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Previous: >>493661358

>What was this?
"Planned" Blue Archive with "Katanas" but officially had nothing to do with Blue Archive

>Where could I get it?
The project is officially cancelled
Thank you for following this work and characters

>PV (Now unavailable)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auvjsSG8ch4 [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q66ryUZhT5s [Embed]

>Official Websites
https://www.projectkv.co.kr/ (Now unavailable)

just die
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Since this general is dying soon. Honest thoughts on this guy?
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Every single BAggot needs to apologize to me RIGHT NOW
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Make your own headcanon story about Kohane before they forget her
He's a bit on the ugly(physically) side
Her balls are the biggest of them all
Okay, but... It's dead. When are you lot packing it up? Or is this just some form of grieving?
imagine giving up your 600k/year job for this
>Another thread for this dead and cancelled game
Press [F] to spit on KV trannies that thought this shitty ripoff would ever take off

Good fucking riddance
I'm just sad we lost a possible game with schoolgirls being for (You)
tired of hags...
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Project KV is STILL trending on JP twitter
It's 6 AM and it's been trending nonstop since the cancel announcement, all through the night, with 30 thousand tweets having been made today.
2chan has gone through 9 1000-post threads since the announcement, plus countless posts in the BA threads.
you wouldn’t get it it’s not just about money with true writers and artists
But you promised the previous thread would be the last...

Not complaining since I get to dance on PKV's grave one more time.
So are they going to rework the project or I'm just coping?
Kill Reverse1999 next.
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You're coping. Dynamis One is basically blacklisted everywhere now. Look forward to VK Project.
Rework with entirely new designs. The old ones are tainted with futa faggotry
Money corrupts people, even for people that make millions of dollar a year they always want more and more and more and is never enough
Do one for Koito pls?
So the artist are just going to change their names and go back to BA at this point right?
if they are getting as much as people were saying they were getting they should be able to lay low and make a indie project
If they don't close down the studio, they need to make something completely new
The Silent Hills of gacha.
but is the cock circumcised or not?
She killed KV. Say something nice to her!
No. They're closing down. They don't have enough time and funds to cook up another game. Lmao.
Japanese don't circumcise
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>reading her character description
>Ohitome Kohane - A country girl yearning for the fancy city life
>"Back home we had to bathe in the river even during winter. I love our dorm's onsen."
>After getting fed up by her grandma's complaints, she ran away from home and ended up in Kapila by accident.
>After grandma sent her a message saying she'd get punished after she comes home, Kohane decided to stay (can't really make it out because of the sword). Anyway, she has no intention of going back to a place where you can't even get hot water. Onsens are the best.
Kohane enrools herself on the annual swordfighting tournament and wins, and also makes friends with Koito, Rei and Kaoru on the process, they decided to go to an adventure together and somehow at the end they beat the final boss that is Kohane's grandma which ended being a tyrannical monster like Beatrice, after killing her off for good, the four girls live on a happy ending running to new adventures on the future after ditching school because they're already the most talented swordfighters of their land.
Nah. They can go starve to death. Don't need infidels in BA.
A hawk cries in the distance...
Everyone forgot about Rei lol.
>another thread
Hahaha KV niggers have always been and always will be, a bunch of shitposting niggers
rework with canon futa's
Yes and no, probably. They will need to completely detach itself from everything that has been shown about project kv thus far. But a lot of the stuff they have already worked on can be taken and adjusted to fit whatever new thing they will be working and revealing eventually.
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I believe in miracles. See you in 10 years.
>kvniggers never got a game
>only got futa
of the 4 girls, she's the most forgettable, a mistake of making her the same hair color as Kaoru
did they even get a CnD
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Come play Arknights. We have girls with swords and girls with halos.
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I'd say that I'm gonna quit Blue Archive right now, but then again, I've played it for 2 years straight and I didn't spend a single penny on it, so that wouldn't change much
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The weak should fear the strong
Thank you Phrenapates, very cool
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Is it over...?
>/vkg/ died faster than /kvg/
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>KV's only win is against a fan project only recently started by 2-3 random angry gooks
QRD on this
VK is more of a game than KV is
Some guys on a korean forum called arca.live that hate isakusan and KV made a joke project called VK after KV was revealed and now they're going to try to make it an actual thing.
Kaoru = sex
Kohane = cute school girl
Koito - cunny wife always on the verge of ending up naked
Rei - exists
that's the name of a studio, nigger
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VK Project is a game.
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Generic card battler inspired by BA
My very dedicated BAggot friend uninstalled the game and I listened to him rant about Nexon for twenty minutes
Nothing else to add, he liked Hoshink
The only thing I hate Nexon for is their localizer team
The most insufferable tourist twitteroid faggots imaginable
>inspired by BA
there's nothing about BA there
i won't post it because i will make a doujin vn of my kv headcanon and sell it at comiket
I just learned that KV was cancelled, i'm a bit sad because i was curious to see Isakusan full power without Nexon restrictions but oh well. I just hope this will not impact Blue Archive in a bad way because of all the people involved wanting to play both sides of the coin (Doremi, mitsukiyo, Mx2J)
>i was curious to see Isakusan full power without Nexon restrictions
You already saw it, it's called Volume 3 and Volume F.
I'm not surprised. I don't see how any right thinking person could witness such rank injustice and just continue along as they were before
Why the fuck he leaved Nexon then? I don't understand. Is it really because of the bad pay? Because i don't believe it, it's not enough
>Nothing else to add, he liked Hoshink
for a second i thought you were talking about me but i hate that bitch
where was the hifuazu h-scene then
What's the "rank injustice"?
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Do you guys actually hate the KV devs or it's all just shitposting?
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The end of a dream
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I only have one game to look forward to now...
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The lies, libel, and slander directed at the people making KV. The futa and yuri shitposting meant to sour people's opinions of KV
>ditched thing I like for something worse
>didn't even give enough of a shit to ensure what they work on next doesn't get easily shot down by Nexon
>basically willingly blacklisted themselves and cut off any potential investors
>now BA has to spend time reorganising and KV won't exist
Why don't you?
0 hate they are the guys who made BA so what's even the point
kaoru kock
I find their decisions to be bafflingly dumb and with a high chance of failure but I wanted them to succeed anyway because the concept visuals for KV looked so damn good. All of the hate bandwagoning they got gave me a bad taste in my mouth.
Why arent mods shutting down this cocktrannies den already
They're probably KVtroons themselves.
We hate kv and Isakusan here bro.
Just a tourist from another board checking out what's going on, kind of wanted KV to succeed because the prospect of Blue Sissies being butthurt is amusing
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Yeah I hate them. They fucked up BA and then make a rip off like this?
It wasn't the writers or the artists at fault, the one accountable for the dumb decisions is basically all him. He's supposed to lead them, not send them out to die. Also,
>company slogan: to each otaku idea
Mihoyo idolizing came off a little strong
I am looking forward to RX ruining BA and the people laughing realizing they've doomed us all.
Unfortunately they'll pretend they were always anti-Nexon.
Why would I hate them? I obviously would rather have two gacha I enjoy instead of just one.
My real issue was how sloppy it was done.
>Leave Nexon and everyone is supportive of the new studio
>New studio announces a game
>"a new game? This soon? How did you have the dev time for that?"
>new game drip feeds images over a week like you would if your project is nearing release
>people start to notice things like halos on students and in the sky
>first character revealed is just Hifumi
>finally reveal the PV
>its just Blue Archive again
>there is no game
>there is no release date
>there is going to be a VN
>there is now drama about the VN being released
>we learn that they have no software engineers
>we learn their website was outsourced and has no mobile version
>we learn that they were working on this during their time at Nexon
>game folds

All they had to do was wait until the game was further along. They could have taken the Uma Masamune route and released a few doujins at comiket to generate hype first then built up a series from there, but they wanted to generate hype even before comiket. This rush was what caused them to get the wrong attention in the first place.
People love the designs of the girls, and swords are cool, thats not the issue. The problem was that we never knew what this game was going to be, and neither did the devs, but they kept acting like this was something that was already figured out and was going to be released when in reality they were years away from even producing any real content.
I still hope that they can bounce back from this and make something good, but they dont look like a group that knows how to pace themselves or plan for the long haul.
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The genocide and colonisation were justified.
They're retards that were doomed to fail, I just wanted to enjoy the trainwreck.
But like that other anon said, gook autism got so out of control that I'm actually a bit sad that they bend the knee to subhumans seething instead of at least going out with a bang.
It was a teaser for an Arknights-themed futa x female eroge, by kataokasan. Development is on hiatus for now, here's all the porn released for it so far.
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all i needed to hear. i pray for its release
>The problem was that we never knew what this game was going to be, and neither did the devs
I wonder if they ran out of money already, to announce this early
>no balls
I hate this mental illness.
Why the hell does AK get so much futa anyway
were the people inside the company aware of the futa memes?
Unironically they should have put Kohane and friends in Fortnite to get a payout from Epic Games.
now prompt her a cute cock
i wonder what it feels like to pick up a game as it launches and to stick with it. every time ive tried the thing has died or i got bored of it.
This is afuta on futa general get your shit taste out of here
>2chan has gone through 9 1000-post threads
Let me guess proofs next thread?
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We didnt. Probably would be a gacha, but is it an RPG? An RTS? We literally dont know what kind of "gameplay" it was going to have because they didnt have the engineers to make a working demo. It was announced in the early stages of pre-production which means nothing.
Or do you have some insider info on the game that none of us saw?
The creative people aren't supposed to know how to pace themselves, that's what a good CEO and publisher are there for. Park Byung-rim gravely miscalculated, I don't know why doremi, mx2j and others would still be loyal to him after this. They can do better.
All of the vanilla artists are busy drawing for games like BA, Nikke, etc. so AK gets left with artists who specialize in certain fetishes.
Most of the characters are also very conservative design wise, so it takes some imagination to make them erotic.
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I don't hate all of them cause they made what I love after all. But I absolutely hate whoever the fuck is instigated this exodus. It could be pikachuman or that PD. And the rest were absolute idiots for going along with it.
>doremi, mx2j and others would still be loyal to him after this
Because they're fucked.
This kind of fuck up is unironically the kind of shit that gets you blacklisted from the industry.
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Fair enough.
As for the artists, I dont know what they'll do.
They're probably going to be under fire for a while, so the best chance they have of getting work will be under a pseudonym doing freelance work until it calms down for them.
In the meantime, they'll probably have to sit at Dynamis One for a while dreaming up the next project together. Maybe they can manage something good. I do hate Nexon and think them leaving wasn't a bad idea, but the way they handled it was destined to fail.
Up your mother's ass
>and neither did the devs
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NTA but it was a writer and a bunch of artfags. Maybe one programmer. You think they had any idea at this stage what the game will even play like? I doubt they even settled on a genre.
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Having a beer while watching KV burn as I fuck Kohane's corpse. Eat your heart out Isakusan.
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Get fucked
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Will we ever stop bring oppressed futsbros... This was supposed to be our Eden...
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It was going to be the next coming of kancolle futa doujins, it was going to be beautiful
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Is it gay to want to get prone boned by Kaoru and have her whisper teasing words into my ear as she repeatedly bullies my prostate?
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Wat are the real consensus on these dev, twitter is showing me a bunch of support them but i duno if thats the majority.
I feel a bit bad for Rei being completely ignored in fan art, but ehh, shoulda had a better design in the first place.
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I hate that i wanted kohane so badly, she is so cute. What a cruel world we live in.
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It was fun collecting art of Karou since she's so pretty, good to see mx2j still got it. Shame she will never get a time to shine.
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What in the fuck are you still doing here? Fuck off to a futa gay erp board or something
I find it funny that so many people aren't used to gook artists being complete degenerates and drawing tons of futa.
i don't wanna browse /bag/ though
Gook artists are degenerates, they usually just draw NTR garbage
I don't understand, why are they getting blacklisted?
You aren't used to them if you think they only went so far as NTR.
Who the fuck would hire fags that started doing work for a different project while working on another one under a company?
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/bag/ and gooks just hated it in the sense that it made them the abandoned first child.
They did deserve a lot of the skepticism because of how much is resembled BA right after leaving it. Literally nothing good could have come from like half of the visual choices they made, the halos being the crown jewel.
I don't hate anyone. I don't have it in me.
And that project is a fucking carbon copy on top of that lol
uh bro?
They bit the hand that fed them and burned all bridges for a game that they cancelled, all while hurting the development of BA. They'll be lucky if anyone ever decides to work with them after all this. Hope they get ass raped in court by Nexon.
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The only thing we can do is never forget them. And never forget what they took from us.

