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Previous thread: >>493632453

Version 1.1 "Undercover R&B" Special Program
Agent Record | Caesar King
Agent Record | Burnice White

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo


>Current Signal Search
Jane Doe - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59 (server time)
Sharpened Stinger - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59 (server time)

>Current Events
"All New Program" - Receive Encrypted Master Tapes - Ends 09/24 03:59 (server time)
"Camellia Golden Week" - 08/21 10:00 (server time) - 09/23 03:59 (server time)
"Daily Life of a PubSec Officer" - 08/30 03:59 (server time) - Ends 09/09 03:59 (server time)
"Immersive Tactical Drill" - Starts 09/06 03:59 (server time)

>Upcoming Events for 1.1
"Scene One, Take One!" - Starts 09/13 03:59 (server time)
Full 1.1 Event Details: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125244

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
favorite character poll

>Immediately getting powercreeped next patch
Don't tell me you roll for this brick
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Reminder that the rat lives and smells like a rat!
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Thiren girls are just better
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Okaeri, Onii-chan!~
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I now rember ellen lawrence
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Will we ever get a more ass-focussed Faction than Pubseggs?
Ellen Joe is so disgusting ugly
I can't understand why people like her
tail? touched
element bonus means agents from different elements have to be 20-40% better to actually powercreep them
you would have sex with her if she offered don't lie
I'd have sex with her even if she not offered
Actually anomaly is not effected by resistance or effectiveness so anomaly can powercreep very easily.
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Thankfully not. I did the smart thing and rerolled for Ellen and have saved everything since then.
Also Jane confirmed gigabrick.
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>Ceasar + engine
>Burnice + engine
>Officelady+ engine
What are my odds? Should I buy monthly?
Unironically mihoyo diversifying is good. If they don't have HSR or ZZZ now or doesn't mean GI is making the same amount. It means they don't make whatever HSR and ZZZ are bringing in.
50%. Either you get them or you don't.
I don't speak chinese
What do the % and letters mean
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What's a brick if everyone is clearing everything?
It means how good the characters are. That's all you need to know. Anyone saying anything else is just mad that they bricked their account.
it effects anomaly build up
everything that clear 1s slower is a brick
wut the fuck Jane is B tier
What's the point of ceasar? I already have Chingyi
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>How did you know I skipped Qingyi?
show me the Brickton solo
The current tab is their recorded % of all shiyu 7 clears that have this character.
This means 88% of all clears had Ellen while only 15% of clears had Jane for example.
a brick it to wish for a jane ass in your face but have a wolf ass instead
We've reached the point where if you can't clear a stage under a minute your build is officially declared a brick

Next Shiyu will be harder for sure eheh...
Honestly i don't care what anyone says. Jane is fun and sexy and I am glad i got her on both accounts. I have 80 rolls saved on each account and hopefully i get Caesar, Skipping burnice cause her arms are freakishly skinny and I can't unsee it.
she gets me bricked up and that's all that matters
The unit that baulks under newer harder endgame content first is the brick.
So it's basically a tier list based on usage and nothing else?
It’s going to be harder because the next shiyu defence buff won’t have any sort of stun buff at all. It’s gonna be anomaly and disorder shilling.
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if it costs you 160 master tapes for a side grad it's a brick
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I fucking hope so
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this commission is harder than shyiu defense lol
Off-field Daze, anti-interrupt shield and two pretty good buffs with near 100% uptime. She's also very versatile, say there's an electric+Ether 7/7 SD stage you can put Caesar in Zhu's team and Qingyi in an electric one and Caesar's passive will still trigger. But she'll obviously shine for characters who have a lot of animation commitment like Piper and Corin.
It's also recorded runs in a period of 5 days where jane was only available for 1 day
by this reasoning
>ellen brick since soukaku exists
>qingyi brick since Anby exists
The problem is that there is little incentive to roll for Jane if Shiyu is so easy that you can easily clear well under 2 minutes a side with the existing Ellen and Zhu teams
t. Ellen and Zhu haver who is skipping Jane because I don't need a third team
Yeah it might as well just be a popularity poll at this point. The real stat is the average time a team took which is not on that tab.
What's her rotation like?
Is this game p2w?
Well actually, scratch that, is the game f2p-friendly?
>comparing BA/KV situation to mihoyo releasing new games
You guys can't be this retarded
its a gacha game...
Bwos should I refresh my monthly?
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I 3* the Jane fight!
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NTA. Shiyu should NEVER be the incentive to roll for anything, not until it becomes practically impossible to do as a f2p, which if you haven't noticed, will never happen.
Being a metafag is one thing and thinking you HAVE to be one to clear is another
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>Anby sidegrade
>Piper sidegrade
>Ben sidegrade
>Grace sidegrade
>S11 sidegrade
>Anton sidegrade
>Rina sidegrade
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I got really lucky with that one
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It takes too long to spend my daily stamina. We need sweeps.
Parry into her > Ex Counter to get shield up ASAP, if enemy is too passive you throw shield and parry yourself. She also builds up a lot of physical anomaly with her Defensive Assists and Ex Counter.

