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Previous: >>493436449

>In Season One

>TFD Tools and Pattern Suggester

>Resource Doc (Void Shard Farming, Module Data, Vault Spots)

>Module Combination Percentages

>Record Locations





>/tfd/ Thread Template
Is a pedo
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>Farming for pattern 99 White Night Gulch outpost
>All 15 of them given me Gley code including with 5 stabilizers I've used
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She got bloated for being raped daily
I dumped 400$ in it the first week, bought goon skins and ults, haven't touched it since. You guys having fun?
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I made a bunch of webms of clips from a youtube video I figured I'll share here
what's the proper way to solo swamp walker? I can do every other solo boss in 7s or less, but when I break a single part on swamp he just immediately goes immune instead of kneeling or whatever.
I hate how all these special shots have jiggle but they didn't give them any ingame.
But then again I've been interested in games with long replayability as I've gotten older. I don't go through as many games as I did 15-20 years ago but I heavily invest myself in the few ones I play nowadays.
just doing dailies and weeklies honestly. ngl I played the mecha break beta and its all I think about now
surprisingly ye. made a shitload of progress because of an exploit yesterday
lepic is hit or miss for me. sometimes I can kill it b4 immune but most of the time I cannot. maybe Hailey can do it bettter? dont have her yet
what exploit
I'm trying with hailey now and it doesn't work for me. I break a shoulder in 1s and he just immediately goes immune
I love her
It got patched like 13 hours after going public though
Impregnated with 200 kids
sounds about right, im the same with MMORPGS, previously WoW and FFXIV, now waiting on Throne and Liberty
sounds about right
exploit early, exploit often
Oh I already saw that
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Another day, another bunch of RNG pain
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luck was not on my side today, guess we have to do some grinding...
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>tfw i finished her quest and she's not there anymore
last one
aaaaaaaaaaaaaa get pregnant...
I really wish they let us see these intros with their skin... or at least give us emotes we could unlock based on these animations. These devs repeatedly drop the ball on customization and obvious things like this.
try going on high ground, on the left side of the map, and sniping him from there. Also keep pressing skill 1 while you are in skill 4.
it pains me that a male descendant is next in line,
Her default hairstyle is just trash compared to all the other options she has.
Only thing im debating buying is either ult viessa or gley considering how cancer they are to farm, but im actually having a good bit of fun
i would pay 50$ for a skin with jiggle physics
Hailey smells like my balls now
I hope bouquetman does blacked animations with her...
I hope Hailey lynches niggers…
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This but only for a Monokini with Jiggle Physics.
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Please post your uBunny modules.
I'm having a lot of fun. I liked some of Destiny and I liked some of Warframe and TFD combines the parts I liked into one. I think there's still scope for improvement though. I'm debating paypigging for the nun skin for Hailey and the premium skin for Bunny.
Goddamn she's a fertility goddess incarnate. I don't see how they can ever top her model.
I would buy this
uSharen will mog her
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>Goddamn she's a fertility goddess incarnate. I don't see how they can ever top her model.

