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Male midlanders, we fix the OPs.

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

Previous: >>493615923
I haven't said anything horribly offensive to Preebitz in like 3 days and I'm starting to have withdrawals.
first for cuntboys
actual goodnight
I am going to dream that my fiddie gets a middie eb like this >>493623786
honk shoo
I'm a 7 inch irl moonie and I love showing it off
yeah 7 inches tall lol
6th for femine males that play female characters and make me hard
Why did you stop schizoing me? These threads are so boring now...
sorry, i'm not interested in being friends with midgets
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As you can see, the best investment you can make is to plap a fiddie.
Reminder that both of these have a V A G I N A.
What keeps you awake tonight, /xivg/?
mini moonie..
Shut up Lorilee go beg your parents for the attention they never gave you
We're Maliddie guys, of course we have pussies
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the voices in my head get louder until I finally fall asleep
There's objectively nothing attractive about masc men. The only reason anybody puts up with them is for financial security. If we didn't live in a capitalist hellscape they would all die out.
I wonder why this place draws in the deranged
>ai slop
You have a pussy. Not me.
left plaps my femra, dress on
Which male middie has the biggest cock?
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its very possible bro
Rob Chidori is huge (4.5 inches) (above national average)
Why did she make that boy wear a butt plug?
Rob Chidori
He's not allowed to have coffee, it gives him the zoomies
I'm watching movies all alone. I'll sleep after
cc doko
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i'm very sad about a lot of things
i'm usually able to just not think about stuff but i can't help it tonight
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the one reading this
My malera? You may call him the endwalker.
Watching a movie with someone
Rob Chidori has a 9 inch monster
My femra? You can call her the Raen Reborn.
Couldn't do anything that match since the team was focusing me the whole game and no clue where the heck our WAR was...
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>Keeping removed abilities on bar
What is this meme?
Damn, Uchiki sounds like that?
Post some lewds Macchi
No you don't, Rob
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Crystal queue casual CC @ 12:40 ET.
Macchi Ato > Macchi Rokuyari
that ui is fucking horrendous, 2/10
Finishing some mods...
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Please ignore CA unless they're close to the crystal. Their entire strat is to distract the enemy away from the crystal. Dancer can't solo kill without LB
>Dancer can't solo kill without LB
skill issue
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nice cock sis, need some help with it?
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I drank coffee earlier but my best friend ended up too tired to stay up late tonite, so I am going to capitalize on my midnight oil by starting another anima relic. I also finally did the SMN quests from level 30 (I had SMN at 100 from SCH but never did quests lol)
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lalafell naturally look stupid, so any kind of adult mod on them makes them look twice as stupid
Should I become Malera?
that is incorrect
I'll never be as charming as Thancred.
I'll never be as intelligent as Urianger.
I'll never be as strong as Estinien.
I'll never be as gentle as G'raha Tia.
i love moonies so much its unreal
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Staying up to watch GENG vs. HLE
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he got a little quiet before he said cock because he was afraid someone would overhear
this is so disgusting lmao
can i make this fiddie a mother
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Stop saying the m-word
Man, your character designs are always so fucking good. I wish you were more stable and knew when to not post. You have had really good posts in the past.
He looks like he’d really like one but how about just some snacks instead
my wife on the left
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we win this
I used to join hunt trains and just ask for a ride because I've been lazy about doing my currents and someone usually eagerly volunteers and it's kinda whimsical relying on a stranger but someone told me off one time and now I don't do it anymore
I'm too busy thinking about middywinks while I hold my body pillow to help me sleep...
>Man, your character designs are always so fucking good
fucking lol
The secret side of me
I never let you see...
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the dichotomy of man...
Macchi is edating Kong unironically
Post yours
Are you gonna do another meetup? I missed the last one
You only did(as a meme)AFTER clearing with your main jobs, doesn't count.
deserved, parasite
wondering if I'd make a good husband or not
anyone wanna meetup and watch ti later >/////<
right but can u answer my question
Those are some fat fucking nuts, goddamn
no because you're just gonna say it's ugly anyways
Wait, actually? Dude you're voice is really cute. Would smooch.
Moonies cannyot be caught in pokeballs
when does it start
Can we be friends if I'm trans?
the answer is yes
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2 hrs
r u a moonie
do i keep spamming levelling dungeons or risk msq rolo
mine can, and then she becomes subservient to whoever caught her for at least 24 hours
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I'm sorry...
I said NO COFFEE, he doesn't know how to control himself on it
Some snacks are fine though but momma gets to try them first
Ummm I don't know. Apparently uploading straight to gdrive isn't the proper way to do it and I can't fix the "worker" method, so it's back to me being alone in my house
The act of introspection to question if you would be or not is usually enough of an indicator that you would be through effort alone.
But if you go get those currents right here right now then you'll have a pleasant sense of personal accomplishment as you won't need to do those currents again.
how many times or how many kids
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Stalking the Holy See's enemies.
Kys you stinky femcel that I want to put on a leash
I don't know how people don't have currents in current expacs. This isn't fucking stormblood where you had to start at the beginning of the lochs on a hidden path and go to the end of the map to grab a current. They're all right next to msq shit now.
>Apparently uploading straight to gdrive isn't the proper way to do it
Isn't it? Someone told me to do that when I asked
What's the worker method?
You're a fucking loser unlike Kong
Rob Chidori
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blease ser do not throw the fat cat
i hate euro ti
i made run sosa do this for me
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as many as you can
if you tell me bigger in game i'll increase the scaling
drive works fine there's honestly no reason to use the worker method
>ignore CA unless you can burst them
it's that easy
can i see ur moonie
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Crystal queue casual CC @ 4:00 ET.
cc doko
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Because awful 'artists' exists that love to draw gay faggotry like this>>493623786, futa and terrible art like this one AI art is important to not put up with all that garbage, AI is legit.
It's just pink on green.
How is that good design?
That voice is kinda soft and faggy.
you're trash
the time is pretty good for me but unlucky if you are an american
nouns beating spirit yesterday was hilarious
my sides lmao

