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Previous thread: >>493674876

Version 1.1 "Undercover R&B" Special Program
Agent Record | Caesar King
Agent Record | Burnice White

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo


>Current Signal Search
Jane Doe - 09/04 ā€“ 09/24 11:59 (server time)
Sharpened Stinger - 09/04 ā€“ 09/24 11:59 (server time)

>Current Events
"All New Program" - Receive Encrypted Master Tapes - Ends 09/24 03:59 (server time)
"Camellia Golden Week" - 08/21 10:00 (server time) - 09/23 03:59 (server time)
"Daily Life of a PubSec Officer" - 08/30 03:59 (server time) - Ends 09/09 03:59 (server time)
"Immersive Tactical Drill" - 09/06 10:00 (server time) - Ends 09/16 03:59 (server time)

>Upcoming Events for 1.1
"Scene One, Take One!" - Starts 09/13 03:59 (server time)
Full 1.1 Event Details: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125244

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
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>game has so little content that people are seriously arguing over who gets the same amount of rewards faster (all clears involved are way faster than the time limit too)
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no ratgrets
just wish hunts weren't timegated...
Total Pipercoper Death
Give me Lucy. I want Lucy.
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Just roll her engine you retard.
The only A-rank I don't have..
you cannot handle my strongest lucys, traveler
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ZZZero content
SRcringe and Genshit flopped
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I'm total dogshit at this game. Is it true if I M2W1 Rat I can clear endgame no problem?
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Nice ratbro, I hope I'll end up loving Caesar's gameplay enough to max out all of her skills
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>This was supposed to be the HSR killer
Go back to discord masturbating with your "friends". HAHAHAHAHA.
Is now a good time to start if I want the police officer girl
Grats, next patch you'll be able to spend battery to do them more times, ain't that great?
Speaking of which. Is homofox banner finally over?
whats the website where you can post your character builds?
Sure, until Shiyu is filled with phys resistant enemies in 3-4 patches.
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stand proud, ZZZ
You are strong.
No idea when she'll be rerun
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>HSRtroon needs to eat homo content
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I like Ellen :)
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Didn't think I'd like playing Qingyi, but I do.
I hope she gets a rerun soon.
If you're ready to save up until she comes back, sure
Where is that clear, I havent seen it
Please Iā€™d like to see it
I want to think Jane is better than Piper inherently ive just not seen proof of it
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>anon is excited for his six more weeks of xianzhouslop
It turns out the real HSR killer was none other than HSR itself.
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Is wise actually attractive to female players?
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my first team is ZY/JY/Nicole
which second team would be the best? Rina is M2 btw
I'd like to see it too. Best I've seen posted here was 1m2s.
I think QIngyi sucks, she glues you to the spot or you're wasting your time especially with the spinny notMetal gear Rex mech bosses who like to dodge and reverse the other stunners are much better chasers
corin assaulted me
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I unironically just uninstalled hsr, genshin and wuwa.
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zhuyanbros, soon we shall rise to 28s
Is that true? That would be amazing, 3 weeks to level up core skills for one character is quite long, especially when you have so many characters at the start of the game
the need to breed this shark
Understandable, Some time ago I reinstalled genshin but jesus christ it's such a slop... Hsr has filler period but I guess it will get better in 2 patches. Might start playing again wuwa in couple of patches when they release some characters that actually look good.
Same :)
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Oh hey, I remember this doujin!
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>she glues you to the spot
I initially hated her for the same reason
Turns out her jank combat is fun
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oh dear
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Trouble in the Hollows? LEAVE IT TO BILLY KID!
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Burnice WIP
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I uninstalled HSR a year ago, Wuwa about 2 months ago. Genshin I keep installed just to play archon quests and then don't open it for another 4 months purely out of sunk cost. ZZZ designs alone just mogged the fuck out of the other 3 for me.
>Want to use the samsung coupons to get Jane
>None of the samsungs I own can donwload ZZZ through the samsung store
What the fuck. Why
I couldn't give a shit about genshin's dialogue anymore. HSR is fine but it has become such wordslop too and I have no interest in the luofu return story or any of the new characters. Wuwa is fun but I just don't like the chara design besides Chixia and Taoqi so just like you I'm out until at least a good design comes out.
Whatever plenty of other games. I played visions of mana today and while it's not incredible it felt so much better to not have daily energy or gambleshit.
ZZZ is still fun and I like the designs so no reason to uninstall.
I went as far as halfway through sumeru but it felt so good to uninstall it. Give it a try. Sunk cost is a bitch but when it's done it's done
Is Lucy's Wengine worth going for next patch if i already have Rina's on her?
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Looking forward to it bro
her face looks kinda weird...
Is Corin bipolar? This is verbatim what my bpd gf would say whenever lightly criticized back in high school
just use AI bro
Tits too big, even AI can get it right artbro.
He's attractive, but he also has zero competition in the current roster. Harumasa is ugly, Anton and Ben appeal more to men, Billy and Seth feel young and incompetent so they hit a different niche, and Lycaon openly appeals to very specific kinks. Meanwhile, Wise doesn't have many turn-offs and he dotes on you. I think he'll lose popularity as more men get added.
not his fault desu, her face always looks fucked.
bpd and bipolar are different things
AI would've done it for free and ten times better
sexooooo nice stuff
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I love him...
She looks like she has down syndrome, but the body is good
Does Rina's w-engine even work properly on Lucy? I thought the pigs aren't considered "attacks from the equipper".
But she does look like she has down syndrome in game
aifags are all copy pasted, the exact
same fags
Just like their meme obsession though ironically
very cute drawing, but as the other anons said her face looks wonky
but there is nothing to do ZZZ is better as a side game it keeps HZ feeling fresh even though nothing has changed about it since 1.0
should i upgrade to R5 my corin w-engine?
yes? nobody else is using it
One more shitpost like this and I'm straight up raping you Mitsuki Nanoka
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seriously, where in the FUCK is the rat mv?
bro why are you rolling for more than 6 rats
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She already raped you when you were unconscious at the beginning of the game, dumbass
you wonā€™t do shit fatty
cheesed to meet you?
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uh bros.. I asked Jane out. Is it unreasonable to expect seggs on the first date?
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I will remind you that the rat lives like a rat. I even bet the food is mostly cheese
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Can someone explain to my dumb ass how assault procs work? Sometimes I'm getting 200k damaged other times I get some insane 700k proc.
>specifically rolled for Jane 10 times
>rolled for Qingyi 8 times
>but only rolled 6 times for Zhu
What is this sheer autism?
I want to sniff her rotten cheese farts
>Slow clap
Imagine the sex in her room with all the noise from empty bags and empty bottles
>He got the hidden C9 Jane
sex events when
Should I try this or WuWa?
Wuwa is better than Genshin outdated gameplay
Its free download both
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Do you have a problem with furries?
WuWa is the better game
I wish I were a saudi prince
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Burnice wasn't the same after the botched chemo therapy..

