink if you want to unlock them all and weren't here from day 1 and did literally everything.

And yeah the pure prism shop is the answer, hopefully it gets buffed up
>Saito grew his hair back in just a couple hours
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Liz Rape….
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Bro, he did the tsuki manga. His art is good.

pure prism shop is meant to help latelets, while class score is just for long time players/ autists who have already been leveling almost everything.
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yeah, i also have an above average cock
but i cannot break through the tiny screen to join my waifu...
Such power...dare you imagine what's coming?!
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Would you roll for a Roa servant?
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Nigger what the fuck are you talking about, that's not the point in the slightest
ALAYA wants to see how the Extra Classes are going to help protect the human order, so it's blocking you off until you show it. Meta wise Extra I and II were there from the start and you always were going to unlock them by going through the OCs. Read before you talk about something you don't know about
>the tsuki manga
For some reason I thought that was Eri Takanashi. He should replace the other artists anyway.
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You have to use the Forbidden Spell
He's a Servant, he simply changed his ascension
Literally who
Not as much as a TATARI servant, but yeah.
Aggravain forma de regeneracion serpent
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I want the Forest of Einnashe as a servant.
>it's another Raikou getting fucked by Astolfo
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keep talking nonsense, niiiiggaaa~~

Would instant NP5. I love using him in Melt Blood
>that cloak sweep
His concept/ story is cool too.
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I thought this exact thing just now listening to them explain rayshifting and chaldea in Moonlight Lostroom
Nah, never gave a shit about Roa, might roll for SHIKI though

>Not as much as a TATARI servant
Now that's a must get
>needs 3 CS to beat one tea lady
guda is such a shitter
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You literally picked the only Melty character I wouldn't consider rolling for.
It's one step away from that one gae gil design
>servants drop in to use NPs before you use yours
holy kino
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based and opera pilled
For me it's
>mawase mawase Mawase Mawase MAWASE MAWASE MAWASE MAWASE
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Why doesn't anyone care about them anymore?
I do
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urushihara satoshi
Antagonist of Tsukihime. Dead Apostle (he's a Vampire). Any time you kill him he awakens in another person's body so he's "impossible" to kill.
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The shimousa theme is so much better when used by the guda guda gang
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That's Kama...
She looks crosseyed
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ok I'm hard now
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>Would you roll for a Roa servant?
No, he was fucking lame, forgettable, and a jobber. I never really cared for the villains in Tsukihime
I'm sorry gogh, I found a new spooky crazy gf...
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i still masturbate to mhx
Why would monke be happy
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thanks king
Why do we need him in fgo if he’s from another franchise?
Is this.. the power of whore gfs...
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>Himiko: Can you keep up?
>Iyo: No, can YOU keep up?
Whore gf KINGS stay winning
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I do.
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Little Wifema...
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she is literally the only thing im only looking forward in that dreadful summer....well xu fu too.
Just 5 more pounds on your bench and you will break through...
Kama is the breath in my pubic hair in the morning…
Still need my wrinkly granny servant Lasagna.
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isnt welfare lady LITERALLY a human who knew about this beast and talked about him
didn't she literally tell us and others about it
man this event blows lmao
might as well go with "nuh uh"
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Your words conflict with the official statement so you first lmfao
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>man this event blows lmao

Glad you rike it. We will continue writing events like this one in the future.
Which statement
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>Gudao acting like he's part of the gang
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The statement how the class score came about because they saw how players were using Extra Classes so much
>Woofman tries to release ancestral beast by sacrificing Iyo to beat Yamataikoku
>Despite the fact that it would destroy everything
I get that Kunakoku was retarded, but really?
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Bro I get that you hate Kama but I would never subject anyone to my pubic hair in the morning...
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Fuck this morning.
>Kukochihiko was using Kamo's body the whole time
I wonder if he'll get an ascension dedicated to him if he ever actually gets in.
I'd rather have them as two separate servants
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>want to fart
>afraid to shit myself
>Rikyu just sort of... gives up
Man, it really seems like Keikenchi had no idea how to end this story.
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I mean, if Extella is going to be the dogshit fanservice subseries of the Extraverse, they might as well bring back BB through some stupid fucking asspull and introduce the Mooncancer class proper in Extella 3.

It would be nice to have Suzuka, too, since she's a part of the Extraverse. I have a feeling they're deliberately avoiding that until they know how her relationship with Kazuhito plays out, though. Gawain still recognizes Leo, so I don't think it would be too big of a deal. Hakuno would just become subject to some "don't misunderstand" memes.
Same but with how many gudagudas are in NPC jail I'll take what I can get
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>Kana actually says Kama-mama
Post white haired evil women with big tits who are actually huge dorks
wtf? why is okita alter a tranny now
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Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
There was that red Serizawa, so it'd probably be Normal Serizawa, then the red one, then one in modern clothes.
i drank a cup of milk in the morning and my gaming chair is soaking some full-blown nasty farts
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>I'll take what I can get

Don't worry gaijintard. We will release this NPCs in 4-5 years.
If Kama is popular then why does Kamafag post the same Kama pictures every day?
But anon, now you can have two spooky crazy gf
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Very true...
Kama wife, Kama life...
Doubtful when he's not popular, nor fujobait. We haven't even got Katsuie.
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>modern clothes
I kind of want to see him wearing a tommy bahama shirt and looking like he's on vacation.
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She heard you were gay
>Iyo can clear hands
I can see it in my mind. I could swear there was official art like that.
Gudaguda this year would be perfect with a welfare Woofman, 4* Mitsunari, and a 5* Hideyoshi.
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I want him dressed in standard ojiisan attire
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Would anyone want to summon monke tho
Considering how utterly jacked those recent welfares were that could turn out pretty good. But do people really want Mitsunari?
>Muramasa pov
Yiff in hell furfag
Everyone in Japan loves him. Probably the most of the big three.
I want them.
Drink milk more often so your lactose gut bacteria doesn't die off if you don't want this to happen anymore.
I want mitsunari.
Pako art alone means there's going to be fans
I for one really like him.
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Uh oh someone didn't read the event title properly
>Muramasa pov
Nah, Nobu's probably more popular just because she's a girl. Though people do like Hideyoshi a lot.
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Because we live in a hype society with fotms. Popularity is a fickle woman, like a geisha, that doesn't stay with one person for long. Slowly, steadily, even someone like Morgan is losing her stage. Even Oberon. It's inevitable.
On top of that, people may like specific images. That's why you see this or that more often than others.

