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Previous: >>493696567

>[Event] THE Great Tea Ceremony Battle: GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku, The Man Who Returned from Hell
2024-09-02 01:00 - 09-22 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku Sen-no-Rikyu Pickup Summon
2024-09-02 01:00 - 09-22 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku Pickup 2 Summon
2024-09-04 21:00 - 09-20 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] Back to School Campaign 2024
2024-08-25 21:00 - 09-08 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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let her cook
Morgan has a nice set of tits. No wonder Arthur tapped that.
isnt proto morgan a male
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Lip love!
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Kama Love!
Men are beasts
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Blessed OP
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Tea farming soon…
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lip sex
The tea fields…
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Oberon love!
Chelsea's stress relief...
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It's been 5 days. I still haven't started the event.
I'm quiet quitting FGO.
come on incarnation fill out your support again, stop being weird.
Oh no. Anyway...
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Sukuna suddenly appears in Chaldea and tries to do his thing
Could he last longer than an hour?
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Lip loving.
If men are beasts, then what are birds?
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lip loving sex
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depends on if they are removed of their feathers or not. If they are, then they are featherless bipeds, and therefore men, and therefore beasts.
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Loving Lip sex.
Post couples you like
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>Chelsea's stress relief...
Loving Lip sex.
Congrats bro
That makes a lot of sense.
How do I get Iyo NP levels?
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fact: every servant has inverted nipples
Nice job, Teabro
One is in the shop, and the rest will be given from quests after the epilogue thing tonight
Wait 4 hours and a half for the reset, clear the final event story node then buy NP levels from the shop.
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Brito inverted nipples....
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This ain’t golden.
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Fake news
You don't even need heavy hitters. Just throw someone like lancer Cu at Sukuna and he will give him a run for his money
Melt has a flat chest with inverted nipples (very hot)
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No, they are perky. Perfect for kissing and sucking.
>TFW nothing to roll until LB7
>flat chest with inverted nipples (very hot)
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Archive: https://litter.catbox.moe/fcy6nx.zip
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>missed my chance to ever dating a girl like this
It's so over...
>Chacha event
>no Chacha coins
Chacha bros...
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>every servant has inverted nipples
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Nice, you still trying the other servants or still some problems there?
October 2025 for chacha coins bro, at least by then you'll know if hag chacha becomes a thing
Albert isn't going to give us missions to be done outside the event right?
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>What's for dinner, Master?
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downblouse is so fucking hot bros
Come on, it's not that bad...
>Checks the next banners
>It is - in fact - that bad
Oh, boy...
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Roll for her.
Yooo, good shit. Ty my good fella
Why is Gawain's NP "Excalibur Galatine" instead of just Galatine?
Hot FA, but no thanks
Kinda new to the game. Is there a way to get past limited event Servants? I really want Erice but I don't think there will be a rerun of her event any time soon.
Evocation Festivals start next year, that will be the time to acquire old welfares, though they come out in batches. I do not believe Erice has had one yet so if that's true you're waiting 2+ years for her.
I would fuck her so hard.
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You wait for when she gets an Evocation Festival.
I will.
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Forgot this one...
It's never too late, bro.
I'm preparing another Shishou set. I tried Murasaki but the only Lora I could find didn't work very well in this style. As for the multiple servants in the same generation thing, I've given up on it, it's too unreliable with this model.
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>Erice doesnt have one yet
Fucking fuckers. What about Kagetora?
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Hers was the latest
Kagetora just got one in April this year on JP alongside BB, Ishtar and Paisen, enjoy the two year wait!
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So what was his problem?
I cannot find any good gifs of Gawain.
Erice (Avenger) one was just this summer, and is expected to rerun next summer, July 2025.
Kagetora's welfare rerun should be April 2026 for NA.
Literally insane
demented retard, probably from beriberi like everyone else
Too wide for his own good.
Is this the real Bunyan or is this just a corpse pupptiered by a horny girl.
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fact: brown female servants have huge areolas
>I played this game long enough to see chacha becoming a better and more interesting character than both Nobu and Okita combined
Oh my fucking god
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Also forgot to mention that Kagetora already has her own Alter. https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Uesugi_Kenshin
So you could go for that instead.