If Ben is anything to go by you ignore the standard attacks and use them as parry/counter and Chain Attack bots basically. Ben's ult is also a giant nuke, don't know how Caesar's will fare.
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ass in my face
I mean if jiggly butts and big tits and wide birthing hips aren’t an incentive to roll, then feel free to skip, Gaylord.
if you want story, gameplay and A rank chars, then yes
if you want hot S rank chars and their special weapons, then no
>Kot got the thumbs up against the rat
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>got Ellen in 63 rolls
>Qingyi in 30
>Jane in 23
>Zhu Yuan and C6 Nicole took over 200
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I can hear this
yeah... because it is a soundpost...
do you want to clear end game?
very f2p friendly
do you want every character?
$200 every banner + monthly and BP
>not into amputation
>all the best drawn qing yi lewds dettach her limbs
I don't know how to feel about this, it's like amputation but not.
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Seth is so lucky
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>random forced S11 trust event as I ran past
>skip dialogue
>she gives me Dennies
>next day
>get picrel
I'm going to farm this useless bitch for all she's worth and never show up
I wish that was me
I wish that wasn’t me
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If you had to use Buff Noodles and/or Jane, you didn't really beat it.
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>Soon after HSR release
>Aw gee HSR endgame is so easy, once you build your units, you can just clear MOC 10 with 4*s with standard supports
That's what you lot sound like talking about ZZZ endgame. That's not to say that it isn't easy to clear Moc 12 with modern HSR units, but you're foolish to believe the demands for what a unit needs to do to clear won't go up later and inevitably brick some older units.
>Rina sidegrade
Have you guys levelled core skills to F yet?
Seele is still good in apoc shadow :)
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Can I PLEASE get another S rate character?
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You don't want to do that to an autist..
Especially not to an autistic elite soldier.
She WILL get her money's worth.
Might as well change your username to Ben Bigger formerly…
my Jane is still sitting at D..
Koleda is the real Kot.
if he used to be Ben then who is he now?
God I wish they implemented an endless horde mode in Scott Outpost
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>try searching booru for new zzz art
>its literally 99% jane
other-agent bros...
it's f2p friendly and you can spend a egregious amount of money OR you can play 2 accounts. pull every other banner on each account and you will be able to pull every character you want. that's what I have done so far. but i do buy the monthly on both accounts lmao
with BA burning into ashes, I wonder how many doujins we're getting next year's comiket
lol, lmao
how? it's literally 30 seconds per 100 stamina.. your teams aren't bricks right?
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Sex with lolibabas
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If you use HSR as a refrence to what may come to Zenless, enemies in MOC +2.0 have significant more HP (millions) than what HSR had during MOC 1.0. I wouldn't be surprised of Hoyo started adding Level 75 enemies down the line like they did with HSR. Your early game and standard banner S-Ranks just won't cut anymore once 2.0 hits.
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>no quantam release
>perform slightly worse
>acheron the 14 million damage per screenshot
>acheron is now Jade tier
PAHAHAHAHAH nice power creep, Honkeks
what booru? my shit was rejected from danbooru fuck those benners
What discs does Caesar want?
Is Revolverboo gonna be the best option for a phys team?
The 4-pc shielder set + 2 pc stun set
I meant formally. Fucking typing muscle memory and brain disconnect. I apologize profusely for the confusion and disruption this error on my part has caused. I assure you I am an upstanding American citizen and not a disgusting SEA ESL.
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would be nice...
Corin would definitely have sex with you if you asked...
Average time is only good if you have characters built the same and skill level is the same, jane doe being popular results in shitters pulling down her average time while billyfags have one or two dedicated autists hyperinvesting and clearing faster than her. The only real accurate metric is spreadsheet numbers
What bangboo is best to use with Jane+Grace? What about 3rd character to use if I don't have Rina?
This. I cleared Shiya before Jane even dropped. Have no reason to roll for her. Still did though because fat Rat pussy.
>3 copies and her weapon
What the fuck are the cahnces of this?
This dude got Curse of Anby’d like 10 times
So I guess she's the dazer for anomaly team?
who would ask? I would simply rape her and she'd apologize after.
They'll still clear, they just won't get all the rewards for not having the new Meta characters that allow them to clear faster.
I use gelbooru
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if you do an agent switch at the wrong time you can get locked out of combat lol
She's the dazer for any team that wants their dps to onfield, for example jane, kot or ellen
This is where you switch to Billy and hold basic attack for 10 minutes
alright will post my qingyi slop one of these days.
is this a 100% male general?
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how do I get out of story mode? My battery is about to cap
>80 rolls for this

