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Previous thread: >>493754626

Version 1.1 "Undercover R&B" Special Program
Agent Record | Caesar King
Agent Record | Burnice White

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo


>Current Signal Search
Jane Doe - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59 (server time)
Sharpened Stinger - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59 (server time)

>Current Events
"All New Program" - Receive Encrypted Master Tapes - Ends 09/24 03:59 (server time)
"Camellia Golden Week" - 08/21 10:00 (server time) - 09/23 03:59 (server time)
"Daily Life of a PubSec Officer" - 08/30 03:59 (server time) - Ends 09/09 03:59 (server time)
"Immersive Tactical Drill" - 09/06 10:00 (server time) - Ends 09/16 03:59 (server time)

>Upcoming Events for 1.1
"Scene One, Take One!" - Starts 09/13 03:59 (server time)
Full 1.1 Event Details: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125244

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
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Take my money Hoyoverse
i want cancer burnice back!!!
No schizophrenia past this post.
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I love him...
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>p-piper clears just as fast!!
>meanwhile jane is bouncing her fat ass in my face every run
cope harder, pipercucks
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Good luck bro
>without sig
Oof, might be a challenge
Her sig is pretty important
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Zenless for this feel?
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>mind breaks Twitter flop boycotters
>mind breaks 4chan schizos
How does she do it?
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>most attractive limited 5* so far is also the biggest brick
what did mihomo mean by this?
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I haven't come here in a while
what is coming after jane doe?
Sorry Jane he is ours now.
hearing voices is a sign of schizophrenia
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reminder that the rat lives (and most likely smells) like a rat
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Every character has the end goal of getting the enemies killed, and every character is able to achieve such goal. Therefore, every character is every other character's side grade.
>HSR's new character is cuckbait
They made her cheeks too fat so it looks like she was pouting the whole time.
I'm a "schizo" because you're a massive faggot who called Piper and Billy players "pedos" and "homos" for 20 threads straight
>rolling for the first limited in the game
i mean, duh
I did no such thing. you are a schizo
wise anon said it!!
>skipping caesar to roll a c0r0 jane
holy bricked
At least you know you're a schizo
Who are you quoting.
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That's the kinda thing a schizo would say anon..
>play piper and wanna kms
>play jane and have fun AND cum
damn it's a tough choice
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Caeser King
No offense but trying her out on the HIA, she's clunky as hell to play. Soukaku is slow, Lycaon is unintuitive with the held basic requirement, and Ellen is also unintuitive with the double tap+hold everytime you want ice stacks.
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Don't forget that he also called Qingyi players pedos even THOUGH she is an old as fuck robot
Someone said they nerfed the jiggle physics in current game is that true
the t0 must roll support that you are 100% permabricked if you skip
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I'm having fun saving for Miyabi.
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Thinking of him again.
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Personally Piper makes me cum all over the place every time I ex spin but you do you janefag, you do you
so should I save my guaranteed for the next patch?
after playing the rat story, I kinda wanted to get but I'm still not sure
you didn't explain what's up with that severed hand hanging from his left tit
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I'm not...
Having to spend so many patches holding in my polychrome load while everyone else enjoys easy clears isn't that fun...
took a month for this place to turn into /gig/-lite
even worse is that it's much slower so the schizos are free to shit up the thread as much as they like
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It's meant to be the viewer's hand, babe.
goes to show that he doesn't actually play the game and is just a twitterbrained wuwa/gigjeet who has a hateboner for anything that isn't a titcow
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You can roll for 2 S ranks and save the rest, there's plenty of time.
follow your dick + who you enjoy playing
being a meta slave will never be fun. obviously you have to build a proper team, but still, pick your main character based on dick and fun, and work from there
Is Disc Farming good on IL45 or should I wait for 50??
Yeah that's when you should be diskfarming.
The problem with rolling for who i like is when i have multiple characters that i like so its up to other factors such as gameplay and when those are equal then its fucked.
If you don't have Qingyi or you already have C6 Piper, just save your rolls until Sons of Calydon patch
the shitposting has gotten progressively worse for every character
caesar's banner is going to be a disaster
That's when you should disk farm
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I did roll for 2 S ranks but they were ellen (corin sidegrade) and qingyi (anby sidegrade)...
Eh it's not really any different from Qing Yi at the start.
No problem miss dorito-chin will tank it for her
I didn't roll for qinqyi because I don't like her
I failed to get zhu yuan too so I was saving my guaranteed for a future 5*
only have C0 piper
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Remember to save enough for C6R1 Raiden in 2.1!
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you dont need every limited unit to do crazy runs anon, believe in yourself
I saw a Corinbro get a 59 second clear with qingyi the other day
I'm skipping Caesar out of principle because playing with shielders is a slippery slope were you go from "wow cool buffs and lets me greed more damage" to "WHERE'S MY SHIELD AIEEEEEEEEEEEEE" faster them you realize. Even my underleveled Ben Nigger gives me that freedom to greed what I couldn't normally and yeah I get that the buffs are tied to the shield but even just having the freedom to greed just one extra combo is the slippery slope I don't wanna fall in to.
this post is funny because pajeets are famously pedophiles. even normalfags realize this
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I use 1 out of 3 hangout requests each day on standing Corin up
Yeah if you don't have anyone from the cop faction, just skip Jane
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Clear the shop.
are you really excited for big daddy or are you just shitposting
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name a more cursed equipment grind than trying to get woodpecker

