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Best girl edition!


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/lolg/ OP pastebin
Racebait spam filters
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reminder that Nami is soft
You know when people permaswitch their champions after losing because they think another champ is op, then lose with that champ because they dont understand its their fault for not improving?
For kayn its actually true. Switch from blueform to redform and you will imediatly climb 2 elo tiers.
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Song of the thread!
Theme: You and a duo used to play together a lot but drifted apart.

I'm sorry KG, I was visiting Alaska and did not have my laptop with me.

I wonder when he will be reworked.
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>Cheaters recall
>Tier lists

What other words do chuds use to pretend this children game is more complicated than it actually is?
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yeah it happens like every 3rd game and apparently im just delusional for thinking its poor sportsmanship because every time i mention it ppl jump on me and say im a poorsport and just mad that im losing, even tho i complain about it when my team does it as well
Big thank you to Boodrum (A Good Host) for making that game!
I need to rub one out real quick
shut tghe fuck faggot
gg boys no fags in sight good game no bans and no fucking BLACKS
*licks your ass*
Thank you, my love.
*kisses your lips*
Nobody says that these are complicated terms.
They are pretty easy to understand, but somehow people still dont get them after 14 years of league
>good game
>12k gold diff in 30 minutes
looks like a stomp
Do NOT steal. From. Me.
go hit the treadmill man
Soraka! My Cute Wife!

Yeah but she can be sharp too!
already added <3 log in for your stretching!!
i want it here
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looks like you need more food
It's all but confirmed that the nami bot is just soraka spammer responding to himself right?
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We have bananas...
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They are girlfriends (male)
If they were 2 real people they would be talking on client or discord like everyone else so that's out of the question. It's just soraka schizo responding to his bot.
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try it, see if it works, but wear some gloves just in case
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>Doesn't have true sight on her frenzy
What the fuck?
losers queue is not real my 2/19 support was a real human being a non paid non actor person who just happened to queue up as the same time as me

same with my no gank no objective subpar cs jungler last night, same with my "camp toplane against a tank instead of going botside" jungler last night, etc etc
Games are coin flips. Once you realise this, you'll stop caring.
Just play 4 fun, and focus on yourself, then you'll climb fast.
>stop trying to win just play 4 fun
how do YOU have fun without trying to win? pick anivia and roleplay at the raptors you retarded dense faggot? go make a self improvement andrew tate tier youtube channel with this stupid grifter shit, also kill yourself
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The counterplay?
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Oh good! She likes them!
flank or five man blast cone.
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not all x do y...
>no fags
>alistar toplane who obviously was the losing condition
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strange, I don't recall fish eating bananas
The Leblanc experiment is not going well. My teammates are baboons.
>multiple notorious lobby terrorists
I guess it doesn't really matter if they aren't pausing but I will never forget
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>Support has the lowest vision score on the team
>I have the most
>drag keeps getting stolen because we never have vision on it since I can't cover it alone
>Team actually tells me it's my fault and I should be BUYING more wards to make up for the fact the support refuses to ward despite having the fucking ward item

Jungler really is the most thankless role in the game, actual insanity. People want you to handle literally everything and not help with anything.
DoT is THE most braindead mechanic in this fucking game
>brand gets to hit you with a single ability, proc arcane comet, proc rylai's, proc his passive, then proc arcane comet again, then proc rylai's again
>why? because umm because uhh umm
high iq high skill ceiling champ frfr
>vision score
overrated shit made up so people can push the blame around

