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Funny cat edition

>I have a question about Monster Hunter!

>MH Wilds
Wilds Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/wilds/en-us/
Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2246340/Monster_Hunter_Wilds/
New weapon trailers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7z-ZXbhfoKEO9jJv7a-bG7UcHGTCX5uH
Gamescom 2024 trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myHFsVMQIYw

>MH Rise
Sunbreak TU Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/rise-sunbreak/update/en-us/
Hunter Connect: https://pastebin.com/Tp9t570y
Armor Set Search: https://mhrise.wiki-db.com/sim/?hl=en
Monster Weakness Database: https://robomeche.github.io/MHRise-Database/

>MH World
Iceborne Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/world-iceborne/
World is now Steam Deck verified! https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/582010/view/3738609511464820653
General Info: https://pastebin.com/uCazCZBf

>Older Game Emulation and Multiplayer/Frontier


>Where does /vg/ play?
Post the game, platform, room code, and password (7243/rage)

>/mhg/ OP pastebin (use this when making new threads)

Previous thread: >>493537393
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Well here you go, dipshit. Here it is, the most autistic image I have on my entire computer. He isn't Sonic anymore, call him Sonigger, actually, call him daddy. Sonigger the Daddy Hedgehog.

He's your highschool bully, everyone on the campus loves him and cums to the mere sight of him, even the ones that run in fear the moment they catch a whiff of the rancid rotten fried chicken skin rotting inbetween his giant sweaty toes.

He literally just shot some poor student in the head with his golden glock, "popped a cap in his ass" as he calls it. And everyone still fucking adores him, everyone in your school is gooning it to his asshole, his cock, and his massive fucking feet that leave rancid craters in the floor.

Look at all his fucking bling that literally just says the word "FART". I am being so fucking generous by posting this and letting you see it, it's an edit that I made myself personally. And y'know something funny? I didn't even make it for the retard shaming kink, I literally just have a lot of weird fetishes that compile into this bizarre/extreme image I made for myself. I probably jacked off to it like once or twice and thought "hm, this is a little too weird". But not for you, it's fucking perfect for you. The most retarded image ever seen.

Fucking goon to it, I want to see so many (You)s on this image, this is the pinnacle of fucking autism and you absolutely adore it, you can't live without Sonigger the Daddy Hedgehog, save this image and make it your desktop background, and show it to me, you'll keep pumping and gooning your fucking grey matter into oblivion and you'll fucking thank Sonigger the Daddy Hedgehog for it.
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MHW pc lumu roomu
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Reveal could be in TGS. Glad capcom is doing both fanbases a favor, wilds for the home console fans and outlanders for the handheld fans.
Why do silver crowns even exist?
Remnant of mh1
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Sunbreak pishi lumu doko?
Why, it's right here of course!

Come hunt monsters in Monster Hunter!
Was it more meaningful back then?
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Based c00mer, but you should be using the black cloth version of Hinoa and Minoto!
It was the only type of crown there were no small crowns or gold large crowns
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kill issue
issue of kill
Huntress butts...
>either im trashing the monster or the monster is trashing me
sunbreak is amazing
Its funny how they went from capturing being cancer in all gens 1-4, but then 5th gen it just became so smooth
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I love my Hammer wife so much bros...
hunkters in the lumu...
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Do you guys ACTUALLY hunt in rooms with Fatalis gear?
>Hit HR100
>somehow managed to kill Valstrax
3 more quest and I can start Sunbreak?
No? Are a quests don't have fatty gear
I am addicted to slots so I can boost every damage type of my bow.
>need 2 3 slots for normal up
>need 2 3 slots for spread / power shots
>need 2 3 slots for piercing shots
>need a 4 slot for special shots up
Think I'm going to hunt monsters since I'm having a bad guitar practice session
Sunbreak starts after Narwa, not after Valstrax.
megaman legends <3
good lord
have unprotected sex with Minoto /mhg/.
I use frostcraft :^)
my fluffy CAUCASIAN tomboy barioth gf
Yeah that was kinda funny Sunbreak questline unloacked right after Narwa managed to "Escape"
Ibushi&Narwa quest isn't day1 stuff?
I cant help but schwing when my hentress bends over like the one on the left
What the fuck is a hentress?
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Playing MH2 makes me realize how much we have lost in this new slop games for the average consumer with the patience of a woodpecker and the brain of a worm

A fleeing monster ran over a mosswine and killed it
The kutku swinging its tail knocking several velociprey through the air like flies
The constant harassment from the small enemies, the audacity of the game to reduce my vision with vines
the lack of resources and necessity to gather and learn where herbs and stones spawn