i've seen some gachashit OPs with borderline porn and some clothed stuff regularly gets deleted here
is that babe in the back single?
thinking about why it had to end this way for reasons that never existed...
Which femra is weakest to anal?
Where would he like to go for snaccs?
I don't know where this malera chaser meme came from but the only thing I chase is low HP targets until I either kill them, am forced to retreat, or get obliterated by the enemy for greeding
Are you guys talking about hosting files for cytube? If so, drive is fine it just has a viewer limit so it's not a great solution for large meetups. There are less hassle hosting solutions if you wanna pay like ~$5 a month for file hosting, though, that don't require the userscript, don't have to wait for gdrive to process, don't get DMCA'd and don't have viewer limits.
Knowing that wanting something more than an EB has doomed me to being alone
bad case of confirmation bias
My EB and I are doing roulettes
>no instant pop
ok my sunnie is now going to bed
goodnight and goodbye
cute hypnofiddie
Catching this Moonie in my lap and stroking her back like a cartoon villain
>t. CA
why not
did i get left behind
I don't mind paying, what is it?
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I will be playing Space Marine 2 I think. I've done enough CC for the evening.
I want to make a transgirl feel like a princess.
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>rumblecord is queuing
i dont wanna avatarfag right now
thanks for the blog bro
any askers
Maybe, but my mind is my own worst enemy and doubt clouds it constantly.
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So just kill them. It's not that hard.
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Blue Femboy and Red Tomboy
Can you share your Twitter?
Do you ever think about how Padjal are built for size difference?
ok where do i find this moonie to moonie your moonie
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I asked. That's very interesting. Thanks for sharing, and I hope you fare well in Space Marine 2, bro.
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slightly disingenous post, that's basically how you should be playing cc in general
i missed it too i think

cute male midlander cuntboys
my moonie is made for this
I'm getting that game soon, we should play together
I bore witness to this
im at lb14 but im kind of in a mood
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all of them. gif related, my femra on middie monday
someone recommend me good SAM glams that look cool on lalas

i'm gonna get this job to 100 i think
yeah whens sf6 sets
Wow, is that Uchiki?
male middies astroturfing as femras isnt fooling anyone
Post Lalafell
Post Lalafell!
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I'd be down for it. I meant to add you the other day but completely forgot...
>someone recommend me good SAM glams
well the most obvious choice would be-
>that look cool on lalas
>glams that look cool
Nightmare mode with all difficulty modifiers on
i know for sure that at least one in cowboy land is across a fucking lake and not next to the msq
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Tell me about Rob Chidori
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what the
Is it worth full price?
Tossing up either it or Wukong
in a mood? like a bad mood? are you ok moonie...
Remus Anima's main
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i am cringe