We don't know why they actually left and if they had legit reasons to do so.
Why are you falling for the bait?
Will this be the last /kvg/ thread or can we last until #20?
who cares? they knew the important part, the characters and story. nobody plays blue archive for the gameplay.
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Did Isakusan basically ruin the lives of the people he poached? Is he... going to be okay?
Neither. We go until release.
Tourist here. Why is there so many futa arts for this "game"?
The girls are canonically futa
Sad that the project ended the way it did but spergs calling you traitors or whatever was kind of funny
They are wielding blades so the joke devolved from there
>turns into futa shit
Kek nice game faggots.
Because we KV fans are mostly trannies and SEAfags who got btfo'd by sensei being canonically male. We have been seething since the anime and the only way we can cope is by praying that KV is an actual yuri game.
>Park Byung-rim
Just like how he gravely miscalculated the first year of Blue Archive where it was bugs galore and eternal maintenances. History repeats itself but this time with no Yostar to bail them out.
this, but unironically
I'll give them a year. If they don't announce anything with the designs they showed of I'll be using them for my self.
I miss the free pyroxene.
We'll have to wait until C105 to see if they came out with something new. If not then it's all over.
I think they should salvage the game by making a futa nukige.
Kimi no nawa...
>and neither did the devs
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Now i understand why Namyo (wakamo's artist) jumped ship to azur lane
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>flashes her panties
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I'm going to miss her really
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Welp, that was pretty fast
You motherfuckers were saved from this obvious scam. Hopefully you don't trust these MFs ever again.
What a bunch of fucking grifters.
It was an obvious scam. Be glad it ended before you got scammed.
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No hopes remains then
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>it was an obvious scam!
>because... because i said so!
/bag/ clearly isn't sending its best.
This is retarded and I hope it goes somewhere.
Shitposts that become actual games is a subgenre that I find fascinating.
>/kvg/ gooncord got deleted
Bwos... I just wanted to be in a futa x futa relationship...
>project kv STILL fucking trending
shut it down shut it down
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>/kvg/ - Project KV general #12
azur promilia waiting room
what the fuck is this? is there a 3rd guy in this whole shitshows or just some memeing company community poster?
Gooks on dcinside want to make their own game now
Couple of gooks got together and bonded over their hate for the KV team, they decided to make a game themselves
all you had to do was drop the damn halos
it's just a gook trolling people at arca.live, don't fall for it
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i'm just just mad that the only cunny game and the kino boomer appeal we had is just going to go away.

blue archive is guted, kv project is dead

where will i go for ecchi cunny boomer kino

azur lane dosent do that
Lots of gacha games copy each other. That's how the industry works.
Get over it, grubkek.
Dear isakusan
Me and Kim Hyung-tae have a proposal
A certain...initiative...
i just want another cake
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>(Now unavailable)
The funny part is that actually almost happened.
I mean, officially it is, but people archived it easily
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according to former Dynamis One employee who regrets leaving Nexon, three big reasons why people left Nexon was:
>Dissatisfaction with Nexon's business team, felt like devs themselves could run things better
>Dissatisfaction with Yostar, who became way more involved with new character designs and personalities of the said characters
>Dissatisfaction with Nexon's policy: good amount of incentives are given to the development team for the first 3 years after the launch. But after that, not so much. Because Nexon mobile game business wants new games. That's why new 'HiT', 'KartRider' mobile games seem to come out every few years.
According to this guy, since this three-year honeymoon period ended, cracks started to form. And why some of the team are working on a new project called RX.
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>The story, game mechanics and lore that Yuzhong can provide
>The money and human resources from Kim
What would isakusan provide?
but also, bear in mind this site is anonymous site like 4chan and the only evidence that he really worked for Dynamis One and Nexon are that business card he could've gotten at any con just by visiting the booth.
dragalia won
>>Dissatisfaction with Yostar, who became way more involved with new character designs and personalities of the said characters
Didn’t they to do more a faithful translation for the Tourist event and backfired so hard Yostar had to retranslate everything again?
Man, imagine how that dude feel when their first project have to shut down that quickly.
This entire fiasco is a case study on why managers and public relations are a thing. Everyone hates them till everything goes to shit.
>it's KV fault for copying RX, so KV is the bad guy
>nexon hate it when KV copying RX, they attack KV, and now nexon is the bad guy
but he get da freedom to display his true artistic vision. That's all they need.
It's apparently just a seething gook shitpost that'll be using AI slop.
they had manager and PR guy though? otherwise who would be working on their twitter page and writing those apology letters
From all of the information so far they only lacks programmer which explain their awful countdown system and using EPID GAMES domain
There are no heroes left in men.
A PR guy that manages to somehow mis-mentions their art director on Twitter.
The Japanese said it read like a MTL translation than a proper translation. It didnt have the flair or charm that was usually present in the translations.
They complained about it and Nexon changed it after a week or so.
There was a rumor going around that Isakusan and other writers were bothered that their work was altered when it was brought to JP, but no one knows for sure. This was cited as a reason why Isakusan wanted to write in Japanese even though it was clear that he didnt know Japanese well enough to write an entire VN.
SEAfags will believe this
All it takes is a printer and you can also pretend to be John Dynamis.
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Anons, you wouldn't believe this. I just saw the mean Korean comments under Doremi's tweet. Why are Koreans so fucking heartless? Why do they bully poor innocent MX2J, Doremi, and Isakusan?
Koreans are merciless. They are probably the biggest shit talkers of the east asians.
Serves them right. I hope they never ever get a job again.
gooks are literal bug people
Based Koreans. They deserved it. I hope they bully the fuck out of troons and SEAfags next.
it's a pretty funny that they fixed it that quickly
like someone already translated the scripts already and just waiting for the mtl translation to blow up in their face to do a "i fucking told you so"
With the money they got after they walked out, they can give it all to an investment firm/private advisor to put it in the stock market and never work a single day of their lives ever again.
Fuck, they can invest that money into a US bond and never work the rest of their lives ever again. Fuck off.
I can't believe it. Koreans have been really based since then. I hope this drives those 4 fucks to hang themselves.
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Isakusan and KVtroons EOS soon?
Retards don't have religion so they attach themselves to brand names now.
Double crossers only deserve death. Based arsonist in Japan killed a ton of animators for stealing his work! A true hero!
>he actually believes that garbage
I got a bridge to sell you if you think Nexon is generous.
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>main fanbase (the rich ones not the poor SEAfags and wokies defending KV) abandoning D1
>passion project complete revamp
>still lacking in competent developers
I'm starting to lose hope...
You can kind of think of it as an expectation of IP/Brand loyalty from a parasocial-like relationship with BA.
Still mostly their own fault from how blatant some of this stuff was.
Chinese exist though. And Japanese simply avoid shitposting with their twitter except for the few schizos like the Midori Terrorist
>Dissatisfaction with Yostar, who became way more involved with new character designs and personalities of the said characters
So this is the reason of why the characters have been less romantically involved with sensei in the momotalks....who was the last student to show affect for sensei? Kikyou?
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The fact that there are seriously people who think Isakusan is the "good guy" in this just proves how inexperienced most of you are. Isakusan has just destroyed the lives of the poors saps he just poached. Shame on you.
Chinks are shit at trash talking, they just have numbers.
I don't hate them for leaving BA, just baffle to livid that they say they want to create new thing then create (visually) the same thing. Even more so how fast it prop up and crash as such speed. I still remeber how people were supportive at first until the last trailer reveal. In the end, I don't find it worth being angry over
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just another Epic Seven killer bitting the dust
koreans are just chink lite
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BA EOS very soon before Seia is released, especially with it bleeding money and talent with only a month of reruns to look forward to. Bye Seiatroons! :)
2 more weeks?
Imagine if they grow the balls and they get rid of feminists
It’s weird how people seem to forget how deep people can go with waifu-faggotry. BA definitely made a subculture on it’s own since you can just put Hina or Iori’s face in a clear folder and it’s sell like hotcakes.
Let's see how much money KV made..
Oh wait..
4 for reruns :^)
>2 more weeks
>2 more Comiket
What is next?
can't EOS if you don't launch, they'll just have to retire on their comfy savings from Kuro Archive I guess
what money? it basically just screwed most of their devs' careers...
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Very concerning news
>It’s weird how people seem to forget how deep people can go with waifu-faggotry
I can wait to see RX released and have another Raymond drama since nexon is going full DEI mode in that project
did kokosando leave too?
It's ok, the anime's BD sales will save it. 6k is good for volume 1, right?
yes. Her and CHILD
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>Wake up
>KV lost
>BAfags rubbing it in
EoSing killing myself...
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He didn’t retweet a single thing from D1 so I’m assuming no.
Do you think people here joke when they call gooks worse than insects?
That country should be nuked out of existence
where do retards like you come from
It's funny because they shit and seethe about THESE things but not about their feminist death cult and shit.
If only they bitched about things they are actually affected by.
>man with cancer laughing at an abortion
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What if Project KV was a plan to boycott Blue Archive in the most effective way possible? I mean afterwards all they have is a sunken game and the key staff from BA are gone.