And the hair transplant...

And the failed LASIK surgery....
calculation is straightforward, what matters is whether you had any buff on, whether enemy had debuffs on, and whether they were stunned with daze dmg multipliers.
Wuwa is full of indians and middle easterns. Game has no future.
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Today, I will remind them
Time isn't free, anons
I'm kinda strapped these days, at least for the new few months until my contract ends
Not particularly
What makes it better, anon?
Yeah, I'm thinking WuWa won
well, this game is full of seapags...
i quit wuwa for zzz
...the losing contest.
you made a mistake, this game has no future
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Looks good. The face looks good to me too. Keep at it
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Then play ZZZ. It respects your time more than WuWa.
Wuwabros is this true???!
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Oi, big guy!
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I used her on side 2. Can still squeeze a few secs but I am not a try hard.
SOVLful mid-00's face
gj bwo
Wuwa: Has exploration. Absolutely 0 hit feedback and extremely bad hit boxes. Tons of grind, even more than genshin. Game devs are pretty bad when it comes to kit and enemy design.

This: Has no exploration. Has solid hit feedback and hit boxes, but some arenas have shitty "edges" where you can get stuck. No real grind outside of 2 HZ runs per week, which takes less time than a single wuwa day would take you as a serious player who cares about echoes. Game devs are okay when it comes to kit and enemy design.

