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Your response? Edition

>Official WoW News

>Threads of Destiny - New Cinematic

>September Trading Post

>20th Anniversary In-Game Event Preview

NA /wowg/ guild (and community if you're horde)
>GLOBO FOMO - Moonguard
EU /wowg/ guild (and community)
>Nerub Silkweaving Forum

Previously on /wowg/ >>493677901
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avatarfags are disgusting
report and hide
avatarfags are disgusting
report and hide
I hate footfags.
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>They gave Lil' Doomy black skin

...Blizzard knows.
i love footchads.
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I am owed sex from nelf women
So uh ive been picking up random plants from the ground for a while now, when does the money start rolling in?
reminder to instantly report and hide avatarfags for a better wowg
Where do Horde players RP?
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>want to start pvp gearing
>can't bring myself to buy gear because honor now has a direct monetary value and I don't feel like spending 30k on one item
I don't know if I love or hate this
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when you sell them

alternatively when you craft potions with them and then sell those
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We won BIGLY.
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How come the WoW cinematics since Shadowlands have been bad?
The latest one might be the actual worst one.
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anti-avatarfags are off topic and honestly way more annoying than people actually discussing the game
he based
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melt avatars.
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Get a goblin alt for purchases at discount
Do every glamor encahnt with your character before settling on a second profession for a bunch of AA
>6 pages
Jesus Christ
Stormwind obviously has to fall for the events of Warcraft 2 to happen. The way that WoW and most lore media described the fall of Stormwind was that the city was mostly enduring the siege, but Garona was mind controlled and killed Llane which dealt an extreme blow to the morale of the defenders. Garona's, Lothar's, Doomhammer's and Gul'dans stories are all critically connected with the fall of Stormwind, but if there had been a direct sequel after the movie as it is, it would literally be just something that has to happen to push the plot along. That's unsatisfying to watch, nobody wants a set of Warcraft movies that's just
>and then this happened in the games
>plus here's a completely different character storyline we invented
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It's okay anon. Being angry is exhausting so instead come get a big fuzzy hug.
>like 19 cinematics this xpack
>whole Magni hugging his daughter and grandson is the only solid one
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The tooltips for my skills don't show up anymore, across all my characters. They used to come up in the bottom-right corner, rather than on the cursor. Someone know what's wrong?
wtf get out of there....
yeah I like getting longer and longer voidforms as I'm geared up. sometimes you whiff them because you didn't see into the future properly but that's very thematic for a spec based on old-gods.
why isnt jaina pregnant yet
those eggs have turned to dust a long time ago
Wait what are you talking about?
I can make money how?
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>Followers page clips the models
The more important question is who is Danath Trollbane going to impregnate to sire an heir for the Trollbane lineage?
what does this profession equipment even do for me once im already maxxed
does having +18 skill really mean anything
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here's why your auction house didn't work for over a week on launch
>Click with nelf hottie in Goonshire
>Get interrupted by server shut down
>Actually continue
>Check out the inn today
>She's there
>She runs away when I get close
Bros, I had thought we shared something...
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>people buying enchants while purples arent out to de yet
they gonna drop
no. unequip it and sell it to a vendor, it's just taking up space in your profession window.
her hair wasn't the only thing impacted by the mana bomb, anon
For the sake of peace between their races, he MUST breed Talanji.
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how does this make you feel?
yes those 18+ points are vital to get to the quality threshold of some items don't fucking sell them
I'm one of those new expac tourists, have been for the past 13 years. I played 2005-2011 monastically but nowadays I stick around for the first 4-6 months of a new xpac before I get bored and unsubscribe again. Is this one worth touring for 6 months at least? I haven't looked up any info on this at all. Pretty much all I know is they introduced a system to make leveling alts easier. Any other improvements worth looking forward to?
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uh oh melty...
profession gear skill is required for max quality on nearly every recipe
No one would touch that femcel with a 50 ft pole
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Hasn't had enough time to slip away from the alliance. Maybe TWW and Midnight will be when it happens
Holy shit, BHC can't stop winning...
Big human cock or big horde cunt? You decide
have you tried shaving?
Open edit mode and go from there.
He will fill up all the discarded love interests for Anduin. Tess, Lorna, Taelia, that one Draenei that one time - Arguably Jaina but only inbetween when she's not pregnant with Thrall's runts. Uhh, Silvanas? He's gonna go to the maw and powercuck Nathanos. Uh, I guess Liadrin while he's already planting his seed in previously tilled earth.
I guess that's it.
>look at goldfarm guy on youtube
>hes manually multiboxxing 4-8 wow accounts
>has 4-8 wow windows open on one screen
>just scrolling his tsm in all windows
imagine if that is your freetime
that is what you do for fun
If you mean an actual cinematics, the they still being good after BFA and great after WoD.
As for cinematic cut scenes, they have peaked during WoD and Legion.
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If you've done it for the past 13 years then what's stopping you now?
Big horde cock with big human cunt(nelves), ez
you have to chase her or else she won't think you're interested!
also she might be a dude!
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What's the most fun /wowg/-approved profession?
Goblin prostitution.
reminder to instantly hide avatartroons
I have a headache
Include Faerin Lothar because Vanessa VanCleef has to win the Anduinbowl in the end.
In DF all of them had their own fun when inspiration and hidden skill value was a thing but now it's concentration shit killed all the casino element.
i dont think ive had more fun in tww than hitting a +17 multicraft on a tempered potion
getting a x2 defenders armor kit was pretty close tho
If you dont know what you are doing just pick up alchemy for the 100% extra duration pots and engineering for the group repairs
only breedable dwarf I've ever seen
I'm positive they would have make her and Thrall a couple if not for Metzen self incert shit kicking in when he got married IRL.
They were perfect couple. She has too many human like boyfriends with tragic fate and Thrall was just always there as a trusted bvll she could have always lean against and sleep well.
Instead Thrall got boring side family and Jaina has stuck in forever auntie mode.
We were fucking robbed.
i dont craft
Answer me this Hordechuds, if you think TWW is an Alliance expansion, then why does the Alliance still not have its own rock band with actual music while the Horde has lvl85EliteTaurenChieftain and the entirety of Cataclysm? Exactly. Keep paying your reparations orcpigs.
enchants will go down in price right?
an opioid addiction is better than having a headache imo
that's closer to their job. also reportable if they are stacking the windows to multiply actions.
I havent enjoyed this game since MoP, why the fuck am i enjoying it now?
reminder to report and ignore faggot avatars
Imagine her chin peach fuzz rubbing against your crotch
i really like luring hidden beasts out and killing them for rare materials
it feels special since you only see these mobs with skinning and the luring trait
Jaina could've married Varian or something, he's only about eight years older than Arthas.
Same brother. We're unironically healing...
after the allegations of sexual misconduct against ETC the horde favors level 1 tauren rapist, at least you know what you're getting with him
someone post the chinese bot farm setup
probably not for two weeks but even after that theyll likely stay high because most of the bis enchants need a profaned tinderbox
there's nothing worse than avatar troons
in no way is that their job their job is neeting it up lmao
there is no money in making wow videos on youtube especially not goldfarm videos that get like 5k views max
the mods enabling them
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Edit Mode isn't it. I just noticed this: the tooltip shows up just fine for this trinket and the Dalaran hearthstone.
I'm gonna scour the options menu now.
>check out whatever streamer
>wherever they fly there are no players around
>its fucking empty