Now, I am going back to reading GudaGuda.
Kama's Kamas...
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Both cavewomen want canonically you
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cool sword!!!
>lasengle releases hideyoshi
>rikyu falls for him
What would rikyu bros do in this situation?
That'd be a dream line-up for me, along with SSR Chacha for the second rate-up
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Kukochihiko got mud
I meant the historical figures. Obviously in Fate Nobu sits at the top.
Got to admit I never thought we would have a prostitute cheerleader in an event, but here we are and I like it.
actually it started a couple years ago, i drank milk everyday as a kid but since i turned 25-27 i started getting some nasty farts after drinking milk
>Resolve problem
>Still need to wait a day to finish the event for real for some reason
I hate timegates so much
lol did not expect to read rikyu cuckposts today
>wolf dude has a sprite
Servant WHEN????????
Because that's the gag section. Is this your first gudaguda event?
Ieyasubros... how could he be beaten by Panasonic?
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Kama, perfect...
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How strong is it in the end? Stronger than kusanagi maybe?
fucking kek
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Get hyped for years of waiting!
Why does this lolijiji look so shocked
>Nobu and Hideyoshi in the top three
So yeah, I was right. Everyone in Japan loves Hideyoshi.
They'll get right on that.
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What lucksucker says every night to the dog fucking shiki from his corner
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Yep that's a thing for some with age. The answer is still more milk unless you're brown and literally can't adapt.
Good morning, bros.
Elvisbros wwa
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The strongest henchmen.
goon morning bro
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No one like lazy patient conniving people
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So, any Iyobros?
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Today's story node was great. Really hype.
think some guy said he's going to take her to 100 today and then 120 later on
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Cute evening bros! I did my nails tonight!
yeah i do have some mexican admixture from my maternal grandpa, i'm white though (pale/brown hair/hazel eyes)
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>guda event with shit ending
as usual
I'd totally roll for the wolfman dude
The difference is no one wants to roll for either of these fuckers
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Surely it's just a matter of time
>Stronger than kusanagi maybe?
No chance. Have you seen the mats on that? It may even be the stongest sword in Type-Moon.
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Despite bad writing, or at least chaotic, I love GudaGuda banters.
Nightingale chads!
t. wasn't here for KAKAREE kino
It's not really a skin tone thing, it's due to the difference in diet from euro countries and the rest of the world for thousands of years.

Hopefully they actually do something cool with it
That's not a difference. If anything, people want wolfman less.
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I plan to give her 2 grails
I would roll for Kamo
He's a cool sleazy looking guy
SSR Sad Chacha when?
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>big tits
Why do you hate her, split grailer-kun?
Next summer
were BTAbros lying to me?
>hate her
I want her to match Himiko
She got Rengoku'd...
Yeah. Sleazebag characters are my favorite.
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I've seen a lot of art of summer ana, she has big tits. Just a fact.
Kennichi understands what sells characters properly
>chacha's name changes to Yodo-No-Kata
yeah i know
His name is Keikenchi bro
Iyo and Himiko are both pretty unpopular though.
That's from her OFFICIAL artist though
Your trolling will not work.

The Sword of the Beast shall rise again!
I expected Nobu to transform.
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>Haha loool you can't do anything
>Haha loool she jumped into his mouth lmao
The what?
>no lvl100 Schez CE equipped
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me when shit event
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Why tho
They were drunk/retarded that day, that's all.
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i kneel schezbro, good job!
what's yoda's class
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This. Western/Northern Euros developed widespread lactase persistence from sucking on cow teets during famines, Africans have a hard time with it, most other races are somewhere in-between where they can force their gut to adapt but need to "upkeep" it or they become intolerant again. Hence the "milk = white people only" meme but not really.
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High servant
She looks like picrel
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>Sword of Heaven
>Earthen colors
I'dve pinkslipped the bitch who pushed that shit live
The beast's sword
Servants for this feel?
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This scared me for a bit.
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Either Saber or Caster.
Pretty sure he'll be a buster assassin to complete the trio
Based ass grailer
Isn't jade like the super duper powerfuliest color in oriental mythology
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>still cannot unlock Rikyu's 3rd ascension
>Woofman using Serizawa's body
Serizawa + Woofman servant WHEN? We NEED more Shinsengumi servants.
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akiha sex in the morning
why do need more servants from a shitty killer club
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No! We need more Bakumatsu hitokiri servants first.
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Officially they should at least be D cups
Zouken if/when we finally get him. NP6 day 1 or whatever I'll need to max him btw.
It's the national stone of Japan, so they went with jade Kusanagi to imply wealth/power/nationality. That still implies earthly dominion instead of heavenly.
Finally a good post
>Himiko canon came to Chaldea solely so she could date (You)
>now Iyo is going to make it a harem
t. nobbu
t. izo
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me when u like bad event
Those're Bs, coombrain-kun
No. The Jade Emperor rules heaven.
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That's Chinese
Who are the other two?
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>Jobbing to matcha
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>They keep sen no rikyu nameplate even when Koma is in control
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I think matcha SUCKS
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What's an event everyone hates but you like or got a guilty pleasure for it?
For me its...Akibahara explosion
Someone spoiled me on it this morning, that guy is an asshole
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Koma's not in control there tho
Japan's everything is just ripped off from China.
i dunno. i cant remember much anymore.
Rikyu was in control even with Koma's appearance
You talk to real Koma at the end and she's totally different
I love evil women.
Izo is an arts assassin, and I he's talking about Okita for the quick rep
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Is this true?
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Read until the very end
And China is ripped off from America.
Yes. Sugar tastes good.