So it depends. I think ZZZ is by far the more polished and more competent game, but if you look for grind and/or exploration, this ain't it.
Jesus those teeth
I mean, yes please, but, goodness
ZZZ has no Cunnycore. WuWa definitely won
Only games worth playing are from HOYOVERSE these days. I say this as someone that played Genshin, HSR, ZZZ, Guardian Tales, NIKKE, Blue Archive, Arknights, and unfortunately, WUWA.
Agreed but they get diluted in the masses. Meanwhile you'll be alone in a sea of wuwajeets.
Well, clearly it's my turn now
you should try wuwa instead. it actually has content, waifus that are for you and exploration. animation is way better and fight execution is second to none
>the namefag genshit shill
Sure showed us anon
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disgusting whalecuck
yeah i know i dont play wuwa but i wanted to point it out
>badmouth wuwa
>all other shitposting stops as wuwa is desperately shilled
in noooooticing
also whale
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Imagine the love bites... IMAGINE...
everyone here loves wuwa though
I started playing both at the same time and I just recently decided to quit Wuwa (even though I had better gacha luck there).

I just like the vibes of ZZZ better. I like the world more. Wuwa is just generic chinese bullshit, story and characters are awful and spout complete nosense. Combat has more depth than ZZZ does so far but it also doesn't feel nearly as smooth IMO and I don't like the flow.
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Today, I will remind them TWICE....
They're not "bites", they're wounds
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You DO have 180 rolls saved for Miyabi don't you anon? D-don't you??
Bro why waste all that money when you could be sending it to me?
WuWa won the moral battle.
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>ahh this delicious compo-
sex with corin demara
ZZZ had an 80% drop bro. If Wuwa is a flop then ZZZ is heading straight to EOS.
Wait so Kamen and Sentai aren't the same thing? Is Billy Kamen Rider? Super Sentai? I'm confused
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Badges of honor...
Okay but are the girls in ZZZ for me
Why the fuck did they make the shopkeepers talk more? Especially with the annoying chatter when you're using a menu.
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ermmmm its f2p c0r1 zhu
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>EN dub
How do I use Lucy on my Jane+Seth team? I've just been using Grace, but have M1Lucy and her engine.
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>>I will remind them as well
Take this one too
Sentai = Squad, Super Sentai are the series with 3/5/6 guys in colored suits like Power Rangers
Kamen Rider is (was) a solo hero with a bike, usually with a bug motif
Starlight Knights are sentai but Billy himself takes more cues from Kamen Rider aesthetically
>namefag is ignored
what is this supposed to prove?
It hurts! (so good~)
Also thanks for the incredibly appropriate and really fucking good pic. You got a source you could share, please?
Getting to be marked by Lycaon...
Same way you use lucy on any other team. Swap to Lucy and use EX to get the buff, quick swap back to Jane.
post a video
Kamen Riders work solo
Super Sentai are always a team because of the tokusatsu-esque fights where they have to fuse at the end
>source: my ass
Sentai is always about a group of multi colored heros with the red one being the leader. Kamen Rider is about a main rider hero and several side riders. I'm thinking Starlight Knihgt is more sentai because i did see other Knights on a tv thing in game once.
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ohhh thanks for clarifying that
Start with her on field, do a held EX, then quick assist to and use Jane like normal switching into Seth for Parry. Keep an eye out on her buff and when its near to ending swap her back in for it.
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Seth is so lucky...
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Alright that's it I've head enough of your SHIT
*rapes you*
I'm saving up to pay proper tribute to the mighty Caesar
Stop molesting Seth he is pure.
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>Want to do the random trust events
>Run the "lumberjack of justice" mission twice in order to quickly go from afternoon to midnight
>mission consists of killing 1 thug you talk to plus 4 more thugs that spawn in later, which is why it can be done in less than a minute
>decide to run Jane today after getting her on the second day of the banner
>end up completing the mission in less than ten seconds
>turns out if you kill the first thug fast enough before the other thugs spawn the game thinks you just killed all the thugs instead
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I'm sitting on over 200 pulls rn, but I'm spending some on Caesar.
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You long press her E and swap out immediately after she swings her bat, then she stays off field for 15 seconds
Thanks! So Seth is only for parrying and then back to Jane?
The audacity of her to say this when all she hands me is shit
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>uses "Rain" as a alias to keep her identity as a hacker hidden
>wears fucking rain themed accessories
isnt this bitch supposed to be really fucking smart?
Is she taking cock or giving it in the uncensored version
You just want his buff, same as with Lucy. Parry > Quickswap back to Jane is the fastest way to get his buff going.

