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We're male midlanders, of course we go shopping while eating a chicken bake.

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

Previous: >>493668387
first for sunsluts on sunslut sunday
Sex with catgirls
I am requesting cat boxes of miqos being the sluts they are
Midlander stocks really crashed didn't they, good job
That last match was garbage
my mid-height moonie possibly for the first time ever saw a moonie taller than them

they had life is strange chloe vibes
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>at least I'm unique!
>creates the same second life garbage people have been making since 2004
What weapons are there left to add for new jobs?
if you like... you should try
playing a bunnyboy in ffxiv anal
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do maliddie enjoyers like this?
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I am still investing in midlander stocks, I shall ignore all financial advice
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they cut so many neat quests from arr and company of heroes is still the lowest point of the lowest patch
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Male Midlander EB on Balmung for me
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At least modbeasts have personality to each individual
can i see ur moonie
no one unironically likes male characters
cc doko
No one likes male midlanders
Not really, no.
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athena post
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need for my femra
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Is Viper viable for endgame? no party wide damage reduction buff, not party wide damage buff.
i like middies not ‘maliddies’
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fishing rod
I do if they are adult sized and have no fur
Yeah I like Male Face 3 Hroths, and not ironically or unironically or ironuncanonically
we like these https://files.catbox.moe/2p6d15.png
Shy pale futa veena for my femezen.
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my femra (will) look like this
Any example of xivg middies and xivg maliddies?
Femlala for my hrothgara
Okay, now I can /smooch (forma de forehead).
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may i plap
I find pussies kinda gross bros am I gay
Kinda sad I never knew there was a few people that liked my male character before I fanta'd off
i do though
At least none from this thread, especially if they're from Primal
roast beef
every single job in the game is viable for end game content
the only time you're going to run in to genuine concerns is getting sync'd down in old ultimates, and having disproportionately gimped/good kits at 70/80
My femlala only likes maliddies with realistic mods...
I like this!
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It's over, I only have a shy pale slightly below minheight futaraen
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Happy sunnie sunday!
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Vanilla characters are boring especially with this game's limited character creation. At least modbeasts have personality to each individual.
If someone never compliments you until you fanta, they dont really care
What a good little slut, post more
Your EB will tell you to kill yourself again...
I know who this is, and bring him back
most likely, but that’s expects of men who post here
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Thoughts on lalaboys?
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queue CC 12:30
I wish I had this
>pale futa veena
That's peena+, learn the lingo
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at least I'm unique!
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Don't be. They only admit it now but never would when you were a male. If you swapped back you'd never hear a compliment from them.
I wish more lalaboys liked women and also weren’t schizo creeps.
cc doko?>???
I will post this glorious vanilla idoru glub femra and there's nothing you can do about it
the white glint path to destruction
Meowdy pawtner
What a horrible downgrade
ask in your cwls
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i can filter your screenshot name pattern because this creature is hideous
please enter it in an ugliest character contest
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there is one thing
fuck off a bit
Where’s my F+ EB who forces my Lalaboy to crossdress and uses me like an onahole until I get mindbroken?
do you like female+ ravas
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actually there is
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you'll have to beat me in Crystalline Conflict.
im so sorry fellas you might be doomed
WE like this.
Move the camera a little bit, can nearly see...
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>he seriously, unironically wants to talk about a 20-year old game on 4chan
Listen, bud. This thread is for plapping and gooning. Per >>493695183, this game has been out for over 20 years and nearly everything has already been address on other websites. If you're not here to rub elbows with the classics in the 'beds, then you're just wasting your time.
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finding an actual boyfriend and making fagslop of your characters together is probably one of the most kino things you can do in this game
I don't really see the charm. Sorry.
I compare myself to my FC and Friends too much
>grabbing more coffee and missed this
Augh. Next time for sure.
your father would rather have you naked
Wheres the confess anchor??
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sad times, guess i'm not getting any men to bully
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>3 femra on the enemy team
Based when paired with femlalas.
I think I’m developing a crush on someone I met in game and I’m not sure how to handle those feelings because I’ve never done anything long distance.
Hmm... rape.
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What are some actual examples of unique FFXIV characters then?
NTA but I can be a footrest for your boots if I lose, right?
I was hiding on the roof.... There was also a couple ERPing behind you...
soft times make ffxiv players
Have you told them yet sis?
sorry im too busy playing tarkov
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I bet you think you're so cool with your fancy hat
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viper's doing great for savage. any utility loss from not having party mitt is marginal past week 1 (where gear begins to reduce the value of damage reduction). just like samurai before it, it's doing quite well despite not having party buffs, as it benefits greatly from them. like the other anon said, every job is viable so play it if you enjoy it, but it's quite decent right now.