but i am free
Don't reply to me ugly.
can't wait for another 15 Effy pics with fake flirty replies to orbiters, and 60 off topic autistic rants by LT
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and id do it again
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Crystal queue casual CC @ 7:15 ET.
do you think y'shtola really...?
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i was doing japanese homework
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>>493619657 - I love playing their songs on Osu!
>>493618379 - Based latinxer
>>493620113 - Requesting more like The Late Repentant
>>493620759 - Nice song, gay retard!
>>493621562 - /hug
>>493623097 - Couldn't find this on Spotify but I love the song
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Don't post then.
I hope he rebounds off the walls and smacks you in the back of the head
ill be fine
get out of here sexhaver
Femra patron saint
its so fucking tiring
I haven't leveled my viper or pictomancer yet because I'm depressed that I won't have glam plates for them
I wish leveling alts wasn't such a pain in the ass or I'd just play those jobs on another character with its own glam plates.
pic related?
Blessed TP wife...
That last game was unfair my team was full of squishys we had no one who could be a frontliner lol
cute femlala
I'm in this post!
He's been whining all night with this shit.
dry as hell
No straight meena to do this to my feena
okay ill save my usual moonie posts for later then if youd like
the most annoying retards don't get trips
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I believe it is but I am also biased due to thinking Warhammer is cool even thought I hate tabletop shite.
grrr.. smug lalafel thinks he is safe from a plapping.... requires rape correction..!
post feena
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Without a shadow of a doubt.
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yeah it's just me but swapped to plainsfolk
Battle Brother, it is almost bedtime..
Lead by example.
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Doing MSQ
Post cocks
Stop being ugly.
WTF bro where's her gock
don't forget the skin walker who reuses the same post over and over.
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The adderall mostly.
Hello cute
gonna squish you if you dont shut up
What should I put in my search info if I want futas to be in my tells?
Do you still need old BiS for optimal damage in EW criterion savages or can I roll in there with DT tome gear and still do more or comparable damage?
You are playing the game wrong.
interest LOST
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wasting more time and money on crafting instead of just buying the gear
there are many skinwalkers, but at this point I'll take them over these retards, they're like the thancred poster but with schizo nonsense
>fuckable whore golems to doteable wife
Buy fanta, now
So apparently it requires people to setup the google drive script if you don't use a worker and for some reason it doesn't work for people or it's too hard? I don't really know, it's always worked for me and I've had the script for like 10 years or some really long time
He's fine, he lands on his feet no matter the velocity, or something like that
It was a problem for some people!
Don't scare me like that, I thought I accidentally posted something bad
I'm the only babe in the photo, no?..
The couch, where the movies and blankets are lol
What's the viewer limit? I don't really have lots of people coming to my home so that's not so bad
I'ma smack you in the back of the head if you dare wish harm upon my life again
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Which tumblrcorder do you think withdrew
Nothing. I'm headed to dream town.
Oyasumi, /xivg/!
I wanted to post a picture of my character with this, but I've already posted my most recent picture two or three times. So I will not attach it once more.
Post a screenshot of what you're doing in game right NOW!!!
nice modbeast
I'm just saying it how I see it bro.
Someone who doesn't care wouldn't even ask themselves those questions in the first place. You'll be aight.
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idk what to make for my new room
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logging in (i logged out of my main)
do we like this?
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Ok fine i admit it, im pretty fucking stupid im not sure how to get there... can i get some flying help? im in balmung aetherite Moghome
kek now you don't avatarfag huh
plap room, on GOD
You did post something bad! Don't you ever hurt fat cat like that again....
If you feel like becoming a malera then become a malera. Don't let people choose for you.
please share the data for hazel
I appreciate it then.
Here’s a full album of theirs, may be worth jumping around until you find what you like
wait is this nigga paying for two accounts instead of making an alt
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interchange quests
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Oh sorry
Lead by example.
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Oh, you're actually right.
Yeah I want to do this to a fishra
>removed my LB from the hotbar in the middle of a fight
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ty ty
i'm a fantablob but it's just blobbing back and forth between moonie and lala whenever i feel like it, i was a lala a few months ago
why do people keep accusing grown men of grooming eachother
when i get around to making her gock work
Hope you feel better, anon. I have had that sadness suddenly creep up on me many a time
i put some chicken in the steamer for the next hour
where are the queues
I can come over in a minute if nobody else does. I was about to go to sleep, but one quick trip can't be too bad.
Make babies.
'cc doko' shitposting goes as far back to 2020 on Arknight general threads. Now they are on every xiv general, can we get rid of the spammers?
If it's on Balmung and near the summoning bell, yeah.
When does it start?
This way, you're out of my head now.
This way, you won't plague my life.
This way, when all is done, you're out of sight and out of mind.
running old bis with materia is a ~1% damage gain over current savage bis
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The grey moonster gets a pass.
Would it be a good idea to create an alt for every gear type? that way I can get gear for every job every week, I just need to reclear each fight like 7 times. and buy 5 story skips (I already have one alt that's up to dawntrail)
Steamed chicken sounds fucking miserable
Fat Cat themed
Finally finished all the fates for DT. Was hoping I would get something cool but it just lets me sell a token for just shy of 200k gil that will sell to dumb gil whores for an ugly mount
Oh well, at least I got Cahciua's card
I unsubbed that second account for Dawntrail and I probably won't sub until a sale for that expansion starts
And I have several alts on my main account, I was just really really lonely one Christmas sale and ebed myself
>tikaasi telling people to get a tripcode

Thank you! ill be waiting by the crystal, i srly cannot find a way to climb the mountain...
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I use Digitalocean Spaces for file hosting. You do have to use Handbrake (free program) to convert your files to mp4 (and burn in your subtitles if there are any), but after that you just upload the file (set it to public when you do) and copy/paste the link directly into cytube, no need for a userscript or anything. The cost is based on how much storage you're using, I think I'm paying $10 a month now but I have almost 600gb of shit uploaded to it, it was around $5 when I started out fresh.

Also if you go with this route, make sure you hit your settings tab and turn on CDN otherwise there will be buffering issues for your viewers.

I'm not sure exactly, I just know we used to hit it before with big meetups and anyone arriving after would be unable to watch. It was so annoying I used to upload the file to two separate google drives and run two cytubes at once so overflow could go to the second one. If your turnouts are something small like sub 20-30 people you're probably fine.
Post new lewds of your fiera
hey guys, this is my first post here.
schizo AND retarded, how unfortunate
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Waiting for the next match.
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hi perinne
arent you the faggot that got mogged this morning by otis and grape?
i need bwc in my pussy
Welcome to 4chan enjoy you're stay
Coolest ebin in /xivg/
Respected and feared
Speaks for the male Midlanders
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with 12 of the 15 pics being old
>she will be a lala soon and won’t see big tiddies moonie again
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Forgot screencap
perrine is a fake nice asshole. don't eb perrine or you will regret it.
Is this the tried and proven standard tranny response?
you can get a mount now
which race is the bwc race
There aren't even 200 people logged in on Dynamis (Golem) right now. Whatever they've done to try and populate this DC wasn't enough. They need to do more.
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It's a secret..
kill youre self
post pussy
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Crystal queue casual CC @ 11:15 ET.
Get a tripcode
I like pre coooking it like that and then frying it on a little bit of olive oil with veggies and rice noodles
that's about as fancy as it gets for me
thanks anonymous, ill try
Mischievous Fat Cat
>I was just really really lonely one Christmas sale and ebed myself
Someone post the Anita Sarkesian wedding themed birthday party
I don't see hands around that throat yet...
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fuck you
>maleddiefy you femlala
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Yeah I lose sometimes.
Balmung 2 with mandated mare installation is the only way...
I heard Kong has a cock like this
You're meant to be asleep! When you wake up I might let you choke me if you can guess the magic word..
Do people like fiddies?
Your so cute, protect you're sanity and run away from here as fast as you can
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praying i dont get a certain someone on my team
these are what i would consider to be the "flagship" songs for each expac that bring back the most vivid memories of the story