drake up? go fucking take it, it's your fucking job
Boodrum vs Namgin rivalry
You'd lead a more satisfying ans fulfilling life if you were more sincere and didn't obviously act in bad faith.
She must be an Amazonian fish. They eat fruit. And nut. And flesh... They eat everything.
not boodrum just SICK of playing retarded DOGS treating vgs like it's their shitcuck piss the bed autistic hobby lobby where they get to play le funny useless champ because lulz I did it for the vinez hehe
they eat nut?
I got a traffic light.
WTFFF This GenG vs HLE Game 1 is crazy
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are you talking about piranhas? piranha mermaids?
stop replying to other people's discussions with your own personal complaints retard
Just have fun ? Idk. The game is not that serious. You can still have fun during your bad games. You either got the good team, or you didn't. It's that simple.
holy kino, still think gen g will win tho
Just pointing out why your mindset is retarded.
Objectives are a team's responsibility, not just any single player
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yuuki? raquan doesnt flame so..
I didn't even play the match bitch it's just disgusting to see these
It's genuinely insane how Asians dominate League without knowing how to build.
There are two heavy AD champions with the item that has the highest amount of life steal in the game (18%), there's a Mordekaiser who has healing in his kit and in his items, and yet no one from GenG (especially Chovy and Peyz) built the healing reduction item, which is also optionally the best armor penetration item
okay Wind Up "gay porn on my second monitor while I get elo inflated for being a walking ward" Merchant
>how do YOU have fun without trying to win?
if you permablame your teammates for your loss rather than improving on yourself you dont try to win.
Like, why did Chovy build Zhonya's when Bloodthirster is a better defensive item to survive Mordekaiser's ultimate and also provides offensive stats? With BT, he would have gotten a pentakill there
>Was on a 4x winstreak
>Lose because Warwick is a troll and bought only mana crystals or whatever that gold item with the blue crystal inside is
>Never ganked, only pinged us and danced behind us, never farmed or went for objectives
>He quickly bought items to show he fully built something before the game ended to avoid being banned
These are the people I get on my team when I'm on a winstreak. Please tell me trolls get perma banned from LoL, hardware IP ban entirely so they can't even access the thing at all.
>waah how dare you reply to other's public post on a publicly available imageboard
Do you think this is your personal discord server or are you just low iq?
nice samefag tard
Or seeds. Fish in those rivers evolved into omnivores.

Yeah, fun fact. They're not all that bloodthirsty. They only attack humans if they're already dead or if the human attacks/disturb their eggs. They'd rather eat some veggies or fruit.
I'm discussing the importance or lack thereof of vision score with another anon, my reply wasn't and isn't intended for you to bitch out because your botlane didn't come to help you take drake.

that's not a matter of discussion, I genuinely don't care, sorry you had a bad team etc.
mordekaiser isn't the problem, zhonya is there to survive assrape aoe in teamfights
>An enemy champ can heal, therefor you have to buy antiheal
eternal lowbob mindset.
mordekaiser doesnt really heal alot.
you just have to do math for a second and calculate the total lifevalue these items give you.
you're not winning because you disable 200 heal while ignoring an item that gives you 400 more dmg
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hey sweetie heres some coffee in case you want some again. It's my special blend!
>permablame your teammates
sorry man it truly was my fault that our support was constantly fucking around about instead of being well positioned and died 19 times while ruining the teamfights with his horribly timed engages that got us killed instead.

your post really is mind opening, I get it now. I really understand. it was my duty to gank botlane and help drake so the team could benefit from my being camped at toplane. it all suddenly makes sense. it really was my fault that that one jungler decided to try camping toplane against a hp stacking tank instead of going to botlane like I begged him for. I could've won that, that was all me. thank you.
youre not?
tell me one single item that gives you 400 extra damage while costing 800 gold
If you actually played with me, you'd know that's now how I play at all !
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i hate that I verbally shat down your neck that one time accusing you of this and that only to have you turn out to be one of the broiest bros to have ever bro'd
are you gonna suck his dick too
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Why is Reddit the anti-thesis to LoL?
>Forced 50/50 doesn't exist
>Garen and Nasus are balanced, you're just bad
>If you decide to stop playing if two team mates decide to stop playing and troll, it's your fault not their's
excuse me sir? i was talking to that fine gentleman, not you, don't like it? go cram it then
so it's that simple - don't mess with the fish
tencent owns both reddit and league of legends so the league subreddit mods ban any dissenting opinions
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Heck NOT**
It's okay, I'm used to it !
it doesnt do 400 extra damage and it delays a more important item.
anti heal is important against champions like trundle, vladimir or soraka, but not against mordekaiser
you dont build antiheal just because the enemy has heal in his kit.
if you fight a fiora mirrormatchup and the enemy fiora finished eclipse while all you have pickaxe, hammer and executioners you will lose 100%
I am "that fine gentleman" you spastic, you replied to ME complaining about your botlane not helping, then you replied to ME again saying "umm this isn't your blogpost"