I can see the sprite
>The Shinsengumi was a ruthless militia. They were the enemy of the Meiji revolutionaries and fought on to the very end, long after the Shogun surrendered. They killed more of their own members than revolutionaries during their stint patrolling the streets of Kyoto, and caused quite some disturbance during that time.

Apparently they're romanticized rebels
Yes, being able to see pictures but not understanding the words that go with them is how illiteracy works.
Ancient China, silly.
No. It's cope. Our taste buds and cravings, when not fucked with by highly addictive chemical compounds, tell us what our body needs and wants.
they're dogs of the state
They're romantisized police that just randomly went around killing people for fun whenever they felt like it.
Don't tell me you thought Rikyu was really a little girl.
Yeah, I know what you meant.
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I was thinking in terms of assassin swordsmen

Sasaiki - Quick
Izo - Arts
Shinbei - Buster
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woah based post coming through
Who wrote this event? Whoever he is, he needs to be promoted to lead writer of the LBs, because he understands what makes servants interesting.
He uses a servants history to inform their actions. Even better is the casting. Who would have ever thought to use a footnote young death of the firstborn as a central character to involve the entire Toyotomi family?
Jesus christ. Good shit. Death to Nasu and Sakurai. Long live gudaguda and riyo.
It's like medicine.
>the state
then why did the fight the emperor, huh>?
Crooked cops
>slipped in riyo
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bros, himiko is too lewd.
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I liked that event too because during the climax you see every servant that got absorbed into the board game contributed their efforts into establishing a communication network, defending the city, fighting the monsters and locating Marie Alter, each one making good use on their own specialty. Like it's one of the few events where you see just how truly formidable Chaldea can be if everyone got into their gears, and not just because 'oh no they summoned a whole lot of servants, how dangerous.'
Kennichi writes every GudaGuda event every year, he's literally only the gudaguda writer, that's all he does.
He's the only writer guaranteed an event every year for his creations.
She is for (Me) and is in My Room.
I was thinking in terms of assassin swordsmen

Sasaki - Quick
Izo - Arts
Shinbei - Buster

I'm just going off of this

>The Shinsengumi occupy a unique position in the modern Japanese 'honourable rebel' paradigm. The Shinsengumi, as an irregular force partly composed of ronin - a highly romanticized status in Japan even before the Restoration- outside of the normal hierarchy and forces of the Shogunate (itself the focus of Imperial displeasure in the victorious Sat-Cho Alliance's worldview) were somewhat easier to rehabilitate as 'honourable rebels' in the post-Restoration era due to this slight distancing from the Tokugawas. Conversely, because they were fighting for the Tokugawas, and thereby adhering to a feudal loyalty (the only legitimate form of loyalty beyond that to the Emperor for soldiers), their rebel status was viewed as honourable where that of subsequent non-military rebels against the Emperor were not.
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>silly joke event
>goes real dark pretty fast before hitting you in the feels
That was unexpected...
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yes..... my collection grows....
Bro you're retarded
Chacha head is so huge
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Playing devil's advocate here: If King Arthur can be a little girl, why can't Rikyu?
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Kennichi, Riyo, and whoever did LB5.1 are probably the best writers in FGO. Praise be to them and their works.
Take me to the land
that you understand
Go watch gintama
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I feel like I'm having a stroke reading this thread.
>background related
My sperm racing toward Monke and Chacha's children
Are those SPERM CELLS?
Read Redline and realize just how wrong you are
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Imaginary Scramble is the only event that all of /alter/ likes.
Bros, your cute kouhai is not going to like this!
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yeah just keep believing what your grandma says when she has no basis for it other than "my grandma also told me!"
go on, drink bleach. it tastes awful too so it should be good for you.
can you smell burnt toast?
that's funny because I hated it
It's Keikenchi.
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>real dark
>giant sperm cells
i look like this
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Every servant should look like this
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Poor Skottle...
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>tfw you are a tea master and you are about to job to $1 matcha
People who knew Rikyu while he was alive remembered that he wasn't a little girl, while Seiba is a girl and everyone around her gaslighted themselves into believing she is a king.
"If it tastes bad it's healthy" is literally every bit as stupid as "if it tastes good it's healthy"

Taste has almost no real correlation with actual nutritional content
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Literally every single gudaguda after the first one. Remember when gudaguda was supposed to be a joke event?
>oh nooooo all our servants have been defeated and now the baddies are going to destroy the world for the 27th time please take this seriously and also Oryo is punching Izo for no reason because it's sooo le hecking hilarious ha ha
I summon gilbitch, ea gg
Keikenchi is a hack
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The poison is in the dose - Caster
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>illya pic
>terrible post
the most iconic duo
>What's an event everyone hates but you like or got a guilty pleasure for it?
Don't think I have one, but closest thing would be
>Summer 5
I loved the story and supporting characters.
>tower events
I like using all my servants
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I thought that was supposed to be the punch line there
There's no end to the Shinsengumi scandals, they basically killed who they felt like whenever they felt like it. They were only romanticized after they deaths due some certain novels.