>Heavensward / Revenge of the Horde
>The Worm's Tail / Lunacy
>Home Beyond the Horizon / Black Steel, Cold Embers / Echoes in the Distance (NOT Close in the Distance) / Hic Svnt Leones
I pay for two accounts to make managing my sub fleet easier
Got the wings bros
oh look ANOTHER face 6 male middie
How original!
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yeah, and i blasted to that clip of you running earlier. thanks for posting it.
that filipino wishes
>if you're ever depressed remember Anita Sarkeesian threw herself a fake wedding to celebrate being a single, mentally insane, middle-aged, childless cat lady
wow shes literally almost me
My moonie needs joi from you
they dont call him long dong kong for nothing
hes my favorite moonie
Is it me
>Yeah I lose sometimes
My moonie does nyot do this
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does this count?
just shuffle Balmung, a couple aether servers, and the largest primal server onto Dynamis and move the new Dynamis servers to old DCs.
Yes but I prefer the more modestly sized ones
do you have your documents?
grey moonies
appal did not cheat on me
raincheck on sex tonight
goonies do this
LOL whos tye saultry little binch on the bottom lsft????
for real where are the face 1s daym
it's too late, i'm already crazy
how can i bring joy to your life...
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Currently unsubbed but I'll post an old cool picture.
I recognize those feet..
can you make an album?
no bwc for you
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so if I go on a schizo rant while posting my character and completely embarass myself while maliciously shitposting everyone, start talking about being a pedo, and how I kill cats in my spare time

as long as I wait 2 months and then come back i'll be accepted back into the /xivg/ community, right?
Yeah but instead of sex can we just cuddle?
send a tell to siegben
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*unzips mch job stone*
I don't care if someone is fake nice as long as they're a real slut.
yeah but who is this about
depends on if we had esex (counts as losing my virginity btw) and i enjoyed it
i’m not a fiddie, he don’t want me
what would that even look like?
but there arent any single goonies in my area
i dont think i could ever concentrate in a room that complex but i really dont wanna make another white modern marble room..
never really thought about it but when the housing items get the graphics update so many housing builds will look worse because they would substitute parts for geometry, that would otherwise be impossible to create, with random shit like the flan or icebox. when those furnishing items get new textures theyre probably going to look very out of place.
The KITTEH is not the one hurt here
Hmmm that's not too bad. But still, it's disheartening when people say they're having problem with the script so I'm just going to watch my movies alone for now until I get smart and figure out the other routes or have a man consistently pay my bills
is perinne a slut?
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Our client is Lord Valen, former counselor to the Privy Authority with deep ties to the disbanded True Brotherhood of the Faith. Since Thordan’s passing, the good counselor has run afoul with debtors from the Syndicate. Confidential sources indicate that Lord Valen has engaged in a series of illicit affairs, indulging in the services of courtesans beyond what is considered acceptable for his station. Notably, he had let slip secrets regarding Ishgard's national defense and noble lineages. These activities have been documented by Syndicate operatives.
Our client, and our good fellows at the ___ __, seek to reclaim compromising materials used against him, including confidential records, testimonials, manifests for illicit alchemic substances, and written accounts of his indiscretions.
what games do you bros play
if you're a lalafell and you can get the rest of the cult to overlook the heinous shit you do and say, yes
or if you're a cute catgirl and can get the rest of the catgirl/au ra coven to overlook it, yes. but this is less reliable compared to being a lalafell
otherwise no, it'll follow you
stop posting about kyoppi
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>be a malera non-sprout
>see a femra sprout progressing through the EW MSQ at the same pace as me
>say fuck it, and send a friend request
Bad call?
I can't think of who this is.
pajeet ladyboy faggot can you stop posting your character every 6 posts
A room at the famous core mansion??!! I have to see this
as long as you pretend to be nice in game and stroke egos people will pretend that anyone who says anything negative about you is making shit up
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That's nyot a nyo...
>*puts your femlala crush into the microwave and turns it on*
did you even talk to them first
Does xivg have a nikke union?
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we on that muthafukin good shit homie
Gulal delivery.
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Hi, Joy. Still mad mad that I realized you were fucked up in the head before you could claim me as your prize? or is it jealously that people like me more than you? or do you simply love stirring up trouble for the sake of it? I have tried making amends because I want to see the good in people, but there is no good in you. You are a deplorable human being and you deserve to live alone in obscurity until you learn to reflect on yourself and grow as a person. What are you even hoping to achieve? Are you so desperate for attention that you have to be mean to get it? You are the only one who cares about this drama. Not a single person in the lalacord has mentioned your recent childish tantrums because no. one. cares. And after this post? I'm not going to either. I say this genuinely: Get some help. Grow up. Don't pretend to grow up. Grow. Up. or keep throwing a fit until you exhaust yourself because you keep digging yourself into this hole. At this point, I don't care. I have no love for people who only want to cause harm. You did this to yourself. Not the people you keep blaming. You did. and some day you're going to exhaust all the fresh blood that don't know who you are and you will truly be alone. May The Twelve have mercy on your soul when that day comes, because I won't. I offered my hand and only be bitten. My energy is better spent on people who, despite it all, still have a spark of goodwill in their souls. People that want to get better, do better. You are not that kind of person. Begone with you. Banished. Never to Return the Shadowed One.
do as I say then

did you just send a random friend request....?
Sunless Skies. I've been playing it while waiting for roulettes to fill as DPS.
You forgot Granblue
Why is Kyoppi schizoing 2 people at once
>what would that even look like?
a single bed with you on it naked
i am a femlala and i belong here
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You don't have to shout sir, your delivery is delayed sir I am sorry sir.

