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Previous >>493740679

>Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis -The Answer- will be released on September 9 2024 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9eXHaH_9vI
>Metaphor: ReFantazio will be released on October 11, 2024 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YM3eHtnoC0
>P5X Released in China - https://youtube.com/watch?v=ZvpD8LW4xq4

>P5U.jp (Arena) Expires: 2025/04/30
>P5B.jp (Unknown) Expires: 2024/12/31
>P5M.jp (Unknown) Expires: 2024/12/31

>We have moved everything to GoogleDocs and on the Internet Archive:
>New and improved Birthday Chart
>Media assets

/pg/ OC:
>Draw Corner archive

Anti Spammer Tech:
Rei's a hungry gal
Gallica is evil incarnate. Her own mind was destroyed by her evil power. What an all-mighty idiot!
Evil Gallica memes are getting stale
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Feed the women in your life
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Total Gallica Death.
Haru is taking a little nap.
Why do you guys love Sumi so much? She's just a little soom after all
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Overuse of the meme is important so that the general really explodes when it turns out to be true
Reanswer Draw Corner: https://magma.com/d/uyoiie58zt
Dated 10 Sep for posterity
I'd be disappointed if it was true desu
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Cute fairy
Metaphor is Bravely Default 3
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Why did she do it?
Yes exactly.
she was horny
It won't be
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I'll reveal your true form!
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Is this real?
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The visuals here look cool.
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I want to feed Chie's upper mouth with Aiya's meat and her lower mouth with my meat.
They really need to tone down the color filters.
I personally think it's too shiny, the warts don't look real.
Anything new they added to restore your party other than the clock for the dlc?
What a cute evil creature! I love Gallica so much, bros…
i bet this was some autisic honorifics stuff in moonspeak
"Oi, onee-chan! Anta wa watashi no shimai yo!" or something.
Just exit the abyss of time.
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futaba a cutetaba
Posted about this a while ago but I was replaying P5R and I actually really like the message. It's a message that really correlates to today society.
My only problem is now

what the fuck am i suppose to do with this?
>Live in a world where everyone's an absolute sheep
>Mass media contorts the truth and everyone is just going picking sides rather than looking for the truth.
>Big wigs are absolute assholes only in it for themselves. Prices of necessities are getting higher because of their greed and nobody wants to do anything.
>People acting retarded for clout. Social media of doing stupid shit to net you views even when your broadcasting assault and terrorizing people.

Okay great, maybe the message is "don't be an asshole and help people so we can be a better society. don't be swayed by the masses". okay sweet. now what? I'm a good person. I have no power to fix societies problems so what I'm just suppose to lay down and take it in the ass? Like it's confusing, it would help if people of power would play P5 and go "oh shit, we're fucking assholes and maybe we shouldn't be such assholes" but they wouldn't be playing this shit lmao because they're presented as such strawmen and also anime weeb shit but what the fuck is the average office worker suppose to do with this message?
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Man, I love women
Think for yourself
what the heck does that mean? i think therefore im not happy. I'd unironically be happier if I was a sheep having some sort of stupid niche like being a pranktard or youtube whore.