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will i make it? i still have few comissions left
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I've been farming for this -Anomaly Proficiency- for 12 days now. Please don't be shit.
Jane is the dazer for the anomaly team
those pink balls are pretty good for anby
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best you can hope for is +4 on the atk% anon, hoping for the best
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Better than expected I thought I'd get HP or something.
The strat is to first equip it to your kot to trick the game into thinking it’s for a crit dps so it goes into ATK% and Anomaly proficiency
why is thiccwithaq not drawing porn
>didn't start with 4 substats
It's already bricked.
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I would like to remind everyone that characters like Seele, Jing Yuan, Blade, DHIL, Jingliu, Topaz, Argenti, etc. at one point were all broken, but have all been powercrept. Blade, DHIL, Jingliu, Topaz, and Argenti in paticular were BAIT characters, with the sole purpose of draining your Jades.
Kafka still sucks btw she had a sharp bump when BS came out but now…
why the fuck are they like this
fuck I hate Seth
he is too busy sucking dick
if you have monthly it's 15 days to get 10 rolls with the daily polys factored in. the event gives like 400 poly too i think? so maybe?
If i understand correctly, assault snapshots the current stats of anyone that contributed to the build up and splits the damage between them yes? I just don't get how it would work otherwise.
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>Jing Yuan
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I don't know who any of those characters are, nor do I care
>Powercreeps your rat
>Sexcreeps your rat
What Element and Role is Yanagi again?
Ice Attacker.
Electric anomaly
Don't roll any units, they're all powercrept bait. DO NOT roll ANYTHING until EoS.
20 more hours.
what in the cuck is this shit? and why did they use wise for this instead of belle? if I was wise I'd say oh yeah I know a sure way to boost your fertility and rape her then and there. I'd say foreign sperm will get Seth's sperm kicking to try and get her pregnant before my seed does.
>Sexcreeps your rat
that's not an achievement
>Ellen already exsists.
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When will the Lumina Square NPCs actually get some functionality
I want to interact with Coco more
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she's shit
sexcreep... you are funny. they need to give Yanagi a better eye color but i doubt they will touch up her model. same with wideface fox whore
I've just seen attorney "Sarah". Will she become playable?
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We already have Grace at home.
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why does this art make you mad, genuinely asking, would you prefer it to be with wise? or yuri art? i am not a shipfag, i don't go out of my way to ship shit and look for art but these kinds of artworks also doesn't make me mad.
I don't play HSR but there's a huge difference between a turnbased game and ZZZ/Genshin
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Is COPe age over yet? No? Laaame.
Isn't that basically Anton right now?
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me 2
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I want to be the one to teach Seth about life outside of the force
exactly, hsr is a cuckold rng game where your skill doesn't matter, you can't dodge attacks, you just sit there and reset until the rng does what you wanted
100% if you have monthly with the event polychromes
Billy is already powercrept and will be further powercrept.
>where skill doesn't matter
HSR you actually have to think about encounters and teams unless you're a whale. Zzz is just button mashing regardless if you're f2p or a whale.
It should be with a self-insert or not exist at all. If I can't pretend it's ME, it's SHIT.
Better yet, rather than drawing Wise/Belle, have her speaking to the viewer. Then it could be Wise OR Belle and nobody has to be mad.
Yeah, but Zenless still has a DPS check for getting all the rewards. You can do "No Hit Runs" all you want, but if your characters aren't Meta and/or dont meet the DPS requirement, you're not getting an S Rank.
off model arms. she doesnt look like a auschwitz Ju
So Burnice is basically fire Grace and Lighter is Fire Anton, you'll need to play them together overwise they're bricked?

