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Previous: >>493642589

>[Event] THE Great Tea Ceremony Battle: GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku, The Man Who Returned from Hell
2024-09-02 01:00 - 09-22 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku Sen-no-Rikyu Pickup Summon
2024-09-02 01:00 - 09-22 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku Pickup 2 Summon
2024-09-04 21:00 - 09-20 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] Back to School Campaign 2024
2024-08-25 21:00 - 09-08 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

Men are beasts.
Mandricardo love
Voyager is going to solo ORT
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Kama Love!
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let her cook
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i NEED to have sex with demeter
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fuck off discordnigger
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One of the cutest and sweetest couples in FGO.
so when do we get the best node? tomorrow?
I heard you guys like old men
Need grown up Chacha gf...
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Version 3 of the most likely Extella 3 characters. I took your words into account, /alter/.
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They said he is in his “invincible mode” during that time so his luck is going to fuck with anyone.
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Was this fair to Super Bunyan fans?
Here's the updated /fgoalter/ for (you) tier list. Made a few adjustments and sorted each tier by class so it's easier for bros to read.
What fans?
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Why was it normal for ancient greek gods to marry and have children with their siblings?
Pity she died and the one in Chaldea is 100% for (you)
But it's okay
He's mine now
Vanilla chocolate swirl.
>retards hype up teabitch before the event starts
>event starts
>people end up focusing their attention on woofman, iyo, monkey and chacha but not rikyu
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Wish I could reunite the Toyotomi family.
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You're right, long live Skinwalker Chan!
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I hope for you that Extella 3 exists and is better than ever, anon-kun.
I think you like fate more than the rest of us
I am just more angry Okita betrayed us so brazenly in the first battle
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The cutest and sweetest couple in FGO (she has a crotchless lace thong and nothing more under her robes)
Stack those fat black and white asses and go to town
Hag Chacha SEX
Furries are not people.
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I don't like fanart of Raikou and Schez together because artists always draw Schez taller than Raikou when in fact it should be the other way around and it triggers my height autism, also yes I double-checked their heights before posting this so don't even try
I feel like there's been an equal amount of positive attention for all the characters (aside from the shinsengumi).
Where are the guys?
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The cutest and sweetest couple in FGO
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>the only one who created a new NP that is essentialy a love-child between her and her master
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Quick refresher written by anon for anon. Just in case you still think Mike Fink was the villain, Bunyan should've apologized to Mary, the event was bad because of the story, or that the Skinwalker reveal makes sense and improves Bunyan.
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We're been posting Rikyu all event, the Rikyu fans just mostly agree this ending was somewhat unsatisfying.
I'll let a sis make the tier list for fellas.
Kino event, Bravo Nomura (ghostwriter)
How did Astolfo become one of the most popular servants?
>draw the perfect woman
>call it a man
I just think they're cute
Schez simply has superior mommy energy
People who like guys aren't mentally retarded enough to care about for (You) shit.
holy based
actually okay
Fuck off back to /fgog/
What did you want to happen?
It was absolutely consistent with everything else
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Is he dtf?
1. He is a dumb lawfag so he must abide by his lord’s order
2. As you can see at the end, he pretty much viewed monkey as his (adoptive) father
Raikou is definitely the better mom, but Schez is the superior "fuck your brains out in bed" servant. She could casually sit there reading stories while making you bust the most powerful nut of your life.
Kama can't be explicitly for (you) if she's also for everyone else. Mover her down to inoffensive headcanon.
Can you explain why is Tomoe not for me?
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Why is Karl like 7 ft tall
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>saved kadocs life multiple times
>loyal, even after death
>heart warming smile
>ladylike and regal but also silly
>real magecraft
>willing to spread her legs for the next male servant that gets released
>ampoule addict
>worst mage ever
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The sisters are more into beastility and horse talk to be fair.
You admitted it yourself, now even Raikou is trying to imitate her.
People made fun of the whole "but your world's gonna be fun?" solving everything in the last thread, but it's not unnusual for ghost incidents to roll like that. The wicked spirit is usually seething so hard it gets blind to the most basic shit. It's not hard for them to "get a grip" after hearing a key word or something like that
She's not, read the game shitposter.
Smooching old men in young girls bodies!
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Why didn't Rikyu just make her revenge fun?
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Kama is for (you)
Also it's kind of retarded to assume that Monkey isn't also combat trained and armed at all times.
Viviane, my beloved...
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Sorry, it's just how it is
But all jokes aside, I like both KadoAna and KadoGuda and think the second works better as a second love kinda thing
I simply do not like stories that act like you can only ever have one love and if they die you can never move on
I believe in all of those and that's not changing any time soon
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>no its not, its a vn shitposter.

Are you sure chud...?

WE are ze many...!