for ultimates, it depends which ulti (as viper becomes INCREDIBLY shit synced down to even just 90). it'll be at the very least fine for the upcoming eden ulti.
what do you mean by unique
PLEASE let it be Tender Valley for once
I mean I can post mine, but I use a sculpt and don't feel like getting cooked. So I'll leave this to the other anons
What's the current state of BLM?
never knew SC liked lalaboys
do more stuff with effy i beg of you
If this game has PSO2 style customization, we'd be living a good life.
With full spell speed: fun
I've been craving cocks for almost a week and I can never find anyone that wants to use my mouth. Yesterday I ended up cuddling with another sub for 2 hours because they also had the same issue and we bounded over that.
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i’m curious about how big his dick is but i feel like that’s something you never ask a man, just like his salary
I’m sorry to ask but… does anyone want a mentally ill trans eb?
the pussy mods are just underwhelming, understandable since 99% of modders are massive cock loving faggots
A character that stands apart that you would be unlikely to mistake someone else for.
WE love you!
That's the idea, dummy..
nah I don't wanna see that shit here.
>come up with unique golem idea and post it to the thread
>six of them pop up over the course of the next week
>some of the worst shitposters adopt the look too
>can't use it as a fanta now
When these people say 'unique' looks, they talk about looking like a blue colored troll from oblivion.
You can install enough mods to look like a freak.
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>mentally ill
why did you say mentally ill twice?
there's no such thing in ffxiv when character customization is so limited. you're bound to find a doppelganger.
Do you like malera?
Good, I don't like you either pendejo
wearing pink and pastel blue, choking out their last breaths as they're hoisted by a chain around their necks into the air by gigachad PCTs
We have Ice paradox back and the Umbral Soul update is a nice qol change
what sets you apart from all the other trans here?
Your jokes are flatter than my chest.
i need one to plap my femra again
I've been on my new server for 4 months now and only have made 1 friend
I guess I can finish in your throat
>You'll have to beat me in Crystalline Conflict.
>Immediately get Lowest Damage Dealt
You must be in the mood..
eurobros... how are you guys holding up?
How was the last time?
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Just messaged my thread crush but shes afk right now
how many years on HRT sis
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You only got popular because we wanted to plap your 'ra. Now you have no value. Sophie has more thread cred than you. How does it feel to fall behind?
the moonies and dog girl are cute
everyone else is an abomination
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I think ffxi style customization is enough personally. the game should focus on gameplay.
That's not bad. The last one I did on my server was in Shb.
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queue CC 4:15
do they really expect you to stay subbed for shit like custom deliveries and beast tribes
most characters have the chance of being mixed up, it depends on who's looking at them
armor/gear helps differentiate, but still. base options and especially the mildly restricted hair options gives room for mixups to people that aren't acutely aware of character differences
please don't try to make counterfeit macchi kino, that fake ad sucks
Fun when you stack sps.
I'm a man with a penis and testicles.
Spoiler: They're both lalaboys
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probably, i was unlocking red mage
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Isn't sophie a crinkler? Not much better.
I think I fumbled him.
I get that but I wanna see more..
Currently engaging with some eurocuck activities my eb streaming herself getting plapped in NA servers
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Damn, you really deserved to be bullied then.
just ask pussy
I have nothing to say for myself.
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even better
he was distracted last time, so i want his full attention this time
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lonely as always...
>Do they really expect you to stay subbed for a month
Do you plan to get banned after a week and a half or something?
JM feet on my catgirl face
It's decent thanks to the changes in 7.05 but still with some glaring issues that people will just ignore if SE buffs BLM to be on par/better than PCT.
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im going to queue frontlines on dark knight
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Thoughts on mroe?
Cute, you should tell them!
VPR is good because it's basically content-neutral since you can get uptime even if you have to disconnect at odd times. Not having party-wide damage reduction buff doesn't matter because no melee DPS has that lol (except mantra with shielding, i guess).
Not having a party-wide damage buff is actually better in like 90% of groups since ur party will be playing like shit anyway and not aligning stuff in your buff. It really sucks for upcoming ultimates though.

It will absolutely be viable in the upcoming Eden ult but pretty much every other melee job will be better assuming there isn't a retardedly weird amount/duration of forced downtime.
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I've considered fantaing just to up my muscle slider to 50 because it looks fine both modded and not along with it not making much sense for my guy to have 0 muscle while I'm a tank main.
The cream poster is getting to me and I need to find out who it is to have a talk with them.
war within looks kino
shoulders and laps built for femlala sitting
Depending on who you ask it's much better actually
Doing some farming in Eureka. If any eubros want to start something I'm up for it.
How about you queue my catboy woob on your ass
very russian looking
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>the only time you're going to run in to genuine concerns is getting sync'd down in old ultimates, and having disproportionately gimped/good kits at 70/80
not really the case because 70/80 ultimates have extremely low dps checks that having or not having broken jobs like SMN doesn't really matter
Who is the worst pvp ebin?
I wonder what her browser history looks like.
You're good, just teasing you
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let me out of the attic
not really
i bet you think i cant reach you all the way up there but i brought my secret weapon this time https://files.catbox.moe/ym5pj0.webp
she's on the menu.
Its impossible to fumble men unless you wronged him in some way
Probably not much? I don’t like to compare myself to others (unless they’re better than me and make me feel inadequate), I also haven’t met tons of xivg trans women
Post your character anyway.
I would submit to you privately, but my male character isn't cute
i don’t really like catboys but i like this one, he looks cute and a bit dumb
I'm having real issues picking a race. I'm bounced between Moonie and Sunnie for a few weeks now, but neither really feel satisfying.

