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Previous Thread: >>493587323

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts
>9/4 (Wed) After Maint - 9/18 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Ui (Swimsuit) (3* Limited rerun)
Hinata (Swimsuit) (3* Limited rerun)
Iroha (3* rerun)
Miyu (3* rerun)

[Rerun] In Search of a Hidden Heritage ~ Trinity's Extracurricular Activities 9/4 (Wed) After Maint - 9/18 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)

Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Light Armor) - 8/22 (Thu) 11:00 - 9/25 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Total Assault: ShiroKuro (Indoors - Insane & Torment w/Yellow Dmg) - 8/28 (Wed) 11:00 - 9/4 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Joint Firing Drill (Shooting) - 9/4 (Wed) After Maint - 9/11 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Grand Assault: Perorodzilla (Field w/ Purple torment) - 9/11 (Wed) 11:00 - 9/18 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Commissions - 8/28 (Wed) 4:00 - 9/4 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Normals - 9/4 (Wed) 4:00 - 9/11 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)

>9/3 (Tue) After Maint - 9/17 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Akari (New Year) (3*)
Haruna (New Year) (3* - Limited - Rerun)
Fuuka (New Year) (3* - Limited - Rerun)
Junko (New Year) (1* - Welfare)

Patch notes: https://forum.nexon.com/bluearchive-en/board_view?thread=2634213

[Rerun] New Year's Aperitif - 9/3 (Tue) After Maint - 9/17 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)

Joint Firing Drill (Escort) - 9/3 (Tue) After Maint - 9/9 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Grand Assault: Binah (Urban - Torment w/Special Armor) - 9/10 (Tue) 2:00 - 9/16 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Lessons/Scrimmage - 9/2 (Mon) 19:00 - 9/9 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Normals - 9/9 (Mon) 19:00 - 9/16 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Hards/Commissions - 9/16 (Mon) 19:00 - 9/23 (Mon)
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I haven't laughed that hard in a while. Wow.
I don't see this sort of situation much in the new season. Rare.

That said, I'm going to very probably win because his specials are Nagisa and SShiroko. SShiroko can take out Yuuka, but only if she's very lucky. Mashiro, however, needs very little luck.
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RARE Shimiko thread
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Would the bond-100 Shimofag freaks out if this is the real Shimiko size?
Shimiko is not that big
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How do we make her more popular?
what happened to her ears
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Based udderrated girl bread
give her an alt that emphasizes her huge tits
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It is worth?
That's 2/3!!

There you go, Old Man! Battle Hoshino is next!
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bodyswap hentai is both gay and interesting
good job
>still years away from Key sex, if ever
Pain, suffering even
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Congrats, do you have gifts ready for bHosh or ate you gonna start saving now?
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>Don't worry /bag/, the Princess has been secured and is ready to continue the summer events! Koharu brought us some lemons and mint from the grove! How'd you know which bush to pick from..?..and why do you keep scribbling on..wait, have you been mapping out the Princess' backyard??
Sex with sleeping Leisa
You just know she has documents drawn up to stipulate no physical contact during said periods and no refunds either.
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I agree
Ayo source?
You think that's going to stop me?
Hm. This is going to be a slight issue I think. Set bonus stuff is FINALLY eating into my overwhelming low level resources.
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muh key sexo
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Shimiko stocks are rising
I've been getting her up there for a while first thing since it's of course easier to get from 1 to 30+ than it is to get from like 45 to 50, but I should be fine. Don't have a lot of things stockpiled atm, but probably in a month she'll be at 50 as well from crafting 15 choice boxes a day
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I wanted to post this terrible image
What the fuck is a Shamiko
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When are we going to turn raid boss into (plapable) student?
If there was a separate "adult" word for pee in Japanese, Ibuki wouldn't know wtf Sensei said here.
>nonomi's eyes aren't big
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loli goz when?
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Baki is based so it's fine.
So who's our Musashi?
Which student would say the one piece is real? Asking for a friend
Play Starfield
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Uhhhhh that's for max or for one level? Jesus
Rapeler Baki
the reverse already happened with wakamo and it turned out to be shit
No it's so shit lmao
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Please respect small business owners Anon.
shamiko balls
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It may not seem like it but this is a Hasumi general.
personally i'm stockpiling these limit break mats in anticipation of lv50
haven't had the need to limit break others anyway
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I'm playing ToTK right now
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Event where the engineering department makes a giant robot for me when?
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I don't agree with this TL for the title. It's kinda like "ha ha, funny" but the title is IBSK from "IbuShiko". Basically, in Japanese it actually isn't a pun at all. It's a simple portmanteau of "Ibuki" and "Fap" (jerking off).
I'd probably TL it as IBFP for IbuFap or something
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Would you roll?
what kind of giant robot would you have them make for you
nah that's for 2 at once. It's still not good.
Daily reminder that S*t is a game mode designed to keep whales on the hook during the anime content drought fiasco
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Mika and Mikasheep love
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Just let me pilot Geburah-chan
What if Ibuki actually turns out to be 7
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out of 5!
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My precious desert rose.
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Who the FUCK asked for Kanna shorts I don't want to drink every Friday
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Good night /bag/
>There's a common theme - a meme - across a whole bunch of Ibuki thinbooks and ero content, and that is イブシコ "Ibushiko." A portmanteau of Ibuki and shikoshiko (the onomatopoeia for "fap fap fap" in Japanese), this is an incredibly stupid word in Japanese whose only reason for existing is for the sake of a goof, a gag, a joke. It's equally as stupid in English.