You want to be on-field with Jane as much as possible.
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They're for me, not you.
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Nice tuning calibrator you got there, would be a real fuckin' shame if it had double HP and DEF substats.. real damn shame..
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>legendary proxy phaethon
>their identity is shrouded in mystery
>although their bangboo wears a randomplay uniform
I think she's fine in this world.
>only rolled 6 Zhu Yuan's
bricked no wonder he over rolled the other cops he's coping
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It's true. We got their back whenever their dead threads need resurrecting
There's more than one thug? wtf

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>Project KV gets canceled
>people are saying it's angry South Koreans' fault again
Are these our strongest incels or is it just boogeyman shit
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wtf it takes me 2:10
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I have a confession.

I didn't realize Bangboos can actually do damage and have not been using them in the parry thing.
Wuwa is unironically better. You just press one button repeatedly with this game.
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Plenty of for you teasing, but it's all unnecessary when they already give you peak for you sisterwife
Oi aibou!
Which ZZZ girl do (you) realistically have a chance with?
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I have 5 of these and I don't even want to use them because I know they will all turn out like this. I will be hoarding them all until EOS
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I want more corin. Corin agent story, exclusive corin chapter and more corin
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Completely unlike wuwa, amirite?
Corin rape minigame
Qingyi if I manage to get malware into her robo-brain. Or maybe I do a factory reset and install a waifu personality.
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no one reads english so it's meaningless to them
she's just like me, she's perfect
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Anby because I can groom her to fit my personality
Yes. Seth's damage is really mediocre despite his insane damage modifiers and incentive to build attack. His two good moves are his parry, and at M6 his held basic attack since that auto crits and you can pull 60-70k, heavy daze and a quick assist out of it.
I was really expected his quick charge EX to be better but it just isnt.
she's already bottom tier now
Resonaboo groups so he's actually useful on all teams not just ether teams and lot's of bangboo are great for anomaly teams increasing build up like revolverboo or rocketboo
That's indistinguishable from rape. You'd go to jail.
jane i look like seth
bangboos have no rights. And qingyi is just a giant bangboo.
>Yes. Seth's damage is really mediocre despite his insane damage modifiers and incentive to build attack.
it's not lol, he does some pretty solid dmg with m6, you just need to level him and his weapon like every other dmg dealer
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>posting webms of c*ntent creat*rs who got filtered one by one once they moved on to non story-mode content