>60 stamina
>shares drop with the worst and most useless set in the game
now THAT'S a brick
I guess I will
maybe I'll get the rat in a future rerun
I bought the bangboo coolant and now I ran out of bangboo exp.
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Will this general just be a dick measuring contest until the next patch?
If so, when's the next patch so I can hibernate
at first it looked nice, but then you look at Seth's face and look at where Wise's hands are
This is Thiren abuse
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I'm interested in him
The brass knuckle shotgun is pretty fire and I like getting an actually masculine guy for the first time ever
I've always been a shottyfag though
Did you forget there's a recycler system or what? are you actually retarded bro? just farm the other stufff
Just farm something else and recycle to woodpecker.
I hope that is bait anon
no one is that stupid
Thirens only allow it if they trust the person deeply.
This is the loli game althoughbeit
Maybe orange site censorship is more of your taste?
You would only say this if you had a tiny dick, exposed
I only get the mats I need
but they got me the first few weeks...
Broader appeal
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that stuff is incredibly farmable
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grownass (me) can't even keep constant lucy buff uptime and there's elementary school zoomers itt that just clears endgame in less than a min
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Yes, I want him to fuck me.
I don't have every 4* at m6 either
Jane brought back the normies after Qingyi lost them all. Our revenue is saved.
The game gave me plenty of bangboos so I've been using those quite a lot.
>the first official hoyo trans character
unironically both look AI generated Waterkuma
Natlan was a fucking mistake holy fuck.
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Neither do I bro, all Piper needs is C1
And you didn't get your Corin to C6 last banner?
luv me tiny titty, exposed navel, childbearing hips, and bubbly booty
futa isn't gay tho albeit
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but the thread is now full of hag chasers who seethe at the sight of any character that looks like she is under the age of 40
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my penis is too average to bother competing with others
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Touch my tail?
worse than gay porn
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This so much this
How do you typo the gender of a character named fucking sappho
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my slut is almost there bros
how can you look at that and say with a straight face it's not gay
you can't. you're saying it with a gay face
cute lesbian
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>And you didn't get your Corin to C6 last banner?
no, threw some rolls on it for corin dupes but got qingyi in like 15 rolls and didn't wanna risk going further
its simple not gay, no homo.
Lycaon is for both siblings you have to understand this.
>Zhu is literally only 24
>no problem with anyone who likes her (except that one shitposting faggot who says Jane powercreeps her)
>Qingyi is a fucking hag robot
>liking her means you're a pedophile (according to that same shitposting faggot)
Then why is it on the woke content game list???????
didn't look at it, but futa has different levels. Futa on female is straight. Futa on male is gay, Futa on Futa is gay/bisexual. majority of futa enjoyers fall under futa x female, but there's a bunch of dick sucking homos on 4chan that want to suck off a futa
You're a coward
who hates dogs
Well youre in luck because that’s almost half the cast.
This Heroes Journey rp mission is long as hell, I don't have time for all this
not enough tbdesu
You extrapolated a bullshit out of nothing. Qingyi just wasn’t very appealing for normies. Sorry this fact is a personal attack against you for some reason.
>chinese language can omit subject
>MTL/AI always default to male as the default value of the missing subject to compensate
>hoyo uses MTL to translate their shit
If you don't believe this is true, go use google translate on random japanese or chinese tweets(both languages allow you to omit the subject), and it will always to default to a male subject when there isn't sufficient or provided context.
I'm about to hit ik51 and I've still not done it. it might just sit there forever
the opposite is true though
you want to fuck your dog?
futa on futa isn't gay though.
dick and balls isn't everything
if you like female x male where the female looks like a man, then you are gay.
you can beat it in less than an hour if you look up a guide and dont care about the ending achievements
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I fucking hate woodpecker enemy line up and wish to whomever decided to pair them up superAIDS.
I want to chop her tail off and eat it.
Imagine unironically pulling Keksar who has worse animations than a 4 star LOL
I want to fuck hags.
I want to fuck lolis
I geniunely don't understand why this would be a conflicting point.
Piper is also probably older than Zhu but he also calls Piperbros pedos kek. That faggot doesn't play the game and just screams "YOU'RE A PEDO" as bait all day
I see you complaining about him more than I see him thoughbeit
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When will 1.3 banners be dripped?
if it was a consenting humanoid, sure
Like at the end of Caesar’s banner
>t. him
you can die from shark mean bwo, you do not want to eat that
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Nice HP piece
all into hp. sry bro, I don't make the rules
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that's all going into hp
nope, just a noticer
2 into DEF
i am, i usually play cool dudes in gacha
that is to say, i do not play many gacha games
At least one level into HP but the rest will be crit.
4th Stat will be flat ATK
HP +2, Crit Rate +1, Crit DMG +1
I've noticed lots of obvious mtl issues with zzz's translation. real shame
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jesus christ
kek, lmao, lmfao, rofl, lol, xd, haha, hehe
You should move to wuwa I heard they are aiming 1:2 male to female ratio unlike ZZZ, which is like 1:6
I hope you know that farming Woodpecker is a brick
Always farm something else and craft Woodpeckers at the music shop
dont worry bro, at least its a flat main stat, you'll get multiple of these.
it's only truly unlucky when you get them on correct mainstat and sets.
Please don't post gore in blue board.
Ohh my goddddd HAHAHAHA
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first time?
I am sorry bro.
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mmmmm nyost've
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I think my brain is unironically too slow for fast paced action games, even when they're mostly just left click simulators. I just unlocked Notorious Hunts and still have no idea what's going on in the combat in this game.
>50% chance on landing on Crit
>landed on HP 3 times
that's some next level of unlucky
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surely that anon used up all the bad luck
>he doesn't know
i know we were joking
but it happened
i am so sorry anon....
Substats aren’t weighted equally.
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>no visible nipples
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Flat ATK+3
Nice flat attack buddy
oh.. shit I kinda feel bad now
+1 all
Use your hearing, too, anon. You don't have to use your eyes for everything.
Wishing for a healthy Ellen.
stats aren't weighted the same
This is why I never ask for toots here
Absolutely cursed anons itt
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Lycaon posting...?
ATK +1
Crit DMG +2