Oh ho...
There is some simplified tooltips thing in there, or there was years ago. You might need a console command now because blizz is retarded. For example you need a command to toggle DK voices, or fucking quests on the minimap
orbiters like (You) are more annoying desu
Do you guys even play the game??
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there are people in this general that never got this...
Sorry they're Dracthyr owned now
i quit that patch so fast after all my corruption drops were useless shit lol
oh no no no no no....
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She's healing WoW
>simplified tooltips
I didn't see that in tooltips. Maybe it's a classic display? I wanna keep modern.
me too
>Do you guys even play the game??
Yes and Frost is utterly broken right now
I just remembered how Deathwing's whole plan was to become so incomprehensibly powerful that he could kill the Nozdormu and Malygos, then rape Ysera and Alexstrasza for all eternity. He was literally /ourguy/
>he was still playing in 8.3
oh no no no
cope shitter
I don't even know what she is
Is it actually broken or is it only broken in the first 30sec of burst when you get lucky with a double/triple reapers mark?
Go back for the last 10 years of raid parses and report back to me whether frost has been outdpsing unholy. Unholy is getting a buff 11.05 anyways, frost dk is dead after the nerfs
I hate talent trees they feel so pointles
>get recruited into a guild and got invited
>say hi in /g
>no one responds
its osver
Glad I'm not the only one feeling like the spec is a dps casino.

Also massively gibbed by bad tanks.
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Nothing fit, I'm mad.
That lil nigga is a FOTM FDK who thinks he knows what he's saying lol
>better than UH for the first time ever
>immediately nerfed
>still better
>immediately nerfed again, 2 weeks into a new patch
you're not helping your case
It's broken thanks to Deathbringer being overall fucking smoked and a lot of talent adjustement incorporating former "actives" into passives that proc with Obliterate.
Alongside that your burst happens every 45 seconds and the downtime remains solid.
>Uuuhm, this spec was bad for 10 years therefore it just CAN'T be good ever
First expansion?
Go play other game tranny
>35 minute until dungeon q popped
holy hell leveling my tanks first was a mistake
reminder to report and hide avatar trannies
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what a rude lizard
>First expansion?
First expansion frost is even remotely relevant for just a single patch too lmao

Frost is only good because of Reaper's mark, try playing Rider? Besides even Reaper's mark playstyle is all RNG. Dumbass
i wonder if there are any mods that give the earthen fleshy skin
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>he's not dead

>get stuck in a fucking delve because blizzard doesn't know how to make normal geometry
>demonic gateway doesn't work
>try to use burning rush to kill myself
>brann keeps healing me
>finally get down to near-death
>goddamn spell turns itself off
>i'm literally incapable of killing myself
Just hearth?
Its actually so crazy to me how many dedicated players there still are.
Just found out about a youtube channel of a guy who makes fishing video's each over 1 hour long.
He has made over 100 so far I believe.
get bran and a critter to help you do the doomguard summon
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Yeah, I have no idea how to get the tooltips back. And I'm thinking this is something only I'm suffering from, not anyone else, and surely it's not a Free Trial issue?
>healer instead of dpsissy
your mistake
I haven’t played since Legion, should I come back? Is the game fun again
HS nerd
There's an unstuck button you fucking mong.
have you ever tried playing with your own build, or subbing out talent sets you don't like from recommended builds? what does that feel like?
i'm stuck in a hole, i can't
hot dog
goblin jump out
reminder anything is better than avatartroons
Legion fun level without the retarded RNG and grind. Also no DF faggotry either.
Yeah i'd say so, we're healiing.
you can right click your portrait and leave a delve the same as a dungeon.
Talent trees don't have that freedom though. I don't follow builds but I'm constantly forced to take talents i don't want. It really kills it for me. There's no real choice to make.
What class do you play?
Its about 50/50
I recently went on Warcraft movies and it made me realize just how fucking dead the WoW community really is.
We used have so many machinima video's made back in the day man. I can't remember any good one in the past like 7 years.
why is it always the most retarded players that get the angriest?
He will NEVER die. He's cool as a cucumber!
reminder to report avatar/signature use
Warrior and hunter
>I went to a dead website for a dead video genre and nobody is posting wtf???
Maybe the "anime picture" guy is right. Should start MD5 filtering all these images.
reminder the avatartroons are scared of anime
What would be your ideal playstyle? for both?
I made my own build for warrior, and I'm doing pretty good so maybe you can too
You're really stupid if you don't understand what that guy is saying and can't abstract anything
it's real for some specs. you remove one talent from the recommended build and suddenly half a dozen others become pointless because they were feeding into that.
could be. I find I have a few points to play with without saccing anything integral on most my guys. windwalker's not one of em, especially the base tree you can play with tier 1 and tier 2 talents then tier 3 almost every point goes into throughput nodes or unskippable defensives.
what happens when you hearth out of a delve or just leave it
i don't want to have to redo this shit and i don't want to lose my delver's bounty buff
>anime pic
post hidden
Dark Souls 3 used to have a shit ton of for fun community videos and random shit about the game.
Compared to Elden Ring, it was soooo much much better and much more videos too, despite the game being 10 million times more niche than Elden Ring.

It's a thing of the past brother.
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>console command
I ended up searching if anyone else had this problem and found several different pages. Saw the command solution and just immediately copy-pasted, because fuck dealing with this any further.
Thank you.
If you leave it it's reseted when you go back in. There doesn't seem to be saves of any kind, I've left and entered the same delve like 40 times in a row and it's a new save every time.
oh no no no no
avatar troon sisters
it gets reset if you drop group, idk about hearthing. if you got a friend online they can join your group halfway through and come in to "anchor" the instance for you while you hearth.
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Midnight waiting room.
I figured they just removed the option lmao
this is fucking retarded
and the unstuck button doesn't work, i've been clicking it like crazy and it straight up doesn't work
does anyone know any toys that do damage beyond 1% so i can just kill myself and respawn?
who makes a better PVE preest human gnome or draenei or dwarf
>nobody is making a dead form of media any more therefore the community is dead
that's exactly what he said
learn to read
Machinima is dead, period.