>Serizawa Kamo was involved in an altercation with the Sumo wrestlers in Osaka. A wrestler who was drunk, was told by Serizawa to get out of the way as they passed, but the wrestler not knowing who he was talking to was said to have acted “rudely” and thus Serizawa Kamo killed him on the spot. This event led to the stablemates of this wrestler to find the inn the Shinsengumi was staying at and a fight ensued, leaving the Osaka wrestlers beaten.
>Kondou Isami who was staying in the Kyouya inn after hearing of this decided to report to the Osaka Magistrate office as they could not leave things as it is. There was a man named Uchiyama Hikojirou who was known as a man of principle and was known for undertaking the arrest of Ooishio Heihachirou when he was young. Ooishio was a shogunate official who started a revolt due to a rice deficit. Uchiyama before hand had heard of the Miburoshi way of raising money and he hated it.
>Kondou is said to have told the examiner Uchiyama that the Sumo wrestlers were rude which is why the altercation started. Uchiyama asked what kind of rudeness occured. However Kondou declined to be cross-examined saying that he came to report and would just like to tidy up the “cadaver” simply. Uchiyama presses that in the case where a life was lost it is the duty of the Osaka magistrates office to investigate the rights and wrongs of the matter. But Kondou refuses saying that they were under the jurisdiction of Aizu and any inquiries should be directed there and leaves.
There's more flavor in a single dorito than what a jap in sengoku era would eat in their entire life
Illya is Rihanna and I'm Chris Brown
The point of the Boshin war was to decide who exactly was the state, the Shogun or the Emperor.
The Shinsengumi were policemen that rooted and destroyed out anti-shogun and Pro-emperor elements.
Luckily, the Emperor enlisted the aid of western powers to put the Shogunate dogs in their place.
They had wasabi.
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>sute's farewell
Fuck, I teared up...
damn it's almost like i said "what it needs and wants" like it leaves room for error. Cravings for certain foods and minerals can indicate things like malnutrition or a lack of receiving certain vitamins. do your fucking research, retard.
It's certainly a lot better than just going "lol it tastes bad so it works".
>Summer 5
That's literally a popular event besides a few retards here who spam about how much they hate it
context is illya's womb
who are you responding to??
>sakuraface pic
>abhorrent, thread quality-deteriorating post
The hate for summer 5 is superficial as hell
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>In May 20, 1864 Uchiyama Hikojirou was assasinated according to Nagakura’s “Shinsengumi Tenmatsuki”. During the time the price of rice in Osaka skyrocketed and the effects were felt by the residents of Kyoto and Osaka, because of the Shinsengumi sent Yamazaki Susumu to Osaka in disguise as a merchant to investigate the matter. It turns out according to Susumu’s investigation that Uchiyama had his hand in pulling up the market prices of rice, starting the social unrest, under instructions of the anti-shogunate faction. After hearing this, Kondou volunteered (not sure who he would’ve volunteered to, perhaps Aizu) to go to Osaka taking Hijikata, Okita, Nagakura, Harada, Inoue and Shimada to Osaka, lodging at the Kyouya Chuubeehou looking to assasinte Uchiyama. Uchiyama knowing the danger to his life, had his home guarded heavily and made a secret passage at the back side of an alcove to escape if suddenly attacked. Since the Shinsengumi cannot openly break into Uchiyama’s home, they saw that their chance only lied when Uchiyama would make a trip to the Magistrate’s office. Kondou and the others decide that they will wait at Tenjin-bashi bridge. Uchiyama who was riding the palaquin was completely unaware and when Kondou and the others approached, the two men who was accompanying Uchiyama as bodyguards, a sumo wrestler and a swordsman, they ran away. It is said that Hijikata pierced tha palaquin and Uchiyama started “falling”. After this Kondou leaves a note, the same one as the anti-shogunate forces did when they assasinations, “Tenchuu” or Heaven’s Justice/Revenge and the whereabouts were concealed. This event was to be uncovered later as a work of the Shinsengumi but people say that this was done out of virtue.
I don't believe. The twist is cool at least.
This never happens tho
why? he was barely in it and had basically no reason to be here other than "it'd be fitting"
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Actually surprised me. I love this shit
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This event just made me like Chacha more
Cuckstance is going all in with copypasta
Because seeing a parent and a child part from each others a second time, with the child passing on, is sad. It should be a natural response for humans.
Same, the Rikyu jumpscare got me good...
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You should watch Shogun, pic related plays Ochiba/Yodo in that.
You have fallen pray to a misconception. 99% of natural cravings are arbitrary.
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Rikyu/Koma art is so good.
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Where's this dreaded sakuraface pic in the post you're quoting?
it really didn't move me at all. it can be sad but most people aren't gonna tear up for someone they barely knew or saw if they didn't already have a deep connection with one of the parties.
besides, it's a bunch of gag characters pretending to have a serious moment when they do retarded nonsensical shit all the time. it's difficult to get invested in people like that.
>still no alt
its over
Shinsengumi killed a sumo wrestler for "being rude", then complain to a examiner how rude the sumo wrestler was and how his death was deserved, when the examiner questioned their actions they decided to have him secretly killed as well for his rudeness.
Basically anyone that questioned them got secret murdered

They had a lot of "incidents"
You do you.
I wish I couldn't see Lip posts like you.
Fuck, I fucking hate lippers so much, why must you remind me
>secret murdered
You mean assassinated?
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Sorry but I'm a stoic slowburnGOD and only get emotional after being with a character on a lifechanging genre defining journey. Maybe you should try it sometime?
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legitimately great, never saw it coming
Those don't count ok?
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That's just the samurai right to slaughter people of a lower class.
liz is so based for that
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He is correct at least for some things. They've done tests and the body will start craving salt when it needs it, it's generally a good litmus test for hydration purposes. Anecdotally I can absolutely tell when I've been pushing hard or have been eating too much protein and am craving carbs. I don't "crave" fats but I can definitely tell when I have or haven't been eating them.
It's a meme saying that comes from retards that have been living off ultraprocessed sugar-injected (((food))) for 20 years unironically think things like steak/eggs/broccoli/rice/spinach/peas/nuts etc. taste "bad" and can't eat them without 5 different spices and sauces.
Rikyu is cool but she would have been cooler if they let the artist draw her with a banging bikini bod

That's a lot of words just to say "I'm autistic".
>Hazbin Hotel
That show's really popular in Japan for some reason huh
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good grief a certain someone cut down those shinsendogs as the trash they were
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It was...for virtue!

