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Ono will save fighting games
ninja storm doesnt count fuck off
yo lemme commentate your stream
*starts gooning*
i need that vibe on speed 6 to react to 2f overheads
fgc on some 1984 shit now
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>no throw loops
>no perfect parry
>no slime rush
>panty shots
>color edit mode
>free season pass DLC
>feint cancels will filter trannies and dixers
COTW.... sweetness.
1v1 assist games are typically made to be degenerate with busted party buttons. NRS just really leaned into that. This is also why a lot of people don't care for MK1.
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Is there an actual name for sumo-headbutt like moves? Mays totsugeki, Charlottas [4]6M, Angelias one, or any other [4]6X charge attack neutral skip like that?
Why was he wearing sunglasses in doors while commentating? Does this individual usually wear sunglasses at fighting game events?
>still flops while kami 6 continues to dominate
kekaroo kekkyPOW
To be fair, they actually do that on commentary fairly often. They did it at Combo Breaker, too.
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>finally get a chance to commentate my favorite fighting game on stream
>it's anus inspection day
don't notice how they aren't squirming and fidgeting compared to the ceotaku vod
Jebailey told these negroes to jump and the said, "How high?"
>it's a buckbreaking episode
It didn't happen, chuddie
And if it did, it wasn't a big deal
Timmantha be like
>fucking chud pedos ugh picking an official character I don't like! Ban that man! Oh god my politix
Also Timmantha
>I'm finna goon on stream plugged up with the world to see

he was squirming because........ the sets were so hype
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The entire tranny mindset is based around entryism. Trying to enter communities they had no prior interest in just to take it over.
If two transsexuals infiltration a community, it immediately becomes a trans rights community with everything being about trannies.

This is why you see troons pick up a game based on some brutal rape loli VN they have never read and will claim it needs to be more inclusive by banning the guys that like the game already but won't kowtow to them, often based on the fact that they like the subject matter of the game.

They don't play it because they like it that much in many cases, they play it so they can take it over and say it's something that belongs to them.

Imagine if some insane alt right republic guy decided that he was going to infiltrate the community for a game about a bunch of crossdressers beating the shit out of each other. He would seem like a retard for being there, right? Well that's basically what these people do and they get away with it as well.
did you see how he converted that TOD? I vibe with it
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ISSA SERIOUS ALLEGATION (ignore that i call people i don't like pedos 24/7)
whenever anyone would post the jive clip of a dhalsim getting whiff by cr.hp xx shin hadouken i was squirming like that too icl
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Granted, plenty of trannies also just like anime anyway, but the issue here is that they will pick up a game they had literally zero knowledge of or interest in just to cause trouble. Like that time all the people that didn't even own Chaos Code were talking about boycotting it like this was some big political move and a brave decision. The joke is they were never going to buy it to begin with, but because the game was associated with someone they didn't like, they had to make it into a big dramatic deal.
downloaded the vod
doubt they'd delete it since that'd confirm things but you never know
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Timmbot activated

Finna sniffmolest. Need more big tiddy blonde white bitches in fgs
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While we're on this topic, that's another interesting development I've noticed with a lot of these people. They often project their own insecurities onto others. They will talk about how others are freaks and nerds and losers and coomers or whatever bad buzzword of the week, but then they display the same behavior they claim others do, sometimes to an even greater degree.

It's a tired leftist meme of "If you hate gay people, you are probably gay yourself" (ignoring the fact that this just outs themselves as admitting their ideology is so embarrassing and repugnant, their enemies would rather pretend to be bigots and hang around other alt right neo nazi chuds than with their fellow homosexuals). But in the case of these people, it is often actually the case.

Just look at how upset they pretended to be over SonicSol's private twitter with 18+ stuff on it. Or how that one guy here is always using the tired leftists platitudes like "just watch porn" or "I don't play games to cum," but then they literally display all of their fetishes and sexual play in public for others to see. They were projecting their own fear and insecurity onto others, basically telling on themselves.

It reminds me of how Evan Dorkin made a whole comic about how much he hated obsessed angry nerds, but then he literally got a guy to kill himself over some nerd shit about comics he didn't like, to the point he was even mentioned in Ed Piskor's suicide note. A large part of the insults you see from these people are just them subconsciously admitting to their own sits and accusing everyone else of them to make themselves feel better. Like they know what they're doing is wrong deep down, so they need to lessen the burden off of themselves by claiming it to be a worldwide issue. You saw that with the Strive, thing, too. "This is an FGC issue, not a Strive issue."