What settled everyone's mind on their race?
Have a sunslut
I feel like I'm doing a poor job at existing. My new job is stressful and I'm not sure if I'm doing a good job at it just yet. My free time is quickly disappearing, which means I'm not able to play Final Fantasy XIV. I'm not finished MSQ yet. I heard there's a dick-kicker of a dungeon coming up and I'm the kind of person who wants to do things 10 times in a row until I have it down pat, so I haven't had the motivation to continue just yet until I have a whole day that I can dedicate to slamming my head against it until I've mastered the dungeon. I feel like I'm being left behind. I'm not sure when 7.1 is coming out but I need to spam CC before it does, and I personally fucking hate CC. I've hardly done the event in my gacha bote wife game. While I want to dive right back into FFXIV, I've just not had time in-between creating things for my job in my time off, and it's just overall making me very worried about the future of my work-life balance. I feel as though I have a constant brain fog at this point and it's hindering my ability to operate. I'm easily distracted in a way that I never have been before. The only time I can play XIV is if I sacrifice sleep time, but when I get home from work, I'm so fucking exhausted I can't play, which only feeds into that cycle. I logged in for an hour earlier this week and just stared at my character before going to bed. I didn't run any content. I'm supposed to love content. I'm supposed to be a DF Hero. I miss talking to my anonymous friends, too.
I must also confess that I know it will all pass in time and things will be better. I just need to hunker down and focus on what's in front of me. I just wish I had more time for Final Fantasy XIV. I want to do the CC battle pass. I need to still do The Rising, and I'll generally be okay in three months from now when we're easing into the winter months and I have all the time in the world to relax after work with hot chocolate and XIV.
A friend of mine had a dream where he choked my WoL/me to death, to be precise he said "crushed her windpipe". I'm a bit worried about it but also aroused about the idea.
>Friend of 4 years blocked me because i revealed my power level for the first time
Just don't be a gay simp
femra are pure sex so therefore i play femra.
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Alt least I'm unique.
One day..
Picking them all.
Why won’t anyone buy my wind shards anymore?? They used to be gone so fast
What kind of power level?
I think the more bored people get the more they'll just start drama for no reason and it'll be the death of the threads
People need to get out the fuck outta my AFK spot in Limsa
What are your thoughts on VE?
Sex, now
>considered fantaing
>just to put muscle slider to 50
Phew. Don't scare me like that.
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My thoughts on mroe
i’m short irl so i play femra. i used to play viera so i could bully short race friends
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i will be the judge of that, post.
or u come find me in EU but you get the vanilla ponytail
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everyone likes the maliddie council thoughbeit
lol get fucked
>hiding yourself for 4 years
What did you expect?
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>i don’t really like catboys
How about catMEN?
Make that day today..
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I don't.
Nigga just killed a goron.
sex with all the ones not using ardbert face
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what the...
Anyone wanna be friends with benefits?
Tell them and take it from there.
But who am I scaring?
remove some more boring healing tools and give healers interesting damage buttons
Do you have an album of your sunslut?
Love that composition and lighting
give healers dps
Jarvis, please open the thread titled Ummm
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oh no what are you gonna do with your little grabber for old people who can't bend over
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youre more than welcome to try little kot
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Can I join?
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>I heard there's a dick-kicker of a dungeon coming up and I'm the kind of person who wants to do things 10 times in a row until I have it down pat, so I haven't had the motivation to continue just yet until I have a whole day that I can dedicate to slamming my head against it until I've mastered the dungeon.
Not a single dungeon in this game requires prep. If you're on NA put up a PF for it and we'll have you in and out in 20 minutes tops.
God I can't wait for winter.
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I played Femra like... 1/2 years ago? You are right about them being pure sex, maybe I'll have to give it another go.
Literally me?
I'm 6'2" so maybe I go opposite... what's the smallest bar Lala? Femra?
even me?
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Being confessed to...
Total Healnigger Death

there's so many shit ones griefing PFs right now, there need to be less of them
so all of them, but two?
the fog is coming
not the old man face either
kill, marry, fuck, fuck, fuck
kill, marry, fuck, marry, marry, marry
Have an oldie, enjoy..
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queue CC 8:15
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I'll have to see whether I have time to play a few...
Here is your one (1) sex, sir. https://files.catbox.moe/15j20y.png

Album of many sunslut things, still not totally up to date.
Man that raccoon face paint looks awful
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god i hate lalafell so much just play a glubber
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...by my mierabvll.
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*strained beeping noises*
shit meant for >>493699653
Ranranru doko...
shoots you with my ultimate gravity well and pulls you down from up there
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I've beaten EX2 a couple of times but I still don't really understand the vast majority of it's mechanics.
Now that's hot. Maybe you should pursue them about it?
there’s 4 not using it, so sex with those 4. i have no idea what’s under the helmet one but i assume it’s ardbert
That hair works a lot better
>and a bit dumb
thanks me to
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is there ever gonna be another cross dc meetup?
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what u mean "welcome to try", i will boi
>ffxiv has been out for 30 years now
Almost as old as me
My femlala rubbing your cock woth her feet
I'm glad mine is not part of this
Absolutely fucking disgusting
fellate a cactus
Based, I’ll reach out to you for some lewd pics
Show me Glubber catboxes to convince me
I wanna switch my main job off Reaper but I have no clue what I could or want to switch too
It's another (retarded) DRK whining that his job is shit, says DRK has 2-step combo while GNB has (according to him) 4 actions in a combo
Pure sex, got any more?
Ardbert's is face 5.
he said "bar Lala"
learn to read
Yeah, right now. Everyone go to Bismark. LB14 on BISMARK
Less exciting than I hoped. Thank you Jarvis, enter rest mode.
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>fuck up a role so much that every main quit the game or change roles
>playerbase acts like entitled whiny babies and don't give any support to main healers
>everyone does a surprised pikachu when every healer sucks ass because they're all either new or non-healers filling up the party because they got tired of waiting for 1 healer after 2 hours
You reap what you sow.
Yep, that's a great lala right there.
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Judgement has been rendered.
Not marked=Fine but not to my taste
Red arrow=Please change that hairstyle
t. moonie
why are women like this
Face 7 is pretty much ardbert face with stubble
There is something to be said about not allowing the player to hurt the perception of the game with blindingly bright and stupid and offputting character designs
isn’t there ardbert and ardbert(stubble)? either way i don’t like them because ardbert is not for sex
I do, I have bunch more but as they get older they get worse.
You've seen enough though <3
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Does it matter? I'll just admire you from the shadows... you don't like femra anyway.
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*powers down*
>give healers more dps!
You want your healers to become like this...?
>getting confessed to a day after ERPing with them
I look like this irl
all my husbands
in the cwls, not just the picture
I hope so, it was really fun to meet EU anons for the first time proper.
The MINE lighthouse run was really funny too, with everyone having 200+ ping making it actually difficult
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Are we having a roenassance? A roeden age?
Did this pop?
>not a single meetup
It's actually so fucking over Dawntrail killed this game holy shit
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I'd say more greek
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tfw no eb
>Pop 0.5 sec after the time
>Full random game
I am a sunnie, who just wants to get my last 2 gwibs but no PF's on Aether
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Who's my obedient little bee?
Femras are cars.
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Is top left Mokari? If so, Mokari please go back to the E-boy hairstyle you look so good like that.
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Okay now I sound evil, I don't like that nor do I want to hurt anyone.
No it's not me it's someone else
Ackshually that would be Meteor's/Derplander forma de suffering's face.
>>playerbase acts like entitled whiny babies and don't give any support to main healers
It's so nice playing healer and not even being allowed to be good at the game. If you parse poorly you're a shitter, if you parse well it's "HURR HEALER PARSES DON'T MATTER", so you're literally not permitted to have accomplishments.
Wish I could do more than simply see
Honey B. Cunny.
How come maliddies have supplanted mierda as disliked thread villains?
looks cute but also weird
would still headpat
yeah, im thinking im gonna wait for the thread to hit page 10 and then post a catbox link of my penis for no reason
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>not Cunny B. Lovely
Yes actually. I think healers should be the only role without a rotation or filler spell. They should just get a bunch of moderate cooldown damaging spells, and then heal inbetween them. Like instead of having them press their AoE 10+ times on a pack give them a damaging spell that does like 2000 potency on a 1 minute CD then just heal.
Pick your husband
One of these middies called me a puppy....
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She's missing her third leg.
Fingers aren't supposed to bend like that...
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Nightwish! <3 <3
Heal what? The tank at 98% hp?
Butt and Tits way too big
Tone it down 50% and now we're talking
the enfattening of xiv twitter and its consequences have been a disaster
if he's anything like me he doesn't think it looks good under hats
Is there any good male middie left in xivg?
You've truly outdone yourself this time, Korakana.
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We're just getting started~
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>gigantic ass
>tiny thin tail
wrong way sister
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Now we're talking.