Seriously what the fuck
Imagine having your family murdered, down to the most innocent unrelated person and having the perpetrators and their accomplices tell you to leave bystanders out of it.
Illya's polder
>this Nippon beast is as strong as Albion, even stronger since it managed to survive through the Age of Gods while Albion turned into a corpse
If your brain can be tricked so easily by processed food it suggests it's not a particularly good barometer for nutrition.
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drink your tea /alter/
fuck I should play civ 5 again

>At the end of the Edo period, Kyoto attracted unemployed rōnin of varying allegiances. Those from the Chōshū, Tosa and Higo clans were heavily influenced by the sonnō jōi (revere the Emperor, expel the foreign barbarians) philosophy and supported forcibly removing all western influences from Japan. Emperor Kōmei and the Aizu and Satsuma clans preferred a unification of the bakufu and the imperial court. The bakufu tried to retain their centralized power. In this political chaos, ronin from the various factions began to assassinate each other. The bakufu organized groups of ronin including Shinsengumi and charged them with arresting or killing (should they resist arrest) the sonnō jōi shishi.

>The shishi were using the Ikedaya Inn as a staging point for their forces. The Shinsengumi arrested one of the shishi, Furutaka Shuntarō, for being a member of an anti-Shogunate group, triggering the Ikedaya incident. Furutaka had a strong relationship with the Chōshū clans, and wanted to build trust with Mōri, a member of the court, in order to take power.[1] There are some other theories about the cause of Furutaka's arrest. One is that Teshiro Toshisuke resented Furutaka due to a dispute over the inheritance of Masuya, and his report of Furutaka's location to the Shinsengumi led to his capture.

>The interrogation carried out by Shinsengumi vice-commander Hijikata Toshizō was alleged to be particularly brutal, although there is no proof of this. With the prisoner unresponsive, Hijikata was said to have suspended him by his ankles, restraining his wrists, and driving five-inch spikes into the heels of his feet. Lit candles were placed in the holes, so that hot wax dripped all over his calves. Furutaka eventually claimed that they planned to set fires in Kyoto and capture Matsudaira Katamori, the daimyō of the Aizu clan whose duties included policing Kyoto at the time.
Killing people for accidentally blocking them on the road for a second is as samurai as it gets, so it's okay
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>Going to another LAN on a Friday night? God you're such a loser... Fine, at least take this!
I don't get why Albion is supposed to be so great. He just died because he was late fleeing to the reverse side.
Nobu is in it...
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I really enjoyed the event.
It's insane to put spinach in the same category as steak
Akiha sex
No different from Ibuki-Douji being the strongest divine spirit ever on par with Machine Gods because Japan, when in reality it's a minor regional variation that even most Japanese done know much or care for.
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My Grand Order...
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Same. Good showing as usual. Still waiting on Commodore Perry.
Back in FSN a 3000~yo Pegasus was considered an equal to an Excalibur blast.
Albion who is 4.6 billion years old would have been crushed even the likes of Gurrenlanga or White Titan.
why is your nobu a dude
she keeps doing her damndest to not fatten up
Rare kippoushi user
Random. I forgot to change.
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polders > atolls
He isn't, Typhon is > than him too. People just gas up Albion to make related shit seem stronger.
>Back in FSN a 3000~yo Pegasus was considered an equal to an Excalibur blast.
A gimped Excalibur blast destroyed it with no trace.
>The first human inhabitants of the Japanese archipelago have been traced to the Paleolithic, around 38–39,000 years ago.[1] The Jōmon period, named after its cord-marked pottery, was followed by the Yayoi period in the first millennium BC when new inventions were introduced from Asia. During this period, the first known written reference to Japan was recorded in the Chinese Book of Han in the first century AD.

>Around the 3rd century BC, the Yayoi people from the continent immigrated to the Japanese archipelago and introduced iron technology and agricultural civilization.[2] Because they had an agricultural civilization, the population of the Yayoi began to grow rapidly and ultimately overwhelmed the Jōmon people, natives of the Japanese archipelago who were hunter-gatherers.[3] Between the fourth and ninth centuries, Japan's many kingdoms and tribes gradually came to be unified under a centralized government, nominally controlled by the Emperor of Japan. The imperial dynasty established at this time continues to this day, albeit in an almost entirely ceremonial role. In 794, a new imperial capital was established at Heian-kyō (modern Kyoto), marking the beginning of the Heian period, which lasted until 1185. The Heian period is considered a golden age of classical Japanese culture. Japanese religious life from this time and onwards was a mix of native Shinto practices and Buddhism.

>Over the following centuries, the power of the imperial house decreased. The Minamoto clan under Minamoto no Yoritomo emerged victorious from the Genpei War of 1180–85, defeating their rival military clan, the Taira. In 1333 it was toppled by a rival claimant to the shogunate, ushering in the Muromachi period. During this period, regional warlords called daimyō grew in power at the expense of the shōgun. Over the course of the late 16th century, Japan was reunified under the leadership of the prominent daimyō Oda Nobunaga and his successor, Toyotomi Hideyoshi.
are there any other dutch characters that I forgot about
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Now we wait for the next KINO.
I miss when Edison and Tesla was in gudaguda
>>Albion who is 4.6 billion years old would have been crushed even the likes of Gurrenlanga or White Titan.
Isn't altera a super powerful alien? Why would it be defeated by an old dragon?
She wouldn't.
I get excited for lettuce(the good dark green kind not the shredded ice garbage) so idk. I like all greens.
everyone, bully this person
>After Toyotomi's death in 1598, Tokugawa Ieyasu came to power and was appointed shōgun by the emperor. The Tokugawa shogunate, which governed from Edo (modern Tokyo), presided over a prosperous and peaceful era known as the Edo period (1600–1868). The Tokugawa shogunate imposed a strict class system on Japanese society and cut off almost all contact with the outside world.