Reminder. There are people out there still trying to grind the eggsack.
Inv a friend to pull you as priest or summon you as warlock or what-have-you?
Nigga thats pennies
Your reading comprehension sucks learn to abstract
Aw fuck it most of you didn't go to college
i don't have friends
This is why you're supposed to leave shit groups on the first wipe.
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>You can't kill the magma fury with the big press.
>humans get a boost to haste critical strik mastery and vers
>goblins only get haste
>its less haste than humans
In effect, Xal'atath is kind of like a generation 1 death knight.
he knows what he's saying. stop feeding the stinky brown allah worshipper replies. then he'll be forced to leave the house and take out his malcontent on other people and maybe he'll get beaten into a seizure and left to die.
life grip someone into it
which also scales:)
>Was able to claim ghastly charger without subbing
kinda cool of blizz really.
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i get it now
What are the odds?
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Does death charge not have the passive you can't be slowed below 70%? Kind of shitty if that's the case.
it's a 4% increase to stat gains, goblin is a static 1% haste increase so like a few hundred rating. think of humans like a human potential racial, it scales up as they get stronger.
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u know if they changed her ugly haircut and grew her arm back she'd cute. I like her voice
When the FUCK did this faggot ass community change the term burst damage to priority damage
Elysian GM meltie status?
>YET ANOTHER case of fugly horribad hair ruining an entire character
Fucking delete this haircut from the internet.
She's a dreadlord.
Mag'har orc warrior hatefucking her blood elf warlock teammate
I thought priority damage was like the amount of damage you can put on a single mob while AoEing. I'm probably wrong though I can't keep up with the times.
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i guess i just live here now
>nooo he's speaking uh... symbolically
I thought that was funnel damage kek
Nah thats funnel dmg now lol
No. Gorefiend literally a generation 1 death knight.
Xal'atath is a made up disembodied voice that was part of a made up priest artifact weapon that priests players simped for so fucking hard they made their headfantasy a reality and she became real. Now she's just dark elf who is a 10000 year old god god minion that got locked away by her superiors and should have had all of her power and energy sapped away at the end of legion, but now we have to pretend like she's the big bad above all of that.
... what?
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oh no they ruined my kino zone
you are posting this bait again, why?
sorry my manda farded :(
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oh ok
yes ok this is fine
What the fuck? I feel like I'm a boomer over here. Single target, AoE, and pop CDs.
Burst damage is just a lot of damage done in a short timeframe.
Priority damage is damage done to the most important target at the time. A shield that needs to be broken, an add that needs to be killed. Stuff like that.
If someone links their high boss damage and you link your high damage to Healy Mchealface you could be said to be doing better priority damage then them.
don't anon me. The death charge talent does not mention having the passive, like death's advance does.
Try to queue into a bg and get out maybe?
desu they just need to change her fucking hair
I can't take anybody with the literal zoomer broccoli seriously
why? i have no problem with this right now, it's kinda funny
yes but she's MY nigger
>should have had all of her power and energy sapped away at the end of legion,
She did.
That's why she needed to Dark Heart plumped up with Galk's essence before she could start making moves.
Ah so basically priority damage is just burst damage by a player with at least 2 brain cells
Nta, that's during the activation, not passive.
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holy shit you can't read. THAT IS THE ACTIVE. NOT A PASSIVE.
>humans dont get rocket boots or judaism racials
seems fair to me
>xhe doesn't know
That's the active anon.

The original ability has a movement speed increase, and as passive, you can't be slowed below 70%.

The horse speeds you up 100%, and while active, you can't be slowed below your normal, 100% movement speed.

It's not clear from the tooltip that you retain the 70% passive.
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smell ya later, nerds
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>Tank has gorillion hp and is aoe spamming
>a lvl 19 mistweaver monk keeps getting targetted and dying instantly because of a HoT on the tank
>The tank is melting down if touched by an enemy
What the fuck did they break this time
>We lost a healer to the nerub silkweaving forum guild
My brother in christ you kicked me for not responding to you fast enough as i was trying to make a coffee
reminder to report and hide
how much yen shadowmourne goes for you reckon
>tales of the past
hell yeah
Another new chapter
is this an old tweet
wrath isnt up
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if you guys make fun of me ONE MORE TIME im gonna JUMP!!!
pls tell me this kills me and respawns me
literally an idiot
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Uh oh Doomtrannies are not gonna like the 14 milly...
>chinks would rather play Wrath Classico than the toilet within
I'm losing my fucking sides. This is one of those things that can't be fucking real, but at the same time I 100% believe it.
The current tooltips for dk at least werent even fucking proof read so its probably fine kek
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The lad is being groomed
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This is already too complicated.
Good thing there are multiple anons in this thread that agree that you are actually the idiot who can't read.
goddamnit its an invisible wall
you sound tilted, I'm just referring to the fact she's a corpsewalker
Doomtrannies be like


I feel bad for doomtrannies man, L after L for 4 years...

They're getting it late kinda like retail wotlk
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dereshi shi shi
>invisible wall
You glitched into XIV, my condolences.
Getting into the muck of the light and void and elements was a mistake nd they should have just been left as christ and hell and voodoo native american analogies
>Doing Deadmines
>We invite a Lv. 15 Mage for some reason
>Said Mage rolls need on SPIRIT chest
>I, the Healer, lose the roll to a Lv. 15 Mage

I'm so done
Has anyone else ran into abilities being bugged in a way that it seems they are "delayed" in terms of actually displaying their damage and lack any audiovisual feedback for the hit itself (no impact sound, even though the other sounds associated with the skill play just fine)? This is not a latency issue, I've checked.

I recently got into playing an old arms warrior of mine, and it's driving me nuts that the vast majority of his skills do not feel good at all to use due to these issues.
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yeah about that
its over
i bricked my character
i jumped and now he's stuck in a perpetual fall
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>anime laugh
post hidden
>what is "my character is stuck" service
I find the intense focus of Xal'atath and Alleria to be quite mentally taxing. It's so forced.
but im not chinese, why do i care?
>low iq bait
do I need to use mods?
>i jumped and now he's stuck in a perpetual fall
Yeah, that's why I told you to hearth retard WoW has no death wall past a certain point the game just loops DC you because the game can't find you, now you have to unstuck it through the support
a button that doesn't work you illiterate retard, i already said that earlier
Is it consistent for each ability? For me it feels random like its lag but the latency number doesnt show it
In real life combat, do people ever need to just scarf down a whole pot of stew in order to stay strong for the fight? Or is real fighting never longer than a few minutes?
Tomorrow is another day.
Bull shit it doesn't work
Post your ticket history right now, prove it faggot
Post webm of yourself using it and it saying that it doesn't work.

