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Marshall edition

>BO6 Open Beta Patch Notes

>BO6 Beta Everything You Need to Know

>BO6 Trello Board

>BO6 Stat Checker (requires X account)



>Warzone Meta (updated automatically from TrueGameData)

Previous: >>493527483
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>There you are, Marshall!
>Help me shred these classified documents, will you?
Dead game. Least played beta of thr modern era. Fuck “Treyarch”. You can already tell from the retarded UI it isnt the real treyarch
Pretty sure the UI is being forced by Activision and guess who designed Cod HQ's dogshit UI? Infinity Ward
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Post stats.
I dont remember having to click x, then back out twice cause it entered the gunsmith, then click x again in order to edit my loadout in any of the nu modern warfares. and then the loadout or gun randomly not saving and loading so you have to do it all over again
The entire UI is bugged. When you shoot an ammo box you get random icons for everything from trophy systems and neurogas to downed players.
Anybody notice the Quickdraw grip just straight doesn't work on the LR 7.62 anymore?
>saves Adler from Bill Clinton because he knows too much
>Marshall and his team are gonna get hunted by the CIA
The campaign is finna be lit
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Raining the fire... raining the fire...
>muh movement muh movement
>jumpshotting which btw has been a staple since the very first fucking cod is still complete shit and nerfed just like MWII
Fuck these gaslighting devs
>Klem is overdosing on cat food again
Klem is definitely that type of dude in class who fucks his cat in secret
>finally unlock akimbo pistols
>when you shoot youre fucking noscoping cause you dont have a crosshair
>they also do no damage and have 0 accuracy
>in the game where the entirr marketing is dude you can max payne dive out of water dual wielding pistols which you also cant fucking do
Treyarch can get fucked. m9 akimbos, literally any pistol akimbos were so much fun in 19
>literally any pistol akimbos were so much fun in 19
damn dude might hit level cap for once.
ninky minjaj
anyone else getting some serious CPU-related stuttering on PC? I know my CPU isn't the newest but the micro-stuttering I'm getting feels ridiculous. It's almost unplayable.
If you think BO6's UI is an improvement from MWII or MWIII you are retarded and just engaging in company wars bullshit.
It is objectively worse. Vertical stacking is not an upgrade.
another call of duty game, still a bunch of tryharding faggots with aim assist that think they're good.
Seems fine on my 13700k
and another PCuck seething because theyre shit
They've always been too op
One thing we can all agree on whether you love bo6 or not : this isn't a Treyarch game at all
This kind of feels like a real sequel to MW 2019 with shittier graphics
is this the new cope for when player numbers dip lower than MWIII?
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>Post stats.
Raining the fire...
No it feels like a cold war mod for mwiii
>ninky minjaj
Looks 10x more pleasant than the dogshit models we got for BO6... Xdefiant lookin ass
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>physically and mentally tired of the beta
>load up some MWIII
>the gunplay and movement is so much smoother than Body Odor 6
What…. The… Fuck…..
but mwiii is on game pass...
Of course. From that alone I can tell you're a pussy, a faggot and I wish cancer upon your mom
do you are have autism?
>play beta
>haven't played since DMZ 2023
played two matches and got the loadout unlocked only see the tedious effort of more loadout unlocks.

Mapsize and average time alive is ADD overload. DMZ was more fun imo being able to be alive for long periods of time
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>actually worse than xdefiant

He looks way too zesty to be taken seriously. Would be fine if they used his campaign model but here that's just sad and cringe
Good news dmz is coming back and its not gonna be some halfassed dogshit year long beta this time around
This is the funny thing, never really appreciated MW3 until now.
I think I'm going to make a new account and replay MW'19 instead of getting BO6. Not sure how MW19 is on PC these days though.
Is anyone else getting absolutely filtered in the beta? Everyone playing is playing at 80mph like it's an esports tournament game. I tried playing casually, and I got ripped apart for two games. I think I went like 8-24 in one of those. I sweat and tried really hard, and went close to neutral both games I did, and if the map is Babylon? Forget it.

I'm wondering, is this just the new player base? Haven't played cod in a long while. Is this how good everyone is now or is it just the beta? Will things cool down when the game comes out?
I don't believe you, link? didn't they make a whole announcement that it was cutting off further development? Unless battlepasses/skins/characters were really that profitable
agreed about the cringe operators. would have been nice to have a usable one
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>DMZ was more fun imo being able to be alive for long periods of time
ironic considering it was shitcanned in a year lol
It's the matchmaking. Casual players are there but you won't have any access unless you make a new account or reverse boost ( and even then not so sure if it works or not).
Plus the networking is horrible, this is causing additional issues.
and? It was still fun

COD was so desperate to retain players and keep them under the hood of things COD they literally had to design a whole different game in a different genre to keep their IP afloat. These games don't sell like they used to
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>Good news dmz is coming back and its not gonna be some halfassed dogshit year long beta this time around
it came back as MWZ and was exactly half assed dogshit
see pic>>493757358
Biggest mystery of zombies is actually why did they add gobblegums in BO3
Just say you want to fuck his ass it's alright
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Black ops is so based,
Sliding at a fast pace,
And girls of every race,
Like white cock on their face

Treyarch been making the gamemode much more easier and braindead since BO2 with added easy mode, BO3 with gobblegums, 3 hits and sliding. BO4 that whole game was just easy mode
The perk that removes tac sprint and gives you super lightweight is so good. Every cod should be like that from now on
MWZ was made by treyshart skull emoji
Why the fuck does perk greed keep changing into gunfighter every FUCKING match
Why are weekends, especially after 8PM EST, the worst fucking time to play?
>dying on spawn 5-10 times in a row per MATCH
>getting dropped into Domination lobbies 100 points behind, or TDM lobbies 30 kills behind
It's a Beta... The game isn't finished... They'll fix that by Season 3
>do pretty shit along with team mate,
>we go 0-4
>they start mag dumping bodies
>we pull a comeback
>get called cheater because the same retard in the green hazmat suit runs to the same window EVERY round
If there is one thing I love, it's shit talkers eating humble pie, it doesn't happen often but when it does, it's delicious
It's a Treyarch game.
It will release unfinished.
They will never fix it.
I'm convinced at this point its connected to why any ADS improving attachments aren't working anymore on the LR 7.62
The biggest sweats sleep the day and play the night and they stomp on euros.
Theyre well aware of that. Early morning on CW demolition were total bloodfests lmfao. Even a mediocre player like me could get 100 kills on Standoff. Ahhh the good times, loved and hated that game, felt like a capsule of heavenly BO1 surrounded by a sea of mediocrity, a bit like a last hurrah thrown by whatever BO1 devs were left before they fucked off
Actually it does work. If you use the vault edition preorder blueprint
DMZ was cool but the SBMM on it was weird. You're good at surviving and killing NPCs so you have to go into games where everyone is a sweaty faggot trying to pwn you on sight. Awesome.
Having spawn be a closed off box aside from two narrow hallways that act as entrances to the map is a cardinal sin in mapmaking. Yet 3 of the fucking maps in the beta are like that.
>everyone is a sweaty faggot trying to pwn you on sight.
that's just every match
nothing to do with sbmm
DMZ was just a Warzone shitter refuge.
The geriatric yappers complaining about the pace/maps/spawns in BO6, ill kindly remind you there's a certain game made in 2022 just waiting for you
Would be interesting to hear some rumours and stories from inside of Treyarch but of course no one will ever come forward.
Did the execs just think "because shipment and meat had high engagement let's make the whole game about retardation next" hard to know...
This is a studio that release over 10 3-lane maps a game
of course they fucked up
it was a better mode than the half assed spec ops mode from mw2019 at least
>that's just every match
no, if you lost a few intentionally you'd get into games where everyone's kind of a normie and people say hello to you
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>>dying on spawn 5-10 times in a row per MATCH
Was this you? I'm so sorry
Why do ppl say you're dropshotting when you're just crawling forever
White boy cracker is dropin nukes on ya asses
Imagine the seethe the RPK guy was going through when missing shots
That webm was my experience Saturday but I am a PC master race player, so no.
>Imagine the seethe the RPK guy was going through when missing shots
He hit me the first time, but the riot shield blocked it :^)
is this unironically autism? always pixel hunting and crawling
is there a reason why the gunfight queues take forever
because nobody wants to play that garbage
>Bragging about doing shit like this
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>is this unironically autism? always pixel hunting and crawling
You haven't seen the techniques we've developed for BO6! They're beautiful too!
what is the lady singing in the menu theme?
breath the fire?
the maps are trash, nothing stands out, spawns are chaotic and dont make any sense, Hvt is ok i guess

