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ToT spider edition

>The War Within
>Anniversary Event
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNeQdGV5_2U [Embed]

Release Spirit >>493600760
based op
remember to be nice to avatarfrens
Looks cool
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>You have the share the BHC! This is not FAIR!
memefox > maye
>Theatre troupe bugs out.
You shat the thread you bozo.

>Official WoW News

>Threads of Destiny - New Cinematic

>September Trading Post

>20th Anniversary In-Game Event Preview

NA /wowg/ guild
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That's right, fuck your gay dragon frogs.
This is a straight expansion.
Fuck you Cody
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real monkey paw moment when they remove the fags but replace them with one armed nogs
How far gone you have to be to find this good, God forbid "attractive"?
Holy fuck Alliance suck at BGs during the weekends, what's going on
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i wish to apologise to the doomjeets
we shouldnt have won this hard
you must be so embarrassed.
Secret shadow priest storyline - siding with Xal'atath and sucking her feet.
Secret human male storyline - redeeming Xal'atath by inserting cock in her mouth.
Double secret human male shadow priest storyline - marriage with Xal'atath and creating a new void realm far away from Azeroth together.
>one armed nogs
Name two.
Xal'atath feet
hordecels getting mowed the fuck down in these bgs
nig and nog
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do any AH goblins or crafting barons want a cute pinup style art commission for 1.5mil gold can be sfw or nsfw, futa anon can vouch for my services
Maye forma de Sorrowdark won bigly.
Your opinion WILL BE DISREGARDED if you avatarfag (or play) as:
>Male Human

In any other case, your post will be regarded as usual.
Thank you for your time.
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I feel so incomplete
I don’t know what I need
There’s a missing piece
That I can’t reach
samefag won bigly.
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Opinion on Dwarves?
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I don't like the black bits of the Argent tabards with this mog.
I am kinda digging the Thunder Bluff tabard, though.

Very Dwarvy.
My absolute favorite when I was 12 now they are okay I guess.
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>SLandowlands is 4 years old
I've had 15 wins in a row on Friday, but now im getting put with retards.
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say it aint so
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>U-Updated T2 sets a-a-actually look b-b-bad guys!
Mountain Thane needs to be renamed Mountain King
Female dwarf warriors literally do not exist.
How is Monk so damn strong?
Now that you mention it I don't think I've EVER seen one in game and I've played since 2006
when will gaylular and the rest of the gang start making doom videos?
Based Razor
They should put a male elf in a relationship with a human woman once solely to see the reaction. I'm curious
Kael tried, it didn't work out for him. At all.
Gem it or gyp it?
You will race change to dracthyr or you will be declined.
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i have a question
would you invite me to your m0 world tour NO NOOBIES!!!!!!!!!! BIG PLUMPERS ONLY checking da logs armour run (trinkets reserved) poggers grroup?
I love Sorrowdark
When is Maye gonna start comissioning futa pics of Sorrowdark?
Returning player here. Am I understanding correctly that all classes now have some gay hero specs that you have to include in your build?
>584 weapons
I love samefag
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are there any pvp sets that actually look good
i'm scrolling down the collections and all of these are ASS cheeks
To be fair Jaina dooms every man in her life so we can hardly blame Kael
Those hero specs should've been there from the very beginning. Reach level 60 in vanilla wow, you become a hero version of your class. Wrath at the very latest should've had these given that's when Death Knights came out as a Hero Class.
>sub 590
lmao it is so over for you
better luck next xpac
kys racemixing cuck
>even baked wrinkles
holy fuck.
WoW won and bigly...
Hey that's not true. One of her brothers and one of her boyfriends are alive and well.
My chars are all within the 572-577 range. Is it over for me? I dont wanna waste my upgrade points on gear that Im gonna replace soon
What if I don't want my hunter to shit out magic or I don't want to gargle Kael'thas' floating balls as a mage?

This shit just pigeonholes you into certain class fantasies and that's retarded.
Do you think there will a good expansion before the discontinue WoW after the last Titan or am I just coping
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>toe rings
The fractals...
I can feel it... 11.1 onwards will be peak sovlkino... trust metzen's plan
there is no reason to believe wow isnt making money. subs are almost pointless now considering the amount of money blizzard extract from their whales. and the whales will keep on whaling
It's such a good name phonetically as well, you can tell he puts a lot of thought into these things.
Go to the guy with the red bandana and turn off experience gain.
There, you can stay le hecking Rifleman or le woofer Sorceress forever
WoW should've always been about reaching the levels of the Hero units in WC3, not being whatever the fuck you have imagined in your brain
They should hook up Dagran with Liadrin.
Hey kid you wanna /ss/
Tranny game
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the infinity sto-... the sigils...
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another elf fallen fictim to BHC
Ah yes Sludge Fields, another prime example of the horde dinduing nothing.
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Yeah, fuck player expression. Let's just all be le heckin' wholesome cast from Warcraft. I want to be Thrall!
What lvl should Brann be? 60?
Valour points are infinitely farmable so you should be able to get all your gear from heroics to 4/8, which is 580.
Weathered Crests are obsolete after this week, so you should spend them all. There's three easy to get items from rep which you can upgrade to 594, then spend the rest of your weathered on whatever your strongest gear is.
Combine that with your 606 weapon from using your spark and you should be pretty comfortably 585ish.
Queen of Hearts might as well be a racial passive for female elfs at this point.
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Thoughts on this memberberry.
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I am
the Warchief
The Light
is my Strength
At last I shall have
how do you respond to that?
Uhoh, elysian meltie
*farts out ur cum*
>how do you respond to that?
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Yep, you've bricked your account and may as well just wait for Midnight pre-orders
>Dumps the player for Alleria
Congratulations, you turned her gay.
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There is an incredulousness
That accompanies my depressed existence
It asks how on earth I am getting through this?
So how on earth am I getting through this?

I can vouch for your services, very cute art
It is worth it bros, and artist anon is very patient and polite
I think you are making fun of me but I really do lol
I like when my character names have a good "mouthfeel". Like it "feels good" to say my character names (autism)

I follow a 3-syllable rule with all of my characters
Maye Lin-vail

Pls no bulli
Yeah that's an instant decline and black listed + reported.
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I finished playing Space Marine 2 and all I could think of is that Warcraft and Blizzard as whole used to have this raw type of energy.
What the fuck happened and can we ever get back to it again?
divine storm needs a buff
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We need an expansion where Turalyon is the main character. He's going to fucking END the orcs and other evil shits.
>b-but another Alliance expansion??
You Hordefucks had Cataclysm. It's our turn. FOR EVER
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I love this line so much. Probably the best line Blizzard made in the past 15 years
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It all had multiple stages of death
>Saurfang plot in BFA

After that it was over, raw energy WoW has died with Saurfang getting one-shotted by Danuser's Mary Sue.
they can't hire quality talent because living in irvine on a 60k salary is not possible and they dont want to pay anymore than that.
just do what daddy max said and pretend all the characters are formless gray blobs. if you enjoy the gameplay and the maze then have fun, but dont expect the story to ever get better
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i am my scars!!
how dwo ewu responds??:DD
I love you
It's edgy and completely self-centered in context of what is happening.
If WoD had mop or legion mechanics it would have been the greatest expansion ever.
chat is this real?
Sure its edgy but its also really cool because
if WOD had more time in the oven and an extra 100 milly blizzard would have reached 20 million subs
How do Horde faction koolaid addicts even manage to level in Legion, BfA, DF or TWW?
>is that... a void elf? nope not doing what she says
>is that... a human mage? nope not doing what he says
>is that... a human king? nope not doing what he says
>is that... a dwarven king? nope not doing what he says
>is that... a night elf priestess? nope not doing what she says
>is that... a dragon that didn't willingly offer herself and her dragonflight to the Horde when we were about to annihilate those Alliance dogs? nope not doing what she says
I figure the game must be straight up unplayable for catababs and WC2fags.
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>QRD on the EU Guild Civil War?

I heard that the GM of Elysian is power-hungry, unhinged, and possibly on the autism spectrum.

I also heard that the GM of Nerub Silkweaving Forum is upset because he couldn’t join Elysian and created a new guild out of spite.

Any loremasters here?