Has GT just been seething silently waiting for a thread to expire so he can spam this gay shit?
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I'm still stuck on this song.
I got put in a full random game too :/
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At least modbeasts have personality to each individual.
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All my (boi)wives.
Emo sex with this fiddie
FFXIV has such great UI standards, I love how plugins in this game just "work"
Is this modded? Something about these group photos always looks uncanny.
people look at that ass and go yes and I just don't know how. idc what race it is I hate fat pig shit like this
Her whole gimmick is being a Honey Bee, faggot. You remove the key part and it misses the point. Think of it like this. Brute Cunny, or Cunny Bomber. Which one makes you think one will be bomb themed? Same thing applies here.
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adder and flame sissies stfu
Yes he'll do it for like 16ish hours then stop for 8 or so hours so I think he just patrols the thread while on the web all day.
We've seen melties like this before, it'll pass eventually when he cools down.
I like the tasteful gay meteor images
Are you European?
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>wind up midare
>drk pull
>wind up midare
>smn knockback
>wind up midare
>smn pull in
queue CC 12:00
sexo but not marriage
Does anyone want to do anything
Heal what?
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Don't wear hats, embrace being cute and serve me tea...
Total Timmy Death
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that only works if you don't know the reference
i'll be your queen feet
moonie b. lonely
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Im a few hours away from maxing out all my crafters, how quickly will it take to recover all my money, do you think?
Erm what the scallop...
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I got tired of it, sorry.
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even worse.
>they did nothing out of the norm, they just got rejected once

>they just commented on one person who was being weird one time

>they just have friends who play Lalafell

Why is this thread like this?
It's okay, I got to freecast for most of the game and then a RPR decided to duel me off point until we won.
My hrothgal
is menhera coded
you dont make money from crafters
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Oh hey man hows i-ME WHEN I FUCKING GET YOU
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I wish I was a male midlander...
Too much text and that font is terrible.
i wanna learn how to heal m3s
You already missed the window this patch, you'll have to wait until the next savage/ult is out
would she plap my femra though?
No one cares.
Lol Gators sucks ass
this one looks fabulous, they have high coolness potential but usually end up being fags, and I mean that in the traditional, "fruitcake" sense
wtf i hate maliddies now
I just wanna play my Craterhoof in peace
Who's for marriage then
Not even getting into that, if you read parts of the healer strike thread you'll see a lot of people basically going YOU DON'T DESERVE TO HAVE FUN, YOU ONLY EXIST TO ENABLE ME TO HAVE FUN and that's the kind of shit that drives people away from the role.
Healers would cope better if at least the entire playerbase was with them but right now devs have no fucking idea what they're doing, devs also don't answer to feedback and the playerbase acts like healers should only exist to keep them alive with the most miserable videogame experience possible. So yea, it's no wonder that the people that are good at healing are leaving the role in droves.
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>realize that tbse works on alphinaud somehow
>start trying to pose him
>his butt cheeks and limbs start stretching off of his body to impossible directions any time I move him

i am
a male middie
in real life
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Alright real answers not meme stupid answers because ive already made 5 million selling back shit i didnt need
Good for you then
She's not mentally stable, do not put your dick in crazy
I know, no one does
my male midlander is singing dicked down in dallas while doing the lowest damage in cc
No, no! I know you have a heart of gold. I'm merely shy.
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we're full
so is everyone here lol
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Krile has 22 more minute of screen time in endwalker than she does in dawntrail.. I am not fucking kidding around LMAO
Go be trans in discord with the rest of your butt buddies.
This Korbo fanta really shows how superficial you all are.
>She's not mentally stable, do not put your dick in crazy
no I want her to stick her dick in crazy (me)
I hate femras.
When NA/EU travel opens I'll be there no matter what
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I know..
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tsbe works on alisaie too
God damn, anon. Clearly he harbours some intense feelings towards your WoL/you. But please remember dreams aren't literal, especially sex dreams. That dream probably means something, but not what it's showing. If you are worried about it due to either your own safety or theirs, why not just have a chat about it with him?
TRUE DUDE i hate sports but i hate this state's sports teams more
Who gives a shit no one liked Krile before this expansion anyways
maybe TV because i can control him with my femras thighs via crushing his head if he doesn’t listen
The only way to make money as a crafter is to sell furniture after a housing lottery ends. Selling gear day 1 is pointless because unless you're the literal first person to get it up and have it actually sell, the prices of each piece will drop below 100k within an hour of the servers going live. Raid food was under 900 gil each on day 1. Farm eureka or get a shell fc if you want gil.
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i should do goo x snek
if the lamaia still works anyway
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Probably gonna RMT gil so I can finally bid on houses and level my crafters
I love this fiddie so much it's unreal
Spikes aren't real people
I fuckint hate modern and CEDH players so fucking much.
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perhaps this was always my fate
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Krile doesn't matter because Wuk Lamat has to talk about peace again.
Nah I hated Kornhole before the fanta too.
>Selling gear day 1 is pointless
I made 50 million gil this raid tier on day 1
God I love mommy
The Bucs will be the best team to come out of Florida come January
That was the real answer. Outside of like the first 2-3 days of a patch cycle, crafting is now probably slower gil than just doing fates, hunts, eureka or arguably even maps.
Have you just noticed?
Yes, and?
I think it was doing it on ivcs and non-ivcs tbse, but I'll have to double check that
but I don't want alisaie to have a penis, that's alphinaud's job
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Bro this isn't funny. Unironically super depressing. Can I sue for false advertising ?
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Post male characters kissing other male characters.