i think our cats should share spit with each other
just talk to perinne for 2 minutes and you will see what I mean.
this >>493626991
meant to include in initial post.
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Yeah that's understandable, I hated making people fumble around setting up the script, especially new players or people not really familiar with browser extensions. I wish you the best of luck!
malera are not beating the accusations lmao
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Did you know that Male Veenas are effective and capable hunters and gatherers across a wide range of climates and environments? This is because our homeland, the Skatay Range, features both temperate green forests and snow-capped rocky mountains, encouraging Male Veenas to learn how to adapt to their current surroundings from a young age. Isn't that cool?
>paying money to look like shit
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blud's never gonna find his nhaama like this
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Crystal queue casual CC @ 3:00 ET.
clean throw
I'm gonna go play Astro Bot and increase the progression distance between us now...
My moonie thinks 4 inches is massive
'fake nice' and 'friend collector' is just what mentally ill NEETs call people that see them as acquaintances instead of spending every waking hour with them
Nice twink, builded for my maleroe
only if you are 8 inches or bigger
Wasn't a throw we just played better.
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A catgirl wants to eb my femlala?! Rare pairing...
Not that I know of, I'm just in a random one because it was named Oppai
You are forgiven this one time, don't let it happen again.
no bueno, try again
Are you guys going to get 16 when it comes out on PC?
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Crystal CC @ 2:40 ET
>The entire femra emotional range.
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mass debating which one I do next.
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no malera tried to groom me as a sprout
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Already pre ordered it
Sorry, I'm falling off after winning through the entire afternoon. This one might be the last match for me tonight.
I would rather Shoro spam his gay shit again than look at this homo's soibeard.
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Hey pal you just blow in from stupid town?
Pirate it if I can honestly, heard its an alright game but it's basically a next gen single player FF14.
I can actually believe this
my moonie is disappointing your moonie with a 2 incher
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Is that so?
>does he know?
It has Denuvo, enjoy
It's already pre ordered, loved the demo
Ive no love for Anita Sarkeesians surface level feminist critique but that sounds like bogstandard "millenial with too much money" activity to me
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Drinking between rounds and queuing CC.
I thought you were nyo longer a grey moonie but a poonie (pale + moonie)
I only have chocobo racing left but I fucking hate that minigame so I've been procrastinating on it. don't even have a rank 9 'bo yet.
'ooning to this 'oonie
can you and your samefag friend take this shit into joys DM or something you stupid fucking lala niggers? no one wants to see you two fags samefag each other's posts with their golems.
cute fiddy
I’m still annoyed that the crossover spoiled part of 16
lol why do you care if hes going to pirate, are you some sort of shill for SE?
Busting a fucking fat nut all over this slampig's breasts.
Whatever you say.
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>leave femra AFK in the quicksands for 8 hours
0 PMs, five ptom glances

>leave femlala golem AFK in the quicksands for 8 hours
>3 PMs, over 50 ptom glances
Good call. Always make transbians feel uncomfortable by reminding them of their larp.
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works on my machine https://files.catbox.moe/ay87bt.png
Does it make you think of the thing you desperately wish you had? a poon?
I support my fellow piratebros and I hate denuvoslop
But I think you missed the point, you can't pirate denuvo games, they've remained uncracked for some time now
My moonie has been a poonie all this time…
Two moonies and 0 moonie pits that has to be some sort of crime
No, it's trash. Pirate it if you're gonna play it though.
My bad homie.
good mor

I saw Dan's nude hand.
poonie (pink moonie?)
rape sex cum
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didnt know he was part of LTG's covenant like that
Good girl.
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post feet please
Post catboxes for me to goon at
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yeah its definitely not a nashville party
you dont think that would get boring after a while? there isnt even a window for the sunrise to peer through the morning afterwards while the camera pans across the bed
and whys that hmm?
Moonie Pit Post is tomorrow, today is a footsie post for someone c:
Threadly SEX post
quintessentially ffxiv we like this this is ffxiv 30 million active players better than wow
a chair and a noose room
When are we getting a name change discount
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I really do not understand the obsession with namefags.
I know how said namefags would occur when the subject of the thread is an MMO, yes, but i fail to see how anyone would put any amount of stalk or emotion into avatars that have several clones in limsa as we speak
what if it was just oonie
Why are you like this.
wanna self insert into this moona
>oh no I don't want to trigger their ptom uuuuu so I just won't look at them uuuuu I'm such a beta bitch cuck uuuuuu