Ppl are selling Burnice as a disorder dps but she has no buffs and don't even benefit from Caesar ATK buff, from early calcs you're better off running Lucy+Seth with Jane that any team with Burnice.
I feel like Disorder will be meta at some point but you need the off-fielder to be more than just a off-field applier, A team is composed of 3 units in this game so we can't afford to play a off fielder that brings nothing to the team.
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are you sure you're not raping him
Only if he admits he wants it
There are actually people here who like Coco? What the fuck.
>if your characters aren't Meta and/or dont meet the DPS requirement, you're not getting an S Rank
name 1 character in ZZZ that can't get an S rank
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I spent a lot of chromosomes to get my waifu & her boyfriend and now /zzz/ is saying I bricked my account
I think Coco and Susie look better than most of the playable agents.
Look, I'm going to drop this game if Caesar and Burnice aren't good. Plain and simple. If Burnice isn't good right now then they need to buff her before release. My continued financial support of this game literally hinges on her being at least somewhat good.
Everyone can for now. I can't the say the same once version 2.0 hits and Hoyo starts releasing Level 75 enemies for Shiyu 20.
Did burnice already cure her baldness?
you can overlook her arms? noticing how skinny they are made me skip her.
yeah i agree with you on that, i also very much prefer self-insert art.i just say its disgusting and block the artist if is something i personally dislike, yurishit, egregious ships etc. zzz actually surprised me in how much (you) pandering it has compared to rest of hoyo games where they straight up delete male mc lmao
Damn. We have something in common.
wait so we will get double the poly? let's fucking go.
Yeah, but now she has a stroke.
They will fix her... have faith...
if they do I will pull.. if not no. Caesar kinda has a skinny arm too but that arm is missing her hand so i can kinda understand. but burnice is wearing a leather jacket and it's so form fitting to her skinny arms.. it's jarring.
>"NOOOOOO this imaginary thing is making it hard to use my imagination in the way I like!!!"
why are you schizoid psychos like this?
Burnice is a survivor. She survived cancer and she survived a stroke.
I'm going to take care of her now... she'll be my precious little angel.
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tfw no lolibaba to give you sleepy morning blowjobs
no me.
I will be her Seth and u can watch in your special chair
she looks like she survived the holocaust judging from her arms. burnice survived being thrown into a furnace.
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Every single S-rank has been good so far. Salad and alcoholic are totally gonna be bad cause shitposter said so, like xer did with every previous agent.
>actually have to think
Pressing the autobattle button does not count
>Everyone can
That's all you had to say, everything else is headcanon that we know isn't true.
HSR is a turn-based RPG so creep is much faster because you're ultimately just comparing numbers. ZZZ will have longer legs in meta because of dependence on elements/factions etc.
They don't have to creep characters as fast because you're way more restricted by element bonuses.
Will Piper pair well with Caesar? still need a character for the third team I'm building.
it's not that i struggle imagining it, it actually makes me physically sick to look at yurishit, especially if it not designed for men to look at, so i rather not look at things that disgust me
>two bears worried about their older sister
>sister is an actual cat
>want me to find the collar they lost in the hollow
With the way people talk about this game, I'd have never guessed it to be cute kino
post your MoC12 clear with a f2p team on autobattle
both of you will sit on the cuck chair while big daddy pumps her womb full of pig therians
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It's incredible how slow and boring Ellen+Soukaku+Lycaon feels now that I've got Jane+Seth+Grace.
You just keep looping through the same, incredibly lengthy chain attack animations against mostly immobile enemies
Meanwhile with Jane I sometimes take damage or die when I'm being a shitter but at least it's fun and fast.
I am literally big daddy thougheverbeit
I feel like ratte would beat up the bad guys THEN rape Seth in the ensuing adrenaline rush
Honestly what the fuck were they thinking with Pig Daddy? Why would they add an ugly bastard NTR character, are they totally tone deaf to their audience?
Why not? Ugly bastard is a better self insert than that twink fag wise
How the fuck are you all so low on dennies, I have over 3 million and three level 60 built characters with several 50s
>sees masculine character
>immediately thinks of cuckold sex
Sounds like a (You) problem to me
Same, 3 fully built characters and 6.5 million dennies in the bank. My guess is theyre
A. Rerolling discs non-stop.
B. Not fully clearing HZ every week. That's like 2 million dennies every month you can miss out on.
So do I, minus the three million dennies
been trying to raise characters I like to 50, and their skills too, which is pretty pricey
I agree that Jane feels more fun to play than Ellen but hard disagree on difficulty
Jane gets rewarded for constantly dodge attacking anything that comes her way, Ellen doesn't, at all, in fact it's the last thing she wants to keep doing so you have to at least think a bit when you play to stay optimal.
Again, gameplay for me Jane>>>Ellen but lets not pretend that Jane is anything but comfy and easy to play (as low as that bar is in this game)
Are the skills maxed or did you leave them around level 8-9?
I used up all my hamster cages and am almost finished capping out the DPS for both teams, and that is what has been burning away my stash. Skill levels from 8-12 are the biggest denny sink
>He doesn't self-insert as the alpha male
Jane team rotation is way harder than Ellen's
>don't even benefit from Caesar ATK buff,
He's literally Lucy's master. Where do you think her little boars came from? It's fucked up, it would be different if he was some random character and not the faction leader of Calydon.
What team?
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>Wake up
>Do my dailies
>Got Sexbot to 60
>Do a single roll on standard
>M1 Lucy
Today is a good day
i hate using jane+seth with ANY unit that has evasive assist. it feels so fucking dogshit. I try to switch into seth but it always goes to the evasive assist if it's a long range attack. I prefer using anby with those 2. but anby is on my ZY team. I can't even use Nicole even tho she has an actual defensive assist as a long range unit since she is also on my ZY team. it's fucked and I don't know who to use... atm im using rina but it feels like dogshit. Kind of regret not getting QY now since i need a 2nd stunner but she didn't make my dick hard at all.
any Jane team
>fully clearing HZ every week
What do you mean? after the quests each run gives 3k+5k if you sell the bangboo mats. no where near 2mil
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>Jane Seth Lucy
>Lucy EX
>defensive assist into Seth and assist swap into Jane
>refresh buffs at some point
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get off the internet, snowflake
Yeah I never said Jane was especially hard, just that her gameplay feels more engaged
yup you're not playing optimally
Drip marketing on tuesday?