disappointing , usually there is at least 1 good map, but it seems that isnt the case this time.
i think the maps are okay, nice with the smaller size
cod is an arena shooter after all
MWII Beta was the greatest cod of all time and they fucked the game to beyond the depths of hell when the final game released. I cant even imagine how bad BO6 is going to be when the beta is already this garbage.
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Was there some kind of update recently with Black Ops 3 to cause this error to consistently happen? I'm trying to play zombies with the boys, but ever since 2 weeks or so ago I can't connect with them at all. Both open NAT type, both on PC Steam version, neither of us running the T7 patch. Haven't found anything recent coming through about Lobby is not joinable errors online.
size isnt a problem, they are just lame and unimaginative, honestly it feels like they just took a chunk of campaign map for most of them, due to the poor design choices
stop playing old games without cod HQ interconnected cosmetics shop
download new bloated titles and please understand
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>he doesn't get the gang together for some classic gaming every weekend
>its like he doesn't have friends
oops i forgot where i am
use the T7 patch???
i mean, we've been trying it and not trying it. saw there were some issues with the t7 patch and took it off but still couldn't connect. we can do public lobbies fine with+without it but can't do private lobbies at all. We can even find eachother in public lobbies which is the wild part
Pics or it didn't happen
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>he takes pictures instead of enjoying the memes as they come
picrel, enjoy the moments as you still have them
hate to hear it, at least you still got a decent group right? they can come back around
>hate to hear it, at least you still got a decent group right? they can come back around
I haven't done much with them since we stopped playing BO3, hence the DELET
Jev cracked down SBMM
tl;dw just party up with 5 other people
that's rough, time to find a new gang
Literally what all the streamers like scump and co do. I never ever see them play solo cause theyd just get wrecked by sbmm and not want to play/stream. The only guy that has the balls to solo q is doc and you can see how bad it really gets and how blatant it is and how it’s exactly like it is when you play
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My biggest problem that I've had with these HIgh TTK CoDs is that they do not take any real skill to be good at. It is litteraly so easy to jump and shoot or crouch and shoot at the same time. Cold War looked ugly using the old engine again. Vangaurd was a turd. And MWIII is literally a failed abortion. My Favorite CoD so far had been MW22. I did not think BO6 was going to be fun. But God damn do I actually enjoy being wrong. This is the first time where movement realy does separate the men from the boys. I'll admit some of the maps (babylon) fucking suck. The spawns are also awful right now. Idk if that shit will get fixed, but if they do at launch then I might actually buy. Diving my be flashy but fuck it's so fun.

I also want to say that anyone who thinks the gunplay of any Sledgehammer game is good or "visceral", sucks at vidya and can burn in hell.
Reminder that Infinitytard is so shit they kicked cod out of mainstream relevancy. More often than not your average gamer used to play cod back in the day but not anymore. Franchise peaked at bo3 and has been in a downward spiral ever since.
Holy esl
I will pirate this game for the singleplayer and maybe get it on a heavy sale if the zombies gets good content in a year, but the multiplayer is complete ass like always
Cold War using the old engine isn't a bad thing at all outside of graphics. The spawn logic was at its peak, the movement was still similar to older CoDs so no shmoovement
>jet pack cod
>the worst one
>Franchise peaked at bo3
Nobody ever considered bo3 part of the Golden cods they fixed their shit later but that was only for zombies not mp
Reminder than treyarch made vanguard zombies and MWZ. Yeah blck ops 6 zombies is royally fucked
The old engine could not handle the weird movement tech, forcing it to look janky as hell. Hit boxes, player models, and cameras were constantly misaligned. There is no way CW played anywhere close to classic cod.
>cod is an arena shooter after all
>arena shooter
I mean at this point Arena Shooter doesnt even mean anything. Might as well call it a Roguelike.

An arena shooter is supposed to be a Quake-style game. 1v1 or 2v2. Small maps. Same guns for each player. Armor/Health/Special Weapon power-ups located at static points on the map which have a timer for when they respawn. The meta is about controlling the item-locations and knowing the respawn timers for the items.

If you have to give it a specific genre then call COD an Arcade Shooter.
>I will pirate this game for the singleplayer
Good luck, it's always online
>Go back to MW3
>Movement feels way better
How do you fuck up the entire selling point of the game?
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>Go back to MW3
>Movement feels way better
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These are pretty much the only 2 realistic armalite builds you can make in the beta rn. There might be something in the AMES 85 but idk enough to say nor do I really care to grind it.
Hopefully the full attachment selection will enable more.
Except for sights, I'm sure those are all the attachments
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DM-10 is pretty much the prototype SR-25 out of the box.
There's no flashlights and only 1 suppressor per weapon which I find hard to believe they won't change.
>1 suppressor per weapon
Good. We don't need more attachment bloat like you see in mwiii
>Hopefully the full attachment selection will enable more.
Honey this is a 3arc game. if you get anything else it's going to just be slapped on without reason and will not be realistic at all.
>he doesn't autistically study the aesthetics of different suppressor models on his gun
>he doesn't spend the majority of his time in the gunsmith building weapons for their looks
>he doesn't have the perfect kit for his operators to display and flex on the lobby

why even bother playing? everyone knows the real endgame is in bundles.
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>he doesn't spend the majority of his time in the gunsmith building weapons for their looks
I actually do this and try them all in-game.
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Every single one is playable but very off-meta, especially the russian guns which become even slower.
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I do this, then I give them to Park
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>kill order/tdm on scud/rewind
>save me redditown
how you getting streaks playing like a retard
I dont understand why they didn't let SHG make the zombies modes for both instead. Ww2 zombies was actually great and had original storytelling and the creepiest looking zombies ever and its far superior to MWZ and Vanguard, it just wasnt well received at the time because the community didnt like the Resident Evil look. That would've been better than an half-assed mode from Treyarch who were already focusing on BO6. This is so retarded. Is it really just because of the name Treyarch?
>I dont understand why they didn't let SHG make the zombies modes for both instead
Because they're incompetent fools who can't manage deadlines and had to call Treyarch in for help.
It's a weird bastard child of the classic cod and the modern ones (MW2019) but with BO4's engine.
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>anon doesn't like GOATtown
okay faggot lmao
Well that's unfortunate. If they don't have the means to produce a zombies mode anymore they should give more time for a side mode like spec ops or survival from og mw3, it doesn't have to be zombies everytime anyway.
>Ww2 zombies was actually great and had original storytelling
It was pretty mediocre I wouldn't go that far
I'll miss the beta. I really enjoyed it.
I haven't been this interested in Call of Duty in a while. I'm not sure I would pay full price for this game, but I have game pass so I'll definitely be playing it.
Maybe we could get some games going on in here more often.
t. >>>/wsg/5674645
>Maybe we could get some games going on in here more often.
This never happens
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Replaying some kino
I dont know about the dlc maps. But The Final Reich is easily a top 10 of all time and the survival maps are actually great at their intended purpose. Not even your average cod zombies fan would call it mediocre
Yeah, I'm finding it a lot harder to read, likewise with the description of things. The textbox they're rendering only has space for like two lines, despite there easily being space for several lines of text. It's really stupid shit like that which shows how bad the UI design choices are.

MWIII is everything MWII should have been IMO. People were hyped about MWII being equivalent to MW2, when it wasn't anything like it. MWIII basically aped MW2 to a fault and then got caught up in being called a "glorified DLC" despite having significantly better MP content than MWII for nostalgianiggers like myself.

Even int erms of perk and weapon design, there was a lot of equivalence. Some of the perks were OP as fuck, people were bitching about knives being OP like the Commando Pro days, we have a boring medium damage laser AR that's used in comp (MCW/ACR), a harder hitting version (BAS-B/SCAR), and decent AR tier SMGs (UMP or R9/UMP), etc. And of course, the return of the 1887s in the Lockwoods.

The only thing the game was short of was a javelin suicide glitch, and some stupid perks like Stopping Power, Danger Close, or OMA
I don't think it's that they felt like they've been taken from the campaign. The issue is that there are too many angles to get shot from, which combined with shit spawns means that you're consistently going to get shot in the back. Most of CoD4's maps are ripped from the campaign and they play perfectly well in most cases.
>they just took a chunk of campaign map for most of them
Treyarch didn't do that since WaW
kinda wish that H2M survived just so people will realize how cancerous MW2009 is
>you now remember
H2M nerfed shit though retard
Oh my... seems like the cultists are liking BO6.
What's your unpopular opinion for any COD game?
They are all trash but each on its own different ways.
Cold War Zombies has the best formula but the maps were disappointing.
BO4 is a golden CoD up there with 2007-2012
Oddly enough populist opinions for cod tend to also be objectively correct. Although I will stand my ground that tranzit and die rise were good zombies maps albeit “incomplete”. They had very fun and interesting layouts but were marred by the fact that there wasn’t really much to do in them.
It's funny seeing people complain about things that existed in MW2, then say that MW2 was the best CoD ever.