If not, +1 across the board
3 in hp 1 in flat attk
>Jane related thing
>Zhu Yuan swoops in and steals the show

How does she keep doing it?
>you can die from shark meat
How do chinese people eat it, then?
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you cannot be serious
Piper is pure sex.. I hope the idols can compete
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no fucking way
what the hell is going on
But that’s good for Jane. She doesn’t want people to associate her with getting arrested
Oh no no no no no
John Mihoyo strrkes again
okay now upgrade it
>+2 attack
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Dawei sends his regards
You rike?
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never post your artifacts before rolling them

roll them first THEN post'em

anons are a cursed peoples

total amateur hour
kek, didn't hear about this guy until the whole Stop Killing Games controversy. Finally saw a stream of him on Dropped Frames.
Holy fuck he oozes pseudo-intellectualism. Half the shit he said were verifiably wrong, the other half were such a basic takes but he told it in a more complex way for some stupid reason.

I work in tech, people like these usually never close their tickets and usually either get let go or they quit because they can't face reality where they aren't actually smart.....
the only appealing male for me in wuwa is the guy with the hat and he's a 4*
everyone else is a twig
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okay this thread is fucking cursed, I'm not disc rolling until tmrw
You guys are eating the bad luck for the my good luck yesterday when all my Jane discs went into crit
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This should be illegal
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just be luckier bwo
Fuck marry kill
>Big Daddy
fuck you
marry you
kill you thrice
>all my Jane discs went into crit
>good luck
Bro.... she only cares about AP...
Fuck Caesar
Marry Big Daddy
euthanise cancer patient
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Okay my turn. Surely this will not backfire
All in CD
Nice flat def bwo
Pen +2
Flat Atk +1
Crit DMG +1
whatever the 4th stat is will get +4
Fuck Big Daddy
Marry Big Daddy
Kill Burnice and Caesar
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I see what they did here with rigging substats. Since there's no range in rolls, which can brick your semi frequent +3 crit substat, they instead made crit rolls themselves unobtainable. Disgusting either way.
I am The God Anon
I will grant you massive gains!!!!!
last stat atk%
+1 crit rate, pen
+2 atk
Have a good night anons. May you be blessed with fluffy tails.
No crit rolls are unobtainable even in hsr.
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I took it to 15 to complete the disaster. I will print this and mail it to Da Wei
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Hey it's not bad.
he's a nepobaby (his dad worked as a cinematic director at blizzard) and he uses a voice-changer
that's all you need to know about him to understand why he talks like that
bruh, it's dogshit
dang i almost got it on the dot
sorry for your copes…
Glad, I The God Anon could help.
I must rest now...
May my blessing come soon.
...no that's pretty bad.
It's not unusable.
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you people are so cursed it's unreal
its pretty bad but not as funny
It's OK cope because the last roll was ATK% and it's a Hormone piece
Not a disaster but better luck next time
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just watched the rat anime
holy fucking KINO
That seems pretty late.
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>not that bad
>a single crit roll
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Good night Lycaon friend...
When you learn to stop caring and accept your shit rolls and just slap whatever pieces you have for the set bonuses is when disks stop being so aids
Very close, atleast my Pen +2 guess was right
Mmmmm, can I?
If you take out autistic minmaxxing from hoyo games there's nothing left to do.
Learned helplessness is not the solution, anon.
I refuse
People are getting ~30 total crit substat rolls on their DPS agents while I have 22 each on mine
I MUST gamble in the disc mines
>I only spent half my event coffees on the denny brew and the rest on skill cert brew
>ran out of dennies the day they arent in the shop
I am what you would call omegabricked
you will imbue yourself with rage
you will fight back against fate
>wasting event coffees on the denny brew
yes you are
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you can't outsmart rng
you vill never reach the top 0.1%
>he didn't believe /zzz/
>anon now larping as nicole
the moment u got tranny lesbians futa is gay
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what causes this?
>not using it all on money and only money
you got content at the amount you got, this was your first mistake
you will always, ALWAYS need money over everything else
we will never get the money coffee again
reminder to hide and report the fag spammers
futas are female
>do this
>my disk sets are mostly As because they are locked to specific slots
No, disks are Rent tier shitty
Giving the spunky girl my spunk!
Mmmmm... nyoo~~
Good taste. Why lust after some men when you can get a woman instead?
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>you can't outsmart rng
RNG? There's nothing RNG in this blatant rigging from the dealer. I will win one day and the house will lose.
BASED. Except I don't wanna kill his found family, I want him happy.
thats the troon logic at work
Jane is one of the best DPS in the game tf are you on about
Reminder that 99% of players quit right before they hit it big and get SSS tier relics
Simply run Hollow Zero 15 times a week and convert the Z-Merits to dennies and destroy all the bangboo mats you earn from runs 7-15 for more dennies