Reminder to delete all your dogshit addons and weakauras.This autistic guy just exposed how blizzard fuck you over with micro stutters.
Yes. It's funny you mention warrior cause warrior also has a really annoying bug where execute often is lit up on your bar but is not actually available to press. Happens a lot when switching targets.
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i've been mashing this thing a million times a minute and nothing is happening
Isn't all storytelling basically forced, when you think about it?
How things would happen IRL: everyone just gets laid and eats something and goes to sleep. No forced drama, conflict or action just comfykino and relaxation.
webm != png
Yep. Something like slam plays its sounds just fine and immediately displays its damage upon the hit connecting, but if I use overpower, mortal strike or colossus smash, I get the swing sounds, but no impact sounds and the damage number pops up like a second after the hit actually connects.
I wish it wasn't.
Me and the GM were friends for like 6 months before the guild even existed but because i joined nerub on an alt he kicked me after he said "you cant be in two guilds at once" and I took more than a few minutes to respond.
q up follower dungeon then hearth
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>I swear im not lying
the system generates an automated ticket AND sends an email to your email address
prove it
Yeah we call it drugs that make you shit blood and hump your enemies to death. Sadly after the invention of guns this far eastern medicine had been lost to time
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we couldve got a rebellion story from within the shadowlands but instead we got 10k years bullshittery story about the jailer
it couldve been simple and somewhat well received instead of shitting all over previously established lore
it was just a double turd cake with afterlives in general and the j'lor
in Dragonflight I noticed this happened with Obliterate on a frost DK
leveling cooking is basically free because for some reason people keep putting mats on the ah for less than the vendor price
>still bluetext
god i am so glad the season is about to start i cannot wait to EXCLUDE and GATEKEEP the retarded casuals that deign to play this game
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i've been trying to find the unstuck in the support site but i can't find it, it's like it's not there
We didn't even get to see Lothar.
>How things would happen IRL: everyone just gets laid and eats something and goes to sleep. No forced drama, conflict or action just comfykino and relaxation.
I shouldn't even dignify this dumb post with a response but here you go.
so you haven't actually been trying to use it
thank you for confirming
I hope blizzard deletes your character next time
>please watch this video
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Imagine a female thalassian elf not having sex with a human male.
Challenge rating impossible.
>I'm idling and looking for things to farm again

season took too long to start, dead game, it's over
>so you haven't actually been trying to use it
bro i literally smashed the button in the customer support window, it doesn't do anything
now i'm looking on the site because i assume it might be a game bug, but i can't find it
if you look in the description you will find links for whatever region you're on for the character unstuck service
the name Nerub Silkweaving forum is so good. If i was EU i would kneel to get an invite.
yea this was a massive fuck up
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yeah im sure the guy who raged over nothing then refused to actually try any of the solutions offered to him is totally trying and totally not just doing anything that would actually solve his problem because he doesn't want to admit to being a retard
I can literally click the button right now and it works
you're a liar
I hate liars
I hope you die IRL
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What are we thinking of monk bros? I started leveling a few casters and then randomly tried monk instead and I kinda love it, will be 80 in a few hours. Thing is I want to play a healer and have 0 idea if the healing spec is fun to play in the maze and casual pvp. anyone here living the kung fu panda live atm?
ok this one seems to work

you're a genuine retard
What race?
>Cata launches
>raid doesn't come out for a month, nothing to do but quest and farm
>this is fine
>MoP launches
>raid doesn't come out for a month, nothing to do but quest and farm
>this is fine
>WoD launches
>raid doesn't come out for a month, nothing to do but quest and farm
>this is fine
>Legion launches
>raid doesn't come out for a month, nothing to do but quest and farm
>this is fine
>BFA launches
>raid doesn't come out for a month, nothing to do but quest and farm
>this is fine
>Shadowlands launches
>raid doesn't come out for a month, nothing to do but quest and farm
>this is fine
>Dragonflight launches
>raid doesn't come out for a month, nothing to do but quest and farm
>this is fine
>TWW launches
>raid doesn't come out for a month, nothing to do but quest and farm
fistweaver is pretty good yea
link to the game
>he thinks he's getting in a m0 group with less than 585 ilvl
She's in Hallowfall?
>noooo you cant call me out im going to call you a retard
the world would be better without you
>this is fine
never has been never will be my dear revisionist
if this post ends in 9 on god t dubs is bussin
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so you dont get fucked in the ass for having to stand in the thick of things? thats kinda reassuring
m+ sissies doing shit dungeons s1 s2 s3
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why are you mad at being wrong?
the links in the description of that video worked, everything else didn't
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>Acting retarded is clever!
a peculiar buck
>Frostwolf Earmuffs
>Doesn't have the Frostwolf clan symbol
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>Xala'toes sensing BHC in the proximity
>ummmm oh shit it totally works now I was totally trying the whole time
You're not clever
Jump off a fucking building
Brewmaster works for them. Smart.
>580 artisians acuity
>3 soul sigil I
>1 spark of omens
>1 fractured spark of omens
>129 verdant seeds
>3 earth encrusted gems
This stuff is genuinely worthless to me. I will never engage with crafting. Is there any fucking way to exchange this shit or sell it
i'm not acting retarded, i finally found the unstuck button (the support search bar simply didn't show it) and when i clicked it, it just redirected back to the support homepage
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Here's new material for the QRD anon.
Also, the leader hasn't even cleared all raid in heroic in s4. To that guy saying "but he has 2k8 rio", check his history of m+, he was stuck into +3/+4 in s4 for weeks, season started in april and he got his first +10 done in july for Uldaman with similar results for the other dungeons, as a tank.

Players who get high rio after the nerfs for dungeons have gone through or the pvp kids waiting for inflation shouldn't talk about their ratings.
Which non-evoker class has the worst mogs? Hunter?
>main tank
>prot pally
The dream was over before it even began...
I will focus on healing to get dungeon knowledge, but tanking might be neat later. Feel like literally everyone is shitting on BM though lmao
>im not acting
yeah that's obvious
>it totally works now
on a different link, yeah
why are you being so fucking retarded?
also this isn't working either because it's just stuck on that screen i posted lmao
You are the most retarded human being on the planet oh my god
it is up for the chinamen
You now remember Pesado
You now remember Tina
You now remember Maye
Is GLOBO FOMO okay for new players, or is it a sweaty tryhard guild?
maaaaan rings on toes are so fucking sex
I tried to join and they told me I wasn't allowed because my ilvl was still blue
Videogame companies should be forced to change their name if they drop below a certain threshold of original devs.
Monks are comfy after you get used to it. It might feel weird with the clash of gameplay and unusual class style but they have tried to expand it past just being the panda class.
reminder to report and hide troons
omfg can you stop with this autism?
It's fine anon, the only mandatory thing is being a wowg anon.
fake and gay
Yeah trans-corporations are valid, too! You go sister!
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great stuff, love it
whats the plan for tuesday reset bros?
do the 4 quests that award the keys
do 12+ bountiful delves
do 8 m0s
there's at least one guy who does item descriptions who has never booted up the game in his life. maybe it's outsourced. at least he used the word frostwolf this time, he's improving.
>as in an astral serpentling belonging to emperor shaohao
>starts talking about some astral emperor who makes serpentlings
>paladin / knight ceremonial cape
>there were a bunch of other desert-themed items on the trading post that month he probably just guessed
just make IP laws not retarded instead.
>it's from AD too
ummm actially it's extremely hetero and very real you fucking chud
I will not be posting proof because they said I would be doxxed if I did
I am enjoying world of warcraft
Returning player here. Haven't played since TBC and hit 80 today.