hell the laws even defend fucking pranktards and youtube whores, it's so fucking retarded. nobody's willing to change this shit and fighting the retardation just gets you fired and ostracized from society. nobody will have your back for your beliefs. it's a literal dog eat dog world out there.
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Theres nothing you can do
Just become a sheep like the rest maybe huff some of that galaxy gas shit so you can get enough brain damage to not think about it anymore
Love your family and friends no matter what. Help them when they ask and ignore the world. Control the things you can.
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Older women?
Stop being a bitch bro
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yeah, it's dope.
It's going to be the same 3 repeated fights but you get to choose instead of it being done in a certain order, isn't it?
tf does that mean???
Okay. Cool. I'm still getting fucked in the ass due to bigwigs raising the prices and setting policies that fuck me in the ass. Society still sucks and there's no way to fix it but P5 message isn't to just layback and be a bystander but there is literally nothing you can do unless you have power.
so anyways I summon siegfried, use charge and then scarlet havoc
I'm calling you a bitch
Those problems are beyond any single man, you have to accept that if you want peace in your life. But you know what's good and evil, so you're already able to make the right decisions in life.
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You lack creativity, confidence, and conviction. You'd make a terrible messiah, but a good apostle. Find someone with a mission you believe in and help him with all you've got. It may never make broad sweeping changes to the work, but commitment to a cause is better than indolence.
Besides, causing massive waves just might not be your thing. If you can't see what needs to be done or how to do it, then don't sweat it. You'd probably end up causing more damage in your attempts like McVeigh.
Just breathe and work on what's in arm's reach.
Like a threesome???
Where's the sumi story Naoto?
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Just wait for the collapse and then strike so your ideology can rise from the ashes.
Tomboy Tummy
aigis can't use scarlet havoc though
Made to kiss
But P5 message is to change it no matter how small.
Man your only "messiah" (false) are probably trump and andrew tate lmao. everyone good has already turned away from fixing society since it's so corrupt. if yoshida was real, the media along with the comments would completely drive him out to suicide. there's no justice in this world.
Kokoro isn’t that big
The world is more fucked up than it should be obviously. That's why you need things to comfort you in life, like a little sumi.
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Made for filling
I played the gachaslop for shuyuka. My hate for gachaslop is strong but my love for shuyuka and Door is stronger.
Like I'm not saying it's a bad message. Canada could definitely use a lot less sheeps, but it's just depressing getting fucked in the ass by the politicians here and there's no way for change because NO single politician has the people's best interest. it's actually disgusting.
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Awfully assumptive for a supposed free-thinker. Stop raging and start learning. History, culture, philosophy, science, theology, the whole shebang. Get your head out of modernity and see the bigger picture. If you keep acting like a child, then we have nothing further to discuss.
They fucking doubled down on this garbage I almost can't believe it
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Society itself is pretty fucked, P5's message is you should do what you can to make it better for yourself and your community. American politics are really weird, but most of it is that candidates require memes to get far, one of the major independents carried around a Bear corpse in the back of their car after killing it, they forgot about it, and got pulled over due to the smell and had to explain why they had a bear corpse in their car. Not much that can really salvage it at this point, due to many reasons when things got exposed it got covered up quickly.
It is disgusting how Trudeau even remains and I can't imagine the torture a reasonable Canadian has felt for the past decade. Sorry about that man, but I'd recommend as I always do to go to Montana or North Dakota.
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Door Kun soda
Aigis guzzling down the door drink.
Imagine the smell…
This bitch is gonna win again and I don't even know who's voting for him at this rate LOL.
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Oh yeah, it's Metis time
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Eupha love
You have to remember that 90% of world governments are short term focused, especially with those who change leaders every couple of years, since they actively do not want to push stuff they won't get credit for with the effects. Most problems are long term that society hasn't been able to figure out or have gotten worse in recent times. Or stuff that had solutions that was undone. Kinda fucked, wished there was a Persona game about it, but it's much more pessimistic that even if everything was made perfect, there would be others who would benefit from flaws, and get them through forcefully.
>reused one of the top two worst lighting scenarios from the base game
thanks wada
Good night, /pg/.
Like the Persona polls its all rigged
Why is she black?
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Don't be like that
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metis metis metis her game is finally here!!
DEI quota.
Like it's so fucking stupid, even in American politics how is there not a SINGLE fucking politician that cares about it's people? Are we just way too far from the country creation that nobody gives a shit?
Do we know how the game will run on consoles anons? I remember seeing this trailer here and seems to be pretty bad, but it was more than a year ago and P3R runs fine so maybe it will be the same.
Not watching the new ones just because I don't want to know anything else about the game
it's constant 60fps
there was one xbox demo from gamescom specifically that had stuttering for loading and during some transitions though none of the other demos have had that problem
Companies have more power than the people, since they can directly pay politicians, the people with the most money wins and usually that means the most support from companies and the elites. P5 does go into this with Shido with the people in his Palace all being from the elites controlling mass media and the Yakuza
Greed is a drive. Someone who is satisfied with what they have is someone who isn't going out to take from others. Greedy people are taking from others.

To dedicate your life to becoming a politician requires drive, and unfortunately the only way to have enough drive to want to help the common man is to be AUTISTIC.
The game has been improved a lot since that first trailer. Both visuals and framerate are better now, will be 4k 60fps.
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He has no reason to care because he'll never lose, but here's Sumi. She's all we need.
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the art is nice and all, but i cant believe people actually play that slop
Reload ran like shit on PC at times, should be fine on modern consoles.
I saw a truck the other day that had a big FUCK TRUDEAU sticker on one side, and a BLM sticker on the other. underneath it said Bang Local Milfs

Yumkari is so yummy
Extremely yuck
based mishima cracking down on canadians
Save us Rakekari
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I hope she gets more fanart.
Do you think they…. um, you know?
>please listen to my story, officer from Persona 5
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Wish I could sleep by her, maybe even protect her.
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She's so cute.
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>Reaching Rank 8 with Kokoro!
>Having a duel of both hatred and thinly veiled love!
>Both of you walking out of Mementos secretly knowing that you’ll have to betray each other!
>Hearing hints of genuine anguish in her voice over the radio as you take a dive during the raid on Sae’s palace!
>Unbeknownst to you, seeing her struggle through tears to pull the trigger when she goes to assassinate you!
>Watching her fight against her own feelings before ultimately confessing to her love and coming clean to her true motivations in Shido’s palace, reaching Rank 9!
>Fighting Kokoro in a battle of ideals!
>Beating Kokoro and trying to talk her down, reciprocating her love!
>Seeing her break as she realises that she wants to live with you and that she’ll have to bear the weight of her innumerable sins rather than crash and burn after spiting Shido!
>Seeing her find peace, reiterate that she truly, deeply loves you, and apologise for everything through the bulkhead after cognitive Kokoro shoots her, reaching Rank 10!
>Ugly-crying and bashing your fist against steel as the woman you love dies on the opposite side!
>Taking on Shido and Yaldabaoth with renewed motivation and Metatron by your side, living for Kokoro in her stead!
>Immediately breaking into tears when she reappears and kissing her one last time before she joins Sae to confess!
>Meeting up with a very confused Kokoro in Maruki’s reality, but being overjoyed to see each other again!
>Fighting through Maruki’s palace side by side!
>Being able to live as lovers, even with the threat of actualisation looming nigh!
>Having a heartbreaking conversation where she reveals that she likely isn’t real, and is marching to her second death!
>Spending one last happy yet sorrowful night with Kokoro!
>Coming back to Leblanc after being let out of juvie!
>Returning to the room that you and Kokoro shared!
>Finding a used pregnancy test in your trash can!
Seeing that it was positive.
Cripple her and I'd be interested.
>Not crippling her yourself with your dick
Are you even trying?
my problem with goro is once the mask is off he fucking DIES.
what's up with that LMAO