Quick Recap from last couple threads:
>Some heated comments from both guilds, clashing out in the thread.
>Some screenshots were shared.
>Elysian members are very quiet.
>Nerub members are posting alot.
>Nerub GM has played in previous guilds Very Cute and I AM MY SCARS
>Elysian GM "Contirion" also known as "Synx" was parsing green logs in Dragonflight.
>Nebur GM "Cawaen" also known as "Castriot" was parsing blue/purple logs in Legion.
>People are now calling for both GM to bury the hatchet and try to work things out.
>People are calling for a guild merge.
>People from NA are calling out the GM of Elysian, claiming he is getting carried.
>Sources now telling me the GM of Elysian is having a mental breakdown, kicking longstanding members of the guild.
>The GM of Nerub Silkweaving Forum states that he doesn't want drama, he just wanna game with other anons from /wowg/

How will this pan out? Theories welcomed

>There is also an ongoing discussion about which guild will prevail and which will implode; only time will tell.

With new information brought to light, I personally have more confidence that the Nebur Silkweaving Forum has the upper hand in the upcoming unofficial /wowg/ race in the new raid

I'll see you in the next thread with more updates
you are reaching the point that im considering whining in the IRC about your spamming
gemmy genny
Which will I enjoy more
outlaw or feral?
pick one
The same way as everybody else, you mindlessly spam dungeons
ty for the news recap
can you stfu already? nobody cares about your europoor guilds
Almost all the white men left the company. Metzen can't carry this whole thing on his own and he is also constrained by just the feminine work culture that is at Blizzard currently. I believe its only Samwise and Metzen that were the actual narrative core of all the Blizzard games.
Fucks sake Maye you set him off again!
sources tell me that you're making shit up
are these other anons from /wowg/ just that succulent that these guild leaders are fighting over them?

wowg anons are just that handsome and cute and hot?
wait I thought Sorrowdark is on EU
Ok but you can't do 85% Legion content, you can't do Mechagon in BfA, you can't even start TWW.
>Nerub GM has played in previous guilds Very Cute
That's enough of a redflag for me to know that I don't want to have anything to do with him lmao
>that image
I heard the Elysian GM proposed a showdown 1v1 parse run on the next raid and the Nerub GM refused it.
Is this true?
can you honestly stop samefagging nobody gives a fuck about you
What RP realm is best for an alliance player that isnt moonguard?
yea but the story behind it is grim, they had to beat him each time he failed
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That has nothing to do with me.

For those in NA that would like to occasionally chat or play with anons but may not wish to be in a whole guild, join the /wowg/ community.
No I don't care if you're a degen. Shoot the shit, hang out or whatever.
Dramafags get the boot.

argent dawn
>took years but I finally went back and got the legion paladin mount which I inexplicably never finished back then
feels good man
Argent Dawn EU
uh oh doomyloony meltdown
Why was Muradin brought back to life if he hasn't done anything ever?
Thanks for the update king, keep it up
*casts [Tranquilizing Shot] on you*
I hope Azeroth has a huge cock!
its almost ironic that in game she is banging with Turalyon with no visible regret
so should I join NSF?
They looks like normie Dwarves. The Dracthyr is the last kino playable race they created
I'm not upset I actually find it really funny to be honest.
Moonglade EU
It sucks balls that there isn't a red-gold version, only red-silver or blue-gold
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You will never be maye faggot
You don't do it right.
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what you did in older content is seriously irrelevant and i cant believe you or other people cling onto shit like
no one gives a fuck if you did boosts a decade ago, it's irrelevant, we only care about your current skill and status. that's like me if i try to apply to some arena team i go..
truth is, no one cares.
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>The Dracthyr is the last kino playable race they created
I got the schematic for the Crowd Pummeler mount
Is this something I can make good money off of or is it the permit that's lucrative? I know the mount is supposed to be expensive but I dont know how common the schematic is.
It's pretty notably absent, I was hoping I could find something like that but none of these fit that well
Still glad I ended up getting it
Who would win in an orc hunting competition, Razor or Sorrowdark?
i dont know
>guide gives level requirements but you can actually fish anywhere at any time
>the only real fish which is slightly difficult to catch is the coelacanth but you can do this fairly easily around 200 or so
>the derby achievement is doable in 20 minutes, not difficult at all
>the algari weaverline is fairly useless because there is nothing else to catch
>the only endgame is farming the derby each week
>to get all derby items you would need to complete it for 20 weeks straight
what is sorrowdark's least favorite race
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its pretty common, i think its just a gold sink
Maye doesn't use homophobic slurs, dumbfuck.
they need to apologize for SL before i consider playing this game again
schematic is super common, getting all the parts costs 1mil+
there is the knowledge trait that gives you parts for it but not sure how effective it is
Did he fuck up as a father for allowing his son to be such a giant fag?
hand over the dracthyr men
Sorry, I didn't think the thread would derail like this.
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mfw (when) someone replies (gives me a you) to my funposting (shitposting) seriously (he mad)
Why are wowg anons so handsome and hot?
Got it, thanks. Not like I can afford the parts anyway.
Thread'll derail from anyone trying to start shit over literal nothings regardless.
another day, another worgen player that don't actually play the game
>0 curves
>0 m+ achievements
lack of skill, uninstall
Im leveling a priest alt to do all the priest/side with Xal'atath stuff and i just got the gift of N'zoth, After i turn in the twist the knife quest do i just not do the follow up? Or is there an option during it to not cleanse the eye.
Imagine if a Worgen and a Dracthyr have a child
But that's every other post in this thread!
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The major plot point of Midnight is going to be Xal'atath and Sylvanas fighting over who gets to be Anduin's wife.
Screencap this post.
You will never be a woman.

Just ctrl+f "nerub silkweaving forum" and "elysian" previous threads, retard.

NP, Chur bro

It's up to you. The information that I have provided are from previous threads and reserch on Warcraftlogs + RaiderIO. I'm not even on EU servers, just reporting the news.
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Wtf is this shit real, wow carry websites advertise on fucking youtube now?
i dont care about mythic +
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EUbros join <Nerub Silkweaving Forum> open to any thread user on EU Argent Dawn Alliance. Whisper Cawaen or any member on EU Argent Dawn Alliance. Horde players can join but you have to join the community called Nerub Silkweaving Forum, just type in /wowg/ in the community finder. Play or shoot the shit with wowg anons!
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>enjoying TWW
>see some Hordenigger in Arathi gear
>see some Hordenigger period
>get agitated
Why are you retards even here? TWW should have Horde players automatically turned into Alliance races like in Battle of Dazar'alor. You guys don't belong here, this has nothing to do with you.
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They pretty much retconned it damn near
You get my vote anon.
That green parser GM from elysian unironically wants to get carried by wowg holy loser lmao.
can I join
>Why are you retards even here? TWW should have Horde players automatically turned into Alliance races like in Battle of Dazar'alor. You guys don't belong here, this has nothing to do with you.
Yeah, or like that caverns of time dungeon where they just get turned into humans.
The Horde is essentially non-canon post BFA buckbreaking and should be reflected as such.
Pop the fuck off queen.
*denis your application*
We need to do the content so that the bad guys in the raids can be defeated before the expansion is over, little bluecuck.
>I'm not even on EU servers, just reporting the news.
How autistic are you?
post ce
post your cutting edge from wod
>just hit 80
how do you get gear rn
They'll never leave as long as Blizz continues to toss shade at Alliance players and openly slap us in the face with shit like the comp stomp announcement.
Belf males are literally low-t faggots that can't even grow a normal beard. they only have little tufts of hair on their chin and at most a chin strap.
No wonder female belfs have resorted to futanarism.
First chara? normal > heroic dungeon then wait
If not, buy the gear from reputation 584 using your main chara's currency then finish with heroics
No and you can volunteer to heroically and stoically die in Ukraine any day you want, baldmanmald.
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I'm being thanked and appreciated by these people that forgot to be racist, and I'm gonna get rewarded with their armour. Which I'm gonna parade around.
I'm gonna screencap a Half-Human/Half-Elf Abomination hand shaking a Troll hand.