This is also why firing squads give one executioner blanks so they all have plausible deniability in their heads.
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>multiple people at the event all said they heard the same story
>video evidence of this nigga squirming around for 2 hours
>shemailey deleting comments talking about it from a 1 year old video


>one troon saying wasn't me
Get someone who isn’t Technicals or Lunar on the case (it’ll immediately be disregarded coming from them)
no one is touching that with a 10 foot pole since exposing that would mean you're defending a "pedo"
they're already framing the situation as it being something lunar made up on stream to shutdown anyone mentioning it onward
/ourguy/ lunar would never lie
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it sounds more like a joke that got repeated so much people believe it's real. Like how everyone believed the strive piss chair thing until someone showed it was a stock image. Even yesterday when people first brought up the buttplug stuff everyone just accepted it without even asking for evidence.
anime fighters are literally chess
>with nothing to back it up
this nigga literally posted pictures of his wireless vibrating buttplug on twitter before
>complains about players never adapting
>seethes when the juri he cooked game 1 adapts to his playstyle and washes him free
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it wuz a joke for a year but now it's a serious allegation
when it goes from "haha someone had a buttplug in during commentary" to "this specific person did it, they should be punished" then yeah
me sowing: let's go this is awesome
me reaping: fuck this, this sucks
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Brutally reaped
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>the first seconds of the vod when he idnt even responding verbally but just grunting
no names were said by anyone though
i dont think masoma and defiant were joking when they said it was disgusting and made them feel uncomfortable
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The grim raper's scythe points the other way....
>does an IRL goon sesh
Yet troons said that wearing a furry t-shirt is weird. Luhmeeooowwww
Ninja Storm?!
this is honestly the funniest part of the entire thing. Lunar saying someone had a buttplug in during commentary, Defiant and Silent making tweets about how they heard about that very same thing happening that weekend and feeling extremely uncomfortable, and the tranny instantly going into full lockdown mode deleting the tweets talking about how they have their vibrator hooked up to +R the pictures they posted on twitter talking about they don't understand whats going on etc.
Built for me
no one ever actually said that
it was just fgg shitposting, so probably just retards from here falseflagging
no one even saw the shirt but you guys
still crying over that neckbeard nigga shaming masoma for not knowing what s vibe remote looks like
But why though. One of the most prominent FGC members is a furry who gets off to gore and according to most of Xitter, getting off to furries is more morally correct than getting off to lolis
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did lunar go back in time and make them say this and force this random twitterappa to say it?
if fursuits are allowed buttplugs should be allowed
It was a furry girl
another dix induced ss melty
>have Serious Mr. Karate on the ropes
>he pops Exceed, I forget it's a genuine command grab
>lose 60 percent
>go on to panic DP for the loss
>this is all after I took a round
feels fuckin bad man
The previous person said "nobody said any names" and I showed a post where someone said a name. I didn't bring up lunar at all.
a buttplug could protect SS from dix
If it were up to me, those would also be banned
Gay niggas get away with anything. TimTim is having his asshole vibratin on a damn livestream possibly in front of kids. NYAHAHAHAHA LUHMEOW. Can't make this shit up. I don't get why they NEED to display their sexuality in public.

....But them discord troons did.
so why do non-whites always get hit with permanent bans but for a white player they always get the "he was in his mid twenties didn't know any better, he's shown he's changed for better now anyway" treatment
this pseudo-lawyer troon really running damage control. get your dick split nigga
A command throw can take off 60% of your health bar?
every time ss talmbout DNF he cuts out the part where Striker had a ToD on block for like a year
why is he so attached to that game
I may be overstating it but Exceed is basically Ultras, and Serious Mr. Karate's is a ranbu that does an actual grab after the dash forward. Probably the biggest hole in my game rn is that I hardly utilize it but I'm fixing that. One of the first things I learned just popping into training mode, oh, light chain into exceed is strong.
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some default profile picture account criticised a jappa artist I follow and hes been hung up on that shit for the last 3 days

TimTims and jewish niggas really hate realniggas or handsy Cleveland jrs. If you aren't Saint Cola safe and harmless you finna get banned sooner or later.
cut yourself
>Baron my beloved
gamedev, nitrobura sage and pawg magnet. we lost
Yes we wear dresses and collars and fishnet stockings in public, and we have gay orgies at every tournaments, but we DO NOT PUT REMOTE CONTROL VIBRATORS IN OUR ASS.