What do I do from here? My gear score is ~540, but I don't know what my progression path looks like. I've found two greens that I can upgrade, I think with Valorstones? Is this what I do, or should I be farming dungeons for gear sets?

Appreciate any help!
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>2 threads without a may e post
what's going on ... ?
he got too much attention
>Level a hunter from 10 to 72
>Start to realise I'm not enjoying this as much as I thought I would.
Well fuck, what now?
not her but sometimes it really just doesnt work. either the button gives you an infinite loading screen or the service itself doesnt do shit and you have to open a ticket because it has a 4 hour cooldown per character
Tina posted the the previous thread so he has probably been crying and shitting himself since.
level it to 80 anyways because you might change your mind again
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>/wowg/ guild drama
Wow is truly fucking back man
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slopanon here back with more requests

you know the usual drill by now
do some dungeons
world quests
professions (but look up guides so you don't fuck up)
while farming rep to get some rep gear which you do by doing side quests and all of the above
also the weekly quest called "metaquest" gives you a good piece of gear usually

Just get around 570+ so you can get invited to m0s next week and gear for raid
Get a full set of 610 pvp gear from the ah for like 40k and gank players doing world quests
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Time to learn how to make money from a real goblin
Fair, I might see if BM is fun and if not I'll level an earthen or some shit.
this is fishy ...
Repeat the process with a different class and same looking char and repeat until you find the class you enjoy
Don't waste valorstones on shit gear, do normal or buy greens on the AH to get 551ilvl (or 554 not sure) to queue heroic dungeons then get all your gear to 471.
You can upgrade them to 493, you can use your weathered crests since they'll be useless later on.
Xalatah fucking a horse.
Ideally Don't upgrade "explorer" gear. Run normal dungeons to round out your gear score into 550 then run heroics and upgrade the "adventurer" gear.
The reknown for most zones have a veteran level item once you get to like lvl7 or 8 with their reputation
uuuh based department?
xally n sally
Xal'atath and Jaina's feet. Everything else is on you.
>implying anyone plays with war mode on
>20 minute dps queue for heroics
>no healer/tank sacks
when the fuck do they turn that shit on then? I'm not tanking without muh free SACK
Valorstones literally grow on trees so you don't really have to worry about those despite what some anons might claim.
BM, MM, dark ranger got a minor rework coming in a couple months if you needed a reason to shelve it for now.
can you elaborate on anything specific?
Also do any weekly quests that are blue or purple because they can give you a big of items like crests or gear
Please, advise a race for a mage
Everytime i turn WM on there's at least 2-3 hordes with the bounty on their heads per zone.
Ally majority server so that means there has to be some people for them to kill and get the bounty lmao.
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>Hes a magic cripple now
Lmao even
Alternate Pandaria world here we fucking gooo!
Haven't turned it off since they introduced it
The entire game happens at max level o who cares about goblin haste
In bikinis (colored purple and red respectively), standing side by side with their arms wrapped around each other and their thighs pressed together, winking at the camera.
Highmountain tauren
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When the fuck is the Blood Troll set coming back? Can't believe I missed this
wait for drakthyr
>Alduin finally respecs back to priest
>Khadgar switches over to ret
What did Blizzard mean by this?
white man
I put my plants on the market but I'm not getting free money
wowg lied to me :(
There will probably be a recolor on the trading post eventually
check your stat window
any time you have 50% or more haste then human racial will amp it as much or more than goblin
if you don't it won't
night elf female
human female
blood elf female
void elf female
Hopefully not, any recolor would be a downgrade
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>pick up fishing derby weekly
>get 2/3 fish i need
>need trophy arathor hammerfish
>fish in a dozen or more blood pools with 90 perception
>none drop
>literally 2 seconds after my timer runs out fish one up
i am unhappy atm
Valorstones are unlimited. You can't fuck those up. Crests are to be handled more carefully.
If you want gear RIGHT NOW, get over the ilvl requirement for heroics (551) and do those, with heroic gear + valorstones you can get to 580.

Next week raiding/delves/m0 begins.