Also don't expect the 4th anniversary to suddenly fix the game.
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Don't worry, anon. We can cope by making up scenarios about the other team.
If you guys hate BA so much, why don't you sign up for the REAL BA killer
Now show us the merch revenue.
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they did though? the last feminist President basically get impeached and feminist cultist are basically a shame for any company to the point SHIFT UP simply fired them on the spot after they found out about them
For the love of God, please keep this SEAfag/tranny containment general alive. You can talk about futa here.
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I'm in both threads though?
The funny thing is the Korean feminist supports project KV.
I mean, yeah the lgbtq people generally like yuri games.
>What if Project KV was a plan to boycott Blue Archive in the most effective way possible?
that's a good point!!
and, in the process, make the top artist and story writer unhireable to the eyes of other companies.
truly a master plan!!
who will be behind that??
>Korean feminist support a game made with the main focus being ecchi/+18 content with an all female cast (except MC)
I actually want to see something that support your rrat
Where's the loli safehaven now?
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Azur Lane and Azur Promilia (soon)
why does this thread get to live while /mbg/ stays dead?
unfortunately promilia will get the shit censored out of it because 3d game
Anything BA related get a pass with the mods
Same on /v/
It's already safe designs, there's nothing to even censor
And just like usual it will be hagge with maybe some hebes, very few unironic lolis and bunch of potatos
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>meanwhile, at the Nexon's CEO office...
>heheh... yeah we lost most of the core members working on BA
> And we have to further split the team because RX needs devs...
They deserve it for ruining the lives of everyone in D1
>the people defending nexon are actually brown
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> pajeet
yeah, figured
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>is not like we can hire another people, right??
>damn, we are fucked!!
>and is not like our ex core members aren't already blacklisted by other companies, right??
>fuck, sure they will get an easy job in every company who needs artists and an story tellers
>is not like they will use AI before considering hiring BLACKLISTED PEOPLE who broke their contracts while working with us, RIGHT???
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>No more futa
>No more yuri
I'm going to EoS myself, sisters.
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>Project KV getting MORTIS'd this early
Guess you guys didn't have enough FAITH
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>>we learn that they have no software engineers
holy shit what??? it really is just Xipuria all over again
So, this is basically just shitposting general now?
And that mx2j is never gonna draw for a game again, this is a prime blacklisting fuckup
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I don't think I could recover or move on from Kohane's loss
They probably don't want to bother drawing for some corporate game as it is anyways, and they likely have enough to retire moderately comfortably.
yeah, that's why they decided to enter Project KV: to work for free and for fun.
>not wanting to work for corporate
>just work for free lmao
When is nobetadev directing a gacha game
They mentioned they wanted to do more erotic stuff which Nexon wouldn't allow, but after dealing with BA fans om several occasions I doubt they want to bother with that industry anymore.
The pain of actually getting blueballed doesnt even comapre to what im feeling for those girls that world that will never exist
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>there's still a general for a literal dead project
They, for some reason, also insist on making Nobeta look older in doujins.
But also after pragmata release in 2 weeks
Let them mourn and cope, they will move on eventually.
The what now?
that series had one good chapter and the rest of it is dull trash
Okay when is kvg making a magical girl gacha with no hags allowed and maybe only the occasional hebe as a veteran on her last days before retirement
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Too based for /vg/
An actual game, abandonware though. It's cute and funny
I saw this exact desire on twatter but asking for witches with witch hats instead of magical girls
Nuke India
>Sending that much shit into the Earth's atmosphere
Are you trying to kill us all?
Why the hell are there so many replies by pajeets typing in Japanese in all the KV related tweets?
its bots farming money
It's time for the elevens to come back to pricon and uma
I will mourn but I refuse to cope.
Pricunny was slayed by gooks
Uma was slayed by an actual idolGODS with Gakumas
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this desu
One thing this whole fiasco has done is giving me a newfound appreciation for futa on female
Uma global fucking when
I'm still waiting for a date
Why not both and the conflict between the two can be the primary focus of the story
No edgeshit though since in the end both sides are for (You)
>4 years behind
Learn nip retard
if they are really based never megalian born in first place and they take away that shit of their country
Based my ass you fucking retard
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That's exactly why.
I already know enough nip to play games without a library unless I find some really obscure kanji and shit, I just refuse to start a gacha four years behind everyone else.
look like IA sloop game
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How to cope with Kohane's loss? I'm in a pain spiral right now
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wait for the Tokyo Game Show 2024
They will announce it alongside World Flopper 2 and Project Awakening
Dye Hifumi's hair
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You know it's true. Guy's a hero. Single handedly saved the industry by weeding out garbage human beings who steal people's works.
the fun of this, nothing in the proyect say its a yuri game, the most probably its a harem game like BA
Daily reminder that saige removed mobile game from their name in latest CA report
and dont forget the male MC deleted because chinese hate men even supose the character are his own self
Anon, KV's shishou(sensei) is literally a female.
The default assumption of all-female cast media is that it's yuri even if it's not the case and you need to actively try to fight this if you don't want the fanbase to be overrun by insane yurifags
Before this general dies I'm going to need a zip of all the futa art that was made for the game.
For posterity, you see.
go to hell with him dumbass
mental illness
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whats goin on here
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don't give up /kvg/bros, keep making thread, we will get our game
I believe.
I hope they come back with a good game eventually (and keep the rural setting over an urban one because that was one of the main thing I was interested about).
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>Will never be able to marry Koito in-game after skipping school for it
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Until my dying breath I will believe in KV. I will not have them taken from me again.
He's talking about a better version of himself, the game is dead.
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she's dead either way
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I can't let go. If I let go she'll be gone forever.
She gets revived in the game's alternate timeline.
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This is from a journalist who personally has known Isakusan and the main team members for a decade. The team didn't stop the project because of a lawsuit or contract, or financial issue. they WERE NOT seeking for investment because they didn't want to interfered by anyone so they were not in desperate situation or whatsoever. This was a pure passion project without financial or legal issue, so it was maybe because of frenzied gook backlash. It was not a project that was prepared for a long time but literally kickstarting one, I hoped they were more strong-willed to push this project as this journalist said but well, they have dropped it. They are not wrapping anything up about the company guys, they are making game. As a small, doujin-like company for now. They are like tightly-knit doujin group with full passion and they seemingly not suffering any money issue to sustain their office for their united passion project (remember they were all heads of staff in Nexon so they must have been well paid), so we still can count on them.

Btw, they are totally shutting down any interview from now on except presumably this guy.
>financial issue
another corpo talk, i'll never forgive nexon
they should have just gone for making a Visual Novel rather than a gacha
I guarantee some jp vn publisher would have done it
>just trust me bro, my uncle works at d1
Whatever cope to make you feel better i guess
Huh? I thought they did a presentation to investors like shift up and yostar, but nobody wanted to invest because all they had was concept arts?
thanks for giving us that futa slut I guess
It's all makeup rumor just like that shit. Nobody but D1 themselves know the truth .
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He is a journalist who has interviewed and known Isakusan and his team members for 10 years, more like the former Qurare team that mostly consists of (now former) BA team. Picrel is 10 years ago and this guy interviewed them.
so he's a biased source then?
too much misinformation being spread right now
wait a week
So, this guy interviewed them once and it's somehow make them a besties? Where the instance that any of d1 members ever interacted with this guy that isn't this one interview.
For Karamazov-ian serf gook cattle like you, yes.
I only believe in unbiased gook shitposters.
Yep, is pure shitposter copium
will mx2j be crawling back to Nexon?
They found out and that's why they killed it
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i... believe in you
Yeah you can say that, but he is the one who has closely followed Isakusan and interviewed him on multiple occasions, which hasn't happened before AFAIK and he and Isakusan personally know each other, so unless he spitted out BS for nothingburger burning the bridge, this is legitimate one, far better than those "Blind anonymous" shits.
>he and Isakusan personally know each other
You keep saying this but where is the proof?
And this guy has also interviewed Nasu before, he is not some inauthentic rando.
I will now cope that they don't even need to scrap the character designs they've revealed, they just need to put them in something that isn't Red Archive.
Post futa horse cocks
It would be really funny if BA just steal the Kaoru's design.
this, because that's how it says on the japanese follow-up
twitter might fucked the korean translation
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Kohane ceased to exist. Why even live?
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So is the truth really just that they were honestly that retarded?
Did they really think that they could leave a game at the height of its popularity, copy it down to the halos, and that fans would be excited for it? They had to really think a lot of themselves if that were true.
Look, I want to reward them for leaving Nexon and following their dreams. This should have gone very differently, with fans being happy to support a dev that was willing to take a risk, but they showed time and time again levels of ineptitude that you can not show on your very first project.
If they wanted this to be a slow burn project full of love, like Touhou, then they should have made that abundantly clear to everyone. Instead they put out previews as if they were releasing a full game in the next few months.
If they didn't want funding, and that they wanted community involvement, then they should have made it clear that this was something they wanted to make with the fans and not on their own.
If they wanted to make a VN for comiket, then they should have started with that first, then formed the company after.
They failed because they treated this small company like it was a big one, and instead of openly talking about their goals and hopes for the future, they hid away for days.