Then run the Actually Putting Your Life on the Line commission to get 80 dennies every 30 seconds by clearing the mission in 5 seconds with Nicole or Billy
Based picture I saw that the other day. When is he releasing I NEED him ingame so much it's unreal.
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>anons stress half to death over a SSS tier disc
>it only improve clear time by fraction of a second
I will never get those
they are called DISCS here
>80 dennies in 30 seconds
why would anyone torture themselves like this?
Could be a typo, scott outpost had two female NPCs referred to as he.
you guys equip discs? I just leave the slots empty, does that affect anything?
Actually we call them craft essences here.
Relic farm is unironic end game content, since you will be doing it after you did everything else and have energy to spare.
And it tickles the gacharot brain with stat rolls
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>mention an artifact in /hsrg/
>mention a relic in /zzz/
>chaos ensues
i don't think i've ever seen discs mentioned in /gig/
shall make it a point to do that soon
probably won't get anything since majority /gig/ers are one-game SISSIES
Hey man that's over 200k dennies per 24 hours
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the fuck happened to your head pom
pompom sex
Outside of the hoarding, arent rats actually clean creatures?
You're mentally ill. It's a fictional picture. Futas are female. This is like calling someone a pedophile for wanting to fuck Lucy.
>mei expy
>pink elf expy
hopefully a bronya expy in the future
I miss the Mountain Lion den. Wonder if it'll get reused for something
Jane is ugly
been listening to the song quite a bit
unironic banger
>genshin and hsr have sex mascots
>we got shitty robots instead
This isn't fair.
they're thorough with their own hygiene. problem is they piss and shit everywhere else.
just spit out my water thanks a lot
>pom pom
Please do not end up spamming Pompom porn I swear to God
Bwo? Bangboos are SOUL.
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You now remember Belle saying the word Rizz that one time unironically
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not like this...
She needs correction.
I can never forget
at least she's a zzzoomer chick so it lines up
would have been unforgivable if she were a grown ass woman
She's at least 20.
I refuse to increase trust with Corin
I will choose the wrong options to decrease trust with her
Hate her ugly ass
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Belle is going through mental age regression.
Zoomers are 25 now
zoomer cutoff is '97
there are zooms who are age 27
pretty wild
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Wait, if grinding woodpecker is a brick, should I just grind polar metal for my shark maid?
I'm supposed to do be young...
This game has weirdest luck. I did 81(!!!!!) roll on standard to get a fucking DUPE. WTF
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The girls are so lucky...
run 4 polar and slowly craft woodpecker to replace them
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you forgot you were old so you're winning the battle as well as it can be won
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If you get enough thats 1 whole second pal and that's huge
that lets you shitpost forever
I rolled for C6 Ambie and C3 gato, should I push my luck for a C6 gato or call it a day?
A rank characters are likely to be rerun to death, no?
Feels damn good being a Yuri chad right now and watching pagalags in total seethe mode.
physical anomaly = deviant sexual assaults. Makes sense now
Kill yourself content cuck
>one day
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My luck is horrendous bwos
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>"Why'd you skip?"
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Nah, you atleast got more than 2 s rank characters
at least the first ones, yes.
Koleda cunnychad... i kneel...
she felt kinda whatever
>all these bricked disks
Has any anon posted broken builds for a change yet? I know I saw a 420+ ap Jane somewhere
Another video about Jane raping a female? Why?
Everyone who was going to pull for her already did.

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That's baseline at best
bro she's in her early 20's
she just short
Can someone tell me why suddenly we can see a fuck ton of yuri coming from china but none of these bitches can show their panties? If you're gonna repeatedly tell me Jane will only molest cunt at least show her in lingerie.
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My Piper's pretty piped if I do say so myself
Would have 433 with a prof engine
Yeah bro, i know, wink wink ;) ;)
i pulled because the ass was phat but I don't like how she jumps away from the target with ex and ultimate
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uhhh i run her with rina
Same, still have room to go to 400+ though.
I have her but in retrospect I'm not a huge fan of her weapon
It's neat but it's not really satisfying
And her design is a little bit boring
If the idols are ether she's being benched pretty hard
i got 416 on my Jane after rolling up all my discs to +15 and i'm NOT going back to the mines for 4 points
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>energy regen
I've become an ER hater
It's kind of a total brick, Pipes gets more than enough energy with C4 and her core skill upgrades
Eh probably, I'm still experimenting with it. I might not need it because I'm running her with jane and my rotations might let me get away with no ER.
From my experience even an on-field Piper gets away with no ER
Just switching that disc out for an ATK% saved me 20 seconds flat on my shiyu clear, it's huge
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Shhhh they are undercover.
>ZZZ is on the woke contents games list
I'm sorry bros, I'm afraid you all have to uninstall now.
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not AM? Doesn't it get difficult to apply one assault and then fill up the next bar to almost full in one EX that way? TBF I only have M2 Piper.
>and another day
Tbf for my case in particular seeing that I'm running with jane the speed isn't an issue.
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Not at all
Piper's EX fills two bars of assault with only her sig, running AM just makes you hit the 3 second cooldown faster
Are you the guy who makes the webms? How far along the circle do you wait to release her EX so that her finisher fills the anomaly circle exactly to full? I'm having difficulty with that.
Most people should already have C6 Piper and her sig
>I don't
I do actually.
But in exchange the gacha won't drop a single lucy for me.
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Pls become playable
Pls become playable
Pls become playable
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>calling yourselves lucklets
Sex between cat-disguise police officers and dobermans
Sort of the same here, C2 Lucy, no sig. I have to use the camera ball on her and she kinda sucks but I love her anyway
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No I've only made one webm before
>How far along the circle do you wait to release her EX so that her finisher fills the anomaly circle exactly to full? I'm having difficulty with that.
Different enemies have different RES, you can't really know exactly. What I like to do is just release it early, once you pop the assault just let go of the spin and eyeball with however much the final hit gives you from 0.
It's better to underfill the gauge then overfill anyways, and it lets you set up a stun too
I don't
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>This is an upcoming character
ZZZigers, your response?
evil women bad
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Mogged by genshin, we will never recover
My response is that I'll roll for her as I enjoy furry characters.
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I just want to do the papers please event as a new player...
yes please
buff boobs too
It's just an enemy mob, ZZZ promotes mass murder of furries, it's based.