They'll complain about zero recoil weapons and how it's bullshit. But the best weapons in MW2 legitimately had zero recoil compared to many that did not. People will complain about shotguns being OP, despite them being consistently the hardest weapons to balance and therefore frequently nerfed to shit, but then sing praises about the 1887s. Even when they were literally brought back, they were nerfed quickly because of complaints.

You can tell somebody wasn't any good at MW2 if they say "everything was overpowered so nothing is", when there was a distinct hierarchy of weapons, which was pretty fucking obvious if you were any good at the game, which you can also see reflected in the competitive 'scene' too.
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BO4 isn't even a COD game
That TTK unironically made it a fun game
Is that supposed to be a bad thing
>by the fact that there wasn’t really much to do in them.
All classic zombies maps were like that. It's not until MoTD where all maps started to get bloated with so many things to do
BO2 zombies were great but if there's a single thing they royally fucked up and made so fucking annoying its the fuckijg layouts
We need to add Halo to this chart too.
/hg/ and /codg/ merger will happen later on this week.

The other anon said it was equivalent to a golden age COD game. It's not a bad thing at all, but it just wasn't a COD game.
I really don't remember the ttk being so fast on BO1 and this is the game where I peaked, I'm shocked
NTA, but on some of the best weapons, it was very fast. Off the top of my head, a good example would be the AUG and and FAMAS, which were dominant in that game (if you weren't a shitter), both firing at 937.5RPM and doing 35-25 damage. Even without headshots, you could kill people in less than 0.2s and as low as like 0.14s if you hit all heads.

If you were a giga shitter, you'd use other weapons.
I only used the AK47/Commando/Galil depending on the mood
Ak47 for max damage
Commando for accuracy
Galil for the feel and looks
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>Ak47 for max damage
>Commando for accuracy
Bro I was 15 in 2011 ffs I have no idea what any of that means
I had fun, and I can say taht the game is solid, even though I usually dont like treyarch cods, but compared to that dogshit MW3 any other cod seem good. Will probably get it on a discount a few months after release.

I hope its IW turn next year.
nobody cares tranny
>caring about modern Shitfinity Slop
Cringe last sentence
Are you sure? BO6 for me is a game which is fun for about three matches after those it feels too much like real work.
And did they actually remove Babylon? Haven't seen it at all today.
The overall game was slower and didn't have bullshit screen effects so the TTK felt slower. Ghosts is when the TTK was genuinely bullshit.
Hey fags, I just clicked on your gay little general to inform you all that CoD was NEVER good.
> Noooooo what about the old ones that I have nostalgia for???
Cope - they're all slop. Every game in this franchise has subpar movement and poor netcode. You continue to play, thoughever, because you've all got no standards; you don't know what actual art is. These games are simply not well made enough for a smooth multiplayer experience. Cope. These games also require nowhere near as much skill as you zoomers pretend they do, in a game with actual deep movement mechanics you'd all get raped. Sliding and diving is not complex, it does not require skill and is therefore shallow.
Again, cope.
yikes i loved running around and gunning people down with the akimbo shotguns
>it does not require skill
kek tell us something we don't know. It rewards reflexes not skills.
Go back to your gaylo general, fag
I also feel like the slower pace of the game allowed you to control things better. At least with this BO6 beta, the maps feel designed to get you back into the action within seconds of dying, so there is no flow to the game. Only dopamine from the constant stream of kills and deaths.
You sure love to parrot twitter zoomer buzzwords.
I've been begin Treyarch to remove tac sprint and slows down the game in general. Keep the omnimovement but please slow it down a little this fast paced adhd gameplay is holding down the entire game from having a functional pace at this point.
How was the third SMG?
Never got to use it
Meta but the fire rate makes it an unappealing choice
Hope we can play the campaign early this year too
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Raven cooked so hard with this campaign
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I'm an onion Mason
Are you all incapable of doing anything but parroting some streamer buzzwords, BRO?
>Meta but the fire rate makes it an unappealing choice
how so?
why are you posting your gameplay anon?
fr on god

unc not sturdy
real gamers play tarkov
i miss AW so much
It shoots like a bullet every 0.200 seconds so it doesn't feel good to use
>MWIII is everything MWII should have been imo

>Worse gunsmith
>Unbalanced weapon variety
>MWII weapons are 90% not competitive
>extremely bloated
>No aesthics
>Chinese shovelware design
>cheese movement mechanics
>Classic maps play awful
>absolutely dead general
>constant stimulating UI effects on screen
>"the most played third game mode in cod history" is nothing more than an afterthought
>The most abysmal gun play that we've had in the series

That's just the half of it and I haven't even spoken of the warzone side at all.
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Which operator has the best butt?
>Unbalanced weapon variety
>MWII weapons are 90% not competitive
>extremely bloated
>Classic maps play awful
>"the most played third game mode in cod history" is nothing more than an afterthought
>The most abysmal gun play that we've had in the series
Hell yeah! Just like MW2
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>beta is over
>uninstall cod HQ
>wait two months to continue on game pass
>even get to try stalker 2 a month later
>"gooning" is censored in chat
fucking hell, nu-censorship is just getting plain stupid. i thought 2042 is bad. if the characters can say "fuck" then why the hell can't players say it?
women shouldn't be allowed to go speak or go outside ffs
>lonely sexless loser speaking
>women shouldn't be allowed to go speak or go outside ffs
erm that was uncalled for
i'm cod's target audience i deserve RESPECT
Nobody cares if you masturbate to teenage bops. It's not very sigma or skibidi of you fr
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wait the beta is over? I thought there were still a couple hours left
i'm a cod player. i jack off to the implied ghost-on-soap gay rape scene in MW22
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This is why modern CoD sucks.
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are weapon levels gonna transfer to release?
lmao no
figured, just thought i'd ask
Are double XP tokens going to transfer between games?
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whoever designed scud and rewind should be publicly executed
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Predict returning Cold War Operators
Is thaat dr disrespect at the bottom
>i suck at the game: the post
rewind is a weird one though
I was pretty dissapointed with the beta rewards desu. Especially because I have to listen to a black woman talk if I use the skin
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1. He's black so free diversity points
2. He was the youngest operator in CW
3. His actor is already hired and been in the studio to record Peck voice lines
But I can see them ignoring him because nobody bought his bundles everyone used his free battle pass skin in season 5

1. His face is in the game (Peck)
2. she/her free diversity points (it's an oversight I know)
3. Zesty german (Treyarch loves them)
I swears you could slap a WW2 coat on Scud and it would fit right in with Vanguards dogshit. Rewind had way more potential especially with the theme. Such a shame
What were big 90s movies that will fit with CoD for operator bundles? I feel like we’ll end up seeing Neo/Trinity/Agent Smith
The best operator of course
So many 90s movies though I want to see Tyler Durden, his bundle would sell like hotcakes.
God I hated him
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>been actually enjoying the beta
>quit a match in progress
>now it wont launch
i really hope they don't nerf the grenade launcher. or anything, really. the jackal is a little strong but there's always an OP ass smg in treyarch games. i fuckin hated the ak74u in black ops 1
i hope that evil russian chick from bocw comes back, she made my dick diamonds
When the kino blops 6 beta close?
ends exactly 1 hour from this post
>could return
she's 100% coming back
>Samantha returns
>She's a Crimson One operator
he's fucking dead Adler literally executed him
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say what you will about trannyguard but i had a stupid amount of fun with the busted shit in that game. the 2-shot bren... the mg42...
also the goliath was the stupidest fucking thing ever. a field upgrade RC-XD that can run other players over w/ a giant blast radius
on das house i'd run one into the enemy spawn and just run people over and detonate, i got like 10 kills just roadkilling people once
game was shit
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He had nice skins
>can't quit out while the potg is playing
holy shit fuck off and let me leave i don't care about watching it if it isn't mine
you VILL look at ze skins
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Cold War year 4
Alt+F4 doesn't work? Or are you some console tard?
Absolute sweat fest holy shit, come away dead or damaged from every gunfight
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Great ending to the best beta ever
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>best cod is almost 5 years old
mw19 was
how do i uninstall bops6 beta now
Aim assist smg
Aim assist smg
You died to a controller player using an smg.
You don't those files are all going to get rolled into Warzone
>2042 won't run on my laptop anymore
>MW3 is shit
well i guess its back to BF1 for a while boys.
obviously I meant back to the main menu, you room temperature iq nigger
>Man this game is shit!
>How do I play more?
People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
Jesus this shit is totally bugged. Can't see anyone's rank for the last 3 games, it wouldn't let me have the class I chose, some of the stuff on the create a class is unavailable now wtf?
>making up arguments
yeah, you're such a retarded faggot that I'm not even going to give you a (You) and I say this with complete sincerity you should fucking kill yourself
>get sick ass full team kill with xmg on babylon
>lost potg to some literal who 3 man kill because the guy switched to his pistol on the third kill
holy shit why does the potg care so much about weapon switching or equipment usage? literally get robbed every other game because of it i fucking hate it
Love the way the eomm just keeps squeezing until you're absolutely battling to maintain even with fucking 7 kills, holy shit
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>complaining about sbmm/eomm
every time I visit this general I'm reminded about what big fucking crybabies you all are
I mean it would be nice if EVERY match wasn’t a comp match.
It's a casual game I'm not queuing for ranked
Back inmw19 I got so frustrated that I rocked my feet for about 5 games solid.
If you've never done this i recommend trying it just once, you won't believe the lobbies you get
I think I dislike skyline the most
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Babylon cannot be s tier with its spawns
shipment brain opinions
shipment and nuketown are the only good cod maps
actual 12 year old adhd retard
this but completely unironically
bro I WISH matches were evenly matched, most of the time it's a steamroll one way or the other
This is the opinion of someone who's first cod was MW19 nucod garbage
Actual tier list