i swear p5 had the worst pacing by far even the third semester was so scuffed pacing wise.
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Stop posting these without text.
I mean this is better than it being free like before
He can think for himself.
What an autistic thing to bitch about.
I don't want to keep unhiding these on the off chance that I'm just going to see one of the schizo's spam images instead.
You will look at her, that's non-negotiable.
Just want people to LOOK at her.
calm yourself spergchild
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So romantic… I love Kokoro
>Morgana says persona users can't have a palace
>Maruki has a palace
>Morgana says he can't turn into a helicopter
>he turns into a helicopter
Why is this cat so dumb?
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That wasn't his persona
>74 and dropping
not a happy day for Wada that's for sure
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She should be loved.
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>can't play it early because i need to wait for it to be out on cs.rin.ru
its over
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is hot
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The sand had better detail on PS2
does the dlc have a secret endig
it doesn't look like it
Joker boss fight is probably what they were talking about
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>I want to live in an illusion
>but I also don't want to miss anything real
so uh how do i download the expansion pack with the DLC when I have gamepass? it only shows me paid...
You could only get it for free if you claimed the DLC when it was announced
son of a
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yeah no thanks
>ReAnswer about to release
>Atlus already marketing the next Metaphor stream
I feel bad for this man
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They REALLY want Metaphor to be a success, ReAnswer has had bad reviews for a long time
I would eat yukiko's box, no matter how funky it smelled
Yukiko that's…
Rip anon...
BOO get some new material.
Pretty sure you can still claim it. Don't remember how to though.
It feels like almost every post with "reanswer" in it is a shitpost.
Compared to just saying The Answer or even Episode Aigis, they're almost all attempting to be inflammatory, or at the very minimum pitting it against metaphor.
dunno it's just showing paid for me but i still have free p3r. if you find how, please let me know thanks. otherwise I guess i'll just play it next month...
Cute and canon!
Wada was just put in a losing situation, lost nearly all his senior devs to Hashino including Hashino himself. Was given a team of newbies, train them and use a new engine, then ran into issues during development, he was gonna be disappointing a lot of people no matter what happened here.
navis in persona are very resourceful. They always keep the beads in their ass for when you need them.
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you needed the highest tier of paypig gamepass i believe and the deal may no longer be active. just get it for free with creamapi.
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ReAnswer = Reload + Answer because nobody's calling it Episode Aigis and it's way shorter. Stop being paranoid.
is there any other p5 like games that aren't final fantasy 7 where you become terrorists to change society but you're actually causing some destruction?