Also, if you care about your professions at all, read about them before doing stuff. Shit has changed A LOT
Does anyone know the official naming conventions for dracthyr? There's almost no documentation online.
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ai slop really has her down.
Like ive seen a bunch of very accurate Xalaslop.
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same except queens lurefish. Got a whispers of the deep with the ancient dalaran defender though, so Im not too mad
*lick lick*
Fantasy dragon / warrior-cats name generator
Desu I just copied a dragon name from OG and have not played past the start zone ending
Was fast for me, though I have 300 fishing so maybe that helps.
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So...we're really waiting until 2025 for TWW story to continue?
Players should be able to use the trading post to TRADE their cosmetics to other players for their tender.
I will never understand this hate for them. must be missing something
I'd be screaming and crying too if I also had an oyster stuck in my throat.
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mfw when wow craft won.
Why do you keep spamming that?
Official naming conventions for a race that got made up 5 minutes ago with almost no lore background? They don't have one. You just pick a dragonflight and use their naming conventions.
The story has been allowed to progress an inch in a new direction, now for another 4 months of nostalgiawank.
you threw the blue fish back in for the queen's lurefish catch chance right? I didnt know you had to do that until the last 15 mins kek
your raid?
your conquest pieces with the sockets youve already farmed?
Someone let me know
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I don't like feet at all but here
Yeah that's what happens when they divide one expansion story into 3 separate expansions.
reminder to instantly report and hide avatarfags
i havent seen sacks in days
I did read that down the line, but didnt have enough of the baitfish to get time for a few more casts. started looking for the royal ripple pool but they are either rare or get fished instantly
this so much. i don't heal if there's no sack
Every character wants to talk about their feelings. But none of them ever ask me about MY feelings. Why should I care about their feelings if they ignore mine? Why can't I have a girlfriend character? Why does noone ask me for my opinion on the plans of our campaigns? Everyone always asks where is the champion of Azeroth, nobody ever asks how is the champion of Azeroth... and honestly I think that Xal'atath is the only one who has ever been nice to me, yes she may be telling me all kinds of lies but at least I like those lies! I want to hear more of them!
anyone else notice tons of drac named shit like this when mop remix came out? the returners had a bone to pick.
Yea same, I think they removed them as to not flood the AH with the augment thingies this close to raid release.
is that kaychak
Likely the artstyle clash. Coming from AD and sometimes looking into SW as a casual, they have 3-4m tall ones larping so it might rustle some jimmies in paladins or something
Lor'Themar dying
shut up and stand in the back
wheres the wowg guild for eu chads
This is wrong, she has more than one ring on that foot.
Also very devious of her to use her feet for more ring slots, as expected from a 1000000 year old eldritch mastermind
ok smart guy why dont you share with the class the best way to get them quickly besides heroics on a healer/tank spec
lmfao do it your browser you fucking retard
Do 2 +8 delves then go back to waiting for story mode to release.
yeah god the royal ripple pools were bad. believe me I was scouring and fishing for the full hour and managed to find 3 which I luckily fished to myself. I threw one of them back and caught a queen's lurefish but it was from the royal ripple so idk how bad it is trying to fish them the regular way. finished 18/20 couldn't find a single angleseekers torrent and my fishing skill was too low for that 10-stack ominousfish.
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silkweavers rise up
you play velf
the quality of life on a caster is so far above anything else
you take zero spell push back
anyone telling you to play something else is an idiot
True though. Ideally I would have left my monk to plow orc pussy in his garrison instead of being an errand boy
>must be missing something
a working set of eyeballs maybe
>you cant be in two guilds at once
Why not?
kul tiran mages look pretty based not finna lie
Just play gnome like everyone else always had. Go tauren for the stun
This is fantastic.
What's your setup? I wanna build a computer solely for AIslop.
Requesting nightborne feet/thicc booty, if you're still taking them.
>4 vehicles and 30 seconds left on the clock
Hordekeks...your response???
Uh because you are physically only one person and can only make a commitment to one guild, idiot?
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I'm seeing people looking to buy green BoEs for 350g+, what are people doing with them?
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>Uzjax got to them
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Meredar (hallowfall) music is so fucking comfy man. Working with this shit on the background is just so much comfy kinosovl.
>male gnome
asking to be mating pressed by a jacked roided 0.5%bf vicious brutal murloc
Just couple of days ago I assumed the silkweavers GM was just some schizo/autist, but oh how wrong I was.
disechanting for storm dust which sells for 120g a pop and you get multiple storm dust
>Feel like playing Warlock
Do I level one from scratch or do I one of my two level 70?
I'm just not sure I enjoy the race they are right now
(KT male & Zandalari male)
disagree, they all shit desu
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do any AH goblins or crafters want a cute pinup art commission for 1.5m gold, can be sfw or nsfw
Ill be starting groups with a max ilvl of 580 so we can actually have a challenge in blizzards baby dungeons
>have multiple characters
>you dont have an alt raid
sounds like a personal problem
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for the horde!
for the horde!
for the horde!
Not really but I'd sex you (t. female vulpera)
so based
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baded desarpment?
Male troll
Am I allowed to play other video games or is that against the rules too?
Female goblins and their devious pull to being warlocks
Clearly it isn't a personal problem if the GM can kick you for spending time helping rival guilds progress.
You do understand that you diminish the victory of your own guild if other guilds manage to progress better because you helped them, right? World of Warcraft is a negative sum game, your job as a guild member is to make sure your guild are the ones in the positive.
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I'm waiting for the quick drama recap anon or it's not a verified fact checked claim! Only real NA patriots can keep track of this
sorry, no-can-do. if another person touches me in such a manner i'll start crying uncontrollably.
Fuck no.
This hasn't been true since server identity died in WoD.
Only Echo and Liquid matter now.
What is that?
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you're not liquid or echo
so who cares
you wont know about my alts and what they're doing anyways retard
and i can tell you right now that its not even a competition, the elysianfags will clear first
uh oh uppity tranny
Because he's a power tripping redditor quite possibly has immense autism
is this why everyone on the forums is saying how worthless the blizzard bear is and they feel bad for anyone who cherished it, but they will still resub for and desperately farm for it while their children and wife sit downstairs alone
It is true by the very definition of human nature, faggot. You're either with us or you are against us. And even Echo as well as Liquid need other guilds to help them in split runs, whoever is the superior guild will receive more of the benefits of being part of Echo or Liquid's inevitable triumphs...
reminder to instantly report and hide avatar troon
>it's not a competition
Elysianfags thought it was a competition? That's pretty sad
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how to get the title "of lordaeron"
now now come on we're all having fun but let's not start preaching misery. its human nature to be generous to those beneath you and only start dicking them when they step on your toes too much.
idk im American
iirc the one sperg that started the rival faction said they would clear first
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>children and wife
>you wont know about my alts and what they're doing anyways retard
I'll know because I'll be keeping track of your daily on-line schedule and if I notice that something is wrong in the pattern, I will ask you - and I'll know when you're being evasive, or lying, and if you so much as think about pretending that you have some private life that I have no part in it is /gkick for life, buddy.
We are in the middle of a progression war.
what? are you still bragging about doing normal/heroic raiding? The fuck is wrong with you losers
You think you have the right to even speak like an equal to us? Your guild will die.
Nobody starts out with people beneath them though, either you or one of your ancestors had to dick over others at some point in the past.
Do the Caela/Greymane quest in Oribos. If she/he doesn't show up in the room with all the covenant NPCs then you haven't progressed enough in the SL campaign
I'm out for myself
just like 99% of humanity whether they're willing to admit it or not
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So the gm. What a tool he is
I don't think he's said anything except that he wants to play with wowg anons, but you people are so mindbroken by the quick drama recap that you're melting down daily now
I don't even know what "Horrific Visions of Stormwind" is because I didn't play Dragonflight.
dev evoker is braindead op in pvp. Just completely immune to all CC permanently and is fast as fuck and casts while moving.
>You're either with us or you are against us
lmao real smoothbrain tribalism mentality
Im not in either guild nor eu, but i am making popcorn bitch
this is what warcrafts about
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You think BRD Heroic will be hard to pug?
>battle for gilneas
>bait 3 hordecucks to middle of road
>priest healer comes and throw 1 heal
>about to die
>try to run to healer
>this healer sissy runs off doesnt heal me
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there are people in this general that never got this...
>he didn’t play 8.3
lol, lmao, rofl even
>immune to all CC permanently
they literally have 1 pvp talent for this, how is that permanent?
mmm yummy red liquid...
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>that moment in a BG you unload with a seed + vile taint + constant shadow bolt volleys
>I don't think he's said anything
literally not true and i can dig through the archive if you want to contest that
and no ones having a melty, we're enjoying the show and picking sides
Lmao? Gay? Faggot? Emasculated? Your problem? All of the above?
Masculinity, testosterone, strength and big dick energy are first and foremost about destroying what everyone else has or may have, so that what you have increases in value. Thereafter you can consider acquiring something for yourself as a completely secondary or even tertiary priority.
If I could deny everyone else in the world from playing Wowo wacca even if it meant I had nothing in the game except world quests, I would, and with great pleasure. Why? Because I'm A MAN, and I have A MAN'S PENIS. And that gives me the right and the might to make the world my own, while everyone else screams and kneels in pain. I am the god of reality and stopped only by the strength and godhood of other men who are more powerful. You post-DFop trannies can never grasp the sheer utter strength of what it means to be a true Raid Leader.
well yeah but that's fine, your lessers are asking to be taken advantage of. just no need to be bad to people much more than necessary.
>forgot to hide his health total
kek, mathematically analyzing your total stamina number and cross referencing it with the wow armory as we speak
your ass is done, kid
Sure go ahead show me
bro idk how it works all I know is they literally can never be slowed. Ever. Shit has a 100% uptime. And they are so fucking fast.
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clean up your action bars.
opt-in mechanics shouldn't exist in normal, everything should be automatically assigned by the encounter
for the love of god stop expecting pug randos to briefly engage in sub-optimal dps as they run over to press the anti-wipe button
>team retardedly runs to their enemy base on the right together like a bunch of idiots
>2v10 their whole team in mid no help
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handsome space marine bastard
immune to slows during hover, and a shield which lasts 30s and blocks the next 3 attempts at cc on a 90s cooldown. that's 2 of their 3 PvP talent slots.
>nullifying shroud
>stops 3 ccs
>only classes that can get it off are lock mage druid and rogue on the opener
it might be purgable but im not positive
they also have a pvp talent that makes them immune to snares during hover
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imagine being buckbroken like this
Hover has near 100% uptime I swear.
reminder to report and hide faggot avatars
He is a light tainted abomination.
Normal humans don't live so long.
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oh n-
strange objection, considering what humans are in the lore
Remove all capture point battlegrounds. No one on my team wants to afk at a point to defend it from rogue trannies, so I always end up doing it because if someone doesn't do it, you lose. The only way to win is to literally afk. Degenerate game design.
do they ever show this nigga dressed in more formal attire?
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having them stand with arms around each other is too volatile to errors but this outcome is decent enough
couldn't get xalatath winking properly because apparently the AI has no idea how she is supposed to look like with eyes closed
>16 total members
what happened to having more than 20 members? really makes you think.
Kino regardless
We tried that with Seething Shore and people hate it.
For some reason pvpers want capture and hold points, not just capture points.
>seething shore
i’m about to hide you
>can't see weekly quest
>seething shore
>makes people seethe
>be the most offensively dominant person in the BG
>forced to afk and defend a flag because nobody else will, not even the undergeared retards who contribute nothing
Haha BGs are so fun haha
i read this in chris-chan's voice lmao
sweet grandpa
right so you are just mindbroken by quick recap anon who is NA. lmao.
PLEASE do a pubes version
Xal'atath looks like she fell asleep with her face on the carpet.
I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out his armor is literally stuck on him now.
he made a deal, jimmy
elf bait
Have you ever considered the idea people hate it because of reasons OTHER than it being capture based?
Have you ever entertained the thought that maybe it's the dropping out of the sky part? The shitty map layout? The pacing?
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buzz buzz buzz
>it totally wasnt the dude that started the rival guild, not a chance, no sirrey!
Seething shore is the worst bg in the game because of the cringe fortnite battle royale respawn that lets retards land on your head. Best bg map is the panda orb map. No cringe flagsniping shitters, just a brawl in the middle of the map.
does he even need to eat
i like seething shore and im annoyed they removed strand of the ancients
But if I defend the rear then how will I get to the top of the leaderboard for my epic victory screenshot?
they've basically done that with half of the rated bg blitz pool lol. you cap a flag it becomes immune to recapping for 45s then automatically goes neutral, people just mount up and run to the next contested base.
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>sit at point
>tab out with sound in background
are femboys against the rules?
seconding this.
Also the healing taken debuff that prevents the match from being decided before it even begins.
I hate footfags
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No but he drinks the salty tears of horde cucks
>bgs are supposed to save pvp
>literally the worst aspects of pvp in one game mode
maybe its for the best
let it die
Seething shore, Battle for Gilneas and Temple of Kotmogu are the shitter filters.