>Portugal and Japan came into contact in 1543, when the Portuguese became the first Europeans to reach Japan by landing in the southern archipelago. They had a significant impact on Japan, even in this initial limited interaction, introducing firearms to Japanese warfare. The American Perry Expedition in 1853–54 more completely ended Japan's seclusion; this contributed to the fall of the shogunate and the return of power to the emperor during the Boshin War in 1868. The new national leadership of the following Meiji era (1868–1912) transformed the isolated feudal island country into an empire that closely followed Western models and became a great power. Although democracy developed and modern civilian culture prospered during the Taishō period (1912–1926), Japan's powerful military had great autonomy and overruled Japan's civilian leaders in the 1920s and 1930s. The Japanese military invaded Manchuria in 1931, and from 1937 the conflict escalated into a prolonged war with China. Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 led to war with the United States and its allies. Japan's forces soon became overextended, but the military held out in spite of Allied air attacks that inflicted severe damage on population centers. Emperor Hirohito announced Japan's surrender on 15 August 1945, following the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the Soviet invasion of Manchuria.
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Grand order...
Its the difference between A+ and A++, literally just 50 potential output difference. The difference is actually extremely small, Pegasus is a high rank phantasmal.

The entire point of Crazy Train 2 is that a single factor would be enough to sway the fight in either direction. Saber Alter is directly called far strogner than Saber was in life with a stronger Excalibur, and Shirou helping out a little bit was enough to turn the tide so Pegasus won the fight in the end. Crazy Train 1 is their fight in Fate route, Crazy Train 2 was their fight in HF, those two fights are meant to parallel for a reason, showing how the master makes all the difference, Saber was useless on her own.

Also they literally tell you in HF that Medusa under Shinji was omega gimped, so saying Excalibur was gimped is a fake argument.
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One of the few gods on earth who could defeat the white titan was unironically Amaterasu. Now imagine if Koyan counts as a tail, then she will have 10 tails.
Guda just rolled a nat 20 on his persuasion check and skipped the final phase.
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>Saber was useless on her own.
>Unironic powerlevels
When the fuck did this happen?
False equivalence
They never say Sefar power caps at 7th stage, they merely compare Ameratsu in power to seventh stage, Sefar can keep growing and keep evolving. Tamamo literally tells you at the end of her route in Extella that she lost to Sefar, she ran away, she realized she never had a chance and ran.
What's the power level of Megazord Zeus again?
Or Surtr-Fenrir-Fafnir? Though he's specialized in killing gods so he might be weaker than Amaterasu but can still kill her.
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I ran out of QP, what do
That's learned. Humans don't have an innate craving for spinach. In any modern society people typically do not eat healthy unless they know how to eat healthy and purposefully form good habits.
Here's the Woofman I'd actually roll.
There’s still some time for 1/2AP doors
Beryl was literally the only lame thing about lb6
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>Saber rushed to fight Medea
>got stalled by Kojiro and would have died
>Saber rushed to fight Medea again
>got Rule Breaker and killed Shirou
>Saber rushed to fight Kuzuki
>got mountain wobby fist and would have died
>Saber rushed to fight Gil
>lost if Shirou wasn't there to reflect Merodach
It is what it is anon
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Advanced interrogation!

So were there novels that made them out to be heroes investigating and defending and stuff?
That's the reason why Sefar defeated all the gods. But if Amaterasu has 10 tails, her power level becomes 3486784401 instead.
During Fate/Extra. I think it's some blog post.
I'm sorry, where did I ever say she defeated Sefar? I said she was one of the few gods on earth who could do it. Reading comprehension. We know what the outcome was, bro.
Zeus in LB specifically in a panic absorbed all the gods powers because he had to kill sefar while it was still killable, due to its two special abilities. Sefar when its still in first form is still killable even for Karna, but the longer you let it exist the stronger it gets, by the time it reaches second form its already basically unkillable.

>Crest of the Wandering Star
>A skill unique to Titan Altera and the key skill in her character design.
>It allows her to take on a giant form in order to destroy civilization.
>This is a passive skill that allows Altera to absorb the lives, creations, and concepts she destroys as spiritron-information, making her grow even larger. It is not a skill that she can remove of her own volition.
>Her HP increases by an order of magnitude2 when she absorbs the same amount of mana as her current HP.
>When her body reaches a size that is twice as large as her previous proportions (at 16, 32, 64,128, 256, 512, and 1024 meters), all her parameters increase by one level as she transitions to the next part of her titan adjustment.
>(For example, her Strength is A-rank, so if you think of it as 150 points, adding one level at A+ rank would double that number, putting it at 300 points.)
>And if the Titan adjustment is added to that, 300 points at the first stage would become 3,000 at the second stage, 30,000 at the third stage, and so on. At the seventh stage, it would be 300,000,000.
>This is an energy mass on the scale of a star, comparable to the power level of the legendary Golden White Face’s nine-tailed form (387,420,489).
>This is just some extra trivia, but the “Crest of the Star” skill possessed by the Altera in Fate/Grand Order is missing one character.
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Was the event kino or cringe?
He might actually be the biggest fucking loser in all of FGO and that's really saying something
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I'm not going to argue with you, but I will say you have shit taste and leave it at that.
Same bro, I love salad so much
Barghest could take him.
That's why he's /alter/core
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So now that the event story is over what do we think of it?
Is anyone else skipping this event to farm QP instead?
A Mash simp is NOT /alter/core.
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Amaterasu says herself that she lost versus Sefar. Raw numbers aren't everything.
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The tea leaves are exchangeable for QP. It's basically a lotto.
Its second special ability is its immune to all techniques based on knowledge/sapience. Magic, skills, weapons, civilization, techniques, everything that was formed through intelligence it absorbs. It actually powers up after absorbing things based on intelligence. The only thing that might damage it is pure retard physical violence, and even then its not guaranteed

Although Excalibur is clearly made through intelligent design since all weapons are the product of intelligent design, Nasu due to his massive favoritism made a huge exception for it and basically said "Umm, doesn't count" even though every other weapon doesn't have that caveat.