I actually cant with this one, I just have no skill

Also, Ive been wondering, how big are W-Engines anyway? Do they hover around or what?
Teach me the optimal rotation then, unironically.
I'll hold my hands up if I'm actually missing out on something big
post your clear video and I'll fix it
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>source: my ass
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>spooks your Caeser pulls
Heh, nothin personnel.
I don't have a vid. Type it out anon
record one then, I'm not joking
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>already have m6 from ellen's banner
>full pull refund if I get him
hmm nyes
Caesar ATK buff is only for the onfielder, Anomaly snapshot the stats when you apply anomaly, not when you activate it so if 80% of the fire anomaly applied by burnice was when she was off field and 20% when she's on field to activate it and regain combustion charges then only 20% of the anomaly (and disorder) damage will be buffed by Caesar ATK buff.

Caesar and Burnice don't have good synergy with each other, Caesar and Jane on the other hand have insane synergy but you need Seth or another anomaly to activate Jane passive, you can't do Caesar Lucy Jane for example and Caesar Jane Seth is also a weird team.
You spammed this bait 30 threads ago and nobody gave a shit, nobody does either this time you shitstirring nigger. Go back to spamming child porn
It takes 2 seconds to type out a rotation or send me a clip or vid of anyone doing the rotation correctly. Surely someone out there knows it
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Imagine if she would bat you between the legs haha
She takes pig dick.
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>I don't need
So... what are you playing the game for if not to mess around with new characters?