do you not get any attention from anyone throughout the day or something? that desperate for me to pat you on the head and give you a hug and say it's all gonna be okay because you got a bad team??
>if you fight a fiora mirrormatchup and the enemy fiora finished eclipse while all you have pickaxe, hammer and executioners you will lose 100%
mirror matchups only happen in quickplay which isn't the real game

fiora doesn't buy eclipse first item, fiora will most often buy vampiric scepter first back and build into ravenous, if you're up against a fiora it's a good idea to buy exec's calling first back and you should have dominated the lane by the time he can even build it up
smolder is such a ridiculous champion
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please find some friends
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Tell me how i won this game since apparently you cant win if 1 of your teammates is losing
that sounds wrong to me. it's just -800 gold
post opgg or stop replying
>Inspects element his own post to "prove" he's not samefagging
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Except that mortal reminder also gives more %penetration which means more damage in almost any situation in the late game where the champions have at least 96 armor.
It's a better offensive choice than mercurial scimitar and zhonya
Also, anti-heal deals “true” damage
There's no reason to have zhonya when you already have qss
i just used the mirrormatchup as example so you can understand that antiheal isnt the right choice everytime just because the enemy can heal.
nobody runs that shit on fiora anymore
temmo press q on master yi making him useless
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Which league ladies would rip your hear out literally?
>it's your duty to solocarry the shitters on your team and if you can't do it then it's your fault.
>source; I won this match
Ops, for: >>493632430
being 800 gold down and delaying your items doesn't make sense. you aren't itemising just for lane but the entire enemy team
yes, if you want to get out of your elo you have to play better than your elo
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you must be playing in EUNE iron 4 or something
not only that, but league is a 5 man game.
chances are that a supp or a toplaner plays ignite.
mordekaiser doesnt really heal to begin with so i dont get what these apes are saying.
the way mordekaisers heal works is that he he cancels his shield the remaining shieldpower will become heal
But what about a little bit of mess?
>800 gold down
nigga are you genuinely this stupid or are you pretending? buying executioner's calling first back will only put you at a disadvantage of 10, maybe 15 AD. that EC will directly impact the outcome of the lane for the following 8-10 minutes.in what fucking world is it "900 iq macro play" to deny yourself potentially winning the lane just so you're "not 800 gold down and ""itemizing for the whole team"""
>the way mordekaisers heal works is that he he cancels his shield the remaining shieldpower will become heal
which gets cut down by antiheal, as with all forms of healing
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we can always mess up Ahri
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wrong and wrong. toplane is a statcheck lane. whoever gets his item finished first can run down the opponent
>garen player doesn't understand itemization
my bad bro stop replying please
how do I filter these
chatting trannieses
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there was a lot of math on the wiki and i fell asleep 9 times reading it because autists always fail hard at explaining things they "understand".