Was the criticism right?
That's just that nigga kitsune cass. who is a man. like not even a tranny, but just a man and he wanted to do a wacky funny name
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GigaMaidens will have NO trannies.
Huge breasts like that cause terrible back pain for women. Tsunade needs breast reduction.
isn't baron literally a 30 year old virgin now?
did he get dark wizard powers?
the art I posted is from him, the nigga said he draws his chins too mannish
I can only kinda see it if the critic is looking through an anime lens, like the fact that it bears any square feature at all is masculine as opposed to being a perfect ovular V. But that's silly.
he said that as a joke, I doubt he even knew who that was
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It's an unblockable, not really a command grab. If it was a command grab you could jump it. Shin akuma's raging demon is basically the same thing. On wake up the only real way around them is to reversal with a move that has enough invincibility. Like an exceed super or maybe a DP. Like athena should be able to just wake up mermaid super since it's invul on start up and lasts for literal seconds. Shin akuma's raging demon is so broken because it's fast, invincible, can combo into it, unblockable and gives him enough oki to loop it since it only costs a bar. Only thing not completely broken about it is the damage. But since he can loop it the damage adds up fast. Shin akuma's exceed is also broken not just for being unblockable, but sometimes it reverses your inputs when he's coming down on you. Sometimes he's considered in front of you and sometimes he's behind. So if you try to reversal to avoid it you have to reverse your inputs.
but there's a tranny in your image?
that's a fake meme
you actually get wizard powers if you make it to 40 as a virgin
which means cheez is just 2 years away...
What makes you believe women who go to the gym and take care of their bodies are trannies, anon?
not vibing with the thread rn
women don't get muscles that big
that's a man
yeah and I bet you think the tranny that won the gold in boxing is a woman right?
>What makes you believe women who go to the gym and take care of their bodies are trannies
Why don't you and Cheez take care of your weight?
always goon
deny it after
wheres the video evidence of this person squirming on commentary
Remember the rule of ABG
Well hot damn, I wasn't sure if the times I tried to jump it I was just too slow. This game's fuckin' bonkers. I only just learned recently too that the EX characters e.g. Violent Ken, Serious Mr. Karate etc. are tourney legal, basically everybody with the only exceptions in the tournament I watched earlier today being the console-exclusive characters for obvious reasons. Shit's wild.
goonmaxxing on persona commentary,
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They actually do, but you're about to have a conniption about it because you're a faggot who isn't ready for that conversation.
Women have the same muscles as men and they grow the exact same way. It's just the body repairing muscle fibers by fusing them which makes them bigger and stronger.

I wonder what your cope will be about this babe. Something like "uhhhh she's ugly she's not a cunnyrape onahole like my ideal animu woman which doesn't exist" or "oh that's literally a dude" even though she has no visible adam's apple, scars or even a male body structure.
yall dont mind if goon mid commentary right fellas
wait nvm they banned Zero and Geese, I forgot
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Peak woman, if you don't find strong chicks sexy your dick should be pulled off with a winch because you are an infertile faggot coward.
niggas really acting like they would just go up to jebailey and tell him theyre gonna goon on stream with a buttplug
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Big body Muscle mommy hours? Holy...
I didnt know SonicSol was a shortstack!
she is a strong kuniochi, she doesnt have back pain
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Its obvious. It was the only game aside from most recent Samsho in its 1st year out that SonicSol could be a potential western Top Player. He banked his potential on it only to prove it was a kusoge that would peter out.
To that all I have to say is HAHA! Deserved. Joshua doesnt deserve nice things.
Good thing shes a fictional character. The fat melons can stay, good for paizuri.
all jebailey said was no commentator has been banned. hes not saying anything about the buttplug
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'Ivy' and 'buttplug' in the same sentence used to be aspirational
who are some non-timmy characters to play
that girl doesn't looks anywhere as huge as the tranny from your game
what game are they from
PJ being so outspoken about his hatred for trannies while at the same time filling his game with men in wigs is never going to stop being funny
you niggas are blind
>game not only gates a system mechanic behind execution but makes said system mechanic a major part of play
old SNK was so based
I guess the "old" distinction doesn't really fit here since CotW still has guard cancels and those are probably going to matter a lot in that game too.

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