If this is true, then I hope they learn to properly communicate their goals instead of acting like they're already a massive corporation.
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Check out this new Red Winter student
Wise comment anon.
Do you think Isakusan can redeem himself? If he did the same thing you are saying
tldr; Futa sex
I'm skeptical of all the rumors coming out of KR but yeah, there's no denying that the legendarily shit optics and unclear messaging ultimately falls under their responsibility. What a confusing mess.
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>slow burn project full of love
If only there was another gook game company that had similar circumstances they could learn from...
No need. BA made it. It's called Himari. BA's doesn't walk tho
Instant roll
Isn't this just HIfumi
Sure. Sean Murry from No Mans Sky went from a joke who was thought to never be able to work in the industry again, to someone who can make a single post on Xwitter and get people excited for updates.
I think what really killed this project was lack of communication and the confusion surrounding it. At this point, no one really knows what was going on with D1 and what their goals were. No one understood why they were making this game or why they left Nexon if they were just going to remake Blue Archive again.
>>493770618 is right. The Project Moon team has been very open about what they have wanted to do, their goals, and they have had loads of success. There are people who play their mobile game who think it sucks, just cause they want to support the devs.
Get rid of Park Byung-rim first. Fucker showed no accountability and this whole direction is probably his doing.
The flak from koreans is probably less about the lack or originality and more on the fact that the game is set in japan. Koreans hate japan even if they consume japanese stuff
If only they've listened to Woolie's words of wisdom, we'd have a thing by next comiket...
>Seething here until release
oh no no no
Thanks. I'm glad someone enjoyed my frustrated ramblings
Anon that completely contradicts their worshipping of BA
If only Dyanmis One gets the KyoAni treatment. Isakusan deserves to burn in hell.
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>>Where could I get it?
>The project is officially cancelled
>Thank you for following this work and characters
I don't. I am, was, legitimately interested in project KV and what the dev team intended to do with it. A shame things went the way they did.
I don't think they left BA to rout either. I still enjoy BA and I'm confident that it can continue with the same energy it had because of the passion of the dev team and their successors.
Isakusan himself had mentioned in official interviews how much of BA is only possible because of everyone's contributions, that it wasn't solely his own effort that made it what it is today.
Again, a real shame things went the way they did, it really reminds me of Kaga and FE. Though Kaga at the end of a long string of failures is happily making Vestaria Saga, and I hope the same for them too.
If this is true, then D1 is genuinely more clueless than I thought. Past a certain point of popularity and fame, your words and deeds hold more weight than you yourself could be aware of. Anything you breathe or do can be misconstrued as something else. That they didn't know and had to pay such a hefty price is... tragic.
I agree with the reporter too, they should have been more strong-willed and pushed through. Sometimes you have to let your work speak for itself, and they dropped the ball on that too. Every possible fuckup they could do, they did.
If this is true, anyways. Things have been beyond hectic and I do hope we could clear the air... or maybe they'll just hunker down and hope for the best. I fundamentally disagree with that approach but it's worked for others before.
foursome with them
Master Isakusan... We have failed you...
Dude, the BA doujins scene has, on an absolute scale, a crapton of specialized fetishes like fetusplay and dickneck.
It's just that the amount of vanilla it has is even more insanely large due to its popularity.
This image saddens me the most, and I think D1 members too. They better buck the fuck up for the next project.
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Fuck you guys I legitimately thought her hand was a dick when I first saw this
>next project
>Past a certain point of popularity and fame, your words and deeds hold more weight than you yourself could be aware of
I totally agree with you. Their move was visibly clumsy and not like shrewd and professional businessmen, I guess it was the occasional naivete of artists. Maybe they need some trustworthy figurehead businessman in their company as some anon said.
you might need some glasses anon, no problem for me to see that's her hand, why do you rotted your brain watching loads of futa porn?
my guess is they thought it would be cool to pepper their new work with blue archive references, not realizing that at one point it starts looking like a ripoff
>how can you ripoff yourself?
they probably saw it as their own work anyway, not nexon's property
You're probably looking at a larger size than I was at first glance. All I saw was some random fleshy object hanging down in front of her crotch, so, with all the recent KV shitposting on my mind, I came to the natural conclusion.
You sound like a soulless subhuman who actually doesn't have an otaku heart
Any news?
It’s dead Jim
I don't think we'll be getting the autopsy result for this corpse.
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Game is dead, what more news do you need?
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>Generals now die faster to make up for a general with no games and only legacy is futa shit.
Do your jobs jannies.
>shitposting about futa everywhere
>but there are no futa images anywhere
Project Futanari General soon
Just pull an Arknights where you have males, furries and what not. Here you go they can detach themselves from BA like Hai Mao did with GFL. Problem solved and no
I don't think the Koreans are prepared for the roach lifestyle just yet.
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Still gets more art than your dead game.
>This could have brought forth the golden age of futas
We were robbed
the daily updates...
Why would you believe something that retarded
Because you can't make that shit up
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Footjob from Kaoru before school...
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isakusan's silence is deafening
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bro's dead
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just go make a thread on vmg like that kisaki thread
Waiting for isakusan to release the prototype VN for free (even if it is just kinetic novel without any CG and BGM). Shit is already over, just let everyone judge your shit.
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Oh yeah, he's writing it as we speak.
But who's coding it?
He's assembling it himself in tyranobuilder to stick it to Yostar.
I hate it when people just stop doing what they are doing just because twittards typing some words
Who cares
At this point just do it yourself, use renpy or shit. Just release something, most people already shit on you (and will continue to do so no matter what, because fans are temporary and haters are eternal), just put something at the table, show the world what inside your mind.
>he doesn't know
oh no no no
He's making in the RPGmaker as we speak
>Be Leonardo Da Vinci
>Paint the Mona Lisa
>Paint it again but with a different background
So they literally just folded because of some stupid backlash that would have stopped as soon as more of the game came out
What the fuck, passion project my ass
How am I supposed to believe them now when they say they still plan to work on another project?
Lewd cunny gacha never ever
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You see, artists are often fragile and inept people when they do real business, but I really hope that when it is all ready and prepared with concept arts, the in-game world, and so forth, they just push this red archive project and let their work speak, hopefully as an even better BA. You see, when they got out of Nexon and built a new company the BA fans in Korea were already holding deep grudge against them. The Blind constantly functioned as a bullshit outlet to smear D1 that all the smear was from Nexon Games too. This was destined to be a civil war and a challenge against Nexon in the first place but they have backed down for now. Well, I don't know whether they will continue this KV project with more patchwork (I hope they do) or initiate a totally different project, this time they better be more well-determined. In fact, it will be like a manifested grand battle against the gookland zombie horde anyway. The head of ShiftUp also got through the same ordeal like this before because of his over-weebness ticked many people off in Korea but no one can fuck around him now because he proved himself. Backing down, changing concepts, all those don't matter, they will shit on it anyway. After all willpower is ALL that matters in the end. I heard the news that they are brewing something underneath now, and if it is confirmed, I will post it here.
>Lewd cunny gacha never ever
Yes because this would have never happened anyway unless it were dmm/fanza only.
Besides, it already had booba characters.
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You can sign up for the real red archive instead!
>the real red archive
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why are you niggers still making threads
Passively taunts baggots
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Yeah, RIP.
>Operation Cedar
>Cold war aesthetic with Russian voices
The chinks sure have some interesting ideas. But I didn't really like R1999's english and I can see this end up the same way.
They need more time to let the anger out of their system
Next thread will be moved to /d/. Give us time to pack our things.
nta, but I am lacking information as well
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I will never forgive nexon.
She was literally aborted
Nexon didn't do anything. It was solely Korean BAggots who killed the game.
Nothing can kill the game if the devs are not softfaggots fuck this shit man
I played very little of R1999 but their voiceovers sounded pretty good and fitting to me.
This thing surely has a leg up on some other big announcements, showing off some gameplay, even though I'm not convinced it'll be any good as a game.

>Operation Cedar
Game name is Callsign Kedr/Cedar, which is Gagarin's callsign, not the KGB thing.
It was too good to be true, sorry futabros,we will meet again someday...
renpy recently was revealed to have a massive malware exploit
Katawas were mining crypto on my machine?!?!

It threw me off, you calling them greedy, as this post says otherwise.

These guys were trying to go with an idea, just to get rejected multiple times by Nexon and Yostar. They were pressured to work on environments that were not comfortable for them, and despite the game being popular and getting revenue, the incentive to stay is still small.

So they decided to leave and create what they had in mind from the start, trying to get as much help as possible from within the team. While poaching is unethical, reading this makes me believe that leaving Nexon is the best option, but low level employees probably have more important things to care about than a creative vision, so they stayed. This would lead to them leaving and workload increasing for low level employees (as it was reported on Blind according to some Koreans).

This entire situation is messed up, but the biggest fault lies with Nexon (and partly, Yostar), who would've guessed
i wonder if they are playing amongus to find the 2 insiders that are leaking information
by removing those that were previously highly paid it would leave about 14-15 of them to identify from
>I played very little of R1999 but their voiceovers sounded pretty good and fitting to me.
Play more if you are interested, Alot of the trailers have fairly decent voiceover sure but as a day one who did my trial first month of the game. I can sincerely say that if they wanted to do an English first game with both text and voice overs they should have had proper writers/editors and voice directors. The sometimes stilted English dialogue is very hit or miss (for me it was somewhat endearing at first and became grating the further I got as emotional moments are ruined by the sometimes Chinglish grammar) and more often than not you can tell the VAs aren't very certain what the context and tone of certain scenes are so they either over or under act. That's of course, not going into the myriad spelling and grammatical errors + Text not matching the Voice-overs in scenes. Perhaps things have changed and improved since then, but as someone who had my hopes up for the unique concept pre-release I came away fairly bitter.
In fact, I'm starting to see parallels with D1 not having a proper KR->JP translator/writer. No matter how much of a fan/knowledgable you are as a Rice Western/Kimchi Anime writer, you'll never be able to capture your geographical target audience if you aren't actually immersed and in tune with its tone and writing.
fuck forgot about this part.
>Game name is Callsign Kedr/Cedar, which is Gagarin's callsign, not the KGB thing.
Somehow I keep misremembering the entire thing as Operation instead of Callsign. Thanks for the catch.
>This thing surely has a leg up on some other big announcements, showing off some gameplay, even though I'm not convinced it'll be any good as a game.
It is unique and I am genuinely interested. Just slightly wary. Cold War Kemono girls feels very "We want the Ark Frontline" audience and as someone who was enamoured with both I have my qualms with diving into another one of these.
Nexon deeply participated in feeding bullshit stories to BA-Nexon fanatic Koreans.
New anon, that red card post was from an anonymous Nexon staff and all lies, it is old news
>poaching is unethical
How is poaching unethical?
NTA and I know this is late, but as a day one player who stuck with it, yes they've improved leaps and bounds, it's good now. You really have to give it another look. 1st anni is coming up very soon, its a good time to get back in
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>like Isakusan's writing
>now I will never get another Eden Treaty again
>like Doremi's art
>now I will never get another game with his art in it again
What was the point of this witchhunt? Is it just petty revenge for hurting BAfags' feelings? Because the damage to BA has already been done, and cancelling the people responsible won't help anything, it'll just guarantee that their talent will go to waste. I fucking picked up BA because of this amazing promo art that Doremi drew, there is no other artist that can nail his style and it's a fucking travesty that I won't be able to experience a game with art like this again. If you think this is a moral situation and they deserved to be canceled for moral reasons you're just a fucking SJW.
Nigger you just have to wait for their new game.
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I'm pretty much the same, i started buruaka at JP release specifically because of Doremi and my experience with his art, while this is an unfortunate situation i think doremi in particular will be fine and we'll see him again. Just need to be patient.
As for isakusan, he can take his time to learn nip instead
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lowlight from HG will gladly help them if they want any
They used to be in the same shoes
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Blind. The most vitriolic nasty and sneaky rumors are being spread there and all those people are titled Nexon Games. They are openly doing this.
South Korea is the most capitalist cultist cyberpunk farm and it yet again proved itself to be that. Surprisingly it was not done by anti-BA, it was done by Korean Nexon BA fanatics themselves with the most blatant cancel culture way. "Oooh halo" didn't matter, before that they were already bitching about everything and grinding their axes and they will do the same when the next D1 project comes.
But it's Yostar that localizes HG's games in Japan...
Not anymore
>he can take his time to learn nip instead
He's way too old to learn a new language
if the leaks are anything to go by, all of them should take up some japanese classes
Meme myth, you can still learn language
Sure, for weeb otaku they are, but isakusan wants to write weeb stuff for weebs - do it in a fucking language existing for it
He can still learn it but he'll never be proficient enough to actually write something serviceable in it.
They didn't want investment, and there weren't legal or financial issues. It was their pure passion project and they fucking faltered because of nothing but seething gooks. They should take the bull by the horns one way or another considering gooks will NEVER stop bitching.
Fuck off, we don't want you retards
I don't think this is true for everyone, but perhaps you need a natural talent for languages, i know diplomats that learned language in a very extensive way at the old age.
Still could be helpful either way, since he might have a long fucking rest time now.
you know what you must do…
>*hands you giant penis katana*
NTA but I always wondered about this Gryphline thing when I saw it in the mail. What happened here? Did they reclaim the IP from Yostar?
>isakusan still radio silence
>Did they reclaim the IP from Yostar?
No, AK will continue under Yostar but their newer games will be under their publisher
I think they just took the same route as Hoyoverse and made their own global publishing company. Hoyo got Cognosphere, HG got Gryphline.
Check out the nearby bridges
Sounds great. I hope it works out for them too.
or cheonggyecheon river
You'd think people who like BA would enjoy seeing people create more things that are similar to BA but nah, let's just destroy shit for no reason instead.
>Like BA
>Creators quit and announce new project
>Its the same shit but unaffiliated
>You're already attached to BA and wont get more content of the characters/setting you have grown to love
>In fact the creators sabotaged BA before they left to create their competitor
Saying there was no reason is some dishonest bullshit.
You got me, I'll give it another shot anon.
There is literally no reason. Killing KV and canceling its creatives won't suddenly make BA better, it won't undo the damage they caused. All it does is make sure that you won't get that game, which might have been an equal to BA if you gave it a chance? What benefit does it do other than stroking your own ego? It's just pure destruction for destruction's sake.
Yeah bro we're never getting Hina again, they totally didn't make isakusan drop a billion hints about a Gehenna chapter
How would ever you know if those were slandering rumors or actual insider reports from the people who worked with them? How are you so sure the kv guys were spotless and completely blameless? You don't know them personally but somehow you're convinced they're total saints. And even disregarding all the drama, the game wasn't gonna be made. They had zero programmers and everyone on the company were art related. They were just completely retarded and the truth is nexon didn't had to do anything to kill them since they just killed themselves
of all the east asians this place is filled with gooks. their numbers would rival any single seapag country, especially on vidya boards.
>You're already attached to BA and wont get more content of the characters/setting you have grown to love
Blue Archive EoS'd?
>In fact the creators sabotaged BA before they left to create their competitor
Never happened
No one fucking "killed" KV it just folded on its own. Get a clue
cheers, the current event (1.8) is a side story but it's a very nice and heartwarming one, while the latest story chapter (1.7) was pure kino. We just had a livestream and trailer for the upcoming anni (1.9), see how you like all the PVs you missed