This beta didn't have an S tier map. I hope it doesn't represent the final game just like how Cold War beta came with Satellite, Miami and Cartel.
there should be a strike map that's a not-freddy fazbear's pizzeria
didn't the cold war beta have moscow or am I misremembering
Scud is lame
It did, original Moscow that was bigger than the final game
Moscow was my favorite map in cold war but I didn't play much after I think season 2
It cracks me up that this game has to load twice every time I want to play... fucking dogshit hub thing they have.
This feels more truly like CoD than MW3 does. That's not saying much. Overall I don't love it, but it has some charm. The micro-stuttering on my old Ryzen 2700 means I probably won't buy it. I really don't know how these shooters require more and more of my CPU every year. What's this game doing that demands so much more processing than Battlefield One needed?
All for those sweet skin paypigs
I agree it’s got some soul, I believe they played a bunch of black ops 1 and modernized based off that.
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when is season 5 ending
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>blops6 beta is over
>mwiii is still trash
No cap on god this is the most I've played cod in years
next Wednesday
im going to say the n word
is beta over
yes beta is kill
Consoles were stuttering too. I have a 3600 and mw22 + mw23 both get like 200 fps on the cpu score in the benchmarks
Go to ...\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty HQ\
Delete "mp24"
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I'm still playing
Most thing I liked about the beta? Sleeper agent power up. It's so fun to abuse.
Easily the most interesting utility, imagine if they were all like that
domination on rewind is utter aids..
I can't stand playing on it and skyline (mostly due to the shit spawns)
God that cutscene was so ass. I know we all theorised that Graves wasn’t in the tank (the writers probably just stole that theory and pretended it was what they intended all along as well) but fuck me the way it just gets brushed off like this felt so retarded
Infinity Ward's storytelling
No one stays died
Nothing is sacred
I’m honestly expecting some grand reveal that Soap isn’t actually dead. Some bullshit where the headshot actually put him in a coma and then he took on a new identity (yay more masks!!! so cool!)) when he awoke. They’ll just retcon the ash spreading scene as something Bravo team did to really “sell” his death because they knew they were being surveilled
hopefully it's just one inefficient bit of code (maybe netcode-related) somewhere that can be ironed out before release, because micro stuttering makes sniping impossible
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I didn't like BO2's campaign all that much. Mendez had too much plot armor, the whole branching paths gimmick is superficial at best when you take a step back on it (especially as the way to lock in the best ending is some stupid Butterfly effect shenanigans that doesn't have any direct correlation, and seems to be only there to make sure nobody gets it on their first try.) Strike missions are some of the biggest bull crap I've ever seen, I don't think they were ever playtested.
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>destroys your watchdog helo the moment it arrives
I fucking love LMGs
Beta is so ass they gotta keep extending it to boost player numbers lmao
>that dumb ass mantling right into a visible stream of bullets
the anime girl made me horny...
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>try out old cods
>cant slidecancel
cringe boomerslop
is she a cheerleader? what anime/hentai is that?
words cannot describe how much i despise you
>no shipment
no buy
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>I'm sorry traveller, another 500mb update is required to come back to this place for the 1000x
you will kiss the feet of Boomerslop
>comparable ttk with dogshit mw3
no thanks
They should retire team deathmatch. Domination and Hardpoint are just better.
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Just like that it's over now I have to go back to dodging cod for 2 more months until I can enjoy the new release....
Dead Silence should be a staple perk in every CoD game
Next year is the BO2 sequel mostly made by Sledgehammer
It isn't made by sludgehammer
why do shotguns always have to be shit past like 5ft?
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>that unintended kill
My fucking sides
Fuck you faggot this shit makes heli killsstreaks useless
high ttk is only favoured by shitters
shit talking in cod is over rated to hell in back, especially this weird nostalgia jerking that is mw2 lobbies despite people talking just as much shit
If you think people talk as much shit in modern cod as in mw2 lobbies you're just lying or didn't play it, these days you even get banned for saying nigger if someone reports
>despite people talking just as much shit
Is there a legitimate reason for voice chat moderation or is it just autism
Liberals are mentally ill
What demo says "nigger" more on mic? Nigger do. Who are the most ass pained faggots that start screaming slurs and swears if they miss once? Niggers do.
You fucking retards are so god damn stupid. White people don't use party chat.

If you complain about voice chat moderation you are outing yourself as a nigger.
not like you can even get shit talking with retarded ass lobby splitting after EVERY GOD DAMN MATCH, you can't even get on good slur before everyones thrown to the abyss
So Treyarch is actively developing two games to launch in a row? Lol no. Just like how Sledgehammer did MWIII, they’re doing BO2 2. They’re on DLC duty now
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Dead general. Don't make a new thread and let it die.
Sledgehammer is doing their own game now dumbass
A broken generation that literally believe words are violence full of people too stupid to just mute the person they don’t want to hear. Instead of finding the solution to their problems, they demand that other people do it for them. The worst part is that companies actually cater to these people instead of just telling them to fuck off.

A black person has never been comm banned for saying nigger. The people who oversee these bans (and now recently, AI) have been tried to recognise a black voice. Only whites get banned for saying nigger
I don't want to go back to Modern Campfare...
can an image fag post the one where the guy agrees to not say nigger, says nigger and then is mad hes banned?

thanks in advance
Streaks are rare as shit in most of these games, why did they fuck with a winning formula?
That's it, finally over and I never got my chopper gunner :^(
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And you're a retard for even believing SHG will touch a game it hasn't worked on ever.
>kino in 2026
So i guessbits over now? Cause i was in a game a moment ago and then screen went black. Restarted, it updated and now i dont even have the option anymore.
Hvt is pretty fun, too. Nice when some people want to get together and defend.
Yeah, wait till kino ops 6 drops
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>beta is over
>game dies
MWIII was code named "Project Jupiter"
CoD 2025 is code named "Project Saturn"
CoD 2026 is code named "Project Rex"
CoD 2027 is code named "Project Rap"

CoD 2025 is using a SHG styled code name
therefore 2025 is being developed by Sledgehammer.

CoD 2026 is being developed by Infinity Ward and is using IW styled weapon names.
For example:
MW2019 called the Desert Eagle: iw8_pi_decho
MW2022 called the Desert Eagle : iw9_pi_decho
Project Rex is calling the Desert Eagle: rex_pi_decho

The reporting you read about SHG being pissed that they were doing another year 2 and wanting their own game was just employees bitching but they were all put back in their place after Microsoft took an axe to half the development team.
>CoD 2025 is using a SHG styled code name
>... because I said so!
Kill yourself mental gymnast.
I am burnt out on mw3 and the BP are the most ugly tragic shit I've ever seen, idk what happened genuinely, MW 2019 had awesome skins, where are my tasteful anime waifu m4s? It's all DEI slop, genuinely depressing
CoD HQ on Steam makes up 2% of the total CoD player base across all platforms.
CoD HQ on Steam makes up 5% of the CoD player base on PC, PS, and Xbox.
CoD HQ on Steam makes up 9% of the total player case on PC.

We can determine these values based off Bobby Kotick’s testimony in early July citing Q2 2023 figures that CoD had an average of 70 million DAUs. Then we take Steam chart data for June 2023 multiply it by the number of hours in a day to create a hypothetical, but heavily exaggerated, ceiling for an average day to see how much of the player base is on Steam.
IE the number given is the absolute highest average of possible users on the Steam platform. However, it is not realistic to assume a revolving door of new users replacing the old every hour for an entire day.

You can also use this data and determine a rough estimate of today’s CoD player base. Take the 30-day value and multiply it by 24. Then divide the total by “.05” for traditional platforms. Divide by “.09” for just PC.

So using the chart provided we get
PC+PS+XB total of 31.8 million players
PC total of 17.7 million players

That’s 2.5 million fewer players than in June 2023!