This is what some of you unironically sound like. I don't give a fuck if they have ptom, gtom, ztom who gives a fuck. Just look and assert your dominance!
My little poonie
I have your lodestone bookmarked, don't bother.
Why are fiddies like this
>it's basically a next gen single player FF14
For better or worse, that is an apt description of XVI. When it peaks, it really fucking peaks. But damn if the game doesn't make you work for those peaks.
can i post as a moonie who is good (goonie) or am i appropriating
Where do poonies rank in the moonie totem pole?
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dominated by a veena?
When are they going to release the housing update
Can I request my character plapping your fiddie?
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it should really be included with the fantasia.
>mods that track the amount of attention you get
I have never heard of anything si utterly pathetic
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Crystal queue casual CC @ 6:30 ET.
one more from me after this
Thanks? I think?
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i'm getting my ass beat tonight
uhh bro
post ravoonies
is she bulking
It 100% should yes
Its a shame that game came out in the same year as BG3. I would've wanted it or Octopath 2 to get Best RPG over Starfield.
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Aaaand I'm done for tonight. Thanks for the matches!
they would surely be below goonies and bloonies
this game has horrible attention whores i am going back to vrchat where i can woo trans women with my ability to speak rather than type gooner buzzwords
How did this modbeast get the frying egg emote already? Is it in the game's files? So that means we'll get it soon right?
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Crystal CC @ 6:10 ET
My male midlander is thinking about femras again and that got him hard
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Please queue on light, if there's anyone awake already
ty bud, just terrorize joy somewhere else, im all for fucking that fag over, but i really don't want to see lala tranny cock on the thread, i'd rather see moonie futa
It's because you're a moonie. Moonies always lose.
We know Rob
ty for playing
Hey i work with dogs. When they lick you they're trying to grab your attention. For food, water, going outside, and perhaps the most reasonable interpretation, worrying about what the fuck is wrong with you and why you're acting so unlike yourself.
They dont want to have sex with you. Thanks.
Never, we got SCAMMED
why even play the game if you aren't getting attention?
Don't buy 16 then you'll have money for a dozen name changes.
It's funny to think people believe they have a dedicated schizo when it's just me replying to whoever I see when I scroll to the bottom of the page until they stop responding.
probably .2 or .3
but I have a feeling im going to be disappointed in what it brings
2023 was a brutal year. Zelda wouldn't have gotten mogged like that in any other year.
thinking about you thinking about femras got me hard as well
Bloonies are known as the weakest though?
The good ending?
We know Remus
Middies or Malera
who is more pathetic?
I am new to the game. I am about to pick a grand company. IIRC the GCs are your PvP team right? Would picking a particular GC help my queue times? I am assuming the Sea Military with the dommy mommy are the most popular, which I also want to join, but if its like picking a Horde on an Horde mass majority server, I might pick another.
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I miss the boys
yes she gets her pussy licked too
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I will take up cc calls after this worry not
which middie is this
im looggging in and wuwuing some cc
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wth bloonies are the most strong
Nothing. I just cant sleep. Maybe ill run something.
Don't most get conscious about their voice, though? Seems counterproductive.
cute muslimah
say you love me...
>no sound
I'll just assume its hacked in, there is supposed to be light sizzling sounds btw
im doing the CC calls now
you first
poonies are too normal color
I love you so much
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Hilarious, she's so into it.
I still don't think that Wuk Lamat line about "hear, feel, think" is real.
Fuck Ferrari and fuck Lewis Hamilton
I love >>493628016 You
you love me...
whats he reading
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i was gonna do one more call, but this one took too long so you can take over
Nice armpit!
It doesn't matter in pvp anymore. You just get exclusive titles/cosmetics.
Woke Latroon*
it's gonna bite her tits and face off someday
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Just add permabrew and 5x1 and you have a perfectly monkey for chimps
NP, Keep it up
Hello Glue Licker
it's the same people anon
t. vrchat player
As far as I know, you aren't hardlocked to your Grand Company for PvP anymore. It's past my time, but people used to just stack Maelstrom for free wins as everyone else got their ass beat. Nowadays, queuing Frontlines (24v24v24) will assign to randomly to teams as a freelancer. Like the other anon said, there are titles and mounts locked behind ranking up each GC's PvP rank, but your actual queuing up and playing experience is unaffected.

At the very least we had an actual choice/consequence rpg game standout on the mainstream for a while. I hate how the industry doesn't even try with narrative branches nowadays because of the bugtesting and low popularity for these sorts of games.
i love you too anon
why are there so many of you zesty faggots here
why cant you guys be normal fags?
why does this make my dick twitch
Also thanks!
It also means they love you and are giving doggy kissies, right?!
Dragonbone chair but it's boring so ill probably go back to reading Malazan
i target handsome male characters to see if they'll target me back
Where do u find trans women in vrchat I just find underage girls who flirt with me then I have to quit vrchat when they say they're 16 or whatever and feel disgusted the rest of the night
Akemi post vocaroo
Poonies have historically been the most oppressed moonies and thus have become the strongest
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i had an idea for a pose but its not working
i think its over bros
try again but harder and faster
point to which bone hurt you
I'm convinced that ebins are paid actors by square to keep the general and interest for the game up.
They are not real people. It's one big marketing move to pull numbers.
>Pants clipping through the socks
Ugh. Threadcred plummeting.
I, the malera, have deleted the friend request.
Dogs express affection towards humans in specific ways they do not express to dogs, much like how cats will Meow to humans but make much more complex noises to other cats. They are not self aware animals but they are intelligent nonetheless.
And none of it includes sex
Too bad femras HATE male middies
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i dont think that will help
face 3 aura horns
not this aura its just the only pic i have
I wish I was paid to play this game. I waste more hours per week logged on than working.
she knows that you deleted it btw cus this same thing happened to me lol
this little femlalas cunt reaks of death and musk
it's funny when you target someone running around and they instantly stop
am i an "ebin"
who's YOUR obedient little bee?
gonna make tomato juice out of this femra
Why is this dog girl the only person in the thread that manages to have soft and good looking feet?
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My male midlander is a warrior of the mind
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ok queue cc 10:45
because the other ebins who try to pander to footfags are fetish tourists who have no idea what they are doing but just want the attention
What's an ebin?
Omg the kitty's little paws resting on its belly ToT so cute
it's still bibo feet so i don't know what you're going for here
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i knew as soon as i saw a m*lera it was over
anyway thank you for CC
My retainer
my queen bee fiera's obedient little bee is her little meow meow son
Middies have decided to make themselves into inferior malera
mael used to be the designated PVP GC, then the great onsal fuckening happened and they forced freelancer for everyone