son of a

i mean whatever can't believe creamapi still works in current day current time lol. thanks anon.
Look up how to claim game pass perks. It's still available to claim until January 31, 2025
kissing anna better
9 hours
Specific posters use the same phrases and writing styles unconsciously. One of the metaphor vs reload shitposters uses it.
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I'll be playing Astro Bot instead of the DLC.
i'm switching between both desu
Wheres the porn?
Good choice.
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But that's Aki's job???
thanks anon, it looks like i just needed joipass extreme. probably gonna go back to regular after this month though.
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Akinari doesn't deserve that.
Metal Gear Solid V
god fucking damn it
sexy tae
Why this quickly?
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How does she do it?
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Threadly orbs
I have no idea what you're talking about, fuuka
Okay, the joke has now officially been run into the ground.
I thought it was a while ago
What the fuck is that
Still would
Who the FUCK wears high heels at the beach?
play earthbound on a CRT
It's been a couple days idk man. The game got popular and Aigis is popular too
In game it's pure untwisted evil put into one person controlled by a machine to regulate it, but it broke, leading it to be folding in on itself back into a fetus
I physically cringed
chang aren't you supposed to be defending reload today
I physically laughed.
im playing wukong sorry
Jesus what a concept. I'm shocked into silence at looking at it, then I'm shocked again someone decided to draw that.
I had no particular physical reaction.
I started the evil Gallica meme. Sorry.
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The more you resist, the faster it approaches...
Chang operates on a pattern, right now he's rage baiting Metaphor, he'll be doing the same about reload in few hundred posts to then try to bait about p5 it's been like that past 6 or so threads
He's one of the most iconic final bosses in gaming, especially since the game is otherwise a lighthearted bubbly kid's game, this guy kind of comes out of nowhere at the end leading to many traumatized children
It's 100% not expected in the game as well, so it became very iconic with how niche the game was due to bad marketing in the west. The rest of the game is much more light hearted overall.
shut the fuck up already
No I did. And I am not sorry. I will continue to perpetuate it.
Do you think it's an effective marketing strategy to promote a game by disparaging other games in the franchise?
If all those other games are bad then P5X must look really good in comparison <- What chang thinks people's takeaway will be
play earthbound and mother 3 instead of persona 3 reload dlc
Far too scary.
Would it not make more sense to use that strategy in generals other than /pg/? You market differently depending on the audience.
The only "scary" thing is Giygas in the series. Mother 3 originally was going to be darker, but Nintendo told the creator to remove certain scenes during the final boss of Lucas breaking down mentally against it, since the twist was big enough
Even in the release version it's still a much more touching game about life and death than P3 is.
I think they both do a good job for their themes.
Yeah, we hate deload
Yeah, we hate Persona 5 the Phantom Hex
Yeah, we hate Metaphlop
Wow what a lot of non-schizo posts
I wonder who made them
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Dreaming about boy butts...
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New heviojisan art!
So what will the grand conspiracy behind P3 hate be once Metaphor releases and general splits?
How does akihag feel about aki being used as bead storage?
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Sex with Door Kun
I do worry about it Fucka.
How long until THE cutscene leaks? I need to know if they kept it as creepy or if they watered it down, that's the only thing I care about the answer
I should have known... I never truly believed the Doudemoiians had been defeated...
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These scenes feel so out of place.
They have to do something, since they know if there is nothing people will hate it
>yukari having a perpetual woman moment interrupted by cooking and TV hangouts
they just shouldn't have ever bothered making this
>try to play p3r dlc over my lunch break
>"Please purchase episode aigis!"
>check expansion pack
>it's redeemed
It'll be funny if she will have a bonding event available after speaking her mind out for the extra dose of tonal whiplash
Uh it'll probably decrease a lot, assuming that the metaphor people stay there and don't just keep posting here as well.
P5 and P4 hate would decrease as well. Hell, even Metaphor hate would.
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kiss kiss fall in love
You have to be extremely delusional to think this I'm sorry.
You're acting as if /pg/ was a civil discussion haven before Metaphor or even P3R got announced
It was better and you’re lying or uninformed if you believe otherwise.
It sure was it sure was.
Why are there others? Does it go against the whole idea of moving on from grief?
you probably need to wait until 10th
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Door always gets some of the best fanart. Doorsluts are so based.
Cute OC, but femYu would look cuter
any other games where (you) die and the sequel/epilogue deals with the party coping?
no chrono trigger.
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She's mine /pg/
There is only one good porn artists of him
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call of duty
Rank 11
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tall aigis
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I find it both horrifying and hilarious. Half the time I'm the one posting it.
Another reason I hate you trannies is that you keep stealing gimmicks from better girls. Mitsuru in this case.
What if you had a little coat gf?
I hate femc so fucking much its unreal
Mitsuru is 3 feet tall.
Aigis literally talks about tripling her own height in-game mr schizo
Stop being a hater.
Dragon Age Origins to a certain extent.
When will YTTD be finished?
Why can't you foids be normal?
Year Thousand the Door?
I ask myself that question too anon. I really do.
Mitsuru being tall isn't her gimmick.
why would you NOT fuck the not!evil witch goth girl?
>he plays male characters in rpgs
There is multiple but heviojisan draws the best porn out of the multiple there are. Even then most Doorsluts just draw symbolic art. Which is fine.
Because it made my warden into a cuckquean
then get your friend alistair to bang her ass.

Bruh she’s not tall.
I hate myself
Your time to die?
And I ask you that everyday. To which you reply "but he's cuuuuute when he's mad!" like fucking hell, woman.
Rank 8 but Ren and Kokoro have sex because she doesn't know if the intense emotions she has for Joker are love or hate
I threw him out for my man Loghain
Happy beamu
>P3R threads on /v/ are just filled with fags begging because one retard decided to use his santa claus money on brazilians
why the fuck did this guy do this? he must've done it on purpose for some evil ploy to make p3 threads unusable.
People always treat some anime girl as a big tall dommy mommy but shes like 5'3 because japanese people are borderline midgets.
Your turn to die.
It’s called hate sex
He spent over 20k when Reload released. But obviously so any discussion would be unusable with how bad the game is
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Is something the matter, Anon?
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She should be posted.
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Shadow Hearts Covenant.
Fire Emblem Geneology of the Holy War
Tales of Destiny 2
Final Fantasy XII I guess but that one stretching it.

