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Previous >>493556657

>Falcom Games
>Pastebin (aka music)
>Extra Stuff (guides, downloads, undub patches)
>Games, mods, saves, pre-patched translations
>Translation patches for Hajimari, Oath in Felghana, Kuro 1 and Kuro 2

UPDATED: 06/09
>The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- Prologue gameplay
>The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- website updated
>A9VG article on The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria-
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky the 1st website
>The Legend of Heroes: Gagharv Trilogy has officially launched globally by Fow Games.
>Digital Preorder for The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- is now up on JP PSN
>Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak II is coming out in Early 2025
>Ys X: Nordics Releasing in the West on 25th Oct by NISA
I love Dubarry
We got a Trails villain named Dingo before GTA VI lmaoooo
how did singa peak with like his first falcom contribution?
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Explain this to me: Do people not like the Daybreak official translation because of Translation Autism (EVERYTHING MUST BE EXACTLY THE SAME AS THE ORIGINAL REEEE) or is it actually badly done?
Beautiful cumdoll wife
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These are Enforcers VII and XVIII

Say something nice about them.
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Threadly reminder these two will be the only characters that matter in Kai
>Daybreak official translation
It ended up more accurate than the fan translation. So....
I love my husbando
Ouroboros is hiding Reddit atheists and indian women. I see DEI hit them too.
no one complains much about the localization of daybreak besides schizos that freak out because van says yall, the bad one is reverie where they have lines with katy perry lyrics and an unused room where altina says pen pineapple apple pen
mogged by altina AGAIN
there's too much zoomerspeak but its mostly fine
they're going to be as impactful as the other members
Complete fanfiction
Hatman is a Renne simp like most of the Enforcers who above her.

Like Walter, he a jerk to everyone but Renne.
I’ve seen a few people say Weissmann molested little boys which isn’t true, but if it were I’d still defend him anyway with no question
Gyaru girl is a Renne superfan

Hatman was recruited directly by the Grandmaster

Both are partners.
Are the mask niggas new characters? One of those guys in the OP had a similar weapon to Aaron.
>Alisa is the only ''main heroine'' who is not mandatory in the final dungeon (losing that position to Emma in CS1)
>Lost the main heroine position to Crow in CS2
>Lost the main heroine position to Altina CS3 onwards
>Alisa's only relevance in Trails after CS4 was being a tech girl and she also lost that position to Altina in Kai
>Lost her popularity and is almost losing to Laura (IN JAPAN KEK)

Alisahaters won everything
The Sora remake will set the record straight.
Their the ones who took over Grim Garten. And despite all those people, it gonna take them a real long time to get it back.

It 2 vs about 40-50 playable cast and some of them are fellow Enforcers
Claire? Based!
Sounds like the nauseating writing I expect from Falcom.
>Hatman was recruited directly by the Grandmaster
why does he get special treatment
That he’s a shota raper?
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Genuinely astounding how she lost so hard despite kondom constantly shilling her kek
They aren't the strongest Enforcers for nothing. Also
>Enforcers fighting each other again
And you wonder why Ouroboros can't get anything done.
Met the Grandmaster accidentally and his skill impress her that she invited him to join.

Well it not like Loewe who she sorta push into joining.
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I can't wait to see Anelace again in Sky The First
Because I'm firmly of the opinion that he and GM have a secret relationship. It's why he's allowed to say the lines that only she says.
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Well if Ouroboros was a United front then it would be impossible to stop them.

At least 3 people took down a century long assasin organization

That why they need some Enforcers to quit, die, or go on vacation.

Imagine if every single Enforcers (known at the time) came to Liberl with the others in Sky (oh and Joshua never left)
that's still special treatment. next i'll hear she have him something better than divergent weapons like what mcburn, loewe and lucrezia all got.
is english release of ys nordics will be better than CLE port?
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I'd rather see her in Kai with the Hajimari design
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Everyone loves Na-chan and the picnic squad!
I'm more excited to see Kurt again than Anelace.
>rather see her in a shit game where she gets 1 minute of screentime
Kill yourself.
Swin kek.
They can come up with better reasons than "muh freedom to casually do whatever I want within an organization".
I don't.
I'm just confused if she reanbrained or just rufusbrained.
falcom is so fucking bad at writing villainous organizations
She sucks, can't even get Arc Feather in chapter 2.
maybe a bit of both!
Shirley got cucked by that?
Yep. Ouroboros should have just been a Sky thing and the rest of them died offscreen or something.
She's a tsundere harem protagonist
Rean, Rufus, Randy, Laura, and even McBurn are part of her harem
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>still shitting his pants over kai kino
Probably one reason is so Ouroboros isn’t that bad because they let Joshua, Renne and Sharon leave without trying to hunt them down.