which one is "better" again? lethality or armor pen
it's a team game, playing just for your lane is suboptimal.
if you got counter pick it would be unnecessary to buy because you win anyway. if you were counter picked it's better to play safe, plus you're going to have difficulties applying it consistently without dying.
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haha, your antiheal vs mordekaiser seemed to be working very well
they make it super easy to filter them
if you can't figure it out you're a lost cause
>3/12 jungler
>1/17 support
>"um you lost because you bought antiheal"
they got all run down by your enemy laner, why didnt you stop him?
enemy had tahm morde and orianna, should have bought serpants fang
they also have a stun so its very important to add qss.
just buy executioners into qss into serpent fang.
dw you wont get beaten up
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If people could read, they'd be mad about that !
As I said earlier, people don't like taking accountability for their misplays, or bad decision making, while also shrugging off the bad games, and continue to remain with a winners attitude.
But instead, it's incredibly easy to join blame shift for the reason they lost, than think about how they can gitgud and begin to carry.
Games are a coin flip forever, and ever. You either got the good team or you didn't. Simple as.

You're already tilting yourself by focusing on others plays and dumb decisions. Focus on yourself, and begin to figure out how do you turn the game into your favour. That might require roaming, or even sacrificing cs. That might be pinging your support to leave the lane to go roam and actually focus on the winning lanes - idk why supports don't do this inherently, but it's annoying when they don't.
You're already losing the mental battle when you type to your team though, so YMMV.
Some games are truly unwinnable, but don't let that bother you... If you stay in a positive win rate for the day, what's there to complain about ?
There's people way lower than your rank who are happy with where they're at... If you cannot be content with where you're at [with life in general], what makes you think you'll be happy at the top ?
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wha do you think of Briar?
>mortal reminder, a crit antihealing item which is already recommended and viable on garen
bro you're retarded nigga

you went up against a fiora with lifesteal, a yone with lifesteal, a twitch with lifesteal, and you literally only just bought the first item that showed up in the recommended tab without thinking for half a second

stop talking
i bought stridebreaker because i know that the moment i finished it i can run down fiora at any time, and thats what happened
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This was the healing I managed to count. In the real scenario, it's much more than what I counted, btw. I couldn't count several times because the numbers didn’t show up or were cut off by the narrator's text (like: Tristana killed Skarner, ). I also didn’t consider the shield given by BT when you’re at full health and heal because there's no way to see it. Insane.
you got carried by your champion who already beats out your opponent inherently

STOP talking
>you got carried by your champ
why dont you get carried by the same champ then? >>493634112
We can't do that. She's way too cute to get messy.
fuck off with your midwit strawman.

go to bed. good night. Eep!
>different matchup
>3/12 jungler
>1/17 support
>enemy got sould and elder
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that's not a problem for me
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garen beats fiora? why do i win against garen then whenever i play fiora?
>wastes his E
>takes a free turret shot
>why do I win against garen then?
my fucking god you're actually insufferable
the enemies fed because your toplaner killed them all.
you lost so hard you couldnt stop him a single bit.
heres some advice. never buy antiheal vs mordekaiser and rush trinity against him
This is how literally every garen player plays tho
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garen is hard to beat as fiora, am i right?
>you couldnt stop him a single bit.
I did though, later in the game I could and did kill mordekaiser. pretty sure we lost this one due to a mispositioning situation despite my split pushing both the nexus turrets down on a team that was 17 kills behind
>hits his Q
>backs out immediately for no reason giving up pressure followed by wasting his E
>look how skilled I am
you're not playing good you're just playing against a shitter, stop typing nigga
How do you counter Yorick? Every time he's on the enemy team, we lose.
play aggressive like a dog and keep him off of the wave to prevent him creating aborted fetus souls, only fight him when he's maidenless
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Should we be worried for Ahri?
I dont get it. Trinity does 600 dmg if you procc is 3 times in a single fight.
With antiheal you disabled propably 100 heal from mordekaiser.
Why would you go on a lane vs mordekaiser and deal 600less dmg to him just so you can reduce 100 heal?
He is the most op champ in low elo
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Why am I losing more LP than I am currently gaining? Ever since that disastrous losers queue where I lost 6 games in a row, I demoted to Iron 1 and climbed my way back to Bronze 4 but haven't been gaining much LP but losing way more than I'm gaining.
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How much can you lose before you get demoted a tier?
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>you either have full trinity or just executioner's calling
because the system has decided you play like an iron and wants you to go back there
as far as the matchmaking is concerned, the 6 losses in a row was normal for you, and the win streak back to bronze was purely because you got lucky
the only way to prove it wrong is to win games where you have the worse team
>inb4 you take personal offence to this
don't shoot the messenger
Yes, if you waste money on executioners you delay your trinity by 800 gold.
Therefor mordekaiser will have a full item and you dont which always gives him the advantage over you.
You propably felt it when he turbostomped you.