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Leave Kadoc to me.
S-shut up...
/alter/ is just too autistic to understand figure of speech or things that aren't spelt out to them literally and blatantly. They also have shit memories and forget the shit Rikyuu tells you when you first met her about enjoying tea (life). See: butterflies on the board that autists have take to meme.
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>*was* Quetz for you?
>Aoko isnt for you
>you dont need headcanon for Shuten, shes dtf but also down to kill you+eat you
>Tamamo Cat, Ushi Gozen, avenger nobu should all be a rank higher
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Don't forget to do the ember mission before the mission reset. (9 hours)
Where are the Nemo yumes?
I think the resolution just happened way too quick.
But I get it, it's a gacha game, and they can't have the story go on for too long or people will get mad and chimp out. It's just a little disappointing that's all.
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>release event with super bunyan
>super bunyan fans wait two years and roll for her on NA
>at least one 120 super bunyan in /alter/
>suddenly, apropos of nothing, riyo or somebody else springs the bait and switch, actually your super bunyan isn't bunyan at all
>actually, your bunyan is a cryptid who latched onto bunyan's brain like a parasite and murdered her, proceeding to steal her identity
>thanks for investing so heavily in NP levels and grails for this Servant, you just got conned!
Imagine if they tried pulling this with a popular Servant, lmao.
Kadoc radiates small dick energy, Medb would be so bored
Looks like inoffensive headcanon.
Hag paizuri...
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You'd never guess who wins this one
thanks mom
when are we getting the best node, i want to play the game but i don't want to waste my ap on shitty nodes
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They just swapped clothes.
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live youself
Tonight, also you need 420,000 points to get the best node
Probably because the event was written by other writer and kinda ruined super Bunyan. So Riyo decided to disassociate her from real Bunyan and maybe release new adult Bunyan later.
Why are there two male Jalters fighting over me?
>fucking Raikou in Schez's clothes
>fucking Schez in Raikou's clothes
Slutty hags, correction is needed.
Poor guy suffered enough already
People also ignore that it didn't come out of nowhere, rikyuu is using Koma's body and Koma flat out told him rikyu went too far. That was part of the wake up call. As usual, /alter/ just can't process large amount of info and need to simplify things into short green texts so they miss all the details and then they call it bad.
That is basically "/fgog/ relying on summaries" level of processing a story
You apparently can't read English
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He didn't suffer enough
I need a big fat choco wife.
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>still no CE drop
>and maybe release new adult Bunyan later.
Do you really think this will happen? Two SSR Bunyans?
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>shinsengumi shows up in their haoris and fight together
Literally the best part of any gudaguda event
There's a 5th copy in the shop
You don't need it.
>Kama is one of the most for (you) servants in the game
>all of her content is basically her wanting to grab your dick
>summer version implies that she loves (you)
>meanwhile /alter/
>Kama is not for (you) duh
Literally mindbroken
>ampoule addict
Did that ever go anywhere or gets mentioned in other times?
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Choose one
So thats why the Liutprand called the byzantine emperor a manlet
It's just one specific shitposter
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Yeah, kind of a big rug pull. That said, I was in it for Hoover anyway.
Poor Kadoc
That dude has the flag of Japan stamped on his forehead.
You're in the wrong general retard.
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He's not an /alter/bro
Kama is one of the most grained servants here
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Not them but Rikyu needed a better reason to just stop being angry. Like have all the dead souls within her agree with Komahime that he's done enough or something. It just felt too rushed
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That's my son.
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I mean, as long as we never get another Riyo event this cryptid stuff will be contained to the materials book as per "death of the author," we're not under any obligation to consider it canon until it's actually in FGO. But on the other hand, without another Riyo event there's no chance you'll ever get a stand-alone Hoover Servant. Hmm...
>Kama is one of the most for (you) servants in the game
I think Abby beats her out.
>all of her content is basically her wanting to grab your dick
Bob also wants to grab your dick, just like everyone else's. Doesn't make her for (you)
>summer version implies that she loves (you)
Yet her heart flutters for Muramasa
>meanwhile /alter/
>Kama is not for (you) duh
I wouldn't say "explicitly" for (you), no. Especially since she was also for goredolf, swordguy, and everyone else in the world.
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Who is the strongest Nipwank Servant that we have lorewise? Ibuki? Himiko? Raikou?
the only time I use Medb is whenever I have 3 Command Seals up and force her to NP 3 times on a bicorn
Chacha's parents when?
FAT?! Women don't like being called fat.
Ibuki probably.
Ibuki is #1 most wanked
Ibuki because she's got Sakurai Wank
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Post a lust provoking image
No, she says she doesn't like him, only your retarded ass tries to force that dumb meme. Imagine trying to say this about Kama after her recent anniversary ASMR stuff and even more so her canon interlude adapted to a manga and drawn by her artist featuring her going on dates with you, fulfilling all your fantasies and saying she cares about you the most.