In Kai, we’ll probably learn why Enforcers have absolute freedom then make a joke about it.
I wanna be in a threesome with Weissmann and professor alba
I mean XVIII does look really hot and she's got a bigger chest than Shirley. She has no chance beating her for Cedric's virginity.
>tsundere harem protagonist
there's no such thing... that's impossible...
And that is why their organization is a joke. If Weissmann was in charge, those three would either be mind wiped back in or just killed off.
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You're a retard and fake Anelace fan. Kill yourself.
He’d just go back to raping Joshua
Raping Joshua's mind yes.
Ouroboros hasn’t been the main villain for so long since Sky 2!:

They’re just helping the main villain group or doing their own thing.

Zero: Joachim

Azure: they helped but it was all Crois

CS 1-2: ILF and Noble Alliance

CS 3-4: Osborne and the Ironblooded

Reverie: Ishmelga-Rean

Daybreak: Almata

Daybreak 2: Grendel-Zolga and Garden Master

Kai: Team Robot Genesis. They’re just the side villains in Grim Garten.

Might as well turn Ouroboros good or dismantle them in Kai
falcom is so fucking bad at writing anything
Yeah. If Weissmann was in charge, he would brainwash everyone and secretly implant a control command on everyone
And physically.
They won't appear in Kai will they?
Eh maybe Shirley grow a bit.
>Schera's long lost sister that she forgot she had
Celis and Julian are already in Kai
>they can only help out other villains who are better at being villains or helping the heroes
Weissmann's death really did destroy this group. Fucking pathetic losers.
They’re gonna appear in some side content in either Grim Garten, a side quest, or a conversation or two.

We’re gonna have a nice talk with the Enforcers (like that scene in Daybreak 2) and we learn what every single “named” Enforcers are up to.
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Your autistic violent outbursts are concerning and embarrassing. Seek help
And then you'd have a far more competent Ouroboros. Honestly Grandmaster is a fucking idiot. Over dozen of games with her not doing shit but going "all according to plan" for every single thing. Even when members leave the group.
>the shotacon was the one carrying the organization
What does this mean?
nah. too busy boning off screen. v-tuber might mention them because arcana trio.
>Shit on retarded concepts like the brainwashing masks
>Perfectly okay with Saltmann brainwashing
Once they get their own games, they’re gonna turn into a good group. Well aftet they get rid of the very evil ones.

That why Weissmann died because they can’t exactly transition into a heroic (anti-heroic) organizaiton with him around

One future arc location is under Ouroboros control.

Gonna be an Enforcer protagonist.

Everyone loved them. Anguis gonna assign us quests.

We’ll somehow see Enforfers helping civilians.
>the new third Hamel survivor
Because Weissmann had style. The other just throw a mask on someone and hope it work
It makes sense here. Brainwash those too uncontrollable or brainwash those who attempt to backstab the group. It ensures your members continue to operate for the organization.
Describe Anies' personality
U think in the inevitable Sky 2nd remake, their gonna make Loewe playable for one section.
>CS4 Finale
did i miss something or is this game just retarded?
Weissmann was based though so it’s fine
Wish we got the choice to just nuke them off the map.
Most likely. Loewe was one of the most popular Sora characters.
Demure and Mindful
Don’t know why Joshua was so wary of them (Ouroboros)!in Sky First. Didn’t he know they were a joke?
How different is that with Novartis engineering brainwash masks
That the boy fondler was the only true villain.
Weissmann was still alive at that point so he has every reason to be wary.
Because his method was bland and stupid. Weissmann's stigma has way more flavor and class to it.
In the end, Ouroboros gonna make a contract with Marduk that leave them in charge of Grim Garten.