Eitherway, you literally play IGNITE and buy executioners first item.
I think you need therapy
>Why am I losing more LP than I am currently gaining?
you're consistently underperforming regardless of the win/loss. Being a kda player isn't actually a meme because if you keep a good kda with decent cs you can actually win more lp than you lose even if you don't have a great winrate
It is refreshing to see these esports guys getting hooked by blitz over and over again, just like my games.
if the Blitzcrank player knows what he's doing there's no counterplay to it
>retard thinks I run the exhaust ignite cheese every single match
>retard thinks ignite for 5 seconds every 3 minutes is the same as constantly having antiheal
please stop typing
>people still complaining about bad teammates and the matchmaking screwing them
I remember being 15 as well. at least it confirms this place is all kids and trannies
*walks behind the wave*
your response?
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no, not yet
In the match where you got stomped you literally play ignite.
What exactly are you even antihealing? Mordekaiser just has to make full use of the shield and you reduce a total of 0 heal
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>Didn't get an S from this match
What the fuck does this game want from me
I cant believe that MF you patiently held hands with as you crossed the streetlane is lvl 675 and rated at a higher elo than mine. I guess it's plausible because account sales are a thing but... On that note, would you ever voluntarily play bot lane duos with a cutelow?
that's literally not how his shield works
Yes it is. Mordekaiser can press W to get a shield, and then remove his shield to get the remaining shield as heal
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Poor Ahri...
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Zoe has to feel GOOD with all those penetration buffs.
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>On that note, would you ever voluntarily play bot lane duos with a cutelow?
Maybe ! You might not like playing with me because we'll have different mindsets on how to play !
You'll have to tell me your IGN, because I uhh... Don't really accept friends requests.
people in bronze play better than me
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if you want an easy S for ~A N Y~ character, play them as support and don't be a retard about it. That is, use lots of wards and use them well, and finish the game with double digit assists. There's something else to it but the point is the bar is set ridiculously low for support compared to the other roles.

but maybe review your team's objectives or go over how many of them you actually captured. That might be a big part of the answer you seek.
Lethality is better early on and stacked because it's flat penetration. If you have 10 lethality and the enemy has 40 armor, you'll ignore 10 of his armor, so you'll deal damage as if he had 30 armor.
%pen becomes really valuable when the enemy has a lot of armor, but in the late game it's strong regardless since everyone has high base armor. Oh, and armor reduction always considers %armor pen before lethality, so even for assassins, %armor pen is broken in mid/late game.
Imagine the enemy has 140 armor. If Zed has 3 items, totaling 45 lethality, it will be considered as if the enemy had 95 armor.
If Zed has 2 lethality items, totaling 30 lethality and 26% armor penetration, it will be considered as if the enemy had 73 armor (140x0.74 = 103. 103 - 30 = 73)
oh shit. I'd have to violate that rule of three you have going AND reveal myself? another time, perhaps. Pretty sure I'd enjoy it because you seem like a good teacher and are generally not a cancer generator.