Congrats you now know a rough inflated estimate for the number of DAUs on CoD HQ which is just about as useful as the annoying cunt spamming Steam charts every day in the same general.
>reddit spacing
Go back faggot
So Treyarch gets fucked AGAIN? This time having to develop two games simultaneously to be released one after the other? Why does Activision do this to them?
Because IW carried this series since 2019 and it's time for 3arc to step it up.
Fucked how? All they have to do is remaster the maps and guns from blops2. Then the rest carries over from blops6. It's the most likely scenario
They keep kneecapping Treyarch though
MWIII was SHG's fifth game. Jupiter was MWIII's codename. MWIII files all begin with "Jup" in the file name. Jupiter is the fifth planet in the solar system.

Code Name "Saturn" is the next game in development. Saturn is the sixth planet in the solar system. "Saturn" is likely SHG's sixth game.
Sludgehammer is responsible for that
Yeah and we saw how that turned out for MWIII
Battlefield 2042 is unironically so much enjoyable to play than any of the Nu-Cods,
me too lmao
share some of that copium with me
>reddit spacing is when separating points!!!!!
kill yourself reyanash.
>"Saturn" is likely SHG's sixth game.
It isn't fuck off with your dumbass mental gymnastics
Will we ever see China as an enemy faction again?
you first insufferable redditor
The level of ass blasted denial you are in should be studied.
NTA but how is it mental gymnastics? It’s literally following the established project naming convention that SHG is known for?
no no I insist you lead. Don't want to fuck it up by following your example.
pre-order bros I don't feel so good..
Maybe? Project Rex has a lot of weapons coming out of east asia but China is a market for CoD now so doubtful.
oh 2042 is definitely a huge pile of poo but you have to be lobotomized to enjoy the nu-Cods
why are you here then instead of battlefield general?
I just fucking want a good arcade FPS and this BO6 beta just reminded me on how much of a miserable experience these new cod games are
/bfg/ is dead
... isn't it?
agreed, simply because your bullet actually lands where you want it to go
but BF1 (or BF4) are patrician choices
A single word makes up your entire reasoning as to why cod 2025 supposedly gets developed by SHG. Meanwhile you have an insider gaming report stating otherwise. Die in a fire pretentious faggot
keep projecting
>awesome skins
You're the reason cod is shit now, shut up and fuck off
>beta is over
>slophammer gaymes trannies slowly come out of the woodwork
Fortnite won
Overwatch won
Valorant won
Deadlock won
CoD lost
What insider reporting contradicts that SHG is working on CoD 2025?
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I already linked it here >>493858845 but you keep pretending it doesn't exist and would rather go on with your deranged mental gymnastics. Kys pathetic troll.
seethe normie
Weebs and paychads run this general
it's over
>Go back to MW3
>It's better in every way
I almost feel bad for the treyshart kiddies who waited 4 years lmao
this, MWIII year 2 for me
>likes to play pretend with pixels
This DYEL fag still thinks his dumb ass video game metric and lack of body fat(hint no actual muscle faggot, your delts give that away) is something to be proud of versus actually having a family. To top it off you get off on showing other men half naked photos, TURBO FAGGOT EDITION
>reporting from February
>linking to an unemployed pajeet
Meanwhile, in the here and now, game data is filling out CoD HQ and is using a known SHG pattern code name.
Read between the lines retard. SHG tried to throw a fit. Microsoft bitch slapped them into submission after decimating their workforce in the layoffs. They aren't a studio worth giving a full title anymore and all they are getting is year two support to the big dogs 3Arc and IW.
Even Klem is 1000+
Actually, Gaz didn't turn black, they made him a filthy jeet
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>forced texture streaming for the campaign
And I was excited to play it… what the fuck.
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Okay? I have a life/family outside of cod.
its so over
>spends money on CoD cosmetics
My wife likes us running around as a Cat Ops duo in Warzone
I love how they just made him racially ambiguous just so he can cater to blacks and/or jeets depending on his hair texture, I find that fucking hilarious kek
>an adult who has disposable income and doesn't play vidya all day? NO WAY...
yeah im sticking with MW3, im more excited about PoE2 than BO6 and thats never the case with me and COD im always more excited about COD than other games but not this year, only thing that looks ok is the zombies and liberty falls fucked all that for me, also from rumours seems outbreak is not in BO6 either which means they have zero reasons not to give more than 6 maps for the lifespan but the only amount that been datamined is 4 maps for BO6 lifespan which is a fucking joke
This, holy shit lol it's so small.
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I am not going back to MW3, I'm playing the Cope War campaign again and sticking with the multiplayer until BO6.
For me? WWII year 7.
Say, if you buy cosmetics for warzone will they get removed when the new game comes out? some of the stuff looks cool but i don't want to piss away my money *that* badly
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>spends money on a game he doesn't play
>not spending that money on his family
deadbeat dad alert
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no the cosmetics for warzone specifically will be removed when the new version of warzone comes out which will most likely be either 2025 novemeber or 2026 novemember, depends on when infinity ward releases their new game they seem to put the most work in for the mode for mp MW3 is the only game with 2 years worth of cosmetics, there is rumours BO6 will have a year 2 but no word about it being true
Skyline feels pretty small, probably because it has a fucking giant no mans land middle section.
Which cod is historically the most true to the word sniper nest?
Youre stuck on WZ2 until at least 2028 Anon.
says who? infinity ward with every new title has a new warzone that resets everything
>playing cope war in 2024 when MW2019 is right there
There in the toilet
There is nothing fun about that game other than the campaign Going Dark. Mm Gaz cover my six you paki bvll
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All in all this was a disaster for funcod, one it probably won't ever overcome
Why did they Fortniteify my Call of Duty, bros
People asked for Winner's Circle and Emotes. AND TREYARCH LISTENED!
Gaz you must break through the crust. Finish the mission, boyo
This has only happened once.
The next three years of CoD are all using CoD HQ. All being built within IW9.
>The next three years of CoD are all using CoD HQ
COD HQ is just a launcher its not a engine
Let me rephrase.
game data for the next three years of CoD is appearing in CoD HQ using the "Unified Engine" aka IW9.
2025's Outbreak mode and 2026's DMZ for example.
Dev war will not revive your dead general, troon
yeah its all unified but it doesnt mean they wont reset your shit, im just saying if you play warzone expect it to be reset, people like me who play mp go through this shit yearly a lot of people are burned out by it, MW3 is the only time they didnt and it was made better for it
COD did it first
I never gollow a youtuber that has more than 50,000 subs just to be sure. You just know those in the millions like Lex and Milo have to make a certain....pact to get that many views and they will tell as much truth as possible mixed with 5% lies which becomes deadly. As seen in their recent turnaround regarding BO6 zombies. Always watch small youtubers.
that winners circle shit in vanguard was fucking annoying you will hate it after you see it every fucking match
He said don't gollow a channel with more than 50k subscribers
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based gollower
>“The team is fully focused on October 25th. We are excited about all the game has to offer across Campaign, Multiplayer and Zombies. This year, we made the decision to ensure the community gets to dig in to any and all modes that they want at the same time, so we are back to one massive global launch moment October 25th. As such, there is no Early Access beat this year for Black Ops 6, just the countdown to launch.”
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why do fags still use the meta even in hardcore, can they physically not make another class that isn't "MW3 BEST LOADOUT S5 RELOADED MAX STATS ZERO RECOIL BUILD"
I'm predicting a bug filled mess of disappointing gay shit
Shit's definitely not going to be ready at launch lol
Meta sweats are NPCs
If anything campaigns will soon be a thing of the past. BO4 was in advance of its time and widely criticized but more people are bought to this idea now in 2024 than back in 2018. MWII and MWIII proved you can be commercially successful (im not saying they're good games) as long as you focus on mp. Warzone, zombies becoming increasingly casual, everything forced to run online, skins ruining on purpose the immersion into the campaign/time period setting the mp takes place in will all cause the campaign to eventually be scratched from future cods.
>skyline and rewind are officially among the largest maps in BO6
HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHA it's officially fucking over
>Skins, but they're all strictly accurate military uniforms from all over the world throughout history
>Taylor swift zombie android pin up girls and black tranny rappers
the shipment troglodytes did this
Like I'd actually buy skins if they had cool shit like SS officer uniforms or Roman legionarie or something flashy and kino, but I'm not paying for pink tracers and a Niki moonage skin ffs
>Talking about skins when the servers and MM are complete unsalvageable dogshit
You some stupid MFers frfr ong
Oh shit bros we’re going back to Vorkuta in the campaign!!
Rewind is unironically too big but only because an entire side is just empty space.
>frfr ong
dont you have smoke alarm batteries to change?
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>/codg/ is my most consistently visited general of all time
BLOPS 6 launch day with /codg/!
What is your favorite Cod map? You can only pick one.
Proof that money doesn’t dictate everything is the fact they haven’t and will never sell a Hitler bundle. But it would unironically be the most sold bundle in CoD history and net them incredible amounts of money. Yet the PR cost outweighs the actual financial gains. But really it should also be seen as a PR win as you have players running around killing Hitler repeatedly so what would even be the problem? You could do a finishing move on Hitler where you kick him in the balls or slice his throat or laser his head off or you could use a gib bundle on him so every time you kill him his limbs are getting torn off. Would actually be a win/win
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Weird how the hitreg in mw3 feels better than in bo6. Too bad the bo6 movement is way more fun.
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Skins in CoD are dumb because you have to hope to be on the correct side to use the skin you just purchased? Oh you’re on the enemy faction for 5 games in a row? Well, no Woods skin for you! This is why Fortnite reigns supreme
That's why they brought in Sleeper Agent
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Super hard choice but
#2 would be favela