>This book has Xzosk's solution for the word, "Ibukoom(ing)."

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Good night
God damn it its exhentai only. I have an account but its still a white page.
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It's oolong tea you drunkard.
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She was always on the bigger size
yeah, instaspark
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Key pregnancy
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>Non MTL schizo upload the day after I fapped to it.
What should I fap to next?
Ah found it on nhentai nvm
The other Ibuki doujin
A bad solution, as it moves away from the meme intent by becoming a pun
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xD students unite
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Suzumi alt when
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big skullman
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Sucksei. Senstupid.
Cute but also hot
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Migga XD is great!
Maki would say that
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I miss Hikari
dry anal for you maki
Yuuka more like Yuukass
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Shut up and kiss me on the lips
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Are you excited for Millennium pajamas or Trinity's school festival more?
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i like small but big girls
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Trinity but the difference in desire isn’t that big
Trinity for the event but Millenium for the students
Pajama L2Ds are gonna be... interesting
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I like small and big girls
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We have like 3 months left to end the year.
So somehow I feel like the Pajama party will be the new year event....
At the same time that means Millenninum has TWO new year events. Can't say I like the idea.
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stroking to my students rn
I like slow girls
I see Millennium logo I cum
even if it's Hod I'll do it
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I don't think pajamas Millennium will happen tho I hope it does
We are still owed bKoyuki tho
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Do Shimikofags exist?
cheese girl
Kaede was born to be my personal sex toy.
hod is a computer
It's the age of Millenniumwank next
Look forward to the Yuukafes
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Atleast 2 or 3
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I have butterflies in my stomach
We got 2 Gehenna's NY events in the previous years
Now 2 Millennium
I would really like for Millennium to get a swimsuit spot next year tho
Shimiko is in /bag/'s top rankings. The monthly affection checkin determines which girls we like the most.
I like bing girls
stop eating them
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I love my cute fox daughterwife Izuna!
It has giant robot tentacles if you can't finish to Hod you aren't a real Sensei.
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Damn. Would you?
but she's over there
and you're over here
if you love her you should be over there with her
You bet your ass I will buy that if it was available
Post the affection chart
Hotglue? Yes
the affection chart
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M-Makoto-sama..! *cums bigly*
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No, it needs to be destroyed
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We're getting so many 100 affections before the end of the year
Makoto is great in this.
cute boy
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excuse my newfaggotry, on momos and the lunch club's side story the club's cooking supposed to be not very good and everybody on gehenna complains about it, but in this current event fuuka is portrayed as a super masterchef who always gets the best ingredients and can improve an established restaurant's dishes. Why is that?
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Starlink in rural West Cork, Ireland
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this is why you get raped
Mari would say that
onsen time
Does Mari fantasize about raping sensei when she masturbates with her toys?
She explains it herself: cooking in large portions dilutes the flavour of the dish heavily.
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Oh yeah?
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In the Gourmet sidestory the kitchen is understaffed and don’t have many ingredients so Fuuka has to cut corners to meet the quota.
In the Lunch Club, Juri accidentally turns juice into poison.
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what did you do?
little kid roleplaying in the bathtub during bath time with a toy drill floatie pretending she's developing hot springs because she's not old enough to yet
blue archive
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Fuuka is the Applebee's of Gehenna, the other students just don't know any better.
Sensei said he would never have sex with a gamer
He got raped later that day
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a fish out of water
I am not ready for set
hmmmm. nyo
That's a Chisame
>nhentai came back
dude thats such a cool image
holy shit
Now post a Chidifferent
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No Gehenna / Trinity student past this point
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Shark can eat cheese?
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Save it, my friend. It's all yours!
say chise
so who wins this fight, /bag/?
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Do we like Toki?
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Which of these alts will you pull for when the Millennium Pajamas event comes out?
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Which student would use a clit sucking vibrator?
I like how the energy drink addict is the first one to fall asleep
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onsex time
Who is that?
God I really need a shortstack
Its always been here? At least in my country nothings happened
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my son and koyuki
Someone post THAT ibuki cosplay
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cafe tap reminder
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Shizuko's voice is annoying
Is this done by that Riosex animator?
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Been thinking a lot about vaginas this week...
Especially Shimiko's vagina...
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Dogshit opinion
Go to bed, you dont need to do it anymore
Thanks, WakaBro.
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No, we LOVE Toki
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>Sensei, adult people aren't allowed to be completely friendless.
>For example, excluding teachers, how many people did you talk to today?
>....Five people?
>Sensei, having no friends is really nothing to be ashamed about.
Very nice, very nice. Now let's see your student list sorted by affection
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Don't forget to pat your students, bag
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I read that Ibuki doujin
This isn't okay Ibuki turned into a bad girl and Sensei is okay with it
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>Ibuki turned into a bad girl
She was always a bad girl, bro...
The biggest succubus in Kivotos
Just masturbated to this lads
We can agree that only Pina's voice is annoying
>swimsuit Shizuko
I cum
>Both treat the person they love like shit by berating them
>Both are really cute
>Both are weirdly overcapable
Huh, i wonder if this is a theme with the VA
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With Ibuki.
This one takes the cake >>493616692
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imagine if you bing
then say chise
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With Big Ibuki.
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Sensei canonically corrupts Ibuki in her valentine
He deserves whatever happens to him
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i need hina's sweaty vagina on my face...
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so it seems like i can only spark for one student before fes, should i go for nagisa or ako bros?
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more people need to watch Makeine, best anime of this season. Just like the fanart suggests, Arisu's VA voiced Kaju, MC's imouto. Same thing can't be said to this Yuuka fanart however Yanami and Yuuka are both stingy fat fucks
which one though
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just be yourself. also you can't get nagisa with the selector.
Doing secret things with Ibuki in Schale...
Fuuka is a master chef, which is why she gets kidnapped every day by the gourmets

Her assistant chef has a curse where anything she touches becomes some sort of unrecognizable poison, but Fuuka still trusts her as the only person for the job ultimately since her love of cooking is genuine

Read Juri's momo's and Fuuka's momo's to understand, you can't understand a girl without reading their momo
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Stop lusting over your students
i'm talking about the upcoming banner
Key onahole creampie