Not a good luck wuwasissies
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>meanwhile when you dont play content that barely tickles you
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How bricked am I if I skipped this event? I haven't had motivation to play videogames in a while so I just did my daily logins and battery spendings without touching story since sometime during 1.0 patch. The next quest I have to do is some mandatory side-quest (?) about a bangboo that can't find a job or something.
Does ben bigger knows about sex?
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mini? game?
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why is she so " c : "
chin too small
It's just some free polychrome and an exclusive namecard. Not really much to it. Now if you're skipping Camelia Week, you are well and truly bricked.
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Ass cops wipeout
Could I use an emulator? Would I get banned?
>missed 300 chromes
I look like this irl
Literally not at all, it was just an excuse for them to formally introduce Caesar and Burnice into the setting
>doesnt know shin is a genshitfag
>zzzigger meltdown when someone mentions their gameplay
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>it's not lol
No it is mediocre. Especially if you're putting him in a Jane team where the time would be far better spent. I already mentioned the M6 charged basic as one of his two good moves which is why you're best gearing up solely towards that while building attack.
I also tested him with a more allrounder crit build at 30% 85% and its still not good.
His parry and M6 charged basic are very good, and its primarily because you get a very quick assist out and dont waste time. His chain attack isnt awful as long as you dont end on it.
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we had sex
that's exactly what i'm talking about, you never onfield seth but his dmg for the short bursts he's in are quite good, especially if you throw an EX in there too
should be possible to shave off 3-4 seconds with more optimization
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Wuwa literally lives in the shadow of Genshin. Just play Genshin if you want to play Wuwa and drop it after Inazuma. Slightly better gameplay is not worth sacrificing character and story. That said ZZZ is better than all of them.
>Now if you're skipping Camelia Week, you are well and truly bricked.
That's the flagship event, right? I'm thinking I'll spend next week catching up on the story, because I feel bad neglecting ZZZ.
>formally introduce Caesar and Burnice
That's a bummer. I was planning on rolling on Burnice's banner and I wish I could've met her in this event.
>come to /zzz/
>bait replies by saying zzz bad
>get replies where the same streamers you posted get btfo
>repeat every day
guess there's no way to clone weapons? have brimstone that both Corin and Soldier 11 want to use but the swapping is annoying...
>but they get diluted in the masses
If only
>lose every argument
>accuse people you were arguing with of having a melty as a concession and think you're in the right
If only the world inside my head was easy as the on in the wuwajeets' heads
nice, what was the point of the swap after the ultimate to qingqi and nicole? To Reapply defense shred from nicole?
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you can "clone" it by rolling banners until it drops or buying it in the shop. where do you think we are
fatfingered qingqi swap but yeah if you look at top right the defense shred ran out so needed to reapply
I don't really see how Brimstone is better than Housekeeper on Corin bro.
>you just need to level him and his weapon like every other dmg dealer
Thats not what you implied. Lucy for example is a case where if you built her like a proper attacker she ends up doing very good damage. Soukaku at M6 is capable enough to be played as a main DPS and can handle certain bosses as fast as ellen due to the nature of her fan attacks. You would seriously struggle to do similar with Seth. Hell I'd say using his EX at all is just a straight up DPS loss no matter your build.
Doesnt mean hes not really strong though, just not as a damage dealer. Its not like your gameplan in a Jane team changes at all because you got M6, except it becomes fine to also swap to him for charged basics too
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I don't have it
The EX is not worth the field time, Jane can build half an assault or more in the time it takes him to use it.
Is it dumb that I want to roll burnice 3 times just for the name card?
I don't even have anyone in my friend's list.
Fortunately the former
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Not him but here's 59s M0W0
Oh boy! I sure do love having to do HZ twice each week. I'm just trying to make it to the end whilst avoiding pressure build-up yet I still managed to get 5 of them. With the purple on I got I basically can't beat Nineveh unless I get a hitless run and burst it before it can activate its stall phase.
Who enjoys HZ at this point? I doubt I can last another month of this shit.
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thats hot
her pussy is fat
You can get it for 1 dollarydoo on the shop if you really need it.
The free camellia w-engine is also decent on Corin
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You don't have to do the nineveh one for the weeklies, retard
Dawg unless you're doing the Nineveh version how the fuck are you building up to 5 corruption every time?
draw one of belle futa with jane
Just get the pressure reducing starting perk to get corruption removing gates after each level and beat it without paying attention.
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You only need to do it once a week. I do the New Metro Core, reroll the 3 cards to an easy one, and get it done in under 10 minutes.
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Playable doko
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1.2 seems to be massive compared to 1.1
>brand-new story chapter with main missions and side missions (exploration, combat, rally)
>2 new playable characters
>4 new trust events
>2 new drive discs
>an entire new resonia set
>a new elite enemy for expert challenge
>a new boss for notorious hunt
>new location with its own HIA coins
>new NPC that gives you food items
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>invite her to see a movie
>go to mcdonald's and discuss the movie
>don't trashtalk Nicole

she's now your best friend
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Should I do the Fissure fight when it comes up, or only if I amassed a lot of Resonia?
>finally cleared HZ 11

Now what, do I join the Shiyu speedrun autists? There's honestly not that much content desu
After Vita.
it was confirmed that this is one of the changes yes, along with being able to travel around as your rat wife in the open world areas.
It's pretty similar to hsr. 1.1 was just a filler patch.
so c0w0 jane will be even bottomer tier then wow
be productive
is that a doom guy?
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>ZZZ's revenue dropped by 80%
>/zzz/ posters dropped by 80%
Soul Hounds and Snake until you are top 100
I falseflag as other gacha communities in other threads to keep the trolls out of my main thread
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Its the best content in the game bro
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>nothing about having sex with any/all of the cunning hares
why even play 1.2
Never said you do, can you not read?

This is my first time somehow getting 5 on that stage. Not sure how it happened but it did and I'm vexed because I now have to do another HZ to get the 2 clears reward. I'd rather uninstall than do yet another HZ.