I couldn't agree more. The first mass produced sex bot needs to be an exact copy of her.
go back to whatever you were playing, if you didn't work on your gear pre-season you're gonna have a hard time doing season 1 stuff even after they dumbed it down then you'll just come in here and complain about jank and shit and then just pay to skip the grind
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Just got her. I assume I just build her like Viessa.
you want all crit, skill modifier apparently doesn't matter.
For general mobbing you build her like Viessa
For bossing you drop everything except crit and skill power.
Hailey wears adult diapers
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I really like how Bunny's tits sag a bit and spread apart somewhat naturally. All girls need a Bunny or Reverse Bunny outfit.
didnt know butcha-u the goat playing this game
>I don't see how they can ever top her model.
yeah she's already mogged ult freyna
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Remember to do your dailies descendants.
It really is quite odd how when I target farm energy activators I get fuck all but when I'm farming something else in the table I get them all the time
He whaled on ult Bunny a day in.
Help me optimize your dumb korean jew game. I play at 3440x1440 and I can get solid 60 with "optimized" graphic settings + dlss quality in most places, but firefights can definitely drop. Albion FPS is dogshit. What can I possibly do, lossless scaling works terribly in this game. 3060ti + 5600x
Drop your resolution to 1080p
ok I take back everything I said about not running into floor lepics. had to grind out a shitload of frostwalker runs and it was probably 55% of runs
>thought I'd try Hailey out on the invasion it is HER event afterall
>truth shouldn't be too bad squishy bosses and her 1 deals with the towers pretty easily
>oh wait it's icebitch lmao
>can't use C or Z because if you are planted she kills you with infinite range iceshotgun, mortars, or ice cube
>on top of that ice cube blocks your shots before killing you so lmao!
Yeah never doing anything besides Bunny
thank god for hailey, opening AMPs from Colossi en masse has never been easier
How do you drop resolution on borderless windowed?
why would you use C or Z in invasion when her V and a half built thundercage is more than enough?
Never got into Warframe. I enjoyed grinding but didn't like how it felt like I had to log in every day to do chores. Is this game better in that? Can I play maybe an hour or two every week and keep up with the live service model?
>stick on Antifreeze
>turn on Hailey's 3
>gun down the boss with Enduring Legacy critting every single shot in about half a second
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Quitters should be reported
I left before the boss even spawned
Gley build for gluttony, gibe.
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wtf am I doing wrong?
lack of duration
Why is this Hailey rescue mission so hard? I need to clear this to unlock invasion right...........
Abso-fucking-lutely not.
you don't need attack mods
Okay real question. Why is bunny still so "OP" and why are they so bad at developing unique descendants with clear niches? I get we have the speedrun lot guy and the stealth mission girl but those aren't really proper niches I'd expect in a game like this. Where are the interesting builds and how come even when you do them Bunny is still better at everything. Or am I wrong and have they actually substantially changed things since I last played
its her that filters people not fucking pyromaniac
gooks are trolling
I swear frostwalker tubes filters me harder than gluttony
>4th day of not getting Hailey DNA Cells
shit fucking game
even the shitters who's been complaining are crafting Hailey now, and yet I'm stuck with this shit getting punished for no reason.
Bunny is supposed to be good at killing trash but when 99% of the game is killing trash then there clearly needs to be fixing. Doing dungeons with anyone but bunny is literally twice as slow and she even kills faster too. She somehow also became the best character to do invasions pre-nerf because time limit and her 3 lets you completely ignore the mobs while doing the puzzle.
She is creating a problem of future descendants being only boss killers like hailey because bunny does everything else so good so why bother. Also all future events need to keep in mind that bunny can steamroll through anything that isn't a boss. They are creating their own problems and she needs to be addressed like ember in warframe with her AOE killer that got changed, and guess what people bitched initially but got over it
lol thanks for reminding me about ember. Say what you will about warframe, but I don't have a single frame that I can't make OP as fuck in their own way. I would honestly like to enjoy this game, no need to pick one or the other, but the character's kits suck so bad in comparison
I wish we had a tfd character like pre nerf mag
I haven't played warframe in a long time but last time I did I absolutely fucking loved mag yea. I wish I still liked that game but mission design and open world sections are so boring to me. Idk why none of these games can get it right. Warframe has 90% of the gameplay but most other things suck. TFD has the sex but everything else sucks. Someone combine all of this shit into a good game already god damnit
It's not too late you can still go back to your trannoid and faggot simulator.
How are your pregger warframe and your gay butler trying to save his power bottom expansion coming along?
lol seethe nigger
Saryn in warframe does almost exactly what bunny does but better, quit complaining faggot.