Chat is this real?
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Your favorite mob?
What kills Iroha would only make me cum
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but what kind of cheese would chise like though
i know. i'm just saying because the half anniversary has a selector.
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I'm not reading all of that
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It's inappropriate
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T-this is safe?
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Chise, I'm at soup
Hmmm. This is a little bit too sweaty for me to be honest.
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Tomoe looking different today...
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can you guys stop chiseposting for real
its exactly what the title offers. ibukoom.
Trinity festival just for that small chance of Rabu being released. Yes I'm huffing copium fumes.
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Hina lost
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Maybe I'll watch it...
Juri's not entirely useless either, she's capable when it comes to selecting good quality ingredients for cooking.
so we should be fake chiseposting
but who is fake chise?
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Kisaki should live.
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chise cunnilingus
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Kokona alt will destroy /bag/.
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Would you marry a dying girl?
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We're all dying.
You mean the Kokona alt where she drinks the adult potion?
Big Kokona...
I would FUCK a dying girl
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I meant summer Shanhajing...
What's the point of creating an adult potion?
Kill Kisaki...
that says paizuri
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Big Kokogina...
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I'll sleep on it
Kokona will look like Kaede in a few years
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Kokona = sex
Big Kokona = SEX
Konoka = SXE
Little Konoka = sxe
>I'll sleep on tit
To parallel Shunny
Shun has loli alt
Kokona will have an adult alt
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That would honestly be nice for more than just sex reasons, since her desires mirror Shun's. I don't know about dedicating a whole event to it though.
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Fuck it, unsex your Kokona
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It's late... goodnight
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Boy i can't wait to get 6 hours of sleep for more headpats I heckin' love this system
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I need this so fucking bad...
At the end of the day my body demands big fat saggers!
My egg looking a bit sexy today
Bro... it's not worth it
Don't saceifice your sleep time for that, pats barely matter unlike gifts
You have affection addiction...
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Good night
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Why is Nexon so evil?
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Why is Plana so erotic?
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I miss Wakaboat...
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She's not. Pantyhose wearers are all unerotic.
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Vanitas... Vanitatum...
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I get 8 hours and 7 headpats.
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[Bad News] Arona is dead.
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The halo is still there, she's asking you to rape her.
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the one who canonically wants to rape you
Chise wouldn't rape me, right?
What about fast Chise
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Chise doesn't understand the concept of consent
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>he fell for it
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These stupid brats.
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Where Ogogee banner
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Bro, your several years of waiting?
Horny again.
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This is what gets you raped
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You grew horns?
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Get your PVP coins, /bag/!
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lmao my wife plays the silliest pranks while I'm rolling for arguably the most important meta-student in the game hahaha
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even worse
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summoning pits are cheating
-3 affection points
I'm afraid you still got 1.5 years
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Yeah, on my crotch. It's a single and very big one.
Who was that?
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what the fuck