I think it's the boots desu

Brazilians you say???
Somehow they made the answer worse
Need milk
Why does the southern hemisphere even exist?
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I have many a picture of Aki in a skirt/dress and personally I think he looks very cute in them.
Actually I say "but he's so cuuute writhing in pain after I stomp on his balls!'
fucking dumbass
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Post babs that love themselves! I'll start:
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me watching silly little cartoons before i do a schoolocaust
Okay, troon
I need to ruffle the hair of this precious boy and give him lots of hugs
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Penguins are worth it
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When I said I like girls that stab my balls, I was being figurative. I like my boys intact, thanks.
I do not care about these gay reddit polls
And because you confirmed they annoy you, they'll be posted ad nauseum.
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Unironically, how do you think Maiko would react if Makoto just stripped completely naked in front of her while they were at the shrine?
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Mass Destruction (thanks Bebe)
>wow, that's much bigger than my dad's elephant!
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kick in the balls, pulls her rape whistle
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Metis 2nd theurgy
Okay but what are her perks
Ren and Yu are self insert fantasies. Modern Persona wouldn't have another Door or Tatsuya because it would piss off Atlus' target audience.
Door was made into a pure self insert with Reload.
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Good Morning /pg/ How's everyone doing today??
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Good, but I just realized I should have been drawing a special Aigis for her birthday. Oh well.
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every time Akihiko talks in tartarus I start shaking and salivating
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>with Reload.
He still dies. P3 girls will marry Chads off-screen or end up as cat ladies.
why the long tongue?
This but with Sae
Door was always a self insert and a Gary Stu to top it off.
Scrawny guy excels at track team from the get go, gets appointed into the student council, has a pretty robot lady be all over his dick and the most popular girl at school is buddy buddy with him from the get go.
That, but with kissing
Don't you think it's sorta cool
oh anons weren't lying yesterday these actually are botted
I dont know whats worse, bots or thirdies.
>the most popular girl at school is buddy buddy with him
Only if he has maxed charm.
They always were, it's why he made Makoto lose when he kept botting her to get high. It's also why only P3 cast members got far last time due to reload hype
Yukari takes you to school on the first day and then interacts with you and Junpei occasionally. She's pretty much on permanent ignore mode to almost everyone else
It's why Sumi didn't win.
No Soom means no point in anything.
i would like to coom to a persona girl, preferably a party member

i'm feeling yukari today but perhaps a fuuka or a haru would be better
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Now make her younger but keep her big.
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Ann Babamaki
Congratulations Kamoshida!
Yes. YES.
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Drawfags are truly obsolete.
Good morning saar
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Trickster... stop arguing on the internet and come to bed...
Need this but with Ann.
Poor Metis got saddled with the slopmire costume. :/
Welp... *unzips*
White washed Metis
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No Eupha drawing tonight. Enjoy this color sketch. Probably not gonna finish this one though
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how do you pump these out so fast?
too old
This but loli Lavenza.
>During the show, the developers of Metaphor will talk about the game’s development and appeal. There will also be a mini-live concert featuring artists who sing the in-game music.
I want to see what the monk looks like
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I was going for some Oxfords and it gave her hiking boots
I can't take anyone seriously with a saddle bag
Post her feet
I don't have a job
That's actually really awesome
Great job!
need this but with makoto niijima
>train robbery dungeon theme
Amazing work. I am jealous of your abilities.
I still can't color or shade for shit
very cool
remove the shoes
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you know what they say about girls with big shoes?
No one cares.
I wish I could draw
Big feet?
puff puff
perfect bigvenza
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Sex with Teachers
You CAN draw anon! Just open up a paint program or grab a piece of paper and start going to work!
Of course Aigisfag starts shitting on his betters.
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Persona fans aren't beating the allegations that they've never played any other JRPG in their lives.
Some of those middle ones meant for >>493832409
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I ordered a Tab but it gave me a Hifumi to go
the world ends with you version of taba
Very cute noot can you gen a Yukiko with her feet our please??
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Yukiko Amagi is wearing a yukata because she's about to help Anon with a footjob
Can you do Shiho
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Requesting more Metis please
Goth Metis, Skater Metis, Huge Tits Metis, any Metis.

I just love Metis!
Through this story of fantasy
That this faded world be
Painted again