All the furries saying that they will be playable are on massive amounts of copium, putting actual furries into your main banners is the quickest way to kill off your gacha in China. Animal features like ears and tails are fine, as soon as it has a furry face it's over.

Its funny to see them cope though.
What if the big reveal was that Anby is an intelligent construct and that Nicole actually has no friends...
that lvl36 req is so cruel
>game gave everyone all the lolis from all the factions ahead of time
holy based
>Thiren or tiggers as i like to call them
It shows that most we've encountered seem to be only half thiren
so in other words
this world has normalised furriers
why are you new player? being a day 1 player is so much better
its not that fun anon dont worry
you dont miss out on much, shits a snooze
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Roll for her and her ball, no questions asked.
I want to skin her and wear her coat as a fur coat
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Why is this whore standing next to a lamppost at night, alone?
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I regret rolling for Ellen Lawrence
They need to do the sily gacha thing and just warn players of plot spoilers. I'll put in a feedback complaint for you.
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she can go from 0 to 100 pretty fast
her other attacks also apply a shit ton of anomaly
this means you wont have to set up every anomaly proc
also support ults give a fuckton of energy if you didnt know
I am running AM though
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Burnice wasn't the same after the failed chemo therapy....

And the hair transplant....

And the botched LASIK surgery...
She's there to ask of you to let her crash over at your place
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I don't
I love my shark
It feels bad when I don't use her
*One* single leaker with no track record said she will be playable
All others only said she's an enemy npc
That image is also not new, it's from the people who said she's an enemy
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I have 311 saved rolls
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Don't care
>got 5* at 82 rolls
>lose 50/50 to nekomata
how's your bangboo collection coming along
it's just gonna cycle, she will become good again whenever a new Ice character will be under spotlights.
I want a serious but easily flustered A-rank hollow raider kemo shota that gets fawned over against his will by the girls and I want it NOW
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Blessed by Gato
You just want to be that kemoshota.
based NTRchad, I too want more male characters for my waifu to fawn over while I watch
Well, yeah
But I'd settle for him being a play able character, thats just how it is on this bitch of an earth.
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Will this build run zzz smoothly?
This game is for zzzoomers.
Mine is 12600k + 3060ti and runs ZZZ solid 60fps 1440p. It's fine
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damn lvl 1 twink
nigga it's a mobile game you could run it on a 1050
Slipping into Seth's crack...
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Penis inspection, open up!
Ellen should get under 2 minutes on her side even without the knot if she has decent investment
Stay on Ellen 80% of the time, focus on one leg at a time to break them, and don't use Soukaku's chain attack
why thread so dead? Is this because of incest shitposting and shit?
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>keep jane on field
>dodge swap to anby for EX and animation cancel swap back
>nearly double my dps compared to stun gameplay
cool game, why doesn't my Grace do as much damage as Jane though
1.2 waiting room
>ether team: zhu + nicole + stunner
>ice team: joe + soukaku + stunner
>physical team: rat + whoever
>fire team: s11 + lucy + stunner
>electric team: rina + lolicop + ???

I'm like only an electro attacker away from actually completing this game (anton doesn't count)
worse than Billy
everyone is clearing the weeklies because in few hours, an anticipated game is going live.
You'll have to wait for Miyabi or use Grace in the meantime
It can get quite laggy with 1050 sometimes, you still want some overhead to handle the game's poor optimization.
>intel in 2024
Holy brick.
Get a RX 7600 and a R5 7600
we’re all in hsrg
has he even be confirmed to be playable? wasnt his file named NPC something
what if he's a traitor...
robot from the streamer team is likely to be electric.
Yeah, sure

Maybe at 1080p40fps, I play the game maxed at 1440p and my 3070 struggles to maintain 120fps
I thought Miyabi was confirmed ice
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I'm shitposting in hsrg. They're not very happy with feixiao and rappa.
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>sifting through hundreds of games in search for woke content
>brand games as full woke for one npc
>still miss blatant anti capitalism and fascist mockery in half of them
These levels of retardation are unparalleled and I think nothing will ever top this in the coming decades.
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>(anton doesn't count)
He will spook your Caeser pulls for this post
>will get a full refund on rolls
Yes please. May my rolls be filled with anton.
Miyabi will be Ghost type.
I think this might come second to "Gaming" in the list of funniest hoyoverse character names
I don't really get the hype around ceaser, if you want a stunner there's better options, if you want a support there's better options, if you want a jane bitch there's seth
but I like Rappa.
>They're not very happy with feixiao and rappa.
Why not? Are they cuckbait like Jane?
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I regret rolling Kamisato Miyabi
Boys only want one thing
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Look at the poor thing, she's salivating because she's hungry
Feed her something, you monster
>Are they cuckbait like Jane?
only Fei Xiao.
Rappa is a cute dorky retard ninja girl.
Hiyabi Moshimi saved my account. I'm glad I rolled her.
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do I even dare?
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>he posted
it's over
I regret skipping Kaedehara Qingyi
I, the roll God Anon bless you
do it, do it NOW!!!!
They're generally aren't happy being one step in the "game on life support" grave and characters are convenient targets to lash out at. Fucking space China, not even chink were happy with it the first time around and now they have a second round of it.
I have a 1050ti and it runs smoothly
no. at least when it comes to the special story where you control jane, the thigh jiggle is the same. in combat she moves differently and she's fast so its hard to notice the jiggle, that's maybe why people are saying that.
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>talking shit about bangboo
I cleared it in 2m 15s after I posted that, my ellen is basically already as good as she's gonna get unless I whale so I don't know how I can possibly lower the time much further