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My timezone lines up at a good time so I can get 7 headpats without a pit. I only had to shift my sleeping schedule by 1 hour to accommodate it.
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>mfw no doujin where the sukeban trio rapes and steals me away from my precious students while I slowly get mindbroken and develop Stockholm's Syndrome as I devolve into "Sensei of Sukeban"
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living in a convenient timezone is also cheating
Thanks for playing
But Otogi isn't my wife
she's my second wife
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bros, breathing causes pain in my chest
go on without me
I have a policy of only showing it to those who are willing to worship it.
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Just change the timezone on your phone?
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Chise says: Don't breathe
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Good morning fellow Mika enjoyers, it's finally comfy sunday
That would unironically be what happens to you if I ended up in your kivotos
Buy pakeji!
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Nobody posts gookWakamos....
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forgot your arona pic
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GookWakamo is not as fat as actual Wakamo.
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>if you're imprisoned at Dynamis One
>retweet a Trinity student that you drew.
>if you think Dynamis One is bad and want to come back to Nexon
>retweet a Hyakkiyako student that you drew.
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At least you don't have to worry about spending them on Seia's banner which is never going to be announced.
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>save up for 4 years waiting for seia banner
>project KV announces and BA eos
Couldn't be me
Seia... that angle is sus
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I will simply get lucky
Still can't believe Gook akos won the gook Seia-Ako war
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New alt for Saori
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Just be prepared to take it on the chin like me.
Don't forget about Saori 0.5
She deserves an alt
>jimiko saori
Yes, please! Also, Jiraikei Saori while you're at it!
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Who should I use in PVP today, /bag/?
Where the fuck NAMYO hiding his artworks, i know you're busy but at least posts something.
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There are not enough gookMikas
Sumire is unfortunately a menace.
Dunno who could pair with her without being terrorized by Sumire.
Project RX... the boogieman that caused the end of BA...
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>Gook akos won
>when her artist moved to the dick game
you sure?
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Camp Kotama
Giving Hina the most intense orgasm of her life.
Not Mine
Whats her damage?
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You can't do that
Today seems like a good day to get Wakamo pregnant with kits again
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How do you correct Kaguya in the Chinese way?
by courting sex
>I want futa in BA
>That's it I'm making my own game with futa
What the fuck is this really what happened
Sensei should cultivate
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I love this woman
Did gooks shitposting got into your brain?
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Anon is a metachud...
No, we know BA fans are behind the futashit
I think I see them boss
Need moar bigga!
NSFW dipshits
Breeding this broke ass bum.
something involving fire
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Beautiful girl
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i'm horny
Ejaculating inside Hiyori in exchange for food.
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Wow, didn't expect Misaki to be a team player
Why can't her banner rerun? They should be doing this by order of release
Masturbate to Peebuki
That's it, /bag/.
I'm fucking dehorning you.
Black Misaki
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Hiyori should stop being so sexual. Sensei can only hold back so much.
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They'll probably make her permanent eventually
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I... don't know if she's helping.
I won.
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I was masturbating for past 5 hours without stopping. I came twice.
Lol fuck no.
See the bunny banner, they will make her and S.Iori a surprise banner to fill dead weeks.
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This image of Midori always makes me aroused
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Put Misaki on the team to win instantly.
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child pussy
>same VA as yandere fox boat from AL
The fuck.
You can't say that
I thought anime memorial lobbies were JP only https://x.com/cho169123/status/1832368588763680780
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I'm already really stupid.
She is too sexy
Which version is more likely?