Pretty kino
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pretend the third leg is a pillow or something lmao
No REASON to like Metis so much.
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Why did you make her an abomination? That's rude.
Thank you.
I am too tired to draw but I'll try anyway.
why is she wearing clothes and shoes
Every reason
quiet junkie
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Games about war count? If so then Suikoden and a couple Fire Emblem games.
31 days.
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Sophie sneezed mid-gen
Because I don't want to cheat on Leliana?
Why is she black?
Even with all the free games in the world, I don't want to play a single one bros. I'd only play 'sona 6.
Yes. Are you the same metaphorune anon from the last two Eupha stickers?
Hag butt
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She installed a suntan module but it was set too high
Very sexy hag
Can you make Soapy as a bar of Soap except with just her head and legs?
:) the leg is see through now but I'll take it I love my pure volleyball wife
What's with the brazilian meme? Is that the new fotm for zoomers?
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I am now going to try to create Aigis Smasher
I wish Aigises were real
Why does everything new that happens have to come back to gen z with you people? Millennials and genxers know how to use computers.
Make a Rebecca Aigis.
Yes but part of it was due to twitter about to be banned in Brazil, so Brazilian stuff was made of Miku to spread awareness on Brazilian culture.
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I know not if such a thing is possible
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Can you gen a Yuko feet pov please ainon
They know better than to get hyped for the ironic waifu of the month.
I would drink straight from her tits
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Sophie is having some trouble
We can gof puffier
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I'm on a point that everything makes me horny.
When was the last time you saw a pair of tits irl?
For me it was 2 years 3 months and 5 days ago.
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30 years
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Day 6 of drawing Morgana everyday until I get good!
Can an artanon direct me to a good art program, I've been drawing in my notes app and that shit SUCKS!! Preferably an art app with no dumb shit like pop ups/sign in requirements.
Anyway enjoy the Mona everyone!!
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cute morgana
About 3 months
Krita is free and open source
It's called The Answer.
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>About three months
How was it?
How much did it cost?
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cute metis cute cute metis cute
Cute noot
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cute metis cute cute metis cute
>Gary Stu
>Dies at the end of his game
I don't think you know what Gary Stu means anon.
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Reminds me of the /a/non who drew Yuno
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I think those threads are where I found picrel
This is amazing! Getting more hype for Metaphor.
Thanks lads!
I think ll of Chee's cooking would have this effect
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They BETTER make a fucking Metis plush
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I don't give a FUCK how funny or important you think it is, I'm not clicking any twit links.
nigga you're like a month out of date
Cute robutts
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You now remember Yusuke Kitagawa.
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I hope so.
I should do some new photos with my Metis figma at some point when I'm not too busy.
He's one of the better PTs
The brother of Marin of course.
How could I forget my nigga Yusuke.
I want to get his figma, but I make it a rule not to spend more than ÂŁ100 on a figure.
Him and Akechi were one of the only remotely interesting PTs.
>Him and Akechi were one of the only remotely interesting PTs.
You have HIV.
You have AIDS.
You have GRIDS.
You have SYPHILIS.
You have HPV.
You have HBV.
You have anal cancer.
You have anal worms.
You have an STD.
You have monkeypox.
You have severe brain damage.
I kneel.
Who are your favorite PTs, Anon?
Yusuke’s based but anybody that thinks that Goro is a good character is just delusional.
Boring snoozefests

Insufferable retards
Groo is literally the best character in Persona
I have the same rule, it's why I've never bought the Mitsuru Arena figure.
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Too obvious
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She looks very well made.
I only really go for posable figures for the most part, but the detail on that 'suru is really nice. I do feel like the rapier would snap off a little too easily if she somehow fell though.
You gonna cry, Groojo?
Louis is already mogging him.
When was the last time /pg/ had a schizo who was fun and original?
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Nobody will care about that flop 6 months from now. Meanwhile Goro is still popular almost a decade later
Akechi Hater?
Drawschizo was kinda fun
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Most "schizos" we have aren't even schizos, they're just shitters
nice putty
smooch the hag butt
The only schizo is derrick, everyone else is "POSTER WHO HAS OPINION I DISLIKE", most of them are also just derrick spamming when he's image banned.
The druggie is unironically a schizo thoughbeit
I'd much rather have him over the shitmire spammer. At least his melties were funny to watch
He didn't say good, he said interesting
His standoff with Italianon was fucking legendary
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Nah, D*ick is a moron to be sure, but he's not schizophrenic. What you're seeing is distilled malice.
I hope Goro stays ambiguously alive/dead and no future spin off will bring him back.
Probably the case
I hope he stays dead and sum stays non canon.
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I hope Goro stays ambiguously alive/dead and every future spin off will ambiguously bring him back.
The only thing that matters in life is Sumi.
Tactica bombed so hard there won't be any more Persona 5 spinoffs.
They made 15 million from Microsoft before release
This but he gets brought back as a girl.
Nobody who's mentally well would spend their waking hours spamming images 24/7. Most schizos eventually get bored and fuck off but he's been at it for 2 and a half years now.
He’s malicious and schizophrenic, they aren’t mutually exclusive things.
I didn't say he wasn't mentally ill, I said he's not a schizo.
I don't keep track of all of them but I think the anti-p3/done? schizo is a different retard. I think he's an annfag. They were fighting once and it was fun to watch two mentally retarded individuals throwing punches at each other.
Going to freak out at this rate.
Goro BROKE you
Goro is unambiguously dead
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Kokoro is fine too. Preferable, even.
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Quiet. Becky is sleeping.
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Are you a psychiatrist?
>to play the new episode, please purchase the P3R expansion pass
Is it me or is Persona starting to stagnate?
Nah, I've got a lot of experience with actual schizos and he's not one. What you're seeing is at most a personality disorder. The issue with classification in his case is cPTSD. Even in mild forms, it can cause a wife variety of symptoms that throw you off of its trail and it becomes a game of pinpointing exactly what it did to him to get him to this point.
Cute Eupha
that happened in 2008, but don't worry - it' not like we're pokemon or smt or assassins creed or whatever.
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This but she rapes you instead.
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kamoshida arc but with becky
Who's responsible for Persona's downfall?
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i feel awful, maybe i shouldn't play the answer
fufufu... it was I...
You have no choice but to go forward.
>crying over a video game
Weak ass nigga. No wonder 60% of men under 30 are virgins
I want this but with Persona 5 girls pls and thank you.
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So what boss is going to be the filter for all the zoomies that played p3r on easy for the waifus and bought the expansion assuming its more of that??
Post Chiheifer
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We can only move forward, even in the darkest times
>always romance Yukari
>always romance Aigis too
>always feel guilty
Just cleared my play through right before TA drops - didn’t romance Aigis this time. I feel hollow inside.
Nobody cares.
Mywaifu Yukari Yukiko
Makoto Aigis Yourwaifu
Elly/Hifumi Rise Liz
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Not gonna play the answer
Hifumi is definitely chaotic good.
As I've said, there's no point in anything.
Donald Trump unfortunately.
Ruined the internet. Him and jews.
So g20d does still visit the place
Based and cute
I miss goro_orb
maybe some day I'll be good enough to escape this place like he did
Post in the thread
Don't understand why you'd want to stay on /pg/. The threads here feel AI generated at this point
I don't
I'm just stuck here
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She's so cute and silly
Want to see Yusuke x Sophie now.
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He drew this one based on my post
And evil!
not evil
What a cute fairy
Sophia, generate a soulful picture
Chihaya Ann Haru
Makoto Kawakami Hifumi
Takemi Ohya Futaba
Sophia, generate her getting CLICKED by the stapler.
>uploaded 6 hours ago
Anon you can’t pretend to get mad at this stuff anymore - you’re the one shilling it
Anyone sane just would go their whole life never hearing about this, but you’ve gone and looked it up and probably have been following its development for months
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Need Chihaya blowjob...
Who says I'm mad?
Amazingly cute
Galaga will have the option to clip her wings to make her more obedient.
Who the fuck is Galaga?
That's a bad ending, she'll clip your chinpo.
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Now that the Answer is confirmed to be shit, only Metaphor can save us.
We do love Sumi here, we have to admit it. No more living in lies.
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Sega should make a new Bass Fishing game.
That already happened in 2007. No, nothing can save us. That time has passed.
Probably yes
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I don't blame Chie at all
It’s not that small…
Keeping strictly with the dateable P5 girls