And you can't stop me.
cute anime pic on the anime website
race, spec, region, server, faction, race, class, spec
do i need in order to meet a cute girl(boy) in wow?
>Pilav is back
WoW fucking won
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>Samefag is back
human arms EU argent dawn alliance human warrior arms
male if you want to get pegged.
Based Queen of Hearts Trollanon.
>I can fix Anduin
Too late kek
>sorrowdark woke up
wowg is back
>muh post ce
typicall allycuck doens't know the meaning of FAMILY and COMMVNITY
Every player of the Orcish Horde is an integral part of the RWF progression raid victory project, from the lowly mats farmer to the gold seller to the pug dungeon healer to the split-run peon, every single one of us works together to ensure our Raiders can take down the enemies of Azeroth, for Victory or Death, for the Horde!
>ret players take the talent that replace normal wings into Wake of Ashes to wings for 6sec
What the fuck is wrong with paladin players? there's like 3 spells and they are trying to remove even more on the rotation by taking passives.
Shit is boring as fuck
>samefag woke up
Are these 'samefags' in the room with us right now?
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He's mine
Maye i need your Maye Linvail model.
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Remember if you're a paladin and you hit Wake of Ashes instead of a macro that hits Wake of Ashes then
>/yell Wake of Ashes!
you are playing the game wrong and need to go back to warrior or priest
some streamernigger or wowhead writer made a guide saying it's good for dungeons most likely
Yrel will save the story.
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I did not take advantage of the darkmoon faire buff.
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>Faerin if we had straight male devs
>anime pic
post hidden
they are all dwarfs now tho
My wake of ashes macro also includes avenging wrath and final reckoning
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ngl earthen look really nice naked
the textures are kinda good
sucks to suck
>character has no depth perception
>uses thrusting weapon
>sorrowdark pic
post favored
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People are complaining that Faerin is black and ugly, but the fact that Anduin is getting paired with a human woman at all is a crime.
>he has only the SSJ2 wake of ashes macro but not the baseline wake of ashes macro
Alleria's fucking eyeshadow always takes me out of the scene lmao like wtf is this some random tumblr chick from the early 2010s
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It really feels like her face is out of place in cutscenes cause of how its just a normal elf face for the most part. Or at least something about it comes off as lower quality then the rest of the main NPC's.
>sorrowdark pic
post tributed
For me it's her impractical massive earrings.
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dunno about you guys but she still makes my dick hard
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i feel bad for her bros
because you're a gooner with no standards
hot milf
holy projection
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kek you took my idea for the tanks that pump pure The Light into your suit of armor, but it doesn't match your armor set. Are you using the Trading Post version?
Orc cock is great
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This DK has been sitting there all day yesterday. I just logged in, heard the frost path sound, turn around... he's sitting in the same place again.
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She just has less facial features than the rest of the cast. But the animators have always done a very good job of getting her to emote despite of this, which is kind of upsetting since they don't let any of our player character elves emote this much...
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she has literally always had them
He's experiencing all TWW has to offer. Let the man be.
>This body is so... delicious
Did they change that? Or does it change depending on factors. I just did that today and she said it differently.
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>Are you really gonna tease this guy about his mismatched gimmick?
>Water droplet
They're even bigger now.
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Look at me, I'm majestic.
>not sitting next to them
Nice. Impressive indeed.
Now do it without addons.
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It fucking works with dragonflying too.. my fucking sides..
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DESU the more Paladins infused with The Light that are spreading spreading that Old Time Religion, well it's good enough for me
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>the earthen gear you when you make an earthen is better than the heritage armor
Time to saturate the bag market with bags at material cost (~250g below current value)
They never should've gotten rid of the mark over her eye. The makeup looks weird.
>Get to the second to last boss of Xal'ataths raid tier
>It's some kind of vortex
>All shadow priests in the raid get sucked into the vortex and merge into a Void Champion with 2x# of shadow priests + 1 abilities, controlled by the shadow priest players and they have to fight to resist using those abilities or succumb and wipe the raid
>instead of playing out this kino boss the fucking raid meta will be to just swap to holy or disc before the fight
GAY community, GAY game, fucking shit, I hate having to play with people instead of my imaginary friends!
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holy gem
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the game is designed around using addons
instead of removing the core problem like they did with snapshoting they are trying to block addons from solving the problem by adding personal buffs to combat the addon assigning people for the assignment mechanics
if there were no assignment mechanics or no RNG involved you could vocally assign the same people doing X mechanic in the exact same order
can the slutty avatarfags start posting instead of these nerds
Sorry dwarfbro ever since she took the elf form she can only think of one thing...
can you explain this to someone who has only done normal mode raids in only one expansion at the end of the patch cycle and never used addons? Sorry I'm a bit mentally tired but curious.
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There we go.
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every1 is so mean 2 me
Thinking of abandoning my void elf wife for some prime troll paladin mojussy.
t. human male paladin
the "totally not bbc fetish" faggots are at it again
>1 hour and 52 minutes
>72 images
no human male paladin has ever said this
I've never been mean to you
>Horde get playable female humans
This is based
Literally for TWO days every single /wowg/ thread has been about:
>Dracthyr being either gay or kino

3 more days till the season starts guys; I'm thinking we're back
Anduin will fix her
>Worgen racial is run speed on a 3 min cd
>Dracthyr racial is run speed with no cooldown and an aoe knock up and an aoe knock back
lol(Laughing out loud)
grinding maze+ on disc priest is going to be painful, isn't it
Eh. Fuck em.
So I can be in Blood Elf form at all times if I race change my Warrior to Dragon? The mobility is just to good to pass up and at least plate armor looks goodish on BE model
I know, I'm kidding
Most people I've met from here have been very kind and chill
<3 bro
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>Game still constantly reshuffles skyriding abilities on action bar for no fucking reason
The whole of Dragonflight and still an issue in TWW. FIX YOUR SHIT.
you have to go back.
yep, only evokers can't stay perma visaged
>Finally get to fulfill your fantasy of being captured by a rugged orc war band
>It's led by fucking Thrall and after having the whole Horde council apologize to you for the incident you get sent back home with reparations for Teldrassil
Being a modern nelf is suffering
Okay new cunning plan level up one of the Dracthyr classes that will unlock with the anniversary then race swap.
fuck I think I'm gonna do it then... what are the chances they nerf it after I buy a fucking race change
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Alliance btfo
Maybe we would be less mean if you didnt bait and switch new players to have them wait at the flowershop for an hour
ok you get a (you) for the alleria part kek
>a few random people in your raid get a buff/debuff from a mechanic
>they need to sit in different locations around the boss room
>sometimes they have to stack with people without the debuff
>sometimes they need to drop their debuff in a specific spot for later use
>sometimes they need to destroy something
>they need to go to their assigned positions very fast or they die which is essentially a wipe in mythic
>no human can assign 4-5 people fast enough
>addons just tell all 5 people where to go instantly because it's a shit mechanic
blizzard's way of changing this?
>make the buff invisible to addons so they can no longer assign you
>but mechanics are still impossible for a human to solve fast enough so they jump through some hoops to let an addon assign people anyway but it's annoying instead of automatic now
I too was against using more than DBM and so was most of my guild when it came to raids. We got stuck on Hungering Destroyer where 4 people had to stack in 4 corners around the boss and 1 raid group. You can kind of assign where person from group 1 with the debuff should go and split the debuff with his group but what do you do when 3 people from group 1 all get the debuff at the same time? You have to manually reassign them and it wasn't a good time. It was possible without addons but it would take too many pulls so we just installed a weak aura and the boss became a joke