you're lying to gaslight other people into wasting time crafting things that don't matter
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i love these amorphous black blob cats but no one ever makes a moonie equivalent of them...
I would comm huge breasted versions of someone's middle.
Non meme answer, it depends if you can find a market niche. A good market will net you a lot of money for your time, people are obviously cagey about their farms and won't share though

Gear sales are slow right now but at current prices you can still make like 1.5m/hr+, it's just that you'll have to wait a while for your gear to move so there's a cap on how much you can make off it
But i look the marketboard for archeokingdom gear and each piece and weapon sells 10-15 times a day for 10x the amount of money invested in it?
the best selling thing I sold as a crafter was materia for other people to pentameld their crafters
Sorry Laplace anon, I like hats a bit too much and the new hair doesn't look that good with hats
So? Play a good looking race that gets my dick hard or fuck off
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No, I don't think I will
She will not be doing that either
Today she will cope by playing Mahjong all day and reaching under 1k in rating (resetting rating is for pussies)
i really need to watch barbie. i wanna see what a handsome happy lad he is as ken
Cute moonie
>She will not be doing that either
thanks im sad now.
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cold take: braidcat futas are ugly
Well do it then. ill meet you on oce
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we have to go back.. For Krile fans.
My ingame interactions haven't changed but I can recognize an ugly 'ra when I see one
Anons how do I turn myself into a mob/monster? I wanted to make myself a minion for my m4s clear, I installed glamourer but it doesn't seem to let me, all I could find was a mount mod that makes me a moogle if I use it
good mornyan
my ping is still 2x higher than it nyormally is since last nyight..
>1.5m an hour
Thats good enough for like 99% of the content in the game and to spoil my friend so im happy with it
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my moonie looks like this
Bad Luck @ Balmung is literally this
They should be spayed cat futas instead, no one should breed with that
Not my fault you cry when you hear the word stack
how do women think this is cute
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shut up dumb faggot
where are you queueing
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I've never played DRK so I don't know what he does. I can never seem to kill one in CC. I used augmented drill on a 5% hp DRK and he just lives....why? Is there a window where I shouldn't hit them?
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Damn I'm powerless before the immense gravitational field emitted by your FAT LEGS
women online are so mental illness ridden it's not even funny
What a nice moonie
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>watch these posts like a hawk praying someone names me
>it has never happened even once
This is a good song.
It's so...owari...
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We could do OCE for the time being....
Convincing my friend to swing his 300/301 bond beetle at you because of something you did 5 games ago
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How did you do that
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Barbie Ryan is douchie.
You should watch La La Land Ryan. He’s so dreamy in it.
looks like an extra from the matrix
be the change anon