I liked this event, but I think it felt way too rushed since it basically just jumped around from betrayal to betrayal without any time to dwell on them. Not that it's a bad thing since events full of padding/filler are even worse, but this event could definitely have used some (we didn't even explore all islands on the map, though I assume some of them will be in the epilogue).
I ended up really liking Chacha in this event which I didn't really expect, but stuff relating to mothers always make me cry, like Wolf Children. No Izo/Ryouma kinda sucked but at least they were mentioned in the event unlike Okuni lol
Given your misrepesntation of general /alter/ opinion you're either a tourist or the cuckposter himself, who also posted >>493669147
Falseflag hours
>Like have all the dead souls within her agree
That's even more retarded. It's one thing for 1 person to give up on revenge, having all the other souls who also died miserably to also agree? Yeah, nope. You fuckers will mock it even more when you idiots are already meme-ing the hurr not fun line.
Yes but too brief, a few lines of Talk-no-Jutsu and it's done.
They should elaborate on the Koma part more to show why her words would have influnced Rikyu to change his decision. Fanfic did better on this part honestly https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/493627687/#493639202
This lore was apparently always there from the start since the CE exp card from the event shows the antlers under her hat
I would hope the Three Unifiers, Tamamo reunited(forma de Amaterasu), or some quintessentially Japanese Swordsman like Raikou or Musashi.
The rest is kinda cringe or boring.
What went wrong?
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>i think Abby beats her out.
Does she?
They killed off Bunyan for no reason.
>but I think it felt way too rushed
Yeah definitely, the beginning was fun and cozy, then the middle suddenly did a 180 and was super heavy and convoluted, and then the end did yet another 180 and resolved itself in the simplest and most obvious way possible.
The twins are cute.
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The one on the level of super zeus.
Men are beasts
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Pretty easily Ibuki, even in FSR she is super busted and defeats everyone.
Abby raped me in my mind
(S)he's right doe
Actually, I changed my mind. The Super Bunyan event was good. Have swimsuit Bunyan ready by next summer.
Which one of these would job in the holy grail war?
The time of Guda's Sealing Designation... has been changed
>swimsuit Bunyan is some horrible monster who ate her soul
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what is this referring to? i don't remember this happening in bunyans event
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But Rikyu was hurting innocent people because of his revenge. Koma never wanted this and presumably neither did the other souls.
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Probably, Abby is one of the servants with the most pandering aside from morgan. Going on and on about being lovers and stuff. But really doesn't matter, kama is very open about loving (You).
Exactly, it wasn't in Bunyan's event, and all the Bunyan bros who rolled for her had no clue that this was the case.
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Ibuki's overall strength level was stated to be among the pantheon, not Zeus prime.
She has a single gravity related move reminded Gudao of one of Zeus's attacks, but that says nothing about overall power level.
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Yeah, the CE makes me think it was Riyo's idea from the start.
The anniversary CE also puts a nail in the Bunyan coffin.
As to why, we'll never know.
I'd appreciate more Riyo events, since Pecos Bill is still MIA and the potential for solo Hoover is something to hope for especially in the face of the next 2 years of literally nothing to roll for.
I'm still of the mind that Riyo should get an annual event like gudaguda. Since both seem to pull out the craziest and coolest ideas for servants.
yeah but ive seen this premise posted a lot today. did something happen regarding bunyan
Abby is a pedoshit so it’s unironically doesn’t count
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My penis goes there.
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From FGO Materials XV released like a month ago
>A hero/trickster mentioned in the mythology of the indigenous peoples of northern North America, mainly the Ojipwa. Super Bunyan's knowledge of the indigenous people and her special appearance are derived from this heroic spirit. In order to fulfill his own wish he snuck into Bunyan's Spirit Origin and uses it to manifest. ■■■■ eroded and completely devoured Bunyan's soul faster than they could be incorporated as part of Bunyan. A shape shifter ■■■■ mimicked Super Bunyan's soul in order to keep his existence a secret. The result is a perfect copy of Super Bunyan's personality unaware that's it's a fake and that it's real self has long since been devoured by ■■■■. They had planned to masquerade as Super Bunyan for a while and then reveal themselves when the time was right, however the personality of Super Bunyan which they had copied had a strong teenage ego and stronger self interest than expected and so their self awareness was sealed deep inside her psyche. ■■■■'s self awareness has been completed sealed and the only knowledge of their existence is in a disoriented state within Super Bunyan. When Super Bunyan who is still soul searching one day comes to terms with herself, the world and finally finds peace of mind the sealed personality of ■■■■ will resurface, break the mimicry and take over the Spirit Origin. And then Super Bunyan's personality will disappear without a trace.