TL:DR Mechanics that require multiple RNG assignments at the same time to solve are bad
>retards ITT actually think dracthyr will be the best maze+ race and you're trolling if you don't race change
lol, lmao even
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>remove the 3 skyshit abilities I'll never use (why is bronze timelock df only???)
>they come back
how do I permalock abilityslots
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do u think that Bran gets embarrassed when he poos out eggs in front of the player??? sorry if this ofends anyone but i thought it was a funny thing haha. and i would like to know if any of you have any pics of Brann pooping an egg while he looks nervous or embarrassed i just want to see it for a few laughs haha. another thing i am wondering is what do you think the eggs smell like haha im just curious for laughs haha i would like to smell them
>anime pic
post hidden
i will kick every fagthyr player from my group
t. 590 tank
you are not welcome fags
world quests and rares
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>random npc you know for like 10 minutes
>cared for him more than anyone in tww
I miss you orkus...
more effort in these shitposts than any modern cinematic
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>calling other people fags
lmao even
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why is that draenei chink-eyed
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Who the fuck actually listens to this crap?
Thank god I am white.
season 1 sisters... soon... *dies*
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The priest set was censored too.
how do you respond without sounding mad? how do you prepare?
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I'm handsome AND smug
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so I just hit level 80 last night. once I am done with the story what should I be doing in order to get that big ilvl peepee
just do heroics
how so?
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me. shit goes hard
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Wish Draenei men looked like this
It's time I started being mean to you
No more visible tummy on female characters.
>dwarf warrior, hunter, paladin
Wholesome, comfy and based
>dwarf mage, warlock, priest or anything else
Who cares? I only play hunter mage and lock.
sorrowdark are you here
yea whats up?
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whats the most ZETSY race/class/spec combo
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People actually pay 25 bucks to change to dragon because... they can glide?
I feel sick. I've never witnessed such retardation before
male human paladin
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if you played DH you would understand. being able to double jump just makes the game more fun
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ayo chill
bii think she sexyy redd
Um why don't the debuffed people just take personal responsibility and do the correct thing depending on what their debuffs are, since they know what debuff they get? Why do you need an addon at all?
Is there any addon on website that lets me search the bags of all my characters while not logged in?
yea it's Searchallthethings
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Dragons can't double jump u schmuck..
And I have played DH. I'm playing a bloodDK, THE SLOWEST class in the game and also a preserv evoker, one of the faster ones.
I don't feel the need to abandon my DK. There is nothing wrong with walking like a normal human being.
>Dragons can't double jump u schmuck..
wait I thought they could. I never played that gay race but I figured Blizzard just gave them the same shit DH had.
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because all of them got the exact same debuff
during the world first race on neltharion the poopsockers had an entire team in the background looking at a spreadsheet and telling everyone where to go because it was not possible for a laid leader to do AND the raiders had to alt tab and look at a picture with the 5 correct spots to stand on because they also change with each cast
You telling me you've never seen a dragon in your group? Not even the trillions of augs in m+?
I haven't played since Legion. Only just hit 80 on TWW.
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guys i've decided to challenge myself. if i dont get keystone hero season 1, the one that grants hero title. i will buy a pink chastity cage and trans socks. i dont want this to happen so i'm going to tryhard to the max
i am dead serious, screenshot this.
demon hunters double jump THEN glide after a third press of spacebar
evokers go straight to gliding
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oh that's still pretty good
GL lil bro
the gliding is the fast part of it so apparently DH bind the glide so they dont have to double jump first
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they are retards because double jump lets them glide for longer
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>been doing it since 2022
>mfw I thought I started it this year
holyshit bros. chromie is fucking with the time irl, right. right?
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bro that's crazy, I've never heard of a debuff mechanic that you're supposed to do multiple things with and zero in-game context for when you should do what
Ion literally just wants to create some kind of experimental self-torture chamber, not a video game
Tryharding comss after ksh.
m+ is a fucking joke until you start to get into the upper 10s.
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The shaman one has also been censored. Where before the chestpiece on female toons resembled a bra or a bikini its now just a cover that reaches down much further
think anon is talking about the "cryptic hero" type shit, not the regular keystone hero
>0 pvp gear
>gonna get smacked
time to int some hordies with merc mode
frostfire mage feels gemmy
spellslinger not so much because there's nothing visual about it
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yeah you don't get them in normal and if you do in heroic they are toned down and you can even fuck them up a bit
neltharion is an extreme example and I think moving away from relying on addons is a good idea but they took the wrong approach and didnt go far enough
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We're gonna kill Gallywix in 11.1, aren't we, bros... even though he didn't even do anything...
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the sigils, the symmetries, the fractals, what do they mean...
he's short, fat, ugly and probably bald. that's his sin.
Tranny. People like you disgust me.
cancel your credit card and freeze your credit ASAP
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he has it coming desu
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there must always be... a fox king
holy shit...
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>farmed 1500 Artisans acuity over the weekend
>enough to have my blacksmithing maxed out for heroic raid crafts
>I want to quit the game already
>have to do it on 4 more characters
Why is there no fucking mog to hide this ugly fucking staff off my back
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Could you imagine blizz designing female characters like this ever again?
too bad they look like some deviantart furry fagshit
HE POGGIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't have a dick...
Why is there no mod to let me actually use my staff to cast my spells
maybe I just still don't understand the system, but how do you farm that much acuity?
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looks like darth maul(derogatory)
>you can buy the enchanting bag from the vendor near the weekly crafting quests
>it has a chance to contain the recipe for the raid enchant
>it instantly sells for 10 million
>one friend tried farming it on 15 chars and didn't get it a single time

Hope you have better luck if u wanna spend
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>Should of known better
I fucking hate retards.
Whats this severed threads rep exploit that reddit is whining about?
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The DK found a gf.
20 hours of pain, swapping between professions and burning gold
What's the fastest way to level from 60-70?
Stop trying to gaslight and go away, Cawaen, also known as Castriot or whatever the fuck name you go by nowadays.
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Whats up with all the elves?
what's the highest ilvl i can be before tuesday?
It's better than having curves but no CEs.
people like elves
even if you don't like elves you have to be one to be a demon hunter
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i think mag'har orcs are cool..
only belves and nelves can be demon hunter, nelf is the only good looking druid race on alliance and belf is the only good looking paladin race on whorde
Lovin' the Dwarf comeback this expansion, seeing them and Dark Irons all over the place
belves look like dogshit in plate you sissy
damn nightborne that low? if they weren't on the mudhut faction I'd be maining one
fucking shit eaters don't deserve them
the horde as a playable faction was a mistake
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who gives a shit. overrated af set anyway
I agree, but I play mine exclusively as ones that came to Azeroth from Outlands after TBC
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I finally unlocked these rocky pals and i must admit they are growing over with me.
Their skin colors are very cool, and i can finally play the best Alliance race (Dwarfs) in the Horde
Because they are the best race for M+
Nelves are also good, depends on what encounters are in the season
Dragons will be meta for a lot of classes once the new class options are out.
I will never ever play a dracthyr as anything other than evoker and even then only because I am literally forced to
hmm yes very organic posts in here, well done rakesh
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>read wowhead guide on windwalker
>guide is written by the panda obsessed faggot
>in the section "what race", instead of saying cons and pros, he posts a graph showing how most monks are pandas as to "help you decide which race to roll"
blizzard can't afford jeet shills
they do it for free
honestly, I feel the wowhead guys have just become worse and worse over time
why didn't anyone tell me how much fun arms warrior is
foxkino... i kneel...
the people who actually play the game ITT mostly ERP and do mountmogcheevoz
I'm gonna race change to visage dracthyr. It's fucking nuts how modern and plentiful their customization is. Hair fade, hair jewelry, like 20 kinds of horns, tons of scales and armor and shit.

how can humans compete?
>despite still using art if his warrior and warlock as his avatar ITT, maye has yet to even touch the new expac with his warrior and warlock and level them once, and opts for screenshots of new alts to trick people into thinking he's a different person
so grim
They also changed the horde symbol from a hanging pendulum the shaman had tucked into their belt for safe keeping to a tacky belt buckle, lame.
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>pay to look like an actual demonic drag queen
>how can humans compete?
if you want to compete in a drag queen show off by all mean reroll fagthyr
wowhead guides were literally never taken serious up til what, legion? And right now most of them arent even updated to pre-patch
found the fem human futa pvpers
femhumans arnt real
where are people finding veteran quality weapons?
tell that to the majority of horde paladins lel
>didn't get the darkmoon buff for the weekly dungeon rep bonus

Batter than
>errrm race doesnt matter unless you're doing top 1% content
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SoD mages get all the cool shit. This should be how Alexstraza's Fury works.
Any asian playing horde plays a blood elf.
Night elf racial is OP/meta in all sorts of content and night elves are the de facto alliance racae for druid and DH + being just better as rogue with meld being an addition vanish charge.