LG - Chihaya
NG - Haru
CG - Ohya
LN - Makoto
TN - Kawakami
CN - Ann
LE - Hifumi
NE - Tae
CE - Futaba

But if we're being more accurate by branching out

LG - Rei
NG - Ayane
CG - Elly
LN - Makoto (p5)
TN -Yukari
CN - Shadow Rise
LE - Yukiko
NE - Ai
CE - Freaky Aigis
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Pieced them together for you.
Thank you.
Is the answer already out?
Do we know how it ends?
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sees resolves to move on and honor door's sacrifice
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Now I want fanart of this so a visual image can be made
Without suggesting that he could come back to life like the original?
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*hugs you*
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___ with Ann
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Marriage and lovemaking
jumping rope
Marriage with Ann would be so wonderful...
I got the update for the Answer downloaded and shit, but can't play it. On PS5.
It says I haven't purchased it when I already did. Is it not live already?
Goes live in about 8-10 hours I think, I don't really know when myself. Some people told me 9pm and others have told me midnight. Steam players might have it already though idk.
it comes out on sept 10th
people are using new zealand shit to play early, but im pretty sure it works only on gamepass/xbox
steam and ps have global release times
Yeah the Joker fight will be hard, devs told us he will have secret gimmick on merciless too
You got scammed
Be the change you want
It isn't live in most of the world yet
I mean the cost of doing so with commissions would clearly be over 100-200 dollars due to how many girls and cocks there are. My drawing skills aren't up to part for lewdness. I guess with AI maybe.
around 1 year and 8 months ago
Devs confirm or tease any other heartless difficulty gimmicks? That's the one I'm gonna be playing on.
I love this fairy so much…
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What would it be like?
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Why is Gallica watching helplessly as another woman approaches her boyfriend?
What the fuck is she gonna do about it?
Happy and amazing
There's a japanese tweet that mentions it from the director
They really want you to fight Joker
CreamAPI-GAWDS You guys are playing the DLC without giving fatlus $40 right???
it's too soon for her to reveal her true power
Ask the slopbro
cute noot
Maybe, I do know how to generate AI art, but it usually comes out like ass since I don't pay for it and I use an older version.
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Do I jack off or game
>It's not an anime cutscene
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Game and jack off during loading screens.
just commission on skeb or something it won't cost you a fortune
ai wouldn't for that, you need a highly passionate and unapologetically horny artisan who is capable of depicting p5 girls or any character for that matter horny af for that dick
It’s over…
What the fuck is Silent Hill 2 so high? It's really bad looking
You can do both