For NA, she's slated to release in December 2025.
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Let him do his thing, yo
Choco milkers...
Instant NP6 if this was the nobu we got instead of tranny shit.
She said front. No gay aokobro sex behind the shop for you.
so straight aoko sex?
I think Iyo is extremely endearing probably because she's peak girlfailure
>Cu isn't a heavy hitter
I mean, maybe not in the autism power level sense, especially given power creep, but he's still an A-lister as far as mythology itself goes.
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Sometimes I ask myself. Why would I want to commision art when porn also does the same? And then I look at the art I commisioned, and know the answer. Because is a special feeling that works better, with art you paid for, for specific situations you want.
Chacha always gave away glimpses of greatness, but i wasn't expecting her to hijack this event either. It was a nice surprise
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Predict this years thanksgiving rate ups?
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Achievable natty?
Abby and Geronimo
At least give the dude a Holy Grail so He can recreate the culling games as a singularity.
I hope to God it's good. I'll have to skip Huyan, Shikibu, and Jalter for it. I hope it doesn't disappoint.
I'm glad you feel that way.
i just notice iyo opens her legs like a slut in one of her skill activations animations
sounds more like something that Kenjaku would do
Is she nopan?
Chacha's pussy was so good he became insane
He was a very big deal in FSN, sure. But current Chaldea has way crazier servants than him or GIlgamesh, but we don't talk about that
Throw someone like Godjuna or Abby at Sukuna and it's not even a fight
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Isn't Sukuna a Fightfag? I cannot imagine something more fitting than that, also nowadays any bad guy need a Holy grail to stand a chance against Chaldea.
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I don't think think underwear was a thing during her times, but I could be wrong
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-5 minutes till the Master Missions change!
Make sure you gathered your embers!
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So tired of being horny 24/7
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What a cutie
Georges lucas told Iyo underwear didn't exist in Yamataikoku
Just when I thought AI slop spam couldn't get any worse
I am tired of being a virgin and not having money to buy food, let alone pay an escort.And this is not mentioning SQ.
just make more money what's the issue here
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What servant do i put this on?
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None of you are actually virgins right?
Cute. CUTE! I can't believe she had sex in a temple
Most young guys are virgins nowadays
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Not for long
I want to marry her.
Yeah, I'm a KHHV.
All the guys here are virgins
All the girls here are sluts
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Cute kitty
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Me reading the event
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36, still am, and looks like I won't get any helped with that here either!
medb is a virgin hunter
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Maybe they could help each other
>just find a better work that pays better in this economy
>it doesnt matter if you are so mediocre not even mcdonalds will hire you you just need to keep trying even if it goes for months
I am unironically considering legal activities, specifically ones that fuck people because fuck people. If you can at least give me a better fucking advise.
Import a wife from a third world shithole.
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Ugly c*t whore.
Then why dont the guys lose their virginity to the sluts? Seems like a simple solution.
Himiko mogs the eternal fuck out of iyo
so BIG ....
Now that's an incentive to stop being one
because the guys who are still virgins to this day aren't willing to fuck faggots and the """"girls""""" here are just faggots whp talk in a higher pitched voice
Sluts hate virgins
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I mean I can but I'm a dude...
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Not even Fukumoto's widest.
>Okita alter is such a non character that they had to make the sword and actual skin to act in the story
My sides are in orbit
shame that ended the way it did
how do i get mogan gf
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remember only Whores wear red lipstick
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The cutest...
not medb, sei, musashi or mata hari
What's the cheapest simplest setup for the 90++ node?
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just read the last choco dounjinshi
pretty cool
a lot of sexy melu stuff including her pussy
Sei is the only who wouldn't hate virgins
Musashi only likes virgins if they're 8 years old
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At least it ended. At the rate things are going, I'm worried Kaiji will never get a proper ending.
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yeah extremely good
Bro? It ended aftrer the bog.
Mama getting a bit too early ready for winter.
she exclusively wants gigachads which always means non-virgins
Caren is the true virgin hunter in Chaldea
Why are you interested in a child's pussy?