context: when onsal launched, a bunch of PvP discords (read: faggots) all decided to group up to farm the mount in the most efficient way. they all switched from mael to either the flames or adders depending on the DC and queue synced to stack the teams with whatever the broken comp was at the time. This basically left the new mode unplayable if you weren't on their GC, which lead to enough complaining to actually force SE off their asses for once and force freelancer mode on for everyone. It may have also lead to the deaths of 8 man premades but I don't remember if that happened before or after. both changes were for the better so in the end the faggotry ultimately had a positive impact on the game.
>pander to footfags
like who.
The dark souls message plugin lets you put down emotes too

This is sick
>He got beat by a malera
You are steppe property now.
Someone post that webm of a male middie fucking a femra in front of a malera cuck
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does this cat have like a mega or something i need to goon
sis your eyes are pointing in different directions...
I was going to post a voca but they beat me to it
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What is an ebin anyways?
erm... the m*l*r* was on my team...
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Hmm i think i need to wait for people to wake up to do eden
they have a twitter but its not my place to post it
They have a twitter but it sucks, most of their raunchy stuff is only posted here or is kept private
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WoW Options for cosmetics have
>Mage tower
>Warlock Green Fire Quest

FF14 has
>Ultimates? I guess?

Why does FF14 fall so fucking short on cosmetic rewards?
3am lala cereal....this is the life
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Just let it go, Khagan...... it is over....
i am a concordian
my fem middie is gonna go read in bed
This is really weak bait
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my broken mod has miraculously fixed itself
mine is having some korean bbq chicken
This isn't right
This isn't right at all
I've had the tables turned on me and I'm actually weak in the fucking legs now what the hell
yjk this is some war faggot who wipes the pull if he doesnt get 100% uptime
that looks painful
umm sis youre 100th parasol option??????
i will forever hear "we love this" in that tone now
Only based poster. How is that expansion so far for you?
>Willingly taking the steppe
Its not bait if its true. FF14 cosmetics suck ass in terms of how you can personalize your class. Theres nothing in this game that rewards you with cosmetic items except for ultimate.
sleep well
Bro they are a sprout they are dumb as hell
Just say you didnt mean to send the friend request and instead meant to send a /tell that you hope they are enjoying the game
skip and go next
Who the fuck is rumblecord
Do it anon.
it's called got milk and it's nofflefit variation
you should go fuck yourself
put on a trip
I need to cup a cute trannie's budding HRT breasts while she leans into me or I'll fucking die.
This is really really weak bait
I want to kill my self.

Fun so far
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People are capable of being truly self aware but only for limited periods of time. It is inherently uncomfortable to think of yourself as a sack of meat being piloted by nerve endings and the more "aware" you are of yourself and the more layers of your existence you strip down, the harder it is to focus on that interpretation of yourself before you just give up and snap back to reality, as humans just arent good at it.Self awareness is only good insofar as it is necessary for daily life and humans and animals alike are on the surface level of self awareness. The rest of it is useless
im an asian girl
you have to go back
i dont want failed sissy "trans women" to whisper i love you in my ear please
girls or men only
Yeah I'm thinking malera stocks are in freefall
me too i hate miera btw
you got an album or anything
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will i be winning lads
If she isn't taking a knot, I'm not interested
Can someone tell Leviah that she has a nice armpit
youre a sea ladyboy
Tell me where I'm wrong.
Lets hear it.
i havent played much ffxiv the past 18 months
May I plap?
Let it be known that Akemi bleaches her flemish gray skin with shaders and pointing it out triggers a reaction akind to surprising a woman without their makeup.
just twitter
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You should delete yourself.
do you want to hold hands with my femlala...
Make some better bait
probably true we have like 12 ninjas
well you can only win or lose so that's a 50% chance
heartbreaking: the most gooner person you know in ff14 is younger than you

you can check my xitter
well does your twitter have lewds i wanna jack off to a miqote tonight
Moonie moonies...
my character also has gray skin

what's with all the cute faggy Vocaroos from you people??
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So you dont have an actual counterpoint.
So I'm right and youre calling it bait because you know I'm right and you dont want to admit that ff14 has glaring shortcomings.
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Can someone tell me good night
Sub found my instant shutdown & fold weakspot
can u post the one where ur eyes are going in different directions
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nigga read the replies to your original post
you know the rules.
Post them
You need to find some better bait
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Can cats develop sleep apnea? Lil bros bones look broken. Where's the "Fun Fat Cat Facts" guy when you need him?
good night anon
sleep tight
>exotropia just to look even more retarded
idk what youre talking about lil bro
If my Deity doesn't work the next time I log in, I'll be placing a curse on you and your crops.
no i have a boyfriend
I guess you're the bottom now. What was your sweetspot?
now that's more like it... although, you could stand to do it with a bit more heart, anon...
I got stick drift bros...
Comforting an insecure Akemi with my embrace.
Please hate malera please hate malera
do you bleach it with shaders?
good for you
not different from akimbo
this one I use when I cosplay as Emet-Selch apologists?
this >>493629610

aw man
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The reason so many children are puritannical dickheads you cant stop hearing about these days is because there's an even greater number of teenagers that are just deepfried gooners with more internet access than you or i couldve ever dreamed of as children of the 90's and early 2000's
You need to find a better cosmetic system.
I hate you for having a steins gate tattoo
good looking xiv gear
>100s of pieces of random crafted gear
>raid gear
good looking wow gear
>some tbc tier sets but you have to wear the full thing because the pieces don't match with anything else
>mage tower items (removed from the game a decade ago)
xivsissies we fucking lost...
Do Hrothgar players really...?