ALso elves are just popular they are a common choice even outside of meta of asian compulsion reasons.
just use the superior dragon form bro
weeky chests
I like nightborne but I feel they are thematically limited to mage
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take a break from the gather grind, washing all the sweat and cave grime away.
>what if we made Benediction/Anathema, but for mages????
did they fix vendorstrike in SoD?
kek ty for laugh anon
it's a druid weapon
that's that priest staff but for mages
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>me denying all scalie niggers from my m+ groups
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based taste have anon
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I'm drunk
female worgens....are too... strong...
based +2 weekly no leavers chad
>he thinks people will race change to scaleniggers instead of staying as dwarfbvlls and nelfchads
Dumb boomer, we do weekly +8 delves now.
sl s1 keystone master mount pre-nerf
>she still doesn't have her ara-kara sacbrood
embarassing... lol...
Would be a kinda funny post but you added a couple too many hahas
not as embarrassing as you farming it on heroic when it will get replaced once m0 and m+ is out.
>had some brownie idiot asking me why did I upgrade my ring with socket and ara ara trinket to 480 before everything else
This giant fucker can't handle small puppos.
Describe your DPS rotation in RP.
start slowly not to pull aggro
plap plap plap plap
coom (execute)
I'd rather not run that dungeon over and over and over for small dps increase
As I see my enemy approach me I Charge at them with all my might, I bring out my inner Avatar as I lift my giant mace up in the air, striking my opponent with a Colossus Smash. I overpower them then stomp my foot on the ground, hard, causing a Thunder Clap. Before I eventually Mortal Strike my enemy then proceed to Execute them.
I call upon the Holy Fire to burn my enemies, my conviction in the Holy Word is so strong that a Naaru appears at my side and together we Smite all who oppose the light.
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i have these on 4 characters.
you vill never get into my groups.
I set myself on fire then I set everything else on fire while jumping in one spot
Elysian status?
>No CE, No Curve
Supreme shitter, avoid at ALL COSTS 99% of mentally ill 30+ year old goontard
>Curve, no CE
Likely sorta bad, interact at your own risk
>Curve, no Glad
Likely not great, very opinionated and likely wrong
>Glad, no CE, no Curve
Sacramental PvP bvll of the universe, sublime opinions always correct massive cock, worship the very ground this aryan steps on
>Any other combo
*sheathes hammer*
*400 miles away some orclet falls over dead in his mudhut*
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did you get this?
*Claps without hands*
>Beledar shift in your flavor
I don't get it???
Why do npcs say this???????????
Can someone please.... EXPLAIN!?!?
peak kino
Purple Hallowfall should be more dangerous.
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Reminder if you lack this title you'll forever be a MEGA shitter, an actual sewage subhuman and you SHAN'T get into a mythic guild as anything but a lootless sissy cucky.

This title is the MINIMUM floor to even start being considered 'acceptable' not even 'good', acceptable.
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ROFL perhaps.
haha even.
Beledar is the glowing dildo stuck in Hallowfall.
It shifts between light and dark.
They're wishing you good luck and for Beledar not to turn purple on you.
Of course, I got carried by friends like a normal person.
sorry im not a 10 man shitter
this post triggers the transgendered hive...
i dont get it
what does it have to with flavor
>she can't read
wtf is a sward
Any death knight or warlock hero specs that are like gen 1 death knights?
wait, i can just buy the honor gear and i'm set for the entire season? pvpgods explain
>got it after a YEAR of icc welfare gear
probably thinks hand of adal = skill at this rate
Hammah! Of... the... RIGHTEOUS!
I got every achievement in slopmix, including Emperor Shaohao before they buffed rep gain
there's 1000 youtubers who explain how to do talents but 0 that explain profession skill investment.
i love how nobody understands this post, truly the post that mindbroke cuckies
I stopped browsing and posting here a few years ago when the ff trannies were spamming the general and it was unusable.
I see that they're nowhere to be seen, did the jannies finally step in at some point?
In Lightbringer's name, have at thee!
their game died

well wow won
so doomsissies got absolutely buttblasted
They just spam /v/ now.
>someone plays male human paladin
>they're always a gigachad
Kinda strange how this always happens, isn't it?
nothing chad about being an unironic virgin
Blizzard doesn't care that was ever a thing
Only copypasted lichkings and fel green clownery matter to them
Avatarfags drove them off.
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*steals your dragon gf*
they're still here
its just that their discord is too busy running damage control on steam review/metacritic to bother raiding us much anymore
>september 2010
>literally everyone was in ICC BiS with multiple shadowmournes
s-still counts
erm well chuddie you could still die to kel thuzad puddles....
ALL world bosses need a button to force spawn them
i missed out on mop remix because i didnt know you could get the mounts and all of the pandaria world bosses are permanently dead
wtf is wrong with respawn rates? all fucking killing world quests feel so fucking bad

10 min + for killing a few mobs coz everyone is competing with such shitty respawn rates
No. We're just the chemotherapy.
i actually thought they disabled those naxx achievements when ulduar came out
only glory of the achievements
but they gave up on gatekeeping the glory mounts after that so everyone got welfare iron protos
>complete stranger calls me bro
I don't really get what I'm supposed to be doing at hi point. I haven't done any dungeons at all. I'm at 574 I lvl. I'm not really into pvp. I'm not sure I'm playing my class right or if I even like it (hunter)
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>this is the unspeakably lovely woman I was telling you about
Is ret pala a spender class or a whak a mole class? Better ask before I level one.
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I've had this happen completely unprompted, it was pretty cute.
Name a single more memorably moment in dragonflight.
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>4 hour play time
queues are so fast
i thought i would be farming this trinkets for ever just i was dps
Turalyon saw Alleria as basically a goddess when he first met her in ToD.
both but mainly spender
are you upgrading your gear too?
I can think of lots. It's just that none of them are things I want to remember.
all these years later and i still cant skip the thundah kings cutscene
he's too based
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where they hiding the tendieboxes at?
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I won
Sorrowdark please answer I fucking Love you
>Samefag please answer
you can skip it, you just dont know how
noob idiot retard
you both won
What is it about strong, big, hunky chiseled flesh-cursed titan constructs that attracts the arcane-mutated, sundrinking forest troll native women so?
ty, then I'm rolling one!
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The wow section feels dead as fuck with shills like shobek. Kek funny to watch how people are struggling to keep their wow streaming career alive.
Is there a guide or something on how to best and most efficiently deadname trannies in this game? Preferably with some tips and tricks on dispensing with fags and women too
Trying to speedrun getting the highest antitroon level but between all the chat channels and discords i feel a little lost as to what to tackle first
To be fair, it was a druid.
It's canon fact that the women of basically every race find male humans exotic and erotic.
>enter random hc with my tank
>eurobeat mix: on
>pulling all mobs from boss to boss
>bad dps and healers die
>continue playing like i'm soloing the dungeon
>no one dares to say anything
yep, another day another session of farming hcs
Bro just play the video game, isn't it fun enough without engaging with troons?
>he quite literally does not know
that just cements it was an unironic troon
Ask me anything
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imagine dracthyr could be dk's...
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>Pull all the monstuhs! Fastuh fastuh! SMATH THE AOE BUTTON! SMATH IT!
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yep that's me
i look like this and do this
not even the lich king would want to raise these freaks
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Human paladins (order/void + light) and void elf hunters (life/order + void) are the peak of cosmic evolution. Felshitters and deathcucks need not reply.
does he not realise he is playing the literal wakanda race
is there a way of filtering the fox / drachtyr posters
/wowg/ guild master
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t. turalyon and alleria
kinda tracks considering africans hate african-americans pretty vehemently
Am noob. Should I start on moon guard or dalaran
actually its Turalyonn, ok?
>be racist
>play horde, the literal minority-coded "diversity is our greatest strength" faction
>constantly BBC posting about elves and white women getting GREENED
Many such cases.
only pick MG if you're interested in RP/more social experience
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not my problem.
useless alliance cucks fall to the trve apex predate, male orc warrior (big/hairy + sweaty)
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Do u guys also struggle with keeping rogues alive? For some reason their lifebars behave in binary. Whenever I get one in my group, they manage to take millions of damage in half a second before I can even press a single CD.
I just had to play Time Dilation rotations on this dude and he still managed to unalive himself 2 times.
least bbc fetishist orc player
I'm not going to pay money for a book co-authored by Golden, or any female writer for that matter
CE is a mark of shame
You are supposed to stop raiding mythic after the 6th boss
if theyre bad
rogues have great defensives for group content, evasion and cloak let them ignore tons of shit and every class wishes they had feint
Rank healers
>standing around in dorn
>some random belf walks up to me and asks "do you like my tabard? (:"
>"its okay, not really a tabard guy myself"
>says "you can't get it any more (:" and they walk off
as a 20 year long orc player i HATE this meme
I hate orced
I hate cuck fetishism
I hate racebaiting
I hate turdpenis
I have CEs for every tier I raided with a good guild and only curve for tiers I raided with friends
its a little unfortunate my friends always tap out around the penultimate boss
>God gamers
>average players
>absolute mouthbreathing shitters
All of them.
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To the anon who introduced me to the band "The Midnight" here yesterday or the day before, you're based as fuck. I hope you get good RNG throughout War Within
Mistweaver Monk
Holy Priest
Resto Druid
Discipline Priest
Resto Shaman
Survival Hunter (Survive!)
Holy Paladin
Who the fuck would put MW as best
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new tier list is out based on upcoming changes
A mw monk
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actually starting to see the humilation ritulatial.
>magis back
>first thing they do is strip him of his kingdom, his armor, his anccestral hammer and make him apologize for killing a guy who seemingly had no qualsm about serving ragnaros who only wanted to set the entire world alight.
wow is so pozed
this will get 500 replies
Which one of these can I play like Ret where it's just five buttons and I top meters? I fear too many people are having fun with Ret so they'll crash it.
I'll be amazed if destruction is that high
you sound jealous
i play monk they're shit this list is wrong.
this isnt even good bait
any of them if your group is so shit they let current ret top the meters
REKT lmao
Can't these faggots literally redirect aggro with tricks of trade? How is it possible those morons keep pulling endless shit and then dying.
Yes. Everything pre SL must be apologized for, every strong male stripped of his power and made into a grovelling feminist
Yea so why am I supposed to feel bad for Moira and her son? Dagran in BRD was evil. Or have they retconned that in some quest text no one reads?