what a jerkoff teammate though. It's not like you hovered teemo, shaco, warwick, or volibear. Soraka is a skillful and valid pick!
yes so you're either going to disengage when he shields at which point he will instantly use it for heal or you're going to keep fighting through his shield like a fucking moron, so you buy antiheal and disengage
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thanks anon! Thats the high-functioning autism I relate to and prefer! Kept it short and simple for the stupids. KISS!
>Don't have a top laner
>Ezreal cannot hit any shots this entire match and repeatedly dies
>Eventually lose because of no front liner and Smolder
When in champ select and my team mate chooses a ranged top laner, do I ask for OP.GG and if he doesn't respond, dodge?
>ask team to reroll
>they ignore
>we enter with 4 tanks and a yorick
>we lose because aurelion sol gets giga stacks
What's going on with Doran??
>stop blaming your teammates bruh you gotta carry up man it's on you dude
teammates in question:
Doran has been shit every single game for years
look at his performance in previous worlds, he solo loses games
If Faker is the GOAT why did he never win 5 LCKs in a row like Chovy? He couldn't even win 4 in a row. Why did he never golden road like Chovy will?
>the only way to prove it wrong is to win games where you have the worse team
>Only to prove to Riot I deserve the ELO I'm in is by 1v9 24/7 or be stuck with shit team mates 24/7
That's genuinely sad. Is playing Mundo free ELO still?
we will stop it
"we" who?
me and the NA clique
I looked you up on OP.GG and your cs was only 5/m and vision score was low. Those two drastically affect S ranks. Also, Briar is hyper broken and it compares you to others who also play her so even though you had a lot of kills, most people who perfrom decent on her get a lot of kills too. I assume you may have gotten an A or A+ right? If you want S ranks, focus on keeping your cs higher, at least 7 cs/m and clear wards. In the analysis you placed 12 wards over the entire game and only cleared 1, also placed no control wards.

>t. S rank connoisseur
Me and Faker. I say we because me and him go deep like that.
this is why i stopped playing aram. it was supposed to be just fro fun but all the sweats play it now and care about comps. also tanks are disgusting in aram.
i deserve bronze
Why do so many people get angry when you don't play the way Blitz or whatever gay app tells them how you must play?
I can't stop using my team-mates as bait and sitting an entire screen behind them :/ it's just that their lives are worth so much less then mine.
do you have a humiliation fetish
>yes so you're either going to disengage when he shields at which point he will instantly use it for heal
And then your anti heal will do nothing because it only applys while you attack him.
If you dont hit him he gets the full heal
Absolutely fucking braindead
You're one step closer to improving. The difference between a learner and a non-learner is the learner actually believes they have deficits.

You need to truly believe you are bad, get rid of any ego.
what does it mean
mordekaiser shields himself for 4 seconds during which the shield will constantly decay,

executioner's calling applies grievous wounds for 3 seconds

this means if he takes the heal immediately, that's going to immediately reduce it by 40%

if he takes the heal a second after, the shield will have decayed 25% and be down at 75%, which will still be cut down by a total of 30% and he will only heal at 45% efficiency

if he takes the heal two seconds after, the shield is down at 50% and cut down by a total of 20% so he only heals 30%

three seconds, shield decay down to 25% and grievous wounds cut it down to 15%

please genuinely either actually look into the game before replying to me or just stop replying altogether you attention starved dog
Play something different swear to god man, very boring so far.
one reich one nation one adc