I'll consider that going forward.
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>the belt is holding up her ass cheeks
holy fuck
it's what I enjoy doing most in game each week
I want incentives to do hz more each week honestly. sucks that they added a limit to z-merits
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>Check recently encountered players ingame
>10/45 haven't touched the game in over 2 weeks
It's not really a matter of it being good or not; being forced to do it twice weekly for max rewards drains the fun out of even the most fun mode.
Bwos should I get ice cream tonight? kinda feeling some mint chocolate and tiramisu
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it will end on 9/11's eve
why is she making a face like that
What bangboo do I use for Jane/Seth/Lucy?
WHy not play it because it's fun? If you're only doing it because you're incentivised to, it's not inherently fun.
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is there any way to kill Inky? im sick of this vile pest interrupting me when I pass through sixth street to get coffee or scratch offs
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I ate a whole tub of Belgian chocolate earlier
That's a good thing. ZZZ is now allowed to do what it wants since it doesn't have to worry about loud minoirites who get offended over fictional characters.
Not bad, nice stuff
That anon said he saw several 53 second clears though
this but nicole.
Zzz is not only a chore to play daily + weekly resets, it's also extremely easy. It took about a month to beat the endgame from 0.
I do a run a day because I enjoy it, but it's nice to get rewards. I did it a couple times a day before they capped z-merits and when I still had those buffs to unlock
EN Jane sounds erotic as fuck when taking damage. Is it the same for her JP voice?
I'm going to rape you irl
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no one likes autistic hard shit except autists.
theres plenty of other games for you if that is what you want
based and canon
me on the bottom
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I hope you guys are saving to C6R1 the Raiden expy coming in 2.1
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When the fuck is that furry faggot gonna drop?????
If you want him to stop interrupting you, max out his trust and adopt him
Then you will never be interrupted by him again
u wot
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>tfw you hide outside your sisters bedroom door when she is sleeping
why are you replying to him?
What has Qingyi got? Because she spawned with a full meter so it's not just C0R1 Zhu Yuan at play
Still a nice run but curious
Holy crap they're having a metal gear collab in 2.1? Will it be cyborg Raiden or femboy Raiden?
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Burnice White is so hot. Why are leather jackets on women so sexy?
No one mentioned difficulty retard-kun. I'm saying it took almost no time for anyone to beat the game because it was piss easy. That doesn't inherently mean "difficult". You can look at star rail MoC. The game isn't difficult but a stat and relic check, but the long term grind of having to build characters and farm relics keeps people playing. Zzz you can have supports at lvl50 with no relics, a dps at 60 that's not even maxed out on skills or weapon and still clear with S rank on current Shiyu content. There is no "treadmill" to keep people playing. Once people have felt they've done everything in a game they move on. It's a tale as old as time, regardless of genre.
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I don't usually play gachas, isn't that a normal thing for the playerbase to shrink down after the initial release hype? Especially when 1.1 was so light in content
Imagine unironically pulling Keksar who has worse animations than a 4 star LOL
Are these people so rich that they don't remember how many of a character they've pulled and can't be arsed to go check...?
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Genshin got Raiden on 2.1
HSR got Acheron on 2.1
ZZZ will get NOTRAIDEN on 2.1
It's a hoyo tradition
>All but one of the A-rank cinemas maxed out
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the hottest female poll is finally winding down, so we can screenshot it for all eternity.

you may as well be speaking CN mate I don't understand a word of this
hmm nyoo I prefer Clorinde and spent everything else on Mualani
It's going to be really easy to be a better patch than 1.1.
and the results are in after 1 week.
qin is c1r1
nicole is c6r3
this entire patch almost killed the game, next patch looks good desu
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C0R1 bros, what do I search on Bilibili for Jane clears? I'm pretty sure I can get this down further but want to see how they do it
I'm also pretty sure that Nicole>Piper for this floor
is it possible to delete my account so I can use the same email to reroll?
I meant Nicole>Lucy*, my mind cannot separate the two
Hoyo games should be relatively easy giving how impactful the rng equipment is to overall stats. If these games were actually hard they'd be extremely frustrating to play. Those asking for hard content should go play a different get that can have better balancing. Some hard content is important but these games are incapable of it.
which is why you shouldn't tie it to anything than a salted email account if you are rerolling.
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Before I blow my tuning calibrators, what is the top priority main stat/role I should be getting
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What team do I use for Jane?
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thanks anon. ill just deal with it then
if it was cutest girl, it'd be Caesar for me.
>4th place
Shame on you /zzz/.
She should be 1st, or at least 2nd.
The only way you can regain your dignity is through group harakiri
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>wanting hard content in a gacha game where the tools to deal with hard content isn't free
how low IQ do you have to be to want this
by far the hardest main stat to get is an elemental main stat because there is one extra level of RNG to get it
everything else seems easy in comparison.
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I was told that I could find Seth here in the evening but he doesn't seem to be here. I wonder if I'm missing something.
So the content of the patch is:
>brand-new story chapter with main missions and side missions (exploration, combat, rally)
>new location with its own HIA coins
I hope it's longer than 1.1 and also doesn't feature TVs because that's negative content. The rest of that shit doesn't matter.
Somehow the best part of this game has been the arcade games...
Yeah I was thinking that too. I was planning on getting fire damage% on my S11
Depends on the agent bro
Impact% on slot 6
Does Caesar replace Seth for Jane?
I suggest waiting until you're internally screaming for a certain disk 5 or disk 4.
- DPS disk 5 elem bonus
- DPS disk 4 crit damage or crit rate
- Stunner disk 6 impact
- ghost girl disk 5 Pen Ratio