Didn't gawain and berserker lancelot fight in extella link?
Who won?
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How good is Demon King of the Sixth Heaven Oda Nobunaga in bed?
Complete Materials
Looks like she just got done using it herself
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women don't dress like that
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>unlike Okuni lol
I think Okuni has the biggest chance of becoming relevant again if Keikenchi writes a Gudaguda event where he actually releases Hideyoshi. She just has too little relation to any of the other Gudaguda servants aside from Takasugi.
based morganGOD
didn't seem that bad when it mentioned he was sealed but that last line is such a bad joke. F for bunyan fags.
anyone know what the name is of that hero/trickster?
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They're not "women", ladies, they're slutty hags. They keep texting you saying they need your cock.
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>I'm still of the mind that Riyo should get an annual event like gudaguda
The schedule is already too cramped to accommodate our present batch of "seasonal" events. It's becoming expected that we'll skip Halloween and/or Christmas. Riyo is cool, and he's definitely entitled to a third event, but I don't think there's any reason to take Riyo 4 over another Lizzy welfare.
Actually,never mind. I don’t want to goon. Close the 700 tabs, make up whatever reason for it.
Are servants ghosts?
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Gawain was distracted by rumors and sightings of his King wandering around the Moon Cell and when faced with Lancelot, he is pushed back until reinforcements show up which are essentially Gawain clones.
Eventually he meets Altria, where she gives him her blessing(Gawain, you are my pride and joy) and then he goes toe to toe with Lancelot and wins(with help from MC).
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I change my mind. Have the entire Chaldea staff killed and let the Alien God win.
>too cramped
Maybe they should go back to 2 weeks long event instead of 3 weeks long where everybody does fuck all on week 3.
I just want an Event with Liz and Mathman
Is that so much to ask?
Why is there a filthy jp only servant in the op image of my na general?
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Instructions unclear, here is your 2 month long event!
>But on the other hand, without another Riyo event there's no chance you'll ever get a stand-alone Hoover Servant. Hmm...
An event about Hoover and Melies manifesting themselves separate from an already overtaken Bunyan would be an easy way to conclude this whole business, but it would definitely sink Bunyan's appeal even more if she has to be the villain once again.
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What are we freaking out about?
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Here is your cute Nanabozho, the native American shape-shifter who ate Bunyan's soul up
Say something nice to her
Raikou is pure, shitposter
>Gawain, you are my pride and joy
WHat the fuck, he's like the second worst knight of the round after mordred
Purely focused on your dick
>Anti-Spirit Combat: B
>Raised to be the keeper of one of the British Empire's prominent cemeteries, Blackmore, Gray is knowledgeable in many techniques for fending off fiendish spirits. Even Servants, who are incarnations of great and powerful Heroic Spirits, are no exception.
For Gray, yes.
I thought Reddit killed these things
Also, why the fuck are they on Mangadex?
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It's just a bunch of geezers giggling over some old joke, don't worry about it.
They were banned to a containment subreddit since even the redditors were tired of them.
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nice tits
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done dirty with the lack of anti-servant, only anti-undead
artoria has no joy. it was a joke.
I don't really know, but all Servants can consume souls from humans.
Holy sex, it's just like Yume Nikki
holy sex
What methods of appreciation do you think skinwalkers like?
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Do NOT summon Kiara.
thanks anon
Too late
Dick sucking mouth
So cute, PLEASE be the welfare
Nice typo you fat piece of shit.
I want to take turns pitching and catching with Astolfo.
No need to remind me.
In fairness, Gawain is Arthur's nephew.
Some of the stories have them acting as actual family iirc
Servants are "Ghost Liners". They are masses of data compiled into prana and made solid.
When you die you go to Akasha and pass on. But if you're noteworthy, Alaya transcribed your legend and your reality into the throne of heroes to call upon in times of need.
IE: almost none of the servants are actual people.
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Only cool people gets anti-servant skills
Huh, why didn't more people point out that S. Bunyan had this fuckin weird bond CE?
sucks out more than just your semen
Yeah, like Gilgamesh
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Leave Albert ALONE, be FUCKING nice
amaking Haffu Skinwalker babies with Bunyan(Feikah)
Gawain is my favorite servant
Can we even use the 'death of the author' excuse here? It's in an official lore book, that's as canon as it gets.
No one rolled her
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It's still surprising how good Erice is on multi core. The fact she can proc her niche on demand for a huge 150% NP multiplier is nutty. The only thing holding her back is being an avenger instead of a berserker.
Oh yeah? Post your 120, 2k/2k, fou paw’d, command coded Gawain.
Few people rolled during the Riyo event, and even fewer managed to Bond 10 Super Bunyan to show it off.
her event was shit, her character was also shit, shes not even gameplay so she got omegaskipped
This too was foreshadowed.