People who like pvp like those bgs.
People who do not like PvP bitch about those bgs because there is no way to avoid fighting players and win. You can psotion and choose your fights but you have to fight and win objectives to win those BGs and larping PvE shitters hate when they cannot PvE their way to victory.
xal’atath has a corduroy couch
Night Elf death knight with red hair in a braid, dark blue eye markings and pale skin wearing DK plate bikini with skull ornaments relaxing in a frosty lake.
dude someone made this image
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QRD on the EU Guild Civil War?


I heard that the GM of Elysian is power-hungry, unhinged, and possibly on the autism spectrum.

I also heard that the GM of Nerub Silkweaving Forum is upset because he couldn’t join Elysian and created a new guild out of spite.

Quick Recap from last couple threads:
>Some heated comments from both guilds, clashing out in the thread.
>Some screenshots were shared.
>Elysian members are very quiet.
>Nerub members are posting alot.
>Nerub GM has played in previous guilds Very Cute and I AM MY SCARS
>Elysian GM "Contirion" also known as "Synx" was parsing green logs in Dragonflight.
>Nebur GM "Cawaen" also known as "Castriot" was parsing blue/purple logs in Legion.
>People are now calling for both GM to bury the hatchet and try to work things out.
>People are calling for a guild merge.
>People from NA are calling out the GM of Elysian, claiming he is getting carried.
>Sources now telling me the GM of Elysian is having a mental breakdown, kicking longstanding members of the guild.
>The GM of Nerub Silkweaving Forum states that he doesn't want drama, he just wanna game with other anons from /wowg/
>Elysian GM kicked a blue/purple parsing healer, the same healer has now joined Nerub Silweaving Forum
>Green parsing GM of Elysian tries to talk the talk before he can walk the walk, keep in mind he is parsing GREEN LOGS in previous expansions
>Elysian is crumbling , losing members to Nerub Silkweaving Forum, calling for recruitment in /wowg/ thread.
>Elysian is considering FREEZING all recruitment

How will this pan out? Theories welcomed

>There is also an ongoing discussion about which guild will prevail and which will implode; only time will tell.

With new information brought to light, I personally have more confidence that the Nebur Silkweaving Forum has the upper hand in the upcoming unofficial /wowg/ race in the new raid

I'll see you in the next thread with more updates
weak. gay. without t- emasculaateddd. mm. yeah, you just ta- you down dirty trolls who sit online, why don't you sit aside while all your things get taken by a REAL MAN LIKE MEEE!
0 mentions about any clears or race.
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you avatarfags can stay if you PROMISE to talk about game-related things. I hate the /other mmo/ general because its nonstop gooning and cliquefagging. Please, I beg of you, if you're staying, just keep it related to the game. I don't want my comfy lore discussions (doomer or hopium) to be besmirched by draenai futacock.
thank you for this riveting update. ive been waiting with baited breathe all day
Could you do pettite warrior with small tits jelaously looking at a mage with big mana tanks. Either Belf or Nightborne.
What the hell do you mean by PvE in this context?
kekw I actually like this one.
you are a shitter if you think seething shore is good.
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Call me a fucking nerd, but I love that you can gain experience from crafting now. It feels right. I wish it had been like that since Classic.
i actually dont think there is a single bad BG, even ashran is pretty fun if its just a slugfest in the middle
Seething Shore sucks.
Battle for Gilneas is good.
Temple of Kotmogu is good.