i don't even know what changed, i'm already enjoying arms
>check twitch
>all the classic players grifters are on TWW
looks like classic is officially dead bois
fuck off back to your own general you lowlife human waste
>he has to get validation from randoms because his tabard is so shit
I am willing to bet money no one would ever use it again if it became available to everyone again
Prot paladin S... I want to belieb
some people just arent worth healing desu. unless the guy is the only one doing dps in a group of shitlords, ill never blow all my cds just to keep him alive
Nigga pulled out a shadowlands tier list
When will I be able to play the 11.0.5 PTR?
rogues shouldn't be pulling aggro because they have tricks, tank threat generation is so high and they all need to use vanish for DPS now so they're constantly resetting threat anyway
I guess they're just pulling for the tank, not using tricks, and then not vanishing or some shit
it was my understanding they stumbled on wagnawos while digging in the mountain and he immediately got mind controlled
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This is who wrote the guide.
be S all they want as long as they use spinning hammers i wont play them simple as
>message them saying "I'll wait for the twitch drop"
I guess that would make sense why there was the good Dark Irons in vanilla with the Thorium Brotherhood. Still, Moira shouldn't shame Magni or us for killing a mind controlled man that became evil.
I mean it's extremely easy to steal a tank's aggro in a moshpit, especially against DKs cause they don't deal any fucking damage.
But It's mostly the tank running through 2 rooms to get stuff together and these absolute brainrotten fucktards thing now would be a great idea to tag 20 mobs.
Why.. Why are people this stupid? They die several times yet keep repeating that shit. Let the fucking tank do his thing first man.
Well I can't just let people die. I've gotta try
this is why you should go to the SEF website
show ur logs, if ur so much better
if your tank is pulling half the instance then the dps are probably just going to eat shit because of the sheer number of random spells/unavoidable aoes going out nonstop
i dont get it
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Start preppin for MoP Classic ... you won't miss the CM mode sets again .. right?
ill cop the recolors in legion classic
>dks don't deal any damage
spoken like a true shit'layn tard
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so many people dying to this its insane
>tfw I only used the spinning hammers for beating the mage tower challenge and never again
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i remember when the icyveins fury warrior guide was made by ONE OF US
i miss pandaria bros
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>frost mage guide writer is just some femworg that only raids heroic.
I love frost now.
>Why.. Why are people this stupid?
because they think "tank tagging something = perma agro" which really isnt the case. the longer a pull takes, the more likely it is for dps to pull agro depending on how retarded they are with popping cds.
some tanks are better at nursing mobs with agro while pulling but any good dps knows you really cant do much until the mobs converge
Dogshit dungeon
Wait. I didn't play Mop slopmix, but they didn't make the CM sets available did they?
just their generic error. could be down temporarily, i think it's that if you didn't do the quest, or your last character hung on logout. going back to character select and reloading tries again. that also releases the lock if you have multiple accounts. it doesn't recheck on portaling/hearthing just the character load. the /reload is just for your ui so don't bother with that.

unlikely you have a second account you don't know about since you'd should see it on the launcher.
>only raids heroic
>still has everything above purple
I kneel. Maybe I will give the spec a try now
holy based
this sounds like a fake story but at the same time fomotards are actually this pathetic
no way brew is that high, or above guardian even lol. it feels like absolute shit to tank on right now with how much dependence you have on the healer
Which hero tree are you using?
Now post the frost dk one, I want to see.
you should try frostfire frost mage
when people say piano gameplay they havent tried frost yet lel
cant believe someone had the gall to call blood dk piano spec
How is that based? I mean good for him for enjoying heroic but he shouldn't be writing a guide for wowhead. Or maybe he should be given the state of the site...
you know I have a bunch of old unavailable shit myself but I love it.
People who rub their limited stuff in people faces and try to be smug about it deserve torment.
Particularly if its gay limited stuff like ancient card game drops that were just bought or looted at random rather than earned in some way.
>I mean good for him for enjoying heroic but he shouldn't be writing a guide for wowhead
why not?
do you think people who actually raid mythic at a high level will be reading these guides???
no they did not and the wailing from the clout chasers was glorious.
>Welcome to the Deephaul Ravine, friends! Our job today: gather as many minerals and gems as we can carry, before Uzjax gets to them.
>do follower dungeon
>NPCs are outdpsing me

...uh oh.. its just because im a fresh 80 right... these guys are super geared right...
Most mentally stable furfag.
*activates aspect of the eagle*
I'm going to give it a shot. I've been running fury for a long time, and it's getting a bit stale.
you forgot the meaning of bait when you made a folder of thousands bait images that you shit out whenever someone disagrees with you
Palagods can't stop winning
what the fuck is a clout chaser?
>charge, thunder clap to put rend on all mobs, warbreaker, thunderous roar, bladestorm
>50000000000000000 dps
i love it
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I did.

I told you Slayarms is the only spec thats real.
That all other specs are pale shades of gameplay compared with Axe Kata

disc is either dead last if m+ or top with pres if raid, probably slot druid down one for raid as well
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fun caster spec that's decent?
what's so diff between the hero specs for arms?
His logs demonstrate he knows his specialization well enough to score multiple 99 logs on one of the most popular classes despite having no mythic gear
I would follow his advice any day of the week over the """mythic""" monk with median gray parses despite playing probably the least popular dps spec

mythic raiders are fotm rerollers so they probably would
me frost mage
FROST ORB!!!!!!! COMET STORM!!!!!!!!!!
FROST ORB !!!!!!!!!! COMET STORM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't see how that's relevant unless the guy posting his logs is writing guides and presenting himself as an authority.
femworg frost mage
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3rd char geared for raiding. How are you lads holding up?
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post original mogs no tier or cm also no hate
>worse than Fury in every single way
>can't even aoe without pressing a button
lol, armscucks getting a little uppity I see.
It's ok anon, the npcs will NEVER judge you, never kick you, never call you a shitter, never demand to see your achievements or raidlogs... you can be as bad as you want to be, forever, comforted by the hails and bluepills of the story characters. Brann Bronzebeard himself said you were a champion! That has to mean something, right?
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I've already burnt out on the game and raid hasn't even released yet. I'm logging in to raid next week but that will probably be it. I hope next patch won't have 3 weeks until raid unlocks.
disc literally cannot be last with how many externals they have
they completely mog mistweaver and holy priest, it's middle of the pack imo
He won't fuck you.
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>frost dk
oh nononononononononononononononono !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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>do deephole
>games are super fast
>about to collect by third gemmy without dying
>some faggot druid snatches it and stands there not even knowing what to do
>game ends before I get third one
>somehow turned character screen into slop
Dagran wasnt mind controlled, he was Lawful Evil and saw Ragnaros as the only way to conquer the rest of the dwarves. Keep in mind that the other Dwarf clans were not "good guys", they just happened to be stronger than the Dark Iron. Moira fell in love with him because Magni was a piece of shit father and maybe some mutual affection.
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Now describe it in roleplay.
Um you forgot the part where I tell my water elemental to frost nova and ice jet.
>no argument
I accept your concession coombrain
do you fags actually upgrade heroic dungeon gear
i mean i get crafting i guess cause you can recraft it with better mats to increase the ilvl but
Dorrowsark are you here
no egg/10
kill yourself
Those locks exist because of mentally ill people like you. You do realize that, right?
I thought almost everything including guilds are cross realm now though
so they aren't overtuned? :(