>didn't care about siding with DuBBai or us so choose her role with rock paper scissors
What did she mean by this?
erice sexo
>dick sucking mouth
Can you not talk about OCIII in the NA general, please?
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>blocks your path
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She is pretty sexy.
Is Riyo actually gone?
But if it's impossible to perceive, is it really there? It's not like there's an interlude in FGO that you're [SKIP]ping over and pretending never happened (like a Serenity bro might do), in this case it might as well just be a note that Nasu wrote down on a whiteboard as a possible idea he might use for a future story chapter. If Nasu tweeted that Castoria has a four-foot long futa cock, could we really consider that canon? Not really, since it's not connected to the actual FGO game in a tangible way, Nasu would need to release an interlude where (you) find the suspicious pack of XXXXL condoms under Castoria's bed.
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m-my internet is too bad to post images unfortunately....
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>Jewish Chink
>Nicknamed The Fire Rat
What did Hirano mean by this?
Death of the author is the most reddit thing ever shut the fuck up please
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tsubami gaeshi
You still have stuff like in-game CEs showing her with antlers and her bond CE
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I want /fgog/freaks to leave. For fuck's sake, go back to your fucking dead general and shitpost there.
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We have a JP servant as op this is a jp thread
>in-game CEs showing her with antlers
Oh yeah, they put antlers on her hat in her anni CE. Welp, yeah I guess it's over for Super Bunyan bros.
>If Nasu tweeted that Castoria has a four-foot long futa cock, could we really consider that canon?
I would absolutely consider that to be canon.
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>(like a Serenity bro might do)
Oh, you're one of those idiots.
The whole point of Serenity's interlude was to realize her feelings towards you is more than just "I can touch you without killing you? I love you now!" But of course an idiot who throws around phrases like 'death of the author' without understanding what they actually meant would spout inane trash like this.
>second half of the post is some schizo tirade of futa and condoms
>Holmes post making sense
Who is this?
>second half of the post is some schizo tirade of futa and condoms
Holy based.
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He fell out of favor around the Water Monster Crisis since starting with the Trung Sisters, no new servant has gotten Riyo art.
He still gets invited for April Fool's stuff, but they've also started letting other artists have a try too.
I don't get it. They have a pet artist that can dedicate himself to giving them free marketing with comics, doodles, and other stuff and they just leave him out to dry?
It'd be understandable if they were busy with content, but there's now events with dead weeks in them. Like what gives?
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sucks for you anon
death of the author then
>An author's interpretation of their own work isn't more valid than someone else's
death of the author now
>I don't like it so it's not canon

What the FUCK happened?
>What the FUCK happened?
It's english second language posters misunderstanding a literary concept that they never actually learned about in school.
I miss the old TM April Fool's...
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>no phone
does that mean hes active duty in somewhere like ukraine?
death of the author then
>An author's interpretation of their own work isn't more valid than someone else's
death of the author now
>Antlers literally bursting out of her
>Blood everywhere
>Eyes changed showing she's no longer Super Bunyan
This rules but I'd also probably hate it if Super Bunyan wasn't bad.
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Bro... He didn't make it.
Worth it
I'd probably care about her if she was like that
It's not the first time. Castoria, Percival and Habetrot were not the LB6 ones, but these were clearly written in their profile. For Super Bunyan they just left a weird event and put a patch in materials book 2 years later.
Nanabozho was foreshadowed too long and it was clearly Riyo's asspull idea. I'd be upset as well if writers of my favs have done similar.
Have you adapted to the QAB meta yet bros?
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Where's Liz's best friend and biggest fan Archimedes?
>if Super Bunyan wasn't bad.
Haven't you been keeping up with our event? There aren't any "bad" Servants nowadays, just misunderstood Servants who can do as much bad stuff as they want and (you) immediately forgive them anyways because really they dindu nuffin.
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Imagine naming yourself bozo lmao
I have a JP side account so yea
rare smart holmes post
Super Bunyan is bad because she sucks rather than being evil anon.
Pretty used to it by this point. Using QBA a lot for more Arts build up too.
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What Servant group?
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Summonable when, I want to beat her up with zerker Bunyan and then summon her.
This is missing the leader that makes the rest pointless by being stronger and smarter than the rest and with more unconventional skills.
Hero parties are dumb.
From left to right: Barg, Melu, Morgan, Bob
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You will enjoy FGO sports April fools. Next is Volleyball April fools.
>Enma got NP5 spooky old man
Yea, this is a huge W for /alter/

Dumb - Barghest
Sexy - Baobhan Sith / Melusine
Smart - Morgan (in theory)
Gremlin - Melusine / Baobhan Sith.
uhhh fellas it's time to MLB your CEs, you're going to overshoot the ladder if you keep running full tea
This looks like the Godhand.