>BA team sees Project RX (aka the Genshin Impact to BA's Honkai Impact) and they want to play with the shiny new toy, Nexon tells them to stick to BA
>they get salty (specially Mx2J) and decide to quit to do their own Project RX

>BA team is feeling horny, Nexon doesn't want them to fuck up the brand, specially now that they want to expand
>BA team is decide to leave so they can be horny somewhere else

>it's actually just pure arrogance from isakusan and friends
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> 283 unread momos
Holy mother of souless.
>/bag/ lusts for midori now
What about Momoi?
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It's even hotter with these eyes (no light eyes or something like that?)
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isakusan wanted girls with dicks
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The forefront of sex and lust
No one likes the thirsty twin
sexy Momoi
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Midori is more mature and better at sex, simple as.
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But they are both thirsty...
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>Um, Sensei?
>Were you satisfied with today's Maid Midori?
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does she not know that covering her face makes it even lewder?
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Eh.. not really.
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She knows what shes doing. She wants you to look
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Which version is more likely?

>Seia is sexy
I'll take z)
>we don't know the truth, we'll never know the truth, we ought to just shut the fuck up and have fun with our lives instead of fretting over unofficial rumors and hearsay over a korean mobile game
I am going to masturbate to Koharu now.
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When will we get this scene in BA?
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I feel very vanilla vitamin right now.
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our hero will save ba
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When will we get a student voiced by Mai Kadowaki?
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Rumour is you can rape sensei and he can't really do anything about it.
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>Sorry /bag/, I failed to stop NiyaNiya...
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Literally who?
>Get hunted down by gook femcels on same day Project KV release, totally not coincidence.
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There's a lot of crossover art these days
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I can't believe someone made this
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when would track yuuka and ny mutsuki come back?
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CHADnsei would never lose to a student
He is a powerful and respected individual
Holy fucking newfag
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忍法! 妊娠! 三つ子の術! Ninpo! pregnancy! The art of triplets!
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Don't forget to pat your students
To be fair, most people hate pedophiles.
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Sensei is a teacher in an Asian-inspired setting. And as you know, asians would rather kill themselves than raise a hand against a figure of authority
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Event archival
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Just heard about this RX stuff
I can't believe we're getting 3 (THREE) Kivotos-flavored cakes
Not so much different, gook femcels also kidnap young boys, mutilate and rape them.
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Sensei is just living in a world where gook femcels won?
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Y'all are bunch of pedos
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wtf is wrong with koreans? they think this is creative and looks tasty https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-g1R7EWddzU
blue archive
Thanks for the compliment
Why do people like this shitty song sung by some nasally broccoli-headed nip?
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Mind Control is funny when it works.
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I'm watching a thing that brought up how "in the last year, BA has been getting more p2w" and I kinda had whiplash from the statement. How so, if that were the case?