I do think the Ellen team is more awkward to play optimally than Jane teams, but a lot of that comes down to how much of a cunt Soukaku is, rather than Jane herself
>full "refund"
Fell for Mihoyo's trickery... You still wasted 9 rolls for nothing.
the video is verification that you even have jane
Stop stalking our bedroom, creep
God what were they thinking when making him so damn dependent on his EX
See >>493655594
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wyell my lucy is M5 at the moment and they're giving a copy out for free next patch, so either way I'm getting squat
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nice thread my zzziggers
I'm bored, when are we getting more content?
Skip to the gay porn spam homo
Forget I said anything, it was a genuine question but if we're going to assume that one of us is just shitposting on rotations out of all things then fuck it.
>your rotation is wrong
>its just wrong and I won't elaborate
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Thanks my idkwhatgamegger
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>irl friend skipped Qingyi, wasted 77 rolls on the current banner and still hasn't gotten Jane yet
>he insist on dickrolling
how do I convince him to just do picrel?
is this game worth it to start to play at the moment?
>how do I convince him to stop rolling with his dick and become a metafaggot
Sounds like he needs better friends.
no, we need you playing this game, eslpag
Anon.. picrel uses a M1W2 Qingyi.
Your friend is based for recognising how autistic it is to roll with anything more than your dick
So what's the strategy for a Jane/Seth/Lucy team? Get M6 Lucy and let her just drop boars from the sky without ever going on field?
No, wuwa has much better gameplay and artstyle
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Your special order, sire.
>rolling Jane
Not a problem
>skipping Qingyi
Actual fucking brick, what is he going to do with Zhu and Jane without Qingyi?
wuwa will be better for your wallet esl-kun
was funny at first but then it settled in how there are "people" who look like that and say that
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Unless Qingyi got mindscapes or her signature, Jane's fastest team is still Seth + Lucy, if your Rina got M1 or R1 then that becomes faster if not just as fast
why? should people stop using internet just because there is snuff and gore on it? i can just ignore stuff that disgust me
There is no fix for his shit taste, just watch him brick his account in real time.
Uh oh ESL melty
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For me it's gotta be fielding Caesar
piper is my nigga
>i can just ignore stuff that disgust me
It really doesn't seem like you can anon
I know I complained about getting 3 koledas earlier but holy shit her c2 is so fucking broken
any comparison of engines for Burnice?
>Jane’s Trust event is about stopping a shady creep from breaking into a house while a little girl is inside alone
Kek. You can’t make this up.
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HZ is crazy
get fukt Piperpedos
>the world's most boring man
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Fucking RAT I was so close too
i did two rolls the other day and got a lucy and a piper back to back. both m2 now :3. i will get them to m6.
My seed is in Jane's womb
how is she geting powercrept? her c1 + weapon is mandatory for speedruns
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>cleared Trust: Threat in Hollow Zero in 03:00.52 (no noodles, no Jane)
is this commission just to shill noodles and Jane?
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You rolled for THIS?
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No, I gigablasted everything I had on Qingyi + her ball. Didn't get Qingyi C1 but her ball makes shit easy enough
I cleared it with lvl 60 Jane, lvl 35 Seth and Grace who contributed 1 (uno) chain attack the entire mission
should I try to get Jane's ball? or an m1 Jane?
nah people clearing shiyu 7 sub 1 minute fine with her m0w0
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Age: 24
Hey that's for the HBG players
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What S rank characters would you say depend more of getting their ball or atleast makes a more noticeable change? I would say Ellen since building her up with her ball is piss easy
M2W0 Jane > M0W1 Jane > M1W0 Jane
m2 jane > m1 jane >>>> ball
this because m1 brings you closer to m2, ball is just.. ball.
You mean... "Onii-chan~!" right?
Other anons clarified already, however, unless you're an actual whale, for the love of god don't do it for meta reasons or else you'll forever be stuck in the hamster wheel
m1 gives you two charges per rotation which is massive and dumbs down the difficulty of gameplay by 1000%
no it doesnt...? it allows you to store up to two charges. it doesnt give you 2 two charges. It's good versus trash when you are chain stunning however.
I think getting her a good second anomaly is going to be more important than any dupes. Roll for her ball when she gets a rerun if she's still good.
As cool as the ZZZ factions are, there still isn't one as good as Penguin Logistics.
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That's a minor bonus, M1 is more about her Anomaly build up and Prof bonus, mostly to get closer to M2