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mfw I hit the enemy with a KWAB chain
And Columbus
Iori and Takeru showering together after a long hot day of sportsball….
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Nasu finally got enough of Riyo making fun of the game. Riyo made one too many "skip NP animation" joke at the wrong time during the office party. The supes bunyan event was a warning and a punishment. The event was actually written by sakurai and this detachment between the event and material book lore was due to this reason. Sakurai ignored riyo's notes. Now riyo doesn't dare to make fun of FGO anymore. Now his manga even have some semblance of a plot.
>smart: charlie
>sexy: roland
>gremlin: astolfo
>dumb: bradamante
>rolls NP5
>didn't farm ashes to instant 10/10/10 them
probably just rolled because of the hairstyle, soulless as always.
Years ago I rolled for np3 Semiramis because I was sure she'd get a rank-up anyday. She's now 120 and Bond 15
dumb - lip/kp
gremlin - kd
smart - melt
sexy - violet
>2 weeks of 90++
im confused on why i need to care about efficiency autism when i want more tea for more mats
Drop is smart
Gremlin is BB
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>Where there's L there's R. Where there's light there's darkness. If there's a celeb, there's cosmos. In other words, we're finally getting to the countdown stage. Senpai, do you have enough Embers? There are only 10 levels left for the birth of the ultimate BB-chan!
What is the ultimate BB?
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i havent started the event yet.
Unlike other ladder events you want to overshoot to get more lootbox rolls.
Get off the fucking computer Mash
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Ladder? I don't care about the ladder, I'm running tea CE for tea brewing for mats. This is like worrying about going over 10 boxes in a lotto.
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FGO But it's an actual video game you can play on steam when?
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I'd rather FGO being rewritten as a VN or manga
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that's just the shinsengumi
The more big packs you buy the quicker it comes.
But FGO is a VN
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Brimming with soul.
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Literally me, but more like this.
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Why is wada incapable of drawing BB's saggers with any consistency?
nta but I only spend money on GSSR until they
1. reduce pity to 600SQ
2 make pity carry across banners
But this will never happen
JEWWZ captcha
God the tits on the right there, what a cow, I wish I was her and got my limbs removed and became a sex toy for men who sell me around
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The hell is happening here? Did he paypig a superchat that just got read?
According to BB lore the more data she gets the bigger her saggers become
Dragooners, not like this...
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Is Blue Archive cooked too?
/bag/ told me that the guys who left fro Project KV were the Nasus and Takeuchis of that game
who cares
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Just woke up. Good Morning.
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>could've had BA and KV
>could've had our cake and eat it too
oh well, it's all gonna crash and burn now
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servants for this feel?
>the Nasus and Takeuchis of that game
At least, BA lore consistency and art can't get any worse.
I still really want to know why he did that. Like what specifically she did or said that he was reacting to.
Okita is asking for it
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Tea toes
Can't remember exactly but I think it was like a new years countdown
>painted his toenails like a WHORE would
>painted komahime's toenails like a WHORE would
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Open your mouth zaaaaaako~
Yeah that's cool and all but who do you WANT in Extella, premiumbro?
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You know this scene right here. It’s worth a lot.
Everyone shits on Sakurai, but Nasu isn’t much better when he handles his japanese servants either. And a ton of writers in other media of anime and manga also wank Shinsengumi to godly levels.
Keikenchi didn’t. Even without factoring stuff like tuberculosis, Okita that has instant step and unblockable skills still has her limitations and so do the rest of the Shinsengumi. They can hold themselves well and have their superhuman feats but it’s properly balanced. The rest of the Gudagudas show that over and over and in fact it’s because of those limitations they often take indirect approaches bolstering armies and rations first before marching to battle.
Here is no different. We have to deal with a divine beast but it isn’t like and they shouldn’t have superpowers that work on them. Not only that, we often see their claims to fame to be stuff they could only achieve in their narrow are and time.

And that’s actually good. Keikenchi made they pull their weight on coded passwords and proper planning instead of making each Shinsengumi a walking army that would throw a war in disarray - Nobunaga is the one with that power and even a three way front snuffing her out from multiple sides was too much.
Does rikyu have any ascension stages that are actually the girl or are they all the old man and it's a scam like bakkin was?
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Stage 3 only, unlocks tonight
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I would greatly appreciate it if you fags would stop with the feet-posting
>jumpscares? in MY fgo? it's more likely than you think
Because they were divinities and that practice was also common in nobility.
You were supposed to keep your bloodlines 'pure' by preferring breeding with those of higher status.
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>fgo killer
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So why *did* Mom already have her sword out?