if you are absolutely missing one of those then fire away, otherwise save it
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I just voted Zhu Yuan, so you better update it again.
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Remember to spam every survey asking for the white cheongsam and braids skin for chinese new year
the actual noodle shop, the one you get your buffs from, the one across the street from the police station
>Seth Lucy
>Seth Nicole
>Seth Qingyi
>Seth Koleda
>Qingyi Nicole
>Qingyi Lucy
>Qingyi Grace
>Grace Nicole
>Grace Lucy
>Grace Seth
>Piper Lucy
>Piper Seth
whichever of those your dick is inclined to, works
Even certain Neko comps will do fine if you really like her
I hate HZ because you can't really just casually do it. You always need to pay attention to avoid bricking your run rather than just enjoying getting fun and powerful buffs. I swear every fucking step you take is more likely to make you weaker than it is make you stronger. If they just removed most of the stupid fucking negative spots the mode would be great.
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very well late poller
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helpful thank bro
>There is no "treadmill" to keep people playing.
Good. Treadmills fucking suck. I want to play a game on it's own merits, not because they time gate everything even slightly worth pursuing.
And if Zenless fails to accomplish this, then it simply deserves to EoS.
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I used my MHY account.
So /zzz/ loves fat asses is what I should take away from this?
No, she will replace the other slot usually, unless you've got Qingyi then she can replace Seth.
Jane's teams are incredibly versatile though, see >>493722874
Both Rina and Caesar comfortably go in that mix
What does the new disk set do?
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Holy fuck this is filtering me. I don't fucking know how perfect assist works with this fucking group.
Forgot to add that she CAN replace Seth in Disorder comps
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Whoops I'm fucking stupid. That said, I still don't see him here. I talked to Chop Junior as well just in case but I still got nothing.
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>/zzz/ loves fat asses
elemental damage on disk 5 is the most important one for DPS as you want to balance you want a 1:1 dmg% and atk% ratio
impact on disc6 so you don't need to farm for the impact set for weeks or anomaly proficiency for disk 4 if you aren't getting any on the freedom blues
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I want to sex a robot
ESL retard
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I run the same team
current "hard" content can be dealt with using solo A ranks, no one is asking for the endgame to be so hard you need to pull on every banner, but it feels like SD becomes piss easy once you can get your main dps to max level
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You aren't allowed to post here if you don't love fat asses.
Why are ellenposters increasingly the worst posters.
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you mean tight round asses, shape>size bro
Qingyi's ass straps takes it to a whole nother level
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My resin cap because I cant get out of story mode. What the fuck were they thinking when they implemented this? It wasnt an issue in Genshin.
a disputed mode with a monthly reset be incredibly ftp friendly
why are all NEPS females obligated to wear the most ass showing outfits
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I want to drink that water that has been marinating in her crotch
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I feel like Jane/Caesar/Burnice is gonna be the most busted team in the game. Image cause we're ass posting.
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The straps make me diamonds
>Zhu Yuan let's have sex
>Sorry, I'm on my period
>Well call me Moses because I'm about to part the Red Sea
Even ignoring that the powerups we get are so piss poor that they're barely an upgrade, these sort of modes are fun for building power and getting stronger, far stronger than you'd get in a normal game mode. Can you tell the difference between a god run and a regular run? I certainly cannot. Do you feel stronger compared to a HIA stage, as an example?
Given that HZ also aims to make us weaker (and in some cases clunkier [WHY?]) it makes the entire thing considerably less fun than even a middling roguelite.
tastes like metal
Shield value is worthless, 10 seconds of 15% damage is okay I guess but unless you proc the stun with the assist you're not going to give much to your attacker since Caesar doesn't seem to do a lot herself. I don't see why this is a must have unless I'm retarded.
Explain it to me then
What the fuck am I supposed to do to trigger perfect assist?
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sub 50 is so close I can almost taste it...
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Please for the love of god RELEASE THIS LIL GUY... easily the best design yet