can someone give me a good fury warrior totation idunno wtf im doing then
Unsurprising. Magni's such a fucking faggot
i mean there isnt anything else to spend crests on, and I have literal fucktons just from flying through balls and doing quests/rares/dirt
Which part of "3rd char" did you not understand? I also have a mage and a priest, with a paladin and warlock at 76 that I haven't decided if I want to play yet.
Doesn't matter when it's only me that will be looking at it. I just added a WA to show you retards the item level of my gear.
That depends. I upgrade heroic gear with BiS stats. The weapons only cost me a total of 30 crests, which is the same as getting one 2H crafted. We're moving on from Weathered Harbinger Crests and on to Carved Harbinger Crests in 3 days.
someone who only talks about stuff, wants stuff, name drops stuff, or w/e else for the social value/prestige that have that thing or knowing that person brings.

They dont give a shit about the gear or whether they actually EARNED the status the gear represents. They just want to be perceived as having high status, as being a person of relevance and knowledge.

They want "clout" without actually fulfilling the things that make a person worth listening too or taking note of. People who name drop e-celebs in conversation or who demand that they be given old prestige items without having earned them. They are interested in those things purely for the status they believe that those things confer by association.
I'm unemployed right now, so what ever should I do? I had to play the game all day
Do you have siesbarg
Not exactly retconned, but they made Dagran evil in a feminist friendly way. Sure he abducted Moria and killed most of her guards, but he made Moria feel appreciated and valued as an intelligent noble woman instead of just a female political tool ... even though he abducted her to be a female political tool, an assurance that Magni wouldn't attack Blackrock. We all see how well that worked out for him.

He was a leader in a bad situation (basically his people were enslaved by Ragnaros), but he was also a cruel and ambitious man who wanted to rule over all the dwarven clans. His only saving grace is that he made Moira feel appreciated enough for her to love him, and now she's using his assassination to overshadow all of his faults.

It's bait, protection paladins are simply too squishy and their self healing is too weak right now. They may be favored in early mythics due to their interrupts and utility, but that won't last.
>muh argument
I accept your surrender contrarian
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ah i think i was misremembering when i read this saying they were enslaved
though i dont know how accurate this wiki is i never read the actual material
I stop upgrading at 580.
>get ww weakaura
>if in cleave keep it up
>mash cast sequence macro
>the end
What's so great about the egg trinket? I got one and vendored it.
thats what im doing

rampage when its up
bloodthirst/raging blow when glowing
His logs demonstrates he is not good enough for mythic.
Am I cucking my guild if I do pugs before scheduled raids?
There are two kinds of women: women who love baddies (realistic) and women who love big human cock (fictional)
I think worlo warcra should have more of the latter
I know this is bullshit but did they do something to aug?
then you need gear or to use your cooldowns
>intentionally play the hero spec that does shit damage because "tanks don't need to do damage"
>a week later complain about not doing enough damage
>tfw friends are all neets
>i return home from work in the afternoon hours
>they'll instantly start gearing up the second season starts and ditch me
it's over
it doesnt impact them at all, but they might feel slighted that you cant wait a couple days to see it for the first time with them.
I don't care about mounts, since I'm a druid
Slayers Overpower hits HARD
It execute hits SUPER HARD
all strikes have a chance to proc a bonus attack that buffs you next execute
all strikes have a chance to proc 1 tick of bladestorm in the form of flurry strike
bonus attacks make your bladestorm strike an additional time without lasting longer, meaning its just way more damage in the same time. Every third bonus attack turns on sudden death and radically buffs its damage.

Slayers takes arms and just makes it better in every way without gimmicks or bloat. Colossus in a wierd shockwave focused sub spec
Slayer is just Arms+
the buff stacks up to 5 and it will have 100% uptime in most dungeons.
become your inner self
become delvin melvin
But Fury does more damage
>I would follow his advice any day of the week over the """mythic""" monk with median gray parses despite playing probably the least popular dps spec
it's commically underrated that the monk writer doesn't even main monk anymore and hasn't for the last 2 expansions and instead just plays demon hunter. but becasue literally no one else is willing to write monks guides we get a DH main.

just make a pvp gear only stat like resil FFS
Underachievers are based in the eyes of someone who posts on 4chan. I'll let you figure out why.
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It's typical early expansion stat distribution. Basically just a filler secondary stat that is neither good nor bad for most classes. You're free to craft gear with the stats you want, though.
why do you have to raid mythic to be able to teach someone else how to play a class?
is there any spec that actually desires versa this time around?
Am I even going to be able to find groups as MW?
why would you?
What's this for? m+? raids?
I'll just get me the mythic version.
>BDK does no damage
this bait or are you retarded
Who would you rather learn from? The seasoned teacher or his inexperienced assistant? I know you'll find a way to be a contrarian about that too but who knows, maybe you'll be intellectually honest for once.
Nigga, you can be a world first raider and people will still call you shit, there's no point in this game that people would consider you a good player.

There's a reason nobody bothers.
I want to do mythics and raid with my warband and other AI NPCs
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Youre severely overrating how hard 99s are to pick up in heroic
>despite having no mythic gear
does M+ just not exist in your head? He was almost fully mythic geared, probably missing a single trinket or something
He had 486 ilvl on some of those s3 kills. Thats higher than I was, and I wasnt actively farming heroic to pick up free parses
99s in heroic is standard for anyone who can even blue parse mythic and is just a matter of having fast kill times or padding your balls off on adds, definitely not worth being a guide writer.
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i wasted my spark on a stupid engi helmet
I'd rather learn from the person who can actually teach.
True I'm barking up the wrong tree.
yeah lfrs are too fucking stressful im always causing wipes and when we get two stacks of determination i leave and sit in the dark thinking they will be better off without me
Arms S? since fucking when?
also what did they change for Prot pally to make it the best tank when it was dumpster tier?
better question, why isn't prot warrior in S where it belongs lol
1. Fury is for faggots.
2. Titans grips is GAY
3. Arms is more fun and less likely to give you carpal tunnel
4.Fury is HEAVILY dependent on proper stats and high Ilevel arms can play well with half the gear fury can and fury with start of expansion gear always sucks dick.