We needed a bit of QOL, but instead they turned the series into one boss fight after another completely soulless garbage for the average brain rotter to go mmmm im a monster hunter fan, I have 100 hours in world wow so crazy. What no ive never played those old games, some really smart guy told me that they're all bad games and nobody should play them ever.
menster henter
Yeah but only if its an FQ quest with ATs>>493619676
a beergoggles huntreess
menster henter: freedem unete
I love Monster Hunter Rise!
you heard the man, free dem
Yeah you should also enjoy our brilliant Steamboy ending BGM!
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Good hunts! Room is 5/16.
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Wilds is saved
I mean big monsters can still kill small monsters anon and this series was always boss rush yes even in dos. The entire gameplay loop is centered around boss rush and always has been.
Bullfango hates F nigger
That's the wrong kind of immersion thoughever
>pc is planned 12-18 months after console
>PC 12-18 months after console
It's honestly insane that that franchise is so big that they can do this and the double dipping will actually cause a notable amount of sales. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they sell an extra 10-20 million just off of double dippers.
Wow you sound like an expert in the field rather than a basement dweller who debates people on Reddit.com
>ugh why are they doing this
>i mean everyone is going to double dip anyway and give them a ton of money but why would they do this ugh
its a mystery
Now Capcom can release DD2 tier optimized and fully baked Monster Hunter Wilds with free DLC final boss
There's literally no other reason to do it other than to get people to buy the console version first and then have them purchase the PC version as well. They have like a billion dollar budget on this thing and access to like 10 different studios, they could have a PC version ready at the same time if they wanted.

Don't recall saying "why would they do this" in my post.
Wilds was always going to run like shit on launch dont kid yourself
Why is it that the RE team is the only one that can make good PC ports in their entire company?
They have no incentive to release on PC day one when gamer cattle will give them money no matter what they do. Look at all the people bitching about wilds that will likely buy it anyway plus the dlc plus tip. All that matters is who buys and who doesnt
its no excuse for shit optimization but with as good as frame generation or lossless scaling is getting it might not be as bad as it could be for PC players.
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What's a really good item for selling that has little other value?
any kind of ore if you can get an abundance of them
Your copy of that shit game lmao
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>CBfags doing their 30th SAED out of the same guard point in a row
>could have been treshi
>we get this guy instead
That's weird. Wouldn't I use those in crafting like in any other game?
I don't think I can sell an iso I downloaded online.
i don't want to play other weapons
retard here, how do I get the other silkbinds that were introduced in sunbreak?
treshi is ded, anon
You literally just repeated what he said but are for some reason trying to antagonize him even though you agree. Are you mentally ill?
go fuck yourself?
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>Need one Vaal gem
>Get it on the first try
I've only played some kind of monster hunter game the past 3 months (and elden ring dlc).
I want to play something else but I can't
His claw or fang I forgot annoyed me more than ball
I cheated in all my World decos...
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my wife
fun hunts, my palico is atking me as I type. pls send help
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>Knock Gravios over
>It makes sure to do a light roll and show its back full of shit zone to me
>By the time i make it to the other side it already stood up
>Hunt is reaching 30 mins mark now
>Almost out of potions

you do, but there isn't much you get in the game that isn't used, unless the exclusive stuff you get from Moga Woods.
Ore sells pretty well, and is pretty easy to get. Machalite ore is the first thing that comes to mind and you get alot of them in Flooded Forest.
i’ve hunted
10 kutkus
5 rathalos
3 gores
3 seregios
2 shagaru
1 mizu
1 testu
and will hunt more (gammoth, zamtrios, and lagi) soon
are you serious? pretty sure charged great sword attacks don't bounce last i remember
i keep getting kicked out the room
>return from quest
It's that easy
The rooms have been kind of fucky lately. I assume it's some issue on capcom's end. I've had weird problems disconnecting and even connecting to the rooms and SOSs.
>Yes, I am.
>Need one Nergi gem
>Get it on the first try
What the fuck
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>Its funny how they went from capturing being cancer in all gens 1-4
My replay didn't catch him limping, so you have to trust me. I swear to god he was limping just before this happened.
You can see how I was not giving a fuck thinking I had captured him, only after I threw a tranq bomb for no reason, I noticed he wasn't captured then I panicked and almost failed the quest.
>dont need a wyvern gem
>get one
ok, i guess
thoughts on CB and lance barely changing in wilds?
monster heal while sleeping from what i remember so he might have been in limping state but you took so long he healed out of it
What are the odds that the next "portable" MH is going to be closer to stuff like MHFU, MH3U, MH4U rather than the Generations/Rise games? I don't want the portable games to be the designated anime games
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I sincerely doubt it. It's probably going to be Wilds with crazy anime moves like Rise was World with anime moves. Rise + Sunbreak sold like 15m copies and is their second best selling game. The only way I see them doing something radically different is if something crazy and unlikely happening like Wilds actually flopping followed by their portable anime follow up game flopping.
>I don't want the portable games to be the designated anime games
I feel like its already too late
Rooms are being weird. Someone posted a quest that I joined, they got kicked, but I still got sent into the quest, then the second I got into the quest it said they got kicked again and booted them from the room.
I mean it was made clear quite a while ago that people who enjoyed the freedom games don't really have a place in modern monster hunter anymore. Mainline is going full movie game and the portable games are continuing the GU style. Especially after how much rise sold you'd be an idiot to expect the next portable game to be anything other than GU 3 unless ichinose gets nostalgic for some reason. He did direct FU and p3rd after all but it's unlikely they'd go back to the FU style
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my FUARKIN hero...pls come back for wilds idc if I gotta wait for a title update or G rank just come back pleaseee
Wilds flagship is going to be a MASSIVE Seikret with gun on its back

John Capcom told me himself
pretty close to 0
Could be, very unlucky if I had done just about enough to activate the limping animation and while going to his nest, he recovered 10 hp and wasn't capturable anymore kek.

