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Green Edition
Previous thread: >>493388606

This thread is dedicated to all games about building machines and systems, in space or otherwise.
List of commonly discussed /egg/ games:

Voxels, blocks and vehicle builders
[ Avorion, Besiege, Empyrion, From the Depths, Machinecraft, Robocraft, Scrap Mechanic, Space Engineers, Sprocket, Starbase, Starship EVO, Stationeers, Stormworks, TerraTech, Trailmakers ]
[ Chode - Children of a Dead Earth, Flyout, Kerbal Space Program ]
Logistics and factory management
[ Autonauts, Captain of Industry, Dyson Sphere Program, Factorio, Factory town, Oxygen not Included, Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic, Shapez ]
Programming puzzles
[ Nandgame, Last Call BBS, Opus Magnum, Exapunks, Shenzhen I/O, TIS-100, Infinifactory, Spacechem ]

The full game list as well as information about these games, such as where to get them if they’re not on steam, trailers, /egg/ conquered/hosted servers, and other shit can be found in this pad:

Games that are not /egg/:

WebM for physicians: argorar.github.io/WebMConverter
Reminder: /egg/ has no discord, any discord links posted are from tranny servers.

Current and recent /egg/ hosted servers:
>Satisfactory (private server, ask in thread for IDs)
All IPs are in the pad for security reasons.
Remember StarMade.
Pentapod skullfucking.
>go lazy bastard
>remember how shit small power poles are
>have to wait for medium ones

holy shit LB isn't even a challenge, it's just 'do you have the patience to wait'
It's a test of your patience, yes.
First for pollutionmaxxing.
Total bitter death.
pollution doesn't actually kill biters
it just makes them angry

Basically this.

T1 assemblers, burner miners, stone furnaces, shore pumps, pipes, boilers, steam engines, storage tanks, yellow belts, all power poles, chests, burner and yellow insterters. Rails and rail signals just for antifrustration. Red science out of necessity but honestly I feel like you should start with the basic assembler already unlocked.
Otherwise everything should need a crafting machine.
To second it's ~200 mods
But it runs fine on a I5 4500 and 970
Don't remember how much ram it uses but it is most assuredly less than 32 gigs
It came out 9 years ago, there's no way it needs 32 niggabytes.
I think you'd be interested in this mod.
Yes, and then they conveniently walk up to my guns to die.
The spawners just make more to replace them.
I thought biters only attacked when the get hit by pollution?
Multiple fucking times now I've gotten attacked and nowhere in the red are biters nest
Sometimes they will send expansion parties.
These will set up new nests.
Also, the expansion parties will destroy anything that blocks their path.
Why do you think you have to wait for medium power poles? You can still cut trees and hand-feed assemblers.
put down a chest with inserters and fill it with wood you chop down by hand
>get mod
>new research requires green science but doesn't actually require you have green science unlocked

So this is the level of autism
can I get a tl;dr on the event
Bunch of nerds gathered in a room together and played Space Age before the rest of us, the bastards
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What's the best early bots mod? Or even closest to bots early on? I'm sick of having fucking to click everything bit by bit. Mouse over construction is just straight up retarded too
Major overhaul mods are filtering me. Why?
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Devs, reddit/discord mods and their friends, content creators, and major mod creators get to play the game all day for 5 days. Its for devs to collect feedback on stuff that should be changed, as well as doing their first major pass of bugfixes. Someone claimed they're pushing out several new versions a day while people are playing together in teams of 5-10.

What it means for us is the game will be even more stable/polished come 10/21, and the devs will have fixed the most egregious bugs so they can work on developing 2.1 sooner than later. Its been heavily implied by devs 2.1 is going to contain a lot of stuff they didn't have the time to fit into 2.0.

Unrelated pic someone leaked from the first day of SA
>discord and reddit trannies, youtube 'creators' and modders

Ah, so a bunch of spergs who play the game to make money and not at all for fun

Gues I'll be making my own mods to unfuck what they did
You're averse to content bloat and don't like the game enough to tolerate it.
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Someone should tell them to put in a minimum range option on spidertron/missile turrets so we can actually use nukes on them.
so what mods should I download before 2.0 breaks everything?
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wait, gotta fix the sulfuric acid
there was a mod with steam roboports and early bots
RP Warfare?
or same author?
I forget
(not IR3, which also has early steam bots IIRC, but is an overhaul mod)
construction bots should have been unlocked at green science and priced accordingly (cheap)

Aquila is frame #3

I'd say that the majority of people I spoke to are really passionate about stuff. Like really passionate, as you can and will have a mexican standoff on balance/game fun opinions about the game with almost anyone, even kovarex. Don't be mean friendo.