Can never take Project Moon storytelling seriously after seeng gookbugs rush to fight for Nexon because small company evil. Big bad corporations my fucking gaped asshole.
it's the same with every gacha. the anime and majsoul drama made it clear that BA players are as mentally ill as the rest of them.
these games are extremely predatory. they lock you in with not only your progress but all the content you've ever played or really want to play on a remote server, then go a step further by literally having you fall in love with the characters whose canonical existence is contingent on those servers staying up.
it's no longer a case of a new game to play. that concept doesn't really exist in gacha; it's entirely zero sum. blue archive is THE game for blue archive players.
>3 directors jumps ship
>poaches half of the art team
>was working on kv while on BA's payroll

These aren't even online rumors. If the shit they pulled while storming out the gate happened at any other smaller studios the game wouldve EOS'd. You have to be completely ignorant to not admit this can affect the game negatively
If this controversy didn't blow up so hard then Project KV probably would have folded on its own after a few weeks or months after the devs learned that they were in way over their heads. But that would have been a better way for it to have gone out than subjecting them to trauma, shaming them in droves and probably getting them blacklisted due to infamy. Without the controversy they would have had more of a chance to rebuild and make a better game, but now I just see D1 shutting down eventually because there's no way they can recover from their reputation.

It's like murdering your senile grandpa who has terminal cancer. Yeah he was gonna die in a few years but maybe he could have made a pretty painting or two and you removed that potential for no reason.
What is Project Moon storytelling like that prompted this comparison?
>shaming them
mx2j absolutely deserves it for this bullshit though >>493805843
as for the rest, well isakusan was just overconfident and retarded
>If the shit they pulled while storming out the gate
What shit did they pull? Leaving?
he ropped himself
>Never happened
mx2j half-assed all of his art before he left
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I did this
No he didn't
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>never happened
>no he didn't
just keep denying everything
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The controversies were completely their fault. If they didn't just copy their old work people wouldn't have anything to pick on about but they made the conscious decision to antagonize BA. Even then if they just waited to make an announcement not immediately after leaving BA it wouldn't have drawn as much suspicion making people question. They wanted to use comiket as advertisement but ignored all the otaku etiquettes despite marketing themselves as passionate otaku devs and soured japanese audience. All of this shit show was their own doing. And even without the controversy as many times it was already said in the thread the game was years away from having anything to show for when all they had were art team members and zero software devs. This game was never gonna be made. They would've unironically had a better chance if they made manga or something instead
I will obviously deny things that aren't true.
The crazy part is that BA isn't even that big of a time investment as far as service games go. The time investment required to play it daily is nowhere near comparable to something like Azur Lane, Fate/Grand Order, Arknights, Genshin Impact, or god forbid any MMORPG so it's not a game that forces you to immerse yourself in it for ridiculous amounts of time and get addicted to its gameplay. It's a game you CAN play alongside other gacha without missing out on anything, and yet people still treat this 10-minute daily "investment" as something super precious that can't coexist with other games. It's insane.
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In theory it could be good. However one would expect like... 25k? from BA anime v1. Was the v1 discounted? Did it include very special codes for the game? Later vols WILL sell lower but the question is how sharp the drop off will be. If it's significant, BD sales will be considered a flop overall. If it's small, they should be good enough.
Obviously artists are going to pay more attention to units which are in the game from the start.
Just because it's bad doesn't mean it was half-assed.
His 100% simply sucks.
Units which were released when the game was, I mean. The initial units. To give people a good impression
that wouldn't be possible, that's way higher that popular anime like bocchi or spyxfamily
This isn't le dark twisted parasocial relationship problem. Fans don't have to suck up the devs when they shit the wall. Why are we supposed to blindly support them on their career suicides?
Retard, stop falling for the bait
So you admit he put in less effort for the alts later on. You actually admit this but why are you keeping this retarded stance
>We didn't do a witch hunt cancel campaign, KV just folded on their own
>We dindu nuffinz, we just good boys on our way to school
Lol pathetic worms
KV is dead lol
Laziness isn't sabotage is what I'm saying nor is putting more effort into initial impressions than random alts
Laziness is sabotage when you're hogging the gig that could've went to other artists who actually gives a shit about their work and when there's clear evidence your full effort went into another game behind their backs
>Laziness isn't sabotage
>>493806440 (you) denied that he was getting lazy and that there was a decline in quality
BA deserves the decline in quality they are so worried about if this the the quality of their community
You don't have to be positive and suck up to the devs but you don't have to send hate messages to them either. There is a world of difference between not liking KV and not wanting to support it, and using up your time and energy for the sole purpose of trying to hurt the devs.
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It's perfectly normal for gacha anime to sell well on vols with game codes (so, vol1, rarely others). BA is by far #1 at comiket and twitter, it's really big, don't underestimate it. 6k is a disappointing number for sure.
Spy x Family isn't the type of show which sells BDs. The anime exists to move manga sales.
Bocchi was a late bloomer, see picrel.
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they need to make their game in rpgmaker with futas and battlefuck to catch the retarded wave koreans made for them
The implication of the post to which I was replying was that he was doing it as sabotage, which he wasn't.
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>The team leaves to build their own company
>They feel betrayed, grinding axes against upcoming KV, Nexon Games staff in Blind and BA community were already spewing rage, accusing mx2j and hwansang of sabotage
>The PV comes
>THE HALO! MY ANGER IS JUSTIFIED! KILL THE TRAITORS! FOR BLUE ARCHIVE! (this kind shit didn't happen against Genshin in the Japanese geha Nintendo community or GFL fans against Arknights)
>Instead of pushing Nexon to negotiate with D1 for a more constructive future, they spam futa art and threaten the team with the most disgusting, crazy shitstorm that clearly outsiders felt this is not normal
>KV is down (maybe not because of this shitstorm)
>The relationship between Nexon and D1 was presumably completely severed, with no more original artists, only ruin left, the spammers think they have defended BA, and obviously will do the same to the next D1 project
I think even monkeys won't behave like this.
you seem to be illiterate
Can they not still do that?
Yeah but you think every negative opinion about project kv is a smear campaign. You act like if the devs got sent letter bombs or got kyoani'd when most of the complaints were just natural reactions. You don't realize this but kv devs had pretty good PR when they first left. They pissed off kor side with copying BA and pissed off JP side with comiket announcement. People have the right to voice their discontent on anything just like you're doing right now. And even then I seriously doubt they're the types to give a shit about negative reactions or they wouldn't even have done any of this. They just couldn't get any investors and didn't had any developers for the game. The dev team was completely just idea guys. If you ever worked on a creative project you'd know how hopeless that is.
BA used to be the gold standard of (you) pander, before nikke, before snowbreak. I would wager that they do some pretty sketch shit in the DL like azur lane does.
BA poached one of my fave artists into ending her comic series. could've at least became a VN illustrator but oh well. almost got duped into playing this trainwreck for momoi/midori years and years ago
holy narrative. you don't need programmers to make VNs, let alone oodles of time. they can be as long as you want them to be. there is nothing wrong with them being at comiket as an indie and an oldfag illustrator would know better than you at this.
just goes to show how powerful waifufaggotry is. it's been what drives all the drama since the start and we'd do well looking at these issues from that perspective if we'd like to reason about their inexplicable behavior.
it's just the average gook rhetoric. pretty rare to see it get that extreme but if you lurked /msg/ you'd get to see this plain as day.
kankolle against azur lane either. the marketing story on that is wild btw. me from another thread:
>japanese illustrators
>japanese fanartists
>gook seethers
the common denominator here are the gooks
How so? Was that not the point of the post?
show the comiket seethe, raw jap. do not post anything by blatant korean nationals
So TLDR from what I got out of this is that Project KV was doomed from the start due to sheer incompetence from the team's own doing. And that the external pressures actually all stemmed from their incompetence.
no, that's your gook narrative (and you know it)
>you think every negative opinion about project kv is a smear campaign
No and I've had my share of grievances for the mishandling of the project but it's highly suspect when people like you get so defensive over the hate messages and try to downplay them. Not saying you're one of the culprits but you probably sympathize with them enough and think their disgusting reaction was justified enough that you want to equate their negative actions with your neutral ones.
>BA poached one of my fave artists into ending her comic series.
The fuck? And she didn't even get rehired for Momoi and Midori's alts. What a tragedy, she ended her series for nothing.
>you don't need programmers for a vn