r u a moonie
>he doesn't know how to turn his greentext white
there's a window after they use their LB when they can't be reduced below 1 hp
their lb is the wide vertical line they do when they're about to die
Based /ss/ister.
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Okay I admit this one is funny
My male middie is more of a Lars and the Real Girl type Ryan
im the opposite...i am a poonie....
i’ve heard that’s a great movie, should i? im kind of a baby i hope it doesn’t make me cry
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bros, is it time to jump ship?
yeah I photoshopped that in a minute
or did I do it days in preparation so I could call out a moron about the well known money maker that is day 1 crafting
Congrats sis, one of them called me a "stupid fucking whore".
I hadn't heard it before until I watched toast of london. It's great...
bitches, all of you.
can i see ur poonie
If it was his friend's dream, that means his friend told him about it. It might be different if it was his own dream but in this scenario his friend is very obviously wanting to choke his WoL and is finding a diplomatic way to say it.
I'm more disappointed that my boy Erenville got fucked over pretty much the whole time and then acted like a teenager saying nothing at the end. Was not a good story arc for him.
didn't even read the first word of the post
toss it in the bin
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lewd moonie
don’t look
Ah that makes a lot of sense. There have been so many times where I'm like yeah this MF is going to die I can switch targets and then they don't die
if i am then come play fl with me
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>xiv dies and goes back to 200k players (SB)
>game becomes kino again
In like half an hour after I'm done with leveling rolo
Gonna utterly destroy me and make sure I don't win a single game, anon? That's romantic
this is /v/ retard we dont care about twitterniggers
dawntrail made you age like a latina
moonies should not show everything off like this
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There's basically no way to get the DT preorder bonus earring now, right?
thats for you to decide, youre the one that wants to bully after all
Found the bandwagoner
All of the WoW players were going to go back the moment it seemed like Blizzard got their shit together. The real question is how long does the honeymoon last
completely mogged by Picto
>worse damage
>worse survivability
>worse mobility
>no group buff
>no group defensive
>more boring rotation
BLM just powercrept
Yes. Goodbye.
He's called me that too yeah...
nice male middie
This thread is filled with sexpests, schizos, and pedophiles, but since this thread has a strong callout culture people are very careful to avoid outing themselves and will be fakenice and inoffensive until they find a way to act on their urges/nature safely.
You can ignore the warnings and be prey if you want.
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>friend introduces his eb
>ask her where she learned to parse like that
>"I grew up with 5 brothers"
i said where not when >:(
i just like queueing mahjong, i won't focus you or anything
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is your male middie like this?
whose alt is this
Confess the worst thing you ever did in this game or in other mmos
>told a idiot kid to give me their runescape password so I could do the chicken ernest puzzle for them
>proceeded to drop their items on the ground and log out in clan wars wilderness
this was back in the days when we had green dragon farming in the wilderness near the clan wars
>in ff14
told someone to kys and that is how I got my first temp ban.
This feels disingenuous. I've heard a ton of people complain specifically about Dorn looking ugly, unfinished and copypasted.
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qrd on pso2 customization?
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Should watch it sometime then...Do you have it?
Grabbing those earrings and using them as NIN weaponry.
I loved it. You’ll prob be chopping onions.
>says no one liked Krile before DT
>I'm the bandwagoner
shut up stupid nigger
are cc calls over
ill do them myself if so
W-was it the same one...?
I'm out of deli rolls.
so given that there are zero (0) meetups in OP, should i do a meetup and if so what kind
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here ismine
>that omega
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No I'm not a snacker
No. Just looking at that ugly engine is reason enough to never touch it again. It's also just chores for rewards that will be meaningless in the next patch and then everyone quits as usual.
probably, you're both whores
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This Week
imagine modbeast proportions and all the gaudy shit they use being the norm
Probably. Sisterwife...
i want a divorce...
I mainly queued up because of >>493698212 and probably can't stick around much longer.
>that hair
>those tattoos
You've never kissed a woman, guaranteed.
WoW crafting is terrible and awful and basically youre a fucking faggot
we don't need it
Make you're own tourist
Yeah yeah we all know you fucked OA
Your character is cuter without the modbeast shit.
Anon not everybody has a terminally coomer brain
CC customs with randomized teams (with a little bit of seeding)
remember when falke moved back to NA and spent a few weeks openly admitting that he was going to "continue" schizoposting everyone on EU
while insisting he was wholesome and cool and they were all cringe losers with werid fetishes
then this happened
It's not "bad" but it's not as good-looking as the other zones, which all give DT a run for its money. Each zone in TWW has a lot more things to do than any of the DT zones, all of which are empty. Quest chains and NPCs add a lot to the character of a zone apart from the art style.
Instead of working on this small side project, I want CBU3 to instead cancel that project and allocate those resources to remaking, reshooting, and rewriting the 7.0 MSQ with convincing assurances that they understand and accept the criticisms.
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so it shall be
6:10 ET
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I like any way you choose to express yourself
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Actually gives you customization to your character through things like body parts, height/width, faces actually having sliders and even age ranges.
do you shield your face when you eat tho
I hate you uppity balmung faggots. All you ever do is sit around in your gay little server because ooooh nooo leaving balmung is soooo hard!
>Plapped an engaged woman, repeatedly, for months, behind her fiance's back.
>Plapped a friend's EB on her alt, that her EB doesn't know about, and took gposes with her, that were shared to said EB, without him ever knowing it was her being plapped.
>Plapped, multiple anon's EBs.
is this CM
Nice tower clock
basically what you see from modbeasts, but they aren't contained to mare and you're forced to see this ugly shit whenever you go through the city idle spots.
*throws a flip flop at u*
thank you babe...
You should! Especially if you just about enjoy anything involving matt berry (I do...) I just downloaded the seasons on 1337x
never playing wow. I hate the lore with a passion. I hated it since fucking the burning fucking crusaded. I went on a long fucking hour rant about the story in the forums the mother fucker writer told me they "couldn't the vast story franchise justice in a online video game" I think it was metzen too. I don't clearly remember, but I remember that mother fucking game master wasting his fucking office hours arguing with me trying to justify the bad fucking story the entire expansion. I literally got banned from the forums for like 24 hours because how I kept explaining how retarded every fucking plot element was. I went on a fucking 2 days rant about blood elf joining the horde because of the actions of 1 random racist human.

Told that fuckers that 99% of the questing made no sense vs classic being kinda decent. Like the entire classic story is written extremely well. Onyxia is working behind the scene causing trouble everywhere so she can easily take over stormwind. Like 99% of shit you deal with from 1-60 is because of her, aside from night elf. ops sorry for the rant. fuck metzen he can eat a bag of dicks.
"Muh empty zones"
Who cares about rep grind fodder that will be ignored for the Dalaran stand-in for the 15th year in a row
Why would I leave my home server? You don't want to either, that's why I said make one for your DC or whatever
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ok bye...
there is a high chance that nobody involved cares one bit
i would not be surprised if you are the only one out of all of these people who takes online textfucking seriously
They're both XIV players and if you mention choking someone in this game most people think horny first
No, I chew with my mouth closed and don't speak if its full.
You'd be surprised how many people have awful manners.
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she's not cute, she's cool
but when she gets a beating from her husband (me) she goes back to cooking and cleaning inshallah
basedddd theyre all i listened to when i was a teenager
Yeah can't see why anyone would give you a timeout.
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one more and then I need to be back later
queue CC 7:00
classic wow storylines mog anything that xiv made
eb status?
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i'm only here to bully males, i don't make plans
nyo idk who that is
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Nah she's pretty cute.
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my moonie looks like this
6:10 didn't instapop for me so I shall queue down until 7:00
While playing Dawntrail I was wondering what was going to happen to Aleria and Xalatath at the end after watching those cutscene leaks. This expansion didn't hit the right notes for me.
Cute,, take 'em down sis
This is all part of a bigger situation but I'd rather not discuss it here. Let's just say we've had a plenty of chats.
>difference between BLM and PCT
>-3% dps
>tiny difference in utility
>playerbase crucifying yoship for poor job balance
>yoship announces BLM buffs and their plan to change PCT twice