One thing that I personally don't find fun, is the multiplayer part of the thing, I prefer playing alone and playing all content myself, but I guess it would take ten times the time to reach the content, and the teamplay stuff is a necessary evil.
no, no anesthesia. the pentapussy has to feel everything.
Heavy oil, light oil, petroleum gas, plastic, sulfur, sulfuric acid, solid fuel, rocket fuel.
yeah, made directly from heavy oil with no secondary ingredients
Is there any way, even with mods to have turrets in Factorio be made with ammo in them already? Even bots taking ammo from me would work
>Aquila is frame #3
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19 minutes to store up 1000 rocket fuel
What are nukes made from now that RCUs are dead?
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Left the game open overnight, had some spaghetti to deliver 1,2,4 shape. Just set up a delivery method for the 3'rd operator shape and removed the rest.

Gotta start working on progressing further. Nice little game, im just wondering since its so early access considering the version number. What else are they cooking up?
>Need to shoot rocks into space to poke for science
Very cool
Wait, when cargo/logistics robots exceed the SE robot cap they explode AND damage shit around them when they do?
>space is actually a lovecraftian nightmare beyond our understanding
>poke it to learn more
10 blue circuits, 10 explosives, 100 uranium 235
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This feels dum, though
Hory shiet, that's more than 3x the u-235.
There must surely be some buff they received to compensate...
You're joking
You must be
oh no
There's a survey for the roadmap, it might still be up
Are you not using prod3s in silo?
I'm sure I will, but I didn't bother to calculate that out
No, but uranium is now way more abundant. At the current version of the mapgen I kinda feel Nauvis gets more uranium, than it gets oil. It is also needed for space science, not saying how, but it is, and so you are incentivized to finally have some proper uranium production/enrichment instead of 3 drills and 1 centrifuge.
Is space exploration worth it?
It seems the author is kinda faggotry with 'you must play how I want' kinda deal
play with other mods that help
you probably wont even get to space before the xpac comes out
I guess that's a good thing that it has more uses, uranium always felt like a rump resource only used for it's own separate family of recipes. Though you can kinda say the same about stone and coal too.
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>all this for half a belt
red chips do not mess around
>using t1 inserters and assemblers for anything past red science
Is the 50% speed increase really worth the cost?
...that's bigger than I thought before I typed it out, but still.
I suppose I have plenty of resources (4 belts of iron and 2 of copper), it shouldn't be too bad.
(btw I built all that using stone furnaces)
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it's pretty good
>is 134 really better than 178
it's hard to break the resource-poor time-rich mindset
AAI miners is fun
so is the factory mod to build shit in them

In fact, now that I tihnk about it, mods make this game not be shit
Red circuits almost always end up being the biggest part of your base so any space saving you can do by using better machines is absolutely worth it.

>the cost
The cost of machines barely matters when you set up a mall to make them automatically in the background.
You have set up a mall, right?
I did, yes
Then just make the highest tier shit you can. You'll thank yourself in the long run.
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considering restarting
I'll try to play this out, but if it gets bad I'm going back
how much space in rail tiles should I leave between rails? I know this may change with 2.0 but still. Currently leaving 2, but I have occasional issues when free-styling intersections
actually, wait
it's already bad
yeah I'm starting over
w- what do you need 8 assemblers of yellow inserters for? what do you know that I don't?
Yes it is worth it. Placing inserters is the most time-consuming part of the speedrun pre-bots. After 2nd iron + steel, the cost of the upgrade is insignificant.
The expansion is going to have even more limited resources than normal right?
That faggot who modded in space exploration to get a job is forcing his gameplay ideas in
dude just increase resource sliders, at least your issue doesn't require a mod to fix it
This mall is way too big for the speedrun and badly capped by inserter speed. Also where miners? Why rails?

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