She doesn't care whether you throw her in a hyper Jane comp, daze comp, disorder comp or mono Phys comp. She works great in all.
More characters purely for fun> dupes and balls though
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We love MH here.
For me? It's the anime dual blades.
>best girl is the little sister
>Penguin Logistics.
why are Mihoyo to retarded to give us skins I would pay at least $20 for this as a halloween skin
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miyabi will be a physical anomaly
I'm using M1 Roaring Ride here: >>493655757
It's not ideal because the uptime is short, but if you manage when the buff is up you can use it to get 3 Assaults during stun. I only have core D
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physical defense*
ignore the green text
Which character is going to elevate an F2P's account more, Jane, Caesar or Burnice?
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This is what $400 gets me. I don't know what I'm doing wrong..
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A hard commission? I know just who to call....
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>he spent
>I don't know what I'm doing wrong..
You spent $400 in a chink free2play game
if you've seen her CBT gameplay she had a ton of a hits in her attacks like soukaku ex skill unless her anomaly mastery is super low by default her anomaly application will be really strong
Don't think of it as amputation, get yourself in the techno mindset. It's modular sex. Interchangeable parts.
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I've been on holiday all weekend, did I miss the 1.3 livestream?
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>spent all my poly on Jane
>lost the 50/50, both times took almost 80 pull
>need her engine or else she's useless
>need to level her
>need to level seth
>zero resources
Stupid bitch stole all my rolls, all my dennies and now I can't even clear past S4 I'm so fucking done with this stupid bitch game gonna go back to Limsa to RP as a catboy and get my boypussy filled with yummy Elezen cummies, fuck this game, fuck this playerbase and most of all FUCK this stupid bitch general KYS
are any of these characters even usable in the current meta
>over 2 minutes with Ellen
>penguin instead of shark
go for the legs bwo
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for the sake of my sanity please tell me youre just pretending
>need her engine
Wait this isn't true r-right?
Kek what the fuck did you get? C2 Jane can solo it much quicker than that
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She's the only one with a unique gimmick and fits in any team
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uh... bwo..? this was free....
in two different configurations....
What would you do if they made Miyabi Ice Anomaly so as not to powercreep Ellen?
caesar, her buffs are insane and will be usable with any team pretty much.
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>spending money on anything but membership
Well, maybe my wife Exusiai to some extent
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Don't really know what to say to be honest
Scream, seeing Ellenfags get BTFO by the katana girl would be pretty funny, the general would just be shitposts for a full week.
>M1 Roaring Ride
I mean... S1 Roaring Ride, W1, whatever we're calling base weapons. I don't have rat cons
it's not but if you are going to spend extra it's to get her to m1->m2 not the ball.
>playing a limited S rank agent without their wengine
Ellen Mibibi Caesar sounds like a dream come true to play especially if Mibibi plays like a snazzier Grace/Piper
based, we already got 2 dual bladers we better get more
>gameplay boils down to hold M1
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>rolling for literal PNGs with no important visual or gameplay effect
>What would you do if they made Miyabi Ice Anomaly
I'd run her with Soukaku and Lycon
your glowing hair kino?
this is impossible unless you have Jane
How's this teen so good at fighting? The rest of her team makes sense, but Ellen's weirdly OP for some high schooler.
>saves you $400
Mouse1:"Nothing Personal, kid, just looking out for ya..."
>My mouse rides out into the sunset, as I look at it longingly.....
bwo your Neb Nigger?
Sure I want to see the shitstorm that happens if Ellen gets crept, but I'd pay money to see how this general reacts to Miyabi being painfully mediocre with only a ~5s clearing speed difference from Ellen. All the people who have held out for SEVERAL PATCHES, just to get a slap in the face.
Me? I'm rolling either way
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Just dodge bro
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feels good bwo. my wife carrying me. i had to redo the beginning a ton because zhu,anby,nicole suck cock on both sides.
we told you zzz was the easiest hoyo game and you didn't listen.
>he gets hit
Frankly embarrassing
this side felt way easier than the first half desu. but then again zhu is very stationary and thanatos plays keep away while the brute tries to rape you
>event trial Zhu Yuan
>she still feels like complete dogshit to play
so glad I skipped this bitch
>just dodge bro