I dont give a fuck what was simmed in full raid gear or what streamer said. Fury is always shit in the first season because it requires like 25% static haste just to rotate properly without whirlwind holes.
a 99 is a matter of being fed buffs for parses, idk what retarded shit you loons are arguing about but literally every mythic raider knows this
I bet Turalyon's first name is something lame, like Philip.
I can't afford repairs on my armor. I can't do dungeons to make it better with broken armor. How the fuck do you guys afford this
Should i reroll to cloth
>This nigga unironically defending shithead guide writers
Lmao stfu retard. These guide writers are pompous faggots who deserve to be made fun of so fuck em.
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How is Ret/Herald of the light compared to Templar?
Yeah? You should ask if you'll be able to keep groups
Probably a good investment desu. A piece you'll use the whole expansion and still leave room for your 4 piece set bonus.
padding only exists for healers and targets that heal/kill themselves when something else dies first
in every other possible scenario the extra dps helps
in any case a median gray parser has no business writing guides for a spec he apparently doesn't even play anymore
I feel pretty confident desu, mw has felt great to me
LFR is a joke and should be removed from the game. I want to do actual raids and mythic dungeons, not babby mode. Besides, there's something cool about being in game with your alts, and it would provide a longer gear treadmill.
>Deflects instead of answering
Damn how did I guess you'd do that?
saving dps cds for adds that die by cleave is padding
it doesnt matter on heroic because its a joke but youre a turbo nigger if you do that on prog
>Anon saying he'd rather learn from a dude who only does LFR instead of a Mythic raider
Based retard
I'm curious what's your Arms build? I want to try it out
normals should replace LFR
herald of the sun*
gets dabbed on by templar so hard it's not even funny, you have some dumb laser beam dots doing a little damage, meanwhile templar crushes everything with hammer of light spam
mw is great
better than it has ever been
>there are wowhead writers in this thread RIGHT now
>casual LFR chad who just wants to press button and get loot
>turbosperg minmaxed zoomzoom foaming at the mouth because you have 0.2s downtime on your rotation
After playing destro in delves in heroic it's fucking sucks and i'm switching back to melee
if you are saving dps cooldowns for too long your dps would be lower
read the post again. unless adds disappear/heal themselves to full when something else dies more dps is better
you still haven't said why you think the mage is somehow a worse guide writer than the gray parsing monk
arms literally sits with a thumb its ass for half of every expansion when it can’t generate enough rage to skip downtime
Are the wowhead guide writers in the room with you right now?
Unironically based. Don't let Autistic retards dictate how you enjoy the video game.
>you should sit on your cooldowns because using them on adds is padding
most retarded utterance of the week
>Too stupid to understand the point
Why don't forsaken have an option to show even more bone?
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for me, its topping the meters as assassination AND getting 8-12 seconds every time i dump my energy bar to alt tab to wowg to shitpost
No one is saying you should sit on your cooldowns retard
I hate both of those archetypes.
Normal raiders 4life.
There are about 500million games on steam.. there are even more things to do in WoW if u don't own games, there are frens to visit, things to do at home..
Which makes the best tank? Mage warlock or priest

Captcha MWAH
Nice larp but if you truly only cared about pressing buttons and getting lfr purples you wouldn't be reading a guide in the first place retard-kun.
extending the boss fight by not using your CDs on the boss so you can burst on adds is padding retard
>if you are saving dps cooldowns for too long your dps would be lower
unless of course, youre doing something like hitting 10 targets, which is what add padding is.
>you still haven't said why you think the mage is somehow a worse guide writer than the gray parsing monk
this isnt about which of them is better, its that a heroic shitter has no business being a writer ever.
neither of them should be writing guides
blizzard has done absolutely nothing with forsaken since WoWs beta. even the boneless models are just chinese client skins.
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female panda
ESL? or just illiterate?
Why is he having a melty because a fucking guide writer got made fun of? Lmao.
mage, not even close. voidwalkers cant hold aggro anymore, and priests have fuck all
>put normal raids into group finder
No. Fuck off.
The cardinal sin is the group finder. If you can't be declined from group you can never earn your place in it. If you can't be good at the game, you shouldn't play it.
mage, the shield is overtuned rn
>pop evasion and cos
not my problem
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>uhh more dps makes the fight slower bro
if the adds die faster then everyone has more time to focus on the boss therefore he dies faster too
just buy a transmog piece at random if you dont care then?
female lightforged or female human as a paladin
Thanks I can't afford plate repair cost anymore
I assume arcane is tank spec
Whats the best tank race for mage
Why is the grey parser having a melty about the 99% HC parser?
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>Horde bad because [war crime]
>Alliance bad because [war crime]
It literally doesn't matter. Why do people still argue about this? The games are founded on literal race wars. The more war crimes, the more based your faction is. Whichever faction is more or less moral is irrelevant, because they both operate on simple self-interest.
to be fair they probably hate having to model armor for them and making those races + tauren
earthen because they get +10% armor from items
then you end up like SoD where 90% of the playerbase quits
>forsaken who don't choose bony
>forsaken who don't have yellow eyes
Are they even forsaken players
I hate it
If you had popped your CDs on pull instead of waiting for adds to spawn the boss would already be dead you retarded nigger
>if the adds die faster then everyone has more time to focus on the boss
except the adds are already going to get cleaved down without you dumping CDs into them
Youre only doing it to pad your meter
Horde bad because inhuman beasts
Alliance good because human
Night Elves fuck off
Are you sure
I'm my guilds mt for mythic
dwarf/DID probably
Same thing applies to orc players who choose to not be hunched. Fraudsters and posers.
>mage furfag discord trying to deflect to another shitty guide writer
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i was kicked for not running fast enough
I just got Beledars Spawn, fucking finally. So tired of dealing with these raid warning spamming faggots once a day. The Bee and Siesbarg were much less painful to get.
cry about it, i got rid of my bones on all my forsaken. it looked stupid in 2007, it looks stupid today
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post em
>The more war crimes, the more based your faction is.
i'm gonna hecking post on 4chan about how war crimes are le good and le based.. heheh...
go back to /pol/ loser
Someone tell.me whats the point of talent trees if I need to take every talent to unlock the next tier? Why not just have the meaningful choices
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I don't know how people have gotten 'em higher.
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people would rather have the illusion of choice than actual choices with heavy consequences for not bringing the proper pick for a certain situation, because then they'd have to concede that they're RETARD SHITTERS
I bet you have red eyes too
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Ok better question
How had of a rep does mg have when I try to join guilds or rf groups. Is it like every other mmo where literally nobody cares outside of the vg echo chamber or do people actually consider it, since the average wow player is a retarded millennial
whats the deal with getting brann to 15? I've seen it in a video but never understood what you get from it
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Not really a deal. It's the temporary level cap before the season starts. If you've done a couple of delves for whatever reason, chances are you'll have gotten him to 15 (or very close) already. I just ran through there to get all the treasures for achievements.
You should take your meds anon
why do you keep assuming I would be holding cooldowns forever when I already stated holding them would lower your dps, especially on pull with bloodlust? Are you actually retarded or just pretending for (You)s
>adds are going to die anyway so you should hold
ah let me guess. you are the one holding cds like a nigger lest they accidentally touch something that's not the boss and you were just projecting
it all makes sense now
consider me baited
When will we get regular dwarvs without beards as a customization option now that earthen don't have them
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idont even know what i should be repping
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are you doing like all the dailies each time? i don't really bother
>get a cool relevant off hand
>remember im hunter
Let us use one handers
Fucking no? Go fuck yourself?
how do you get severed threads rep? its the only one i dont understand
Hunter weapon.
rexxar, the guy on the suvival talent tree is literally dual wielding already
>n-no actually YOURE trying to pad, I have to pad to stop you
youre completely fucking retarded
>why do you keep assuming I would be holding cooldowns forever when I already stated holding them would lower your dps
the # of targets that makes delaying CDs better for parsing is extremely low, padding shitcans absolutely delay their CDs AND spec for burst AoE to pad harder.
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if you're idling on arms you are built wrong.
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Work in progress. I want more space near the center of the screen. Furthermore I should purge cooldowns that are no longer in use and hide irrelevant stuff to compact it even further.
what year is it? you just smash that overpower button half the time
1234 - builders
qerf - spenders
zxc - defensives
S1234 - heals
SQERF - utility
mouse buttons - instant access
Action bars are for nerds.
Click the spells from your spellbook.
1-5. s1-5, qezxcvfgr, mouse 1-4, shift spacebar (mount. its based, try it)
If you're a healer you want to double up on your spells. like healing wave + lightning bolt on one button. chain lightning chain healing on another. you'll be fine.
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>rain of fire
>crackmonkey moves the mobs
how is destro playable
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>hes not a cleavechad
Rexxar, the guy who should be his own class, shouldn't be associated with faggot hunters.
shitpost op new thread please
Correct the alliance are hypocrites that are constantly up their own ass
i have been playing arms for the first time this expansion, literally never had that problem once? theres always shit to click
>shitters are doing something
who cares idiot they can't get above blue parses anyway
Warbreaker SS is a short CD
if you still have targets to cleave after warbreak SS has fallen off you have failed as a warrior.

Cleave is just worse Mortal strike for bad warriors.

That said Im sure my spec could be improved this is just what I did while leveling and doing a few dungeons.

If I was serious about dps I'd switch the sta/fear talent for Wildstrikes.
it's that the audience and the writers are globo homo sheep that can't comprehend a world where there's more than 1 simultaneous correct side of anything. it's not an argument as much as it's a reason there's nothing compelling about wow anymore and it's just monster of the week garbage again and again at the forefront.
Every time one of the 3 sub-factions goes up a rank you get 2500 rep with the severed threads.
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Horde and Alliance bad. Pandaren good.

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