>don't use Soukaku's chain attack
I often rely on it to get the last stack because I rarely have enough energy to get all 3 at once from her ex
Don't they have three planets foreshadowed at the end of Penacony? WTF maintenance mode are they talking about?
Caesar, Kot and Koleda are too short for their listed heights, why give them a canon height that isn't reflected in game it's meaningless
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Take that back BWO!
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I liked this bangboo very much
>meta reason
>meta reason
>meta reason
I pull with my dick and she's hot
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>hating on bangboos
It's 3 months away at best.
the real reason why you should pull for anyone
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Ceasar is one of the blandest designs I've seen in a hoyo game yet, her only saving grace is the little glimpse of personality we've seen during the latest event
>based on Mori calliope
Already has cuck shit written in.
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Ellen wanting to play on field but not having a fast dodge counter which can hit between enemy combos fucking sucks btw
the sword and shield is novel at least, they also kinda fucked up burnice's design by putting a giant gas tank on her back 24/7
save season is upon us
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Wait a minute... I've seen that woman before...
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hm it stopped here, is the final trust mission not in the game?
Alright ZZZiggots I have a very important question.
Are Caesar's horns real or just ornaments?
I fucking hate rattail hairstyle. At least with Jane it makes sense, she is a literal rat, but why Caesar? Why fucking ruin her perfectly alright short haircut with that abomination?!
It's a crown..
Her last trust event is not in the game yet, so don't bother.
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Perfect Nekomata peice regardless of outcome
Bros why does Jane keep getting videos?
>tfw spending weeks of energy just on level up materials
what a world
The videos will continue until the morale improves
I got
>Zhy Yen
Who i should pull for free in 300th standart rolls?
She's supposed to be Eula but in the cop event she was giving off laid back vibes like Beidou, Beidou would be great in ZZZ
nein nein nein nein
Is it just me or is Jane like, actually evil?
She seems like a bit of a psychopath once you strip back her sex appeal and the idea that she's on the side of the "good guys"
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I will be rolling for Ceasar Lawrence
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There are games where it's the whole gameplay, with a rogue like on the side (it also exists to give you level up mats)
Is Caesar going to lose some weight before her banner? I don't want to pull for the architect's latest project
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If you're doing her charge attack after her perfect dodge, you're not actually doing her dodge counter, you're bypassing straight to her charge attack instead. Even with the increased charge speed passive, it doesn't have her dodge counter i-frames
I find that what the optimal play is to
>Perfect Dodge -> Dodge Counter -> Roaming (which has its own short i-frames on start) -> Charge Attack (since the charge speed up buff lasts 5 seconds, it's more than doable)
The Dodge Counter has very high interrupt, and usually puts her BEHIND the enemy, which gives you enough time to do the charge attack, though bosses will typically resist it, so shouldn't be too eager to use this.
If you already knew this, well, yeah, Ellen's charge attack/basic attack chain is quite the annoying upkeep.
Still love her though.
if im not using my ellen team can i just sub lycaon for anby in my zhu yuan team
There's a mod that gives her short hair, and optionally removes her tie. Just use it
Yes, but in off element teams I'd argue he gets beaten out by Koleda.
You can but why would you?
because anby's combos are annoying
do attribute weaknesses make you do more damage? or just the build up rate + harsher misc effects when anomaly is triggered (damage excluded)
name 1 thing she's done that's evil. Sexually harassing that mouse in the trailer doesn't count she was clearly into it
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Jane's Wengine or her M1?! Seriously bro's. I got the ball, but lost 50/50 on her M1 and I'm trying to think of ways to get the polychrome for 60 pulls within the next 16 days lol
What, basic basic basic too much for you?
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I lost my Jane 50/50 to Lycaon, but its okay. He'll be the stunner for Miyabi (ice attacker)
HSR is getting new artifact sets every 2 patches
What are they gonna add for ZZZ?
yes i like lycaon where you can just hold each attack more so i don't have to use my brain, that a problem?
you don't need either to clear shiyu 17 so at that point it's just up to whatever you wanna do
Her mindscapes are 10000% more worth it then her wengine.
Or just save that pity for caesar/burnice
>artifact sets every 2 patches
Which is a fucking cancer that slowly creeps into character specific territory.
You posted a Thanacunt which is exactly where it feels so bad, because during the triple teleport attack you don't get to hit it with dodge counters between each teleport due to the attack taking too long to come out. Even when you have i-frames it's too slow to hit before he's gone again
less sets the better because it means the pieces you farm can go further instead of having to farm new sets for new characters
She's a shielder she needs the padding
no Resistances make you do more damage, Weakness means your units are going to be weak anon, use a bit of that brain :)
>people sleep peacefully in their beds at night only because rough (ratwo)men stand ready to do violence on their behalf
Anons you know we're getting disk sets next patch SPECIFICALLY tailored to caesar and burnice right.
You should choose based on enemy resistance because elemental weaknesses also change daze buildup
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>do attribute weaknesses make you do more damage?
Yes, that's the whole point of the gameplay gimmick.
Those arent new, they're actually updating the current ones to fit their kits LMAO
and that's a bad thing