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You can actually see his other eye poke out a bit oh no
i am a poorfag
why theres spoilers already but i cant even download the dlc
Power of nostalgia
print more money
The minimum cost is 45 dollars if getting each one at 5 dollars no tax when heavily optimized and getting very lucky with artists not wanting to charge extra. Third world artists would want around 20 dollars for each lewd scene and charge extra for each cock. 200 dollars. Anything from the first world and it's 50 dollars minimum for coloring for each one. 450 dollars. For a meme where you might only want to fap to one or two images of it. It's dumb.
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P3R is so fucking soulless AHAHAHAHAHAHA.
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Oh Yeah...
Does he even have an anime cutscene entrance?
404 soul not found
See >>493856378
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Fucking hell.
Tummy too small.
I hate myself
Deload's last cope
i love you
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Yukari's new dub is so shit these scenes are losing all their impact.
How yummy?
Extremely yummy
Don't play with dub.
Personas for this feel?
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Normally i wouldn't but i've heard the JP cast plenty of times throughout the years, i'm playing Reload to just laugh at it at this point.
Here's Darkness
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Post Nanako pls
I tried the Reload dub when I played it and 5 minutes in I had to change it because of awful Yukari's dub was.
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Fucking cunt
God i hate yukari so much
Go back to crying about Metaphor or something, Aigischizo.
Not bad until the 1:20 mark when that piano weirdly is louder where it makes it harder to hear the Guitar and Bass, which should be the focus.
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Is as bad as the original The Answer?
haru.... I'm sorry....the new model just came out....
>Starts okay and then falls off hard
Why is P3R OST like that every time?
Sega overlord only listened for few seconds
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my wife yukari next pls
So true.
brazilian metis......
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>where you may only jork it off to once or twice
Think of it this way, its a once in a life time investment.
You pay once, and get soulful goon fuel for the rest of yer life. And not just any kind of porn. It's the one you fancy, one which you payed handsomely for, the exact one which gets your blood pumping straight into your dick. Imagine having a heirloom like that, you can even pass it to your children, and your grandchildren, and their children and indefinitely forever. Not to mention this is the internet so thousands if not millions will also experience your masterpiece. It will live on forever till the very end of time. For such magnum opus do you think an amount as little as 400 is too much?
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I VASTLY prefer the animated cutscenes in the original so i prefer FES at this point.
I personally like 3D/animations or roleplaying with others or AI over 2D images for porn. Mainly since it's not static.
No Koromaru
This is fine. I have no issues here.
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This one was probably by Kitajoh.
All the especially shitty themes and remixes seem to be coming from Kozuka
>roleplaying with others
roleplaying with other men
tbf they were never gonna beat ruff's voiceover. not even jp yukari sounds that good.
That’s kinda gay
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This one is kinda a mess
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my wife. thanks.
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is there still a cutscene where Aki dodges aigis' bullets?
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Looks weird with blue eyes.
Very nice.
The yummiest!
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cutest dotterwife
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Love Nana-chan.
I can't stop yucking at this point.
Brainlet here how do I use creamAPI to get the expansion pack stuff unlocked?
I have CAPI installed and I found the dll for P3R, found all the DLCs, checked "unlock all dlcs" but when I save it and open the game nothing changes. I know you're supposed to get a popup with the costumes and shit upon opening the game. What am I doing wrong
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Run it through Smart Steam Emu
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here is 1(one) nanako
You're cucked, that's what.
I need te view from behind
P3FES Reload Version

Time Castle


Maya's theme

Snow Queen
luv wifekari
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I'm yucked out. I can't take it anymore.
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>Maya's theme
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I think it still works fine, but I do like the old one more.
ahhh it's gonna take while to listen to all that
this is literally my biggest fetish cheers
And here's the part where aigis schizo turns his "sumischizo" bot on.
>Barely any new shuyuka art.
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Do you think you can help yum get over door?
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I'm crying thanks ToT
Whoremire schizo's suffering is my pleasure
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Just be patient. Everyone's probably still playing.
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What the fuck?
>Time Castle & Maya
Okay no complaints here
It's not as good but it's ok
>Snow Queen
Aoki is rolling in his grave. Stop falling for the Kozuka meme and keep him off Persona
>No Ayane Lora
I would have expected she would have one
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threadly cube
I'm gonna be honest. I have cummed to NTR involving Yukari, Fuuka and Haru.
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>reanswer and space marine 2 launched on the same day
Which should I play?
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Space Marine 2
space marine 2 is less pozzed than reload
Bake a Teddie thread
He's so ugly.
when will the dlc be up lads
Bake a BIGhaya thread
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Damn, fucking called it. I'm getting good at this.
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Those books are the size of their torsos
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Why are remakes like this? Why are people paying for and playing these. wakanaiyo
>P3FES Reload Version
eeeehhhh Don't like this at all. Just sounds bad. Both of them are not putting in their best performances here.
>Time Castle
This is actually really good. The remix here's great. Improvement from FES, though both are a lot of fun.
Another really good version. I would say a lot better than the version from FES.
>Maya's theme
It's still Maya's theme so it still sounds pretty nice, but definitely a downgrade. The one part I do think is pretty good is the flutes at 50s. It's just a better instrument than what FES had.
>Snow Queen
Oh no.
Okay I don't think it's bad per say, but it's a completely different direction from the FES version, and I really liked that one. It's interesting that they're keeping in some of the more winter-y sounds to try to match the originals, but I just like it less.

Don't let your memes be dreams. Make the Lora right now anon
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Don't you make me do this...
why doesn't he just use a bead. is he stupid
Fuuka is hoarding all the beads for unknown purposes

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