>difference between WHM and AST
>-17% dps
>massive difference in utility
Then they wonder why PF is a healer wasteland.
does he still have that giant Emet poster overlooking his desk
trying to level up my tanks to 100 has burnt me out on the game i think, unfortunately

i wish i wasnt on an EU server so i could hang out/chat with random people
You lost. They will not fire Sena. They will not remove or give Wuk less screen time going forward. She will become a Scion and join us for all future expansions. She will become a pseudo love interest replacing Graha.
It's so hard to find people to cum in your mouth if you don't ask them to cum in your mouth, isn't it?
oh my goodness i hate when people talk with their mouth full, it seems really common now
>lovebomb an (IRL) married woman and take up her time and attention for a year
>erp and goon and exchange i love yous
>heard her occasional complaint about things deteriorating with her husband
>hard ghost her
Bratty c@ needs correcting
should I use the hung tights mod in LB14 or would that be too much
>You don't want to either
When did I say that? I never said that. I have left my dc but I'm literally barred from entering balmung because this game is run by monkeys. Goblin or Zalera or wherever I don't care where. Just have it be in a place where people can actually travel to.
it's a healer wasteland because they are boring to play
This is the template response of every WoWfugee who's "moved on" from WoW but obsesses about their former game nonstop. Just goes to show that FFXIV is nothing compared to the GOAT.
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Oh shit wanna cytube it for a bit?
ice cold
>transwoman replaces beloved fujo bait

biofems would be raising the pitchforks
Femra have always gone mental in the threads when one of their own fantas.
>whm in the gutter
fucking deserved.
do you want a meena clinging to your crotch
boobs too small
this one isnt bad but this isnt a ffxiv character
>raidlead for five to six years, wanted to retire so I can mind my business and press 123
>join new static
>tfw get asked for second opinions on recruitment, get sent logs by lead for the one slot we want to fill, already asked to help out with calls when FRU drops
>most of them are ShBbabs at best
these whippersnappers...
follow and document the actions of dozens of people enough to get 14 accounts 1-month banned and then permabanned 2 days after those bans expired along with a credible threat of legal action
I am certainly not complaining, but why have we got so many gay (the right kind) breads lately?

keep 'em coming
please don’t make me learn ast, i really am too retarded for it
I replied >skjermbile to this poster
wasnt a fan of the guy even while he played a semi attractive femra
You say that like WHM was never in the gutter.
All of the normie biofems I know love Wuk and think of her as either a little sister or a daughter.
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Maybe possibly... hmmm
then i shall continue what im doing...
Done with rolos for the day? Don't feel like doing it alone today.
everyone of these niggas is gay as fuck, plus their clique died when they all were trying to court the same himcesses
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Moonie post
Still deserved
It’s not hard to play it’s just boring to heal on since everything is an oGCD on that job
May I plap?
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Extremely based.
Crazy how Viper is the only class you start your rotation by pressing 2
there is a high chance that you are some weirdo cuck that calls himself a "polyamorous"
Sorry is this better
Another time! I'm watching Evil currently...
f3mra pelase
All of these look cute, Effy.
I associate those futa cock tights with the memories of one of my first random mare pairs and I seen it often enough that it must be a big hit in the futa community
The only futa cute enough for me to ignore the hog and plap the butthole
Post the full...
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thank you anon, I shall make sure they eat their words! and my fist!!
i don't need correcting. maybe you do...
coward. ofc you wouldn't face me, you know i'd beat you.
much better my icelandic whore wife
the temptation to fanta back to femlala is real, i love being so small in someone’s lap it makes me feel safe
my 1 key is bound to repose
I'd say yes if I was about to go to bed...
Domestic violence f3mra?
Love and hate you so much anon
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Stay femra...
Some of the complaints seem like such parroted redditpasta too. I'm really supposed to believe this faggot was anti wow during when it was actually kino? straight up tryhard poser
Mine is Bloodwhetting.
pyro was pogging out on his stream while playing dt as well, so it's safe to say he's "impressed" by whatever's paying his bills atm
Which race and world? What content do you like to do?
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go to church so i can log into balmeme and feel my costco pc shudder as mare destroys it

god i miss old clan wars, shit was poppin even on f2p. good times.
fine since youre twisting my arm. Zurvan?
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probably one of the dumbest niggers I've ever seen, guy melts at anything