The only thing that came to mind for me was Set--something you're literally not even allowed to do until max level/level 90, and even if you do it it's for fairly meager bonuses. What's more, you don't need to do the highest level content to max out a student's bonuses if you can't manage it. You can do a much lower level with less restrictive comps and get enough to max a student in two months.
I thought about what's released since January. The only "yes, you absolutely need this character" types I could name, at least in the sense that it's like "get this if you want to clear ALL content" were Dress Hina and Band Yoshimi for starters, and then aaarguably Battle Hoshino and Shiroko Terror. You actually don't need BHosh or Kuroko for anything, but I guess if you want to plat everything then yeah you'll need them.
So basically "2 anniversaries and a limited". idk if that's really "pay to win", particularly since pretty much everything in the game can be cleared with free stuff. Maybe this is a complaint from new players? Or, is it from people who can't escape gold and are seething? I could "understand" the platlets, but you genuinely don't have to plat. You only get 200 pyro and a trophy if you do (for the record, I do plat everything but I'm a day 1 player, idk)
I don't trust Koreans with food. Not after Natsu's log
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>At the same time that means Millenninum has TWO new year events. Can't say I like the idea.
But Hoshitpedobait is allowed to have two fes units and it's totally ok. The next fes slut will be Shitna, hope you like.
If anything, BA is pay to collect.
>That Misaka killing both Iori and Iroha
That's why sometimes I love watching pvp gameplay
>So somehow I feel like the Pajama party will be the new year event....
Yeah I thought about that awhile back, some kind of 'staying up to greet the new year' kind of deal.
I want kimonos again honestly...
Can you respond without the buttplug?
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I hope Aru never gets an alt where she's facing sideways so we can still believe she has the best ass of Kivotos
I literally stopped buying monthlies because I have 100k pyro and don't know what to spend it on.
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>Packaged precooked rice
Disgusting. I only used that stuff when I didn't have a kitchen in college.
pretty much

There's a bunch of students who kinda have 0 applicability, but people still like them. Kanna comes to mind, though her Swimsuit Alt is a hands-down better Akane.
With a little bit more luck she could have taken down Yuuka too.
Aww, Hoshitpedohinigger got angy.
Still in I see.
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Tomorrow's my theoretical driver's license exam. I'm scared, /bag/.
lmao, right, that would make sense actually ESPECIALLY if you're intending to roll for gameplay reasons

This could just be another sort of "outsider opinion" thing, maybe, sort of like the claims that BA is a hyper sexual cunny game or that it is "literally completely copypaste priconne" (at the high, menu level absolutely, but definitely not the gameplay despite the "cards" system)
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Noa Archive!
you will EoS the test
Shock value and the people in the video just purge it afterwards.
Just be yourself
Just pay off the proctor
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I like this artist's gimmick.
>I have 100k pyro and don't know what to spend it on.
You have 100k pyro because kexon keeps releasing only reruns and shit characters. There's nothing to look forward for.
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I'm considering rolling the Sakurako banner just for Set at this point. I don't see a world where they suddenly release every single student or alt I want in a short time frame.
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be honest
nta but if anything that doubles down on "game's not really p2w"
>no dick
why even bother
This is a man
>first actually dogshit bluefest character
Shiroko ruins everything.
Sakurako's kinda worth it if you don't have the other "necessary"s, like Kokona, SHoshino, or DAko
you can replace some of the other ones, like replacing NYAkari with SHifumi, or using Hanako instead of OShigure
that's not a man wtf
People would definitely spend more money on alt if they were simple alternative outfits/skins, instead we got alt with same characters but different skillsets and play-style.
I feel like this is a mistake in gameplay designs and slowed on releasing new students, just a thought.
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just found out one of my favorite twitter crossdressers deleted their account
Just borrow her... There is borrow for Set, right?
Latest ep made me sad. Hottest girl is out of our reach and we're ending up with Anna slop.