its the funny catchphrase of hitler juxtaposed with lucian being black, creating a very humorous haha lol
You cant be this absolutely fucking dellusional. It is not humanly possible
go on explain the math then
why is it supposed to be funny
well I don't imagine someone would seriously advocate for "one reich one nation" then, again in a serious manner, follow it up by "one adc - LUCIAN"
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Oh gosh, little ol me?
they shod make league of legends but like in minecraft and you can make defenses with blocks and stuff
why not? lucian is a black bull
is that why he let thresh steal (and presumably fuck) his wife?
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yeah im gonna be that autistic fuck and correct your minor error here and say that ACKSHUALLY its
one empire
one people
because it's beyond your comprehension
thanks for the correction cutie
Basically an RTS? People don't play that genre much I think which is why it got replaced with MOBAs since you only control one unit instead of multiple structures, resource balancing, attack units, "heros" and such.
like clash of clans?
im talking about lux taking lucians bbc while you cry on 4chan
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Maybe you'll catch me in normal drafts if you play around this time ! That's how I found one of the anons here after they stopped posting.
Thoughever I'm only playing normals for a bit until the split ends. I really am just trying to learn either Soraka or Rakan until then.
You really just have to shrug off, and laugh at the bad games... It's not that serious. Just maintain a positive winr8 and you'll climb, slow and steadily.
Its season 14 and I still cant do riven Q animation cancels
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>Just maintain a positive winr8
do you spend money on the game? if you spend 20 dollars a month you get better matchmaking. they use players who don't pay and add the good ones to your game as a reward for supporting the game
guess I'll gift that tft girl the board she wanted then..
False. I got insane ghoulqueue after buying the 21€ RP pack for the battle pass and dropped almost an entire tier
it doesn't count if you are toxic, if you are rude at all they lower your matchmaking credit score
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Hmm... I did just buy 6.5k RP yesterday, so you might be onto something...
Surely you're only pointing out the negative games, and forgetting about the positive games...
If you're under a 50% WR, you might want to change how you play !
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I also did spend quite back then for years and was silver for like 5-6 years straight, I also played Soraka throughout and have never been punished. Cannot for the life of me ask people to spend money on this game for a supposed reward, sounds like some astrology juju shit. Post proof or save yourself the embarrassment.
I will actually hatefuck you so bad you bratty cunt
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norms are my preference anyway and when I looked you up I noticed that seemed to be yours, too. Maybe one day you'll sift through your shit list and find the newly manifested shiny turd that is me. Don't violate that rule of three though whatever you do.
you're a virgin you're not fucking anything
>Had a retard Sylas, but also a retard Nami
Lmao another piss break, I'll guess the team going against GG will win suddenly like yesterday.
how did you know....
they will never provide transparency into their matchmaking systems because of its manipulative and unethical nature. I have insider information from a leak in riot games but they may have changed their system since.
>insider here
Yeah yeah...
you're on 4chan talking about sexing an anon
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gambling SUCKS even when it's 'free'
That elise skin is cute...
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Everyone knows that support players are tops ? Funny idea, wonder where you got that from.

Nah I stick to ranked majority of the time. Norms are for memeing, learning, and stomping. But also ranked on weekends is cancer, and it's the last few weeks of the split, so no thanks to that either. I really don't want to drop out of Diamond either for the funny Sona skin too.
If you do add me while I'm on right now, you'll be at the bottom of my list, so I can add you !
what's the sauce on this goddess bro
It's Yotsuyu from critically acclaimed mmorpg Final fantasy XIV, drawn by lakugali shiki...
isnt that Yotsuyu?
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Should I be more aggressive in laning stage in bot lane as Jhin and Lucian? I usually wait til someone gets rooted before I try to capitalize on what my team mate did.
ty bro
You can totally be aggressive as Jhin in the laning phase, the grenade and 4th shot along with trap+root makes it very easy to do even if you are laning alone, but aggression depends on the state of the wave, who you're going against, item difference, if you have ward + bush for vision and if the jungle is not in the botlane.
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1 garen vs d4 anivia support
when did they remove lethal tempo??
idk about lucian because i dont play him, but with jhin you should always be standing aggressively when you have 4th shot (ie stand next to your own low health minions and look to poke/trade depending on what is appropriate for your matchup and sup)
if you are in a matchup where you dont want to trade and they do, then you can look for followup Ws only - say you are jhin/alistar vs jinx/nami for example
but simply put jhin's Q-4th shot combo is too hard for other adcs to trade with so you should be using that to pressure them on every minion you can if its safe to do so

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