And those two will be running it
>In the end, Ouroboros gonna make a contract with Marduk that leave them in charge of Grim Garten
But I thought Ouroboros was hijacking Grim Garten.
Novartis is ugly, Weissman isn’t
One of them will die (In a heroic sacrifice) and one of them will leave and eventually quit.
my favorite part of kiseki is when the finale has a multiple minute long scene of switching to different people staring at computer screens over ominous music and having a conversation you can't hear
Yes. But their gonna realize it better to leave Grim Garten to Ouroboros because they make it more interesting
None of that will happen.
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The Grandmaster's sister or something
Yep. That's kino right there. Right up there with the masked villains. I love breaking the masks and then acting surprised over who's behind the mask.
Ahh so more retarded writing
This but unironically
The vtuber is stupid and just another case of Falcom sacrificing the setting and writing just to force in the latest trend for money.
Based cultist
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>le cultist
>yet somehow cant stop posting in /fg/
You weren't supposed to say that!
Weissmann is easily the most sympathetic villain because I wanna rape shota Joshy as well
Why has Falcom not revealed their names yet?
Does anyone in /fg/ belong to a fantasy football league? Who you got?
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falcom would shill familiar faces for fanservice. should tell you there's no real substance in this story.
They're super secretive about some things but then they'll just casually spoil other shit like Silver Grendel Agnes.
But I only dislike Kiseki not Falcom games. I like Ys, Xanadu, Zwei and the earlier LoH games.
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Kai is gonna be so amazing
>super secretive
>shows them off in their trailers anyways because....
Fags like you are the biggest tryhards. No one is impressed you le hate the most popular Falcom series. Namedrop Rinne or some shit while you're add it and become an even bigger contrarian cliche. Retards like you act like you're these enlightened free thinkers but you all act the exact same kek
>Kisekibaby losing his mind so he creates a delusion in his head
you come off really autistic
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Can't wait to roll gacha with Altina
Can't wait for Kai to flop
you're not a real falcom fan if you hate kiseki simple as
agreed, fellow cultist
>But I only dislike Kiseki not Falcom games.
And yet you can only ever bring up Kiseki. You're a fucking faggot.
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I have yet to reach Harimari so my only experience with a totally virtual currency gacha is Xenoblade 2 and I am still convinced it is retarded. I put 300 motherfucking hours in that game and I still don't have KOS-MOS?
>bro I like totally love falcom bro
>noooooo not the popular one noooo that doesnt count even though theyre falcom games
you're not a falcom fan
Why did you reply to my post twice?
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fuck all of you
why are two threads up
I can reply to this one too since you asked.
The game doesn't lock you out of shit arbitrarily like Cringeblade does. Just by beating the game casually you unlock everything.
>kisekitard loses his mind again and creates another delusion in his head
>Im a fan of literally every other Falcom series I swear
>Yet Id rather shit on Kiseki instead of talking about those other things
Not a Falcom fan.
gonna cry? you're still not a real falcom fan
Thomas Lysander is hot in cs3 onward
probably because OP of this one is a schizo that called it #2000pt2 instead of 2001
kek holy shit
>kisekitard replies twice with double the seethe
I can reply to this one too since you greentexted
yeah i double replied with 1 second of difference im a mad criminal genius alright kek
i see your sad crying delusions have made you lose touch with reality
I have never played Ys before.
genuinely would love to breed every single girl of the stahlritter including lianne
Oh ok good.
lol you are coping super hard through those tears
Its fine. An unpopular opinion is that the party system games are not good. I can only say that for Celceta and to some extent IX, but VIII and VII are fine barring some glaring dungeon designs
You're not a real Falcom fan then.
IX's party system was better than VII's though.
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Yskeks getting jealous of all the Kiseki discussion and lashing out in impotent rage is always my favorite melty each thread.
>Kisekibaby crying over Ys again
theres no need for them to
I enjoyed Seven, Celceta, VIII and IX but... IX is just incredibly boring design wise, balduq is not a great setting for ys, and while i enjoyed the story enough to get through it, the satisfaction of filling out the map really carried the game for me. and both celceta and seven have really weird dungeon designs at times, with VIII being fine for the most part all the way through for me other than some weird pacing here and there. even if Ys X is just a lot of sailing and copy and paste islands i'm sure it'll manage to be a lot more fun than IX to explore.
It is, but I enjoyed Altago more. VII was their first party system Ys, and gimping damage if you didnt use the right attack type was cancer, flash guard was broken too, but at least it kept the item limit so there's still some challenge. Im a sucker for everything else in VII though, it has the best Adol design and the music was pretty good. I like Rush Out! And Desert of Despair
Imma keep it a hunnid and admit most 2D Ys disinterests me because I played origins, which i liked but some bosses like the mantis are just not fun