retard, lmao
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Sniff a foot
I keep thinking he has 4 feet lmao
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Yeah, you heard her! Post horse cocks for Nurse!
How was Bakin a scam? He appeared in the middle of the event
When was the last time Nasu even wrote a japanese servant?
He has 3
I don't have bakin but weren't people mad that the actual servant isn't Michi or whoever you talked with most in the story
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Bakin has no Micchi ascension.
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who the fuck else are they going to fuck? hello?
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why would he do that to his own granddaughter(‘s body)?
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>So why *did* Mom already have her sword out?
Douman is in the ceiling somewhere there.
since Kadoc tried to destroy PHH now he needs to help repopulating it
built like a banana
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Stupid sexy Saito...
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>final timelock is tonight
Appling soon. No clue how I'll manage the whole 90++ thing. I'll either come up with a 5CE comp and settle for that, or if I can't do that I'll just do super long clears with 6CE, idk.
You say this, but the Shinsengumi have always been treated as low tier servants who are only good with swords and can't really face off against things outside of just killing, but Keikenchi isn't above wanking who he wants.
Just look at Nobu, she had a grudge against the buddhists and burned their temples, but this translates into her being this super demon whose very existence is the antithesis of gods and she eats them for breakfast. The point is, every writer is prone to wanking who he wants, regardless of how much sense it makes.
>i can see the shape of them...
god i need sex with big nobu so bad
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/alter/... is healing...
...and the King can draw!
Gudako walks into her room and sees this? What does she do?
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Lancer should be the leader.
What you are doing right now is the opposite of ignoring him.
Just letting you know.
Is it a genderbent bob?
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Wow he really cared about the guy
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Do you eat PB&Js with the peanut butter on top or the jelly on top?
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I'm in this franchise for cool, not cute.
Mitsunari is a girl.
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What kind of subhuman puts the PB on the top? That shit will stick to the top of your mouth
Mitsunari is a cute boy.
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After Shusha was revealed to be a boy I’m not sure
Chacha called him her son, bro
I just buy the jar with both of them mixed already.
Anyone know whats is the ost track name that plays when komahime and rikuy yap about fun?
Alternatively is there a easy way to find this info (specific track during specific scene) from some source so I dont ask questions in future?
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I don’t like PB&J
So Kukochihiko
>was a furry from the furry nation of Kunakoku
>national hero, wielded the sword of beasts
>Kunakoku was poor and desolate, had to raid other nations to survive
>Himiko Himiko Punches Kunakoku out of existence, not a good vs evil war, just a matter of survival
>Kukochihiko tried merging with the ancestral beast as a last ditch effort, leading to his form as a mangled dog skeleton in the Himiko event
>after Himiko defeated and purified him there he came back to life (renting Serizawa's body) intending to finish off the Ancestral Beast for good
Is that the gist of his story?
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Would you like to have an Iyo gf?
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I was upset that there was no ascension for Michi too. But I rolled for him because of him and Fusehime.
He was a hard-ass old man, much more hard-ass than Hokusai and Rikyu, but not genuinely a bad person.
Brutal mogging, what did Ushi do to deserve this?
how is this fgo related and why will the jannies not remove this?
you know the answer.
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I know what you're talking about because it's so overplayed. I could probably find it but...
You'd just search certain words on Youtube anyway to find it.
*SLAPS xu fu*
damn brat!
do Quetz like this
You could go to Atlas DB > wars > pick the specific event, followed by node/arrow and then read the script
And done
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So... how the fuck am I supposed to farm a 1million hp moon cancer node?
Literally no one would care if Takeuchi quit FGO

BA doesn't have a Nasu because BA doesn't have any good writing
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>she had a grudge against the buddhists and burned their temples, but this translates into her being this super demon whose very existence is the antithesis of gods and she eats them for breakfast
eh im not seeing it desu. She couldnt kill Oryou in redline despite her buffs, and she still needed helped against that monk turned god guy despite fusing with all Nobus in the singularity and having infinite mana from Maxwell.

Nobu's best feat is going toe to toe with Dantes in that oneshot manga desu
You can pretty easily do it with your Ruler Da Vinci or Iyo with Black Grail.
Your Iyo with double Castoria + Merlina, bro?
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wtf onix isn't black...
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Use her
Everything fall apart without Takeuchi
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Yeah, but what's the point if I die right when life gets worth living by being near her?
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Don't eat them at all, they're racist.
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I will
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Good morning, bros. Lip love!
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Why is Mathman's hand purple in his portrait but not on his model
I don't get it
can himiko crit bb to death? hypothetically if you get the required face cards
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i look like this
>those pubes
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Morning bro
small indie dev please understand
i'm back for more bros
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Cute npc
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Morning bro
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You can't handle my brojobs. They're too strong for you. They are meant only for the strongest bros.