But I'm talking about the game not whatever slop they were hoping to put out at comiket
Doujin VNs can be pretty good sometimes, get some taste
I kinda want BA with no corpo restain, I think it will be at least 3 times better than what we have
>calls VN "Slop"
>Consumes gachaslop
How was kv gonna be made then
Sure but I'm sure you can understand that for a game company to make a game they would need few more coders than a truck load of idea guys
A sad sight, honestly.
>with no more original artists
that's probably what nexon wants albeit
ironically this had been the reason for the D1 breakaway.
they're humans too. if a hate mob comes rushing at them they don't get to keep chugging along like stable diffusion against the deadline.
it was obviously never meant to be a BA killer. chiefly because it wasn't even going to be a fucking gacha. they weren't even fucking *competitors*. this was entirely out of spite, born out of some form of internal politics.
really? the way she posted you'd think she was making the maid skins. I guess she's just an avid player then.
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As a BA player I apologize on behalf of other BA players, we aren't all like this I swear. I have two wishes, that BA recovers from this mess and that we get more games with cute schoolgirls wielding swords in the future.
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>pissed off JP side with comiket
Literally didn't happen. All of the Japanese are sympathizing with the end of KV, and their meme was not even malignant at all as gook rampage around. Beside the ENTIRE gook posters in twitter are rejoicing with malevolence and they pretend they are still some good person lamenting their memory. This total madness seriously damaged BA itself and it's Korean fans, I saw some outsider was shocked by some gook BA poster in twitter who was fervently spewing hatred against KV. Can't fool anyone.
Not VN but dynamis one is
Could you post some notable JP tweets that show how they feel about the situation?
do you understand how an argument works?
It doesn't matter on this forum, with the reputation /bag/ has there would be plenty of falseflaggers that further antagonize the game/fans
In reality, plenty of people that wanted KV to blossom are still playing BA and would continue, if it's enjoyable. Tribalism frequently manufactured to create a flow of shitposts.
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could YOU? I'm still waiting >>493809050
Never called VN as whole to be slop. You're just grasping for shits
I'm not an anti, I just want to see JP tweets that I can relate to.
we know anon.
it's important to keep in mind that the ones cancelling KV are GOOKS. pure blooded gooky gookys, the type that gets pissed off at hand signals and gets himself ruled by a female cult. the type that can only ever make disgusting inflation-tier NTR-esque coomer designs for gachas yet somehow believe BA to be theirs.
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Oh nooo, they left a shitty company those vile bastaaaaards!
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I don't need to do that because everyone can see when they open twitter. Beside that fucking A*isu something or every gook posters were giggling with their malice. Again, you don't need to prove this because everyone actually knows this. It is done. BA is destroyed by those gooks.
nta and too lazy to go find them but every jp ba player i'm following was basically like 'yeah it sucks but is understandable hope they give us a second cake in the future'
That's not what I meant, esl. I'll take that as a no then.
on the other hand random tweets in japanese when you look up related terms? those are often batshit insane.
The ones who cry over the rising sun and Japan anytime they can? The ones ruled over by Yoon Suck Yeol and who kneels to Kim? The ones who gave us their god awful P2W MMOs? Those guys?
Even if the Koreans hate him, Doremi could probably get a gig as an LN artist. There are a few zainichi/gaijin artists who get jobs drawings for LNs.
Why do you care for that gook
Am I the only one that still has the hope? Announcement sounded more like "we screwed up, regroup and rework our project" kinda deal, imho. They officially did not closed down studio or that doujin circle side thing so I assume they work on something.

Tbh the only thing "wrong" they did was fueling their ideas on some juvenile rage directed towards Nexon and BA. Again, I hope that they will cool down and rework what remained from PKV into proper thing. They seems to be in early stage of development anyway because they had like few arts and development title to show to people.
Imagine giving up your artistic freedom and sucking off some clueless investors for 600k$/year. Cuck.
There's genuinely no issues for him to find a job, if he still wants in gacha too
Chinks absolutely don't care as long as you have what they need and he has a good reputation as an artist because of his work.
Most companies commission artists for a job/character.
At the end of the day he can literally just open jewbox and become a post-covid artist
>nexon bad corpos bad you suck cocks bootlicker!!
Get better material
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Don't fall for those "They will be blacklisted for some infamy and never work again" bullshit, those who say that are terminally online weak cattle. There is no legal issue or whatever, and D1 is still making a game; it was built for their passion project leaving the comfortable job behind, and they will do it. You can read this >>493765935 post which is confirmed unlike the other Blind-anonymous slander and rumors.
we already have it, it's your entire race
you got so butthurt you actually managed to get jannies on /vg/ to police any posts remotely disparaging of your pinch-cocked people.
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He's one of my favorite artists. His art just has so much personality, it's just still images but so much of it looks almost animated to me with how vibrant it is. There are plenty of great artists, some with more technical skill in other areas than Doremi but Doremi just hits my strike zone perfectly with his style.
I really don't give a shit for BA in its current state
What's Project VK?
Why would they fold to Korean outrage when they haven't tweeted a single thing in Korean at all? They were obviously going for the Japanese audience. It' just doesn't make sense.
So why didn't their retarded CEO hire a lawyer?
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>D1 is still making a game
They're at the drawing board stage since they had to nuke most of their KV ideas so I wouldn't really call it "making" yet. I hope when it does become a thing that we'll get a Kohane expy because she's one of the cutest female designs I've ever seen and we can never have enough Hifumi clones in this world.
Korean "otakus" are second worst after Chinese. The same kind of bugmen mentality that will lash at you for even a hint of offense towards their beloved slop provider. Mind you - Korean BA brainrots were so loud that they tard-wrangled their government because their rating board was endangering theit sloppa.
Speaking about goverment, little funfact putting "ugh Nexon is suing them!!!" narrative - both C&D and actual copyright-related legal actions in Korea are going through government systems are announced to public. If any legal stuff would be happening we would have full info about it and not just "dude trust me I'm the gook"
putting down the narrative*
Sorry I'm bit drunk. Still more knowledgable than Xitter morons eating up Gooks propaganda, lmao.
because yostar and nexon will eat them alive in court.
BA launched first in japan, ba always has a mutt development between nexon and yostar
plus they tried to stole BA fan artist, that was their doom.
Fun fact: they get the jannies to police /sp/ for them too. The endless shitting on them works those shitheads up so much KWAB.
Thin hair triggers me so much
problem is i need the kohane expie to be the main girl, that's like the whole appeal for me
i want a hifumi who steps up and fights herself.
swords are way better than guns for this since they lend themselves well to 1v1 while guns are generally more for tacticool squad shit.
I meant in the way that why didn't they hire a lawyer to see if they could even make something so similar or to check if they weren't breaking a possible non-compete clause
Japs were pretty apprehensive about it too, especially after the whole comiket shit and the choppy gook to nip translations.
you already seem to be completely dissociated from your own opinions even as you posted them on an anonymous forum. can't imagine how you'd fare with me shitting on something you've bared your heart and soul in lol. imagine being you, can't be me
I still haven't forgiven BA from "stealing" from purikone.
lmao, I gotta see that for myself. thanks for the intel
uh oh melty
oops, I meant on /msg/. though soon to be /kvg/ too I'm sure
>I still haven't forgiven BA from "stealing" from purikone.
the fuck did they steal from priconne other than players?
"muh game design", despite priconne doing the same to other games
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Don't lose your hope anon, they can revive this project again. They faltered in this shitstorm but that doesn't mean they have to completely abandon this project and its characters, if they are more prepared and determined, Kohane, Kaoru and Koito can come back I believe.
seethe. I obviously meant that tongue in cheek. 5heft is not a real thing, let alone """traitors""" as some of you choice people have put it
Idk them leaving and even working on their game in secret while employed is whatever.
Them actively sabotaging art is however very traitorous.
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If the project is cancelled, how the fuck has this place not been moved to /jp/ or /trash/ already?

There's not a prover vidya to talk about, only dramawhoring and shitposting.
It'll die in a few days give or take since there's no actual content to talk about. People are just airing their opinions about the situation since BA's a popular game and there are a lot of emotions going around about this failed project that's associated with BA.
the whole point of making threads for games with no relase date is shitposting, check out all the previous iterations
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how would you describe Kaoru's hair?
messy lavender hair tied in a hairbun?
Sex hair
Grey with a bit of a tint to it
Messy bun/updo
>BA used to be the gold standard of (you) pander
pretty sure that's priconne
actually it's idolmaster
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still far better than BA btw
>million live
purikone existed when gacha still had its innocence. coming from VNs it was a blatant trainwreck that I knew only it would survive but it wasn't obvious to the avwrage player then.
>slime bitch
Even messier after sex.
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All this badmouthing Priconne when it outlived the subject of the thread and it'll outlive BA too at this rate. Global dying did not put the game in the grave.
Honestly I just hope this whole shitshow ends up bringing BA down with it. Nothing of value would be lost at this point.
reading comprehension. I wasn't badmouthing priconne. it's still to date the only gacha I've ever defended and will defend (until I shouldn't)
Your global is already dead prinigger
Learn how to read, retard.
>like the devs behind KV but not the idea behind KV
>like BA but am totally repulsed by the BA fanbase as of right now
I don't know which side I should be taking.
>more games with cute schoolgirls wielding swords in the future
Haven Burns Red is getting a global release soon.
Now describe her cock
How about neither? I personally recommend walking away and never involving yourself with KRshit ever again precisely because of shit like this. At least play an actual jp gacha like uma if you're gonna be playing shit like this.
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Surely this isn't the end for D1 and they're cooking something up right
That's the spirit Kohane. We will endure.
I would imagine so. It's not like they can (or would want to) go back to their old jobs so they don't really have a choice
No fucking way they will just stop here after all the shitshows
sure, and also paying the employees that followed them a good salary to work on a new IP together
does anyone have the official pics of the three aronas?
I can read JP and could pick up HBR any time, but my dislike for Yuugen's art prevents me from picking it up.

NTA but I'll keep playing BA for now, it's not offensively bad yet and it takes almost no time to play daily. Still disappointed at this turn of events and I'm fully prepared for BA to shit the bed in quality at some point.
I mean the story keep shitting its bed after the end of volume f is a clear sign if anything
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What did we learn from the Project KV fiasco? That gooks are the worst fanboys ever
Remove Park Byeonglim and maybe I'll have faith in the future project. Too many things fall apart under his helm.
Don't leave your company to make a competing product without talking to a lawyer first
Gooks are like the loud minority, they don't even pay the bills like nips do, they are like leftist twittards in burgerland
The sad thing is that regardless of how much money they pay they're the only people who D1 will listen to because Korean is the only language they can read that well.
>That gooks are the worst fanboys ever
Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. Gooks are good at complaining as loud as possible and maybe send a truck or two. They haven't resorted to killing cats or attempting to kill a CEO yet.
Mihomo deserves a knife or two
I don't think there's a single game or series out there that didn't suffer a massive quality drop after its core staff members quit. BA won't be the exception.
I ain't telling you what you should be doing but it seems pretty obvious where things are headed. If I was in your situation I would have just cut my losses and dropped everything once it became apparent things are falling apart badly behind the scenes.
but admittedly idk what it's like to be in the headspace of a BA fan, and no offense but I don't want to find out either
>BA fanbase
The JP and most of the EN side are either lamenting the demise of KV or are still confused about the whole situation. It's really most the KR side and /bag/ that turned things into an SJW witch-hunt.
that fandom has full of retard wokies, the most ironic of that is most devs of project moon likes blue archive and de loli stuff
I'm never forgiving the gooks
who knows
pikachuman is still MIA
maybe someone got him
Put them in Fortnite.
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Maybe Midoriman took a flight to South Korea and shanked him.
killing mihoyo doesn't make them fanboys of anyone. check yourself
https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?page=17&tags=project_kv I'll never forget them
IA trash
Why so much excitement for a game that does not exist?
I'll stay with BA until the Kuroko/cHoshino banner, then will start skipping out on raids and PVP matches and etc. I wanted to stay until Churro and Kisaki would become playable but I don't think the game (or at least my interest in it) will survive up to that point.
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Have you guys seen this?
It says that KV stands for Kivotos, because they asserted that their game would be "the real Kivotos"
And that people left Nexon for D1 in hopes for better pay
That marina on the middle is disgusting. Cheek distorted for no reason, the blush around eyes is non existent, the luminosity around hair, face and inside the pupils has been bleached.