fuck off I spam dodge and that nigger would still hit me
Nigga I S'ed that with Corin.
Git gud.
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Bro? Your Bigger?
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I'm sorry bwo I never said I was good at the game bwo please forgive me bwo....
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Just be patient, you don't have a time limit on this one
You need to dodge the atks not just press the button...
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>pick Koleda
>spam dodge counters for a billion Daze % and I-frames
>clear it with 0 effort
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gwi, your qinger?
don't tell me you are still using brickby
>He pulled?
>Brick him.
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There has not been a livestream yet
It's NOT fair that I don't have Koleda.
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So that's how the
>Dodge Corruption ruins my runs
people look like, huh
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is this usable? and if for who?
don't worry Yuuka daddy Nexon stepped in
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Which way?
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for me, it's this way
Pantyhose, who the fuck likes bare legs.
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I wish I was in the middle
From what I'm aware Mihoyo game livestreams are usually around a week into the 2nd banner of a patch and I wasn't sure how long Jane's banner had been up.
my DPSes are Ellen and S11, what team can I use Caesar in?
Probably an ideal team, S11 wants to be on field and Caesar wants to do defensive assists.
My conolences to anyone who pulled ZY and now has to lie to themselves they are having fun.
it apparently keeps track of the stats from each character that contributed at the time of their contribution. so you can't build up 99% of an assault with no buffs, pop lucy buff, seth buff, then pop assault, since 99% of the damage will be calculated from the un-buffed state
yanagi will most likely be off-field like burnice
too late, jane taught him wrong as a joke
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How does Hoyo typically handle reruns? Should I expect each character to get one? Or are they only reserved for the best selling characters?
How old is Jane? She's older than Zhu right?
All characters get reruns, but the order isn't always exactly release order.
this or starlight
>99% of the damage will be calculated from the un-buffed state
Effects which increase damage taken by the target instead of damage dealt by your characters only matter for the moment the Anomaly procs. That means Nicole DEF shred and Stun damage multipliers, my fastest times are using Nicole only on Stun and then trying to maximise the number of Assaults during the stun window
they should make it so if you take zero hits during your crit node they give u S anyways
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Right now I'm using S11/Koleda/Ben and I'm happy with the results. Mixed feelings about Caesars release because I love her but I have a feeling shes going to tear Ben/Koleda apart
>gun fu isn't fun
Your Jane would unironically do better solo with a lvl 60 bangboo than that team lmao
What makes Jane, Caesar, Seth awkward?
I can't wait for Ceasar, I just want to replace Soukaku with someone else
bare legs so i can easily spread her legs and start rubbing her pussy directly before we fuck.
Will reruns be held alongside new releases? Or do they get an exclusive spot?
The only unfun part of Zhu is how weak she feels out of stun windows. Her moveset is fantastic, I just wish they didn't make her so stun reliant to shill Qingyi.
Got a question since I wanna build up my Grace and Piper. Should I give Piper an AM or an ER% disk 4? I heard that it's actually better to put her on ER since her spin and her sig wengine actually gives her alot of physical build up and any extra AM is a bit overkill. Is that true or no?
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ZZZ for this feel?
yeah, nicole is the exception among our current supports
I use her with jane when doing things that only need one team. sadly she's tethered to zhu for shiyu
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My only complaint is having to tard wrangle her during suppression mode
Doesn't Caesar want field time? It'll clash with Jane's playstyle.
In HSR they run alongside new releases, in Genshin they get their own exclusive spot. No way to tell yet.
I'm having fun blasting Nineveh with my Ether resonium
you failed to stir shit against BillyCHADS
you failed to stir shit against PiperGODS
you failed to stir shit against QingyiDEITIES
what makes you think you'll succeed against ZhuGODS?
I want to fuck an animal.
not really, caesar is fine if she just parries once and then gtfo like seth any time he doesnt have 75% resolve
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My condolences to anyone who skipped.
Only character I regret pulling is Ellen. I got her in 20 rolls though so it wasn't a big deal.
freakish torso desu
They made Jane too attractive
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zhu yuan is only 12 + 12 years old you sick fucks
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Who is the FLATTEST character?
They'll replace a new banner. After C+B, Lighter and one of S6, then the remaining S6 It'll have been 5 months, which is when the previous two games did their first reruns. It also gives some much needed rest time inbetween new releases
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Why are they so squishy
Aren't they supposed to be hardened gang members or something?
Why don't they lift?
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>he wasted rolls on p*lice
idk but flat tall female when
Yes and I'd do it again. Saving for Yanagi now. Sorry Calydonkeks.
She's unironically the most fun agent in the game and it's not even close.

Stun-Burst > Anomaly > whatever the fuck Brick Joe and her BDSM furfaggot do
cope, cleared it with lvl 50s
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That would be my robot wife.
I want a Flat tall female and an Oppai Loli.
Stun burst playstyle is boring AF. This is an action game. You want rotationslop instead of actually interacting with the boss.

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