*phew* that was some good deko
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I played Roblox for 4 hours and almost missed this. Are you him? Could you recreate this bug but in full hd?
Better not be Lostwind
there is, one a day as usual

NTA but you could want to not borrow her if you are missing someone else you "need". You need 10 students, and there are 3 essentials who are gacha only (2 limited, and 1 of those 2 is Fes)
oh right and you'll need a single target lightning ball killer. Usually the best of those is SNonomi for red, SIzuna for blue
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You wouldn't a mob girl would you?
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Since when did /bag/ become so gay?
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Blue Archive can't make up its mind. On one hand it wants to be an alt-focused game to give already playable characters more focus. On the other hand, they keep pumping out new characters, increasing the roster size to 100+ unique girls. And all the focus goes to Hoshino and Hina anyway.
child cake
How many chibi anons we have exactly? I follow one on Xitter.
But /bag/ said alts instead of skins is better.
>/bag/gots would unironically fuck lostwind's bussy if they had the chance
at least 2 from here who know how to use shaders
500+ from outside here who don't know
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We love mobsex here
Hey if Roman Empire last so long while banging boy bussy and making fun of woman, i think we'll be fine.
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/bag/ also said that Hina is an interesting character. /bag/ says all kinds of retarded shit.
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>And all the focus goes to Hoshino and Hina anyway.
>previous event was focused on Red Winter and Shanhaijing
>even before that it was Arius
>future events are Trinity and Millennium centered
>current shorts are focused on PS68 and Kanna
Might wanna get a new narrative to push chief.
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>Just pay off the proctor
It's all being done on a PC with other applicants & uploaded to the database as soon as you finish answering the questions. There's no way you can cheat.
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We fuck mobs here, sir
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I'd do the same to a /bag/got if they were cute enough and cosplayed as a student.
now I'm hard... welp
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good luck anon
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Now tell me what happens when we get anything Gehenna- or Abydos-centric.
Screw that, i don't want BA end up like Azur Lane where they have mandatory collabs and keep releasing big titties boats that no one remembers in couple of days later.
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Why's that?
we got gehenna for like the entire first half of the year
That was mostly used to show off dominance over younger men. Saying that everyone in ancient Rome was bi and fucked boypussy, is like saying everyone in modern days is a fag, because of what's shown in television.
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It's fap time?
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Looking at the current Gehenna rerun its Gourmets with Fuuka and Juri. Previous one was PS68 with Saori. What am I looking for?
I don't want skins if they don't come with a chibi, L2D, voicelines, and momotalks, and at that point they may as well just make a whole new unit instead of a skin.
I also don't want some of the students I want to use who aren't meta just get a reskin of their base alt that is completely useless metawise so I can STILL never use her because the devs just didn't want to bother making a skin instead of an actual new unit.
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I haven't read a single post in this thread, so I'll just post Hibiki.
I think so
caveman brain
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Choose your mob wife
>Gourmets with Fuuka and Juri
More like Haruna with Fuuka and Juri
Who the fuck are the other 3
Devs clearly don't give a shit
Eno Umika lewds when?
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Very interesting
Stop bullying Jumby, she got an alt!
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This is the guy who's in charge of BA now.
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Good luck, practical exam is much harder than theoretical exam so be prepared
So long as he's around I will never doompost.
having a brain like this is really hard
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>2 Blue Archive threads + 1 Red Archive thread on /v/
Are we generic now?
wrong replies, meant for >>493627617
Another dev pet I forgot to mention.
>with her girlfriend
ok I guess
>and Juri
They didn't even make a new sprite for her, that's how irrelevant she is.
Good, hope they killed themselves and you fags should follow suit as well
very cute generic butt
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>"I would like if we got a few new students too"
I really fucking hate this
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It really must be, especially right now
Pretty sure Jumby got the least lines in the event despite getting the alt on the original run
She's a nonfactor
Not to mention her alt is hilariously dogshit metawise, probably legit one of the worst welfares in the game
key SEXO
He's just like me fr
I think you like making it worse for me anon
This, we need more Hina and Hoshino content
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Holy shit, is Neru really that short?
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It seems like you're enjoying it though...
>ERP hours
see you later /bag/
Can you faggots fuck off to /trash/
it may look that way anon but I assure you it's painful
should i give thanks to picrel?
wheres his pp
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I could always stop for you
Dude fuck off, go be a faggots in trash where you belong. Better yet just kill yourselves
Just look at her beta sprite.
Yeah and it's a good thing, right?
I don't think it's going down anymore
>Avatar or Signature use
>This post is off topic
which one?
>Asuna 5'6
>Neru 4'9
Seems slightly exaggerated but not by much
I'm not wrong
Devs dont give actually give a shit about the Gourmets unless its Haruna and sometimes Fuuka as well
It might be better to save for Kuroko, the only downwside is that you won't be able to clear floor 97 for the first 3 months
Fuuka for this feel?
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Where does that line end?
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That's no good
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You tell me.
it's starting to feel really good
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>does degenerate things like that and pic related in public
>also goes to comiket
half of the team can leave for all I care if this man is still in charge we're in good hands
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Don't pat your students.
I still wait for them
Hang yourself too faggot
seriously what's with the retarded lines on her body
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Kirino Status?
Were saved
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That's good!
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Don't forget to pat your students
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This. Headpatting is pointless and hardly gives any affection... there is no point...
I've always trusted this man with my life.
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Everything will be okay
I can tell a lot is gonna come out even though it's my second time today
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Can Kim tolerate cold fried chicken?
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Trapped and vulnerable
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its like a yellow gift every tap though
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I'm looking forward to it
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when will wakamo get a rerun bros
It's off topic
you won't have to wait long anon
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>that one Asian dad that's always trying to embarrass his son and making questionable jokes in front of his son's friends
Brothers I think we are in good hands
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Busy riding Sensei (non-consensual)
Karin Butt
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Ding dong. Time to pat your students.
Oh my God, you telling me Koharu this entire time has been trying to figure out if she can take my whole gigantic adult penis?