Based sonic
medb wants to fuck guda and he's a permavirgin
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That's Cnoc
Medb explicitly says (you) will never pass for her
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My general(and yet to be but no longer game) died. I heard you all have some nice futas, do you accept refugees?
You're looking for Genshin or Blue archive, we only have footfags and furries
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>Komahime's mother died two weeks after Komahime's execution from the grief.
Bros I wish I could go back in time and save them...
>36, still am,
Jesus, get a grip man
Nah we're a femboy general
try that ZZZ game or whatever
Shark girl has a canon cock
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Please recommend me an extra class servant to grail. Done all the main classes but none of them
That's totally normal now
Lol don't kid yourself even sluts wouldn't fuck losers from here, despite most of them being ugly sagging roasties before they hit 30 they all delude themselves into thinking they're 10s and they all want wealthy attractive masculine men, of the top 2% variety. Whiny faggots in Mongolian basket weaving forums have to actually go outside and touch grass, lose some weight, and stop bitching about their wagekek status just to graduate from "not even human" status.
Tell us what kind of girls/boys you like at least
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You can stay here just lurk for a while. Sorry that happened to you.
Ah well maybe you should've applied yourself more in your youth. Oh well.
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We have canon futas like Da Vinci, Canis, and even the mascot of Fate Artoria is a futa bro
No it's not lmao
40 yo virgin isn't a documentary
Grail Lobo he is a good boy
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>grailing somone to check a bingo box
40 year old virgin was 20 years ago
Most young men have never seen a vagina
Since you don't care who you may as well go for a snowflake grail like Manjew or something
Jesus, are zoomers that scared of talking to women?
Everyone has a funny rectangle in their pocket that gives them access to all the single people online in the world, what makes you think women are gonna look at anything but the top tier offerings?
that one of chaldea medb's earliest interactions and she regularly flirts with guda later on and guda canonically clearly likes her
The best we can do now is spoil her and give her a happy life as a servant.
>muh 80/20
FUck off with the incel rethoric
That plus this >>493741639, women literally don't register people they aren't attracted to as human beings.
She literally tells guda she loves him in her summer valentine scene
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zoomers can barely have normal conversations with each other without having a panic attack over some mundane bullshit and you're expecting them to know how court women?
So you really believe they would settle down for mediocre men during the best years of their lifes?
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Can you keep up with him?
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Neither have I but I'm not a virgin
For soulless gameplay faggotry: arc, jalter, spishtar
For sovl: lobo, faker, voyager,
Spotted the roastie
>Verification not required
And then goes
>well now for the people I REALLY love
The fact that you fall for it is worrying
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I forgot two Master Missions
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Why do you feel the need to grail one of each class?
I don't like ramen.
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When did Okita first start being associated with faggots
uh bro? I warned you earlier
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I wasn't here
some cosplay homo pioneered it like 5 years ago or something
before that she was just the footfag servant
Historically Okita Souji was a frail sickly man. Okita is a woman in Fate, so there's loose tranny connotations there. Idr when the ramen shop memes started but it was pretty early on in /alter/ history. I'm too lazy to trawl the archive so have someone else spoon-feed you that.
>it was pretty early on in /alter/ history
I'm fairly certain it was post skadi at the very earliest
I'm not an incel so i would fuck medb without hesitation. She is literally perfect
She wouldn't let you
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Aesc gf
Since the start. The shinsengumi have always been associated with homos.
Basically, Kondo wrote a letter to an acquaintance saying that due the lack of women around, quite a fair number of the shinsengumi lads have taken to visiting male brothels.
I see Tonelico as a perfect gf
Skadi was 5 years ago on NA
Projection EX
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Me and my mentor
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>they were prison gay
absolute /alter/core
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first round was a guy shitposting about dildoes, it didn't take off, and that died.
The meme was born at winter comekit 2019, when two /alter/bros met up at a Ramen shop before Comekit. The thing is one of the /alter/bros was a crosplayer there with his Nobu crosplaying boyfriend. The two /alter/ bros met up at the ramen shop. Naturally because this is 4chan, this was blown up into anon got his dick sucked by an okitabro behind the ramen shop. After that gay posting meme was in full swing. Basically meme took on a life of its own, and 5 years latter we're still dealing with it to the point people don't even know why they're doing it anymore. Banana ladder experiment in action.