they make pills for that bro dont worry
i dunno it just looked funny
Please like malera please like malera
You need some better bait
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queue CC 2:45

It legit didn't work at all on my femra but now it works fine
might be a thing with scales?
im a white guy
Based and worthy avatarfag.
Gonna get it since DT died down and I want to see the side-quests. Don't really much like the M+ content but world exploration always seemed fun.
sorry, i just wasnt really feeling it ya know?
who cares
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The internet is more shallow than ever. We literally had more internet to explore.

Now you have
>Using gear as an example when wow changes the particle effects of spells
WoW has gear too, btw. The fact you didnt understand what I'm even talking about is so telling.
Aww man
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its over
I froget'd to atttach an image
There are some damn good side quests this expansion
i had both unlimited internet access and my parents goon stash when i was a kid and i turned out more anti-coomer than ever now
i think i just exhausted my gooner phase when i was young desu
Adventurer, I need you to bring me 10 bait asses!
he's not due for another 3 hours
why are wowfags back in our thread coping, did their xpac die already?
All the brown women just soaked their panties, I kneel...
so you don't really love me, is that it...?
Thanks for the info. Navy dommy mommy here I come.
Talk about WoW instead. I prefer non-coomer MMOs.
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>have LB
>die twice before using it
geg, sucks to suck but it worked out
You lost.
>a male char just gave my loli 3mil to not say anything to his GF
Man... i shouldve made this loli a long time ago.
>you have to wear the full thing because the pieces don't match with anything else
I disagree. Its not a true wow slutmog unless it combines old art style gear with the new stuff.
It died during the 3 days early access
An updated version would be interesting.
This is from 2014, a decade ago.
It even says MSN that died long ago.
sometimes I come to meetups in this place and its fun.
sometimes I check the thread and remember why you don't play games with vg people.
it's normal for it to drift a little
im not really all that good at making hardcore stuff
I feel like if you turn over a fatcat and leave it there it should be considered animal cruelty. Look at their vestigial limbs. They're barely clinging onto life like pugs.
thanks i was laughing really hartd at this
That not me, pea-brain!
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The music was cool
can you post the full of the one you did with effy's grey moonie?
Adventurer, Azeroth needs yae tae bait her woons
Her eyes are multitasking. Smartest moonie in the bread.
What outfit is that
We really have some sort of problem with ixion
moonie exclusive or some shit
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Why do healers try to act like theyre a real job?
Just shut the fuck up and cast Glare like a good little bot.
ok https://files.catbox.moe/d2n3vi.png
God I fucking love femra
this is my favorite of val's work
Can you post the one where her fist is in your asshole?
OMG this guy has a fucking macro when he lands off of a fucking flight like a griffin he yells hello everyone Iam here
.... so the kissies are of love or he's just hungry?..
Make me
boobs look weird apply yourself
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cole evyx mentioned
I wish the FF14 dev team put half as much work into their game as their cult works to defend it.
isn't that the guy who was begging for help because his e-boyfriend cucked him, but he didn't want to leave him
i ate my chicken
Why do you keep watching that guy videos and reporting back here? Use his comment section for that shit.
i should have posed the mouth hanging open with the tongue out in that one desu
holy fuck. thanks. did you make it or did effy?
isnt wg a zoomer
these are fine, thanks. my favorite tag is after_sex cum_in_pussy anyway because i like pretending i just came in the girl and looking at a job well done
moonie exclusive
I dont. Im just flabbergasted that healers try to act like theyre valid when all they do is cast one button over and over.
i did
your welcome goonbro dont forget to drink water
the boobs are the best part, also what?
I'm playing 8 hours a day at this point
Any tips for finding a balance
set up a schedule
>allegedly hates the middie fagposter OP
>doesn't bother to make new threads before he can
meant this one >>493630226
QRD on the furfag cyberslop healer?
I wish people would ask me to pose with them but no one ever has.
Thank you it means a lot
I'm Remus Anima
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queue CC 6:30
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sorry dood
pose with me?
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How are the coned airships not a mount yet
he's just a giant pussy like all other xivtubers.
he also had a meltdown when people claimed he botted island sanc (because he obviously did)
Because they're like 10x bigger than the average mount, you can see some crashed down
8 hours a day is fine just make sure you stare at me for at least 5 of them.
something i've wanted since 1.0 yeah
Fastest way to grind out purple scrips for the relic weapon?
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Amateur numbers but I could give you a couple of tips when I need to disengage badly from the game.
>any recurring FOMO routine you "need" to do ingame? (retainers, savage reclears...). Quit them.
>stay away from the PC that has the game installed (if possible)
>find other activities that keep you busy IRL and give them priority ("I won't play unless THIS is done"). Leave XIV at the bottom of your todo list for the day
>worst case scenario, just take time off and travel for a couple of days. The idea is to force yourself to be away from the game as much as possible.
Why is it always tanks fucking up sunrise?
They are fuckhuge bro. We could get a scaled down version like the Lunar Whale, though.
Why is pepsis not on her toolbar?
Val looks decapitated or has a giraffe neck here.
Somebody tell Kong to post his cat

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