Is it just me or is everything in MHG expensive as fuck? I had like 12k zenny then I upgraded my GS, made 2 or 3 pieces of armor and now I'm at 2k I think. Wtf?
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>he isn't a soles hunter
I want this nigga and ballsack in wilds
But that's not likely because they're too anime(Wilds Bow and LS are realistic and grounded, trust me bro™)
Its going to be another anime game. I'm just hoping the Switch 2 isn't an outdated piece of shit so the game isn't so bad
upgrading is a real pain in GU
Im willing to bet youre also the spyro and "morlo" nigger
I am a soles hunter and I am going to sniff all the cute huntress feet in Wilds
Soles hunter predates that spyro shit by months.
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end of HR shit starts costing well over 20k and you’re not even at the end of the upgrades at that point
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I want him regardless but wish there was a way to incorporate him into whatever is relevant at the time instead of being another murderhbobo. Like yeah can't have him hogging spotlight that doesn't belong to him either anymore but gore showing up in general should be a big fucking deal. You don't just shrug off an entire ecosystem being in danger of getting wiped out to super aids-rabies.
It's probably my biggest gripe with MHG so far, most of the time I just don't have money to do stuff, it's so annoying. Being short on materials is fine since I can just go hunt the monster that has those but zenny, is just doing what's faster when I already have all the mats I need from monsters.
I was going to say, "I guess it's because I'm in the beginning" but fuck...
>yeah I'll use a different weapon this time
>immediately bring out GS or CB when I get annoyed at the moster
Why am I like this
Populations become immune or resistant to disease overtime anon (assuming they aren't all wiped out). Gore cooties dont last forever
Same. Trying to play ranged weapons but damn are they frustrating on controller. Back to GS I go
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Using the longsword is basically cheating and you didn't beat it.
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This but with ranged weapons
Can anyone paste that stupid cat on this image?
>long sword counters not okay
>lance counters okay
explain this
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Using healing items is basically cheating. You didn't beat it.
Lance players don't use anything other than poke, hop and guard.
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i give up on the lumu i can't stay in
Lance is basically perfect already.
Perfect guards will be the death of Wilds
SAED spam is gone and it takes more to get to the big explosions.
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Boy I was obsessed with gunlance for a while there.
Kinda funny how I barely touched lance and now it's all I've been playing.
>thoughts on CB and lance barely changing in wilds?
I believe CB changed a lot
>Join room
>4/16 + (You)
>They're all in a quest together
Now what
I love huntresses
>bow more than sns and cb
you got some splainin to do
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start solo safi
>they don't split
>wait for someone to leave or someone to join
>everyone leaves
now what
sorry... idk if the servers are fucked up or what..
to be fair, you can always get the goat going by utilizing your Meowcenaries as efficiently as possible. any chance you see ore, fire them there, remember to pick it up after a hunt and sell the ore you obtain. if need be, you can pretty much skip on upgrading armor too. only upgrade what you need, don't be like me and try to make every single GS that exists just because. you'll be constantly in debt if you do.
>it's already 11 years since ledges have been introduced to this series
>I'm still being fucked over by it
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how fast should a hammer beat mew are number 1?
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I think the only reason bow got that high was because of that novelty dragon piercer build and how it felt slightly like old bow. The real crime is how the damn thing is somehow second on usage in world. I think I hit full apathy for half of that playthrough.
As for SnS and CB, I am not a fan of how either play. SnS is just too short ranged for me and I've just never meshed with CB.
Congratulations on the transition
>leave the 4 man quest to split 3/2 with the new person
>post a new quest
>the new person joins the other 3 and leaves me alone
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>have to dive to avoid big fuck you attack
>ledge in path
>climb it instead of diving
That new person? It was me
I dont get why a monster is allowed to attack while you're still holding your ears after its finished roaring
do you just have zero situational awareness? look around anon. please never play dos or you'd get absolutely raped
thank GOD dos doesn't have ledges
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time to mod it in lmao
but can you imagine being stuck between a wall and a ledge with rathian and 5 bullfangos charging towards you
already did on a pirated disc 2 decades ago, idk why you're comparing that to ledges
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i want this guy in wilds
Wirebugs are getting added to Wilds btw
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>he thinks he's safe
because it's exactly the same thing
you see 4 bullfangos ready to charge so you move out of the way. you see a ledge you simply walk away from it and the monster follows you
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huntresses but covered from head to toe in armor, no hint of skin showing
I wish they brought back the funny looney tunes fall

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