It's just like a doctor who helps giving birth to your wife, but then deciding to ruin your daughter à la Freddy Krueger.

I might be thankful towards Mx2j, but I lost all respect for him, as he didn't respect his own work...
project KV was a spitefull project, gooks noticed and took them down before the betrayal, they tried to pull the two cakes cope but they killed their own reputation and trust at pandering to yurikeks and futakeks.
I haven't even done anything except login to BA to collect the daily reward mostly out of habit ever since this mess began. Just near zero motivation. I have zero hope that BA will recover at this point
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Check her feet, he didn't even draw the heels
The non-isakusan volumes were already lower quality, especially 4/5. They just don't get the comedy aspect right like 1/3 did. 2 at least had epic gamer references and Neru shonenkino to carry it but 4/5 didn't really have anything special going for them, they just existed.
Of course 1/3 both mostly abandoned comedy for their final chapters too and I disliked that as well, so it's not like isakusan was perfect either. At least F had some funny moments from start to finish.
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Yeah. I'm still login both BA Global & BA JP, but since this incident I feel like it's not the same anymore.
this could be seen from a mile away btw. /bag/gots just did too good of a job at shielding it from anons in the thread. KV defectors were known since the anime drama and was even talked sbiut in the gacha drama thread then. it took getting its own "general" on /vg/ for this to get past the echo chamber.
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I mean if you compare both the new artist's work and Mx2j this year is night and day desu
The only "defectors" that were known at the time was hwansang, isakusan, and a few of the PDs, not fucking mx2j, doremi, and god knows who else. The moment that pv trailer was shown and it had their names on it that's when I knew it was really over.
Who drew which of the KV characters?
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Same, zero motivation even though I got very lucky on the current banner
This laziness is sabotage. Period. Shonen jump illustrators usually keep the same quality in even more pressured environments. So how could a trained professional could literally forget his own style and vibrant colours he's been making over the course of three years, just for the sake of being lazy ???

Especially when you get to redraw a 4 star character, into a more profitable unit that get into the upper rarity ?

You don't imagine how many leaps of imagination you have to go through, for attributing this sabotaging to laziness.

The 4 star version that got in early in the game is literally more attractive than the hard to obtain 5star...
nah, every general behaves like that until their game gets EoS'd
yeah. it's why /kvg/ is in hindsight a huge blow to them
its a yuri game, its not the same and their fan base when is global go full toxic with wokies retards
why are you trying so hard to attach intent to it? did he not give a fuck or did he do it to spite you in particular? you can't even keep your narratives straight.
I'm just confused why this needs a general thread?
I'm getting sick of Jun Maeda slop man
Not gonna lie despite my feelings on Blue Archive at the moment that Fubuki alt is really really good so maybe there is hope for the art department
most did, it's why he fled to yuri.
match made in hell honestly, they deserve each other.
Imagine if Azur Lane had given up because some jps insulted them, for someone that you guys say is "full of passion" Isakusan has no backbone at all, he couldn't even poach programmers for his shit.
You guys are delusional thinking this was a Konami and Kojima situation.
not every general, doomers easily drowned out optimists in /gbfg/ even before last month when the old producer and director revealed they had left the game a while ago.
The last good thing he did was Little Busters visual novel. But yeah, I see your point.
Fucking ridiculous. It's even worst than a skyrim bug and Nexon really shipped it. I hope that some of the people responsible for the shit like that, get humbled very much and that the new artists replacing them strive anew with BA, so that the traitors seethe hard.
Even Kojima didn't make another Metal Gear after leaving
>KV defectors were known since the anime drama
I know what you're referring to. No, they weren't, at least not all of them were listed when they completed the staff restructuring. The only loss people cared about at the time was isakusan because he had no replacement. Hwansang was replaced by 9ml, yongha came back, and no one was the wiser.
...Versus months later in August / September, now, when you suddenly have hard confirmation that almost all of BA's important artists and staff members left to join isakusan and others over at D1 in one fell swoop.
I got warned for saying gooks and amerisharts are one and the same a few days ago
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I never liked him, which is a shame because I want a yurige.
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I even got banned from posting chinkino in /a/
Something is happening
GBF show their problems with all cupitan drama and now the retcon. i dont know how a producer has 0 conection with his fandom at point the first kiss in screan of the game is a forced yuri slop.
you'll want to wait for the gooks to go to sleep before you take the mask off
that's true, but I think it's sort of a cope to have assumed those confirmed were all that he's gotten.
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We like Korean people here chuddie go back to your hermanos and niggas
Kojima had other things going for him. Sure there were things in Death stranding that could remind you of Metal gear, like codec communications. But it's not like he poached Yoji shinkawa for no reason other than wanting the old audience.

What so hard to understand ? You can't even give a proper answer as to why a professional artist can drop so much in quality for no apparent reason, only to be magically back on track for months later. An illustrator is a worker like any other, shipping bad work under normal circumstances,is sabotage, whatever the job might be.
I like good Korean, like, Geon from Geonworks
Not fucking Nexon scumbag
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Mx2j is only credited for the doujin circle and doremi despite being listed as the art director for KV never severed ties with BA, he could still have been an individual character designer or illustrator like popqn or NAMYO who work for other franchises besides BA. But since they've gotten so much flack I imagine they've been demoralized going forward with BA.
Gooks overreacting really soured this situation into an even worse state.
being a nexon micro cock sucker is like being a EA or ubisoft stan
most people dont know a artist can have multiple works in multiple ips, its the most normal stuff with don have a full contract, even in azur lane happen the same way even the oficcial artis can make porn of the characters if they want like dishwasher and others (only dont do NTR stuff)
>I don't think there's a single game or series out there that didn't suffer a massive quality drop after its core staff members quit. BA won't be the exception.
The best assassin's creed wasn't made by the original director (4).
Final Fantasy XIV got better only after throwing away the terrible job the original team that made XI did with 1.0.
Street Fighter got better after Ono left.
Dragon's Dogma Online is better than 2, and it wasn't made by Itsuno.
It gives off the feeling that Nexon siked a bunch of fanboys to tear down a possible competitor.
you can't even be fucked to prove intent. don't waste your breath on rhetoric and make an actual argument if you intend to be taken seriously.
this. ditto sony for japan
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Soft velvety skin that belies its huge size
Think of it this way, you'll get to shit on them hard when the Nexon guillotine falls on /bag/gots. Untouchable, F2P friendly until dad runs out of savings and looks for that extra dollar.
exactly. you see player loyalty, but demanding loyalty from the creatives is an absolute new low for the scene. I can't overstate how bad of a precedent this is for the industry. this is an insane shakeup to the status quo and its ramifications will be felt for the years to come if it takes root.
felt that in my bones as a maple player.
can't wait
>Wait for their next game to get cancelled again by corpo drone gooks and tribal BAfags
Wow, truly riveting.
The problem with that narrative is that artists for gacha games are just commissioned freelancers. They are not hired by studios and can work on whatever shit they want.
You chimp out about artist having one shitty drawing (which probably is no different from what would be send to correction in any other case) but you're quiet about current director of BA apparently not doing proper quality checks. And it's only because you want to be biased against PKV and have something fitting your retarded narrative.
The problem is not about some "artist is lazy because PKV is le bad!" but that currently BA's main director and art director are the ones doing shit work. And it will affect BA no matter what will happen with KPV and Dynamis One and all that shit. They can throw every current artist down Nexon's office building and replace them with top tier professionals but if director will shit on quality checks then this will be future of BA.
But again, you faggots just want to repeat regurgitated Korean narrative because you have no opinion of your own.
So this is a permanent anti gen now?
>KV was supposed to be an independent game that doesn't need to go full moneygrubber as long as it can pay salaries for its small staff
it's not fucking fair
It wasn't cope at the time because there was literally nothing to work off of other than the knowledge of a few creatives planning to leave. Not the first time it happened in BA's history so there wasn't much to think about other than the names being more noticeable this time around.
The restructuring announcement was in May so people knew both isakusan and hwansang among a few others in more managerial roles were planning on leaving as early as that, but nothing else.
Isakusan and hwansang themselves wouldn't leave until late July if I'm remembering right, the anime was also wrapping up by late July, after months of anime drama already occurred. Again, not much indication beyond what people already knew back in May.