>Magic Energy Absorption [Skill name]
>Exclusive skill of Attilaight Cell.
>The body of the Titan, composed of spiritron collectors, will unconditionally absorb "magical energy processed into techniques" and covert it into HP and Armor values.
Techniques equate to skills, knowledge, and civilization. To an Anti Cell, there is no better form of nourishment.
>Any form of attack (interference) designed by intellect - however undeveloped the theory behind it may be - will only grant more power to Altera.
>The large firepower of greater magecraft and strategic weapons of science and technology will fuel the fire further.
>On the other hand, while pure magical energy - what can be called life-force itself - will also be mostly absorbed, it can still exert its regular effect.
Facing against an Anti Cell, it comes down to simply "bludgeoning" it.
>Although this is a troublesome skill that can absorb even physical attacks boosted with Mana Burst, one thing can deal an effective blow. The energy discharge of the holy sword.
>The White Titan that had once appeared upon the surface was repulsed by the holy sword tempered in the inner sea of the Earth.
No he's too big of a loser even for /alter/, imagine being a Mash simp. Imagine liking a Mash simp.
idk i skipped it
It’s not over yet though, we didn’t even get one of the two grails!
Can't tell if you guys act stupid or something. Don't you think we know how it ended up at this after three games, several materials, Nasu blog posts and the fact Amaterasu is kind of gone.
The pacing was all over the place. Time gates at awkward moments, skipping sections and moving the plot too fast trying to fit too many things into small nodes. And a very rushed conclusion.
It was alright despite all that.
Nice samefag but he also enjoyed breaking her fingers.
My favorite event of the year, I hope Mitsunari gets out of NPC jail soon
I liked it. A bit rushed towards the end, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.
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About Rikyu's daughter:
The only record available is that Hideyoshi requested her to be his consort, and it was refused by Rikyu. What happened to her after the Seppuku of Rikyu was blank.
>So why did Rikyu think his girl was taken from him
No. They didn't explain. That's the first part I wanted to complain, they didn't explain their take in FGO, just let it hanging there, confusing as it was for anyone who would not have known the lore.
In Hyouge Mono, the fiction part went that she planned an assassination on Hideyoshi and failed, sacrificed her own life.
In the film Ogin-sama, she committed Seppuku not short after Rikyu.
In some other fictional works, she ended up become the consort of Hideyoshi.
I have to say the conclusion was very rushed. Another passage for it though.
Remind me why Enuma Elish didn't kill Sefar again?
Or Gil jobbing like usual?
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>In any modern society people typically do not eat healthy
Yeah no shit when there's a trillion dollar industry that subsists on you eating more of their garbage and they literally engineer it to be as pallatable and insatiable as possible.
>Humans don't have an innate craving for spinach.
Try fasting for a day and do some heavy exercise, it will somewhat reset your tastebuds that have been intentionally retarded by [see above]. Then have a nice spinach/meat sandwich and tell me it's not the nourishment of the gods.
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I can't say I was spooked, more like... thrilled maybe.
It's not. Vegetables have a mild sweetness to them.

For me, it's red/yellow bell peppers. So sweet and crunchy. Same for raw or lightly steamed carrots. Oh, and purple cabbage.
had fun/ten
Good event, ready for the silly post game.
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>Muh waifu isn't real
>billions must die
Now this guy was /alter/core
Is Gudao a beast according to Ishida?
I don't eat salads but I love tons of greens with meats. I do broccolli on its own though sometimes.
Shit but not as bad as the Bunyan event
Yes, because he's obsessed with her. He's got very little character outside of being in love with her. And shockingly, more than one person here thinks he's pathetic.
>No he's too big of a loser even for /alter/
Have you seen this place? At leas the guy is sufficently accomplished in his field. Meanwhile, there's a bunch of deadbeats hikkiNEETs here who will never mount to anything.
I am still baffled that you have never mentioned the other movie that just named Rikyu.
Fuck off calling someone a samefag that hates your shitty Mash simp
It blows up the world in the process of doing its thing. Ea also is not properly a weapon, but a tool to create and reshape the world. It isn't intended to be a sword that has the magecraft concept of shoots beams.
Guda Guda is always good, duh.
No, humans literally are born with only craving for sugars and fats because it's escensial for survival. As you grow your parents are supposed to introduce other flavours into your diet, which make it more likely for the infant to get used to the flavors and as such likely to eat them.
>"Umm, doesn't count" even though every other weapon doesn't have that caveat.

The Root > Sefar

You're forgetting how Excalibur was forged
>they know how to eat healthy and purposefully form good habits.
It's really not as hard as fatass lardcopers and their enablers try to tell you it is.
>avoid fructose sugar as much as possible(doesn't have to be 0)
>avoid processed garbage(sticking to the outside of the grocery store rule is decent for this)
Congrats, you no longer eat like a 5 year old, how hard was that?
Braindead. Excalibur isn't the Root.
Bro he tried to sneak attack a dying emaciated Wodime who was exhausted and distracted from fighting us, and Wodime still blocked his first attack. He got AIDS killing Pepe. He's genuinely not even good at being a murderer.
By using the fae's memories and experiences of the world as the material.
Which doesn't really say much about how strong it is.
This guy is like the "I only drink water" type of guy that expects people to clap for him when he says that
Was it formed through intelligent design. Its a sword so naturally it was, so yes it functions based on intelligence. The mere concept of a sword means its based on intelligence like all weapons. Therefore it should be absorbed.
Moron, it was forged in the same sea of stars that exists inside the Root because the sea of stars inside the planet is connected to it.