Only reason I bought mw3 was the mw2 maps, the new ones are just awful compared
Can’t wait for full release so I can level up shotty’s and just dive around corners with them. That shit is just too fun
Have a skin on each faction you like dumbass its not that difficult.
>buy more skins, goy
erm...it's a beta, dude...
Picking 1 is simply impossible, fuck you. Either Crash or Crossfire
Bell being black is canon because Adler made him go through a deep plastic surgery which made him unrecognizable
My friend said MW3 and MW2 are the same game and I'm stupid for owning both. What can I say back?
Demo more like
No early access because it fucked over MW3 last year
Tell him he's right
That could also be taken as they need all the time they can get to polish it more. The snippet shown at CoD Next wasn't exactly a finished product.
Retards have been saying this since 2010, but it hasn't happened
shipment kings....we won.......
Not only is is not happening BO4 ensured it will never happen again.
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Treygods YEAR
Adjusting for gamer inflation, BO2 is the still the most popular trailer
This can only mean one thing - the campaign is a mess and they are hiding something from us.
They showed everything Zombies and MP had to offer, how much worse can campaign be?
The campaign was the first thing they've shown and talked about it looks like the most complete mode out of the three
>Kevin Spacey was ten years ago
What the fuck
>shill campaign can only afford 58 million views
So this is the power of the Microsoft purse.
From my experience, people were nicer back in MW2/BO1
nowadays they are more toxic than ever
the people that meme over MW2 xbox lobbies never played in MW2 lobbies.
Finally, something actually unpopular I can agree with. Black Ops 2 felt like a weird sequel that took a psychological thriller to a generic action movie with no major conspiracies or anything interesting going on just a dramatic story of Menendez and the team getting punished. Skipping over BO3's nonsense, Cold War is the true Black Ops 2 game and it's ironic because that game slapped Woods and Mason in a last-minute effort to label it as a Black Ops game.
Nostalgia at its finest. CoD community lives and breathes nostalgia.
Action kino
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Cold War year 4
imagine working hard to get that streak just for some filthy spraying nigger to take it out with uhhhhhh big gun shoot lots
Disagree on Menendez, it gave him a feeling of invincibility, its the first villain whom I felt always had an advance on players, he was terrifying, almost omniscient. I didn't feel there were no major conspiracy, from. The very beginning you know something's wrong among the CIA ranks and the suffer with me mission has a peak of tension I've never seen again in a cod campaign. BO2 both in its past and future stories is a tale of human suffering until the very end.

Cold War felt like the American side of the World at War campaign: a commercial ad. I troll adler a lot but he's a cool character, Park is good at her job, the BO1 cameos are OK I guess. But that's about it. Felt like going from GTA IV to GTA V, there's nothing gritty, dramatic or scary about the story, the plot twist felt like a cheap version of BO1, the missions are cool don't get me wrong, the Lubyanka infiltration is peak kino but it's really just about Reagan badasses running after some villain (we can't know for sure whether him or the organization is Perseus, the motives given him are lazy, 0 depth) who is going to nuke half of Europe with US nukes just because. The storyline is bland.

That said, in retrospect, and for the good of every campaign enjoyer, Cold War should've been the 2012 game, and BO2 the 2020 one.
>imagine working hard to get that streak just for some filthy spraying nigger to take it out with uhhhhhh big gun shoot lots
literally me
i hope they'll have the M240 bravo in this game lads, its perfect for the 90s zogbots and i've missed that big boy since mw2
I miss the BO6 beta, I want it back.
go play cold war
congrats youre playing bo6
I loved the Afghanistan mission in BO2
it's goofy af now but when I was a teen watching the soviet tanks and helos destroying everything on their path with the soviet desert camo uniform of the red army was a blast
thats from gta
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cope and seethe retards
How am i still getting into these faggot ass games where people have 3 minutes on the hardpoint and 5 kills. Go play fucking ranked. And fuck the playlist system for only putting maps in fucking stupid game modes like hard point
>people are complaining about LMGs because they're efficient at taking down killstreaks
you faggots couldn't handle some dude with a stopping power RPD, holy shit
well maybe you should, uh, get on the hardpoint and take his ass out
>largest magazine size
>very liberal use of ammunition
>paper thin walls
now THIS is peak COD
>getting mad at people playing the objective
Go play TDM or FFA, faggot
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>people are literally carrying you on their backs
>get upset
he's malding cuz he lost to a team where the designated point man squatted on the point the whole time
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BananaGODS.....we won.
a warhammer game had a bigger peak than a free open weekend long beta combined with all the other call of duty games
CoD HQ on Steam makes up 2% of the total CoD player base across all platforms.
CoD HQ on Steam makes up 5% of the CoD player base on PC, PS, and Xbox.
CoD HQ on Steam makes up 9% of the total player case on PC.

We can determine these values based off Bobby Kotick’s testimony in early July citing Q2 2023 figures that CoD had an average of 70 million DAUs. Then we take Steam chart data for June 2023 multiply it by the number of hours in a day to create a hypothetical, but heavily exaggerated, ceiling for an average day to see how much of the player base is on Steam.
IE the number given is the absolute highest average of possible users on the Steam platform. However, it is not realistic to assume a revolving door of new users replacing the old every hour for an entire day.

You can also use this data and determine a rough estimate of today’s CoD player base. Take the 30-day value and multiply it by 24. Then divide the total by “.05” for traditional platforms. Divide by “.09” for just PC.

So using the chart provided we get
PC+PS+XB total of 26.8 million players
PC total of 14.9 million players

That’s 7.5 million fewer players than the 34.3 million in June 2023!

Congrats you now know a rough inflated estimate for the number of DAUs on CoD HQ which is just about as useful as the annoying cunt spamming Steam charts every day in the same general.
Bot posting should be bannable.
But then what would you do?
reminder if you've never been banned for cheating then you're just not skilled enough to seem like a wizard to average players
console kings can't be banned for cheating because they know we are legit unlike PC sissies
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>treat the game like dirt
>all the talented devs from the team leave
>get the dog shit that is call of duty today
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Which of the older cods is the most playable in 2024 (for multiplayer)? I have the original MW2, MW3, and Black Ops and I'm feeling nostalgic.
If you're on console, I would say MW3 or BO are the best to play since they barely have any cheaters in TDM. MW2, on the other hand, has been plagued with modders and cheaters for years now, or at least that's how I remember the last time I played it. On PC, each game has its own alternate client with a server browser, so they are all alive and kicking.
>deployable cover still disabled after months
they're just not going to fix it are they lol
>watchdog helo
>working hard
What about world at war?
In hindsight I was happy they dropped support for MW19 to actually make a better game in MW2 but oh boy they fucked up the franchise furthermore with CoD HQ, terrible maps and slow ass gameplay. Temporary perks wtf
Haven't played it on console, but on PC it's still alive with plenty of full TDM and War servers. No need for the Plutonium client since the game has its own server browser.
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I'm back
Lol at this dogshit dead game
holy BASED
>the plot twist felt like a cheap version of BO1
I always see this comparison but what exactly makes them similar? BO1 is about Mason harnessing his inner Reznov to take revenge while CW is about an agent getting brainwashed to work against his own country. They are hardly similar outside of the MK Ultra themes which were done better in CW given how many clues you can spot that are foreshadowing the twist.
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man whoever made this image is mentally ill. i like both trannyarc and xherfinity ward. holy shit, get some fucking help
i made that image you centrist faggot
well then you really take this shit too seriously
but, for me, as far as new cods go -
mw19 > bo6 > cw > mw22 > mwtranny3
nigga there are still MW2022 bugs in this shit. The fuck you think Sludgehammer gonna do? They didn't even make their own game how they gonna fix it?
Will we get a season 6?
for MW3? Yes but apparently no s6reloaded
im like 90% the ar-10 in this game (whatever they call it) is just a clone of the tempus torrent. it peforms exactly the same
>*lays the clonemeat on the droidsissy's face*
Ur staying in the republic...sissy.......
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>upgrade GPU
my god the smoothness and frames
yeah 8 days from now