Perfectly shit.
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>Kaiji is still going
What the fuck. This is why I hate manga. I don't want to read an incomplete story but then these lazy faggots want to serialize the same garbage for 100 years like DBZ instead of just finishing it and moving on to another work.
Her name is Aesc
They were just normal gay. Female brothels existed too you know.
I feel like it's only fair to also associate Nobu with this
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Welcome bro!!!
Nobu gets the pegging shitposts
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Would you take Ciel's hand?
Nobufags exhibit too much top energy, and topping isn't gay.
Futa chads are always welcome here. Best community.
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Tats on or off?
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Why would I take her hand. It's kind of a attached to her. It would be pretty rude to just cut it off and take it.
Habetrot is kind of a fake name...
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>had sex once(once) when I was 19
>haven't had sex since
Technically not a virgin but I genuinely don't even remember what it felt like at this point so
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There's no canon futa in this game but some characters got associated with it due to their mythology/history so there's a lot of fanart picturing them as futas.
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If you don't have sex every year, you revert back to being a vigrin.
>Be Autistic
>Be 350 pounds of fat on a 6 foot frame
>Walk up to woman in collage class to make small talk since we are both going into the same profession
>She is visibly uncomfortable talking to my Ogre tier self
>Realize this after like two minutes and break the conversation off
>Nobody really wants to talk with me after that
.>Find out that she told everyone how I made her uncomfortable
>Get socially isolated from everyone in the class that isn't also a fat dude or older than 30
>Realize I have two more semester till my BA after this with the same cohort
>Concerned I will need to deal with her poisoning the well for the local scene in our profession
>Realize that i am likely going to need to move out of my home county to find work in my field after I am done with my education.
Lesson learned, do not talk to women outside of mandatory projects unless I drop the weight (in progress) and once I do only interact with women via dating app hookups so we both know what we are there for.
And I know I'm not alone in this, its a social risk for unattractive men to try talking with women outside of a regulated or professional environment.
Fate Grand Order
Star Rail collab huh
How the mighty have fallen
Most women are all sloots doing onlyfans, it's not even worth it anymore.
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My rule was about 10 years since that's when the details were mostly faded from my memory and the event itself had well faded from my identity, but I didn't want to say that and offend the wizards(true)
This is the second time in 7 years I forgot a master mission
If I forget a third time they come for my kneecaps...
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Who did you have sex with?
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Who is the Hikari of FGO?
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Men are beasts
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Your mom
Her name is Mythra
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What the hell is happening here
college girl that I dated for a semester then we fought over something stupid and I cold shouldered her for a month and I wanted to focus on school anyway so we ended it.
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Id argue zoomers in general are scared of socialization. When any little fuck up can be blasted over youtube, reddit or god knows what else, makes it hard to actually want to talk with anyone.
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Arc, she is easy target for rape
Just wait until the eventual rise up. When that happens, it will make kuroinu look like just a normal meet up
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Liz copycats
Reaction to 6'+ master vs anything else
Who cares about Liz nowadays?
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Lose weight fatty
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Oh no haha
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>due the lack of women around, quite a fair number of the shinsengumi lads have taken to visiting male brothels.
>Considered the oldest and most prevalent profession in all of human history. Visiting a brothel was an expected behavior and not uncommon.
>2024, Men unable to find partners and companionship now more than ever
>Confident Chads with nice bodies and big dicks can freely pay women to fuck them so long as they film and profit from it. Yet the regular person starving for sex and companionship will be fined or imprisoned if caught paying for sex in most states and countries.
How did we get here bros?
My canon wife...
How about world end harem?
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Uhhh gameplay pick is probably like Caren or Arc or Koyan Dark or Oberon. They're really good but legitimately insane at 120. Also if you're willing to wait 2 years (non-summer) Abby gets a super stupid retarded powerful buff.

Soul pick is who you like the most
Brothels = money going to criminals
I think one of them is twerking
But without the horse cocks
I'm confused whats up with this horned Bunyan?