increasingly niche sets is stamina inefficient therefore a bullshit mechanic
nta, but she's too basic for my tastes. At least with Lycaon I can choose to not hold down some attacks to fast track the next animation and play with I-frames.
Well 1.2 is adding two new sets, one of which is extremely good for shield characters. The other is basically built for Burnice.
I really dislike it though especially in ZZZ because theres no way of "holding" your energy and even if you've been saving batteries since launch you're not getting anything except maybe mainstat.
>tfw no void stunner
What's even with all these role/element holes in the initial lineup that are being completely ignored by the initial banners
Thanatosspot is an exception as far as elite mobs go, really. Some bosses dodge too IIRC, but this guy straight up loses his hitbox when disappearing.
ty. I don't remember it being explained anywhere except for the faster build up and shock stunning enemies for example. do we know exactly what number the dmg increase is? nowhere to be found on any wiki
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Zhu Yuan likes to stay off field unless you can trigger chains

it effects a lot of things, when the enemy has resistance the damage you do is 20% less and the damage numbers will be gray.

Attribute also effects daze and anomaly build up (and technically anomaly damage too if you use a dmg type disc instead of atk)
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>Those arent new
They are new. These currently dont exist in game. They just have names that sound similar to current discs.
Cool new discs.....
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hoyo have never done that in any of their games, why would you even think that?
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My wife doesn't do any DPS so you shitposters can't abuse her for shit flinging like the Piper/Jane hyperautismo spergout going on for the last week.
>thinking about ways to scrape by
either use THAT or just save
>if you use a dmg type disc instead of atk
It impacts anomaly damage regardless, anomaly damage is already an element type
WTF??? I'm wasting my time the whole time???? That's why I neve bothered doing other agent's trust missions...
if they can't shit on her for DPS, they can shit on her for her support
muh optimal play
Ain't no dodging metafags, you just ignore them
The majority of the shitflinging is being done by people dont give a shit and just want to make people feel bad for rolling.
We are at a point where people are trying so desperately to flex on content they are clearing 4-5x faster than they would ever need to.
her squad isn't in the game yet it's cool that she has trust events at all though but I wish she was stronger as she will be irrelevant by the time OBOL are introduced
I will play DPS Caesar and you can't stop me
>>>abnormal mastery
shit is fake
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you need to eat 100 bowls of spicy ramen with her to get the last trust event.
Its translated from chinese since the descriptions in the game files dont have an EN translation yet.
Its all on Hakushin which has been accurate on all its datamining so far.
Drip marketing tomorrow?
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what characters/team should i build next? i got zhu, quingyi, nicole. and then nekomata, grace and i got every 4 star and the ones at c6 are billy and ben
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you didn't say who is built and who isn't
sex with jstern25
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>ywn wake up to this
should i uncap my c1 grace or c6 signature w-engine piper bros?
corin lucy and billy are offscreen
i got zhu, quingyi and nicole built.
... why wouldn't you uncap c1 grace if you have it?
Ben/Paipuh/Lucy is a kino team.

Can replace either Lucy or Ben with Caesar/Burnice in the future.
I think Grace has the better core skills to get a hold of
You really want to do both either way though because anomaly dmg scales off of level
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Desu Just wait until a new ice or ether dps unit comes along
You haven’t seen any spergout yet
Also I think most of the Piper Janefags aren’t shitposting, people genuienly want to know what unit does more dps and by how much. Blame the game for not having dmg charts
Huh? no fucking way we're already getting 1.3 sneak peaks when 1.2 is 2 weeks away.
because i just got it and considered piper since i like spinning
scales off of level, atk, and anomaly proficiency, right? what's the best 4/5/6 layout for her, do you think?
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>he wasted his rolls on Jane
lol. lmao.
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Jane had drip marketing at the exact same moment, Wednesday is the day.