who said that?
how come activision is retarded and didnt just add maps to MW19 and make it fortnite but for respawn MP?
MW19 sucked
the maps sucked. everything else mogs every cod after it
Blacks ops 3 campaign was good even if it wasn’t the most entertaining. It was a return to form with the existential mind horror but instead of mason and the numbers it was the frozen forest. The use of DNI as a plot device was clever and the story was experimental in the right ways, especially compared to the wokeified generic stories games give out now.
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Bo6 makes you feel like an army man
>get tired of using assault rifles and smgs
>switch to lmg
>put on thermal sight
>just camp in various places of the map
>finally get that heli scorestreak
Why bother with all that movement stuff anyway
>Why bother with all that movement stuff anyway
[K__m liked this post]
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>3 years since Cold War 1 year has ended
I do use keyboard and mouse yes
>Roman salute emote pack
>MrRoflWaffle already changed his opinion about Liberty Falls two months before release
why is the zombies community like this?
Stupid redditor, what part of "SHG will only be back to lead a project in 2027"?
>t-the report isn't real!!
And your retarded schizobabble is? Kill yourself.
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Fucking based.
I'm still banned from matchmaking because of this round
Those cheapskates at Activision don't actually pay anyone to check reports before issuing shadowbans, it's all based on quantity of reports.
Reminder you multiplied an average by 24 hours and called that MONTHLY active users. Stupid faggot. Go back to r*ddit.
>Oops! Looks like your playstyle got too many downvotes, we've hidden you to maintain community standards.
>2k players on mw3 + warzone
Top kek
>be activision
>buy bethesda, which has id software
>buy activision
>don't put id software in charge of call of duty
>dont put treyarch in charge of spiderman games
>dont put raven in charge of xmen and star wars games
>don't put IW in charge of their own milsim extraction shooter (which would be the most popular game on xbox)
>ai slop
shut the fuck up
>Then we take Steam chart data for June 2023 multiply it by the number of hours in a day to create a hypothetical, but heavily exaggerated, ceiling for an average day
Can you not read???
>forgetting his blunder a few months back already
Fuck off redditor
CoD HQ on Steam makes up 2% of the total CoD player base across all platforms.
CoD HQ on Steam makes up 5% of the CoD player base on PC, PS, and Xbox.
CoD HQ on Steam makes up 9% of the total player case on PC.

We can determine these values based off Bobby Kotick’s testimony in early July citing Q2 2023 figures that CoD had an average of 70 million DAUs. Then we take Steam chart data for June 2023 multiply it by the number of hours in a day to create a hypothetical, but heavily exaggerated, ceiling for an average day to see how much of the player base is on Steam.
IE the number given is the absolute highest average of possible users on the Steam platform. However, it is not realistic to assume a revolving door of new users replacing the old every hour for an entire day.

You can also use this data and determine a rough estimate of today’s CoD player base. Take the 30-day value and multiply it by 24. Then divide the total by “.05” for traditional platforms. Divide by “.09” for just PC.

So using the chart provided we get
PC+PS+XB total of 15.6 million players
PC total of 8.7 million players

That’s 18.7 million fewer players than the 34.3 million in June 2023!

Congrats you now know a rough inflated estimate for the number of DAUs on CoD HQ which is just about as useful as the annoying cunt spamming Steam charts every day in the same general.
someones living rent free in your head and it aint me lol
Does all this numbers autism matter considering everyone on /codg/ is too poor, young, or stupid to make an investment in the first place?
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>it wasn't me!!!
Sure thing reddit spacing faggot. Go ahead, cope some more by denying that this is you.
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500 now >>493918919
Not at all! In fact it's useless.
Just like a Steam chart is for anything except blatant faggotry.
CoD didn't show up on Steam until 2023. MWII was literally the first game to launch on the thing since Battle Net was created. So most CoD PC players are still on BNet. But it's been over a year since coming to Steam and the number has probably grown as far as platform share is concerned. You also have gamepass added to the mix now.
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You alright mate? Lotta random ass No.s you spamming out there. Maybe its time to long off.
If Cod was doing so hot they never would have released on Steam, the platform that takes a share of every sale DLC included LMFAO do you have a brain? It took less than 4 months for every Apex player to switch over to steam from origin after everyone was playing on origin for years
You were shadowbanned because you move like a faggot and obviously you were in a lobby with literal kids.
You seem to have me confused with someone that 1) cares and 2) thinks CoD is doing anything other than a nose dive straight into the shitter.
Keep coping faggot
Maybe try not being a tripcunt mega-queer
>This retard doesn't understand how rolling patches work.
>Legit thinks ATVI pays for 30k bots on some random ass client and that Steam would totally be cool with it
>Has to reply to his own post for attention
>you move like a faggot
that's just how the scarlet laser works
>literal kids
it was a very mixed lobby
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Joking aside, I think some of the people were playing in a group and reported you. It happens.
Shadowban should clear up in a week.
>Legit thinks ATVI pays for 30k bots
Blow your worthless brains out faggot. Can't even do math at a 3rd grade level.
>this nigga so dumb he doesn't know his shit aint even archived
It's always too much effort for a tripcunt not to be a thoroughly obnoxious retard, but non gay posters can always hope
Show me how papi. I need a demonstration.
are you just pretending to be retarded? you know theres more than one archive right? that automatically loads?
Oh hun, your samefaggotry all through the general is putting in even more work than my trip ever could..
But do please keep up the charade that its multiple angry cunts sperging out to every comment that isn't theres.
He's just going to pretend those posts don't exist because I exposed his shit math from two weeks ago. The reddit spacing and him starting to tripfag the next day in the very same thread makes it way too obvious that it's the same faggot.
as long as I remain in shitter elo the accusations are gonna follow me around until either the build gets nerfed (which would be kinda silly) or more people learn what it is
First it was months now its weeks
Anon seek help you clearly are not well.
Wrong, I'm not the other guy I just fucking detest triptwats, kys
he's a fucking newfag that thought putting a trip on was typing a name in the name box kek
Cold War really was lightning in a bottle
Still waiting for your example to follow on that babe
trips never changed cutie. Go look through your archive and see
>expecting me to remember every little detail about your obnoxious faggotry
The posts I linked here >>493919092 which you deny exist are from two weeks ago. Cope and seethe and consider the following >>493920607
cold war was fucking terrible unless you were playing ranked
You seem to have a lot of comments saved on command so why wouldn't I expect you to remember the details?
After all I am that same poster right Anon? That's what you said wasn't it? And you seem to know everything about them from posting habbits, comment structure.
Just a regular old loremaster are you?
>Still waiting
Tripfags deserve every letter of the hate they receive, you lot are utterly worthless
And yet it's still better than every COD since
>shit is better than shit
It's cute you think its all just in the trip and that I don't normally post without it.
>have a lot of comments saved on command
All it took is searching your trip on the archive.
>Just a regular old loremaster are you?
Keep seething redditor.

>that I don't normally post without it.
Yeah like when you fucked up your 3rd grade math. Dumbass faggot.
i dont get it
servers never went down for any of those updates
that's not how CoD has ever put out updates and why you always get the update requires restart shit
they never take the servers down they just rotate you out and off to another one
You looked up my number? All you had to do is ask hun ;)
Anon if I knew you were this obsessed I'd let you suck me off right now.
Nice damage control you got going on here annoying tripcunt. Those posts are all yours and I won't let you forget your math is all retarded.
keep going anon. Im almost there
>Im almost there
Good. Come back when you finish school dumb mutt. Clearly you keep failing your math classes.
oh babe im grippin it so tight just a little more
>get presented with your post history in which you fuck up basic math
>deny, do damage control and when all else fails act retarded on purpose
Kill all tripfags.
>The world’s most obvious troll spent two hours being a colossal faggot and two retards could not figure out how to ignore him.
This general is so cooked. 404 it and try again.
Rain Of Fire>Rising Tides
>I was only pretending to be retarded!
Adrenaline >>>
Snd has been so fucking boring since MWII i cant even pinpoint why. Cod is so cooked.
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>Cod is so cooked
on skibidi ohio bruh
no it didnt
It really is though, no cap for real for real.
I'm going to try that build.
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Treyarch will save Call of Duty.
I don't actually recognize that weapon - what is it?
They're saving call of duty when they should be spending call of duty
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How would that work
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I’m going to make my own cod, with blackjack, and hookers. And also Vulkan. Looking at the bo2 animations reveals unique animations than I realized. Appears to be the same for black ops 4.
I didn’t play bo4 zombies. What was wrong with it?
But will it kill cod
Uninspired maps and lazy remakes
Trash formula of YouTube tutorials taken to an extreme
Getting rid of classic perks and replacing them with a gimmicky system
Nope that would be unrealistic for multiple reasons. This would be a fun little prototype to return to le old cod. If CS and Val have their own fps sub genre then old cod certainly can.
The remakes are better than the original
Nerfed gobblegums
More friendly to training rather than camping with a WW
It's goated
I miss the BO6 beta
I don't
POTG should ALWAYS go to one of the top 3 players. It's so retarded that some mouth breathing nigger can go 3-20 and steal POTG because those 3 kills were with a single semtex stick. Absolute dogshit system.
He got a clip, he deserves the exposure
Tryhards like you deserve to be forgotten
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wait.. the minimap now indicates if a red dot is on the same floor as you or not? are you fucking serious?
What exactly is the problem here
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you're an adult. you should be able to figure out why dumbing down a game is bad. if you can't, kys. simple as.
It's a good change that benefits everyone
IW removed the minimap in 2019 and everyone pissed and shitted their pants. Again. What's the problem here?
Oh fuck you just reminded me that you won't see red dots without UAV god 2019 was such a terrible game
Got permabanned from the beta "for using unauthorized software and manipulation of game data".
I'm sure most of you won't believe me when I say that I don't use cheats, but I wonder if there are anyone else who got banned for absolutely no reason? Played the beta for a few hours, logged back on the day after and saw that I got permabanned. Appealed, and the opening quote is pretty much what I got back.
I have no idea what the fuck could've triggered that. Riot Vanguard? It's the only one that really would make sense to me since it's kernel-level, so maybe a false positive on that one? I just don't know what else it could be. Pretty fucked.
>I have no idea what the fuck could've triggered that.
Your hacks, obviously.
Would be nice to know what the hell those cheats are and where they are in my computer so I can turn that shit off I guess. I have no idea what the hell triggered the ban. I don't use cheats, I don't have any need for them, I can play fine without them.
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see you guys in two months on game pass
rpk with conversion kit and scarlet laser