Yellow thing flashes hit spacebar
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Caesar only buffs the on field agent so Burnice applying fire mostly from off field will be missing 80% of the buff
Yeah exactly. Mihoyo clearly fundamentally do not understand the appeal of roguelikes. Though I say that SU in HSR is better in that regard even though it does have a similar issue of being annoying focusing on avoiding bricks even though the powerups are significant and powerful.
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Literally Korean MMORPG-slop tier. Insane. All that yapping about how great the animations in this game are and at the end of the day you can't even see them LMAO!
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We should kill all Bangboo.
The regular Shiyu enemies should deal as much damage as the survival mode, that's all that really needed to change. There's no reason why dps characters with literally no survivability stats should be able to tank 5+ hits from level 70 boss enemies.
>Can you tell the difference between a god run and a regular run? I certainly cannot. Do you feel stronger compared to a HIA stage, as an example?
Uh, yeah?
We don't get basically bullet time in other stages.
Also assault resonia is fucking broken.
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just parry
mualani mogs the entire wuwa roster
Ohnonononon bro what are you gonna do if you miss 1-3 "resins", how will you life go fucking on, how horrible a fate...
Jane is your main damage dealer anyway so that's hardly a concern. Burnice is mostly their to allow Jane to proc disorder consistently without needing to lose out on on field time.
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every time I see a modder removing them I die a little inside. its amazing how they made the ingame model mog fan art and mods consistently
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I have not been kotted.
I really want to be kotted.
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I don't think I understand, can you post more of that?
what is the post even?
Stunners can solo HZ because of things like execute, jolt and anomaly buffs
I agree, a lot of the resonias don't feel that much like power-ups.. Running like Mono-Ice and getting all those buffs don't feel as good as running an Assault Team or getting Full Shield + Dodge Resonia and becoming near invincible
I don't feel safe living around thirens
im glad i left that game
i actually left because i could no longer see the screen with all the explosions
and before you say "its in a differnet mode" it was already becoming difficult to see shit in the overworld.
>Can you tell the difference between a god run and a regular run?
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Is there anything in this game that you can actually do with other players? I haven't seen any of you guys ever sharing your UIDs so I assume not? I'll be honest, I've played it for quite a while now and I haven't seen a single co-op/multiplayer feature anywhere
Based disorder bro
Would be crazy
Anon, it's the same damage buff as Swing Jazz except it can be procced off of any assist instead of just the chain attack of the equipper. Not hard to start the stun with an assist unless the enemy is slow, and so far that's only a concern on the large construction bots.
These posters have never played a real Rougelite and it shows.
Is the 4 star electric bangboo better than the 5 star? I get that its used to help apply electric more with grace
right now just the arcade
you can talk with friends and you can look at their disks/levels and stuff and peak at a few things
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I think the spots should be more clearly marked or that you can use the handbook to look them up mid run, like I see bangboos but I can't tell if it's the one that gives you a bangboo or the one where you can buy one resonium, and I haven't even gotten to all the different reddish spots.
And getting the increased dodge cooldown overload against Thanatos on floor 1 is a brick
why would I want to stop him? I'm not a shitposter creating fake drama. I want everyone who enjoys this game to do well, unlike some people
I have the a rank one at max dupes
the dupes scale really well
arcade only right now

i doubt this game will ever get coop. they aren't gonna do coops anymore unless it's an actually multiplyer focused game.
Should I build my C6 Corin or C2 Piper?
Fuck off faggot
Seeing people use cool teams is great.
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Nice run! I'm trying to break 36-38s with R1 Jane but need to play around with Rina or Nicole instead of Lucy to get it I feel like
If I were to guess they will probably do a tv co-op event sometime as a test, they could easily handle the data transfer for tv gameplay.
something like getting past puzzles requiring 2 or more people, though i dunno how you would solve for people trying to kill you in puzzles.
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imagine seth pissing his pants like a little boy...
>Seth's pov

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