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>Summer Summit 2024 - Summary

>Announcing Project Zanaris - Old School Community Servers

>Client Updates: Plugin API, HD and Mobile - Summer Summit 2024

>I'm new, what should I do?

>Communication & Info
Website: https://osrs.game/
Wiki: https://osrs.wiki/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OldSchoolRS
Chat channel: fart cc

>/osg/ 2024 Skilling Competition

previous >>493565876
first for leagues 5
i am struggling dearly with solo nycolas
its fwm thread who fuckin with me
vote no to wrathmaw
babe of course i fwy its fwm thread it would be rude not to
im excited for the world boss its going to be just like in my other computer game diblo 4
i love you d333cay
and if it's quite already i need you d333cay
to warm the lonely night
i love you d333cay
trust in me when i saaay
runey baaabeey you make me feeel so alive
is osg gonna have huey nights when varlypt2 drops
gnomonkey is about to fight sol sisters
not with those supplies he aint
hey sol sister
runey girl
whats your name
let me talk to you
let me buy you a drink
I'm not sure if I'm playing runescape right, am I just supposed to figure stuff out and look up guides as I go along?
Whats good fashionscape with this besides masori
just do what you want desu
its a game you cant really play it wrong
Its a wiki game, so yeah. You should find goals you want to reach then figure out how to do that.
If you're really lost some easy ones are completing all the f2p quests up to dragon slayer then going to recipe for disaster.
What level do you need to two down the het room? The wiki doesn't really say, just talks about 1 downs which I am not grinding out 85 mining for.
can you stop yapping so much about toa its giving me FOMO
not sure im more of a skiller than a killer i dont do toa
do you think the fashionscape private server will bring boxee back
kalphite princess kind of thick though
can i see
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chewed bones drop!
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yay #3
who up tormenting they synapse
why is your torva cheesy
can you come up with more original material
pretty sure as long as you have a dragon pick and like 60 mining you can 2 down easily, rune pick might even be good enough
a black demons task thats that shit i dont like
face tanking a meleer in inferno and said in my head if i die to this im gay and then i died not sure what to do now
check out some gay shit on the internet ig id recommend boundgods
me when im snared in wildy
i dont like that kind of gay shit im more into passionate twinks
im half gay
uhh gnomonkey sisters...
why doesnt he wait until they have a trident and whip and bowfa the quiver isnt worth the time and resources with his current gear
because he has a massive ego and thinks he's really good at the game when he isn't
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kys cunt
meleeing nechs is chill
sometimes you die and turn gay sometimes you get nechryaels in the iorwerth dungeon wcyd
ehpers be like yeah imma just skip every task that isnt cannonable or barrageable
its not too late to skip it and partner slayer with yoiur friend "me"
did gnomemusky die
working hard for bonds, but now they had no worth
he turned away from the sister that had once shown him how to get to iorwerth
theyre taking the hobbits to iowerth
i think if i log in and do another herbiboar i might bite my mouse cable and sever it
anyone want to barb ass
I would but i'm killing araxxor
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Custom servers is making me feel sick. I can just picture it in 5 years where the game is a soulless slop of a game where the main game has <5k players and the biggest server is a RP 100x xp server hosted by Xqc and his 250k viewers with custom flossing emotes and custom Skibidi skins and emotes and stuff.
i want to ba but idk what to wear or how to do it is that valid
The more likely event is the custom servers do illegal/sketchy scams and the whole thing is a skid mark on jagexs stinky panties
Nash, wasn't he raped? LMAO
>where the main game has <5k players
this is a good thing
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Which characters would you want to get pegged by?
For me, it's Amy and Lieve McCracken
can you explain why you reacted to my post with this image
you just described 90% of people in 306 so yes thats valid
At least they'll be great testing grounds for bots. The lack of manual bans and the ability to immediately access any high level content without risk will let scripters quickly figure out the best way to sus out what's getting them flagged by automatic detection.
yes I heckin' love no more updates, where all content is now just soulless slop made by redditors and twitch streamers and jagex makes more money than ever without having to do any work
bert delivered 84 buckets of sand to my bank
okay give me 10 minutes to read the wiki and eat my sandwich
when did i say i didn't want more updates to the game? it's likely that a smaller playerbase would be comprised of people who actually want to play the game, who don't complain about drop rates or iron pandering on reddit.
private servers will be policed heavily for bots....players are much more zealous than jmods are and probably kick you if you seem suspicious
Does anyone want to come to my quest cape party?
can someone please link me all the notable or lolable posts that happened last thread its too long for me
see i told u every time i try to get the gang together to play nobody replies they only want to play when i cant
You think the main game will get updates with 5k players lmao?
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zulrah is 5m/hr
i can do ba but i have to do defender and im gonna suck at it probably
>supplies are free
at 5k? maybe not, but do you honestly see it dipping that low? most players don't use reddit or twitter and play the game casually, embracing the grind. i think the original poster is vastly overestimating how much traction private servers can gain
deleted post