After playing through the new GUDAGUDA story, I'm really itching for Toyotomi Hideyoshi to show up so I can gruesomely kill him for his crimes.
Not if brothels are legal business
fgo will end with guda going on a date with olga
>Men unable to find partners and companionship now more than ever
Maybe "Men" should go through a self improvement journey. Women now work on top of being homemakers while men didn't improve at all.
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Sup Project KVbro, yes we do.
Which servant has the drypestegh beiuttkdes
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she's bribing him
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Faker and Voyager are both legitimately as much if not more gameplay than Spishtar. Jalter isn't gameplay for 2 years.
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>>Be 350 pounds of fat on a 6 foot frame
Brother you might as well be a walking cockroach to women. Even most men are going to immediately think significantly less of you on sight. Unless you have Charisma EX+ you need to stay in your lane until you fix your weight and look like a normal human being again.
Servants with this feeling??
Olga is dead, bro
You posted her
Skadi was so rude here. Damn ancient people have absolutely no sense of modern decency and taboos.
>A hero/trickster mentioned in the mythology of the indigenous peoples of northern North America, mainly the Ojipwa. Super Bunyan's knowledge of the indigenous people and her special appearance are derived from this heroic spirit. In order to fulfill his own wish he snuck into Bunyan's Spirit Origin and uses it to manifest. ■■■■ eroded and completely devoured Bunyan's soul faster than they could be incorporated as part of Bunyan. A shape shifter ■■■■ mimicked Super Bunyan's soul in order to keep his existence a secret. The result is a perfect copy of Super Bunyan's personality unaware that's it's a fake and that it's real self has long since been devoured by ■■■■. They had planned to masquerade as Super Bunyan for a while and then reveal themselves when the time was right, however the personality of Super Bunyan which they had copied had a strong teenage ego and stronger self interest than expected and so their self awareness was sealed deep inside her psyche. ■■■■'s self awareness has been completed sealed and the only knowledge of their existence is in a disoriented state within Super Bunyan. When Super Bunyan who is still soul searching one day comes to terms with herself, the world and finally finds peace of mind the sealed personality of ■■■■ will resurface, break the mimicry and take over the Spirit Origin. And then Super Bunyan's personality will disappear without a trace.
Dont give up on the cunny. I will keep believing on your return.
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That's the futa game, bro.
Who is the Mari of FGO?
she's killed trillions of my unborn children
Can someone tell me who I should use my grails on?
Looks like a rat invasion is ongoing. Time to call it for the night.
Nah, cockroaches are helluva fast bastards, I bet he can't walk 10 meters without sweating buckets
I'm going to kiss Alice during mana transfer!!!
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>just be a 7 foot tall gigachad president of a fortune 500 company who moonlights as a male model BRO
I wish there was something worth replying to
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I'm sad that it's already dead, I was enjoying all of the futa art of Kaoru. I hope we keep getting more
Why did they turn Bunyan into a schizo?
legislators need to agree to that then
*high fives you*
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This thread is depressing, fuck you assholes for making me think about the real world during my weekend. All women are trash.
Surely this is not allowed? Imagine rolling for a Servant only to find out its someone completely different.
Fgo will end like this.
I want to inhuffulate her footsmell during mana transfer
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>Tells you straight up what the problem is instead of gossiping behind your back and calling you a creep etc. like >>493743807
Skadi is based lardy
They didn't, that's not what schizo means

Bunyan was eaten alive and taken over by a native american trickster spirit that is now posing as her. She doesn't even realize that she's no longer Bunyan, but one day it'll entirely leave behind the Bunyan personality leaving no trace, no longer needing to pretend.

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On the lips.
The ones on her face.
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>Imagine rolling for a Servant only to find out its someone completely different
Right right, imagine the dozens of times that's happened already. Couldn't be me
As if Super Bunyan wasn't unpopular enough
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Archer/Redman/Nameless, Saber (Artoria), and Cu (Lancer mostly but Cuzilla would be overkill) could unironically 1v1 Sukuna and win
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In fact its hard to mention all the servants who aren't who they claim they are
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bro i'd delete that i can definitely see some shaft and scrotum...

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