yes and so do 50 others frames, the problem isn't that bunny is strong it's that she's the only one even remotely close to that power level you disingenuous little nigger
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Season 1 bwos... Reddit and Discord are laughing at us again :c
Saryn doesn't completely invalidate every single other frame in the game
While in here people will immediately leave if they don't see a bunny in kuiper mining you fucking retard
really wish her tits weren't so covered up, that's a crime against humanity.
Shut the fuck up, snowflake.
>plebbit has a better sense of humor than /vg/
that's sad, too bad they're all fags and kikes
Are you done having your autistic spergout now
done crying pig?
I accept your defeat
Enjoy your 7k player count in a year with the only character still relevant is a bitch in a leotard because devs won't address the elephant in the room
So your answer is no
dumb and dumber
>only character still relevant is a bitch in a leotard
Just play bunny? And even if you don't you still get all the xp and loot for being in the mission, hell Lepic and Hailey can cuck you out of the bosses which are the most unique part of the game.
Next character is going to either be a healslut or a shotgun buffer
>go back to whatever you were playing, if you didn't work on your gear pre-season you're gonna have a hard time doing season 1 stuff even after they dumbed it down then you'll just come in here and complain about jank and shit and then just pay to skip the grind
Please stop whining.
focus on tech/chill or specialist on cold-blood/absolute zero Viessa?
ackshully, I made that, I was just saying they were laughing at us for the memes. But I know that they lurk here because they took my Hailey exposed cleavage pics and used them on reddit, Discord and Twitter. I also made the K edit with bunny on the screen. But its all good all TFD fans are Giga Chads
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Valvy is she real
>that hand gesture
>no red mod or ambush
You're probably also not rolling to animation cancel tnhe ult activation. You also need to wait until the boss goes into a 'downed' state before you blow your load when you get ambush.
Please stop whining.
Yeah. Finished building Hailey and I'm trying to get a good colossus/cdmg piercing light for her. As far as paypigging goes I bought a lot of slots, the gley hime cut and now the hailey sniper wolf hair.
Turbo coomer skins like the swimsuit and stuff feel a bit too out of place for me. It should be possible to make something look both sexy and combat practical.
>log in
>do invasions
>log out
And they originally planned to devide this Season into 3 parts kek. There is nothing here.
>do daily
wait are we playing a gacha game all along
Yeah. I am about to pull on some reactor banners. Wish me luck bros.
Adding dailies to a game really is a bad move in regards to engagement. Yeah sure, it gives players incentive to log in, but at the same time it disincentivizes them from actually playing the game for fun. You just log in, do your chores for the reward, then log out. If invasions weren't limited in the number of runs you could do in a day and the gold payout wasn't that good, then people would have less to complain about because it would actually be new content to do in addition to what's already there rather than the only thing to do since it's the only thing worth doing.
If this was a gacha you wouldn't be able to farm anything without paid stam/energy refreshes.
It was from day one a TPS collectathon. You grind all the characters, all the weapons, level them once and then properly build the ones you enjoy. That's already 400 to 600+ hours of content depending on how fast/efficient/lucky you are.
From there you either go into min max autism hunting for perfect reactor rolls, build other characters/weapons you didn't have on your radar at first, or just keep crafting catalysts/activators until the new thing drops.
But you already know that don't you, you little shit.
also it kills the game for people that can only play on weekends, or at least not every single day. yes, those people exist.
Every season should add an extra 600 hours of gameplay. They are supposed to keep people playing all 3+ months until next season. That's how live service games work. This update has failed to do this. TFD will die before the year ends. Director needs to be replaced.
dude you're playing korean grindshit and complaining that it's korean grindshit
>Biolabs is the best place for character EXP right now
>but only if its a full squad to maximize enemy spawns
Fuck. I have re-entered so many times and I never get a full squad.
The dailies make me want to do the grinding less. If there weren't daily goals and invasions weren't limited to 4 runs a day, then I'd be grinding more instead of logging in, getting my 6m gold and logging off after 20m.
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>I make up 1% of this game's population that has played 600 hours and collected everything why won't the devs give me more to do RIGHT NOW! DO IT OR I QUIT AND GO BACK TO COMPETITOR GAME!
>no red mod
what do you even put on lepic if you wanna boss, all of them look shit
Firearm master gives you 20% ability power for 8 seconds when you activate his ult.
>every season should add 600 hours of gameplay
This is a bait right?
Of course it is why are you even giving him a (You)?
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I did it bros...I'll get to breed hailey in 24 hours...
gz bwo
is there even a single live service game that can poop out 600 hours of gameplay in an update, outside of pvp crap obviously

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