Also, I need to know, where did Blue Sechi's Handyman 68 dress event video go? Did he fuck something up in it and make it private? I need to watch it! Only reason I didn't finish it previously was because I still needed to finish reading the event!
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Something something sign of the cross I guess. Wait for Koharu Terror.
right as the new one released, dirty bastards
heroes can't catch any breaks
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I sure hope so
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36 creampies for hikari
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Imagine inserting into a sexy-ass shupo and she doesn't resist, just kind of accepts it with a slight squeak as you gently stretch her tightness. Magical.
almost there
terminates at vagina
Favorite yellows are +60
Headpat is +15
Why bother.....
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I just downloaded a switch emulator. Will I go to jail if Nintendo finds out?
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coom in doom
good morning /bag/
pumping like crazy
Good morning
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Ryujinx > Yuzu
Good morning
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did I save this picture or did this picture save me?
your random yellow gift will be 20, 40 if you are a mikafag.
thats what you are crafting for.
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Good night, /bag/
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Where did based Sechi's 0068 From Opera with Love video go? Why did it disappear? Also has the folder of perfectly transparentized Sechi gifs been updated with all the glorious new Sechi chibis that have come out recently?
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Good wakanight
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almost there
why is nagisa crispy fried chicken golden brown?
thank you Koyuki
Don't masturbate while you browse /bag/...
why is seia sexy?
Niggasa got a sun tan
Why can't my account have sMiyako
I've avoided replying to all those KOUSAGI GET YE GONE posts
built like a boy
3 cm
Hi /bag/
don't forget to do hollow zero and the weekly boss.
Would you buy this? It's cute.

no one is on at this hour
/bag/ EoS
I'd buy one of my studentwife desu
there definitely was one about 30 minutes ago
>posting blue archive students bad
Is it KV spam you want instead?

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