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>the usual Gudaguda comedic money-making subplot was not only foreshadowing but of crucial importance to mass produce the curse-dispelling tea later
>also the sidestory of TWO SUMMERS AGO where Rengoku takes over Chokita’s body is reused here as a backup mechanism so he can support her duties in cases she needs to rest or is wounded beyond action
Keikenchi I KNEEL
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>memey and kinda meh event
>backstab, backstab, backstab
>Big reveal big emotion
>Just load all the emotional tid bits to last 5 minutes of read in kinda cheap way
>and it worked
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Here's Castoria's dinner
Most Hilarious Summer ever
Why would you want Komahime when you can have old man sex?
too much straightposting in these threads lately
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does rengoku alter have a penis? asking for a friend
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I want my cute spooky princess
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reject hornyposting
Embrace Armor Posting
Yes, Rengoku has a penis. It's long and thin.
>Not interested in rolling for anyone until Tiamat & Draco
Now what
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Bro your pope?
Now you save and maybe HOPE that Albert throws in the new pity system before they arrive just in case you get mega fucked
>a guda event that was actually good
I honestly can't believe it
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Build up your headpat muscles
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Image of Tlaloc getting PULVERIZED and DESTROYED by Kuku.
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I'm afraid I don't see the appeal
This but until Tam Lins rate up of summer 8
/alter/ is beast
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Fastest way of getting rid of your clothes.
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Ati post the comps
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Can 120 Melusine do the 90++? BB is man attribute
Neither can i grasp your shit taste
She is... a girl
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BB is not a man, fuck you obsessed Melucuck faggots I swear to god
1 attention given.
Why is the shrimp for you but Satan requires a paragraph?
Please put Nero bride in explicitly for (you). Need I remind you she participates in summer 2 specifically because Ishtar transformed into you and told bride you'd fuck if she won the race. SR Nero and SSR Nero are different people.
Also I think the old void is for you ritual post wasn't a lie. Picrel bond 5.
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Story is over...
where is my 90++
Your gag epilogue comes first
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Holy shit this was so fucking good. Between the plot twists Kukochihiko was doing this to help the Age of Men because the Ancestral Beast would inevitabl revive and wanting to do this with it weakened to Iyo finally succeeding in her role and following right after with a boss fight Kuko and Himiko help the combat this climax was godly.
I know Nasu specificed that Gudaguda is in a Keikenchi-exclusive timeline but can anyone explain to me this properly? I know the theory is because Nasu has a lot with Amaterasu/Tamamo so they needed a different timeline for this. Keikenchi seemingly keeps this vague on purpose like Meteo does referring to the Outer Gods by title and rarely by name.
From what I understood:
>Kukochihiko: representant of Susanoo, wielding his sword that represents the partnership of Men and Beasts in the rise of society
>Himiko: priestess of Amaterasu and the agricultural advancements of rice that helped Japan develop with stability
>Iyo: priestess of Tsukuyomi(?) and natural disasters as well as curses
I’m not versed in japanese folklore though to know more besides that
>Want tiamat/draco/summer castoria/summer melusine
>Only have 200sq in the bank
I'm fucked
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S-She's fast!!
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i've never eaten a pb&j sandwich
Post supports!
I am not able to post mine because I can’t post pictures for some reason.
Then you didn't want them that much. You've known about them for 1-1.5 years. Could have prioritized better. Now you just have to hope for the best.
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>want tiamat/draco/durga/summer castoria/summer melu/summer bob/summer barg/np5 oberon
>650sq currently
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You know what this thread needs?
bob posting
Sorry bro as part of the /alter/code I shall not post my support unless the anchor post also has their support posted.
*boob posting
>Twilit Jewel of the Moon and the dark light
It's the Yasakani no Magatama and Tsukuyomi for sure
Actually good characters being posted
To do the train dance?
>wanted draco/tiamat/castoria summer
>815SQ currently
>over 1k fragments saved up
I shall get at least one of them guaranteed.
Everytime I see Nero I remember the dj where she puts on a cow costume and shits her personality out because of a milk enema
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servant for this feel?
mega flops? probably bakin
Eric Bloodaxe.
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servant for this feel?
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>some reason
uh huh
Eric Bloodaxe
>Sakurai writes japanese characters
>Keikenchi writes characters
>he doesn't already have np5 oberon
Yes that's how it works, glad we're on the same page
>Sakurai writes characters
>giga cringe
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wabby sabby
She will never speak again.
>Used Iyo NP in boss fight
>random Himiko out of nowhere used NP before Iyo used hers
>Iyo manages to take off two break bars before being taken down
>my Himiko comes in from the back line and lays some thicc crits down to finish the fight
I wish more battles felt this kino, but it's so rare in events.
Sengoku kino > Minamoto clan/oni cringe

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