I wanna play VIII and X on PS5, and don't care about Oath in Felghana. I think I tried the demo for IX on PS4 Pro and didn't like it.
We also got to play as Dogi for the first fucking time
I didnt like the blur filter they had in Celceta, and I know story gets sidelined in Ys to focus more on gameplay, but the ending was literally just a text scroll up. Gruda was not a guy I wanted to punch in the face enough for me to go chase him in the middle of Celceta.
I don't know how you could like Celceta over IX. Is it really just because IX has a more gloomy aesthetic?
Sounds like you just have bad taste.
oh no i didn't mean i liked celceta over IX, it's just IX focuses too much on the city and doesn't have much interesting exploration. the gameplay and story are far better in IX and it's a better game
Admittedly, I got blindsided by SEVEN's twist villain. I actually didnt expect that. Also Vacant Interference is still my favorite Ys boss theme.
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Yeah, well, that's just your opinion, man
Seven was the last of the modern ys titles I played but it's story is really good and has some of the best field themes and boss music in the series
I hope Chinaman streams early again so we can make schizo theories again
Ok I do agree that IX could have allowed us to delve a bit more outside the city. I just thought you were saying Celceta was the better game. I'm not really fond of that game because I feel the gameplay was kinda weak there. Plus I liked Dawn of Ys storyline better.
has he even said that hes streaming at all
so I haven't played Zero and Ao since around the geofront translations dropped like nearly 3 and a half years ago, what the fuck is the aeon system?
Tio's clit gets stimulated so she thinks harder and faster
Tio's Epstein tech gear that enhances her already heightened sense. And like knows orbal net shit.
Why does Epstein hire so many little girls?
epstein is based on the real life infamous epstein
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Kondo was the first whistleblower....
No one's heard from him. It's over bros...
you WILL watch the cginferno stream instead.
No I don't think I will
<<C>> <<<<Epstein>>>>...

Whatever appears first in my feed
Was the guy horrible?
I'm too retarded to search for china man streams so i'll just stick with an accessable alternative.
I see
streams tend to get linked in the op while they're up so that shouldnt be a problem
I'd hire nothing but little girls if they were all like Altina.
I watched some of his stream for Kuro 2 and I don't think he was bad, but he definitely does NOT play through the entire game in one sitting he literally just did like an 15-16 hour stream on nightmare difficulty when the game dropped
I don't remember making this based post!
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anyone know if nightgleam and hades gem stack
it should, if you can equip both at once
Kuro's orbment system might be piss easy but gosh i really need a wide screen since the letters are too small its almost painful to the eyes.
Maybe just me needing glasses or something.
Cao Anguis when?
the text genuinely sucks. the interface falcom designed for daybreak is clearly not designed with anything more than the original japanese text and isn't big enough to just naturally work like with prior games. instead of nisa extending the UI assets, shortening the translations or anything else they could do (i generally have no real idea how you would go about addressing that in a good way) they opted to make the fonts as small as they could to fit in the text box and the result is that some of the text get's really small for certain quartz names, descriptions and shard skills, and sometimes dialogue and area names. the english patches have the same issue since it's just not the easiest fix
always has been
the bosses with optional AP requirements really dont feel like theyre balanced at all for nightmare
the one on one with rean and bardias is almost impossible to get him to 50% without burning a shitton of items since he just heals 15k health every 3 turns
yeah a lot of them are genuinely aids
is this autist ever going to stop
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Based lolichad
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I love alfin
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Today, I will remind them.
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We know Rean
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juna's s craft reveals her pantsu wtf
When she has the main campus uniform on her panties become red. Kino.
still waiting on anon to show what her st. astraia uniform has underneath
doing first playtthrough of CS3 my tier list for New class 7 party members so far i think is:

S: musse, good ATS scaling, speed
A: altina, good ATS scaling but mediocre speed. good brave order
B: juna. best evasion tank out of them and also has access to accelerate craft
C: ash. speed is terrible and useless when he runs out of CP
D: kurt. serves no purpose since he doesnt actually excel at anything
kurt is a way better EVA tank than juna and has a default master quartz that boosts counter attacks
Juna distance counters, which is far more valuable.
Kurt borrowed panties from Elise
But did Juna do so too, or does she wear her own underneath?
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took main campus uniform version
I think I finally understand why some of you are so obsessed with Reana...
are these two friends? is it even possible for divine knights to be friends?
can divie nkights like fuck and make a new divin knight
you're going too far /m/
>your wings are gay
>fuck off Valimar
>or does she wear her own underneath
Unknown. The school either provides everyone with the same ones, or it was bordered
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Good morning /fg/, it‘s too hot to be alive currently.
get AC retard
I love you Shizuna
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Very uncommon in my country and expensive, it also wouldn‘t be worth it since it‘s only hot for a month every year.
I want to fondle shizuna's titties
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You can, but it will cost you two important things.
would you give up your balls for a night with shizuna
what are you implying...
Go on…
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that's a tricky one....
She won't take my balls, I'll protect them with high density shards.
shitzuna is from central europe cos its hot there at the moment.
AC is an american thing cos they're too weak to acclimatise to anything above or below 18c
you must be using a shitty 1080p display
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G.Stein, Einstein, Epstein.
See my drift here?
G.Stein is probably some S-rank bracer undercover.

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