other attachments include ftac ripper, a suppressor that increases range, and I forget the others but probably related to aim idle sway or flinch resistance. marksman gloves, all-terrain boots (easier to build the speed to go into a slide, which is necessary for the constant slide canceling), and I forget the other perk.

if you ever get shot first and you're not just about to slide cancel, you're probably fucked. and you can't move normally. So it's absolutely a gimmick but I love it
MP5: aesthetic
"""C9""": plastic chink trash
slava heklakochrina!
vanguard is fun and I'm tired pretending it's not
I had way more fun on it than during mwII - III period, it's a shame I can only find matches in that terrible Beheaded map
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I stopped playing BOCW around the time Maur der Toten dropped. The scientist guy from Firebase Z got turned into an operator? Doesn't he literally die during easter egg?

thats not Peck from zombies thats just some rando mp operator from launch, one of the defaults iirc. Also yea Peck lived and is back in BO6 zombies
i wonder which one is in the battlepass
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>he's in
holy fuck what
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>Halloween event right when the game is about to die
>new game launches days before Halloween
>buy the season pass and bundle, goy
>such good value!
What a joke
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we coppin for blops 6?
>zoomers creaming over Michael Myers like it’s some revolutionary new addition
>they don’t even know what CoD Ghosts did
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Of course! Play has no limits :)
the most overrated CoD event returns
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>those prices
Finally Farah but she has a giant retarded backpack. Fuck sake...
Great, thanks!
I don't think I will sledgetranny
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>despite mr.peeks having a big role in cold war 1.5 coming out next month he’s still showing love and loyalty to his mwbuns
he just never stops being based man that’s why he’s the GOAT
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Oh cool! Skins that won't carry over to the next game outside of warzoom! Pass lmao
>implying any of those skins are worth carrying over in the first place
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Mr.Peeks our lord and savior I kneel thank you for another bunny blessing
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Treybros... it's over! Pedro will keep playing mwiii. We are finished. Blops 6 is officially a flop.
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*smacks lips*
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>when the goyim purchase bundles
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maybe we like it because of cod ghosts dumb faggot
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>liking cod ghosts
where the fuck is my anime battlepass
How about you throw your money at a good game instead lmao
in the trash where it belongs
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sony is taking the apple approach. I wonder if they'll start selling the dualsense separately as well
nigga how about you start stacking paper and get some bitches terrifier fans are the fucking worst
Actually, the economy is doing better than ever!
PC chad here ahem

>700 (for some reason the UK pays the most in currency exchange)
>no disk drive
>disk drive sold separately(£$!00)
>no games (lol)
>ps plus to play games on the internet (lol)
>all fps boost is frame generation and no change in hardware
>final price 900+

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new Roze skin?
kino myers is battlepass
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That skin for Farah looks nice.
so for blackcell we getting a blackface of a whiteface halloween movie michael myers?
sbmm is so fucking insane
Predator confirmed
tell me more sperg
suck my left testi
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Guys, the FAL is in BO6, right?
A bullpup version of it is.
ok thanks, I was hoping for the OG version
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call of duty is fucking dead
It's not.
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call of duty is only popular in fucking venezuela and iran LMFAO brown fucking dead game
SBMM defending niggers BTFO
I will say trying out all the killsteaks in the beta the RC car sucks fucking ASSSSSSSSSS
who the hell made that pile of shit, it's slow, clunky takes 10 years to deploy and not worth the points,
i messed around with this build last time you posted it and it was fun, just a heads up that you can swap the Ftac Ripper for a TV Wrecker to get rid of the move speed & ADS time penalties while keeping the same hipfire bonus (assuming the hipfire accuracy for making the Scarlet even more pinpoint is the main reason you have the grip on?)
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Season 6 Roadmap
>5 fucking reskins of shipment on top of the current ones
>reskin of meat
>1 (one) new map
>Bo6 is gonna have tiny fucking maps too
i'd agree with you if the vocalist saying "raining the fire" over and over again didn't get incredibly grating after the first couple of loops.
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wish soiarch would drop the goofy blackedops universe and do another dark and edgy WaW style game
>1 new map
>two new guns
>couple of gimmick attachments
Nice content sludgetards lmfao!
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>drop the goofy blackedops universe
Won't happen. Seethe
They'd filter half of their current base doing this. It's over, accept it
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Treyarch stole SHGs maps for BO6. What do you make of that...
Based treygods bullying sissyhammer
do you use CheatEngine for any singleplayer games, or -any- input remapping software for games besides CoD?
There were issues some months back where if Ricochet so much as detected that those apps had been installed in the past & not uninstalled via their Uninstaller.exes (not even if they were running/trying to interact with CoD, not even if their files were actually still installed, just if the registry entries left by their installers were still present) would force-close the game & potentially issue a ban if you tried to skirt around force-close.

Also iirc datamining software & skin unlockers, even if neither are "cheating" per se, can both get you banned for "manipulation of game data"
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I'm just supposed to know the difference?
>no new zombies content
GOOD, mwz sucks
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They could have carried over the rest of the MWII maps instead of doing 5 shitment reskins. For both MP and GW. They could also have worked on a patch for MWII attachments. Now, that's a lot of content which would feel fresh, after a year of having not played with it. Even if this rumor is true, I still have no sympathy for slophammer gaymes. Fuck them.
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wrong anon! Here's your new Zombies content!
lmao what a joke
CW Outbreak >>>
>not only are most BLOPS 6 maps small
>they are going to be small Sledgehammer maps
Who are the people who defend Warshit
lol no skin for max level
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heres your prestige camo bro!
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heres your max prestige rewards dude!
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another easy skip
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who even asked for this
it looks like vomit
Even Sledgehammer stopped playing their game.
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Top kek
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B-But SBMM made it unenjoyable for everyone!!!
Cringe + MWIII claiming they're the most played campaign tier cope
Oh so the maps are going to be shit. Great…
This is because of gamepass btw. Also don’t forget that every year we actually get more and more gamers added to the pool so it only makes sense that CoD is going to break more personal bests as the year goes on
>no data
>just random image with words
>steam chart never peaked over 160k
but sure dude. whatever Bobby K says youll slurp down like the good little goy you are.
>biggest open beta
>*includes week 1 data when the beta wasnt open
love how theyre just straight up lying to your face now



>no player skin for max prestige like MW2022
Haven't used CheatEngine in years, I think I used it a long long time ago for messing around in some old single player games, but it's been ages since that and I don't have it on my computer now. Don't have any remapping software either. Neither do I have any skin unlockers or any other exploits. I've used an Unreal pak file extractor for getting some music files out of some games, but I'm not sure if I have that extractor on my computer anymore after swapping a disk out for a new one, but even if it is there, it's not something that is actively running. But who knows, maybe something like that could be it, but it seems really, really fucking retarded that it just existing would be enough to trigger it. It would be par for the course for some of the triple A studios though I guess, sadly.
>just a heads up that you can swap the Ftac Ripper for a TV Wrecker to get rid of the move speed & ADS time penalties while keeping the same hipfire bonus (assuming the hipfire accuracy for making the Scarlet even more pinpoint is the main reason you have the grip on?)
Actually additional reduction below 0 has an effect, on many guns you can see this when you e.g. crouch or prone. In addition to this the sway helps a lot with keeping a very steady crosshair when holding an angle. I did consider and try other underbarrels but I think the ripper is the best

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