anyway, never played WoW and never will.
if XIV goes to shit to the point I don't want to play even for ultimates I will play more 2hu or SMT instead
femezen femezen femezen
I'm so honoured m'lord
May I plap?
I hate rava+ so fucking much.
the "I hate WoW" grift has been milked dry and now he needs WoW to succeed to make money
If you don't play wow, let me explain why the blood elf joining horde is extremely funny.
>1 le racist human tells the elf to do their fucking job
>they obviously got problem with it and refuse
>they leave to join up the water elf people
okay, so after like 8 years after warcraft 3 they joined the horde who has allied themselves with fucking TROLLS, and why are trolls a big deal? THEY BEEN KILLING BLOOD ELF SINCE THE DAWN OF FUCKING TIME. Like the entire region their currently live in was troll land, until the blood elf kick their ass and rightful tok their land in the name of fucking conquest. Every single fucking blood elf hated the trolls. Killing trolls were literally their hobby and same amnai trolls.
>but they are not the same trolls
shut the fuck up. If I was in a race war, do you think I got time to justify which of them are good? Insane just insane. And when I learned the reason for making blood elf was because of "we need sexy people in the horde so bugmen can play as the horde", I thought "yep warcraft 3 is officially dead". Fun fact it make no sense too, since the vast majority of FUCKING good players were playing as horde already because of shamans. So instead of having somewhat balance between the alliance and the horde, this caused the horde to be extremely popular and the alliance to slowly pathetic death for years. Fuck you metzen. Fuck you Ion raidnigger. Bitch ass lawyer who fucking got bored of asking for shit that asked you fucking uncle, friend, sisters, boyfriend for a job. fuck you stupid ass raid takes, baby crying about how easy tiers was.
They're a big hit because they're one of the extremely few cock bulge mods that are actually large
am a male midlander
now watching Raiders-Chargers and Cowboys-Browns
Why does this game have so many tools for stalking people?
I've been in love with this middie for years. I'm a straight male. And now I find she has a PENIS? I'm going to kms
yeah, im thinking im erect
i laughed
If I show up, will there be CBT involved?
meowdy partner
I haven't gotten that message since the last patch. Did they change it so only DC visitors get locked out now?
t. On Crystal but no on Blameme
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/xivg/ posters who you suspect are secretly good at erp?
serve your queen
Turning you into a sloppy mess would be nice
Understand. The anchor post does say 'confess', but this place hasn't exactly got the anonimity of a real confessional. Hope it works out for you, anon! With a dream like that, it sounds like a handful.
hi effy
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10:15 ET
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good meowning
I want to hornypost but this gave me a chuckle
Sunana Suna
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holy based
go femzen
*raises paw slowly*
does she got chicken pox
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I don't know what that is but now I'm curious to watch it.
Yep, bottom coded.
gm fatass
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I'm thinking about it for an alt
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ah, the best of the triad
okidoki, but ull be getting vanilla hairstyle unless u want my mare
probs not i just wanna beat men up and maybe give them hugs after
i'll make you into a sloppy mess, a bloody sloppy mess
I have 4 people on my friends list and two of those are my alts.
I think the three EBs I have on my alts found my EB on my main. How to handle this?
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We went from drywall bibo pore texture to literal drywall skin texture.
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which do you guys like better

I understand and I apologize for my sins
I wouldn't say that. More that the writers of old had the balls to keep shit hidden for the average cuck, but more deep than the current puddle of ocean retail wow has. Like a ton of people think classic quest and dungeons are just le random, but it is a massive conspiracy onyxia is behind to cause the realm to be unstable. Any writer who wrote the entire stoyline probably knew that most retards wouldn't be able ot see the connection, but few people did and they fell in love with that design. Even idiots who don't know it, felt the zones were connect even thought it is vastly different zone by zone. Just pure cinema. Anyway wow and warcraft lore died the moment tbc came out.
hair is clipping through your femerzens cheek
People just ain't raised right anymore
>until the blood elf kick their ass
that was humans lorelet. high elfs always get their shit kicked in and have to be bailed out.
I've had no motivation to play and it's actually made me kind of depressed lately.
someone was asking where you've been elkers
why would you abandon us....
I'm currently making a horsecock weapon out of spite because my friend refuses to share theirs
both are vomit inducing
nyo time for sex I gotta play video games
alright, zurvan new grid it is
right because i see less of her face
I love the stupid nun sock it looks kinda silly I'll make one later without it
Fiesty with a will to resist, I wonder how long you'd last
Have you tried other games, anon? It might help!
The f3mra is a cutie
A man of taste...
Do you promise to Yuri pose with me if I do
Yeah I need to adjust it in Blender, this hair was only made for Miqo'te and I did a quick copy/paste job to see what it would look like on other races
Plap them into submission.
oh waiter! more discord schizoposting!
Sunana Suna
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going to plap you into the ground
ty for reminding me i have to pray for my team (the dallas cowboys) to win so i can be a brat in another chat about it to people who hate the cowboys
im not too sure since i don't usually play on my crystal alt. i know server natives bypass congestion but im not sure if its specifically DC travelers or anyone who isn't based on that world server.


whichever one makes you look more like a dollar bin vanta copy
post +
I miss zenos...
can you make a dual wield dildo weapon for viper while you're in the cock workshop?
I don't really enjoy other games all that much. I'm kind of an MMO gamer only, have been for years. However, the entire MMO genre seems to be in the toilet lately. Thank you for the suggestion though.
both are cute but left allows for forehead smooching which is +
One moonie vs the world
>wearing a cowboy's helment
>helmet is a type of hat
>cowboy hats are a thing
no pic bcos im omw
anon i just fuckin told u
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One time I ran it down in Clockwork on BRD because I had a guy on my team who had hard-focused me for the last four matches and swept my corpse and I didn't want him to win, then I proceeded to harass him with every single one of my crowd control abilities on cooldown in the following games until he queue'd down. I don't feel as bad about it now because apparently he's in one of those weird PVP discords. In WoW I intentionally made some of the weird nazi Scarlet Crusade roleplayers melt down because I dared to stand in some dweeb's afk spot between his Arena matches. Still feel pretty good about that one because even the Horde liked invading Stormwind to kill him specifically.
Good question. I really can't see any other use for the search function, but it's there.
You can just type in someone's name to try and send a tell, even if search makes it easier.
Maybe whoever originally added the feature was cheated on in ff11 and he wanted to make it so that can't happen again.
please give examples of the onyxia thing
Yeah i think that's why i liked it. The storylines didn't "exist" until you actually engaged with it and paid attention
this one actually does hurt a bit

I haven’t taken any new pics after that first one, sorry
is this moonie into footjobs
>Do you promise to Yuri pose with me if I do
yeah im down
here whenever
are we meeting anywhere in particular?
im at limsa atm
I just told you new grid. at aetheryte
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ahh my bad
In like 20 minutes or so, on Crystal DC
Quick Novice Ranked
He'll do some drugs, get his confidence back, and do the "all attention is good attention you hateful chuds" shtick until he gets bullied away for being a groomer again.
if AN being an english major is true, they're probably good if you like wordy writing
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