Simple as.
Shut up, bitch
Uh. It was
why are EU players such confrontational non-frenly spergs?
like the Moonguard Futa clan and the WRA Bara-Gay scat-furry gang are less petty and hostile to each other.
>guy who made the raid group is a shitter looking for a free carry
This is why I don't use the lfg tool, 90% of the groups are like this, total fucking noob trap.
this, tbqhwu.
Man alliance players can't let things go
thanks for the correction, i actually didnt know that
you buy recipes with honour and sell them to crafters
I scrolled up like 2/3 of the way through the thread and didn't see a single avatar post. Are you okay anon? Are you taking your meds?
i'm the tank and the group leader, buckaroo.
you want in MY m0 world tour? first come first served, healers need not apply.
>EU guild fag is the contrarian reaction image spammer
you can't make this up
Just proves the autism
it's futile to engage with avatar trannies
don't bother
its ok pablo ill highlight it for you itt because he just reposted it
>With new information brought to light, I personally have more confidence that the Nebur Silkweaving Forum has the upper hand in the upcoming unofficial /wowg/ race in the new raid
As someone that spent time with both NA & EU players, NA players tend to be a lot more passive agressive towards one another, they're much more spiteful but tend to hide it, not saying that any Anon here in any of these clique is, it's just what I noticed.
EU is a lot more direct and doesn't cut corners, if a faggot is being a faggot then he will be treated as such.
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>Icycrits left the EU guild
>Rudi left the EU guild
>Incestral left the EU guild
>Pozy left the EU guild
>Entangela left the EU guild
>Gisco left the EU guild
>Spitfire left the EU guild
>Jalopy left the EU guild
>Nizbun left the EU guild
>Doutei left the EU guild
>Khubbo left the EU guild
>Dohra left the EU guild
>Potatosock left the EU guild
>Musei left the EU guild
>Runeheal left the EU guild
>Sawicky left the EU guild
>Polywag left the EU guild
>Thaspion left the EU guild
>Ashanari left the EU guild
>Blueno left the EU guild
>Aeyr left the EU guild
>Deathsu left the EU guild
>Empy left the EU guild
>Koragon left the EU guild
>Fey left the EU guild
>Kaite left the EU guild
>Jocelyn left the EU guild
>Danielle left the EU guild
>Fallaa left the EU guild
>Pizzacat left the EU guild
>Lemondo left the EU guild
>Lynris left the EU guild
>Nastytaxi left the EU guild
>Loveoven left the EU guild
>Slaughterloc left the EU guild
>Yolocrits left the EU guild
>Vajeera left the EU guild
>Yorick left the EU guild
>Raichoo left the EU guild
>Roxy left the EU guild
>Kari left the EU guild
>Shiki left the EU guild
>Switch left the EU guild
>Bearheart left the EU guild
>Castelia left the EU guild
>Gruxx left the EU guild
>Dogman left the EU guild
>Froo left the EU guild
>Chen left the EU guild
>Giggleblush left the EU guild
>Linstead left the EU guild
>Pizzaburger left the EU guild
>Healforfun left the EU guild
>Ralph left the EU guild
>Spook left the EU guild
>Nastynate left the EU guild
>Puba left the EU guild
>Mobilitygodx left the EU guild
>Cuckmeup left the EU guild
>Haruna left the EU guild
>Lerou left the EU guild
>Bannix left the EU guild
>Von left the EU guild
>Qtbootygodx left the EU guild
>Playpal left the EU guild
>Niggertrey left the EU guild
>Tau left the EU guild
>Troves left the EU guild to start a cuck-only guild on Silvermoon
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Holy moly, Ion pulled the ripcord!!
You anti-avatarfags are much worse, I hope they come back next thread so that we can actually talk about the game again.
How's it being green?
Yuros are generally psychotic freaks with severe mental issues
That spammer isn't on EU. Take your meds freak
which avatarfag joined lmao
bongs and balkans maybe, nordics and non-anglo western europeans are the most passive aggressive players in the community
can't wait to absolutely crank my yankstick to SLUTS wearing this
eu autism is a source of great entertainment
Not yours dickweed
>other game general
Get lost tourist
you're not the arbiter of content you spergy faggot.
If there isn't a LORA for Liadrin, could you make a lookalike angrily typing on a computer??
I want it so I have a seething Liadrin reaction image
Literally made for Sorrowdark.
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it will probably will be as difficult as first bosses in heroic spider palace with last bosses being slightly harder. heroic spider palace will be open for 10-11 resets at this point.
>anon doesn't even know his own demograph
No one beats yuros at being passive aggressive while having a hair trigger for escalation. They will always go nuclear
Wow players be like
>yooo is that hood? This transmog be bussin
A brief look at history will show you that we europeans historically all hate each other

This is true except for brits. Brits are incredibly passive agressive and generally quite effeminate in their behaviour.
Is there a version of the old askmrrobot for TWW? Just want to sim upgrades in bulk
>removes hair
dead on arrival content.
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based offer
Engineering seems super lame in TWW
I need Xal'atath to /rude at me over and over while I pump
Anyone know the best spots for orbinid?
how has that flamewalker clip not been turned into a ꜱoyjak yet
this general does not make OC.
So Elysian had the high ground. And then fell on their own sword?
Why are NA players always obsessed about EU?
Did they fix Fire yet?
>>anon doesn't even know his own demograph
Nords and brits indeed are
You'll find out that germans, spanish & french players are very open to confrontation ESPECIALLY with one another.
I've had a lot more cases of psychotic meltdowns with people living in the US.
The culture there is also made for it, I'm not even saying it to insult you guys but the way the US work when it comes to mental impairement is frightening.
And Ironically my friends from the US confirm that fact to me.
Again, maybe I just had bad experiences as all of this isn't objective knowledge but simply my experience
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You mirin?
Why do you EU ESLs come to 4chan, spam our threads with your EU cancer, then blame us for it? Fuck off.
>>Pozy left the EU guild
Name a single downside
You're literally having a menty b at me right now blud
>doing egg juggle cheevo in abberus with my friends boomer guild (I'm a guest)
>just me n tank left up at end
>he drops the egg early idr what triggers it
>complete brain fart I'm not even close when it hits the floor
>boss ticks out from my dots before we can reset
>silence in voice
>"that is... so bad."
she was polite enough to not say "you are so bad"

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