Everyone who wanted to roll for Jane already did.
Grace wants prof dmg mastery
Piper wants prof dmg mastery
At least according to disorderbro
I play Koleda Piper not Grace but I think atk is fine on Piper 6 because her sig provides buildup
I didn't because I run Qingyi + C6 Billy + C6 Piper. Shit fucks
>using billy
im unbricked my king janes rolls are for you and your balls
uh oh
anti-billy anti-loli janetard redditor meltdown
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I have two Bricks, so DOUBLE THE BRICKCCURACY!
which ones are Parry support and evasion support? the counter stunn and the switch upon taking damage?
chaos jazz is gonna be only for burnice I guess? Maybe the streamer loli with the megaphone will be the same in electric?
If piper clear just as fast as jane then the dev team of this game is even worse than GI kek. No wonder it lost almost 80% of it's revenue in 1 month
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Who's Caesar supposed to work with? What will her exactly role be?
fragile subhuman janenigger?
see >>493774385
so the most specialized options are the best ones then. thanks anon
Double butt.
posts like >>493774216 appear in the hundreds every thread but I'm apparently a schizo for calling out this kind of SEAnigger-tier shitflinging.
I-is that Jane with piper?????
So far the very best C0W0 Chinese tas Jane clear is 43 seconds
Random anon in this thread with a C1W1 piper got 48 seconds
It’s a little too close for comfort
Schizobros I don't feel so good...
Our boogeyman...
That's his entire tactic
>be cringy Janefaggot who shitflings every thread, calling Piper and Billy "bricks"
>call people "schizos" whenever they call him out
Then you got C0W1 Jane with no other 5 stars in the team clearing at 34s
Not sure why people are so allergic to limiteds having their Sig, nobody seemed to mind with other characters but people lose their shit with this one
>SEAposter just got off work ready to shitpost
>gets immediately btfo by a random screencap
Miyabi drip tomorrow
I mean I've killed people for the government so it's not like I'm innocent but Jane doesn't seem like a good person.
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This is why I'm skipping Jane even if she's meta. "People" who are attracted to that whore are homosexuality and cuckoldry incarnate
Because now you’re comparing whats basically 2 limited five stars to one single four star
A limited five star should not be nearly that competitive with an everyday four star simple as.
SEAschizos should just go to hsrg for now, you'll have better luck baiting them with the current state they're in. I'm getting some delicious (You)s myself
Jane is not really meta, she has the same use as Piper.
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But I need Lighter to save after King+ball...
Stop being reasonable and logical, I need to shitfling to rile up the hecking Billyfags and Piperpedos that are killing MY hecking game!!
Yea it seems these S ranks are all extremely underwhelming for limited units, i say this as someone that has ellen, zhu and jane. I see ppl using 4* and clearing as fast or faster than me on yt with free units...
I mean ffs SHOUKAKU is almost as good as Ellen at C6, wtf are the devs smoking with these limited DPS character numbers?
Why are we so dead...
Please bite my bait...
What happened? Did their wormvilette flop?
>"just roll for who you like!"
>rolls for Billy and Piper
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Everyone is using hsrg rn.
tldr someone drop "story leaks" with dialogue and some of it is referencing about some shipbait were in and something something about getting cucked. It just the ocassional shitpost spam before a patch drop
23 poly's I'll never get back, damn
are we getting yanagi in 1.3 or no??
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Rappa being...rappa.
New MoC powercreep.
Even more yan qing shilling in the new story.
Fei xiao turned out to be cuckbait supreme.
Jiaoqiu "sacrifice" is another aventurine tier nothingburger.
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But I'm avoiding hsrg because they're leaking and spoiling everything?
Nobody is going to bite your bait if it looks like obvious samefagging and desperate shitstirring:
drip for 1.3 is next week right before 1.2 goes live
The stats are good already retard you can't go wrong
he's probably just seething that people got c6 billy from qingyi's banner which is competitive against his normalfag-friendly dickroll-bait rat waifu or whatever.
i genuinely do not understand why that's a thing for him to worth spamming the thread for but 4chan generals attract retarded niggers as a law
How do we stop the Mihoyo brother wars? Genshin players, Honkai players... we should all be brothers, not enemies.
do you think I can replace Soldier 11 with Burnice in my S11/Koleda/Lucy team? I really dislike S11's gameplay and don't think she looks that great either, but I still want mono fire team.
What's the fastest current Billy clear without Cons and Signature engine dupes on Qingyi?
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>Fei Xiao
>Yan Qing
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I lost...the 75/25...
>THREE knot-balls
holy shit... I'm sorry anon...
Wuwa is dead, we literally have no one else to fight.
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>devs put Billy in Qingyi's banner, right before Jane's, so people don't have to bother with another ugly whore hag
Yeah I'm thinking... based.
Shit taste
That can't be real.
Jane is really into mindbreaking girls.. is Belle going to be okay?
Lycaon chad I kneel
Would S11 and Burnice work together in a team? I unfortunately don't have Koleda
Kill Star Rail because they're the one who started this whole bad blood between brothers.
What do you dislike about soldier 11? I have her and her toy somehow. Figure. I have to make energy regen build. Because her standard gig seem like a pain to play.
Considering Burny will give S11 permanent 100% uptime +28 crit% with the 4pc Fire set, most likely.

I would LOVE to get Koleda and S11 and run them with Burny.
>2 balls for his ballsack and 1 for his knot
what are the fundamental issues with zzz as of now?
You being a faggot.
it's a gacha
Not enough male characters
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it respects your time too much
Not enough loli. Too many hag. Jane is also a hag to me.
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There needs to be more content. At most you get 5-10 minutes per day and 2-3 hours in the weekend in which you can clear all weekly bosses, Shiyu and HZ.

1.0 was fine, 1.1 a complete dud. 1.2 looks like it'll have more content, it'll make or break the game imo.
furries are a skip
With anomaly characters.
She will powercreep Seth.
well at least your knot is gonna be THICK
I dunno, Von Lycaon is pretty fucking hot and cool
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Rolling new character means stalling disc farming for a month or two, and even after all those trouble there's barely any content to use this new character.
burnice is probably not a burst dps she might only work as the piper replacement when bosses resists physical
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Can't wait for more cute thiren girls, half or full I don't care
i only roll furries
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My Jane crits for 1.2 million damage lmao you piperfags need to sit down and shut the fuck up Jane does like triple your ugly gremlin their damage she is a LIMITED S RANK so she's bound to be better seth cop dilatté
They need to add more male characters
what are you feeding your corin

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