under 200k if you use blighted supplies
>just risk 50m in gear to save 100k on supplies!
selling tbow 500m
ign: blinked499
its a single click to use the boat absolute retard. zero risk
im at ba if anyone wanted to play still
ya what world ill go
>world boss
lol... lmao
306 just cause thats what the other anon said im not married to it
and what happens when the botters make a private server to test their bots?
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>Late November
It'll be a Wednesday, so like 20th or 27th, right? Wondering when to book time off work.
who is asking to ba
Do you fucking autists never quote each other or (You) each other? Holy fuck have sex please
no i dont like quoting directly it gives me social anxiety
are you talking to me
i had sex already and now id like to ba im at the bottom of the ladder 306 if you see my rsn and dont like me then you don thave to play with me also its my first time and ive only read the attacker and collector part of the wiki
Please don't talk about sex it makes me uncomfortable.
dont worry youre valid 062
how am i supposed to have sex if no one fucking adds me to their fucking friends list
can you stop attention whoring for once in your life
im getting increasingly bored and anxious standing here does anyone wanna play or nah
not with you
I had a bad experience doing BA last time but maybe we can fish instead?
okay fine
if you are organizing a ba night you should say so
sorry i was afk i can do ba if theres a group idk if i wanna pug with all randoms though if we dont have 5
the fishing anon has been posting since yesterday and is giving off groomer vibes
i wasnt even organising it someone else brought it up i was trying to attend it whatever
The only thing I'm grooming is my small fishing net so it doesn't get all tangled
quiet chud both of you
im not a chud theres no evidence
i think someone was just falseflagging ba interest maybe someone can organize a real one soon i need to level defender
thats something a chud would say
i forgot how to play ba
christians creep me out
i need lvl 5 all so please pm me in runey in there is a ba night going on
i dont wanna play anymore ever because everyone is alway ssucha bitch to me
i was afk youre gonna make me cry
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how do you get these numbers mine only go to 99
mind your business rat bitch
Why was the 2023 Christmas Party video set to private? I want to watch it agian
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are your stats better than this?
well first of all im a helmie so yes but also i am maxed
crying in the wet damp dirt floor corner of the rogues den
*i kick wet damp dirt in your eyes*
being a bpdemon is really hard sometimes
im splitting on this stupid thread
hi splitting on this stupid thread im dad
Holy moly! 102 herbs from the herb run!
oh fuc my herbs
i wish i had a dad
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i wish i was normal
i wish you would shut up bitch
wheres the poll to fire mod manked
cant wait to show off my slutty boy tummy with the varly graceful recolor
boxee should be back soon because of the poh updates and the tummy graceful
thot mask
the game is that right now btw
reintroducing rs3 quests,monsters etc
oh the game right now has 100x xp rates and 100x drop rates? wow didn't realize that thanks for the heads up
deadman mode didnt kill the other 221 servers :)
i think they should let us transfer our accounts to and from the custom servers
this is a rune broad bolt love letter straight from my heart
>reintroducing rs3 quests and monsters
yes but actually good this time
>they promise this wont affect the main servers
>new leagues start and xp rates were enabled on every server whoopsie
alright just logged in what did i miss
how do i finagle a bond out of someone
remember when pking was fights amongst people who wanted to fight and not one pvmer running away before using a seed pod
post cock and ill give you one
i cant i dont have one
alright well thats my offer youll have to look elsewhere in that case
whats your rsn in that case ill give you one
Body Type Bs dont play rs
i need a new rsn
whats your rsn
dont worry about it just help me
do you want one off my name ideas note
yes please
aussie girl with a pet kangaroo plays it
okay you can have Elf Cucker
Untrimmed farming cape - hot or not?
Jim Profit
I got my quest cape today. Should I have a party?
no but if you do i wont go
okay whats your rsn and what world and what time will it be at
the fuck are you rambling about? we're on like the 10th leagues/dmm event
how do you feel about the addition of pride events body tyypes and pronouns to the game old school runescape
youre an idiot
Nah that's you
it happened i dont know what to tell you
it wasnt the first temporary server either
Okay, then they just rollback 1 hour and we're all good
This kinda shit happens all the time when they update the game, see: tbow outside farming guild.
I'm not sure. When is a good time? Maybe 20 minutes from now in Draynor?

I haven't really paid any attention to it you'll have to defer to the threadgirls on that one
i was going to make you host the party and then stand you up but now i feel bad because you seem nice can someone go to his party
yeah alright he gave a reasonable answer ill go
It's okay /osg/ is really shy I understand if people don't show up
listen here stupid bitch i know i sound conceited but im the smartest poster in this thread so im going to dumb down my words for you. there is a difference between official limited time servers and permanent additions to the game
sex with body type a
maybe i'll show up on my alt so i don't get gangstalked
maybe ill show up with my alt to get the name of your alt so i can add them to my list of people i need to gang stalk then ill consult my mind palace and find your main
ill just be showing up on my main if thats alright with everyone
youre going to scare people away from the party
can we have the party in f2p i cant go to p2p servers
im in inferno can you shop me in the party pic
What if other people join in?
braindead question dumb slut just have it on a f2p world and tell us the world quick its uspposed to be starting in 6 minutes
um people will be more likely to attend if its f2p
wait if its in f2p i can show up and molemog kpop good
im confused actually thinking about it you already got the cape earlier today so why are you having a party at all parties people get the cape or achievement or accomplishment during the party
i also dont understand the function of the party but im showing up as a gesture of goodwill and because i think i know who it is and i want to know his rsn
qpc anon you might be in danger
if you think you know who it is why do you want to know his rsn
Okay sorry for the wait. W382 in the Wise Old Man's house
the sky is falling bitch lets try to catch it tonight

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