You've failed utterly at Nasu lore.
The root has absolutely nothing to do with Excalibur
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Tea truly is the superior beverage.
Rikyu is one of my favourite characters in a while. Iyo felt a little underused. The story concept centering around Rikyu being out for revenge on Monkey is cool. Was nice to see Okita and Nobu get a chance to shine a bit. Story felt a little hard to follow at times though.
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Too many new characters. Almost every single NPC was a chore to read through and didn't really add to the experience. Flashbacks were all over the place and they weren't particularly interesting. The script used the word "darkness" way too much. It was hard to take it seriously.
One had god powers and the other had Buddha powers (which are stronger).
>they think Chacha's son's death is so terrible and pitiful
>when the shit that was done to Marie's son would send them to hell and beyond
the ending was too rushed imo
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How's it poppin', Anytime? Can I join in?
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>this ending
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>I only drink water
>sea of stars that exists inside the Root
Are you trolling?
Sefar is Anti-Earth so it has no power over Excalibur, its concept precedes Sefar's. It's that simple.

>>>>Anti-Earth means you agree to stop existing if I touch you
>>If you have something made from intelligence I drink it

It's above it in priority so you agree to stop existing before you drink up anything.
Wrong, objectively. You're ignorant.
Wodime had magic on the level of the gods but his physical strength was that of a feeble human being
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I was planning to farm QP while waiting for the good nodes to unlock but then I realized I need to progress the event story to unlock the good nodes and I need to farm tea leaves for tea points to progress through the event, so... yeah.
Still got got.
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I definitely have but that's not the part of concern here
Return to the dark from whence you cane dechi!
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I love tea. That is all.
Are you? This is really old info we've had for YEARS.
The point is killing him should have been like taking candy from a baby, but Beryl still almost fumbled it and only succeeded because Wodime chose to protect us.
Not trying to be inflammatory here but you are actually just wrong. The other tastes develop naturally and are hardcoded. There are whole centers of the gut-brain axis that are devoted to the various tastes(umami/bitter/salt/sweet), they don't just not evolve if your parents don't make you eat your brussel sprouts. It's an amazing system if it's allowed to function in an environment that it's evolved for. It's the supernatural environment(modern food industry) that is causing the problem.

This is well studied if you want to learn more
>Everyone would love greens if not for capitalism
Holy shit kill yourself

One's innate interest in food is 99% dictated by calories and how easily digestible those calories are, the major deviations are social and cultural inventions.

Veggies are low calorie and require a lot of effort from your digestive system to make use of. It wouldn't make a lick of sense for cavemen to evolve to pick a head of cabbage over a honey bun when the overwhelming threat is starvation
Fuck it, I'll spell it out for you. You're thinking of the inner sea of the planet, not the fucking root.
You fucking RETARD, the Inner Sea of the Planet is DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO THE ROOT, they TALK ABOUT IT
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>people already finishing the main story event
>still on chapter 3 because i spent the entire week farming QP
The root isn't Alaya
The root is the center of the multiverse, where all things are stored beyond reality itself. The throne is stored in the root, nothing else touches the root since its the heart of the multiverse, all mages dream of reaching the root where true magic is stored. All counter forces exist to prevent things from reaching the root
The breath of the planet is not the root, Excalibur is not the root.
Excalibur is just the shitty breath of the planet, which uses some of Gaia's energy
Gaia is not the root either, I'm sure you think it is. Gaia is just planet earth.
Gaia couldn't produce its own TYPE, so the closest it was able to come was creating Excalibur in case of an emergency. Excalibur is just a magic wand that converts some of the energy of the planet into a beam, that's all it is. Excalibur is just basically the gun of the planet, no it isn't tied to the root, no it isn't secretly the root, they're not the same thing.
Everything is connected to the Root. That's why it's the Root.
You know who else is connected to The Root?
That is Yukari.
Inner Sea is said to look like the root because it's connected to it, it's in the Excalibur material info
>D-doesnt count
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Gaia isn't the root
I accept your concession.
I'm the Root
Excalibur was forged with Access to the Root, it's why it's all powerful

Sefar is just some alien tech, it's nothing in comparison at the end of the day
Read all the Excalibur materials and kneel
20 fucking years later and nobody still completely understands Nasu's lore.
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A random podcaster trying to sell you supplements does not override the well established consensus of the fields of anthropology and nutritional sciences. Your lizard brain sucks shit at properly informing you of good nutritional choices and has always sucked shit at it.

>Be he has a degree in-
I don't care, he's a hack fraud trying to sell you supplements. NEVER listen to podcasters.
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>live in the age where you can listen to a master in his field have a 3 hour long discussion on his topic of study
Most podcasters are scum, Huberman is fine. I've never bought anything from him. Use sponsorblock or just skip the ad segment. If you're still retarded and can't help yourself then I don't know what to say.
Yeah you're right, I agree. The important part is not that he's a pop scientist podcast supplement salesman, it's that he's wrong.
>But he sounds very convincing and confident for 3 hours
He's wrong.

Take a fucking physical anthropology course you'd learn a lot more.
Mine is, because I think it's the best movie to describe Rikyu in general.
>yeah bro just take an anthro course you'll learn that we wuz hunter gatherers n shieeet and it will explain all of our modern dietary woes
Groundbreaking stuff bro, you should get in contact with them. I literally did take a couple anthro courses for general ed. undergrad years ago.
Super late on this, but you'd do well to research the field that a doctor (medical or otherwise) specializes in. Huberman has a PhD in Neuroscience and apparently also teaches Ophthalmology. You shouldn't be listening to a neuroscientist as an authority on nutrition.

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