Dynamis one wouldn't even be on people's radar until mid August where you had official BA artists like doremi, mx2j, and child retweeting the new D1 Twitter account and its teaser video, with isakusan announcing his involvement. Then you suddenly had that KR interview where hwansang and isakusan does that Q&A with some journalist. Then the PV trailer showing doremi's involvement followed by the planned VN having mx2j's involvement. That's when shit started hitting the fan.
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It's called being overworked after having an injury that affects your work in the first place, maybe don't force a single artist to make most of the designs you release and this shit won't happen?
Also BA makes millions per month but NATgames/Nexon is incapable of paying for good quality control?
They greenlight it in the first place so they wanted Marina exactly like that.
Please do put /bag/ out of its misery.
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I thought you faggots said you'd be done after thread #10 is archived.
>he did the bunnies
>the writer did v3 and F
The things that made BA become popular and now they are being chased out of the scene by the fandom. Damn that's crazy.
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I will be reporting this general to the IRC if another is made. This is not a video game.
fair enough. but it really felt like shit was hitting the fan to me even back then. you don't have multiple top people leaving like that right after what seems to be a huge internal controversy with the anime (the magnum opus of any otaku artist wrt his work) supposedly being so out of line employees from nexon (ie. them) had to intervene, and for any of this to be a nothingburger.
/vmg/ gacha drama thread anyone?
You don't get it, priniggers and other fags need their specific space for seething about BA
he got a little cringe being put on the back foot with the gfl2 bickering, so it'd be nice if he could redeem himself
Please, this shit is pathetic
>Also BA makes millions per month but NATgames/Nexon is incapable of paying for good quality control
The quality control in question would've been HWANSANG who was BA's main art director for years. Nothing gets past him without him signing things off.
HWANSANG left nexon about a month or two ago and joined DynamisOne shortly after.
people complaining about mx2j's art being different has been a thing since 2023 but it really started in earnest spring of 2024 this year. Meaning HWANSANG was still in full control.
My favorites here are band alts, s.Abydos, Kasumi, s.Moe, and Hyakkaryouran. Some of his old stuff is fine(eg.base Iori) but for the most part I prefer his newer works.
you laughed at gbf, fgo and all the other gachas back then and I laughed alongside you all the same.
GBF is only played because is a hell farm game who you dont want escape, only for the reason invest so much time in there.
The anime was known to be yostar's baby, not really anything involving nexon beyond a few token contributions like DoReMi coming up with anime sensei's design, so no idea where you're getting this internal nexon conflict from it. Literally almost everything about it was handled by yostar otherwise. Getting all the voice actors on board, getting it promoted on yostar's jp streams, having yostar animators handle it, getting the tv Tokyo time slot, general marketing, all of it was yostar's jurisdiction as part of their publishing deal.
Damn when you put it like that...
The weekly episode freebies amounting to jackshit was supposedly due to BA staff being dissappointed with how the anime turned out.
dont forget who the study wants a female sensei for make look like a yuri game
These people are ruining Blue Archive's fandom.
Nexon mad BA popular
manga and LN authors are barely involve in the adaptaion too. doesn't mean they don't really really want it to be good.
the whole point was that yostar disappointed them. it's how the jap anime industry treats gachas - turn it all into yuri, whether purikone or azur lane. imas was the exception and no doubt because its people actually know what they're doing.
>Yostar rejected some stories
>Yostar also changes some character's personalities with translation without permission
Holy shit Yostar was the reason?
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We did?
If I was willing to believe unfounded KR claims about supposed backstabbing by ex-BA staff members, I'd also probably believe that.
Unless if you have a particular source of where that info is coming from, I'm mentally putting that in the rumor bin...
Imas was popular before it was a gacha, that's why
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Probably but Yostar is probably the one on the right in that point. The Tourist event was actually way closer to the KR script but it made the nips confused since it was poorly translated and characters acting OOC so Yostar fixed it.
Anyone started playing Blue Archive after KV died?
IM@S is a gynormous franchise, it's Gundam for people who like cute girls
nexon is big bad corpo, but yostar is the hyper pozzed californian upstart.
It's just some dude that skimmed rumors floating around up to the point when he made these claims, it's nothing substantial or original.
Remember Xenoglossia?
Well they would've fucking known that years ago when they realized they were gonna partner up with yostar. Why didn't they leave years ago then if this was so important to them? Yostar's reputation when it comes to anime adaptations was already in the gutter by then.
My money is still on the whole issue being with nexon, not yostar fumbling the anime and somehow that affecting the MX Team side of things.
There was also some discussion on 2ch where they were comparing KR scripts with the Japanese one for Eden and they said JP script made Mika much more likeable.
The fuck are you talking about when they are literally publishing coomer games
i didn’t
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Still my favorite piece of IM@S media.
>manga and LN authors are barely involve in the adaptaion too. doesn't mean they don't really really want it to be good
Do manga and LN authors usually kill off / no longer work on or associate themselves with their work, directly in response to them getting a shit anime adaptation of their current ongoing work?
(I'm actually genuinely curious about this, I'm sure there's at least a handful of examples but none are coming to mind)
You mean just like with any general on /vg/? All of them have zero discussions
saw 2chan discussing some line comparisons between jp and kr and (assuming their kr translations were accurate) characters like mika and sensei were a lot less likable in kr
apparently he even had to apologize and give his reasoning for one of sensei's lines about nagisa
No? The first azur lane anime was dogshit because it was made in japan, everything that yostar pictures did like Bisoku Zenshin, Queen's Orders and Arknights were good.
do you know how many gachas have been ruined by their partnerships with yostar?
to their credit, they are super aggressive and will probably find your game success.
There situation from end of last year with some shoujo mangaka killing herself after directors of real action adapatation of her only semi-popular title changing a lot of things despite her plead to keep it faithful.
Do we count author giving up on life?
if you read the latest interview by isakusan, he actually implicitly criticizes "someone" as he mentions the issues with translations and changing characters personalities without permissions to make them good

>On the other hand, a novel’s weakness is that when it is translated, it loses that beauty

>For this reason, in Blue Archive we tried to take into account all the virtues and faults that people possess. It may have been a risky choice from a marketing standpoint, but I thought it was a challenge worth giving a try
>I proactively make characters who are easy to hate as villains, like Mika and Saori, and also others like Haruna. Of course, there may be some users who cannot accept these characters.
>Their flaws are what make them human. And because they are human, they possess verisimilitude, making them objects of affection
I used to be literally you. take a trip to the gacha drama threads some time
The only thing I remember being a failure was that one pixelated Witch game
yeah, they're not failures, tend not to be anyways. BA in china was albeit
you SEAnigs still seething about /bag/? lmao
BA's Japanese localization is an objective improvement. It'd be one thing if yostar only brought downgrades but they're practically half the reason BA even blew up in JP to begin with.
BA's global fanbase is mostly Indo and Filip lol
Game is literally pander to JP/SEA
I guess ruin is too harsh of a word. it's more that they treat their assets with no respect. yostar is otherwise extremely ruthless and thus effective in accomplishing their job decription.
>it's real
When I said the phrase "kill off" I didn't have the author themself in mind. But uhh I guess that counts, Damn that sucks for everyone involved
I mean it’s better than whatever the fuck they tried to do with the Tourist event which just confused everyone.
what's the title?
how dare you talk to me
Whiter than you, Kim.
Seethe about it, chud
I'd chalk that up to incompetence more than anything else, other than the anime being a giant flaming heap of mediocrity that everyone tries their best to ignore, they've been very good to BA overall.
Minus a few merch choices like selling yume's notebook for like 1100 jpy, anyway...
i view so much most people are tired of yuri stuff in games or animes, most for the writing to have the yuri couple are so fucking lazzy, are the same formula again and again:
>girl have a boyfriend or crush with a man
>some ramdom girl show up
>man be bad at point of being a joke.
>girl go with the other girl
>all man are bad.

even is more stupid when have a male mc in the game and all go full lesbian with no one interest in the player or mc.
oh? post hand
I’m pretty bummed about BA right now but I’m probably going to buy that Kisaki ball anyways when it drops lol
KV was a pedo project

good riddance
it's all yuri anime now. used to be ecchi and harem (and then isekai) but now it's all become one of the niche genres only produced to feign diversity in the seasonal portfolio.
oh shit a yuritroon i assume? lmao
it's a compliment
out of ten
by me
The manga and live action was titled Sexy Tanaka-san. Author of the manga was Hinako Ashihara.

But yeah - in this whole mess I'm willing to give shadow of doubt to Isakusan simply because it's not a fucking secret that Asian corporate rats can be more than annoying with their demands and nonsensical changes. Him and other probably wanted more freedom over their work but there was some piece of shit yelling "but muh investors!".
That's the problem with creative IP, Mx2j was the original illustrator of the character, and as bad his work was at the time, you can't tell him to redo or give his work to someone else, that would stir up more drama if you tell audience that their favorite artist has been replaced.
Now you're right about the main director not doing his job, sometimes you have to delay when shit is going to hit the fan. Because it's going to happen soon or later, thus It's happening now with all the reruns. But you can't delay if Mx2j thought his work was okay and that he wouldn't redraw it, because most of the event has been decided before hands and the character has been included as well.
Of course the director has the last decision going for him, but all of the other conditions make most of the decision for him, since you have to turn all the cards dealt to you, into a functional product, even when these are crappy cards.
And it wasn't just a crappy artwork, most of the characters got wronged in their alts and that has been noticed a long time before. But again, it was a difficult situation to deal with, because you cannot replace someone an illustrator because their art is off, or monkeys would have drama even harder.
Now be a good shitter and stop pretending that Project Kv is enough of a self justification for all the crap work that has been delivered.
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Who did the intial MTL translation for the tourist event anyway? Can't find anything on that.
Dumb as hell and deserved if it's Nexon, but if Yostar did that just so they could push their own localization it would come off as very disingenuous.
Wanting a more accurate translation is NOT a demand for stilted unnatural direct translation. It's one of the worst strawmans I've seen in TL fights and just drags everyone into the mud where no one wins.
>doesn't deny it
I'm not well-versed in this corpo drama, but can anyone tell me why the writing quality went nosedive after volume F?
...you do realize that "shitty art director" you're talking about is hwansang, right? The guy who was working for PKV?
Hence why shit was approved so easily before they left.
Nobody really knows but Yostar only managed to fix it like after a week or so
/bag/ won
this only proves that it was NOT not sabotage, not that it is.
...but at what cost
not really, yuri in general has very low sales in BR and merch , only work if the girls in the harem are bisexual and more in love with the protagonist(male), even in harem anime who have yuri canon couples are the least popular in all franchices in general.

even the yaoi its more popular, Yuri only is used in most anime for a idol culture stuff and can some dude have the purest idol like a girlfriend who no man have her before.

Yuri in general if you atack the male adudience they dont consume it
New thread: >>493793019
yes, anime is dead. not that I care, I'm not a secondary and originals are always crap.
...So you're saying it is sabotage because of the double negative? Not not = is
Your post is confusing
gacha gamers are retards especially with gachas that successfully managed to make a subculture
project RX is guaranteed to be slop but just put Yuuka or Hina’s face in there and gamers will slurp it up
shit’s not dying anytime soon but the soul is gone
its a limbus company stuff
the statement only falsifies the proposition that seeks to prove there was no sabotage. it does not prove that sabotage exists.
I've learned that I should stay away from Korean gacha as far as possible
New thread
I don't feel the same enthusiasm for Blue Archive anymore after all this scandal
that is a GBF you dumb fucktard
post account students
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You won't lure me to Granblue again. Fuck your GW.
Gachas in general have garbage dramas, gook ones moreso since gooks are insane.
Okay mister formal logic but that's not what I was asking nor really implying. Personally I don't believe in the sabotage accusation, but I was really saying bringing up the current art director for being at fault is kinda dumb if you're trying to defend PKV. Cause the art director that checked mx2j's art was hwansang, which BA fans absolutely have an axe to grind against. And he left nexon for dynamis one a month ago. So saying
>but you're quiet about current director of BA apparently not doing proper quality checks. And it's only because you want to be biased against PKV and have something fitting your retarded narrative.
And then implying further down that he's still the current BA art director doesn't really make sense.
I came fully prepared with Nexon in mind, I'm sure they will ruin it one day but I didn't prepare for this shit
New thread >>493825165
Finally. It's ending.
Like hell am I returning to nu-/bag/.
reminds me of when he was ready to nuke /gbfg/ because of shay only to realize they hate him too
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I'm playing both BA Global & BA JP, and that's all I'm willing to say.
Deleted my BA account
Just doesn't feel right anymore
didn't mean to sound like I was refuting you, I just wanted to note that.
>cut my losses since they censored my Alice's washboard
I'm glad
Proof or you're a baggot
holy fucking tourist self-report
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Let me enjoy your downfall, baggot
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I see, my bad if I sounded snappy.
Have some pic related, it's good for the heart.
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Last for Kaoru's sword
this isn't /bag/ retard
Last for Heroes of the Storm
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Being a BA tourist is a badge of honor. Imagine trusting fucking nexon LMAO
last for hina and hoshino are still my wives
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Thank you God for blessing me with retarded enemies, Amen
seymour bing
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Tick tock trannies
But enough about /bag/.
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guess I'll bake
Rest in piss lol
They definitely got threatened with a lawsuit
What game is this?
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Any last words before /kvg/ die?
Monkey Paw
Red Taiga returns, but as a vtuber
see more
trust the plan
Hope you enjoyed your cake
>we will never see more
The cake was lie

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